Mixer      06/14/2019

Reasons for the appearance of midges in the house. How to get rid of midges in the kitchen: when nothing else helps. A few secrets for getting rid of midges in the kitchen

Almost every hostess met with such a problem as a midge in an apartment or house. Surprisingly, you can meet this phenomenon not only in summer or autumn, when fruits and vegetables are the cause of this disaster, but even in winter and spring. And getting this insect out is not so easy, and this is where questions arise whether they are dangerous, where they could come from and how to get rid of midges in the kitchen.

Reasons for the appearance of small midges

By themselves, adults do not pose a great danger, except for aesthetic ones. Few people like to dine in the kitchen, surrounded by flying fruit flies. Yes, and the kitchen after their invasion takes on a not very pleasant appearance, traces of their stay are visible everywhere, black spots on the ceiling and surfaces.

But their larvae can inflict great harm health. If they are swallowed and enter the digestive tract, infection can occur. And given that an adult lays an average of about 1000 eggs, it should be started to fight it with the appearance of the first insects.

In order for the issue to be resolved radically, it is first necessary to determine the source of the appearance of midges. There may be several, here are the main ones:

Once the source of origin of the midge has been determined, and, apparently, it is most often food, you can proceed directly to its elimination. To do this, you need to understand how to deal with midges in the apartment.

To get rid of Drosophila ( scientific name fruit midge), it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning, because it simply does not tolerate cleanliness. For achievement best result should proceed in the following sequence:

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to say goodbye to Drosophila forever.

The onion midge appears in the house where the onion begins to rot. It reproduces very quickly, so as soon as the first individuals are noticed, it is worth immediately starting to destroy them. It is necessary to act according to the scheme below:

  1. Eliminate the cause of the appearance, that is, sort out the onion and discard the rotten bulbs.
  2. Next to the place where the onion is stored, it is necessary to leave cotton wool moistened with pine essential oil.
  3. Install sticky tape for flies and mosquitoes. For greater efficiency they can be smeared with wine, then they will flock faster.

Groats are also susceptible to invasion small insects. It may be infested with larvae still at the manufacturer or in the store. Since it will not be possible to get rid of the pest by sorting through the cereals, here again you will have to get rid of the damaged goods. And in order to protect yourself for the future, you should put Bay leaf or a clove of garlic.

Do not forget about the chemicals to combat midges, which can be found on store shelves. Remember that their use without destroying the source of infection is ineffective.

Creating a trap for midges

For prevention and instead of chemicals, you can use a trap. You can make it yourself, without the presence of certain skills. Let's look at a few of these traps:


If you are tired of small midges in the kitchen, you can get rid of them forever. There are also radical methods of dealing with midges. For these purposes, dichlorvos is suitable. Why exactly him? Affordable price and an excellent result - these are the distinguishing features of this chemical preparation. But do not forget that safety precautions must be followed. Keep the area clear of people and animals. Spray the aerosol for the time specified in the instructions. After which it is necessary to check the room for 15-30 minutes.

Do not forget about technical innovations, for example, ultrasonic repellers. Their periodic use will forever say goodbye to these pests.

Folk methods of struggle

For the fight with ubiquitous insects you can use various aroma oils. An excellent option would be essential oils lemon, vanilla, ylang-ylang. They will not only be faithful helpers in getting rid of midges, but also fill the rooms with a pleasant aroma.

There are also proven folk remedies. To repel midges, it is necessary to place tomato plants or geraniums on the windowsills. By the way, geranium is also an excellent mosquito repeller that cannot stand its smell.

Compliance with these rules will allow you not to meet unpleasant pests..

Small midges in the apartment

Forgot to take out the trash on time or did not notice how Kitchen Cabinet an apple rolled up and began to rot there - and now small and annoying midges-drosophila appeared in the house. They multiply rapidly, some bite, spoil food and damage vegetation in the apartment. In short, they do not give rest. The question arises, how to get rid of midges at home. Fortunately, there are many effective methods; you can deal with insects on your own without involving exterminators.

Reasons for the appearance of midges

Midges in the house just do not appear.

  • Insects are attracted to dirty vegetables and fruits. Larvae are always present on the fruits, and when the product rots, they are activated, because such a fruit is easy to eat. The life of Drosophila is short, but reproduction in favorable conditions goes off scale.
  • In the same way, midge larvae in the apartment “wake up” if there is garbage in the house. They will feed on rotting food leftovers in the bin. The larvae can also be on the surface of the bucket, so you should clean it regularly.
  • The condition of pet trays and feeders is also a source of midges in the apartment. Like stagnant water in an aquarium.
  • Midges live in indoor plants. They especially love flower pots, the soil in which was fertilized with tea leaves. With high soil moisture, the appearance of insects is inevitable.
  • If the hostess keeps the kitchen clean, but the insects still haunt, check the sewer. There may be household waste that has begun to decompose and attract uninvited guests.

Thus, the decomposition of products is a potential reason for midges to appear in the house. Get rid of the original source, say goodbye to annoying flies.

Drosophila varieties

Most often there are food types of insects. Habitat - food and waste. The color of this variety is from burgundy to black. Fortunately, getting rid of them is simple: regularly carry out general cleaning and remove power supplies.

There are also dress varieties. They live in stale things. Getting rid of them is much more difficult. Preventive measures - the use of flavors that repel insects (the most effective is the smell of lavender). Dried hazel leaves are also used.

In places with high humidity- in the kitchen, in the bath, in the bathroom - a water midge appears. Regular airing of the premises will help get rid of it.

Means and methods of struggle

So, how to get rid of midges at home. Most effective method- use of pest control chemicals.

  1. All items in the house that come into contact with food and water are treated. Sinks and sinks are cleaned with anti-clog products. They will not allow pollution to stagnate and decompose. To clean the neck of the sink, use soda slaked with vinegar, and then rinse with water.
  2. Special gels are applied to the surface of the bin and sinks to prevent new larvae from appearing.
  3. The balcony is treated with aerosols and solutions. Popular ones include Raptor, Raid, Neo-dichlorvos. Chemicals scare away flying "guests".
  4. A mosquito repellent is installed in the apartment. He will cope with Drosophila. In the summer, you can use a simple way to get out uninvited guests. To do this, anti-mosquito plates are installed close to the glass. As a result of thermal influence sun rays will stand out from it toxic substances poisoning insects.
  5. Flower pots are treated with Fly-eater or Thunder-2.

Remember that chemicals are used only in ventilated areas. Otherwise, their use threatens to poison the whole family.

Folk insect control methods

To get rid of annoying neighbors at home, use effective "grandmother's" methods.

Prevention of midges

How to get rid of midges in the house, it is better to carry out regular prevention. What to do for this purpose:

  • Do not allow garbage to accumulate in the apartment. Keep the trash can clean.
  • Clean siphons.
  • Get rid of stale products that are close to spoilage in time.
  • Start an incense - a strong smell repels midges. They can't stand the smell of garlic either.
  • Regularly clean pet feeders, toilets and resting areas.
  • Install mosquito nets on windows in summer.

Preventive measures will have to be taken constantly. If the house is clean and tidy, any pests will not linger in it for a long time.

Information on how to get rid of midges in an apartment contains information about preventive measures, folk remedies and chemicals.

It is important to eliminate the source of contamination of the premises so that the insects do not return after treatment.

The method of pest control depends on the preferences of the individual, the level of indoor hygiene, and some other circumstances.

Where do midges come from

The answer to the question of where the midges come from in the apartment implies the introduction of larvae from the external environment. It is extremely rare that insects fly into the house on their own. Most often this happens in the summer.

The risk increases if the premises are located on the ground floor, and there are fruit trees near the building.

Most often, the appearance of insects in the apartment is associated with the following factors:

  1. Dirty or rotten vegetables and fruits. Products may be contaminated even before they are sold. On the surface of the fruit are microscopic insect eggs that hatch during the decay of vegetables and fruits.
  2. Overflowing trash can. It contains the remains of food, which serve as an excellent environment for the growth and reproduction of insects. A trash can can become not only a dwelling for the larvae, but also a source of infection. Insect eggs may remain in the products.
  3. Sewerage. Sometimes food particles remain in the pipes that cannot move forward. In the future, they rot and can serve as a source of food for the larvae. In rare cases, insects enter the apartment through communications.
  4. Pets. The source of infection is not the pets themselves, but their food. Most often, pests appear in homes where there are aquariums. With insufficient care for the fish, organic remains appear in the water, which serve as the optimal environment for the life and reproduction of insects. Sometimes midges settle in apartments with exotic animals: lizards, birds, large spiders, snails, etc. This happens if the owner of the animal does not remove the remaining food in time.
  5. Houseplants. The flowers themselves are food for midges. The likelihood of infection increases if dwarf grows at home. fruit tree or shrub. Additionally, specific fertilizers or high level humidity. More often, insects start up in plants that are fed with tea leaves.

The full life cycle of midges is 1 day, but during this time the insects have time to lay eggs. This leads to the rapid spread of pests.

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen

Information on how to get rid of midges in the house involves the use of special chemicals and hygiene.

Dichlorvos is the most popular insect control drug, but it is recommended to use such products in extreme cases.

They are toxic, so there is a risk of poisoning. In addition, processing causes inconveniences that are associated with security.

Chemicals are used only in case of severe contamination of the premises.

To destroy insects, you need to find their nest and remove all potential food sources. The following should be reviewed:

  1. Sort through all the vegetables and fruits. Damaged ones should be disposed of. The remaining products must be stored so that they do not rot. Repeat the procedure regularly.
  2. Check all cereals and other bulk products. Get rid of them if you have any doubts. It is advisable to store all bulk products in separate containers. Containers must be dry and clean. It is recommended to use airtight packaging so that midges cannot get inside.
  3. Move all foods that can rot to the refrigerator. If you store fruit in vases, fill them as needed, not ahead of time.
  4. Work on the breadbasket. Wash her in hot water then dry thoroughly. Do not place bread in a humid environment.
  5. Check the refrigerator. It is unacceptable to have smudges, mold and food residues.

It is important to take out the trash on time. If insects have already appeared, it is recommended to treat the bucket several times with any disinfectant solution.

After the revision, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning in order to exclude the possibility of food particles getting into the gaps between the furniture.

Thoroughly wash the stove, microwave, hard-to-reach places and floors.

How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers

The answer to the question of how to deal with midges in an apartment depends on the stage of infection of the flowers.

If insects have appeared recently, it is enough to reduce the intensity of watering to lower the level of humidity.

If there are too many midges, you will have to transplant the flower. To prevent infection, it is allowed to treat the green part with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

How to get rid of fruit flies

The answer to the question of how to get rid of small midges, involves the revision of products and general cleaning. If these measures do not help, it is recommended to check the drain of the sink.

The most common cause of infection is stuck food particles. For cleansing, it is allowed to use any chemical and folk remedies.

For example, you can pour 2-3 tsp into the hole. soda, pour in a little vinegar and wait 15-30 minutes. Then you need to flush the drain hot water.

If the midges in the house started up relatively recently, you can make a trap.

You should take a plastic glass, leave a rotten fruit or a little compote at the bottom and wrap the structure with polyethylene.

The film must be pierced with a thick needle in several places so that insects can climb inside. The traps are left overnight.

At this time, the midges, attracted by the smell of fruits, climb into the glass, but due to the size of the holes they cannot get out. In the morning, the trap should be taken out of the house immediately.

How to get rid of midges folk remedies

If you don't want to use chemicals from midges, you can turn to folk methods.

  1. Essential oils. Insects prefer to stay away from lemon, lime, patchouli, geranium and ylang ylang. It is enough to add a few drops to an aromatic lamp or spread cotton pads soaked in oil around the apartment. Windows should be opened in advance so that insects can fly away.
  2. Garlic. The answer to the question of how to get rid of midges involves the use of diluted juice or crushed slices. The pulp can be spread around the house. Diluted juice is used to treat infected surfaces. For spraying, you can use a spray bottle.
  3. Sticky tapes. Can do homemade devices or purchase ready-made version in the shop. Tapes help to reduce the number of insects. It is necessary to eliminate the source of infection in advance, otherwise the midges will return.

We have an invasion of midges in our bathroom every summer, in the kitchen too (we live in a hostel, so it’s difficult to get them out), so I found how to get rid of them, maybe it’s useful to someone.

How to get rid of midges at home

You keep your house clean. Regularly sort out vegetables in order to detect rotten fruit in time. Do a weekly general cleaning, looking into all hard-to-reach places. But, one day you find uninvited guests in your kitchen? Who is the boss in your house? Get rid of them.

How to get rid of midges at home

Drosophila midges are seemingly harmless insects. They can enjoy the well-deserved respect of geneticists, because a large number of experiments.

However, the sight of a swarm flying in front of your nose is not a pleasant sight. You are not a geneticist. Then, perhaps, you should read our article and learn about the most effective ways to deal with these guests.

How to get rid of midges at home in a short time? How to prevent their reappearance and how to protect your flowers from their invasion? We will talk about this in our article.

Where do midges come from

It is no coincidence that Drosophila midges fell in love with geneticists, because they multiply at a frantic pace. That is why midges in an apartment can become a real disaster. Midges are taken from our favorite fruits. Females lay eggs in immature fruits and if created favorable conditions. The fruit is ripe and begins to rot, then these creatures will certainly begin to grow and multiply.

Where do the midges come from if the cleanliness in your house is perfect? Even if this is so, then these creatures can quite safely be bred in pieces of food stuck in drain pipes. If you didn’t take out the bucket in time or forgot to sort out the onions and potatoes in time, then their intrusive presence is guaranteed to you.

What can we say about those houses in which perfect cleanliness not always supported. However, these guests can easily fly to you from the neighbors, you can’t keep their apartment clean, or from the basements.

The question of how to remove midges is actually not so simple. However, our tips will help you. Got midges? Urgently start looking for a place for their reproduction. Usually fruit flies live in some spoiled fruit or vegetable. View all hard-to-reach places not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom. There may be a puddle of spilled syrup somewhere, or just a piece of spoiled food. They will surely love these places.

Did you find their breeding ground? Throw away this rot immediately.

Another favorite habitat for midges is in flowers. Their larvae happily gnaw on the roots of your favorite plants. Naturally the flowers die. Folk remedy from midges in flowers - sticking matches into the ground with a sulfuric head down. Reduce watering, the earth should not be damp. Remove flower gnats by treating all plants. For prevention, to prevent their reappearance, you can pour a layer of sand or decorative pebbles. Nice and useful.

A powerful and absolutely safe remedy for midges is a vacuum cleaner. Turn it on full power and, now, your uninvited guests were blown down the chimney like the wind. Carefully pull out the bag and throw it away from home.

You do not know how to get rid of midges in the kitchen? Try to make bait for them. The method is simple but proven. Take a used cup of sweet yogurt, you can put pieces of spoiled banana in it. put it on him plastic bag and secure with a rubber band or thread. Make small holes in the bag. Midges, smelling a sweet smell, will be able to get into your bait, and there they will remain. You wash the glass under water, and your midges swim away into the pipe.

There are several more original ways how to deal with midges. Do you drink wine or martinis? It is better if it is a sweet drink. Wine gnats are sure to love your glass. Leave some liquid at the bottom of the bottle and you will be able to catch a large number of these insects.

How to get rid of midges on the balcony

We will tell you how to get rid of midges on the balcony. Midges actively develop from June to October. You won't see them when it's cold. Sometimes whole flocks of midges perfectly settle in the seams of the balcony. How to deal with them? Install a mosquito net. If this does not help, then it is quite possible to treat it with some kind of flying insect repellent. There is still enough fresh air on the balcony, so the risk of getting chemical poisoning is minimal.

Carry out a general cleaning on the balcony and process the places of their accumulation special tool then you can quickly get rid of them.

The situation is more complicated if your balcony is on the first floor, and midges are bred in the grass. You can either mow the grass or hang flypapers from flies on the balcony. Usually these funds are sufficient.

How to deal with midges in the bathroom

Sometimes it happens that midges choose a bath as their habitat. It is warm and quite humid there, and they can always get access to water. Try to eliminate all possible leaks. Wipe the floor dry with a cloth. Be sure to pour boiling water over the drain holes.

Then pour the sweet syrup from the jam into the tub. A small amount will suffice. The midges will definitely flock to the bait, but don't yawn. Turn on the shower and wash them off as soon as possible.

It's simple enough, but effective ways if you want to know how to get rid of small midges. These insects can be quite annoying and ruin the whole look of your home. What kind of comfort and cleanliness can we talk about if these creatures are circling around in a swarm? In addition, if they start in flowers, they can noticeably spoil your greenhouse.

How to achieve the complete disappearance of midges

It may take several days for the midges to completely disappear, during which you must take care of the cleanliness of the house daily. Do not leave them the slightest chance, then they will disappear very soon. Garbage should be taken out regularly, and the bucket washed with hot water and dried. Do not leave wet rags and sponges on the sink. Wipe tables dry. Carry out the most thorough cleaning and remove dirt in all cracks. Let your house become unsuitable for these insects.

Conduct a complete audit of your inventory. Review cereals and vegetables, jars of jam. Wash the floor under the refrigerator and behind the stove. Often there are pieces of spoiled food. Do you keep pets? Remove uneaten food from their bowls in a timely manner.

Blackflies on fruit will only disappear if you store food in the refrigerator. It will also extend their shelf life. In summer it is too hot, and fruits can spoil very quickly in the apartment.

Compliance with these simple tips will help you make the house clean and comfortable, and also save you from an unpleasant neighborhood. If midges are bred in the basement of your house, then you should contact the HOA so that they can solve this problem.

Better to resort to chemical methods struggle only in extreme cases. Be careful when doing this processing. Do not forget about the danger to your health. Do not inhale harmful substances children and pets. At the time of processing, it is better to send them from home. If you keep fish, then do not forget to cover the aquarium, chemical substances easily get into the water and can cause poisoning.

Live beautifully, act wisely.

The fruit fly is a small, harmless insect, but it is always unpleasant to find one in the house. She is attracted by the smell of spoiled fruits, nectar in the flowers of houseplants. In the warm season, Drosophila can fly into a living space from the street, if you simply sprinkle an air freshener with a berry or fruit aroma in the room. How to get rid of fruit flies in the apartment? What means should be used?

fruit fly on peel

Where do fruit flies come from in the house?

There are several ways for a fly to enter an apartment:

  1. The insect chooses soft, slightly or badly spoiled fruits as a place for laying eggs, since their peel is easier to bite through. Since both the fly itself and its eggs have small size, it is almost impossible to notice that a vegetable or fruit is infected.
  2. Fly larvae and eggs can appear in the house along with potting soil.
  3. open windows without mosquito nets or open doors- Another way in which the insect can get into the apartment. Midges fly to the smell of fruits, indoor flowers or spoiled food.

Where to look for fruit fly larvae in an apartment?

To get rid of these small insects, it is not enough just to destroy adults - Drosophila actively reproduce, the female is able to lay about 20 eggs at a time, and in 2 months (this is the life span of an adult insect), she can produce up to 2000 eggs. Insects hatch in the early morning, and already 8 hours later, the female is ready to breed. If you do not start the fight against Drosophila in time, it will easily fill the whole house.

Most frequent places midge habitat:

  1. A trash can or a bowl of pet food - this is where optimal conditions for laying eggs and the accumulation of adult insects, because there is no shortage of food in such a place.
  2. Pots with indoor flowers. Wet ground, fallen leaves that begin to rot are also attractive to the insect.
  3. Storage areas for fruits and vegetables. If there are several fruits in the container, one of them may begin to deteriorate before the others, and the flies will definitely smell.

Are fruit flies harmful?

In fact, fruit flies do not cause much damage: they do not have the slightest interest in a person or animal, they do not bite them, they do not spread dangerous diseases. The only, and even then hardly a possible threat is the risk of getting an intestinal disorder. There is such a possibility if you eat a fruit infected with larvae.

How to deal with fruit fly?

Having noticed the appearance of uninvited guests in the house, you need to carefully inspect the apartment and find all the spoiled food: a fruit forgotten on the table, sour food leftovers in the bin, pet food spoiled in the heat in a bowl. If tea brewing is used as a top dressing for indoor flowers, pots with earth should also be examined.

All discovered possible sources of the appearance of Drosophila must be immediately disposed of by sending them to the trash. Containers for storing fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed to remove larvae and eggs that are invisible to the eye from the surfaces.

Flowers need to be transplanted into pots with fresh soil. If part of the leaves or flowers of the plant began to rot, they are removed. themselves houseplants watered often, but little by little - waterlogged soil attracts midges.

Folk methods

To clear the apartment of midges, you can build traps yourself:

  1. Since one of the Drosophila's favorite treats is the banana, it can be used as bait. Remove the peel from the fruit, put it in a plastic bag or plastic bottle. Using a toothpick, several holes are made in polyethylene or plastic. Leave the trap near the habitat of midges. Over the next 2 days, a significant part of the midges will fly inside, but they will not be able to get out.
  2. As much as bananas, the Drosophila fruit fly loves honey, fruit juice, or Apple vinegar. The trap is made like this: they take a deep container, pour one of the listed liquids into it, cover it with a bag or cling film. Make holes with a toothpick. Insects attracted by the smell will climb into the trap.
  3. Another possible variant- use glass jar. At the bottom of it put a piece of banana, orange or any spoiled fruit. From a sheet of paper make a cone with a small hole at the top. Turning it over, insert the blank into the neck of the bottle. The midges will easily get inside the jar, but they will not be able to fly back.
  4. IN disposable cup pour beer, water diluted with sugar and yeast and leave it close to the accumulation of insects. Having heard a tempting smell, the midges will fly at him and drown.

In addition to traps, other means can be used.

smoking out

Crushed solid camphor is placed on old frying pan(the one that you won’t be sorry to throw away), put on fire. As soon as the frying pan is hot and steam comes out, the container is carried through all the premises of the apartment. For a person, the resulting smoke is not dangerous, but midges will not tolerate it.

Poison for midges

A couple of poisonous insect treat recipes:

  1. ½ cup of milk is mixed with 40 g of sugar and the same amount of ground black pepper. Soak a paper towel or piece of paper in the liquid toilet paper, put on a plate next to the midges. After a while, there will be no insects left.
  2. 10 g of honey is combined with 1 g of saccharin, a napkin is moistened with this composition. Lay on the windowsill.

Vacuum cleaner

The place where the midges have accumulated is treated with a vacuum cleaner. The working unit will draw insects into itself, locking them in a dust bag. You need to empty the container outside the apartment.


Drosophila are very sensitive to temperature, hypothermia is fatal for them. If they attacked the apartment in the winter, it is enough just to leave the window in the kitchen open when leaving the house. After a few hours, all the flies will die.

So you can destroy already adults, but if the larvae remain somewhere, then after a while the insects will appear again. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the bin and pet bowl, the ground in flower pots sprinkle with manganese solution.

Potassium permanganate or matches

This method is suitable if the flies are wound up on the plant. A weak solution of manganese is prepared, flowers are treated with it twice a month.

You can also use ordinary matches: they are stuck head down into the ground in a pot. The sulfur from the match will kill the larvae.


Fruit flies do not tolerate the smell of geraniums. If midges are bred in the kitchen, you need to get rid of spoiled fruits and put a pot with this plant on the windowsill of the room.


They do not like midges and the smell of garlic, so laying out the crushed head next to the Drosophila habitat helps. After a few hours, there will be no insects.

orange and cloves

A stick of spice is stuck into the peel of an orange, placed next to the place where midges gather.

store funds

How do you get rid of fruit flies if you don't have time to fiddle with building traps or preparing poisonous compounds? You can use ready-made traps or preparations.

Manufacturers offer a choice of:

  1. Repellents. impregnated chemical compounds tapes from which poisonous insect vapors emanate. Such funds cannot be called completely safe for humans - the room in which the tape is located must be ventilated.
  2. Sprays. Special fluids containing fatty acids, getting on the larvae and insects, destroy them. They pose no danger to humans.
  3. Zappers. Modern devices that act on insects with electricity. The only drawback of some models is the high power consumption.
  4. Traps. Factory-made traps do not contain poison, most of them use a substance that attracts insects, and the midge that flies into the trap dies of hunger, unable to get out. You can even put such devices in the kitchen without fear that they will harm a person or animal.

Preventive measures

It is not difficult to prevent the appearance of Drosophila in an apartment, it is enough:

  • keep clean;
  • regularly (at least once a day) take out the bucket;
  • wash dishes immediately after a meal;
  • discard spoiled fruits immediately;
  • do not leave food in the pet's bowl for a long time, remove it as soon as the animal eats.

If the midges have nothing to eat, they will not appear in the apartment.

Even if the midges are wound up in the apartment, you should not immediately rush to the store for chemicals- you can get rid of them without the use of toxic substances.