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The device of heating furnaces. Types of modern stove heating of a private house, stove installation. Scheme and dimensions of the future furnace

Stove heating of a private house is still popular in many regions of the country. Previously, several furnaces were installed in different rooms for better heating. But in this case, a large amount of solid fuel is consumed. At present, many modern furnace designs have been developed with various types heating. It remains only to choose an acceptable option for yourself.

Create a cozy atmosphere in your home with furnace heating

Choosing a heating system

A small, well-insulated house, in which there are 1-2 rooms, can be heated with one heating and cooking stove made of bricks. For a larger building, you should decide what type of heating system to choose so that one stove heats the entire house. Steam, water or air circuits can be used for this. In a one-story building, the system can be connected to a brick stove. For a two- or three-story house the best option- a furnace-boiler made of cast iron.

Heating a house without gas:

It is necessary to determine the type of fuel. It can be firewood, coal, peat, gas, diesel fuel, electricity. From this choice depends on what type of stove to purchase or make yourself.

brick oven

The stove is not only a device for heating the house, but also an element of decor.

In a small house, you can install one stove, for which firewood or coal is required. Modern stove heating of a private house provides for many types of designs of heating structures. You should choose one that is intended not only for heating the room, but also for cooking. Before installing the stove, you need to choose a suitable place so that its use is as efficient as possible:

  1. The firebox should be directed towards the corridor or kitchen, and the heated surfaces - into the rooms. When designing a stove, you should know that 1 m² of its area heats up to 30 m² of the room.
  2. You can not put furniture near the stove or install partitions, do not build a stove in the corner of the room. Its large wall should go into the living quarters, then it will always be warm in them.
  3. The design of the stove should be chosen according to its purpose. They are only for heating the room or also for cooking. In this case, the hob and oven should be taken into account.

It should be borne in mind that a large oven cools down much longer. If it is well heated in the evening, then the heat will remain until the morning.

Heating furnace:

Construction of a furnace building

The furnace structure is erected during the construction of the house, but the foundation is built separately from the general laying. It is possible to install a stove in an already built house, but then you will need to raise part of the floor and make holes in the ceiling and roof for installing a chimney.

Detailed laying of the furnace:

The size and depth of the foundation depends on the type of furnace structure. It is erected immediately after the manufacture of the common foundation of the house. Under a brick oven, it should be monolithic reinforced concrete, 10-15 cm more than its parameters on each side. It is required to observe the depth size - from 0.5 m to 1 m. If the soil is loose, or are closely located ground water, it is necessary not to deepen the foundation, but to increase its area.

For the construction of the furnace, well-burnt red brick should be used. When tapped, it gives off a metallic sound. When falling, if it breaks, then into large pieces. It is easy to work with it, as it lends itself to the correct fracture. The sections of the furnace in contact with the fire are laid out with refractory bricks (the furnace and part of the chimney).

The mortar for laying the furnace is kneaded from clay and sand. It will take about 2 buckets of clay for 1.5 buckets of sand. Brick consumption - 100 pieces. For the strength of the masonry, Portland cement (0.5 l per bucket) is added to the solution.

Detailed laying of the furnace:

room heating process

A well-thought-out furnace device in a private house predetermines efficient heating premises. An air-fed furnace burns solid fuel (usually wood or coal). Natural draft contributes to the movement of flue gases through the channels to the outlet vertical passages, from where they go outside. During this time warm up brick walls stoves, and the heat from the hot stone spreads throughout the rooms.

For good heating, 1-2 fireboxes per day are enough. At the same time, do not forget to set the valves in time to a certain position and select the ash from the blower. Sufficient heat capacity of the stove, good insulation of the house allow you to heat once a day - this is a fairly common option.

A well-thought-out furnace device in a private house determines the quality of space heating

Positive and negative characteristics

There are many good things about stove heating, but there are also negative points. Considering the feasibility of such heating, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Positive points:

  1. The cost of funds for the construction and maintenance of the furnace is several times less than for furnaces with contour heating systems.
  2. The combustion process does not depend on gas, water, electricity, and firewood is always publicly available and has an acceptable price.
  3. Since there is no liquid heat carrier, there is no danger of defrosting pipes. Therefore, this type of heating is perfect for summer cottages with non-permanent residence.
  4. Existence various designs: with cooking function, with oven, dryer, fireplace.

Although stove heating is autonomous, it requires care and attention from the owners. It is necessary to observe safety when heating the room. There are other disadvantages:
  1. It takes up a lot of space in the central part of the house (about 2 m²).
  2. After the furnace structure has completely cooled down, it takes time for it to warm up and spread heat throughout the house.
  3. Inability to automate processes.
  4. The need to prepare firewood in advance.

You can adjust the temperature regime by increasing the number of furnaces. For example, instead of one long morning session, make two short ones - in the morning and in the evening.

Heating water circuit

A brick stove can heat more area if, during its construction, a heat exchange structure is installed near the firebox. In it, the water is heated and begins to circulate in heating system, which branches throughout the house. It is advisable to install a water pump that accelerates the movement of water in the system.

Fireplace with water heating circuit:

The heat exchanger pipes are brought out of the furnace to the outside, a heating system is connected to them, into which water is poured. In this case, water is the heat carrier. Usually, plastic pipes are used to connect to the circuit.

Also, a membrane or expansion tank. When heated, the water expands, and its excess goes into the tank, while stretching the membrane inside it. The water cools down, the pressure in the system drops, and the water returns to the circuit pipes.

Air system

Air oven heating at home can also be made on the basis of a brick oven. The air is heated to the desired temperature in the boiler or heat exchanger and is supplied to the room. Passing through the air ducts or entering directly into the room, hot air evenly heats the housing. To transfer a larger volume of air, the chamber should be installed above the firebox. Air circulation is provided by fans or due to different densities of hot and cold air. With the help of forced circulation, it is possible to regulate the temperature in the rooms.

Air heating:

Steam circuit

Steam can also be used as a heat transfer medium. Many water heating is called steam, confusing one with the other, although there are differences between them. When using steam, the heat output is higher, the room warms up much faster. In this case, the pipes are not filled with water, and their diameter is smaller than with water heating, which indicates cost savings. The system starts up faster, even if it has not been working for a long time.

There are also negative side is a short service life. Also, steam heating is difficult to adjust, uneven heating of rooms occurs.

Another unpleasant moment, when pipes and radiators are filled with steam, there is an unpleasant noise in the system. In addition, the pipes warm up so much that you can get burned by touching them. Therefore, this method of heating is recommended to be used in utility rooms, garages, warehouses.

Stove heating two-story house:

Steel with a simple furnace structure

The Gnome potbelly stove, made of steel, is heated with firewood or briquettes, is popular. Such a heating structure is able to warm the house up to 95 m³. There are several models of this oven: there are removable burners, others have a solid panel built in.

There are two chambers in the furnace: furnace and blower. Doors on the "Gnome" install glass or steel. Suitable for collecting ashes drawer. The walls and grate are made of high quality steel. Heat-resistant paint was used to cover the body, which protects the metal from corrosion. Thanks to its compact size, it can be used in small spaces.

Steel oven for home:

Under such a potbelly stove, you can not build a foundation, but install it directly on the floor, having previously laid a sheet of metal (5 mm) for fire safety purposes or a sheet of asbestos. Its device corresponds to a vertical connection to the chimney.

The disadvantage of a potbelly stove is that hot air immediately goes into the pipe, therefore, its steel case does not warm up for a long time and cools down quickly. Therefore, to maintain heat in the room, you will have to heat almost constantly, especially if the house is not sufficiently insulated, and it is winter outside.

The stove-potbelly stove "Gnome" is the best option for country house when you need to cook food, heat water, warm the house on cold nights.

Very reliable and economical system heating:

Cast iron with water circuit

Cast iron stoves for heating a private house with a water circuit have different power, are used for heating both small and large areas. Some of them are able to heat even two- and three-story houses. The heating circuit device system is the same as that of brick ovens. They are made from cast iron.

Some of them are equipped with electric heating. If the temperature in the furnace drops, automatic switch on heating. This function allows you to maintain the required temperature in the heating system. There are furnace-boilers designed for a double-circuit heating system, that is, in addition to heating the room, they also heat water for consumption.

In our time, there are still many non-gasified streets and settlements, so stove heating is still relevant and indispensable. The main thing is to have firewood in stock, and keep the fire in the oven.

Finnish way of heating:

Wood-burning stoves for heating a private house have always been the most popular, since it is this type of fuel that is currently the most affordable in many regions of the country. In addition, many homeowners simply cannot imagine country life without logs burning in the furnace with their crackling and forest aroma. In addition, firewood is the most environmentally friendly natural fuel material, which is also not in last place when choosing a heater.

Another, already often forced reason for the popularity of wood-fired heaters is the lack of gas supply, and on summer cottages sometimes there are power outages. Other types of fuel, such as diesel fuel coal, are quite troublesome to purchase and store.

On sale today there is a wide variety of cast-iron stoves, which are quite compact in size and often have an original design. If desired, you can find the simplest, affordable model, or opt for more expensive made in a certain style.

In addition to cast iron stoves, country houses often installed "the old fashioned way" brick. Despite the availability of other, more modern heating appliances and fuels, many owners of private houses are in no hurry to refuse traditional stoves.

Criteria for choosing a heater

When choosing a cast-iron or brick stove for a particular house, it is important to pay attention not only to its external design, but also to the main technical and operational characteristics.

  • The size of the appliance is the first thing that people pay attention to, since if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is small, not every stove is suitable for it in this particular parameter.
  • Before choosing a particular model, it is necessary to determine a specific place in the house for it. This is necessary in order to select the location of the pipe. If a cast iron version of the oven is purchased, then the outlet pipe can be located on the top or rear panel of the appliance. The flue pipe, passing through attic floor and roof structure, should not stumble on a beam or rafter leg.
  • The third thing you need draw attention- this is the thermal power of the heater, that is, what heated area the stove is designed for.
  • The presence of additional elements in the design of the oven, such as a hob, a tank for heating water and an oven, is important.
  • The size and material of the fuel door also sometimes play an important role, since thanks to these elements, a modern stove may well become a fireplace.

Furnaces with cast-iron doors are produced, which, heating up in the same way as the walls, give off heat to the room. Another option would be a wide glass door that does not even need to be opened to enjoy the view of the burning flame. Especially such models will be useful in suburban country houses, where the power supply is often turned off. In the evening, a stove with a glass door will not only heat the house, but also illuminate one of the rooms to a certain extent.

Steel and cast iron ovens

If earlier metal potbelly stoves were mainly made independently from improvised materials, today in specialized stores cast-iron oven can be found for every taste - these can be the simplest devices, units long burning, and even with a built-in water circuit. What each of the options is - you need to understand in more detail on specific examples.

Furnace with a simple furnace structure

Steel oven "Gnome"

by the most affordable option for a country house is a fairly popular stove-stove "Gnome", which can be heated with wood or briquettes. Such a heater is able to heat a house with a room volume of up to 85 ÷ 95 m³.

One of the simplest metal stoves - "gnome"

Several modifications of this device are made. Some of them have removable burners, others have a solid panel. The stove itself consists of two chambers - a furnace and a blower, and on some models of the "Gnome" steel doors are installed, and on others - glass doors, and the ash pan is made in the form of a drawer.

Approximate drawings of the "gnome"

The walls of the heater, as well as the grate, are made of high quality steel. The case from the outside is covered with heat-resistant paint, which protects the metal from corrosion. The compact size of the oven allows it to be used even in small spaces.

The important point is that there is no need to build a foundation for such a potbelly stove - even a wooden floor can easily withstand it if, for fire safety purposes, a 5 mm metal sheet is laid on it or an asbestos sheet is laid.

The stove is designed for vertical connection to a chimney.

The table shows some of the technical characteristics of the "Gnome":

Name of characteristicsValues
Thermal power5 kW
hobWithout burners
Chimney diameter110 mm
Structure height656 mm
Width304 mm
Firebox depth475 mm
Instrument weight30 kg

The disadvantage of stoves with a simple furnace structure is that the heated air immediately goes into the pipe, became be, the steel case does not retain heat for a long time and cools down quickly enough. Therefore, in order to maintain heat in the room, you will have to heat almost constantly, especially if the house is poorly insulated, and the winter temperature is low outside. By purchasing this stove, you will not be able to save on fuel.

Prices for popular stoves

stove stove dwarf

Best of all, the "Gnome" with a simple structure of the firebox is suitable for a country house used from spring to autumn, since its power is quite enough to cook food, warm water, and on cold nights to heat the house.

Cast iron potbelly stove

More practical option potbelly stoves with a simple firebox structure is a cast-iron structure.

The main advantage lies precisely in the material of manufacture. Cast iron heats up quickly and retains heat for a very long time, giving it to the premises. At all small sizes this unit is able to heat a room of 90 ÷ 120 m³.

The furnace body is equipped with ribbed side walls, which increases the area of ​​the heated surface, and hence the overall heat transfer. Weight cast iron appliance much more than made of steel - two, or even two and a half times, therefore, a rigid, reliable and heat-resistant base must be prepared for its installation.

The parameters of such a stove are presented in table:

Name of characteristicsValues
Thermal power6.5 kW
hobwith one burner
Chimney diameter110 mm
Structure height560 mm
Width352 mm
Firebox depth540 mm
Instrument weight75 kg

Furnaces with a water heating circuit

This metal stove is more versatile than the first option, since it has a water circuit with which you can heat several rooms of a fairly large area. But for this have to stretch pipes to the appropriate sections of the room and install radiators.

The heating system is connected to the water circuit of the furnace and filled with coolant. When the stove is fired, the water in the circuit circulates, passing through the radiators, heats them, and they, in turn, give off heat to the premises. Sometimes, with a long circuit length, special ones are built into the system, which gives the coolant the necessary pressure. Such a circulation system is called forced, and it is more efficient, as it heats the premises much faster.

For some models of furnaces, an external pump is optional, as they have built-in automation that helps maintain the desired temperature in the circuit. When the coolant is heated to the set temperature, the automation stops the circulation, and when it cools down, it restarts its movement through the heat exchanger built into the furnace.

Prices for popular furnaces with a water circuit

Furnaces with water circuit

The firebox in this stove, as a rule, has a design designed for long-term burning - this allows you to make a large laying of firewood and not approach the device for quite a long time. since not only the firewood itself will burn, but also the combustion products that rise to the upper section of the fuel chamber. Thanks to this system, the combustion of solid fuel is not intense, so one bookmark is enough for a long time, so as to completely heat the house.

The Pechora-Aqua fireplace stove, made in Belarus, has a built-in water circuit and a long-burning design.

The furnace of the device is made of heat-resistant steel having a thickness of 4 mm. In addition, the fuel chamber is lined from the inside with fireclay plates, which protect the metal from burning through, which increases the life of the device. All connections individual elements in one design they are sealed with a heat-resistant cord that stops heat leakage through the joints.

Scheme and dimensions of the furnace - fireplace "Pechora-Aqua"

Heat-resistant glass is installed on the furnace firebox, which can withstand temperatures of 650 ÷ 700 degrees, but the handle installed in the door does not heat up to a level that can cause skin burns.

In these devices, as well as in models with a water circuit, staged combustion of fuel is carried out, so the rooms will be heated much longer than when installing a stove with a simple furnace design.

The first heat transfer occurs directly during the combustion of firewood laid in the stove. A special mode of metered oxygen supply causes only smoldering of wood with the release of pyrolysis gases from it. These gases include hot hydrocarbon components in their composition, which are afterburned in the second chamber - it is here that the most intensive release of useful heat occurs.

Prices for long burning stoves

long burning stoves

The special design of the device, a well-thought-out system for supplying air, passing and afterburning hot combustion products, allow one laying of firewood to heat the room for nine - twelve hours.

Long-burning stove "Volga"

As an example, we can consider the domestic Volga stove-fireplace, which has a large combustion chamber and a retractable ash pan. The furnace is equipped with a glass door and transparent windows permanently installed around it, which expands the view to the flame burning inside the furnace.

Dimensions and layout of the Volga fireplace stove

In the lower part of the stove structure there is a niche for drying and storing firewood, and in the upper part there is a panel for heating coffee or tea.

With a compact size, it has a fairly high technical performance:

Name of characteristicsValues
Thermal power9 kW
Chimney diameter150 mm
Structure height1022 mm
Width550 mm
Firebox depth490 mm
Instrument weight155 kg
efficiencyUp to 85%

Heating and cooking metal furnace

Speaking of metal wood-burning stoves, one cannot fail to mention heating and cooking models, as they fully provide a private house warmth and the possibility of cooking. These devices are produced both with and without a water circuit.

Visually evaluating this option, you can understand that the oven is quite compact and aesthetic, thanks to the design and color scheme developed for it. It will perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen, bring to it a special style of comfort and home warmth.

The stove is multifunctional, so it will solve many problems of a private house. Since it is equipped with an oven, it becomes possible to bake a cake or bread, cook stews. A hob will perfectly replace a gas or electric one - it will never let you down if there is a good supply of firewood. will work autonomously, regardless of whether there is electricity, or it was turned off for some reason.

As an example of a heating and cooking option, you can consider the La Nordica stove, shown in the photo.

This heater has a built-in water circuit in its design, so it can easily heat not only one room, but the whole house. In addition, the stove is equipped with a pyrolysis afterburner, which will allow you to use one load of firewood for 8 ÷ 12 hours. The preservation of heat inside the case is also facilitated by the installation of fireclay plates on the walls of the furnace - they, when heated, will also give thermal energy into the heat exchanger. which means that it is good to heat a house with a volume of up to 440 m³.

Provided in the design and a niche for drying firewood. Having laid one batch of fuel in the firebox, the niche can be immediately filled with firewood brought from the street woodpile. While the fuel burning in the stove will heat the house for half a day, the next batch will dry and prepare for the next bookmark.

The technical characteristics of this heating and cooking stove are in the table:

Name of characteristicsValues
Heat output of the firebox15.5 ÷ 19.4 kW
Water heating power9 ÷ 11 kW
Heating power6.5 ÷ 8.5 kW
hobEquipped with one burner
Chimney diameter150 mm
Structure height852 mm
Width1017 mm
Firebox depth662 mm
Instrument weight155 kg
efficiencyUp to 79 ÷ 80%
Heat exchanger volume14 liters
The operating temperature of the coolant entering the circuit.70 ÷ 75 degrees
Firebox size265×285×400mm
Oven size330×300×410 mm
Door size220×265 mm

The body of the furnace is finished with ceramic plates, but there are models with a finish of natural stone. The device itself is made of high-quality steel, and the frames and plates of the heat exchanger are made of cast iron.

The design of this furnace provides for the regulation of primary and secondary air.

Video - Installation of the Bavaria fireplace stove

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brick ovens

Brick ovens have not lost their popularity for centuries. IN Lately a large number of various models have appeared that are designed for heating rooms of various areas. For example, several options will be considered.

Oven "Baby"

This stove model is perfect for a private country house. Its author, V. Atamas, completed the masonry of this "baby" in just one day. Despite its small dimensions, the stove will not only be able to heat the room, but will also make it possible to cook dinner or warm water, as it is equipped with a single burner. hob. Its important advantage is that it, without taking up much space, gives off a lot of heat into the room, which allows you to warm up the house in a short time.

With a small size, the "baby" has good functionality.

An important point in the process of erecting the "baby" is that after the completion of the masonry, one brick is removed from its back wall from the lowest row. Through the resulting gap from the inside of the building, the mortar and moisture that have fallen to the bottom of the furnace are removed, and after that the brick is installed in place.

Folded "baby"

Having built the stove, a metal sheet is laid in front of its firebox, which should be on the bricks of the building up to the blower door - for this, the sheet will need to be bent. On all other sides, the stove is sheathed with plinth. All these measures are taken to ensure that when the solution dries and the pressure of the entire body on its lower layer does not result in sand spilling out of it.

After that, a test furnace is carried out with straw or paper. Next, the oven must be well dried by opening all valves and doors - this process takes place within 7–8 days.

It is recommended to immediately whitewash the stove, as the whitewash will become an indicator of smoke, which can seep through the seams if they are not done very well. Black stripes will appear on the white surface, stretching upward from the seam. If such manifestations have formed, then the seam in this place will need to be cleaned and carefully repaired again.

Complete plastering and decorative trim carried out after the operation of the furnace for two ÷ three months.

Cuts "babies"

The “baby” chimney can be connected to an already built root pipe if the house already has another stove. In its absence, the pipe will have to be completely laid out of brick and passed through the attic floor and roof. Another option would be a built-in metal pipe that can be run through a roof or wall.

Characteristics of the oven "baby":

Name of characteristicsValues
Thermal return1210 W
hobsingle burner
Chimney passage size100×100 mm
Construction height to pipe725 mm
Width505 mm
Firebox depth737 mm
Furnace weight360 ÷ 370 kg
efficiencyup to 70 ÷ 75%

To build a "baby" you need to prepare the following materials:

Element nameSize in mmQuantity in pcs.
Red brick- 62
Chamotte brick SHA-8- 37
Cast iron furnace door210×2501
Cast iron blower door140×1401
flue damper130×2501

Some craftsmen modernize the “baby” by adding additional useful elements to the design, for example, a hot water tank or an oven.

"Baby", supplemented by a hot water tank

Furnace "Krokha"

Another option for a compact stove for a private residential building is the crumb stove, which can be a good help not only in the summer season, but also in winter time.

Furnace "baby" - great option for tight spaces

Unfortunately, not only in spring and autumn, damp and cold weather, but in the summer it is not uncommon. That's when the oven becomes indispensable assistant, which will not allow dampness to penetrate into the premises of the house, will create comfortable conditions to get through the rainy season.

The "crumb" oven is often called a "simple" oven, since it does not have complex design, and it is quite possible to try to build it, even in the absence of experience in the role of a bricklayer. It will not take up much space, but will bring great benefits.

The designer of this furnace is A. Sushkov, who decided to combine compactness and functionality in it. Therefore, the "baby" is suitable not only for giving, but also for a house used for housing. all year round, as an additional heating device. Of course, it will not be possible to heat a large area with one such stove, but it will easily heat two small rooms, since it is designed for 19 ÷ 20 square meters. m. area of ​​the house.

"Baby" has the following technical characteristics:

Name of characteristicsValues
Heat transfer with a disposable firebox1760 W
With a three-time firebox2940 W
hobsingle burner
Chimney passage size100×100 mm
Construction height to pipe2030 mm
Width and length at the base640×770 mm or 3×2.5 bricks
Firebox depth746 mm
Furnace weight1260 ÷ 1280 kg
efficiencyUp to 70 ÷ 75%

When burning near the furnace, its lower section warms up well, and the upper part, the “hood”, slows down the cooling of the furnace. In addition, the design has a "summer" course, which facilitates kindling and allows you to operate the stove for cooking without heating the premises.

The furnace is designed in three versions, but the third, improved, is used most often.

The basic scheme of the improved "crumbs"

In this version of the furnace, the hob and the combustion chamber are located on one side of the building - from the end. The firebox is lined with chamotte fire-resistant bricks, which guarantees longevity operation of the furnace without repair. In addition, this type of masonry allows you to use as fuel, in addition to firewood, peat, briquettes, and even add coal.

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The bottom row under the plate is made protruding by 30 mm. It is laid out around the entire perimeter of the building - it, as it were, divides the furnace into two parts - fuel and air-gas. In the upper part there are channels through which heated air circulates.

This version of the "crumbs" is equipped with a door with refractory glass, which allows you to use the stove as a fireplace - this is especially convenient if the house has small area, and it is impossible to install the massive construction of a full-fledged fireplace stove in it.

For laying the crumb oven, you need to prepare the following elements and materials:

Element nameSize in mmQuantity in pcs.
- 352
- including curly (rounded)- 124
Chamotte brick SHA-8- 21
Glass furnace door in a cast-iron frame (DP-308-1S)210×2501
Cast iron blower door140×1401
Cast iron grate350×2501
Single burner cast iron stove410×3401
flue damper130×2501
Metal sheet for flooring in front of the firebox500×7001
steel corner40×40×5×5204

The project and ordering of another, completely miniature heating stove- in the presented video:

Video: small heating brick stove

Swede oven

"Swede" can be called the most favorite option for installation, as it is equipped not only with a hob, but also with an oven. Having such a design, the necessary supply of fuel for it and the necessary products, you can spend the winter, as they say, without even leaving your home - the stove will feed and warm.

Swede ovens are characterized by increased versatility

The presented Swede stove is designed to heat a house area of ​​45 m². Its main characteristics are in the table:

Name of characteristicsValues
Heat transfer with a two-time firebox4600 W
hobDouble burner or without burners
Chimney passage size100×250 mm
Construction height to pipe2017 mm
Width and length at the base1280×890 mm or 3.5×5 bricks
Firebox depth500 mm
Furnace weight2900 ÷ 2920 kg
efficiencyup to 70 ÷ 75%

Lining with fireclay bricks is carried out around oven and the fuel chamber, but it is not connected to the main walls of the furnace. "Dry" seams are arranged to allow the expansion of materials during temperature changes. The opening of the cooking chamber can be made in the form of an arch or have a rectangular shape - this will depend on the desire of the master, since this element does not play a big role in the efficiency of the heater. The arched design of the chamber is more complex and requires a special wooden template and 17 specially shaped bricks to bring it out.

Scheme of the "Swede" oven

To build this version of the "Swede" you need to prepare:

Element nameSize in mmQuantity in pcs.
Red brick (no chimney)- 755
Chamotte brick SHA-8- 63
Cast iron furnace door or equipped with fire-resistant glass DTG-3 "Kami"210×2501
Cast iron blower door140×2501
Cast iron cleaning door140×1405
Cast iron grate252×2501
Cast iron stove without burners or with two burners410×7101
Chimney dampers:
- "summer mode"130×2501
- cooking chamber130×1301
- furnace chimney130×2501
Metal sheet for flooring in front of the firebox500×7001
steel corner40×40×4×8802

In any case, if preference is given to a brick heating structure, then you should clearly follow the recommendations for its laying, and also strictly follow the "order" scheme, which will need to be found specifically for the selected furnace model.

The times when stove heating was the only means of heating the house and cooking have already passed. Now many people prefer to heat their homes with gas or electric boilers, since they free the owner from the need to take care of the preparation of fuel for the stove. This is convenient, but there are people who cannot imagine a private house without a stove. She will always help to heat the room, cook food, and she is not afraid of power or gas outages.

A properly made stand and an appropriate hood will allow you to put the stove even in the living room wooden house where the warmth of the hearth will warm the whole family more than once Source smokenfire.com

Furnace heating is still relevant

Despite the fact that now there are many ways to heat your home, a home heating stove does not lose its relevance. Beautifully laid out in brick, lined with stone or decorative tiles, the stove perfectly complements the interior of the house. Cast iron stove or a fireplace also fit perfectly into the overall interior. Many do not even imagine their home without a good Russian stove. After all, how nice it is to warm yourself near the stove in winter, especially since there will always be a place where you can dry your shoes and clothes. Therefore, stoves have always been popular and will remain so for many years to come.

Important Requirements to which furnace heating corresponds:

    fire safety;

    low consumption of fuel resources;

    duration of fuel burning;

    ease of maintenance;

    heats up very quickly and at the same time retains heat for a long time and gives it to the room.

Modern technologies penetrate into all industries - certain changes have also affected the furnace business. Modern furnaces can be equipped in such a way that they can serve as a heating tank, a generator of electricity from fuel combustion. Many are designed in such a way that one bookmark of firewood is enough to keep burning for a long time.

Source volgospas.ru

Stove heating of a private house

There are a wide variety of oven options. Here are just a few of them:

    cast iron stoves for heating;

    cast iron stoves for heating and cooking;

    cast iron stoves according to the design of the fireplace;

    brick kilns "Swede";

    brick ovens for heating and cooking;

    Russian ovens;

    brick fireplace stoves;

    brick ovens "Dutch".

All of these types have their advantages and disadvantages. Each stove for heating the house is good in its own way. Below is an example of a classic brick oven.

A neatly made stove will perfectly complement the interior of the house Source zen.yandex.ru

Advantages of the stove heating method

In order to understand the need to install a stove for heating a private house, you need to know a number of its advantages:

    absolute autonomy operation and independence from external factors such as water, gas or electricity shutdowns;

    brickwork is capable of keep the room warm for a long time, even if the fire has already gone out in the furnace;

    simultaneously with room heating, the stove can be use for cooking;

    economy in terms of fuel purchases and the need to pay bills for the general supply of gas, electricity and water, the availability of firewood, compared to peat or coal;

    absence overheated and overdried air;

    just a pleasant atmosphere in the house;

    Ease of operation: no need for high-tech electronic equipment.

The advantage of a brick oven is that it can be designed according to your wishes and preferences. Source pinterest.com

Disadvantages of furnace heating

Along with the advantages of the furnace, they also have negative qualities.

    Enough long heating time. This is due to the fact that bricks take a long time to gain heat.

    Lost some usable space, since the larger the house, the larger the stove will have to be installed.

    Big weight. If the furnace is very large, then you will have to build a separate foundation for it.

    Uneven heating all rooms, that is, the farther the room is from the stove, the more time it will take to heat it, warm air will get to it last.

What is considered when choosing

Choosing which oven will be installed is not so simple. Furnaces are brick and metal. Cast iron is usually used as the metal: it holds heat the longest.

When choosing the dimensions of the furnace, its shape, material, several factors should be taken into account:

    Number of heated rooms. For one or two rooms, a small metal stove is sufficient. For larger houses with more rooms, a brick oven should be installed. It can be supplemented with a water circuit that stretches through all the rooms. This option allows you to increase the efficiency of the stove, as well as more quickly and efficiently heat all rooms.

Source lestorg32.ru

    Room dimensions. It is logical to assume that a large brick stove will simply take up the entire space of a small room.

    The type of fuel on which the future furnace will operate. It can be gas, firewood, peat, coal. Combined devices are often used, but they have their own design and this must be taken into account.

In the old days, stoves were installed in the center of the house. They went out on each side into all the rooms, heating each of them. Massive furnaces cool down for a very long time, therefore, after kindling, you can be sure that all rooms will be heated. During installation, you will need to additionally cut a hole in the roof for the pipe to exit. In general, laying a place for the stove should be at the stage of building a house. A well-chosen place is the key to the effective use of the functionality of the oven, because it can not only heat, but also cook.

When designing a house, you can lay the location of the furnace and design a pipeline for heating distant rooms and heating water. Source luchtepla.ru

Even when choosing a stove for country house You will need to consider the following points:

    Where will the stove be installed?

    what size will it be?

    how the chimney will exit: through the wall or through the roof;

    if the oven is brick, then you will have to cut through the floor and prepare an additional foundation for it;

    ensure fire safety measures;

Source rmnt.mirtesen.ru
construction companies that offer home insulation services

Schemes and designs of stove heating in the house

Stove heating of a private house is divided into several types according to the design of the furnace:

    Straight-through. Basically, such furnaces are made of brick. The principle of their operation is to pass the air flow through the blower, then through the grate, supporting the combustion of the fuel, and then out through the pipe, already in the form of smoke. The big drawback of this design is the very low efficiency: a significant part of the heat, in the literal sense, simply flies out into the pipe. Once-through furnaces are equipped with special valves that close when the fuel burns out and stops producing carbon monoxide. This allows you to keep the heat for a long time. Also, to increase the efficiency during the assembly of the furnace, broken glass can be placed in it, which keeps the temperature for a very long time.

    Drier. The main feature of such furnaces is a system of channels through which smoke moves and evenly heats the entire furnace. Thanks to this solution, the whole structure heats up faster and retains heat well. The heating rate depends directly on the length of the channels and their number.

Source yandex.ru

    Kolpakovaya. The principle of operation is based on the movement of flow gases in a natural way. First, they fill the cap, where they cool down and then independently exit through a special lid. This allows you to evenly and quickly heat the stove, which then retains heat for a long time, heating the room. Unlike the first two options, this design is easy to maintain. Soot can be easily removed from the hood through a special hole, while in the first two cases it will be necessary to clean the chimneys and the pipe, which is not very convenient.

    Water circuit. This is not a firebox design, but a fairly common heating circuit element that can be installed on any stove. It is only necessary to add a heating tank to the firebox or a coil on the pipe.

Source domvpavlino.ru

Types of furnace equipment

Furnace equipment means structural elements which are used during the installation and operation of the stove. IN cast iron furnaces they are already included in the kit from the manufacturer, but when connecting an additional water circuit to them, you will have to buy additional elements for the furnace:

    Pipes. It can be plastic or metal pipes. Preference is always given to metal ones, as they are more reliable, but plastic ones are cheaper. minus plastic pipes is the possibility of their melting at the joints with metal. Metal ones do not have such a disadvantage.

    Membrane (expansion) tank. It is necessary to maintain constant pressure in the pipes. When heated, the water begins to expand and exit into this tank, so that the pipes do not collapse from excess pressure. When cooling, excess water from the tank begins to gradually flow back into the pipes.

An expansion tank is indispensable for any method of heating a house. Source koffkindom.ru

    Radiators. Usually they are installed directly under the windows. They increase the heat transfer of the water circuit.

    Water pump. It is required for the circulation of water in the circuit. Its installation contributes to the rapid heating of the room, since the heated water will quickly enter the radiators and heat the room. Without a pump, the movement of water through the pipes is carried out by gravity, but for this it is necessary to make special slopes, calculate the difference in heights and the difference in temperatures of the first circuit with heated water and the second with cooled water - it is also called the return.

    heat exchanger. It is installed in the furnace furnace, above it, or on the chimney. All options have their advantages and disadvantages. This is a kind of boiler in which water will subsequently be heated. For chimneys, the heating tank is made in the form of a coil, for a firebox it can have an arbitrary shape, but it is very important that it has a sufficient area of ​​​​contact with the furnace flame.

Source m.yukle.mobi
On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of installing stoves and fireplaces. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Wood stoves for heating a private house

Wood stoves have long been the most popular heating device, since firewood is most often the most affordable source of heat.

There are several types of ovens:

    with water circuit;

    simultaneously cooking and heating;

    prolonged burning.

The choice of wood stoves can be done from the simplest in design to the more complex. Here are options for some of them:


    classic oven;

    pyrolysis oven;

  • wood burning boiler;

    an oven with a hob;

    stove with the possibility of long burning wood;

    Russian oven.

Video description

About the wood stove in the heating system, see the following video:

When choosing, you should, first of all, pay attention to the technical and operational characteristics:

    dimensions of the furnace itself;

    the presence of additional devices;

    thermal capacity;

    the material from which it is made.

Brick and metal are the most popular materials for building a stove. Source teplomact.ru

Choosing a wood stove for home heating

Variants and modifications of modern heating stoves there is a huge variety. With an increase in the number of options, there is always a problem of choice. Usually guided by the following principles:

    the size of the furnace should be selected based on the dimensions of the room and the number of heated rooms;

    functional purpose: cooking, heating, combined;

    correct selection oven power.

Everyone's taste preferences are different. It is difficult to advise on this matter. It is always necessary to proceed from the functional purpose of the furnace. If the stove should just heat, then you can take it to a separate room. If you like an open fire, near which you can sit on a cold winter evening, then you should choose a design that allows installation inside the house. Such a stove will perfectly complement the interior of the room.

Video description

About the choice of a wood-burning stove, see the video:

Proper oven placement

As in the old days, building a house begins with planning the placement of the stove. There are some rules to follow:

    The area of ​​the room must be more than 16 squares.

    Do not install close to a stone wall, then most of the heat will be transferred to the outside of the house. And in wooden houses, this is not at all recommended for fire safety purposes.

    A heavy stove will break any logs and rafters over time, so for brick stove need a separate foundation.

A large stove with storage for firewood and a stove bench separating the kitchen and living room Source argo-project.ru

If the goal is to heat as much as possible more rooms, then it should be installed so that the stove is part of all these rooms. It is installed in the partitions of rooms in such a way that its walls or corners fall into these rooms.

Thus, for example, stoves were installed in the old days, in many village huts. The furnace is located in the center, and the rooms along its perimeter. This is a classic stove placement option. The whole house is heated at the same time.

Source tproekt.com

If the layout consists of two rooms: common room and kitchens, it is wiser to take the main part into the room, and the hob and firebox into the kitchen.

Fire safety requirements for furnace heating at home

Before installing the stove, you should think about fire safety in advance, since the stove will heat up to a high temperature during the furnace. To avoid fire, when installing the stove, the following must be observed: security measures:

    The oven must be installed some distance from the wall. Firstly, there will be no direct contact with the wall, especially if the surfaces are wooden. Stone walls will additionally cool the stove, which will affect fuel consumption. Secondly, the air in this gap will be heated, and not the wall itself;

    Walls at the place of installation of the furnace should be additionally lined with non-combustible material. Sheet slate is ideal for these purposes. It conducts heat poorly and does not ignite. All walls should be sheathed in places where the future furnace will even indirectly come into contact with the wall;

Video description

Clearly about fire safety furnace heating in the following video:

    If the walls are decorated with flammable materials, then distance from them to the stove should be at least half a meter;

    Be sure to put next to the firebox metal sheet or any other non-combustible material, such as the same slate. If the oven is made of brick, then an additional container can be laid out of it. This is done in case of accidental loss of coal from the furnace.

Heat-resistant tiles can be laid out around the stove as protection against fire of walls and floors. Source kakprosto.ru

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of auditing construction works. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

The choice of materials for the furnace

Main building material for furnaces is a brick that is laid on clay or a special solution that can withstand high temperatures. The bricks themselves are also used special - refractory, for laying furnaces.

There are also special facing bricks for exterior finish. They have a curly shape and lower heat-conducting properties. Cladding also helps to avoid a sharp temperature difference between the room and brickwork, which adversely affects the brick.

The brick is chosen corpulent - it has good heat capacity and heat dissipation. The highest quality brick is used for the chimney, since the temperature differences outside the house are much greater than in the room.

Brick options for laying the stove and chimney may be different, but it is important that the material withstand the loads placed on it. Source tproekt.com

How furnace and water heating are combined

Water heating from the furnace helps to significantly increase the efficiency of the latter. With a small size, a water circuit stove is able to heat large areas.

To organize water heating, a heat exchanger is built into the furnace body, and sometimes it is built into the chimney. Further, pipes are connected to the heat exchanger, which are subsequently connected to radiators. An expansion tank and a pump are installed on the return line. A pump is not required, but it does help circulate the water in the pipes. Thanks to good circulation, the rooms begin to heat up already in the process of firing the stove. A drainage system is also installed without fail. If the stove will not be used for a long time, for example, in winter, then the water from the system must be drained so that it does not freeze in the pipes and damage them.

Video description

Clearly about water heating from a wood-burning stove in the following video:

Equipment for water furnace heating

For the water circuit you will need:

With a well-thought-out layout, stove heating can heat and enough big house in 2-3 floors Source lestorg32.ru

How to make a foundation for the oven

For stoves with a low weight of up to 250 kg, a foundation is not needed at all. But for heavy brick structures it is necessary. Here you need to know that the stove is not placed on the main foundation of the house, since heat will go out through it.

The type of foundation is chosen separately in each case - depending on the foundation of the house and other factors, most often they use monolithic, block or pile.

The foundation for the stove should be laid at the stage of building a house. Therefore, its location should be determined in advance. If the stove needs to be installed in an already rebuilt house, and the floors in it are wooden, then you will have to cut through the floor and dig a pit for installing the foundation.

Source lestorg32.ru

The base for the stove should not come into contact with the main foundation of the house and be at least 5 cm away from it. It is best to place a large massive brick stove in the center of the house. This is the most optimal solution for uniform heating of rooms.

How to heat the stove correctly

Before kindling the stove, it should be prepared - clean the firebox and ash pan so that the remains of coal and ash do not interfere with the burning of new firewood. Next, you need to put the required amount of firewood into the firebox so that there is space for air exchange. For ignition, a piece of paper is placed under the logs, which is ignited from the side of the ash pan.


Even despite the ubiquity of modern heating appliances, wood-burning and other solid fuel stoves remain in demand for country houses. Even if we do not take into account the practical and economic side of its use, decorative effect stoves in the interior are difficult to overestimate. The only difficulty that may arise if you want to equip stove heating is to find a competent stove-maker. Despite the popularity of brick kilns, there are not so many qualified craftsmen who know all the intricacies of the kiln business.

In many private houses, heating with wood and stoves remains a priority. Someone has a metal stove, someone has a brick one, but one thing unites them - this type of heating is not the most convenient. Too much attention and not enough comfort. Exit - stove heating with a water circuit.

Stove heating with a water circuit - an opportunity to combine tradition and comfort

First, let's understand the terminology. When they say "stove", most often they mean a heater made of bricks, which is heated with wood. But often a metal stove on wood or on coal is also called that. The principles of operation for brick and metal units are the same, the method of heat transfer is changing. Metallic ones have a greater convective component (most of the heat is transferred by air), brick ones are dominated by thermal radiation - from the walls of the furnace and the heated walls of the house. In our article, we are mainly talking about brick ovens, but most of the information can be applied to metal wood (coal) units. Furnace heating with a water circuit can be made on the basis of furnaces of any kind.

Conventional stove heating: advantages and disadvantages

In our country, traditionally houses were heated brick ovens, but gradually this type of heating was replaced by water systems. All this is because, along with the advantages, simple stove heating has a lot of disadvantages. First about the benefits:

Today, stove heating is perceived more as exotic, as it is very rare. It is impossible to argue that it is very pleasant to be near a warm stove. A special atmosphere is created. But there are also many serious drawbacks:

As you can see, the disadvantages are significant, but some of them can be leveled if a heat exchanger is built into the furnace, which is connected to the water heating system. Such a system is also called furnace water heating or furnace heating with a water circuit.

Water stove heating

When organizing water heating from the furnace, a heat exchanger (water circuit) is built into the furnace, which is connected by pipes to radiators. A coolant circulates in the system, which carries the heat from the furnace to the radiators. This solution increases the comfort of living in winter. The thing is that radiators can be installed in any room, that is, the stove can stand in one room, and all other rooms will be heated by batteries through which heated water runs.

At the same time, the remaining disadvantages of stove heating remain, but the advantages of water heating are added - you can adjust the temperature in each room (within certain limits), a large inertia smooths out unevenness temperature regime. By the way, the same scheme works with metal furnaces on wood or charcoal.

System types

There are two types of water heating systems: forced circulation and natural circulation (EC). Heating with natural circulation is non-volatile (electricity is not required for operation), circulates due to natural physical processes. The disadvantage of this heating method is the need to use pipes large diameter, that is, the volume of the system will be large and will have a large inertia. When kindling the stove, this is not very good - it will take a long time to warm up. But after burning out, heat is retained in the house longer.

Another disadvantage is that to create conditions for the movement of the coolant, the supply pipe is lifted up - to the ceiling or to the level of radiators (in extreme cases). When heating a two-story house, the pipe goes up from the boiler, goes through the radiators, and then goes down and bypasses the batteries on the lower floor.

Another important drawback is the relatively low efficiency of heating systems with EC - the coolant moves slowly, carries little heat.

Stove heating with water circuit and forced circulation It is distinguished by the presence of a circulation pump (pictured below), which works constantly. Its task is to drive water at a certain speed. By changing this speed, you can change the intensity of space heating. This leads to the fact that, ceteris paribus, such heating is more efficient. But for the system to work, power is needed - the pump must work constantly. When it stops, the system boils and fails. If you rarely experience power outages, it is enough to have with the kit batteries. If the light is turned off often and for a long time, you will also have to install a generator, and the total cost of such a solution is considerable.

Furnace heating scheme with a water circuit and a circulation pump

There is a third type of system: mixed or combined. Everything is designed for natural circulation, but placed circulation pump. As long as there is electricity, the heating works as forced (with a pump), when the light is turned off, the coolant moves on its own.

heat accumulator

Since the stove is not heated all the time, but has a cyclical algorithm of operation, the house is either hot or cold. And the presence of radiators saves little from this. Although the differences are not so critical, they still exist. Especially there is not enough heat at night, but I really don’t want to get up and drown. To solve this problem, a powerful oven is installed, and a heat accumulator is built into the system. This is a large container filled with coolant, which stands between the furnace and the heating system.

Stove heating with water circuit and heat accumulator

That is, there are two separate independent circuits. The first one transfers heat away from the furnace and is usually made with natural circulation. The second drives the coolant into the radiators, and a circulation pump is usually present.

This method of organizing water stove heating is good because while the stove is heating, the water in the tank is actively heated. With the correct calculation, it heats up to 60-80 ° C, which is enough to maintain the normal temperature of the radiators for about 10-12 hours. There is no extreme heat or extreme cold. The atmosphere is quite comfortable.

Installing a heat accumulator in the system (sometimes also called a buffer or buffer tank) also reduces the risk of the system boiling. The second circuit will definitely never boil, but in order for the first one not to boil, it is necessary to correctly calculate it - so that even in the natural circulation mode, the coolant moves at a sufficient speed and does not have time to overheat.

Register for oven

To heat the coolant, a water circuit is built into the furnace (also called a register, heat exchanger, coil, water jacket). Its shape can be any, but most often they make rectangular flat containers or a set of pipes connected into a single system (such as radiators).

To connect the heat exchanger to the system, two pipes are welded into it: one from above - for intake hot water, second from the bottom - for pumping cooled water from the return pipeline.

Often questions arise with the sizing of the water circuit for the furnace. It can be approximately calculated based on the heat loss of the building. It is believed that to transfer 10 kW of heat, a heat exchanger area of ​​1 sq. m. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the operating time of the furnace - after all, it is not heated all the time. While it is not very cold - once a day for about 1.5 hours, when it is cold - twice. During this time, it is necessary that the stove has time to heat all the water in the heat accumulator. Therefore, the calculation of the heat exchanger area is carried out according to the daily amount of heat required to compensate for heat losses.

For example, let the heat loss for a house be 12 kWh. It will be 288 kW per day. The stove is heated, let it take 3 hours, all the necessary heat should accumulate during this time. Then required power water circuit for the furnace - 288/3 = 96 kW. To translate it into an area, we divide by 10, we get that for these conditions the register area should be 9.6 m2. Which form you choose is up to you. It is important that the outer surface of the register is not smaller.

Well, a couple more points. The first is that the power of the furnace must be greater than the power of the heat exchanger found. Otherwise, the required amount of heat simply will not be released. The second caveat: the capacity of the heat accumulator must also correspond - it should be more by about 10-15%. In this case, boiling of the coolant is excluded.

Just do not forget that the heat capacity of water and antifreeze is very different. The battery with antifreeze as a coolant must be significantly larger than the water tank (in the same system).

What else is worth remembering is that it is desirable to insulate the heat accumulator well - so that heat is retained longer. In this case, stove heating with a water circuit will be even more economical.

Is it possible to install a register for heating in an existing stove

It is more correct, of course, to build a furnace around the manufactured register. But, if the furnace is already standing, it is still possible to build a water circuit into it. True, you will have to try hard - they are of considerable size and still have to somehow hold on. So the task is not an easy one. In addition, do not forget that you will still have to make two conclusions - to connect the supply and return pipelines.

The best option is to make a water jacket under the shape of the stove (this one is for metal with burners)

Finding a location for the register is also not very easy. Its direct contact with fire is highly undesirable, but it must be in an environment of hot gases. In this case, you can hope that the heat exchanger will last a long time.

There are many ways to heat a private house using gas and electricity. But despite the abundance modern methods, stove heating is still relevant in the arrangement of country houses and cottages.

Agree, nothing emphasizes the flavor of a Russian hut like a wood-burning stove. Besides, solid fuel heating considered one of the economical options.

The organization of the heating system begins with the selection of furnace equipment and determining the type of heating circuit. We offer to understand the device and principles of functioning of the water and air heating based oven. For a better understanding of the issue, we supplemented the material with diagrams and visual photographs.

The reason for the steady preference that the owners of private houses give to the stove heating option is the availability of firewood, fuel briquettes or coal.

The disadvantage is the limited space to be processed, which can be eliminated by arranging a water and air system based on a brick unit.

The specifics of the device for heating low-rise buildings with a stove is presented in the photo selection:

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