Mixer      02/06/2019

Re-testing the knowledge of slingers according to the new rules. Who is included in the commission to re-test the knowledge of slingers

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  • notice of release from internship
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  • order for briefing on electrical safety sample
  • order to create a commission to re-test the knowledge of slingers

    To test the knowledge of slingers, a separate commission is created. Or is it enough basic labor protection?

    Training, education and certification of specialists

    Question: Please advise on the certification of specialists responsible for the safe performance of work with loader cranes.

    Answer: 1. According to clause 6 of the Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations operating in the field industrial safety dangerous production facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia (RD 03-444-02), periodic certification of managers and specialists is carried out at least once every 3 years, unless otherwise provided by special regulations approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

    2. According to clause 1.4 of the Standard Instruction for persons responsible for the safe performance of work with loader cranes (RD 22-329-03), a periodic examination of the knowledge of the person responsible for the safe performance of work with loader cranes is carried out once every 3 years by a commission with participation of the Gosgortekhnadzor inspector.

    3. According to Article 5.4.7 of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Load-Lifting Loader Cranes (PB 10-257-98), periodic testing of knowledge of persons responsible for the safe performance of work by loader cranes should be carried out at least 1 time in 12 months, participation in the commission of the inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor is optional.

    Question: Please explain how often the knowledge of persons responsible for the safe performance of work with loader cranes should be checked?

    Answer: On the issue of the timing of certification of those responsible for the safe performance of work with loader cranes, we clarify that in this case it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Loader Cranes (PB 10-257-98), and not RD 03-444-02, RD 22-329-03, since these rules have been registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia and are mandatory for all legal entities and private entrepreneurs, regardless of their form of ownership, i.e. it is necessary to carry out certification of these workers 1 time in 12 months.

    Question: Workers of various professions of JSC "Novocheboksarsky House-Building Plant" were sent out of work to the Training and Production Plant for training as a slinger. Completed training and practical training at our enterprise. According to the results of certification, they were issued certificates.

    Should workers, upon completion of training at the Training and Production Combine, undergo a knowledge test at NDSK OJSC before starting work as a slinger?

    Answer: Workers who have undergone training and practical training at the Training and Production Plant as slingers must be instructed at the workplace before starting work, additional training and knowledge testing before starting work is not required.

    Question: According to the requirements of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Cranes (PB 10-382-00):

    1. Clause 9.4.7. Periodic testing of the knowledge of engineers on supervision of the safe operation of cranes, engineers responsible for maintaining cranes in good condition, and persons responsible for the safe performance of work by cranes, should be carried out at least 1 time in 3 years by the commission of the enterprise, with the participation of the inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor after training them in the relevant programs.

    2. Clause 9.4.19. Re-testing the knowledge of the maintenance personnel (crane operators, their assistants, locksmiths, electricians, adjusters of safety devices and slingers) should be carried out by the qualification commission periodically, at least 1 time in 12 months, etc.

    If the composition of the enterprise commission is regulated by the Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations operating in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia (Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated April 30, 2002 No. 21), then the composition of the qualification commission for re-testing the knowledge of maintenance personnel no rules or regulation.

    1. Can engineering and technical workers of these departments, certified by the commission of the enterprise as persons responsible for the safe performance of work by cranes, be members of the qualification commission of the structural divisions of the enterprise for re-testing the knowledge of slingers?

    2. If not, then who can be a member of the qualification commission of the structural divisions of the enterprise for re-testing the knowledge of slingers?

    Answer: To periodically test the knowledge of the slingers, the commission should be appointed by order of the enterprise on the organization of supervision of hoisting machines. The commission should include: a technical director, an engineer for the supervision of cranes, a technical engineer responsible for maintaining cranes in good condition, persons responsible for the safe operation of cranes, labor protection specialists, etc.

    Question: In accordance with the requirements of clause 9.4.7 of the Rules for the Arrangement and Safe Operation of Load-Lifting Cranes (PB 10-382-00), periodic testing of the knowledge of engineering and technical personnel for supervision, engineering and technical personnel responsible for maintaining cranes in good condition, and persons responsible for safe the performance of works by cranes should be carried out by the commission of the enterprise or a training organization with the participation of an inspector from Rostekhnadzor after training them according to the relevant programs.

    Please clarify whether it is necessary for the participation of the inspector of Rostekhnadzor during the periodic examination of knowledge by the commission of the enterprise?

    Answer: Periodic verification of the knowledge of engineering and technical workers on supervision of the safe operation of cranes, engineering and technical workers responsible for maintaining cranes in good condition, and persons responsible for the safe performance of work by cranes, should be carried out at least 1 time in 3 years commission of the enterprise or a training organization with the participation of the inspector of Rostekhnadzor after training them according to the relevant programs.

    Question: In 2000, the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Hoisting Cranes (PB 10-382-00) were published. The rules say: Participation of a representative of the State Gortekhnadzor in the work of the qualification commission during the initial certification of crane operators, their assistants, slingers is mandatory (clause 9.4.21). Persons who have passed the exams are issued the appropriate certificates in accordance with the appendix (clause 9.4.22)”. And what to do with employees who received certificates before the release of these rules, i.e. Is there no stamp of the inspector of the State Gortekhnadzor in the certificates? This causes a lot of controversy. Everyone understands as it is beneficial for him to understand.

    Please, give an answer with links to regulatory documents that regulate the procedure for exchanging certificates of slingers trained in training plants, but not having the stamp of an inspector of the State Mining and Technical Supervision, and in what time frame should this be done? What programs (if necessary) should be used for retraining? The fact is that retraining is a costly item and in order to send some amount to a training center, you need to prove the legality and necessity of this event, but how can you prove something to someone if you yourself deeply doubt.

    Answer: With the entry into force from 10.01.01 of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Hoisting Cranes (PB 10-382-00), in accordance with clause 11.3, managers and responsible specialists of organizations involved in the design, manufacture, reconstruction, diagnosis, repair, installation and operation of cranes must pass a test of knowledge of these rules. Crane drivers, electromechanics, slingers must pass an extraordinary knowledge test with the issuance of a new certificate, re-training in this case is not required.

    Question: Please clarify what requirements apply to the certification of persons involved in the development technological maps and projects for the production of works by cranes? Which document gives the right to develop technological maps and PPRk?

    Answer: The training of specialists of organizations involved in the development of projects for the production of work by cranes is carried out according to a standard program. Certification of these specialists is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists from organizations supervised by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service, approved by Order No. 37 of 01/29/07 and effective from 04/27/07. The program and examination tickets for certification of specialists involved in the development of projects for the production of cranes (PPRk) are printed in the collection of documents "Industrial safety in the operation of load-lifting cranes" (3rd edition), Scientific and Technical Center "Industrial Safety". Series 10. Issue 12.

    Question: Due to the fact that the previously existing Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations operating in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia (RD 03-44-02), and the newly adopted Regulations on the organization of work on the preparation and certification of specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, approved by order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37, do not provide for the procedure for training and certification of specialists associated with the operation of lifting structures not supervised (unregistered) by Rostechnadzor, but the Rules for the Construction and Safe operation of cranes (PB 10-382-00), which also apply to cranes not registered with Rostechnadzor bodies, provide for the participation of a Rostechnadzor inspector in the work of the certification commission (section 9.4).

    Please clarify whether it is necessary for an inspector of Rostekhnadzor to participate in the work of attestation commissions of organizations operating cranes that are not supervised by Rostekhnadzor?

    Answer: Participation of the Rostekhnadzor inspector in the work of certification commissions of organizations operating cranes not supervised by Rostekhnadzor bodies is not mandatory.

    Question: In accordance with paragraph 3, subparagraph "b", of the Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations operating in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia (RD 03-444-02), engineering and technical personnel responsible for maintaining cranes in good condition, and persons responsible for the safe performance of work by cranes are certified in the amount corresponding to their job responsibilities.

    Please clarify whether the requirement for additional certification of these employees for knowledge of the provisions set forth in clause 3, subparagraph “a”, RD 03-444-02 with a mark in column A of the Minutes of the meeting of the certification commission (Appendix 1 to RD 03-444- 02), if industrial safety issues are considered during certification in the scope of official duties with a mark in column B?

    It should be noted that in accordance with the letter of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 10.04.03 No. 12-02/311, it is allowed to appoint persons responsible for the safe performance of work by cranes from among dockers with at least 3 years of work experience, and do they really need the amount of knowledge of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on general issues industrial safety, provided for by section A.

    Answer: The training of engineering and technical workers (ITR) for supervision, engineers responsible for maintaining cranes in good condition, and engineers responsible for the safe performance of work by cranes is carried out at training centers according to programs developed on the basis of standard programs, agreed with Rostekhnadzor. Certification of these employees is carried out in accordance with the order of Rostechnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 22, 2007, registration No. 9133.

    Question: Please clarify whether it is necessary for the workers of hoist cradles (towers) to be trained in educational institutions, as well as in courses and technical training schools (training centers)?

    The Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Lifts (Towers) (PB 10-611-03) state in the relevant paragraphs:

    “4.4.13. To control and maintain the lifts, the owner is obliged to appoint machinists, mechanics, electricians, hydraulics and aerial platform workers.

    4.4.18. Machinists, workers of aerial platforms, electricians and mechanics before being assigned to work must undergo a medical examination to determine the suitability of their physical condition.

    4.4.19. Training and certification of machinists, locksmiths, electricians, adjusters of safety devices and devices, slingers is carried out in vocational schools, as well as in courses and in technical training schools

    4.4.22. Re-testing the knowledge of service personnel (drivers, locksmiths, electricians, instrument adjusters and slingers) by the qualification commission should be carried out »

    Thus, there is an opinion that for the workers of the cradle, training in educational institutions, courses, and training centers is not necessary.

    Answer: Working cradles of lifts (towers) must be trained in educational institutions in accordance with clause 4.4.24 of the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Lifts (Towers) PB 10-611-03 according to training programs agreed with Rostekhnadzor. It is possible to certify such workers without the participation of the inspector of Rostekhnadzor by the qualification commission of the enterprise that conducted the training.

    Question: Please explain what rules, documents you should familiarize yourself with in order to conduct a practical lesson with slingers on the topic: “Loading and unloading oversized cargo"? The dimensions of oversized cargo go beyond the dimensions of the rolling stock of railways and standard vehicles.

    Acquainted: with section 9.5. PB 10-382-00, GOST 12.3.009-76 and POT RM-007-98.

    Answer: Rules for the design and safe operation of cranes (PB 10-382-00), approved by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated December 31, 1998 No. 98, do not need state registration (letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated August 17, 2000 No. 6884-ER), are mandatory all executives and responsible specialists of organizations involved in the design, manufacture, reconstruction, repair, installation, operation and diagnosis of cranes, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

    In accordance with clause 9.4.16 of PB 10-382-00, the training and certification of slingers should be carried out in vocational schools, as well as in courses and technical schools for training workers that have a basis for theoretical and industrial training according to a program developed by educational centers and coordinated with Rostekhnadzor (previously - with Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia).

    One of the mandatory documents in the training of slingers are: PB 10-382-00; Standard instructions for slingers for the safe performance of work by hoisting machines (RD 10-107-96), with Amendment No. 1 (RDI 10-430 (107) -02) , approved by the resolutions of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 08.02.96 No. 3, dated 30.01.02 No. 7.

    In addition, the Department of State Construction Supervision of Rostekhnadzor informs that on the issues of industrial safety of lifting structures, the Scientific and Technical Center "Industrial Safety" has currently published Guidelines on the procedure for the development of projects for the production of work by hoisting machines and flow charts for loading and unloading operations (RD-11-06-2007), approved by order of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated 10.05.07 No. 317 and put into effect from 01.07.07 .

    For advice on the transportation of oversized cargo by rolling stock railways and using standard vehicles, you should contact the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport.

    Question: In the approved conclusion of the expert examination of the industrial safety for equipment (crane truck, hydraulic lift car) with an expired service life, it is indicated: "The next examination should be carried out no later than January 2008." Based on this, funds were planned in the company's budget for the next examination (January 2008). Since January 2008, the expert organization, together with representatives of the operating organization, began the examination process, and on April 17, 2008, the prepared conclusion of the examination, approved by the head of the expert organization, was sent to Rostekhnadzor for consideration. During a visit to the enterprise by an inspector of Rostekhnadzor, the above equipment was stopped with the wording: “There is no industrial safety examination for the possibility of further operation since January 2008, article 9.3.21 PB 10-382-00 and article 4.3.19 PB 10-611-03 safe operation of lifts (towers). The inspector was presented with the following documents: an agreement with an expert organization and an approved schedule for conducting safety inspections, a list of agreed and completed measures for the examination process, an order for the enterprise to create a commission to carry out the above works, an act of work performed, a letter on sending a conclusion with a registration stamp for incoming documents Rostechnadzor.

    Are the actions of the inspector lawful to stop the equipment or not?

    If the inspector's actions are lawful, then the following question arises - what period must be taken into account when planning the next examinations in order to obtain an approved conclusion of the examination on the date of completion of the previous one?

    If, according to the Regulations on the examination of industrial safety in the coal industry (RD 05-432-02), § 17.4. The term of the examination is determined by the complexity of the object of examination, but should not exceed three months from the date of receipt of the kit necessary materials and documents in full, in accordance with the current regulatory technical documentation, and the fulfillment of all other conditions for the examination.

    § 23. The conclusion of the examination is submitted for consideration and approval to the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia or its territorial body by the expert organization with a cover letter no later than one month from the date of its signing by the head of the expert organization.

    § 24. The period of approval (or decision to refuse approval) of the expert opinion shall not exceed 30 days from the date of receipt of the expert opinion.

    If it is necessary to study the issue in more detail or obtain additional information, this period may be extended by no more than 30 days by the decision of the deputy territorial body, the head of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia or his deputies.

    Note. The previous examination on a car crane was carried out in January 2006, the conclusion was sent to Rostekhnadzor on April 17, 2006, which was approved and registered in Rostekhnadzor on September 25, 2006; the previous examination on a car lift was carried out in January 2007, the conclusion was sent to Rostekhnadzor on February 6 2007 Approved and registered with Rostekhnadzor on March 27, 2007

    Answer: In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 7 and paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 116-FZ), technical devices used at hazardous production facility (HPO), in the process of operation are subject to industrial safety expertise in the prescribed manner. According to paragraph 5 of Article 13 of Federal Law No. 116-FZ, the procedure for carrying out an industrial safety review and the requirements for issuing an industrial safety review report are established by the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety (currently Rostekhnadzor).

    Paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 116-FZ determines that an organization operating a hazardous production facility is obliged to provide an examination of the industrial safety of buildings, as well as to carry out diagnostics, testing, certification of structures and technical devices used at hazardous production facilities, within a specific timeframe and as required by the in accordance with the established procedure to the order of the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety, or its territorial body.

    Rules for the design and safe operation of cranes (PB 10-382-00) (as noted in the previous answer) and Rules for the design and safe operation of hoists (towers) (PB 10-611-03), approved by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 11.06.03 No. 87, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 18, 2003, registration No. 4717, are mandatory for all executives and responsible specialists of organizations involved in the design, manufacture, reconstruction, repair, installation, operation and diagnosis of cranes and hoists, regardless of ownership and departmental affiliation as well as individual entrepreneurs.

    In accordance with clause 9.3.21 of PB 10-382-00 and clause 4.3.19 of PB 10-611-03, cranes and hoists - HIF technical devices that have expired their service life, must be subjected to expert examination (diagnosis).

    Based on clause 2.2 of the Standard Instruction for Engineering and Technical Workers on Supervision of the Safe Operation of Hoisting Machines (RD 10-40 - 93), approved by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and dated 11.26.93 No. 42 with Amendments No. 1 [RDI 10-388 (40 )-00)], an engineer and technical worker for supervision of the safe operation of hoisting machines must prohibit their use if, during the check, he found that the period has expired technical certification hoisting machine or a special inspection of a machine that has worked normative term service; absent, the passport of the load-lifting machine or information about its registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia has been lost.

    Based on the foregoing and taking into account that the conclusion of the industrial safety expertise of a hoisting machine must be attached to its passport, a hoisting machine that has completed its service life should not be allowed to operate until an approved positive conclusion of the industrial safety expertise is received, i.e. the requirements of the inspector to decommission the hoisting machine referred to in the reader's letter are substantiated.

    With regard to planning work on conducting an industrial safety examination of a hoisting machine (diagnosing it) that has worked out its service life, the owner must consider the following.

    The approved positive conclusion of the industrial safety expertise of the hoisting machine must be received by the owner before the end of its service life or the service life extended during the previous diagnosis.

    Clause 4.2.4 of the Rules for the examination of industrial safety (PB 03-246-98), with Amendment No. 1 [PBI 03-490 (246) -02], approved by the Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 06.11.98 No. 64, dated 01.08.02 No. 48, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 8, 1998, registration No. 1656; August 23, 02, registration No. 3720, it was established that the period for conducting an examination is determined by the complexity of the object of examination, but should not exceed three months from the date of receipt of a set of necessary materials and documents in full in in accordance with the current regulatory technical documentation and the fulfillment of all other conditions for the examination.

    In accordance with clause 3.1 of the Regulations on the procedure for approving industrial safety expert opinions (RD 03-298-99), with Amendment No. 1 [RDI 03-530(298)-03], approved by resolutions of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated July 14, 1999 No. 51, dated 09.04.03 No. 12, the period for approval (or making a decision to refuse approval) of the examination conclusion should not exceed 30 days from the date of its receipt for approval, however, if additional study of the issue or obtaining additional information is necessary, this period may be extended by no more than than 30 days.

    In addition, the owner of a hoisting machine that has expired its service life needs to know that as a result of an industrial safety examination of a hoisting machine (diagnosing it), it may be revealed that the hoisting machine must be subjected to mandatory repairs before the start of operation or is not suitable for further operation at all ( the onset of the limit state).

    Question: With the introduction of the Regulations on the organization of training and testing the knowledge of working organizations controlled by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (RD-03-20-2007), a requirement appeared to develop production instructions in accordance with paragraph 26 of the RD -03-20-2007.

    Please clarify: for what kind of personnel (technological?) is this instruction being developed; according to the list of sections of the production instruction and brief information by the content of the sections.

    Answer: In accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the organization of training and testing the knowledge of working organizations controlled by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (RD-03-20-2007), testing the knowledge of workers in the main professions in the field of safety (including industrial safety ) is carried out in the scope of qualification requirements, as well as in the scope of the requirements of production instructions and (or) instructions for this profession. In an organization operating hazardous production facilities (HIF), production instructions are part of the operational documentation for technical devices used at HIFs. Production instructions are drawn up by the operating organization on the basis of the technical device manufacturer's documentation (installation and safe operation instructions), taking into account the local operating conditions of these devices. Production instructions should be hung out at workplaces and issued against signature to service personnel. An example of a production instruction is the Instruction on the Mode of Operation and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels. The production instructions indicate, as a rule, the equipment (technical device) to which the instruction applies, its purpose; the duties of the personnel during the duty to monitor and control the operation of the technical device; the procedure for checking the serviceability of the serviced technical device in working condition; ways to check valves, safety devices, automatic alarm protection devices, etc.; procedure for starting up and stopping (stopping operation) of a technical device; safety measures when taking a technical device out for repair; cases requiring immediate shutdown of a technical device; procedure for emergency shutdown of a technical device and actions of personnel in case of liquidation emergencies, as well as the procedure for registration of acceptance and delivery of duty.

    For certain categories of workers not engaged in direct service technical devices, instructions for professions are being developed. For example, instructions for maintenance personnel, welders, slingers, etc. These instructions are compiled on the basis of standard or requirements for the knowledge and skills of workers in specific professions.

    Question: The editors of the journal Occupational Safety in Industry continue to receive questions from training centers regarding the mandatory pre-certification training for specialists from organizations operating in the field of industrial safety.

    Answer: In accordance with the order of Rostekhnadzor dated August 27, No. 823 p. certification of specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, approved by order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37, has become invalid. Thus, Rostekhnadzor ruled out a function unusual for it - control over the passage of training.

    Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” obliges an organization operating hazardous production facilities to provide training and certification of employees in the field of industrial safety, and employees are required to undergo training and certification in the field industrial safety. For failure to comply with these requirements of the law, citizens, officials and legal entities may be held administratively liable in accordance with the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

    Thus, the functions of control over the conduct of industrial safety training were retained by organizations operating hazardous production facilities, which is fully consistent with the decision of the Government Commission for Administrative Reform, at a meeting of which on April 12, issues of optimizing training and certification procedures were considered, among other things. specialists, and this approach will be implemented in the development of regulatory legal acts.

    Question: In accordance with clause 25 of the Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists from organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (RD-03-19-2007), the activities of certification commissions are considered competent if, in making a decision on certification (knowledge testing) was attended by at least five people - members of the commission, including the chairman or deputy chairman of this commission.

    RD-03-19-2007 does not specify how many members of the certification commission should be certified according to specific rules.

    Earlier, in response to an oral request, one of the responsible developers of RD-03-19-2007 A.F. Gontarenko explained that the very principle of forming the territorial and central attestation commissions does not provide that the commissions have at least five members certified according to specific rules, one or two people are enough. The same principle applies to the commissions of organizations supervised by Rostekhnadzor.

    At the same time, individual Rostekhnadzor inspectors require that at least five members of the enterprise attestation commission be certified according to specific rules, for example, the Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems (PB 12-529-03).

    Please provide clarification on this matter.

    Answer: In accordance with clause 25 of the Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists from organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (RD-03-19-2007), approved by order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007. 37, the activities of attestation commissions are considered competent if at least five people - members of the commission, including the chairman or deputy chairman of this commission, participated in the decision on certification (knowledge testing).

    According to clause 18 of RD-03-19-2007, attestation commissions of supervised organizations are created by order (instruction) of the head of the organization. The certification commission of the organization includes the heads and chief specialists of the organization, heads and heads of departments, departments that carry out production and other types of internal control for compliance with safety requirements, representatives of emergency rescue services and other highly qualified specialists. The committee is headed by one of the leaders of the organization. The need for representatives of the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision to participate in the work of attestation commissions of supervised organizations is decided by the territorial body, unless this participation is established by the relevant regulatory legal acts.

    The formation of attestation commissions of organizations does not provide for the commissions to have at least five members certified according to specific industrial safety rules.

    The head of the organization (employer) is responsible for the organization of timely and high-quality training and testing of knowledge in the whole organization, and in the division of the organization - the head of the division.

    Question: The Marsyatsk Mine Administration is a branch of OJSC Serov Ferroalloy Plant. The number of employees of the branch is 200 people. the number of the plant is about 2500 people.

    I ask you to answer, in which commission should the managers and specialists of the branch be certified?

    The plant managers make it clear that we are, as it were, a workshop of the plant, which means that we must be certified by the factory commission, but for now we are certified by the territorial commission of Rostekhnadzor.

    Answer: Based on clause 11 of the Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists from organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (RD-03-19-2007), approved by order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37, certification of specialists is carried out in the commissions of organizations (in accordance with Article 105 of the Civil Code Russian Federation), as well as in the attestation commissions of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

    Based on the foregoing, the specialists of the branch must be certified by the certification commission of the organization.

    Question: In Appendix No. 1 (Minutes of the meeting of the certification commission of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia) to the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated April 30, 2002 No. 21 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations engaged in activities in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor Russia”, which is currently no longer valid, there was a column “conclusion of the commission”. The conclusion indicated what types of activities the head (specialist) was certified for - as a member of the certification commission, as a specialist of an expert organization responsible for supervision, responsible for good condition, etc. On the basis of this conclusion, responsible persons in the relevant branches of supervision were appointed by order in the organization.

    At present, due to the issuance of Order No. 37 of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 “On the Procedure for Training and Certification of Employees of Organizations Supervised by the Federal Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision Service”, there is no column “ conclusion of the commission”, but it is only indicated that the check was carried out to the extent corresponding to the official duties, which, in my opinion, is quite sufficient, especially since all the rules for safe operation (lifting mechanisms; pressure vessels, etc.) e.) it is indicated that certification in industrial safety in the relevant branches of supervision is sufficient for the appointment of responsible persons. However, many training organizations in the protocols indicate who the employee is certified as, and some Rostekhnadzor inspectors require the appointment of responsible persons in accordance with the certification protocol.

    Does the organization have the right to appoint as responsible (for supervision, for good condition, safe work, etc.), as well as a member of the certification commission for industrial safety, an employee who has been trained and tested in the amount corresponding to the job responsibilities of the general industrial safety requirements, established by federal laws, and special industrial safety requirements established in regulatory legal acts and regulatory and technical documents?

    For example, does the organization have the right to appoint the head of the technical (production, mechanical, etc.) department, who has passed the industrial safety knowledge test, responsible for supervising the safe operation of cranes, and other engineering and technical workers - responsible for the good condition and safe performance of work with a corresponding change (addition) in job descriptions?

    Answer: Based on clause 3 of the Regulation on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists from organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (RD-03-19-2007), approved by order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37, training and certification of security specialists is carried out in the amount corresponding to the official duties.

    The protocol and certificate of attestation are given in Annexes No. 1, 2 of RD-03-19-2007, additional entries in the sections of the protocol or certificate are not provided for by this regulatory act.

    According to paragraph 18 of RD-03-19-2007, attestation commissions of supervised organizations are created by order (instruction) of the head of the organization. The certification commission of the organization includes the heads and chief specialists of the organization, heads of departments and heads of departments that carry out production and other types of internal control over compliance with safety requirements, representatives of emergency rescue services and other highly qualified specialists. The committee is headed by one of the leaders of the organization. The need for representatives of the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision to participate in the work of attestation commissions of supervised organizations is decided by the territorial body, unless this participation is established by the relevant regulatory legal acts.

    Question: Some Rostekhnadzor inspectors believe that the validity period of a crane driver's license is no more than five years. After the expiration of five years from the date of issuance of the certificate, the Rostekhnadzor inspector sends (verbally) machinists to training centers for retraining and obtaining a new certificate.

    Other inspectors of Rostekhnadzor believe that the certificate is issued to the crane operator indefinitely.

    Please clarify which of the Rostekhnadzor inspectors is right?

    Answer: Certificates in the form of Appendix 16 of the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Load-Lifting Cranes (PB 10-382-00) are issued to crane operators once.

    The results of passing by the crane operators of the periodic knowledge test are drawn up in a protocol with a mark in the certificate. Retraining of crane operators operating cranes of the types specified in the certificate, and obtaining a new certificate at the same time, are not provided for by the rules.

    Question: Please clarify whether there are currently international or interstate agreements, possibly at the level of the Commonwealth of Independent States, establishing the procedure for recognizing documents on the training, attestation and certification of personnel in the field of industrial safety?

    In the absence of these agreements, I ask you to indicate the procedure for admitting citizens of the Union republics, trained and certified in the field of industrial safety in accordance with the legislative acts of the countries of residence, to work at HIFs.

    Answer: Recognition of foreign state documents on education, academic degrees and academic titles on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of:

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 14, 2009 No. 128 "On the procedure for recognizing and establishing the equivalence of documents of foreign states on education in the Russian Federation";

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2004 No. No. 468 “On signing the Agreement on mutual recognition and equivalence of documents on secondary (general) education, primary vocational and secondary vocational (special) education”;

    interstate agreements on mutual recognition of documents on education;

    other normative legal acts.

    At present, the Russian Federation has agreements on mutual recognition of documents on education, which determine the procedure and conditions for the recognition of documents on education, with all the former republics of the USSR, with the exception of the Baltic countries, Georgia and Uzbekistan.

    With regard to the interstate agreement establishing the procedure for recognizing documents on the training, attestation and certification of personnel in the field of industrial safety, we inform you that the working group No. meeting of the ISPB, a draft Agreement on the procedure for recognizing documents on the training, attestation and certification of personnel in the field of industrial safety (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) was submitted for consideration. The draft Agreement is currently inconsistent due to the fact that the requirements of regulatory legal acts regulating industrial safety issues in each state party to the Agreement have their own characteristics.

    During the VIII meeting of the ISPB (October 13-15, Armenia, Yerevan), when discussing the issue of agreeing on the said draft Agreement, it was decided to instruct the working group No. 3 to prepare proposals for amending the draft Agreement, taking into account the legislation of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

    With regard to admission to work at hazardous production facilities, we inform you that the requirements taken into account when organizing and conducting training and testing knowledge on the safety of workers in the main professions of organizations (regardless of the organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership of these organizations) that carry out construction, operation, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of dangerous production facility(hereinafter referred to as HIF), the manufacture, installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of technical devices (machinery and equipment) used at HIFs are set out in the Regulations on the organization of training and knowledge testing of workers' organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision ( RD-03-20-2007), approved by the order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37 "On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision", registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 22, 2007 registration No. 9133, and the obligation to conduct training and certification of employees, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. No. 116-FZ "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" is assigned to the organization operating HIFs.

    In connection with the foregoing, persons who have a certificate of qualification (profession), category, issued by an educational institution in the Russian Federation or in a CIS country with which there is an interstate agreement on mutual recognition and equivalence of documents on education and academic titles who have successfully passed in due course examinations on the conduct of specific work at the facility, who have received a certificate for admission to these works in the prescribed form, who have undergone safety briefing and received permission to work independently, issued by order of the organization.

    Question: I ask you to clarify the following situation: when transferring from the position of senior foreman of the section of mill "720" LPTs-3 to the position of deputy head of the workshop of LPTs-3, this employee has already been trained in safety rules ( General rules industrial safety for organizations operating in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities (PB 03-517-02), Rules for the design and safe operation of cranes (PB 10-382-00), General safety rules for metallurgical and coke-chemical enterprises and industries ( PB 11-493-02), Safety Rules in rolling production (PB 11-519-02) and certified up to 12 months. learn. In this regard, I ask you to clarify the correctness of the application of paragraph 3. “Training and certification of security specialists is carried out to the extent corresponding to their official duties” and clause 12. "Primary certification of specialists is carried out no later than one month: upon appointment; upon transfer to another job, if certification is required in the performance of official duties at this job" Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists from organizations supervised by the Federal Environmental Service, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (RD-03-19-2007).

    The head of the industrial safety department of Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant JSC requires re-training and re-certification of this employee in accordance with the position held.

    I believe that training and certification according to previously passed safety rules is not required.

    How right?

    Answer: Based on clause 3 of the Regulation on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists from organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (RD-03-19-2007), approved by order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37, training and certification of security specialists is carried out in the amount corresponding to the official duties.

    Based on clause 12 of RD-03-19-2007, primary certification of specialists is carried out no later than one month: upon appointment; upon transfer to another job, if certification is required in the performance of official duties at this job.

    According to clause 6 of the Regulations on the organization of training and testing the knowledge of workers organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (RD-03-20-2007), approved by order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37, responsible for organizing timely and quality training and testing of knowledge in the whole organization is the head of the organization (employer), and in the subdivision of the organization - the head of the subdivision.

    If a specialist is appointed to a new position, he must undergo certification in accordance with his duties.

    Question: According to RD-03-19-2007, the head of an expert organization must be certified by the Central Attestation Commission.

    LLC "NCTD" is engaged in the examination of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities for various types supervision.

    Please clarify whether it is sufficient for the leaders of an expert organization to be certified only according to general requirements industrial safety or is it also necessary to certify according to special industrial safety requirements for all types of supervision in which expertise activities are carried out?

    Answer: On the basis of clause 3 of RD-03-19-2007, the training and certification of security specialists are carried out in the amount corresponding to their official duties.

    If the head of the expert organization is engaged in the examination of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities by types of supervision, then the certification must be in accordance with the industrial safety requirements of these types of supervision.

    Question: RD-03-20-2007 specifies the recertification period, but does not specify the retraining period. At the same time, in RD-03-19-2007, the retraining period is indicated (5 years). In the former normative document, the retraining period for workers engaged in the operation lifting mechanisms(GPM), was 3 years old.

    Does this mean that workers, including those operating GPM, should not now undergo retraining?

    Answer: On the basis of clause 5 of RD-03-19-2007, certification of safety specialists is preceded by their training according to curricula developed taking into account standard programs approved by the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

    In accordance with paragraph 13. RD-03-19-2007 periodic certification of specialists is carried out at least once every five years, unless other periods are provided for by other regulations.

    According to paragraph 12 of RD-03-20-2007, retraining (retraining) of workers in the main professions is organized in order to master new professions by released workers who cannot be used in their existing professions, as well as by persons who have expressed a desire to change their profession.

    On the basis of clause 15 of RD-03-20-2007, the advanced training of workers is aimed at improving their professional knowledge, skills, and increasing their skills in existing professions. Advanced training is carried out in educational institutions in accordance with a license for the right to conduct educational activities.

    Workers are periodically tested for knowledge of production instructions and (or) instructions for specific professions at least once every 12 months. Workers, including those operating GPM, must undergo advanced training.

    In accordance with clause 6 of RD-03-20-2007, the head of the organization (employer) is responsible for organizing timely and high-quality training and testing of knowledge in the organization as a whole, and in the division of the organization - the head of the division.

    Question: The Institute of Additional Professional Education of the Kazan State Technological University (IDPO GOU VPO KSTU) is accredited as an independent certification and methodological center and has an accreditation certificate No. NAMTs-0604 (2) dated June 11, 2019.

    Since 2009, IDPO GOU VPO KSTU has been carrying out pre-certification training of specialists from organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, according to curricula agreed with the Volga Department of Rostekhnadzor.

    Certification of slingers according to the new rules, approved by order of Rostekhnadzor No. 533 dated November 12, 2013. The work of a slinger is complex, responsible, requires a high concentration of attention and professional savvy. Therefore, only certified workers are allowed to perform load handling functions such as strapping, connecting to a crane and moving loads at height.

    Training and certification in the profession of a slinger can be organized in an institution that has a license for this. Such a place can be both a training center and the organization itself.

    Professional teachers, thematic lesson plan and the necessary material and technical base are essential conditions for conducting legitimate education. The enterprise allocates a training class with visual materials.

    Maintain attendance and performance records. The program must be necessarily coordinated with Rostekhnadzor. Along with theoretical knowledge, practical classes are held. The main directions of the course:

    • Review of legislation;
    • Functional actions of the slinger before, during and after work;
    • Technological knowledge, namely the characteristics of equipment and materials;
    • Organization of work on the safe operation of lifting mechanisms;
    • Work production: types of cargo slinging
    • Labor protection: rules of electrical and fire safety, emergency actions, first aid.

    The attestation commission must include a member of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

    To apply for training, you must submit the following documents:

    • Full name, passport copy
    • Education documents
    • Photo 3 by 4 two pieces

    After that, an invoice will be issued, indicating the price of the course.

    It should be borne in mind that during the initial training, the slinger receives a maximum of only 3 categories.

    After successfully passing the qualification exam, the worker is issued a personal certificate with a personal photo sized 3 by 4, the seal of the organization and the signature of the head of the attestation commission. Before starting work, the slinger must check whether he has a document with him so that, if necessary, it is possible to present it.

    In the future, the slinger undergoes repeated checks:

    • At least once a year;
    • At the request of regulatory authorities;
    • With breaks in work for more than six months;
    • When applying for a job in another organization.

    The duration of training under the Slinger program is 72 hours. Retraining lasts 36 hours. The next check can be completed in a short time within 16 hours.

    The results of the exam are recorded in a numbered protocol. His details are indicated in the worker's certificate and are confirmed by the seal of the organization.

    The admission to work of a certified slinger is issued by order of the organization.

    For violation of the terms of training or its non-conduct, administrative sanctions may be applied to an official and legal entity.

    Cost of education

    • The primary order of certification - 5000 rubles. (72 hours)
    • The next order of certification - 2500 rubles. (4 pm)
    Download the whole price Leave a request

    1. Deadlines for re-testing the knowledge of slingers.

    Periodically at least once every 12 months;

    Extraordinary examination of knowledge is carried out:

    When moving to another place of work;

    At the request of the engineering supervisor for supervision or an official of Rostekhnadzor.

    2. Design features lifting devices (slings, traverses, grabs, etc.).

    Slings are: rope, chain, synthetic (kapron). According to the design, the slings are divided into: single-branch, universal, lightweight, group, combined, armored. Slings can end with hooks, clamps, carabiners and other grips.

    The traverse consists of a beam with lines attached to it by branches. The traverse is hung on the crane hook using a kerchief with an eye, or flexible or rigid rods.

    Clamps are levers pivotally connected to each other. They are divided into clamping (the ends of the levers approach when the crane hook moves), frictional (the working levers interact with the surface of the load due to friction forces), eccentric (consist of a bracket and one or two articulated eccentrics).

    3. Responsibilities of the slinger when lifting and moving the load.

    Before moving the load, raise it to a height of 200-300 mm and check the reliability of the slinging. If it is necessary to correct it, the load must be lowered. When moving in a horizontal direction, the load is lifted to a height above 0.5 m of the objects encountered. When moving the load, the slinger accompanies it at a safe distance. Make sure that the load does not catch on anything and does not move over people. If it is not possible to accompany the cargo, the crane operator monitors it.

    4. Choice of slings for lifting sheet metal.

    The slinger must hook the sheet metal with a multi-branch sling with special devices in the form of clamps, eccentric grips. When moving the Me pack, special linings (wood, rubber, a pipe cut along the length) are placed under the sharp ribs.

    5. Safety measures for stowage and unslinging of cargo

    6.1 The slinger must carry out the stacking and dismantling of cargo in accordance with the maps of cargo storage, evenly without violating the dimensions and norms established for cargo storage.

    6.2 Before lowering the load, the slinger must:

    1. Preliminarily inspect the place on which it is necessary to lower the load, and make sure that it is impossible for the load to fall, tip over or slip.

    2. At the place of installation of the load, it is necessary to lay strong spacers (of the same size in height) so that the slings can be easily and without damage removed from under the load.

    3. It is allowed to remove slings and other lifting devices from the load or crane hook only after lowering and secure installation cargo.

    6.3 The slinger is prohibited from placing the load on temporary ceilings, pipes, cables, covers sewer wells, on walkways, driveways, as well as clutter up approaches to crane switches, crane landing sites, fire electrical panels and other places not intended for stowage of cargo.

    6.4. The slinger must not set the load at an angle to the walls of buildings, fences, equipment, etc.

    3.1. The procedure for training and certification of slingers and riggers permission (license).

    Training should be carried out according to the programs: workers - according to the programs developed by the training centers; slingers - according to programs agreed with the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia).

    The results of certification and periodic testing of knowledge of employees must be documented in a protocol with a mark in the certificate.

    The participation of a representative of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia in the work of the qualification commission during the initial certification of slingers is mandatory.

    After certification, the slinger and rigger are issued a certificate of the established form, which they must have with them during work.

    The employer is obliged to provide training for labor safety in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-90 “SSBT. Organization of labor safety training”.

    Training of employees on labor protection should be carried out in the form of introductory briefing, initial briefing at the workplace, repeated briefing, unscheduled briefing, targeted briefing and special training.

    Employees involved in the production processes of loading, unloading and transporting goods must know:

    The device and rules for the safe operation of lifting and Vehicle, their production instructions and instructions of related professions;

    Purpose and content of performed operations and their connection with other operations;

    Purpose, arrangement and requirements for equipment, removable load-handling devices, containers, etc.;

    Dangerous and harmful properties of materials, semi-finished products, finished products and other handled goods;

    Dangerous and harmful production factors of the processes of loading, unloading, transportation and storage of goods;

    Techniques for the safe performance of production operations of loading and unloading and transport operations;

    Fire safety rules;

    Rules of personal hygiene, methods of providing first medical aid;

    Rules of internal labor regulations in the organization.

    Admission to independent work must be issued by order (instruction) for the organization. For hanging a load on a hook without prior strapping (load having loops, frames, trunnions, and also located in buckets, tubs, containers or other containers) or in cases where the load is captured by semi-automatic gripping devices, workers of the main professions may be allowed, in addition trained professions of a slinger under an abbreviated program. These workers should be subject to the same requirements as for slingers.

    Workers of the main professions (machinist, assembler, rigger, etc.) are allowed to control the crane from the floor or from a stationary console and to hook the load on the hook of such a crane after appropriate instruction and verification of skills in operating the crane and slinging in the manner established by the owner of the crane. To control cranes by radio are allowed workers who have a certificate of a crane operator and have been trained in a program for training crane operators.

    Basic workers who operate cranes that are operated from the floor or from a stationary console and carry out loads must be re-instructed every three months.

    3.2. The timing of the re-test of knowledge and the basic requirements of the production instruction for slingers

    Re-testing the knowledge of slingers by the qualification commission should be carried out:

    Periodically, at least once a year;

    When an employee moves from one enterprise to another;

    At the request of an inspector of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia or an engineering and technical worker for supervision of the safe operation of hoisting machines.

    Re-testing of knowledge should be carried out in the scope of the production instruction. The participation of the inspector of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia in the repeated examination of the knowledge of the slinger is not required.

    The enterprise should develop a production instruction for a worker of this profession, which is compiled on the basis of a standard instruction, taking into account local conditions for the production of work - types of cranes, climatic features, etc.

    The production instruction (with or without additions) should be put into effect by order for the enterprise and regularly reviewed.

    The instruction is issued (under signature) to each employee before admission to work.

    Control questions

    1. What is the procedure for training and admission to work of a slinger and rigger?

    2. What is the procedure for re-testing the slinger's knowledge?

    3. What is the procedure for developing and approving production instructions?


    4.1. Technical supervision of the safe operation of cranes

    Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia exercises state supervision over compliance with safety requirements in the design, manufacture, installation, repair and operation of cranes, hoists (towers), elevators, escalators, funiculars, suspended passenger and cargo cableways.

    Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia directs its activities towards identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to the occurrence of accidents and industrial injuries, improving and ensuring compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation for the safe conduct of work, and for this purpose monitors compliance with norms, rules and instructions in the manufacture and operation of cranes.

    An integral part of technical supervision is preventive work to monitor compliance with safety rules and the implementation of emergency instructions, instructions, and the organization of labor protection measures.

    Preventive work includes:

    Survey and target checks;

    Technical certification;

    Inspections and repairs;

    Preparation of technical documentation for supervision;

    Personnel certification;

    Drawing up acts, instructions;

    Conducting seminars, meetings, meetings, etc. Technical supervision is divided into two types: state and departmental.

    The main tasks of state technical supervision:

    Organization and regulation of industrial safety and state supervision for the safe conduct of work, arrangement and safe operation of equipment;

    Organization and implementation to prevent and eliminate them harmful influence on the population, the natural environment, objects of the national economy, as well as on the protection of subsoil;

    Development and implementation of measures to prevent accidents and industrial injuries;

    Establishment of requirements for the safe conduct of work, arrangement, manufacture and safe operation of equipment, as well as for the protection of subsoil and the processing of mineral raw materials;

    Licensing of certain types of activities;

    Participation in the development and control over the implementation of scientific and technical programs.

    Departmental technical supervision is obliged to:

    Supervise the technical condition and safe operation of hoisting machines, removable load gripping devices, containers, crane tracks and take measures to prevent violations of safety rules;

    Conduct an inspection of hoisting machines and issue permits for their operation, as well as keep records and conduct an inspection of trucks that are not regulated by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;

    Monitor compliance with the instructions of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and compliance with the schedules for inspection and repair of lifting machines and the timing of inspection of load handling devices and containers;

    Check compliance with the procedure for allowing workers to operate hoisting machines and their maintenance, as well as participate in commissions for certification and periodic testing of maintenance knowledge of repair personnel, for testing the knowledge of engineering and technical workers (responsible for maintaining hoisting machines in good condition and persons responsible for the safe performance of works by cranes);

    Control the availability and implementation of production instructions by maintenance personnel, engineers and persons responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes;

    Check compliance with safety rules, PPR and technological regulations during PPR, paying attention Special attention on the correctness of the methods used for slinging goods, compliance with the dimensions of the storage of goods, the correct installation of cranes, the use right tricks work and personal security measures, compliance with the system of work permits.

    Appoint an engineering and technical worker to supervise the safe operation of hoisting machines, removable load gripping devices and containers, an engineering and technical worker responsible for maintaining hoisting machines in good condition, and a person responsible for the safe operation of cranes;

    Establish a repair service, establish a procedure for maintenance and repair, training and testing the knowledge of personnel servicing hoisting machines, and provide them with necessary instructions and rules.

    The operation of cranes must be carried out strictly in accordance with the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Hoisting Cranes and other regulatory documents.

    The rules apply to most lifting devices, containers and removable load handling devices.

    Lifting machines that are not subject to registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia are taken into account by the company's supervision service and pass the necessary Maintenance in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Cranes. Cars are transferred to the site in good condition according to a special transfer act.

    Hello Tatiana.

    Requirements for the organization and conduct of training and testing of knowledge of workers in the main professions of organizations operating in the field of industrial safety are established by the Regulations on the organization of training and testing of knowledge of workers' organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, approved by Order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37, registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice on March 22, 2007, reg. No. 9133:

    26. In the organizations specified in paragraph 2 of this Regulation, production instructions are developed and approved in the manner established in these organizations. Production instructions are developed on the basis of the qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books and / or professional standards for the relevant professions of workers, as well as taking into account the specifics technological processes specific production. These instructions are located at the workplace and are issued against signature to workers, for whom knowledge of these instructions is mandatory. Before being allowed to work independently, after a safety briefing, workers are tested for knowledge of the instructions.
    Knowledge testing is carried out in the commission of the organization or division of the organization, the composition of the commission is determined by the order of the organization. The procedure for testing knowledge, registration of the results of testing knowledge is carried out in the manner established in the organization. A worker who has successfully passed the knowledge test is issued a certificate for the right to independent work.
    Order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 N 37 (as amended on June 30, 2015) "On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision" (together with the "Regulation on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists of organizations , supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision", "Regulations on the organization of training and testing the knowledge of workers' organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision") (ConsultantPlus)

    This normative act does not specify in any way the composition of the commission and the procedure for conducting knowledge tests, including repeated ones. It seems that the commission should include a certified industrial safety specialist, heads of production sites (divisions), and an occupational safety specialist. The same commission has the right to conduct repeated checks, I believe.

    Approve the procedure for conducting repeated inspections in the relevant LNA of the organization. It is possible, by analogy, to conduct inspections for health and safety.