Toilet      08.03.2020

Installing a bathtub on a brick correctly and reliably. Installing a bathtub on bricks - a step-by-step guide to work How to overlay a bathtub with bricks



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Installing a bathtub on bricks: a practical way or an anachronism?

As it may seem at first glance, installing a bathtub on bricks is not at all a relic of the total deficit of the past period. On the contrary, today this "old-fashioned" method is actively used when installing the most modern baths embedded type.

Steel baths

  • Made from sheet metal stamping method, steel tubs are very light;
  • Under influence hot water the metal expands, and the bottom of the bathtub slightly bends (by 2-4 mm);
  • Due to such temperature fluctuations, the edge of the bath moves away from the walls, destroying the laid tiles.

For reference: the bath legs included in the kit very often do not stand up to criticism. And if the manufacturer supplies his product with strong and stable supports, then he will certainly increase the cost of the entire plumbing kit.

Installation process

So, you have purchased a bath and delivered it home. It remains only to figure out how to install a bath on bricks. And for this you need quite a bit:

  • Purchase building materials;
  • Prepare the base of the floor;
  • Raise supports;
  • Install bath.

We agree with such a plan of action, only we will add a point about careful measurements. Traditionally, the height installed bath should not exceed 55-60 cm, respectively, the height of the bases should take into account these parameters.

Advice: Experienced craftsmen it is advised to apply markings on the floor, according to which in the future it will be easy to control the process of erecting supports. It can be done with a simple pencil or chalk.

Acquisition of building materials

Since steel bathtubs belong to the budget class of plumbing, use simple and commonly available materials to create supports:

  • Red brick;
  • silicate brick;
  • Foam block;
  • aerated concrete;
  • Cinder block, etc.

In addition, you will need cement, sand and water, as well as tools:

  • Container for mixing the solution;
  • Trowel (trowel);
  • Level;
  • Roulette.

Tip: if you do not have a trowel, then a spatula or even a piece of durable plastic can easily replace it.

Foundation preparation

Surely there was or is on the floor of your bathroom ceramic tile. Even if its condition does not cause concern, it is still necessary to dismantle it at the place where the supports are erected.

Tip: But first, determine exactly where the supports will be installed - just measure on an inverted bathtub from the edge to the support line.

Let's start preparing the foundation. To do this, we arm ourselves with a hammer and a chisel and:

  • knock down a few tiles;
  • remove the old solution;
  • clean the place from dust and dirt.

Laying process

Let's start building a solid foundation:

  • knead the solution by adding components at the rate of 3 parts of sand, 1 part of cement and water until a thick consistency is formed;
  • apply the solution with a trowel on the prepared base;
  • install the first brick on the mortar;
  • we tap it so that it is firmly fixed on the solution;
  • we lay the next brick in a row and repeat the fixing process;
  • we pick up the level, and while the solution is plastic, we level the horizontal position of the first row of bricks according to the level;
  • we apply a new portion of the mortar to the laid bricks;
  • lay out the second row.

Tip: on average, red bricks are laid out in 3-4 rows, silicate bricks in 2 rows, cinder blocks, foam blocks and aerated concrete in 1.5 rows. Such a height of rows with a bathtub erected on them will be within a comfortable 55-60 cm.

Acrylic bathtubs

Most acrylic models are equipped with steel frames by manufacturers. But structurally, their installation is quite complicated, because:

  • The attachment points of the elements must be drilled;
  • Some of them are connected to the bathroom only specially reinforced in places. Errors lead to cracking of acrylic;
  • Assembling a tub with a hydromassage of an angular or shaft shape takes a lot of time and requires scrupulousness and perseverance.

Moreover, all this does not guarantee the stability and solidity of an acrylic bathroom. Therefore, we can advise the construction of additional supports, the role of which will be in:

  • Maintaining bathroom wings (especially corner ones);
  • Formation decorative screen based on the side wall being erected, etc.

In other words, setting acrylic bath on bricks this is not a replacement for "native" legs, but only an addition to the supports to make the bathroom more stable.

Cast iron bathtubs

Apart from luxury cast iron bathtubs that cost thousands of dollars, a standard built-in cast iron bathtub is quite appropriate in modern apartment. Moreover, she has only 4 legs, which are easy to screw and adjust.

But the masters have serious arguments in this regard:

  • The contact patch of the cast-iron leg is small (from 2 to 4 sq. dm);
  • The weight of modern products exceeds 100 kg, and with a volume of 250 liters, each leg accounts for 25% of the weight (almost 90 kg);
  • To exclude deformation of the floor, the craftsmen suggest erecting brick supports, similar to the installation of metal bathtubs.

Conclusions: we hope that we were able to clarify the situation regarding the bricks in the bathroom. And you do not perceive them as an anachronism, but as one of the most effective construction technologies aimed at improving the stability of the bath.

Modern manufacturers of plumbing fixtures are now increasingly offering shower enclosures with many different functions.

But no shower cabin can replace an ordinary bath, because such a font is universal, you can relax and relieve fatigue after a hard day.

Most often, the bathtub is mounted on legs, but it should be remembered that over time the legs of the bathtub loosen and if this is not noticed in time, the font may tip over at the most inopportune moment.

How to ensure greater stability of the bowl? A reliable way to fix the bowl will help with this - installing the bath on bricks.

How to install a bath on bricks is described in this article.

Preparing the room for installation

The preparation of the room for installation should be carried out as carefully as possible. Attention should be paid to the evenness of the floor, check the quality of the waterproofing.

In the case when it is planned to lay tiles on the floor, it is recommended to use a cement mortar to fix the tiles, rather than ordinary tile adhesive.

This is due to the fact that in case of uneven application of glue, empty areas can form under the tile.

By installing a bath on such a tile, you can find backfire carelessness - cracks, or even completely broken tiles.

If wall cladding involves the use of this product, then in this case the tile is attached to the wall only after the bath is installed.

Why put on bricks

A bathtub on bricks is a method used as often as installing a bathtub on legs. What are the advantages of brick supports?

  1. Durability. Although the legs remain stable for quite a long time (approximately 10 years), after this period they begin to loosen. As a result, the bowl itself is deformed, which leads to the fact that after taking a bath, water flows down the drain for a very long time. With brick supports, such problems never arise.
  2. Versatility. With the help of brick laying, it is possible to install a bathtub from any material.
  3. Bricks are not subject to corrosion. Legs, on the other hand, will rust over time.
  4. Bricks withstand intense weight loads. An overweight person can take water procedures without fear of the tub tipping over.

Of course, this method also has a drawback - the high installation cost. It consists of the cost of bricks and the mixture used to prepare the mortar. Usually it is cement - sand mix.

Necessary materials

Installing a bath on bricks with your own hands is not complete without the following materials:

  1. The brick itself. It is recommended to use red brick without voids inside. Bricks should be purchased in quantities of at least 15 pieces.
  2. Cement - sand mixture for the preparation of the solution.
  3. Specialized tape sealant.
  4. Metal profiles.
  5. Bulgarian and self-tapping screws (required for fixing the bath).
  6. Building level.
  7. Special protective rubber pads (laid between the bottom of the bath and the brick).
  8. Master OK.

We measure the dimensions

First of all, you need to check the surface on which the bath will be located. If there are gaps and cracks, they must be cleaned and repaired with a cement mortar.

Undoubtedly, it is better to carry out this procedure immediately than to suffer afterward, fixing the location of the plumbing with the help of boards or any auxiliary materials.

The next step is to measure the tub. Need to measure:

  • font length and width;
  • bathing tank depth;
  • distance from the installation site of the supports to the ends of the bath. If there are difficulties in measuring the distance between the rows of bricks, you need to measure a distance of 25 centimeters from the middle of the bath in both directions. At the points obtained, brickwork should be located;

According to the rules, when measuring the dimensions of the bowl, it must be taken into account that the height of the bath from the floor should reach 55 - 70 centimeters.

Determining the desired height is simple - you need to understand how it will be most convenient to take water procedures directly to homeowners and opt for the resulting indicator.

It must also be remembered that there is no need to form a slope of the font towards the drain hole, since modern baths already equipped with a slope at the factory.

How to arrange in a room

When planning the location of the font, it must be remembered that it should fit as tightly as possible to the wall.

If this condition is not observed and there is no specific treatment between the bathroom and the wall, fungus and mold will multiply very quickly, and this will cause great inconvenience.

Speaking of end walls it should be noted that between them and the bathroom, on the contrary, there should be a small gap, which after installation just needs to be treated with a sealant.

Such a gap must be present in case of overheating or expansion of the bath. In such cases, with a snug fit of the end sides to the wall, it can be deformed.

You need to check the container for a slope. If it is still missing, you need to make racks of different heights.

The slope must be made towards the drain of the water so that it does not linger in the bowl after water procedures.

Installation of props

After all measurements, you can begin to prepare a cement-sand mortar, and then to the manufacture of supports.

The standard mixture looks like this - one part of cement is mixed with four parts of sand, with the addition of not a large number water.

There are several types of brick supports:

  1. Columns. The universal and most commonly used method. For the manufacture of brick columns, much less material is required than in other cases, so this method can be considered economical. However, such supports are more suitable for mounting cast iron bath. The bottom of a bowl made of cast iron does not need support, since, unlike tubs made of steel or acrylic, it cannot be deformed under intense weight loads.
  2. Podium. This method is just right for acrylic and steel fonts. The essence of the method is that a substrate of bricks is located under the bottom of the bath, repeating its shape. Such masonry helps to evenly distribute the load on the bowl, preventing it from deforming. The disadvantage of the podium is the use of a large number of bricks, which leads to significant financial costs.
  3. Perimeter supports. Such supports are installed in combination with standard legs. It turns out that the legs support the bottom of the font, and the brick supports support the edges of the bath. The method is certainly useful, but if a special window is not left in advance, service maintenance of the communication system can be difficult.

The shape of the supports also depends on the shape of the bathing tank itself:

  • rectangular. Such models usually have rounded edges;
  • triangular. Required for corner bath;
  • oval;
  • bevelled;

It is important to remember that you do not need to install the bath immediately on brickwork. It is recommended that the first step is to install a siphon with overflow on the bath and only after that fix the bowl on the bricks.

Bathroom installation

All actions must be carried out with the utmost care, coordinating them with a partner.

On initial stage a protective rubber gasket is needed. First of all, it must be laid on brick supports.

In the case when the bath is classic, it sinks to the bottom building level. Next, you need to take it from both sides and slowly level it. If the bottom of the bathtub is of a non-standard shape, the level is applied from the outside.

The next step is to check the bath for strength. To perform the check, you need to grab the edge of the bath and perform such an action as if the bowl needs to be swung. The slightest movement means the instability of the structure.

In this case, everything needs to be carefully examined and eliminated.

After checking the bath and eliminating the shortcomings, if any, you can additionally fix the bowl with metal profiles, grinders and self-tapping screws.

Rigid fixation and pipe installation

In the case when it is required to install an acrylic bath, the choice should be made on the podium made of bricks and additional brick racks installed around the perimeter of the bowl.

If a steel tub is chosen for the bathroom, it is recommended to add additional supports to it for greater strength. It can be brick racks or a wall. What to choose from this?

The answer is simple - if the bathtub is surrounded by walls on three sides, racks are suitable, since such a bowl is quite stable. If the bath is in contact with only one side of the wall, then a wall is suitable in this situation.

After the bowl is completely fixed, you can proceed with the installation of the pipe. This requires a 90 degree pipe and a 45 degree elbow.

These elements must be made of plastic. Unite plastic corrugation and sewer outlet is recommended carefully, slowly.

All elements must fit snugly together, providing the necessary tightness. To do this, all joints must be treated with a sealant and allowed to dry completely.

After the sealant has dried, it must be checked. The bathtub needs to be filled with water, the water drain must be opened and the water drained from the font.

Ideally, the water from the bath should leave freely, the joints and joints do not leak. All these actions are carried out several more times, then the structure must be allowed to rest for a day and such a check should be carried out again.

After reading this article, we can conclude that you can install the bath on brick supports with your own hands, using a small set of tools and materials.

After completing all the steps described, you can safely take water procedures without thinking about how stable the bath is. And the realization that all the work is done by hand increases the pleasure of the process.

You can install a bath in your house or apartment different ways. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most popular method is to install the bathtub on bricks. The positive aspects of installing this plumbing equipment in this way, experts consider its stability and improvement. That is why, before choosing any of the options, it is worth analyzing all the features and nuances of the work in each case.

Installing a bathtub on acrylic bricks

Such an activity as installing an acrylic bath on bricks involves the use of a completely standard set of materials and tools. They are a hammer, self-tapping screws, bricks, cement mortar, rags, tape sealant, metallic profile and polyurethane foam for s / t devices. Once everything you need is purchased and prepared, you can get to work.

laying bricks

Directly on the floor in the place where the bath will stand, you should start laying brickwork in the form of low supports. In doing so, several important factors should be taken into account:

  • the distance from the floor to the edge of the bath should be no more than 60 cm;
  • the slope towards the drain of the bath should be about 2 centimeters;
  • the distance between the supports should be about 50-60 cm.

The dimensions of the brick supports should be calculated based on the dimensions of the bath itself. In view of the fact that they can be quite diverse, it is impossible to give any universal advice on this matter.

Bath installation

Installing an acrylic bath on bricks with your own hands is quite simple. This is primarily due to the fact that its weight is not very large. There are two possible mounting types:

  1. Installation directly on the bricks themselves without the use of legs.
  2. Combined installation, which involves the use of not only bricks as a support, but also the legs that come with the kit.

In the second case, you must first install the bath along with the legs, and then measure all the distances that these elements occupy. With this in mind, it is worth equipping the brickwork itself in addition.

You should not use foam as a sound deadening agent for acrylic bathtubs, as they do not make too loud sounds when filled with water.

It is worth remembering that in no case should you install a bathtub on a brickwork that has not yet dried. It is also important to consider that between the building material and the container itself there must be either a cement pad or a mounting foam.

Closing cracks and gaps

Do-it-yourself installation also involves the use of foam and tile adhesive. These materials should be used in those places where there are any gaps or gaps between the bathroom and other elements of the interior of the room.

The joints between the tile and the container should be sealed with tape sealant. It's best if he white color. In the absence of such material, it is worth using building silicone. This will completely cover even the smallest gaps. The advantage of using such a material is that it is transparent.

Installing a cast iron bath

They differ in significant weight. They, unlike acrylic products, can have a very significant mass, so their installation is quite laborious and complicated. In addition, such baths emit noise when filled with water, which must be taken into account when installing them. Wherein similar products have a lot of advantages, such as accessibility, long-term preservation of heat, etc.

Due to the heavy weight of cast iron bathtubs, their legs often break during operation. Therefore, many experts recommend immediately placing these products on reliable brick supports. In this case, you should not worry about any breakdowns.

Preparatory work

Installation of a cast-iron bath on bricks should begin with certain preparatory work. First of all, this concerns the introduction of these products into the room. They can significantly damage doorways and walls. Because of this, it is best to cast iron bath wrap with materials that can serve as softening seals.

For a more convenient connection of the siphon in the room where the bath will be installed, it is worth putting the container on one of the sides. In this case, it is very important to use waterproofing in the form of a gasket under the drain ring. This can prevent the possibility of water leaking onto the floor.

For a more reliable installation of a cast-iron bath, this process should be done by a combined method - with the installation of legs and brick supports.

Implementation of brickwork

It is best to do brickwork along the entire length of the cast-iron bath. This will directly affect the strength of this structure. Sand-cement mortar should be used as follows:

  • 1 part binder - cement;
  • 4 parts filler - sand.

The height of the bath together with the supports should not exceed 60-70 centimeters. Thus, it will be necessary to use no more than 20-30 bricks. If you make supports around the entire perimeter, the material consumption will be more significant.

It is also necessary to provide for a slope. Just 2 centimeters is enough. Most often, one support is made with a height of 19 centimeters, and the other - 17 centimeters.

In the case of using bricks around the perimeter of the bath, it is best to first mark with chalk the locations of the legs, pores, etc. This can greatly simplify the work and eliminate measurement errors.

Brickwork after installing a bath on it can be additionally smeared with fresh mortar. This slightly improves its strength characteristics and stability.

Additional arrangement

Cast iron tubs make a lot of noise when filled with water. Therefore, experts recommend processing the outer surface of these products polyurethane foam. It will absorb sounds and make the operation of the bath more comfortable.

It is worth applying foam to the bath before it is planted on the brickwork. It is also worth noting that there should be a layer on top between the supports and the container. It can be done both with the help of a cement-sand mortar, and with the help of the same mounting foam.

The outer edge of the bath should exceed the level of the part that is located near the wall by 0.5-1 centimeter. This is to prevent the overflow of water falling on the wall of the container to the outside.

The cast-iron bath should be seated on the not yet dried foam, located on the supports. At the same time, it is worth using the building level to monitor how smoothly this is done.

That part of the cast-iron bath, which is under the wall, must be sealed with tile adhesive. On top of it, you can additionally use silicone sealant. This will prevent the pores and cracks that may form in the material. Other joints can also be treated in a similar way.


Proper installation is a guarantee of long-term use of the container, as well as the prevention of adverse situations and breakdowns. That is why this action should be carried out as carefully and correctly as possible. In the future, this may play a very important role.

Installing a bathtub on bricks is a process that is both troublesome and simple. It may well be mastered by a non-specialist who has elementary skills in working with bricks.

Most bathtubs have metal legs included, but craftsmen assure that a bathtub on a brick base will last much longer due to a more secure fit.

You can put the bath where it should perform its functions, you can different ways. Their choice depends on the type and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the presence of a combination with the bathroom, the size and shape of the bath itself, the presence of objects in the room that limit the ability to maneuver.

Installing a bathtub on legs does not guarantee its stability, since the fasteners loosen over time, requiring repair. One of the most reliable ways is to install a bathtub on bricks. Its advantages are as follows:

  • increase the service life of the product;
  • great stability;
  • increased strength;
  • the possibility of increasing the load on plumbing;
  • reducing the likelihood of emergencies.

A brick pedestal, built in accordance with all the rules of building art, is a good basis not only for monuments, but also for a wonderful plumbing fixture. The brick bath itself is also an original structure.

Bath tile options

Bath tubs may vary. It depends on the specifics of the room, the features of the bath, the production needs, the capabilities and imagination of a person. Summarizing all this diversity, we can distinguish the following most popular options:

  1. Two supports in the form of small walls supporting the bath. Usually they are made with a concavity at the top in the shape of the vessel.
  2. A solid pedestal supporting the entire base of the bath.
  3. Building a brick wall around the edges of the bath. Most often, such a structure is erected when installing a corner acrylic bath.

There is no fundamental difference in the technology of formation of these clutches. The differences are only in the number building material and labor expended.

Installing a bath on bricks: an algorithm of actions

Before proceeding with laying, it is necessary to take all measurements. This should be done in order to understand how to optimally place the sanitary container. Further work is carried out in stages:

  1. On the area allotted for the bathroom, it is necessary to lay brick racks so that you can install a bath on them without the risk of it slipping. Racks must be placed so that between them there is a distance that fits into the interval from 50 to 60 cm.
  2. After the brickwork has dried, the process of installing the product itself begins. Installing an acrylic bath on bricks is the least difficult and time consuming. The lightness of this product facilitates the installation process, but does not reduce the requirements for the quality and dimensions of the masonry, since you should always take into account the peculiarities of using the product with water and the person placed in it.

There are only 2 types of product installation - with and without legs.

In the first version, the bath rests both on a brick pedestal and on legs corresponding to the model of the product. In the second, the plumbing object lies completely only on the brickwork.

Usually a combined option with bricks and legs is chosen for heavy objects. Sometimes brick supports are formed after the bath has been installed on legs and has been used for some time.

Before installing steel bath on the legs, in the combined version, you must first completely fix them, then measure the height between the floor surface and the bottom of the product, as well as the distance between the legs. This will allow you to correctly calculate the number of bricks for masonry.

The choice of a combined option is sometimes due to aesthetic considerations. When the bath is standing on legs, and the bricks only help to keep it firmly, the design looks more elegant.


Before installing the bath on the bricks, you need to apply mounting foam on top of them, when they dry out. After that, we install a bath on a still fresh foam. In order for seating on the foam to be faster and more reliable, it is necessary to fill the bathtub with water and put a mounting level on its edge. This is necessary in order to track the resulting slope as the foam shrinks.

Once the bricks have been laid with your own hands, the bathtub is installed and properly leveled, it is time to close up the gaps and correct what is done with flaws. To enhance the adhesion of the bottom surface of the bath with a solution, mounting foam is usually used. It can also be used to fill gaps. If desired, they can be closed cement mortar With tile adhesive.

The joints between the bathroom and the wall are closed with tape sealant. For this purpose, you can use sanitary silicone, which masks well all the bumps, holes and cracks.

Sealing is necessary not only to prevent water from entering the space outside the bath, but, above all, to ensure that moisture does not enter the masonry and building foam area.

Subtleties and details of the process

The described process is simple, but you need to know some of its features:

  1. The top of the bath should not be higher than 60 cm from the floor surface.
  2. Should be paid Special attention the angle and direction of the slope at which the object will be placed. This is necessary in order to correctly calculate the placement of sewer pipes. Mistakes in this matter will lead to problems with draining water. Usually the difference between the height of the sides is 2 cm.
  3. When forming a pedestal, it is necessary to take into account not only the size and configuration of the bath, but also the material from which it is made. Most of the problems are created by cast iron and hardware. They are heavy, which creates a load on the brick base.
  4. You should not install the bath immediately after you have completed the construction of the brick support. First, everything must be dried.
  5. Sometimes construction foam cover not only the brick base, but also the outer surface of the bath. This is done for better soundproofing. It is not necessary to cover the entire acrylic bathtub with foam, because it absorbs sound well by itself.
  6. You can adjust the angle of inclination using pieces of bricks and cement mortar. If you are working with an acrylic bath, you need to ensure that sharp corners brick fragments did not pierce it.


Despite the simplicity, this case has a lot of nuances. But you can manage everything if you follow the tips for installing a bathtub.

When buying a bath, you need to immediately consider its installation, and what it will stand on: factory legs or bricks. Some will prefer the first option, and when installing the bathtub, it turns out that the bathtub on them is unable to take the correct horizontal position and will be unstable, therefore the second type of support is the most practical, so we will consider it further.

Installing a cast iron bath on brick supports

Before installation, you need to free up space near the bathroom, and carefully take measurements. Since the cast-iron product is not easy, it is necessary to accurately determine its location, and to protect the jambs of the door, which may suffer when making a bath, it is necessary to wrap them soft cloth, securing it with staples from a construction pistol.

Before carrying out the installation procedure, two dozen red bricks, a container for mixing cement mortar, a trowel and a trowel should be prepared. The planned installation is not difficult, but it is difficult to redo it due to the large mass of the bath, so you should tune in to the correct installation and follow the tips described below exactly.

Bath installation algorithm:

  1. Bring cast iron into the bathroom . Install the supplied feet.
  2. Assemble the siphon . Check the correctness and reliability of its installation.
  3. Blow out the bottom with mounting foam . This is necessary if you want to make the bath noise-absorbing. Only when applying foam, it is necessary to ensure that its layer does not protrude due to the collar of the cast-iron product, otherwise it will become loose against the wall.
  4. Take bath measurements . To accurately make brick supports, measure the distance from the bottom of the product to the end of the legs. And you also need to find out the size between the legs, this parameter with an allowance of 10 mm will correspond to the size of the brickwork.
  5. Mount the bath to the wall . This pre-assembly, at which you need to put it close to the wall, and adjust the slope of the front and rear sides so that the front part is higher than the one located near the wall, this will prevent water from flowing out of the bath. Then it needs to be taken out.
  6. Knead sand-cement mortar . The optimal ratio for its preparation is a mixture of 4 parts of quartz sand and 1 part of grade 400 cement. At the end, water is added to them, the amount of which is determined by the state of the mixture. It is better to start with small portions, and then top up as needed. If, nevertheless, the solution turned out to be watery, then cement should be added to it. For a stronger composition, half of the solution can be replaced with tile adhesive, due to which it will become more plastic.
  7. Carry out the laying of supports . We must not forget about the slope to the side rear wall. From each edge of the masonry it is necessary to lay half a brick. After that, the brick structure is left to stand for 24-48 hours to allow the cement mixture to harden.
  8. Carry out final assembly. A layer of mortar should be laid out on the upper part of the bricks, on the central support it should be no more than 2 cm, a small depression should be made in it, repeating the shape of the bottom. On the shoulders of the bathtub, which are adjacent to the wall, it is necessary to apply tile adhesive, smearing the same places on the wall itself. Place the bathtub on brick supports and press it firmly against the wall.
  9. Carry out installation supervision . It is necessary to control the slope of the bath, and if it is necessary to adjust it with the help of legs or by laying additional pieces of brick between the supports and the bottom, and if there are gaps in these places, then they must be sealed with mortar. In the case of applying mounting foam on one side, then it must be blown out and front side, taking into account the size up to the shoulder, and not exceeding it.
After installing the bath, it is necessary to check the operation of the siphon: draw a small amount of water into the bathroom and open the drain, if nothing is leaking, then everything is fine.

If the bath will be installed on bricks without legs, then you should not overestimate its location. Optimal height is 70 cm, but in most cases the installation takes place at 60 cm, it is not advisable to carry out its installation above, since it will be inconvenient to climb into it.

Installation on a brick frame of an acrylic bath

The low weight of such a product can give a false impression, because in comparison with the cast-iron counterpart, it is a fluff and it seems that the reinforcement of the supports in the form of brickwork is superfluous. But this is a wrong opinion.

Firstly, a bathtub filled with water, no matter what material it is, weighs decently, and its legs, unable to withstand such a mass, disperse. Secondly, they rust over time and can easily crumble, because of this there are problems with the misalignment of the bath, and it affects the drain of water - it stagnates in the drain hole. There are cases when acrylic bathtubs burst under the weight of a large volume of water. Based on this, it becomes clear that brick supports must be installed under such products in order to extend their service life.

Acrylic bathtubs can be of different shapes: oval, rectangular with rounded edges, triangular and beveled, but the principle of installing brick supports remains the same for everyone. The main thing is to adjust them to the bottom of the selected acrylic product. The best solution to enhance the strength of the acrylic product would be to install a frame that can be made in conjunction with the brickwork of the supports.

Carrying out algorithm installation work is:
  1. Prepare the room and materials . Carry out wall cladding with the selected material, pick up bricks and paste over them with a rolled guerlain. This material contains a fabric layer that serves as a separator between the cement mortar and the wall. This kind of compensator can change its shape and geometry when the water temperature changes.
  2. Attach mounting hooks to the wall . They are in construction stores, and if desired and available the right material(steel plates) such parts can be done independently. They are hooked to the side of the bath adjacent to the wall.
  3. Carry out the installation of brick supports . It is performed in the same way as for the previous type of baths. You can perform not two, but three supports. Their height and the procedure for laying is carried out according to the previously described option.
  4. Carcass execution . Some craftsmen make a frame from the corners, but it is not as strong as brick version, during the creation of which they lay out a kind of niche from a quarter of a brick. Only a centimeter gap must be provided between the wall and the bathroom. flat design around the perimeter of the bath will create reliable protection the walls of the product, only you need to take into account the implementation of the service window. If it is not done, then if necessary, check the siphon and sewer pipes hidden under the bathroom, you will have to disassemble all the brickwork. If there are not enough bricks, then you can limit yourself to supports only at the corners of the bath.
  5. Seal the gaps between the bathroom and the wall . Mounting foam, silicone tape or sealant will help.

An acrylic bathtub can be installed first on the legs, fixing them in the created bed of cement, and then reinforcing them with brick supports that fit between the legs and in the middle of the bottom.

How to install a steel bath on brick supports? + video instruction

Due to their unreliable design, the legs welded to the bath do not create a stable position. The proposed video shows how to fix the bath with bricks so that it takes correct location and became rigid.

Due to the instability of the bath, it is impossible to make a border between it and the wall - it is constantly collapsing. To eliminate these problems, you can use the usual red bricks and construction adhesive. The work progress is as follows:
  1. Raise the bath . For ease of installation, you can use a jack and raise it to the desired height. standard height to the bottom of the bath - 60 cm, that is, you need to navigate by this size. But on different models bathtubs, their depth varies by several centimeters, so before major installation, everything should be carefully died out.
  2. Lay out brick racks . There will be two. From both edges of the bath, you need to step back the same distance and mark the place for installing bricks on the floor. The first of them must be installed with the smaller side close to the wall, before that, lubricating its lower part with tile adhesive. Then to it butt to put the next brick. That is, the racks are made in half a brick. The height turned out to be three bricks lying on top of each other.
  3. Bath installation . Tile adhesive is applied to the surface of the topmost brick. Then the jack is lowered and the tub is fixed on the bricks. The legs of the bathtub also need to be glued to create more reliable supports.
  4. Close up the empty space between the wall and the bathroom . For large gaps, you can cut a narrow strip of foam and install it with a regular sealant. Where the distance to the wall is small, they simply seal it with sealant.
A steel bath is very noisy, with a high pressure, the rumble of water hitting it can be heard throughout the house, to prevent this during installation, glue its bottom with any sound-absorbing material or apply polyurethane foam to it.

The considered options for mounting the bath on brick supports guarantee long term service life of the product, they enhance its strength, and when using polyurethane foam, they increase noise absorption. To create them, you do not need special skill, so the installation of bathtubs is easy to do by yourself. You can learn about other installation nuances from.