Toilet      06/16/2019

How to plant and care for astilbe. Astilbe flower - planting and care in open ground, the best varieties and methods of propagation When is it better to transplant astilbe to another place

Astilbe flower, a truly universal plant for decorating a garden - it can be used to form beautiful flower beds right on the lawn, grouping flowers according to a chosen geometric shape. Low growing varieties astilbes will help you in the design of rockeries, rock gardens, and borders.

Astilbe is irreplaceable in old gardens and areas where trees have gained height; due to fruiting, they cannot be subjected to heavy pruning and therefore the garden is too shady.

Therefore, in the shady garden natural style, in which the majority garden plants refuse to grow and, especially, to bloom, astilbe is simply irreplaceable: in combination with unpretentious shade-tolerant plants, Siberian brunnera, ferns and Volzhanka, it will decorate the farthest corners of the site. And at the same time she will feel royally confident, impressing everyone with her magnificent blooms.

As a flower, it has a great many advantages and the main ones are: lush flowering, unpretentiousness to growing conditions, relative (compared to many other flowers) durability.

Features of caring for astilbe

The most best place for growing astilbe on your site there will be, as noted above, shady and even waterlogged areas. True, it should be noted that in the immediate vicinity of large garden trees It’s not worth planting, it will grow poorly because the trees will take away water from the soil.

When planting astilbe and caring for this flower, consider one of its interesting feature like plants, the root system of astilbe grows upward over time, which is why the roots may eventually end up in a soil layer that is poor in nutrients.

Fertilizing and regular mulching of the soil around the astilbe, as well as applying it to the periflower circles, will help you correct this situation.

Astilbe propagation

Astilbe also reproduces well by seeds, but it is usually divided simple division bushes that have grown too large.

Astilbe can be propagated in this way in autumn and spring. When planting astilbe in autumn, take into account the fact that it must take root well in order to better withstand winter frosts, so it is better to plant astilbe in early autumn rather than late.

But if you are even a little late and planted a flower late and there is very little time left before the cold weather, then in this case, dig the planting in with soil before the next season, and then mulch it all with humus or peat.

Also read the main article:

How to transplant astilbe

  1. Young plants are easy to divide by hand. For a powerful rhizome you will need a shovel. You don’t have to dig up the bush, just dig out a part of it.
  2. Add humus to the planting hole; you can also add mineral fertilizers. Pour water and wait until it is absorbed into the soil. Carefully shake off the soil from the rhizome and plant the plant.
  3. It is important to remember: when dividing at the end of summer (after flowering), the divisions should have 5-6 buds, this will significantly increase the plant’s chances of successfully overwintering. It is better to trim the leaves, leaving only the petioles.
  4. Compact the soil around the plant, add more soil if necessary. This is necessary so that there are no air-filled voids left between the plant’s root system and the soil.
  5. Regardless of soil moisture, newly planted plants should be thoroughly watered again to eliminate air pockets in the soil. Within a few days the bushes will begin to grow.

Reduce the number of planted species by increasing the number of plants of each name - your flower garden will be less variegated, but more expressive and visually more lush and voluminous.

  • Choose a landing site
  • In the wild, astilbe grows under the shade of foliage near bodies of water, therefore, the best place for planting the plant is partial shade and moist soil.

    Astilbe does well in the shade of trees and shrubs, but the shading should not be strong.

    It should be noted that at present, varieties of astilbe have appeared that allow it to be planted in sunny areas, subject to abundant watering and careful mulching of the soil in order to preserve moisture. Flowering is abundant, but short-lived.

  • Select pick up time
  • The end of March - beginning of May or the beginning of autumn is suitable for planting astilbe.

  • Prepare the ground

Astilbes grow well in moist and light soil.

A bed about a meter long needs to be dug to a depth of no more than 30 cm, then two handfuls of bone meal and approximately 30 grams should be added to the soil. complex fertilizers.

Removing remnants of weed roots and adding peat, humus or compost to the soil is the final stage in preparing the bed for planting.

Now that the soil is ready, you can proceed directly to planting the plant. The rules for planting astilbe vary depending on the material that is intended to be used for planting.

The name Astilbe means "very brilliant", comes from Greek words"a" - very and "stilbe" - brilliant.

First, let's look at a method suitable for flower growers who experience special pleasure in watching a luxurious bush grow from a small seed. The most favorable time for planting seedlings - mid-March - early April

Read about behind the bush.

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Step-by-step instructions for planting astilbe seeds

  1. To improve the germination of seeds, they should be placed in a place with a temperature of -4° to +4°, and after twenty days, transfer them to a warm, bright room with a temperature above 18°.
  2. Fill the planting containers with a mixture of peat and sand in a 3:1 ratio.
  3. Given that astilbe seeds are tiny, they must be mixed with sand before planting in the soil.
  4. Distribute the seeds evenly and carefully over the surface of the soil.
  5. Using a spray bottle, water the seeds thoroughly.
  6. Do not allow the soil to dry out for 3-4 weeks.
  7. Seedlings should be pruned after the first leaf appears:
    remove each seedling from the soil; pinch off the root one third of the length;
  8. Plant the sprout in a separate container with thoroughly moistened soil.
  9. At the beginning of June, plant the seedlings in the ground.

If you intend to plant a ready-made seedling obtained from an adult plant, the following method of planting astilbe will be useful to you.

Planting a divided bush

It is advisable to mulch the soil around the bush after planting.

This method is very popular among lovers of ornamental plants.

For planting, a part of an adult astilbe bush with 1-3 buds and a root 3 to 5 cm long is used.

Planting a plant in the spring will allow you to observe the lush flowering of the new bush in the fall of the same year.

To plant a seedling, a bed one meter long is allocated, in which holes are formed with a depth and width of approximately 20-30 cm, at a distance of approximately 25-35 cm from each other. A mixture of 25-30 grams of mineral fertilizers and 1-2 handfuls of bone meal with ash is poured into each of them. All this is mixed and filled with water. The place for planting astilbe is ready. All that remains is to cover the planted bush with a layer of mulch consisting of pine needles, bark, leaves or sawdust.

This method of transplanting astilbe allows you to plant it even during the flowering period, subject to abundant and regular watering for two to three weeks.

Experienced gardeners use another method of planting.

Planting cuttings with a “heel”

In early spring, a renewal bud is cut out from the bush, which is a bud of an overwintered plant from which a shoot has begun to develop, along with a piece of root. This part of the rhizome is called the “heel”.

Such cuttings are planted in greenhouses using a fertilizer mixture prepared in the same way as when planting in the ground. This substrate is poured onto the soil in a layer 5-7 cm high.

To plant astilbe in the garden you will have to wait a whole year, but flowering will begin within a few months after planting.


At the age of five years, astilbe needs to be transplanted, which is carried out in spring or early autumn.

Replanting can be done without digging up the plant completely: just separate part of it, fill the pruning area with ash and add fresh soil to the resulting hole, and transplant the resulting seedling to a new place. After such a division, astilbe will delight you with its flowering next year.

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In order for the planted plant to remain healthy and happy for as long as possible lush flowering, you need to provide him with proper care. Caring for astilbe includes a number of actions that take into account characteristics plants.

  • Watering
  • Astilbe roots grow upward, releasing young roots, as a result of which it is very important to prevent loss of moisture in the top layer of soil.

    On hot days, it is necessary to water the plant twice a day: in the morning and evening hours, accompanied by watering by mulching the soil, which will prevent the soil from drying out. Insufficient soil moisture threatens the death of young plants and is the cause of withered, curled leaves and shredded inflorescences in adults. On the other hand, abundant watering in August-September helps to lengthen the inflorescences.

  • Top dressing
  • To maintain lush and long-lasting flowering, it is necessary to fertilize astilbe twice a year.

    The first occurs when young shoots appear in early spring. Complex fertilizers with high content nitrogen.

    The turn for the next feeding comes in the fall, after the astilbe has faded. This time, preference is given to phosphorus and potassium compositions, mainly in liquid form, to avoid burns on the stem. After fertilizing, the soil needs to be loosened and mulched.

  • Trimming
  • Astilbe pruning, during which the above-ground part of the plant is cut off at soil level, is done in late autumn.

    After flowering, you can cut off all faded inflorescences, whose place will soon be taken by new leaves.

  • Preparing for winter

Astilbe will withstand the most severe frosts well, if you remember that the roots of the plant growing upward reach the soil. Mulching will help save bare roots from freezing. Late autumn you should fill the gaps between the bushes with pine needles or sawdust and cover the bush with two layers spruce branches or bark.

Protection from pests and diseases

Slobbering Penny

Astilbe is quite resistant to diseases and pests.

But it happens that she suffers from slobbering pennies and a couple of nematodes: strawberry and root-knot.

Pennitsa affects the foliage, causing the leaves to turn yellow and curl, and the plant begins to wilt.

Cicadas, living in saliva-like formations, suck out leaf tissue. In addition, they are known as carriers of phytoplasma and viral diseases. In the fight against them, karbofos, mospilan, aktara, rogor and confidor are used.

Affects foliage and strawberry nematode, the result of which is deformation of the leaves and brown and yellow spots on them. All this has a depressing effect on the plant, and its growth slows down.

Root nematode harms the roots, living in the growths formed on them. Diseased astilbes grow and bloom poorly, and if seriously damaged, they die. You can stop the spread of pests by destroying the infected plant or using the drug Fitoverm.

Photo of astilbe

A selection of photographs of this beautiful plant, some varieties are noted

Astilbe is a decorative perennial that is actively used by gardeners for landscaping their garden plots. The plant, I’m not afraid of this word, is rapidly becoming fashionable. Attracts with its unpretentiousness, resilience and love of life. It grows in one place for quite a long time, initially delighting with lush decorative flowering and foliage.

However, over time, the decorativeness of the leaves decreases, and the inflorescences do not look so impressive. Therefore, astilbe plantings should be rejuvenated periodically. Why every four years, in as a last resort- at five years old, astilbe is transplanted.


Cause lies not only in the depletion of the soil in the places where the perennial grows. Although this does happen. But also in the peculiarities of the root system, which develops vertically and over the years grows so much that it becomes bare and comes to the surface of the soil along with the buds. It is difficult to protect kidneys from unforeseen weather events - summer heat and severe frosts in winter. Damaged plants bloom poorly or do not bloom at all, and may even die.

Usually the plant is replanted after flowering. But astilbe is so universal flower that it can be planted at any time of the growing season - in spring, summer - even with buds, in autumn.

Autumn and spring planting are considered the most acceptable.

Exact dates, of course, it is difficult to predict. IN middle lane this is usually September. But weather conditions often make significant adjustments. This year is an example of this. When in mid-October the weather is almost August, it is quite favorable for planting work.

Northern regions begin planting earlier - in August, southern regions - in October or a little later.

You can get your bearings with the timing in the following way: astilbe is transplanted about a month before the air temperature passes through +5°C towards a decrease, i.e. one month before the end of the growing season. During this time, she manages to successfully take root and settle down in a new place. Just don’t forget about watering, especially in dry autumn.


For transplant The bush is completely dug out and carefully divided into the required number of parts. For autumn planting, it is preferable that each division have at least five to six buds at the base of the roots. It is advisable to dust the division sites with wood ash.

Astilbe is in most cases planted in shaded areas of the garden, although some varieties have appeared that grow well in the sun.

The soil Any is suitable, but the moisture-loving nature of astilbe should be taken into account when planting. Therefore, a high-lying area is suitable groundwater, along any bodies of water. It is good that the soil is loose, light and well fertilized.

Humus or compost, phosphorus-potassium minerals or a handful of wood ash. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The soil is pre-watered. The delenka is buried at least five centimeters. After planting, the soil is lightly compacted and watered again.

Robert Lafond /

Distance There should be at least 40 cm between the bushes. So both flowers and foliage will grow to their full potential. Denser planting will result in poor flowering.

On the eve of winter, shoots with leaves are not completely cut off; it is better to leave the lower part. Young plantings will definitely need mulching. This can be fine peat chips, sawdust, crushed tree bark. The mulch should be a layer of at least five centimeters. In case of severe frosts, it is good to insulate the plants with spunbond or lutrasil. Pine spruce branches hold heat well.

Transplanted astilbes arranged in this way will overwinter painlessly. And for many years they will certainly delight you with the luxurious lush flowering of graceful panicles, as well as harmoniously decorate any area of ​​your garden.

Especially appreciated by flower growers unpretentious perennials, which year after year decorate the site with bright, tremulous inflorescences. Such crops include astilbe, planting and care in open ground which will not be difficult for even a beginner to follow.

One has only to see once the openwork foliage and the lush, like air foam, inflorescences, forget the appearance of a perennial ornamental plant no longer possible! Even outside the flowering season, astilbes are graceful and attractive. It is not surprising that the plant is becoming more and more popular among gardeners. different regions countries. There are flower enthusiasts, for example, in Siberia, where it would seem one can only dream of planting and caring for astilbe.

In order for the beauties that appear on the site to feel comfortable, grow and bloom to the delight of the owners, you need to know something about the culture itself and the conditions acceptable to it.

Garden beauty astilbe

Astilbe is a herbaceous ornamental perennial, different kinds which arrived from Asia and North America. Depending on the variety grown, the height of the plant can vary from 20 cm to 2 meters; the shades of tiny flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences are also incredibly varied. Well-chosen plants will cover the garden with a cloud of shades of white, pink, red, purple and lilac. Leaves, like inflorescences, are decorative. Not only do they have an exquisite false dissected shape, but the color of the leaf blades varies from the usual green to burgundy or purplish-gray.

If you put a little effort into growing and caring, from June to August you will be surprised by friendly and long flowering.

In open ground it is a very grateful plant that responds well to attention, correct selection planting areas and effortless care. This is one of the few crops that not only tolerates, but also prefers partial shade. Astilbe has very few enemies in the garden, and the flower is extremely rarely affected by diseases.

When to plant astilbe in open ground: in spring or autumn

After hibernation, the plant wakes up somewhat later than other perennials. In order for astilbe to begin stable growing season, the average daily air temperature should not fall below +10 °C. In warm areas, young leaves of astilbe, when planted and cared for in open ground, appear at the end of April or early May.

In the north, where spring is delayed, plant development is delayed until late May or early June.

If a gardener wants to add to his collection of luxurious plants, it is important not to rush, so that the flower crop does not freeze after transplantation, and not to delay. Otherwise, in hot weather it will be more difficult for astilbe to acclimatize.

The beginning of the growing season is the time when better in spring plant astilbe in open ground.

Some summer residents practice autumn planting flower, but in this case the plant must be given time to take root and adapt to the new place.

Place for planting astilbe in open ground

When choosing a place for astilbe, you need to remember that the plant:

  • prefers diffused light;
  • can grow and bloom in the shade of trees and buildings;
  • unpretentious when choosing soil, which should retain moisture well and not be overly heavy;
  • however, it does not tolerate stagnant moisture, which threatens root rotting, and in spring increases the risk of preliminium.

To prevent the flowering perennial from suffering from too dry air, to plant astilbe in open ground and make it easier to care for, it is useful to choose areas near bodies of water where the humidity is slightly higher.

Features of planting an astilbe flower in the ground in spring

In the flowerbed, the space for astilbe is calculated so that there is about 30–40 cm between the bushes. planting pits depth and width up to 30 cm add:

  • 30 grams of complex fertilizers for ornamental crops;
  • about a glass of bone meal;
  • humus.

Planting is carried out in moist soil to a depth of about 20 cm, while the soil layer above the points of future growth should not be more than 3–5 cm.

Planted adult plants and cuttings at vegetative propagation Astilbes are thickly mulched at the top so that the soil retains moisture better and the plants are protected from the germination of weeds.

The most suitable mulch different materials, which include:

  • chopped straw;
  • large chips or pieces of bark;
  • pebbles or expanded clay;
  • lowland

As necessary, the layer of mulch is renewed in the summer, and when planting astilbe in open ground in the fall, it helps perennial culture spend the winter peacefully.

When is it useful to plant astilbe in open ground in the fall?

A feature of astilbe is the upper growth of the root system, which over several years leads to the appearance of a dense island under the bush, rising above the general soil level. Without regular transplantation, once every 4–5 years:

  • astilbe roots weaken;
  • the number of annually formed renewal buds decreases;
  • The flowering of such a plant is shorter and poorer, the leaves are smaller.

After flowering of adult astilbe, it is useful to take it autumn transplant, combining the procedure with dividing the bush into several young ones.

If you are planning to plant and care for astilbe in the Urals, Siberia, or Non-Black Earth Region, you need to calculate the time of replanting so that the plant has time to acclimatize. It will be a good help autumn mulching, which will partially replace or enhance the effect of covering the flower for the winter.

Vegetative propagation and planting of astilbe seeds

In an amateur garden or summer cottage astilbes reproduce vegetatively, that is, by dividing an adult bush or using individual renewal buds. Planting astilbe with seeds is a rarity, used to obtain new varieties or hybrids, as well as in the presence of varietal seed material.

The easiest way is to divide an adult bush. This is done in spring or autumn so that each part has several promising growth points and enough roots for nutrition.

The cut areas on the root system should be treated with crushed charcoal. Planting in open ground and caring for astilbe in this case has no special features, except that young specimens are watered every day. If you are not late with replanting, astilbe will delight you with its first flowers in the second half of summer.

Separating promising buds, which will become independent shoots next year, will also help to obtain young astilbe. And here it is worth taking care that the renewal bud has a healthy root.

The future bush is planted in a separate seedling bed in a loose, moisture-absorbing substrate. Film shelters are often used. They will help support comfortable temperature, high humidity and will help the plant take root faster. In the fall or next year, such seedlings are ready to be planted in a permanent place.

Caring for astilbe after planting in open ground

Caring for a beautiful astilbe will not be difficult for the busiest summer resident. If the planting site is chosen correctly, during the spring, summer and autumn, while the growing season is in progress, the flower needs:

  • watering, providing the plant with its favorite water;
  • fertilizing with a predominance of potassium and;
  • measures to keep the soil clean and loose, for example, maintaining a layer of mulch.

The soil under the astilbe should not be allowed to become covered with a dry crust. The plant immediately reacts to this with lethargic leaves, shedding flowers and “gaps” in the lush inflorescences.

Astilbe is not afraid of the cold, so in most regions it is not specially covered, but it is worth checking the layer of mulch in the fall. When spring comes, mulching is done again. It will protect the sprouts from frost and simplify the care of astilbe after planting the flower in the ground.

Experienced flower growers who have been growing the crop for a long time recommend removing fading inflorescences along with the flower stalks. This measure will preserve the strength of astilbe and improve appearance the entire flowerbed. Before the onset of cold weather, the above-ground part of the plants is carefully cut off, leaving petioles 5–10 cm above the ground level.

Interesting facts about the charming astilbe - video