Toilet      04/08/2019

Garden loaches are perennials. Perennial creepers: names of climbing plants for the garden, photo

Well-groomed plot, decorated with many green spaces and framed openwork fence, which is as if woven from leaves and fancy flowers - the pride of any owner. Climbing plants for the fence seem to be specially created by nature in order to become worthy decoration plot, change and transform the face of the garden. Climbing plants are an important element in landscaping a site, as they are able to bring greenery and flowering to those places where other plantings would not have enough space.

Weaving plants for the fence are universal elements for gardening. After all, with their help, you can solve several design problems at once:

  • Decorative. Curly perennials are able not only to "dress" the fence: they decorate low buildings and fences, as well as openwork pergolas, trellises and arches.
  • Camouflage. Weaving plants are designed to decorate unsightly exterior elements. They transform unprepossessing barn walls by hiding minor surface imperfections, compost bins and rainwater barrels.
  • Covering. Fast-growing plants that grow around the walls of the fence help protect against street dust and noise, providing the owners of the site with peace and quiet. They are planted along fences, open areas and arbors for saving shade and pleasant coolness.

It should also be noted that loaches visually increase the area of ​​​​the garden.

With the help of climbing plants, you can create a multi-level structure, thanks to which you can visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden

The most attractive and popular representatives of climbing flora among most gardeners are. The variety of choice of these plants, which have the most incredible colors and shapes, is simply amazing.

By choosing good combination varieties, you can create an unusually beautiful fence that will delight with chic flowering and wonderful aroma for more than one year

Even a novice gardener can breed a plant that is unpretentious in its care on its site: it is enough to plant a bush in an illuminated area with fertile soil, and then only periodically fertilize and water the rose abundantly. Although climbing roses do not need special care, but in autumn period with the onset of cold weather, they still require pruning and additional shelter.

Most varieties climbing roses bloom in the first half of June, delighting with unusually beautiful flowering for 3-4 weeks. The rest of the months, the fence is decorated only with dense foliage of plants.

The climbing beauty New Down, whose three-meter lashes are dotted with many pale pink flowers, is able to bloom throughout the summer

Sun-loving plants show the greatest decorativeness and splendor of flowering only in well-lit areas.

They are no less popular among owners of suburban areas. Large star-shaped flowers that open on shoots in the first weeks of summer do not cease to amaze with their marvelous flowering until autumn.

Beautiful flowers, densely covering the shoots, are able to create a solid carpet dotted with "stars" of white, pink, blue and purple hues

Clematis need fertile soil and sufficient coverage of the site. While creating optimal conditions and skillful pruning of shoots, clematis bloom can be shed until the first frost.

Material on how to make a support for clematis will also be useful:

Among the charming exotics, a number of varieties adapted to changeable harsh winters can be distinguished. The main ones are: the long-blooming 'Ballerina' with elegant snow-white flowers, 'Nelli Moser' with pale pink petals decorated with a bright raspberry stripe, 'Nikolai Rubtsov', the petals of which are framed by several contours, which creates the effect of a "flower in a flower".

Creeping vines to create a green carpet

Creeping vines - perfect option for decorating a fence. With the help of small suckers-roots, they are able to conquer any height, freely covering a solid fence of 3-4 meters. The most picky among creeping vines: petiolate hydrangea, honeysuckle and campsis. Having planted them in spring or autumn along a fence or support, the next season you can see how powerful stems of vines confidently climb a vertical surface, covering the fence with a green carpet.

Petiole hydrangea is a beautiful liana-like shrub, freely reaching a height of 8 to 20 meters.

Against the background of green leaves of an ovoid shape, pinkish-white flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences look spectacular.

Among the most attractive varieties are: 'Miranda', the leaves of which are decorated with a yellow-cream border, as well as oak-leaved hydrangea with lush cone-shaped inflorescences and dense foliage, turning into rich purple hues in autumn.

For decorating durable concrete, stone and brick fences wisteria is perfect. A light-loving liana, decorated with white, lilac or pink clusters of miniature flowers, can transform even the most nondescript fence into a spectacular site fence.

Collected in racemose inflorescences, marvelous flowers, blooming in early May, completely obscure the foliage and cover the fence

IN landscape design the most widely used:

  • Chinese wisteria- reaches a height of 20 meters. In the summer months, it is adorned with loose clusters with pale purple flowers exuding a fruity aroma;
  • profusely flowering wisteria- differs in the larger size of ovoid leaves and the splendor of lowered white inflorescences. The branches of the plant originally twist clockwise;
  • Japanese wisteria- one of the most spectacular vines, the branches of which reach a height of 8-10 meters, twisting around the support in a clockwise direction. Dense inflorescences with flowers of lilac-blue and white shades reach a length of 50 cm.

The heat-loving liana kampsis is known to many gardeners due to its unusual orange flowers, outwardly resembling small gramophones. Blooming in the second half of June, the liana pleases with elegant flowering until the beginning of autumn. She is not afraid of any adversity: the liana calmly tolerates frosts down to -20 ° C.

The main advantage of this perennial liana is gas and smoke resistance, as well as excellent resistance to urban conditions.

When growing a plant, one should take into account its ability to grow rapidly, reclaiming territory from weaker "neighbors". Timely pruning and fertilization will save compact shape and ornamental plants throughout the season.

The unpretentious honeysuckle plant can not only decorate the fence, but also bring a special aura, create a mood. Honeysuckle is rightfully considered a champion in unpretentiousness. Curly beauty prefers sunny areas, but freely tolerates partial shade. It is not demanding on the composition of the soil, but gladly responds with rapid growth and abundant flowering for fertilizing with organic fertilizer.

Exuding a subtle sweetish aroma during flowering, honeysuckle is able to make suburban area like a paradise

Honeysuckle is unusually beautiful during the flowering period, which falls on the first month of summer. Graceful flowers collected in inflorescences can have the most incredible shades, starting from pale white and yellowish and ending spectacular combination pink with orange. The most attractive varieties are: ´Serotina´ with bright red and raspberry flowers, Korolkov's honeysuckle with pale pink inflorescences, ´Grahm Thomas´ with cream and golden yellow flowers.

ornamental climbing plants

Does not require special conditions for growing parthenocissus it is attractive primarily with openwork foliage, which in the autumn, as if under the brush of an artist, is painted in amazingly beautiful shades of burgundy and red.

A deciduous liana is capable of growing up to 4 meters in just one year, covering a large area and forming a dense fence of plants.

From spring to autumn, fences entwined with graceful shoots with openwork foliage look just great. Plant care consists only in timely pruning, which prevents excessive growth and thickening of the vine.

Fast growing ivy is a popular landscaping element. In terms of hardiness and unpretentiousness, ivy can give odds to any climbing plant.

An evergreen plant that forms curly thickets, is able to maintain a decorative attractive appearance. all year round. Ivy is great for areas with a temperate mild climate.

The walls of the fence overgrown with ivy are the perfect backdrop for spring-blooming daffodils and tulips or annuals: gladioli, coreopsis, roses.

Video: types of curly and design examples

Without climbing plants, the garden plot looks sparse, because it is they who create lush comfort and perfectly decorate any part of the territory. Loaches help hide gloomy corners, divide the territory into zones, plant trees and shrubs on walls, pergolas, arbors, fences. Consider the most popular and unpretentious species liana-shaped.

Which loaches are more likely to choose?

The practicality of summer residents lies in the choice of non-capricious plants that grow well, are not afraid of harsh winters and are content with minimal care. The selection criterion is reduced to plants that can quickly grow green mass and tightly braid the support. They prefer flowering creepers and fruit-bearing vines, as well as early ones that begin to bloom with the arrival of spring heat. All liana-like plants are divided into annuals and perennials.

The most common annual loaches for summer cottages

The disadvantage of climbing annuals is the instability to frost and the need for annual sowing. At the same time, they are able to rapidly create a green curtain, are decorative and bloom for a long time, as a rule, until the first frost. From a wide variety of species, consider the most popular of them.


It is used for gardening of protections, arbors. For a month shoots grow up to a meter, blooms from June until frost. The inflorescences resemble gramophones, which curl up with the onset of heat. The color depends on the variety: blue, pink, white, purple.


It has an elegant appearance and is valued for its decorative openwork leaves, vaguely reminiscent of pine needles. Miniature buds look like stars of different tones: yellow, pink, white.


It is considered the most spectacular annual liana. It has large bell-shaped inflorescences of lilac, purple, greenish-cream, white shade. To approximate the timing of flowering, it is grown in seedlings, otherwise budding will begin only in August. When using seedlings, it blooms in July, and pleases with the beauty of the inflorescences for almost four months - until the first frost.

Sweet pea
The most common annual loach with an extensive flowering palette. It is sown in the ground, quickly rises and wraps around the support. It is loved for its decorative effect and fragrant clusters of flowers.

Perennial loaches and creepers

In the presence of extensive and stable landscaping points, it is more reasonable to plant perennial climbing plants. Almost all of them have interestingly intertwining stem-like trunks. Creepers need high-quality support and auxiliary garter of young shoots.


The most popular liana, reaching a height of fifteen meters. Actinidia is a perennial, fruit-bearing, deciduous plant that is resistant to frosty climates. It has several varieties, the most popular among summer residents is the Kolomikta variety, valued for its delicious berries, reminiscent of the taste of overripe kiwi. Blooms in May-June, inflorescences small size with a delicate aroma. Berries ripen at the end of summer, in September. Leaves that change color from white to variegated pink give a special decorative effect.

Universal perennial loach growing up to three meters. It is used in different ways: for landscaping walls, arbors, pergolas. Often planted as an independent design element on lawns. It is famous for its abundant flowering, which lasts all summer. It has many varieties that differ in bud color and aroma.

Lianoid perennial, capable of climbing to any height. The shoots are adapted for self-fixation on uneven surfaces, so there is no need to make a support near the walls of houses, fences, and any buildings. Used as a groundcover. When disembarking at hanging planters transforms into an ampelous flower.

Surprisingly beautiful liana, preferring a warm climate. It is valued for its decorative effect during the flowering period, clusters of flowers reach 50 cm. It has many varieties that differ in the palette of buds: white, lilac, pink, purple, etc. Wisteria Macrostachia is grown in the northern regions, this variety is adapted to low temperatures and tolerates up to -40C in winter .

girlish grapes
Unpretentious liana, found everywhere. Creates a dense green curtain on any venue. Thanks to the tendrils on the shoots, it easily climbs to heights of more than 20 meters. On open places garter and wire support required. Girlish grapes winter well at any temperature, grows in the shade and in the sun. Care consists only in pruning the shoots and limiting the spread.


Perennial, pleasing flowering and beautiful berries. Inflorescences have interesting view similar to fuchsia bluebells. The fruits are orange, fiery red. There are deciduous and semi-deciduous varieties. It does not grow without support, it can reach a height of six meters. The most common varieties are Honeysuckle Honeysuckle; Brown; Telman.

Garden climbing plants are very popular in landscape design. With their help, you can plant a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden. They are used to decorate the wall of a building or the facade of a building. Thus, you can give a second life to dried trees. Interesting ideas for the garden, you can look at the photo on the Internet.

All beautiful garden representatives are usually divided into two types - annuals and perennials. The former delight the eye for one season, while others decorate the summer cottage from year to year.

Perennial flowers for the garden

Climbing plants for the garden are also accepted distinguish by their decorative qualities. Some will captivate the hearts of gardeners with their exuberant flowering. Others draw admiring glances to their unusually shaped leaves.

As for the third, they are able to please with sweet fruits after flowering. It is also customary to distinguish the following groups of plants:

  • Those that grow like a carpet on the ground without additional support or creeping.
  • Clinging. These are creepers that have certain antennae. With their help, they are fixed on supports and continue to grow upwards.
  • Climbing. Plants with "airy" roots. There are special suction cups at their ends, so they grow well on rough surfaces.

Perennials also include:

  • clematis;
  • wisteria;
  • honeysuckle
  • ivy;
  • girlish grape.

Of course, this is not the whole list of perennial climbing flowers. Here are collected most popular plants. They require good fixed supports. Often this role is played by an ordinary fence in the country. After some time, the vines turn it into a real hedge.

Types of climbing plants for the garden

climbing rose. Not only professionals, but also amateurs give first place to prickly, but beautiful plant called the climbing rose. No words are enough to describe her beauty. Climbing roses have a rich color palette, are characterized by abundant long-term flowering and are completely undemanding during care.

During a drought, you can not worry that it will somehow affect them. You can admire their flowers in the garden from late spring to late autumn. This flower is able to transform even a hut beyond recognition.

On numerous photos on the Internet you can see a lot of ideas for a planting site. Each beginner can grow such a flower on their own. To do this, you just need to buy a bush, plant it and water it well. Fertilize the plant several times during one season.

In the autumn, prune the resulting shoots. If the roses are on metal supports, it is better to remove them for the winter. This is necessary in order not to damage the shoots. In enough harsh winter prepare a shelter in the garden for the perennial rose.


Another perennial plant is clematis. It is simply impossible to take your eyes off these vines during flowering in the country. If you learn how to properly cut the shoots, the flowering of the plant can last until the very frost.

A large number of flowers cover the shoots, creating a deep blue, purple or white carpet. This great idea for decorating gazebos, trellises or fences. All they need is an open sunny place. Curly liana can be easily fixed to a support, forming the required shape.

For this plant need a lot of space so that it has room to grow. Can be planted in the ground near the house. Clematis will curl onto the house, creating a flowery wall. Climatis flowers can be of various sizes from small to large.


For honeysuckle, a shaded place in the garden in the country is suitable. A sweet aroma emanates from small bicolor flowers. It attracts many butterflies. So if you want your yard to be filled with a magical scent, don't forget honeysuckle.

The flower grows very fast. perennial honeysuckle does not require permanent care and is not subject to many diseases. In order to get a fragrant flower wall, you just need to direct the shoots in the right direction.


They forgot about this plant, which can weave, and completely undeservedly. Thanks to vitality and unpretentiousness, it will give odds even to the most violent flowering plant. Of course, ivy does not have fragrant flowers, however, it is loved for other virtues.

Ivy - evergreen perennial plant. No matter which place you choose for him, in any case, he will feel good. Its sucker roots attach the stems to any surface. He is able to climb very high, weaving everything in his path.

Ivy has nothing to do with climatic conditions. From year to year he decorates the walls of buildings and hedges. It is worth just mentioning the famous ivy tower in Belgium. This is a confirmation of its popularity in Europe. With its help, loggias, terraces, balconies are planted.

Its only drawback is the constant moisture of the soil and slow growth. Ivy-covered walls are an excellent base for early flowering plants. And how mysterious the gazebo in the center of the garden looks, completely twined with ivy. Why not a secluded place for a romantic date?

girlish grapes

Maiden grapes - universal liana. The plant is a reminder of summer in a cold autumn time. An unusual liana called girlish grapes is distinguished by its palette of rich bright colors.

The beauty of the plant fascinates and at the same time enchants. He does not need special conditions and does not need to monitor his fixation. Its foliage grows rapidly, covering everything with itself and creating beautiful thick carpet.

From early spring to late autumn, the plant continues decorate fences and gazebos. The plant looks great. The only thing you need to watch is the density of the vine. But even this issue is easily solved with a secateurs.

Annual flowers for the garden

Designers prefer to use annual flowers to decorate the garden. This allows each year to invent new landscape design.

As you know, the life of such vines is short, but it lasts from spring to the first frost. Such loach can easily grow up to three meters in height.

These plants include:

  • morning glory;
  • kobeya;
  • sweet pea.

Some housewives prefer ornamental beans. Unlike perennials, these flowers need support, a lot of light. They need regular feeding and serve beautiful decoration garden.


Photos of planted areas with morning glory amaze the eye. As soon as the spring weather has stabilized, you can safely plant flowers in open ground. With the help of such a creeper, beautiful screens are created on balconies and terraces. climbing ipomoea decorates gazebos and fences.

These plants are suitable for planting in containers. Due to its rapid growth, by the middle of summer it creates a solid carpet. The shape of the flower resembles a small gramophone.

They are blue, magenta or purple colors. Ipomoea does not require care. The only thing is moisture in a very dry summer.


Kobeya is an annual vine, perfect for vertical gardening. The photo shows that numerous flowers resemble a real colorful bell waterfall.

After the flowering period, there is no need to remove the inflorescences, as the petals fly off on their own. This helps keep the plant neat and tidy. As for the seed pods, they look like small cucumbers.

Kobeya can curl well, but she is very demanding. Whimsical to the soil and requires regular top dressing. If you plant it in the country, respectively need constant supervision.

sweet peas

Sweet peas can be grown not only in the garden, but also on the balcony. This does not present any difficulties and even a novice gardener can do it. The aroma of this plant pleases in the summer.

Peas - favorite creeper for decoration balconies and terraces of many hostesses. Flowering continues for 4 months. Peas are rich in color palette. Resistance to frost, allows you to plant it in open ground even in the very early spring.

In the photo you can see that polka dots like to curl onto some kind of support, and this is true. This protects the plant from tangled shoots.

A sufficient amount of light and the timely removal of shoots and wilted flowers guarantees the duration of the decorative function of peas. Don't forget it too constantly water, especially in the country.

Support for climbing plants

If you have decided which plant to choose, an annual or a perennial, it's time to prepare for it. good footing. It even depends appearance future green "mat".

The only thing to consider when creating a support is its strength. It must withstand the strongest gusts of wind and even heavy rains. Basic rules for the construction of supports for climbing flowers and plants:

  1. Some climbing vines do not need the construction of additional support. They adapt to any conditions. In such cases, it is customary to use brick and stone masonry. These are harmless plants: ivy, parthenocissus, kampsis.
  2. Curly flowers just felt the surface under them immediately begin to gain height. For them, you can choose a thin lattice, mesh, or even ordinary stretched wire. These creepers are sweet peas and wild cucumbers.
  3. Creepers that tend to lean need additional construction. If you do not give them horizontal or vertical supports, they will spread all over the earth. This can be avoided by creating arches. Creepers look great in hanging baskets. These climbing plants include: clematis, honeysuckle and hops.
  4. Climbing roses need to create "worthy" living conditions. They cannot spin on their own. To do this, you will need to create more and additional fasteners.

Both perennial and annual flowers deserve special attention. Curly flowers in the country can make the garden more beautiful.

But they need to be constantly monitored and cared for accordingly. Do not forget about fertilization, watering and pruning. Plants will be grateful for your care and will delight you with abundant flowering and delicate aroma.

The gentle charm of the bright inflorescences of the tricolor bindweed captivates every grower at first sight and makes you want to plant it in your flower garden. Growing bindweed tricolor from seeds is a simple task, every flower lover can do it.

Bindweed tricolor - a perennial plant of the bindweed family with a creeping stem up to 3 m long, in our climatic conditions it is grown as an annual. The closest relative of the tricolor bindweed is field bindweed, a weed known to all summer residents. The plant is frost-resistant, rarely affected by pests and diseases. It blooms from June to late autumn, flowers bloom only in sunny weather, so you can tell from them whether it will rain. After flowering, a box with two large seeds is formed, which can be easily collected for sowing for the next season.

Reproduction and planting

Usually bindweed tricolor is propagated by seeds, although reproduction is possible by dividing the rhizome or cuttings. Growing from seeds is possible immediately in open ground or seedlings.

Growing from seed:

  • In open ground, seeds are sown in late April - early May. They are placed in shallow grooves, which are covered with a film, pre-planting is well watered. The film is removed when the threat of night frost has passed. So that the plants do not interfere with each other, you need to thin out the seedlings and leave a distance of 25-30 cm between the plants. Remote plants can be planted on other beds.

Advice! Bindweed seeds are large, so it is better to plant them one at a time away from each other. Seeds are pre-soaked for 1-2 days.

  • Seeds are sown for seedlings in March. A mixture of their humus, peat and sand is poured into containers, disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a fungicide. Seeds are sown away from each other or in individual containers so that the stems of grown plants do not intertwine. Containers are placed in a warm, well-lit place, watered infrequently, preventing the soil from drying out. In May, seedlings can be planted in open ground.

Reproduction by cuttings

Tricolor bindweed can be propagated by cuttings all summer. For rooting, the cuttings are placed in a container with water or planted in a loose substrate. When the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in a permanent place.

Landing Care

Bindweed care is simple, and doing a few simple recommendations care will allow you to admire bright inflorescences all summer.

  • For successful vegetation, bindweed needs loose soil with neutral acidity or slightly acidic.
  • Place the plant in a well-lit place, although it easily tolerates partial shade.
  • Planting should be watered as the soil dries out. Too abundant watering is not recommended, because. green mass will increase, and there will be few flowers.
  • It is better to feed bindweed organic fertilizers. Before planting, the soil is fertilized with peat or rotted compost, when buds begin to form, they are applied wood ash. During flowering, you can add to the water for irrigation. complex fertilizers but not more than once a month.
  • It is important to regularly loosen the soil and weed the weeds in the beds with bindweed. You can simply mulch the soil under plantings, the mulch will help retain moisture in the soil and prevent the growth of weeds.
  • Faded inflorescences should preferably be removed, this will stimulate abundant flowering.
  • Plants planted in pots and containers need good drainage and additional feeding.

Disease prevention

Bindweed is rarely affected by diseases, so compliance correct technique its cultivation will avoid diseases and prevent the appearance of pests on it. Most often, bindweed can be threatened by powdery mildew and spider mites.

  • Powdery mildew.

With an excess of moisture, the plant can be affected by powdery mildew. Powdery mildew is fungal disease, which spreads very quickly and can destroy a large area of ​​plantings in a short time. It appears as white coating on leaves, like flour. If you do not start fighting it in time, it infects new plants, plaque appears not only on the leaves, but also on the stems and flowers. The plant dries, turns yellow and quickly dies.

This white coating is actually a mycelium, in places where it appears on the leaves, ulcers form. Fungi draw their plants nutrients. Provokes the appearance powdery mildew cool wet weather. Also, the cause of its appearance may be improper watering, when the plantings are watered without waiting until the earth dries out. It can occur with too dense plantings.

When a disease appears on plants, it is necessary to remove the infected leaves, flowers or whole plants. If the flowers are planted in pots or containers, you need to replace upper layer soil, because it can contain a fungus. It is also necessary to treat the plants with a fungicide solution, and it is very plentiful so that it gets on the underside of the leaves and flower stems. The walls of pots, containers and pallets must be treated with the same solution.

To prevent powdery mildew, plantings are thinned, old leaves that are close to the ground are removed, and the flower garden is watered only after the soil under the flowers has dried.

  • Spider mite.

This is a pest that appears on plants in dry and hot weather. Tick ​​larvae and adults feed on the cell sap of the plant, sucking it out of the leaves. Many dots appear on the leaves, over time the leaves turn yellow and fly around. If you do not fight the tick, the plant may die. Females lay several hundred eggs in the ground in just 1-2 months of their lives, and they can stay in the ground for quite a long time until the weather is favorable for them.

Despite the fact that the mite is called a spider mite, the presence of a web on the affected plant is completely optional, so it is not easy to detect it. If the plantings began to turn yellow, dry and fall off the leaves, it is necessary to examine the underside of the leaves, the presence of small black dots on it means that the plant is affected by a spider mite.

To combat the pest, first of all, dried and yellowed leaves are removed, which are better not to be thrown away, but to be burned. The flower garden must be treated with an acaricidal preparation, and the treatment is carried out 3-4 times with an interval of 5-6 days, because. the death of adults does not yet mean victory over the tick. Its eggs can remain in the ground, and after a week young mites reappear on the plants.

Prevention of damage to plantings by this pest consists in regular spraying of flowers in dry and hot weather.

Medicinal properties

How medicinal plant bindweed has been known since the time of Avicenna. healing properties possess wild varieties of bindweed, and specifically bindweed field. It contains a large number of biologically active substances, vitamins, flavonoids, ascorbic acid.

An infusion of herbs is used as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic for diseases of the bladder. A decoction of bindweed has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, is used as a choleretic and laxative. Also, the decoction lowers blood pressure, has a calming effect on nervous disorders. For the treatment of asthma, an infusion of fresh bindweed grass is used. divorced alcohol tincture bindweed treat long non-healing wounds with the help of compresses and lotions.

Advice! It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage indicated in the recipe, because. the plant contains toxic alkaloids.

You can prepare medicinal raw materials yourself. The whole plant is harvested during flowering, the roots are harvested in spring or autumn when digging the site. The stems are sorted out, dried leaves are removed, the roots must be washed well. Dry raw materials under a canopy on a clean bedding or on paper. Store finished raw materials for no more than a year.

Bindweed tricolor in the design of the site and the house

Due to its unpretentiousness and ease of care, bindweed tricolor is widely used in the design of balconies, terraces, flower beds. Can use it like ampelous plant, having landed in boxes and planters. With its help, it is good to decorate a fence or outbuildings, to decorate the entrance to the house in the form of an arch. bindweed planted around summer veranda or gazebos, not only decorate it with their elegant bells, but create coolness on hot days. They also use it when decorating balconies and loggias, you just need to install a support or tie up shoots.

As a ground cover plant, bindweed tricolor is used to decorate alpine slides and create borders. In addition, it is often used to decorate curly frames, grown on supports, using it to create green partitions and walls to hide nooks and yards.

Growing a tricolor pack will bring pleasure to both experienced and novice flower growers with its simplicity and wonderful result in the form of cheerful bells decorating their garden plot.

Climbing plants for the garden

Each summer resident or owner of a private house seeks to decorate his site, create beautiful landscapes and cozy corners on it. Climbing plants for the garden will help in the shortest possible time to hide the flaws of the old fence or hide the nondescript wall of the building. green screen attracts attention and causes delight, and living plants fill the air with sweet aromas and create a wonderful place for relaxation and meditation.

What to choose for a summer residence: annuals or perennials

Curly flowers for the garden are conventionally divided into annuals and perennials. The former are characterized by rapid growth and long flowering. When choosing annuals for hedges, it is necessary to acquire those species that develop as quickly as possible, since they should show themselves in all their glory by the beginning or middle of summer.

Undoubtedly, annuals are able to decorate the desired space in the shortest possible time, but their main drawback is a short period of life. Such crops must be grown every year from scratch by seedlings or sowing in open ground.

Perennial vines easily endure winter and do not need such time-consuming care as annual ones. Their flowering period is shorter, but the main advantage is that the green hedge appears already in early spring with the first leaves.

annual climbing plants

The advantage of annuals is the possibility of annual replacement. If you love variety, annual climbing plants for the garden will allow you to constantly change the look of the landscape, choose new colors and turn various ideas and fantasies into reality.

Ipomoea (lat. Ipomoea)

One of the fastest growing annuals. Ipomoea already in the first couple of months is able to grow vines, more than a meter long. This culture will quickly decorate any fence or gazebo.

Ipomoea is used to decorate not only vertical surfaces, but also horizontal ones. Without support, sprouts independently spread along the ground, braiding others. vertical plants and tree trunks. Ipomoea has beautiful large flowers that resemble a gramophone in shape. The most common colors are burgundy, purple, blue and pink. The buds open with the morning sun and close at noon.

The most unusual variety of this species is Ipomoea Kvamoklit. It is distinguished by unusual leaves resembling spruce twigs and bright small flowers in the shape of stars.

Kobeya (lat. Cobaea)

This vine has a long growing season, so it is recommended to grow seedlings in advance. The first flowers will appear only at the end of summer, if you sow the seeds in open ground, and when grown by seedlings, you can speed up the start of flowering by a couple of months.

large flowers in the form of bells have a pleasant cream, purple or pink hue. Kobei blooms for a long time - up to 4 months, so you can enjoy the beautiful view until the very frost.

Sweet peas (lat. Lathyrus odoratus)

The name speaks for itself - the plant has a pleasant sweet aroma. The color palette consists of many shades: from white to brown.

Buds growing in clusters bloom at the end of spring and delight the eye until the very frost. This culture is very popular, it is planted along fences and places for recreation, or grown in containers and planters on verandas and balconies.

Decorative perennial creepers for garden decoration

Perennial creepers for the garden are powerful plants with stiff shoots. They need a strong support and a garter of large and heavy branches. In addition to decorative flowering species also produce fruit crops.

Decorative perennial creepers growing on the territory of Russia serve only as an ornament, and are used only for landscape decoration. The most popular of them:

  • Clematis;
  • climbing rose;
  • Ivy.

Clematis or clematis (lat. Clematis)

Clematis creepers grow up to 3 m in height, turning any hedge into an emerald screen. The duration of flowering is up to 3 months. Several hundred large flowers strew each vine, filling the air with delicate scents of jasmine and almond.

Even the most demanding gardener will be able to choose their favorite color among white, pink, blue, red and purple shades. The flower itself is strewn with many stamens and pistils, which makes it terry.

Climbing rose (lat. Climbing rosa)

Cuttings of climbing roses are planted along a hedge, or any other building. Perennial vines quickly climb a vertical support and need to fix young shoots. Delicate buds bloom in June, and emerald greenery decorates the site until the frost.

Ivy (lat. Hedera)

The most unpretentious climbing perennial is ivy. It's unique evergreen able to independently climb any vertical surface.

Ivy does not need special threads or supports. Thanks to its roots growing along the entire length of the liana, it can easily and quickly decorate the wall of the house, or cover the ground with an emerald carpet.

Ivy is also often grown in containers as an ampelous plant to decorate porches and balconies. This culture does not need special care, and is universal decoration any building.

Do not forget to monitor the growth of ivy, limit its growth in the right direction, removing unnecessary vines. It is best to plant this crop in a limited space, for example, by equipping a low box-shaped fence. Otherwise, he will quickly wrap around neighboring plants, buildings and trees.

Fruit climbing vines

Perennial creepers for the garden can not only decorate, but also bear fruit. The most popular weaving species suitable for the territory of Russia:

  • Actinidia;
  • Honeysuckle;
  • Maiden grape.

Actinidia (lat. Actinidia)

This deciduous vine deserves special attention. Curly shoots reach 2-2.5 m in height. Actinidia fruits have a delicate berry aroma reminiscent of strawberries.

The most popular variety is Actinidia Kolomikta. In early summer, the plant is covered with a tent of white flowers. During the flowering period, the leaves change their color, creating a unique crimson picture. They can exhibit white, pink and yellow hues, turning purple in autumn.

A feature of this culture is that the plant is dioecious, so seedlings must be purchased for both female and male. It is recommended to plant 2 male plants for 5 female plants. It is worth remembering that such varieties of Actinidia as: Kolomikta, Polygama or Arguta are pollinated only by plants of their own species. You can determine the sex only during the flowering period, so it is recommended to purchase planting material only in specialized stores and nurseries, and not in the market.

For planting, only young plants no older than 3 years are used, since older ones do not tolerate transplantation and do not take root well. It is recommended to choose the southern sides of buildings and open areas. Actinidia does not tolerate neighborhood with orchard, the plant needs a free area a few meters from the nearest crops.

Honeysuckle (lat. Lonicera)

This variety of perennial vines is striking in its flowering. Although this period is only 3 weeks, the spectacle is unforgettable. Huge clusters of flowers almost completely cover the greenery, and the plant turns into a fragrant cloud of aromas. Honeysuckle fruits are both decorative and edible.

The most favorite variety among gardeners is Honeysuckle. Flowering falls at the beginning of summer, pale yellow, white and pink flowers have a unique aroma.

Honeysuckle Brown, differs in that it is evergreen and does not shed its leaves for the winter.

The Telman variety is characterized by rapid growth. Culture in the shortest possible time can reach 6 m in length. It easily climbs vertical supports and creates a dense green hedge.

Maiden grapes (lat. Parthenocissus)

This culture produces inedible fruits, they use it only to decorate the site, therefore it is called decorative, although it is classified as fruit. perennials.

For the reader's reference

The name "maiden" grapes was due to the fact that the flowers do not need pollination, such a "immaculate conception" was called "virgin".


When choosing climbing flowers for your garden, you need to consider the care needs of the crops and the area. Preferring annuals flowering vines, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort, but as a reward you will receive a unique fragrant flower garden. Perennial curly ones do not need special care. They are a dense green hedge from early spring to late autumn, and serve as a decoration for any buildings and structures on the site.