Toilet      04/08/2019

Potassium permanganate for plant health is reliable and irreplaceable. All about girlish grapes

girlish grapes- a climbing plant that adorns many parks and summer cottages. It is planted to decorate fences, open verandas and walls. Girlish grapes are not difficult to grow, gardeners propagate them by cuttings, layering, root pieces (root offspring) and seeds.

In nature, there are 10 wild species of this plant, but three varieties can be found in gardens and orchards:

  • attached;
  • five-leafed (virginsky);
  • ivy-shaped three-leafed (triostrenny).

Breeders have bred dozens of cultivars of this plant, seeds can be bought in gardening departments and online stores. Now girlish grapes are grown in many regions of Russia and the CIS countries.

On a note! Pruning does not harm the plant; in abandoned gardens, its vines grow up to 30 m or more in length. Parthenocissus has a unique ability to climb vertical walls with tendrils that have sticky, rounded pads at the tips.

Breeding varieties of girlish grapes are very decorative. The leaves of the vine are large, their edges are jagged. In summer, the foliage is bright green, in autumn the leaves of plants planted on the sunny side turn red. If the grapes do not have enough sunlight, the leaves simply darken or remain green. In autumn, the foliage of some varieties becomes not only purple, but also yellow. The length of the leaves reaches 10 cm.

Girlish grapes have a powerful root system, which grows strongly to the sides and in depth. Large leaves and powerful long stems need water and roots, like pumps, “pump out” it from the soil. This liana, being planted near the walls, will take away excess moisture from under the house and foundation, there will be no mold on the walls of the building, while inside the air humidity will decrease. Can girlvine creeping up walls destroy them? There is no such data, but active use of this plant for decorating old buildings in France, Germany and Spain suggests that parthenocissus does not penetrate into stone walls and cannot destroy stone foundations.

The plant perfectly tolerates pruning and shaping, which allows you to realize the most original ideas landscape designers and owners of garden plots. Shaping, pruning and garter are done throughout the summer season.

Table. Popular varieties of girlish grapes.

Variety nameLeaf color in autumnleaf color in summerCreeper lengthHow many years does a liana liveVariety characteristics
Orange red, red, crimsonGreenup to 15 m16-18 years oldTriostrenny (ivy-shaped)
YellowGreen10-15 m20 yearsfive leaf
Crimson, purpleGreen15-20 m18-20 years oldfive leaf
PurpleGreenup to 20 m15-20 years oldfive leaf
bronze redLight green, green8-12 m12-16 years oldTriostrenny (ivy-shaped)

All varieties described in the table can be planted with seeds.

The fruits of the plant are berries with seeds. The berries have a spherical or ellipsoidal shape, the diameter of the grapes is 5-8 mm. The peel of the fruit is dense, elastic. It comes in dark red, blue, burgundy or purple. As the grapes ripen, they become almost black in color. On the surface of the berries there is a bluish or bluish coating.

Grapes taste sour or sour-bitter, contain a lot of oxalic acid and are inedible, although they are used in folk medicine. Poisoning can cause eating a large number berries. The pulp of grapes has a strong astringent effect. In winter, the grapes are eaten by birds.

Berries of girlish grapes ripen on branched brushes, on one sour, how many dozens of fruits grow. Each fruit contains 3-4 seeds that can be used to plant girlish grapes with seeds.

Collection of girlish grape seeds

The fruits ripen in early autumn or late August. It depends on the plant variety and the weather conditions of the region. If in the south of Russia and in the CIS countries grapes can be harvested already in mid-August, then in middle lane fruits in grapes will not ripen before mid-September. If you cut grape brushes with immature berries, the seeds will be unsuitable for planting.

To obtain seeds, ripe berries need to be kept at home for 2-3 weeks, after which the skin of the berry is cut and the seeds are taken out. The bones must be washed and dried. After that, the seed material is placed in paper bags and placed in dry room with moderate temperatures and moderate humidity. Under such conditions, the seeds remain viable until spring.

Preparing seeds for spring planting

To the seeds of many cultivated plants storage conditions close to natural are needed, otherwise they sprout poorly and grow slowly. The seed preparation process takes different time For different varieties grapes. In the instructions planting material usually there is data on how long the process of preparing for landing takes. Stratification (cooling wet grape seeds) begins a month or two in advance (depending on the plant variety). In a city apartment farmhouse stratification of seeds is carried out in the refrigerator, as it maintains a constant temperature. For work, you need plastic bags with a sealed clasp or containers. We'll talk about this in more detail a little later.

On a note! Instead of cotton pads and napkins, you can use wet sand or sphagnum moss, but seeds can be “lost” in dark material, it will not be easy to find them. Vermiculite or perlite is also used for stratification.

If you plan to plant the seeds of girlish grapes in the fall, then no special preparation is needed. They are planted immediately in the ground in mid-October or in the last decade of the month. The weather should not be warm, otherwise the seeds will sprout, which will die from the cold.

Selecting a landing site

On the bags in which the seeds are sold, manufacturers indicate where it is better to plant this or that variety of vines. Some varieties of girlish grapes like sunny areas, others prefer shade or partial shade.

Breeders and gardeners know that if the foliage of girlish grapes is poorly lit by the sun (creepers grow on the north side of the house, veranda), then in autumn it does not change color and remains green. If the plant most day is under the rays of the sun, then in September its leaves will turn red or purple.

Important! When choosing places for planting seeds and cuttings, you need to consider that this creeping plant can climb not only along the walls - it winds along the trunks and branches of trees. Grapes can completely cover fruit tree and even break it. Therefore, in the garden, girlish grapes require constant attention and pruning.

This crop tolerates winter well, the roots sprout, and parthenocissus can turn into a weed, which will take a lot of time to fight. Therefore, when planting grapes with seeds, you need to immediately plan how it will grow and form.

Soil preparation for girlish grapes

This plant is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but the seeds should be planted in well-dug and fertilized soil. Young sprouts are weak, they do not feel well with a lack of nutrients.

Beds for planting girlish grapes consist of two layers. The bottom layer is drainage. It can be granular or clastic natural material or rock that filters water well (sand, gravel, crushed stone), or artificial materials with non-aggressive composition (brick). The top (soil) layer should contain a moderate amount of nutrient organic matter and coarse sand. Drainage is necessary for good moisture filtration and air supply to the roots of the plant. If the water stagnates, girlish grapes will grow poorly and may die.

Care for girlish grapes

The plant loves moderately fertilized soil, and in soil supersaturated with organic matter, grapes feel bad. Before planting seeds in the garden, you do not need to make any synthetic mineral fertilizers. If necessary, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are applied during the period of rapid growth, in the middle of summer. It can be saltpeter or nitroammophoska.

Girlish grapes require constant attention, they need to be trimmed, tied up, strengthened on lattices and supports almost every week. As a result, the gardener will receive beautiful garden molds, which will delight the eye until late autumn and leaf fall. In order for the vines to curl evenly and beautifully, lattices and nets are placed for them.

On a note! Parthenocissus will not grow well if the area is overgrown with weeds. Weeding should be carried out as needed several times a season. This plant is not susceptible to fungal diseases, insect pests do not touch it, but if weeds cover the ground and the weather is rainy, mold may appear in the soil layer and in the root system.

If there is no rain, plants with a developed root system should be well watered once a week. Girlish grapes planted with seeds cannot form a strong root system in the first year of life. It needs to be watered more often as the soil dries out in the beds.

How to grow parthenocissus from seeds

You can start planting seeds as soon as the ground thaws and warms up. IN different regions Russia and the CIS countries, landing times vary. In the middle lane, this can be done in mid-April, in the southern regions - in mid-March.

Important! You need to buy girlish grape seeds in advance, taking into account the fact that they need to be hardened and prepared before planting. Unprepared bones may not sprout.

Step 1. Seed stratification. It is carried out within 1 or 2 months (the duration of certification must be specified for each variety). In February, the seeds are placed in a humid environment using a material capable of retaining moisture, placed in a plastic bag or container and placed in a refrigerator.

Step 2 2-3 days before planting in open ground, the seeds are removed from the refrigerator and soaked in water at room temperature. It is convenient to do this in a deep saucer with a cloth napkin.

Step 3 Bed preparation. At the selected location of the garden plot, a pit (trench) is dug 55-60 cm deep. The soil layer is folded next to the trench.

Step 4 Drainage is poured into the leveled pit in an even layer. It can be coarse-grained river sand, pebbles, crushed stone, crushed red brick or expanded clay. You can prepare a mixture of these materials. The thickness of the drainage must be at least 20 cm.

Step 5 Enriched soil is poured over the drainage layer. The composition of the soil layer for girlish grapes includes:

  • 2 parts of medium fertilized garden soil (you can add rotted autumn leaves to it);
  • 2 parts humus or herbal compost;
  • 1 part sand.

The soil is leveled with shovels and rakes. After that, seeds can be planted in the garden.

Step 6 Planting seeds. Small holes are made in the soil with a depth of 0.7-1.2 cm. 1 seed is placed in the holes and gently sprinkled with earth. The distance between the holes depends on the grape variety and ranges from 50 cm to 1 m. In order not to injure the root system of plants, the structures that will serve as a support for the vines are installed not during the period of rapid growth, but when planting seeds. After a few weeks, the earth will compact from watering, and therefore it will be difficult to put up supports for vines.

Step 7 The bed is watered, making sure that the seeds do not appear on the surface.

Step 8 top dressing organic fertilizers during the growth period. When the seeds sprout and the rapid growth of the stems begins, the liana can be fertilized with nitroammophos (45 g of fertilizer per 1 sq. M.). In order for the vines to grow faster, they should be fed with a drug to stimulate the growth of green mass (you can take the Kemira Universal or any other remedy).

Fertilizers are applied early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. Solid and liquid preparations are diluted in 10 liters of water and watered around the stems. The earth must be loosened before applying synthetic fertilizers.

On a note! Currently, breeders in Western Europe and America have bred dozens of varieties of girlish grapes, which differ in size, leaf shape, length of vines, soil requirements and frost resistance. Among them are varieties that like the sun, and varieties that tolerate shade well.

Color autumn leaves the new varieties are very beautiful. Among them you can see very rich orange, burgundy, red, bronze, striped, bright golden yellow leaves. All new varieties can be planted not only by cuttings and layering, but also by seeds. It must be remembered that when planting hybrids with seeds, quality will begin to be lost in a few years.

Video - Grapes maiden triostronny. How to grow from seed?

Planting girlish grapes is not too laborious; propagation of this plant by layering and cuttings does not take much time and leads to a guaranteed positive result. But if the gardener wants to grow a new unusual variety, then it is better to plant seeds.

This plant does not have beautiful flowers or tasty fruits, its main value is a chic green mass that turns red in the sun or with the onset of long cold nights. The leaves are five small leaflets fused at the base, which are attached to long petioles. Therefore, the vine is often called the five-leaf grape.

Why girlish? Yes, just the flowers do not need pollination, they are self-fertile. The resulting inedible dark blue fruits with a wax coating are also very decorative. The plant is massively used for decorating unsightly facades of buildings, landscaping arbors, hedges and fences, protecting the attic or veranda from rain. Grapes are very durable: the strength of shoot growth and the formation of dense foliage do not change even in extreme old age. In addition, he is not afraid of pests and diseases.


  • forms a continuous canopy of greenery both in the shade and in the sun. It can reach a height of 25 meters, in the first two years it grows up to 3 meters;
  • not afraid of frost, undemanding to moisture, soil composition;
  • takes up little space, while covering a large area;
  • plastic crown takes on various bizarre shapes, wrapping around a rigid frame;
  • easily propagated, which can sometimes be a disadvantage.

Despite the obvious advantages of five-leafed grapes, many gardeners are wary of using it for landscaping their plots. And all because a lush liana, growing, can destroy the plaster on the walls of buildings, tiles or slate on the roof, and also clog the drainpipe. In addition, powerful roots behave aggressively, capturing the soil space and penetrating into the foundation.

Shoots cling with antennae with suction cups for the smallest roughness and defects on the surface, penetrate into any cracks. It's pretty hard to take them off. Brick, stone foundations are suitable for landscaping, but wooden surfaces may get moldy due to high humidity. Hedges made of "wild" grapes along a busy highway perfectly protect the house from harmful emissions and dust, muffle the sounds of the road.

Girlish grapes - cultivation

Despite the fact that the five-leafed grape grows equally well anywhere, it is still better to plant it on the sunny side. So it will start growing faster, and the leaves will be larger, more picturesque in color.

Any time of the year is suitable for planting "wild" grapes, but autumn is considered the most optimal. Soil requirements are the most minimal, any cultivated is suitable. The plant develops well on fertile loams with a neutral pH. It is very important to build a permanent support before planting. for fast-growing vine branches. It is not recommended to transplant seedlings older than two years, so as not to disturb the branching process.

Girlish grapes - planting:

  1. dig a hole measuring 60x60x60;
  2. 15 cm backfill with drainage - crushed stone, broken brick, sand;
  3. mix a bucket of humus and half a bucket of sand with the excavated earth;
  4. lower the seedling into the recess and sprinkle with soil;
  5. form a hole for watering so that the water does not spread.

Liana is so unpretentious that it easily reproduces by any means. Therefore, the problems “How to grow a five-leaf girlish grape?” does not exist.

  • Reproduction by seeds

Propagating a plant by seeds is quite troublesome, but in principle it is possible. They are planted in loose soil, deepening by one centimeter. Before sowing, grape seeds are soaked for 5 hours in cold water and then placed in the refrigerator for about a week. This method is rarely used.

  • Reproduction by cuttings

For rooting, it is better to take last year's lignified shoots as thick as a pencil. In spring or early summer, cuttings 30 cm long are cut with four to five healthy buds. Immediately at an angle, they are planted in loose soil, leaving at least two green buds above the surface.

Be sure to water regularly until the plant begins to actively grow. The step between the holes with the cuttings is one and a half to two meters. By the way, freshly cut cuttings take root perfectly in a glass of water, and only then they can be planted.

  • Reproduction by layering

A simple method of propagation by layering will require a minimum of effort. It is enough to spread the lash of grapes on the ground, pin it with a thick wire in the places of knots and sprinkle it with a little soil. During the heat, the whip is watered. The next spring, new plants formed from sprinkled buds are separated by carefully digging up the roots, and seated.

  • Reproduction by root offspring

It is very convenient to propagate grapes by root offspring, which are formed at the base of the bush as a result of the rapid growth of branches. They are easy to dig up and transplant for growing to a new place.

Liana care

Growing grapes is reduced to the direction of its branches during growth. It does not require maintenance, you can even water it only 4 times a year with a bucket of water under each bush. And if you mulch the plant with humus, then you don’t need to water it at all. In the summer, weeds are periodically removed, the soil is loosened, and the earth is sprinkled if the roots are suddenly exposed.

In early spring, pruning is carried out, which consists in removing excess lashes, frozen and broken shoots. To facilitate the formation of grapes in the future, it is preferable to immediately accustom the vine to grow in a fan. To do this, the main lashes are laid with rays in the correct form, and all subsequently evading shoots are removed.

On a stuffy summer day, a real salvation for the owners country houses and the dachas will become an unusual green gazebo, completely decorated with a vine of girlish grapes. Lush leaves give the necessary coolness, and the external aesthetically refined look will please the eye of not only households, but also guests. Not requiring special care plant, an advantageous option for decorating areas, creating shade and covering uneven arbors.

Maiden grapes - decorative liana

Decorative creepers received the prefix "girlish" for a reason, because the flowers of the plant do not need to be fertilized with pollen.

plant description

This type of ivy, which comes from East Asia and North America, is ideal for growing in our climate, with moderate rainfall, hot summer swings, and subdued spring or fall. Two hundred years ago, the estates of wealthy nobles adorned the estates of wealthy nobles with such decorative grapes, and later they used a similar solution when decorating parks and playgrounds.

IN last years the popularity of such plants in private areas has increased, there are quite logical reasons for this - simplicity, cheapness, practicality.

A winding vine, capable of reaching a height of twenty meters, easily climbs up the support, and also droops down in naturally wavy green “curls”. In the summer, the dense foliage of the creeper is dark green, and in the fall, a rich purple color will play in contrast to the languid leaf fall.

Despite the fact that parthenocissus has a purely decorative role, it has bluish-black berries and, although they are inedible, their presence adds color and playfulness to the vine.

Experienced gardeners disagree about the advisability of planting girlish grapes, on the one hand, the vine is able to cover the most crooked buildings and cracks, and on the other hand, violent strong stems can destroy the integrity of the structure. The best option: light gazebos with spacious arches and wooden beams.

Girlish grapes on a country fence

Joy for the garden

Before planting decorative ivy, it is worth deciding on its advantages and disadvantages. Planting this type of ivy will bring:

  • attractive appearance additional buildings to the house;
  • dense impenetrable green curtain;
  • frost-resistant plant;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • minimum costs of the land plot;
  • favorable growth in the sun and in the shade;
  • resistant to the appearance of pests;
  • upward growth rate;
  • minimum costs for fertilizers;
  • ease of propagation of vines;
  • protection of structures from external influences (wind, heat, etc.).

The undoubted advantage of ornamental grapes is its versatility in planting. In this case, methods are suitable: layering, cuttings, root offspring, and the most common - seeds.

Species forms of girlish grapes

What makes many owners of country houses to be wary of grapes?

First of all, this is the incredible power of the plant itself, which is able to grow deep under the foundation or penetrate under the slate, thereby destroying their integrity and violating the stability of the structure. In growth, creepers close windows and doors, creating an excessive shadow in the house, and subsequently dampness. Maidengrass decorates your home without profit, and in return it requires a little vigilance from you in its growth, in the direction of lush leaves and vines. Another important nuance is a strong root system of grapes - growing, it is able to damage the "neighbors" (trees, bushes, flowers).

Do not forget also that ivy begins to come to life last, when the rest of the plants have blossomed, and therefore for a long time instead of beautiful vines you can see bare, tangled shoots.

Triwall view on the wall

The process of preparing for planting ivy

Planting grapes in the spring begins with a thorough preparation, and although it is easy to breed such plants, choosing the right site will take some time.


As growth is carried out, periodic cutting of excess shoots is made to give a convenient shape to the future weaving grapes.

The plan for planting a future dense green curtain looks something like this:

  • dig a hole of a suitable size (not very deep, but not superficial);
  • mix the resulting soil with sand and fertilizers;
  • lay a small brick at the bottom of the pit and fill in half the mixture;
  • place the shoot in the pit and fill it with the rest of the mixture;
  • water;
  • protect from harmful influences.

Rooted cuttings of parthenocissus

Planting ivy is simplified by the fact that a special support is not at all necessary, the vine itself is tenacious and can grab hold of any ledge and unevenness. Most fruitful planting ornamental plants in well-moistened soil, with fertile soil. The north side adversely affects the color of the leaves of girlish grapes, and therefore the direction of the sun plays important role(planting a plant in the spring). Otherwise, you will need a transplant, which is hindered by an already grown vine, tenaciously wrapping around a support. If this is not an option for you, and you cannot find a more suitable facade than the northern one, then the green autumn color of the leaves can please no less purple.

It has been established that the time at which the planting is best carried out does not exist, but after winter there are more favorable conditions for further growth of the vine.

Gardening experts advise before planting grapes a week in advance to dig up the soil where you are going to plant the plant.

Landing layering

For propagation by layering, a vine is selected along the length and sits in a hole five centimeters deep. Two waves land - one above the ground, the other in the ground. Abundant watering, and soon your climbing plant will grow. A short layering is also useful, it sits in a watered hole and is carefully sprinkled with soil and fertilizers. In such cases, supports are used for even growth of the vine.

Propagation of girlish grapes by layering. Carrying out a groove and laying an escape in it.

seed propagation

The easiest way to propagate is seeds planted in autumn in loosened soil no more than one centimeter.

Seeds of girlish grapes are best sown in autumn

To improve the results, the seeds are soaked or stratified the day before.

Root offspring

A convenient method of reproduction by planting root offspring.

Choice suitable way and the time of planting grapes depends entirely on the gardener or owner suburban area. The plant, which over time has grown up and on the sides, is unpretentious and does not require special care.

Girlish grape seedling from root layer

Proper Care and Care

Unlike their brethren climbing vines easy to care for, and given the violent growth, the only concern for them will be the timely pruning of shoots and leaves. Despite the support, the vine grows at will and often brings little inconvenience. The soil under the grapes is regularly plowed and loosened. As for watering, here it is worth moderating the ardor and limiting high humidity around the roots of the plant. In a severe drought, watering becomes more frequent, but only by the number of approaches, and not by the total volume of water for one irrigation. In the phase of intensive growth, it is recommended to fertilize the soil at least once a month.

Weeds, which certainly appeared around the rhizome, must be removed without fail before they reach the roots. In March, while the plant is “sleeping”, the tips frozen over the winter are cut off for further growth of the vine. Girlish grapes are quickly restored, and due to sleeping buds, they return violence.

Girlish grapes without pruning grow strongly

It happens that perennial plant under the weight of their own stems, a “breakdown” occurs, therefore, for smooth surfaces provide additional support.

Pest control

Pests that annoy many plants almost never appear in cases with a liana, only sometimes, due to the proximity of infected trees or bushes, unpleasant phenomena are possible in the form of dried sticky leaves or eaten berries.

Parthenocissus gives the terrace an attractive appearance

When disinsection of diseased plants, the vine is cleaned in the same order, and it is quickly restored.

Myths about parthenocissus

The earth is full of rumors, and if it comes to landing unusual plant and even more so. There are enough myths about planting and properties of girlish grapes, but hardly half of them turn out to be true. Among experienced gardeners There is an opinion that creepers are nothing but wild grapes. True with classic grapes edible berries ornamental grapes have nothing in common, neither in shape, nor in the appearance of the antennae, and even more so in the properties of the fruit. The only thing that unites these plants is similar names.

Girlish grapes in a flowerpot on the balcony

The second myth that wanders among people is damp walls and rotting bricks under dense purple leaves of vines.

Even after a real heavy rain, the wall under the grapes remains dry, and therefore the vines serve additional protection, the same goes for the wind - green insulation delays noise and excess cold. It is not at all worth talking about the saving coolness in summer, since its advantages are obvious. IN autumn period when the leaves finally fall off, excellent conditions for ventilation are created.

Girlish grapes on the balcony in pots

Girlish grapes in the design of the house or garden

The vertical way of decorating all kinds of arbors, old buildings, arches and beams gives vent to imagination and helps to create a unique decor. Old trees, shed walls, a fence or front porch are suitable for support. If planted climbing plant near the fence, you can get an unforgettable green hedge, bright and saturated for almost the whole year. Don't forget about useful properties creepers and it is this that will be guided by the decision to add climbing grapes to the overall arrangement of the garden or yard.

Birds often start up in dense vines, the fruits of the plant serve as additional food and a cozy nest for them.

Vichy grapes are very decorative in autumn

On the plaster walls, if vines once sprouted on them, traces of grapes will forever remain, and therefore, before filling the wall with a living green blanket, it is worth foreseeing all the consequences. The rest of the surfaces will be happy with the neighborhood of climbing ivy, even grateful, because it will become a real blanket in winter and on windy days. Green foliage will protect the house from a sharp change in temperature, shelter from wind and freezing in cold weather (prevent cracks).

Henry grape variety star showers monham

There are several main and common varieties of girlish grapes:

  • originally from China, the liana of the Thomson variety (extraordinary purple leaves);
  • variety Henry - leaves with a tetrahedral section are more suitable for home conditions;
  • Engelman variety - small translucent leaves;
  • Tricolor - a fairly new variety lighter than the usual green;
  • variety Vichi - brought from Japan (not sufficiently resistant to frost);
  • hairy variety - young shoots appear quite fluffy.

The choice of variety depends entirely on what color scheme you are going to create or on which part of the yard or house the future creepers will grow. Experiment, let your imagination take over and create a unique beauty. Almost all varieties are resistant to harmful effects, unpretentious, require a minimum of attention and care, and in return give all their incredible refinement and richness.

Variety Tricolor in spring

Smooth leaves or fleecy, dense thickets or long thin ones - any whims in a short time. Graceful fruits, guests who have found a home in ivy, crimson shades in autumn and juicy green in summer - all this will add special coziness and comfort to your yard. Any of the varieties can create an exterior around the house, cheer up guests and dispel longing on a cold autumn evening.

Are you still wondering if you should plant parthenocissus?

Parthenocissus is well formed as a bonsai

When you see a green hedge or a lovely purple wall, your doubts will be dispelled in an instant, and the desire to decorate your house or garden in an unusual way will make you acquire decorative vines. It's simple, cheap, convenient, and most importantly safe and beautiful. Old walls, fences, sheds and rotten foams will take on a new colorful life and will hide in the heat or rain under a reliable living cover. Benefit to the hosts, eye candy and joy in hot, suffocating weather for you and your special guests.

Girlish grapes, whose homeland is the countries of East Asia, the Himalayas, North America, thanks to such a wide geography, it is cultivated in almost all climatic zones Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.

A fairly winter-hardy plant, representing a woody vine, with beautiful leaves and bluish-black berries, parthenocissus, the photo of which is published below, enjoys special attention summer residents, owners of suburban areas.

Girlish grapes - care: features

Popular with gardeners, despite the lack of beautiful fragrant flowers, the inedibility of fruits, girlish grapes, planting which is quite simple, won with luxurious foliage, quick survival, and the ability to mask unsightly objects on the site.

With the help of this culture, shading and protection from wind and rain are created in the gazebo, open veranda, on the balcony. Green foliage persists until autumn, and then turns bright orange and red, pleasing to the eye and uplifting on gray autumn days.

But this plant is interesting not only for its rapid growth, decorativeness. Its usefulness is due to properties such as:

Improvement of the surrounding microclimate, due to the suppression of the development of certain pathogens;

Prevention of penetration of dust, gases into the premises;

Protection of the house, other premises, covered with a dense carpet of greenery, from overheating;

Ability to grow with minimal care;

Resistance to pests, diseases;

The possibility of planting bird grapes in simple ways.

Types and varieties of girlish grapes for planting

The use of girlish grapes mainly for landscaping fences, walls of buildings, verandas, arbors, pergolas is facilitated by the ability of vines to rise to great heights, thanks to the tendrils that serve as suction cups. Many large decorative leaves create a dense carpet that changes color from green to red, orange, burgundy shades by autumn.

The following varieties are most often grown among gardeners:

Five-leafed or virgin grapes with leaves similar to chestnut leaves, reaching fifteen meters in height;

Triostrate or ivy-shaped grapes grown on vertical surfaces and on the ground.

Each of these species is divided into several varieties. Virginia or five-leaf grapes naturally grow in North America. The species is frost-resistant, grows well even in Western Siberia. For the virgin species, Don Juan is the most popular and valuable. This variety reaches a length of 20 meters. Every year, the shoots of this plant lengthen by 2-2.5 meters.

A popular variety of three-walled species is the Wicha grape, which grows in southeast Asia. The variety is suitable for planting near roads, as it is not afraid of exhaust gases and smoke. The shoots of this plant can stretch up to 4 meters per year.

Girlish grapes - planting: choosing a place

An unpretentious plant, which is girlish grapes, responds gratefully to good care, illumination, fertile soil. If you want to grow a beautiful and strong plant, then the first step is to choose a place for planting girlish grapes. Although the culture will thrive in shade and light, the color of the leaves will vary. When the liana grows in a lighted place, the leaves in autumn change their green color to burgundy, red, Orange color. If the plant grows with a lack of light, then the leaves will remain green until winter, depriving the owners of the plot of contemplation of the fiery coloring of the carpet formed by girlish grapes. Shrub development is also faster in well-lit areas.

Girlish grapes - planting: planting time and soil preparation

For girlish grapes, planting can be carried out in the spring or autumn season. Usually the culture takes root well, both in September-October and in April-May. Opinions on a more favorable planting time differ, which often depends on the type of crop.

Regardless of the season, it is desirable to prepare the soil for planting. Any cultivated soil is suitable for planting this vine. But wanting to get strong plants, before planting, you should dig up the soil, dig a hole, the depth of which will be about half a meter or a little deeper. Place in a hole for drainage. broken brick, fill up about 20 centimeters of sand, and fill the soil mixture on top. The soil mixture consists of compost, leafy soil, sand. Each component is taken in a ratio of 2:2:1. On well-fertilized soil, the plant will grow well without top dressing for a couple of years.

Girlish grapes: reproduction

There are several ways to plant and propagate this beautiful vine. To get to know them, you should look at the girlish grapes in the photo:

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by cuttings

Reproduction by seeds

Reproduction by root offspring

To plant a crop with layering, it is necessary to choose the longest lash with buds, dig a groove 5 centimeters deep. Further, layers are laid in a wave-like manner in the groove. In this case, the part of the layer, which will be underground, is pinned with a paper clip, hairpin or piece of curved wire. After sprinkling with earth, the future bush is watered. If you take a short layer, then it also fits into a dug shallow groove, watered with water, but the top up to 15 centimeters high remains above the ground.

For propagation by cuttings of girlish grapes, before planting, branches are first cut in thickness not exceeding a pencil, which are planted in the ground prepared in advance. When planting in this way, two buds should remain on the part of the branch that remains above the ground. After planting, the cuttings are watered.

Planting grapes with seeds seems to be a more complex and painstaking process. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked or stratified by placing them in sand or other moist substrate.

It is convenient to propagate girlish grapes by root offspring. Root offspring are formed from regrown shoots of vines. They are easily removed for planting in a new place, where holes are pulled out in advance. The distance between the pits should be from half a meter to a meter.

Girlish grapes: care

The ease of care for girlish grapes attracts many summer residents who cannot live permanently outside the city. The culture is resistant to lack of water, frost, but responds well to watering, especially during prolonged heat. Watering during the dry season will help the plant retain its decorative effect. Also, for the plant, it is necessary to install supports, tie them up.

Help improve growth simple care, including:

top dressing;

Loosening the soil; removal of weeds, mulching with peat, sawdust, fallen rotted leaves;

Pruning is necessary to remove excess, as well as dry branches, limit bushes in volume, create necessary forms. For example, parthenocissus in the photo forms hedge, decorates the entrance.

Young plants, especially planted by cuttings, need protection from frost for the first year. To do this, the vines are covered with snow or some improvised material. Having survived the first winter, girlish grapes will increase winter hardiness, and will not need special shelters.

Girlish grapes: diseases, pests

An unpretentious plant is little susceptible to the invasion of pests and diseases. But five-leafed grapes may appear slugs, which can be combated by treating the plant with special chemicals.

On the leaves of vines can be found aphids, which you can get rid of by dousing the plant with a strong water jet.

Disease or damage to a plant by insects can be determined by yellow, red spots on the leaves.

Girlish grapes have been one of the elements of landscape design since ancient times. Stepped terraces, balconies, walls have been twined with creepers for a long time, creating bizarre shapes. The ease of growing this crop allows any owner of a suburban area, a summer resident to turn his territory into a fabulous garden.

This ornamental vine has neither delicious fruits, not with some luxurious flowers - its main advantage, which can be used to decorate your summer house, is the ability to decorate unsightly places on the site with it, create a shadow, plant a fence or hedge, or simply close the veranda or attic from the rain. In autumn, girlish grapes turn into beautiful red tones, reminiscent of rowan leaves before leaf fall. In this form, it will remain until the winter, therefore, when preparing the cottage for the winter period, you will enjoy this beauty before the snow falls, which will allow you to at least to some extent minimize the consequences of the autumn depression.

The main disadvantage of this plant is also its main advantage - its reproduction can truly take on catastrophic proportions with improper care and lack of timely pruning. Therefore, if you have a large garden on the site and you are having difficulty harvesting fallen leaves, think carefully before planting it - the work will increase significantly. Otherwise, girlish grapes are very unpretentious in their care.

Most plants of the Grape family are cirriform vines, the tendrils of which are modified inflorescences and play the role of suckers that help the plant climb walls and other vertical supports.

Along with the decorative effect of foliage and berries, which is especially evident in autumn, grapes have a positive effect on the microclimate and air quality, performing the function of noise, dust and gas protection and having phytoncidal properties. For example, girlish grapes five-leaf inhibits the development of pathogenic coccal microorganisms. Also, this grape significantly protects buildings from summer overheating and helps to reduce dampness in the premises.

Girlish grapes - planting and care.

Most types of tree vines do not require particularly fertile soils, but they also do not like very dry and depleted soils, and tolerate slight salinity. Vigorous plants are planted in 50x50x50 cm pits filled with fertile, well-drained soil. Seedlings are best planted in early spring at a distance of 50-70 centimeters.

Caring for girlish grapes is to establish supports, garter and top dressing. These are drought and frost-resistant vines, but with prolonged drought, watering is required, as the plants lose their decorative effect.

To improve growth, top dressing should be carried out 2 times during the season - in spring or early summer, 40-50 g of nitroammophoska are applied per 1 m 2, and in the period active growth- 100-200 grams of the drug "Kemira Universal". In addition, the plant needs periodic loosening, removal of weeds, as well as pruning, which consists in removing dry and excess branches. If necessary, girlish grapes should be trimmed to limit the volume.

Species of the genus girlish grapes are of interest for vertical gardening of high walls of arbors, pergolas, and fences. They form beautiful mosaic leaves that turn red before the onset of winter.

Varieties and types of girlish grapes

Parthenocissus tricuspidata Siebold (Parthenocissus tricuspidata Siebold).

Homeland - Korea, Japan, Primorsky Krai. This creeper is able to climb smooth walls thanks to strong, branching tendrils that expand into discs and serve as suction cups. The leaves are very decorative, with a glossy surface, capable of creating a dense green carpet. The plant is photophilous, it is recommended to grow on the walls of the southern exposure. Propagated mainly by seeds, which are sown in autumn, as long-term stratification is necessary.

In culture, the form "Vicha" ("Veitchii") is often found, which differs from the main species in simple coarse-rod-shaped large leaves. This plant is widely used in vertical gardening European countries. In autumn, the leaves of the vine take on delightful shades of bright red. Propagated by woody and green cuttings. It is not recommended to propagate by seeds, as splitting occurs. Planted young plants grow slowly for the first year, require watering and top dressing, but in the future, the growth per year reaches 2-2.5 m.

Parthenocissus qyinqiefolia (Parthenocissus qyinqiefolia).

Motherland - North America, Mexico. Curly woody liana, rising to supports with the help of tendrils. The lashes reach a length of 20 meters. The leaves are palmately compound (of five leaflets), dark green, shiny, with a pointed apex and a wedge-shaped base. The most decorative form of girlish five-leafed grapes is "Engelman" ("Engelmanii"). This plant has antennae with 8-12 short branches and well-defined suckers. The leaves consist of 5 broadly lanceolate dark green leaflets up to 12 long and up to 3 cm wide. Leaf petioles are reddish, up to 15 cm long. Autumn color is carmine-violet. It grows rapidly, the annual growth is 0.5-1 m.


Most simple ways propagation of girlish grapes - cuttings and layering.

If you want to create an original green screen in your garden, decorate a gazebo or summer veranda girlish grapes, you need to get planting material.

cuttings in the soil

You can propagate girlish grapes by cuttings, putting them on rooting in the soil. Cuttings are planted in loose soil at an angle and watered regularly. Rooting usually takes 1-2 months.

cuttings in the water

Sometimes it is enough in spring or summer to cut a few branches with a couple of well-ripened leaves and just put them in a glass of water. room temperature. At the same time, the cut of the cutting is carried out 2-3 cm below the leaf. After a while, the cuttings will give life to still tiny young roots. In case of failure, you should not despair and you will have to repeat everything from the very beginning. It is useful to regularly spray the leaves of not yet rooted or weak plants from a spray bottle.

Propagation of girlish grapes by layering

Girlish grapes and layering reproduce well. To do this, in the spring, one- or two-year-old branches of plants are bent to the soil surface and fixed by pinning the plant nodes more rigidly, for example, with steel wire 3 mm in diameter and sprinkled a little with soil. It is only necessary to water the cuttings from time to time. The next year, in early spring, the plants are divided, while the roots of the new plant are carefully dug up and planted in a new place.


Do not use cuttings with dormant buds for propagation.

autumn care

All preparation for the harsh winter period is reduced to the collection of fruits, if necessary, for additional crops of new plants. In autumn, after the first frosts, all foliage falls off large plants. It must be raked and removed in a timely manner, otherwise dampness will remain under the walls, which is undesirable.

Winter shelter for parthenocissus

From year to year, when growing plants, their winter hardiness increases. However, in the first winter, young plants, especially those propagated by cuttings, should be covered with snow or some other improvised materials. In the future, girlish grapes will endure the winter period more steadfastly and special shelters will not be required.