Toilet      04.03.2020

Remove a strong blockage in the bath. Eliminate and break through the blockage in the bathroom at home: how and how to do it? Effective cleaners

If you feel an unpleasant smell in the bathroom and the water does not go completely into the pipe, you can be sure that the bathroom drain is clogged. We will figure out how to deal with the problem at home, how to eliminate blockages in the bathroom.

Exist different ways to get rid of the cork in the pipe, including folk. Before you start fighting blockage with radical methods and apply chemical substances, it is better to try to break through the drain with simple and affordable means.

Eliminate blockage with improvised means

  • Boiling water

Warm five liters of water to a state of boiling water, and pour into the drain hole. On early stage pollution this method will help to quickly clean the pipe in the bathroom. If the water does not go into the pipe at all, then you should not use this technique. Plastic pipes should not be washed with boiling water. It is better if the water temperature is not higher than 90 degrees.

  • plunger

Most available device capable of breaking through blockages in the bathroom and available in every home - a plunger. Consider how to clear a blockage in the bathroom and get rid of a plug in a pipe with the correct use of a plunger. It is also useful to use the device for the prevention of blockages.

  1. Fill the tub with water until the rubber plunger is covered with liquid.
  2. Install the plunger, blocking the drain hole, and slightly push the handle.
  3. Move the plunger handle up and down without lifting the rubber part of the fixture from the drain surface. After pumping the drain several times, it is better to raise the device a little so that water gets into the pipe. If you need to check if you managed to remove blockages in the bathroom, turn on hot water and rinse the drain. If the water passes with difficulty, it is better to try again.
  • soda and vinegar

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If the pipe is so clogged that water won't even seep into the drain hole, try removing the plug with baking soda and vinegar.

  1. Pour five tablespoons of baking soda down the drain, and pour half a glass of vinegar over it.
  2. Close the hole with a stopper and wait until the chemical reaction is over.
  3. Rinse the pipe with strong pressure of hot water.

  • Cable

How to clear a blockage in the bathroom if the drain is clogged so that the above remedies do not help? Use a special cable. The device resembles a twisted wire coiled into a spiral with a handle at the end.

In case the pipes plastic cleaning cable must be carried out with special care. It is better to cover the floor near the bath so as not to get dirty while removing the device.

  1. Place the sharp tip of the tool into the drain hole. The cable must always be taut. Therefore, it is better to work together.
  2. To eliminate blockages in the bathroom, rotate the handle, moving the cable along the pipe. If you feel that you have stumbled upon an obstacle, make several movements with the cable back and forth, continuing to screw in the rod. The blockage will collapse or be removed along with the cable.
  3. At the end of the procedure, rinse the drain with a pressure of hot water.

How to clean a siphon

Often the cause of an unpleasant odor is the siphon, which is clogged and has accumulated a fetid sediment on the walls. What to do to get rid of undesirable consequences?

  • Lay a cloth under the siphon located under the bathtub that absorbs water well. Place a container for dirty liquid on the cloth.
  • Carefully unscrew the nut and remove the flask.
  • After the water drains, rinse the siphon, removing debris that has accumulated on the walls.
  • In order not to break the water seal, install the flask so that the drain pipe does not rest on it.
  • Turn on the water and check the tightness of the system.

The bathroom is one of the most visited places in the house. Constant washing leads to the fact that inside the drain accumulates a large number of hair and other organic waste. As a result, a strong blockage is formed, and the water does not leave, and in the future an unpleasant smell may appear from the drain. You can clean the blockage in the bathroom with simple means.

At home, a plunger will help to cope with a clogged blockage in the bathroom. In order to avoid an air corridor, it is necessary to close the upper hole for draining water with a cork or rag. Vaseline or any greasy cream will help to ensure a tighter fit of the plunger to the toilet rim. Then you need to put the plunger on the drain hole and begin to expel the dirt intensively and sharply to get rid of them.

If the use of the previous method did not bring results, then you can proceed as follows. For more effective protection from blockages, it is necessary to fill the bathtub with water exactly one third. Using a plunger, pump it into the pipeline and pull it out. The movements must be sharp. It is necessary to continue a similar procedure until it is possible to completely break through the drain hole in the pipe from contamination.

Mechanical cleaning with a rope

What to do in a situation where boiling water in combination with a plunger cannot cope with blockages in the sewer? In this case, the most the right way there will be a cable. Care should be taken, since such a device can easily damage plastic pipes, and they will leak.

To make a cable yourself, you will need a metal flexible wire. Then one end of the cable must be bent to make a small hook. It will be convenient for them to cling to the debris stuck in the drain hole and pull it out. As for the second end, then a piece of fabric should be wound to it, making a handle.

You need to carefully tuck the cable inside drain pipe and try to push through the accumulated dirt. In order for cleaning to be better, you can turn the device clockwise. Then you need to pull out the cable with the remaining debris.

To wash off the blockage completely, it is necessary to flush the drain with a strong stream of boiling water from the shower or faucet. This method is one of the most effective to date. This is what most plumbers use.

Soda for small blockages

Soda in combination with soda will help to cope with a small blockage in a bath without a plunger. For this:

  • pour 125 mg of each into the drain;
  • pour soda and salt with 3 cups of boiling water;
  • do not use the bathroom for 7 hours;
  • after this time, the drain should be flushed hot water.

One of the most popular ways to remove debris in the drain hole with improvised means is to use baking soda with vinegar. These components react with each other and effectively remove the blockage. For such a procedure, you will need acetic acid 70% (200 ml) and 3 tbsp. l. soda.

Care must be taken when working with vinegar, as it is very easy to get a chemical burn. Soda is poured into the drain and poured acetic acid. Then you should wait 40-50 minutes and gently clean the drain with boiling water until the foam from the soda and vinegar disappears completely. It should be remembered that this method will help to destroy only organic waste. If the bath is clogged and needs to be cleaned of inorganic contaminants, then it is best to use a cable, plunger or store preparations.

Other effective ways

If the bath is not too clogged, you can resort to the help of a lemon. To do this, squeeze the juice from three medium citruses into the drain and wait 40-60 minutes. To have more juice, you can pre-hold the lemons in boiling water. After that, you need to spill the drain with very hot water. Thanks to this method, not only the garbage in the bath is eliminated, but also the unpleasant smell.

Video - proven cleaning methods:

You can remove dirt in the drain hole with a vacuum cleaner that is equipped with a backflush function. The action of this method is based on the use of strong air pressure. Experts do not recommend using this method, since water can get into the vacuum cleaner. If you do decide to use this method to clear a blockage in your bathtub, you should wipe the rim of the drain hole dry. Then attach the vacuum cleaner tube, pre-wrapped with a rag, to the drain and turn on the back blow.

What to do if traditional methods do not help?

Chemical products that are sold in hardware stores will help you quickly and effectively get rid of clogged debris. They are designed to remove organic soiling (hair, pet hair, food residue, etc.). They resort to their help when it is impossible to cope with a clogged bathroom with folk remedies.

In what form is it best to purchase household chemicals? Despite the fact that such drugs are sold in the form of foam, powders, gels and granules, they all have an almost identical composition.

Cleaning clogged sewer pipes in the bathroom with KOT cleaner - video:

To clean a heavily soiled pipe, the following tips will help:

  • it is very important to read the instructions before using chemical blockage removers;
  • experts recommend choosing solvents in order to remove blockages according to the nature of the pipe (for example, plastic or cast iron);
  • both powder and liquid preparations have the same effectiveness, so it does not matter which kind of preparation will be used to clear a strong blockage in the bathroom;
  • blockage solvents in liquid form are immediately poured into the drain, and granules or powders are poured out, and then boiling water is poured into them;
  • after the drug runs out of the time allotted to it by the instruction, you need to thoroughly rinse the drain with a stream of hot water.

It is also very important to wear rubber protective gloves while working with such chemicals.

Measures to prevent pollution in the bath

In order to prevent contamination in the drain of a sink or bathtub, it is necessary to devote time to preventive procedures. Their implementation will not require much time, and the means to be used can be found in every home.

To water pipes not contaminated with waste, and there was no situation when the water does not drain well, it is necessary to close the drain holes with special nets for protection. This device will help to minimize the ingress of food particles and other organic waste into the drain.

  1. Dissolve accumulated debris at least once a month. This applies even to situations where blockages are not yet too large and water flows freely into the sewer. This procedure will prevent the formation of traffic jams. You can carry it out with the help of products sold in the store (Mole, Tiret Turbo, etc.).
  2. Replace such chemicals with regular laundry detergent. To prevent blockages, it is necessary to close the drain holes of the bathtub and sinks every 4-5 months. After that, pour a handful of powder and pour very hot water. After 5 minutes, the plugs must be removed. This method will also help get rid of the unpleasant smell from the drain.
  3. In order to prevent blockages from appearing for a long time, you can spill the drain hole with boiling water from the kettle. This procedure should be carried out within 2-3 minutes.

In addition, it is very important to remove hair that has fallen into the drain after each shower.

Sewer systems can become clogged not only in multi-apartment buildings, but also in private homes. Inner side pipes accumulate fat deposits, soap deposits and other debris, which serves as a barrier to the passage of water. There are many ways to clear a blockage in the bathroom or kitchen, as well as minimize the likelihood of a similar problem in the future.

Causes of blockages

Pipes can become clogged for the following reasons:

Effective cleaning methods

To eliminate blockage in the bathroom, you can use one of the existing methods:

  • Pressure cleaning - in this case, a classic plunger is used.
  • Mechanical - debris is removed by disassembling the siphon or using a plumbing cable.
  • Chemical - corks are dissolved with industrial facilities containing harsh chemicals.
  • Thermal - you can eliminate the blockage with the help of hot water pressure.

The choice of method depends on the material from which the pipes are made.. Plastic products can be damaged by boiling water or a cable, and the use chemicals can only be carried out in strict compliance with all manufacturer's recommendations.

Cleaning with a plunger

The plunger remains easy to use, affordable and popular when it comes to clearing a blockage in a bathroom, toilet or sink. This device is in the form of a handle (plastic or wooden), one side of which has a rubber nozzle. Under the influence of its pressure, the debris accumulated in the pipes begins to move along them and collapse. With the help of a plunger, as a rule, it is possible to get rid of blockages, they are freely brought out and removed.

But to clean the pipes like this simple fixture, you need to use it correctly:

When using a plunger, it is extremely important that the water level in the sink or bathtub does not exceed the rubber valve. Remove debris and achieve best result a repeat procedure will allow.

Household chemicals

There are many ways to clean the drain in the bathtub and sink, but one of the most popular is the use of household chemicals. With its help, it is possible to effectively break through all blockages without replacing parts. The advantage of these tools is that they do all the work themselves, a person does not need to make physical efforts.

These products are characterized by a different consistency: foam, gel, powder and liquid, they can also cost in different ways. The principle of their use is simple: the required amount of cleaning agent is poured or poured into the drain and left for a certain time, which should be indicated on the label. After this time, the water must be turned on, which will ensure proper flushing of the pipes.

The use of any chemicals requires attention. They are not allowed to enter skin or mucous membranes (all work must be carried out with protective gloves). In addition, it is not recommended to allow the product to come into contact with chrome-plated surfaces.

In order not to remove blockages, preventive procedures should be carried out regularly using household chemicals: a small amount of chemical liquid or gel is poured into the drain hole, after which hot water is turned on to flush the pipes.

Siphon cleaning

Replacing parts is a last resort, in most cases cleaning the siphon is sufficient. The algorithm of actions should be as follows:

This method of cleaning is recommended to be carried out regularly for prevention. Rinsing the siphon once every 2-3 months will minimize the formation of fetid deposits on its inner surface, which cause an unpleasant odor in the room.

Using boiling water

If the blockage in the sink is taken by surprise, then you can use a simple and often effective way pipe cleaning - boiling water. The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that under the influence high temperatures dissolve the fat that causes most blockages.

First of all, it is necessary to assume the scale of the problem: if water has accumulated in one place, then the blockage is local in nature, and when water is in all drains, then the blockage is considered to be global. The solution to this problem is to clean the entire sewerage system, and with a local one, it is enough to clean one pipe.

You can use boiling water only if the plumbing system is made of metal pipes. The principle of operation is very simple: you need to heat up to 4 liters of water, and then send it to the drain. If necessary, cleaning is repeated. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to use a plunger or brush.

You should refrain from boiling water if water accumulates on the surface of the bathtub or sink. It should be taken into account that boiling water simply cannot affect the problem area. In addition, you should be careful not to scald. For plastic pipes you can use hot, but not boiling water.

metal cable

The debris accumulated deep in the pipes is unlikely to be eliminated with the help of household chemicals, boiling water or a plunger. In this case, it is recommended to resort to the use of a plumbing cable. This cable is characterized by the appearance of a thick twisted wire, one side of which is equipped with a drill, and the other with a handle. The length of the cable reaches no more than 10 meters, which is quite enough to eliminate the blockage. It should be borne in mind that this device is only suitable for dealing with contamination of metal pipes.

To successfully carry out cleaning, you should use the following recommendations:

The use of folk remedies

Time-tested folk remedies will help remove blockages in sewer pipes. Such procedures for removing blockages are easy to perform, environmentally friendly and do not require large financial costs, since ordinary soda is the active ingredient. Why not be convinced of the effectiveness of the funds for own experience if the tub is clogged.

Let's take a closer look at how to clean blockages at home:

  • Table vinegar and soda should be prepared in proportions of 1: 1, but not more than one full glass of each component.
  • First you need to pour soda into the drain hole, and then pour the vinegar solution on top.
  • The drain is closed with a stopper and left to rest for at least 3 hours.
  • After this time, the pipes must be thoroughly rinsed with boiling water.

What to do if the pipe in the bathroom is clogged, many sources will tell you. Based on the reviews of household members, fragrant lemon is an effective folk remedy. To eliminate the blockage, you will need to purchase several large citrus fruits and squeeze the juice out of them into the drain hole (it is important that the bones do not get there). Leave at rest for at least 1 hour, after which you can start using the bathroom or sink in the usual way.

As a result of design, installation, operation errors sewer system the user often needs to clear the blockage in the bathroom at home on their own. For this, a chemical, mechanical or hydrodynamic cleaning method is used. Plumbing fixtures are additionally equipped with special devices - siphons, fittings - revisions - are mounted in pipes, risers.

Sewerage system in country house and the apartment is designed together with plumbing. Two or three rooms with these engineering systems– separate / combined bathroom and kitchen have common system water supply and sanitation.

Typical scheme sewerage in the apartment.

Blockages can form due to improper operation of any of the plumbing fixtures. There are several categories of causes of sewer blockages:

In the kitchen, through the sink, food waste of small, large fractions inevitably gets into the drainage system. This point of water intake is usually the most distant from the sewer riser located in the toilet. With small volumes of water and slope angles of horizontal sections internal sewerage the liquid does not have time to carry this waste into the riser.

There is an accumulation of organic matter in the pipes, up to a blockage, which the user will have to clean with improvised means. In addition, organic matter begins to be processed by bacteria. Pipe obstruction can occur anywhere between the riser and the kitchen sink connection. As a result, the performance of any plumbing fixture in the kitchen, combined bathroom, bathroom or toilet may be disrupted if kitchen sink connected to the sewer before the bathroom.

Cleaning methods

Due to operational features, the drainage system under the bathtub or in the shower stall is most often clogged long hair which are not corroded, even by concentrated acid. Hairballs accumulate in the siphon or outlet after it. The siphon of a plumbing fixture is designed to solve several problems:

The design of the siphons allows you to create a water seal in front of the plumbing fixture - a column of liquid that is impervious to sewer gases, but at the same time makes it difficult to clean.

You need to start getting rid of the blockage with the most simple ways, then move on to more complex ones if the previous one did not work.



The simplest method of hydrodynamic flushing is considered to be a plunger, it helps to cope with blockages in 95% of cases:

  • we draw water into the bowl of the plumbing fixture, approximately to the middle of the plunger pear;
  • install the tool over the drain hole shower tray, sinks or bathtubs;
  • plug it with a wet rag and press the overflow hole with your hand;
  • with a sharp downward movement, we press the plunger handle, then just as sharply pull it up and so on several dozen times;
  • water, together with air, located inside the rubber plate of the tool, perform a water hammer, which breaks through the blockage plug.

Be sure to hermetically close the overflow hole of the bathroom or sink, otherwise it will not work to create a water hammer, the air will simply escape through the hole.

The previous method will help if the blockage is located before the junction of the tub / sink with a common pipe, as shown in the picture above. If the blockage is located after connecting two devices (see the figure below), in this case it is necessary to close the overflow holes in both the bathtub and sinks at the same time, as well as the drain hole of the sink or bathtub, or work with two plungers at once. For this you need an assistant.

Evidence that the blockage is located below the sink and bathtub is the squelching of water in the sink siphon when working with a plunger in the bathroom.

There are three types of plunger for solving different problems, differing in design:

  • standard - rubber suction cup in the form of a bowl;
  • toilet - in the lower part of the suction cup narrows;
  • piston - large hand pump with a rubber cuff for the diameter of the plumbing drain hole.

Vacuum cleaner

If you have a washing vacuum cleaner, but no plunger, you can try to break through the cork with it, but there should be a special nozzle in the kit. The vacuum cleaner is connected necessarily for blowing.

The main difficulty lies in sealing the junction of the household appliance hose with sewer pipe. For this, a rubber coupling, a sleeve, a hose of a suitable section are used.

High pressure washers

For hydrodynamic flushing of pipes of the drainage system, a high-pressure apparatus is used, a special hose tip:

  • one jet is directed forward strictly in the center of the nozzle, blurs the blockage high pressure water;
  • several jets of a ball-shaped head hit in reverse side at an angle of 30 - 45 degrees, cleaning the pipe walls from dirt behind them.

The operation is very dirty, so it is only applicable to outdoor, storm, drainage sewerage and pipes roof drain, flushing risers multi-storey buildings that are difficult or impossible to disassemble for other cleaning technologies. It does not apply inside apartments and houses.


Hooks, fixtures

Often the siphon in the bathroom is clogged with long hair, you can try to get a bunch of hair without disassembling the siphon, using improvised means or special devices.

Hair is removed with tweezers, forceps, wire hook.

The industry produces several types of special devices:

Siphon disassembly

If it is not possible to eliminate the blockage in the previous way, you can disassemble the siphon and rinse it manually, this is done as follows:

The cable must be pushed forward while twisting it in any convenient direction, rotation allows you to wind the hair accumulated in the pipe. After cleaning with a cable and assembling the siphon, you need to knock off the remaining dirt with a plunger.


Deep blockages and “overgrown” pipes that could not be pierced with a plunger are strong, they are eliminated with the help of special plumbing cables, they can be either manual or in the form of a nozzle on a screwdriver or drill.

The algorithm of actions to eliminate blockage inside the drainage system with a cable is as follows:

The method is considered the most effective, but it has a serious disadvantage - if the pipe is clogged with a plug of a viscous substance, the diameter of the hole in the blockage will be slightly larger than the thickness of the cable. Over time, you will have to repeat the operation.

The industry produces plumbing cables of different lengths, diameters with several types of tips.


All modern facilities for chemical cleaning of internal sewerage are divided according to the characteristics:

  • state of aggregation - powder, liquid;
  • chemical composition - acidic, alkaline.

Acid preparations are available in the form of powder or granules, used in one go. They destroy hair, organics, but are unable to cope with fats, soap deposits, oils.

An alkaline agent, on the contrary, neutralizes, dissolves a soap film, oil, fat, but is powerless before lumps of wool and hair. Mixing acid with alkali is pointless, because the result is water with precipitated salts, according to the laws of chemistry.

That's why universal means does not exist, the following algorithm of actions is used:

  • from the kitchen, little and fat usually gets into the drains, prescriptions for drugs with alkali are more effective;
  • hair, animal hair often accumulates in pipes after plumbing installed in bathrooms; acid products are used here.

When mixed with water, the chlorine-containing agent Tiret forms an acid that decomposes organic matter and hair.

Mole contains: caustic soda, when mixed with water, alkali is formed, a large amount of heat is released. This allows you to wash off fats, oil films from internal surfaces pipes, destroying blockages from these materials. In addition, caustic soda destroys organic matter, paper.

However, with all the power of modern chemistry, these agents are ineffective, for the reason that they interact weakly with the very place of blockage or build-up on the pipes, and quickly drain into the sewer. In order to create a significant concentration, you need to pour these funds in liters every hour during the day, which is very expensive. Greater efficiency chemicals are shown in siphons, but the design of the siphons is collapsible, so it is easier and cheaper to remove the blockage using the methods described above.


Under folk ways elimination of blockages means exclusively chemical recipes of means with which you can destroy the plug formed in the pipe. Initially, a mixture of soda and vinegar was used. However, this method has the following nuances:

  • soda is food (NaHCO3) and caustic (NaOH);
  • baking soda reacts with dilute acetic acid to release carbon dioxide CO2, water H2O, and sodium acetate CH3COONa without heat;
  • caustic soda - caustic soda - in itself is a strong chemically active substance that dissolves organic matter, it does not need to be mixed with vinegar.

Caustic soda is not sold in stores, because it is stored and used according to special regulations. That substance is not an improvised remedy.

Spilling sewage with boiling water also does not bring a tangible effect - at first the pipes and the drains remaining inside them heat up. When blockage is reached, the water temperature reaches no more than + 50 ° C, which in no way contributes to the softening and washing off of fats, due to which it arose.

Folk methods, as well as chemical ones, are not very effective, but they do not hit the wallet so much.

A few words about shower trays

The main problems with the operation of the shower cabin are:

  • frequent location of the drain hole near the wall;
  • lack of access to the tee of the internal sewerage;
  • capital sealing of the pallet without the possibility of dismantling (especially home-made ones).

Because of this, access to the siphon is closed, it cannot be disassembled. Therefore, it is advisable to use special shower drains, in which the internal filling is removable, which gives access to the pipe and can be cleaned with a cable.

Removable shower drain.

Blockage Prevention

When preparing an internal sewage project, it is enough to fulfill 7 conditions:

  • continuous uniform slope 1.5 cm per 1 running meter sewers from the farthest plumbing fixture to the riser;
  • socket arrangement horizontal pipes towards the flow (assembly from the riser), the exception is couplings with double-sided sockets;
  • diameter of pipes or corrugations from 40 mm for bathtubs, sinks, showers, sinks, bidets, from 110 mm for toilet bowls, from 50 mm for horizontal sewer sections;
  • connecting plumbing with oblique tees with a slope of the upper pipe in the direction of the drains;
  • availability of revisions for cleaning;
  • the use of siphons under each plumbing fixture, with the exception of toilet bowls, shower drains.

During operation, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements:

During installation, it is necessary to maintain the slope of horizontal sections, use brackets to prevent sagging pipes. In the bathrooms of buildings that are operated seasonally, temporarily, it is better to use dry water seals, since the liquid in standard siphons can dry out with rare use.

Thus, there are several ways to eliminate the blockage of the internal sewerage. In most cases, a plunger or hook will help you, in the rest - a cable. Other methods are not very effective.

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If water does not drain in the bathtub or sink, this means that a plug has formed in the pipe or siphon. Most often it is formed by hair, particles of rags, animal hair, construction debris. If the blockage is not too deep in the pipe, it is successfully cleaned at home: with a plunger, cable, brush, improvised means. Severe congestion is corroded by household chemicals, and only in extreme cases you have to go to a plumber.

IN apartment building may be full sewer drain. To cope with the problem without the help of a specialist in such a situation will not succeed.

How to determine the degree and location of blockage. You need to check how the water drains in other plumbing connected to the same riser as the bath. If it's equally bad, then the main pipe is clogged. If there is no descent only in the bath, then the drain is clogged, and it is easy to clean it with your own hands.

First Assistant - Plunger

The device and the principle of operation are extremely simple:

  1. The rim of the rubber part is lubricated with petroleum jelly to seal the joint.
  2. They draw water into the bath so that it rises to a quarter of the rubber bowl.
  3. The water overflow hole is plugged with a cork or other plunger - this is necessary to create a vacuum at the place of cleaning.
  4. Cover the drain hole with a plunger bowl, ensuring a snug fit.
  5. Several times they strongly and sharply press on the handle, acting like a piston and creating hydraulic pressure in the pipe.
  6. Then the plunger is jerked off, causing the broken plug to come out piece by piece or fall further down the pipe.

Active, with jerks, the work of a plunger makes water move in plumbing connected by a conduit. To prevent splashes, and not always clean, you need to cover all drain holes.

To eliminate the blockage, it takes from one to 10 cycles, if there is no result or it is insignificant, you need to switch to another method. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damaging communications.

Efficient mechanical cleaning with wire rope

If it was not possible to clean the pipe with a plunger, you will have to use a more effective device - a plumbing cable. To break through the resulting plug, the end with the tip is inserted into the drain hole, and the cable is immersed by rotating the handle.

When he rests in a clod of dirt, a forward and backward movement is performed. So it turns out to loosen a tight lump and pick it up - the main part of the blockage is pulled out along with the cable. To consolidate the result, it does not hurt to push the dirt remaining in the pipe with a plunger, rinse the drain system with hot water from a tap or shower.

This work cannot be called clean - sewer dirt is pulled out along with the cable. Gotta get ready for unpleasant odors and to the fact that the cable should be cleaned , removing impurities from it. You need to work with gloves and a mask, such measures will help to avoid infectious infection.

Plumbing cable requires skill, so beginners are advised to work with someone to help rotate and guide the cable.

We use improvised means

Compound folk remedies is selected according to the basic principle of the action of chemicals - so that the agent has the property of dissolving the clog blockage.

Practice has shown that removing a blockage from a pipe with soda is quite effective.. Half a pack of soda is poured into the hole for draining water, wait up to 10 minutes and pour hot water. Enough for weak congestion baking soda, for the stronger ones they take underwear, in difficult cases- caustic.

Caustic soda (caustic soda) is a toxic and flammable substance, they need to work strictly with gloves and a respirator.

Another fairly effective, but gentle way is to use soda with salt.:

  1. Pour 125 g of soda and salt into the drain hole.
  2. Pour boiling water (3 cups).
  3. Until 7 o'clock they do not use plumbing (while everyone is at work or at night), so that the composition corrodes the congestion.
  4. Rinse drain with hot water.

A more aggressive method is the acid-base reaction of soda and vinegar:

  1. Pour 4 tbsp into the hole. l. baking soda.
  2. Pour in a glass of vinegar.
  3. To make the effect of the mixture more effective, close the hole.
  4. After waiting 10 minutes, pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  5. After a while, rinse with a stream of hot water.

Lemon will cope with weak congestion. The method is truly effective for removing an unpleasant sewer odor:

  1. Squeeze the juice from 3 medium lemons.
  2. Pour into the drain hole.
  3. Give up to an hour of time for the acidic liquid to dissolve the mud lump.
  4. Spilled with hot water or boiling water.

Unlike kitchen clogs, which involve grease and dissolves well in hot and acidic environments, bathroom clogs are more related to hair, textile debris, and animal lint. Means from improvised substances do not always allow you to get rid of lumps with such a composition - they dissolve poorly or do not dissolve hair and pile at all.

Eliminate blockages with chemicals

Store-bought products are concentrated alkali or acid that corrodes blockages. Apply different class cleaners are possible, but it is necessary to wash off the previous product with water and wait about an hour. Otherwise, an active reaction will damage communications.

The main advantage of household chemicals is that it quickly dissolves the cork and additionally removes growths from the pipe walls (salt deposits from water and soap). Have store funds and disadvantages:

  • work with an aggressive drug should be extremely careful so as not to harm health;
  • the components of the selected product can act destructively on the pipeline, therefore, when buying and before use, you need to take into account the material of the water conduits in the house, and when using it, strictly observe the concentration.

To clear blockages:

  1. The agent in the right amount is poured (poured) into the hole for draining water.
  2. Add a little water to the dry cleaner.
  3. The reaction is allowed to end (the time is usually indicated on the package, on average - 2 hours, less for preventive cleaning, more for severe blockages).
  4. Rinse with open tap water.

Prevention of blockages is enough to carry out once a month.

  • liquid "Mole" of domestic production at a budget price;
  • gel Deboucher(Russia) with an optimal price-quality ratio;
  • Sanoks Clean Stock;
  • granular agent "Clean drains" of the English brand Chirton with a wide network of production facilities, including in Russia;
  • the drug "Bagi Potkhan", recognized as the fastest remedy;
  • effective and inexpensive packaged granular powder "Selena Antizasor".

Is there some more Tiret, "Mister Muscle", other means, but they are not so popular with housewives.

Hooks and hooks

These tools, one from the kitchen and one from the knitting basket, are used to clean the drain. If the blockage is visible through the grate, it is carefully picked up or cleared. You don’t need to make any special efforts, you should be careful not to damage the drain grate and not to miss a tool in the pipe - they even recommend tying a thread or fishing line as a safety net.

A hook (knitting or simply bent from wire) is indispensable for removing wound hair, threads, etc. from the grate. The tool is especially relevant for double gratings, which are typical for modern systems plum. With the same tool, it is sometimes possible to pull out a small plug that has formed close to the hole. However, it is useless if the pipe is clogged with paper or other decaying debris, and if the blockage is deep.


You will have to deal with blockages much less often if you follow a few simple rules:

  • do not wash building utensils and tools over the bathroom, as well as pour glue, paints, etc. into the drain pipe;
  • it is not advisable to empty the floor bucket into the bath or wash shoes over it - this quickly spoils the enamel and clogs communications, dirty water it is better to send it to the toilet (if the house has good water pressure) or to the street (for example, in a private house);
  • when taking a shower, washing your head or bathing a pet, it is worth closing the drain hole with a special mesh that will catch most of the hair and hairs that have fallen into the bath;
  • when washing by hand, you also need to either install a grate on the drain, or pour dirty water into the toilet so that the smallest threads, pile and fluff from the fabric do not clog the relatively thin pipe under the bathtub;
  • the catcher on the drain must be regularly cleaned of accumulated litter, otherwise the effectiveness of the device will drop to zero: the grate will float up and let hair, fluff, etc. under it.

If the pipe is clogged, do not panic. Shut off the water, remove the brush, plunger and cable. Try each one in turn. If the water still does not go away, use folk or store-bought anti-blockage products. Most likely, the problem will be solved within two to four hours, and you won’t have to call a plumber. And in order to rarely or not encounter traffic jams at all, adopt extremely simple, but effective preventive measures.