Toilet      06/08/2019

Boxes for storing toys with their own hands. Interesting ideas for storing children's toys - we put things in order without problems. How to organize toy storage: ideas

When a new man appears in the family, the parents arrange a room for him with wisdom and prudence. And, of course, they understand that storing toys is an important part of the interior of a children's space. He will be “friends” with them for many years, constantly replenishing the stock. Parents should think in advance where the child will put their valuables. Is it convenient for him to get them. Is it easy for him to put them back in place to keep the room in order.

Today, there are many ways to place children's things, and some of them you can make yourself. Getting to know each of them better, it is easier to evaluate their advantages and notice their shortcomings. And over time, make a wise choice.

Toy storage: original ideas

Reasonable parents try to teach a child to order from infancy. “Every toy has its place,” they regularly remind. Obedient kids proudly put their valuables in a safe place. Storage of toys in the children's room implies a certain system that must be planned in advance.

As you know, the arsenal of items for games is quite wide. It includes:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • plastic beaters;
  • dolls;
  • cars;
  • balloons;
  • balls;
  • educational games;
  • constructor;
  • coloring pages.

It is impossible to remember absolutely all the valuable items of young children. But every parent can take care of a place to store toys.

When choosing a suitable design, you should take into account the age of the child, his temperament, gender and safety measures.

Of course, it is much easier to install capacious storage facilities in a huge room than in a small one. Fortunately, modern technologies help to equip in such rooms convenient storage toys. Consider several design options.

Roomy shelving

Shelving is often used to save room space or to zone it. They are built along the wall or as a space partition. In the lower part of the structure, compact containers for children's trophies are placed. It can be:

  • boxes;
  • baskets;
  • pull-out containers.

A TV or music center is installed in the center of the structure, and on the top there are cabinets for rarely used things. Such furniture for toys in the nursery is purchased in specialized stores.

Stylish baskets

Wicker containers that can be placed on a low cabinet look original in the interior. Even if the baby does not reach them, they put toys there that are temporarily not interesting to him. Such baskets will also wonderfully fit into the bottom of the rack.

Some parents install shelves on the wall, on which they put baskets with toys. This design is a kind of decor children's room where the toys are in the most prominent place. The only problem - small items will quickly gather dust if they are not covered with a beautiful cape.

When installing shelves on the wall, you should use reliable fastening methods. Otherwise, they can harm the baby, who will fold or take toys from baskets.

cute pockets

Among the various storage ideas for toys, cute pockets stand out. Often they are made by hand. For this, improvised materials are used:

  • dense fabric;
  • polyethylene;
  • Knitting thread;
  • ropes for macrame.

Depending on the volume of items, pockets for toys come in different sizes. Small polyethylene options are attached to the wall wooden structure. Put there:

  • small details of the designer;
  • mosaic elements;
  • needlework items;
  • paints, pencils;
  • scissors;
  • plasticine;
  • jump rope.

Soft toys, cars, dolls and its accessories will fit in voluminous fabric bags. They try to place such storage of toys in the field of activity of the child. As a result, he will be able to easily get them out of there and put them in order to keep the room in order.

Homemade bag for children's treasury

Over several years of life, a child accumulates many valuable items for leisure. A self-made three-dimensional design helps to solve the issue. This is the toy bag shown in the photo. To stitch it you will need:

  • a piece of cloth;
  • dense structure polyethylene;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

The design consists of three elements: the base (bottom), lace and the main part. First, two round pieces are cut out of a piece of fabric. They are the dense bottom of the product. Then the main part is cut out, taking into account the selected width and height of the storage. A line is made at the top and a lace is pulled into it. Using a sewing machine, the prepared parts are connected. The toy bag is ready.

The size of the structure should be chosen in accordance with the number of items to be stored.


The first thing that comes to mind when you need to quickly hide something is to put it under the bed. Little kids do just that. Therefore, sensible parents solve this issue with the help of a drawer for toys under the bed. Often such designs are sold in furniture stores. But skilled guys make them with their own hands.

Drawers can be installed in the lower tier of the crib, which is climbed by stairs. A play area is equipped here, where everything you need is at hand.

Chest on wheels

To implement this simple idea, you will need to take a wooden box and wheels from a skateboard. With the help of special fasteners, the parts are connected and receive an original mobile chest. You can put not only small toys into it, but also volumetric designers, cars, dolls. It will be convenient for the kid to use such storage at any time of the day.

Bench with a secret

This original idea allows you to combine the interior of the children's room with a place for toys. The bench is placed under the window or wall where it occupies small area. And under it they mount a capacious box. It can be on wheels, retractable or sliding along the rails. The advantage of the design is that it is easy to get objects out of there and put them in their places.

The opportunity to show skill - do-it-yourself storage

Almost all parents face a problem: if there are small children in the house, it is very difficult to achieve order. Everywhere you look, toys are scattered everywhere. On the floor, under the bed, and even behind the TV. Fortunately, this issue is easily solved by enterprising people. Armed with tools, they create with their own hands various systems store toys for your loved ones.

Each design should harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the room. Be roomy, safe and accessible for the baby.

wooden box

To make such a repository, you will need simple tools and materials:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • scissors;
  • chipboard panels;
  • roulette;
  • wooden blocks for legs;
  • wheels (optional)
  • decor for exterior finish(fabric, paint, color film).

Of course, a man who has at least some skills in carpentry. It will easily connect necessary details with a screwdriver. Attach the legs or wheels to the base and the box is ready.

Mom will take care of the design with pleasure. She will paste over the container with a colored film, and inside she will make a fabric lining. Reliable storage is ready.


In appearance, this product resembles a box, but it is made of thick cardboard. The main advantage is that the baby will be able to independently turn over the storage and take any item from there. The do-it-yourself toy box shown in the photo helps to present this product in action.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • large packing box;
  • scissors or a sharp knife;
  • scotch;
  • self-adhesive film with a beautiful pattern;
  • glue;
  • children's gift bag.

First, cut off the top of the box. The edges are glued with adhesive tape, and the sides, the inner surface and the bottom with a self-adhesive film. Flowers, animals and cartoon characters are cut out of a colorful gift bag. Then carefully glued to the side as a decorative decoration.

For a girl, the box can be decorated with various bows, ribbons or balls.

fabric basket

Such storage is made from any kind of fabric. The main thing is that the tones are not catchy and do not irritate the baby. To sew a children's toy basket with your own hands you will need:

  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • threads:
  • interlining;
  • textile.

When the material is at hand, they get down to business. First, cut out a square blank. Then it is well glued with interlining for density and shape. Handles are made from fabric, after which they are sewn to the workpiece. Fast, simple and original.

For the product it is desirable to use different types and fabric colors.

Good wooden container

The most durable toy storage is a product made of natural material. It will be able to rest the valuable things of more than one generation of children and be passed on as a trophy to the inheritance. To make a wooden container for toys with your own hands, you need to take the following materials:

First of all, even experienced craftsmen make a sketch of the future product on paper. Then prepare the tools:

  • hammer;
  • screwdriver
  • fasteners;
  • loops;
  • saw;
  • wood glue.

Made from prepared materials side walls(4 pieces), lid and bottom. Then, with the help of fasteners (screws), they are connected into a single structure. Hinges are mounted for the lid. The finished storage is painted with all sorts of patterns or painted in different tones.

All wooden surfaces must be carefully sanded to protect the baby from unexpected injuries.

Extraordinary paper construction

Often, after buying a refrigerator or TV, there is packaging that is a pity to throw away. But for caring parents, this is a great find. Making a rack for toys from boxes with your own hands is not an easy task, but worth it. There are materials, it remains to buy paint, glue, decor, self-adhesive film, kraft paper and prepare a tool:

  • stationery knife;
  • jigsaw for durable cardboard;
  • building or regular hair dryer;
  • remnants of unused wallpaper.

By using cutting tools first cut out the structure and make deep shelves for toys. Then they are connected together, turning into a beautiful rack. A few touches of decor and the storage is ready.

Such a structure can be built from several cardboard boxes. To do this, they are glued with their sides, after which they are installed on top of each other. The finished structure is covered with a special color film. Such a rack, although not very durable, can serve for several years as a temporary storage of the baby's valuables.

Organization and storage of toys - video

When a child is born in a family, parents and visiting guests often give toys. And as the child grows up, the number of baby dolls, dolls, cars, balls begins to grow exponentially. Gradually it becomes clear that they need to be put somewhere and stored somewhere. After looking at the prices of ready-made boxes and containers for storing children's toys in stores, parents are wondering how to make a toy box with their own hands. This article can help in such a situation.

Box of different materials

the main task - make the toy box comfortable, roomy, and so that the baby likes it, otherwise the parents themselves will have to put everything there.

As a box for storing toys can be suitable:

  • Cardboard boxes of all sizes, from shoe boxes to large electronics boxes.
  • An old suitcase, already unnecessary and gathering dust on the mezzanine. You can decorate such a suitcase depending on the interior of the room.
  • Plastic boxes and plastic buckets (preferably in different colors).
  • Wooden box (for convenience, wheels can be attached from below).
  • From pieces of old fabric (baskets or pockets for dolls, bags for small parts Lego type).

Master class number 1 - a box from a cardboard box

Most affordable way making a container for storing toys with your own hands - from a cardboard box. It is better that such a box is dense and durable, since the child will use it several times a day.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • colored paper (packaging or for crafts);
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • glue (preferably PVA);
  • scotch.

Step by step production:

1. To begin with, the top closing covers are cut off and holes are made (places for future pens).

2. Colored paper (it is better to choose bright colors and patterns that match the interior of the nursery) cut into sheets along the width of the box and stick on the entire surface of the box in accordance with your wishes.

3. It is better to glue the corners of the box more carefully, the remaining sheets are overlapped on the edges of the previous one.

4. Places for handles are cut with scissors, it is also better to additionally glue them with paper, similarly glue the edges of the box for strength.

5. The outer decoration of the box depends on the creative imagination of the parents, if desired, the child can decorate his box.

Box making process

Such multi-colored container boxes can be made different size several pieces for separate storage various kinds constructors, balls, dolls and bears, children's books, etc.

On video: do-it-yourself cardboard boxes for toys.

Master class number 2 - tofabric-lined cardboard box

Just like in the previous master class, you can make a box, only with an external and interior upholstery cloth. For softness, you can make a layer of foam rubber.

How to make such a soft box, see the points:

1. The fabric is cut to the size of the box (all sides are pre-measured with a ruler) and sewn on sewing machine. Such patterns are made 2 pieces - it turns out, as it were, covers for the inside and outside.

We make blanks from fabric

2. All sides and bottom of the box are smeared with glue and the resulting fabric cover is applied - first the inner, then the outer.

Glue the corners

3. At the top, two covers are sewn with a needle.

Sewing the edges of the cover

4. Holes for the handle are cut out on the sides, the fabric is sewn along the edges. If desired, you can sew carrying handles on the sides of the box (made from colored braid).

Making a pen

5. External decoration entirely depends on the imagination of the parents.

The box is ready

On video: cloth box decor.

Master class number 3 - msoft box on frame

A do-it-yourself soft toy box is made using a spiral frame. You can take it from a ready-made cylindrical box bought in a store (it is usually covered with synthetic fabric, which is not very useful for a child).

Manufacturing process:

1. The synthetic fabric must be removed from the frame, and according to its pattern, make a similar pattern for the bag from cotton fabric.

2. For inner surface a second pattern is made from synthetic winterizer or other fabric.

3. Out of more thick fabric the bottom is cut out, the fabric is sewn to the frame with threads from below.

4. The outer and inner bags with synthetic winterizer are laid respectively from the inside and outside of the frame, fixed, the seams must be stitched.

5. The soft eco-friendly box is ready, it can be further decorated with pockets and other decorations on the outside.

On video: handmade toy bag

Master class number 4 - to orob from wood

A very strong and durable option for a toy storage container is a wooden box. It can later be used as a piece of furniture in the children's room (like a chest of drawers or seating). For the manufacture of such a wooden box, some parts from old furniture that they want to throw out are also suitable, for example, kitchen cabinets or an old chest of drawers.

Of course, only a man who has some skills in working with wooden details and how they are attached.

Production plan:

1. Draw a sketch of the future box, thinking the right dimensions and methods of its movement (wheels or handles for moving).

2. Prepare necessary materials: plywood, boards (bought in a store) or parts of old furniture, screws, hinges, wood glue or PVA, a saw for sawing boards (can be cut to specified dimensions when purchased in a store).

3. In total, 6 parts should be obtained: bottom, 4 side walls, cover.

4. The parts are fastened with glue and screws, the lid - with the help of hinges (folding is made).

5. The box must be sanded and painted, it can be in a solid color with drawings (children's or vegetable), it can be in different colors, etc.

6. Wheels are attached from below (for ease of movement around the room).

Manufacturing process

Ways to decorate such a toy box:

  • In the style of patchwork - the walls and the lid are decorated geometric shapes from colored paper.
  • The classic version is a box of the same color (white or light), wooden decorative figures of animals, letters of the alphabet, hearts, etc. are glued onto it.
  • If such a box is used as drawer under the bed, then only the front wall is decorated, to which a handle is also attached to make it easy to pull out from under the bed (better and wheels at the bottom), top cover then it won't be needed.

On video: wooden toy box.

Storage racks

Very convenient option storage of many toys - making a wooden rack (open). In it, each shelf can be occupied either by retractable cardboard boxes, or standing books, lying soft toys and many children's necessary items. The main thing is that the child can get them on their own and then put them back.

The rack is made of wood with square cells. At first it will be possible to put it horizontally (while the child is small), and then turn it over and put it vertically (when it grows up). Subsequently, such racks can be installed in several different sizes and heights, resulting in a whole furniture system for storing not only toys, but also the necessary items for study.

Toy box idea (1 video)

Often in the children's room you can observe a mess, which is usually arranged by scattered toys. An original, convenient and roomy DIY toy box will help get rid of the mess in the room.

Learn how to make a DIY toy box with minimal cost time and effort will help this instruction.

To make a toy box, prepare the following materials:

- 1 sheet of plywood 425x600 mm in size, 18 mm thick (part 1);

- 3 sheets of plywood measuring 350x490 mm and 18 mm thick (part 2);

- 2 sheets of plywood measuring 350x350 mm, 18 mm thick (part 3);

- 2 furniture handles;

- fastening loops;

- roller mechanism;

- quick-drying paint;

- screws 30 mm long;

- joiner's glue;

- acrylic paint;

First you need to prepare the part of the lid of the box. In the corners of part 1, using a compass, draw circles that have a radius of 3 cm. Using a jigsaw, cut roundings, giving the part curvature in the corners.

Using sandpaper, it is necessary to process the edges of part 1. Using a drill, make holes on the back and front walls of the box. Using screws, fasten the four walls of the product. It is required with particular accuracy to fix the walls of the box perpendicular to each other.

Read also: DIY crib (with photo)

According to the drawing, make the bottom of the box. Part 2 is connected according to the markup using screws and a drill. assembled structure stability needs to be checked.

The roller mechanism must be attached to the bottom of the toy box with screws.

paint quick dry paint roller mechanism.

The lid can be attached to the toy box using screws and mounting loops.

Drill holes in certain places on the side walls of the drawer and fix furniture handles on them. To make the toy box look more attractive, it should be decorated with a beautiful ornament using acrylic paint and then varnish the whole product.

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Well, which parent is able to refuse his child to buy a toy that he likes? Everything is swept off the shelves: from small trinkets to solid sizes of soft animals and entire doll houses. Toys in the house are also relatives with guests. As a result, their assortment grows to such volumes that it becomes impossible to walk around the room without stepping on some kind of typewriter or doll dishes. This means - it's time to think about how to make a toy box with your own hands?

Why not take the path of light resistance and just buy some storage from the store? It's a matter of psychology and education. original box for children's toys, assembled with your own hands - a great way to turn a tedious and little-liked cleaning process into an entertaining action. So, in a playful way, it will be easier for a child to accustom to the idea that there should be order in the room. He himself will gladly collect everything that was scattered, and with his own hands will send the toy box to the place allotted to him.

How difficult is the task? Exactly to the level of your desire to do handmade. After all, you can literally assemble an interesting design from nothing.


“You can make a box for children's toys with your own hands from almost everything”

What exactly can you work with to get a really cute craft that attracts the attention of the baby? As the photo says, you can make a box for children's toys with your own hands from almost everything. His role may be played by:

  • carton boxes;
  • wooden container;
  • plastic boxes;
  • baskets;
  • buckets.

You can make a box for children's toys from almost anything.

In the end, the toy storage can simply be cut out and assembled from the remnants of the fabric. Let's see what can come out of such foundations.

A few ideas on how to make a DIY toy box

Cardboard box transformation

You can make a box for toys from any box, even a shoe box, but considering that the child will use the container several times a day, it is still better to take something stronger and more voluminous. To do this needlework you will need:

  • scotch;
  • glue;
  • a set of colored paper;
  • scissors.

Box for toys from a cardboard box


Do-it-yourself work on creating a toy box begins with the removal of unnecessary parts from the workpiece. It is necessary to cut off the upper part, that is, remove the elements that form the lid of the box. Then holes are cut along the side faces for future handles.

Coat the surface of the box with PVA glue

Now we paste over the blank with colored paper, putting it on PVA. To simplify the task, you can use self-adhesive film. It is more practical and dirt can be removed from its surface.

Cover the box with colored paper

When choosing color solution, be guided by the main interior colors used in the decor of the room. Then a do-it-yourself box for children's toys will not look like a ridiculous element of interior decor. You can assemble a whole set of such colored boxes and provide separate storage of balls from cars and designers.

DIY toy box

soft container

An option that meets all the requirements for arranging a nursery. How to make such a toy box with your own hands? You need to start by creating a frame. Traditionally, it is made from hard wire, boiled from thin rods, knocked down from wooden slats.

Textile box pattern

According to the size of the frame, the fabric is cut. There will be two patterns: one for outer skin, the second - for the internal. On the bottom, it is recommended to put a denser material, such as tarpaulin, teak or burlap.

Perform fabric cutting

Do-it-yourself work on the toy box will continue with the arrangement of soft walls. Between the fabric layers, a thick layer of foam rubber should be laid or replaced with synthetic padding pillows, sewn with one's own hand to the available sizes.

Turn out the finished structure

In the first case, for reliable fixation of foam rubber, the sides need to be quilted. You can put into business large beautiful design buttons. Thus, the issue of the decor of the product will also be solved. Ideas for creating beautiful soft boxes for toys with your own hands, see the photo.

Fabric toy box example

wooden container

The most durable model, toys in which more than one generation can store toys. If inheritance is not included in your plans, then it will not be difficult to retrain a wooden box into a furniture element of a different functionality, for example, convert it into a mini chest of drawers or a comfortable seating pouffe.

What you need and how to make a box for children's toys with your own hands from wood?

As Supplies fit:

  • boards;
  • elements from already unnecessary furniture;
  • durable plywood.

Required Consumables

It is clear that it is better for dads to work with such consumables. It will be easier for them to find perfect option fixing elements in each case and solve the issues of wood processing.

Action algorithm

In order for a do-it-yourself toy box to turn out to be of high quality, do not be lazy to make a sketch of the future design on a piece of paper indicating the dimensional parameters and the method of movement.

Look at the photos of DIY toy boxes. There will definitely be options with lids. This is very practical, as it will allow the piece of furniture to act in several forms at the same time. To assemble them, you need to prepare 6 parts: 4 side walls, a bottom and a lid. All elements, except for the last one, are connected with screws and glue. The cover is fixed on hinges.

Decorate the assembled box

The wood used in the work must be carefully sanded with your own hands so that the toy box does not have roughness and splinters, neither inside nor outside. This is a child safety issue, so take it seriously.

If it was planned to make the structure mobile, it would have to be put on furniture wheels.

How to decorate such a thing? A matter of taste. It is acceptable to keep the natural pattern of the wood and simply open the box with several layers of varnish. You can paint it in the most unpredictable colors or paint it with thematic drawings.

An interesting idea is how to design a toy box with your own hands using the patchwork technique. For this, again, paints will be used.

Attach furniture wheels for mobility

Painting the container with plain paint and decorating it with animal figures, geometric figures, and letters sawn from wood is considered a classic.

You can attach a soft mattress of cheerful colors to the lid of the box, then you can also sit comfortably on it. In a small nursery, such a piece of furniture may well replace a chair.

DIY wooden toy box

DIY creative boxes for children's toys and more

“A worthy alternative to a toy box will be a do-it-yourself hammock”

In principle, you can store toys in anything, so turn on your imagination and go!

rare suitcase

The suitcase dug in the depths of the pantry of grandfathers is a real find! It can be turned into a magnificent element of interior decor and, at the same time, make a box for storing toys out of it. All that is required is to change its design in any convenient way. When thinking about finishing options, keep in mind that appearance products should overlap with the general interior solution. So it will be easier to enter the nursery's atmosphere.

Toy box from an old suitcase

Plastic container

How to make a box for children's toys with your own hands from it? You can assemble container containers into a single structure by building something like a chest of drawers. But in this case, you will have to work on creating wooden frame which is not for everyone.

There is such an option as simply placing them around the room. However, it will look boring, even though the elements are bright and colorful.

Rack for toys from boxes

From a completely different perspective, a nursery will appear with boxes for toys randomly stuffed with their own hands on the wall. Such a composition will create a picturesque mess and serve as an excellent repository for children's treasures. And the child will have the opportunity to choose what and where to put. For example, he will collect cars in a red container, and books in a green one. So that the baby does not get confused, each box can be marked with the corresponding pictures.

Separate boxes by color

Car tires

The idea is more suitable for giving. In order to assemble such a box for children's toys with your own hands, it is enough to put two or three tires on top of each other. For greater decorativeness, they can be painted in different colors or decorated in a different original way.

Tire storage box

Wooden packaging

Seemingly unsightly designs can be turned into real masterpiece. Design options wooden boxes lots. It looks interesting, for example, decor with book spines.

Another creative is a skateboard box. The product is painted and placed on the running platform of the skateboard. Such a toy warehouse will be easy to move to any corner of the house. How else to make a toy box with your own hands, tell the photo.

Functional toy box

Textile storage

Instead of a box, you can make a soft design for storing toys in the form of a bag. Untying the rope and extracting the contents will not be difficult even for the smallest child. Great solution are transparent bags sewn from fabric and vinyl film. Transparent walls allow you to quickly find desired subject without spilling the entire contents onto the floor.

Transparent toy bags with drawstrings

A worthy alternative to a toy box will be a do-it-yourself hammock. It is often hung over the head of the bed and stuffed toys are stored there. This is done so that the baby can always get his beloved bunny or dog. Sleeping in the company of fluffies is much calmer.

Hammock for soft toys


Does the boy have a solid collection of small cars? Suggest that he park them in the hive garage. The design is a multi-tiered structure, constructed from the bearing bases of the rolls toilet paper. How you can assemble an alternative to a toy box with your own hands, look at the photo.

Rack for typewriters from bushings

In principle, the process is not laborious. Cardboard bobbins are glued side by side. To prevent cars from falling out back wall can be closed with one common piece of cardboard.

Something similar, but in the appropriate decor (with ribbons, bows, rhinestones) can also be offered to girls. After all, it is not necessary to design a whole box for children's toys with your own hands, if you plan to store only some little things in it.

Organizer from bushings for storing small things

funny buckets

The mission of the toy storage system can be assigned to plastic and zinc buckets. It is good if the containers are initially multi-colored. Otherwise, you will have to decorate them yourself. On plastic, the application will hold well, but plain zinc buckets will have to be painted. You can work on their design with decorative tape. This material will allow you to realize any fantasies. Look for ideas on how to make a box for children's toys from buckets with your own hands, in the photo.

Bright buckets for storing toys


The issue of storing toys may not be so big problem, if not too lazy to solve it radically. As you can see, it is not at all necessary to run to the store for the containers under them. It is enough to find a suitable idea on how to make a toy box with your own hands on the Internet and implement it in life. The untold wealth of the child will be harmoniously distributed in the modest expanses of the nursery in a matter of hours.

Photo gallery - do-it-yourself toy box

Probably, a child could get by with a couple of cars and one teddy bear. But in fact, there are a lot of toys - they are given by relatives and parents are happy to buy, so very soon the children's room risks disappearing under the rubble of designers, hares and robots.

Without systematization and proper storage of all this wealth, neither Lego fans, nor fans of fashion dolls, nor lovers of soft plush can do. Good thing you can buy ready cabinet or make something original on your own - the children's room is "open" for any creativity and, without prejudice to the interior, experiences any joint creativity of parents and children.

Chest for storing personal items and toys

Getting started with proper storage - planning and systematization

In order for the cubes, pyramids, cars not to “spread” throughout the apartment, parents will have to make a lot of efforts. But first, let's focus on age:

  1. At the age of 1 year, all toys will be given out by the mother. If a playing space is organized, then all of it is placed within the arena or a developing rug. One box will be enough, in which it is easy for parents to navigate.
  2. From 2 to 5 years old, there can be a lot of toys, but all of them should not be left in the child's access. Children of this age quickly lose interest in the game, and they will only get and examine, and their mother will have to clean it up. Therefore, you can go for a trick - divide all the treasures into two or three parts, and leave only one of them in the nursery, and put the rest on the top shelves of the closet. After a month, the boxes can be changed, and the child will be happy with the “new” toys and will really play with everything that he was given/bought.
  3. From 5 to 10 years, the number of varieties of toys is increasing - these will not just be cars, but a racing track and parking, not just dolls, but. All mosaics, craft kits, plush toys must be carefully sorted.
  4. After 10 years, only complex "adult" toys remain. Most likely, the child himself will keep order in his room, so the method of storage should be agreed with him.

Wardrobe with open shelves and baskets for toys

As for the device modern system storage, then here they do so. First, all available "treasures" are sorted out and reviewed - broken and beyond repair must be thrown away, not age-appropriate - donated or sold.

Bright children's dresser with drawers

Toys should also be sorted by "types of activity" - designers, dishes, soft toys, cars, educational, robots, and so on. As a result, you will have several voluminous heaps, and from them you will already be able to navigate what kind of storage system you need.

Different boxes and boxes for children's toys

Important. When choosing a storage system, give preference fully safe design with which the baby can cope on his own, without the help of parents. When buying baskets and boxes, do not forget to take into account the dimensions of the toys, as well as their number, taking into account the potential "replenishment". For small items - small boxes, and for large items - voluminous. It would be nice if all storage containers could be labelled.

You can store children's toys in a separate closet, in drawers under the bed, in wicker boxes or shoe boxes. In this regard, separate boxes are even better for a nursery than a closet - after all, the space in the room is limited. But you can choose any non-standard idea, just do not forget that it should be convenient for the child in the first place.

How to store LEGO

You can choose one of the following storage methods for the children's room:

  1. Drawers under the bed— convenient, compact, economical. Choose the “right” bed and place any toys in the drawers. As a rule, these boxes are quite voluminous, so that the interior space can be divided by partitions.
  2. - multifunctional cabinet furniture, which combines a bed, a table, a wardrobe and racks / shelves. To store toys, you can use a cabinet or ladder if it is a step module with lids or in the form of drawers.
  3. Table with shelves- the best solution for preschoolers. Their desk will be surrounded by open shelves on which you can alternate baskets with a designer, soft toys and books.
  4. Box- a great choice for a room where a formidable pirate or a beautiful princess lives. This solution looks incredibly colorful and fits perfectly into the thematic interior.
  5. Soft ottoman, in which the upper part leans back. You can’t call such a design roomy, but several soft toys will settle inside the ottoman without any problems.
  6. Wooden boxes- along the walls or under the table. They can be purchased or made by yourself, just need to be sanded and painted so that the baby does not splinter his hand. And it would be nice to supplement such boxes with reliable wheels - then they will be able to accompany the child throughout the playing area.
  7. Multifunctional. Choose a neural front design and an ergonomic closet will accompany your child to high school. Here it is possible to provide practical systems storage not only for toys, but also for clothes and shoes. Just do not forget - the upper shelves are "staffed" by the parents, and the lower ones are given completely to the child - so the baby will quickly learn to put things in order in his toy kingdom. It's good that there will be a lot of shelves and drawers in the closet, so there is a place for all the toys.
  8. Open shelving. For them, it is worth providing baskets, boxes or plastic containers, and not hoping that the designer mixed with cubes will get along well on open shelves.

    Advice. Use shoeboxes, clear plastic containers, or baskets with wicker handles. Just do not forget that they need to be marked - with an inscription or a picture. It is also nice if the boxes are of different colors - this will greatly refresh the interior.

  9. Baskets on the closet. The best option in the event that your nursery has a low closet or chest of drawers. Do not forget that such containers can become one of the most important interior decorations, and you can decorate them together with your child (appliqués, screen painting, three-dimensional figures made of cardboard).
  10. Pockets on the wall- made of polyethylene or fabric. Of course, for all toys, without exception, this method of storage is not suitable, but it will perfectly fit into a corner for creativity. It is easy to put scissors, felt-tip pens, paints and even baby dolls and cars here.
  11. Shelving with steps created specifically for toddlers. In them, the lower shelves seem to be pushed forward, which will allow the child to reach the top. But do not forget that all these cells and shelves must be securely attached to the wall.
  12. Baskets or boxes attached directly to the wall. They can be plastic or metal, with thin rods or in the form of a grid. They are placed in accordance with the growth of the child and are used for any not too small game elements.
  13. A practical solution for older children who won't tip the drawers over and put their fingers through the closing segment. But choose sustainable furniture, and best of all made of chipboard or wood, but not plastic.
  14. Plastic children's chest of drawers for toys

  15. fabric baskets both floor standing and hanging. It is considered a good additional solution for those who have somewhere to put rarely used toys. But such devices cannot be called too durable, although they are made of wear-resistant fabric.
  16. "Honeycombs" from boxes or plastic buckets. You or your child will be able to assemble the storage system that is optimal for you, paint it in the desired color or install it on the floor or on the wall. But keep in mind that such a design is often cumbersome, and you will definitely need to find your place for it.
  17. Useful for storing soft toys tall cabinet with pipes - "aviary". This is a high pencil case, in which instead of doors there are vertically fixed metal pipes. All plush treasures are literally “pushed” here. So they remain visible, available for play, but do not take up space in the crib, closet or on the floor.
  18. If you have most of the cars with a metal bottom, then you can mount them on the wall for storage railing with magnetic strip.
  19. And don't forget that no one-stop solution- it is better if you use the storage systems suitable for you in the complex, combining the most popular "inventions" and standard pieces of furniture.