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How to paint rims: instructions and photo report. How to paint old rims with high quality How to paint rims yourself

During the winter operation of the car, all its parts, including wheel disks, are strongly affected by the reagents that are sprinkled on the roadway. The paint from such exposure gradually cracks, flakes off, and after a few years the discs lose their attractiveness. This is especially true for stamped discs made of steel, on which traces of corrosion also appear. What to do in such cases? The disks are inherently in a completely good condition, throw them away and buy new ones, no matter what the hand rises, this is in principle not advisable in terms of financial costs. The best way out is to restore the paintwork. Even if you turn to a specialized workshop for this service, this operation will still cost less than buying new discs. But you can do otherwise, you can do everything yourself. Moreover, for this you will not need any special materials, nor special skills or abilities, you will learn everything along the way.

In order to paint the wheels on a car with your own hands, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, as well as choose a paintwork material.

What paint to choose

Today, two types of paint are used to restore discs:

  • Powder;
  • Acrylic.

The powder composition has certain advantages, for example, paints of this type are more durable and more resistant to mechanical stress. In addition, in the manufacture of alloy wheels at manufacturers' plants, it is precisely powder coating. However, despite these advantages, the technology for applying such paint is quite complex and requires the use of specialized equipment (heat chamber and sandblasting). The fact is that a dry powder is applied to the disc, which is fixed on the surface under the influence of high temperatures. There is another drawback of powder paint - when using it, you can paint the product only as a whole, and not its individual parts.

When using an acrylic composition, motorists will not have to face such problems. Acrylic paint has a brighter and more saturated color and palette, so you can choose the most suitable shade that will be combined with the color of the car body. Painting car rims with an acrylic composition also has disadvantages. These include low resistance to environmental influences.

Based on the foregoing, when deciding how to paint rims, it is better to give preference to acrylic compounds. You can find such paint in any specialized store. When choosing a manufacturer, remember - it is better to purchase paint and varnish from the same company.

IN Lately for painting not only disks, but also body parts, another covering material began to be used - liquid rubber. In terms of cost, number of shades and mechanical strength, it is comparable to acrylic paint. It is even easier to apply than acrylic. The most famous brand is Plasti Dip liquid rubber.

In addition to paints and varnishes, you will need other materials.

Necessary equipment and materials

If you have chosen the powder coating method, then first of all you will need a sandblasting machine, which is used to thoroughly clean the worn disc from old paint, dirt and dust. In addition, with this device you can perfectly level the surface of the product.

Advice! Sandblast can be replaced conventional drill with various abrasive nozzles.

You will also need a heat chamber, which is necessary for "baking" powder paint. It is impossible to replace this type of equipment at home, so you will have to fork out or still use a cheaper staining method.

Painting car rims with acrylic paint is a simple and cheap way bring old discs back to life. To do this, you need to prepare:

  • brush;
  • Washing powder or regular dish detergent;
  • Sandpaper of different abrasiveness (from 200 to 600);
  • Automotive finishing putty;
  • Several cylinders of primer;
  • A bottle of varnish (transparent);
  • Can of solvent 646;
  • Protective gloves, respirator and goggles.

As you can see, the second method requires much less financial costs, especially since most of from this list is already in your garage. After everything is ready, you can proceed directly to work.

Automotive wheel painting technology

First of all, make sure that the room in which you will work is well ventilated. Acrylic and lacquer not the best the best combination for good health. Wear goggles and gloves to avoid chemical burns and remove the wheels from the car.

In order not to stain the wheel tire, it must be sealed with masking tape along the rim. The adhesive tape should be applied as close as possible to the edge of the rim while sticking it into the gap between the rim and the tire.

There is another option, you can remove the tires from the disc completely. If you are afraid to do it yourself, then you can contact a car service, this service will cost you inexpensively. Next, you need to prepare the surface of the disks for further processing.

Surface preparation

Use a brush and detergent to thoroughly clean the surface of old paint and varnish. To degrease the disc and remove paint residue, use a solvent or anti-silicone.

Advice! To get rid of the worn paintwork material V hard-to-reach places use an awl or thin screwdriver.

After that, go over the surface with sandpaper. At this stage, do not rush, it is better to sand every millimeter of the disc for a long time and carefully. First use coarse sandpaper, and at the very last stage - the finest. The surface to be treated must be periodically watered to get rid of the remnants of the sanded material and to better polish the disc.

Advice! It is also not worth cleaning discs with fanaticism, since minor roughness and cracks in any case will hide layers of paint and varnish.

Of course, on the old disk there will be numerous chips, dents and other defects that are eliminated with the help of automotive putty. When it dries, go over the surface again with fine sandpaper and water the disc with water.


The degreased and cleaned surface must be primed. To do this, you need to start applying the primer first on the inner surface of the product, and then move on to the outer part.

Advice! Shake the primer can periodically while spraying.

In order for the repair (painting) of the disks to be performed efficiently, try not to rush. The primer must be applied evenly, while holding the liquid container at a distance of 25-30 cm from the surface. After you have applied the primer, let the disc dry and repeat the procedure (2-3 coats will be enough). In order not to wait a long time after each application of the primer, you can use a regular hair dryer. In any case, it is better to start painting wheels only the next day.

Painting and varnishing

Before using varnish and paint, carefully read the instructions for use of these materials, as the drying time of liquids may vary depending on the manufacturer.

Dried and primed dices must be placed on polyethylene so that dust and dirt do not stick to them during staining. The paint application technology is the same as for the primer - we start with inside products and then go to the outer part. Apply 2-3 coats of paint, leaving the surface to dry for 15 minutes after each procedure. After that, wait 20-25 minutes and apply varnish. After the first application of varnish, check the surface of the discs for unevenness. If you find them, then go over them with fine sandpaper. Then, it remains only to apply the final layer of varnish and wait until the product is completely dry (6-7 days). This completes the restoration of the disks.

In custody

Now you know how to paint rims with your own hands. As you can see, this process does not take much time, and the money is many times cheaper than in a car dealership. Most importantly, do not allow dust to settle on a freshly painted surface, as this will greatly spoil appearance products. In all other respects, just work calmly and carefully and the result will please you.

Photos taken from a video posted on the channel My OBZOR. Thanks to the author!

Of course, painting rims car at a specialized station with the help of special equipment, perhaps the best option it will give you excellent results.

Moreover, one way or another, it will have differences from painting discs with your own hands at home. However, one should not assume that the second option is so hopeless and unacceptable. As a rule, the main difference between painting discs with your own hands is your personal labor costs. Although, this is only the first time, and then look, it will be possible to do a similar procedure several times a month.

How to paint car rims with your own hands in a garage?


I propose, first of all, to go through the materials and necessary equipment. An ordinary electric drill with a set of various nozzles will act as a sandblaster. By the way, a set of nozzles can later be used for polishing a car body, as well as for polishing glass, so do not be stingy, buy smart equipment.


Before painting, you will need a primer in spray cans. The paint should be acrylic, try to buy varnish and paint from the same manufacturer. Why acrylic paint and not powder? I will not argue, powder paint has no equal, it is perfect option, however, there is one caveat, the technology for applying this type of painting requires special expensive equipment.

I doubt, however, that any of you have a miniature sandblaster or heat chamber in your garage. Although who knows? If there are, you should opt for powder paint. Buy paint only from trusted authorized points of sale, pay attention to the expiration date, as well as the amount of paint. Do not buy back to back, let it stay better.


"Sandpaper" should be of various grain sizes, from fine to coarse, it is useful for preparatory work. Be sure to buy a solvent, you will need it to degrease the prepared surface. An old shirt or T-shirt is suitable as a rag - it doesn’t matter.

Now, you can, and as they say, from words to deeds ... Let's start painting car rims with your own hands.

Surface preparation

The first step, of course, is to remove the old paintwork. Try to wash the disc as thoroughly as possible using a brush and washing powder. I think the wife won't mind if you borrow a handful of the wonder drug called "Ariel" or "Tide" is not so important. The best thing, of course, would be if you use the nozzles on the drill and perform a “total” cleaning of the disc.

In order to paint your own wheels, the entire surface of the disk should be processed without exception. Therefore, do not hide the drill with nozzles far away, we again need it. In hard-to-reach places, cracks and bends of the disc, work with your hands. While removing the old coating with sandpaper, occasionally rinse the disc with water.

Application procedure sandpaper should be: No. 200-400-600. After you finish sanding the disc, if necessary, you can apply an automotive finishing putty in order to eliminate minor defects present on the surface of the disc. Defects will be in any way, since I doubt that you are going to paint a new disk, accordingly small "side effects" will be 100%.

Let's start priming the surface

Priming work is one of milestones when painting car rims. As soon as the “cleaning” and sanding of the disc is over, treat it with a degreaser, solvent No. 646 will help you with this. After that, you can proceed directly to the priming process itself.

Important to remember! It is necessary to start priming from the inside of the disc. The process of spraying the primer, as well as all spray paints, should pass at a distance of 25-30 cm. Do not forget to shake (shake) the can from time to time. I think it is not necessary to explain that the primer layer should be uniform, do not overdo it.

Correctly, the primer should be applied in three layers. Be sure to let each layer dry for a while. Once the third coat has been applied, I highly recommend force drying. Since the painting takes place, roughly speaking, “on the knee” in the garage, you will certainly not have a thermal oven, so as an alternative, you can use an industrial hair dryer or, “at least”, your beloved wife's hair dryer. How to take it from her - steal, beg, deserve - your problems.

Do-it-yourself car rim painting and protective varnish coating

The procedure for painting car rims is no fundamentally different from the priming procedure, so I see no reason to repeat it. Do each of the steps in sequence, only now with the use of paint. Remember safety measures while using acrylic paint. Follow all the measures necessary to protect the skin of your hands, as well as other areas of the skin, take care of your eyes - use glasses.

It is necessary to cover the discs with varnish in one or two layers, as I said earlier, it is desirable that the varnish and paint be from the same manufacturer. Apply varnish according to the instructions on the package.

In theory, everything seems to have missed nothing. From now on, you can safely be proud of yourself, because you managed to paint the car wheels with your own hands. It remains only to take the disks to, and put the finished wheels on your car. Oh yes! Don't forget to thank your wife for technical support, and replace the powder dryer. (-:

As Henry Ford said, 80% of a car's appearance is its wheels. There are both cast and stamped options. Naturally, the first ones look much better. But today we will talk about how to make steel wheels no worse than cast ones. For this we do not need special tools and a special room. Moreover, it can be produced in an ordinary garage. Well, let's see how to do it.

Choosing a paint

The final result will depend on the correct choice. There are several color options:

  • Powder. According to reviews, they are the most durable. The composition is created on the basis of dry polymeric material. Often, manufacturers themselves use this technology for painting stamped discs at the factory. This method is rarely used at home, as it requires an airbrush and special skills. The cost of the powder composition is the highest among others. Therefore, the question of its use on budget steel wheels remains open.
  • Acrylic. Widespread among car owners. Usually sold in aerosol cans. They have high adhesion and can stay on the surface for more than a year. The cost of one can of acrylic paint averages from 200 to 500 rubles.
  • Liquid rubber. This technology came to us from the USA. The method involves applying a rubber compound (rather than paint) to the surface of the disc. What is remarkable about this composition? Unlike powder and acrylic products, this coating can be removed at any time without damaging the previous, factory paint layer. It looks like this:

However, the cost of a canister liquid rubber 2-3 times higher than acrylic. And the composition lies unevenly on the surface, forming stains. Therefore, the most budgetary practical option It's a can of acrylic paint. You can choose any color - from banal black to pink or purple.

Tools and materials

Having decided on the paint, you should prepare the necessary set of tools and materials. For painting to be successful, we need:

  • Primer (if the surface is cleaned to metal).
  • Sandpaper.
  • Rust converter (in advanced cases).
  • Degreaser.
  • Protective gloves.
  • A piece of clean rag.

As for specialized tools, it can be a drill with an abrasive nozzle and an airbrush. The latter is expensive to use. In addition, working with him requires certain skills and experience. Spray paint is a great alternative to a spray gun. Especially if the operation is performed in non-commercial volumes, once a year or even less often.


The ideal option is to break the rubber. But this requires additional time and money. In addition, not every motorist has a set of spare wheels. Therefore, work is often carried out on site. But painting stamped rims on the car itself is not the right solution. So there will be a lot of leaks. In addition, paint pollen can get on the arches and other body parts.

After removing the wheels from the car, we clean them from the old paint. If you just need to change the color with the full integrity of the paintwork, you can apply the composition without stripping. As practice shows, it keeps well on such a surface. But in this case, it is not worth applying the primer - it simply will not dry out. Priming is carried out only on bare metal. It can be cleaned both with a nozzle with a drill, and manually, coarse-grained. In the presence of rust, the area should be treated with a converter. Next, we degrease the surface. For this, an anti-silicone agent containing white spirit is suitable. The composition perfectly removes dirt, oily deposits, as well as some acrylic paints.


If you want to paint the "stamps" quickly, without removing the rubber, you need to properly glue its sidewalls. You can do this in several ways:

  • Tritely we paste over them all the places where the presence of paint is undesirable.
  • Cards. We install them vertically in the groove between the sidewall of the tire and the disk shelf.

  • Large paper A3 (the thicker the better). We arrange the sheets in a circle. We fix them with pieces of tape. It will turn out a kind of "drum", which will not allow the paint to get on the sidewall of the tires.
  • Old rubber. We cut out a sidewall from an unnecessary tire of the same diameter and simply apply it to our wheel. So we will exclude pollen from getting to the surface.

Getting Started

After full preparation, we paint stamped discs. Shake the bottle thoroughly. Put the wheel on flat surface. If the disc was cleaned to metal, first apply a primer. We make a developing layer at a distance of 40 centimeters.

It should be as thin as possible. After it dries, we walk around the perimeter again. But the layer should be already thicker. We hold the torch at a distance of 25-30 centimeters. Typically, during priming, the composition is applied in three stages.

How to paint wheels next? After the surface has dried (this is about 10 minutes for each layer), acrylic is applied. Similar to the previous case, first make a surface application. After the developing layer, the entire disc is covered with paint. To speed up the drying process, you can use a home hair dryer. But do not bring it close to the surface (30 centimeters or less), otherwise streaks may form. But the answer to the question of how to paint wheels with your own hands does not end there. There is another important point.

The final stage of painting stamped discs is varnishing. The process of applying it is no different from priming or In order for steel wheels to get the desired shine, two layers of varnish are enough. Its drying time is about 10 minutes. After that, we expect the final hardening of the paintwork. Usually it takes 1-2 hours. The disk is now ready for installation.

How to hide defects?

It often happens that the paintwork has chips and scratches. But there is no point in deleting the entire layer. How to hide unwanted defects? To do this, we apply “anti-gravel” to the surface. The composition, thanks to its shagreen, will ideally hide all defects. It's simple and convenient.

So, we found out how stamped discs are painted at home.

It's no secret that every motorist tries to keep his "swallow" in the best possible condition. This applies not only to issues of serviceability, but also to appearance. After all, if , it will bring additional money.

One of the most noticeable elements of any car is the wheels. They are invisible when they look gray and dull, but immediately distinguish the car from others when they are well-groomed and look original. But disks experience the greatest wear of visible elements during operation - they suffer from countless holes and potholes, from gravel impacts and chemicals that are sprinkled on roads by utilities.

As a result, sooner or later, the discs lose their original luster and acquire a lot of scratches, chips, various spots appear on them, and the appearance of the entire car suffers. Painting can solve this problem, and any car enthusiast can do it at home. This will also protect the wheels from future troubles and significantly extend their service life.

Alloy wheel paint options

Alloy wheels - and they are used most often - can be painted different ways. The differences are mainly in the use different type paints:

  • Powder paint creates a durable and resistant to any impact coating. It is used by many manufacturers, which speaks for itself. The rims of the new car are most likely painted in this way.
  • Acrylic paint also creates a durable protective film, which for a long time will be able to withstand all the troubles. It is easy to apply and is the most common way to paint at home.
  • Nitro enamel is easy to apply, but does not last as long as acrylic. Suitable for quick correction of cosmetic imperfections.
  • - paint based on rubber, when applied, forms a thin rubber film that reliably protects the painted part. Sold in cans ready-made and you cannot mix them to get a different color. The limited shades are the main drawback.

Since every car enthusiast wants to know how to paint their alloy wheels with least cost Let's take a quick look at the features of each method.

The use of powder paint requires special equipment, moreover, expensive, so it is for home use may not be considered.

Liquid rubber is rarely used so far, mainly due to the complexity of color matching, since the gamut on the market is still quite limited.

Acrylic paint and nitro enamel are sold in cans. It can be applied directly from the can or using a spray gun. You can mix different colors and get the desired shade. There are no difficulties in painting, but the acrylic coating is much stronger and more durable than nitro enamel. Therefore, motorists usually use it. We will consider this method.

Equipment and materials needed for painting

Wheel painting is a responsible and phased work, so you need to prepare in advance everything that may be required. You need not only paint, but also many different things:

  • Metal brush for cleaning discs from old paint, dirt, rust, and other contaminants.
  • Sandpaper of different grits is needed for cleaning discs and eliminating scratches, chips, leveling the surface and final cleaning.
  • Rags.
  • Protective equipment - gloves, goggles, respirator.
  • Solvent or acetone.
  • Putty.
  • Putty knife.
  • Polyethylene, paper - to cover places that do not need to be painted.
  • Acrylic paint in spray cans - specialized for rims.

Great if there is an opportunity for grinding to use special devicesgrinder or a drill with a special nozzle, a sandblasting machine. You can use it for painting - they simplify the work and allow you to quickly get a high-quality result, although the simple use of paint cans is also quite acceptable.

For quick drying desirable to have heat gun or building hair dryer. An ordinary household hair dryer is also suitable, if there is nothing more powerful.

The room should be well ventilated, because paint is a rather toxic substance, and even when using a respirator good ventilation necessary. Must have good lighting. It is very undesirable to work on the street, because of the presence of dust.

The procedure for painting disks with acrylic paint

Disc painting - step by step process, which is divided into two large parts: the preparation of disks and the actual painting. You need to approach them with all responsibility, because any flaw will affect the quality of the coating.

Of course, before work you need to remove the wheels from the car. Please note that the varnish needs several days to gain optimal strength. Therefore, work must be carried out when no urgent trips are planned.

Painting alloy wheels is quite possible with your own hands, it's not difficult. An assistant is not required.

Preparing alloy wheels for painting

Before painting, the disc needs careful preparation. It must be washed well, if necessary, you can use household chemicals. It is highly desirable to remove the rubber, although in last resort you can paint with it, but then it will have to be carefully insulated with paper and tape. If you strictly adhere to the sequence of actions and take your time, then home-painted alloy wheels look no worse than new ones.

  • It is desirable to hang the disk in such a way that there is the most convenient access to any of its surfaces.
  • Metal brush, sandpaper or sandblasting machine old paint is removed. Then you need to carefully grind chips, scratches and other defects.
  • If necessary, cracks should be welded with argon welding, and the seams should be cleaned and ground.
  • Irregularities need to be puttied, and when the putty is completely dry, sand the irregularities.
  • Wash the disc under running water.

The surface of the disk is processed, leveled, and then it is the turn of the primer before painting.

  • With a rag moistened with a solvent, you need to degrease the entire surface.
  • Apply a primer in 2-3 layers from a spray can or using an airbrush, while making sure that there are no missed spots and not.
  • For faster drying, you can use a hair dryer or heat gun.
  • After the first layer has completely dried, the primer is applied again - this will be the final layer.
  • After drying with fine-grained sandpaper, the resulting irregularities must be eliminated.
  • Repeat solvent degreasing.

Now you can start the actual painting.

Applying paint and varnish to alloy wheels

This process is not difficult, but we will give a few useful tips, since it is very important to paint alloy wheels correctly - any miss will be visible and the appearance of the entire car will suffer.

The paint is applied in 1-2 layers, with complete drying of each. You can use a spray gun or a can of paint. When painting, they must be kept at a distance of about 40 cm from the disk, repeating its relief so that the distance does not change and the paint is applied evenly.

You have to start with inner surface, since the paint will still leak onto the outer one and form streaks on it. These streaks then need to be wiped with a rag with a solvent and paint the outer surface.

After the last layer of paint has completely dried, varnish is applied, also in 2 layers, with each layer thoroughly dried. When the varnish is completely dry, you still need to wait a day before putting on the rubber.

Keep in mind that the lacquer does not reach its optimum hardness until after a few days, so for this period it is better to refrain from traveling, or at least avoid off-road trips, where there is a risk of scratching a fresh coating.

As you can see, the process of painting alloy wheels is not so complicated, and it is quite possible at home. Despite the simplicity, when performing the technology, the coating turns out to be quite high-quality and beautiful.

Quite often, car owners show a desire to restore rims in order to restore their former attractiveness. And if with classic “stampings” usually no one bothers, being content with surface treatment with paint from a spray can, or just with a brush, then with cast models everything is a little more complicated. In the absence of painting experience, questions often arise, is it possible to restore or change the paintwork on alloy wheels, and how to do this? You can find detailed answers in this article, which we hope will be a good step-by-step guide.

What should be checked before painting?

The restoration of the exterior of the disk is usually resorted to in cases where its surface has been scratched or rubbed during operation. In addition, the paintwork sometimes deteriorates under the influence of reagents and an aggressive environment, and because of this, the wheels become unpresentable. Also, many "gourmets" repaint the wheels to match the tuning of the car body.
In any case, before painting, you should check the disc for the absence of deformations that can occur during prolonged use, heavy loads and shocks, which is not difficult at home. To do this, you need to look at:

  • All surfaces for cracks and dents.
  • Rim for chips.
  • Places of adhesions, if any, remained after the repair.

In addition to a thorough visual inspection, it should be carried out. Small deviations in the readings of a broken or wrinkled disc are, in principle, acceptable, and then you can start painting. If the disc damage is significant, and the balancing showed significant deviations from the norm, then you should think about purchasing new wheels.

Required Tools

Companies specializing in this field, before painting the disc, remove the old paintwork from its surface by means of sandblasters, and then apply powder paint and a special varnish. The whole process in this case is automated, and is not suitable for home conditions.

If the decision is made, and painting will be done on your own, then you need to stock up on the following tools and materials.

  1. Fine and medium sandpaper, grit 400-630 and 63-80 microns. She will be cleaning from the old paintwork.
  2. Thinner or white spirit to be used as a degreaser on the cleaned surface.
  3. An exterminator for old paint, as well as a shaving brush or brush for its application.
  4. Spray cans with paint (2-3 pieces) and a special varnish.
  5. Primer and spatula.
  6. Masking tape.

In addition, of course, you will need detergents, respiratory mask and work clothes. This necessary minimum can be picked up at any specialized store or car market.

Selection of materials

As for the choice of paint, varnish and primer, then things are as follows. The car enamel will the best option for coloring discs. It is advisable to choose a heat-resistant one, which is also sprayed like an aerosol. It is sold in cans. You can also use heat-resistant enamel in jars, but for its uniform application you will need an airbrush, and these are extra costs. Many people think that only basic colors (silver, black and white) are produced for these purposes and they are wrong. There are no restrictions, and the widest palette of paints is on the market. Choose the tone and shade that your soul desires. Primer and varnish should be purchased with paint. Most manufacturers offer some kind of kit, where all three components are in one line. Thus, all of them are harmoniously combined, but you will save time searching for and selecting components. It is desirable that the soil is also heat-resistant. The varnish will perform a protective function for the new coating, as well as give the disc a shine. You can paint the disc completely (front and back surface, as well as the rim) or only from the outside. In the latter case, the restoration will take approximately:

  • 2 cans of paint.
  • 1 can of primer.
  • 1 bottle of varnish.

If, however, the entire disk is painted, then the consumption of materials, and hence the costs, will increase by 3-4 times. It's up to you to decide if it's worth it or not.

Preparatory work

First of all, you will have to completely remove the peeling paint layer. To do this, at the beginning, you should wash off old paint by applying paint remover with a brush. Next, you need to wait about a quarter of an hour, after which the paint will begin to swell and move away, which will allow us to remove it with a spatula. This wash does not act as effectively on the soil layer, so you should get rid of it with sandpaper.

On the cleaned surface, you can leave part of the old soil in hard-to-reach places. However, you must make sure that it is securely attached to the disk.
In case you are painting a rim of an unsorted wheel, the rubber rim contour should be sealed with masking tape. This will save you from the subsequent laundering of the tire, which, one way or another, will get paint and varnish components. The last step preparation is the degreasing of the disc surface with a solvent or white spirit.

Coloring process

We divide the entire painting procedure into three stages.

A layer of soil is applied to the disc by spraying from a can from a distance of 30-35 centimeters from the surface. When applying, it should be controlled so that the substance does not leak. You need to make several layers, between the application of which it is worth keeping 10-15 minute intervals. It is important to know that after finishing priming, it is best to wait 12 hours until the primer is completely fixed on the surface of the disc. This will provide maximum good result and save you from disappointment in the future.

The application of paint occurs in the same way as it is done with soil. The same 30-35 centimeters from the spray point to the disc surface, the same 3 coats, the same 15 minute intervals between coats. The only difference is that you do not have to wait 12 hours after staining. One hour will be enough.

Varnishing front side disk is final stage the entire process of cosmetic restoration. The varnish is applied in 1-2 layers, which can be found in more detail on the can of a particular manufacturer. No difficulties should arise, since you have already done similar manipulations with a primer and paint. Next, let the varnish dry, and you can put on your “steel stallion”.

In conclusion, let us just say that self-painting the entire set of disks will cost you 10 or even more times cheaper than the cost of similar work in a car service. Here is such a savings.