Mixer      06/17/2019

Garden fence decoration. How to decorate a fence with your own hands? Vertical garden in tins

1. A fence in a country house is a necessary, purely practical structure. It prevents the penetration of uninvited persons into the territory of our dacha or
wild animals. The fence is the watchful guardian of our property. But who said that this building should serve exclusively utilitarian purposes?

For a good owner, the fence is also a decoration of the territory. A properly designed fence will be a concise completion of the picture of your
household plot.

In our article, we will tell you how to decorate a fence in a country house and about those simple tricks that will allow you to turn even a rickety old wattle fence into a masterpiece of landscape design.

climbing plants

2. Climbing plants. Perennial climbing plants - excellent tool decorate your fence. And every year, growing more and more, such
the plants will look better and better.

This design method is suitable for almost any type of fence: wooden, metal, brick. True, keep in mind that this design method is not suitable for a low fence (up to 2 m.). Not the most best idea decorate the fence with perennial plants, which you plan to reconstruct in a year or two.

- Maiden grapes. This plant belongs to the deciduous, grape family. It is so named for its ability to bear fruit without pollination. Girlish grapes are excellent for decorating a fence,
as it is not picky about care, it tolerates heat and cold well, it is practically invulnerable to attack by pests.

This plant looks very beautiful from spring to late autumn. Closer to winter, the leaves of girlish grapes acquire a characteristic burgundy color.

- Ivy. It is an evergreen creeping shrub. It grows very quickly, clinging to vertical surfaces with its appendages. Absolutely unpretentious,
tolerates heat and cold very well. Very easy to take care of. Make sure that the soil at the roots is always wet, that's all care.

Ivy can be planted in wooden boxes and placed on top of stone walls. As they grow, the shoots will hang along the walls, forming bizarre
shapes, perfectly complementing the fence.

- Honeysuckle. This plant, like those listed above, is very unpretentious. It's growing just as fast. So, having opted for it, you will soon
get a fence entwined with a beautiful plant that exudes a delicate aroma when flowering. More than 140 species of honeysuckle are known, 14 grow in Russia.

-Hop. This plant grows incredibly fast, outpacing both honeysuckle and ivy and parthenocissus. On the day, hops can grow more than a few

Therefore, your fence will be completely entwined with this plant quickly enough. It should be borne in mind that closer to autumn, the lower leaves of the hop turn yellow and fall off,
therefore, decorating the fence with this plant, do not forget to decorate the lower floor. Ferns, peonies, etc. are perfect for this.

Incidentally, hops have a number of healing properties, therefore, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, such a fence can become a supplier medicines for your first aid kit.

- We cannot fail to mention in our article such a shrub as climbing roses . Of course, this plant is relatively difficult in terms of care, so
if you have gardening skills at a very early stage, this plant is not for you yet. But if you already have rich gardening experience - choose climbing roses for hedges - you will not regret it. Their sweetest aroma and bright flowers will delight you and your guests.

- You can decorate the fence with annuals climbing plants . They are not as resistant to temperature extremes as the perennials described above, however,
you will plant these plants every year, which means that every season you will have a new fence.

TO annual plants, which are perfect for decorating a fence, we’ll take morning glory (of course, you’ve seen this plant before - its flowers resemble small gramophones - you can’t confuse them with anything),
sweet peas and ornamental beans.

We decorate the fence with flowers

3. To decorate the fence, you can use tall annual or perennial flowers planted in a flower bed along the fence.
This is a great disguise for the old fence, which is long overdue to be repaired - replaced, but there is no time - funds yet. The same mallows will perfectly cope with this task.

Mallow can reach 1.5 meters. As they bloom, remove old flowers - this will provide more lush bloom plant.

We decorate the fence with improvised material

4. There are no restrictions when it comes to decorating a fence. You are only limited by your imagination and sense of beauty. The authors of the article saw fences decorated
old children's boots - which the witty owners turned into extravagant flower pots.

With a little drawing and paint skills, you can turn the boards of an old fence into a line of colored pencils. Believe me, it looks very fun and original, and the cost of such a fence is a penny.
And how do you like the idea to decorate the fence ... with birdhouses?

In general, there are a lot of ideas. Search, create! And decorating the fence with your own hands will bring you joy and satisfaction.

Decorative fence decoration will allow you to make the fence a visiting card of the site. Using imagination and design skills, you can make even an inconspicuous design very effective. In this article, we will talk about various options design of products made of wood, corrugated board, chain-link mesh and bricks, as well as give examples of interesting and original solutions.

We will not consider the decor of the fence with plants. You can find a huge amount of material on this topic on the net. We do not want to repeat ourselves and will offer you more interesting ways than decorating fences with flowers and climbing shoots.

Fence decoration from corrugated board

We will consider decorating a corrugated fence first of all, because this popular type of fence does not look as impressive as, for example, a brick or wooden structure.

As you can see, the scope for imagination is not limited. Show originality and come up with your own way to decorate an iron fence made of corrugated board. This will certainly make your site stand out from the rest.

Wooden fence decoration

Decorating a wooden fence is very interesting and fascinating process. Fantasize and experiment or use our design solutions.

Best suited for decorating fences made of wooden picket fence. You can use elements of any shape and size, as well as create interesting ornaments.

If desired, you can turn the design into a real work of art.

Photo number 5: picket fence in the form of colored pencils

Residents of holiday villages often decorate solid and transparent sunlight fences with various items. These can be original flower pots made from shoes and plastic bottles, birdhouses, lanterns, shells, colorful stones, pieces ceramic tiles and even wooden saw cuts.

Photo No. 6: a fence with wooden saw cuts

In order to decorate a horizontal wooden fence, country style is ideal. Create a southern atmosphere on your site.

Photo #7: Horizontal wooden fence country style

Wicker fences are decorated much less frequently, because such fences are even without additional elements look impressive. However, you can add to the design if you like. For example, vine fences are often decorated in a rustic style. Sunflowers, clay pots and other interesting items are ideal for this.

Photo No. 8: wicker vine fence with decorative elements

Even a wickerwork erected according to modern technologies, you can make it even more beautiful. For example, vertical fences look original.

Photo No. 9: vertical wicker fence

Mesh fence decoration

Decorating a mesh fence can be done not only by planting climbing plants.

Fence post decoration

Brick fence posts are also decorated in different ways.

DIY fence decor

Do-it-yourself fence decor should be done in three stages.

  1. Design your future fence. This will allow you to calculate in advance the amount of materials and the approximate cost of the project.
  2. At this stage, you will need to buy fence decorations or everything you need to make them yourself. Research the market first. In some cases finished goods are cheaper than handmade ones.
  3. Decorate your fence and enjoy the result.

The first impression is the strongest. Therefore, it is not worth neglecting the careful arrangement of the country fence. But because of the solid size of the fence, it seems that the costs will go through the roof. Do not despair. We share a selection of ideas that will help make the fence spectacular and original at no extra cost.

1. For lovers of noble drinks

Colored glass is a material that always looks noble. Indeed, in natural light, it casts sunbeams that will enliven even an ordinary cottage. To make the fence decor look decent, we recommend choosing unusual bottles of different colors.

2. Stone and wood

Gabions are interesting wire and metal structures that are used in construction. At the same time, they are universal decor For suburban area. For example, from gabions in combination with wooden planks it will be possible to build an effective fence.

3. Funny pictures

An ordinary wooden fence turns into a decor for a summer residence, if you paint it with plain pictures. Children will certainly appreciate this activity. To keep the paint on the tree for a long time, do not forget about the protective impregnation for it.

4. Simple and tasteful

Who said that the fence has to be perfectly flat? It is worth choosing boards of different heights for its arrangement, with a rounded upper part - and the fence will become original. If this is not enough, then paint the fence in bright shade, in harmony with the color of the green behind it.

5. Cozy eco-style

Branches are a material that is more than enough in any country house. Especially after the pruning season. Branches of a suitable shape can be screwed to the fence using metal wire. This fence decor will help to further protect the site from prying eyes.

6. Guardian at the gate

Curly ivy - the usual design of the fence. But from this, the living decor of the fence does not lose in its attractive form. Especially if you periodically cut off the ivy in the form of a shock of female hair, and draw a face under it. Such a fence will definitely not go unnoticed by others.

7. Plastic mosaic

Such a fence decor will require some preparation: you need to collect enough colorful lids, having previously decided on the future pattern. If necessary, the covers can be painted in the desired color. Covers are attached to a wooden fence with screws or nails.

8. Bird joy

From the side of a restless street, and even at a low altitude, birds are unlikely to dare to make a nest. But you can pour food into such birdhouses, and then the birds will definitely not leave the fence unattended. Another option for lovers of tranquility is to plant live plants in birdhouses.

9. Embroidery on the fence

Such a trend as embroidery on the fence with ribbons is gaining popularity in many cities around the world thanks to the activities of street artists. Why not transfer it to our realities? Such embroidery with multi-colored ribbons does not require special skills. It is enough just to decide on the pattern.

10. Mini-exhibition

Perhaps, it is not worth arranging an exposition of various things on the outside of the country fence. But the fence needs decoration and inside. Fence decor can be very diverse - from birdhouses to mirrors and empty frames.

11. Smooth shapes

An ordinary board fence will look new if it is made up of elements unusual shape. For example, boards with rounded edges or holes.

12. Minimalistic geometry

concrete blocks, filled with soil, will become not only an unusual decor for a fence. An additional bonus is that such a decoration can prevent unwanted parking of cars near the country fence.

13. Flowers instead of paintings

Massive picture frames may well become the basis for placing small flower pots. If the frames right size could not be found, then replace them with plastic or polyurethane moldings.

14. New life for old boxes

A few old crates nailed to a wooden fence look like a natural addition to its design. It remains only to put flower pots with live plants inside the boxes - and the non-standard design of the fence is ready.

15. A fence that is not afraid of rain

Old rubber shoes can be an original replacement flower pots. This decor for the fence is not afraid of the heaviest rain.

16. Fairy fence

Many cut logs of the same size became the basis for creating a pretty fence for a summer residence. From them you can assemble a fence of any height and shape. Equipping a gate in the fence is also not difficult.

Do-it-yourself cottage decor - exciting activity Once started, it's hard to stop. Continuing the theme -

Summer is the best best time in order to decorate life and make something original with your own hands. For those who live in own house or has a cottage, you should think about decorating the fence. Of course, it is needed primarily to protect the territory, but bad weather does its job, and the once beautiful fence, sparkling with fresh paint, becomes gray and unsightly. Here are some tips to help make it bright and original.

We decorate the fence with our own hands

You can, of course, just paint the fence, but there are more interesting options. There are a lot of decor options: stained glass, forged figurines, original pots look great. A very popular material, which, moreover, costs nothing - plastic bottles. If you paint them in different colors, they will become an interesting decoration.

Plants are often used as well. For example, a flower garden can give a fence a whole new look. Looks even nicer hedge. If you plant a flower bed nearby and put country furniture, you can equip a beautiful corner for summer holidays.

Gardeners with experience will certainly like decorating with roses that weave. You will have to work hard on breeding them, but no one else will have such a chic fence. If you don’t have much experience, you can use ivy: it is unpretentious in care, tolerates cold well and always looks original and stylish. Another good option- hops, which also has medicinal properties. It is only necessary to take into account that hops usually grow and, in the absence of control, will quickly decorate all neighboring areas.

We must not forget about color palette. The fence should match the design of the building and match the color of the roof. For example, a brown railing is ideal for a pink facade.

How to decorate a fence in the country: ideas

Perhaps the most spectacular option- decoration with climbing plants. Here are some decor ideas different types fences;

  • Chain link fence. annuals and perennials will become a luxurious decoration of such a fence. Great option- girlish grapes, which are resistant to pests and retain color well. True, it must be borne in mind that such a fence should be at least 2 meters high, only then it will look organic.
  • Concrete fence. This fence is quite reliable, but gloomy, so it needs to be decorated first. The decor on both sides can be made different. On the inside, for example, decorate the territory with unusual flowers, and on the outside, plant coniferous trees. The fern will look no less beautiful. There is one more interesting way update concrete fence: it is necessary to partially overlay it with bricks, and plant moss on the rest of the territory. When it sprouts, the area will look very cozy.

  • Corrugated fence. As a decoration, the edge of the material in sheets, cut out in a figure, is suitable for it. Elements of artistic forging will help to create ornaments of almost any complexity. Such a fence can also be decorated with flowers or arrange columns on which various decorative figures will be fixed.
  • Wooden fence. Such a fence provides a huge scope for imagination. It can be decorated with shells, saw cuts of wood or multi-colored pebbles, even whole stained-glass windows are made from broken dishes. A great decor option is paintings of different themes that are applied to the fence. So that they do not fade, use special facade paints. Such painting is also suitable for concrete fencing, as well as corrugated fences.

So there are many decor options. Everything is limited by imagination and budget, after all, a certain amount will have to be allocated for improvised materials. But the result will exceed all your expectations: the new original fence will delight the owners and guests for a long time to come.