Toilet      06/13/2019

Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. Small-leaved view of Ruddy's maidenhair. Adiantum - home care

Adiantum (Adiantum), or maidenhair, is one of the most common ferns cultivated at home. The plant looks delicate and sophisticated, but in fact it is not. It is quite hardy and able to get used to the room atmosphere.

This type of fern has several more names: women's hair, girl's hair, maidenhair, venus hair. Popularly called a long-term fern. It has become widespread throughout the world. It prefers to settle near water bodies or near humid places in regions with a subtropical and temperate climate.

The plant is characterized by the presence of stems creeping along the ground with thin root processes covered with dark or red scales resembling a pile. In this case, the roots penetrate the ground vertically.

Depending on the plant variety, the long-petiolate leaves may be opposite or alternate. Due to the dark color, glossy petioles create a contrast with the green foliage. Their length in some cases exceeds the length of the leaf itself, which has an unpaired structure with wedge-shaped, oval or fan-shaped segments. Some species have a smooth edge, while others are crenate or cut.

The leaf plates are very thin, and the color is bright green. Sori are located on the back side in the form of points, most often located along the edge of the vein.

Adiantum is one of the most common ferns cultivated at home.

Venus hair care at home

The openwork greenery of ferns is worth the trouble to create for him comfortable conditions. Decorative leafy culture, accustomed in nature to a certain level of lighting, soil and humidity, requires the implementation of certain rules for flower growers.

Lighting, temperature and humidity

Adiantum feels good in partial shade, preferring dim diffused lighting, so the pot with the plant can be placed on a windowsill that has a northerly direction. From bright sun rays the leaves are dying. In summer, it is recommended to take the fern to fresh air., but provided that it is protected from precipitation, drafts and the open sun.

In summer, it is desirable to create an air temperature of 20-22 ° C, and in winter not lower than 15 ° C. The drier the air, the higher the temperature the plant tolerates. In conditions of very low temperatures, the leaves will die.

Since the fern loves high humidity, in the room where the plant is located, it should be at least 60%. IN winter time humidity decreases due to heating, so the risk of leaf drying increases. To avoid damage to the plant, it must be placed on a pallet with wet gravel or expanded clay. A nearby radiator should be covered with a wet sheet.

Gallery: maidenhair (25 photos)

How to plant adiantum (video)

Soil and flower pot

The soil should be acidic, breathable and rich in humus. To prepare an earthen mixture, you need to take equal parts of sand, peat, turf and leafy soil cleaned of coarse inclusions. Then add sphagnum or charcoal (pieces) to the resulting substrate.

Since the rhizome of the fern is superficial, for its cultivation it is necessary to use a wide container, on the bottom of which a drainage layer is placed. Pour a special soil with a slightly acidic reaction on top.

Watering and spraying

Since this perennial does not tolerate drought and dampness, it should be watered as the topsoil dries. . It is recommended to use settled and warm water.(room temperature). In this case, the rigidity does not really matter, but it is important that it does not contain chlorine. Daily spraying with a spray bottle keeps the foliage clean and moist. In this case, the water should also be settled.

Adiantum feels good in partial shade, preferring soft diffused lighting.

Top dressing maidenhair

Herbaceous plant does not take well overdose chemicals, therefore, it is recommended to fertilize from late spring to early autumn. Mineral fertilizers should be used once a month, with half the dose used for other domestic crops. Preparations must be free of lime. Top dressing must be applied when watering.

Description of the types of adiantum

The genus Adiantum contains almost 200 herbaceous perennials. In nature, it settles in forests, rocky areas, along the banks of rivers and reservoirs. One of the most beautiful representatives of this family in home floriculture is Venus hair.

The soil should be acidic, breathable and rich in humus.

Adiantum Venus hair

A. capillusveneris is a perennial that reaches a height of 30 cm. With the help of creeping scaly roots with outgoing tenacious rhizoids, the flower is fixed on the soil. The leaves, called fronds, are up to 50 cm long, broadly oblong in shape and not wetted by water. The rod (rachis) is black, thin and rigid, similar to a wire, from which light green wedge-shaped or fan-shaped segments up to 1 cm long extend.

Adiantum pink (gentle)

A. tenerum Swartz. The leaves are thrice pinnate, reaching 70 cm long and 50 cm wide. The fronds are wedge-shaped at the lower edge and deeply and broadly lobed at the top, and black glossy petioles are 30 cm long. The roots are short and creeping. This species is decorative., which grows well indoors.

Adiantum Venus hair

Adiantum stopiform

A. pedatum. beautiful bush with openwork leaves of a spherical shape, growing up to 60 cm. Curved stems with rounded pinnate light green leaves form a horseshoe. Tolerates cold down to minus 35 °C.

Adiantum small-haired

Adiantum hispidulum. Fern with a creeping rhizome and dissected 25 cm leaves with diamond-shaped segments. Long strong petioles (about 35 cm) are covered with small bristles. In home cultivation is a success.

Why the leaves of the maidenhair dry (video)

Adiantum beautiful (beautiful)

Adiantum formosum. Tall bush, reaching 1 m, with a fragile root system. The structure of the leaves is multi-pinnate and triangular-obovate. The color of the roots is purple-black, and the leaves are dark green.

Adiantum wedge-shaped (Ruddy)

A. raddianum. It is a very fragile and delicate highly decorative species that is afraid of direct sunlight and drafts. The plant is adversely affected by spraying with chemicals and moisture, therefore, it should be sprayed at a distance of 20 - 30 cm from it and apply complex fertilizers.

Adiantum stopiform

Adiantum fragrans

Raddianum fragrantissimum. Characterized by high growth rates. Able to grow up to 50 cm and create picturesque thickets. The leaves are curly, but not very densely placed on gray-brown petioles.

Adiantum transparent

A. diaphanum. On a plant with dark green or brown petioles, leaves are formed twice pinnate, excised along one edge, the wide segments of which do not exceed 3 cm. In this case, the total length of the frond reaches 25 cm. The leaf shape is pointed with oval or obovate segments with convex sporangia, placed along the outer edge.

Adiantum transparent

Adiantum breeding methods

There are several methods for breeding adiantum:

  • dividing the bush;
  • germination of spores;
  • with the help of seeds.

Reproduction by division used during spring transplantation. Care must be taken to separate the rhizome as it is very fragile. In the case of a single point of growth, this method cannot be applied. The appendix must contain at least 2 buds. Then the plant should be planted in a soil consisting of sand, peat, turf and leafy soil.

If selected spore use method, you need to cut off the leaf plates with brown thickenings (sori) and dry them in paper bags. After that, spores are removed from the open sori, for the sowing of which it is necessary to prepare the soil by heating it over boiling water. After planting the spores, the container with the ground should be covered and placed in a well-lit and warm place. After 3-4 weeks, sprouts will appear. The earth needs to be watered abundantly. After the fronds appear, the plant can be planted in separate pots.

At the beginning of spring they are engaged seed propagation. It is during this period that disputes ripen. Fern seeds are stored for years. Since it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions for seed germination, this method is considered laborious. Trays should be kept in a room with a temperature of up to 20 ° C, and also covered with glass or film to maintain the required humidity, while opening for ventilation. Usually shoots appear in a month. This means that the tray must be opened and placed in a lighted area. After some time, when the sprouts get stronger, you can thin them out, leaving the strongest specimens.

At the beginning of spring, they are engaged in seed reproduction of the maidenhair

Signs and superstitions associated with adiantum

Since ferns existed on earth long before the appearance of man, the plant is of interest. Numerous folk omens and superstitions that have come down to our time tell about what changes can occur in life when meeting with him in nature or when breeding at home.

Adiantum growing at home has a beneficial effect on all family members. The fern has a pacifying ability, so it is especially useful to have a plant in the house for large families, as conflicts often develop as a result of a large crowd of people. Due to the sedative effect, the mind is cleared in a person, which contributes to the choice right decisions in any matters.

Another important feature of the fern - he is a magnet for financial flows. Those who wish to improve their financial situation are advised to have an maidenhair in the apartment. In addition to money, the miracle plant also attracts good luck. That is why gamblers love it so much. There is a legend that if you find a fern flower on the night of Ivan Kupala, any wish will come true.

Features of growing adiantum (video)

It is important to take into account that positive energy comes from a healthy plant. If the fern changed appearance: the leaves have dried up or fallen off, which means it is necessary to restore his strength, taking good care of him. In order for the maidenhair not to take energy from people, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • place next to a TV or computer;
  • do not put a flower pot in the bedroom;
  • keep the foliage fresh and green.

Adiantum, in a different way venus hair - an exquisitely beautiful fern. Representatives of this family admire their attractiveness. This flower surpasses its own kind in that it is equated with the curly curls of the goddess of love. Loose green hair, fastened on dark legs and gracefully sways at the slightest breath of breeze.

It is necessary to care for the maidenhair diligently, as for the hair. It, like curls, is washed, fed, and cut. He doesn't need good lighting for well-being, which distinguishes it from other house colors. With proper care, the fern will delight with lush greenery for a long time, and will be able to decorate any corner of your apartment.

Adiantum - the most elegant fern

Adiantum is a specimen of a multiple fern species. In natural conditions, it can be encountered in the most hidden corners of the tropical and subtropical montane forest. Venus hair has also conquered a moderately soft habitat. And it can also endure a slight cold, but in frosty time the part that is above the ground dies off.

Representatives of this species can be found:

  • on the Crimean peninsula,
  • in the north of the Caucasus,
  • in the mountains of Africa
  • near the mediterranean sea,
  • on the American continent
  • in European countries.

The flower is very fond of the mountainous landscape and shady, as well as wet places. Fern does not need in large numbers land, it is able to grow even on rocky ground. It grows near waterfalls near the banks of the river, in rock crevices.

About two hundred years ago, the maidenhair settled in people's houses. Flower growers did not stand aside from the beauty of its leaves (their names are vayami). But there is another problem, because the flower is very responsive to air quality, he could not adapt in houses with furnace heating.

For this reason, the cultivation of this flower could be afforded by rich people who have greenhouses and winter gardens. Soon central heating appeared and the air in the apartments improved significantly, and therefore maidenhair could afford to grow all lovers of this species. But there was new problem- this is an excessively dry atmosphere in heated apartments, which is harmful to the fern. At the moment there are different ways for air humidification.

Today, maidenhair lovers will be able to breed this rare view fern. Since moist air, on the advice of medicine, is useful not only for flowers, but also for humans.

The name maidenhair came from Greek word adiant, translated (do not wet). There is an invisible film on the surface of the leaves of this flower, so drops of water, flowing down from them, are not absorbed.

Features of Adiantum

Adiantum is the most exquisite indoor flower. The second name of the plant is Venus hair, it is characteristic only for this variety. There are other species, no less attractive, but little known.

From typical fern with a rosette of elongated hanging an arch of leaves, the flower has a difference in the form of dark cuttings in a shape similar to a spiral. Just because of the cuttings, plants are compared with curls. Why is Venus's hair only? Since this deity is the very personification of love and splendor, emerging from the depths of the sea.

Only she can wear such exquisite hair. Because curls-shanks covered with wavy petals very reminiscent of curly hair. Along the edge of each petal is a sorus, this is a pocket in which fern seeds ripen.

There are some beliefs about how Adiantum appeared. An attractive, young girl fell off a cliff. It was in that place that a waterfall formed, and the curls became like ferns. The next fable says that when Venus cut her hair, she dropped one curl, which got its name.

Appearance and important features plants:

  • Adiantum is not a very tall fern, since its leaves do not reach a length of more than 40–60 centimeters.
  • The fern is growing fast, for the spring-summer period, can double, consider this ability when choosing permanent place growing a plant.
  • Adiantum is a capricious flower and does not welcome moving from one place to another. If the venereal hair is subject to a stressful condition, then this is reflected in its vegetation, which loses its splendor and may dry out. We advise you to immediately choose a suitable place for him.

Healers of ancient centuries noted the similarity of fern leaves with curls and therefore advise this plant in medicinal purposes for hair follicles. And the peoples of China use an infusion of leaves to treat alcohol and tobacco addiction. Venus hair will push you to healthy lifestyle life. Since it is overly susceptible to polluted oxygen. Does not tolerate tobacco or any other smoke.

The pampered vegetation of the fern will cause trouble for the florist. It is enough just to provide this flower habitual conditions for his dwelling, and he will delight you with his lush green willow. A flower will decorate any corner of your home, at a time when other flowers do not want to live there.

The flower does not need additional lighting in winter, as it loves shady places. Venus hair is perfect for growing on a stand, hanging, on a windowsill.

Adiantum care at home

How to care for maidenhair

Home flower maidenhair cannot stand scorching sunlight. When choosing a shady place, keep in mind that you need to place it near north or east windows, since from excessively dazzling lighting, the delicate patterned leaves of the fern die off.

Venus hair in the apartment loves fresh air, but he can’t stand weathering, and dust, in connection with this you will need to frequently perform wet cleaning in the room, where this home flower resides, and freshen the air in the room. Smoking near the plant is prohibited, as well as carbon monoxide from the kitchen is able to ruin a flower.

Dry air is bad for ferns:

The plant does not like it when its habitat is changed, so try not to move the maidenhair pot. Sprinkle ferns with warm water every day, especially during the hot season. In the cool period, it is not recommended to spray the plant, as this will harm it.

We advise you to feed the fern from April to September. For this suitable liquid fertilizer for indoor or deciduous-decorative vegetation. Apply half of the amount indicated on the package, once every three weeks. In winter, it is not necessary to feed.

Watering the maidenhair

Proper care of the plant will help the constant moistening of the earth, as its drying will lead to drying and death of the foliage. Important do not overdo it with watering because the root system of the flower will rot.

In order to prevent poor-quality moisturizing, it is necessary to lower the flower pot into a container with settled water at room temperature. Peas should be in the water until such time as upper layer earth in a pot will sparkle from the water. Then put the flower in the sink so that unnecessary water leaves and return to its place. In winter, you do not need to water the plant abundantly, but the rule of moisture remains the same. It is recommended to moisturize once a week in winter and twice a week in summer.

Adiantum transplant

The flower prefers a spacious pot. Since it grows at a slow pace, it is necessary to transplant once every two or three years in spring period when the roots of the flower begin to peek out of the drainage holes in the pot. For an obsolete flower, it is necessary to change annually surface layer soil five or seven centimeters thick.

The fern has massive roots, so it needs spacious pot made of wood or ceramic, unglazed in the inner part with rather large drainage holes. To transplant a plant, a massive layer of drainage base is laid out on the bottom of the pot.

Land for adiantum needs loosened, sour and fertilized with humus. For this, peat with hardwood in a ratio of two to one is suitable. To do this, sprinkle a small amount of substrate on the drainage layer and put the flower in a new pot and gradually add earth so that there is no empty space. But at the same time, do not press the soil, as the flower loves loose soil.

Pests and diseases of the maidenhair

The foliage of the plant contains harmful substances for insects, but despite this, harmful insects that are very resistant to poison harm the plant. For example: aphids, spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs.

In order to remove the scab from the affected leaves, use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. To cure aphids, a fern is necessary spray soapy water and then wash it off clean water. A forced measure is to treat it with a solution of Decis or Biotlin, Derris, Fitoverm, as well as Antitlin, Intavir, Aktellik.

Antitlina and Fitoverm are suitable for fighting mealybug together with insecticides such as Konfidor, Aktara or Confident, Mospilan. From spider mites, Fitoverm and Actellik are used.

Often the fern dry at the edges of the leaves turning brown. This is a problem of improper wetting or spitting out gas near the flower.

The problem of twisted but not dried maidenhair leaves lies in the extremely low air temperature, but at the same time increased humidity. If the leaves turn pale, this indicates that the plant must be moved to a darker place O. When the leaves of a flower fall off, this is a problem of low air humidity, so systematically moisten the fern.

Properties of the maidenhair

Fern leaves contain triterpenoids, lipids, essential oil, steroids, phenylcarboxylic acid. The foliage of the plant serves for medicinal purposes, medicinal powders, syrup, and infusions are made from it, which are actively used by residents in western Europe.

An aqueous extract from the plant is widely used as it has antimicrobial properties. A syrup and infusions are used as an antipyretic and expectorant. It is used for diseases of the liver, spleen, and bladder, as well as for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Leaf juice from the maidenhair is used in the form of lotions and compresses for the treatment of malignant ulcers and bites of rabid animals. For the treatment of alcoholism in Chinese medicine use the juice from the plant. The juice is also used as a hair rinse to get rid of dandruff. To do this, we advise you to dilute fern juice with water and rinse your hair with this solution. Alcohol infusion is used to treat psoriasis.

Adiantum is a perennial fern with unusually tender fronds - this is the name of the wide feathery leaves of these plants, as well as those of palm trees. It is known that ferns are relict plants that formed huge thickets even in the time of dinosaurs. So, being next to one of their representatives, one can imagine that he got into that distant era in a “time machine”.

Adiantum: biological description

These small ground ferns have a delicate rhizome that is covered with small scales. The leaves are pinnate, dissected, the leaves are wedge-shaped. From their lower side, spores are formed, with which the plant reproduces. Of the many species in room conditions don't grow much. Adiantum Venus hair in natural conditions can be found in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

This is one of the most beautiful ferns, which tolerates temperature drops to zero degrees, but in rooms it does not tolerate dry air in winter very well. It will be better to feel the maidenhair Raddi, which comes from South America. Breeders have bred a large number of varieties of this species that are well adapted to grow in our homes.


Adiantum - shade plant, does not tolerate direct sunlight, which quickly burns delicate and thin leaves fern. The best place there will be partial shade for growth, so they are placed at some distance from the window.

Watering the maidenhair

In the summer, watering the plant should be plentiful, without stagnation of water in the pot. In winter, watering is reduced, but the soil does not dry out. Waterlogging or drying out of the soil in a pot leads to the inevitable death of the entire plant.

Temperature regime

Adiantum is a thermophilic plant. All year round temperature regime should be within 20-22 degrees, subject to high humidity. If it is dry indoors, then the temperature of the content should be within 16-20 degrees.

top dressing

Adiantum is fed during active growth(spring-summer), once a month. Consumption rate mineral fertilizers reduce by 2 times so as not to overfeed the plant, otherwise the leaves will quickly wither. In the autumn-winter period, it does not need top dressing.

Reproduction of the maidenhair

When breeding adiantum, two methods are used: dividing the bush and germinating spores. The plant is propagated by division spring transplant. Hands carefully separate the rhizomes of the maidenhair. If the plant has one point of growth, then it is impossible to divide. Then, immediately, a new plant is planted with soil from a mixture of soddy, leafy soil, peat and sand.

When propagated by spores, leaves with sori (thickenings) are cut from the plant Brown. The leaves are dried in paper bags. After drying, the sori open and spores spill out of them.

For sowing, spores prepare the soil by heating it over boiling water. Then they put it in a tray, water it well and spores are poured out of a paper bag. Then the tray is covered with glass or film and cleaned in a warm, bright place. After 3-4 weeks, the spores will germinate, forming green growths on the soil surface. Water them abundantly so that fertilization occurs and small plants appear. When you notice fronds on the surface of the soil, you can plant the maidenhair in individual pots.

Pests and diseases of the maidenhair

The leaves turn yellow, dry out and die - the air is too dry. Spray your plants regularly.

Leaves curl - sharp fluctuations in temperature.

The leaves wither - the wrong mode of watering. Depending on the substrate, the soil should be slightly dried or watered.

There are traces of burns on the leaves - the lighting of the plants is too bright. They must be rearranged in a shady place or shaded from bright lighting.

Plants suffer from insect pests in warm, dry air. Of the pests most often annoyed spider mite. aphid. Insects suck juices from the petioles and leaves of the plant, as a result, the affected parts are deformed, the color of the leaves becomes yellow. It is necessary to spray with insecticides - Decis, Aktellik, Fitoverm.

Absolutely all, without exception, representatives of the fern family are distinguished by their unusual, sophisticated beauty. But the most graceful and gentle of them is the maidenhair (Venus hair).

It is no coincidence that this very fragile plant is compared with the beautiful hair of the goddess of love. Its green, delicate and very lush foliage, which rests on elastic and thin petioles, sways beautifully with even a slight movement of air.

After reading the article, you can find out more detailed information about the venus hair plant: home care, growing features.

General information

Caring for a maidenhair plant requires the same patience and diligence as caring for hair. In the process of growing at home, it is nourished, moisturized, cut and washed.

It should be noted that this variety of fern, in comparison with other indoor plants, It has important advantage- when grown indoors, it does not need a lot of light. The flower feels great both in partial shade and in the shade. Proper care behind this plant will allow for many years to enjoy the patterned and juicy greenery that adorns even the dark corners of the house. There are many beautiful indoor plants. Venus hair is the most delicate and elegant among them.

Its name comes from the Greek a diant, which means "not to wet". This is due to the fact that the surface of the leaves of the plant is as if covered with a film - water does not linger on them, it immediately drains.

A bit of history

More than 200 years ago, a venus hair flower (photo presented in the article) settled in a person’s home. Flower growers immediately appreciated the elegance of openwork leaves (their name is fronds). In those days, this plant, tender and sensitive to air quality, could not adapt in simple huts with stove heating. Adiantum and other types of ferns were grown only in winter gardens and greenhouses of wealthy families.

Central heating has improved the quality of the atmosphere in the apartments, so these flowers began to decorate the premises of the most different houses. However, even here it was not without problems: the dry air of apartments with central heating. Today there are many ways to create the humidity necessary for a plant, so a wonderful maidenhair is bred at home without much hassle.

Places of growth

The flower of venus hair is the brightest representative of the numerous and beautiful family of ferns. Its habitats in the wild are the lower tiers of mountain forests (tropical and subtropical). However, today the maidenhair has adapted to a mild temperate climate. It also tolerates light frosts, but in severe colds, its aerial part dies off.

The plant grows in the Crimea, in the North Caucasus, in Central Asia, in the Mediterranean, in Europe, in the mountains of Africa and in America. Adiantum prefers mountainous terrain, wet and shady places to a greater extent. It can also grow on rocky soil. Settles at waterfalls, on river banks and in rock crevices.

A favorite place is limestone soil near a source of moisture.


In total, there are approximately 2000 ferns in nature. Adiantum is recognized as the most refined. Some varieties of it fell in love with flower growers for their original foliage. But the most popular among them is the maidenhair venus hair ( detailed description below).

Description of the maidenhair

Venus hair (see photo in the article) is a perennial herbaceous fern with a thin and curved rhizome, covered on the outside with brownish-black scales. The leaves are alternate and petioles (length - 25 cm) are shiny, dark, covered with scales at the base.

Leaves are small, green, may be tinged gray color. The plates are quite wide, smooth, dissected. There are trapezoid, wedge-shaped and obovate forms, located on the petiole in the form of a fan.

Among the adiantums there are species cultivated in open field. For example, the stop-shaped one presented above. In the rooms, mainly venus hair is grown. However, in fairness, it should be said that varieties such as Ruddy's maidenhair, transparent and delicate, are also good for growing in the house.

growing conditions

A representative of this species grows well in partial shade, so the most successful place for it is the northern or eastern side of the room (a place in the back of the room or a window sill).

  1. The plant does not tolerate completely enclosed spaces, as it always needs fresh air.
  2. Doesn't like drafts. With them, the flower may die.
  3. Dust must not be allowed to accumulate in the room. Regularly clean with a damp cloth and ventilate the room more often.

In addition, this flower is adversely affected by the content in the air of any harmful substances. For example, he can't even stand tobacco smoke, and also it is negatively affected by the place of growth in the kitchen. Optimal room temperature for maidenhair - not more than +22 degrees Celsius in summer and not lower than +15 - in winter.

Soil Requirements

The root of the plant has a superficial location, so a wide and shallow pot can be used for growing. The drainage layer should be thick enough. Ready soil for ferns can be purchased at the store, only you need to add a little chopped sphagnum moss and charcoal to it. soil for home flower venus hair fit nutritious, slightly acidic and porous. It should dry quickly and absorb water well.

Approximate composition of substrates:

  1. Added to 2 parts of peat land, one part of humus and leafy soil, as well as 1/2 part of sand.
  2. Leafy earth and peat are mixed (3 parts each), 2 parts of soddy land, humus and sand (1 part each);
  3. Leafy soil (3 parts) is mixed with peat soil (2 parts), with humus and coarse sand (one part each);
  4. Equal shares of peat, coarse sand and sod land are mixed;
  5. Pine bark, coconut fibers, leafy soil and humus are mixed in equal parts.


Venus hair, like other varieties, requires some care.

  1. The plant does not tolerate any movement very well, so the pot should always stand in one place.
  2. To improve the condition of the plant in the summer, it must be actively (daily) sprayed. warm water.
  3. In winter, the plant does not need water procedures, as they can have a detrimental effect on its development.
  4. In the spring-summer period, it is desirable to carry out planned feeding liquid fertilizers(2 times reduce the concentration indicated in the instructions). This should be done no more than 1 time in 3 weeks. In winter, top dressing is not needed.

Venus hair is a flower, the care of which includes pruning of affected and yellowed leaves. This must be done in the spring - to give the plant neatness. This process also stimulates the emergence of new, young leaves. After removing the old greenery, the plant should be well watered and sprayed.


The main rule of watering is moderation and regularity. The plant has a negative attitude to both waterlogging and overdrying. Therefore, it should be watered a little and often. In spring and summer - three times a week, in autumn - less often, and in winter - once every 7-10 days. Make sure the topsoil dries out between waterings.

It should be remembered that venus hair does not tolerate chlorinated water. It is best to use settled and filtered.

rest period

The rest time in the maidenhair, like in all varieties of ferns, is not as pronounced as in others. flowering plants. Its rest period is from November to March, when growth only slows down. There are no special activities during this time. You just need to remove the pot from heating appliances, provide high humidity and diffused light, and also protect it from drafts.

Watering should also be reduced (higher in the article more detailed information about it).

There are references to this flower in the writings of Pliny the Elder (ancient Roman writer). It says that the healers of those times, noticing the similarity of the foliage of the plant with curls, began to recommend it as a remedy for hair.

In the Caucasus, even today, some peoples rinse their hair with infusions of the venus hair plant. They believe that thanks to him, the hair shines. A decoction of the leaves of this flower in China is used in the treatment of tobacco and alcohol addiction.

The maidenhair itself, as noted above, does not tolerate tobacco or any other smoke.


There are several legends about the origin of the plant. One of them says that at the place where the young woman fell from the cliff beautiful girl, made its way through the waterfall. Her hair turned into a fern.

According to another legend, the goddess of love Venus, cutting off her hair, dropped a small strand from which a maidenhair grew. Hence its name.

There are many different beliefs about the flowering of the fern. Our ancestors believed that the fern blooms in a magical way: on the eve of the summer solstice (Ivan Kupala holiday), a fiery flower sprouts, so bright that it is impossible to even look at it. And it only blooms for a few seconds. Then it breaks down by an invisible force. But the person who plucked it earlier can gain power over everything. Ancestors could not understand how this plant reproduces. Therefore, similar legends were born then about the fern, which has a mysterious power.

However, science has been able to debunk the mysteries of the fern. Absolutely all adiantums never bloom. Nature has provided a mechanism for reproduction by spores for them. They are formed in this plant from spring to autumn (along the edge of the leaves or on their tips, in sori). They acquire a brownish color as they mature. The spores are very small, like dust.


By creating the most suitable conditions for the hair venus plant, indulging all its whims and habits, you can get wonderful emerald green patterned fronds.

Such a plant will decorate any corner of the house. It is even surprising that delicate flower content even with penumbra in the depths of the room. Adiantum looks great both on the windowsill and in hanging planter, and on a stand.

Adiantum, or venus hair, is an ornamental fern that can be found not only in wildlife, but also in various greenhouses and botanical gardens. Also, lovers of indoor plants skillfully grow maidenhair at home. In its natural environment, the plant prefers moist places with plenty of shade. On the territory of Russia, it can only be found in the Caucasus.

At home, this plant serves as a wonderful interior decoration. It creates wonderful compositions in tandem with other indoor plants. It is also often used in the preparation of bouquets. But there is one minus here: the leaves of the maidenhair dry out very quickly after cutting.

Venus hair loves constancy. After buying a flower, you should immediately choose a place where it will grow. Don't constantly change location. In height, venus hair does not grow more than 40 centimeters. special care it does not require, but in some cases the leaves may turn yellow and dry out. Then the damaged leaves should be removed and the plant watered. You can also create greenhouse conditions for the flower by covering it with a bag.

There are the following types of adiantum: