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Rosary in the country (50 photos) - a place where the soul rests: preparing the place, planting plants, varieties and their features. How to make a rose garden in the country with your own hands: schemes for arranging flower beds and rose gardens, photo ideas of beautiful flower beds

Beautiful, well-groomed ... In a word, not a garden, but a photo from a magazine. Are you dreaming about this? Select a corner for a rose garden on the site. Create it according to your own scheme, without involving a designer in the design. How to make a rose garden in the country with your own hands - read the article.

Types and styles of rose gardens

To create a perennial flower garden of roses that will delight you for more than one year, decide on a goal. Think about what you would like to see in this corner, what mood you want to charge from it. Before you make a rose garden with your own hands, look at photos of different flower beds and choose the one that suits you. There are several types of design:

  • Romantic. This flower garden looks good near the gazebo. Consists of roses of gentle shades. In combination with tall plants creates an atmosphere of comfort, peace;

romantic rose garden

  • front door. As the name implies, these are festive compositions with bright, often contrasting colors. Greenery looks very elegant and advantageous here;

front rose garden

  • Visible from one side. Suitable for small areas. As an option, place it near a wall or near a fence. For example, in the background place high park roses. Closer to the edges - medium-sized climbing, in the foreground - ground cover;

Rosary, visible from one side

  • Visible from different angles. Flowers for this rose garden should be planted from the center to the edges. Inside there will be the tallest plants, they need to be surrounded by medium-sized roses. The composition should be completed by low-growing varieties;

Rosary seen from different angles

  • Vertical. Climbing perennial varieties roses will perfectly decorate the arch or gazebo, eventually completely covering them;

Vertical rose garden

Advice. Remember that roses cannot grow in the right direction on their own. Do it by hand, using supports and garters. Form weaving in accordance with your idea.

  • Rosary-rock garden. Ground cover varieties are used for it. They bloom profusely and are unpretentious in care. Roses of this type grow well, so they quickly make a fragrant motley carpet. A beautiful ensemble is obtained from a combination of roses with stones on an alpine hill;

Rosary-rock garden

  • Mobile. The name speaks for itself: this is a mobile rose garden that can be arranged in containers, flowerpots. Looks harmoniously along the paths, at the entrance, best of all in a sunny place. For such a flower garden, take low, profusely flowering varieties of roses. After planting, drain, do not forget about watering and fertilizing. For the winter, store the containers in a heated room.

Mobile rose garden

In addition, decide on the style of your future rosary. IN modern design most common:

landscape rose garden

How to chart a rosary

Having decided on the place, type and style of the rose garden, draw up its plan. It will help you visualize the final version of the flower garden. To begin with, mark the borders of the future kingdom of roses on the diagram. For them, you can use borders or undersized flowers.

To various plants do not interfere with each other, decide on the sizes and varieties. Look at the photos of blooming roses, choose the ones you like. Write down their names and mark them on the diagram with numbers. Mark where you are going to take place undersized, and where - tall.

Rosary plan

Which corners will be occupied by perennial flowers, and where new bushes will need to be planted annually is another aspect of the plan. Mark on the diagram the areas where you want to plant certain groups of roses. Think about whether their color combination will be harmonious.

Advice. In order for groups of plants that are inharmonious in color to “get along” in one rose garden, dilute them with varieties with white inflorescences. Do not combine warm shades (cream, orange) with cold ones (burgundy, cherry).

Before you make a rose garden with your own hands, decide: where and what crops will be planted as background. Consider whether they fit into the ensemble you created perennial shrubs or rock compositions. look various photos with diagrams and draw up your plan on paper.

How to make a rose garden with your own hands. Instruction

  1. Prepare the area. It should be sunny, but not blown, free from debris, weeds. "Queens of flowers" like well-drained soil, by no means clay. Perfect option- take care of the soil in advance, around the middle of summer, in order to plant roses in the fall. To do this, dig the ground (approximate depth - 60 cm), loosen the top layer and apply fertilizer. In 2-3 months you will receive good soil suitable for roses.

    Garden tools for arranging a rose garden with your own hands

  2. Make holes. Their depth is about 10 cm more than the length of the roots (50-60 cm), width - from 25 cm to 1.5 m (depending on the variety). If the groundwater in your area is more than 1 m, you can do without drainage. Otherwise, put small stones, gravel or expanded clay on the bottom of each hole, pour some earth on top.

    Preparing holes for planting roses

  3. Prepare seedlings. Cut the roots to a length of 30 cm, remove damaged ones. The part that remains above the ground, shorten to 2-3 strong shoots. Leaves on the handle should not be.

    Seedling prepared for planting in open ground

  4. Remove the bush from the container or pot and plant, after moistening it. This is necessary so that the earthen ball does not crumble. Depending on the growing conditions, seedlings are distinguished:
    • with a closed root system (initially, each sprout was planted in a separate container, in which it grew);
    • with an open root system (such specimens grew in the field and were placed in containers immediately before the sale).

    Scheme: the process of planting rose bushes

  5. Based on this, there are differences in landing. Bushes with a closed root system are simply lowered vertically into the hole and evenly covered with earth (for this they need to be shaken periodically). For seedlings of the second type, you should first make a small mound in a dug hole. They put a bush on it and cover it with earth. In both cases, make sure that the roots do not bend upwards.
  6. After planting, compact the soil, and loosen the top layer. Water the seedlings.

    Bush after planting in the ground

Rules for the care of the rosary

Regardless of which rose garden you prefer (romantic or rock garden), within 2 weeks after planting, do not forget about regular watering of the bushes. For the winter, you need to spud the holes with earth (20-30 cm) or cover the shoots with sawdust and sand. Mulch the soil to keep it from drying out.

Watering rose bushes

Apply organic or mineral fertilizers. Weed and prune roses in summer, spring and after flowering. If grafting plants, remove wild growth. Form bushes in a timely manner. For tall varieties, put props.

Combinations of roses with other plants

If you decide not to make a rose garden exclusively from roses alone, think about the flowers that will grow next to them. After all, how successful the combination will be will depend on general form your flower garden. Carefully select the border for the bushes. It will hide their lower, non-flowering part. For example, for a rose garden in a romantic style, a green or silver frame made of boxwood, chistets is suitable.

Rose bushes next to other crops

For a vibrant rose garden, add greenery, gold, or purple to the fence. Barberry, santolina are suitable for this. Good neighbors for the "Queen of Flowers":

  • perennials - carnation, periwinkle, primrose;
  • annuals - salvia, begonia, delphinia.

Advice. To protect against pests and diseases, it is worth planting marigolds, lavender or sage next to roses.

Roses look beautiful with plants that are not afraid of shade: hosta or geyhera. The company will be climbing. For rock garden fit any ground cover plants. In combination with stones on a hill in a rose garden, ferns or conifers look advantageous.

Landscape composition with a rose

Of course, the design of the rosary requires great work and considerable time. But the result is worth it. You will be reminded of this every year by the colorful blooms and aroma of the flower garden, lovingly created by your hands.

How to create a rose garden: video

Rosary at their summer cottage: photo

The rose is a beautiful, noble and ancient flower. She finds recognition in literature, history, geography, architecture, art, cooking and jewelry; It is not surprising that today the rose is one of the most popular garden plants.

As with all flowers, a rose needs a special approach. She is capricious and fastidious in her own way, but in good conditions, with decent care, "blooms and smells" for many years. The rose can be grown next to other flowers and herbs, the only thing it does not tolerate is the neighborhood with trees and fruit and berry bushes.

In order to bring a rose to the forefront of a flower garden or garden, you can create a rose garden with your own hands. It can be quite small in area and contain only a few types of roses, but even this will be enough to ennoble the garden at the cottage or in a country house.

A rose garden is a type of monoflower garden in which, as the main type, roses are planted. The rose garden can be in the form of a flower bed, hedge, arch or arcade. Different kinds and varieties of flowers allow you to create amazing structural and geometric plantings that look more like art than garden work. Experienced and persistent gardeners will not find it difficult to create a multi-colored and diverse rose garden with their own hands.

In addition to roses in the rose garden, you can plant ornamental shrubs, one or two types of flowers, different in color, form and time of flowering or evergreens. Thus, additional plants will dilute color scheme and ensure the harmony and aesthetic perception of the rose garden all year round.

The size of the rose garden will dictate the number of varieties that can be planted. Although, even in a small area, with your own hands you can arrange a unique and beautiful flower garden. As usual, even a lone bush of a tea rose attracts more attention than other flowers, so an elegantly and thoughtfully placed rose garden of 10 square meters. m. will be the pride of any gardener and will attract the eyes of the guests of your dacha or country house.

Rosary, ennobled decorative stones, small waterfall or pond, ideal for low to medium sized shrubs. Park or standard species can be planted next to the gazebo, and weaving, fast-growing bushes along the perimeter of the fence, thus, the entire household plot can be decorated with flowers.

Possibility to combine high, medium and low grades gives scope for landscape creativity and allows you to create three-dimensional flower paintings. Although, for a good rose garden, it is important not only the availability of space and flowers, but also other factors:

  • climate;
  • the correct location of the rosary;
  • selection of the most suitable varieties roses;
  • soil quality;
  • proper planting of seedlings;
  • optimal care.

All of the above factors affect the growth and flowering of roses and if natural conditions are not suitable for growing these flowers, then they can be changed and made favorable with the help of desire and perseverance.

Selecting Varieties for a Specific Climate

Today there are many varieties and types of roses and many of their hybrids. Even hybrid tea varieties, previously considered the most capricious, can now be grown in the harsh climate of the northwest.

The ideal climate for growing roses is considered to be the most similar to the climate of England, French Provence or Persia (Iraq). But these climates are very different from each other and, if the Black Magic variety is ideal for the hot and dry Persian climate, then it will be difficult to grow it in rainy England and windy Provence.

Shrab (bush) and floribunda roses are considered the most persistent and unpretentious. special care, especially during the onset of frost, require standard and tea-hybrid varieties.

For a harsh climate with short summers and long, harsh winter it is best to choose varieties with ADR (Allgemeine Deutsche Rosennsuheitenprufung) certification, as they have been tested for frost resistance. Examples of such varieties are Mme Antoine Meilland (Peace) and Aspirin Rose. An excellent choice for a harsh climate will also be Canadian roses , such as Aleksander MacKensey or Modern Blash. Among climbing varieties, frost-resistant are Rosarium Uetersen and Flammentanz, which, in addition to cold, tolerate rain and wind well.

For rainy and windy climates, bush roses are well suited. Among the hybrid tea varieties, Augusta Luise and Peace endure rain. Other varieties suitable for wet conditions are Leonardo da Vinci, Queen Elizabeth, Belvedere and Westerland.

For the successful creation of a rosary with your own hands you need to carefully study how the agro-climatic conditions of the suburban area, and detailed description selected varieties of roses.

Choosing a place for a rose garden

Choosing the right place for roses is not as easy as it seems, because it is important that the rose garden is in sight and does not take away space from those already established. perennials. No one will uproot the strong fruit trees or berry bushes even for the sake of pink splendor.

When choosing a place, it is important to remember that regardless of the climate, roses need:

  • light;
  • air;
  • nutrients;
  • moisture;
  • strong wind protection.

Based on the above, lowlands should be avoided when planning a rose garden where moisture and air are retained and light and close proximity to plants that take nutrients from the soil do not pass.

In hot regions, light should be combined with shade or partial shade, especially at peak solar activity. would be ideal sunlight from the east, southwest and west.

Protection from the winds can be provided both by buildings and by planting tall bushes or low trees planted nearby, which, at the same time, are planted not too close and do not harm the growth of roses. Tall bushes and standard varieties are best protected by tying them to a peg.

Ground Requirements

For growing roses, it is important that the groundwater is at a depth of less than 1–1.5 m, since the roots of flowers can be very long and go as deep as a meter. That's why the rose garden is most often advised to equip on hillocks and small hills, which provides a natural pedestal for roses.

Least of all difficulties and problems will bring gardeners light loamy soil or nutritious black soil. These types of soils easily pass moisture, oxygen, nutrients, and are also the most resistant to radical temperatures. The hardest thing to grow roses on sandy and sandy soils, because they are the least nutritious and freeze very quickly.

However, do not despair if the type of soil is not suitable for organizing a rose garden, because all this can be corrected and improved. Even on dry, sandy soil, a rose can bloom if it is provided with everything necessary. Great example horticultural perseverance - the Gardens of Babylon, grown on the bare sandy plain of Babylon (modern Iraq). A hundredth of this perseverance is enough to plant a beautiful rose garden on sandy or sandy loamy soil.

Soil types that are not suitable for growing roses must be regularly fertilized and enriched with humus, manure mixed with lime, peat and soddy soil.

The soil for planting a rose garden must be prepared in advance, especially if the soil is unfavorable. A few months before planting seedlings, the chosen place must be deeply dug up and the necessary nutrients added to the soil.

Requirements for seedlings

It is best to purchase seedlings for the rose garden grafted, with a clearly indicated variety and roots no shorter than 25 cm. If the roots of the seedling are too short, then it is not intended for planting in open ground.

Roots must not be frozen. If only the tips are frozen, then they can be cut off, but if the roots are frozen to the middle, then you can plant a bush for several days in open ground or a container in greenhouse conditions, followed by hardening.

Planting seedlings

Roses can be planted in autumn, a month and a half before the first frost, or in spring, after the threat of repeated frosts has passed. If the bushes were grown (or wintered) in a greenhouse, then it is better to plant them in open ground in mid-May-early June. In any case, planting roses in a rose garden should be carried out with the expectation that the root system needs to be strengthened before frost.

It is best to plant rose bushes in holes that are a few centimeters deeper than the roots. The holes should have a drainage layer of small stones or expanded clay. Before disembarkation the root system of seedlings needs to be moistened and lubricated with a nutrient layer of manure. If the seedlings are from a container, then they are planted along with the soil in which they grew; for this, the bush needs to be watered so that the earth around the roots is wet, cut the container, take out the bush along with the earthen clod, transfer it to the hole and cover it with earth.

When planting in holes, rose seedlings should be kept upright and not sprinkled too tightly.

Rosary layout options

Having decided to create a rose garden, you need to think carefully about its color scheme, the size of the occupied area, the most interesting views roses and varieties suitable for climatic conditions.

By common types of roses are divided into:

  • standard;
  • bush (scrubs);
  • climbing (climers);
  • hybrid tea;
  • floribunda;
  • miniature;
  • ground cover.

Standard and climbing varieties are suitable for a high rose garden. Standard roses grow like a tall bush and a dense trunk, resembling the shape of a tree. IN blooming form standard rose looks like a bouquet and looks great at the entrance gate or door of the house. This arrangement is convenient for a harsh climate, where standard roses cannot be grown in open ground, but can be planted in large ceramic flowerpots and displayed in late spring as a decoration of the site. These roses can winter in a cold, bright place where severe frosts do not penetrate.

Climbing roses represent the multitude various possibilities for decorating a rose garden - from a hedge to an arcade. High climbing rose bushes look great along the soda path, where they can be allowed to curl in advance installed frame or gather around a strong peg in the form of a bouquet. Climers can decorate a hedge, a gazebo or a house facade. Also, with their help, you can create a multifaceted composition of several types of roses.

By planting in the background, for example, 20 cm from the hedge, weaving red Flammentanz roses, high shrubs of pink (Queen Elizabeth) or peach tones (Belvedere) or hybrid tea varieties of Double Delight red and white roses can be brought to the middle ground. The foreground of this composition is perfectly emphasized by the miniature white roses of Deniz Cassegren. If the rose garden is large, then white or cream ground cover roses can be planted in the foreground Alba Maidiland or Gold Cover.

Around a tall bush of a white floribunda rose Carte Blanche, you can plant several fern bushes or coniferous Blue Swede, between which small, miniature roses Red Clementine, Black Clementine and Apricot Clementine will look original. Thus, you can arrange a small, but very effective rose garden.

In a warm climate lavender becomes an ideal neighbor for roses just like a caterpillar. Iris, sage, astilbe and geranium look good next to roses.

For rose lovers, creating a rose garden in the country with their own hands can be an exciting process with amazing scope for creativity.

A rose garden can be made in any country house - all you need is a garden plot with 6 hours of sun per day. Roses can also be easily grown in pots, so you have no excuse for not having a rose bed in your garden.

Rosary with your own hands. How to plant roses

Rosary in the country. How to care for roses.

Rosary in the garden. What to plant with roses in a flower bed.

Roses: Golden Celebration, Summer Song, Grace, Lady Emma Hamilton.
Partners: geyhera, chistets, digitalis, barley, annual haretail, fescue, bulbous ryegrass.

Roses: Abraham Darby ,Sharifa Asma ,Winchester Cathedral.
Partners: oregano, evening primrose, bows, hyssop, monarda, chistets.

Roses: A Shropshire Lad, Pat Austin, Molineux, Grace, Jude the Obscure.
Partners: cereals, Siberian irises, sage, geyhera, chistets, lavender.

Roses: William Sheakespeare, Molineux.
Partners: thuja, cereals, geyhera, lavender.

Roses: Crocus Rose, Golden Celebration, the Piligrim.
Partners: oregano, onions, evening primrose, hyssop, chistets, girlish feverfew.

Rosary with your own hands. Common mistakes.

Growing roses can be a fun and beautiful hobby. But even the most experienced summer residents make mistakes, or rather, do not do what is important. And your rose garden in the country may not look like you planned! Do not worry. Here are a few common mistakes when growing roses and simple ways fix them.

Flower bed with roses- it's just a diamond in design suburban area, . No wonder these flowers are called royal, they attract attention with the beauty of their bright, lush inflorescences, and an incredible delicate aroma. If it seems to you not pompous enough to plant just a few bushes nearby, and you have a desire to make a professional hard work of many components, then the tips from this article will help you with this.

How to arrange a flower bed with roses

We already talked about how to properly grow in its pure form in a previous article. Let these flowers be rather capricious, however, with good care they will delight you with a very long and high-quality flowering, almost the entire holiday season. That is why in the question how to arrange a flower bed with roses it is so important to decide whether it will be mono-shaped or whether you will use other plants in order to emphasize the beauty of the queen of the flower garden.

Fortunately, there are a lot of varieties of roses so that in any case you get an original and unusual one. So, under the common name, ordinary tea-hybrid varieties with several fairly large peduncles and a powerful bush are hidden, also English varieties with abundant long flowering, floribunda, undersized roses, climbing and standard, which are formed in the form of a tree. All this helps to diversify appearance flower garden so much that beautiful flower beds of roses look absolutely self-sufficient and autonomous.

As an example, let's look at the schemes developed for the design of flower beds, on which we can see: roses grow on the site different size And different varieties. In the first example, you see a tall hybrid tea bush, large flowers which will draw the main attention to the meeting, becoming the main color accent. A bush of a park variety moves into the background, with abundant flowering small size, its hue is chosen to be lighter and more neutral, as it should be for the background element. And in the very foreground is a ground cover variety that allows you to form a beautiful border, while the format of the inflorescences themselves does not change from level to level.

Pay attention also to the excellent combination of plants with conifers, which will fill the necessary voids with greenery, moreover, from the beginning to the end of the flowering of the main plants. Thuja, juniper, pines are perfect solution for the question what to plant with roses in a flower bed, it will be a very noble combination, plus, it is believed that coniferous plants possess healing properties for disinfecting the soil and draining it, which cannot but have a positive effect on the health of roses. In the second example, climbing varieties are also added to the multi-level rose garden, which will be happy to master the supports proposed by him in the form of a pergola, garden arches, awnings and more. It is the reception with the arrangement of plants of different heights on the same flower garden that is one of the most successful solutions to the issue,.

A combination of roses in a flower bed

In the following example, we will consider the issue in more detail. combination of roses in a flower bed which of them form the most successful unions for a spectacular appearance. You can plant, guided by their shade or the shape of the inflorescence itself, the height of the bush and its area. In these cases, the resulting effect will be different.

For example, you can see in the picture above combination of roses in a flower bed, which are selected according to the principle of common shade. In this case, these are yellow-orange tones, which are quite widely represented today. Curb varieties are necessarily brought to the fore, they are miniature, which absolutely does not interfere with their decorative effect, and may not cover other plants. It turns out a wonderful visual effect when it seems that the flower garden is one continuous flowering ball, while just plants cover the bases of each other's bushes. The last level is the highest park bushes, they usually grow quite strongly, so that they even have to be shaped for an attractive and neat appearance of the whole group.

In another example, you see the reverse approach, when plants are selected approximately similar to each other in terms of texture, size, bud diameter, but, thanks to the choice, they are fundamentally different shades, you get the original a flower bed of roses with their own hands. Photo shows in one composition yellow, white, pink, scarlet varieties, which each in their own way add notes to a beautiful floral symphony. In the third example, we recall that the wall of the house can also become an excellent support for vertical gardening. Spiny vines run up the walls with stretched ropes or small guides, emphasizing the complex architecture of arches, wrapping around the pillars of sheds, or simply covering brick walls with a colored carpet. Do not forget to arrange the base of the vertical flower bed, but it is better if these are other plants that do not form thorny thickets. For example, it can be daisies, bindweeds, delphiniums, as in the example, or other plants of your choice.

Scheme of a flower bed with roses

You should be more careful about the selection, which are created in a park manner, using many other varieties. In this case, you will need ready-made rose flower bed plan which you can find on the net. In this case, not only varieties of related plants, but also their shades have been carefully selected for you and me.

The first composition is called "The Charm of Summer" for good reason, because it is made up for the most part. The central elements are pink varieties Benjamin Britain and Queen of Swieden, who you can also see in the photo. They were selected for similar bud shapes and beautifully contrasting shades of rich reds and soft pinks, but you might as well swap them out. similar varieties. Their retinue is made up of numerous annual plants: large clematis in the background, Japanese spirea, varieties of iris with light pink or white flowers, lush rich sage of blue color and a hybrid carnation with small fragrant flowers to decorate the lower tier. As you can see, varietal English rose bushes have a rich, lush design.

The second scheme, which we present to your attention in two variations, uses an emphasis on beauty flower beds with roses, design evergreens flowering plants e.g. host. These very durable and unpretentious bushes can create a decent external design for roses, just be sure to learn that rose bushes cannot stand waterlogging of the soil, which hostas can easily withstand, watering too often is not worth it for sure. Or place the central bushes on an artificial hill with the design of drainage grooves.

In the third scheme, which is presented to your attention, the companions on rose beds - photo this is shown - decorative juniper and small bushes of forest sage stand out. But the main centers of attention are four luxurious specimens of the English selection of various shades. The most interesting sequence will look like this - bright colors, alternating with pastel, light, that is, white - red - cream - burgundy. You can choose varieties for such a planting individually, armed with catalogs and examples with photos. After all, it will be twice as pleasant to get an excellent result of work when we.

Decorating a flower bed with roses

The use of other varieties of plants to decorate a flower bed with roses in the country in Lately are used more and more often, it has long been no longer considered the only right thing to plant royal flowers in splendid isolation. They, of course, will always be the center of the composition, but for the design of the backdrop, side parts and border, you can and should use other varieties and varieties.

Curly clematis are very often used to decorate the background, their flowering is almost as bright, attracting attention, and at the same time, they will master the site offered to them much faster and better, for example, decorative pergolas. In addition to clematis, delphiniums also deserve attention, they can be of various shades and their large bells will also be a wonderful background. Among the perennial varieties, delphiniums and large irises stand out, they also tolerate the pink neighborhood quite well.

On the sides, as has already been mentioned more than once in today's article, evergreen conifers can perfectly accommodate, ranging from small thujas to sprawling junipers. Miniature pines and firs, hostas and ferns - the more lush greenery around, the better.

The border helps to decorate the ground cover plants that creep on the lower floors, covering the somewhat bare, devoid of leaves, bushes from below. Such a neighborhood will be especially relevant for standard varieties, which are molded in the form of a tree. Miniature marigolds, sedum moss with small abundant color, stonecrop and so on are well suited. Among annual plants, which fill the space between the stems, I would like to highlight petunias, lobelia, verbena, forget-me-nots.

Flower beds with roses in the country

Having flower beds with roses in the country is a real dream of any gardener. At least a small space for them is allocated on each site. If you look at the photo examples of the types of landing, you can fill up great ideas By correct location shrubs in the landscape.

The location of climbing subspecies near arbors or summer terraces. Their smell and decorative appearance will make your stay on such a terrace even more pleasant. No wonder they even make a separate garden bench near the rose garden, so that you can enjoy its beauty in close proximity.

Small architectural forms, such as fountains or sculptures, are decorated with lianas, this gives a touch of vintage. Also, fences or curtains hidden by thorny thickets always look elegant, moreover, it looks equally impressive on brick buildings and on wooden ones.

A rose in a garden is like a queen on a chessboard! The beauty and nobility of a flower can revive a blank fence or a green lawn, bring accents to the garden. Many people think that growing roses is an impossible task. However, in fact, it will not be difficult to equip a garden rose garden with your own hands in the country if you know some wisdom.

Style solutions for rose gardens

The rose has been considered the most luxurious flower among the representatives of the flora since the Middle Ages. Today, the rose garden is a stylish flower bed. The flower garden is created from different varieties of roses, which have all sorts of colors. In this case, you can not adhere to strict canons. You can equip a modern rose garden not only from roses alone. Any compositions with roses and other flowers are also possible.

Rosary design styles are determined by the size of the flower bed. Today, 2 styles are popular - regular and landscape:

Rosaries, decorated in a regular style, are broken in the form geometric shapes- oval, rectangle or square. They have a beautiful border of marble or brick chips, pebbles or rubble. In doing so, be sure to comply correct form flower garden. To elegantly decorate the rose garden, grassy lawns are arranged, decorative fences. You can also think about paved garden paths.

The design of a landscape-style rose garden is formed without adhering to a strict order. Roses are planted large groups by combining their varieties. Such a solution will be optimal if your flower garden cannot boast large sizes. To harmoniously complement the landscape in a rustic style, you can plant the so-called "architectural" cereals. This is Chinese miscanthus, reeds, blue lightning.

Choosing a place for a rose garden

So, you are planning to create a rose garden in your summer cottage, but have not yet decided where exactly to arrange such a flower garden. When choosing a place for planting roses, it is recommended to take into account our tips:

  • There are many options for placing roses in the garden, but in any case, the place for breakdown should be calm and sunny. In the shade of buildings and trees, roses should not be planted, as they will grow one-sided.
  • However, roses also respond well to partial shade. Therefore, it is desirable that the site be in partial shade for several hours a day - usually about up to 3 hours. For 12-15 hours, it should be well lit.
  • Also, if possible, give preference to a south-facing area. After all, roses are always "stretched" to the light.
  • The soil in the designated area must be fertile. When arranging a rose garden, avoid wet areas, and, especially, wetlands (groundwater location from 2 m). The best soil for growing roses is a light, well-drained loam that has an acidity level of 5-6 pH. Sandy soil is also suitable for planting.
  • If the soil in your summer cottage is clayey, add peat mixture or sand before starting work.
  • The best option for the location of a beautiful rose garden in the garden is the area closer to the gazebo, along the terrace.
  • The most traditional option for planting roses is a flower bed. And you can emphasize it by arranging a small border with the help of evergreen shrubs.
  • Weaving roses can be planted so that they weave on the facade of buildings and take part in the design entrance group site. climbing plants favorably emphasize the architecture of wooden arbors.
  • Abundantly blooming roses look great as a group on lawns, by a pond, or as a hedge that spreads around the perimeter of the garden.

Selection of roses for planting

After choosing a place to lay out the rose garden, you can select the roses that you want to see on your site. Flowers are arranged, depending on their "growth". On the front line - undersized, on the central - medium-high, on the last with supports - tall.

undersized roses

For planting in a small rose garden in the country, give preference to undersized border and miniature varieties. Miniature roses reach no more than 30-40 cm. They are famous for their elegant leaves and the presence a large number colors. They need to be covered for the winter.

Ground cover roses are divided into creeping and spray roses, which have drooping shoots. Therefore, during the flowering period, a continuous “carpet” is formed, which also has a wonderful aroma. Requires minimal pruning. For the winter they build a light shelter. If they grow, then they are not afraid of any weeds.

Medium high roses

Medium high roses come in several types:

  • Austin roses were known as the most popular in the world. The shape of the flower is magnificent. They are characterized by abundant flowering. Bushes, as a rule, reach a height of 80-90 cm.
  • Hybrid tea roses can reach 1 m. Flowers are singly on a long peduncle, have a delicate aroma. Bloom until frost.
  • Floribunda roses are known as 'bountiful bloomers'. They reach 1.3 m. On the shoots, the flowers are arranged in inflorescences, their number sometimes reaches ten pieces. They are very popular due to their long flowering, many flowers and rich aroma.
  • Shtrab roses are park roses. A similar group of plants was isolated recently. This includes all varieties that were not previously included in any garden group. They differ in flowering, which is constantly repeated, and a spectacular view. Very winter-hardy, not demanding in terms of care and disease resistant.

tall roses

If you have allocated a large space for the rose garden, then you can plant tall bushes (above 1.5 m). This climbing roses, which reach a height of 2-5 meters and are of 2 types. climbing large-flowered roses bloom 2 times a year. Curly small-flowered flowers bloom once a year.

Development of a rosary scheme

  1. Before breaking down the rose garden, you should decide in what range you will decorate the flower garden. There are 2 traditional options. You can create a romantic corner in soft pastel colors by planting pink, white and lilac roses, or by planting a cheerful flower garden with varieties that have a variegated color of yellow or red.
  2. If you are a person with a good artistic taste, and you have a developed sense of proportion, try to equip a contrasting rose garden. Let's say a white-red-purple flower garden will become original decoration site.
  3. Decorate a rosary not only with the help of roses. But remember that in any case, they remain the main ones. Choose a few plants for the flower garden that will shade and emphasize the beauty of roses. For example, in traditional English rose gardens, lavender and catnip, irises and carnations are planted along with roses.
  4. You can dilute the range of roses by planting perennials or evergreen shrubs. Ferns and conifers will help create a favorable background.
  5. On this stage it is recommended to sketch the placement of the roses in the flower group to make it easier to mark out your area.
  6. So that the planted plants do not suppress each other, provoking the occurrence of fungal diseases, clearly determine how many bushes you will place on the area. By the way, limited.

Soil preparation for a rose garden

If you are thinking about how to make a rose garden, you must properly prepare the soil. To prepare the soil for planting roses, you will spend several months - about 2-3:

  • You should remember that the most suitable time for breaking down the rose garden is autumn. Therefore, start preparing in the middle of summer. Dig the allotted area to a depth of about 60 cm.
  • After that, it is necessary to loosen the top layer.
  • The composition and properties of the soil are very important, since the rose is a capricious and demanding flower, like royalty. Therefore, fertilizer must be applied to the soil. You can use mineral and organic.
  • As organic fertilizer you can use peat or rotted manure. Compost or humus is also suitable. For 1 square meter area, apply a certain amount of fertilizer - about 10 kg.
  • To fertilize roses, fertilizer of mineral origin can be used. For 1 m3 of soil, take: 20 g of potassium chloride, 70 g of superphosphate, 30 g of ammonium nitrate.
  • In a few months, subsidence will occur. As a result, excess moisture will leave the soil. The soil will be saturated useful substances. Thus, the optimal composition for the development of the rose garden is established.
  • The most unfavorable soil is heavy clay. In this case, drainage is carried out, which is the removal of water from the rose garden. Use gravel, expanded clay and coarse sand as drainage.
  • Dry sandy soil will also not be useful for a rose garden. The preparation of sandy soil for planting roses consists in fertilizing it using clay mixed with humus.
  • In the case of fertile soil, you can immediately form a hole for planting a seedling. Make a hole. The root system of the flower should fit freely there.
  • If the soil is not good enough, then it is necessary to dig a hole that will be deeper and wider in diameter. This is for fertilizer and drainage. Remove the soil to a depth of about 70 cm. Place gravel or expanded clay on the bottom, which is covered with earth from above.

Preparing seedlings for planting

Before arranging a rosary with your own hands, take Special attention careful preparation of seedlings using this technology:

  1. When preparing for transplanting a seedling that has been grown in a container, moisten the soil well. When removing a lump formed from the earth, it should not crumble.
  2. Another option is to plant a rose grown in a plastic pot. To do this, cut the container. After that, remove the lump so that it does not collapse. Then you can send it to a previously dug hole.
  3. Make a hole for a rose from a container higher and wider (about 10 cm) of its size.
  4. The gaps that have formed during the work must be filled up using a mixture of garden soil and peat. Make sure that the top surface of the earth coma is at ground level on the site.
  5. If the roses for the rose garden were purchased as seedlings, they may dry out. Also, the root system may freeze. If the flower is frozen, then dig it in before planting. You need to dig in open ground. If the roots are dry, you need to act very simply. Place the plant before planting for about 10 hours.
  6. Before the planting process, cut the roots of the rose to 30 cm, remove damaged and broken tips. Treat them using activated charcoal, ash or clay dung liquid mixture. So the rose will receive additional nutrients.
  7. It is also necessary to shorten the aerial part of the flower. At the same time, remove all spoiled shoots and leave a few strong shoots - 1-3. Shoots should be without leaves.

Rules for planting roses

The rosary in the summer cottage will delight you with abundant fragrant flowering for a long time, if you follow certain rules for planting it:

  • Plant roses in the fall. The best time is from October until frost. Make a hole for the plant in the place reserved for the rose garden. Consider the length of the root system.
  • Keep each seedling vertical when planting. It is necessary to ensure that the roots do not bend up. Therefore, it is recommended to shake the seedling several times to evenly distribute the planting mixture. Be sure to fill in the space between the roots.
  • When choosing a planting density for roses, consider the height and width that the bush can reach. For dwarf, miniature and floribunda roses, this figure is 25-50 cm. For undersized park and hybrid tea roses- close to 60-100 cm. For weakly growing and standard trees - about 1-1.5 m. For fast-growing climbing weeping standard trees and tall park trees - up to 2-3 m.
  • If you are planting a seedling that has a closed root system (in a container), simply place it in the hole you prepared the day before.
  • Before planting a seedling with an open root system, do the following. Pour on the bottom landing pit soil in the form of a mound. At the same time, do not fill up to the top and put the rose on a mound. Carefully distribute the roots around it. After that, cover the top with earth.
  • After planting the roses, be sure to compact the soil around the bush with care. After that, loosen the soil a little, water it abundantly.
  • Then - it is necessary to hill the soil. Keep a height of about 20 cm. Use sawdust or peat. Make sure that all above-ground shoots are completely covered.
  • Trim roses after wintering in the spring, sprinkle with wet peat. You can also use tree bark. When the shoots grow by 5 cm, the roses should be re-hilled.
  • Unfortunately, in the lower part, even rose bushes may not look very artistically. To hide this flaw, install a beautiful border, as in the photo of the rose gardens. But a more elegant solution is a fence made from undersized plants.

Planting standard roses

Standard roses in the rose garden are planted a little differently:

  1. Dig a hole for planting such a seedling by analogy, as for a bushy variety. Take into account the size of the rhizome.
  2. To prevent such a tree from being broken by the wind, it is necessary to build a support. Dig a wooden stake at a distance of 10 cm. Be sure to position it upwind. It is to him that the stem of the rose is tied.
  3. Pick up a stake that will have a diameter of 2 - 4 cm and a height like a tree trunk to the crown, plus a margin of 50-70 cm.
  4. Treat the underground part of the peg with a special antiseptic to prevent wood decay.
  5. It is necessary to drive a stake to a depth of 0.5 m into a prepared pit for planting a rose.
  6. You also need to worry about the rope, which is intended for tying the stem tree. Pray her.
  7. Then secure with an 8-loop in 3 places on the trunk standard rose. Near the crown, in the middle and near the ground.
  8. To protect the trunk of the plant from rope damage, wrap it around using pieces of burlap where the loops are placed.

rose hedge

Weaving or shrub roses will look great not only when arranging a rose garden. They are chic in the form of a hedge, which, as a rule, is decorated either around the perimeter of the site. And to divide the space into functional areas(recreation area and utility area), then place a hedge of roses inside it.

For arranging a single-row hedge, it is customary to use low-growing varieties of roses that reach a height of no more than 1 m. Remember that the distance between the bushes should be 50-70 mm.

To create a multi-row hedge, 2 or 3 tiers of roses are planted. Lower roses should be placed in the foreground, then medium roses, and in the background, the tallest roses as a background. If hedge will be adjacent to a blank fence, wall or other building, make sure that the row closest to the building is located at a distance of 30-50 cm from it. The roots of roses should “go away” in the opposite direction from the building.

Foliage that has a green or silver color is perfect for a romantic rose garden, decorated in delicate colors: you can plant lavender, boxwood, chistetsa and cineraria with roses. A purple, green or golden hedge will be in harmony with a bright flower garden, and for such a fence you can plant a border aster, Thunberg barberry, rosemary santolina.