In a private house      04/12/2019

Comparison of frame and timber houses. Timber or frame: a comparative analysis of materials and houses

Modern country houses build from different materials. If recently they were built mainly of brick, cauldron or logs, now the place of these materials was taken by modern analogues. In particular, quick panel houses or structures made of wooden beams, which are produced according to the project and assembled on site like a large designer.

Quite a lot of consumers ask the question, which house is better from a bar or frame, there is no unequivocal answer to it, because you have to take into account a bunch of individual factors , as the site on which the house will be built, the climate of the regions, and the individual needs of the customer.

In order to decide on the choice of the type of construction, it is necessary to understand their fundamental differences, both in the material itself and in the processes of construction and subsequent care of the house.

Construction of houses from a bar

It is necessary to start building a house from a bar by determining the material, since timber is available in several types, each with different characteristics. The most popular type is glued laminated timber, which has good thermodynamic properties. Houses made of glued beams retain heat in winter time year and perfectly keep cool, indoors in the summer.

The log house has excellent properties in terms of ecology. As a rule, an array is used to produce this building material. coniferous trees, which continues to exude aroma and natural antiseptic substances for a long time, after the construction of buildings. The atmosphere in such houses is literally saturated with the smell of fresh wood and pine needles.

Glued laminated timber is made perfectly flat, it practically does not change its shape during the operational period, especially if the tree undergoes chamber drying, during which natural moisture is removed from it. This allows you to get buildings that do not need finishing, both internally and externally. Only in some climatic zones, where the temperature drops too low, houses made of timber are additionally sheathed with a heat-insulating layer.

Another feature of glued laminated timber, which increases its strength, is the fact that in the production of material using wooden slats, which are glued in special workshops under certain conditions, high pressure using environmentally friendly glue. When gluing the lamellas, they are positioned so that the wood fibers are directed in opposite directions, this improves the resistance to mechanical and physical influences. Of course, a lot depends on what types of wood are used in the production of lamellas, since different wood has different densities and, accordingly, different indicators of resistance and flexibility.

In conditions of low temperatures for the construction of environmentally friendly housing, not so long ago they began to use "warm" bar. This material is a profiled beam of large cross section, inside which a shaft is sawn and filled heat-insulating material. Unlike houses built from other materials, houses made of warm timber are much warmer, although their cost is somewhat higher, since timber is not a cheap material.

frame houses

Houses based on a finished frame, erected from various materials, the choice of which depends on the goals pursued by the consumer. If future housing is not calculated as permanent, but as a small summer house, which will be visited a couple of times a month for weekends during the warm season, then they are quite suitable as cladding prefabricated panels. They can be made from wood waste and treated to withstand the elements. environment, in particular moisture, permanent ultraviolet.

More permanent structures based on the frame sheathed with a multilayer structure in which heat-insulating and moisture-repellent materials are used. For exterior finish use siding or natural stone providing long service life.

Houses on this basis are lightweight, and therefore do not require a serious foundation. As a rule, they are erected on the basis of a strip or even a pile foundation. At the same time, the construction time of the entire building can be minimized. A proper approach and sufficiently qualified craftsmen are able to build a small house and fully put it into operation within a few months.

Which house is better - frame or timber? And which one is cheaper? These are some of the most popular questions when contacting Lesstroy. Because these materials are the most popular among customers of private houses.

Looking ahead, we immediately voice the conclusion: there are no unambiguous answers to these questions. For one single reason: both timber and frame have different options in different price segments.

Let's figure it out in order.

The main thing that affects the choice of material is the seasonality of living in the future house and the region of construction. best houses timber or frame houses will be those that best suit you according to the season and region of residence.

House for seasonal living

If the house is located in regions with mild winters or is intended for seasonal living, it is more profitable to build a frame house on your own. simple option: frame made of timber / boards, insulation, vapor barrier, sheathing with budget materials for interior and exterior decoration.

Such a house is quickly erected, does not shrink, and the requirements for the foundation are minimal.

Usage natural materials makes such houses eco-friendly, and the technology warm enough for such conditions.

An alternative could be panel house of SIP panels - these are sandwich panels with a thickness of 17-22 cm, where between two OSB () - plates (Oriented Strand Board, consists of several layers of wood chips, which are interconnected using resins) insulation is laid - most often polystyrene foam.

It is even easier and faster to build such a house than a frame house, you can do it in any season, the requirements for the foundation are also minimal. The only thing that supporters and opponents of this technology break spears about is the environmental friendliness and combustibility of materials. It must be understood that these two points depend on how quality materials are used. If these shortcomings were significant, SIP panels would not be such a popular building material in Canada and the USA.

And if you prefer pure wood, then which timber house is cheaper and easier to build? If the customer wants an inexpensive, but wooden house for seasonal living, an alternative could be a mini-timber house - this is a profiled beam, most often 45x145 in size (half the width ordinary timber). Due to its smaller width, it dries faster in the chambers and is therefore more affordable than conventional massive timber. Usually, proposals for the construction of houses from a mini-beam contain exactly dry lumber, which means the possibility of turnkey construction without waiting for shrinkage (although there is slight shrinkage even in a dry beam, and this must be taken into account when installing windows and doors).

Traditional in Russia, but more labor-intensive method of construction country houses for seasonal living - construction from ordinary planed timber of small section (usually up to 100x150 mm) natural humidity. Such houses must necessarily go through a period of shrinkage before finishing and installing windows and doors. Preparation and docking of timber, notching corners in this option requires a certain carpentry professionalism, but at the cost of construction, such houses will not be more expensive than houses from the materials listed above.

House for permanent residence in central Russia

If we consider houses for permanent residence in regions with traditional Russian winters and temperature fluctuations, there are a lot of options for choosing between frame and timber houses.

The main difference between the technologies for building houses for permanent and seasonal residence is the level of thermal insulation.

In log houses for permanent residence high level thermal insulation is achieved by the thickness of the beam (contour walls), methods of joining corners, interventional insulation, floor and roof construction.

And in frame houses - with the composition of the "sandwich", which fills the supporting frame, as well as the installation of the floor and roof and the exclusion of cold bridges.

Houses for permanent residence from timber are, as you know, of three main types:
- ordinary planed timber
- profiled timber
- glued timber

Recently, new timber modifications have entered the arena, designed to save the customer from the shortcomings of massive timber - shrinkage and deformation, insufficient thermal insulation with a small cross section. Most often they are promoted on the market under the names: double, warm, package timber and structurally not far from the frame ones, since the outline remains wooden, and insulation is laid inside it different types(from expanded polystyrene and mineral wool to bulk heaters up to sawdust).

Obviously, the most important advantages of log houses are their environmental friendliness, natural origin and psychological acceptance, as well as the availability of material and the clarity of construction technology.

Project « » company « »

Frame houses for permanent residence contain a more massive frame and more complex filling, designed to increase structural strength, thermal insulation, provide vapor barrier and wind protection. For example, you can come across such a phenomenon as "glulam frame houses" - here it means that frame racks are made of glued beams to avoid deformation.

In frame houses, unlike log houses, various options for interior and exterior decoration are assumed - from lining and imitation of timber to plaster. Also, the projects of such houses themselves may be more architecturally complex.

It is frame houses that are most often called energy efficient, because. their design makes it possible to eliminate the air permeability of the walls and organize effective intra-house communications (ventilation, heating) in order to minimize heat loss and reduce financial investments in ensuring comfortable all-season living.

Example: wall structure frame house company ""

So what is cheaper - frame houses or timber?

Interestingly, the range of offers for both categories of houses is more or less the same, and its extreme values ​​differ by an order of magnitude.

For ease of comparison, let's take houses of the most popular size - 6x8 meters along the building spot without taking into account the area.

354 projects are presented at Lesstroy. The cheapest offer is 246,000 rubles, the most expensive is 2,650,000. Cheap offers are up to 700,000 thousand rubles. - These are houses for seasonal residence, more expensive ones are already for permanent residence.

Projects of houses from a bar of all types 6x8 in size at Lesstroy 919:

The minimum offer is 240,000 rubles, this is a house from a simple edged timber, the most expensive 6x8 house is proposed to be built for 2,980,000 rubles, this is a house made of glued laminated timber.

As you can see, log houses and frame houses are comparable in cost, and you can make a decent choice only by studying the features of the technology in relation to your needs, wishes, living conditions and the area where the house will be built.

lovers wooden houses you have to choose a house from a bar or frame, which better fit for local climate and planned budget. Each of them has undeniable advantages, features of construction and operation. Let's get acquainted and analyze the principles of construction technologies for both types of houses, the required budget for construction, the speed of construction, possible result and what are the differences and similarities.

Construction processes for the construction of such houses are radically different. The basis log house- log house, the actual box of the building.

For frame houses what matters is a solid, state-of-the-art, empty wood frame. Its filling is a thick layer of insulation, a vapor barrier membrane, internal and / or external structural sheathing, and finishing.

Material selection

To build the base of a log house, you need prepared lumber - planed, profiled or glued beams, seam seals, fasteners, wood protection products - antiseptics and fire retardants.

A frame house frame only requires lumber for the frame, studs, floor and ceilings. The choice of the remaining components allows options and alternatives that differ in characteristics and prices.

foundation requirements

A pile-screw foundation is a suitable foundation for a frame house, which significantly reduces the cost of construction and speeds up the construction process.

For a heavy timber structure, a capital, shallowly buried strip foundation is needed, the installation of which requires more time and finances.

The length of the construction process

In order to estimate the construction time, consider how long each stage takes separately.


A pile foundation for a frame house is built in one day with the help of special equipment. This is a significant savings and speeds up the process. For shallow strip foundation suitable for log houses, special equipment is required, for example, a mixer with a foundation mortar, 14 days for the structure to dry, and additional financial costs.

box at home

Frame houses are rightly called prefabricated, as turnkey construction from prepared materials takes 1 month. It takes at least 2-3 months to build one box of a log house, additional equipment (for example, a beam crane or a winch), a team of workers.

Readiness to move in

Frame is ready for interior decoration immediately after the construction of the box. When completed finishing works owners can move in. Ready log house cannot receive the hosts, there is no possibility to start finishing in it. The structure takes time for the wood to dry and shrink. The exception is the construction of dried glued laminated timber.

Which house is warmer, frame or timber

As for the level of energy efficiency, disputes of both builders and home owners do not subside. This indicator is directly affected by the quality building materials and accuracy of compliance with structural requirements during construction.

The general indicators of thermal conductivity of houses are approximately equal and refer to energy efficient houses. The heat preservation process is different.

The quality of the used insulation affects the microclimate of a frame house. If it is correctly selected and installed correctly, and construction technologies correspond to climatic conditions, the frame house warms up quickly and retains heat for a long time. Heating of the house occurs in an economical mode.

In a warm house made of timber, the thickness of the walls is correctly calculated, the peculiarities of weather conditions are taken into account. A wooden beam is able to naturally retain heat, but a timber house risks becoming windy and cold due to cracking, deformation and the formation of cracks during shrinkage. But for the northern regions, log houses require a mandatory additional insulation.

It is difficult to conclude whether a frame house or a house made of timber is warmer. Each individual building is individual, its operational properties depend on compliance with technology, wall thickness, quality of insulation, and so on. Both timber and frame houses can be warm, durable, comfortable, with a light comfortable atmosphere inside. Also, both types of houses, in case of violation of construction technologies and improper operation, will become freezing, cold, with poor ventilation, large gaps in the seams or corners blooming from mold.

A frame house or a house made of timber, which is stronger and more reliable

Since frame houses in our country are still young, it is impossible to say in what year of its operation load-bearing elements are to be replaced. In theory, the life of frame houses reaches 50 years. Houses made of timber, as experts say, are ready to stand without repair for 80 years, provided that the walls are regularly treated with special protective equipment. Both types of houses will serve the owners for many happy years, if you take care of them and monitor their condition.

In terms of strength and stability of the structure, the houses are considered equal. They withstand hurricane winds and tremors. The margin of safety of houses built using frame technology is not inferior, and sometimes is higher than houses made of wooden arrays.

Fire hazard is a risk factor for wooden houses. However, the level of fire resistance of skeletons can be increased due to the possibility of choosing non-combustible building materials. Unfortunately, there are no alternatives for log houses, since its basis is wooden beam. To increase the level of safety, lumber is impregnated with special fire-fighting agents - flame retardants, which contain ignition and combustion retarders.

Environmental friendliness of frame and timber houses

The eco-friendly of the two selected types is considered to be a house made of solid wood, that is, from raw, untreated timber. Modern materials, such as, for example, beautiful and easy-to-build glued laminated timber or OSB boards, which are used in frame technologies, are processed chemicals protection. They contain glue. Due to this, they are durable during operation, but are capable of releasing substances harmful to health. Chemical impurities are contained in almost all modern building and finishing materials.

Frame houses using OSB boards and houses made of glued laminated timber should have high-quality ventilation and constant inflow fresh air to maintain a healthy microclimate inside.

Which house is cheaper, a house made of timber or frame

How much does construction cost the most important factor, which determines the choice of materials and technologies. The final price of construction is not only the main cost items, but also transportation costs, wages for specialists and special equipment.

Construction materials

It is believed that a complex set of materials for building a frame house is 25% cheaper than the same for a log house. The cost-effectiveness of frame houses is one of its most striking advantages. The tree is used only for the construction of the frame, this significantly reduces the cost.

When building a log house, you can save only on exterior decoration, since it is believed that it is not necessary. But to keep the walls in a presentable form, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the seams, cracks, and regularly update the antiseptic and fire-fighting coating of the walls with protective equipment.

Construction process

To build a house using frame technology, builders with qualifications are needed. But the versatility and simplicity of the frame design allows you to assemble the house yourself. Do-it-yourself high-quality assembly of a log house is a difficult process; special equipment costs are needed, in most cases, to attract workers. With general calculations, the construction of a frame house is cheaper than a timber house by 15%.

Practice does not always equal theory. The construction of both types of houses requires the use of high quality building materials to obtain the best result. As a result, a frame cottage can be equal in cost to a log house, and in some cases, turn out to be more expensive.

What is the difference between a frame house and a timber house, a comparative table

Characteristics for comparisontimber house
aesthetic appearance YesYes
Ability to implement complex architectural project I have an opportunitylimited opportunity
Suitability for year-round livingSuitableSuitable
Construction periodFrom 1 month6 months to 1 year
Simplicity of the construction processNeed knowledge and qualifications, but you can assemble it yourselfRequires knowledge, workers, qualifications and special equipment
StrengthWithstands harsh weather conditions wind loads, suitable for seismic areasWithstands severe weather conditions, wind loads, suitable for seismic areas (only if erected on pile foundation)
FoundationAny, including pile-screw.Shallow-depth monolithic
Possibility to move in after construction is completedYesNo
Environmental levelLessMore
energy efficiencyExcellentRequires insulation or timber thickness of at least 200 mm
Ability to retain heatLessMore
Lifetime50 years100 years
Possibility of finishing worksStraightawayThrough the season
12000 15000
Approximate price per square meter, thousand rubles (without foundation) 4000 5500
Operating costsNot requiredWanted

Disputes between adherents of frame housing construction and lumber technology have not subsided for many years. Both options are built from lumber, they are distinguished by simplicity and speed of installation. However, if you delve into the nuances, then the difference between the buildings is significant. To solve the dilemma of choice, both methods should be evaluated through the prism of technical and operational aspects.

What is the difference between a frame house and a timber house: briefly about technologies

For an objective comparison of both types of buildings, it is necessary to identify the features of each construction technology.

Timber house. The construction technique is similar to the option of building a chopped hut. The construction of the house is carried out from glued, profiled or sawn timber. The thickness of the walls is determined by the width of the building material - as a rule, lumber with a cross section of 100-200 mm is used.

cuts, corner connections performed according to the principles of traditional log cabins. In interventional joints, screw ties with spring blocks can be used to compensate for shrinkage.

Skeleton. The box of the structure is a prefabricated structure of racks, diagonal and horizontal braces. Wall voids are filled with insulation, internal and front cladding - sheathing with siding, blockhouse, DSP boards, etc. The frame of the house consists of boards, their width sets the thickness of the walls.

Beam or frame - comparison of the main parameters

To understand which house is better, we will spend comparative analysis main technical and operational characteristics. We will evaluate the pros and cons, determine how the buildings in operation differ.

Durability and service life

At first glance, a house made of timber is more powerful, which means it is more resistant to various factors. However, not everything is so clear - it all depends on design features specific project.

If we compare the strength of simple buildings with a limited number of openings, then a house made of timber clearly wins. A complex layout, the presence of arched openings, spacious windows reduces the advantages of a log house. The free ends of the additional details weaken the walls somewhat.

The frame does not change the rigidity and bearing capacity. However, here the strength of the entire building is highly dependent on the qualifications of designers and builders.

Both buildings are good. resist earth tremors and winds. The margin of safety of the frame structure is not inferior to solid wood. The only obvious advantage of a log house is its massiveness.

Durability rating:

  • the average service life of a beam is 70-80 years;
  • carcass - 25-30 years.

Ease and speed of erection

In terms of the complexity of the construction, the log house is somewhat simpler - the technology for mounting the beams does not provide for complex processes. No need inner lining, wooden elements form the exterior and interior of the house. This explains the short construction time.

Important! When thinking about which houses are better, one should remember the peculiarity of a log house - prolonged shrinkage. The process is delayed up to one or two years, so the installation of windows and doors will have to be postponed.

Assembling the frame is more painstaking work. Each is accompanied by precise calculations, design and fitting of parts. A lot of time is spent on forming the wall "pie", finishing the facade and interior lining.

If, when choosing a frame or timber house, the issue of lightness is relevant construction works, then the unequivocal leader is a building made of wood. However, if a quick operation of housing is planned, then there is no equal to the carcass builder.

Which house is warmer

The main advantage of wood as a building material is the ability to retain heat. Therefore, structures made of solid logs are considered among the most heat-efficient. But many do not consider important point- blowing through the cracks between the bars. Without additional thermal insulation, such a house will be colder than a frame building.

The wall panels of the frame are filled with a thick layer of mineral wool insulation. With a thickness of 200 cm, the heat transfer coefficient is 4.4 square meters. m °C/W. A similar parameter of a pine beam of the same thickness is 1.6 square meters. m °C/W.

Frame technology initially implies highly efficient insulation. Thanks to high-quality thermal insulation, it is possible to significantly reduce heat loss and reduce heating costs. This is one of the key arguments in favor of a frame housing construction.

Environmental friendliness and fire safety

Assessing which is better - a frame or timber house, one should not forget about the safety of the building. Solid wood housing fully complies with environmental standards. Glued timber contains glue, which means that formaldehydes are released into the air.

In addition, even in a house made of solid beams, the subfloor is often made of OSB, and synthetic heat insulators are used to insulate the attic. Surely, in the setting itself there is furniture made of chipboard. All these elements, one way or another, determine the overall picture of environmental safety.

The frame-panel structure definitely cannot be called environmentally friendly. In addition to wood, the design provides for the use of different synthetic materials:

  • artificial insulation;
  • drywall;
  • windproof membranes and vapor barriers.

In this aspect, timber houses have a clear advantage.

In terms of fire resistance, both options are potentially fire hazardous - houses are built from combustible wood. There is a slight plus for the framers. fire resistance housing can be upgraded using building materials that suppress the spread of fire. This can be cladding made of refractory GKL or thermal insulation with mineral wool.

Practicality and comfort of use

When choosing between a frame house or a house made of timber for permanent residence, you need to pay attention to operating costs, maintainability and the microclimate of the room.

Distinctive features of the frame:

  • subject to technological standards, the risk of injury wooden frame low rot - outer skin protects internal structural elements;
  • the house does not require periodic treatment with protective equipment;
  • the ability to lay communications in the thickness of the walls;
  • poor sound insulation from street noise;
  • the possibility of redevelopment and repair of walls;
  • frame walls are airtight, so natural air exchange in the room is difficult.

The quality of the microclimate in a frame house depends on the type of insulation and ventilation system. To maintain sufficient air exchange, the installation of a forced ventilation system is required.

The subtleties of the operation of houses from a bar:

  • external walls should be regularly treated with antiseptic impregnations that prevent the appearance of rot, pest attacks;
  • poor sound insulation - the tree does not dampen the noise, but transforms it, enriching it with overtones;
  • special requirements for the installation of electrical wiring;
  • complexity of the repair replacement of the bar requires lifting the crown;
  • the creation of an optimal microclimate is the merit of natural wood.

Frame house, unlike timber, less whimsical and costly to operate. If we add to this the savings in winter on the coolant, the conclusion about the upcoming costs is obvious.

architectural possibilities

If the layout provides for unusual configurations and a variety of geometric elements, then frame technology is in the lead.

Timber houses are mostly simple, angular buildings, without intricate architectural frills. But this in no way diminishes their majesty. Wooden log cabins even with a standard layout, they look impressive, presentable and resemble a fairy-tale tower.

Advantages of frame houses:

  • flexibility and variability of architectural forms;
  • the possibility of implementing any style - from medieval fachwerk to modern minimalism;
  • a variety of exterior finishes: imitation stone, wood siding, plaster, etc.

Which house is cheaper - benefit assessment

An important and sometimes decisive selection criterion building technology- price. The concept of frame housing construction is implemented as a budget alternative brick structures. However, in comparison with log houses, as a rule, frame houses cost more. There are explanations for this:

  1. Firstly, for the construction, wall decoration, many components are used. In addition to supporting frame bars, you will need: insulation, outer / inner lining, Decoration Materials, vapor barrier membrane and waterproofing.
  2. Secondly, the labor costs of building a frame require increased pay for the work. The construction process is divided into several stages: the construction of the frame, filling the wall space, sheathing, finishing and cladding of the facade. Many operations explain the increased budget for the construction of a frame house.

The above statement is not a dogma. It is difficult to objectively assess what is cheaper - it all depends on the quality of the building materials used, architectural solutions, region of construction, wages. You can build a small frame yourself, which means that its cost will be noticeably reduced.

Both technologies have advantages and disadvantages. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you should start from your own priorities and the purpose of the building.

  1. When building housing for the long term, it is necessary to determine what is more important: service life or practicality operation. If durability is a determining factor, then a bar is chosen. The framework will help keep maintenance costs at home to a minimum.
  2. Which is better? Many prefer compact frame buildings. The main argument is the possibility self erection and fast operation.
  3. In question - a bath from a bar or frame, many prefer natural wood. The building is a leader in terms of aesthetics, environmental friendliness, healing and durability.

With any choice, the design and construction of a house for permanent residence must be entrusted to professionals. The desire to save on work, materials is fraught with a violation of technology and operational problems in the future.