Water pipes      06/16/2019

Gas heating boiler in a private house, cleaning the boiler from soot, useful tips. How to clean a gas boiler from soot yourself - step by step instructions How to clean a heating boiler

Careful operation of furnace or boiler equipment is not a guarantee of the absence of soot in the chimney. The question of cleaning the chimney remains relevant all the time. In order to facilitate maintenance, chimney and combustion chamber cleaners are used, the operation of which is worth familiarizing yourself with. Do you agree?

We will tell about everyone effective ways And chemical compositions removing dirt from chimneys. In the article presented by us, information is collected and presented on methods for the prevention and destruction of tar deposits. Folk and mechanical methods of dealing with soot are described in detail.

Combustion is a physical and chemical process, as a result of which combustible substances are oxidized and emitted. a large number of heat. The fuel breaks up into fractions - a part is converted into gas and rushes up, creating traction. Particles of unburned materials (scale and soot) are deposited in the chimney.

The amount of deposits directly depends on the completeness of fuel combustion. With active combustion, the content of organic matter is sharply reduced - water vapor, sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide come out of the pipe. Heavy resins and ash settle in limited quantities.

The ash is mixed with tree resins and oils. Formed " dangerous mix» - in case of ignition, the temperature of soot reaches 1000 ° C and above

Except natural processes burning and smoldering, the main causes of chimney clogging include:

  1. The use of wood from high content resinous substances, such as firewood from coniferous trees. The resin forms an excellent adhesive base for soot sticking.
  2. The firebox of a boiler or stove with poorly dried or freshly cut firewood - on inner surface"smoke" condensate settles. Soot particles accumulate faster on damp walls.
  3. Usage heating device for waste disposal. Combustible household waste is a complex of esters, resinous components and non-combustible substances that contribute to the rapid contamination of the smoky channel.
  4. Pipe security. From the side of the street, leaves can fall into the chimney, birds fly in, etc. During the time that the furnace is idle, wasps or birds sometimes build their nests in the pipeline.

The rapid "overgrowing" of soot is the result of the unscrupulous work of the stove-maker. Reduced cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe, incorrect angle of inclination, roughness and many turns of the chimney accelerate the process of pollution. Too thin walls or insufficient thermal insulation of the pipe contribute to excess condensate.

A chimney made of asbestos or metal resists decomposition from acids and gases. The brick is less resistant, and gradually the combustion products deform the inner walls of the channel. A rough surface accumulates soot faster

Possible consequences of a contaminated channel:

  1. Reduced traction. The narrowed lumen limits the free outflow of smoke. Due to the accumulation of soot, the pipeline does not warm up well, which means that the efficiency of the equipment drops. It is possible that acrid smoke begins to flow from the furnace into the room, which is dangerous for carbon monoxide poisoning.
  2. The likelihood of fire. The layer of soot can ignite - in addition to deformation of the chimney, sparks and fire pose a threat to roofing and at home in general.

There is a danger of fire and nearby buildings. The roofs of neighboring houses are not immune from the ingress of hot soot particles.

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Signs and frequency of cleaning

The first symptoms indicating problems with the chimney appear long before serious problems.

However, you should be wary and take timely action if:

  • the color of the smoke has changed from whitish, transparent to dark;
  • the shade of the fire in the furnace has become dark orange, and the firewood burns out almost silently, without crackling;
  • to maintain the usual temperature, you have to throw in more coal and firewood.

As the chimney “overgrows”, difficulties arise with kindling the fireplace and stove due to a lack of oxygen coming from outside.

An alarming sign is the flow of smoke through the gaps and cracks of the heater into the room. It signals a significant deterioration in draft and the need for early maintenance of the chimney

Log "Chimney sweep" from the Lithuanian manufacturer

Loose soot remover Hanza is versatile. Suitable for fireplace inserts, solid fuel boilers, wood stoves and open fireplaces. The expiration date of the cleaner is not limited.

The powdered reagent is easy to use - one or two measuring cups are added to the combustion chamber for fuel. At the first stage of application to ensure good quality cleaning with a cleaner, it is recommended to “refuel” each firebox.

The calculation of the volume of the mixture is based on the power of the furnace and the degree of contamination. To prevent clogging of the chimney, the frequency of using Hanza is every 4-5 kindling

The powder is packaged in plastic containers or bags of 50 g. The volume of one bag corresponds to the capacity of a measuring cup. burns out in 2 hours, the period of action is 2 weeks. To increase the effectiveness of the preventive cleaning procedure, it is desirable to repeat. When laying in the furnace, the packaging does not need to be removed.

Granular "Hanza" provides cleaning not only the chimney of the pellet boiler, but also the burner, door glass and heat exchanger. The product is not suitable for wood or charcoal fired equipment.

  • up to 10 kW - 1 kg;
  • 10-20 kW - 2 kg.

For the purpose of prevention, as 200 kg of fuel is consumed, 250 g of a cleaner are added.

Spalsadz - soot burning catalyst

Spalsadz (Poland) - an activator for the complete combustion of tar deposits and soot. Reagent in the form of a green powder, consisting of inorganic salts. When the temperature rises to 350-600°C, the agent decomposes into catalytic components that promote the decomposition of organic matter to water and carbon dioxide.

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Spalsadz Catalyst Features:

  • non-explosive and non-flammable;
  • does not react with ceramics, therefore the deformation of ceramic elements is excluded;
  • increases the efficiency of heating devices - fuel consumption is reduced by 20%;
  • non-toxic;
  • drug consumption - 1-2 kg / 1 ton of fuel (depending on the level of pollution).

The generated heat does not "disappear into the chimney", and downtime for cleaning the boiler is reduced. An additional plus of Spalsadz is the reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

Folk chimney cleaning methods

Traditional methods are aimed more at preventing the formation of tar deposits. With obvious contamination of the chimney, they are ineffective, and some of them can cause a fire. Therefore, to old-fashioned methods should be treated with a reasonable amount of skepticism and remark that the main condition for cleaning is safety.

Self-cleaning: what to add to the firebox

The following methods are proposed, the implementation of which does not cause concern. Their essence is reduced to the use of substances, the combustion of which improves the separation of soot from the walls of the "smoker".

Method 1. Salt. A thin layer of ordinary salt is poured on burning logs. Vapors of sodium chloride "break" viscous deposits in the chimney.

Burning salt will partially prevent and slow down the formation of tarry deposits. The “salt method” is not able to cope with chronic soot growths

Method 2. Potato peel. Excellent and available remedy. Potato peels must first be dried. Depending on the dimensions of the furnace, 0.5-1 bucket of peel is added to the furnace. Alternatively, you can use the potatoes themselves, sliced ​​and dried in the sun.

The release of starch from the burning of potatoes softens the buildup of soot. Part of the pollution disappears, and the remaining carbon deposits are easier to mechanically clean.

Method 3. Hot water. This option is suitable for primary cleaning and breaking through a heavily clogged chimney. 3-4 liters of boiling water are poured on top of the pipe, carefully spreading along the walls of the channel.

Evaporation softens the solid fractions of plaque - soot begins to fly out of the chimney in flakes along with smoke. The method helps to remove bad smell burning

Method 4. aluminum cans. An unusual, but quite effective option for cleaning the chimney. The essence of the method is that aluminum burns, and not just smokes and changes color at high temperatures. It is optimal if the jar burns out in 5 minutes.

The method is applicable for heating systems on coals and wood. Periodicity preventive measure– 1 time per 10 furnaces

Burning soot with fire is a risky option

The old way to clean the chimney is to burn aspen wood. Logs are placed in the oven and set on fire. It is necessary to achieve a large, but short-term heat, which will lead to the combustion of soot.

When ignited, the furnace begins to hum, and fiery arrows can fly out of the chimney, the surrounding area is covered with white flakes. The result is a clean chimney.

Not every chimney will stand the test of fire, as the soot in the duct burns out at a temperature of +1100°C. Flying sparks can start a fire

Despite the assurances of some stove-makers about the safety of burning soot, resorting to this method is highly discouraged. However, aspen can be successfully used as a preventive measure - it is enough from time to time to throw 2-3 kg of alder or aspen logs into the furnace at the end of the firebox.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with additional information about the tools and methods outlined in the recommended article.

Mechanical soot removal technology

Most effective method quickly bring the chimney back to normal - mechanical cleaning. The work is laborious and requires the performer to comply with a number of rules.

Chimney sweep tools and ammunition

Chimney cleaners used many years ago are still relevant today.

Indicative list:

  1. A metal ruff with a diameter of 20-30% more than the cross section of the chimney. For square pipes selected hard brush.
  2. Cable and brush holders.
  3. Steel round core with rope and carabiner. The diameter of the weight is 2/3 of the cross section of the chimney.

For cleaning, it is better to choose a brush with nylon hard bristles.

Polyamide bristles take the form of a channel, and unlike a metal scraper, do not scratch the inner walls of the chimney. High flexibility of nylon helps to get rid of plaque in hard-to-reach places chimney

Before doing dirty work, you need to take care of personal protective equipment - wear long-sleeved clothing, goggles, a respirator and gloves, put on shoes with non-slip soles.

Working conditions: safety basics

When cleaning, it is important to observe the following precautions:

  1. The inspection hatches of the chimney must be closed so that soot does not get inside the room and does not spoil the finish. Hang the open fireplace with a damp cloth.
  2. Work is carried out in calm, dry weather.
  3. Be sure to use a safety rope and belt.
  4. It is advisable to enlist the support of one responsible assistant.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to start cleaning in a drunken, tired state or after taking medications that slow down the reaction.

The chimney must be inspected in advance for the presence of foreign objects, such as bird nests.

If the nest is low, then it must be pushed in the direction of the combustion chamber. Highly placed item can be reached from above

Step-by-step process of cleaning the chimney

The whole course of work consists of several steps:

  1. Remove the pipe head from the top of the chimney and remove visible dirt with a broom or a long stick.
  2. Carry out a test pass with the weighting agent. The core should split large layers - small fragments will fall into the furnace.
  3. When the patency of the channel is restored, pull out the cable and connect the brush to the core.
  4. Clear a small area by lowering and raising the rope.
  5. Clean the rest of the chimney in the same way.
  6. Check inspection chamber and remove fallen soot.

The described technology is effective for straight chimneys - even at an angle of 45 °, the passage of the core will be difficult.

How to make and use a simple chimney soot remover:

It is better to entrust a full inspection and cleaning of smoke channels to a professional specialist. You can independently carry out preventive treatment with chemical reagents, adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Do you have your own signature recipe for getting rid of soot from your chimney? Have questions about unclear points in the article or want to talk about own experience as a chimney sweep? Please, write in the comment block everything you would like to tell us and the visitors of the site about, and post a photo here.

Every host own house with his heating system should treat it carefully. Otherwise, over time, the heating efficiency will decrease, and fuel consumption will increase significantly. This applies in particular to boilers that run on solid fuels. When such fuel is burned, plaque forms on the walls of the boiler in due time. But few people know how to clean the boiler from tar and other deposits.

How to clean the boiler from soot: cleaning acids

A large number of cleaning methods have been developed. However, it should be noted that the methods that will be written below are not compatible.

For a successful cleaning process, we need:

  • Scraper;
  • Scraper;
  • Screwdrivers;
  • Fabric gloves;
  • and related electrical appliances.

Before any kind of cleaning, it is necessary to turn off the boiler and remove the source of combustion. After that, it is necessary to turn off the gas supply valve and all heating shut-off valves, then wait for the boiler to cool completely.

cleaning by chemical means popular because of the ease in the process itself. To carry out such cleaning, the reagent is heated to the required temperature, and then, using a special pump, enters the boiler system and reacts with plaque.

The following acids are used for cleaning:

  • Adipic acid;
  • Sulfamic acid;
  • Helium.

Adipic acid must be diluted with water and, using a pump, very carefully pour into a cooled boiler. The gas affects the carbonates, they are converted into acidic salts and then dissolved. After that, you need to release the pressure and wait for the salts to precipitate, such a precipitate is very easily washed off with running water.

Sulfamic acid must also be diluted with water, only in a separate container and pumped under pressure into a cooled boiler. Then we wait for a while and flush the boiler under the pressure of water.

The gel does not belong to acids, but it is also capable of dissolving oil deposits, and also effectively separates deposits from metal. It can clean the boiler gently and gently without causing any damage to the walls.

The most famous remedy for the accumulation of soot in the chimney is rock salt. It is added to the combustion chamber when the fuel is burning. But this option with the addition can be carried out only as a preventive measure, no more. It is impossible to completely clean the chimney from soot with this option with the addition.

A tool that is more effective for cleaning soot buildup in exhaust pipe These are potato peels. The amount required for cleaning is determined by the dimensions of the heating boiler. On average, a bucket of cleanings goes to cleaning. They are poured out during the combustion of fuel into the working chamber of the boiler. The starch that is released along with the steam softens the soot and it begins to fly out of the chimney. After carrying out such a procedure, you need to clean the boiler. Often in this way, prevention is carried out before mechanical cleaning, and it's easier to do after that.

There is also a cleaning method using aspen firewood. A couple of armfuls of such firewood are burned in a boiler.

But it must be said right away that it is very dangerous. This method heats the chimney to a very high temperature, and with such heating, soot begins to burn out. Before using this method, you need to make sure that your pipe is able to withstand such a high temperature.

And besides this, you need to be sure that the carbon deposits on the pipe are not thick, otherwise the pipe may burst when the soot is heated.

It is not so difficult to properly clean or wash the boiler from tar, tar or soot with your own hands. Cleaning depends on what type of boiler you have. He can be solid fuel type and work on pellet wood, it can be a gas or pyrolysis plant, each has its own way. For example, for wood-burning boilers Buderus, where tar accumulates, a powder cleaner is perfect. How to properly clean can be found in the video.

An incorrectly selected tool can create a malfunction. Do not be surprised then why the boiler clogs. It is the wrong set of tools that will affect the fact that the boiler can leak.

Cleaning the boiler from tar with chemicals

In industries, a huge amount of products are produced that are designed to clean chimneys. Such products are available in powders, in liquid form and in briquettes. They light up and at the same time do not bring any harm to human health. They are added to the furnace during the combustion of fuel, such substances destroy deposits on the walls of the pipe and soot falls to the bottom.

The most popular such means are firefighters. chemical substances and fire fighting chemicals.

A special dry mixture is placed in the combustion chamber with firewood. The amount of adding such a product should not exceed 200 grams per ton of fuel.

When choosing a cleaning agent for a small soot layer, pay attention to the chemical agent of Czech manufacturers: Kominichek. Such a tool makes it possible to burn soot when not high temperatures. The most popular tool is: A log - a chimney sweep. It can be used both for cleaning solid fuel boilers and for all other combustible ones. It is necessary to use it as deposits accumulate. For example: for fireplaces that are set on fire 2 times a week, such a remedy will last for half a year. But for boilers you need one log every two months. For optimal cleaning of large boilers or fireplaces, you can burn 2 logs of this product.

Powder for cleaning wood boilers

Nowadays, the use of heating systems that run on solid fuels is very important. The disadvantage in using such boilers is the accumulation and deposition of soot in the heating system itself and the chimney.

The accumulation of soot not only worsens the draft of the unit, but also clearly reduces the efficiency of the boiler. To alleviate such a problem, it is necessary to regularly clean the chimney and the boiler itself. Such cleaning is difficult to do regularly, as it is a very laborious process, and the fee for the provision of chimney sweep services is very high. And to solve this problem, quite a long time ago they came up with special cleaning products. The agent in powder form contains components that are capable of reacting with soot during the combustion of the agent. And this means that the chemical agent must be added when the fuel is burning. Soot, after exposure to the reaction of the agent, is gradually destroyed in the chimney and the boiler itself is cleaned. After exposure to the soot, it becomes brittle and begins to lag behind the walls of the metal and flows into the holes for condensate drainage and is then removed.

This remedy should be regularly added to the burning cauldron at the recommended dose. The result of such use is not only a cleaned boiler and chimney, but also savings solid fuel. Another positive side of using such a tool is the productivity of heating.

With the help of powder, cleaning the chimney has become much easier for all owners of solid fuel units. He completely cleans the boiler from soot in the shortest possible time and without auxiliary funds, which had to be spent on. One rule of using such a tool is to use it only for boilers that run on coal or wood.

Boiler cleaning Buderus (video)

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is better to give preference to environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for health and environment funds. Using all the methods listed in our article will make it possible to maintain your boiler without soot deposits and save the owner's money on fuel. Which method is right for you, you need to decide based on the type of boiler.

During the operation of a solid fuel boiler of any type (pellet, classic, pyrolysis or boiler long burning) soot and flying ash accumulate on the walls of the combustion chamber and smoke channels. A few millimeters of soot on the walls of the heat exchanger can reduce the power of the boiler by up to 30%, and this, as you understand, entails increased fuel consumption. In addition, a dark oily coating on the walls of the combustion chamber also has unpleasant corrosive properties, which in turn reduces the life of a solid fuel boiler.


A significant reduction or complete absence of traction, and as a result, a constantly smoky boiler room and poor combustion of fuel.

A layer of tar and soot serves as a kind of heat insulator between the combustion chamber and the heat exchanger, so the boiler power drops noticeably and more and more fuel is required to maintain the required coolant temperature.

There is a very high chance of an explosion! The fact is that the soot accumulated on the walls of the smoke channels and the chimney can catch fire if the temperature of the flame in the furnace is high enough. As a result of soot burning, the chimney heats up so that a fire can occur in places where it comes into contact with flammable materials (roof access, etc.). This problem is more inherent in models of solid fuel boilers with forced air.


Tar and soot are the result of an incorrect combustion process, or rather an incomplete one. From physics: the flame has three balls. The ball of decomposition (here the decomposition of parts of the fuel takes place), the ball of reduction (this is the zone of normal combustion) and the ball of oxidation (where the afterburning of particles occurs). So, if for some reason something interferes with the last ball, then the obligatory process of combustion of flue gases is violated and carbon (soot, tar) settles on the walls.

Of the most likely causes of tar and soot, the following can be distinguished:

  • poor quality fuel is used
  • fuel with a high degree of moisture is used
  • the boiler operates at low coolant temperatures (normal boiler operation is 65-85 degrees)
  • incorrect piping of the boiler, in connection with which it gets into the return of the heat exchanger cold water from the system, without hot admixture.


During normal operation of a solid fuel boiler once a season, but I repeat - during normal operation!

In order to be sure that your solid fuel boiler is working properly, it is necessary to carry out an inspection at least once a week. If you find an oily coating in the form of tar on the walls of the combustion chamber, be sure that the same thing is on the walls of the chimney pipe, and the boiler needs to be cleaned.

When using mixed fuels, we recommend cleaning the solid fuel boiler and the pipe every three or four weeks.

Well, if you use poor quality fuel (as an example, heat with pine logs, and keep the coolant temperature up to 60 degrees), then you will have to clean the boiler once a week.


Boilers are cleaned with wire brushes and scrapers, which are usually included in the kit. Each individual solid fuel boiler has its own design, its technological doors for cleaning, and it simply does not make any sense to describe them all, it should only be noted that the obligatory places for cleaning are:

  • combustion chamber walls
  • heat exchanger walls
  • smoke channel walls

(in other words, these are areas where a water jacket is present and heat exchange takes place)

  • horizontal sections of the chimney (with proper installation of a solid fuel boiler, access must be provided to them)

p.s. The ash pan must be cleaned as it fills

The effective functioning of the heating system at home depends directly on the quality of its installation and uninterrupted performance and equipment, as well as the working condition of the heating mains. The main device in the heating system is the boiler, regardless of the raw material on which it works.

Therefore, the functioning of the boiler directly depends on the working condition of all its parts and assemblies. To achieve high-quality operation of this device, it is necessary to keep it clean and, accordingly, constantly carry out preventive cleaning measures. How to clean the boiler with your own hands? There is an answer in the article, several options.

How to clean a gas boiler - options

In addition, regular flushing of pipelines is required. heating system. Since, over time, it appears in the pipes limescale, which prevents the qualitative movement of heat carriers. In addition, plaque does not allow for a full-fledged process of cooling the heating elements of the boiler. All this can lead to overheating of equipment, in particular a gas boiler and increase gas consumption. Also in the highways, thermal conductivity is significantly reduced.

Thus, to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the heating system, it is necessary to carry out measures to clean it within a certain time frame. Find out how to clean the boiler if the water is hard. It is worth noting that with a higher water hardness property, cleaning the heating system should be carried out much more often.

We clean the boiler from soot

When carrying out the procedure for washing the boiler heat exchanger, you must rely on your capabilities and existing knowledge in this area. In practice, the following main washing methods are usually used:

1) How to clean the boiler yourself. To carry out the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to dismantle the heat exchanger from the boiler. After that, it is necessary to decide on the method of cleaning, either to apply a mechanical cleaning procedure, or to carry it out by washing with chemical solutions. Chemical flushing is most commonly used to clean boilers with two circuits.

All actions during the dismantling of the heat exchanger and its reassembly should be carried out carefully. When restoring it into place, it is necessary to make sure that all joints are tight.

2) Cleaning with chemicals using a booster. This cleaning method is to use special device, the so-called booster. With its help, a special acidic washing solution is poured into the heat exchanger, which is forcibly moved along the heating mains and dissolves the plaque on the pipe walls. The flushing solution circulates through the system for a certain time, as a result of which the plaque is removed along with the flushing fluid to the outside. To completely exclude acid from the lines, they are washed with a special solution that neutralizes acid residues.

After the procedure, the throughput of the lines increases significantly, and their thermal conductivity also increases.

3) How can the boiler be cleaned hydrodynamically. When using this cleaning option, disassembly of the heating equipment is not required. To do this, the system is uploaded plain water and a certain pressure is created, which causes the liquid to move along the lines with acceleration, destroying all deposits on the pipe walls. It is allowed to add special fillers to the water to achieve a better cleaning effect.

However, experts do not recommend performing this cleaning procedure on your own, as there is a risk in calculating the creation of pressure and, if it is exceeded, a rupture in the lines may occur. Therefore, in this case, it is better to use the services of professional specialists.

How to clean a gas boiler from soot

When carrying out cleaning measures, it is necessary to follow these procedures and to clean all passages of the boiler gas type. Since, in case of contamination of the flue passage, the properties of the boiler draft are violated, and it automatically turns off. In addition, at least once a year, it is necessary to carry out cleaning work from soot inside the boiler. Otherwise, there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

To carry out work on cleaning the parts of a heating gas boiler, the following steps must be performed:

  • turn off the gas supply;
  • remove the door from the boiler, while disconnecting the existing wires;
  • carry out a phased dismantling of the thermocouple, a special electrode for ignition, as well as the burner tube;
  • note the location of the burner nozzle to ensure its subsequent correct adjustment;

  • replace the gasket under the burner;
  • unscrew the clamps and pull out the nozzle, behind it the tube and then directly the burner;
  • the sleeve is pulled out of the thermometer;
  • the lid is removed from the boiler and the insulation sheet;
  • the gas chimney is removed;
  • turbulators are cleaned using a brush, dismantled from the heat exchanger;
  • the outer part of the heat exchanger and its base are cleaned with a brush;
  • using a vacuum cleaner, all channels inside the heat exchanger are blown.

How to clean the boiler and burner with a brush and a brush with your own hands. All sides of the channel along the passage of smoke are thoroughly wiped. When cleaning the nozzle, the outer part of the nozzle is cleaned with a brush, and the spray hole is cleaned using a needle with a smaller diameter than the hole. Moreover, this procedure must be performed carefully enough so as not to increase the diameter of the nozzle hole, otherwise the combustion process will be disrupted in the future.

After completing all the cleaning activities of the gas boiler, the process of assembling the parts is carried out exactly in the reverse order. After they are placed and fixed in place, all connections are checked, for this they can be soaped. The tightness of shrinkage of all tubes is checked after the system is turned on.

In order for the boiler to work stably and smoothly, it must be properly looked after. A prerequisite is the regular removal of plaque. Let us consider for what reasons tar can accumulate in a thermal unit, what this can lead to, and how to clean the boiler.

Causes of resin accumulation

The cause must be determined before cleaning is started for it to be effective.

The main reasons that provoke the accumulation of resin in boilers include:

  • the use of low-quality fuel;
  • increased moisture content of the material used;
  • operation of the boiler at low temperatures;
  • loading too much fuel.

What harm can this do?

A clean boiler works better

The accumulation of resin on the walls of the unit in large quantities can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • every day start to decrease thermal capabilities boiler;
  • the temperature in the whole house drops noticeably;
  • the amount of fuel consumed increases;
  • the service life of the unit is significantly reduced.

How to clean the boiler from tar?

It is recommended to clean the boiler in unnecessary clothes - the resin can get on the thing and ruin it

In total, there are 4 main methods for cleaning the boiler from tar:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • steam;
  • "soft blasting".

Mechanical cleaning is carried out manually, and with three other methods, it is necessary to use special solutions, substances or aggregates.

mechanical cleaning

To make the resin easier to move away from the walls of the boiler, some people heat it gas burner

The essence of the method is to clean the boiler from the accumulated resin using tools suitable for this purpose. It could be:

  • poker;
  • shoulder blades;
  • metal brushes;
  • brushes;
  • scrapers.

Mechanical cleaning begins only after the unit has cooled down.

The cleaning process itself is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The boiler is heated, then allowed to cool to an acceptable temperature.
  2. Using the above tools, remove the accumulated resin from the walls.
  3. Having finished cleaning, turn on the boiler again so that all resin residues burn out.

Chemical cleaning

When working with chemicals wear thick gloves

Cleaning the boiler in this way involves the use of special chemicals. In this case, the procedure itself can be carried out according to two different schemes:

  1. The chemical agent is poured onto the fuel during its combustion. The substance reacts with the resin, destroys it and removes it through the chimney.
  2. The reagent is treated with the walls of the boiler, contaminated with resin. Acidic solvents quickly destroy plaque, effectively cleaning the entire surface of the unit.

For dry cleaning of the boiler, adipic or sulfamic acid is often used.

Steam cleaning

When working with a steam generator, safety precautions must be observed so as not to burn yourself.

The contaminated surface of the boiler is treated with a steam generator. During this cleaning process, the unit additionally undergoes disinfection. It is convenient to work with equipment for soft blasting, since the products used do not contain substances hazardous to humans.

This is an American method of cleaning the boiler from tar using a special apparatus. With the help of such a device, a specific solution containing chalk and baking soda or other abrasives.

The soft blasting technique is also used in car services, when cleaning rooms after fires, for cleaning monuments and building facades.

How to clean a solid fuel boiler from tar: video

Be sure to clean the boiler of resin, so you will improve its performance and extend its life. It can be done different ways. The most budgetary is mechanical cleaning, for which you can use an ordinary poker. Other methods require purchase special means or devices.