Mixer      06/16/2019

Optimal desktop height. What should be the dimensions of the computer desk? However, the width depends on several factors.

For the convenience of working at the table, its height must be taken into account. This parameter affects the comfort of using furniture. standard height The table should be suitable for the average indicators of adults and children. Moreover, for each type of furniture, this parameter is different.


In furniture, its parameters are the main ones. Why is table height important? This indicator can provide ease of use. As well as protection against spinal disorders. desktop height plays important role. This determines the comfort required by the position of the body, especially the back.

If the furniture is not suitable, then the person during the period of work needs to lean forward, stoop. This causes curvature of the spine, as well as the appearance of discomfort in the back. Therefore, it is important to choose the appropriate table height for adults and children. But it should be borne in mind that for each type of structure, taking into account its purpose, the parameters are different.


The height of the table for the kitchen is determined by the parameters of the person. The greater the growth, the higher the work surface should be. In this case, the furniture will be comfortable. To determine the optimal height of the kitchen table, the rules are used:

  1. With growth up to 150 cm, the design should have parameters in the range of 75-76 cm.
  2. At 150-160 cm, a height of 80-82 cm from the floor is more suitable.
  3. Indicators of 160-180 cm are considered the general standard. They are taken into account by many firms when creating furniture products. In this case, the parameter can be 87-90 cm. This is the standard table height, as it will be convenient for men and women.
  4. If growth is higher standard parameters the furniture is made to order. At 185-200 cm from the floor to the countertop there will be 1 meter.

It is important that the furniture is comfortable for the whole family. Since it is impossible to select a design for each parameter, therefore, the average is calculated. For example, if the height of the wife is 150 cm, and the husband is 190 cm, then the average is 170 cm. And for this you need a table 85-87 cm in height. And since women usually spend more time in the kitchen, it is better to choose 80 cm.


The height of the desks for children and adults is different. This should be taken into account when buying a design. If height-adjustable tables are created for children, then for adults everything is different. It is important to take into account the physique, size, height. Furniture should be selected based on these parameters.

In addition to height, length and width are taken into account. They must meet the standards. When these indicators are less, then there are inconveniences that negatively affect the state of the musculoskeletal system. Comfort is determined by the height of the desktop and other dimensions. According to the "Modulor", created by the architect and designer Le Corbusier, the following proportions apply:

  1. Since the average height of the people of the earth is about 175-183 cm, the standard height of the writing table is 700-800 mm.
  2. For 150-160 cm, it is better to choose 60 cm.
  3. With a height of 190-200 cm, you must order a desk height of 85-90 cm.

These rules are used all over the world. Taking them into account, it will be possible to choose suitable product, for which it will be comfortable to work.


A suitable height of the computer desk will allow you to work comfortably for a long time. When the parameter is insufficient, the person leans forward, which greatly strains the back. And at high rates, the seated person raises his head up, which negatively affects the condition of the back.

There are rules to consider when choosing computer furniture:

  1. When sitting at a table, the back should be straight, and the shoulders should be straightened to the sides.
  2. The forearms should be placed on the surface.
  3. It is important that the place of the shoulder girdle is not raised.
  4. Location is the norm working surface in the area of ​​the solar plexus.
  5. Legs should be bent at a right angle, they should be on the floor.

If these rules are followed, it will be possible to prevent problems with the spine. A person will not have a curvature, deformation, which usually leads to serious illnesses. The height of the computer desk is set according to height. Usually it is 75 cm, which is designed for a height of 170-172 cm. The rest of such a product will be uncomfortable. Then you need to order the design.


The height of the dining table should be comfortable for everyone so that there is no discomfort while eating. When sitting behind such furniture, the relaxation of the body should be felt, it should rest. When choosing the height of the dining table, height is taken into account.

For convenience, you need a size of 700-750 mm. This parameter is optimal, it is chosen with a height of 165 cm. The average furniture height is 72-78 cm. To calculate the appropriate option, the formula is used: furniture height \u003d height * 75/165 (75 cm is the height of the structure, 165 is the average parameter of a person). For example, with a height of 170 cm, the calculation will be as follows: 170 * 75/165 = 77.3.


The right height children's table will allow you to work comfortably. Then there will be no strong tension on the back. For children, furniture must be chosen especially carefully, otherwise unsuitable designs lead to a curvature of the spine. But they have to spend a lot of time at the table.

Height is required to determine height. If the product is selected for a first grader and a teenager, then the following parameters should be considered:

  1. With growth up to 85 cm - 34 cm.
  2. 85-100 - 40 cm.
  3. 100-115 – 46.
  4. 115-130 – 52.
  5. 130-145 – 58.
  6. 145-153 – 64.
  7. 154-161 – 67.
  8. 162-170 – 71.

Suitable parameters ensure the full development of the child. It is also worth considering that a growing organism requires suitable conditions for comfort. When choosing furniture for a child, you need to focus on the following points:

  1. The feet should be on the floor, and a right angle should be obtained with the lower leg and thigh.
  2. The required degree of depth of the chair is set as follows - the seat of the chair should not dig into the popliteal joints.
  3. Between the knees and the tabletop should be 10-15 cm or more.
  4. The distance from the eyes to the surface of the structure should be the area from the fingertips to the elbow.

It is necessary to choose a suitable chair for the table so that the child’s classes are comfortable. In addition to height, you need to pay attention to the width, shape, design of structures. The material, the presence of original parts is also important. In sets with tables, chairs are often sold at a height suitable for comfortable use. The main thing is to use them for their intended purpose.

Selection rules

Although many different parameters are taken into account when buying furniture, size should still be the main thing. And this applies to any type of table:

  1. If you plan to choose kitchen set for cooking, it is better to buy 80-85 cm. This indicator is standard, so there will be no difficulty in finding it. In addition, behind such a product it will be comfortable for people with a height of 1.5-2 meters.
  2. If a written design is required, and the growth is greater or less than average, then it is advisable to order furniture according to the required parameters. Dimensions must be set according to the formula: height * 75/165 cm.
  3. It is important to know when choosing chairs - the best height is 42 cm. Tall ones need 45, and small ones need 40.
  4. If you buy a product for a child, then you need to calculate especially carefully. Adjustable models are great.

Solution of non-standard situations

Height is especially important when choosing furniture for the whole family. Non-standard cases are solved in the following ways:

  1. You can adjust the size of the chair. There are many chairs sold in shops and markets that can change in height. So it will be comfortable to sit at the table. But then there may be inconvenience with the placement of the legs. And this negatively affects health.
  2. Production of furniture to order. In this situation, it is preferable to focus on the growth of an individual in the family. You can define an average. A difference of a few centimeters will not be visible. But you can get the desired result only with a small difference in growth. Before manufacturing, a drawing is necessarily created.
  3. You can choose a table with an adjustable top. Such products are usually created for schoolchildren.

These techniques allow you to create furniture that is comfortable for the whole family. The best solution there will be a custom design or on your own. The advantage of the method is the saving of the budget, in addition, it becomes possible to create a comfortable product.

Adjustable height

In addition to classic products, there are tables that are adjustable in height. These are mechanical modules or transformers. Often they have X-shaped supports, with which you can set this parameter. But there may be a retractable or electronic mechanism.

An excellent choice would be coffee table, which can become lunch. The advantages of furniture include:

  1. Comfort for the whole family - you can adapt to children and adults.
  2. Compact and space-saving due to versatility.
  3. Practicality and the ability to place in any place in the room.

The disadvantage of height-adjustable tables is their high price and low load that the product can withstand - about 30-45 kg.

Consequences of the wrong choice

Incorrectly selected furniture height creates tension, discomfort, fatigue. This applies to tables different cases. In the kitchen, this design also causes a lot of inconvenience. During the cutting of products, about 40 muscles work. If workplace higher, the load increases markedly, and if lower, this causes rapid fatigue.

A suitable table height eliminates back problems and diseases associated with this phenomenon. Knowing the growth and calculation rules, it will be possible to choose the right furniture.

Approaching the choice of such an interior item as a desk for a student, consultants recommend fulfilling a number of requirements, as general ones - dimensions desk, and individual. So that work at the table does not turn into torture, the child does not quickly get tired and does not spoil his posture.

Table height

The choice of a desk is a very important and responsible purchase for parents, especially a first-grader. Indeed, at this age, the child's skeleton is not yet formed, and it is very easy to earn a curvature of the spine. The right product will last for many years. First of all, the size is taken into account, which is selected individually for the height of the child, such standards are established by GOST. Every furniture store salesperson should know them. There are 5 categories labeled with a letter or color to make it easier to understand.


Also important are the dimensions of the desk for the student. So that the child can easily place textbooks, notebooks and other school supplies on it. The minimum width should be 60, and the length should be at least 120 cm. There should also be room under the furniture. If the product has drawers, the free space for the student's legs must be at least 45 in length and 50 centimeters in width.

When sitting at a desk, the child's feet should reach the floor. The distance between the edge of the furniture and the chest should be about 8-10 cm.

A desk for a student can also have additional equipment. Based on this, its overall dimensions may increase.

There are many models with a do-it-yourself tabletop height, which is very convenient, because a table is not a cheap purchase, and children, as a rule, grow very quickly.

Models, color and quality

Children's desks with or without shelves can be different models, quality and color. Depending on the area of ​​the room, you can choose a large L-shaped desk, which will also have a place both for written work and for working at a computer, or, on the contrary, a small corner one. The product, which has many drawers and shelves, will be very convenient for the student, because there he can put all his textbooks, notebooks and other school supplies. He will also learn to order, that everything should have its place. Since the student will have to spend a lot of time at the desk, it will be good to make this place comfortable for the child. The drawers on the locks available in the table will be a good addition, as the child will have inner peace that you can keep your secrets there.

The lines and corners of the table should be smooth, without sharp protrusions, otherwise it’s not far from injury.

A high-quality desk should be straight, without bumps and hooks. The surface should not be too soft, otherwise such a table will not last long.

A soft surface indicates that the product is made of low-quality plastic. And in addition to fragility, it can also be dangerous to the health of the child.

The color of the table can be any. But you should not choose very bright, catchy shades, they will distract the attention of the child, especially the first grader. Warm, light, wood-like or yellowish tones of the table contribute to coziness and psychological comfort. Dark colors help to better concentrate and tune in to a serious mood.

Main characteristics

  • The student's table should be roomy, have enough shelves and drawers so that books and notebooks do not roll around anywhere;
  • Have a place for a computer (not bad, but not necessary);
  • Overall dimensions are strictly observed in accordance with the physical condition of the child;
  • Such a table is made of high-quality environmentally friendly materials that do not have a specific smell;
  • adult desk.

Choosing a table for an adult is not such a difficult undertaking, but it also has its own nuances, because a person who is in the office all day, or at home, in the office should be comfortable. In addition to comfort, furniture should fit into the interior of the room, whether it is a table of a big boss, to which subordinates and partners constantly enter the office, or designed for a home office.

Overall dimensions are not strictly limited here, but in order to properly distribute the load on the spine, you should pay attention to the height of the tabletop, it should be slightly above the level of the solar plexus. When choosing a product, it is best to sit down at it right in the store and check how comfortable it is.


  • Hidden, having a small size;
  • Built into the window sill;
  • Angular;
  • Rectangular;
  • Folding.

Small, veiled under other furniture. Built into a cabinet, not unfolded, it looks like a simple cabinet, when the tabletop is opened, it turns into a comfortable workplace. Also, the tabletop can be built into the wall, and when closed, act as a picture. Is the best option if space is limited.

Built into the window sill. As an option for a small apartment. a good plus is lighting.

Corner desktop for the student. Compact, but very roomy version of the student's corner table for lessons and classes. It doesn’t take up much space in terms of area, you can place a PC on such furniture, and leave a place for writing.

Rectangular. A large product with a massive thick top, with plenty of space for a computer, writing and office supplies. Having a beautiful, solid and impressive appearance, most often this design adorns the offices of the authorities.

Materials for production

  • Plastic;
  • Glass;
  • Metal;
  • Chipboard. Does not shine with quality, but has a low price. Wears out quickly, fragile, can emit toxic substances over time, which is not very good for a person;
  • MDF. The cost is slightly more expensive than chipboard, in fact, it is still the same compressed wood, but it is safe for health, more durable and looks more attractive in appearance. Is a replacement for natural wood;
  • Ordinary wood;
  • Plastic. Cheap, easy to lift, but not strong material. It is worth purchasing with caution, as some varieties can cause headaches and poisoning. It is best to check the furniture quality certificate from the seller;
  • Glass;
  • Metal. Non-standard and refined material for the production of countertops, selected for aesthetic reasons.


When choosing a desk, you need to clearly define for yourself what qualities it should have, how spacious it should be, what it will be used for, what the height of the desk will be. How furniture can be equipped.

  • Movable drawers and built-in cabinets;
  • Sliding panel for the keyboard;
  • Internal niches for power supplies;
  • Speaker stands;
  • Add-ons for books, papers, pens and pencils, shelving.

When choosing a table, whether it is for a child or for an adult, you first need to remember that the furniture should be comfortable and safe, and only then beautiful.

Properly selected furniture provides users with comfort and health benefits. If we are talking about tables, then take when choosing correct solution, can be guided by their purpose and accepted standards.

What are the desk height standards?

The recommended value is 75 cm. Focusing on GOST, manufacturers produce furniture with a height of 70 to 80 cm. Theoretically, such a run would have to satisfy the requirements of all users, but this is not so. Those whom nature endowed with a height of 160 or 180 cm feel uncomfortable at a standard table, because it is either too high or, conversely, too low.

A separate category that does not fit the standards - children. Dining, writing or computer - they need a table before their physical development is completed. Consequently, parents have only 2 options - to adjust the length of the legs of the chair, or, which is preferable, to attend to the purchase of children's furniture.

How to choose the right table height

The basis for calculating the standard is the average height of a person. When choosing furniture “for yourself”, it is also important to take into account this parameter, because the formula comfortable height countertop unchanged: height (cm) * coefficient. But the variable itself depends on the destination.


This type of table means the entire work surface, which is not entirely correct, but most practical. After all, it would be much more difficult to take care of a truly correct and convenient multi-level option.

The finished dish is the result of many preparatory processes, most of which are easier to do standing up. Accordingly, the height of the kitchen table should be such that the person behind it can work with relaxed shoulders and a straight back. Choosing from ready-made kitchen surfaces, the optimal distance from the countertop to the floor is easy to determine visually: it should be at a level below the waist.

But what to do if members of the same family have big difference in growth? In no case do not determine the arithmetic mean, as recommended by some "experts".

ATTENTION! When choosing a kitchen table, you should focus on the one who cooks more often - it is this person who “brightestly” feels the consequences of the wrong choice.

If you need to determine the height of the kitchen table if it is made to order, you can use the formula: height * 0.51. By rounding the result to the nearest integer, it will be possible to obtain the optimal distance from the floor to the countertop, taking into account individual characteristics.


This version of furniture has slightly different tasks: it is supposed to work behind it while sitting. The forearms should remain relaxed during work, the back should be straight, and the shoulders should be in a natural position. Let's allow a slight tilt of the head, but the lower leg and thigh must be at a right angle, and the foot must be firmly pressed to the floor.

ATTENTION! When choosing such furniture, there can be no question of any averaging. It is worth focusing on the tallest household. And the rest of the set to the table simply buys individual chairs and footrests.

The formula for calculating the optimal height of the desk: height * 0.46.


It is important to understand that this is the direct successor of the written counterpart. The requirements are the same.

ATTENTION! When typing on the keyboard, it is important to keep correct posture and hand position. And the distance from the eyes to the monitor is easy to adjust by moving it to the opposite edge of the tabletop.

For greater compactness while maintaining convenience for users, computer tables are often equipped with a retractable keyboard shelf and a monitor stand. In this case:

  • the shelf should be at the optimum height to maintain the natural position of the hands;
  • a chair with comfortable armrests is selected for the table, which will serve as an additional point of support for the forearms;
  • The stand should provide an optimal viewing angle without having to slouch or lean back.

The general recommendation for choosing the height that is optimal for all family members remains: a guideline for the tallest. Fortunately, it is not difficult to purchase a footrest, and a high-quality computer chair can be easily adjusted to the needs of users.


Not too much time is spent behind such furniture, but this does not mean at all that any option will do. At the dinner table, the family gathers in full force, so everyone should be comfortable at the same time. Too high or low table will not allow you to sit comfortably and get the most out of culinary delights. And all kinds of footrests and chairs with adjustable height are simply out of place. But that doesn't mean that right choice too hard to do.

ATTENTION! The calculated value is determined by the formula: height * 0.43. True, there is one clarification: in this case, it is worth focusing on the average growth of adult family members.

If dad, mom, grandparents "grew" to 175, 155, 180 and 160 cm, respectively, then you need to determine the average value:
(175+155+180+160)/4 = 167.5 cm.
And already it is substituted into the formula. And it does not matter that the father has to stretch his legs slightly in order to comfortably sit at the table - this is permissible near the dining room.

How to choose the right desk for your child

It is desirable that the working surface of the furniture for the student be tilted, and there are several reasons for this:

  • the overview is improved, which makes it easier to read;
  • teaches you to order, because little things scattered on the table tend to roll down if they are not placed in the places allotted for them;
  • encourages borrowing only correct position, since it is inconvenient to slouch at such a table.

REFERENCE! The height of the near edge is calculated using the same formula as for the "adult" version: height * 0.46. But the child is growing rapidly, so it is worth buying furniture with a small margin of "growth" or, preferably, with the ability to adjust the height and angle of the table top.

The latter option is somewhat more expensive than unregulated ones. But it will cost less than 2-3 simple ones - and this is the minimum number of replacements for a children's desktop, if you care about maintaining the posture of the younger generation.

Are other parameters important?

Properly chosen height will not make convenient work behind a narrow desk. Conversely, a wide canvas with an unsuccessful height can be quite comfortable. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • the width of the tabletop is at least 60 cm for a child and 80 for adults (more is better);
  • depth - from 35 cm for a child, from 50 for an adult (the principle is the same);
  • legroom - to the depth of the tabletop and at least 50 cm wide.

Applied to various types furniture looks like this:

  • for the kitchen table, depth and width criteria are taken;
  • for written and computer - all three parameters;
  • for dinner, the first pair of values ​​is doubled, resulting in the required minimum.

Benefits of an adjustable table

The main advantage of such furniture is the ability to adapt to current needs, eliminating the need to purchase several oversized models. Adjustable options are compact, which is especially useful in urban apartments. The only negative is that they are not designed for serious loads. Their limit is 45–50 kg.

REFERENCE! The table can be equipped with a mechanical or electronic transformation mechanism. Often the manufacturer provides not only a change in the level of height, but also an increase in area.

Consequences of the wrong choice

The first item in the lists of criteria is convenience. If the table does not meet this requirement, then there can be no question of full-fledged work behind it. Incorrect posture primarily interferes with normal blood circulation. Result: congestion, swelling, pain. And for a child whose body is changing every minute, the wrong position at the desk contributes to an increased risk of abnormal development of the muscular corset.

Operator's workplace. What should be the desktop Will you dine?
Even the most notorious idealist will not argue that furniture is exclusively an object created by Man. In the gardens of Eden, only the well-known Tree of Knowledge could serve as such an object, certain circumstances prevented Adam and Eve from knowing the furniture-derived properties of which.
When placing a PC as a desktop, a type (!) is often used as a regular desk (it is apparently called that because it has a PC on it). Modern table owes its appearance to the style that appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. At the heart of this new movement in European architecture and the furniture industry lay the aesthetics of expediency, suggesting rational, strictly utilitarian forms. In accordance with this pragmatic setting, the design of the table should provide optimal placement on the working surface of the equipment used, taking into account its quantity and design features(the size of the PC, keyboard, music stand, etc.), the nature of the work performed.

At the workplace, in addition to the monitor and controls, the placement of which was described in sufficient detail earlier, documentation should be located, records can be kept, other technical means can be used, therefore, in order not to cause frequent reaccommodation of the eyes, permanent use items at the workplace of the PC operator and visual elements of the information model should be approximately the same distance from the eyes. Work surfaces must have the following minimum dimensions:
- minimum width countertops - 500 mm;
- free area for notes - 100x200 mm, and for more detailed notes - 300x400 mm;
- a plane to ensure the execution of drawing and graphic work - 450x650 mm.
The shape of the work surface should be determined taking into account the nature of the work performed. It can be rectangular, have a cutout for the working body, recesses or other surfaces for office equipment, etc. (less dogmatism!). If necessary, you can even install armrests on the work surface (or a headrest if you want to sleep - it's a joke!). If increased accuracy is required during operation and, accordingly, it is necessary to fix the position of the body and hands, as additional measure soft upholstery on the front edge of the table can be used.

The height of the working surface of the table for adult users, who are mainly engaged in the collection of information, should be regulated within 680–800 mm; in the absence of such a possibility, the height of the working surface of the table, in accordance with the anthropometric characteristics of the domestic user, should be 725 mm. At the same time, as accurately calculated in the most Lately European ergonomists, the monitor screen should be located 28 cm below eye level. In addition, if you want to create a workplace exclusively for yourself and, accordingly, taking into account your type of activity, you should keep in mind that, in principle, the height of the working surface should vary depending on the types of work performed (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Nomogram depending on the height of the working surface for different types work performed in a sitting position, from a person’s height: type 1 - very precise work (the use of positioning devices with an accuracy on the verge of the capabilities of the human visual apparatus, for example, control of optical instruments); type 2 - precise work (use of positioning devices with high accuracy, for example, for graphic work); type 3 - light work that does not require high accuracy, but requires the use of positioning devices, for example, to select information; type 4 - work on typing text information.

The modular dimensions of the working surface of the PC table, on the basis of which the structural dimensions should be calculated, should be considered: width 800, 1000, 1200 and 1400 mm; depth of 800 and 1000 mm with an unregulated height of 725 mm.
The work table must have legroom at least 600 mm high, at least 500 mm wide, at least 450 mm deep at the knees and at least 650 mm at the level of the outstretched legs.
When working with text documents, the workplace should be equipped with an easily movable music rest for them.
When organizing workplaces for working in a standing position, for example, on technological equipment, which includes a PC (computer-controlled machines, robotic and technological complexes, flexible automated production, dispatcher control panels, etc.), the following should be provided:
- a space in depth of at least 850 mm, taking into account the protruding parts of the equipment for finding a human operator;
- space for feet with a depth and height of at least 150 mm and a width of at least 530 mm;
- arrangement of information input-output devices, providing optimal visibility of the screen;
- easy reach of organs manual control in the motor field zone: in height - 900-1300 mm, in depth - 400-500 mm;
- the location of the PC screen in the place of the working area, providing the convenience of visual observation in vertical plane at an angle of ±30° from the normal line of sight of the operator, as well as the convenience of using a PC (input-output of information when adjusting the main parameters technological process, debugging programs, etc.) simultaneously with the implementation of the main production operations (monitoring the processing area on a machine with program control, when servicing a robotic technological complex, etc.). Here, as in the case of a workplace for a sitting position, the height of the working surface should vary depending on the types of work performed (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Nomogram of the dependence of the height of the working surface for different types of work performed in a standing position on the height of a person: view 1 - constant work with a PC with visual control of others technical means; type 2 - predominantly work with a PC while servicing other electronic devices; type 3 - episodic work with a PC during constant work with the use of physical effort.

Don't clutter up your workspace. At IBM, for example, it is customary to empty the desks of papers every evening before leaving work. Sanctions apply to violators.
Jobs for students of secondary and higher educational institutions have their own specifics. Premises for classes using a PC should be equipped with single tables designed to work on a PC.
The design of a single table for working with a PC should include:
- two separate surfaces: one - horizontal for placing a PC with smooth adjustment in height within 520–760 mm and the second - for a keyboard with smooth adjustment in height and tilt angle from 0° to 15° with secure fixation in the optimal working position (12 °–15°), which contributes to the maintenance of the correct working posture by pupils and students, without a sharp tilt of the head forward;
- the width of the PC and keyboard surfaces is at least 750 mm (the width of both surfaces must be the same) and the depth is at least 550 mm;
- support of the PC and keyboard surfaces on the riser, in which the power supply wires and the LAN cable should be located. The base of the riser should be aligned with the footrest;
- lack of boxes;
- increasing the width of surfaces up to 1200 mm when equipping the workplace with a printer.
The height of the edge of the table facing the person working with the PC, and the height of the legroom should correspond to the height of students in shoes (Table 1).

Table 1. Height of a single table for classes with a PC

Height of pupils or students in shoes, cm

Height above the floor, mm

table surface

legroom, not less













above 175



Note. The legroom width and depth must be the same as for an adult user.
Eye level with a vertical PC screen should be at the center or 2/3 of the height of the screen. The line of sight should be perpendicular to the plane of the screen and its optimal deviation from the perpendicular passing through the center of the screen in the vertical plane should not exceed ±5°, the permissible is ±10°.
Premises where PC-based game complexes for children are installed before school age, should be equipped with single tables.
The design of a single table with gaming complexes should consist of two parts or tables connected together: a video monitor is located on one table surface, and a keyboard on the other. In addition, the design of the PC table should include:
- smooth and easy height adjustment with reliable fixation of the horizontal surface for the video monitor within 460–520 mm with a depth of at least 550 mm and a width of at least 600 mm;
- the ability to smoothly and easily change the angle of inclination of the surface for the keyboard from 0° to 10° with secure fixation;
- the width and depth of the surface under the keyboard must be at least 600 mm;
- smooth, without recesses, the surface of the table for the keyboard;
- lack of boxes;
- legroom under the table above the floor at least 400 mm in height;
- the width of the legroom is determined by the design of the table.

What to sit on
Sitting you do not sit out ... me!
(Ilya Muromets)
The working chair (chair) of the PC operator should include the following main elements: seat, backrest and armrests. As additional elements can be a headrest and a footrest. It is advisable not to limit the mobility of the chair relative to the floor or other surface on which it is installed (a podium, for example).
The design of the chair should ensure the maintenance of a physiologically rational working posture when working on a PC, allow changing the posture in order to reduce the static tension of the muscles of the neck-shoulder region and back to prevent the development of fatigue.
As a result of an incorrect working posture, occupational diseases of the musculoskeletal system can also develop, these are:
- osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine (stiffness and pain in the back and lower back) - as a result of a static uncomfortable posture;
- osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine (tension and pain in the neck, back) - occurs as a result of working with incorrect posture, if you constantly stoop, hunch over or, conversely, stretch your neck;
- syndrome of the upper opening of the chest (acroparesthesia - a sensation of tingling and numbness of the hands) - overstrain of the muscles of the neck, shoulder and chest, leading to a deterioration in blood supply and conduction of nerve impulses;
- infringement of the shoulder (sharp pain in the shoulder joint) - the tendons or ligaments of the shoulder joint are compressed or pinched between the head of the humerus and the process of the scapula;
- scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine) - too hard or too soft seat, discrepancy between the height of the chair and the anthropometric parameters of the user;
- hemorrhoids (an increase in the cavernous bodies of the rectum, complicated by bleeding) - occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, improper fit, seat design.
The chair should be lifting and swivel and adjustable in height and angle of inclination of the seat and back, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat, while the adjustment of each parameter should be independent, easy to carry out and have a secure fit.
Its design should provide:
- adjustment of the height of the seat surface within 400-550 mm (from 5 to 95 percentile) and tilt angles forward up to 15° and back up to 5°;
- possibility of rotation by 180°–360° (around the vertical axis supporting structure chairs with fixation in the desired position);
- the width and depth of the seat surface is at least 400 mm (calculated for the 95th percentile), wider is better, since the not too limited width of the seat allows you to periodically change your posture;
- seat surface with rounded front edge6, radius of rounding not less than 10 mm;
- the height of the back support surface is 300 ± 20 mm, the width is at least 380 mm and the radius of curvature of the horizontal plane is 400 mm (back height parameters are given for the most common "household" type, but there are also low - lumbar and high backs);
- backrest tilt angle in the vertical plane within adjustable limits of 95°–110°;
- adjustment of the backrest distance from the front edge of the seat within 260–400 mm (the minimum size is determined based on 2/3 of the value of the anthropometric feature "seat back-popliteal angle" for the 95th percentile);
- fixed or removable armrests with a length of at least 250 mm and a width of 50–70 mm;
- adjustable tilt angle of the armrests 0°–20 (non-adjustable - 0°–5°);
- adjustment of the armrests in height above the seat within 230 ± 30 mm and the internal distance between the armrests within 350-500 mm (from 50 to 95 percentile).
Note. Percentile calculation of the parameters of the chair is used in the case of designing a chair for a specific group of users, for example, if the management of your company is seriously concerned about the health of its employees. Currently, exclusive design of chairs for the anthropometric parameters of an individual user is also practiced - this is if the management of your company is seriously concerned about their own health.

The surface of the seat, back and other elements of the chair (chair) should be semi-soft, with a non-slip, non-electrifying, water-repellent and breathable coating that provides easy cleaning from contamination. The seat upholstery of work chairs should settle within 25–30 mm. Armchairs intended for a long rest may have a slightly larger draft - 30–40 mm. The seat surface can be flat, inclined 0°–5°, or profiled. The profile is created by two angles of inclination of the seat surface - front a, equal to 4°–5°, and rear b, equal to 10°–15°. The vertices of the corners are located on a line remote from the rear edge of the seat surface by 1/3 of its depth, if its value does not exceed 450 mm and by 150 mm in other cases. More precisely, the profiling of the seat should not be. So, in 1927, the more famous, though in other guises, architect Le Corbusier was somewhat embarrassed by designing an original form of furniture for a sitting-lying position. In the bending of the surface, stretched over a metal frame, the parameters of a reclining human figure were carefully taken into account. Nevertheless, it is known from ergonomics that the presence of body elements, even in a comfortable, but static position, leads to fatigue. Therefore, sitting on this semblance of a deck chair, which is not conducive to changing positions, was extremely uncomfortable.
There are objective methods for determining the degree of comfort of the seat, in particular, the removal of actograms - registration of involuntary movements or changes in the position of the operator's body relative to the chair. The operator must be at rest (signal waiting). Information about the operator's condition is taken from strain gauges mounted on a metal plate under the seat of the chair. IN general case in the actogram there are low-amplitude, medium-amplitude and high-amplitude (turns of the body, change of position) oscillations. For medium-amplitude oscillations, the dependence of their frequency on the state of the human operator is established. In the normal state, this frequency is in the range of 5–12 oscillations per minute, which characterizes the most efficient mode of operation. With a decrease in the level of wakefulness (falling asleep), which characterizes a too comfortable level, leading to a loss of working capacity, the frequency decreases to 0–5 oscillations per minute. But in a state of inconvenience, fatigue, the frequency becomes more than 12 vibrations per minute.
By the way, instead of achieving comfort, sometimes completely opposite tasks may arise. For example, it was necessary to create an ergonomic booth for long-distance negotiations. It would seem that everything is clear - make a comfortable workplace and consider the task completed. But the analysis of the goal tree showed that for such a telephone booth, it is more important not to attract customers with comfort (when they don’t want to leave), but on the contrary, their more frequent turnover. And so chairs were offered with a smooth surface, slightly tilted forward. A person in such a seat feels comfortable enough to conduct a conversation, but he is prevented from talking for a long time by constant slipping from a chair.
Another example. The use of highly comfortable chairs does not necessarily lead to positive results. It is known that such a danger as falling asleep during a long trip in a car appeared relatively recently and was completely unusual for lorry drivers.

The workplace must be equipped with a footrest with a width of at least 300 mm, a depth of at least 400 mm, height adjustment up to 150 mm and an angle of inclination of the support surface of the stand up to 20 °. The surface of the stand must be corrugated and have a 10 mm high edge along the front edge.
In the design of the chair, parameters such as the height of the seat surface, the angle of the backrest, the height of the backrest, the height of the armrests, the angle of the armrests, the height of the footrest, the angle of the footrest, must be adjusted without the use of an additional tool. A person notices a change in the height of the seat by 8-10 mm or a tilt of the back by 1-2 °, respectively, the step of changing these parameters of the chair should be within such limits.
Work chairs (armchairs) for students of secondary and higher educational institutions should correspond to the height of students or students in shoes (Table 2).

Table 2. The main dimensions of the chair for pupils and students

Height of pupils and students in shoes, cm

Chair Options





above 175

Seat height above the floor, mm






Seat width, not less than, mm






Seat depth, mm






The height of the lower edge of the backrest above the seat, mm






The height of the upper edge of the backrest above the seat, mm






Back deflection line height, not less than, mm






Bend radius of the front edge of the seat, mm


Seat tilt angle, hail.


Angle of inclination of a back, hail.


Backrest radius in plan, not less than, mm

If there is a high table and chair that does not correspond to the height of students or students, it is imperative to use a height-adjustable footrest (see above).
Each table with a PC for preschool children is equipped with a chair, the dimensions of which are given in Table. 3
The chair seat surface should be easy to disinfect.
It is not allowed to use cubes, stools, benches without back support instead of chairs.

Table 3. Sizes of a chair for preschool children for classes with a PC

Chair Options

Dimensions, not less than, mm

Seat height above floor


Seat width


Seat depth


The height of the lower edge of the backrest above the seat


The height of the upper edge of the backrest above the seat


Back deflection height


Seat front edge bending radius

1 Accommodation- changing the shape of the lens of the eye in order to adapt it to a clear vision of the object.
2 Work surface height- the vertical distance from the floor to the horizontal plane (real or imaginary), in which the main working movements are performed.
3 Normal line of sight located at an angle of 15 ° downward from the horizontal line of sight.
4 Physiologically rational working posture- this is a working posture that meets the criteria for functional comfort, namely:
- characterized by a straightened position of the spinal column while maintaining its natural curves;
- minimal load on the muscular system of the human body associated with maintaining a working posture;
- the absence of pain as a result of the influence of the elements of the chair on the body of a seated person;
- subjectively assessed as comfortable;
- the angle of flexion of the arms in the elbow joints is 70°–90°;
- leg flexion angle at the knee and ankle joints 95°–135°.
5 Minimum seat surface height is determined by the height of the popliteal fossa above the floor, measured in a sitting position at flexion angles in the knee and ankle joints of 90 °, taking into account the height of the heel - all for the 5th percentile.

Venedikt Klyauzze

The computer desk appeared only a little later than the PC. It quickly became clear that working on the keyboard is not the same as working on typewriter and requires a completely different position of the hands. And then the computer got a variety of peripherals, and place it on regular table turned out to be impossible.

The computer desk is calculated based on the features of the control of equipment and its characteristics.

Which is better: a desk or a computer desk?

The principal arrangement of a writing and computer desk is the same - a horizontal surface and support in the form of legs or sidewalls. But the ways of organizing this space and the objects of filling are different.

  • When working with documents or books, the latter are placed on the tabletop. A person reading a book at a table lowers his gaze by 45–50 degrees, which means that he sits with his head and even his body tilted to reduce the load on his neck.
  • When working with a computer, his direct gaze should rest on the upper edge of the monitor, and his gaze directed to the center of the screen should deviate from a straight line by 0–20 degrees. In this case, the distance to the monitor should be within 50–75 cm. This condition requires a more, but at the same time higher position of the monitor, if its dimensions are small. From here, a display stand often appears on products. The presence of this device and its height depend on the size of the screen and the depth of the countertop. This value for computer desks varies more widely and can be much smaller than for a comfortable desk.
  • When working with paper documents, the writer's elbows are on the surface of the table. Therefore, the countertop must have sufficient depth and width. The situation is quite different with the work on the keyboard. If you install it on a surface of normal height - 75-78 cm, then the elbows will be in weight, and the wrists will be raised. This leads to circulatory disorders, stress on the joints and fatigue.
  • The keyboard at the computer desk is placed on a special shelf much lower - at a distance of 50-70 cm from a direct view, that is, in the abdomen. In this case, the elbows also remain on the weight, but the wrists are in a straight line from the joints, which relieves the load. There is no need for a shelf only when the main work is not with text, but with graphics, for example, that is, it involves mouse manipulation.
  • It is also desirable to place the mouse on a pull-out shelf next to the keyboard. If this is not possible, then in well-thought-out modifications a special platform is formed for it.
  • Medium and includes a compartment for the system unit, open on both sides. It is located near one of the sidewalls, and in no case is it centered under the operator's feet. In compact models, they often do without it, which is not an advantage: the system unit on the floor collects dust and quickly becomes dirty.
  • Usually it even includes side shelves at the bottom to accommodate peripherals - a router, printer, speakers, and more. When it comes to the home workplace, the number increases markedly. Their size and layout depend on the nature of the professional activity.
  • In the computer desk, there are necessarily holes for cables, and often special clamps that allow you to collect wires in more convenient bundles and fix them on furniture.

The materials of manufacture for both categories of furniture are the same. Most often it is chipboard and MDF, in modern models it can also be used. Wood for computer tables is used extremely rarely - unprofitable, and glass, despite its extreme decorativeness, is only suitable for compact models. Equipping a large table with complex add-ons for all types of glass equipment is irrational.

Computer desk in a corner of the house

Furniture dimensions

Like any other furniture, there are optimal, maximum and minimum allowable dimensions. But another difference between a computer table and a written one is the dependence of the parameters not only on the position of the operator, but also on the size of the equipment used. And they can vary significantly depending on the model.

The following video will tell you how to choose the right computer desk for your home:


  • The maximum is limited by common sense. Even if the screen is placed at a distance of 70 cm from the operator, a modern flat model will not need more than 60 cm in depth. 70 cm - this value is already with a margin, there is no special need for it. Nothing can be placed behind the screen - the cables will not allow, and the monitor heats up during operation. A wider tabletop simply will not be used, since all equipment that needs to be controlled should be at arm's length - 60 cm.
  • The minimum is due to the structure. The tabletop can be reduced to 50 cm, or even up to 40 cm, but in this case the monitor will have to be placed on a stand, otherwise it will be too low from the line of sight, and the operator will have to move away with the keyboard as far as possible to achieve the required distance between the eyes and screen.

Displacement of the display away from the center is unacceptable. For an operator of any age, the need to turn to the screen ends with a curvature of the spine.

  • The optimum is a value of 60 cm, which allows you to move the monitor to any convenient position.


  • The maximum is not limited at all. If the computer desk also acts as a desk, then its length can reach 2 m, because both equipment and writing materials must be kept in order. In addition, you need more space on the tabletop for writing. There are double and even triple models - the latter, of course, are designed for an office where two or three jobs are arranged.
  • The minimum length of a stationary model is determined by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe workplace - it is 60 cm. Mobile and folding models may have a smaller one - 50 cm. The keyboard is located on a sliding shelf, and the mouse has to be left on the table, which is not very convenient. With rare exceptions, there is no compartment for the system unit, and it is impossible to find space for other equipment or materials. This product is suitable for those cases where the computer is mainly used for games.
  • The optimal width is calculated as follows: the operator’s workplace is at least 60 cm, and preferably 80 cm, the width of the compartment for the system unit is 20–25 cm, the cabinet width is at least 40 cm, otherwise it is useless. As a result, they get 120-145 cm. It is desirable that there are open niches above the compartment and cabinet - for a scanner and a router, for example. The printer can be installed on the add-on shelf, just like the speakers.

The following video will tell you about the 55 most interesting models of computer tables for the home:


  • The main tabletop, if any, has a standard height for writing - 75–78 cm. The keyboard shelf, which is more important for working on a PC, is located at a distance of 50–75 cm from the direct line of sight. Both values ​​depend on the height of the user and need to be corrected. There is no minimum or maximum in this case.
  • The height of superstructures is fundamentally not limited. If the table is combined with a cabinet or rack, the latter can reach a height of 210 cm and include not only shelves, but also blind compartments and even wardrobes. For a person working on a PC, the most important area is the work area - at arm's length, which gives a height of 130–140 cm. The rest of the shelves, in any case, will be occupied by materials and objects that are not used constantly.

The dimensions of the boxes and shelves are selected according to the dimensions of the equipment used and the features of working with it.

  • Recommended for scanner pull-out shelf so that you can lift the cover of the device freely.
  • A wide but not too high shelf is suitable for the printer.
  • The MFP will require a capacious cell open on both sides, the router will fit freely in a niche above the cabinet, and so on.

Photo of a computer desk with dimensions of 2000 x 1500 x 750 mm

Types of products for the home

A fundamental issue when choosing a computer desk in a home is its purpose.

  • PC for games - if the machine is used only or mainly as such, the dimensions of the table for it may be minimal. Of the additional equipment, only speakers and a modem are needed here, and these devices are small in size. So a compact small table - preferably straight, with a monitor stand and speakers - is a perfectly acceptable choice. An important feature a good model of this kind is a mousepad. If on the right or left side - for a right-handed or left-handed person, there is enough space on the tabletop to lean on your elbow, then the table can be considered successful. If not, then there must be room for the mouse on the sliding shelf under the keyboard, otherwise a long game will result in wrist joint syndrome. If this condition is not met, the model fails.
  • A table that combines the functions of writing and computer is never compact. A comfortable and correct position when writing requires a large area of ​​the tabletop, for which you need to remove the monitor and mouse no one knows where. If you ignore the rules and try to place all the accessories at a width of 50 cm, a violation of posture and a load on the joints are provided. Such a model includes two workplaces - for a PC and for writing, so its minimum length will be 160 cm and a width of 70–80 cm. It is especially important to comply with these requirements if the table is intended for a student.
  • Workplace - takes into account not only the convenience of the operator, but also easy, free access to the periphery. The larger it is, the larger and more complex its design. Saving on space here is obtained only due to the complex high superstructure, so such furniture must be selected, taking into account the features of the interior.

By design, computer tables for the home can be divided into several groups.

  • Straight lines - placed along the wall or perpendicular to it, forming a working corner. Most often they have geometric shapes inherited from writing, but modern versions increasingly include curved tabletops: in front of the operator, the width is smaller, since here it is determined only by the distance of the monitor, and increases closer to the edges, which allows you to place volumetric peripherals.
  • - triangular or L-shaped, designed to be installed in a corner and use space more economically. This form is especially convenient for a combined computer-desk. In this case, one side of the L-shaped structure is made longer, and it serves for writing and reading, and the monitor is placed exactly diagonally.

Angle forms psychologically closed space. In an adult, this causes overwork, in adolescents and young men it provokes the formation of a virtual addiction. To reduce the effect of isolation, such a model should be placed directly near the window.

  • Transformers - are designed for those cases when they want to hide a computer desk or combine it with other pieces of furniture. So, in the first case, a deaf cabinet helps to hide the PC. The monitor is placed on a shelf as a stand, and serves as a countertop hinged lid and lower cabinet doors. In the second, a cabinet with open and blind sections is part of a computer desk.
  • There are also more original devices. For example, a dresser table, where a monitor and a shelf with a keyboard are fixed in the top drawer.
  • Models for laptops - stationary and folding tables of minimum size. Their feature is height-adjustable legs and the ability to change the slope of the tabletop. This model is designed to work while sitting in a chair, on a chair or even standing.

In addition, such furniture can be made in. and are especially popular.

Photo types of computer tables for the home

Crown CMT-502 (Gaming PC)

For laptops (SU-2) Unifying functions (Germes)

Workplace (SK-1)

Transformer (Lisiteya)

Straight (С511)

Corner (SK-205)

How to buy cheap?

Choosing a computer desk is not an easy task. It's not about the cost of the product, but other factors that are much more important. The model must ensure the implementation of sanitary standards, have a layout convenient for each type of activity, and only then correspond to the interior.

You can buy a computer desk ready:

  • in a furniture store, where such an item can be assessed not in a photo, but in reality: how comfortable it is to sit, whether the shelf for the keyboard is high enough, where the system unit is located, and so on. It is advisable to come to the store with the dimensions of a monitor, printer, MFP and other things;
  • on online platforms where a variety of manufacturers are represented, the choice is undoubtedly greater. However, here we can only evaluate appearance models, but the convenience of layout will have to literally words to calculate using the data given in the product description. And yet, most often you can buy a computer desk inexpensively in the online store;
  • on the manufacturer's websites, descriptions of models usually contain more information. Here you can take advantage of special and promotional offers - purchase in installments, for example, a discount on certain products, and so on. An example of such a place of sale can be considered shops;
  • You can always try, which will save you a lot of money.

The computer desk can be made to order. How much cheaper or more expensive it will cost compared to those offered in the store depends on its parameters and content - add-ons, shelves, drawers and other things. The complexity of the designs does not cause too much price increase, but the table takes into account all the features of the future user and PC.

The layout and arrangement of the table is more important here than the cost. Not so much cheap as compact models are becoming popular.

The following video will tell you how to properly care for a computer desk at home:

Prices and photos of popular models

  • Falcon KST-02 or Henry - minimum table. With a tabletop width of 80 cm and a depth of 63, it allows you to install the monitor on a tabletop. The full-length pull-out shelf accommodates both a keyboard and a mouse. There is a compartment for the system unit. The bottom shelf can be used for the printer, but is not recommended. Usually it serves as a footrest. The cost of the model is 2640 rubles.
  • Trust-2 is an option for working with documents. The total length of the model is 140 cm, of which the countertop occupies 100 cm, and the rack arranged above the system unit compartment is 40 cm. There is a spacious pull-out shelf and a pedestal with an open upper niche for the modem. The superstructure also includes a blind compartment and an upper shelf. The height of the shelves is designed for vertical installation folders. The price of the model is 7570 rubles.
  • The Boston corner model belongs to the same category - an office desk for working with documents. The tabletop is placed perpendicular to the plane of the large cabinet with shelves and drawers for documents. The cost is 9900 rubles.
  • SP-55 - a corner option, combined with a rack, boasts a successful layout. The system unit here is located in an open niche above the cabinet, there is a shelf for the printer in the cabinet, speakers can be placed above the niche for the monitor. The table is diagonally perpendicular, so there is enough space on the table top for the scanner. The cost of the model is 10700 rubles.

Photos of popular models of computer tables


Falcon KST-01 (Henry)



A computer desk is purchased after, or even together with a PC. Do not be deceived: there is nothing to do on the desk or on the journal computer, especially if it is used for work. Its productivity by 2/3 depends on the convenience and availability of equipment.

Everyone has a different height - some are tall, some are short. But computer tables in most cases have standard sizes and a height of 0.75 m.

The question is, where did such a value come from? And everything from there - from the statistical data. We calculated the average height and made it for it, but what about people above or below average? Just choose the appropriate furniture for yourself, otherwise, you should not expect anything good from the wrong dimensions. But in fact, if a person’s height varies within acceptable limits, then there will be nothing wrong with the fact that, for example, glass computer tables will be a couple of centimeters higher or lower than they should be. Another thing is when this discrepancy is significant.

What should be the height and dimensions of the computer desk

There is a simple formula with which you can calculate the ideal height. For this: height multiplied (cm) by height standard table(cm) and divided by 175, and as a result, the required value is obtained. For example, for a hero with a height of 190 cm, the table should be: 190 * 75/175 = 82 cm. Where can I get such a table?

For a short person, the problem can be solved by purchasing a height-adjustable office chair, but for a giant, this option will not work. In such serious cases, you need to order individually or purchase ready product with an adjustable tabletop. It will be ideal solution, because such a table is suitable for all family members with different heights, but especially for children. After all, they tend to grow. Why not buy a new one every year?

The only table that does not need to be selected according to height is a glass coffee table. In this case, the main thing will be the price factor and the general appearance.

Why is it important to choose the right size

If the height of this piece of furniture is calculated incorrectly, then you can say goodbye to normal vision and a straight spine. An improperly selected computer desk is also a cause of rapid fatigue. A low table makes you bend over and slouch, and working on high furniture is associated with a constant lifting of the head, and it is not iron, like, in fact, the neck.

A modern person spends too much of his time at such a table, and he should not feel any discomfort. Only correct selection furniture can prevent a decline in performance and avoid health problems. And there are several ways to solve this problem, therefore, choose suitable option you can always. And do not think that good and high-quality things cost a lot of money and you cannot afford it. It is not difficult to find inexpensive glass tables, you just need to look for them in the right place.

Hello dear friends.

In order to answer this question, one must first understand one thing.

Let's start with the minimum ones (since the maximum ones, except for height dimensions, have practically no restrictions).

So, if we consider an ordinary straight table, then its width consists of three (or rather, four) values:

  1. Width of one pedestal
  2. The width of the second pedestal (instead of it there may be a tray for the system unit, or it may be paired with it, or maybe just a rack or partition)
  3. Place for the user
  4. Gaps along the edges of the cabinets

If we consider this in numbers (of course, approximately), we get the following:

  1. Minimum cabinet width - 400mm
  2. The minimum tray width for the system unit is 240mm
  3. The minimum opening between the cabinet and the tray (in other words, the opening in which the user must be) is 600mm
  4. The size of the "overlap" on the cabinet and on the tray - 50mm
  5. The average height of the table should be around 750 mm.

Total we get: 400+240+600+50+50=1340 (mm).

This is the minimum size of a conventional straight table, which is located on two supports (pedestal and tray for the system unit).

Of course, if we design a side panel instead of a pedestal, move the tray inside the product, make it not straight, but angular, then even smaller dimensions can be achieved.

But in this case, the product will not be as convenient and functional as the first option we considered.

If we consider the same corner computer desk (meaning, located on two supports, although a third support is added for stability - a leg in the corner), then it will already have larger dimensions than a straight one.

Once again, we clarify that the considered product options are the minimum of the possible dimensions for each option.

Let's take the same parameters as for the direct table, that is:

  1. The first support is one pedestal
  2. The second support is a tray for the system unit
  3. Opening for the user - 600mm
  4. "Overlaps" - 50mm

But for corner options these values ​​are not enough. One more value is needed - the width of the wing of its cover (and, as can be seen in the figure, it has two wings)

The optimal width (depth) is 600mm.

With such dimensions of the cover, we will make the depth of the boxes (supports) 500mm.

In this case, the dimensions of the corner product (which are supported by the cabinet and, and the distance between them is 600 mm) will be 1264 mm by 1424 mm (in other words, these are the dimensions of the table top).

That's all.

See you in new posts.

Tables vary in height and purpose. There are models for sitting on chairs, on the floor, for standing work. Optimal Height products depends on these indicators, as well as on the height and dimensions of the person. It is advisable for children to buy a table "for growth" so that they do not have to repeat the purchase every two to three years. You can also purchase an adjustable model. The main problem in choosing a comfortable table for the whole family can be just the difference in height. Chairs with adjustable height can solve the problem. But you need to take into account the fact that it is easier for people to adapt to a low table than to one that is too high. The location also matters: furniture of different heights is selected in the living room, in the kitchen and in other rooms. It is advisable to buy the most versatile models so that they last as long as possible, regardless of the load and other nuances.

Selection rules

When buying a table, first of all, you need to pay attention to the height indicator. There are a number of recommendations as to what this setting should be. But there are no universal standards for all products, it all depends on their purpose. Before buying, you should consult with the seller regarding the height of the furniture and inform him of your own parameters. If the table is designed to be used with chairs, then it should be comfortable to keep your elbows on the surface. On sale you can find furniture with adjustable height. It is designed for children of primary school and preschool age. It is recommended to buy furniture that will provide a comfortable and correct posture. If the dining table is intended for the living room, then it is better to take models higher so that it is more convenient to cross your legs. If you do not pay enough attention to the choice of height, then health problems may arise:

  • rachiocampsis;
  • pain in the joints;
  • deterioration of vision.

Height depending on destination

Tables are coffee, massage, writing, kitchen, dining, computer. Some are designed for a sitting position, while others are designed to work while standing. The dining table is selected depending on the height of the person and the height of the chairs. For working kitchen table, height 87-97cm will be comfortable for people 155-200cm tall. It is best option, given the difference in growth characteristics, however, if we take into account the average figure, then a table with a height of 84-85 cm will suit the widest category of people. The coffee table is ideally a few centimeters higher than the seats of sofas and armchairs. Written ones are made mostly inclined. It is more convenient to write on them when it comes to several hours of continuous work. Children of primary school age (7-11 years old) are recommended to buy just such tables.

Kitchen table

The key parameter for selecting the ideal work surface height is height. If this figure is below one and a half meters, then the height of the tabletop is selected within 75-80 cm. Tables 5 cm higher, 80-85 cm from the ground, are suitable for people with a height of 150-160 cm. Most people have a height of 160 to 180 cm. Most of manufacturers is guided precisely by such anthropometric indicators and produces kitchen tables height from 85 to 92 cm. It will be convenient for both men and women to work on such a surface. For those who are above 180, but below 195 cm, furniture with a tabletop at the level of 95-100 cm is suitable. For tall people from 195-200 cm and above, the best solution would be to place a special order. Since family members have different heights, you need to calculate the average and buy a table for these parameters, but with an advantage in favor of the one who spends more time in the kitchen.

When choosing a desktop for cooking, there may be a false impression that its height is ideal, so be sure to find out the exact figure.

It can be placed:

  • in the kitchen;
  • in the living room;
  • on the summer terrace.

The height of this piece of furniture can be comfortable for everyone, since when sitting, the difference in height is not so noticeable. In a sitting position, it is important that the knees are comfortable, the body rests, and the legs can be at least slightly extended. It is recommended to choose among tables with a height parameter of about 70-75 cm. This indicator is ideal for average height. There is a simple formula for determining the preferred size of a dining table: your own height in centimeters is multiplied by the standard height of products (75), after which the result is divided by the height that manufacturers are guided by (165). For a person of average height (170), the final result will be 77.3 cm. In the process of selecting a dining table, priority is given to a smaller indicator for convenient use by people of shorter stature. Small children are given special seats.

There are separate parameters for children and adults. Furniture for an adult should be combined with his height and physique. For a child, it is better to purchase a table with adjustable height. The surface of these products is made inclined. First of all, this applies to children's tables. In the 20th century, experts developed norms that must be observed to maintain the health of the spine. With a height of 175-183 cm, the ideal table height is 70-80 cm. A low table (up to 600 mm) is recommended for people of short stature (150-160 cm). For tall (190-200 cm) furniture with a height of 850 to 900 mm is suitable. The executive's desk should have drawers and retain enough legroom. In addition, a sliding surface for the keyboard may be required. The standard height takes into account all these factors and is 75 cm. However, if a person is taller than 190-195 centimeters, a special order will be required.

Modern people follow him a large number of time. If the table is too low, you will have to bend over, and if it is too high, you will overload your neck. It is recommended to select furniture based on the basic rules for maintaining a healthy posture. The back should be kept straight with a slight forward bend, and the shoulders straightened. The elbows must be left in the air, and the rest of the forearm, respectively, on the surface. The ideal height for the countertop is a level 5-7 cm below the solar plexus. Feet should be properly kept on the floor, in an even position, without lifting. The knees must be bent at a 90° angle. The screen must be viewed from top to bottom. A properly configured computer desk ensures that all of these criteria are met. Thus, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are prevented and the comfort and efficiency of work are increased. The standard height will fit the vast majority of people, and only very low or high heights will need to be ordered.

To pick up perfect option, you need to measure the height of the seats, next to which this piece of furniture will be located. There are no unambiguous rules regarding ideal parameters coffee table. It is recommended to buy a table a little higher than the seats, but some modern designers disagree and insist that it can only match their height or be lower. There are state standards with completely different criteria. According to them, the manufacturer is obliged to make the height such that the product can withstand the expected load. The famous architect Le Corbusier paid attention to such a factor as ease of use in a sitting position. Another technical rule recommends maintaining the ratio between the height and size of the countertop: a large surface area corresponds to a low support and vice versa.

Recently, transforming coffee tables have been popular, the adjustable height of which leaves the buyer with several options for their use at once.

To conduct a massage session, you must create comfortable conditions for the worker. The height of the table affects the strength of the impact and, accordingly, the quality of the service. The standard height indicator is in the range from 70 to 80 cm. It is designed for a massage therapist of average height - 170-180 cm. buy models with adjustable height. Massage tables are relatively low - from 55 to 90 cm. The larger the adjustable range, the better. Adjustable height tables are based on electric or hydraulic system. The master will be able to adjust the parameters on his own: the table should not be higher than the lowest point of the fist of the lowered hand, but not lower than the fingertips of the palm.

Table for preschool children

  • children of primary preschool age (3-4 years);
  • middle group (4-5 years);
  • children of senior preschool age (5-7 years).

They usually play on the floor, but a small table will help prepare for the learning environment in schools. Since children grow quickly, it is necessary to buy copies with an adjustable tabletop height. The table should have a slope and a small stand so that the child can draw and play with the tablet. The height value of all children's tables is approximately between 37 and 60 centimeters. This "corridor" corresponds to a height of 80-140 cm. In most cases, parents buy tables for children of older preschool age, that is, 5-7 years old. The optimal location of the tabletop will be at the level of 48 cm from the floor, and the chair - 28 cm. It is important that the child develops correctly, otherwise there will only be harm from the table. You need to measure everything yourself, because there are no special models for preschoolers on sale, but only for certain age limits.

Table for schoolchildren

Tables with table tops at a level of 53-75 cm from the floor are suitable for the parameters of schoolchildren. There are two types of tables: writing tables, desks and more versatile furniture with additional sections. The first type has an inclined tabletop. Such furniture is intended for elementary grades. It has an adjustable height. For some modifications, the slope of the tabletop also changes. Universal ones are bought for children over 10-11 years old, but you can also find low models for 7 years of age. Some of them can also grow in height. On sale there are many tables with add-ons: sections, shelves and drawers. Transforming models with the function of "turning" from a desk into a worker, as well as special orthopedic models are on sale. For teenagers from 13-15 years old, a table for an adult may be suitable. Together with him you need to use a chair with adjustable height. However, the legs should touch the floor entirely.

Choosing a table and chair according to the height of the child

If the growth is less than 80 centimeters, then you need to purchase products with countertops at the level of 34 cm and seats at the level of 17 cm from the floor. Children above 80 and below 90 cm are selected tables and chairs 38 and 20 cm high, respectively. If the height is more than 90 cm, but less than a meter, then the ideal indicators would be 43 cm for a table and 24 cm for a chair. If the child is above a meter and below 115 cm, then a 28 cm chair and a 48 cm table will suit him. If the child is 115-119 centimeters tall, he needs a tabletop at a level of 52-54 cm from the floor and a seat above 30 and below 32 cm. With a height of 120-129 cm, you need to purchase tables 52-54 cm high and chairs with seats at the level 32-35 cm from the floor. If the growth rate is between 130 and 139 cm, you need a table and a chair with a height of 60-62 and 36-38 cm, respectively. Boys from 14 years old should buy a table already for adult parameters - for height 165-177 cm.

Height adjustable tables

They are also called mechanical. These models help you save money. They are intended for several purposes. Firstly, schoolchildren and preschool children can do their homework for many years. In addition, "adult" tables will be adjusted depending on growth and needs. Mechanical furniture can have X-shaped legs, with which the height can be easily adjusted. Some models are equipped with a telescopic mechanism: to change the height of the vertical supports, it is necessary to hold the table top on both sides. It's less convenient option. There are also electronic and retractable mechanisms. Using any of these devices, you can not only adjust the height from the floor, but also change the appearance or set of functions, for example, turn a coffee table into a dining table. All products have a small minus - the maximum load is limited to 30-45 kilograms.
There are many more pluses. Among them:


Tables usually have a standard height, taking into account the average growth value. Surfaces for standing work tend to be higher. But there are exceptions: a massage table can be adjusted and made quite low - about 55 cm from the floor. The height of the working kitchen surface and the dining table are selected depending on the parameters of the lower person. At the same time, writing, computer and desktops are selected based on the needs of a tall person. Chairs with adjustable height compensate for inconvenience. The standard height of stationery tables is 75 cm. This also applies to other furniture for use with chairs. But special attention should be paid to the choice of a children's table. For efficient and fast work, the child needs a comfortable table with various devices. Orthopedic chairs will help maintain your posture.