Shower      07.04.2019

Varieties of grass for the country lawn. Rolled or seeded lawn to prefer, and which grasses are better to choose

The green lawn near the house has magnetism, it makes the territory well-groomed and says that the owners love order. If you decide to do it yourself, study what grass should be for the lawn, when to plant it, what are the pros and cons different varieties and also what is the difference between annual and perennial plants. Despite the many nuances, the use of seeds correct compositionThe best decision, because it is very difficult to get an even thick coating from ordinary herbs.

One crop or grass mixture: which is better

Grass lawns are different and depending on their type choose seeds. Let's figure out which grass mixtures and monocultures are suitable for lawns in home gardens.

Well-groomed lawn - decoration of the yard

The main types of lawns

All lawns can be divided into two groups - decorative and special application. Special turf areas are football fields, sports fields, golf courses, roadside areas and airfield lawns. Such coatings must withstand the intense load associated with active movement on the grass. The second, decorative, group includes:

  • standard lawn;
  • parterre;
  • Mauritanian;
  • English;
  • meadow.

moorish meadow

Since the purpose of sports and decorative grass covers is fundamentally different, the choice of seeds for them also has significant differences. The grass on the football field, as well as on the golf course, must be of high quality, have a strong root system and special leaves that do not turn into porridge at the first hit under the shoes. For this purpose, a monoculture is more suitable, rather than a mixed lawn from different seeds.

Features and differences of monocultures and grass mixtures

Pure crops, consisting of a single variety of plants, are most often used for lawns on sports fields, football fields and other special surfaces. For the organization of home lawns, they are too demanding on lighting, watering, soil type. Not every summer resident will be able to satisfy these whims, especially if it is not possible to provide regular watering and care. In addition, these seeds are very expensive.

For home gardens and garden lawns, a perennial lawn from a mixture of seeds will be very beneficial - it stays green longer and does not require annual planting. Unlike perennial grasses annual plants quickly wither after the seeds ripen, and even watering cannot help preserve greenery - you can’t go against nature. Perennial grasses will bloom and bear fruit again if they are properly cared for.

The stores provide a fairly large selection of grass mixtures from several varieties. If you want an even lawn surface that can adapt well to the climate and is resistant to disease, definitely choose mixed formulations. The components in the prefabricated planting material are selected so that they do not compete, but complement each other.

Mixes perennial herbs

What about busy gardeners who don't want to or can't make time for the hassle of planting their lawn? There is a great option for them - a ready-made clover lawn with small leaves. Such “carpets” are sold in rolls, which should be spread on prepared soil no later than 1-2 days after cutting. For the first two weeks, the lawn needs to be watered abundantly so that the plants take root.

The choice of grass for the lawn: the main nuances

Bright green, soft lawn grass is a dream for homeowners. To obtain just such a result, it is recommended to use perennial herbs with a rhizome-bush growth pattern.

garden landscape

Necessary qualities of grass for a lawn

Grass for the lawn should be chosen, guided by its purpose. You also need to consider the quality seed and the type of soil so that plants can grow evenly and beautifully on it. There are other criteria for selecting seeds that relate to the site:

Moorish flowering lawn

If you want to create a real oasis on the site, you will need grass for a lawn with flowers. This is beautiful, and also useful for the garden - flowering plants attract bees and other insects involved in pollination. For these purposes, a mixture of cereals, herbs and wild flowers is suitable. It is preferable that they bloom in different time, then the lawn will please the house with its appearance for as long as possible - until the very autumn.

In creating Moorish meadows, it is important to combine plants with stems of the same height so that they do not clog each other. Herbs that landscape designers use in their work are a mixture of cornflowers, flax, calendula, chamomile, nemesia, forget-me-nots, primroses, meadow clover, saxifrage and popovnik. They are perfect for cereals such as thin bent grass, bluegrass and fescue. Choose a grass mixture based on these composition recommendations.

Rules for choosing grass for different lawns

Grass mixtures for the site can be selected according to certain criteria:

  • sunny - suitable for growing in open areas, they tolerate a warm climate well;
  • shady - consist of herbs that are quite adapted to grow in shady places;
  • universal - with the properties of the solar and shadow groups;
  • fast - to restore damaged areas of the lawn in a short time due to rapid germination.

A mixture of slow growing species

Further, the features of the choice of grass cover for different sites are considered, taking into account all the above requirements. Preference is given to mixtures of several plants. Each type of cereal crops has its pros and cons, which is why it is recommended to use a grass mixture. Plants that are part of it, with growth, will compensate weak sides each other, creating an excellent result.

Lawn on the playground

To the grass carpet, on which children will play, the requirements of wear resistance and softness at the same time are quite justifiably imposed. The best choice for this purpose, plant a lawn of white clover with the addition of cereals, which will provide a dense cover.

You can also use red, white creeping, pink and other varieties of clover - all of them will give the desired softness. Blooming clover will add coziness to the courtyard kindergarten.

The time for sowing is a long period from the second decade of May to mid-September. To obtain dense beautiful vegetation, 40 g of seeds should be sown per meter of area. If necessary, the lawn can be "repaired" by sowing seeds in places with bald spots. As for the composition of the grass mixture for the playground, it may include the following plants:

  • cocksfoot;
  • red and meadow fescue;
  • ryegrass;
  • timothy grass.

Traditional lawn on the playground

Features of choosing a mixture for lawns for special purposes

We are talking about green areas and alleys on the territory of resorts, airfields, on the slopes of the road surface and other areas where the grass surface should purify the air and absorb noise. Decorative purpose fades into the background. The main thing is that the grass in such areas can withstand gas pollution and the heat of sunlight. Suitable for these purposes:

  • rump;
  • ryegrass;
  • bluegrass;
  • shoot-forming bent grass.

The same herbs can be used for sowing along the fence if the site is close to railway or tracks.

Selection and sowing of grass for the sports field

The optimal types of grass for sports lawn are varieties that can withstand heavy loads, soil breaks, trampling and other mechanical damage at any time of the year. Such grounds are organized for golf, football and other sports games, as well as for holding active events on the territory of schools and kindergartens.

Seeds should be sown in early November or late October with a rate of 40-50 g per 1 sq. m. In places with the highest load, the norm doubles. A zone of increased load, for example, is the area at the football goal. Herbal mixtures for sports fields often consist of such cereals:

  • English or perennial ryegrass;
  • bluegrass meadow;
  • meadow or red fescue.

Grass on a golf course must be spotless

If the climate in your area is cold, choose the time for sowing lawn grass based on the average daily air temperature. It should be at least 6-8 degrees outside the window, otherwise the germinated sprouts will not have time to get stronger and get used to the weather conditions before the onset of this winter. If everything is done correctly, in the spring you will be pleased with uniform dense shoots.

Selection and sowing of grasses for decorative lawns

As you know, decorative coatings include landscape gardening, parterre, meadow, Moorish and English lawns. The load on such clearings is minimal, their main function is to decorate the site. The main criteria when choosing a grass mixture are the aesthetics of the green carpet and the brightness of the color. And for the Mauritanian lawn, it is also important to have among flowering plants varied color accents.

Parterre lawn needs only a couple of varieties of grasses, while for other types of ornamental lawns you will need more seeds. Landscape designers recommend the best varieties lawn grasses:

  • shoot-forming and giant bent grass;
  • ryegrass (suitable for annuals and perennial variety);
  • meadow fescue and sheep;
  • bluegrass meadow;
  • awnless rump;
  • all types of clover (preference for pink hybrid, meadow, white creeping).

Decorative lawns go well with flower beds

For sowing, 20-40 g of seeds per 1 sq. m, which is quite economical. If there is a lot of clover in the grass mixture, which has a high stem branching, you can use 20 g of seeds, if there are more other herbs, it is better to sow 40 g. The best time for this is cool autumn or spring. The summer months are suitable for "patching" bald spots in the lawn grass. As for the height of plants, it is not recommended to mow them below 5-7 cm.

Types and varieties of lawn grasses: a brief description

Undersized clover remains a popular lawn plant, because it decorates the site and smells great during flowering. There are other herbs that are most often used in lawn mixtures.

The traditional choice is bluegrass

It is heat resistant and frost resistant perennial, which at good care quickly turns green, but also quickly loses its beauty with insufficient watering and weeding. Yes, in the first year of growing a bluegrass lawn, you will have to actively remove weeds, but after a year you will get an even and dense layer through which it will be difficult for weeds to break through. It is not as beautiful as a decorative clover lawn, but very practical.

If your site is in the shade, choose woodgrass or squat bluegrass, because the meadow fellow will suffer from powdery mildew in such conditions. Perhaps this is the first of the significant disadvantages of using this plant as a monoculture.

The second is the need for care. Plus bluegrass meadow in long term life and early appearance of greenery. Your site will begin to turn green immediately after the snow melts!

Bluegrass meadow during flowering

Perennial ryegrass - "fast" lawn

Ryegrass is a plant that has a unique vitality in warm climates. That is why it is also used for sowing pastures (by the way, another name for the variety is pasture). If your grass mixture is dominated by this cereal, the site will be green until the end of November, until frost. All care for ryegrass is moderate watering and shearing, after which it quickly recovers.

The advantages of ryegrass are resistance to diseases, trampling, excellent germination rate and a lifespan of up to 7 years. The lack of cereal is in a rather large percentage of freezing of the sown area. Overwinter about 60% of this lawn grass. For comparison, bluegrass practically does not freeze even in the most severe winter (losses are less than 3%). Therefore, in cold regions, ryegrass will have to be added.

What does perennial ryegrass look like?

Red fescue - grass without whims

The main advantage of this type of grass for the lawn is its unpretentiousness to the conditions. Even without proper care, the lawn will have a beautiful appearance, and the grass on it will be silky and tender. In the first place according to the characteristics of fescue, it is drought resistance and shade tolerance. If you need a cereal that will be green even if you have been away for a week, feel free to choose red fescue.

fescue seeds

You can combine it with bluegrass so that the lawn remains green for as long as possible. In dry periods, unpretentious fescue will delight the eye, and in the cold autumn period, up to severe frosts, the frost resistance of bluegrass grass will come in handy. As for overwintering, perennial fescue sprouts 90-95% in spring. It is practically not necessary to sow it.

Fescue - a plant unpretentious

Clover and its varieties

Clover, or shamrock, is a godsend for large lawn areas. This perennial herb is distinguished by its beautiful carpet and the presence of many patterned emerald leaves. In botany, there are more than 300 species of clover, but no more than 20 are used to decorate the landscape. One of the most popular is white, meadow and red clover for the lawn, as well as several decorative species, bred specifically for decorating areas.

Clover goes well with other plants

Before sowing the grass, it is necessary to destroy the weeds so that they do not clog the young plants. A clover carpet will cope with this task on its own from the second year of life. You even have to keep it within the same territory, otherwise it will spread throughout the yard. Since the shamrock is still wild plant, most of its species do not need special care.

Clover loves fertilizer and responds well to top dressing with manure, which can be applied in the fall. Feeding with potassium-phosphorus preparations is also allowed every two months. If the site is located on podzolic soil, you will have to spray the plantings with boron fertilizers when the first signs of flowering appear. There is no need to use other fertilizers.

Unusual clover will decorate the site

If you plan to grow grass not only for decorative purposes, but also for feeding rabbits, you can combine alfalfa and clover lawn, since alfalfa contains a lot of fiber and protein. You can also add some sainfoin seeds, which also belongs to unpretentious crops. Please note that alfalfa ages faster than shamrock, so the percentage of its seeds in the mixture should be lower.

The choice of grass for a beautiful lawn is a responsible matter, because it will not be possible to correct mistakes immediately. If you are unsure if an herbal mix or monoculture is suitable for your soil, watering conditions and climate, please consult with an expert. It will help create a green carpet that will decorate the yard for several years and will create good mood.

Every owner of a country house dreams of having a green lawn in front of his house. She is able to decorate any courtyard. In addition, the green cover is quite practical, because a piece of land covered with thick green grass can be used for recreation and games.

However, creating a beautiful lawn is not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance. Even if the owner takes care of the green carpet, he is not always pleased with his beauty. In some places, bald spots may appear that occur after harsh winters.

The main mistake when creating a lawn

It must be said that problems with lawns, as a rule, occur mainly in those people who have chosen the wrong grass mixture. When choosing lawn grass, a person usually pays attention only to what type of lawn it is intended for - for sports or parterre.

The last owners country houses interested in the types of grass for the lawn, which are part of the mixture. And a lot of people don't even look at it. For most people, this information means little. But it is very important, since a large number of different mixtures are imported into our country from the European continent and not all fit for the conditions of the Russian climate.

In Europe, the climate is milder and the criteria for selecting grass for a lawn are completely different. We have severe climatic conditions, therefore, higher requirements must be imposed on grass mixtures used to create a lawn.

If the grass purchased to create a lawn does not have frost resistance, then it won't survive the winter, and in the spring you will already have to deal with the restoration of damaged areas of the lawn.

To avoid all this, it is necessary to approach the selection of grass for the lawn with all seriousness and carefully select herbal seeds. It is worth considering only those that are adapted to the climatic conditions of our country. How to choose the right lawn grass so that the lawn does not suffer from the Russian climate - this will be discussed in this article.

lawn grass requirements

No matter what lawn the grass is used for, it will always should be perennial, since the lawn is created for several years, and it makes no sense to create it from plants that have a short lifespan.

It is best to use grass seeds to form a lawn, which belong to the group of cereals. And all because they are more adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of our country. But it is not worth using all the cultures included in this group, but only those that meet certain requirements:

  • Frost resistant.
  • They have good external decorative qualities - cover height, juicy green color with uniform growth.
  • The ability to develop a strong root system that does not collapse under the influence of ground movement and is able to grow on soils with high compaction.
  • The speed of building up the cover after mowing.
  • Ability to reproduce vegetatively. This is due to the fact that the constant mowing of the lawn does not provide an opportunity for propagation by seeds.

Herbs most adapted to Russian climatic conditions

If you look at all the grass seeds that are offered for lawns in stores, then with all their diversity you can find only three plants that meet all of the above criteria. This trio includes: thin bent grass, red fescue, meadow bluegrass.

These plants belong to the group short-rhizome cereals. They are united by the similarity of the properties that are inherent in them.

  1. They are not afraid of sudden changes in temperature, even frost. late autumn or in the early spring months will not lead to their death. The root system of these plants is able to withstand extremely low temperatures.
  2. In the process of growth, these plants form a high-density turf, through which it is simply impossible for weeds to break through. When growing such a herb on one square meter about 30 thousand shoots are concentrated.
  3. Another advantage of this "trinity" is the ability to withstand frequent mowing.
  4. They reproduce well vegetatively, so they are excellent for lawn formation.

All of the above advantages allow us to say that with proper care, the lawn can be used for decades without the need for overseeding.

If you decide to arrange a lawn on your site, then, of course, you will need purchase the right herbal mixture to create a lawn. Coming to the store for lawn grass seeds, attention should be paid to those mixtures that have the highest percentage of these particular cereals in their composition.

Sometimes the names of these cereals that are part of the mixtures are written in Latin. Therefore, before going to the store, you should find out how these seeds sound in Latin, so that later you can quickly find the right herbal mixture.

In Latin, these herbs sound like this:

  • agrostis tenuis - thin bent is indicated;
  • the name of meadow bluegrass is poa pratensis;
  • The name festuca rubra in Latin is red fescue.

Types of lawn grasses and the nuances of choice

As part of the mixtures, there are often low-growing grasses that are adapted to certain growing conditions. They cannot be called universal crops, however, in some places they are recommended for planting.

One of these cultures is oak bluegrass. The plant has as its main advantage a high ability to grow in the shade. This allows it to be grown garden plants, as well as in the locations of buildings.

Light enters there minimum quantity, but, nevertheless, this does not prevent lawn grass from growing and creating a green carpet. By planting this culture, you can save the lawn from bald spots, as well as from a pale cover. True, you should know that with growth, this grass is not able to form a dense root system.

Therefore, you should not often walk on the lawn, which is formed by this grass. Also follows avoid frequent mowing, otherwise it will negatively affect the appearance of the lawn.

swamp bluegrass

If the site is dominated by soil with high humidity, then in this case you can plant a marsh bluegrass. This culture is able to form a beautiful green cover. As it grows, it forms strong root system.

The life span of this plant is short, so frequent sifting is necessary. This plant can be combined with another - lawn culture bent white, which grows quite well in moist soil.

However, in comparison with bluegrass, its decorative properties are lower. If we talk about the lifespan, then usually it is eight years.

bent dog

As for the parterre lawn, which is generally not recommended for walking, you can use dog bent grass for its cultivation. This herb belongs to the group of herbs with high decorative properties , which is due to its emerald color, as well as blades of small thickness and delicate to the touch.

Often a lawn formed by such grass called velvet because from a distance it looks like an expensive fabric. However, despite these advantages, the dog bent has certain disadvantages.

One of them is the capriciousness of this plant. The lifespan of a bent dog is only five years. She has weak roots and this grass grows extremely slowly, while it is unstable to trampling.

Meadow fescue

If you want to have a beautiful lawn on the site, which will have an aesthetic appearance, do not want to wait a long time for the grass to germinate and form it, then you need to choose a mixture that includes meadow fescue.

Having planted this grass, in two months you can get in front of your house beautiful green cover. Among all lawn grasses, this grass is one of the fastest growing.

It is suitable for pure use. to create a temporary lawn, which is planned to be used in one place for no more than four years. The lawn will not last longer, since this grass has a short lifespan.

Lawn grasses unsuitable for the Russian climate

As part of the lawn herbal plants from Europe there are herbs that are not recommended to be planted in our country due to the severity of the climate. They are designed for mild conditions, so they die pretty quickly.

These herbs include perennial ryegrass, which grows quite well, has high decorative properties and forms a dense cover in the process of its development.

However, after the first winter, most of the grass dies, resulting in large patches that appear on the lawn. In European countries, this herb is actively used. A lawn created from this grass can exist for eight years.

Often in mixtures offered in stores, annual bluegrass is found as an additional component. The main feature of this grass is its unpretentiousness, as well as high growth rates.

However, there is one drawback this plant. It lies in the fact that this grass propagates by seeds, and at cold temperatures this is simply impossible. The following year, the grass does not produce offspring, which leads to active growth weeds.

Two more herbs that should not be planted in the Russian climate - soddy pike and sheep's fescue. They have many advantages, but still have disadvantages. Growing a lawn from these herbs, over time, from an even green carpet, it turns into a cover with a predominance of green mounds.

Many owners of country houses want to have a green lawn in front of the house. You can create it on your own. However, in order to get nice lawn, necessary put in a lot of effort. And it's not just the need permanent care behind the green carpet.

No less important correct selection herbs. If you do not pay attention to this moment, then the result will disappoint you. Not everything for lawn grass is suitable for the harsh climate of our country.

You should be aware of this, therefore, when choosing herbal lawn mixtures, preference should be given to those that contain crops, resistant to low temperatures, and can form a dense green cover.

Considering this point when choosing lawn grass, after landing, you can get a beautiful carpet in front of your house in a short time, which will become the main decoration of your site.

Before creating a lawn, it is worth asking yourself a few questions. First, what exactly do you need a lawn for? For beauty? For outdoor sports? Or for everything at once? Secondly, what are the conditions on the site intended for the lawn - sun, shade, wet, dry, soil acidity high or low? And based on this, make a choice from the list best lawn grass producers.

As a rule, for the Russian climate zone only certain types of herbs are suitable. Therefore, before buying, you should carefully read the composition of the mixture and determine if there are the following species: meadow bluegrass, red fescue and perennial ryegrass. Sometimes bent grass is added to them (its different types). Despite some scarcity of the main set, each species has many varieties that differ in appearance, growth rate, resistance to damage and so on.

There are several requirements for quality lawn mixtures:

  1. they should take root quickly (and even on nutrient-poor soil);
  2. after mowing, grow more slowly, but the brightness of the color and density should remain the same;
  3. tolerate temperature fluctuations characteristic of Russia;
  4. be disease and pest resistant.

If the lawn in your country house has already grown, you should think about buying a lawn mower, we have selected the best models for you:

In Russia, five manufacturers of herbal mixtures are the most popular.

5. Green Meadow

The American company Green Meadow opens the rating of manufacturers of high-quality grass mixtures for lawns. It is one of the most famous suppliers of various plants both in the USA and in Europe. Her assortment is rich, however, the Russian lawn enthusiast should remember that a rare mixture will take root on Russian soil. The basis of the mixture is perennial ryegrass, it is very beautiful in appearance, but short-lived. Ryegrass is an ingredient in many mixtures, as its fast germination will provide the lawn with a beautiful, even color at the very beginning, and then give way to longer-lived grasses. At the same time, he still does not tolerate frost well and dies at temperatures from -15 and below. Residents of the southern regions of Russia can enjoy its bright malachite color, but the "Europeans" and Siberians should think hard.

4. Midget

Lawn mix from "Liliput" is specially designed for the harsh Russian climate and made as undemanding as possible. This is a lawn for the lazy (or for those who can't garden more than one day every couple of weeks). The grass mixture from "Liliput" is built on the basis of bluegrass meadow and four parts of different varieties of fescue. All varieties are very hardy and resistant to negative factors. environment- from fluctuations in temperature to disease.

3. Green square

Another domestic manufacturer opens the top 3 of the best lawn grass mixtures. It differs from Lilliput both in a large number of options, and in more favorable price. Although the difference in price begins to be felt at large scales, for example, if the lawn area starts from 50 m2 or more. There are mixtures specially designed for various climatic regions of Russia - from the subtropical zone of the Caucasus to the arid Lower Volga region and harsh Siberia.

2. Powerseed

Lawn mixes from Powerseed are adapted to the western/central climate conditions of the USA, therefore, will be suitable for the central and southern regions of Russia. One of the most popular mixtures is for quick restoration of lawns. It is convenient that the old lawn does not need to be dug up, fertilized, or regularly watered. It just grows by itself - what else do you need?

1. Terragrun

One of hallmarks Terragrün are their own mixtures, in which wild species and cultivated varieties are mixed in various proportions. At the same time, the germination of seeds from German craftsmen reaches 95% (one of the highest rates on the market). And a wide range of products will help create a lawn not only in favorable climatic conditions in the south of Russia, but also in other, colder regions.

The varieties "Universal", "Canada-green", "Golf-Master" are very popular on the market. By the way, the latter, despite the specialized name, is actually very stable and looks great in the lawn. The only drawback is that it requires good drainage system, as it does not tolerate freezing of the soil and may die.

The functional "duties" of the lawn can be compared to the purpose of the living room in the house. In addition to decorative purposes, this part suburban area can serve as a place for children's games or picnics. In this article, we will talk about the correct choice and planting of lawn grass.

It should be noted right away that a green lawn has the ability to improve the microclimate of a suburban area due to:

  • effective control of airborne bacteria;
  • excellent absorption of dust and vibrations;
  • reduce the cost of eliminating weeds.

But to create a beautiful and healthy lawn, it will take a little effort and time. At the initial stage, you will need some knowledge about the types of lawn grasses. After all, they are the basis for creating a high quality lawn.

Depending on the timing of growth, there are three main types of herbs:

  • annuals;
  • biennial;
  • perennial.

Annual plants live only one year. In them, after the seeds ripen, all the ground and underground organs die off. These include annual ryegrass and bluegrass.

Biennial grasses (multiflorous ryegrass, hop alfalfa) are characterized by the formation of stems, leaves and roots in the first year of life, and fruiting shoots (fruits, seeds and flowers) in the second year.

As for perennial grasses, their development phase provides for:

  • death of shoots in the first year;
  • the appearance of buds at the root of plants;
  • growth of shoots from these buds next year;
  • annual vegetative renewal of the root system.

Most good decision will be sowing on the site of perennial grasses. Their most important characteristic is their life cycle. It depends on the speed of flowering grasses. Plants that differ in slow development from germination to flowering have the maximum period. These should include:

  • bent grass;
  • red fescue;
  • meadow bluegrass.

Grow fast enough:

  • pasture wheatgrass;
  • rootless wheatgrass;
  • multicolor ryegrass;
  • comb.

A very important criterion for lawn grass is the degree of development of the root system. On this basis, plants are divided into:

  • loose bush;
  • rhizomatous;
  • rhizome-loose bush;
  • tap root;
  • dense bush.

In loose shrub grasses (meadow fescue, comb grass, rootless couch grass, most types of ryegrass), the root system is located near the earth's surface. They have one tillering node and an above-ground sprawling bush that gives many shoots.

Rhizome plants (white bentgrass, bluegrass, meadow foxtail and several types of red fescue) are characterized by a close location of the root process to the surface of the earth. Underground shoots have several nodes at once. Due to the rapid growth of a new root system, stems appear and a constant presence of herbage for a long period of time.

Such rhizomatous-loose shrub grasses as red fescue, meadow bluegrass and bentgrass have long and short roots. This leads to a dense and uniform settlement of the soil. In most cases, these plants are the basis for creating a high quality lawn.

Taprooted grasses include red and white clover, blue alfalfa, horned rock and sainfoin. Their distinctive feature is the presence of a dominant shoot, which is located near the surface of the earth. The growth of young shoots is carried out on a large tap root, which becomes thicker every year and penetrates into the soil to the maximum depth. Such plants are distinguished by an attractive lush bush that does not require special care.

The tillering node of densely bushy grasses (furrowed and sheep fescue, belous) is located above the surface of the earth. New shoots are attached to old shoots. When grass grows, bumps appear. For this reason, planting and caring for dense bush plants is done very carefully.

There is another classification of lawn grasses, which depends on the height of the shoots. Distinguish plants:

  • upper tier;
  • middle link;
  • lower tier.

The upper tier consists of light-loving herbs. They have thick stems, reaching up to 1 m in height. These lawn grasses include:

  • vicoleaf sainfoin;
  • creeping wheatgrass;
  • awnless fire;
  • narrow-skinned bastard.

Plants of the middle link (yellow alfalfa, hybrid clover, pasture ryegrass, meadow timothy grass, meadow fescue) reach a height of up to 0.6-1 m. The main advantage of their use is that after cutting they begin to bush perfectly. And this makes the lawn more attractive.

When creating the lower tier, grasses are used that have thin stems and grow up to 0.7 m. These include:

  • meadow bluegrass;
  • red fescue;
  • white clover;
  • horned loon;
  • bent.

After mowing, a dense, squat coating is formed.

Especially popular is the planting of lawn grass, which is a mixture of plants. Moreover, mixtures of herbs are produced for various climatic and soil features of the area.

The most versatile of them is the Lilliput lawn compound. It consists of seven components that are characterized by increased resistance to many environmental factors:

  • 3 types of red fescue (Reverent, Oliva, Independence) - 55%;
  • meadow bluegrass Brookclown - 20%;
  • red hairy fescue Helena - 10%;
  • thin bent Highland - 10%;
  • shoot-bearing bent grass Kato - 5%.

Variety of lawns and distinctive features of the right cover

There are two main types of lawns:

  • special;
  • decorative.

The former are also called sports surfaces. They are designed for sports and children's games. Sports turf is resistant to increased loads. It can host friendly matches in football, tennis, field hockey and badminton.

The main goal of a decorative lawn is to create a stylish and harmonious landscape design. Moral satisfaction and attractive aesthetic properties are the main advantages decorative coatings for a person.

It is these two qualities that make the second type of lawns more in demand. Moreover, there are plenty to choose from. Decorative lawns are divided into:

  • parterre;
  • Mauritanian;
  • roll;
  • meadow.

Parterre smooth lawn coverings are distinguished by an excellent landscape. They will look great around flower beds and along long avenues. Walk on parterre lawns undesirable. Therefore, they act only as original decorative elements.

Moorish lawns are non-standard and elegant coverings. They consist of flowering summer plants no more than 0.5 m high. This type of lawn does not require close attention. The main thing is the timely watering of the site. Coverage is updated once a year.

Rolled lawn covers are suitable for those owners of a suburban area who are interested in quick creation picturesque green lawn. They differ in simple laying technology. Load resistant rolled lawn need to:

  • deliver to the installation site;
  • spread correctly;
  • tamp and water.

The main purpose of meadow lawns is planting grasses in areas with a huge area. Moreover, not only grass is planted in the ground, but also various garden flowers. The presence of illumination will create favorable conditions in winter time.

Regardless of the type of lawn cover, it must meet a number of requirements. The main criteria of the device right lawn are:

  • effective weed control;
  • normal growth after application of mineral fertilizers;
  • resistance to freezing and disease;
  • the fastest process of rooting plants;
  • the presence of a powerful branched root system;
  • ability to vegetative reproduction and growth on depleted soils;
  • slow growth rates and the preservation of bright colors after a haircut.

Moorish lawn device

One of the most common decorative coatings is Moorish lawn. This is not surprising, since it has many advantages. The main ones are:

  • probability of growth on any type of soil;
  • minimum requirement for care;
  • affordable price of lawn grass;
  • low installation costs.

Moorish lawn is similar to a bright green meadow in which a variety of flowers grow. Conventionally, its creation consists of the following steps:

  • selection of grass and flower seeds;
  • definition of landscape configuration;
  • soil preparation;
  • sowing seed material;
  • plant care.

When choosing grass seeds, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements that are typical for the Mauritanian lawn. These include:

  • the presence of undersized plants;
  • the number of flowers in the lawn should not exceed 20%;
  • mixing seeds with sand in a ratio of 1:3 before sowing.

The main herbs for the lawn are:

  • annual ryegrass;
  • common field bent;
  • thin bent;
  • red fescue.

As for flower seeds, preference is given to those that will bloom in different dates. The main condition is the low height of the plants. To decorate the Mauritanian lawn fit:

  • cloves;
  • hyacinths;
  • calendula;
  • terry tulips;
  • primrose;
  • dwarf zinnias;
  • daisies.

When determining the shape of the area planted with lawn grass, proceed from personal preferences. Although in most cases the rectangular shape is the most common.

You need to start preparing the soil for the Moorish lawn in the fall. The site is dug up and brought in organic fertilizers. Further work is carried out in the spring. They provide:

  • digging the soil to a depth of 10 cm;
  • removal of weed roots;
  • the introduction of ammonium nitrate (10-15 g / 1 m²);
  • watering the site;
  • leveling and tamping the surface of the earth.

The need to compact the earth is due to the fact that in the presence of a load on the lawn:

  • the soil will go down;
  • from contact with shoes on the lawn, pits from traces will remain.

This will lead to a loss of attractiveness of the coating and complicate its care.

Sowing works are carried out in the following order:

  • loosening the topsoil (2-3 cm);
  • spreading seeds throughout the territory (10 g of seeds mixed with sand per 1 m²);
  • covering the seeds with earth;
  • watering the site (water from the sprinkler should pour, as in light rain);
  • covering the planted area with plastic wrap for several days.

Moorish lawn care involves the implementation of timely:

  • glaze;
  • removal of weeds;
  • treatment of herbal diseases.

In the presence of rot (fusarium), part of the lawn cover is removed along with fertile soil. If powdery mildew appears, then the plants should be treated with a fungicide and reduce the amount of watering.

Additional plant care includes spring cleaning of the lawn surface from dry grass, debris and leaves. After 2-3 years after sowing, the lawn is strongly compacted. In order for the access of air to the root system of grasses not to stop, it is necessary to carefully pierce the ground with a pitchfork 1-2 times a year.

Features of creating a sports lawn

A distinctive feature of a sports lawn is the need for a drainage system. The coating should not be in puddles or mud, and the grass should be moved without slipping.

The process of creating a drainage system involves the following work:

  • the upper soil layer is removed to a depth of 0.5-1 m (depending on the level of groundwater);
  • a slope of the lower part of the drainage to the extreme parts is created (for 1 m of length - 5-10 mm of slope);
  • plastic or asbestos-cement pipes are laid at the very bottom of the trench with an interval of 5 m;
  • holes are made in the pipes every 25-30 cm, which are covered with fibrous material;
  • laying geotextile material;
  • collector device (pipes are used, the diameter of which exceeds the diameter of the drainage pipes by 2 times);
  • the slope of the collector pipes towards the water intake is provided;
  • backfilling the trench with rubble.

collector and drainage pipes no need to connect. Their ends are brought to the surface of the covered gravel. You also need to think about the construction of the well. It should have a diameter within 1.5 m, and a depth of up to 2 m (located below the collector).

After laying the pipes, a subsoil cushion is created. It consists of crushed stone, gravel and sand. It is better when sand and gravel have different grain sizes. The creation of a pillow provides for the consistent laying of materials, starting with a large fraction and ending with a fine one.

Conventionally, the filling of the trench from the bottom up will occur as follows:

  • large granite rubble;
  • small gravel;
  • big gravel;
  • fine gravel;
  • sand.

The technology of the subsoil cushion device involves covering all communication elements of the drainage system with gravel and crushed stone. Sand is used to level the surface.

The size of the subsoil pillow can be completely different. The main thing is that its upper part should be at a level of 25-30 cm from the subsequently laid lawn. All layers are compacted, followed by watering. Be sure to make a slope towards the drainage collectors.

For crops of a sports lawn are used:

  • red fescue (the main grass, which is part of the lawn in the range of 40-60%);
  • meadow fescue;
  • creeping bent;
  • white bent;
  • common field bent;
  • meadow bluegrass;
  • perennial ryegrass;
  • common comb.

The grass planting technology for the sports turf is identical to the Mauritanian turf. The only difference is the seeding rate, which is 45-50 g/m². Shoots are rolled when they reach a height of up to 5 cm. When grass grows up to 16-18 cm high, the first haircut is made.

Lawn installation video: