Water pipes      06/20/2020

Homemade boat - projects, drawings. How to build a boat with your own hands. Building a welded aluminum motorboat "magic" Do-it-yourself drawing of a boat made of aluminum

Aluminum boats are excellent watercraft for fishing and outdoor activities. It may seem that this is a transport for beginners, and they are often called hobby-class boats, but this is not entirely true.

Some aluminum boats can meet the highest demands. Many of them even have a number of advantages over the rest. Prices can be either the cheapest (democratic), or vary, depending on the class of the boat, up to exorbitant amounts.

If you are looking for a boat for frequent fishing trips, then an aluminum boat will prove to be good option. When choosing an aluminum boat, you should pay attention to its main characteristics.

  • Length (from 3 to 8 m)
  • Width (meters)
  • Weight, kg)
  • Load capacity (kg)
  • Deadrise (measured in degrees)
  • Transom height (mm)
  • Hull draft (m)
  • Seaworthiness (wave height)
  • Recommended motor power (from 10 to 300 hp)
  • Passenger capacity (from 2 to 8 people)
  • Housing materials: various aluminum alloys.

The advantage of aluminum boats

You can find out the advantages of aluminum boats with a motor and oars for fishing by reading our article. In order to take a breath from the bustle of the city and gather strength, outdoor enthusiasts go out of town to the reservoirs for fishing.

  1. A significant advantage of these boats is that the material from which they are made, namely aluminum, has a very low weight. Mostly aluminum boats are made for two passengers. The weight of such an aluminum boat does not exceed 20 kg, which means that it will not be difficult to transport it to the place of fishing. There is no need to purchase power trailers. Even one person can easily cope with this task. It is also very important that in order to set the aluminum boat in motion, a motor with strong power is not needed at all. This is quite within the power of engines with a much smaller volume, they are cheaper at a price and fuel consumption is less, and this, although not big, is still savings.
  2. Aluminum boats for fishing can have a rather original surface configuration, with smooth lines. This is facilitated by technological alloys based on aluminum, which are very easily able to take a complex shaped shape.
  3. Another significant advantage of aluminum boats is their fundamental strength. Going fishing on an aluminum boat, do not be afraid to moor to a rocky or rocky shore. It is also not necessary to constantly monitor the proximity of a sandy or rocky bottom. Weak shocks against stones are not capable of severely damaging the boat, the maximum that can be is slight depressions on the hull.
  4. I would also like to note that due to the fact that aluminum almost instantly enters into combination with oxygen from air or water, an oxide is formed, which has a high surface strength. And this means that aluminum boats do not deteriorate when in contact with water. And with proper care for an aluminum boat, it can serve its owner for many years. Also, various dyes fit very well on aluminum, this makes it possible to get an absolutely unique painting of your boat.
  5. Quite a few important point is that today manufacturers have learned to make boats that are not able to sink. This is due to the fact that foam is laid between the two layers of skin, as a result of which the boat can remain afloat under any conditions.

So, an aluminum boat, what advantages does it have over its competitors? And these advantages are actually a lot. From the school chemistry course, everyone should remember that aluminum has an extremely low weight, and this gives an undeniable advantage to products made from this metal. For example, specially made aluminum fishing boats for two people have a total weight of no more than 18-20 kg, which makes their transportation quite simple, since in this case there is no need to talk about buying a special power trailer. It is quite possible to transport such a boat alone.

Due to the lightness of aluminum and boats, another plus follows from this metal - you do not need to use to set such a watercraft in motion, and therefore, you will spend less money and your complex purchase will be cheaper. What's more, you'll also save on fuel, as lower powered motors consume less fuel.

In the production of aluminum boats for fishing, alloys based on this metal easily obtain the required shaped shape. Moreover, this is achieved quite simply both with hot and cold stamping. Such a production technique allows the manufacture of products that will have a non-standard surface configuration and smooth lines. When combining parts with each other, welding and other methods are used.

At the same time, modern technologies make it possible to achieve truly perfect seams that are not conspicuous and do not disfigure the appearance.

The next most important quality of aluminum ships is their durability. Moving along the water surface on such a watercraft, you can safely moor to a rocky or rocky shore, to marinas and cemented shores.

Moreover, during the fishing process, you do not need to constantly worry about the sandy or rocky bottom. Boats made of aluminum and alloys with its content are not afraid of minor impacts on a rocky surface.

The maximum harm in this case is small dents that you can notice on the case.

The next important point is the ability of aluminum to withstand the effects of water and environment. Due to its ability to almost instantly enter into combinations with oxygen from water or air and form an oxide, which is characterized by ultra-high surface strength, aluminum allows you to keep products almost forever - they do not collapse under the influence of water. In this case, everything depends on the owner and on his handling of the boat.

And the last property of aluminum products, which is worth highlighting, is the possibility of finishing them with all kinds of dyes. This feature makes it possible to apply absolutely exclusive patterns to the surface. To do this, you need paint in 3-4 colors, a compressor and a spray gun, with which you will turn your own fishing boat into something original and unlike others.

Note that today manufacturers make almost unsinkable aluminum boats for fishing, the prices of which can vary significantly from size, characteristics, and so on. Unsinkability is achieved through the use of foam in the production, installed between the skin layers. This solution allows the boat to stay afloat even when filled with water to the brim.

Manufacturers of aluminum boats:

Volzhanka, Kazanka, Crimea, Neman, Ob, Dnieper, Voronezh, Progress, Vyatka, Winboat, Tactics, Velboat, Smartliner.

The presented companies are among the most popular in Russia, but there are still a lot of foreign companies that represent even higher characteristics of aluminum boats and boats. These include the following firms: Lund, GOevil, LAKER, Malutka, RiverCraft, RusBoat and others.

DIY aluminum boat

One of the most suitable materials for the manufacture of an aluminum boat - this is a solid rolled sheet of aluminum or duralumin. For a medium-sized boat, you can take a sheet with dimensions: 3000 mm by 20000 mm and a thickness of 2-3 mm.

But often, with the independent manufacture of boats, the dimensions of the finished structure are calculated based on the already existing material.

The height of the sides must be at least 300 mm, and the length of the front flange - 600 mm, so the design will fully correspond to the angle of inclination to the water area - 35 degrees. To begin with, for cutting it is better to use thick cardboard and make a sketch on it.

Due to the fact that the boat does not have a stem and a keel, it is practically considered flat-bottomed, which will help to swim into the backwater, to a quiet place. Also, in such a boat, the sides will converge on a trapezoidal transom.

The advantages of such a boat include:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • ease.

Due to the lightness and low weight, the boat easily moves from reservoir to reservoir, and is brought ashore.

During the storage of the boat, it does not take up much space, it does not need constant special maintenance or a fenced-off place for wintering, you can simply move the boat to the side and cover it with a canopy.

On the water, the immediate advantage of an aluminum boat is its buoyancy or large volume of water capacity, as well as ease of rowing. After the layout is made on cardboard, it must be transferred to a sheet of metal and you can start cutting, but this needs to be done in several steps .

It is also worth leaving a few "mm" allowances, not completely cutting through the material.

All work on connecting parts must be carried out with special aluminum rivets, with a diameter of at least 3 mm. Previously, for this it was necessary to make special holes in the stern, in a checkerboard pattern.

Before riveting the elements, it is necessary to coat all mating surfaces with thickly ground paint.

Due self-manufacturing the boat will be possible to fish on it together, as well as to install boxes for bait, bait and rods in it.

The transom of an aluminum boat can be cut not curly to save time and effort, but rectangular. As a result, the boat will have slightly slanting orts, which will give it even more volume.

Also, on the sides of the boat, it is necessary to install gunwales made of spruce boards, as mating bars.

I want to tell you how my hobby, the construction of aluminum boats, appeared.
I was born and raised on Far East Russia in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. On a peninsula surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the edge of rivers and lakes.

The main hobby of the population of Kamchatka is fishing and hunting. The work of most residents is also related to the sea: sailors, fishermen, border guards, military.

In 1998, with a friend Alexander Bondarenko, we decided to build our first plywood boat, based on one of the projects of the Modelist-Konstruktor magazine.

In those days it was hard to get good materials(fiberglass, plywood, epoxy resin etc.), we used what we could find, but, despite all the difficulties, the boat turned out to be good, the construction process took 3 months. In the summer of the same year, the ship was launched and used the entire season. The big disadvantage of boats made of plywood covered with fiberglass is: a lot of weight, a problem with repair and maintenance good looking vessel (paint and plastic were heavily peeled off on the hull during the season). In the late 90s, second-hand aluminum fishing boats from America and Canada began to appear in Kamchatka. This made me think why it is impossible to build something like this, it is not the gods who burn the pots. I had no experience in building aluminum ships, no boat projects.

The Internet helped, in early 2000 he ordered an Atlantic dory project in the USA from Glen-L. I didn’t have welding experience, I got a lot of information by studying special literature and consulting with specialists, and most importantly, practice and practice again. The boat built with a friend Alexander was launched in 2001. We used the Dory for salmon fishing, the vessel proved itself well, the disadvantage with the large size of 7.5m was a flat bottom and insufficient controllability. We built 2 more dories at the request of the fishermen, the boats were used on the rivers of Kamchatka during the fishing season.

For the open sea and coastal areas in 2002, he developed and built the first boat with trimaran contours, used information, articles, theoretical drawings from the magazine "KiYa" and other sources, the boat performed well on the water, especially in waves, but the first sample in terms of design was very far from perfect. 2 more boats were built, where childhood illnesses were corrected and the design was changed.

In 2005 he moved to central Russia in the suburbs of Voronezh, in a new place I study welding work, I cook various hardware made of aluminum, fishermen are sometimes asked to build a boat, the last interesting project boat swamp, served as a prototype

Now I am making a skiff boat for myself, not a big boat for fishing in the surrounding waters.



General information

One of the most common models of boats made of such material as fiberglass is the WaveRunner-285 boat. It is considered a full-fledged planing vessel, which is quite suitable for walking on the sea or tourism. The ship, which is characterized by the fact that it has an increased freeboard, as well as a rather large width, is also convenient because a comfortable saloon with an adjacent toilet and a galley can be placed in its bow. In the stern of the boat, you can make a double cabin with your own hands, the location of which will be strictly under the cockpit. The unit control department will be located above the engine compartment, and it will also be protected from wind and water splashes by sloped glass.

Boat power

When equipping a boat with your own hands, you must consider which engine will be installed on it later. Specifically, this model is designed for the installation of either one or two motors. However, it is important to consider here that the total power for the normal functioning of the facility should be in the range from 250 to 500 liters. With. They must also have a direct reverse gear, which will allow them to reach a speed of 15-30 knots, which is from 28 to 56 km / h. In addition, the vessel may also have propulsion systems or additional outboard motors.

It is worth noting that building a boat with your own hands saves from 50 to 75% of the material resources of the amount that would be spent if the unit was purchased at the shipyard, and not built independently. It is also worth noting that the above technology for the construction of a small vessel is not the last word in shipbuilding. This is just a proven, well-established method that will allow you to construct an acceptable fiberglass boat with your own hands.

Beginning of work

Starting to build a small boat out of fiberglass is no different than building out of any other material. The first step is to make a breakdown on a plywood shield or on a sheet of cardboard of the theoretical frames, as well as the bypass of the stem. The breakdown should be carried out in full size of these parts.

It is also important to note that the shield or plaza on which the stakeout is taking place must have a width corresponding to the width of the boat, plus 300 mm. The height of this object must be 400 mm higher than the intended housing height. Experts recommend that you first create drawings of boats, on which all necessary details with dimensions. This is done in order not to make mistakes in the manufacturing process.

Another one important detail- the upper ends of all frames must be extended to the height that is shown as a horizontal line on the plaza. It is a perpendicular line of the DP and it is called the Shergel line.

Pattern assembly

During the work on the plasma marking of the patterns, it is very important to take into account such factors as the thickness of the rails and the thickness sheet metal to be used as cladding inner surface matrices. In other words, when drawing up a drawing of a boat and subsequent assembly, it is necessary to set aside the distance from the theoretical line of each of the frames that will correspond to the thickness of the rails and sheet metal in total. It is this marking option that should be used when cutting patterns and their further assembly.

Separate parts of the transverse patterns must be connected using materials such as lining and knitting, made from pieces of plywood with a thickness of 8 to 10 mm. A similar indicator is suitable for a boat, the length of which will be in the region of 10 m. It is best to glue the lining to the patterns, and then additionally screw them with screws or nail them.

How to make a boat: skin and matrix

Further, before assembling the existing patterns into a matrix, it is necessary to take care of creating the outer skin of the structure. In order to create the most comfortable conditions when working with outer skin boats, it is necessary to provide a detail that ensures the tilt of the matrix on both sides of the ship.

If everything is done correctly, then it will be possible to work while standing on the floor next to the workpieces. The matrix itself, in any case, must have a very strong and rigid structure. This is necessary so that during the construction of the unit the shape of its body is not distorted.

How to make a boat with a solid matrix? Large structures are assembled from longitudinal beams, which will represent the horizontal base of the boat. Inside the resulting frame, it is necessary to install bridges that will facilitate the work of gluing the case. After the longitudinal bars, which are the base of the matrix, have been installed, the future position of all patterns is marked on them, and a steel wire is stretched along the beams, which will be a string indicating the ship's DP.

Installation of patterns

It is recommended to start the process of mounting blanks from the midship frame. Before securely fixing this element, it is very important to make sure that the template is strictly vertical and perpendicular to the DP. It is attached to the bars, which are the base. After all the other blanks were mounted, a rack was installed, located in the DP of the transom, and all the elements were braced to avoid any movement, you can proceed to such a stage as lining the inner surface of the matrix using longitudinal rails.

To perform this task, material with a thickness of 12 to 15 mm and a width of 50 mm is most often used. For equipping the bottom of the boat, it is better to use slats with the same thickness, but a larger width - up to 100 mm.

aluminum water boat

The low cost of raw materials, as well as lathes, led to the fact that many owners sewed to the fact that they independently produce certain parts and elements from metal. It is believed that the production of aluminum boats is one of the most difficult tasks, which is practically impossible, and they are created at the factory without difficulty, as they have special tools for this. However, this is not so.

The most difficult thing in the manufacture of this type of boat on your own is the production of its patterns from metal. This term is understood as the markup of how exactly it is necessary to cut the right details from aluminium.

In the manufacture of such a unit from metal, the whole process comes down to assembling a kind of designer. This is true if the blanks are not cut out on their own, since this still requires a great work skill and high-precision equipment, and a computerized model of the boat is purchased. Yes, the cost of such a model will also be quite high, but if compared with the purchase of a ready-made vessel, significant savings will be visible.

Fast small craft

Another option for a ship that you can make yourself is a speedboat. A rather important part in the construction of this particular type of unit is the choice of engine and its location. You can place this part in the cockpit of the vessel, and the part that will protrude can be closed with a hood.

This definition of the place was not chosen by chance. It will expand the range of devices suitable for installation. You can use engines from cars such as Zhiguli or Volga. In addition to these models, it is quite possible to install a diesel engine from a tractor. However, this is only possible if an additional hot air outlet is provided. To do this, you can use a fake chimney.

Air-cooled motors can also be installed. Since a speedboat must have good stability when moving quickly through the water, it is recommended to place this part closer to the center of gravity of the entire boat. The large weight of the engine will give greater stability to the entire structure.


Boat materials

The Internet is teeming with a variety of creative ideas that can be easily implemented. By entering any query into a search engine, a person quickly receives the answer he is interested in.

And having decided to build a facility for floating on the water, you can easily find a lot of ideas that, if desired, can be brought to life. So, what can a boat be made of? It can be made from:

  1. tree.
  2. Plywood.
  3. bottles.
  4. aluminum.
  5. Rubber.

Each listed material is difficult to use, because the density is different, and therefore the quality is also different. But it is worth remembering that each material has its pros and cons. Therefore, the choice of material directly depends on the period of further operation of the product:

  • For example, the most durable material is wood. It is more suitable for long-term swimming on the water and can serve for seven years. It is worth remembering that you need to take a durable tree. It is best to use oak. So there is a high probability quality workmanship.

  • Plywood is no longer as reliable as wood. This will be determined in its subtlety. But, if you do not go fishing very often, you want to save on manufacturing, then plywood is an excellent choice.
  • As for bottles, many people ask a completely logical question: how to make a boat out of bottles? Many people think that this is not realistic at all. But despite all the doubts, the result will be amazing. She will be easy. But in the case of manufacturing, it is necessary to try as much as possible so that the result of your work does not fall apart during the ascent to the water.
  • Aluminum is also a great material. It is reliable and can last long time. But the production of such material will take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many prefer a wooden base.

The latter material is very common. After all, all purchased swimming equipment is made from rubber. It holds well on the water and is able to withstand a lot of weight.

But in the production you need to be careful, because one puncture will ruin it. Time, effort, money will be wasted. The process requires full concentration, maximum attention.

wooden base

For many centuries, people have used wood as a means of transportation on the water surface. At first these were simple structures in the form of small platforms, later a boat appeared, the manufacture of which took a long time.

After all, it must be of high quality for the safe transportation of goods. Now in our time, if desired, anyone can reproduce the remedy at home.

Simple step by step plan teach how to do wooden boat. It is necessary to prepare in advance long, wide boards, which will serve as the sides of the boat. They must be dry, even, without cracks.

After preparing the base material, it must be processed for convenient bonding. The edges of the boards must be cut evenly so that when assembled, the boards touch each other tightly. Next, we begin to make a vehicle. You need to start with the bow. We cut out an additional board, which in the middle will hold the sides.

After finishing work on the sides, you need to build seats. The process is very simple, so it will not take much time. wooden boards, must be nailed to the sides. After that, you should install the bottom. It may be iron.

Cut from iron sheet desired shape, thanks to densely hammered nails we fasten to a wooden base. The boat is almost ready. It remains to attach the iron chain, which will serve as the basis for the anchor.

Making boats from plywood

The construction plan for how to make a plywood boat will be slightly different from the previous one. How to make a boat with your own hands, drawings and descriptions will become a reliable assistant during the process, full information on the drawings can be found on the Internet.

Take a large sheet of plywood, draw the outlines of the product on it, relying only on the drawings. Then cut out. The layout of the tool is ready, it remains only to fix everything correctly. Work in the same way must begin with the sides.

If you want to attach the motor, the tailgate must be strengthened. After a good fastening of the bolts, attach the bottom. You need to use glue, resin. You should not regret applying the funds listed, but you should not overdo it either. After applying them, you need to wait until completely dry. Here is the boat almost ready, you just need to paint it at your discretion.

rubber boat

The answer to the question: how to make a boat with your own hands, drawings will be the first answer. Thanks to them, the product will turn out correct form. Therefore, the first step is to draw drawings, having calculated the smallest details.

After that, we cut out a boat of the indicated dimensions from a sheet of plywood. In addition, we need boards for securely fastening the bottom, a tarpaulin for covering. These materials must be interconnected using the same glue, resin. Be sure to give time to cover the glue, otherwise the design will turn out to be flimsy. And your efforts will be wasted.

After that, cover the product with a tarpaulin, firmly attaching it to the boards. Remember, the design must be wide. This way you get a homemade boat. It will not be very similar to the rubber that is sold, but it will provide you with softness and comfort.

For a better understanding of the manufacturing process, you can see how to make a PVC boat with your own hands. There on good example explain the working principle. After all, reading and seeing an example, repeating actions, are completely different things.

air boat

Seeing photos on the Internet about how a boat is made from bottles, many are surprised, asking a natural question: how to make homemade boat from plastic bottles Or how long can it be used?

The manufacturing principle is so simple that even a ten-year-old child can design it. For production, you will need a lot of plastic bottles. They must be in perfect condition, without cracks, holes, so as not to let water through.

The quantity depends on the desired dimensions of the vessel. Also, the bottles must have lids so that water does not go inside, does not make them heavier. The plastic material must be laid out in the shape of a vessel, carefully secured together with glue.

Here is the swimsuit ready. It is very cheap to produce, but not of very high quality. It is highly likely that by clinging to a branch, you can break through the bottle, thus damaging the structure.

aluminum vessel

Having learned the principle of production of previous boats, it is not difficult to guess how to make an aluminum boat. The difference lies only in the material from which the vessel will be made. In terms of strength, it can safely be put in second place after the tree.

And with quality work, it can last a lifetime.
When doing, remember that it is necessary to attach materials with high quality, firmly. Because life depends on the quality of work.

DIY anchor

The anchor is the main element of the floating facility. After all, it helps to stay in one place for a long time, not allowing the current to carry the ship away. In order to attach the anchor, it is necessary to drill a hole in the back of the boat, stretching an iron chain, which will become the basis for the anchor.

Next, you need to attach the load itself. It must be big piece iron that can stop the boat. It will need to be attached to the chain by welding. Ten minutes - the anchor is ready. This is the easiest way to make an anchor for a boat with your own hands.


Some simple ways will help you learn how to make a boat with your own hands from various materials. Even if the attempt is not successful, the experience of making a ship on your own will definitely be remembered.

But if, nevertheless, the boat turns out to be good, then it will certainly come in handy both for walking with the family along the river and for fishing. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to try to make a boat with your own hands.


In almost all countries, boats made of aluminum have become widespread. They can safely compete with products made of polymeric materials. And all because aluminum is quite durable. This material is practically indestructible. But a boat made of aluminum has a drawback - a lot of weight. Another disadvantage is the complexity repair work.

aluminum alloys

In shipbuilding, not pure aluminum is used, but alloys based on it. In total, there are 2 types of alloys:

In shipbuilding, the first type of aluminum alloys is mainly used. In order for the material to fully meet the requirements, magnesium, copper or manganese is added to its alloy. These substances contribute to giving aluminum the necessary characteristics. In the process of manufacturing an alloy, it can have the following properties: soft, clad, hard-worked and semi-hard-worked.

Aluminum sheets for making boats

The production of rolled aluminum is not simple work requiring a special technology. As a result, sheets up to 6 mm thick are obtained. When making a boat with a length of no more than 2 meters, it is best to take sheets whose thickness is 2 mm. For the bottom, aluminum 3 mm is used.

If there is a desire to make a boat with a unique external design, then you can purchase corrugated sheets. It is often used to decorate horizontal surfaces. This type of material ensures the safety of the boat and the passengers in it.

Making an aluminum boat

All aluminum boats have some feature - they need to be used in fresh water. When sailing in salty waters, the boat loses stability, which threatens to capsize. As a result, people and things will simply end up in the sea. To avoid this, you need to swim in salt water near the shore.

Since aluminum is susceptible to corrosion, products made from it must be used in plain water, otherwise the service life will not be long. However, problems with corrosion may not be, if carried out proper care. To do this, it is necessary to store the boat in a dry place and be sure to wipe its surface to remove moisture. After each swim, it must be washed with water and wiped dry.

Preference is given to the manufacture of boats with a flat bottom. This form helps to move without problems in shallow water, which will make it possible to go fishing and return home with a catch.

If you create a boat mainly for fishing, then you need to think through everything the smallest details. It can be done without an engine, or you can provide a place for the engine in advance and, if necessary, attach it to the back. You can also make a special compartment for caught fish. The advantages of an aluminum boat are many, however, the main ones are: low weight, strength, ease of transportation.

boat making

To accomplish this, you need to acquire the following materials and tools:
1. Duralumin sheets.
2. Scissors for metal.
3. Drill.
4. Edged board.

First you need to create correct drawing, on which all sizes will be written and even the smallest details will be taken into account. It is necessary to provide that the finished boat is as stable as possible, small, but at the same time roomy and maneuverable. When drawing up a drawing, you can take any boat that even slightly resembles the option that you would like to get as a result.

All aluminum boats must have sides at least 350 mm high. It is important to take care of the rigidity of the bottom and sides. To do this, install seats, which are transverse elements.

Once the drawing is ready, you can make a scale model of the finished ship. For this, cardboard is used. All parts must be cut and glued. As soon as the layout is ready, you can immediately notice all the design flaws in the future. Therefore, they need to be eliminated in the design process.

Next, the markup is transferred to sheets of duralumin. In order to cut the necessary details, you need to use scissors for metal. Once the parts are cut out, then you need to make them fit, bend in the right places.

Next, you need to drill holes that must fully comply with those indicated in the drawing. Rivets must be inserted into them. As in the plan, the holes should be staggered at a distance of 15 between rows. Moreover, each subsequent one should be at a distance of 20 mm from the previous one. Where there are joints, it is imperative to overlap the sheets, and it is important to treat the surface with thick paint. It will give tightness, which contributes to the durability of the structure. As soon as the paint dries, it is necessary to rivet the body.

Now you need to move on to the manufacture and installation of seats. Pine wood is used for this. edged board, which must be pre-treated with a moisture-resistant liquid. Next, we move on to coating the surface of the aluminum boat with primer and then paint. After they dry, you can go sailing.

In almost all countries, boats made of aluminum have become widespread. They can safely compete with products made of polymeric materials. And all because aluminum is quite durable. This material is practically indestructible. But a boat made of aluminum has a drawback - a lot of weight. Another disadvantage is the complexity of the repair work.

aluminum alloys

In shipbuilding, not pure aluminum is used, but alloys based on it. In total, there are 2 types of alloys:

In shipbuilding, the first type of aluminum alloys is mainly used. In order for the material to fully meet the requirements, magnesium, copper or manganese is added to its alloy. These substances contribute to giving aluminum the necessary characteristics. In the process of manufacturing an alloy, it can have the following properties: soft, clad, hard-worked and semi-hard-worked.

Aluminum sheets for making boats

The production of rolled aluminum is not an easy job that requires a special technology. As a result, sheets up to 6 mm thick are obtained. When making a boat with a length of no more than 2 meters, it is best to take sheets whose thickness is 2 mm. For the bottom, aluminum 3 mm is used.

If there is a desire with a unique external design, then you can purchase corrugated sheets. It is often used to decorate horizontal surfaces. This type of material ensures the safety of the boat and the passengers in it.

Making an aluminum boat

All aluminum boats have some feature - they need to be used in fresh water. When sailing in salty waters, the boat loses stability, which threatens to capsize. As a result, people and things will simply end up in the sea. To avoid this, you need to swim in salt water near the shore.

Since aluminum is susceptible to corrosion, products made from it must be used in plain water, otherwise the service life will not be long. However, there may not be problems with corrosion if proper care is taken. To do this, it is necessary to store the boat in a dry place and be sure to wipe its surface to remove moisture. After each swim, it must be washed with water and wiped dry.

Preference is given to the manufacture of boats with a flat bottom. This form helps to move without problems in shallow water, which will make it possible to go fishing and return home with a catch.

If you create a boat mainly for fishing, then you need to think through all the smallest details. It can be done without an engine, or you can provide a place for the engine in advance and, if necessary, attach it to the back. You can also make a special compartment for caught fish. The advantages of an aluminum boat are many, however, the main ones are: low weight, strength, ease of transportation.

boat making

To accomplish this, you need to acquire the following materials and tools:
1. Duralumin sheets.
2. Scissors for metal.
3. Drill.
4. Edged board.

First you need to draw up the correct drawing, on which all dimensions will be written and even the smallest details will be taken into account. It is necessary to provide that the finished boat is as stable as possible, small, but at the same time roomy and maneuverable. When drawing up a drawing, you can take any boat that even slightly resembles the option that you would like to get as a result.

All aluminum boats must have sides at least 350 mm high. It is important to take care of the rigidity of the bottom and sides. To do this, install seats, which are transverse elements.

Once the drawing is ready, you can make a scale model of the finished ship. For this, cardboard is used. All parts must be cut and glued. As soon as the layout is ready, you can immediately notice all the design flaws in the future. Therefore, they need to be eliminated in the design process.

Next, the markup is transferred to sheets of duralumin. In order to cut the necessary details, you need to use scissors for metal. Once the parts are cut out, then you need to make them fit, bend in the right places.

Next, you need to drill holes that must fully comply with those indicated in the drawing. Rivets must be inserted into them. As in the plan, the holes should be staggered at a distance of 15 between rows. Moreover, each subsequent one should be at a distance of 20 mm from the previous one. Where there are joints, it is imperative to overlap the sheets, and it is important to treat the surface with thick paint. It will give tightness, which contributes to the durability of the structure. As soon as the paint dries, it is necessary to rivet the body.

Now you need to move on to the manufacture and installation of seats. For this, a pine edged board is used, which must first be treated with a moisture-resistant liquid. Next, we move on to coating the surface of the aluminum boat with primer and then paint. After they dry, you can go sailing.

Fiberglass has become one of the most common materials for building a boat with your own hands. With the help of such raw materials, you can independently design a boat quite large sizes: 7.5 to 18 m in length.

General information

One of the most common models of boats made of such material as fiberglass is the WaveRunner-285 boat. It is considered a full-fledged planing vessel, which is quite suitable for walking on the sea or tourism. The ship, which is characterized by the fact that it has an increased freeboard, as well as a rather large width, is also convenient because a comfortable saloon with an adjacent toilet and a galley can be placed in its bow. In the stern of the boat, you can make a double cabin with your own hands, the location of which will be strictly under the cockpit. The unit control department will be located above the engine compartment, and it will also be protected from wind and water splashes by sloped glass.

Boat power

When equipping a boat with your own hands, you must consider which engine will be installed on it later. Specifically, this model is designed for the installation of either one or two motors. However, it is important to consider here that the total power for the normal functioning of the facility should be in the range from 250 to 500 liters. With. They must also have a direct reverse gear, which will allow them to reach a speed of 15-30 knots, which is from 28 to 56 km / h. In addition, the vessel may also have propulsion systems or additional outboard motors.

It is worth noting that building a boat with your own hands saves from 50 to 75% of the material resources of the amount that would be spent if the unit was purchased at the shipyard, and not built independently. It is also worth noting that the above technology for the construction of a small vessel is not the last word in shipbuilding. This is just a proven, well-established method that will allow you to construct an acceptable fiberglass boat with your own hands.

Beginning of work

Starting to build a small boat out of fiberglass is no different than building out of any other material. The first step is to make a breakdown on a plywood shield or on a sheet of cardboard of the theoretical frames, as well as the bypass of the stem. The breakdown should be carried out in full size of these parts.

It is also important to note that the shield or plaza on which the stakeout is taking place must have a width corresponding to the width of the boat, plus 300 mm. The height of this object must be 400 mm higher than the intended housing height. Experts recommend that you first create drawings of boats, on which all the necessary details will be marked with dimensions. This is done in order not to make mistakes in the manufacturing process.

Another important detail is that the upper ends of all frames must be extended to the height that is shown as a horizontal line on the plaza. It is a perpendicular line of the DP and it is called the Shergel line.

Pattern assembly

During the work on the layout of the patterns, it is very important to take into account factors such as the thickness of the rails and the thickness of the sheet metal that will be used as the lining of the inner surface of the matrix. In other words, when drawing up a drawing of a boat and subsequent assembly, it is necessary to set aside the distance from the theoretical line of each of the frames that will correspond to the thickness of the rails and sheet metal in total. It is this marking option that should be used when cutting patterns and their further assembly.

Separate parts of the transverse patterns must be connected using materials such as lining and knitting, made from pieces of plywood with a thickness of 8 to 10 mm. A similar indicator is suitable for a boat, the length of which will be in the region of 10 m. It is best to glue the lining to the patterns, and then additionally screw them with screws or nail them.

How to make a boat: skin and matrix

Further, before assembling the existing patterns into a matrix, it is necessary to take care of creating the outer skin of the structure. In order to create the most comfortable conditions when working with the outer skin of the boat, it is necessary to provide a part that ensures the tilt of the matrix on both sides of the ship.

If everything is done correctly, then it will be possible to work while standing on the floor next to the workpieces. The matrix itself, in any case, must have a very strong and rigid structure. This is necessary so that during the construction of the unit the shape of its body is not distorted.

How to make a boat with a solid matrix? Large structures are assembled from longitudinal beams, which will represent the horizontal base of the boat. Inside the resulting frame, it is necessary to install bridges that will facilitate the work of gluing the case. After the longitudinal bars, which are the base of the matrix, have been installed, the future position of all patterns is marked on them, and a steel wire is stretched along the beams, which will be a string indicating the ship's DP.

Installation of patterns

It is recommended to start the process of mounting blanks from the midship frame. Before securely fixing this element, it is very important to make sure that the template is strictly vertical and perpendicular to the DP. It is attached to the bars, which are the base. After all the other blanks were mounted, a rack was installed, located in the DP of the transom, and all the elements were braced to avoid any movement, you can proceed to such a stage as lining the inner surface of the matrix using longitudinal rails.

To perform this task, material with a thickness of 12 to 15 mm and a width of 50 mm is most often used. For equipping the bottom of the boat, it is better to use rails with the same thickness, but a larger width - up to 100 mm.

aluminum water boat

The low cost of raw materials, as well as lathes, led to the fact that many owners sewed to the fact that they independently produce certain parts and elements from metal. It is believed that the production of aluminum boats is one of the most difficult tasks, which is practically impossible, and they are created at the factory without difficulty, as they have special tools for this. However, this is not so.

The most difficult thing in the manufacture of this type of boat on your own is the production of its patterns from metal. This term is understood as marking out exactly how it is necessary to cut the necessary parts from aluminum.

In the manufacture of such a unit from metal, the whole process comes down to assembling a kind of designer. This is true if the blanks are not cut out on their own, since this still requires a great work skill and high-precision equipment, and a computerized model of the boat is purchased. Yes, the cost of such a model will also be quite high, but if compared with the purchase of a ready-made vessel, significant savings will be visible.

Fast small craft

Another version of the vessel that you can make yourself is a speedboat. A rather important part in the construction of this particular type of unit is the choice of engine and its location. You can place this part in the cockpit of the vessel, and the part that will protrude can be closed with a hood.

This definition of the place was not chosen by chance. It will expand the range of devices suitable for installation. You can use engines from cars such as Zhiguli or Volga. In addition to these models, it is quite possible to install a diesel engine from a tractor. However, this is only possible if an additional hot air outlet is provided. To do this, you can use a fake chimney.

Air-cooled motors can also be installed. Since a speedboat must have good stability when moving quickly through the water, it is recommended to place this part closer to the center of gravity of the entire boat. The large weight of the engine will give greater stability to the entire structure.

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    ...Poems sculpture architecture boats... ...So you can see here a description of a truly unique boats for fishing or hunting... ...orders for boats until the end of August not accepted ... ...boats makes a man of retirement age ... ...About strength boats I weigh 130 kg, and when I first got into a boat of this design, I weighed more than 150 kg ... ... But in order to break through one and a half millimeters of the sea aluminum gotta hit the rail... ...These boats rigidly without extinguishing the speed sufficiently moored to the shore ... ... Here in the country the crisis happened because probably in Lately people began to write to me and call Alexander Ivanovich asking if it was possible to send cut and stamped sheets for self-welding boats... ...boats boiled on a special slipway conductor ... ...Order a ready-made kit for self-welding boats Of course, you can call and negotiate, but no one guarantees you that you will be able to weld a boat out of it ... More:
  2. Compliance rate: 15.38%
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    ... Alexander Ivanovich who makes boats I went with my children and grandchildren to Khoper ... ... And bearing in mind that then you still need to unload the junk to reset boats it’s impossible to transport everything across the Volga in one flight, then you can also put up tents from the shore and take away some clothes and somehow settle down as minimally as possible ... ...She resisted very seriously, but boats somehow quieted down and did not cause trouble ... ... In this case, the motor must be covered with some kind of cover, and in addition, its leg should be additionally fastened so that the transom does not break boats and the motor did not get lost along the way, falling off along with the transom ... More: