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Hive in the form of a house. Self-made hive. Beehive device: general information about what types they are

Having decided to become a beekeeper and having decided on the breed of bees, you need to take care of creating comfortable conditions residence for insects. Families grow, swarm, and after a while they will have to be planted in new nests. Of course, you can buy ready-made structures, but they are not cheap, and buying used is fraught with infection of the entire swarm. There is only one way out - to make a house yourself. How to make a hive for bees, will tell the article.

Before you make a hive for bees yourself, you need to decide on its type. Beekeeping has been practiced since ancient times. It is not surprising that today there are many different types hives.

Conventionally, all nests are divided into:

  1. Vertical (beds). They are characterized by an increased top due to extensions. The most common option is the Dadan hive and a multi-hull house.
  2. Horizontal (risers). Frame extension is carried out parallel to the surface. These include loungers made of 24 frames and Ukrainian designs with perpendicular frames.

Among all the varieties, the most popular are multi-building structures, houses for 12, 10 frames and sun loungers.
The price depends on design features, nest size, material of manufacture. On average, a finished hive costs about 2000-4000 rubles, and without frames. In addition to it, the beekeeper will also have to purchase a wax melter and a honey extractor. Therefore, homemade beehives for bees are a more profitable option for an apiary.

Exist various systems hives. Such structures are manufactured according to standard projects. Each standard project of a beehive for bees is developed by design institutes and is intended for keeping a bee swarm in various climatic zones.

There are such types of hives:

  • Single hull with removable bottom and 2 extensions.
  • Bed with extension for 16 frames.
  • Double hull with detachable bottom.
  • Single body with 2 magazine extensions.
  • Bed with extension for 20 frames.
  • Multihull.
  • Double hull with 2 extensions.

What is the hive made of?

In order to make a nest for a bee family with your own hands, you need to figure out what the beehive consists of, what assembly schemes exist. Structurally, the house consists of a body, a bottom, a lid, frames and magazine extensions.

The body is the main element. It contains frames for honeycombs. Outwardly, it looks quite simple: a box without a bottom and top, equipped with special frame holders. On the front wall there is a notch - a hole in the hive for bees through which they fly in and out. The shape can be slit-like or rounded. The size is adjustable with inserts. Close the notch with a valve.

The bottom of the body is covered with a bottom. It is tightly attached and removable. A magazine extension is designed to install half frames. It is about half below the body of the hive. Often used during the mass collection of honey. Sometimes several stores are placed on the body.

Frames are divided into nested and sectional. The former are used to build honeycombs by bees. The latter are used to obtain honeycomb.

In the nest there should be intra-hive drinkers for bees and feeders. The feeder is designed for and in the fall, for the treatment of sugar syrup. There are intrahive and top feeders.

The shape of the hives are square, low-wide and narrow-high. In principle, the arrangement of a beehive for bees is quite simple, so everyone can make a nest for a swarm. Moreover, today there are many ready-made schemes and drawings according to which hives are created. You can find them on the Internet, they are freely available. To do this, you need to enter the appropriate phrase into the search, for example, “10 frame hives for bees - a drawing”, and a lot of resources with diagrams will appear before your eyes.

What materials are suitable for making hives?

Hives are created from different materials: wood, plywood, polyurethane, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam.

Each of them has its positive and negative points. Let's consider them in more detail.


Classic nests are wooden. This material Insects like it very much, because it brings them closer to their natural habitats. Linden - this is the tree from which beehives for bees are most often made. Aspen will do. The smell of hardwood is pleasant and honey produced in such a house will not have specific features. The advantage is that moisture will not accumulate in the structure. The only drawback of a wooden nest is that it needs to be insulated for the winter.

Lately often began to use for beehives and coniferous trees. For example, spruce, pine, fir. They are distinguished by high rates of heat saving and come out cheaper than hardwood. Among the shortcomings can be called the accumulation of moisture in the house and the fact that honey acquires a specific smell of needles.


This material is characterized by environmental friendliness and durability. Plywood construction, coated acrylic paint and insulated with expanded polystyrene, is several times superior to wood in some respects. But such a house has poor moisture resistance and needs constant care.

polyurethane foam

The main advantage of houses made of polyurethane foam (PPU) is lightness. The house turns out to be very warm and the bees in it develop faster. There are many advantages to keeping bees in PU hives. Honeycombs in such a house are reliably protected from moths. There is no need to fold dry.


This is one of the modern materials for the production of beehives. Has a low cost. A house made of expanded polystyrene does not need insulation. Among the shortcomings can be called the fragility and fragility of the structure. Wood and plywood are more reliable in this regard. If the quality of the material is low, the quality of the honey also deteriorates.

What are the dimensions of the bee nest?

To build a good quality house for a family of honey workers, it is necessary to correctly calculate the size of the construction details. The size of the hives for bees depends on the size of the colony and the type of structure.

But there are universal values ​​that apply to all types of bee nests:

  1. The distance between the mediastinums of 2 frames, which are adjacent, is 3.75 cm.
  2. The diameter of the street is 1.25 cm.
  3. The distance between the bottom and the bottom bar of the frame is 2 cm.
  4. When installing an additional housing, the distance between the lower bars of the magazine frames and the upper bars of the nesting frames should be 1 cm.
  5. The distance between the rear and front walls of the nest and the side bars of the frames is 0.75 cm.

How to make a Dadanovsky hive?

The Dadant hive holds 10 to 12 frames. Frames can be bought ready-made. It is possible to make frames for bees with your own hands. The nest box is created in the shape of a cube, usually used softwood, willow and linden are also suitable. All parts are produced according to the recommended dimensions and drawings. The cracks are sealed with putty.

First you need to carefully process the tree. Then cut out the grooves that connect the walls of the cases. Planks are made with a size of 1.8x0.4 cm. To connect the boards in 1 shield, use adhesive compositions. All parts are assembled together with nails and glue. When the hive is ready, it is painted. After drilling tapholes and small holes for ventilation.

How to paint a hive?

It is not difficult to make a hive according to a ready-made scheme, but with painting it is often difficult. Many beekeepers are wondering what paint is better to paint a beehive for bees and what color.

Painting gives the structure reliability, protects it from moisture, rot, prevents the wood from drying out, and also makes the house look more attractive.

Color matching

Let's consider what color to paint beehives for bees recommended by experienced beekeepers. In fact, insects do not distinguish colors. Therefore, so that they can calculate their home, the hive must be painted in different shades. Blue, white, cyan and yellow colors will make the nest brighter and more visible.

Some beekeepers do not paint the hives at all, believing that the honey workers will be able to overwinter anyway. This is wrong, because wood is subject to the negative influence of the environment. Moisture, seeping through the cracks, causes mold and rot, and this harms insects.

Paint selection

Consider what paint to paint beehives for bees is best. Usually use either oil or acrylic. The first one is preferable, since it is characterized by fast drying, does not emit bad smell after drying. The composition is ideal for the outside of the building.

Acrylic paint is characterized by immunity to ultraviolet radiation, it is applied easily. Does not interfere with ventilation, it can be washed. Brightness lasts up to 10 years.

Thinking about how to paint beehives for bees, you can choose silver paint. Apply it to the roof of the house and to the back wall. This protects the building from overheating.

How is winter preparation going?

In early autumn, the hives begin to prepare for winter. It is important to properly insulate the house. V multi-hull hive somewhat more difficult than in other types of houses. The procedure requires taking into account a number of features. All 4 walls need to be insulated.

Weak colonies are transferred to the winter hut for bees, in which the insects live until the onset of spring. They erect such a structure from local building materials. Reed slabs, plates, adobe, limestone, slabs are suitable. All materials must be treated with antiseptic agents.

Buildings made of adobe are the best option because they maintain normal humidity and temperature throughout the winter. Cement blocks should not be used. This material is cold.

The temperature in the room should be from 0 to +3 degrees.
It is advisable to install electric heating with automatic thermoregulation. If a temperature regulator is used for bees in winter, the temperature should be set at the level of the entrance not higher than +6 degrees. Humidity should be 75-85%.

If you do not want to spend a lot of money on the purchase of ready-made hives, or if you are going to build something exclusive and suitable only for you, you can always try to make a hive with your own hands. H The drawings in this article will help you with this!

Each beekeeper works according to his own methodology, prefers certain types of hives, uses various ways the maintenance of the apiary, knows the most acceptable options for warming for his area and type of hives. It is very important to choose the right hive, which will turn beekeeping from a troublesome business into an interesting hobby. You can get acquainted with the device and drawings of all known types of hives, choose according to your taste preferences and the preferences of your bees!

The Dadan-Blatt hive is the most popular. Making it with your own hands is very simple, the main thing is to know the correct dimensions and strictly adhere to what the images of the beehives say. For its manufacture, it is best to choose wood species that do not contain resinous substances; willow or linden is suitable for this. In extreme cases, you can use pine or spruce boards. To make, you will need a universal woodworking machine, tools, glue and paint.

Material preparation

The first step is to process the tree and dissolve it into boards 40 mm thick. They will go to the manufacture of the bottom and body of our hive. After that, grooves are cut out in the board, which will connect the walls of the evidence. For connection, you can use a "cutter", the channels are cut 5x10 mm in the middle of the junction of the boards. Then you need to make thin strips with dimensions of 18x4 mm.

Walls and bottom

To connect the boards into one shield - the cut grooves and planks must be covered with PVA glue and tightly connected. At the exit you will get 4 shields for the walls and 1 for the bottom. Using glue and nails - connect all the shields into a single structure, this will be the single-hull Dadan hive. After that - cover it with paint or emulsion for wood processing. It remains only to drill tapholes and make a roof!


To make a roof and a liner - you will need a board with a thickness of 15 mm. It will need to be covered with waterproof material and painted. Don't forget to drill some 15mm ventilation holes.


  • Internal - 450x450x320;
  • folds for frames - 11x20;
  • folds for cases and stores - 10x14.
  • side shields - 480x320x40;
  • front shield - 530x320x40;
  • rear shield - 530x320x40.



The Boa Hive is compact, lightweight, easy to work with and transport. Bees feel great in this design, and produce no less products than in standard evidence. Boa itself consists of a combined bottom, 10 cases and a lid.

Making (Video)


  • internal dimensions of the case - 335x300x135 mm;
  • front / rear wall - 30 mm;
  • side walls - 20 mm;
  • slats for frames - 5 mm thick;
  • top/bottom rails - 25 mm wide;
  • side rails - 35 mm wide;
  • cut on the top rail - 2x27 mm;
  • frame height - 110 mm;
  • frame width - 28 mm;
  • roof strapping boards - 8 mm in height and 20 mm in thickness;
  • air cushion under the cover - 30 mm thick;
  • bars for strapping the bottom - 110 mm in height;
  • side bars - 20 mm;
  • front and rear bars - 30 mm;
  • notch in the front strapping bar - 335 mm in length;
  • folds for frames - 15 mm.



The Cebro hive is a stationary double-walled multi-case evidence that does not use double-sided insulation. It contains a nest box for 14 frames, two magazine cases for 10 frames, 2 magazine cases for 5 frames. Dadan-Blatt frames with dimensions 430x300 are used. Shop cases are placed in the Cebro hive through the side wall-door into the hive. This structure is closed with flip cover. The cover itself is hinged on the back wall of the hive, it can be equipped with a lock or lock.

In the lower part there is a valve or a hinged hatch, and also a removable tray, which facilitates the collection of dead wood. On the upper notch there is a removable arrival verandah with a windproof glass, which can be easily removed.




The case is made in an elementary way - it is an ordinary box with 8 rulers. The distance between them is 12 mm. At the joints, the boards are connected directly, because due to the tenon / groove connection, the body is very rigid. Bars for the manufacture of handles are used with dimensions of 300x20x20 mm. They are first glued, and then fixed with 3 nails. Usually the upper edge of the handles is beveled to make it easier for rainwater to drain.


A feature of the Varre hive is the size of the liner. It should be 5 mm smaller than the case itself. This greatly simplifies the work of the beekeeper, since the roof can be removed very easily in this way. The gap is increased to 10 mm. Usually the liner is filled with moss, straw, leaves or shavings. Be sure to attach a canvas of dense material to its underside to fix the contents.


Ventilation should be made on the roof to disperse the sun's rays. A cover lid is placed on the inside of the liner. Roof boards should not exceed 20 mm in thickness.


Bottom boards are also used with a thickness of 20 mm. Like the liner, it should be 2 mm narrower on all sides of the cases themselves. This will protect from rain at the joints.



Pioneer has only two walls - side and front. The front wall consists of nine glass windows and ten notches (slits). Side wall equipped with guides for cassettes. There are 10 frames per wall. These types of structures are used to contain large families. Cassettes are equipped with double glazing and ventilation system. special device allows you to open and close the gates. Beginner beekeepers are very pleased with this type of hive.

Drawings of hives will help you get acquainted with the dimensions of the parts.



Farrara are multi-hull designs for low-wide frames. It has become widespread in many countries, although we know little about it. Due to the large number of frames and cases, it will be very expensive to make such evidence. Its cost is its main drawback. The design of the hive is peculiar, it consists of four buildings (or more) with 12 frames each, a bottom, a roof and a liner.

The drawing of the beehive will tell you the correct dimensions to follow.



The features of the Ruta hive are that the extensions and the nesting body are the same in size. When making such evidence, be sure to use the drawings, the scheme of the unique Dadan-Blatt model hive will come in handy, you just need to change the height of the nest box. In order for the brood to develop normally, make two cases for it, because of the large free space, the uterus will increase egg production. The diaphragm, which is placed between the bodies, helps to form the layering. The upper part serves to accommodate layering, the lower one - for the family.



This is a very convenient option for hives both in manufacturing and in use. Do-it-yourself making takes little time, does not require special skills and equipment, and it comes out cheaper than from wood. Expanded polystyrene in the form of plates can be purchased at any hardware store. All you need is a pen, a ruler, a utility knife, titanium glue and a screwdriver with self-tapping screws. The manufacturing process is very simple: outline the blanks according to the drawings, cut them out with a knife, glue and secure with self-tapping screws.


1-front wall; 4-back wall; 2,3 - side walls.


The Alpine hive is equipped with buildings: from 3 to 6, their number depends on the season and the strength of the families. You can initially make three buildings, and then finish building as needed. Ulik has only one notch and there are no dividing grates and ventilation holes in it. The model for such evidence was ... you won't believe ... a hollow! The feeder is located on the ceiling and does not allow condensation to form. The insulating roof keeps the bees from overheating. The Alpine hive is very easy to make and easy to work with, besides it is very cheap, and its frames show the highest filling due to its optimal dimensions.



Such hives are very convenient and elementary in manufacture. The design is very simple - several cases with a height of one hundred to two hundred mm, and an internal diameter of up to 300 mm. Unlike the usual hives, this one does not require frames at all. A special cross is placed in the body, which fixes the honeycombs and prevents them from falling. Ulik is equipped with only the lower entrance.


sun lounger

The beehive bed in the classic version for 20 frames consists of a body, a large lid, two compartments, a magazine. In appearance, it resembles an oblong box, its bottom and roof are very dense. You can buy such a model in the store, make it to order or make it yourself. Information about detailed manufacturing you can find such models of evidence on our website in thematic articles, but for now we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the drawings.



The Ukrainian lounger consists of a bottom, which is integral with the body, the body itself with a capacity of 20 frames, the roof and the frames directly. Each body wall is 40mm thick. Details of the manufacture of the walls and parts of such a lounger are discussed on our website. You can see the dimensions in the picture.



The main advantages of multi-hull structures are ease of use, manufacturing, low price and high performance. The bees feel comfortable in them and do not experience a shortage of free space. Depending on the season, you can remove and add enclosures. The whole evidence consists of a series of hulls, a roof, a detachable bottom, a stand, a dividing grid and a landing pad. There are also many more small details that help to facilitate the work of the beekeeper.


double hull

As the name implies, this evidence consists of two spacious buildings. A double-hull unit is perfect for places where the main bribe is very high during honey collection. Strong bee colonies are usually placed in these two-hull hives, since the weak ones will not take root in it, or they will bring very little bee production. Usually, in such hives, a removable bottom is designed to make it more convenient to maintain. Very often tapholes are located only on the lower compartment. The lid is made flat and thin.


Sixteen frame

The sixteen-frame model differs only ... yes, in the presence of additional frames. They are very convenient for beginner beekeepers, as they allow you to grow a fairly strong family. There is honey in the store extension. The thickness of the front and rear walls is 40 mm, the bottom and side walls are 30 mm. There are two years old. You will find all measurements and details in the pictures.


14-frame/ 12-frame/ 10-frame

Fourteen-, twelve- and ten-frame evidence differ in the number of frames, they are almost identical in their structure. It is simply more convenient for someone to work with a large number of frames at their disposal, someone is used to less. Choose yourself!


14 frame

12 frame

Universal hive Kuznetsov

This universal Kuznetsov hive incorporates such parts as: a body, which consists of a series of installed elements- bases (2), bodies (1, 3, 11) with bottom (4) and tray (5), mesh for main body (10) and cover (12). The bottom housing is equipped with a dust collector (6), it is located above the grid, and consists of a plurality of paired attached plates, which are installed at an angle to the horizon. In cross section, it has the shape of a Christmas tree. Very useful for bees collecting pollen.



Ozerov's street consists of three buildings, as well as two semi-frame extensions. The lower case is divided into two compartments by means of a partition. In each compartment there are two notches - from below and from above. The case is placed on the bottom stand, which is also divided by a blank partition into two sections. Each section of the lower case can accommodate up to 8 frames with dimensions of 435x300 mm. The second body is divided into two halves, each of which has its own notch - from the side or from the front. There are no partitions in the third building. In addition, they also make two extensions. Instead of extensions, a fourth body is sometimes made.



It is made in the form of a container. In such devices of Glazov, the bee colony very quickly increases its strength, the bees bring a large number of pollen and nectar, and the evidence allows it all to fit. Unfortunately, such models are very inconvenient to transport, they weigh too much, and it is difficult to make them yourself.



Every beekeeper knows that wild bees seek refuge in natural hiding places, which, for example, can become a hollow tree. But if you decide to start breeding these hardworking insects, then you will have to make every effort to ensure satisfactory working and resting conditions. And this presents a number of difficulties. Of course, there is no shortage of such information, beekeeping books describe in detail the entire process of organizing a hive, but this article is intended to convey to the reader in the most simplified and structured way all the information necessary for correct selection and installation of the hive.

hive types

Before you start building a hive for bees, you need to clearly understand what kind of hive structure you decide to build. There are many different types of bee houses, each with their own pros and cons. Detailed description of each type is not the purpose of this article, since this information is available in any beekeeping sources. In this regard, it should be noted that the main types of hives are vertical (riser) and horizontal (bed).

vertical hive

In this case, the vertical one is a two- or three-tier structure containing up to ten frames in each tier. An increase in the volume of the structure is achieved in this case by installing additional buildings or magazines.

horizontal hive

Horizontal hives in their shape resemble elongated horizontal boxes, the increase of which is possible with the help of additional installation of new cases on the side.

How to make a beehive with your own hands?

So, it's time to answer the questions: "How to make a beehive with your own hands?" and “What is required for this?” Let's start from the very beginning.

If you have firmly decided to please the bee dynasty with new comfortable apartments, you should clearly know that the hive is designed to provide:

Firstly, reliable protection from temperature changes and any changes in meteorological conditions, since bees are extremely whimsical insects.

Secondly, the dwelling should be equipped with side and ceiling types of insulation, which also protects the bees from changes in the meteorological situation, namely, from excessively low temperatures in winter, and from excessively high temperatures in summer.

Thirdly, the hive should be spacious and provide for the possible expansion of the structure, taking into account the increase in the number of members of the bee family, as well as the food supply.

And, finally, each beekeeper must create a hive that is convenient in all respects, not only for the bees, but also for his own maintenance. The hive must be strong and durable, well ventilated, and have strong fasteners and interchangeable parts, which makes the design convenient in case of movement or maintenance.

the materials we need

For the manufacture of hives will require the following materials: boards of various widths, made of soft woods. They must be well dried and freed from excessive irregularities and roughness. Boards choose even, with a width of half a centimeter greater than the width of the walls of the hive. This is necessary for stock in case of stripping parts.

Also, it is necessary to prepare nails of the proper diameter that will not violate the integrity of the material. We must not forget that in order to maintain optimal appearance the hive is painted after two to three years.

hive dimensions

Determining the size of the hive is an extremely crucial moment, as this is the basic rule for building hives. There are universal sizes suitable for hives of any design.

1. The distance between the mediastinums of two adjacent frames is 37.5 mm.

2. Passages for bees, called streets - 12.5 mm. If you decide to install a second housing, the distance between the upper bars of the nesting frames and the lower bars should be 10 mm.

4. The distance from the front and rear walls of the hive to the side rails of the frames is 7.5 mm.

5. Between the lower lath of the nest frame and the bottom - 20 mm.

If you have mastered the basic dimensions of the hive, then you can easily cope with the calculations of additional quantities that will be required in the process of preparing the hive.

components of the hive

Anyone who decides to make a hive with their own hands needs to know that its structure includes the following components:

manufacturing technique

To make the roof, you will need boards 20 mm wide or plywood, which is used in two layers. First of all, you need to take care of the strapping. Its dimensions are 455*455 mm. For its manufacture, boards 15 cm wide will be required. The perimeter of the strapping is complemented by slats that prevent the lid from slipping. A lid covered with oil paint is installed on top.

Canvas is not an obligatory element of the hive and is used for maintenance. It is a piece of burlap used to close the resulting holes in the lid.

The dimensions of the insulating pad should not greatly exceed the dimensions of the hive and are 455 * 455 mm. It is made in the form of a pillow, the filler for which is moss or dry grass.

The main design solution for the bottom is to manufacture it in the form of a simple bottom, which has a 20 mm indent from the frame border. It should fit the size of the hive and be nailed to the hive. There are designs in which the bottom remains loose.

For the manufacture of walls, boards with a size of 20 mm are used. They must be tightly fitted at all distances and tightly fastened with tongues.

Another essential element of bee apartments is the diaphragm. It is designed to separate the bee nest from the empty space. For its manufacture, ten-millimeter plywood is required, to which the sides are attached. It should be a mobile element of the hive. Which is easy to take out and put in.

The frames are made of laths, the material for which is birch or aspen.

hive assembly

Before assembling the hive, it is necessary to prepare four walls, the dimensions and drawings of which are presented below. Then the front wall is connected to the side ones, and then the back wall of the hive is attached. The next step is to hang two nesting frames to the side surfaces of the hive. After that, a floor is attached to the bottom edge, or a mesh is inserted to replace it.

Do not forget about the notch, which is cut out on the front surface of the hive. A knocked-down hive is installed on the floor. A pillow and an insulating canvas are placed on top, which will maintain the desired temperature in the hive, and covered with a lid.

Do-it-yourself polystyrene beehive

If you decide to use a Styrofoam hive, you should familiarize yourself with its pros and cons. Of course there are more advantages, but there are also disadvantages. The advantages are good thermal insulation, lightness, fairly simple manufacture. The disadvantages are associated with the tendency of the walls of the hive to damage, as well as the penetration of light into the gaps between the walls. All shortcomings can be compensated by good maintainability and low manufacturing costs.

Before you start building a hive, you need to find a suitable place for it. No matter how comfortable the house is, if there are no flowering honey plants next to it, the family is unlikely to be productive. The hives should be placed on a flat area, preferably with a slight slope to the south, east or west to drain rainwater.
The apiary must be protected from drafts and strong winds. To do this, it is installed near a fence or wall. Tall plants can serve as a protective wall: sunflowers, corn, bushes or trees. Such a hedge will provide the houses with shade in the summer heat.

One of critical aspects proper breeding of bees - providing a dry and warm place for their maintenance. To do this, you can buy ready-made bee houses. However, the problem is that used bee hives can be contaminated and new ones are quite expensive. An alternative option would be to make your own hives.

Moreover, there is nothing particularly complicated in this. Almost any beekeeper, even a beginner, with a little effort and effort, can quite make a beehive with his own hands. You just need to carefully study the drawings existing structures and choose for your insects the most suitable option taking into account the climatic zone and the expected size of the future family.

Criteria for choosing ready-made houses

When buying a ready-made bee house or if you want to make it yourself, you must first decide on the model.

When choosing a suitable design, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  • climate and weather conditions in the region: if spring and summer are cold with characteristic frosts, insulated, double-walled hives are needed, they can be left to winter outside;
  • opportunities for honey collection in the area: for abundant honey collection, sunbeds, double-hull and multi-hull are suitable, for meager ones - small, single-hull;
  • a type of apiary: heavy sun loungers and two-hull houses are suitable for a stationary one, for a portable one - light, compact, multi-hull, made of expanded polystyrene;
  • planned methods: if you need to create another family with a new queen, you need a sunbed;
  • apiary dimensions: for a large farm, hives are ideal, from which honey can be quickly pumped out, for example, double-hulled ones;
  • experience in beekeeping: beginners will find it easier to start with a simple bed design.

To find out what types of hives are successful in your area, you can consult with experienced beekeepers and watch them work.

Requirements for a homemade hive

  • building material must be taken durable, impermeable to moisture, in order to protect insects from bad weather conditions;
  • you need a heater that will keep warm inside in winter, and comfortable coolness in summer;
  • it is desirable to have not one, but several entrances, which, according to the weather, can be closed and opened;
  • there must be enough space in the hive for the movement of bees, for brood and honey;
  • the design should be convenient for the beekeeper so that he can easily collect honey, clean the house and take care of the family, you will need an opening lid and / or a removable bottom.

The most famous designs

The main types of hives

On the Web, you can find many schemes for making a hive with your own hands. Picking up the most suitable scheme, pay attention to the type of construction. Among the existing ones, the most common and convenient are the following:

  • Horizontal. They are also called beds. They look like a horizontal box, the length of which may vary depending on the number of frames. Its peculiarity is that the nest and the store are located next door.
  • Vertical, also called risers. The box has vertical arrangement, the design consists of several tiers. Its size is increased by adding new hulls or magazines on top (as opposed to horizontal, in which additions are made from the side).

Important! The division of views also occurs on the size of the frames. They are narrow and high, low and wide or equilateral.

Dadanovsky hive

One of the popular designs that is installed in many apiaries. Received its love because of its ease of use and spaciousness. It can be made with your own hands from wood, and it consists of 12 frames, which can be supplemented if desired. During the summer period and after an increase in the family, the hive can be enlarged with the help of additional buildings.


A multi-hull hive built in the likeness of a hollow. Gained great popularity due to the similarity with the natural habitat of wild bees. This structure is ideal for places with limited space. It has no partitions and openings for ventilation. Fresh air enters the inside of the hive through the notch.

This dwelling is suitable for honey plants living in warm regions, because due to regular rearrangements of the buildings, the thermal effect inside the dwelling is disturbed. Ruta contains 6 cases of 10 frames.


These hives have become popular due to the emergence of new bee diseases. This design has thin partitions, in connection with this, the swarm creates a microclimate for itself.

Important! Built from natural material are impregnated with wax.

Ukrainian lounger

Ideal solution for inexperienced beekeepers. It can be quickly made by hand. They consist of 20 frames and insulated side walls, so honey plants survive the winter cold very well. Ukrainian lounger is easy to maintain.


The hive is thin-walled, the wall thickness is 20 mm. Suitable for warm climate regions. The house has a lot of advantages - the buildings are light, easy to build with your own hands, very practical.

Medicinal properties

The bee house is used for treatment in alternative and standard medicine. This method is called "Sleep on the beehives." The effect is achieved in three ways:

  1. Healing air.
  2. Microvibration.
  3. The action of the biofield.

The bee air contains propolis and flower nectar. Inhaling this mixture, the respiratory tract is cleansed. Helps with bronchitis, cough, acute respiratory infections.

bee hive heals

  1. Cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Infertility.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Helps with postoperative rehabilitation, as well as metabolic disorders in the body.

The use of bee therapy is prohibited if

  1. Alcohol was taken.
  2. With allergic reactions to pollen and honey.
  3. Taking any medication.
  4. The disease is in the acute stage.

The benefits of honey have been known since ancient times. Recently, the bee product has been actively used for the treatment of cancer. Cancer is a malignant tumor that kills healthy body cells and lowers the immune system. Treatment with honey restores old cells, enhances the work of new cells.

In addition to honey, bees are also used in treatment. In motion, these insects create vibration and positively affect the human biofield. This method of treatment strengthens the immune system, invigorates and gives strength.

Materials for the manufacture of beehives

Initially, beekeepers collected honey from wild bees in the hollows of forest trees. Then someone came up with the idea of ​​making decks in logs and installing them near their home. The modern hive is a simplified and, more importantly, lightweight version of the deck. Therefore wood is considered best material for making hives for bees. Bees feel very comfortable in wooden houses.

best breed wood in the manufacture of beehives is considered linden. It absorbs less moisture and practically does not contain wood resins.

However thermal insulation properties This tree is low and the beehive, made of linden, must be additionally insulated for the winter. In addition, linden boards are more expensive than other, more common types of wood.

Pine and spruce hives are much cheaper and retain heat better. But the coniferous smell and the ability to absorb moisture make the beehives of these types of wood not comfortable enough. The main advantages of pine and spruce houses are low cost and good ability to retain heat.

What material is better to make hives

Since ancient times, wooden beehives have been installed in the apiary. For their manufacture, natural soft wood of linden, poplar, willow, spruce or cedar was used. Today, polystyrene foam and polyvinyl chloride hives are on sale. They have many advantages over wooden models– lightness, ease of transportation and assembly. But the main advantage of a wooden house is its naturalness and environmental safety.

To make a bee house, they buy high-quality cut soft wood. Boards used for construction are processed and polished. Their surface should be smooth, without chips and knots. Knots well intergrown with the surface are allowed on parts with a width of at least 65 mm. The walls, bottom and roof of the hive are made of boards of various sizes. Only one rule applies to them - high quality wood (no rotten and rotten places, no mold and rotten knots).


Easy to process and durable material for bee houses, which, however, does not withstand moisture, and therefore its outer surface must be primed and painted. To retain heat, the inner surface of the plywood hive is pasted over with expanded polystyrene. Plywood structures are strong and lightweight, but require annual maintenance to ensure protection from moisture.

Expanded polystyrene and foam

These materials have become quite widely used for the manufacture of beehives in last years. They are easy to process, and therefore it is much easier to make a hive from them than from any other material.

Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene constructions are very light, dry and warm. Bees in such houses feel quite comfortable. The low cost of materials makes them available to most beekeepers.

The disadvantages include low strength and fragility of the structure, which requires very careful handling. In addition, polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene are afraid of exposure to ultraviolet rays and are destroyed over time. Therefore, to protect against solar radiation, hives made of these materials must be painted.


Another modern material, which does not rot, is moisture resistant, is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, is easily processed, retains heat well and has a small specific gravity. Polyurethane is not spoiled by mice, birds and insects. Hives from it are light and comfortable. The disadvantages include its flammability, inability to pass air and high cost.

Video about the manufacture of beehives from different materials

Hive design requirements

The main requirements for the design of bee hives are that they must provide dry, well-ventilated and warm room for bees. When developing your own design that differs from the standard options, you should take into account some features. As practical experience shows, the structural dimensions should provide for the following:

  • width top bar on the frames is 25 mm;
  • between the axes of adjacent frames should be 37.5 mm;
  • width of streets or passages for bees 12.5 mm;
  • between the side rails of the frames and the walls of the hive no more than 7.5 mm;
  • from the top of the frame to the bottom case and from the bottom bar to upper body must be at least 8 and not more than 10 mm;
  • the distance from the lower bar of the frame to the bottom of the hive body is within 20-40 mm.

These insects are especially good at distinguishing yellow, orange and blue shades, as well as white. The roof needs to be painted white to reduce its heating from the sun's rays. Before painting, the surface is treated with drying oil or primer.

When using thin walls for the winter period, they are insulated with reed or straw mats. You can use other heaters, but this option with mats is the cheapest. Compliance with these conditions will ensure the normal development of the bee colony and simple maintenance of the hive.

Do-it-yourself "horned" hive

One of the simplest and, at the same time, effective designs for making hives with your own hands is the "horned" hive. This model got its name due to the presence of connecting pins protruding at the corners of the case. It was invented by Mikhail Polivoda, who decided to develop a multi-tiered sectional hive that was as simple as possible to manufacture.

Each separate section consists of 4 framed boards 155 wide and 22 mm thick. To connect the sections to each other, bars 22x27 mm are fixed in the corner parts of the body, protruding 22 mm in the upper part and not reaching the edge by 17 mm in the lower part.

When the cases are stacked on top of each other, these bars connect them, creating a solid monolithic structure. The gap remaining between the bars is intended for disassembly using a chisel or other tool. The internal dimensions of the case are 450x300 mm.

The density of the joints between the bodies to be joined is ensured by the selection of end seams along the edges of the boards. In order to simplify the work, instead of folds, parallel bars can be nailed inside the body, on which the shoulders of the body frame will rest. In this case, the structure will become somewhat heavier, and the internal dimensions will be determined by the distance between these bars.

The quality of board processing is not critical. The main condition is the absence of strong roughness. The same can be said about the thickness of the board. It is important that only internal dimensions are maintained.

The bottom is made of a metal mesh with a cell of 3x3 or 4x4 mm, stretched over a frame body made of boards 100 mm wide. On one of the narrow sides there is a wide notch 22 mm high. As a ceiling, a cover with boards stuffed with a continuous layer is used.

IN winter time for insulation, it is covered with polystyrene foam or polystyrene glued to a sheet of tin. After manufacturing, all sections must be primed and painted with colored paints.

The working capacity of such a "horned" hive is designed for the installation of 8 Dadan or magazine frames. The structure, assembled from several sections, is installed on a wooden platform slightly raised above the ground. The wall thickness of 25 mm provides for additional insulation in the winter season.

Advantages of the "horned" hive

Most beekeepers admit that Mikhail Polivoda developed a very simple and successful design, while noting that:

  • making a hive for bees has become easier;
  • any dry wood can be used as a material;
  • even wood waste can be used as bars;
  • in the manufacture does not require the presence of a complex tool;
  • the weight of the case is small, which allows you to easily transfer it to a new place;
  • you can use store frames or make them yourself;
  • the design is inexpensive and affordable even for beginner beekeepers.

As a result, the solution is practical and very comfortable to use.

Instructions for the manufacture and assembly of a classic hive

Thanks to its simple and clear design, classic version Until recently, the Dadanovsky hive was considered. Its design consists of:

  • several cases for installing frames;
  • two stores;
  • ceiling;
  • liner;
  • roofs;
  • insert board;
  • 10 or 12 frames.

As obligatory additional accessories included in the kit, it is considered the presence of a feeder, a drinker and a barrier in the form of conical wooden plugs.

Before you make a hive with your own hands, you must select and purchase necessary materials, which can be used as dry linden, aspen, pine or spruce boards with a thickness of 30-40 mm, and for the lid and liner - 15 mm thick. The surface of the boards must be carefully processed at least on one side and along the ends. At any wood detail no more than 3 knots are allowed.

As a material, you can use expanded polystyrene, polystyrene of grade not lower than 40 or polyurethane. To assemble the structure, you need PVA glue or other waterproof glue with a strength of at least 20 kg / cm 2, as well as nails 10, 40 and 60 mm long. The roof is covered with a layer of roofing felt or other waterproofing material. At the final stage, you will need drying oil, paints and brushes.

Case and magazine manufacturing

For the manufacture of cases and magazines, the available boards are cut into lengths of 530 and 340 mm. On the long ends of the boards, tongues and ridges 15 mm wide are selected. Shields are assembled from the prepared segments on the tongue-and-groove adhesive joint. To create the possibility of hanging frames, a fold 11 wide and 20 mm deep is selected in the front and rear walls.

By inner edge side walls, it is necessary to remove a fold 16 wide and 10 mm deep, and chamfer 5x5 mm on the outside. Thanks to the presence of this fold, the store will be installed on the body, and the chamfer will ensure reliable removal of moisture from the walls during rain.

A fold 24 mm wide and 10 mm high is made along the lower edge of the case and magazine. The dimensions of the shield for the side wall are 490x340 mm. IN corner connections they are included in the folds of the front and rear walls.

Roof manufacturing

The roof structure consists of a roof and retaining strapping. The roof is assembled from boards 10-15 mm thick or plywood 8-10 mm thick is used. For waterproofing, it is covered with two layers of roofing material or waterproofing. It is even better to use sheet aluminum or galvanized iron.

To hold the roof in a fixed position, wooden slats 20x20 mm are nailed along the perimeter of the strapping. In the end walls, it is necessary to drill ventilation holes and close them with a metal mesh with a cell of 3x3 mm.

Bottom Assembly

The bottom of the Dadan hives is detachable. The shield is assembled from boards 40 mm thick on glue into a tongue and groove 10x20 mm. The outer strapping is made of a wooden block when connected to a spike. A fold is selected along the upper edge for the possibility of installing a store. The dimensions of the bottom must match the dimensions of the hull.

Universal sizes

Whatever project you take as a basis, it is important to observe the main dimensions of the parts and the distances between them. For bee houses with low wide frames, it is important to maintain the distance between the back and front. It should be exactly 45 cm.

Universal sizes for all types of hives are as follows:

  1. With a honeycomb thickness of 2.5 cm, the street is 1.25 cm.
  2. The passage between the frames and the walls of the hive (front and back) is 0.75 cm.
  3. Leave 2 cm between the bottom and the bottom bar of the nest.
  4. Between the middle walls of adjacent frames, you need to make a distance of 3.75 cm.

A good do-it-yourself hive will delight the beekeeper and serve as a safe haven for bees for 10 years. In regions with low humidity and good weather conditions, this period can be 20 years. When building, refer to trusted sources, look at the apiary of an experienced beekeeper, use his personal opinion. These tips will help you achieve good results.

Drawings of the hive Dadana

Since the Dadanovsky hive and the sunbed use standard frames, they differ only in width: one should fit 12 pieces of frames, the other - 20 or 24 pieces. The rest of the parameters remain the same.

Lateral and frontal (back and front) walls of the hive

Case Assembly Diagram

Changeable parameters for hives with different number of frames are shown in the table. Substitute them in the drawing and get the option that you need.

What you need to know before you start making a beehive with your own hands

Even before the start of independent production of hives, it is necessary to know the requirements for materials and technology for the construction of evidence for bees. A lot of them. Let's start with the requirements for the material.

What are they made of

The most common material is wood. Can be used as non-tarry wood conifers(spruce, fir, deresined pine), and loose hardwoods- poplar, linden, etc. Dense wood should not be used - the hive will be heavy and cold.

Wood requirements are strict. It must be dry - no more than 16% moisture, without falling knots, rot, wormholes, redness. Blueing is acceptable (it does not affect quality indicators). If there are knots, they can be removed, sealed with corks from the same type of wood and puttied. Do not use wood with other defects.

Today they make beehives from plywood, preferably birch. In this case, the walls are made double with a gasket between the layers of insulation - foam. These hives are warm in winter and cool in summer. Their minus is that the walls are vapor-tight, moisture does not escape through them. Therefore, the ventilation system of the hive must be given Special attention(make an additional notch at the top, and if necessary, open it for ventilation).

Sometimes hives are assembled from polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam. Most good option- expanded polystyrene. Even some fasteners can be installed in it, neither bees nor other insects gnaw at it. The remaining two materials are collected on glue, and bees also sharpen them, and ants and other neighbors undesirable for bees can settle.

Handling and assembly requirements

When assembling a hive with your own hands, you must strictly maintain the internal dimensions of the body and extensions. Then increasing the volume will not cause difficulties. Parts of the hive - bodies, extensions, stores, roof - must be connected to the castle and the castle parts must also match. This is necessary for a reliable connection without gaps and drafts, which bees do not like very much. In this regard, the maximum tolerances during processing are 1-2 mm.

There are also requirements for the quality of material processing. Most of of which refers to wood, but they can also be applied to other materials:

  • Boards and bars should be smooth, without burrs, scuffs and chips.
  • It is necessary to cut materials strictly at an angle of 90 °, avoiding deviations.
  • The hive bodies must be knocked down from solid boards with a thickness of 40-45 mm or using a tongue-and-groove connection, glued for reliability.
  • To pair the parts of the hive in detail, choose a quarter - for a reliable gapless connection.
  • On the front and back walls of the hive, a fold is made - for hanging the frames. The depth of the fold should be such that there is a distance of at least 8-10 mm from the top edge of the plank to the cover or extension. If the distance is shorter, the frames may stick to the lid, which creates maintenance problems.
  • If the walls are made two-layer (with insufficient thickness of the boards), the outer ones connect them in a quarter, making sure that the seams in the layers do not match. It is better to connect the inner parts and the bottom into a tongue or groove.

Structural elements and their features

Most often, the hive has a modular structure - it consists of several detachable parts. This is convenient, as it allows you to increase the volume as needed. Each of these parts is made separately and the manufacturing accuracy must be high - all parts must be interchangeable.

Dadanov's hive of two buildings, placed one on top of the other


This is the central part of the hive, in which the nest of bees is usually located. By the number of housings, hives are single, double-hulled or multi-hulled (3 or more). Corps are instructed as the family grows.

Hive body for 12 frames


The roof of the hive can be single-pitched (tilted backwards) or gabled. In the forehead case, it should be with overhangs - to protrude beyond the geometric dimensions of the hive and protect the walls from the effects of bad weather.

Roof structures for beehives

The roof consists of a liner - a flat body for accommodating insulation or feeders for feeding bees - and the actual roof planks nailed to the liner with nails or screwed with self-tapping screws. The height of the armpit depends on the thickness of the insulation, and this value depends on the region. Usually the height of the liner is 80-140 mm. Ventilation holes are often also made in the liner - to remove moist air from the hive.

In the manufacture of the roof, the boards are laid either in two layers with overlapping seams, or from thicker boards in one layer, but the seams must be closed with thin strips. over wooden roof hives can be laid roofing iron, roofing felt or ruberoid.

In the manufacture of the roof, pay attention to the fact that it "sits down" tightly, without gaps. To seal the connection around the perimeter of the body, you can stuff a felt strip or nail a plinth outside the body to cover the joint.

The bottom of the hive can be nailed to the body (deaf) or can be pulled out or pulled out, that is, it can be detachable. The detachable bottom facilitates the maintenance of the hives - it allows you to clean the bottom without disassembling the entire hive. Structurally, the bottom happens:

  • cold - from a single board;
  • warm - from two layers with a warming backfill.

Also, the bottom is double-sided - with protrusions of different heights on both sides, which allows you to adjust the internal volume. They knock it down tightly, without cracks, connect the boards in a quarter or in a groove with additional sizing of the joint with moisture-resistant glue for wood. The cracks must be carefully sealed (putty on wood), as wax crumbs are poured into them, and then the wax moth starts up. Therefore, from time to time they prefer to replace the bottom, knocking together a new one.

Useful videos

20 frame horizontal beehive

The principle of operation for all types is the same. Before you make a bee hive with your own hands, you need to know exact dimensions. 20 frame horizontal bee hive, step by step instructions:

  1. We cut parts from a board four cm wide. These parts will serve as the front and back walls of the hive. Lateral, cut out from a board three cm long.
  2. We assemble the structure so that all walls except the front one are in contact with the bottom, and the front one rises from the bottom by one and a half cm. This distance will serve as an entrance from below in the future. The corners are joined in a quarter and fastened with nails.
  3. We make the floor from a board 3.5 cm thick. The bottom should look like a shield.
  4. Ceilings are built from boards: L-47.8 cm, thickness - 1 cm.
  5. We construct a roof. It can be made flat, single-sided or double-sided. This is the only part that can be upholstered with a metal sheet.
  6. For the northern regions, the lounger must be insulated on both sides.

The sunbed consists of a bottom, a roof and walls. The frame is built from shields. Dimensions of the front part: 87x37. The height of the back wall is 87x34. The length of the side shields is 44x49 cm. The size of the bottom: 84x54.5, thickness 3.5 cm.
You can make bee evidence with your own hands from:

Simplicity in construction, with your own hands, is that the foam is inexpensive and reliable. Building from this material is simple and profitable. Before you build a beehive for bees with your own hands, you need to know the dimensions. The size of the future hive can be very diverse, it depends on the number of frames that will be there. To find out the width, you need to multiply the number of frames by 3.75. The length is calculated: the length of the frame plus 1.4. The height is calculated: add the height of the frame to the height of the folds.

  1. Initially, you should decide on the size and start construction in stages.
  2. We put stencils of the future house on the foam sheet.
  3. We cut out future walls and clean the corners with sandpaper.
  4. To fasten all the details, cut out the quarters and use nails and self-tapping screws to connect.
  5. The bottom is made of galvanized sheet.
  6. The roof must be flat or pitched. After fastening the roof, it is weighted.
  7. Lettki perform standard.

After the construction of the hive is completed, it is necessary to make frames. They consist of: top, bottom and side bars. It is made from dried, natural material.
Dimensions according to GOST:

  • top and side - B-2.5 cm
  • top rail - H-2 cm;
  • lower rail - B - from 1.5 to 2.5 cm;
  • H - 1 cm;
  • dimensions depend on the type of hive, dimensions according to GOST - 43.5x30.
    (H-height; B-width; L-length)


The central part of the hive is a four-walled box. It has a bee nest. As the bee family increases, the bodies can be pointed at each other. According to the number of buildings, houses are divided into: single, double-hull and multi-hull (from 3 or more). The wall thickness should be 35 mm. This size will help the swarm to overwinter well. The number of frames in the case can be from 16 to 24.

The parts prepared for the body are connected with nails or PVA glue. A cut is made in the lower part of the front wall: B-4cm, H-1cm. This slot will serve as an entrance and exit for the swarm. Also, at the bottom of the case, a hole is drilled for ventilation. The made case is treated on the outside with a water-repellent material and painted white.

Important! On the case, it is necessary to make notches on the sides, 7mm below the top of the case. They will serve as handles for easy transportation from place to place.


The roof is made from a board 2 cm thick. From the prepared boards we make a structure in the form of a shield and, to prevent the board from rotting, we cover it with a tin sheet.

Important! When building a hive, a tin sheet is used only to cover the roof, it is not used for wall cladding.

Most beekeepers place a mesh on top of the hive for extra ventilation when transporting bee houses. It is also necessary to isolate the swarm from the outside world.

For regions with a cold climate, the bottom is made of two layers of boards with insulating backfill. In the southern regions, insulation is not required, therefore, it is made from a single board.

The bottom is made of bars. At three side bars standard sizes- 57x6.5x3.5. The bars that will be installed in the back are 44.5x6.5x3.5. In each bar, at a distance of 2 cm from the top edge, it is necessary to make puzzles. After all the details are cut out, we proceed to assemble the parts of the structure. The bottom should be assembled with the letter "P". Grooves are needed to install the floor. The arrival board is made from a 5 cm protruding beam, the front bottom beam.
The bottom, for convenience, should be removable and double-sided.

Sample Toolkit

Before you start making a hive, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • wooden hammer;
  • awl;
  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • nails and screws;
  • measuring tape;
  • perforator, welding machine and grinder;
  • board 32x18, 12 mm plywood;
  • insulation;
  • a metal sheet;
  • PVA, paint, brushes.


Drawings are more convenient to use ready-made.

Due to the large number of frames and housings, it will be difficult for a beginner beekeeper to make a multi-hull hive.

This type of hive is a large, long box. The floor and roof fit snugly into the structure itself. Drawings of the manufactured structure:

When designing a multi-hull house, you must follow a few rules:

  1. The bottom can be made by anyone. The removable bottom makes it much easier to care for insects.
  2. It is better to make the roof of the hive flat, for more convenient transportation.
  3. Frames should be with side bars and have side bars.
  4. For a family of bees, you need to make a feeder from a nomadic mesh.
  5. The roof is assembled after the assembly of the entire structure and after the insulation stage.
    The house should be warm, comfortable and airtight. Otherwise, the swarm will get sick, will not endure the winter cold and will not bear honey well.

When deciding to go into beekeeping, you will inevitably be faced with the choice of a hive system. Well, having decided, you need to decide whether to purchase ready-made dwellings for bees or make them yourself. Independent production will significantly increase the profitability of beekeeping. You need to consider before you make beehives for bees with your own hands - the drawings are of paramount importance.

Hive systems and their assembly schemes

Since the invention by the Ukrainian beekeeper Petr Ivanovich Prokopovich of the first collapsible frame hive in 1814, many different modifications have been invented. We will look at the most successful hive systems that have received the greatest distribution. It should be stated - one-stop solution does not exist. Each beekeeper who selects hives takes into account the following factors:

Today, using the capabilities of the Internet makes it easier to make beehives with your own hands. Dimensions, drawings, online videos are publicly available within the World Wide Web. You can find everything: what the hive should consist of, characteristics, what devices are used for manufacturing, production step by step.

Dadan-Blatt's invention

The hive was created by a Frenchman, in the USA by Charles Dadant. After his death, the project was improved by the Swiss Blatt. The classic design has one nested housing with internal dimensions 450 mm wide and 450 mm deep - Dadan hive for 12 frames. The drawing is shown below.

Above the nest compartment there are two extensions for a half-frame, then a liner and a roof.

The frame of the lower case is 300 mm high and 435 mm wide (without hangers). Such dimensions allow the bees to fit the brood with a strip of honey on top. This is important for the life of the family during the free periods. The lower Dadanovsky building is able to accommodate the nest of a strong family. It contains enough food for wintering outside.


The 300th frame is popular in the post-Soviet space. In addition to the ten and twelve frame hives of Dadan, it is used in common beds for 16, 20 or 24 frames. In these structures, the development of the bee community occurs in a horizontal plane. To protect empty space or unoccupied frames, a front board is used, which is rearranged depending on the strength of the family.

The figure shows a twenty frame version of the design.

An identical view has a sun lounger hive for 24 frames. The drawing, the dimensions of which will be increased by 137 mm in length, will fit 4 frames more.

As mentioned above, the 300th frame holds enough food for wintering, however, it is not ideal for mid-latitudes. When the club reaches the top bar, the bees are stressed. Movement along the frames in winter is a necessary measure.

An interesting solution was the Ukrainian lounger. In it, the frame described above is inverted vertically, that is, 300 mm wide and 435 mm high. The narrow high format allows the bee club to move like in a hollow tree trunk - from the bottom up (see diagram).

The most capacious is the Vladimir sunbed. It is designed for 32 frames 435 by 450 mm. The walls of the hive are framed - two sheets of plywood with polystyrene foam between them. A large volume allows you to keep several families at the same time through blank partitions, with the possibility of uniting for the main bribe.

The advantages of all sunbeds include:

  • accessibility of the nest for the beekeeper;
  • no need for substitution of cases;
  • ideal for a beginner or an amateur who observes all the processes in a bee colony;
  • suitable for operations with frequent reformatting of the nest (obtaining royal jelly, hatching queens).

The main disadvantages are the bulky design, the need for time-consuming framework work. In this regard, these hives are not suitable for commercial beekeeping, more for the household.

Hive Ruta

The modern technology of industrial keeping of bees is not possible without the use of a multi-hull hive. The most common system in the world is the root system..

The frame differs from Dadanov's in height, it is 230 mm. This size allowed to reduce the weight of the filled body. This solved the problem of the beekeeper's labor costs for working with each individual frame. There was an opportunity to make substitution or a fence of the whole case. There are enough of them 4 pieces per season, but you can not be limited to this number. The bottom is more practical to make removable. The design is suitable for transportation during roaming.

Disadvantages of the hive: there is little space for food for wintering in one building. The solution is substitution of subsidies or wintering on two buildings.

Some beekeepers, for example, A.N. Kuznetsov, create universal hives that allow you to work with the Dadan and Rut frames.

Cebro uses a 300 frame in his multi-hull hive, but his design is very bulky and completely stationary.


The bee house got its peculiar name for the pins protruding from the body. The protrusions are needed to fix the structure. This type includes the palyvoda hive, in which all elements are simplified as much as possible. Will be required minimum costs on homemade production structures called horned beehive. The drawings are shown below.

Making such a hive is quite simple..

One case contains 8 frames 145 mm high. A metal mesh is also used at the bottom of the hole for the entrance to the full width. The design allows, if necessary, to install it on top of the hive.

The advantages of the system include light weight, possibility of transportation, low budget for production. However, we note that thin walls will require measures for warming during wintering. At the peak of the development of colonies, the hive becomes too high.


The ideal solution for beekeepers with limited mobility. The cassette hive eliminates the need to rearrange heavy hulls. They are inside the column. Enclosures designed in such a way that they can be pulled out along the rails onto a mobile stand.

Frameless hives

There is a category of beekeepers who have bees without commercial intent. Some of them consider any interference in the life of a bee colony harmful. And also there are people who want to keep bees, but do not plan to delve into the intricacies of beekeeping.

For these categories, a frameless hive is most suitable. The content of bees in such dwellings is as close as possible to natural conditions. The beekeeper does not need deep knowledge of the biology of the bee colony.


In hives of this type, wooden slats serve as the basis for honeycombs. As the author Emile Varre said, his system does not require the use of frames, wire, foundation. Visits are kept to a minimum. Another feature is the high attic roof, which is filled with heat-insulating and moisture-absorbing material (sawdust, straw, fallen leaves).

Hive Shapkin

Can be used with or without frames. The hive was invented by the Russian popularizer of contactless beekeeping V.F. Shapkin. In essence, it is a collapsible board.

The walls of the buildings are based on a frame made of wooden bars. There is a plastic layer outside, plywood sheathing inside, foam plastic between them. The combined bottom helps to produce a successful fight against flare.

Manufacturing nuances

It is not necessary to copy completely finished drawing hive. You can combine successful devices different designs, for example, use a high bottom according to German technology. The same decision is radically changed by small nuances - whether or not to make holes for tapholes in the hulls, to use a blind or mesh bottom, etc.

The most popular material for the manufacture of beehives, no doubt, is wood. It is important to take into account its moisture content before building evidence. According to GOST, it should not exceed 15%. In the case of a high moisture content, the structure will inevitably lead, the dimensions of the board will change.