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Landscape design of a garden plot - how to design a beautiful garden and vegetable garden at the dacha. Beautiful garden beds at the dacha with your own hands: photo examples and unusual solutions Vegetable garden where everything grows design

Don’t want to invest in your dacha the old fashioned way? Then why not turn your garden beds into a work of art. Let's see what the landscape design of a modern vegetable garden can actually look like, how to organize beautiful beds, what exactly to plant there and other subtleties of gardening.

Modern vegetable garden and its design

A well-designed vegetable garden can become a real decoration of the entire site. Such a garden will be able to please everyone not only good harvest, but also by its appearance. In order for the plot to look unusual and stylish, it is necessary to think carefully about the design of the vegetable garden, where ordinary vegetable beds will look no worse than bright flower beds.

The term landscape design implies original design not only the garden or recreation area on the site. There are several simple rules, with the help of which even a novice gardener will be able to plan and design a modern vegetable garden.

The location of the utility, front and recreation areas must be provided at the site design stage, when there are no utility buildings on it yet. In this case, the area for vegetable crops must be well lit. Most cultivated plants are demanding on soil and lighting. Therefore, placing the beds in a sunny area with fertile soil can make crop rotation work easier.

If the owners' primary task is not to produce large quantity preparations for the winter, it is better to limit the number and size of beds. Several neat, well-groomed, small beds will bring much more benefit to the owners of the site and their guests than several dozen ordinary beds. When designing decorative vegetable beds on the site, you should take into account not only appearance plants planted in the neighborhood, but also their requirements for growth conditions. Slightly raised beds in the shape of geometric shapes or waves are not always suitable for planting moisture-loving plants. The fact is that moisture in such beds dries out quite quickly, which can lead to slow growth and drying out of crops.

As a rule, standard beds are approximately 1-1.2 m wide. Farmers across Europe are of the opinion that the width of vegetable beds should not exceed 70cm. Narrow beds are easier to care for, they have a neat appearance, which also leads to an increase in the quantity and quality of the harvest.

Examples of a modern ornamental vegetable garden

Here are some ideas for landscaping your garden and creating an attractive appearance for your beds and whatever you plant there.

Framing beds

Every gardener wants his plot to have a beautiful appearance not only during the growing season, when the beds are decorated with an abundance of greenery and flowering plants, but also when the beds are completely bare. Small brick walls framing the beds will help to slightly raise them. In addition, such site decor always looks neat and beautiful.

Many people use various curves, patterns and smooth lines in the decoration of the site. To decorate beds in such an area, you can use ready-made modules. If you show a little imagination, you can decorate a modern garden using plastic bottles, small diameter stumps or other available materials. Decorated paths between the beds will also give the site a finished look. It is better to cover the paths with a small layer of crushed stone or line them with tree cuts.

Modern city in containers

Vegetable beds planted in containers will not only give the site an aesthetic appearance, they are mobile. If necessary, such decorative beds You can easily rearrange it to another place and create interesting compositions. Decorative beds in containers with herbs or various herbs will help decorate your terrace or barbecue area.

There is no need to buy special containers. Various types of beds can be used as beds. flower pots, old dishes, large barrels, baskets. You can use whatever your imagination suggests for planting plants, the main thing is that the selected containers are harmoniously combined with other decorative elements on the site.

Varieties of decorative eggplants, peppers or cherry tomatoes are perfect for planting in small containers. Even several varieties of plants can be planted in large containers, thereby creating interesting compositions.

Rich green lettuce leaves will look interesting in combination with chard leaves, which have a burgundy-red color. Decorate these vegetable beds it is possible by planting some vegetables along with annual plants. It could be marigold, majora or calendula.

Mixed flower and vegetable beds in a modern vegetable garden

The main trend in modern gardening is to create mixed beds. To design proper flower and vegetable beds, various variegated plants are used, which form unique multi-level compositions. Using various plants By combining them correctly, you can create real works of art. It is better to plant such compositions in small islands. Greens are used as the bottom tier; peppers and tomatoes are middle-tier plants. The background of mixed beds can be corn or sunflowers. It is recommended to plant green beans next to the sunflower, which will twine around the stable stems, thereby creating additional decor in the beds. Such mixed flower and vegetable beds can be turned into real decorative flower beds.

Design of a modern vegetable garden in English and French styles

As a rule, a modern vegetable garden is designed in French or english style. The peculiarity of the French style is that all the green spaces on the site form a well-thought-out, complex pattern consisting of various geometric shapes. All the beauty of such a vegetable garden opens from the highest point on the site. To design beds in french style Only low-growing plants are used. Such plants do not grow, thereby not violating the strict geometry of the composition. Low plants are also planted along paths that are lined decorative bricks or garden tiles.

The design of a modern garden in the English style is more natural. The choice of plants for such a site is much wider. To plant in such a garden, you can use any vegetable crops, supplementing them with various flowers and herbs. In summer, during flowering, a well-designed English-style vegetable garden resembles a miniature park with an abundance of flowers, the role of which is played by zucchini, ornamental cabbage and lettuce.

If there is very little space for organizing a vegetable garden, you can make several non-standard small beds in almost any part of the site.

Rules for choosing plants for a modern garden

Selecting plants for planting in the garden must be based on the composition of the soil and climate zone in which the site is located. However, there are several general rules, following which you can choose plants suitable for your garden.

First of all, when planting plants, it is necessary to take into account the degree of illumination of the area. Tall plants must be planted so that they do not block shorter plants from sunlight. Also, the same crop should not be planted in the same place for 2 years in a row. This can make the soil infertile, thereby reducing the yield. Watering is also very important for plants. When designing a garden, you need to take into account the watering regime for each crop.

And of course, you can’t just plant the plants you like together, because not all crops tolerate being next to each other well. Properly selected plants can repel insect pests and protect their neighbors from infection by various diseases.

The design of a modern vegetable garden is a close interaction between man and nature. In order for the vegetable garden to become a real decoration of the site, it is necessary to experiment. The result depends on the desire and imagination of the person. Decorative, well-kept vegetable garden, where vegetables grow in combination with useful herbs and ornamental plants, can become the subject of admiration and the highlight of any site.

Modern vegetable garden - photo

Every owner of a house with a garden plot or a summer cottage wants to make this place as comfortable as possible. Regardless of the size of the free land, the plot can be designed in several ways, the main thing is to correctly develop the design of the vegetable garden.

Regardless of size, making a beautiful vegetable garden is not difficult

The design of the garden needs to be developed correctly

There are several options for planning landscape design, they reflect the main purpose of the land.

  • Rest area. If the owners are not summer residents and growing plants is not part of their plans, then the entire area is a place for rest and relaxation. If the footage allows, you can allocate a few meters for a garage, gazebo, or bathhouse. The fresh air is conducive to picnics. Therefore, opposite the main house, or on the side, build a playground, patio, or artificial pond.
  • Area for work. Suitable for those who like to grow, care for, collect and preserve plants. Here the main part of the territory is intended for beds, the rest for shrubs, garden trees. If the size of the plot allows, you can create a small recreation area, for example, a bench under a canopy.
  • Combination. The most current garden design option. You can work, then have a good rest. The main footage is allocated for beds. They can be combined. It is possible to plant berry bushes and fruit trees along the perimeter. Leave the rest of the space for a recreation area. This is a canopy, a gazebo, a small pond, flower beds.

You can decorate your garden in different ways, it all depends on the preferences of the owners.

Everything on the work site is suitable for growing

In fact, if you take your landscaping seriously, you can create a small, free-standing oasis for relaxing with friends or family. The main thing is to follow a few basic rules.

  • Think about your style in advance.
  • Choose the right landscaping method necessary plants, trees, shrubs.
  • Arrange everything correctly.

The result will not take long to arrive; the garden design will amaze the imagination.

When creating a garden design, you need to think through everything in advance.

A vegetable garden can perform different functions; if it is a place for relaxation, then it is better to plant flowers there

If everything is done correctly, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Basic styles

If the site is designed by the owners themselves, then it is not necessary to comply with all design canons. This makes the atmosphere seem warmer and more homely. But you still need to have an idea of ​​style.


Vegetable garden design, for which adherence to geometric lines and general style. Lawns should be located evenly, flower beds should be symmetrical to each other. An original statue or fountain will look unusual


A more relaxed and natural garden design. When decorating, shrubs and spruce are preferred. You can build an artificial pond or stream


For it, it is better to buy wild flowers, from which you can build multi-level flower beds. You can place stones and pebbles around the perimeter


With good imagination, this landscape design will require minimum quantity investments. This style is characterized by a wicker fence, clay accessories, and standard flower beds. To enhance the style, you can build wooden structures with your own hands

There are many smaller styles for decorating a dacha and garden: oriental, Mediterranean, exotic, French, English. If the family could not find a solution that would suit everyone, you can use a combined garden and vegetable garden design.

When creating a design on your own, the atmosphere will be more homely

A garden in a rustic style will be great place for relax

Techniques for decorating a site with flowers

It is rare when there are no flower beds on a personal plot or dacha. They are the main decoration of the entire perimeter and landscape design in general. So that they please the owners all year round, it is necessary to choose the right seasonal plant species.

Flowers come in annuals, biennials, and perennials. Depending on the specific species, they can spread out as a carpet or create a hedge. Majority experienced flower growers It is recommended to plant mainly bulbous plants on your site, perennials and dilute them with annuals. The compositions will always be different and unique.

It is advisable to plant flowers in the garden; they will harmoniously complement the overall picture.

You can choose plants that will delight you all year round

Flowerbeds can be arranged in different ways.

  • Rabatka. A strip of flowering plants around the lawn. For this design method, carpet varieties of flowers are preferable: chistets, echeveria. Due to the high density of the cover, you can make a composition of any complexity and color.
  • Border. Plants are arranged in the form of a border, preference is given to low-growing specimens: aster, Iberis, marigolds.
  • Mixborder. In this case, several types of flowers are used; the flowerbed can be made multi-level, of various shapes.

Besides various kinds flower beds, vertical gardening can be used to decorate the garden design. It will help hide an old, ugly fence, a blank wall, play the role of a living fence, or run along a gazebo.

IN vertical gardening are used climbing plants: hops, grapes, clematis.

With the help of flowers you can hide some of the imperfections of the area

Flowerbeds can be arranged in different ways

Techniques for decorating a site with trees and shrubs

As a rule, at all dachas, personal plots Several trees and shrubs are planted. The design of a garden at the dacha allows this. Trees can be both fruit and ornamental. Between them you can safely place beds with vegetable crops, the main thing is that they have enough sunlight.

The first ones are planted from the north so that they and the adjacent beds have enough sunlight.

A wonderful decorative element are coniferous trees. They make amazing hedge, which gives coolness in summer, and in winter pleases the eye with rich green. Conifers are unpretentious in care and fit organically into any type of landscape design.

In most cases, thuja, spruce, pine, and juniper are used.

Usually several trees and shrubs are planted on the site

Trees can be fruit and ornamental

Coniferous trees will look very good in garden design

Basic rules for designing a small plot

Areas with small footage can also be decorated beautifully and unusually. In such cases, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rule: “Massive elements have no place here.”

All buildings, except the main one, should not be large. They can be hidden behind hedges or plantings. Even buildings small size should be single, it is necessary to alternate the recreation area with decorative elements, gazebo, benches.

Areas with small footage can also be beautifully and unusually decorated

In small areas it is better not to use massive elements

Blind, high fences are prohibited by garden design. In a small space, they will create the impression of a cage, narrow the space even more, and air circulation will be disrupted. Can be replaced with a mesh fence and a picket fence.

You should not plant trees that can grow “to the skies.” It is better to replace them with stunted ones.

To visually expand the space, it is necessary to avoid strict lines and angles. Everything should be streamlined and neat. Flower beds with plants should be oval or rounded. It is better to plant trees not one after another, but scattered, in different parts plot.

To save money, it is better to plant perennial plants diluting them with annuals

You can decorate your area beautifully without much effort.

It is better to plant short trees

Design of beds, entrance and exit from the green zone

Before you start forming beds, the area needs to be cleared and divided into zones. If the place is on a hill where the wind often blows, you can build a low fence. But there is no need to block sunlight from the plants.

To make the beds different from each other, they are delimited by boards laid in different shapes. You can play with these figures. For example, plant one type of flower in the center, then another and a third around it. The space between them can be filled decorative stones, green grass, gravel.

The landscape design of the garden looks amazing, where the compositions of vegetables and flowers are correctly selected. For example, calendula + garlic, basil, tomato, lettuce; marigolds + bell pepper, dill; peony + beans, peas; poppy + garlic, carrots; rose + beets, cabbage, lettuce; cloves + onion, cabbage.

Before you start, it’s worth dividing the area into zones

It is best to delimit the beds

How to save on design

You can decorate any area beautifully without much effort and with minimum costs. When developing an original design, the main expense column is the purchase of seedlings, seeds, and decorative elements. A mixed-grass lawn will significantly reduce costs. You can buy inexpensive varieties and mix them with natural, naturally occurring weeds.

A beautiful flower garden is the result of a gardener’s creative imagination. To save money, it is better to plant in perennial plants, diluting them a little with annuals.

Climbing plants can be used. They are perennial, easy to care for and can change the direction of growth every year.

Video: Beautiful garden with your own hands. Landscape design

Every owner of a garden or summer cottage always uses it to grow vegetables for further consumption. However, in modern times, this obsessive goal for the soul has become not enough. Many summer residents and gardeners embody garden design, delighting their neighbors and many lovers of fantastic natural originality, which makes their eyes run wild.

Photos of original landscape design options for a garden at the dacha

The vegetable bed fits beautifully into the garden lawn, delighting with the richness of the grown spicy crops, cabbage, parsley in combination with flower plantings.

An ordinary constructed greenhouse, which will eventually turn into a hill of beautiful clubs, at the base of which low-growing flower plants will grow, and vegetable seedlings will form into the green top of a flower garden with beautiful ripe fruits.

An original solution for arranging garden beds within a lawn using a beautiful wooden design to create vegetable beds that are very easy to care for. This option involves growing onions, celery, herbs, lettuce, dill, parsley and even beets - a summer bright green attractive vegetable oasis near the house.

Cultivated garden plot using decor from paving slabs, implying constancy. In such a curly, interesting landscape format, you can annually change the positions of growing vegetables, giving the created flowerbed a completely different look.

A similar composition can be created using building bricks.

This is a surprisingly comfortable option for arranging a large garden plot; several created wooden flower beds are planted annually with a varied number of vegetables, the order of which can be alternated, ensuring effective crop rotation and soil fertilization. The aesthetic arrangement of seedlings will ultimately give a beautiful result before harvesting.

A garden plot is not necessarily flat and flat; often slopes are also suitable for cultivation and cultivation. Here clear example successful execution of original planting of vegetables with a combination color range developing foliage of plants, creating amazing garden beauty that evokes a beastly appetite.

And this is another clear example of how vegetable crops look great in combination with flowers in decorative flower beds.

Vegetable beds can be successfully decorated with both flowers and shrubs, creating neat curly green fences from them.

A vegetable garden is an area where you can grow everything - trees, shrubs, vegetables and flowers, which in one single tandem create a real green, blooming fairy tale. Timely care of all grown plants throughout the growing season gives the land an attractive, rich appearance.

Landscape design of a vegetable garden is a real art, depending directly on the imagination of the owner of the land plot, who, thanks to his ingenuity and agrotechnical knowledge in matters of growing vegetable crops, is able to transform his work into a real creative process.

Bold ideas come to life in garden plots thanks to skillful hands and the desire to create a unique cozy corner around yourself that warms the soul with its attractive appearance. When creating custom garden landscape projects, you want them to be durable and retain their original appearance. For this purpose, to improve the planned areas, it is necessary to carefully select a material that will not be too bulky, will easily withstand the effects of external climatic factors and will delight you with its quality for a long time.

The main materials with which you can create are gravel, paving slabs, wooden logs, pegs, plastic bottles, natural stone.

Where to start and how to design a vegetable garden with your own hands?

  1. Firstly, to translate ideas into reality, you should draw up a paper project for placing the entire set of crops in certain areas of the garden or personal plot.
  2. Secondly, give these areas the desired shape, that is, the boundaries within which they will pass throughout the entire growing season of development. These can be completely different squares, rhombuses, petals of various dimensional characteristics, as well as their original combination.
  3. Thirdly, you need to think about how to provide access to these areas for the purpose of caring for beds, watering and using the crop. After all, it’s not always sunny outside, allowing you to get to the garden bed without getting covered in mud. Great option, delimiting the beds, are wooden paths, paths made of paving slabs or natural stone or brick.
  4. Fourthly, you need to take care of drawing up an estimate for the purchase of all the necessary available tools and materials to begin work on landscaping your garden plot.

When all four stages have been completed, you can safely begin work. An excellent time of year to start work is early spring; it is the spring period that will allow you to plant vegetable seedlings in ready-made plots and already in the first months of summer enjoy the most beautiful landscape design of your garden, made by yourself.

Design features of a garden at the dacha

Designing a small vegetable garden is much easier to complete compared to a large plot of land. A small area is in perfect harmony with all kinds of homemade figurines, fences, vines, crafts that can be made from clay, stones,

There are a huge number of examples of landscape design for a garden in a country house. But, arranging your land plot, each owner always adds his own individual flair to its design. There are no limits to human imagination, create with pleasure, because only work you enjoy brings true pleasure in life.

Design of a vegetable garden at the dacha video

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Arrangement of a garden and landscape design on a personal plot directly depends not only on the number of acres available at your disposal, but also on the shape of the plot. For example, ideas for arranging a garden on a strictly square plot will be unacceptable for an irregularly shaped area, and the design of an elongated summer cottage will not fit into a spherical landscape at all.

The choice of style is dictated by many factors: the original size and configuration of the site, the terrain, the features of the natural environment and, of course, your own taste preferences. The amount of investment and your own practical skills in carrying out construction and landscaping work also play a role.

This material is devoted to arranging a garden and do-it-yourself landscape design in areas of different shapes.

Rectangular or square country cottage area It is better to plan in a regular style. This style came from France, where it became very widespread in the 18th century. Imitation of the world famous gardens of Versailles spread throughout Europe, and in Russia the regular style became popular during the time of Peter the Great. Suffice it to recall our world-famous Peterhof, the Catherine Palace in Pushkin or Summer garden. Peter's courtiers, naturally, also rebuilt their estates in a regular style, and some of them have survived, albeit in poor condition, to this day.

When landscape designing a rectangular or square plot, straight paths are laid, plantings are done in rows, which, of course, greatly facilitates plant care. Trees are placed along the boundaries of the site, retreating, as expected, from the neighboring one by three to four meters. And so that the land does not go to waste, they plant berry bushes- raspberries or black currants, with an indentation of one to one and a half meters from the border. Raspberries and apple and pear trees are friendly plants. When arranging such a garden at the dacha in the landscape design of a rectangular plot, black currants also coexist well with pome crops. In addition, the depth of the roots of these trees and shrubs is different, so their roots will not oppress each other.

Apple trees and pears prefer soil with a neutral reaction, which is very suitable for raspberries, and black currants, although they prefer slightly acidic soils, feel quite good in neutral ones. Over time, the trees will grow greatly and can cover the bushes with their shadow, but this is not a problem, because both raspberries and black currants tolerate partial shade without problems.

This arrangement of the garden will immediately dictate its artistic design.

As shown in the photo, in the design of a square or rectangular area, a central, through, straight path should run along a row of trees, running no closer than 2.5–3 meters from the tree trunks:

In addition, it must be wide enough for a wheelbarrow to pass. And then there is nothing else left but to plant perennial flowers along it, when choosing an assortment of which only two points should be taken into account. They should prefer slightly acidic or neutral soils and bloom well in partial shade. When arranging such a garden, planning the design of a square or rectangular plot, plant a border of low-growing or ground cover plants along the very edge along the path.

Remontant strawberries, whose elegant bushes are strewn with bright white flowers and red berries all season long, will grow and bear fruit beautifully. These strawberries, which also feel good in soil with a neutral reaction, although they prefer slightly acidic ones, will have to be taken special care of. The bushes must be divided and replanted every three years, otherwise it will wither.

In the landscape design of a dacha plot of a square or rectangular shape, the space under the trees should also not be empty, because the soil exposed to the sun and wind dries out and is destroyed, in addition, a holy place is never empty, it is immediately occupied by weeds, and even such a luxury as empty land , we can’t afford it on six acres. So, contrary to generally accepted recommendations, do not keep tree trunk circles fallow, do not dig up the soil under them, but plant them with earthen grass (hybrid garden strawberries with strawberries) or sow with bentgrass, or even better, with white clover.

Earthweed and bentgrass love moisture, don’t forget about this, and therefore water your plantings abundantly. All of these plants for arranging a garden with your own hands have approximately the same requirements for soil conditions, in addition, they are all moisture-loving, and therefore caring for them is approximately the same, which makes the work much easier.

When planning the design of a rectangular or square plot, you should take into account the almost complete lack of decorativeness of plums. These plants are usually unsightly, and in the North-West they also rarely bear fruit, so do not put them in the foreground. But cherries are very decorative, so they don’t have to be hidden in the background. At the moment of flowering, both plums and cherries are very elegant. It should be noted that cherries greatly inhibit raspberries, so it is better to place them in different parts of the garden. In addition, pome trees (apple trees, pears) and stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots, cherry plums) do not coexist well with each other. Therefore, in the landscape design of a square or rectangular area, it is also better to place them in different parts of the garden.

When arranging a garden for a vegetable garden, you should leave the western side, separating the economic zone with a row of decorative tall shrubs or pergolas entwined with climbing roses, clematis and other vines, arches or apple and pear trees. And on the eastern side, create a recreation area in landscape style.

Look at these photos for examples of beautiful landscape design for a square or rectangular area:

Ideas for arranging a flower bed on a square or rectangular area

It is easiest to place flower beds on a square or rectangular area.

As you can see in the photo, when arranging a garden in a territory of this shape, you can choose any configuration for flower beds:

In the landscape design of a rectangular or square dacha plot, the following plants are usually used:

Look at the photo of flower beds in the design of a rectangular and square plot:

Landscaping of an elongated area: arranging a garden with your own hands

In the landscape of an elongated area, with such initial data, it is more convenient to place a vegetable garden on one half of the territory, and plan them in a purely regular style (more plants are placed this way), and use the second to build a house, places for recreation, sow a lawn and give this part a natural look (landscape) view. Visually, when arranging a garden with your own hands, the vegetable garden can be separated from the rest of the area, covering it with a neat row of fruit trees.

Fruit trees can be formed in the form of a palmette, then their crown will not provide excessive shade. Trees will take up much less space under the sun.

Across the plot, approximately in the middle, plant trees 3 meters apart, placing them in a line. There will be a vegetable garden on the south side of the planting line. Leave space in the landscape design of an elongated area for passage to the utility area. Now your task is to grow trees with a flattened crown. To do this, you leave (or reject, or transfer fruiting) only those branches that lie in the desired plane, that is, across the site, and remove all those growing perpendicular to this plane, that is, along the site, as early as possible.

You will trim the crown annually in the fall. This will cause new shoots to appear on the trunk at the top. You will also form them in the plane of the crown. Along the trees from the south, you can plant a row of black currants across the plot, then a row of gooseberries, then a row of red currants, or place greenhouses or greenhouses in the center.

When planning the design when arranging such a garden, on both sides of the bushes you can make two vegetable beds(4 beds can easily feed a small family), and in front of them from the south you need to leave space for either potatoes or garden strawberries.

In one of the corners, far from the apple trees, you can plant a group of cherries, and in the other - a couple of plums, but their shadow should not fall on greenhouses and garden beds. You can also plant red currants, raspberries or honeysuckle along the southern border.

In the design of an elongated area near the fence, the following plants can be planted:

These photos demonstrate how to arrange a garden with your own hands on an elongated plot:

Landscape design when arranging a garden near a house on an irregularly shaped plot

For landscape design of an irregularly shaped area, the landscape style is more suitable. This style came to Russia from England, and during the reign of Catherine II, instead of regular parks and gardens, the creation of landscape park ensembles began, in which the authors strive to arrange plants as naturally as possible, imitating nature.

Of course, such parks have nothing in common with the natural landscape, but they are still much more natural in appearance. An example of such a park is Pavlovsky Park near St. Petersburg. And here gardeners face the danger of cluttering up their plot so that in a couple of decades it will become an impenetrable thicket, so that many plantings will have to be cut down. There is one more feature of arranging such a garden near the house: unlike regular French gardens, they are not located on flat terrain. If you imitate nature, then in everything, you have to form bulk hills, reservoirs of natural shapes, reminiscent of forest lakes, cascades, rocks and cliffs. An example of such a significant change in the terrain is the world-famous estate of the Pototsky nobles, Sofievka near Uman in Ukraine.

On six acres, of course, it is impossible to radically change the terrain, but what can be done is to change visual perception flat surface, planting dominant plants with a vertical conical or columnar crown shape. Fruit trees for the design of an irregularly shaped area they are not suitable due to the spreading dome-shaped crown.

And what are these, dominant (accent) plants? These are single-planted, fairly tall or textured trees that immediately attract attention. Often coniferous plants such as thujas, junipers, blue or dove spruces are suitable for this purpose. All of them grow rather slowly, but in ten years they will grow significantly, and therefore when planting, keep in mind that they will require a significant feeding area and there will be quite dense shade under them, in which not all plants will be able to grow.

And, conversely, the creeping forms of conifers, as well as the weeping forms of trees and shrubs, will emphasize all the features of the existing relief. If you do not like straight lines and prefer landscape design for your site, then a decorative tree group should be planted in one corner.

The planting area is usually at least three to four meters - usually more - so the plants will take up quite a lot of space. In this regard, you should not occupy the southern part of the garden, otherwise most of the territory will be in the shade. If you plant trees on the north side, then the problem immediately arises of protecting fruit trees from cold northern and northeastern winds. When arranging a garden at the dacha with your own hands, in an irregularly shaped area, you will have to plant rocker plants, stepping back from fruit plants by 3–4 meters.

Of the canopy plants, preferable are those that have a more or less deep-lying compact root system or, conversely, a superficial one. These can be: rowan, serviceberry, sea buckthorn or chokeberry (Chokeberry). Chokeberry, of course, is not a tall plant, but apple trees can also have their crown reduced to two and a half meters annually autumn pruning both as a central conductor and by trimming the ends of the remaining skeletal branches, which, by the way, benefits the trees and makes harvesting easier for you.

What are the advantages of such trees? Compact root system and compact crown, larger fruits and early fruiting (3–4 years after planting).

What are the disadvantages? Just because of their small root system, they can easily be torn out of the soil by strong winds, and therefore they should be tied not to stakes, but to three metal pipes. Yields, naturally, are low on dwarfs. It is much better to plant trees with a dwarf insert. That is, first, a cutting from a dwarf tree is grafted onto the rootstock of a vigorous tree with a powerful root system. Then, after a year or two, a cutting of the variety you want is grafted onto it. There are no problems with such a tree; its powerful root system will hold it in the soil in any wind and ensure high yields, but the tree’s growth will be limited to 3–3.5 meters.

You can plant spruce trees as a protective curtain, but only outside the boundaries of your property, behind a ditch, on the side of the road, so that the roots of the spruce trees do not destroy the apple trees. There is one caveat when planting canopy crops. The wind flows around a dense barrier at the top, but then cold air descends to the ground at the so-called “cold point,” which is located at a distance equal to three heights of the obstacle. So, if the height of the chokeberry bush is 2–2.5 m, then heat-loving crops cannot be planted at a distance of 6–7.5 m from its plantings in the direction of the cold wind, because they will constantly freeze.

To avoid wasting space between trees planted in a group, it is recommended to surround each apple tree with a “crown” of raspberries, placing the bushes 50 cm apart from each other along a circumference 1–1.5 meters from the trunk. Or plant black currants or gooseberries between the trees.

You can, as mentioned above, fill the entire space under the apple trees with earthworms. This strawberry-strawberry hybrid has taken over its resistance to partial shade from its parent wild strawberry variety, since it grows under natural conditions under the forest canopy. Let it grow in a continuous carpet, like in a forest, without special care. If the yield decreases, the plantation should be renewed.

In the case of landscape (or rather, landscape) garden design, the paths should be made winding and narrower than straight. They should flow around the trees, winding between them to seem like paths in a park or forest. This arrangement of plantings and paths, as noted earlier, visually increases the space of the garden.

With this type of garden design, traditional rectilinear vegetable garden beds are far from the best option.

As you can see in the photo, when arranging a vegetable garden in such a garden, small mini-beds the size of only one will look much more elegant. square meter, placed here and there throughout the area, wherever there is a place for them in the sun:

Such compact beds are much easier to care for. In addition, they can be made decorative if you combine planting herbs and vegetables on them with such useful and elegant flowers as nasturtium (of course, only in bush form), calendula or marigolds.

You should not plant apple and pear trees separately in different corners of the garden. This does not create a single composition, besides, apple trees and especially pears are cross-pollinated plants, so a group of at least two apple trees or two pears is needed. To place them you will need an area of ​​at least 16–20 square meters. m. You can, of course, plant apple and pear trees separately, but then it will be difficult to place stone fruits, which, I emphasize once again, do not tolerate the proximity of pomaceous plants well.

As mentioned above, a regular vegetable garden for a plot in landscape style doesn't fit. The location of flower beds must be well thought out, since planting perennials in rows, as is usually customary in garden plots, is also not suitable. Ornamental plants better placed in groups or individually in different places garden, so as not to disturb its overall composition “under the landscape”.

In addition to ridges or mixborders, you can arrange rockeries, that is, rocky slides, and also use solitary plantings on lawns. By the way, a lawn, or at least a small lawn or lawn, is an indispensable element landscape garden, so make room for them in advance. Lawns look best in front of the house.

Instead of ordinary flower beds with different perennials and annuals, monochrome flower beds look better. In such plantings, different types of flowering plants of the same color but different tones are used.

An elegant white flower bed can be created by planting perennial daisies different types, white peonies different periods blooms, pyramidal white phlox, large-flowered perennial white bells, dwarf variety mock orange, black cohosh, low white delphinium "Galahad", small-flowered shrubby relict clematis, white-flowered Japanese anemone, daylily with white flowers, cornflower and aquilegia, a group of white tulips and small-bulbs with white flowers as a lining to the flower border, autumn aster, white polyanthus roses (blooming twice during the summer) and many other plants.

To favorites

Everyone who has at least small summer cottage, dreams of recreating his own piece of paradise on it. But there is not always enough money for a landscape designer, and you also want to have a hand in the work. Then you should try yourself as a landscape designer. Are you afraid you won't be able to cope? Believe me, no one is born a landscape designer right away, try it and see that everything is not as difficult as it seemed!

Basic secrets for dummies

What to do if the area is small?

Got it small plot, are you afraid that you won’t be able to organize it with maximum usefulness? No problem. In landscape design you will find a lot of interesting things that will help you visually enlarge the land and use it fully.

These tips will help you zone your territory:

  • So that the vegetation can be enjoyed for as long as possible sunlight place it on the north side;
  • If the landscape of your site is not uniform, then place a gazebo or bench in the lowlands, and leave the elevated areas for the vegetable garden;
  • When you decide to install a gazebo or add a terrace, think about the side on which the view will open;
  • The garage and shed should be closer to the exit.

How to plant plants to visually enlarge the area:

  • Avoid strict geometric shapes in everything. Yes, they give the appearance of well-groomed, aristocratic appearance, but do not forget that clear lines visually narrow the territory. Try to make even the paths slightly rounded and winding;
  • Plant any plants not strictly vertically or horizontally, but in different ways. Plants planted in an oval or circle will look good;
  • Try to plant trees not one after another, but alternately in different parts of the yard;
  • In order for all the plantings to look elegant and stand out, you can make a fence of colored plastic bottles, tires, boards.

Make it not too bulky, a small, neat fence made of boards will be the best solution.

How to organize a space of 15 acres of land with a vegetable garden and garden?

It is worth remembering that 15 acres is a rectangular plot, which means that the space must be organized accordingly. Before working on the site itself, you need to plan the location of the main buildings - house, garage, storage room. If they already exist, you can build on their style or slightly modify the buildings for a harmonious combination.

There are three main styles:

  1. Geometric. All construction, as well as planting, is carried out along strict, clear lines. For example, plants are planted horizontally or vertically one after another. The delineation of the lines applies to the gazebo, pools, and reservoirs;
  2. Free style. Suitable for areas with uneven terrain. Everything, including the paths, does not follow strict geometric shapes; it has sinuous, rounded outlines that emphasize the landscape;
  3. Combined style. It is used both in the case of a flat area and an uneven one. Curvy and oblong lines are combined. For example, the path may be winding, but clear contours around it in the form of a fence will make it look neater and more collected.

Basic mistakes that should not be made:

  • Do not make the path absolutely straight and passing through the entire area. This will only visually reduce the area, and besides, such a partition looks too untidy. In some places, divide it with shrubs, flowers, make it smoother;
  • Take care of the drainage system Wastewater. The steeper the slope and the more stepped, the higher the levels of wastewater disposal should be;
  • Organize an irrigation system. Parts of the land located on a slope are more susceptible to drying out, therefore there should be more irrigation devices - pumps, hoses.

How to beautifully decorate the beds and the entrance to the garden?

Before registration, you need to take care of the site, preparing it in advance:

  • Eliminate all weeds, remove debris and foreign objects, if any;
  • It is advisable to choose a sunny, windless area for planting, where the plants will grow best;
  • If the area you have chosen is heavily exposed to winds, fence it off with a small wooden fence, bushes or other large plants, as long as they do not block the light.

They will make your garden bed neat and well-groomed fencing the rows from each other. You can use them as:

  • Brick;
  • Low wicker fence;
  • Small boards;
  • Rope or rope;
  • Grid.

The rows do not have to be rectangular or square; you can make a groove from the boards in a triangular shape and fill it with your favorite plants.

If there is a rise/slope on your site, you decide to make steps, on one of their sides you will plant wooden boxes beautiful flowers or small tomato bushes - looks mobile and innovative.

The game will look original with geometric shapes. For example, in the middle in the form of a circle you can plant peonies, lilies or any other flowers, and not far from them in a circle in triangular fences any other vegetation to your taste. Fill the free space between plantings with mineral, white stone or crushed stone - no one has ever had such an advanced bed.

An arrangement of flowers and vegetables can create an interesting transition. To do this, you don’t need to invent complicated figures; even a row of carrots with a bell growing between them is already a work of art. Of course, it will be better if you first read which flowers are combined with which vegetable crops.

Combination of vegetables and flower garden:

  • Parsley and basil, garlic, tomatoes, lettuce - calendula;
  • Broccoli – Nasturtium;
  • Bell peppers, peas, beans, dill - Marigolds;
  • Peas, beans, onions and flax - Peonies;
  • Legumes, onions, garlic, carrots – Poppy seeds;
  • Beets, lettuce, peas, cauliflower and White cabbage– Roses;
  • Cabbage, onion – Cloves;
  • Strawberries with thyme – Lavender, Poppies, Hybrid types of roses.

It is advisable to maintain a distance between the beds of 40-55 cm. The width of the bed should not exceed more than 90 cm. Start building the bed from south to north, this way you will create comfortable conditions for heat-loving vegetable crops, flower gardens.

Beautiful garden-vegetable garden-dacha in the photo

Option for designing beds.

A cozy corner in the garden, which, despite its attractiveness, will not cost too much if the site already has an old weeping willow and a natural lawn.

Fences for beds, thoughtful centric paths and arrangement of vegetables with flowers instantly turn an ordinary vegetable garden into a designer landscape.

Brick fences for beds or flower beds look expensive and can set the tone for the entire landscape.

Even a small area can be used with maximum benefit if you use the trick of geometric shapes.

Stepped organization of space helps to save space in small areas. Also great for relief areas.

Beautiful beds on video