Water pipes      04/22/2019

Flat roof in a wooden house. Projects of houses with a flat roof

Domestic consumers have long been familiar with the features of a flat roof, and believe that it is used for multi-story government buildings. But modern manufacturers decided to expand their market and found a new area of ​​application for it.

This is surprising, but they appeared with flat roof, differing in the same set functional features. It is suitable primarily for areas in which snowy winters and strong wind currents occur at a time concomitant with their manifestation.

Their power will quickly blow away large layers of snow, and the roof will always be clean. And powerful hurricanes will not be afraid of such a roof covering. The fact is that it actually won’t exist.

But this is only part of its capabilities. It will be possible to place many useful buildings for different times of the year. It might be a greenhouse or small garden, or maybe a dance floor. Other options are available based on the power of the owner's imagination.

But for everything to work out well, it is necessary to study the nuances of creating such structures. Now we will consider many issues related to this topic. To begin with, we advise you to familiarize yourself with photos of houses with a flat roof, which have already proven their suitability for various purposes.

What are the benefits of this roof design?

If we talk only about a private house, then they lie in the following points:

This roofing option will take up a smaller area compared to the most gently sloping modifications. This will help save on the amount of materials.

The process of its construction is noticeably faster than the installation of a gable or hip version. Due to this feature, create modern houses with a flat roof it is noticeably more profitable.

Ensures comfort and safety in performing the necessary rafter work processes. It is quite spacious and difficult to fall off.

It differs from the gable structure in that there is no need to carry out dismantling work from the outdated covering. It can be used as additional waterproofing or protection. This will help save energy and time.

Its surface is suitable for use as an additional area for organizing a flower garden, a cozy terrace, or a greenhouse.

You can mount various transparent elements to help organize beautiful view on the open starry sky at night or clouds with the sun during the day. And a charming view opens up to admire the rain or a strong storm - there are fans of this state of nature.

Helps to adjust the house to the basics of the minimalist style. He has now gained significant popularity.

What are the disadvantages? - Unfortunately, they exist...

If there is no strong wind, this option generously collects a lot of snow on its surface. You will need to clean it often in order to use the area for your purposes. Sometimes it can lead to noticeable leaks.

You will often have to clear snow using mechanical means. They can damage the roof.

The structure of the roof is particularly complex in comparison with other types of forms. For it you will have to organize a lot of drains. They, in turn, often become clogged.

From the pitched version of the roof covering, water drains on its own and this happens very quickly. She does not have time to cause noticeable damage.

On the flat version, water usually stands still and accumulates as rainfall continues. You will have to control the moisture content of the insulation and apply the coating at a small angle so that the water gradually finds the drains.

It will require less materials than a pitched one. But the creation itself is much more complicated. There are many subtleties that not everyone knows about and therefore often this roof option does not turn out the way it was intended.

Because of this, many people believe that a flat roof in a private house is not the best option. But now domestic manufacturers have learned about positive Western experience and learned to create the right materials.

And the specialists installation work adopted methods of high-quality work in this direction, and the situation began to change in better side. This approach has already been able to take root in Russia.

Is it suitable for frame versions of houses?

Yes, today you can see a frame house with a flat roof, more and more often, and it is perceived as commonplace. This roof can be in two directions. For use and without it.

If the roof is to be used, then it is adapted to allow people to move comfortably across its surface. To do this, use a rigid version of the screed or another version of the rigid base. Due to pressure from the movement of people, the roof may leak. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the creation reliable insulation from water.

But there is a version without human exploitation. Usually no one walks on it or rarely appears to clean its surface. The load on its area is distributed over the entire surface. But she has one significant problem. Its service life is too short. Although this version is often used due to possible features that satisfy the situation.

There is also a classic version of a flat roof. It is often called a soft roof option. It is formed by a load-bearing slab. Thermal insulation it is laid on top of the vapor barrier coating. And then the bitumen version of the waterproofing in the form of rolls is rolled out over the thermal insulation.

Due to its advantageous features, this option is used to form such a roof modification on frame house more often than any other.

But experts also highlight an inversion version for forming a flat roof. Sometimes this modification can help create a flat roof house style with a creative touch. experienced designer. What makes it stand out is that the waterproofing will have to be applied to a waterproofing carpet.

This will help protect against changes in temperature and ultraviolet rays from the sun, which is important if it is located in an open area and under direct access. And this version also allows you to increase the service life - the force of influence on waterproofing from the processes of thawing or freezing of snow precipitation is noticeably reduced. It is quite suitable for installing furniture and assembling a greenhouse.

Important points

To ensure high-quality installation of a flat version of the roof, installation will be required in any case. correct option carpet It will help soften the base in case of temperature or mechanical stress. This will help ensure the durability of the coating.

Now, based on the influence of Western culture, Russians have increasingly begun to pay attention to this roof option. The domestic user realized that a cup of coffee at any time on such a roof is a wonderful option. Here the sky is open at all times. And there is constant access to clean air. This great option, but a pitched roof cannot offer this.

Of course, not everyone can afford such a roof. Usually the maximum for a Russian is going out to the balcony. But over time it will become a reality for every resident of our country.

If you have the opportunity to create it today, there is no doubt that this is the best option. Today, houses in the Hi-Tech style are gaining great popularity and are mainly based on a flat roof. She has already become their full-fledged companion.

Photos of houses with a flat roof

House designs with a flat roof allow you to build country houses By modern technologies. Their development has led to the use of a variety of materials for roof installation. Before arranging it, you should familiarize yourself with all the stages of designing such exclusive buildings.

Projects of houses with a flat roof allow the construction of country houses using modern technologies

When designing a house with a flat roof, it is important to identify all its main advantages. Among the positive aspects of the construction of a modern building are:

  • unique creative design, for example, a high-tech house with a flat roof or others;
  • savings on heating the building inside;
  • availability of additional square meters.

Arranging Vacation home or a cottage with a flat roof, you should pay attention to the design trends in Western countries. Minimalism or hi-tech style: here you can always feel the material benefit. A house with a usable roof will be very comfortable. At the same time, this roof design allows you to improve a house with a flat roof by arranging a special area for sports games.

The expenses incurred in the process of designing houses or cottages with a flat roof are not a very expensive option. If a layer of snow remains on a flat roof in winter, it will act as a good insulator. Heating such a house will cost less.

Although it is acceptable for many to implement flat roof house designs, these options do have their drawbacks. A flat roof should be installed taking into account the requirements for laying waterproofing. Among the main reasons why home owners can criticize such a structure with any design is its leakage. This is usually due to minor deviations in technology or negligence of builders. Water may accumulate on the roof surface.

To completely eliminate the leak, reconstruction must be carried out, which can be very expensive. Roof cleaning is usually done independently without the use of equipment. Indeed, as the snow begins to melt, the waterproofing layer of the structure will begin to be subjected to heavy loads. As a result, the surface will be destroyed.

Gallery: houses with a flat roof (25 photos)

Modern house with a flat roof (video)

How to install a flat roof

Developing projects one-story houses with a flat roof, it is important to consider the following key points:

  • the roof should not be completely flat, so you should take into account its angle of inclination equal to 5-15°, otherwise this type of structure will be built only to collect rainfall;
  • An ideally flat roof should be sloped, since the required slope is required for drainage.

A terrace or gazebo with a flat roof is equipped using bulk building materials. You will also need concrete bracing or polymers having a fixed angle. This sheet material is called polystyrene plates.

A roof square, requiring an even roof angle, requires the presence of a load-bearing plane. The de-sloping stage must be included in the implementation plan for the house project. There are 2 types of projects for country houses with a flat roof, which depend on the features of the roof structure:

  • lightweight;
  • exploited.

Each of these types has its own characteristics that should be taken into account during the roof construction process.

When arranging a country house or cottage with a flat roof, you should pay attention to the design trends in Western countries

Lightweight flat roofing

The lightweight version is a flat roof that does not involve maintenance. It can be made in any style, for example, high-tech. This structure should be erected in stages:

  • laying the main beams ( lumber material) is carried out on load-bearing walls or on a mauerlat mounted on them;
  • fixation of beams laid in increments of 0.5-1.0 m is carried out to the base using anchor pins;
  • solid material is laid on the beams wooden sheathing, consisting of edged boards inch thickness;
  • A membrane is laid on the sheathing for waterproofing.

The main beams can be wooden beams with a cross-section of 100x100 or 150x200 mm, which is determined by the calculated weight of the roof. The lathing is installed without any holes. The installation of the waterproofing layer must be multi-layered. All joints are glued using glue or tape.

Creating a flat roof “pie”

Experts do not recommend saving cash when purchasing and installing a waterproofing membrane. This material cannot be replaced with roofing felt, which will not provide the required effect, and the house cannot be left without a roof. When arranging thermal insulation for a roof, extruded polystyrene foam boards or mineral wool are often used. The heat insulator must be mounted on the waterproofing layer carefully so that cracks do not form. Even with the slightest inaccuracy, the insulating material may begin to let cold air through over time.

When laying insulation on a timber sheathing, vents for ventilation are immediately installed, which will prevent the accumulation of condensation. This will keep the insulation dry. Good insulation is expanded clay, which is popular when creating projects of one-story houses with a flat roof. This layer should be about 100 mm. At the final stage of roof installation, it is necessary to provide waterproofing protection to the structure. The modern building materials market offers a membrane. A lightweight flat roof is not able to withstand heavy loads, so it cannot be used in such conditions.

Flat solid roof

A private house with a flat, solid roof should not sag, so you can take advantage of all the free space. In this case, no cracks should appear on the roof of the house. To create a flat roof, you will need to master special technologies. This requires some effort. There are several ways to install a solid roof:

  1. Using concrete slabs as floors, taking into account that the supporting structures are strong enough to withstand the load.
  2. Using metal support beams to make a roof covering, you will need T-beams or I-beams, as well as channels No. 14-16.
  3. Using ceramic blocks placed on support beams to create a hard surface.

The first method requires the use of heavy equipment. This type of roof must be insulated, which is done from inside the room. A plank flooring consisting of boards with a minimum thickness of 22 mm is laid on metal support beams. Then a layer of expanded clay with a thickness of at least 150 mm is poured. On last stage After arranging the hard surface, you can proceed to laying the concrete screed.

Most in demand in modern construction 3 way. Ceramic roofing materials are used for the installation of solid roofing. They can be immediately laid on support beams, which should ensure the strength of the roof. This material is able to retain heat well. It has excellent soundproofing characteristics.

Ceramic roofing blocks have the main advantage, that is, moisture resistance. The screed is poured without first filling in the expanded clay. A significant drawback of the material is its high cost. Additionally, a roofing membrane is installed on a flat-type solid roof, which improves operational properties material and strengthen the waterproofing layer.

When choosing a project, it is important to remember that a flat roof is quite sensitive to the waterproofing layer. Pitched roof hides various operational defects. Having decided on the project for building a house with a flat roof, you should develop a further action plan, purchase quality materials. It is necessary to discuss in detail all conditions and requirements with the builders. As a result, a non-standard building will be erected, for example, in high-tech style, meeting European standards.

Flat roof (video)

Projects of houses with a flat roof

If the search for a cottage project is unsuccessful, then you can design it with the help of a team of specialists. This exciting process allows you to see each design stage, the beginning of which is taken to be the general concept. This process ends with the creation of a complete image, thought out to the smallest detail. Here it is necessary to take into account not only your own wishes, but also the landscape features of the suburban area.

Any project catalog provides the use of various architectural techniques. This entails the use of certain methods or technologies. The development of projects that allow the construction of two-story or one-story houses with a flat roof requires taking into account several points:

  1. Conditions of the climatic zone where the object is located, which should affect the size of the thickness of the heat insulator used or its absence.
  2. The roof being installed may or may not have a drain, which determines the method of water drainage used.
  3. Determined functional purpose terraces with a roof, which can be a place for people to relax, a parking lot for a car, or a small garden for planting crops.

The nature of the use of the building influences the choice of the type of roofing structure, which can be:

  • traditional: the waterproofing layer is located above the thermal insulation;
  • inverse: the layers are arranged in reverse order.

If the process of roof operation involves the use of hydro- and thermal insulators, then they must bear the load. It can come from people or vehicles.

The roof of a house with a flat-type roof that is in use can be made of a PVC membrane. She has long term service and does not require special care. Heating elements are used to remove snow from its surface.

Direct way to select projects two-story houses or one-story buildings - a specialized site. They are lightweight and convenient to build, especially if the material used is gas silicate (aerated concrete) or a large-format sample, which is classified as warm ceramics. When choosing a house project, you should take into account the needs, the number of rooms for a specific purpose, the presence of a garage, etc.

Attention, TODAY only!

Often, when constructing private houses, preference is given to a pitched roof, but there are also buildings with a flat roof, and the result is very interesting architectural objects. If you decide to build this structure, you need to be prepared for some difficulties. There are pros and cons of a flat roof, and the nuances of its installation.

Pros and cons of a flat roof

It is worth noting from the very beginning that a flat roof for a private house is not a perfectly horizontal surface. It also has a slope, only a small one (from 1 to 5 degrees). The following main advantages of the roof can be identified:

  • the ceiling of the upper floor will serve as a supporting structure for the roof;
  • the same height of the space under the roof will allow it to be used as a full-fledged room;
  • gives the house an original look;
  • the possibility of using the roof surface (for example, you can arrange a summer playground there);
  • simplifies renovation work and makes them safer.

The disadvantages include:

  • strict requirements for the waterproofing layer of the roofing pie;
  • the need to install an internal drain;
  • high degree snow load.

From the above it follows that a flat roof is good decision, provided that everything roofing will be carried out efficiently and the requirements will be taken into account.

Base for flat roof installation

What will be the overlap of the upper floor directly depends on design features ceilings throughout the house. As a rule, it is performed using the same material as the ceiling between floors.

The most common options are prefabricated or monolithic ceiling made of reinforced concrete, ceiling on a profiled sheet with metal support beams.

An option is also possible with wooden floor. The fundamental difference from the overlap between floors is the presence of laid insulation and high-quality waterproofing.

Roofing pie options

The type of roofing pie is determined by the nature of its location and purpose. It can be performed in a classic version or made inverse.

A classic roof has the following composition: a ceiling, a slope made of concrete or expanded clay concrete, a vapor barrier, thermal insulation material, a roofing covering with a high degree of protection from moisture (mainly bituminous materials).

In an inversion design, the arrangement is different: ceiling, slope, multi-layer waterproofing, thermal insulation material, vapor barrier and, finally, a pressure layer. The latter can be made of concrete slabs, gravel, ceramic tiles etc.

The name inversion roofing was given due to the mirror arrangement of the layers of hydro- and vapor barrier in relation to the insulation (unlike the classic version).

This type of roofing is ideal for used roofs. However, the complexity of the technology makes such roofs a rare exception in the field of private construction.

The technology itself is expensive, since the massiveness of the structure makes necessary creation durable ceiling of the upper floor.

Load-bearing structures require detailed calculations at the design stage, and the multi-layer structure of the cake entails significant costs.

Below we will only consider classic version roofing pie, which is often used to equip modern houses with a flat roof.

Roofing material

The material for the roof, namely vapor barrier, waterproofing, insulation and the coating itself, must be selected of high quality.

Vapor barrier is carried out with special membranes, not perforated films. It is undesirable to use polyethylene as waterproofing, since the material does not have the proper reliability.

Insulation for installing a flat roof is selected taking into account the snow load, as well as the load emanating from people working on the roof during repairs.

The insulation must be durable and resistant to wet environments. This can be expanded polystyrene, high-density mineral wool, expanded clay.

The efficiency of the latter is not so high, therefore, when choosing it as insulation, it is necessary to achieve a large thickness of the layer being laid. This increases the load on the supporting structures.

The coating is made from rolled materials: roofing felt, linochrome, waterproofing, etc., and self-leveling mastics are also used. Roll material It is considered the most optimal for use when arranging a flat roof.

Roofing technology

The flat roof design involves the following workflow steps. The slope of the roof, albeit small, is achieved by creating a slope.

In this case, you can use bulk material (expanded clay), foam concrete (it is advisable to contact specialists), and insulation material. The slope is covered with a waterproofing layer on top, after which the process of laying the roof covering begins.

The next step is laying the first layer. The roll is rolled out, then heated with a gas burner and glued to the base.

It is important to ensure that the panels overlap each other and that the material is applied to all vertical roof objects (parapets, pipes, etc.).

Three layers of underlayment and one finishing layer are laid on a flat roof.

The coating installation stage is a labor-intensive process, especially if it is necessary to use adhesive mastic.

For drainage installations, overhead gutters and an internal drainage system are used.

If all the work related to the arrangement of the roof is carried out correctly, you will have an excellent opportunity to proudly declare the originality of your residential creation. And the photo taken of a house with a flat roof will join the ranks of original design solutions on the Internet.

Photos of houses with a flat roof

For many, flat roofing is associated with urban multi-storey buildings, faceless and monotonous. But we are ready to surprise you! A flat roof in a private house will be a pleasant discovery for you if there is not much snow in your area, but the winds are quite strong. The fact is that in winter all snow accumulations from such a roof will simply be blown away. And the main thing is that not one strong hurricane will not be able to tear off a roof that simply does not exist! And a whole ocean of possibilities opens up before you, which you can now build above your head: a cafe, a dance floor, a mini-garden and even a whole greenhouse!

The main thing is to know about all the intricacies of constructing houses with a flat roof, and everything will work out. And now we will reveal all the secrets.

  • Such a roof is much smaller in area than the most gently sloping roof. And this means savings on materials.
  • Such a roof is built much faster than a gable roof, and even more so a hip roof.
  • Comfort and safety of all rafter work. You still have to manage to fall from such a roof!
  • Convenient subsequent repairs and replacement roofing.
  • Unlike two pitched roof, dismantling the old flat covering is usually not necessary - this is additional waterproofing and protection. The new pie is made directly from the old one, which saves a lot of time and effort.
  • The ability to use the roof as an additional useful area where you can plant a flower garden, make open terrace and even build a greenhouse.
  • The ability to install transparent roof elements (with careful waterproofing), and thus create a view of the night sky.
  • Opportunity to build a house with a laconic architectural form. Minimalism is at the height of fashion!

And now – about the pros and cons:

  • Such a roof generously accumulates snow. After all, he now has nowhere to slide, and the snow itself often becomes the cause of leaks.
  • On especially generous days, the snow will have to be removed mechanically, which often damages the roofing.
  • The structure of the roof becomes more complicated: now we need gutters, which also become clogged.
  • The difference is that water drains from a pitched roof quite quickly (and sometimes it does get into the under-roof space). But on a flat one it actually stands!
    Insulation moisture control and general condition roofing should be regular.
  • But, despite the fact that much less building materials are needed for its arrangement than for a pitched roof, a flat roof is much more complex in terms of installation. Let's just say that there are many more different subtleties and nuances that are important to know about.

That is why many have fair doubts about the reliability of such a roof. But the European and overseas experience of private residential buildings with a flat roof is successful, and therefore you can safely get down to business.

Just consider these points:

  1. There is much more snow in Russia than in warmer European countries.
  2. The only thing worse than snow a big difference summer and winter temperatures, for which not all foreign roofing materials are designed.

And here technology decides everything!

What is a flat roof?

So, what acts as the load-bearing base of a flat roof:

  1. Reinforced concrete slab.
  2. Roofing sandwich panels.
  3. Reinforced steel corrugated sheet.

And thanks to the fact that they learned to make a flat roof “breathable”, i.e. with internal ventilation, it has now become possible to use completely non-breathable waterproofing - roofing felt similar to it.

Any roof that we call flat actually still has a slight slope: to one side or specifically towards the drainpipe.

Here is the simplest example of a flat roof for a private home:

Types of flat roofing: non-exploitable and inverted

Of course, unused roofs are cheaper. And the exploited ones, which are correctly called “inversion”, include additional materials.

A separate type of flat roof of a residential building is exploitable. Those. the one on which people will walk and what objects will stand. This is the same garden, or sports ground, or summer cafe. All this creates considerable loads on the roof, and therefore its design is already different from that which is intended only to protect the house from precipitation.

So, the main difference in the design of traditional and inversion roofing is that in the first, the thermal insulation layer is located under the waterproofing, which is quite logical, and in the second, it is above it. But in the second option, the waterproofing is more protected from ultraviolet rays and temperature changes. This design is more durable and functional: you can safely lay out a lawn or lay paving slabs on it.

And now in more detail.

Unused roof: standard pie

But a person can also occasionally climb onto an unused roof - for the same repairs, for example.

Those. in a traditional flat roof top layer serves as waterproofing, and it is this that is exposed to all mechanical and temperature loads.

A separate type of it is a roof with a pressure layer, which is designed so that a person can walk on it from time to time:

Inversion roofing: reverse pie

The standard slope of an inversion roof is 5-7%. The inversion method assumes that the thermal insulation layer is already placed on top of the waterproofing, which now also serves as a vapor barrier.

Moreover, the pie of inversion flat roofs can be very different. It all depends on what you are going to arrange on the roof: a terrace, a mini-pool (and this is not uncommon) or a garden. But the base will still be common: a monolithic screed is made, which levels the entire surface, then waterproofing is laid and the whole thing is covered with insulation. And on top is a cement-sand mixture or rubber coating.

Note that active use of the roof means frequent damage to the insulating layer, which is why moisture makes its way to the insulation and freezes in winter. Over time, the entire roofing pie deteriorates, and therefore a flat roof cannot do without a ventilation system.

Cement-sand screed is capable of even better distributing the pressure layer on the heat insulator, but it must be additionally reinforced with a mesh to prevent cracking.

Subtleties of flat roof insulation

A layer of thermal insulation for a flat roof is mandatory. For comparison: gable roof insulated only when a residential attic is installed underneath, and in all other cases, the maximum is laid mineral wool on the attic floor. But for a flat roof, insulation is always necessary.

The fact is that without a heat-insulating layer in a flat roof, condensation will constantly appear on the ceiling in the house (such a roof will turn out to be the cold part on which water vapor will rush). And this is bad not only because repairs will have to be made, but also because the entire structure deteriorates.

You can insulate a flat roof both from the outside and from the inside - the difference is small. What is more important is how many layers of insulation a particular roof needs – one or two.

Thermal insulation materials need to be attached to the base of the roof mechanically, both screws or dowels, and glue. Sometimes the fastening is not used at all if the heat insulator is located from the outside and there is pressure on it paving slabs or pebbles.

Why two layers? The fact is that the first layer of thermal insulation on a flat roof acts as insulation; it is from 70 to 200 mm thick. And the second, from 40 to 50 mm, is designed to distribute all the loads. And it is important to calculate the thickness of both layers accurately, based on the climatic characteristics of the area and the future use of the roof itself.

With double-layer insulation, all joints should be spaced apart, in a checkerboard pattern, so as not to overlap each other. Moreover, in the places where the slabs adjoin the walls and parapet, it is additionally necessary to make heat-insulating sides. A cement-sand screed can even better distribute the pressure layer on the heat insulator, but it must be additionally reinforced with a mesh to prevent cracking.

Proper drainage system

But this is already a difficult task. Flat roofs are just bad because they are completely open to rain. But everything can be solved! The main thing is to properly organize the drainage, and for convenience, we have explained this issue for you in the following schematic illustrations:

Internal ventilation device

Another important point when installing flat roofs - ventilation. The fact is that if moisture accidentally gets into the insulation, it no longer evaporates - it only accumulates. As a result, the heat-insulating material rots and the waterproofing swells. And there are many reasons for leaks: damaged waterproofing, mechanical damage to the top layer of the roof, cracks and damage from frozen water.

A wet thermal insulator is also bad because it causes bubbles and cracks to appear on a flat roof in the summer heat - all due to the active evaporation of water. As a result, the roof covering also collapses. And if moisture gets under the old screed over time, then the entire roof begins to peel off. This is why a flat roof must “breathe”.

For this purpose, so-called aerators are used. They look like simple plastic or metal pipes, covered with umbrella caps. They should be located evenly over the entire roof area, preferably at its highest points. The essence of this mechanism is that different pressures are created inside the roof and the air begins to create currents, simultaneously taking with it all the excess moisture vapor.

In practice it looks like this:

In addition, in any living space, water vapor rises up to the ceiling. Moreover, they often successfully overcome this barrier (the water molecule is very small) and end up in the insulation, which is bad for it. This is why vapor barrier is required. And not the kind that is usually used for attic insulation, but a dense one, made of high-quality polypropylene or polyethylene. The bitumen membrane is even more reliable.

Choosing a suitable roofing covering

So, what is used as a coating for such roofs?

Option #1 – bitumen and polymer-bitumen materials

Such roofs are the least expensive for owners of private houses. We are mainly talking about roofing felt and euroroofing felt. These are rolled roofing sheets, the base of which is synthetic fabric, and the sides are bitumen. As an elastic and frost-resistant material, bitumen serves as excellent protection and waterproofing.

Moreover, laying bitumen roofing on a flat roof is absolutely simple, you only need gas-burner. The rolls are easily fused together.

But such a roof has a significant drawback - fragility. And another thing is that roofing felt does not breathe at all, i.e. It is vapor-tight, and therefore it is necessary to arrange ventilation for such a roof, unless you want the insulation to rot within a year:

Option #2 – liquid rubber

Such roofs have the great advantage that they do not contain any seams. As we have already said, the disadvantage of a flat roof is, first of all, that snow accumulates on it, which then causes leaks.

But there are some subtleties here. So, you need to take only two-component liquid rubber for a flat roof, preferably the highest quality one. And it is extremely important to apply this material correctly to a flat roof: evenly, avoiding unnecessary layers and saving in certain places. So, where the paint was applied unevenly, problems should be expected within 8-10 years.

Option #3 – PVC, TPO and EPDM membranes

Roofing membranes are valuable as a covering for flat roofs because they allow steam to escape. After all, no matter what kind of vapor barrier is used, moisture still, at least a little, gets into the insulation, not only from below, but also from above - after heavy rains, for example.

There are three types of membranes for installing such a roof: TPO, PVC and EPDM. The most popular is PVC membrane, which is also the most flammable. An EPDM membrane is more durable and affordable, but if mechanical damage occurs in it, nothing can be done to fix it, whereas a PVC membrane can only be melted with a hairdryer. In addition, the joints of the EPDM membrane need to be glued special tape, which is much less reliable than soldering PVC sheets.

But the cheapest membrane in its sector is PVC. But it has such significant disadvantages as low resistance to ultraviolet rays and fear of contact with bitumen, various oils and even polystyrene foam, otherwise the service life will be significantly reduced.

Gluing EPDM membranes requires professional skills. TPO membrane, like PVC, is also welded with hot air. The best is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, is more chemically resistant and can be laid directly on polystyrene foam or an old bitumen roof without geotextiles. But its service life is shorter than that of EPDM, so for installing a flat roof on a residential private house, we recommend using a PVC membrane.

So, a flat roof device with a PVC membrane is traditionally made like this:

  • Step 1. We arrange a monolithic floor slab.
  • Step 2. Place a tear-resistant vapor barrier film.
  • Step 3. We make a bend from insulation or screed.
  • Step 4. Place insulation. In private construction this is usually 35 density foam, and on top is 50 mm XPS, which is even stronger.
  • Step 5. Now geotextiles, 300-500 g per square meter.
  • Step 6. Let's move on to waterproofing - this is a PVC membrane. The insulation density is enough to allow walking on such a roof. But, if you plan to make an open terrace on the roof, then you need to continue the pie further.
  • Step 7. Lay the geotextile again - now directly on the membrane.
    We put rubber tiles or a reinforced screed 5-7 cm, on which we already lay paving slabs. To make a screed, you need ballast.

And such roofs are made of rubber, polymers or even foil. Unlike bitumen, they are durable, fire-resistant and adhere firmly to the base. A slight slope is achieved using expanded clay concrete or concrete screed.

How to achieve 100% waterproofing?

The main task when installing a flat roof is to make all joints and junctions as airtight as possible. After all, such a roof is most affected by moisture, hail, temperature changes and wind-blown debris. Therefore, the sealants used to seal such joints must be of high quality and resistant to any influences. This is also a kind of expense that has to be incurred.

For the same purpose of waterproofing, it is recommended to make the slope of a flat roof at least 2%. Few? In fact, this is quite enough so that all atmospheric moisture does not linger on the surface, but flows down into funnels and pipes, and from them into the septic tank, soil or sewerage system. Therefore, even at the design stage, you need to carefully think through the future drainage system.

Moreover, the drainage system itself is made both internal and external. Thus, internal drainage is made up of fittings - funnels located throughout the roof, which receive the flowing water and direct it into pipes that go through the buildings, but are isolated from the living quarters. The only disadvantage of such a system is that the pipes become clogged with small debris and leaves, for which it is advisable to equip them with special filters and periodically clean them.

External drainage systems are already attached to the outer walls of the building. These are, of course, easier to clean when they become clogged, but in cold weather they often freeze over. For this reason, it is customary to additionally supply them with electrical heating in the form of cables.

As for the material for internal and external drainage system flat roof, then PVC or metal is quite suitable. Both options have their pros and cons. Thus, polyvinyl chloride does not corrode, but is more brittle than metal.

To prevent gutters from freezing in winter, equip them with roofing thermal cables.

Green area on the roof: fashionable and environmentally friendly

Greenery and recreation areas are often lacking not only for residents of the “concrete jungle”, but even for owners of private houses. The whole point is that the same beautiful garden furniture It’s not always possible to leave it in the yard of the house, and beautiful rare flowers in the garden flower bed are often trampled by pets. Therefore, it is not surprising that the green area on the roof has become fashionable among cottage owners. Especially if the access to it comes directly from the bedroom and no one else can disturb your morning peace with a cup of coffee.

There has also become a fashion for some cafes to make the roof flat and place small greenhouse. All the greens go straight to the table! And it’s profitable, because it’s not so easy to bring fresh dill or onions to the kitchen, and it’s economically profitable - there’s somewhere to send kitchen waste. And it’s difficult to understand who borrowed this idea from whom: enterprising residents of private houses with a flat roof, or the best minds Catering. But what is the location closed ground It’s beneficial - this is a fact: rodents won’t dig under the beds, insects and pests won’t get there (as well as pests in the form of neighbors), and the fact that it’s always a little hotter on the roof is only a plus for the same tomatoes. But the main thing is to correctly calculate the loads on such a roof during construction!

And the roofing pie is often standard: waterproofing for the ceiling, thermal insulation, geotextiles, drainage and geotextiles again. And on top you can use both soil and beds:

Or in this version for more powerful floors:

A flat roof is a huge scope for any imagination. Designers and architects love to bring a variety of projects to life: a garden, a greenhouse, and treadmill, and a mini-beach with sun loungers, and much more. Some craftsmen even manage to make a parking lot on it!

Non-professionals associate a flat roof with the negative legacy of the Soviet past, when administrative buildings of this type had an unsightly, gloomy appearance, and the upper floors of high-rise buildings suffered from constant leaks. Over the past 10-15 years, the production of roofing materials has undergone significant changes, thanks to which it has been possible to create durable, strong and reliable polymer coatings of a new generation. From that moment on, flat roof house designs began to gain popularity.

Single-story - the traditional architectural form of southern coastal cities, resorts and luxury villas in the Art Nouveau style, where a mild climate prevails without large quantity precipitation. The main part of the Russian territory is located in an area of ​​high snow load, so this construction technology began to be introduced recently, when modern roofing materials with improved performance characteristics appeared. Over the past ten years, one-story buildings with a flat roof have been tested in the harsh Russian winters and have demonstrated the following advantages over their pitched counterparts:

  1. Space saving. One-story houses with a flat roof, built according to frame technology, due to rational use The seats are a compact design that can be placed on a small construction site within the city or in the suburbs. This quality is relevant in the context of a constant increase in the cost of land for development.
  2. Saving materials. A flat roof does not have a slope, so less roofing material is spent on this type of roofing than on pitched analogues. Less wood is used during the construction process rafter frame, which reduces costs. In addition, flat roofs small size You can install it yourself without spending money on hiring professional roofers.
  3. Possibility of expanding the area. A one-story house with a flat roof can become a transitional option until the need and financial opportunity arise to add a second floor. This versatility will be an additional advantage for young families, the composition of which may soon change.
  4. Wide range of roofing options. If cottage equipped with a flat usable roof, it can be equipped with additional space to satisfy a variety of needs: equip sports grounds, recreation areas with barbecues, swimming pools, lay out lawns, beds or flower beds. For homeowners who care about preserving natural resources, house designs with a flat roof on which are installed solar panels to provide “clean” energy.

Note! Roofing materials based on cardboard and bitumen impregnations, used in the past, had a service life of only 5-8 years, were damaged by the action sun rays, cracked due to sudden temperature changes. But coatings made from fiberglass and synthetic rubber with polymer resins will protect the house for 50 years. New generation flooring materials do not require a gas burner, so they are suitable for DIY installation.

A flat roof is a roof that does not have a slope; it rests on all 4 load-bearing walls of the house. This design is a multilayer coating of rolled or self-leveling waterproofing materials, laid on a prepared base. Do-it-yourself installation of a flat roof is carried out by layering, pouring or gluing in the following sequence:

  • Base. The first layer of a flat roof is a base made of concrete slabs, wooden beams or corrugated sheets, which are prepared in a special way. A primer is applied to it to reduce surface roughness and increase material adsorption.
  • Screed. Screed from cement-sand mortar serves as a leveling layer, with the help of which the roof is sloped, creating a slope in the places where water inlet funnels will be installed.
  • Vapor barrier. This layer of diffuse membrane roofing is a barrier to water vapor that penetrates from the heated room into the thickness of the roof, causing the insulation to become damp. To give the membrane strength, it is reinforced with fiberglass.
  • Thermal insulation. To protect a one-story house from cooling and heat loss through a flat roof, they install thermal insulation material. For this, backfill insulation (expanded clay), glass wool, basalt fiber, slag wool or extruded polystyrene foam are used.
  • Waterproofing. Waterproofing of modern flat roofs is carried out using polymer rolls or self-leveling materials. Rolled coverings are laid in several layers to prevent leaks in the connecting seams. Bulk materials (liquid roofing felt, liquid rubber) allow you to waterproof roofs of complex configurations; pre-heating is not required during their installation.

Important! Quality of flat roof installation one-story house depends on weather conditions. Experienced roofers and manufacturers recommend laying the coating in dry, warm weather, when the temperature exceeds 5 degrees. At low temperatures, the lower layer of bitumen materials takes longer to heat up, so installation takes longer and gas consumption increases.

Types of flat roofs

Single-pitched houses with a flat roof fit organically into the urban landscape and look just as good as a country residence. Abundant glazing, use in decoration natural materials make the structure light, filled with light and spacious, despite its small size. Depending on the nature of use and financial developers, the following types of flat roofs are used in projects:

Important! Flat roof the perimeter is fenced with a parapet, a protective barrier that holds snow masses and rainwater from a spontaneous discharge. On exploited roofs, the parapet acts as a fence that prevents people from falling, so it must have a height of at least 1.2 m.

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