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Garden design with petunias. Options for using petunias in the garden: learning to make flower beds. Video: varieties and best varieties of petunias

Petunia - chic garden flower, with which you can turn even the most neglected and unsightly site into a real colorful kingdom. Landscape designers adore petunia for its long flowering period, variety of colors, the ability to use both as an ordinary plant and as an ampelous one.

We will find out how best to plant a petunia on a plot, what flowers this plant will combine in the most advantageous way, what original flower beds and flower beds can be used.

The petunia flower, oddly enough, belongs to the same botanical category as the potato - both of these plants are nightshade. Petunia is used in ornamental gardening not so long ago - only in the 19th century it was noticed by botanists and breeders.

A flower growing in nature does not have any outstanding decorative qualities, but its hybrid varieties amaze with their beauty and magnificence of colors. Note that petunia breeding does not stand still - every year scientists and amateurs register all new plant varieties.

IN landscape design more often used ampelous varieties, characterized by increased decorativeness. As a rule, the diameter of the ampelous petunia flower is 5 cm, and most often the varieties are simple. However, breeders have already bred hybrid, terry ampelous varieties, which are distinguished by a unique decorative effect.

The color scheme of the plant is amazing: petunias come in literally all colors and shades. Most often on sale you can find petunias of the following color:

  • white;
  • purple;
  • pink;
  • coral;
  • cream.

There are also rare species colors up to black. This variety allows you to use petunia to create various elements of landscape design.

Petunia is originally from Latin America, but has perfectly adapted to our cool climate. However, this flower can be cultivated in a harsh climate only as an annual (in nature it is a perennial).

It is necessary to plant a plant in open ground in the form of seedlings: seeds planted directly on a garden bed may well not sprout. In addition, the flower tolerates picking and transplanting quite adequately.

In general, the popularity of using petunias in landscape design is due to the following qualities of the plant:

  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • variety of colors, varieties;
  • high resistance to drought;
  • long-term flowering period;
  • the possibility of using for planting in closed containers.

A powerful root system of flowers allows them to be cultivated even in small containers.

Growing site requirements

Petunia will grow best in a sunny area, so it is better not to use it to decorate shady flower beds. In a shady place, the flower will stretch upward, become weak, pale, and lose all its decorative effect.

As for the soil, it is recommended to plant the petunia in fertile soil with neutral acidity. Most of all, the plant will like sandy or loamy soil. In heavy soil - dense and airtight petunia will not grow well. Therefore, if the soil on the site is just that, it is necessary to add sand to it.

Combination with other colors

Beauty petunia can be combined on the site with various types plants, creating original compositions with them. Landscape designers recommend choosing plants that bloom for a long time, stand well during the heat, and do not dry out as companions for petunias. Flowers such as:

  • marigolds (calendula);
  • Snapdragon;
  • pelargonium;
  • levkoy;
  • marigold;
  • verbena;
  • ageratum.

The following plants can be used as a background for flower arrangements:

  • coleus;
  • cineraria;
  • chlorophytum, etc.

In the spring, petunia will look good along with graceful bulbs:

  • daffodils;
  • crocuses;
  • hyacinths;
  • tulips, etc.

When the bulbs fade, they must be dug up and replaced with other types of plants.

The flower bed, located under the tree, looks beautiful. In this case, the best neighbors will be:

  • begonias;
  • decorative cereals;
  • lilies.

In closed containers, petunia looks best next to:

  • balsam;
  • verbena;
  • viola;
  • pelargonium;
  • lobelia.

With marigolds, petunia looks very good. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to use such a spectacular neighborhood when arranging not only round flower beds, but also any other flower beds.

Convenience is also in the fact that the flowering period of these plants is almost the same, and their care is identical. With marigolds it is better to use petunias bush varieties. You can alternate these plants in any way that your imagination tells you.

Orange marigolds look the most advantageous: their rejected and upright varieties. Particularly sophisticated gardeners also use such varieties of marigolds as terry, semi-double and chrysanthemum-shaped - petunias look especially decorative against their background.

The second flower that looks most spectacular with petunia after marigolds is pansies. In addition, these violets have a lot of shades - you can plant them in a single range or play with colors.

The combination with pelargonium is also very advantageous: garden geraniums are unpretentious, bloom for a long time and very beautifully. The combination of petunia and snapdragon, besides, the latter is also very unpretentious and drought-resistant.

Use cases in landscape design

The plant is also called the “queen of flower beds” - and it is not surprising: any, even the most inexperienced gardener, will be able to arrange a wonderful picturesque flower bed with the help of petunias. In addition, there is no particular difficulty in making simple flower beds with your own hands. Consider the most popular and spectacular options for using petunias in garden landscape design.


This is the simplest option that does not require much thought and preparation, however, it is quite stylish and beautiful. You can plant petunias of the same species and variety - then the flower bed will become one big bright spot in the garden.

And you can choose flowers different varieties and colors - then the mono-flower will become especially picturesque and attractive. You can decorate a mono-flower with a coniferous plant planted in the center of the composition. Thuja, cypress, juniper are perfect.

raised flower bed

The effect of elevation is created by the vertical walls of the flower bed. These walls do not have a bottom - flowers grow directly in open field. To create this composition, ampelous varieties are used, creating a beautiful hanging effect.

Mini flowerbed

This version of the flower arrangement is also called the "landing pocket". The mini-flower bed will become ideal solution, If most of garden patio paved with tiles. Between the tiles, several islands of earth are usually left - these will be planting pockets for flowers. It is better to plant in this case petunias of large-flowered varieties - then big buds as they grow, they will completely hide pockets with earth.

Round flower bed

It is recommended to take petunias in saturated shades for round flower beds: purple, pink, white for contrast. Thus, the composition will turn out bright and spectacular. Flowers must be planted in a circle in this case. Bright orange marigolds in the center of the composition look beautiful, they give the flower bed a complete look.

It is also recommended to plant a border: in this capacity, an undersized coleus is perfect. The border will protect the flower bed, help create it correct form. Marigolds must be taken tall so that the flower bed takes the form of a regular sloping dome - such a composition will look unusually impressive.

vertical flower bed

Ampelous petunia looks great in various hanging planters and containers. You can create entire multi-tiered hanging compositions from flowers of different varieties and colors, decorating verandas, loggias, gazebos with them.

In addition to hanging pots vertical view landscaping also involves the use of floor and wall containers. These options also look impressive and picturesque in their own way, they can serve as a real decoration of the site.

flower ball

Extremely decorative way garden landscape decorations. In addition, such a ball of petunias will look beautiful in any corner of the site. To make a base, a frame for a ball with your own hands, you need wire, and, in fact, the hands of a master.

You will also need sphagnum moss as a filler - you can buy it at flower shop. After the wire frame is built, the center is stuffed with peat soil, the edges with sphagnum. Then flowers are planted in the cells - ampel picturesque varieties.


Using flowerpots of different sizes for planting petunias in them is a great idea. You can either buy flowerpots or make your own. The advantage of flowerpots is that you can put them in any corner of the site - where there is a need.

We can say that these are some kind of mobile flower beds. A homemade flowerpot can be made from improvised materials: car tires, unnecessary old buckets, even pots and jeans.

Flower garden from boxes

This option would look great on suburban area. In addition, flower boxes can even be placed on the fence - in any other place in the garden where you like it. The choice of boxes is limited only by your imagination and financial capabilities: the containers can be ordinary unassuming wooden, forged heavy metal, and plastic, clay, terracotta.

gravel garden

Now this way of decorating the garden landscape is becoming very popular. In addition, it is not difficult to make such a gravel garden, but it looks great, gives the site an unusually stylish and well-groomed look (see photo).

It is recommended to plant petunias in a gravel garden along with ornamental cereals, lilies. Petunias themselves are better to choose dark saturated shades - burgundy, purple: they will look at the background of gray gravel in the most picturesque way.

So, you can use petunias in landscape design in different ways. There are many options for various flower beds and flower arrangements: any summer resident and gardener will find a suitable one for himself. The long flowering of petunias will decorate your garden for the whole summer, and the brightness and variegation of flowers will be a real treat for the eyes.

Petunia (petunia) - the plant belongs to the family of nightshade crops. For the first time this flower was seen in South America, Brazil, Argentina. In nature is perennial culture, flower growers grow it as an annual. Petunias need warmth, moderate watering, light nutrient soil and bright sunlight, this must be taken into account when growing a flower.

Plant features and popular species

The plant has hanging flexible stems, small green leaves. The flowers are funnel shaped. Their size and color depends on the variety, there are different shades, plain or variegated, simple terry and semi-double. The fruit is a box. Scientists have developed many varieties of petunias. Possible colors:

  • red;
  • pink;
  • Bordeaux;
  • lilac;
  • violet;
  • yellow;
  • peach.

There may be various combinations of these colors.

Most varieties are hybrids. The ampelous petunia has a strong root system, this species is planted in containers, pots, boxes and hanging planters. Ampelous petunia is decorated with:

Ampel varieties can be placed in flower beds, in which case they will form a continuous carpet. Compositions of plants of different colors will decorate any area, they are used both in garden and urban gardening.

Popular ampel varieties:

Varieties of petunia varieties

Planting and growing

Many beginner flower growers do not know how many pieces to plant in a pot. The root system of the ampelous petunia is powerful, so that the flower develops well, one sprout is planted in one pot. A suitable pot size for one plant is 6-10 liters.

You can buy flower pots at a flower shop. Usually the pot has a diameter of 20 cm and three shoots are planted in it. It is better to plant plants in separate, spacious pots so that they can bloom and develop on their own, without interfering with each other.

Seeds can be bought at the store or prepared independently.

Growing a petunia on your own is easy:

In the open field, petunias are suitable sunny place protected from drafts. Transplantation is carried out in the evening, while it is better to keep a clod of earth at the roots. It is necessary to observe the distance between the bushes (25-30 cm). Under the bush you need to pour a layer of mulch from peat or humus to root the plant, protect the adverse conditions of pests and retain moisture at the roots. After transplanting, the plant is watered abundantly.

Petunia can be propagated by cuttings, separating it from an adult plant, rooting it in the ground, and then transplanting it to a permanent place.

Like many nightshades, green parts of the plant are poisonous. After work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

flower care

In the summer, you need to loosen the soil around the bush and water the plants in a timely manner at least 1 time per day. To make the bushes look attractive, they prune overgrown shoots, for this you need remove 2/3 of the length. In order for flowering to be plentiful and last all season, it is necessary to remove faded buds and dried stems.

For feeding petunias, you can use complex fertilizers For flowering plants . Top dressing should be carried out once every two weeks, 5 grams of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. First you need to water the flower, and later fertilize, it is better to use liquid solutions.

Diseases and pests

With improper planting and care, the plant can get sick. In this case, problems can arise both with seedlings and with adult plants.

Late blight, chlorosis, gray rot, aphid, spider mite, slugs- the main diseases and pests of petunias. If the plant began to wither, it is necessary to carry out processing by special means, which can be purchased at a flower shop. It is important to follow the dosage correctly so as not to harm the plant.

Planting and caring for a petunia is not difficult, but still, some rules must be observed:

Petunia in landscape design

Planting petunias in pots - great option country landscape design. Bright flowers in hanging planters decorate the entrance area, patio, pergola, awnings, verandas and other garden buildings. They are placed on recreation areas, terraces. Even a simple planting of petunias in even rows along garden path, beautifully decorate it.

You can equip a flower bed against the backdrop of a lawn, break an alpine slide and decorate stones with a cascade of flowers. The presence of petunias in flower arrangements makes them really attractive. Various shades of the flower will decorate others landscape compositions: mixborders, rockeries. The lawn looks original, on which flowerpots are placed with beautiful garlands hanging down to the ground.

Two options for creating mini-flower beds in the garden:

  1. Petunia and lobelia. Fill the prepared pot (large volume, preferably rectangular) up to half with soil, place two petunia bushes in it. Next, cover with earth almost to the top. Plant an ampelous lobelia between the petunia bushes, which has a very superficial root system. It will not interfere with the growth of petunias.
  2. Flyers basket. Take a voluminous basket, cover the bottom with dense polyethylene. Make small holes in it for the outflow of water. Fill the basket with soil. On the one hand, plant a petunia bush, on the other hand, beautiful letniki (pelargonium, ageratum, verbena, calendula, marigolds). Petunia looks beautiful with white fragrant alyssum, which is best prepared by seedlings. In a composition with a petunia, it is enough to place 2-3 alissums.

Petunias are a wonderful decoration garden plot. This flower will bright accent in any landscape design.

Petunia is a recognized favorite among annuals in the design of plots with flowering plants. It is widely used both in flower beds and in containers. For beauty, unpretentiousness, abundance and duration of flowering, it has no equal. Of course, you can just plant a petunia in a flower bed, in flower pot or a hanging planter - it will look beautiful everywhere. But much better decoration our petunia beds are well thought out, suitable companions are selected and a little imagination is shown. Then from the most beautiful flower beds you just can't take your eyes off it. We will offer you some ideas for petunias, and for clarity, we will present a photo.

Before you start creating flower beds with petunias, it is useful to get to know this wonderful plant better.

general description

Petunia belongs to the Solanaceae genus and in nature, according to various sources, has from 15 to 40 species. These wonderful flowers are native to the tropical regions of South America, with most of the species native to Brazil. Petunia is a perennial and annual herbaceous shrub and herb with erect or creeping densely branched shoots with single funnel-shaped flowers. At natural species shoot length varies from 10 cm to 1 meter.

In cultivation, petunia shoots usually reach a length of 20 cm to 2 meters. Since the flowers of species plants are not of particular interest, many varieties and hybrids of various sizes and colors have been bred. Among them, perhaps, only orange and rich yellow colors are missing, but the creation of new varieties is happening so quickly that at the time of this writing this “oversight” by breeders can be corrected.

The division of petunias into groups is very arbitrary, it was introduced into use rather for the convenience of consumers and landscape designers who need to know how a flower will look in a flower bed, and not based on botanical differences.

Petunia grandiflora

Petunia grandiflora

Large-flowered petunia is also called grandiflora and it represents the most numerous group with the largest and most diverse flowers, the diameter of which can reach 12 cm. Often the plants of this group have a two-tone color and double flowers, but they also require increased attention. Grandiflora is less resistant to disease, and its large flower may be damaged by wind or heavy rain. But, despite this, the large-flowered petunia remains the most popular and in demand. Within the group there is the following division:

  • large-flowered;
  • large-flowered low;
  • large-flowered fringed;
  • large-flowered fringed low;
  • large-flowered superb;
  • large-flowered superb low;
  • large-flowered terry.

Petunia multiflora

Petunia multiflora

Multi-flowered petunia is called multiflora, its flowers are smaller and not so spectacular, but they benefit from the multiplicity and longer flowering period. In addition, multiflora is less capricious, it is the most resistant to diseases and adverse weather conditions. Its flowers usually have a size of 5 to 7 cm and completely cover the sprawling bush. Within the group, the division is as follows:

  • many-flowered low compact;
  • multi-flowered low terry.

Petunia floribunda

Petunia floribunda

Floribunda took large, 7-10 cm in diameter flowers of various shapes and colors from a large-flowered petunia, and resistance to adverse weather conditions from a multi-flowered petunia, occupies an intermediate position. Best of all, it looks planted in large flower beds with arrays.

Petunia ampelous

Ampel or balcony petunia is called pendula, it is distinguished by long shoots, sometimes reaching a length of two meters. In our conditions, its stems rarely grow up to one meter, but this is due exclusively to climatic conditions. If you decorate with a pendula winter Garden, then you can enjoy shoots covered with fragrant flowers that exceed the height of an adult. There is no clear distinction within the group, but a division can be made according to the length of the shoots:

  • cascading - shoots up to 2 meters;
  • ampelous - stems from 35 to 80 cm long;
  • semi-ampel - a compact bush, the shoots of which do not exceed 30 cm.

Most often, the pendula is used for vertical gardening, it looks especially impressive in hanging planters or tall flowerpots.

Surfinia belongs to the ampelous petunia, which is one of the variety groups bred by the Japanese company Suntory.

Petunia ampelous


Strictly speaking, this plant is not a petunia, although it is closely related to it - they have a different number of genes. In addition, caliberchoa stems tend to become woody, but this never happens with petunias. The length of the shoots is 1.5-2.0 meters for calibrachoa, the rule rather than the exception, and the colors of the varieties contain yellow and brown flowers. And although the size of the flower does not exceed 3 cm, this is offset by their abundance.


Calibrachoa is usually propagated by cuttings, it is used exclusively as an ampelous plant.

The use of petunias in landscaping

Beautiful flower beds of petunias will turn out, even if they are simply planted in the ground. This is especially true for city residents who are hungry for beauty, who decided to arrange a flower bed in their dacha. But after admiring a couple of years randomly planted beautiful flowers, you begin to understand that a do-it-yourself flower bed for petunias will be much better if its design is at least a little thought out.

A little color

Before planning your flower beds, it's a good idea to learn a little about color combinations - petunias come in many colors and look great with other flowers. We do not suggest that you study coloristics completely - this is a whole science, but there are some points that you need to pay attention to.

    1. If the area is small and you don't want it to look even smaller, avoid contrasts.
    2. If the flower bed consists of petunias in contrasting colors, there is color tension, to smooth it out, use white, gray or silver.
    3. The combination of yellow and blue colors is a win-win, it always looks elegant and fresh.

  1. Pink and blue - a pleasant combination, not annoying, not annoying.
  2. Blue and white or white and blue - great combination. If you plant such a flower bed in the background of the site, it will visually expand the space.
  3. White and green are classic, relaxing and perfect for a place to relax.
  4. White color is universal. It "glows" in the dark, it is recommended to decorate them with places for evening rest.
  5. Another property of white color is that it will help if we “sinned” somewhere with flowers, but noticed it too late. Just add White color until the result is satisfactory.
  6. Don't go overboard with bright colors. To make you feel comfortable, and not at the everyday carnival, their share in the color scheme should be no more than 1/5.

Location of flower beds

When you plan flower beds, flower beds, rabatka, remember that you can not make a dozen of the most beautiful flower beds that do not fit together in one area. Believe me, it will look monstrous. Do not forget about harmony, the site should look like a whole, and not like a patchwork quilt.

Inspection point

Flowerbeds and flower beds should be clearly visible from the porch of the house, from the resting place, from the window. There's no point in doing beautiful flower bed in a place that is not visible from anywhere and is not visited by anyone.

In order for a person to have a good look at the flower garden, the sun should shine in his back. This must be taken into account. Perhaps, in some parts of the garden you often visit in the morning, and in others - in the evening, in such places it is very important to place the flower bed correctly.

Location relative to the cardinal points

Correctly position the flower garden relative to the cardinal points:

  • Compositions of west-east orientation are best perceived.
  • The southern flower garden always looks flat. To avoid this, it must either be completely bright, or contain 1/6 - 1/5 red or orange flowers.

  • The northern flower garden is almost always in the shade, it is not very suitable for petunias, but if there is no way out, fill it with plants with white, cream or blue flowers.

When laying out flower beds of petunias, remember that they need plenty of light and protection from the wind.

Placement of the flower bed relative to other objects

Flower beds will look great in the following places:

    • At the front entrance to the house;
    • On both sides of the driveway, if any;
    • On terraces, and narrow terraces can be completely turned into flower beds;
    • On a vast lawn, if it is not for sports purposes;
    • Next to benches, gazebos and other places of rest, and from there they should be clearly visible;
    • As a link between large landscape groups;
    • Mini-flower beds are appropriate on balconies, in hanging boxes outside the windows.

companion plants

When choosing neighbors for a petunia, attention should be paid not only to the habitus of companion plants, but also to their color. Orange marigolds, for example, will look great next to white, blue, blue flowers. But you need to think hard before planting them next to purple or purple. It will look beautiful, but do we need a holiday feeling every day for several months?

Petunia can be safely combined with almost all decorative foliage plants that are suitable in size. Next to them will look great:

  • woolly cleaner;
  • crested chlorophytum;
  • coleus;
  • cineraria;
  • cereals of suitable growth.

Of the flowering plants, the following plants are perfect, if you choose the right colors:

    • lobelia;
    • alyssum white;
    • marigold;
    • begonia;
    • verbena;
    • gypsophila;
    • iberis;
    • bell;
    • phlox subulate;
    • shard;
    • Clarkia (more about which you can learn).

A little more difficult in one flower bed will be placed next to petunias:

  • irises;
  • daylilies;
  • hosts;
  • roses.

But having certain skills, knowledge, and just taste, you can make just such a flower bed original and spectacular. It is very good to place the petunia in a flower bed with bulbous plants, when the primroses fade, it will just grow and cover the empty places.

solid landings

Petunia itself looks very attractive. A monoflower can be very small and consist of only plants of the same color. It is better to plant large flower beds with multi-colored flowers, after carefully considering the color scheme. Can petunias various colors planted in circles, rhombuses, waves, multi-colored rows. For these purposes, floribunda is best suited.

raised flower bed

Petunia will look great on raised terraces or inside specially constructed elevations of stone, brick or wood. Here, depending on the height of the flower bed and the desired effect, any variety can be planted as a monoculture or together with other plants.

Mini flowerbed

A mini-flower bed with petunias can be arranged in a hanging planter, a special garden flowerpot, in boxes, in old shoes hanging by laces, in broken baby carriages. Here we can show our imagination to the fullest, at the same time unloading the old closet or barn from unnecessary things. The main thing is that such wonderful flower beds fit into the overall concept of the site.

The old ones can go into business car tires filled with soil, buckets, baskets and even old bath I. Can you imagine what you can do with a petunia from an old cart or a broken motorcycle with a sidecar!

This flower will do well anywhere if you provide it with good watering, sunny place, water and breathable soil.

Vertical gardening

Ampelous petunia looks very impressive in vertical gardening. You can simply hang a planter with petunias along the sunny wall at different levels. You can build a structure made of wood or metal, on which containers with flowers will be attached. Here, too, everything depends on your imagination and capabilities - the compositions can turn out to be simply fantastically beautiful.

This species of plants, later assigned to the genus Petunias, was first found in Uruguay in 1793. More later found...

petunia frame

Multi-flowered, large-flowered or floribunda petunias can frame any flower garden. It can be planted in a circle at some distance around a small tree with an openwork crown or frame plantings of conifers. On the border of the shady and light zones, hostas with petunias can be planted in such a way that each of the plants gets exactly the lighting that it needs.

Classic flower bed

The classic flowerbed is with clear geometric outlines and planted with plants that bloom at the same time. Petunia will decorate any.

Petunia flower bed basics

Each petunia bush should have its own feeding area and not compete for it with other plants. This can be ensured by planting density, and it differs for different varieties. The distance between the bushes of petunias should be at least:

  • small-flowered - 15-20 cm;
  • large-flowered - 20-25 cm;
  • ampelous - 25-30 cm.

In conclusion, let's say a few words about caring for flower beds.

  • Petunias need a bright, wind-protected place.
  • The soil should be water and breathable, rich in organic matter. At first, after planting, the petunia needs to be loosened and weeded - in the future it will grow,
  • doing so would be problematic.
  • You need to water often and plentifully, but do not allow waterlogging so that the roots and stems do not rot.
  • Petunia is fed every 10-14 days. Young plants require large doses of nitrogen at first, but when the petunia grows up and blooms profusely, it will need increased doses of potassium and phosphorus. It is best to use a special fertilizer for petunias, it is more expensive than usual, but it justifies its price.
  • If you want to achieve long-lasting attractive flowering, remove faded buds in a timely manner and pinch the tops of the shoots.

But the most important thing for a petunia is your love, it has long been noticed that plants that are often admired get sick less often, and bloom better.

IN Lately vertical landscaping of garden plots has become very popular everywhere. Much is given by the fact that petunias can be successfully grown in vertical flower beds, which are not a sin to make with your own hands from improvised materials. If you have enough imagination and patience, try experimenting with plastic or what is much more environmentally friendly with wooden boxes, plastic pipes, pallets, tires, flowerpots and other unusual, but quite suitable for the role of a charming flower bed. However, you can beautifully arrange a flower garden of petunias without resorting to vertical planting. Pay attention to our article and find new ideas for decorating your country flower garden.

Petunias are usually divided into several groups of varieties:

Choose varieties and varieties of petunias, depending on the size of the flower bed itself and what kind color range you want to create.

Video: varieties and the best varieties petunias

Advantages and disadvantages of vertical flower beds

Naturally, vertical flower beds have significant advantages:

  • very beautiful and great for decorating the garden;
  • save space, as they do not take up much space;
  • mobile - can be moved around the site.

But there are certain disadvantages:

  • flowers will grow in rather unusual conditions with a lack of soil, therefore the following disadvantage appears from here;
  • regular watering and fertilizing are required;
  • the soil can freeze severely at low temperatures.

However, vertical flower beds are excellent. design solution to decorate your garden and area near the house.

How to make a vertical flower bed for petunias: step by step instructions

In fact, any vertical flower garden is made in a similar way:

  1. The base and frame are created. If necessary, an irrigation system is created (for example, you can place drip irrigation inside the structure).
  2. The soil is falling asleep.
  3. disembarked flower seedlings. You can also plant,, and many other flowers.

For example, to create a vertical flower bed from a grid with your own hands, you will definitely need:

Step-by-step instructions for creating a vertical flower bed for petunias:

  1. Need to do metal carcass from the grid, and its diameter should correspond to the pot. The cylinder must be pressed with ties around the entire perimeter of the connection.
  2. Further, from the inside, it is recommended to wrap the frame with a dark film.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to fill the resulting tower with soil, water it lightly and wait for shrinkage, and then fill it up.
  4. Add soil to the sides of the pot to give the tower more stability.
  5. Then you should make side cuts for flowers with a sharp knife crosswise.
  6. And then plant seedlings of petunias in these cuts.

Actually, here step by step instructions creating a flower tower with a photo:

Video: how to make a vertical flower bed and plant petunias in it

Different ideas for vertical flower beds for petunias

There is enough a large number of a variety of materials, from which any summer resident is quite capable of making vertical flower beds for petunias.

Depending on the design and method of its fastening, the following types of such flower beds can be distinguished:

  • ground (placed directly on the ground);
  • near-wall (installed next to the wall of the house or fence);
  • wall-mounted (hung on a wall or fence);
  • hanging (hanging).

Naturally, the form and general form flower beds can be radically different, because all flower growers differently imagine ideas for decorating a vertical flower garden.

Important! Whatever container or material you choose to create a vertical flower garden, do not forget to make drainage holes in it.

In a wooden box

Looks organic enough. wooden box with a cascade of petunias personal plot. However, it is extremely necessary to treat it with a special solution that protects the tree from rot.

Initially, a wooden flowerbed structure looks like this:

Pyramid of pots

Such a delightful pyramid of pots will help to cheer up wonderfully. More detailed instructions with a photo on creating a pyramidal vertical flower garden in pictures:

From bags

It is unlikely that such a vertical flower garden will be able to survive heavy rain or even more rain, but it's worth a try.

From plastic pipes

Someone might think that a plumber's wife lives here (in such a garden), but is that bad?

Such a long colorfully elegant flower bed can be hung to the fence.

Or install directly on the wall of the house.

In such a bed-flower bed you can plant and

from pallets

Plant seedlings of petunias in wooden pallets(closer to the edge) and just stack them on top of each other.

From flowerpots

Take several flowerpots of different sizes and put them on top of each other in descending order so that the design is as stable as possible.

From tires

Good old tires, what kind of flower beds you can make of them!

By the way! If you want to make flower beds from old rubber tires with your own hands, then read

Photo gallery of beautiful flower bed design ideas for petunias

An extraordinary solution would be to make a frame from an old rusty iron staircase, put wooden floors and put pots of petunias on them. So much for homemade vertical gardening!

You are free to make a vertical a cascading flower bed of pots on a metal frame.

If you have an unused old bath then color it with fun bright colors and make a wonderful huge flower bed out of it.

You've got nothing to do in your garden old barrel. Isn't it possible to make a flower garden out of it and plant petunias there?

Lay the barrel on its side and plant flowers in such a way as if they had spilled out of there or poured out in a powerful stream! If not wooden barrel, then take an iron or ordinary bucket, just decorate it.

Will not harm nature, while bringing a lot of pleasure to everyone around, if old stumps with the help of flowers you will turn into colorful mushrooms.

The flower garden is the best to break and in hollow of an old tree.

Making an extravagant bicycle flower garden is quite difficult, but possible.

And here is an idea for a simpler bicycle flower bed made of petunias.

Flower bed of petunias and marigolds

By the way, with regard to combinations, a flower bed with petunias and marigolds, which you can place in an old heavy wheelbarrow, will look very nice.

Although in splendid isolation, these wonderful flowers in an old car will look quite original.

Of course, you can always make the most ordinary round flowerbed of marigolds and petunias.

In general, petunias are combined with most flowers and plants.

Video: petunia flower bed ideas

Thus, you have many ways to beautifully arrange a flower garden of petunias. Of course, vertical flower beds will look the most interesting and unusual, but it is by no means necessary to get hung up on them, because there are so many others no less original ideas for decorating a garden.

In contact with

When decorating a garden with petunias, even the most bold ideas, because these flowers get along well with other plants, do not get lost against their background and do not oppress their neighbors. In addition, you can make a mono-flower bed of petunias with your own hands, where only these flowers will reign. Well, if you are creating a gravel garden, then these beautiful flowers will come in handy here.

Petunia in modern landscape design is one of the first places. Such popularity is explained by an unusually wide variety of varieties, long flowering and its unpretentiousness. A huge palette of different colors allows you to use it in the design of bright flower beds, borders, borders.

To create borders and round flower beds, you can use petunias of one or two or three contrasting colors, for example, hot pink or purple and white, which are planted in even circles or stripes.

All varieties are beautiful in their own right. But the beauty of flowers can play out in a new way if you combine them with other plants. So, when creating carpet plantings next to petunias, you can plant ever-flowering begonia, lobularia, ornamental plants, such as coleus or irezine.

As you can see in the photo, petunias in flower beds look good next to others. annual plants, such as marigolds, agerantums, levkoy, snapdragons:

But you need to seat them so that the colors and sizes of these plants are successfully combined with each other. For example, bright petunias can be planted in the center of the flower bed, and light yellow marigolds along the edge.

Petunias look beautiful next to primroses or pansies, tulips and hyacinths. Since petunias also grow in partial shade, they can be planted next to hostas or ornamental grasses that prefer shady areas.

Today, almost no garden is complete without bright flowers of petunias. Do not be afraid to experiment, look for new interesting combinations of these colors with each other or with other plants!

Look at the photo - in the spring design, petunias in a flower bed can be used in combination with bulbs, for example, daffodils, crocuses, muscari:

The delicate flowers of these plants will beautifully shade the petunias with their bright colors. It should be borne in mind that after the end of the flowering period in bulbous plants, the leaves usually turn yellow and dry. Therefore, the flower bed loses its decorative effect. To avoid this, exposed areas should either be covered ground cover plants, or plant bushes of other annuals in these places. At the same time, bulbs of faded plants can be dug up and transferred to a cool, dry place, or they can be left in the ground, keeping a layer of soil above them so as not to interrupt the dormant stage of the bulbs.

Another version of a round flower bed involves creating an elevation with the help of vertical walls that will raise its central part above ground level. In this case, inside such an elevation, you can plant ampelous plants, which will hide the walls and create the effect of volume. The soil for such a flower bed should be improved by creating conditions for the petunias to feel comfortable. For example, add peat, humus, baking powder to garden soil.

Admire how beautiful the flower beds with petunias and other flowers are in these photos:

Petunias in mono-flower beds and in a gravel garden: ideas and photos

There are several more interesting ideas using petunias to decorate the garden. For example, a mono-flower bed looks quite simple and at the same time bright and very impressive, for the design of which only petunias are used. The most stringent option involves planting plants of the same variety and the same color throughout the flower bed. And a bright white border as a border will limit it along the edge. In the center of the flower bed or along the edge, you can plant plants (petunias or other flowering annuals) in a contrasting color. Any mono-flower beds with petunias look especially beautiful against the backdrop of a bright green lawn.

You can diversify a strict simple mono-flower bed using in the center additional element, For example, conifer tree or shrub, having a clear geometric shape. Thuja, juniper can act as a central accent. A round flower bed will take on a different shape due to this.

These photos show how you can decorate mono-flower beds with petunias with your own hands:

Miniature flower beds, or the so-called planting pockets, look very interesting in the interior of the garden. Such flower beds can be made if you leave places without tiles among the paved courtyard. There should be few of these places so that they do not interfere with free movement around the yard. Petunia bushes are planted in planting pockets. Look especially impressive on such mini-flower beds large-flowered varieties With beautiful flowers. Miniature flower beds enliven the paved area, creating bright blooming spots on it.

Here you can see photo beautiful design petunias planting pockets:

Petunias can be used to decorate a gravel garden. Gravel and stones of various sizes, shapes, textures are very decorative in themselves. In addition, the conditions in such a garden are favorable for the development of many plants. The stones prevent the growth of weeds, the soil under them remains moist for a long time. During the day, the stones are heated sunbeams, and at night they gradually give off their heat to the soil, maintaining a higher temperature.

As you can see in the photo, petunias are commonly used in gravel gardens. undersized varieties and dwarf hybrid forms:

In gardens dominated by stones light color It is better to plant petunias with brightly colored flowers.

Below are a few useful tips things to consider when using petunias in garden design:

  • a huge variety of shapes and colors of petunias allows, if you have the desire and certain skills, to create the most unique, original and colorful compositions in the garden with the help of this amazing plant alone;
  • Since gravel gardens are meant to mimic natural rocky areas, petunias should be used sparingly, creating small bright spots with flowers and combining them with other plants.
  • all varieties of small-flowered petunias are suitable not only for the formation of flower beds and alpine slides, the creation of borders, but also for vertical gardening and balcony floriculture. Having at your disposal only petunias of different flowers, you can make the garden, the balcony, and the window attractive.
  • varieties of the ampelous group are more often used in vertical gardening, planting them in hanging planters. Also, these petunias can be planted on slopes. Alpine slide. When planted in flower beds, their flowering shoots will densely cover the ground, creating an exquisite floral carpet.

And in conclusion, look at another selection of photos of the beautiful design of the garden with petunias: