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Catalog of wall clocks for the living room. Wall clock in the living room: how to choose and hang (45 photos) Varieties of wall clocks

Living room decor in a classic style is hard to imagine without a wall clock. This accessory came to our culture from England, where, since the 16th century, the living rooms of aristocrats have been decorated with clocks. In the modern world, the living room is used as a place where the best family heirlooms, expensive accessories and decorative elements are collected. Watches are an integral part of it. Wall Clock are still considered a symbol of family wealth. They emphasize the status of the owners, can be a stylistic accent in original interior, as they are perfectly combined with other decor.

English style clock

The living room is the central part of any home, the place where guests most often gather, and in the evenings the whole family sits in front of the TV. That is why the owners use the living room as a place to install the most exquisite and attractive accessories, including watches, the originality and elegance of which will be appreciated.

Huge clock face above the sofa

Back in the 16th century in English houses hours were the most important detail in the interior of the living room, as they were considered an item of wealth for the family, especially if they were old antiques or were made according to an individual sketch in an elite workshop.

Wooden clock in the form of a deer's head

The original clock, combined with other accessories, perfectly complements the interior design of the living room, fits into the overall idea and stylistic direction. The main thing is to choose a wall clock in accordance with the interior of the living room.

Round wall clock with floral ornament

How to choose a clock for a particular living room style

Classic style

Under the classic style, it is better to buy watches in wooden frame. It is worth giving preference to light or warm woods, especially when White color in the interior of the living room. External respectability and luxury will be given by watches with gilding or bronze decor.

Wall clock in the form of a running horse

Country style

The cuckoo clock, long gone, is now at the peak of popularity again. Country style is not complete without them. Can be hung above the sofa or on a free wall.

Wall clock for athletes

Hi-tech style

High-tech style requires a plastic, glass or metal accessory. The form of the mechanism is any, and the traditional dial can be presented in modern guises:

  • lines;
  • droplets;
  • points;
  • flowers.

Also, a high-tech interior is suitable for an electronic clock.

Classic clock with Roman numerals

Style minimalism and constructivism

A clock without a dial will fit into constructivism and minimalism. They are not very functional, but they will become one of the few decorations in a restrained style. Suitable for any free wall in the room.

Small round wall clock

Retro style

Retro interiors are suitable for antique antique exhibits. Perfect option- find a suitable model of the last or the century before last. They are put up at auctions, flea markets and collectors' sites.

If you didn’t get the original, you can always order a retro watch from the designer. Such products are replaced by plywood instead of wood, but they cost half as much. You can pick up a watch in the English style with Roman numerals or French - with an Arabic dial.

Large numbers with arrows fixed directly on the wall

Victorian style

In a Victorian-style living room, it is better to purchase a clock with a pendulum, decorated with a bas-relief or decorative carving. These should be massive wooden chronometers, enchanting with their pomposity. All kinds of wall clocks should be matched with color palette interior. In classic interiors, it is impossible for it to distract attention.

Wall clock with floral ornament

What to look for when buying a watch

In order not to have to re-weigh the walkers every year, approach the purchase thoroughly:

  • compare prices;
  • choose the style and color;
  • choose the right shape and size of the watch.

If the accessory is purchased for a decorative function, you can pay attention to the picture clock. Modern masters set a chronometer on a canvas with a painting. The author's work is expensive, but you can buy a beautiful and exclusive watch model with print on canvas at an affordable price.

Wrought iron wall clock

Wall clocks are convenient and practical, they can be hung in any corner of the room. It is important that they remain visible among the pretentiousness of the decor.

Classic solid wood wall clock

Also pay attention to the noise level. It is better to choose a model with a silent mechanism. A rare clock with a built-in pendulum will fit well into the interior of a living room in a classic style. The clatter of their dial and the hourly ringing are distinguished by their unique charm.

Wall clock in the interior of a modern living room

How to hang a clock in the living room

Ease of installation depends on the fastener device. The higher the class of the watch, the more elaborate the mounting system and all its elements. Economy class mechanisms often come without hooks, so they will have to be bought additionally at a hardware store.

Carved wall clock

If you do not know how to hang a wall clock with your own hands, carefully study the instructions for them:

  1. Check that all required items are present.
  2. Then put the clock against the wall for a visual assessment of the big picture.
  3. Mark the mounting location on the wall with a pencil.
  4. Drill a hole at the marked location.
  5. Install the dowel and screw the screw into it.
  6. Attach a hook to the watch, insert a battery or wind up the mechanism.
  7. Hang the clock on the screw, slowly releasing it.

Photo gallery: clock on the wall in the living room

The clock does not have to be set in the classical way. If this is a decorative model, it can be hung on a bright ribbon. The main thing is that such an accessory fits into the interior and you like it.

A clock is not only a device that shows the exact time, but also an element of decor. A well-chosen model will complement any room design. When choosing a large wall clock, you need to take into account the style of the interior of the apartment: the model should go well with all other decor elements. Original models in the interior of the living room can transform the room and emphasize the good taste of the owner of the house.

Main types

At the present time, manufacturers can offer a large selection of wall-mounted devices. various styles and forms. Similar products a lot, they can be divided into three main types:

  • Quartz. Such products are characterized by low cost, low maintenance and high accuracy.
  • Electronic. An electric clock is more suitable for a living room in a modern style.
  • Mechanical devices are the most durable, but they need to be wound up periodically, which causes some inconvenience in operation.

Watches can also differ from each other in shape and some features in the design. The following types can also be distinguished:

  • With a pendulum.
  • With cuckoo.
  • Classic (geometric).
  • Clock-pictures.
  • Baby. Such models are more suitable for children's rooms, but in the living room they do not look very appropriate.
  • Curly. They can be in the form of figures of the most unusual shapes.
  • Modular.
  • Antiquarian.

Both natural and synthetic materials are used to make chronometers. Usually this:

  • Tree. Most often, classic models of devices are made from wood. To imitate an antique model, the tree is artificially aged.
  • Glass. This material used to make most watches. Usually the glass acts as a protection for the dial.
  • Metal. Most often, metal is used as a decorative element. It goes well with wood.
  • Plastic. Plastic is a fairly flexible material, so it is convenient to use it for making models of non-standard shapes.

How to choose?

The main task when choosing a chronometer is that the model matches the style of the room and fits well into the interior. The main criteria for choosing wall devices:

  • Interior Design;
  • room size;

  • watch material;
  • the shape and decor of the model;
  • color;
  • quality;
  • type of mechanism.

Model of suitable shape and right size should be chosen depending on the size of the room. You should not place too large models in a small living room - visually this will make the room even smaller.

It is very important that the material and color of the device are in harmony with the furniture and decor items. Wall clocks should be a great addition to interior design or a bright touch in the living room, but in no case should they clutter up the room. If the living room is already full of decor items, you should use a model that is not too flashy. It is better to dwell on a product of a simple form, not overloaded with decorative elements.

In a spacious hall, several products can be placed on the wall. The main thing is that the clocks fit well with each other and are part of the finished composition. You can turn your author's ideas into reality and make watches yourself.

When you decide on a watch model, it will be important not to make a mistake when making a purchase with their quality and reliability. You should carefully inspect the product, check if there is any damage on it. If you are buying a mechanical device, inspect the inside of the mechanism if possible. There should be no signs of rust or other damage.

Well-known manufacturers give a guarantee on their products. If you want an exclusive model to order, you can use the services of designers, but such watches will be quite expensive. When making a purchase, pay attention to fasteners. Wall clocks must be attached at least four points, otherwise there will be a high probability that the product will simply fall off the wall.

In different styles

The variety of models of wall clocks is so great that you can easily choose suitable product for any style of interior. You can purchase both a device from a well-known manufacturer and an exclusive design product. The main condition remains unchanged: the model must fit perfectly into the design of the room:

  • High tech. Metallic aluminum or plastic wall units are perfect for high-tech style. On such models, there are often no numbers and only divisions. The most suitable type of movement is quartz.

  • Provence. Great option there will be round chronometers and delicate shades. The main colors of such models are white, gray, pale pink, blue, beige. The dial can be decorated with vintage patterns with flower arrangements. In a Provence-style living room, not only wall models, but also large grandfather clocks will look great.

  • Classic. IN classic interior strict mechanical models made of wood will be appropriate. The dial with Roman numerals, which are decorated with gilding, will look beautiful. For classical style modern quartz models are also suitable. Only electric clocks will be inappropriate.

  • Country. Designer artificially aged wood models are well suited for this style. Perfectly fit into the interior design and cuckoo clock.

  • Retro. The retro-style hall will be decorated with antique clocks. The disadvantage of this model may be the high cost. An antique item can be replaced with an artificially aged mechanical model made of wood.

  • Minimalism. The ideal option would be a laconic stylish watch of a strict geometric shape (without additional decorative elements). Such models are usually made of glass or metal. For this style, plain (white or black) products are perfect.

  • Modern. Everything is suitable for modern modern models hours. You can choose models with absolutely any type of mechanism. The product can be made in the form of an original animal, plant, intricate figure.

  • Baroque, Empire. Mechanical models decorated with bronze, porcelain, gilding or silver will fit well into such an interior. Such watches should look expensive and elegant, with a hint of aristocracy. Mechanical models decorated with bronze, porcelain, gilding or silver will fit well into such an interior.

Such watches should look expensive and elegant, with a hint of aristocracy.

  • Gothic. A beautiful watch made of vintage glass (with a massive wooden or metal frame) will look good. Perhaps the presence of forged elements. It is very good if the numbers on such watches are Roman.

How to place correctly?

It is important not only to choose the right clock for the living room, but also to place it in the most suitable place. Big clock can look good both in a large and in a small room - if they fit well into overall design rooms and will be properly located.

A large clock is best hung on the most empty wall in the living room. It is very good if the wall is plain and not overloaded with various decorative elements. It is better to hang the clock on the wall that is the "center" of the room (it catches the eye when entering).

IN small room it is important to arrange the clock so that it does not take up all the free space and does not clutter up the room.

Some useful tips to help you decide on suitable place to place the clock in the living room:

  • Wall models are recommended to be placed away from the doors to the room. During operation of the door, vibrations can go along the walls. There is a high probability that the clock may simply fall.
  • If a fireplace is installed in the living room, then the clock should be hung just above it. So the room will look even more comfortable.
  • Such a product can be placed above a sofa or table. The clock will look harmoniously next to paintings or small photo frames.

The clock in the interior is not so much a means of knowing the time as an element of decor. Sometimes spectacular large models become an accent in the design of the room. For the manufacture of dials, a wide variety of materials are used, products look especially impressive self made. In order for such a detail to harmoniously fit into the situation, the clock must be selected taking into account general style interiors and colors.

It is not necessary to purchase expensive models in order to effectively decorate a room, there can be a place in the design for the most simple options the main thing is to make a good choice. Watches for minimalism simple shapes without decor, and in a classic interior, instead of wall-mounted ones, it is better to use large floor ones. If pick up wall structures, they should be in an expensive frame, ideally antique. Watches with stone inlays or carvings look beautiful in the classics.

Electronic scoreboards are best left for high-tech or avant-garde rooms. In the latter case, dials of the most unimaginable forms are appropriate. Asymmetry and surrealism in design are only welcome.

How to choose a clock for the style of the interior



Geometric with smooth lines (circle, oval), classic models with a pendulum.

Wood, glass, metal, stone.

Carving, gilding, metal elements made of bronze or brass, silver.

Simple outlines, or plant motifs.

Wood, stone, glass.

Virtually absent, no chrome parts and pretentious elements.


Geometric shapes - square, circle, oval.

Plastic, glass, metal, wood.

Rounded squares and rectangles, circles, polygons, cylindrical shape, electronic projections and holograms.

Plastic, glass, chromed metal.

Glossy surfaces, chrome elements, emphasis on manufacturability.

Cuckoo house, simple uncomplicated forms.

Unpretentious carving, aged metal parts, craquelure, worn effect.

In the style of eco or ethnic directions, a case made of bamboo, rattan or willow will look good. Main use natural materials and natural range. The decor in the form of flowers looks beautiful, they can be painted or three-dimensional composition. You can choose completely unusual options design - birdcage stylization, aquarium, tree branches, picture dials.

For Provence or Country, you can choose wall models with a cuckoo. The ideal option is a real old watch inherited from my grandmother. If luck does not smile, you can artificially age the case with the help of a skin or craquelure varnish, which gives the effect of paint cracked from time.

Large clock in the interior of the room

room design with big clock

Where to place

Clocks are appropriate in any interior, but large models are preferable to hang on the wall in spacious rooms. If the living room or bedroom does not differ in size, you should not risk it. Too massive decorative elements visually make the room smaller.

The clock will harmoniously "fit" into the interior of not only city apartments, but also country houses. If the house has a real fireplace, they are hung directly above it. Such decor will make the room more comfortable. In addition to the classic wall models There are several other types of watches:

  • floor (the most massive option, suitable only for spacious rooms);
  • with pendulum;
  • with a cuckoo (it is not recommended to hang in the bedroom, the cuckoo can interfere with rest and sleep).

Wall clocks in the interior must be placed harmoniously, they should not take up too much space. It is convenient to allocate a free section of the wall specifically for them - above the sofa, bed, table, between the wall modules, etc.

Room interior with big clock

Large clock in the interior of the room

Living room interior

To decorate the hall, it is better to choose the most expensive and beautiful models, since this particular room is often intended for receiving guests and holding family holidays. The living room is often combined with the dining room, where gala dinners are held. Luxurious clocks made of expensive materials will decorate the room, giving it a formal look.

room design with big clock

Large unusual clock in the interior of the room

Clocks in the interior of the living room are the main focus in design, so you should choose them especially carefully. Elegant exquisite models made with taste are suitable for the hall. These are, for example, pictures in beautiful frames (landscapes, still lifes), photos of ancient cities and sights, images of famous actors of the past (relevant in retro, fusion, loft style). On the case there can be various elements of decor - stucco, gilding, silvering, stained glass elements, inlays with semi-precious or ornamental stones, metal fittings, pearl, etc.

It is important to choose a watch so that it looks harmonious. For classic and modern, it is more appropriate to choose expensive woods with bronze or gilded decor. This combination will show the taste of the owners, giving the room a respectable look.

Room interior with big clock

Large clock in the interior of the room


This is the quietest and most peaceful room in the house, where they spend time in solitude, relax and sleep. In the bedroom, unlike the living room, strangers are rarely allowed, it is not intended for prying eyes, when choosing a watch, you should first of all focus not on their grand appearance, but on your own taste.

It is desirable that the color of the case is not too bright and is in harmony with the decoration of walls and furniture. It can be pastel colors, beige, light gray, pearl, milky, ivory, brown, blue or blue. Red tones, orange and bright yellow are best avoided in a bedroom setting. The dial can be either monochromatic or with a floral ornament or floral pattern. Calm colors and neutral images will help you relax faster.

room design with big clock

Large unusual clock in the interior of the room

Landscapes are good in the bedroom, including seascapes, as well as images of birds, butterflies, cats. In large families, models with photo frames are often hung in the bedrooms, where photos from the most significant events in life are inserted.

When choosing a watch mechanism, it is important to pay attention not only to the external design, but also to the sound. If the arrows move too loudly, this sound can interfere at night. It is better to choose mechanisms with smoothly running arrows. But the electronic scoreboard, despite the silent operation, is not recommended to be hung in the recreation area - luminous numbers will only interfere.

Large clock in the interior of the room

Room interior with big clock

Children's room

Clocks in the interior of a nursery can be very diverse. Often these are images of characters from fairy tales or cartoons, bright figures, berries, fruits, animals, the sun, a month, cars, castles, etc. The shape of the dial should be chosen not so much for reasons of aesthetic taste, but focusing on the age and preferences of the child. Children's watch can also be combined with a photo frame, slate or magnetic board, colorful alphabet, etc.

room design with big clock

Large clock in the interior of the room

Important! all body parts must be securely fastened, and only natural materials are desirable.

kitchen space

There is nowhere in the kitchen without an exact time - often the readiness of the dish depends on this, and a minute of delay can cost a spoiled dinner. Color, size and shape are selected for reasons of convenience and practicality, and the body must also be combined with decoration and furniture.

Large unusual clock in the interior of the room

Room interior with big clock

Since kitchens are in typical apartment buildings small enough, do not buy too overall watch. It is better to choose a case of compact size, simple shapes and discreet colors. To bring brightness to the interior of the kitchen, you can hang a dial with realistic images of fruits or berries, flowers, still lifes on the wall.

The shape of the arrows can also be original. For example, in the kitchen, spoons or forks will look harmonious instead of conventional shooters. The case in the form of a teapot, coffee cup, plate or glass will also successfully fit into the design of the kitchen.

Important! for the kitchen it is worth choosing easy-to-clean materials.

room design with big clock

Large clock in the interior of the room


In the corridor, you should definitely find a place for a wall clock, they will help you get ready in time and not be late for a meeting, study or work. In addition, it is an interior decoration that sets the general tone for the entire room.

For a corridor in a classic style, you can choose products from natural wood, metal (bronze) or even ceramic products. The shape can be very different, the main thing is that it harmoniously fits into the interior. Circle, oval, square with softened corners, cuckoo clocks, classic designs with a pendulum, etc.

Room interior with big clock

room design with big clock


If desired, you can hang a clock in the bathroom. However, it should be borne in mind that this is a very humid place with temperature fluctuations, so the case must be sealed and made of waterproof materials. If there is the slightest crack, the dial will constantly fog up from the inside, and moisture will sooner or later ruin the clockwork.

Large clock in the interior of the room

What else is important to pay attention to when choosing?

  1. Try to get silent models, especially if you choose them for the living room or bedroom.
  2. The large sizes of watches are in trend, they will certainly attract attention, decorate the interior of the room, emphasizing its style. However, such models have a drawback - they can only be used in spacious rooms - living rooms, studios, etc.
  3. If you want to bring a touch of originality to the design of the room, you can buy a clock with a pendulum, which will announce the time of lunch or dinner with its ringing. Of course, such models are most appropriate in the dining room.

Video: Large clock in the interior

There must be a zest in the room, and this zest can be created by the simplest and most inexpensive watches, since the essence lies in the right model.

When choosing a clock, you should start from what room they will be in and what style the room has.

In minimalist interiors, it is much easier, as they are more suitable for classic wall hangings, which have strict colors, without any patterns and patterns.

But if you choose the right one, you can stop at the grandfather clock, but also in a classic style. This type of clock is also suitable for rooms where there is a fireplace.

If a classic-style clock does not hang in a room with a fireplace, then the interior will seem unfinished, and there will be a feeling that something is missing.

When choosing classic style models, do not forget to pay attention to the arrows, the body itself, it is important that they are free of drawings and patterns.

But they can be decorated with expensive stones and carvings, but in minimum quantities and not in bright colors.

In a classic interior, never hang modern clocks that do not have a dial or work with electronics, as such models are more suitable for modern design trends, such as high-tech.

It is also worth noting that you should not select such watch models that attract attention and catch the eye, as this is not appropriate for a classic style.

Clock for retro style

Retro style can hang any interesting watch, which are interesting in shape, size or pattern, since he himself retro style very unusual and unpredictable.

Models can be made of expensive metal alloys, such as silver or bronze.

In such an interior, a retractable cuckoo clock will look great, for example, as it is very unusual and not familiar, which is typical for retro.

If we take the interior of the ethnic direction, then such models as wicker or in bamboo cases predominate, as they will help emphasize the natural interior.

As a natural decoration, a clock will not look bad, for example, imitated under a birdcage or as floral look. Anything can be used to decorate such watches, for example: feathers, stones, shells and plants.

Clock in the interior of the house

As a rule, watches are not superfluous, so they can be located in any room of the house. One has only to figure out for which room which clock is suitable.

Here are some designer tips for choosing watches. A photo of the wall clock in the interior can be seen below.

Clock in the interior of the living room

If you have an old clock at home, or a clock that carries historical memory, then you can safely hang it in the living room. Only in the living room they will be appreciated at their highest dignity, not only with those with whom you live, but also friends will not leave them unattended.

As a rule, the clock that is in the center of the room is the center of attention, so choosing a clock for the living room must be chosen carefully, weighing all the pros and cons.

As usual, more sophisticated models are chosen. When choosing a clock, do not start from its cost, because in this case, expensive does not mean an ideal choice, since the main task is to match the decor of the clock with the decor of the living room.

A watch with a picture of a landscape or some kind of flower or plant, or a watch with some celebrities in the background, can be ideal. The list is endless, but your main goal is to pick up a wall clock.

Which will go well with your interior in the living room. If the living room is in modern style or in the usual classic style, then you should look at the clock made of wood with bronze rates or sputtering, they have an emphasizing effect for style.

If the living room is made in a simple style, then pick up something from a series of cuckoo clocks, you can also choose a clock model yourself, the main thing is that it fits perfectly with the setting.

Bedroom clock

In the bedroom, the main thing is that no piece of decor spoils the beauty of the interior, and even more so does not annoy the owners of the room itself.

You can provide the choice of hours yourself, since not everyone has access to the bedroom, and only you have to see and hear these hours.

When choosing a clock, do not forget that they must fully match your interior and be in harmony with it. Designers advise using bed shades in the bedroom, or a floral theme with pearly sheen.

Children's watch

When choosing a clock for a child's room, be sure to consult with your child. Surely children like cartoon and movie characters, which means that you can pick up a watch against the background of these characters.

Today, Smeshariki, Masha and the Bear, Luntik are very popular ... Among such a wide variety, only the child himself can help you.

Check the clock, as it should be made of durable but not harmful materials.

Clock in the hallway

Not everyone hangs a clock in the hallway, as some do not see the need for it. But if you still decide to hang a clock, then it is better to choose such color scheme, which completely merges with the interior of the hallway.

clock in the kitchen

Surely, like everyone else, the kitchen is the place in the apartment where the clock is needed all the time. When choosing a clock for the kitchen, choose those models on which the clock hands and numbers are clearly visible.

Here you can fantasize about the shape of the clock, they can be of the usual form, or, for example, in the form of a knife or spoon.

A clock with a pattern that depicts something delicious is perfect.

Photo clock in the interior

Watch - the item is very multifunctional and practical. In the crazy rhythm of modern life, a similar element of the interior received a rebirth:There are many variations of watches, and sometimes they take on such bizarre forms that it is difficult to guess their true purpose. If you decide to decorate your interior with a clock, then you may be at a crossroads between thoughts about interesting design and convenience. Meanwhile, both should be taken into account, so in our today's article we will highlight all the subtleties of watch decor.

First of all, you should decide what kind of watch you want. Three options: wall, floor and desktop.

Wall Clock are the most popular solution because they save space and allow you to decorate the walls at the same time. This will be especially appropriate if your interior is designed in a modern or minimalist spirit, so other decor elements are practically excluded.

When choosing a wall clock, be sure to consider the size of the room - for a large space, tiny watches that get lost in it are not suitable. If you decided on them, then you will have to combine them with other decor items to create a larger composition. It is also important not to overdo it here, otherwise similar decorative element will irritate the eyes.

The clock in the interior should either harmoniously continue it, or act as bright accent. The choice depends on the room: for example, it is better to choose a classic-style clock for the kitchen, and a subdued romantic option for the bedroom. The living room, on the contrary, can be decorated with bright unusual clocks that will attract the eye.

As for non-standard, as well as ironic options for wall clocks, it is important to remember the appropriateness here. Think about whether they will start to annoy you after a while? If the answer is no, then you can safely place them on your wall, however, it is better if there is no other decor there.

Floor clock in the interior

Grandfather Clock are not very popular these days, although a couple of centuries ago they were a symbol of prosperity, which was put on public display. The thing is that such watches definitely need a large space, which very few can boast of now. If you try to "shove" them into small apartment, albeit with a suitable interior, in fact it will become even smaller, that's all ...

If you are the owner of an old grandfather clock and at the same time - that's a miracle! - you also own an open-plan apartment, then such an element of decor can be very, very appropriate. However, before you joyfully put it in a place of honor, think about whether you can "get along" with such a watch. Majority vintage models they have a pendulum, so they tick quite loudly, and sometimes they also “beat”, notifying you of the onset of a new hour.

And if during the day in the heat of worries you may not notice this, then at night it will be time for fun for you, especially if you can fall asleep only in complete silence. An additional problem is that the chime of the clock is heard throughout the apartment, so castling your grandmother's inheritance into the living room will not save you.

If these questions don't bother you at all, then the main task for you - harmoniously combine the grandfather clock with the overall interior. In the event that you don’t like the classics, but you really liked the grandfather clock, you can install more modern models that will be appropriate almost everywhere.

Table clock in the interior

If your apartment is very small space, so you don’t even dare to dream about a grandfather clock, and there is nowhere to hang a wall clock, your choice is obvious - a table clock.

The most popular option is an alarm clock because it is very convenient and practical.

Surprisingly, the most ordinary classic alarm clock can fit into any style, from discreet hi-tech to quivering shabby. Of course, the external design is important, which can vary from monochrome to roses with forget-me-nots, however, even the chrome version can perfectly "play" in contrast.

It is important to initially consider the location and nature of the use of table clocks. If they will serve only as a decorative element and you do not plan to touch or rearrange them, you can purchase fragile models in the form of elegant plates or intricate modern variations.

Desktop clocks need to be more stable, and the dial itself needs to be clear and large, because you'll be using it primarily for practical purposes. However, here you can combine beauty and comfort.

Concerning electronic clock, now they are not as popular as they were a couple of decades ago. However, they are very comfortable and are perfect for a minimalist style or when you want to keep the decorative component of the watch to a minimum. Such watches can be very inconspicuous and at the same time perfectly fulfill their main function.
