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How to paint the ceiling with emulsion paint. How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint. Painting over the old layer

Today, the trend of painting surfaces is very common. But not always old surfaces are conducive to such actions. Many apartments still have whitewashed ceilings. About whether it is possible to paint such ceilings water-based paint and how, our article will tell you.

Paint selection

Today, thanks to new technologies and finishing materials it is possible to paint the whitewashed ceiling. But in order for the painting to be successful, it is necessary not only to properly prepare the surface, but also to choose the paint.

Most often, the ceiling surface is painted with a water-based emulsion. But in stores you can find several types of this paint, which can make it difficult to choose. So what kind of paint should be painted on the ceiling? In order to choose in this situation the most suitable option, you need to know the features of each type of water-based paint. It is of the following types:

  • Polyvinyl acetate. It is characterized by low cost itself, as well as high hydrophobicity. This water-based paint can be applied only in dry rooms. In this case, washing such a surface is excluded.
  • Compounds based on latex additives. The cost of such solutions will be the largest. But at the same time, with the help of such a water-based paint, it is possible to create a coating that is even and resistant to various external influences.
  • Acrylic. This type is characterized by high resistance to abrasion. Ceilings after processing with acrylic paint can be washed. The use of acrylic compositions is allowed in any premises. Another advantage of this paint is its affordable cost.
  • Slikonovaya. Before drawing this structure preliminary primer of a surface is not required. Such water-based paint is characterized by high vapor permeability. Therefore, the treatment of ceilings with this paint is relevant in basements and bathroom.

As you can see, there are a wide variety of types of water emulsion. To choose the right composition, you must carefully read the annotation before buying. It is always listed on the side of the can. Thanks to the annotation, as well as the help of a consultant or seller, you can quickly choose a composition for painting the ceiling. In addition, from the annotation, you can find out the material consumption per one square meter and determine exactly how much paint you will need for painting work.

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The ceiling must be prepared for processing it with a water-based emulsion. Moreover, experts recommend that when painting with any compositions, carefully remove the old finish. Only in such a situation can the surface be painted with high quality.

Despite the fact that the removal of whitewash seems to be a difficult task, if you use correct methods surface preparation, it can be disposed of relatively easily.

Removing the old coating from the ceiling occurs in two ways:

  • dry method;
  • wet method.

Let's consider both methods in more detail.

Dry way

In this situation, you will need the following tools:

  • electric drill equipped with a brush head;
  • grinder along with a grinding disc;
  • sandpaper;
  • Grinder.

The dry cleaning method, thanks to the use of the above tools, is carried out quite quickly. But it has several drawbacks, due to which it is used extremely rarely. The main disadvantage of this method is the huge amount of dust.

For dry cleaning indoors, it must be carefully insulated. At the same time, it is necessary good ventilation rooms. Since a lot of dust will be generated during the processing of the ceiling surface, it is necessary to work only in personal protective equipment (glasses, respirator). After completion of work, all dust that has settled on the floor must be swept away. Then you need to rinse the floor well.

wet way

The main advantage of this method is the minimum of dust, which is much safer for human health. Although experts still recommend such surface preparation in a respirator. But wet way much longer in time.

To remove the finish in this way, you will need the following tools:

  • metal brush;
  • sharpened small spatula;
  • a roller having an average pile length;
  • spray;
  • container with water.

The wet method involves the following steps:

  • First, you need to remove the maximum layer of whitewash by wetting the surface with a spray nozzle or a simple roller. Please note that you need to wet a small area in order to have time to wash off the whitewash before it dries completely.
  • The solution should be applied liberally, as the lime will actively absorb it.
  • To increase the deoxidization of whitewash, add 5-6 tablespoons of ordinary soda and a few tablespoons of liquid soap to the water.
  • After the solution has been applied, it is necessary to wait a little (about half an hour).
  • Then you can start removing old finish spatula.

Related article: Modern two-level stretch ceilings: installation

If some areas of the old finish are not removed, do not focus on them. It will be possible to return to them after processing the entire ceiling and clean off sandpaper. It can be replaced with a brush for working with metal.

Before painting, you should try to remove the main layer of whitewash from the ceiling surface. In this case, do not use very sharp objects (chisels, chisels, etc.), as they can lead to scratches and other defects in the base. This statement is especially important in the situation when there is a well-aligned layer of finishing putty under the whitewash.

If scratches and potholes are found on the ceiling, they should be covered with putty. After it dries, all the resulting roughness must be rubbed with sandpaper.

After the ceiling has become even, it is necessary to prime its surface before painting. A primer applied before painting will achieve greater adhesion and uniform distribution of the coloring composition over the ceiling surface.


After the preparatory work has been carried out, painting can be carried out. To achieve the maximum aesthetic effect, water-based paint must be applied in two layers. Please note that when applying the second layer, it is recommended to choose the direction of movement from the window and towards the opposite wall. Thus, it is possible to avoid the formation dark spots after drying of the ceiling surface.

The following tools can be used to apply paint:

  • brushes different sizes. Given the surface area, working with brushes all the time will be inconvenient and very time consuming. Brushes can be used to apply paint at the junction of walls and ceilings.
  • roller. In this situation, the roller will help to cope with the work much faster and more efficiently. For painting the ceiling, special products with elongated handles are sold. Special roller models are also sold for painting corners.
  • Airbrush. With the help of such a tool, you can paint any surface very quickly, efficiently and effectively.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint? The abundance of various finishing methods does not exclude the popularity of painting the ceiling today. This coating attracts with accessibility and the ability to do all the work with your own hands. However, not everyone knows how to properly paint a water-based ceiling.

The article talks about the nuances in preparing the base for applying paint, about the technology for painting the ceiling with water-based paint with your own hands.

In the old days, the most popular ceiling coatings were chalk and lime mortars. The only advantage of such coatings is their low cost.

Now similar works are carried out with water-based paints:

Tip: In dwellings, such compositions should not be used. They are better to finish the surface of ceilings in industrial premises.

  • Enviable elasticity differ silicone-based paints. They are not afraid:
    1. cracks up to 2 mm;
    2. high humidity.

    In addition, before painting ceiling tiles silicone-based water-based paint does not require pre-priming, they fit perfectly on any base, but the rather high cost makes the composition not too popular.

  • Polyvinyl acetate paint reigns in the budget segment of the construction market. Despite the fact that the composition cannot be washed, it does not tolerate moisture, but for work in dry rooms, it can be used to get a completely decent view of the ceiling.

A large selection of paints allows you to purchase the desired composition, but their characteristics can differ significantly from each other, which requires, before washing the ceiling painted with water-based paint, to determine which paint was applied to the surface and whether it is possible to wash the ceiling.

Tip: When purchasing material for finishing the ceiling, you need to immediately buy a detergent composition for it, because updating a ceiling painted with water-based paint by removing dirt from it will be much easier than doing the entire painting process again.

What tool will you need and how to prepare the room

Instructions for high-quality painting the ceiling with a water-based emulsion consists of several stages, of which the simplest is the painting itself. The application of such a coating refers to the types of work that require careful preparation of the ceiling.

To paint the ceiling you will need:

  • Spray gun (see Types of spray guns: how to choose the right one). The use of such a device is the most convenient, fairly fast and high-quality method of coating. But such a device costs quite serious money, which is often inaccessible to an ordinary lover to do repairs on his own. In this case, it is worth using cheaper tools, which are shown in the photo.

  • paint roller- this is the main tool for finishing the ceiling.

Tip: Do not use foam products to paint the ceiling, they will leave traces of a large number small air bubbles.

  • The use of a ladder or special scaffolding when painting the ceiling with a water-based emulsion, it is very inconvenient, they will need to be constantly rearranged. To facilitate work and convenience, it is worth purchasing a roller with a long handle.
    However, a stepladder or other stand may still be needed, before painting the ceilings with water-based paint, they must first be prepared, which will be quite difficult without lifting devices.

Tip: Replace the ladder sturdy table and a stool to make it easier to get on the table. In this case, the latter must have a classic look, on four legs, otherwise other structures will not support the weight of an adult.

  • Roller is comfortable to work with, but it is easier to paint over corners, butt seams and other hard-to-reach areas with brushes about 4 centimeters wide.

  • Cuvette. This device is a container with a corrugated area for rolling the roller, paint is poured into it. You can do without this tool. But the cost plastic fixture not big, and save on this device is not worth it.
  • Polyethylene film, special masking tape will protect walls, floors, stationary furniture from getting paint on them.
  • metal spatula, sandpaper, a bucket and a foam sponge will be needed when cleaning and preparing the ceiling for painting.

The preparation of the premises is as follows:

  • Remove, if possible, all furniture and other small items.
  • The room is covered plastic wrap or old newspapers.

How to remove the old coating from the ceiling

If there is an old water-based emulsion on the ceiling, in addition to losing its attractiveness, it can simply collapse when applied new paint on her.

Tip: Remove any old coating from the ceiling.

Removal of wallpaper, chalk and other compositions is performed in the following sequence:

  • The ceiling with a roller or a fairly simple hand sprayer is abundantly wetted with water.
  • The surface is left alone to soak for about 20 minutes.
  • The wetting procedure is repeated and immediately all the windows and doors in the room open wide.
  • After half an hour, the ceiling will begin to blister and peel off. It is known that such coatings are afraid of drafts.
  • A metal spatula scrapes off old paint or wallpaper from the surface.
  • The ceiling is washable clean water with a sponge.
  • When it appears on the surface small cracks and shells, they are sealed with putty (see How to properly putty the ceiling - the basics of craftsmanship), and after it dries, everything is polished with emery.

  • Puttying the ceiling is easier with a ready-made universal polymer-based compound. Cheaper gypsum or cement mixtures, but it is more difficult to work with them, and repairing the ceiling is a specific matter and it is better, in this case, not to risk it.

Tip: With large defects in the ceiling, without the proper skills, you should not level it yourself. Without the invitation of the master or arrangement of hanging, stretch ceilings is indispensable here.

Ceiling primer

Before you paint the ceiling with a water-based emulsion, it should be primed (see How to prime the ceiling: we understand it in stages). The most acceptable primer for surface finishing is to prepare the solution yourself.

For this:

  • The selected type of paint is taken.
  • Diluted 1:1 with water.

For the formation of a film on the surface of this composition is sufficient, and the solution lays down on itself best.

How to paint the ceiling

You can paint the ceiling after the primed surface has completely dried.

The procedure for painting the ceiling with water-based paint is as follows:

  • All corners and hard-to-reach areas are carefully painted over with a brush for painting with a roller.
  • Smooth planes are painted with a roller. The paint is poured into a tray or cuvette, the roller is half dipped into it and rolled out on the corrugated section of the container.

This is done to evenly distribute the coating over the surface of the roller.

Tip: To get quality coverage paint should be applied in at least three layers.

  • The first layer is covered parallel to natural light or from a window. Painting is carried out with an overlap on the previously applied strip, by 1/2 of the width of the roller. It is most convenient to move along the W-shaped path.
  • The ceiling after full painting is left to dry, approximately 12 hours.
  • The next layer is applied in a direction perpendicular to the previous one and also left to dry.

Tip: If there are stains on the ceiling, after the second layer has dried, it is necessary to walk on a dry surface with fine sandpaper, and then wipe the dust with a sponge. On the rough second layer, the third, the finish will lie much better.

  • The last layer is applied similarly to the first - parallel to the light rays from the window. This is the final layer, so that it is better it is better to use a completely new roller. Drafts are not allowed during work and when drying the surface, which requires closing all windows and doors.

What defects are possible after staining

After coating, some errors are possible:

  • The appearance of stripes during staining. This indicates an uneven distribution of paint. In this case, it is necessary to make additional passes with a roller.
  • If the paint is not mixed well, streaks and spots of different shades may also appear.
  • If all operations were performed correctly, but still appeared different shades and glare, this indicates the unevenness of the ceiling. In this case, only leveling the surface with putty or tiling the ceiling can save.

What to do if the ceiling is painted with water-based paint? How to repaint a surface minimal cost, but with a good effect, the video in this article will tell.

A wide range of building materials and many examples exclusive design give you the opportunity to create the ceiling of your dreams - beautiful, elegant, even luxurious, with bright lighting and fashionable design. But sometimes a masterpiece of building craftsmanship is simply not needed: for example, in utility room a clean, white, smooth ceiling surface looks great, which can be achieved with ordinary painting. Consider how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint so that it looks beautiful and flawless.

Advantages of a painted ceiling

We will not discuss the disadvantages of simple painting, and so it is clear that this is the most elementary way to freshen up appearance old ceiling. The one who decides that applying a water-based emulsion is a fairly easy way will be mistaken, this is far from the case. A truly even and uniform surface can only be achieved by a long and laborious process involving plastering, priming and painting.

So what are the benefits of painting? If the ceiling is initially smooth and hassle-free, the advantages of the sea:

  • profitability;
  • rapidity;
  • ease;
  • availability.

A well-plastered and painted ceiling looks no worse than modern tension systems.

Just one evening - and the freshness of the snow-white surface is guaranteed to you. If there are irregularities, you will have to pre-plaster, but in any case, the cost of repairs will be small, it will just take more time and effort. But there will be no questions about how to repaint the ceiling, which is already painted with water-based paint. One new layer and the repair is complete.

Stages of painting the ceiling with water-based paint

There are two options for finishing the ceiling with a water-based emulsion: simple painting and multi-stage preliminary preparation for further staining. We will consider a full, long-term option so that there are no questions about how to properly paint the ceiling with water-based paint. Who needs ordinary painting - we look only at the beginning and at the end of the instructions, skipping the stages of plastering and reusable primer.

We choose the shade of the ceiling depending on the surrounding interior and wall decoration

Preparation of tools and materials

Preliminary preparation it will save time and give you the opportunity to work calmly, without being distracted by visiting stores and looking for some little things - a roller or a spatula. Of course, there will be periods of planned downtime, "to dry", but still it is better to stock up on everything you need in advance.

When choosing brushes, check the strength of the bristles.

So, for all stages of work, the following tools will be required:

  • steel spatulas, narrow and wide;
  • containers for water and paint;
  • wide and narrow paint brushes, several are better;
  • sponge or wool roller;
  • grout mesh, sandpaper;
  • paint tray with drain.

The best tool for painting is a roller, which can be built up with a special rod.

As you can see, a fairly inexpensive set, which will take no more than 1000 rubles. You will spend a little more on materials, especially if you have an uneven ceiling surface covered with pockets of mold.

You will need:

  • primer on plaster;
  • antiseptic;
  • deep penetration primer;
  • dry plaster mixture;
  • finishing putty;
  • water-based paint.

Water-based paint can be replaced with a more modern acrylic counterpart

The expenditure of all funds is indicated directly on the banks, so it will not be difficult to calculate the volume. Paint should be bought so much that it is enough for 2 layers. Tap water is suitable for diluting dry mixtures. Let's see how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint, if it is absolutely not prepared.

Among water-based and water-dispersion paints there are coatings for rooms with high humidity

Work surface cleaning

Surface with peeling old paint or a thin layer gypsum plaster wet with water using a wide brush. Slightly dissolved materials are scraped off with a narrow spatula and rubbed with a large sandpaper. If the pieces of plaster are large and hold quite firmly, we use a perforator. Spots of mold and fungus are also cleaned with a sharp spatula. Then wipe the entire surface with a damp cloth. As a result, the ceiling should be completely cleaned of old material and ready for processing.

It is necessary to remember how to prepare the ceiling for painting with water-based paint, if there is a predisposition to a new appearance of mold. On sale there are special antiseptic agents that penetrate deep into concrete, brick or wood and prevent the new emergence and spread of the fungus. It is better to apply them in several layers to already infected places and a thin layer over the entire surface - for prevention.

Pre or deep primer

Required preparation ceiling for painting with water-based paint includes several additional stages, each of which is important in its own way. Impregnation of the plates with a special liquid - a primer - is necessary to achieve two goals:

  • to improve the adhesion of plaster to concrete;
  • to save other material (plaster, putty or paint).

The cleaned, leveled, antiseptic-treated surface of the ceiling is carefully coated with a deep penetration primer. In addition to its main functions, it will make the surface of the ceiling smooth, uniform, close small cracks and at the same time prevent the appearance of mold. On a primed base, the plaster will lie firmly and last a long time.

To finish the ceiling offer hundreds of shades of all colors of the rainbow

Leveling plaster

Get ready for the most difficult and time-consuming stage. You will have to use a wide spatula to apply plaster to the ceiling and level it over the entire area. If there are deep cracks between the plates or drops at the joints, the plaster mixture will take a lot.

The work plan is as follows:

  • laser level define the horizon of work;
  • we prepare the plaster mortar - we dilute the dry mixture with water and mix thoroughly with a drill with a special nozzle or an ordinary stick;
  • first we close up the most uneven, critical places; we wait a little until it dries, and continue to plaster over the entire area of ​​​​the room;
  • applied as a final layer finishing putty, which, after drying, carefully grind with a mesh or sandpaper to perfect smoothness.

This completes the preparation of the ceiling for painting with water-based paint. The only thing that can be done to improve the quality of staining is to make additional priming. This will save some paint and improve the texture of the applied layers.

Water emulsion painting

The final stage, the lightest in its execution. It is carried out quickly, because the technology for painting the ceiling with water-based paint is simple. Pour the water emulsion into the paint tray, dip the roller into it, carefully roll it out on a special tray and carefully apply the first coat of paint to the ceiling. We are waiting for it to dry and look at the result. If you look at the painted surface from different points, from different angles, you can notice the allowed “gaps”. There is nothing to worry about, in the process of applying the second layer, they will disappear, and the ceiling will become even and uniform. Corners are best treated with a brush, not a roller.

You ask: how to update a ceiling painted with water-based paint? Pretty simple: take a similar paint, which, if necessary, can be slightly diluted with water (but not more than 10% of the total composition), and apply over the existing one.

For painting narrow and hard-to-reach places use a brush

A few words about color. Now it is possible to use any pastel color instead of a snow-white shade. The paint is prepared right in the supermarket, the shade is chosen to your taste from dozens of proposed options. The desired color is mixed with a white base and you get the color you need to finish your ceiling.

Master class on painting the ceiling

Exist various options ceiling finishes. Today, the stores offer a huge range of materials for this. One of the most popular and relatively inexpensive is water-based acrylic paint. For the ceiling, this is quite an acceptable option. Many believe that this finish is the least laborious of all. existing options. In the article, we will see if this is so.

Material advantages: consumer opinion

Why do many owners choose water-based paint? As consumers themselves say, this material has many undeniable advantages. First of all, home craftsmen note that this coating dries very quickly. In some cases, just a couple of hours is enough for this. Many people choose coloring compositions of this type because of their safety not only for humans, but also for pets. The composition does not contain caustic or bad smell. So after application, there is no need to urgently leave the room. The composition can be given a different color. For this, special colors are used on water based. Subject to the recommendations, the staining process does not cause many problems. One of the undoubted advantages of the compositions, consumers consider that the tools can be easily cleaned after application.

Possible difficulties

Whitewashing ceilings with water-based paint should be carried out very high quality. Otherwise, glare and streaks will be visible on the surface. I must say that painting the ceiling with water-based paint the first time may not work. It is especially difficult to achieve a perfect surface for those who have never done this until now. At the same time, re-painting the ceiling with water-based paint will not hide, but, on the contrary, will increase the visibility of defects. There are several nuances that are usually not taken into account.

Why do spots appear on the surface?

The occurrence of defects can be due to several reasons. First of all, before whitewashing the ceiling with water-based paint, you should take into account the features of the lighting in the room. Stains can also appear when using a low-quality composition. The choice of tool with which the ceiling will be painted with water-based paint should be approached with all care. An incorrectly selected or poor-quality roller can cause uneven distribution of the composition. How to purchase suitable tool? Experts do not recommend choosing a velor or foam roller. As the owners of the premises themselves say, in which the ceilings were whitewashed with water-based paint, the best is a tool with a long pile or threads. It should also be remembered that after drying, the composition forms a smooth and fairly durable film. It can give glare in daylight. If the technology of painting the ceiling with water-based paint is not followed, the work is done in a hurry, and optical effects are not taken into account, then the surface will be simply terrible.


Before whitewashing the ceiling with water-based paint, it is necessary to evaluate the distribution of light in the room. As a rule, it is necessary to take into account the type of flooring. If it is shiny and smooth (for example, parquet, ceramic tile or laminate), then the lighting on the ceiling will be much brighter than with a pile coating. Given the optical effect that is obtained when light is reflected from the floor, the surface is covered with the first layer in the direction from the window to the opposite wall. The next one, on the contrary, is parallel to the source of penetration of natural light into the room. With a chaotic distribution of strokes, a rather unpredictable "reflection" effect can result.

Coating composition

Both layers require the same brand of paint. The ideal is the option in which the mixtures will be from the same batch. If the composition has frozen to such a state that ice has formed in it, then you should not use it. In any case, as the masters note, in such a noticeable area as the ceiling. Separation of the pigment components could occur in the mixture. Before that, it must be thoroughly mixed. There should not be a single lump in the mixture.


The roller is the most optimal device for applying water-based ceiling paint. Reviews of the owners of residential premises indicate that applying the mixture with a brush is a very time-consuming task. In addition, in the latter case, the formation of stains and glare is more likely. Suitable for work roller bright yellow.

Surface preparation

This stage, according to experienced craftsmen, is decisive in the process of painting the ceiling. The surface must be dry and perfectly clean. To soak the old coating, you can use bast brushes or a water spray in a vacuum cleaner. Next, the whitewash must be cleaned with a spatula until concrete base. After that, the surface is washed again. The ceiling must be allowed to dry. If the surface has been pasted over with wallpaper, all residues should be removed adhesive composition. As the experts point out, old layer coatings are usually removed in whole layers. The surface must be thoroughly cleaned, otherwise the new coating will lie unevenly, with defects, and will not set well.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint: the nuances

In the process of work, as experienced craftsmen assure, there is not a single moment that would not affect the result. At the very beginning, before stirring the paint, you need to read the information on the package. Some manufacturers do not recommend further diluting the composition with water. Such paint should be thoroughly mixed directly in the factory container. Otherwise, there is a risk of leaving the pigment components in the jar. Experienced homeowners self-repair, adapted to mix the composition with a drill and a special nozzle - a mixer. If the mixture needs to be further diluted, this should be done by adding small portions of water. In this case, you need to continuously mix the composition. When adding water, the main thing is not to pour too much of it, since it will not work to “thicken” the paint back.

Convenience fixture

After the paint is mixed, it must be poured into a container with a wide bottom. For these purposes, a plastic cuvette is perfect. Usually it is used when developing photographs. If there is no such device in the house, then it is quite possible to replace it. wooden box for fruits. First you will need to cover the bottom with polyethylene.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint?

The paint roller should be dipped into a container (special paint bath) with the composition and rolled over the surface on it until it is completely and evenly distributed. For convenience, a long handle is attached to the tool. The application of the layer can be called the most crucial moment. As professionals say, movements should be straightforward, fast and confident. At the same time, one should not forget about the direction. The first layer is applied from the window to the wall. As soon as there is not enough paint, the roller is again dipped into the container.


Painting the ceiling with water-based paint is not an easy job. It is necessary to take into account one nuance when applying a layer. The area covered with the composition should not be looked directly from the bottom up, but at an angle (approximately 30-40 degrees). In this case, all defects and errors of the layer will be visible. It is better, of course, if there is an assistant who will tell you where there are unpainted places. As long as the paint layer has not dried up, errors can be eliminated. But after drying, this can only worsen the situation. As experienced craftsmen say, it is highly not recommended to be distracted from the process. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint is done without lunch breaks and smoke breaks. Applying a second layer can both correct errors and aggravate them. It should be remembered that re-staining is carried out after the surface has dried. If it was not possible to correct the defects with the second layer, it is not advisable to apply the composition for the third time. In this case, only removing the entire coating and repeating the process from the very beginning will help.

We reduce the time of work

Any painting work using a brush or roller is considered quite laborious. The process often takes a long time. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint with an airbrush will significantly speed up the process. This version of the application of the composition has a number of features. Let's consider them further.


The paint, as well as when applying it with a roller, is thoroughly mixed beforehand. In this case, it is necessary to absolutely exclude the presence of lumps in the mixture. If they remain, they can clog the spray gun, and the mixture will lie unevenly. If it is supposed to give the composition any shade, color is added with stirring. You need to pour it in small portions. It is unacceptable to leave stains of pigment in the paint. The composition must be homogeneous. Experienced craftsmen it is advised to prepare the paint with a margin, because if it runs out and the surface is not completely covered, then it may not be possible to pick up a perfectly accurate tone.

Important Details

It should be remembered that when applying the mixture with an airbrush, a sufficiently large volume of the sprayed composition hangs in the air. It will settle not only on the surface being treated, but also on all the others that are in the room, not excluding furniture. In addition, it is necessary to protect the face and especially the eyes from sprayed paint. Therefore, work must be carried out in a respirator and glasses. Remove all furniture from the room. If this is not possible, then the items must be carefully closed with polyethylene, fixing it with tape.


Using a spray gun allows you to get perfect surface without defects. When applying it is very important that the layer is thin and even. Immediately before application, you should take the spray gun nozzle a little to the side and press it briefly several times. As soon as the spray is uniform, you can start applying to the surface. The spray gun should be kept at a distance of about 30-50 cm from the ceiling. The jet of paint is directed directly perpendicular to the surface.

How to make the process easier

Mentally, you should divide the surface into squares. The width of each should be approximately equal to the length of the arm. Staining areas should be done in turn. Layers are applied first transversely and then longitudinally. When using the spray gun, in no case should you stop or linger in one place. In this case, the layer will be too thick or the paint may leak. Work should be carried out at the same pace.

How to apply the composition

The recommended number of layers is three. Each new one is applied only after the previous one has dried. Do not paint over a fresh layer of coloring compound or primer. Otherwise, the mixture will lie poorly and may exfoliate quickly enough. This will lead to a complete overhaul. To create the first and third layers, the morning and evening hours are considered the best time, when there is good daylight in the room and the direct rays of the sun do not blind. Although this recommendation is not necessarily followed exactly. The most important thing here is that all the errors in applying the composition are visible, and the angle at which the light falls is as close as possible to a constant for the repaired room.

Most often, attention is paid to the beauty and decor of the walls, unjustifiably forgetting about the huge influence of the ceiling on the overall perception of the interior. If we consider all the volumes of the room from the point of view of the surface that is open to the eye, then, unlike the walls with furniture, the ceiling is completely open. Accordingly, it is the largest area of ​​​​the room or room available to the eye. Whatever the quality, design and amount of money spent on wall decoration, it is impossible to create nice interior without a beautiful ceiling.

Painting is the final part of the design of the ceiling surface. Of course, you should not consider lime whitewashing as a means of painting these days. As you know, it has the properties to crumble, is easily contaminated and inferior modern paints on all counts. The industry has long stepped forward, and the most modern means for painting the ceiling surface is a water-based paint. In terms of decorativeness, the matte finish will suit any interior. You can easily give any shade to your ceiling using special pigments. For example, giving it a warm shade for the most complete impression and comfort of the room. Cool colors can be used to make the room feel more spacious and airy. And, of course, the eternal classic - white frosted ceiling. Next, we will talk in detail about the features of operation and application of water-based paint.

Ceiling paint features

The popularity of painting the ceiling with water-based paint is due to its properties:

  • non-toxicity;
  • no obvious odor;
  • the possibility of applying over the old coating;
  • high ease of use.

Even an inexperienced master can use it to paint the ceiling surface. The inventory required for the work is simple and easy to clean at the end of the work. If necessary, the paint can be thinned with water to obtain the desired consistency. It is acceptable to use specialized tinting pigments to give different color shades required by interior design. We also note the low cost of this product on the market for goods for finishing works. The combination of these properties has made water-based paint the most popular for many years.

Preparing to paint the ceiling

Before starting work on applying paint, a series of preparatory work. This will help you avoid additional complications and wasted time. To begin with, a thorough inspection of the surface is carried out using special lighting “at an angle”. With this method, you can notice all the flaws and better assess the condition of the surface under study.

In case of severe defects, it is necessary to carry out additional work for surface leveling. Rough bumps, potholes and cracks cannot be repaired using only paint materials. We will have to allocate additional time to eliminate such flaws. In this case, there will be additional costs for the purchase of leveling materials and related tools. Old paint must also be removed. Only after the process of leveling the ceiling and its drying is completed, it will be possible to proceed to the next stage.

Painting over the old layer

It often happens that the old paint is in a satisfactory condition, does not peel off, but has only an unsuitable color shade. If the ceiling surface does not have visible cracks, potholes and waves, the ceiling can be painted over old paint, thereby significantly reducing the time and money spent on the entire complex of work. If the ceiling already had a layer of water-based paint, and at the same time there are islands of peeling material on the surface, do not be discouraged. Unlike whitewash, a layer of old water-based paint does not need to be completely removed. It is enough to limit ourselves to surface cleaning of the exfoliated segments, and you can safely proceed to the next step - painting over the old coating.

The stage preceding the direct painting of the ceiling is the application of a primer. There are no special requirements here. Presented in stores wide choose suitable as a base for water-based primers. The price category of this product is also low and affordable.

The choice of water-based paint

The type of paint we are considering is a suspension of water-based particles. Simply put, a water emulsion is an aqueous emulsion consisting of pigment particles and a binder base. Such a composition is extremely stable in its form and is difficult to decompose from external influences.

Consider the main types of water-based paint:

  1. Based on acrylic binder.
  2. On a silicate base;
  3. On a silicone binder basis;
  4. Mineral based.

Acrylic-based paint is the most common and in demand. As the name implies, this paint contains acrylic resins providing a balance between price and quality. The addition of latex substances gives the entire composition the property of elasticity. This ability provides closing of cracks on the processed surface. The size of the cracks that such paint can cope with is no more than 1 millimeter. It is worth noting the price increase provided by the addition of latex.

The silicone binder base gives the paint an increase in waterproof properties and impermeability. Accordingly, this type of product should be chosen for indoor surfaces with high humidity and dampness. For example, for the ceiling of the bathroom, it is ideal. As the name implies, silicone resins are added to the composition of the paint, causing these features. The size of the cracks that the product in question is able to cope with increases already up to 2 millimeters. The cost is correspondingly higher.

The most unpopular type of water emulsion is mineral-based paint. The flaw lies in the fragility of the surface created by this product. The reason for the composition is the content of slaked lime or even cement. The cost of goods is the lowest among other representatives of finishing materials.

So, the choice is not difficult. The modern industrial sphere provides every opportunity to find the most suitable option for your goals. When buying water-based paint, you should pay attention to the marking - hiding power. The higher this figure, the fewer layers you will need to apply to the ceiling to achieve the perfect result. On the label, the manufacturer often indicates the recommended rooms in which the painting can achieve the best result.

Stages of work

If we are painting the ceiling over the old finish, preparatory stage takes minimal time. It is only necessary to remove the exfoliated elements of the ceiling, if necessary, putty it, filling up all the cracks and crevices, potholes. Next, a layer of primer is applied, and after it has completely dried, we can finally start painting the ceiling.

If you applied a primer to the ceiling in the morning, in the afternoon it's time to start painting. By this time, the primer will dry completely. It is reasonable to apply the second layer of water-based paint in the morning of the next day.
