Shower      03/27/2019

How to start a bathroom renovation. How to start a bathroom renovation and the correct sequence of work

Sooner or later, but the time comes when it is no longer possible to postpone repairs in the bathroom, since the tiles or wallpaper on the walls have lost their appearance or, even worse, began to lag behind the surface, and metal pipes rusted. The desire to transform the bathroom becomes stronger, the more often you notice the most popular modern materials, which are able to turn an unsightly shabby room into a neat room of the "euro" class.

- this is a fairly large-scale, but still quite feasible event, if you follow the instructions and perform all types of work in stages. Considering that repair materials are not cheap, and practice shows that the cost of performing work will cost at least half the price of materials, it is worth making your own efforts and saving a very decent amount.

If you decide to independently carry out repairs in the bathroom, you must first find out in what sequence the construction work is carried out:

  • You should probably start with planning. You can draw up a sketch of the room and display in it what you would like to receive upon completion of the repair, including in the scheme all plumbing products and accessories planned for installation.

In this matter, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the old bath can be replaced with a new one, but there is an option and simply update it with an acrylic tab. In addition, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is very small, but you want to make it more spacious, then instead of standard bath install a shower cabin complete with a corner sitting bath.

Such a trial estimate will help to determine approximately the scale of the work being started, with repair and finishing technologies, with the amount necessary materials, with approximate dates for the implementation of the entire planned volume. Of course, in the course of work, certain changes will certainly be made to the general plan. In many respects, this will depend on the condition of the floor, walls, ceiling, pipes, and in order to see all this “beauty”, it is necessary to dismantle the old one.

  • Thus, the next step is to remove old finish and dismantling of obsolete, unnecessary plumbing.

On given stage, in any case, the bath must be removed and taken out of this room so that it does not become an obstacle to repair and finishing works.

  • After dismantling, it is necessary to clean the room from construction debris. After cleaning, it is necessary to revise the walls and floor for its condition (for example, to clarify the need for a complete replacement of the coating or the possibility of limiting the repair of loose or exfoliated areas, cracks, crevices, etc.) everything that does not inspire confidence must be removed.
  • Then measurements of the premises are carried out, and on the basis of them a calculation is carried out and a list of necessary materials, consumables, tools, accessories is compiled.

Further, with a compiled list, which should include plumbing fixtures, pipes with all accessories, materials for construction and finishing work, you need to go to a specialized showroom. At the same time, we do not forget that finishing materials are usually purchased with a small reserve - about 15%.

  • Repairs (if necessary) of the surfaces of walls, floors, ceilings.
  • New water and sewer lines are being laid. For which, it may be necessary to cut the strobes with their subsequent sealing after the installation of the pipes.
  • If it is planned to bring in power points (installation of sockets), then similar manipulations are performed for them with cutting strobes, laying the cable in the corrugated pipe and subsequent termination.
  • Work in progress for the preparation of wall and floor surfaces for finishing work - waterproofing, plastering, puttying, pouring screed, etc. At the same stage, you can consider the placement of ventilation ducts, the installation of decorative boxes that will help hide the piping.
  • Further, work is carried out sequentially on decorative trim premises. The usual order is from top to bottom, that is, ceiling → walls → floor. In some cases, this order can be changed, for example, installation of a false ceiling → laying ceramic tiles on the floor → wall decoration with washable wallpaper or plastic clapboard.
  • Next milestone plumbing is being installed with appropriate sealing of all nodes and junctions, connection household appliances(washing machine, shower cabin, etc.).
  • And, finally, in the end, all accessories typical for the bathroom are fastened and hung in place - mirrors, hangers, cabinets, shelves, etc.

Even just a list of work performed is quite impressive. And now will get acquainted with the listed points closer.

Repair planning and acquisition of the necessary

Drawing up a draft design

A sketch of a bathroom is best done in color to visually evaluate what should come out. If there is not yet an exact drawing tiles, which should be installed on the walls, then you can sketch out an approximate ornament, or at least its color, and if there are several shades, then their distribution around the room.

Of course, it is immediately planned to install all large plumbing items - a bathtub, a washbasin, a toilet bowl (with a combined bathroom). It is possible that there is a place for a shower stall. Sometimes the bathroom has washing machine(this is justifiably quiet when the room is adjusted good ventilation, which does not allow the accumulation of dampness). All this is also applied to the diagram.

You should decide on the location of the lighting points in the room - the ceiling. possibly local in the area of ​​the mirror. This is important both from the point of view of interior design, and for installation work- cable entry is required here.

Immediately in the picture, all the little things that no bathroom can do without are “virtually” arranged and hung.

It is such a detailed sketch that will give an idea of ​​​​how the room will look like, provide an opportunity to change or correct something, since it is better to do this in the drawing before starting work than, having completed the repair, be disappointed in the resulting interior.

Based on the sketch drawn up and on the layout of the bath room, the amount of materials needed is calculated.

With a list affixed with the required quantity and size, you can go to the store to buy building materials. When purchasing the necessary, you must definitely get acquainted with the performance characteristics of the product - you should not save on the quality of finishes or plumbing, as cheap low-grade materials and products will last a short time, losing a respectable appearance or causing minor and major accidents.

Bathroom pipes

As a rule, obligatory replacement is required for old metal pipes installed many decades ago and which have long served their service life. It makes no sense to change them to steel ones - it is both expensive and inconvenient in delivery and installation, and besides, according to current concepts, it is not very reliable. Moreover, there are much more acceptable options - for example, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes.

Metal-plastic pipes - only for outdoor installation

It must be remembered that metal-plastic pipes are only suitable for open plumbing that is not hidden in the wall, since metal compression connecting fittings are a rather vulnerable place where pipes can leak sooner or later.

Polypropylene connected by high-quality welding can be safely hidden in wall strobes and covered with any of the decorative finishing materials, since after joining individual elements an almost monolithic structure is formed. Rich assortment shaped products For polypropylene water pipelines- couplings, tees, compensators, adapters, bends, valves, etc. - allows you to install the system of almost any level of complexity.

And, special qualifications for such installation work are not required. The only problem that may arise is the need to have a special welding machine. If there is one in " home arsenal» there is no owner, then you can use the services of building salons or specialized enterprises that give welding equipment for PP for rent.

You can learn more about the selection rules and about them on our portal in an article specially dedicated to this issue.

Ceramic tile

The choice of ceramic tiles is a rather serious issue that requires taking into account a number of criteria. In order not to repeat ourselves, you can refer the reader to a publication in which the issue is covered in sufficient detail.

What else needs to be remembered.

Ceramic tiles for finishing floor and wall surfaces are divided by grade, which the manufacturer must indicate on the packaging. According to international standards, the first grade is marked in red, the second grade is blue, and the third is green.

  • Going through a first-class tile, you can encounter 5% deviations from the norm, and this is considered quite acceptable.
  • When buying a second grade of tile, defects can be found in as much as 25% of the total amount of material.
  • Having decided to save money and buy a third grade of tile, then you should not be surprised if each tile in the batch will have one or another degree of deviation from the established standard.

Tiles must be taken with a small margin. The work does not exclude accidental marriage during laying, tile breakage. But to choose the missing amount so that the shade fully matches - sometimes it becomes impossible.

To cover the floor, it is best to buy porcelain stoneware tiles or special floor tiles. These types of material have high strength and a rough surface, which is very important for the bathroom.

When purchasing multiple packs, be sure to check the lot number on each pack. And for greater confidence, you can pull out one or two tiles from each package and make sure that the shade and quality of the material match. The uniformity of the tile size is checked by folding 2 ÷ 4 pairs of tiles together. If the difference is no more than one millimeter, and the color matches the party to the smallest detail, then the tile can be taken.

When choosing tiles for rooms with high humidity, you need to pay attention to more one criterion is the presence of microcracks, dots or microrainbows on the glazed surface. Such flaws , Although and seem insignificant, but serious enough from a hygienic point of view. Almost imperceptible cracks will soon become a real problem - if moisture and dirt get into them, then it will no longer be possible to clean the surface, and dampness will become a breeding ground for fungus. Therefore, a tile that has such undesirable defects should be rejected, and it is even better to contact another seller.

PVC panels

PVC panels will help to "revive" the interior of the bathroom

A very good option for facing the ceiling and walls in the bathroom is PVC decorative panels. They, usually, are produced with a length of 2400 ÷ 3700 mm, a width of 125 ÷ 300 mm, and their thickness is from 8 to 12 mm. This convenient size for installation in a cramped bathroom. PVC panels are quite hygienic, and therefore are in demand for wall cladding in rooms with high humidity. Panels are usually installed on a crate made of wooden slats or galvanized profiles, but not ideal smooth walls they can be glued directly to the surface.

The panels are connected in the same way as with all types of lining - due to the presence of thorn-groove locks. To the crate, the material is fixed discreetly with the help of self-tapping screws or staples.

For the installation of PVC panels, special profile elements are provided - internal and outer corners, starting and finishing strips, etc. .


To carry out repairs in the bathroom, you will probably need a complete set of hand and electric tools available at home, both general and construction-specific. Depending on the type finishing specialized fixtures and tools may be required.

So, for laying ceramic tiles, you will need notched trowels with different tooth heights - for walls and for floors, a tile cutter with a diamond cutter (manual, like a glass cutter or machine type), core diamond drills or ballerina drill- for cutting holes in the tile for the passage of pipes.

Preparation of the premises and repair and construction work

Dismantling plumbing

The first thing to do is to dismantle and remove from the premises all large plumbing products and devices, household appliances. Of course, before the start of this stage, the supply of cold and hot water.

The dirtiest stage of work is the dismantling of everything old and dilapidated

  • So, the sink and washing machine are dismantled. All removed appliances and devices are removed from the bathroom. If the bathroom is combined with a bath, then the toilet bowl is dismantled.
  • Removed and removed the old bathroom. It can later be replaced with a new one or restored. Surface restoration is carried out using special compounds or by installing an acrylic liner.
  • Further, old pipes of cold and hot water are twisted or cut off. If the sewer pipe is in good condition, you can not touch it, but if you plan to hide the pipes in the wall, then the sewer pipe is removed at its entrance to the bathroom, and its hole is closed with a lid.

Having finished with the dismantling of the old plumbing and piping, you can proceed to cleaning the ceiling and walls.

Surface cleaning

  • If the bathroom ceiling is not damaged by mold, and in the future it will be finished PVC panels, which will be attached to wooden crate, then its surface can not be particularly ennobled. In the event that there are clear signs of damage to the ceiling surface by mold or fungus, then the old coating should still be removed - to the concrete surface.
  • Old ceramic tiles are knocked off the walls and floor. It is dismantled using a perforator set only for impact action and a flat chisel attachment, or manually using a conventional hand chisel or hammer. Start lifting from the floor old tiles you can in the same way as from the walls, and then change the puncher to the mount.
  • If wallpaper was pasted on the walls, then they are abundantly moistened with water, and then removed with a spatula.
  • Whitewash from the walls can be removed by rinsing or soaking, followed by removal with a spatula.

  • If the walls are painted and it is planned to lay tiles on them, the paint must be removed using a building hair dryer or a grinder with an iron brush. IN last resort , you can limit yourself to applying frequent notches to the surface of the walls, but it’s better not to be captivated and get rid of the paint completely - the quality of the tile fixing will only benefit from this.

The result of the first stage of preparing the bathroom for renovation should be well-cleaned walls, ceiling and floor. There should be no traces of old adhesive for tiles and wallpaper on their surface.

All garbage from the room must be taken out immediately, and it is recommended to dedust the floor with the help of a powerful construction vacuum cleaner or, if this is not possible, by carrying out several successive wet cleanings.

Cutting strobes and installing pipes

In an empty and pre-cleaned room, you can proceed to chasing the walls and installing new water and sewer pipes.

  • Slots are cut with a grinder with a circle on the stone, and a perforator, according to pre-marked places on the walls.
  • Pipes are mounted from their entrance to the bathroom and are routed to the connection points of faucets, bathtubs and sinks, to other “water outlets”, for example, for a toilet bowl drain or for supplying water to a washing machine.
  • When installing a sewer pipe (usually PP pipe Ø 50 mm is used in bath conditions) it must be taken into account that it should be sloped towards the central sewer riser. It should also be extended for a washing machine located away from a sink or bath. If it is possible to install washing machine next to the washbasin, a tee (45 °) is installed on the sewer pipe, into which both drains are connected.

  • Pipes laid in strobes are first filled mounting foam- she will become additional protection from heat loss (for a hot water pipe) and from the formation of condensate on the surface. Then, after the foam has hardened, its excess is cut off, and a large layer of plaster is applied on top.


To lay the electrical cable under the ceramic tiles, you will also have to make strobes. For safety reasons, the wires must be well insulated (the best option is VVGng), and besides, they are placed in a corrugated plastic pipe.

The wires are laid to those parts of the surface of the walls and ceiling where they will be installed lighting and sockets (if provided).

Gates, as in the case of water pipes, are foamed and then plastered.

If it is supposed to finish the walls with panels along the crate, then the laying of wires is also carried out in corrugated pipe, but placing them between the guides - in this case it is not required to make strobes.

After installation posting is done checking the correctness of its connection, and then it must be disconnected from the switchboard until the completion of all construction and finishing work in the bathroom. Exception - you can leave the connection point of the ceiling lighting, but in compliance with all the required safety measures.

After the layer of plaster on top of the sealed strobes from pipes and wires has completely hardened, you can proceed to the processing of walls and waterproofing work.

Wall processing

Since the bathroom is always “by definition” humid, it is not surprising that the joints of the wall and ceiling surfaces can very often be covered with black dots of mold. In order for such stains not to grow, they must be removed with a special tool.

After the layer of the “medicinal” composition has dried, an antiseptic primer is applied to the walls and ceiling. It will impregnate the walls and become not only an additional protection against various fungal formations, but also create ideal conditions for the adhesion of adhesives to the wall.

The primer is applied with a roller or a wide brush. To fully guarantee the quality of processing, it is best to carry out this process in two layers (the second is applied only after the first has completely dried).

If the wall will be prepared for tiles, and notches will be made on it with an ax or hammer, then after this process the surface must be primed one more time.

Floor waterproofing

Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom is always the most important of the activities. In this room, as in no other, there is a high probability of the occurrence of various emergencies. Filling yourself up is half the trouble. But if the “flood” spreads to the neighbors from below, then this can end not only in a major scandal and proceedings, but, for sure, in considerable financial losses.

Waterproofing measures will not be in vain if there are no large cracks or crevices in the floor screed, especially at the junction with the walls. All these flaws must be eliminated first.

To do this, they are cut, treated with a primer, and then filled with sealant - this is the easiest way to get rid of them. Epoxy putty shows itself well as a repair compound - it quickly hardens and creates reliable “patches”.

If, in addition to sealing the cracks, floor leveling is required, then two problems can be solved immediately with the help of a bulk composition that will fill all the cut cracks and bring the level to an ideal horizontal. You can find out in detail how to conduct it correctly by going to a special article on our portal.

After the floor is ready, you can proceed to its waterproofing. There are many interesting technologies, but the most affordable is the coating method. Work in this case is carried out as follows:

  • Along the edge of the floor and the bottom of the walls (about 150 200 mm) a special composition is applied thickly with a brush, so that there are no gaps.
  • Then, a waterproofing tape is glued (embedded) on the freshly applied layer in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe junction of the wall and floor, since it is the joints that are the most vulnerable to leaks.

  • After the corner strips of waterproofing have dried, the entire floor and walls are covered with the composition to a height of up to 150 mm. It is advisable to perform this procedure, for insurance, in two layers.

Such waterproofing creates an elastic film on the floor surface, like a solid "trough" - this can protect the floor from leaks.

« Warm floor" in the bathroom

If it is planned to make a "warm floor" in the bathroom, then you can choose one of two options suitable for this - it is electric or water from the heating system.

  • The best option for an electric underfloor heating in a bathroom is mesh mats with a heating cable laid on them in a zigzag pattern.

The convenience is that such heating can be placed under a thin screed or even directly under ceramic tiles (quite a bit, thickening the layer of tile adhesive by 5 ÷ 8 mm). It is recommended to lay insulation with a foil surface under the mats, especially if the apartment is located on the ground floor and the floor is cold.

Such mats are connected to a special thermostat, which allows you to accurately control the surface heating temperature. The convenience of such a floor lies in the fact that it can be turned on at any time, both in summer and in winter, unlike a floor powered by a heating system. Its disadvantage is the cost of electricity.

Mats are fixed to the floor with double-sided tape, and a solution is laid or poured on top of them (this can be a regular concrete composition or self-levelling), or tile adhesive.

  • Another option for a “warm floor” for a bathroom is a water circuit connected to a heating system. Such a floor will be warm only during the heating period, but you will not have to pay for heating at all.

Laying and filling the water circuit of the "warm floor"

When installing such a “warm floor”, the pipe is bent with a snail or snake and fixed on a reinforcing mesh or placed between the bosses of special mats. An important condition that must be observed is the integrity of the pipe, that is, it must not have joints throughout the entire length of the circuit. On the surface of the floor in the bathroom - this is easy to do, since the area is very small. In addition, you need to know that the pipe is not laid under the bath - it is absolutely pointless. It should be located only in those areas where it is possible to put the bare feet of the owners on the floor.

Connecting a "warm floor" to the heated towel rail circuit is not welcome

By the way, sometimes the ends of the “warm floor” circuit are connected to the pipes going to the heated towel rail, that is, to the hot water central. Is this permissible? From a technological point of view, yes. But from the point of view of unauthorized extraction of thermal energy for floor heating, very serious legal problems can arise.

In any case, before installing a water "warm floor" in an apartment with a centralized supply of hot water and heating, you need to make inquiries at the company involved in the operation of housing. Surely you need to do whole line certain technical conditions.

More comprehensive information can be obtained by clicking on the link to the relevant publication of our portal.

Wall alignment

Before leveling the walls, it is best to lay the finished screed on the floor (if it was done before) plastic wrap so as not to splatter it with plaster or adhesive mortar. Walls can be leveled with conventional plaster according to installed beacons, it is easier to mount on glue on gypsum base and fix moisture-resistant drywall to the wall.

If raw plaster is selected, guides are installed on the wall, which will become a guide when leveling using the rule.

How to do this work correctly, and which way to choose in a given situation, you can find out from the article published on the pages of our portal.

Drywall will align the wall well if it is not deformed, but has only slight irregularities. If there is a significant curvature of the plane, then it is likely that the material will simply repeat it, but will not align it.

To glue drywall to the wall, you first need to spot glue on the wall. On one square meter of the finished area, 5 ÷ 6 slides are applied to the casting composition.

Then a sheet of drywall is applied to the wall and pressed well. Gypsum-based adhesive sets quickly, so drywall will quickly be fixed in position.

The installation of this material on the walls with glue is carried out in order to save space. But in that case. if the area of ​​​​the bathroom is large enough, drywall can be fixed to the crate - wooden or made of galvanized metal profiles.

Alignment of wall surfaces is carried out in cases where tile laying will be carried out further. If the walls are planned to be finished with PVC panels, then the walls are not leveled with plaster, and a crate is installed on them immediately according to the level.

Installation battens

crate on the walls of the bathroom is installed from wooden slats or galvanized metal profiles. It is much easier to attach PVC panels to a wooden crate, so they are used more often for a frame. For the crate, slats with a cross section of 40 × 15 mm or 50 × 20 mm are used. They are fastened at a distance of 300 ÷ 500 mm from each other.

In the event that the ceiling is planned to be made suspended, the best solution for it will be metal profiles with special hangers. By the way, no one forbids using these hangers for installing wooden slats on which the facing panels will be fixed. The main thing is to securely and firmly fix these brackets to the ceiling surface.

A suspended ceiling is especially necessary if spot-type lighting fixtures are built into it, which will be “drowned” to the level of the decorative surface. Therefore, it is necessary to measure in advance the height of the luminaire planned for installation in order to lower the level of the crate to exactly this distance.

Wooden slats, which are used for battens, must be treated with an antiseptic water-repellent compound.

After installing the rail system on the ceiling, you can proceed with the installation of PVC panels, as this is where the preparatory work ends and the finishing procedures begin.

Finishing work


Finishing the bathroom with decorative materials begins with the ceiling. If ceramic tiles are later laid on the walls, then you need to immediately arrange the transition from one material to another, delimiting it with a corner. The corner is attached around the entire perimeter of the ceiling in such a way that a kind of frame for the ceiling panels is created.

When the panels are installed in pre-planned places, it is necessary to cut holes for installing fixtures. They are made using a wood crown, which is installed on an electric drill ( screwdriver).

Further, electric cables are pulled out through the hole, to which special lighting fixtures are attached for suspended ceilings having clamps in the form of spring-loaded "ears".


Each master chooses the sequence of work on his own, but it is recommended that the first thing to do is lay the tiles on the floor, and only after that move on to the walls.

Laying tiles is carried out on a special cement-based tile adhesive. Work starts from the door and wall, which will be in sight. The process takes place in this order so that the incomplete, cut tiles, which will inevitably be, would be in the far corners, closed by the bathroom, cabinets, etc., and not spoil the whole picture.

Calibration crosses are installed between the tiles during laying, which will withstand the same thickness of the joints over the entire surface. They are pulled out only after the glue has dried.

The adhesive is applied to the floor surface with a size of one ÷ two tiles, distributed in one direction with a notched trowel. Many masters recommend that when laying on the floor, it applies another layer of glue to the tile itself. Laying in this case is carried out so that the direction of the grooves on the floor is perpendicular to the grooves on the tile. This method gives a full guarantee that there will be no air voids under the tile.

After laying the tiles, if necessary, tap rubber mallet through a bar laid on two tiles at once, thereby aligning them in one plane. Controlling the laying of each tile with a level is a must.

Another way to achieve a smooth surface without internal voids is with special clamps that are used instead of crosses.

Video: laying tiles with plastic clamps

They solve two problems at once - they maintain the same thickness of the seams and forcibly bring adjacent tiles to the same level. If they are used immediately, from laying the first tile to the last, the surface is guaranteed to be even. These devices are used not only for tiling the floor - it is also quite suitable for walls.

After finishing laying the tiles on the floor and curing adhesive composition, tile seams are rubbed. If the seams have filled with glue during installation and fitting, they must be cleaned with a special scraper, and then sweep out the residue using an old toothbrush.

Further, the cleaned gaps are filled with grout (diluted or ready-to-use fugue), the excess of which must be immediately removed from the surface of the tile. It is undesirable to delay with this, since after the fugue has dried, it will be much more difficult to clean it off.

After completing the floor cladding, the gaps remaining between the extreme tiles and the wall must be cleaned to the full depth and filled with sealant.

Instead of floor tiles some apartment owners prefer plank or laminate flooring. These are also, by and large, acceptable options, but you need to remember that wood, and especially laminate (MDF), do not really like moisture. If you lay a plank floor, then the material for it must be pre-treated with antiseptic and water-repellent compounds, and when using laminated panels, pay attention to the admissibility of the material for laying in rooms with high humidity. And yet - it is better not to experiment, but to dwell on a ceramic coating.

wall decoration

Ceramic tiles are also the most popular finishing material for walls in the bathroom, as they are quite durable and easy to clean. IN Lately PVC panels have become no less popular for wall cladding in the bathroom. True, they will last a shorter period than tiles, but the price of polymer material is incomparable, and the installation of panels is much easier and faster.

PVC panels are a gain in price and in the speed of finishing

The panels are produced with various patterns, and some models, by the way, imitate ceramic tiles very reliably.


Laying tiles on the walls is a rather complicated process, and if it is performed by a beginner, then there is a risk of making many mistakes. Therefore, taking this job should not be in a hurry. To help beginner tilers, there will be the already mentioned clamps, which will not allow the surface of one tile to protrude above or below the next one.

Laying tiles starts from the floor. You need to understand that the first row sets the correctness and evenness for everyone else, so you need to accurately set the horizontal line of its installation with control from using the building level.

The tile adhesive is applied to the wall with a notched trowel under the laying of three to four tiles. Do not rush and cover too large an area with the composition, especially with insufficient practice, since the solution sets quickly enough.

After full wall cladding, the seams between the tiles are rubbed in the same way as when laying on the floor.

Before laying tiles in those areas where the walls will pass through water pipes or there will be water “sockets”, holes of the required diameter are drilled in the right places on the tile using a drilled diamond crown installed in the cartridge or “ ballerinas».

PVC panels

If PVC panels are chosen for finishing, then they are fixed to the crate mounted on the walls earlier. The installation itself is not difficult - the panels have a simple and understandable “groove-thorn” system, and all fasteners (screws, studs or stapler brackets) are completely hidden when installing each next strip.

Plastic panels - very easy to install

Above and below (with the vertical arrangement of the panels) starter strips are installed, which will hide the unsightly trimmed ends and give the interior design completeness.

In addition, special fittings are provided for internal and external corners, as well as vertical and horizontal edges of the finishing material.

When installing finishing PVC panels, you need to remember that the evenness and, accordingly, the appearance of the wall covering depend on the first strip ideally set vertically or horizontally (depending on the laying direction). In this case, each subsequent element t is also necessarily checked for verticality.

Holes for pipes in plastic panels much easier to make - they are easily drilled with a screwdriver and a crown right size, or even simply cut out with a construction knife.

Video: bathroom renovation using PVC panels

Completion of work - installation of plumbing

After the installation of finishing materials on the walls is completed, all plumbing fixtures and accessories are installed in their regular places - a bathtub or shower cabin, a sink, as well as faucets for them. The processes are discussed in great detail in a special section of our portal.

  • After installation, alignment and secure fixation of the bath, it is connected through a siphon to sewerage, and after mounting the mixer on eccentric sockets, it is checked for leakage.

  • After that, it is necessary to close the gap formed between the wall and the bathroom - this is done using silicone, tiled or plastic skirting boards.

  • Further, if desired, a screen is mounted under the bathroom. It can be attached to wooden frame assembled from a bar, or laid out from gypsum boards or blocks and lined with ceramic tiles. To some models of bathtubs, pr and their purchase, you can immediately purchase metal carcass to secure any chosen decorative finish.
  • Wash basin is installed. If the "tulip" model is selected, then the water flexible pipes are closed with a ceramic support leg.
  • If you choose a regular sink, you can pick up a bedside table under it, which will hide all unsightly knots and become a storage place for detergents. If in countertop bedside tables holes for installation of the sink bowl no, it will have to be measured and cut out.

Before installing the sink, turn it over and place it on the countertop of the cabinet to circle the cutout with a pencil. Next, the width of the strip running along the edge of the sink is determined, and this distance is also transferred to the countertop inside the outlined semicircle from the marked line. It is on it that the hole for installing the sink will be cut out.

If the sink is wider than the cabinet, then you will have to correct the front panel of the cabinet, and after installation, seal the gap between the cabinet and the sink with white silicone.

  • Then the sink faucet is connected to the water supply, and the drain to the sewer.
  • If it is in the plans - a washing machine is installed. It is also connected to a plumbing "socket", that is, to a fitting specially prepared for it.

Finishing can be completed by installing a new beautiful ventilation grill or, to enhance the effect, a ducted exhaust fan (in this case, it has a power connection point in advance)

Finishing touches - bedside tables, mirrors, hangers, shelves and other accessories

And the last step in the bathroom is hanging in place all the accessories necessary for this room, such as mirrors, shelves, cabinets, hangers, soap dishes, etc.

Making repairs in the bathroom is not so easy, despite small size premises. However, with the necessary efforts and diligence and having the right materials and the tools to deal with it is quite possible. Self-made repairs will become the pride of the owner, and in addition, it will save a considerable amount.

Video: bathroom renovation - a beginner's guide

Bathroom renovation has long been part of our plans, since the last time it was done 15 years ago. During this time, the bath turned yellow, the sewer pipes clogged, the tiles began to fall off, the plumbing was covered with an indelible coating. Therefore, we saved up money, counted the amount of material, gathered our strength and began to repair.

However, first things first. First, we turned to repair specialists. Our bathroom is located in an apartment in a house built in the Khrushchev era, when the party and the government were faced with the task of quickly resettling Soviet citizens. Therefore, no one cared about comfort, the main thing was to give people a lot of housing, more modest and smaller. For example, our bathroom, together with the toilet, has a size of 1.5 by 1.8 m. And for the repair of this small area, local craftsmen asked for an amount that could hardly fit in our heads.

Of course, they can also be understood. There is no work in the provinces (namely, where the house of the Khrushchev era is located), so people who did not leave to protect the capital and know how to do at least something, took up the repair of apartments and private houses. And since there are few such people, the demand for their services is high. Prices have skyrocketed, so even for the repair of a small bathroom they ask for big money, by the standards of the same province. As if the Kremlin Palace is going to be restored. And the quality of work leaves much to be desired. Even our Uzbek friends no longer want to receive a reward, for which a couple of years ago they were ready to work hard from morning to night.

For comparison, you can view the work of the capital's masters at the builders' exchange Prices are an order of magnitude lower than those offered by local repairmen, and the quality of the work performed can be judged both by photos and customer reviews.

In general, having assessed the volume and specifics of the upcoming work, we decided to do the repairs ourselves. And the money that could go to the wages of the workers, we will spend on the boards and make it in the country, and even there won’t be any left. In this article we will tell you in detail how we did the repair, attaching a lot of photos.


First of all, let's define the scope of work. We decided to make a complete renovation with our own hands, replacing everything that is there: a bath, a toilet bowl, a sink, a radiator, floor and wall coverings. Everything except, which we recently mounted.

First, remove the cabinets and shelves, unscrew the screws on which they were held, remove the sink. As a battery, we hung a heated towel rail, curved like a coil. We will change it too.

If you plan to replace the radiators, then you need to carry out repairs at the time of the year when there is no water in the radiators. Carefully cut off the heated towel rail grinder.

Now let's break the tile. To do this, we use a perforator with a nozzle in the form of a spatula.

Carefully remove the entire tile, trying not to damage it. It can be useful, for example, for landscaping.

Water was supplied to the bathroom through polypropylene pipes. Let's turn off the tap and dismantle the entire pipeline together with the mixer. In order to have water supply, we will attach a flexible hose to the tap and we will use it during the repair with our own hands.

There is a ventilation window under the ceiling, in which a fan was mounted and connected to electricity. Under it there is another entrance to the ventilation shaft, where the tin box coming from the kitchen is inserted.

This is how Soviet engineers designed apartments - the kitchen was ventilated through the bathroom. Another architectural masterpiece is the window between the kitchen and the bathroom.

In some apartments, it has survived to this day. They probably made it in order to be able to take and follow the preparation of dinner. We carefully dismantle the tin box with the fan.

Next in line is the bath. We disconnect it from the sewer and take it out of the room.

A heating pipe was laid under it, which goes to the kitchen, a heated towel rail was connected to it. Let's leave a piece of such a length that we can cut the thread, cut off the rest of it with a grinder. We cut the thread with a half-inch lerka.

The sewerage laid in the bathroom has been in operation since the construction of the house. It's made from cast iron. Carefully, using a small sledgehammer, knock out the pipes from the entrance to the sewer riser.

They broke, looked, were horrified - they were completely packed. How the water left the kitchen sink remained a mystery.

The last to dismantle the toilet. It was connected to a cast-iron elbow, which is inserted into the sewer riser. To take out this knee - I had to suffer. They've done it right before. But there is still no reception against a sledgehammer and scrap. Just tap on the knee carefully, cast iron is a fragile material. Knocked, twisted - pulled out.

The floor was covered with ceramic tiles. During the repair, we also dismantled it using a perforator, having cleaned the floor to cement screed.

Half of the work repair the bathroom is finished with your own hands.


The plumbing, which we dismantled during the renovation, ran over the wall. From the condensate that collected on it, it turned black. To prevent this from happening again, we will hide it, where possible, in the walls. To do this, we will make strobes in the places where we plan to install the pipe with a perforator with a nozzle with a spatula. The depth of the strobe should be slightly greater than its diameter so that it can be completely plastered. This work is quite dusty, so we recommend closing cracks under the door with some material. In several places, the strobe needs to be enlarged so that the pipe fastening to the wall can be inserted.

For the installation of water supply, we chose pipes made of polypropylene. This is a modern, reliable and durable material with a long service life. To connect them, a special soldering machine with metal nozzles of different diameters is used. It works like this: we heat the device, at the same time insert the pipe and the coupling into the nozzles, wait until they melt and connect them together. After a few seconds, when the material has cooled down, the connection is ready for use.

Before installing the plumbing in the bathroom with our own hands, we carefully measure all dimensions, calculate the number of required couplings, corners, stopcocks and fittings. If the connection needs to be made detachable, we use special “American” fittings. With their help, part of the system can be separated without destroying it. We plan to install a water meter. Just before the counter and after it, we use “Americans” so that we can replace it if necessary. We will provide for the installation of a main filter for water purification. We solder the shut-off ball valve so that you can turn off the water before replacing the cartridge.

After the renovation in the bathroom, we will have 3 water points - one near the sink, the other - at the bathroom, the third - at the toilet. To two points we will bring cold and hot, to the toilet - only cold. After we fix the polypropylene in the strobes, we screw the valves to the fittings and supply water. It is necessary to check the system for leaks before we start plastering and tiling. In our case, everything turned out to be normal, you can start. But before that, we will make more small strobes to hide electrical wires in them. The bathroom had an outlet that was too high off the floor. During the repair, we will lengthen the wiring and lower it lower.

We will also bring electricity to the ventilation window and bring out the wire for connection with a lighting lamp.


First, we will plaster the window between the bathroom and the kitchen. From the side of the kitchen, it is already patched up, we will do the same in the bathroom. To do this, cut off the height of the opening aluminum profiles, fix them on the frame with screws.

We cut out a piece of moisture-resistant drywall to fit the window and fasten it to the profile flush with the wall.

To keep the plaster stronger, we glue the joints with masking tape.

Prepare the solution according to the instructions written on the packaging with the dry mix. Put it on a wide spatula and plaster the window.

To make it easier to lay ceramic tiles on the walls, they must be leveled. If the unevenness is large, you can use plaster beacons by setting them vertically in level. After that, we cover all the strobes with a mixture, then we completely plaster everything.

ventilation windows also adjust to the size of the decorative grilles.

Now you can paint the gas pipe that runs under the bathroom ceiling.


To decorate the walls in the bathroom, we chose rectangular ceramic tiles. After waiting three days for the plaster to dry, we proceed to laying.

We will not tile under the bathroom. Let's start with the second row. So that it does not move out, we fix the rail along the entire length. Prepare the glue by mixing the dry mixture with water of the desired proportion with a mixer. We put it on the wall with a spatula, level it with a comb over an area equal to the size of one or two pieces and apply the tile, slightly pressing on it.

Thus, slowly, lay it on the entire surface. Between the tiles it is necessary to install special plastic crosses to help control the size of the joints. For beauty, you can glue copies of a different pattern or color,

symmetrically placing them on the walls.

After laying the tile, wipe it off the adhesive residue. Then we take the grout of the desired color, stir it with water and rubber spatula carefully stitch the seams.

First, fill the seam with a mixture of transverse movement, then align the longitudinal. After a couple, when the grout dries, remove its remnants with a dry cloth.

Next, we will fasten the “American” detachable fitting to it, we will attach the heating pipe to it.

In place of the old battery, we will hang a new one, providing in front of it a shut-off valve and a Mayevsky valve to bleed air.

Let's connect the pipes to the centralized heating system.

To lay the pipe to the place of its installation,

without forgetting to solder the ball valve.


On the bathroom floor, we decided to make a heating system. To do this, during the repair, we laid a welded mesh on a cement screed, attaching it to the floor with dowels and screws.

Before that, the base was treated with a deep penetration primer to remove dust. For a warm floor, we will use a metal-plastic pipe. Having cut off the required amount, bend it in a zigzag and attach it to the grid with plastic clamps. Where there will be a toilet and under the bath - we will not lay it.

We connect the metal-plastic to the heating system using special corners and fittings. At the entrance to the water heated floor, we will install a valve to regulate the water pressure and a Mayevsky tap. At the exit we will put a shut-off valve. This is done so that you can completely turn off the warm water floor during a possible accident.

After we connect everything into one system, we fill the base of the bathroom with self-leveling properties. Pour the contents of the bag with the dry mixture into a container with water and mix thoroughly with a mixer. Be sure to maintain the proportions indicated on the packaging, otherwise the manufacturer of the mixture does not guarantee the declared strength of the self-leveling floor. After pouring the mixture onto the screed, roll it with a spiked roller to expel air bubbles.

Having filled the entire area of ​​the bathroom, we rest for three days until the floors dry and gain the strength necessary for further work.

After the rest, we proceed to the final stage of repair. In ventilation holes set decorative elements and an electric fan by connecting wires to it.

Now the hood is forced to work when the light in the bathroom is turned on. We install a new box for ventilation of the kitchen.

Don't forget to plug in the outlet.

The self-leveling floor is dry, so ceramic tiles can be laid on it. Here the technology is the same as when laying it on the walls. We stir the glue, apply it to the base, level it with a comb spatula, lay the tiles.

In the seams, as usual, we insert crosses. To lay tiles in places where pipes run, cut off tile cutter pieces. Remove excess glue with a damp cloth. Periodically check the horizontal building level. At the end, we also grout the seams.

Wait a day for the glue to dry.

Now you can lay the sewer. We will pull it from the kitchen, from the sink, to the riser. Where the bath and washbasin will be connected - we will install tees. We will provide a point for draining water from the washing machine. It is necessary to install pipes with a slight slope so that water flows into the sewer, and does not stagnate in them. For this we uselevel.

Connect the water supply to the entry point. Immediately after the tap, we will install a water meter, after it - the main water purification filter.

When connecting the counter with the nuts, we wind the linen thread and grease it with sealing paste.

The renovation is slowly coming to an end. Already n the time has come . It is installed on the frame that comes with it. Acrylic bathtubs are a modern industrial product. They are lighter than steel and cast iron, retain heat longer, are silent and practically do not fade.

First we assemble the frame, then we fasten the legs to it.

We fix the frame, connect drain valve and install the tub. Here we had a little confusion. The bathtub was not installed against the wall, as the width of the room was reduced due to the plaster. I had to sand the corner of the tub a little with sandpaper.

It did not affect the appearance and strength in any way, but it easily fell into place. Now you can connect it to the sewer. We install rubberized skirting boards on the sides, smearing them with sealant.

Next, we put floor cabinet together with the sink by connecting the tap to the water supply system, and the drain to the sewer pipe.

Connect the faucet near the bath.

To install the toilet, you need to make marks in the places of its attachment to the floor,, insert plastic dowels into the holes and fix it with bolts, putting decorative plugs on top of them.

Connecting the toilet sewer riser with the help of corrugation. We connect the water to the tank - the toilet can be used.

We hang a wardrobe and a shelf for toiletries on the wall. We connect the shelf to the electrical network.

We will place various convenient little things on the walls.

Bottom acrylic bath close the screen, hang the curtain.

Attach the shower rack.

We install the washing machine in place, connecting it to the sewerage and water supply systems.

We glue skirting boards on the ceiling, hiding the bumps.

To prevent this from happening in the future, you must first decorate the walls, and then make the ceiling. This completes the DIY bathroom renovation.


How to make repairs in the bathroom, so that later you do not have to do the whole procedure again, correcting the shortcomings? This is a rather serious question that worries everyone who has the idea to remake this type of room.

Renovating a bathroom with your own hands can seem like a daunting task. In some way, this is how it is - for decoration, installation of equipment, electricians and other things, at least initial construction skills are certainly required. The bathroom and its repair is a topical issue at all times.

At the same time, it is worth noting that it is possible to start an independent comprehensive bathroom renovation only if there is a strong confidence in own forces and experience. Alteration in the bathroom is almost always associated with additional communications - plumbing, sewerage or gas pipes. Poor installation can cause an accident, which will lead to flooding not only of the bathroom itself, but also of the premises on the lower floors.

Perhaps for inexperienced craftsmen the best option will refuse to repair the bathroom in the house and entrust this work to hired specialists who will quickly and efficiently carry out any work in terms of complexity. If do-it-yourself bathroom renovation is the only possible variant so that the whole process goes smoothly and without problems, it is better to be guided by a number of recommendations. Bathroom renovation tips will help you complete the work efficiently and on time.

Bathroom renovation - is it that difficult?

The bathroom is a place where a humid climate is constantly maintained. After hygiene procedures, moisture settles on the walls, ceiling and floor of the room in the form of condensate. This is precisely the main problem that complicates the construction work in the bathroom with your own hands. Classic Decoration Materials, such as wood or wallpaper in such a room are of little use. How to renovate a bathroom in accordance with all safety and quality requirements?

For many, the problem of renovating a bathroom becomes a real nightmare in reality. A wide range of consumables and finishing materials, plumbing and tools for work is confusing, and it becomes difficult to understand where to start work, how long it will take and what investments it will require. To understand this, first you need to decide how deep you need to make repairs in the bathroom. This is a decisive factor that will form an idea of ​​the whole process.

The following bathroom renovation options are available:

  • cosmetic;
  • capital.

In the first case, no major alteration work is carried out. All that is required is the replacement of an outdated finish with a new one, in rare cases, an update of plumbing or simple communications (for example, replacing a clothes dryer). Such a partial renovation of the bathroom does not take much time and effort. Also, in most cases, it does not require significant cash outlays.

Overhaul the bathroom is a task of another level. As a rule, rework from scratch is required for very old rooms with a completely faulty communications system and non-working plumbing, as well as for new rooms without finishing. It is not always possible to make a complete repair quickly. This is a complex multifaceted process that requires careful preparation and a high level of professionalism from the master. For this reason, complex bathroom renovations are most often trusted by specialists.

What are the steps for a bathroom renovation?

The bathroom and its repair is a topical issue at all times. Having decided to start the alteration on your own, you should follow a certain sequence in your actions. Chaotic work can cause errors that lead to unreasonable additional expenses that the owners of the bathroom do not need. That is why it is so important to follow the order of renovation in the bathroom.

An approximate sequence of repairs in the bathroom is as follows:

  1. Remodeling planning.
  2. Preparatory work in room.
  3. We do waterproofing.
  4. Installation of communications (sewerage, plumbing, heating).
  5. Electrical work.
  6. Finishing works (plastering, finishing).
  7. Installation of the ventilation system and installation of equipment.

Depending on whether the bathroom is being refurbished or overhauled, some items from this list can be removed - however, in most cases, all of the above stages are the main ones during the work. How to make repairs in the bathroom correctly and efficiently, without missing important nuances, detailed below.

Stage 1. Planning for rework

The first question that comes to mind is where to start renovating a bathroom? Actually, the beginning of any repair work in an apartment or house is preceded by the planning stage. In order to clearly imagine the scope of future work, as well as the expenses to be made for the purchase of consumables, plumbing and the necessary tools, a detailed rework project should be drawn up.

A phased do-it-yourself bathroom renovation begins precisely with a work plan and drawing up a future interior. Such things are most often done by professional hired designers - they will help make the bathroom beautiful and unique. Now in almost any city you can find a lot of agencies offering interior design services for all types of premises - including bathrooms.

The design project includes many aspects of the future renovation - for example, the arrangement of the bathroom, the list of materials needed for work and their cost, deadlines, and much more. In other words, this is a detailed instruction with which you can make a quality step by step repair bathroom.

If circumstances do not allow you to seek help from a specialist, you can draw up a project yourself.

There is a huge amount of free stuff available on the internet. software, with which even a novice computer user can create a three-dimensional 3D model of the future premises.

To do this, it is enough to know the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom and its exact plan. But how to equip the bathroom will no longer be decided by the designer, but by the owner himself, based on his own tastes.

  • ceramic tiles (optimal cost option);
  • plastic panels (economical and high-quality material);
  • porcelain stoneware (durable, but quite an expensive option for finishing).

These finishing materials are ideal for the bathroom. They are durable, heat-resistant and perfectly tolerate high humidity. This is extremely important, because with insufficient hydrophobic properties of the materials used for exterior finish, there is a high risk not only of their damage, but also the development of mold and fungus - and this already makes repairs hazardous to health.

Stage 2. Preparatory work in the room

Having started the renovation of the bathroom on your own and having decided on the amount of work to be done, it is necessary to prepare the room directly for the process. To do this, it should be completely cleared of obsolete appliances, finishes and communications - how to repair a bathroom if it is clogged with construction debris?

The dismantling process is greatly accelerated by the presence of a perforator and a set of special drills. With this tool, you can easily remove the old layer of tiles, dried adhesive mixtures, plaster. It is necessary to act as quickly as possible, but carefully - the walls of the bathroom should eventually be completely cleaned of traces of previous repairs.

Next to the walls, you should get rid of the cement screed on the floor. However, if over the years of service it has not lost its functionality and at the moment current repair it seems quite reliable, you can use it as a base, after cleaning it with a grinder with a diamond nozzle-circle. The repaired floor will significantly reduce the time and amount of rework.

However, at the slightest sign of destruction (chips, cracks, visible irregularities), it is better to dismantle and fill the floor again.

After the construction debris has been removed from the premises, the comprehensive renovation of the bathroom can be continued. All cleaned surfaces should be carefully primed with special compounds (you can buy them at any hardware store).

Stage 3. Waterproofing procedures

After preparing the surfaces, construction work should begin with the laying of a waterproofing layer. This is a very important part of the renovation. It is on the quality of waterproofing that the calmness of the owners and neighbors from below will depend, because in case of emergency it should prevent moisture from penetrating under the floor.

To protect against water, a special waterproofing film is used. In specialized stores for repairs in the bathroom, it is made from the following materials:

  • aquaizol;
  • polyester.

Laying the waterproofing layer yourself is quite simple. To do this, you just need to follow certain rules. For example, when laying on a surface, the film must be carefully checked for integrity. When calculating the right amount of material, it should be borne in mind that the film should lie on the floor with a margin of 15-20 centimeters. At the same time, it is not necessary to cut it along the edges - just gently bend it.

Do-it-yourself repair also involves insulating joints if the dimensions of the room are too large compared to the width of the film. You can carry it out with the help of a special tool - a building hair dryer - or with the help of a special mastic.

Stage 4. Installation of communications

The next stage is the holding of all kinds of pipes to ensure the health of the plumbing. Like all stages of bathroom renovation, it requires special care during the work.

Do-it-yourself bathroom renovation is almost always associated with the installation of plumbing and sewage systems. How to conduct communications yourself and what is needed for this?

First, before you install, you should take care of drawing up a pipeline diagram. In modern apartments and houses, all communications are usually assembled into one "bundle", which runs along the most convenient wall of the room. In the future, it is masked by tiling or plastic. For individual elements of the plumbing system (for example, for the installation of built-in mixers), wall chasing may be required. This occupation is quite laborious, but it allows you to hide communications in the thickness of the wall so that they do not spoil the interior of the bathroom with their appearance.

Secondly, for starters, it is better to install the sewer. This is the easiest step that can be done in just a couple of hours if you have the right number of pipes, couplings and sealant.

Further, a comprehensive bathroom renovation involves the installation of plumbing. As a material, it is best to use polypropylene pipes - they are inexpensive and at the same time as reliable as possible. Fittings for them should also be purchased from plastic, this will avoid additional costs for hardware. Polypropylene pipes at correct installation serve more than 10 years and can safely hide in the walls. The risk of leakage in this case is minimal.

If the bathroom has a system central heating, then installation of the coil will also be required.

Stage 5. Electrical work

Wiring, by definition, is very poorly tolerated high humidity. What is the procedure for repairing a bathroom if you need to install lighting or sockets for appliances?

First of all, you need to purchase all the materials necessary for installation:

  • electrical cable;
  • corrugation and junction box;
  • connection terminals;
  • sockets, switches;
  • lamps, etc.

The cable should be used with a double insulating layer. It must be placed in a protective corrugation (metal or plastic). Often reckless and quick repair in the bathroom involves external wiring, but this is best avoided - the closer the cable is to the external environment, the greater the risk of a short circuit. The best option is hidden wiring, which involves shaving the walls.

When connecting wires, special terminals should be used. It is also desirable to carefully isolate all connections with electrical tape. All key nodes should be located in an accessible place and placed in special plastic cases.

It should be noted that not all lamps are suitable for placement in the bathroom, but only with a moisture protection index (IP) of 3 and higher. This will ensure that moisture does not get into the devices, which can cause a short circuit.

Stage 6. Finishing work

After the work on all communications is completed, the comprehensive renovation of the bathroom proceeds to the next stage - finishing. This stage involves the alignment of the walls and the further laying of tiles.

To make a bathroom renovation, you need to go through two stages of finishing:

  • starting;
  • finishing.

Starting involves the application of the main layer of a special mortar. It has high tenacity and easily connects to the surface. The made starting layer is quite thick and is up to 250 mm. It is applied gradually, in two stages. This allows for better alignment.

Lastly, a finishing layer is applied, making the surface of the wall even more even. After that, you can easily move on to finishing with ceramic tiles. It is laid on the level, both on the floor and on the walls with the help of special cruciform beacons and fixed with a special adhesive.

It is better to make the ceiling in the bathroom stretch - this is the best option both in terms of price and waterproofing properties. If you need cosmetic repairs in the bathroom, this option can also be taken into account. Installation stretch ceiling very simple and will freshen up the look of the room.

Stage 7. Installation of the ventilation system and installation of equipment

Many people are interested in how to repair the bathroom, but they pay more attention directly to the finishing and installation of communications, forgetting about the ventilation system. Meanwhile, its presence and proper functioning can significantly extend the life of the repair. And in general, how can you make repairs in the bathroom and not think about ventilation?

How to make the bath well ventilated, avoiding the formation of excessive condensate? To do this, it is necessary to leave space for natural and artificial ventilation in the room. Each bathroom has a special hole in the wall that has access to the house's general ventilation system. When carrying out finishing, you need to remember this and not close it. In the future, a special grate is installed in this place, which is equipped with a grid - it retains small particles, but does not interfere with air circulation.

Rooms with poor natural ventilation may require the installation of a dedicated fan. With its help, unnecessary steam will be forcibly removed from the bathroom. Most often, bathrooms provide combined air exchange, when the repair allows you to install your own fan and additionally use a natural outlet. This solves the problem of how to make the bath well ventilated.

In general, repairs carried out inside the bathroom must be carried out in accordance with all quality and safety requirements. There are certain stages of bathroom renovation that require consistent execution. Only if a certain sequence is observed during the installation of communications and finishing, construction work will be carried out quickly and will cause zero problems when using the premises.

Features of bathroom renovation involve the use of only high-quality materials that are resistant to impact. high temperatures and moisture. Otherwise, there is a risk of their premature deterioration, as well as the development of fungi and molds that are dangerous to human health.

Bathroom remodeling is a multi-faceted process, and many don't know where to start. Indeed, if you approach this issue without preparation, you can find yourself in a difficult situation. However, when using all the above tips, making a bath with your own hands is not difficult.


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Budget repair in the bathroom - 6 stages that will allow you to meet 7500 rubles

Description of the workflow

To better understand all aspects of this topic, I will explain on specific example. So we have:

  • a typical room in a nine-story building of the P-44 series;
  • the size of the room is 1.7 by 1.7 meters, the ceiling height is 2.64 meters.

We will consider how much the decoration will cost us, I will not touch on the plumbing, since most often if the repair is done as economically as possible, then these elements do not change.

Stage number 1 - competent organization of the process

If you want to save on repairs, then these rules should become fundamental for you:

Do it all by hand If we consider the cost of the services of specialists, we can notice such a feature that their work costs about the same as the materials. And taking into account the fact that we will use the most budgetary solutions, it is easy to guess that you will pay more for the services of builders than for materials. The conclusion is simple: we do everything ourselves and reduce the cost of the project by more than half
Use quality materials I talk about how to make repairs using inexpensive, but not low-quality materials. In pursuit of savings, many begin to go too far and buy the cheapest product options, but this is not worth doing, as their reliability and appearance leave much to be desired. I will tell you how to choose solid solutions and at the same time pay a little
Follow the technology of work Below I will tell you how to finish each of the sections, the process is described in steps, and there is not a single extra step in it. There is no need to skip individual stages, as this will inevitably reduce the quality of the work and negatively affect the final result.
Don't reschedule If you want, among other things, to change the layout, then hoping for the cheapest repair is at least stupid. Any manipulations with the rearrangement of plumbing lead to the fact that it is necessary to shift communications, and here it makes no sense to save, everything must be done expensively and reliably

Another very important recommendation, which directly affects the cost of the project - the use of those materials that are easy to work with and that you can lay or attach with high quality. Many times I completed repairs for those who overestimated their strength and, having completed a small part of the repair, realized that they would not master it. Then, of course, you need to spend a lot of money on the wages of the builder.

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time and instead of cozy quiet evenings watching TV, you will have to destroy, level, lay, saw, fasten, and so on. There is no free cheese in mousetraps, you will have to pay for the savings with your time, but if you take into service all the tips from this article, then the costs will be minimal.

You must have a work plan in advance in order to make an economical repair from scratch with your own hands, you need to clearly plan each step and accurately calculate the materials so as not to purchase too much. Just read all the sections below, and based on them, you can easily draw up a clear plan.

Stage number 2 - the acquisition of everything you need

I will tell you how the simplest estimate for bathroom renovation is compiled - the sample can be adapted to your room in order to carry out all the calculations. The estimate is a list of the necessary materials indicating their quantity and cost, since we carry out the work ourselves, it makes no sense to include their cost, unless you assign yourself a financial incentive for a successfully implemented project.

The calculation of the cost is made for the individual parts of the room, we will consider each of them and start with the floor. Linoleum will be laid on the floor, let's figure out how to choose it:

  • Since the room is damp, you should purchase options without a base or based on PVC, since it is not afraid of dampness and mold and fungus do not form in it.
  • The dimensions of the bathroom are 1.7x1.7, the area is 2.89 square meters, but no one will cut the material according to our sizes, it is sold in running meters. In our case, the optimal width is 2 meters, since there will be the least waste from it, we need 2 linear meters, that is, 4 squares;
  • Having called all the retail facilities, I found a PVC-based option, which cost 224 rubles per square meter. Upon inspection, I made sure that the surface is strong without damage and marriage, the substrate is elastic, and the material is . As a result, I paid 896 rubles for 4 squares;
  • In order for the joints of the floor and walls to be neat, a plinth is needed, I found a plastic "Comfort" at 56 rubles apiece 2.5 meters long. We need to close 3 walls, and on the fourth there is a door 60 cm wide with 8 cm cashing, that is, the opening takes 76 cm. waste from elements that will go to the walls;
  • As a result, you need to purchase 3 skirting board strips for 56 rubles each, 4 inner corners for 35 rubles each and two plugs - right and left for adjoining door frame, they cost 27 rubles. Adding all the results, we get (56x3) + (35x4) + (27x2) = 362 rubles;
  • To fix the baseboard, we will use liquid nails, I bought a convenient 200 ml tube for 104 rubles.

Now let's summarize all the expenses: I spent 896+362+104=1362 rubles on finishing materials for the floor, compared with conventional projects, the amount is several times less.

We will level the ceiling with putty and paint with moisture resistant white color, so we need the following materials:

  • To level the surface, I use the composition "Vetonit VH", which is designed for use in wet areas and guarantees a reliable result. The ceiling did not have significant irregularities, so one bag of composition weighing 20 kg is enough, which costs 456 rubles;
  • For painting, we need paint for wet rooms, I chose the latex-based option. You need to apply the composition in 2-3 layers, so I bought a 3 kg package, for which I paid 190 rubles;
  • To treat the surface and strengthen it, a primer is needed, I purchased Tikkurila products with a volume of 900 ml for 124 rubles, this is quite enough for our purposes.

Now we summarize all the costs: 456 + 190 + 124 = 770 rubles we need for the ceiling.

Let's move on to the most expensive part - the walls, for them I chose PVC panels 250 mm wide and 2.7 meters long - there will be a minimum of waste. This material is not afraid of moisture, it is easy to wash, so it is suitable for the bath just fine.

Let's figure out what we need to work:

  • It is necessary to calculate the number of panels, with their width of 250 mm, you need to divide the length of the walls by this indicator. But we must not forget that on one of the surfaces there is an opening measuring 700x2100, on one side of it there will be one whole panel, on the other three, and above the doors we will need three pieces 540 mm long, that is, we will cut one element. So, on the wall with the door we need 4 whole panels, remember this figure and move on;
  • Divide the wall length of 170 cm by 25 cm, we get 7 panels, multiply this result by 3 and get 21 pieces. We add 4 panels from the above paragraph and get 25 elements - so much is needed to decorate the walls in the bathroom. I found products for 127 rubles apiece, the total costs amounted to 3175 rubles;
  • For installation, we need components, first of all, this is an internal corner, these elements are sold in pieces of 3 meters and cost 50 rubles. We need 4 pieces, that is, the costs will be 200 rubles;
  • Above, below and along the perimeter of the opening, I decided to put a starting profile, which is sold in pieces of 3 meters, you need 4 elements upstairs, 2 elements to frame the doorway, you can also join the pieces at the bottom, since this part will be closed with a plinth, but you still need 1 whole piece. In total, 7 starting bars are needed, the costs at a price of 45 rubles will be 315 rubles;
  • We will mount the panels on a bar measuring 25x50 mm, it will be located horizontally in increments of 30 cm so that the surface is strong and does not sag. With a height of 264 cm, 9 rows need to be fixed, we count in running meters 9x1.7 = 15.3 meters, multiply by 3 whole walls and get about 46 meters;
  • Less material will go on the wall with a door, 3 pieces 170 cm long, 6 pieces 80 cm long and 6 pieces about 20 cm long. In addition, you need to nail vertical strips along the opening, 2 pieces 210 cm each for its secure frame. As a result, we get the following result (170x3) + (80x6) + (20x6) + (210x2) = 1530 cm or the same 15.3 meters;
  • Summing up all the numbers, we get 61.3 meters, the bar is sold in pieces of 3 meters, that is, we need 21 pieces. We have lumber of this type costs 40 rubles apiece, that is, I spent 840 rubles for the entire volume;
  • I will fasten all the elements using a stapler, I will need staples, a package of 1000 pieces costs 45 rubles, and this is quite enough for the job.
  • The bar will be fastened with dowels quick installation 6x50, about 200 pieces will go to all the walls, at a price of 25 rubles, the cost is 500 rubles.

Let's calculate all expenses: 3175+200+315+840+45+500=5075 rubles.

For clarity, I will show all the results in a pivot table:

Bathroom floor
Material name Quantity Amount, rubles
Linoleum 4 sq.m. 896
Plinth 2.7 meters 3 pcs. 168
Inner corner 4 things. 140
Plug left and right 2 pcs. 54
Liquid Nails 200 ml. 104
Putty "Vetonit VH" 20 kg 456
Latex paint 3 kg 190
Strengthening soil 900 gr. 124
PVC panels 2500x250 mm 25 pcs. 3175
PVC inner corner 4 things. 200
starting bar 7 pcs. 315
Edged bar 25x50x3000 mm 21 pcs. 840
Staples for a stapler pack. 100 pieces. 1 pack 45
Fast mounting dowel 6x50 200 pcs 500
TOTAL: 7207

As you can see, a cheap do-it-yourself bathroom renovation is not a fantasy or a fairy tale, while I did not use the cheapest compounds and materials, everything that I purchased is different good quality and attractive appearance.

Stage number 3 - dismantling of old coatings

It is impossible to carry out work without removing the old tile or without removing the worn floor covering. Of course, if you have a floor or ceiling in good condition, then it makes sense to leave them. For example, if the tile on the floor looks normal, then you can freshen up the surface by removing the old grout and filling the joints with a new compound. The same applies to the ceiling: if it is even, then you can remove the old coating and repaint it.

But in practice, most often it turns out like this, then you need to do the floor, and the walls, and the ceiling, so I will consider just such an option, before making repairs on a budget, I will have to sweat to remove the remnants of old coatings.

The following work is to be done:

  • On the ceiling, most often old whitewashing or paint that has turned black from time to time. Sometimes there are many layers on the surface, and it takes a lot of time to remove them. I use a scraper, but you can use a spatula, knife and any other device convenient for you, the main thing is that you can remove the old coating;

Old whitewash and water-based paint will come off much easier if the surface is well moistened and left for 20-30 minutes.

  • As for the walls, they can either have many layers of paint and whitewash, or old tiles. The compositions are cleaned off as described above, but you will have to tinker with the tiles, it is best to use a puncher with a special blade for work. If there is no power tool, then you will have to work the old fashioned way - with a hammer and a chisel, the work is tedious, but one way or another it needs to be done;
  • Lastly, the floor surface is prepared, in my case there was linoleum, so the work was simple: I removed the old coating and got a flat surface, completely ready for work. If you have an old tile, you will have to tinker, removing it from the surface, the same tools are used for work as in the paragraph above.

Naturally, you need to take out everything superfluous from the room, you should only have prepared walls left.

Stage number 4 - finishing the ceiling

It is from this part of the bathroom that I advise you to start work for the simple reason that a lot of dust will form in the process, and the putty may fall down. The finishing option that I am considering is the most budgetary - you can achieve an excellent result with your own hands for the simple reason that the ceiling area is small and it will not be difficult to perfectly align it even with a lack of experience.

The work instructions look like this:

  • First you need to check the plane with a level or a flat bar to see what irregularities need to be eliminated;
  • The surface must be treated with a primer to strengthen it and remove dust, the composition is applied with a brush and dries for about an hour;
  • Then the composition is prepared, it retains plasticity for a couple of hours, so I advise you to do no more than 5 liters at a time, your work speed will be low, so you are unlikely to use up more. All the features of mixing the composition are indicated on the packaging, so there should not be any problems with this part of the work;
  • The first layer needs to eliminate all significant irregularities, if there are none, then simply putty the entire surface, creating a kind of base, do not worry about stains, they will be eliminated. After the surface dries, the influxes are easily cut off with a spatula, after which you need to check it with the level again;
  • The second layer should level the ceiling, try to do the work carefully, there may be sagging on the surface, but the holes should not remain, since they cannot be eliminated. In extreme cases, you can walk a third time if the ceiling was uneven and you have to display a plane with large drops;
  • After drying, the dirtiest part lies ahead - grouting the surface, bring a respirator and goggles, as when sanding, the dust will fly into the eyes and enter the respiratory tract. In order to control the plane, use a simple trick: hold a light bulb near the surface, it perfectly shows all the irregularities and allows you to perfectly level the surface at one time;
  • After finishing work, the surface is cleaned with a brush or broom, after which it can be painted. The work is carried out in 2-3 layers, you can use both a brush and a roller, it all depends on convenience. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Stage number 5 - flooring flooring

When considering how to make a floor economically, linoleum will always be out of competition, not only due to its low price, but also the reliability and durability of the coating. In the bathroom, this coating is placed very simply:

  • The surface is cleaned of dust and debris, it can be wiped with a damp cloth to clean as well as possible;
  • Next, the material is spread, it will go onto the walls, so you need to place it evenly, after which the excess is cut off with a construction or any other sharp knife. Do this carefully, as it is unlikely that you will be able to glue what is cut off by mistake;

The joint in the opening can be glued liquid nails, but you can close the bar

Due to the fact that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is small, plus there will be a bathtub on the surface, there is no need to glue linoleum, but if you want to strengthen the coating, you can use double-sided tape. The plinth will be fixed subsequently, on this this stage can be considered complete.

Stage number 6 - wall decoration

First, a process diagram is presented, and below each stage is described in detail:

  • The frame is leveled; when attaching elements, you can put chips and pieces of wood under them to output the ideal plane. A hole is drilled in the bar, then a hole in the wall is drilled right through it and a quick-mount dowel is hammered. You can fill your hand in literally 10 minutes, so the process will go quickly;
  • Then, corners are attached in the corners, and a starting profile is attached above and below, as well as around the perimeter of the opening.. The main thing is to accurately cut the bar at the joints so that everything looks neat. Fastening is done using a stapler, it is very fast and very reliable;
  • A panel is inserted into the upper and lower guides and wound into a corner, after which it is fixed with brackets to the bars. The work is done until the entire wall is finished, the last plank is cut so that it is 3-4 mm wider, the corner or the starting profile is slightly bent and the element falls into place. Plastic bends well, but you still shouldn’t be too zealous, do everything carefully.

After finishing the walls, you can glue the plastic plinth, do not forget to put the corners and plugs so that all the elements fit perfectly with each other.

This is a simple example of how to make a cheap bathroom renovation, even if you spend 1-2 thousand more, but still the costs are not comparable to those that you would incur using standard materials and hiring builders.


It is quite possible to transform the bathroom, while spending a little more than 7 thousand, and I showed this with a specific example. I tried to talk about everything in detail so that you can understand the topic, and the video in this article will clearly show some important points to better understand some of the nuances. If you have any questions - write them in the comments below.

August 26, 2016

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Do-it-yourself bathroom renovation costs 1.5-2 times cheaper than the same renovation made by a team of workers. Therefore, if you have the necessary knowledge, skill, free time and want to save money, then this option is for you. But remember that inexpensive repair a bathroom made by oneself may be inferior in quality to repairs made by professionals.

Preparation for repair

Cheap bathroom renovations are, by definition, do-it-yourself projects. Therefore, preparation for it includes several stages. Let's look at each of them.

Layout and design

First of all, you need to decide on the future design of the bathroom, draw the layout of the bathroom - this will further depend on complex work with pipes and plumbing, and the need for additional wiring.

Cost calculation

Familiarize yourself with the prices in the construction markets. So you can understand whether all your ideas are feasible and how they fit into the budget.

For example, we will give a table with the cost of materials for an inexpensive self-repair of a bathroom:

Purchase of materials

Buy Construction Materials you need based on the size of your bath. The volume of necessary materials can be suggested to you by the seller himself in the market or in a hardware store.

3-5% is laid on the battle of tiles when repairing a large bathroom and 7% when repairing a small one.

When buying cement, mixtures, sand, grout, putty, sealant or silicone, you need to add 30% to the required volume. Let it be better for you to have an extra bag of dry glue than it ends at a crucial moment.

Stages of work

Bathroom renovation is carried out in a strictly defined sequence:

  • Thinking through the interior;
  • Determining the number of plumbing fixtures;
  • Preparation of the bathroom for renovation work;
  • Purchase of building materials;
  • Floor preparation (optional: waterproofing, screed, installation of a warm floor system);
  • Laying pipes and wiring;
  • Plaster;
  • Ceiling decoration;
  • Floor finishing;
  • Wall covering;
  • Installation of the ventilation system;
  • Bathtub and sink installation.

Let's proceed directly to the repair itself and consider in detail each stage.



Do-it-yourself work with steel pipes is fraught with many difficulties, but today it is the cheapest option on the market. Another disadvantage is that such pipes rust inside and they will have to be changed relatively soon.


Porcelain stoneware is a little more expensive than tile, but its strength is many times higher. Even smooth porcelain stoneware is completely non-slip, which is why we highly recommend choosing it as your flooring.

Tip: When buying, ask the consultant in the store to get 5-6 tiles from different packs and check their sizes.


You are doing a DIY bathroom renovation as shown in the video below, so choose a slow drying adhesive. It will allow you to work without haste, eliminate errors in time and control the quality of masonry.

A spatula will fit with 4-6 mm deep teeth unless otherwise indicated on the adhesive label.

Buy a tile cutter with a diamond drill, and for laying porcelain stoneware or tile with seams, it is best to use plastic crosses.

Bathroom preparation

Let's say your previous bathtub is not worn out yet, then you can update its appearance with an acrylic liner. But we recommend sending the old tin "trough" for scrap.

Before you start repairs, turn off the water and strip the bath to the “bare” walls. The wiring will also need to be turned off. During the repair, you can use a portable lamp and an extension cord - this is not usual, but safe.

Clean all walls, ceiling and floor. Start working from top to bottom. Use a respirator when cleaning. The tile is easily removed with a perforator and a chisel. Loose plaster is removed completely, Durable - leveled.

Floor preparation

Old tiles and cement backing must also be removed from the floor. If the screed is good, you can leave it; if not, remove it with a puncher. If, upon careful inspection of the screed, you notice only one or two small cracks, they can be eliminated with a liquid equalizer.

The layer of the self-leveling floor should be approximately 3-3.5 cm. But before that, the floor is waterproofed with aquaizol or polyethylene terephthalate.

Important: It is necessary to cover the walls with waterproofing at least 30 cm.

Communications and preparation of walls, ceiling


Sewerage should be done taking into account easy access to it for inspection, cleaning, removing blockages and necessary repairs. Therefore, we advise you to run sewer pipes along the bottom, along the walls, and close them with galvanized tiles. Galvanization is attached to silicone and, if necessary, access to pipes can be easily removed using a special knife.

The replacement of all pipes begins precisely with sewerage. You will be able to cope with this task in one, maximum two days, and then proceed to the water pipes.


All wires are laid to the plaster. The wire with double insulation is hidden in the corrugation - plastic or metal, depending on the budget.


You need to plaster twice. Here, the quality of the work will play a big role, since you are plastering under the cladding. You will have to plaster, as always, starting from top to bottom.

Ceiling insulation

Even in the warmest apartment, when repairing a bathroom, it will be necessary to insulate the ceiling. This will allow you to avoid the formation of condensate, which, by the way, is the main cause of problems with the safety of the repair.

For this purpose, it is best to use LSU (glass-magnesium sheet) on silicone or special glue. Remember that while it dries, you will need strong supports.

Finishing in the bathroom


This is the most problematic part of the bath. Regardless of your decision to make an inexpensive bathroom renovation, you will have to pay special attention to the ceiling.

Most suitable options for finishing the ceiling - this is an artificial laminate or plastic lining. If you chose the first option, then before gluing the laminate, the inside will need to be treated with a special PVA emulsion. Here you will also need slats, which can be removed only after the adhesive has completely dried.


Floor tiles are laid on mounting adhesive. Here it is better to avoid the presence of seams. The adhesive is applied with a spatula wrong side tiles and on the floor itself.

Important: laying floor tiles must be started from the entrance, so incomplete tiles will hide under the bathroom.

To avoid the appearance of voids under the tile, it must be tapped with a rubber mallet immediately after laying.

Perhaps you have decided to lay a wooden floor in the bathroom. It looks noble, and it is pleasant to walk on it, but this option is much more expensive and more difficult to install and operate. So think twice before choosing this option.

From wood, you can use larch impregnated with PVA and covered with moisture resistant acrylic varnish. When laying, step back from the wall by 2-3 cm, and then fill this gap with foam and close it with a plinth.


Usually tiles are chosen for walls. It's over a budget option than porcelain stoneware, and its strength does not play a decisive role here. Wall cladding in the bathroom is done using plastic crosses, which are subsequently removed, and the seams are filled with grout, silicone or sealant.

The tile is laid on the glue, after it dries, the corners are filled with silicone. Excess silicone is immediately removed with vinegar. Sometimes the corners are decorated with special overlays, which are also attached to silicone, but this is not necessary.

Plumbing installation

Installing plumbing fixtures is actually the most a simple step work. It's much easier than many people think. The whole process is described in detail in the instructions for each item.

First, the bath or shower is installed, then the sink. After the mixers are mounted, water heaters and water meters are installed. The hood and waterproof lamp are installed last. In the photo you can see examples of successful do-it-yourself bathroom renovations.
