In a private house      06/13/2019

Bergamot plant cultivation. Which neighbors to choose for the monarda. Citrus monarda or lemon Monarda citriodora

Monarda or bergamot.

Height 1.2-1.5 m. Stems are branched, up to 1.2 m tall, leaves are serrated, oblong-ovate. The flowers are surrounded by bracts, which visually increase the size of the flower. On one stem there are up to 9 inflorescence heads (about 5 cm in diameter), each with 200 flowers. There are about 1000 seeds in 1 g. Germination lasts 3 years.

In the homeland of monarda, in America, for the irresistible aroma and for what is around flowering plant there is always a swarm of all kinds of fluttering living creatures, they are called bee or fragrant balm, American lemon balm, lemon balm and Oswego tea (named after the Indian tribe in which it was grown to flavor drinks).

The Indians noticed the antiseptic properties of monarda: they used the leaves of the plant to treat wounds and skin infections, and the tincture was used to rinse the throat and mouth, improve the health of teeth and gums, for headaches and fever, and also as a general stimulant and laxative.

It's bright beautiful plant with unusual shaggy inflorescences, sometimes arranged in several tiers, somewhat reminiscent of an Indian headdress made of bird feathers. The flowers are small, fragrant, white, red, purple, yellowish or speckled, collected in dense capitate inflorescences with a diameter of 4-7 cm.

During mass flowering, the plant is quite decorative and emits a strong aroma. It is at this time that the greens can be harvested and, after drying, used as an additive to tea or when canning cucumbers and tomatoes. Fresh leaves are used as a spice in salads, fish and meat dishes, and vegetable marinades.

Monarda essential oil is popular in aromatherapy. It has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect. For injuries (wounds, fractures), use tea from dry or fresh herbs. Pour two teaspoons of crushed leaves and inflorescences into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter and drink a quarter glass three times a day. The juice from fresh leaves is used externally to heal wounds.

Fresh monarda is used in homeopathy. Monarda essential oil has a strong broad-spectrum bactericidal effect (microorganisms, viruses, fungi, mycoplasmas) - anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti-sclerotic, antispasmodic, radioprotective, anti-stress, adaptogenic, anti-anemic, anti-carcinogenic, high preservative effect. Has strong anthelmintic properties. Essential oil is a blood preservative, promotes tissue healing, helps in treatment bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis.

The anti-sclerotic effect of monarda is manifested in the fact that it is able to “cleanse” the aorta of atherosclerotic plaques.

To harvest monarda for future use, cut it at least 30 cm from the soil surface, in the phase of mass flowering, when the inflorescences contain maximum amount essential oil.

How to make monarda oil at home?
Monarda (bergamot) oil extract is quite easy to prepare at home. You need to take dry monarda grass and refined vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10. Stir and heat the oil in a water bath for 2-2.5 hours at a temperature of 55-60 degrees. Then cool the oil and filter. It can be used to treat wounds or put into the nose for a runny nose. Before use, make sure you are not allergic to monarda.
In this way, you can make oil from other useful plants.

Medicinal tea from monarda

For tea 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves, flowers (inflorescences) and stems are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, left for 20-30 minutes, filtered, added sugar to taste and drunk 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

First medicinal properties discovered by the Indians. They drank tea from monarda flowers against nausea and stomach cramps and as a warming drink for fevers and colds. Tea from the leaves was taken for cough. Externally, monarda was used by the Indians in the form of lotions for rheumatic pain, skin irritations, and a mixture of ground different types Monarda and sage helped with insect bites. Chewed leaves were applied to wounds and thus stopped bleeding.
By the 19th century, monarda began to be used for the same purposes in Europe. Healing properties have been confirmed by research. Fresh monarda is used in homeopathy. Its extracts have antibiotic properties.
The plants contain vitamins C, Bi and B2, essential oil, bitterness, and tannins. The fragrant flowers contain monardein, monardin. Especially a lot of essential oil is found in the inflorescences and leaves of monarda; there is very little of it in the stems.
Monarda essential oil has strong bactericidal and anthelmintic properties and can be used as an antiseptic when flavoring soft drinks.

Monarda can rightfully claim a place on the list of vegetable spice plants among our amateur gardeners. The plant is beautiful, healing and tasty.

Like a spicy flavor vegetable crop Lemon monarda is included in the catalogs of many countries. In the USA, for example, it is widely used as an additive to tea, a seasoning for meat dishes and salads to stimulate appetite and improve digestion.
Monarda is added to salads, to borscht dressing, to buttermilk cocktails, and is used in canning and pickling of cucumbers, tomatoes, and cabbage. Its use when cooking jam (for example, apple jam) guarantees against the appearance of a mold film on the surface.

Monarda is also used in canning vegetables, stewing meat and fish, and is used in the production of vermouth and cheese.

Monarda is added for flavoring to cabbage soup, soups, borscht, and okroshka. It is suitable as a tea substitute for the production of various tinctures and tonic drinks. Monarda adds a special aroma to jam from apples and pears , jelly, jellies, fruit marinades and compotes. In this case, monarda goes well with lemon balm, orange zest, cinnamon and cloves, anise or star anise, celery and parsley. Along with fennel, tarragon and mint Monarda can be used as a seasoning for fish soups and poached fish. To vegetables you can add a mixture of monarda with oregano, basil, bay leaf.

Monarda - as a remedy for mold.

It should be recalled: it is believed that monarda essential oilfully suppresses growth black mold. This is practically the only product that works flawlessly.

Growing monarda in the country is not particularly difficult - it is quite unpretentious, but still some nuances are worth paying attention to.

Monarda - perennial: tall branched stem up to 1-1.5 m high, dies in winter and is renewed in the spring. The underground part of the monarda (long, horizontallocated rhizome) is quite winter-hardy, can withstand frosts below -40°C, does not require digging for the winter and additional shelter.

Monarda grows very well in the sun and tolerates partial shade, but in this case the bushes grow shorter - about 100 cm, and flowering becomes less abundant.

The soil for growing all types and varieties of monarda is preferably fertile garden soil, but it also grows well on poorer soils; it only does not tolerate highly acidic soils and high humidity soil

The best predecessors of monarda are root vegetables, cabbage, and cucumbers.

Sowing monarda seeds in open ground. Monarda seeds are sown in open ground at the end of April-May, having previously specified the timing in the lunar month. sowing calendar. The seeds are very small, so when sowing they are not covered with soil. Shoots appear in 2-3 weeks. Seeds remain viable for three years.

Growing monarda through seedlings. If you sow monarda seeds for seedlings in the first half of March, then some of the seedlings may bloom in the same season. In August, the seedlings are planted in place. You can sow seeds in May-June, and plant them in the spring of next year. permanent place.

When propagated by seed, the properties of the varieties may not be preserved, so it is more reliable to propagate monarda vegetatively.

The best way Monarda reproduction - dividing bushes in April when the soil warms up enough.

Monarda reproduces well and segments of rhizomes with a renewal bud- also in the spring, before the shoots have yet begun to grow. The bush is not dug up; it is enough to cut off a piece of the rhizome from the side. Seated according to a 40x40cm pattern.

Another way to propagate monarda is root green cuttings, taken at the end of May from young shoots about 10 cm high.

Great too the tips of the shoots take root in June monards.

In August-September you can, without digging up a bush, just pull out a few stems with roots and plant them.

For seed propagation Monarda blooms in the second year, with vegetative- usually blooms in the same season. The plants take root and grow very well. Over the summer, the bush increases in size by about 3 times.

By the time of flowering, charming shaggy flowers of bright colors appear in the axils of the leaves and on the tops of the stems: red, pink, crimson, lilac and white. Bushes 4-5- summer age have up to 100-150 flowering shoots, which creates decorative effect from late June to October.

1-2 weeks after the start of flowering, monarda inflorescences can be collected for drying and use in salads.

During the first month after sowing, weeds are constantly removed, and then the monarda itself copes with them.

Monarda responds well to the application of organic and mineral fertilizers: you can use Kemira or Agricola in granules and liquid mullein, diluted 1:10. Feeding should be carried out 2 times a month from mid-May to the third ten days of August.

Monarda is almost not susceptible to diseases, but for prevention in spring and autumn, plants and the soil under them can be treated with foundationazole and copper sulfate.

Pruning monarda is advisable as it loses its decorative effect, that is, at the end of the season, before that remove faded and wilted inflorescences.

Monarda is widely used in landscape design. In flower beds and containers, in flowerbeds and ridges you can find any types and varieties of monarda. It fits well into combined plantings of flowers and vegetables in an ornamental garden. Practitioners claim that if you place or dig a container with monarda into a bed of tomatoes, late blight will bypass them.

Growing monarda for more than 5-7 years in one place is not recommended. To increase the productivity and decorativeness of the plant, it is better to renew the bush and replant it in a fresh place.

Of the 20 species of the Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae) family, annual and perennial herbs, which trace their origins to the North American continent and are widespread from Mexico to Canada, the Monarda plant attracts attention. Carl Linnaeus, in the name of the flower, immortalized the name of the Spaniard Nicholas Monardes, who devoted his life to healing and botany, and in 1574 published a book about the plants of America.

In his book, Monardes mentioned another name for monarda: the plant was then known as Virginia oregano oregano. Once on the territory of the Old World, monarda attracted attention primarily as an essential oil plant and since the 19th century has become better known as bergamot, American lemon balm or lemon balm.

Description of the monarda

Perennial and annual monarda belongs to rhizomatous plants. Its branched or straight stems rise to a height of up to 1.5 meters. Monarda leaves are fragrant, have an oblong-lanceolate shape with a straight or serrated edge. Quite small, two-lipped flowers with a pleasant smell are collected in dense, up to 7 cm in diameter, racemose or capitate inflorescences. White, yellow, red, speckled flowers are located one above the other along the entire length of the stem. The fruit of the monarda is a nut containing seeds.

When ripening, the seeds do not lose their viability for 3 years. You can use one area for planting plants for up to 7 years. Monarda is valued not only for the attractive shade of the flower, but also for its unique aroma, which has found its use in cooking as a spice and as an additive to tea. Its qualities as a honey plant are also undeniable.

How to plant monarda seeds in the ground

Sowing monarda in spring

If monarda is cultivated in the southern regions, then its seeds are sown directly into the ground. They do this in February, choosing a sunny, warm day. The next couple of still cool months will contribute to the natural stratification of the seeds. And only in the month of April can we expect the appearance of strong and friendly shoots, which after some time should be thinned out.

If there is snow on the ground at the time of sowing, you should clear the area and cover it with film. The soil under the film will warm up well and will be ready for loosening. Before planting seeds in it, upper layer soils are mixed with sand. Seeds are sown to a depth not exceeding 2.5 cm. It is better to sprinkle the seeds on top with sand rather than soil.

Sowing monarda before winter

Many people practice autumn monarda after the seeds have been collected. We need to wait until it gets colder, with night frosts down to 5°C. Each region has its own climate, but around the time of winter you can sow as early as the end of October, when there is no risk of seed germination in warm weather.

The bed is prepared in advance so that the soil settles and furrows are made at a distance of 20-25 cm. They are also sown as rarely as possible and not deep, up to 2.5 cm.

With the arrival of spring, the grown seedlings dive to get beautiful and strong bushes. It should be noted that the flower grows slowly.

Growing monarda from seeds for seedlings at home

This method of growing monarda is preferred above all.

  • In order for the seedlings to be ready by April, they begin to sow them in January. To do this, use boxes or containers with drainage, into which special soil is poured for growing flowering plants.
  • Seed placement depth 1.5-2 cm
  • Using stretched cling film or a bag, maintain the temperature at 20 ºC.

The first shoots should be expected after 3-4 weeks. It will take another 3 weeks for the grown seedlings to produce their first true leaves. When 2-3 leaves appear, plants should be picked into individual cups or spacious containers to increase the feeding area according to the scheme: 4x4 or 3x3.

Water moderately so as not to flood the seedlings and provoke the development of rot. They provide a lot of light and do not allow temperatures to be too high so that the seedlings do not stretch. If this happens, carefully add soil to the level of the leaves so that the plants do not become deformed.

When the first two pairs of true leaves appear, the monarda seedlings need to begin to be hardened: take the boxes outside or onto the balcony. Starting with an hour or two, increase the time to a full day. One to two weeks of hardening is enough to prepare the plants for transplanting to a permanent place in open ground.

Optimal conditions for planting monarda in the ground

Monarda will please the eye only if the conditions necessary for plant growth are created, although they are not particularly complex. The flower loves sunny, sheltered from the wind places. Semi-shaded areas of the garden do not frighten him either. Prefers light, lime-rich soil. Waterlogged acidic soil negatively affects plant growth.

Spring is the most favorable time for culture, although the planting site is prepared in advance, in the fall. To do this, destroy the weeds and dig up the area along with peat, manure (at the rate of 2-3 kg per 1 m²) and a complex of mineral fertilizers, which includes potassium salt (30 g / m²), superphosphate (50 g / m²), lime (40 g / m² ). Before boarding spring period add nitrogen fertilizers to the soil (30g / 1m²).

Planting monarda

When the seedlings have 3 pairs of leaves, and this will happen a couple of months after the first shoot appears, they are transferred to open prepared soil.

When planting, maintain a distance between bushes of 60 cm. After planting is completed, the monarda must be watered abundantly. It is not afraid of spring frosts down to -5 ºС and easily tolerates them. When planting seeds, flowering of monarda can only be observed after a year. If monarda is planted using seedlings, then some of its specimens can delight you with their flowering even in the year of planting.

How to care for monarda in the garden

The main thing is to ensure frequent but moderate watering of the plant in the summer. If the heat persists for a long time, then the monarda should be watered daily. A hot season with a lack of watering can bring a dangerous disease for the plant - powdery mildew. During this period, it will be good to mulch the soil under the monarda with peat and constantly loosen it.

To feed the crop, granular Agricola or Kemira is used twice a month throughout the growing season. Mullein, diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10, will not interfere with it. To prevent insects, treat the plant with Fundazol or Bordeaux mixture in spring and autumn period s.

How to propagate monarda by dividing a bush

Unfortunately, during seed propagation there is no need to talk about preserving varietal characteristics if you are growing beautiful hybrid forms.

To preserve, you will have to divide a bush that is 3-4 years old. When to replant monarda? This can be done twice a year: in April, if the soil is well warmed up, or with the onset of autumn. To do this, the roots of the dug up bush are freed from the ground and divided by eye.

Ready new bushes are planted at the same level as before division, in pre-prepared holes. Since the transplanted bushes will grow greatly in just a couple of years (up to 1 m in diameter), this plant will need to be replanted by dividing the bush quite often.

Reproduction of monarda by cuttings

You can use the cutting method when propagating the plant.

  • To do this, choose 7-10 centimeter cuttings, which are formed from green shoots of monarda that have grown but have not yet begun to bloom.
  • The leaves in the lower part of the cutting are completely torn off, the upper ones are cut by 1/3.

  • The cuttings are planted in a previously prepared box or pots with loose nutrient substrate and put away in a dark place.
  • You can simply put the cuttings in water.
  • After 2-3 weeks, the monarda cuttings will have formed a root system and will be ready to be transplanted into open ground. It is better to do this in August.

Possible diseases and pests of monarda

Monarda has paradoxical resistance to both diseases and numerous plant pests. Scientists attribute this phenomenon to the presence of essential oils in the roots of the plant. Despite this, if watering is not abundant enough, when the heat is unbearable, monarda can be affected by powdery mildew. A adjusted watering regime and mulching the soil will help get rid of it. Very rarely, a plant can be attacked by the tobacco mosaic virus or rust and a weevil can take over.

How to collect monarda seeds

Seed ripening occurs at the end of August and early September. When the plant fades, you need to be careful. To prevent the seeds from spilling out, you need to cut off the dried seeds and place them in a shady place until they are completely ripe and dry. When the baskets dry well, the seeds easily fall out of the tubular seed stalks.

You can deal with the collected ones in different ways. Firstly, they can be sown immediately. The resulting seedlings will only find their permanent habitat in the spring. Secondly, the seeds are well stored and do not lose their viability for 3 years. If there is no need to update the monarda, then you can use them later. It is important to remember that monarda grown from seeds hybrid plants, will never retain parent properties. The seed method is used only for growing varietal plants.

Preparing Monarda for winter

If you leave the seeds that you don't need on the bushes, they will become an excellent feed for hungry birds in the fall. What remains of the annual crop is removed from the flowerbed in late autumn. In the spring, self-seeding seedlings will appear in the same place.

As for perennial monarda, it is frost-resistant (it can easily withstand temperatures of 25ºC). If the frosts in your region are much stronger, you need shelter for the winter:

  • Make a hilling 20-25 cm high.
  • Cover the top with a layer of straw or hay 10-15 cm thick.
  • To prevent the shelter from being blown away by the wind, press down the mulch with boards and bricks.

In winter, it will be good to put a layer of snow on top. In the spring, when it gets warmer, remove the cover and remove the pile of earth so that the plant wakes up early.

Monarda varieties with photos and names

Annual crop types:

Citrus monarda or lemon Monarda citriodora

It is almost the only one that reaches a height of 15 - 95 cm. Its narrow lanceolate leaves, stem and small lilac flowers contain essential oil, which is not inferior in composition to the essential oil of basil and mint. Therefore, citrus monarda is cultivated and how decorative flower, and as a spice.

Hybrid Monarda Lambada Monarda lambada

It is the brainchild of Dutch breeders. Several groups of Citriodora have been used in crossbreeding, the aroma of the young leaves being very lemon-like.

Monarda punctata

It is also called horsemint. The attractiveness of this species is given by the bright orange leaves located around the inflorescence. The flower can reach 80 cm in height.

Types of perennial monarda:

Double Monarda Monarda didyma

It grows wild near the Great Lakes, the first description of which dates back to 1656. Grows up to 80 cm tall. It is a herbaceous perennial whose erect stems are tetrahedron shaped. Opposite, with an edge, the leaves are oval, jagged, and pointed at the end. They grow up to 12 cm long and have reddish stipules. The petiole is almost absent.

The rhizome of the plant grows horizontally. Small lilac or purple flowers are collected in dense, up to 5 cm in diameter, capitate-type inflorescences. The leaf-shaped bracts, matching the color of the flowers, add elegance to this species.

Monarda fistulosa wild bergamot

It grows naturally in forests in the East of the North American continent. In Europe it is cultivated to produce spices. This multi-stemmed perennial grows to 0.6 - 1.20 m in height. Its simple, toothed leaves are covered with hairs.

Small lilacs are connected in whorls of a false type. The flowers are surrounded by red stipules, which are collected in spherical capitate inflorescences. On a single peduncle there are 5 - 9 inflorescences, each of which has a diameter of 5-7 cm. Known since 1637. The dwarf-shaped Victoria monarda was bred in Russia.

Hybrid Monarda x hybrida

This name combines varieties obtained by breeders from Great Britain, Germany and the USA by combining double and monarda pipeta. The height of hybrids reaches 1 meter.
Quantity color shades amazes with its diversity. Here are some of them:

  • white: Snow White, Snow Maiden, Schneewittchen
  • burgundy shade: Burgundy Moldova, Prairenacht
  • red: Adam, Balance, Cambridge Scarlet, Petite Delight, Makhogeni
  • lavender: Elsiz Lavende
  • purple shade: Cardinal, Prairie Glow, Sunset
  • purple: Zinta-Zinta, Pony, Fisheye
  • Violet-purple shade: Blaustrumpf, Blue Stocking.

The Panorama variety combines monarda in a variety of color shades from snow-white, pink to crimson, purple and burgundy.

Medicinal properties of monarda

Homeopathy widely uses monarda as a source of essential oil, vitamins C, B1, B2 and other active biological components. Of course, the most valuable thing in monarda is its essential oil, known for its bactericidal properties, which have antianemic, antioxidant, anti-stress, and reproductive effects.

Systematic use of this oil cleanses the aorta of sclerotic plaques, helps cope with radiation sickness, viral flu, tighten weak immunity. It is recommended to use monarda for the following diseases: pneumonia, otitis media, cystitis, digestive disorders, and diseases of the oral cavity. It relieves headaches, fungal infections of the nails and feet.

Cosmetologists include monarda in preparations intended for oily (acne-prone) skin and use it as a component of cream for the age category 45+.

Seasonings for fish and vegetable dishes are prepared from monarda leaves. They are brewed as tea and added to soups and salads.

To whom is Monarda contraindicated in any form?

Of course, monarda is useful, but its excessive use is harmful to the body. First of all, Monarda is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children under 5 years of age. Not only the use of monarda internally, but also as a raw material for aroma lamps is excluded.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, did not particularly worry about mulching. But today this agricultural technique has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's a hassle. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article we invite you to get acquainted with the nine the best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that “little ones” have always been considered more fashionable, the range of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it’s worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of prickliness, impact on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

The Egyptians used mint as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils, which are highly volatile. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article we will look at the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began growing crocuses 500 years before our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the harbingers of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article is dedicated to the earliest varieties of crocuses, which bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup made from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage It cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as other vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup turns out tastier than freshly prepared cabbage soup.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners He's annoying sometimes! However, understanding the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself” is not so difficult. The main thing is to delve into the peculiarities of the culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest groups of tomatoes to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been valued by those gardeners who do not have much energy and time to care for their beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleus today is one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. It is not for nothing that they are considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are primarily looking for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, bushes made of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provençal herbs provides tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then water it apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Wild garlic and fresh dill get along well in one salad, highlighting each other’s aroma. The garlicky pungency of wild garlic will permeate both the salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.

A coniferous tree or shrub on a site is always great, but a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils released by plants not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require proper care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the canopy flowering trees have long become an integral attribute of welcoming spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. Financial and academic year here it starts on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese take place under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an item of trade, lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century B.C. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known, and even then methods of its propagation and cultivation were described.

Delight your family and prepare themed cottage cheese cookies in the shape of Easter eggs! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration as pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

Among tuberous crops, there are not so many decorative deciduous favorites. And caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to own a caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all, it requires care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of caladiums are never justified. Attention and care can avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And the plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply easy-to-prepare dish for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or anything. Chicken and mushroom gravy will save you in moments when you don’t have time or don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Take your favorite side dish (you can do this in advance so everything is hot), add some gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

Among the many different varieties of these most popular vegetables, we will tell you about three that are distinguished by their excellent taste and relatively unpretentious conditions growing. Characteristics of the eggplant varieties “Almaz”, “Black Beauty” and “Valentina”. All eggplants have medium-density pulp. In Almaz it is greenish, while in the other two it is yellowish-white. They are united by good germination and excellent yield, but in different time. Everyone's skin color and shape are different.

Monarda is a representative of the Lamiaceae family, which received its name in honor of the botanist and doctor from Spain Nicolas Monardes. This Spanish scientist first described the monarda plant and told Europeans about it in his books “Medical History of Western India” and “Good News from the New World,” calling it Virginian oregano canada.

The lemon aroma of monarda has many benefits. With it, a person feels in a fresh and clean environment. Very attractive for any gardener is the fact that many plants that are not citrus fruits can fill his flower garden with this smell. These include lemon balm, lemongrass, some varieties of thyme and basil.

However, the aroma of monarda has the most pronounced resemblance to citrus; moreover, it contains various shades. This is why in England it is called bergamot, and the official name of one of the species is pronounced “lemon monarda”.

Varieties and types of monrada

It has a size of 70-90 cm, although rare specimens can reach 100 cm in height. The stem is tetrahedral, erect, and has branches. The leaves of the plant are oval, elongated, and have teeth. The flowers of the plant can have a varied color palette: these are bright red flowers, snow-white, deep purple, and bright pink. The inflorescences have a diameter of 6-7 cm. They grow on the stem one after the other.

A herbaceous perennial plant that reaches a size of 0.7-1.5 m. The root is long and horizontal. The stem is tetrahedral, straight, and has small hairs. The leaves are pale green with pink veins, oblong, and have large teeth. The flowers are collected in a capitate inflorescence and have a lilac or violet hue.

The plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The plant has a strong root and resistance to all diseases and pests. It is used as a seasoning for meat and salads. Also as a flavoring agent for making jam and many desserts.

This name connects all hybrids of double and tubular varieties. This is a perennial with a height of up to 100 cm. The colors of the flowers can be very diverse: from white to purple. Also, the size of flowers varies: from small, collected in inflorescences, to large, single ones. Among the varieties of this hybrid there are a large number of subvarieties that differ in the density of flowering, shade of leaves, and flowers.

This plant is also a perennial. Belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It has a large number of branched stems, the height of which reaches 60-120 cm. The leaves have teeth. The flowers are lilac and look like small balls, the diameter of which is approximately 6 cm.

The plant is a hybrid. Perennial, reaches a size of 80-100 cm. It has a long horizontal root and a straight stem. The leaves are pale green, located opposite each other, and have short petioles. The flowers have a rich red color, collected in a capitate inflorescence. All parts of the plant have a lemon-mint tart aroma. The plant is used as medicinal purposes, and as a seasoning. The variety is resistant to cold, as well as diseases and pests.

Herbaceous perennial that has unique flowers. Belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The height of the bush ranges from 700-900 cm, some specimens can reach up to 120 cm. The leaves are oblong with pointed tips. Possess green and a pleasant aroma. On the stem they are located opposite each other in pairs. The flowers are small, have a pleasant aroma, and are collected in capitate inflorescences.

A compact plant with pink, rather large flowers, collected in capitate inflorescences. The bush is low-growing, only 40 cm tall. The plant is compact and suitable for growing in containers. All parts of the plant have a pleasant smell. Its leaves are used to make tea.

Herbaceous perennial plant. The stems are tetrahedral, the height of the bush is up to 150 cm. The flowers can be of different shades, but they are all collected in capitate inflorescences.

This small plant, which reaches a size of 30-35 cm, has flowers collected in a thick plume. It has a pronounced aroma of bergamot. Used for growing in flower beds. The leaves are used as a spice.

If you look at the plant from afar, it may seem that huge spiders with furry legs are sitting on the plant. Such a plant has flowers. All parts of the plant exude an extraordinary aroma, which is why they are used as a spice. Among other things, the flower looks gorgeous in bouquets.

A perennial that has a long root, the stems of the plant are tetrahedral, reaching a height of 150 cm. The flowers are white, collected in dense whorled inflorescences. Used for group plantings in flower beds, and also looks great in bouquets.

Herbaceous perennial. The plant has the shape of a bush with numerous straight stems. Characterized by long-lasting and abundant flowering. The large capitate inflorescences have a much ruffled appearance. The colors range from pale pink to deep red. Gardeners value the plant not only for its beauty, but also for its medicinal and taste qualities. It is used to make tea. In the flowerbed it looks gorgeous in group plantings.

Reaches a height of approximately 100 cm, the flowers are red in color. Used to decorate flower beds in group plantings, looks great in bouquets.

The plant has the shape of a bush with a straight stem, the height of which is 70-120 cm, the stem is tetrahedral, the leaves have a pleasant smell.

It is a herbaceous perennial with silver-green leaves and two violet-purple flowers. The height of the bush is approximately 100 cm.

A herbaceous perennial plant with a pleasant lemon scent. Forms bushes with a diameter of up to 45 cm. Small purple flowers collected in whorled inflorescences. to his appearance resemble candelabra. A distinctive feature of the hybrid is long and abundant flowering.

Belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The flowers have a pleasant color and attractive shape. The plant reaches a height of up to 110 cm. Distinctive feature hybrid is its powerful stem and small dark green leaves. The flowers are bright red and have a fairly strong aroma.

Perennial quite unpretentious plants. The flowers have a dense spherical shape and an unusual wine-red hue.

Monarda planting and care in open ground

This flower grows best in full sun, but can also grow in partial shade. True, in this case its bushes will be lower and the flowering will be less abundant.

It is necessary to select a place for planting plants that will be well protected from the effects of winds, since the stems can bend and bend, losing their beauty.

On hot days, you should water the monarda moderately, in no case allowing the soil to become waterlogged. The plant also does not like overly dry soil.

To prevent the appearance of powdery mildew, it is necessary to water the plant in dry weather. If the summer is hot and dry, it is recommended to mulch the soil with peat.

Garden bergamot is one of the monarda varieties. It is grown during planting and care without much hassle, subject to the rules of agricultural technology. All necessary recommendations You can find information on growing and care in this article.

Soil for monarda

Monarda is not particularly demanding on soils, but still prefers light, calcareous, fertile soils. Does not do particularly well in heavy, acidic and marshy soils. It can also grow on poor soils provided that it is constantly fertilized.

The soil for the future growth of the flower is prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up, weeds are removed and compost, manure or peat is added in the amount of 2-3 kilograms per 1 m2, superphosphate - 50 grams and potassium salt - 30 grams.

If the soil is acidic, then it is necessary to add an additional 40 grams of lime per square meter. In spring, the soil is enriched with nitrogen fertilizer. Plants are planted at a distance of 60-70 centimeters between rows to provide sufficient free space for nutrition and growth.

Fertilizer for monarda

Plant feeding is carried out during active growth and flowering. Monarda also needs additional feeding during the formation of new shoots and during the transition to the dormant period.

  • In spring, the plant should be fed with a complex of mineral fertilizers. 12 days after this, repeat the procedure.
  • In autumn, monarda is fed with potassium and phosphorus compounds.
  • During active growth, foliar feeding is allowed. Spraying of leaves in progress mineral fertilizers, as well as microelements.
  • When excessive high temperature air, the plant is treated with Epin solution.

Monarda in winter

In winter, the above-ground part of the plant must be completely cut off, and in the spring it will grow back.

The roots of the plant are frost-resistant and survive winters well without additional shelter.

Monarda growing from seeds

When growing monarda from seeds, they are sown in open ground in May to a depth of 1-2 centimeters. The consumption per square meter should be no more than 0.5 grams. In order to disperse the seeds more evenly, they are mixed with sand.

The seed germination temperature is 20 degrees. Monarda seedlings grow very slowly at first. It is necessary to constantly weed them to prevent them from being drowned out by weeds. Young plants are transplanted first at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other, and then at 20. Grown from seeds, monarda does not bloom in the first year.

If desired, you can sow seeds in March to obtain seedlings. The ascended monards, after two weeks, dive according to the 3x3 centimeter pattern. Planting in open ground can only be done once the threat of frost has passed. The distance between plants in one row is 30 centimeters, and between rows is 60 centimeters. Be sure to water when planting plants.

Reproduction of monarda by dividing the bush

To propagate by dividing the bush, you need to select a healthy plant, 3-4 years old. The bush is dug up and divided in the fall.

Each of the formed parts should have 3-4 shoots and roots. The cuttings are planted, just like seedlings, and watered several times.

They also practice propagation of monarda by cuttings of roots, considering this method to be the most effective.

Diseases and pests

When growing in a place that is too dry or over-fertilized, the plant is affected powdery mildew. Rust damage can also occur.

Copper-based preparations are used for treatment. They are suitable only for growing monarda for bouquets.

If the plant is used as food, then the treatment is carried out using natural means - infusions of onion, garlic or tansy. In general, the flower is quite resistant to both diseases and pests.

Monarda medicinal properties and contraindications

Monarda essential oil is very valuable medicinally, especially when it comes to Monarda fistula, although official and traditional medicine successfully use almost all types and varieties of this plant.

Almost all of its zones - flowers, foliage, shoots - are endowed with healing qualities. These include strengthening the immune system, toning the central nervous system, helping to improve well-being in case of weakness and fatigue, relieve stress, and get rid of depression.

At the same time, the substances contained in the oil (in particular, thymol) help the body resist aging, strengthen the strength of capillary walls, stimulate the diuretic apparatus, favor the expansion of coronary vessels and lower blood pressure.

Monarda has long been used as a fragrant and healthy spice that improves digestive function. In summer and autumn, when canning takes place, its stems are placed in jars to prevent spoilage of the products contained in them.

Lemon monarda is an excellent seasoning for salads, but, for the most part, it is used as a flavoring for tea, fruit drink or kvass in order to give drinks a subtle lemon-resinous aroma.

Monardaornamental plant, a representative of the Yasnotkov family. Scientists believe the birthplace of the flower is North America. After the discovery of America by Columbus, the plant was brought to Spain. Europeans learned about the existence of Monarda from the book of Monardes. The genus was named by Carl Linnaeus in honor of the botanist Nicholas Monardes; he described plants unknown to anyone at that time that were discovered in America; the book was published in 1574. The author described the flower, calling it “Canadian oregano”, as well as “Verginian oregano”. Unfortunately, the strange flower was soon forgotten and only remembered a century later. Monarda began to be grown as an essential oil plant. Its extract began to be added to oral antiseptics.

Monarda is a straight stem with jagged green leaves and small flowers of a light purple hue (see photo).

Monarda herb has a pleasant bergamot scent and is used as a tea substitute.

The Indians prepared a special drink from the leaves of this plant. English name This tea sounds like Oswego tea. The drink resembled mint tea; it was used to treat stomach pain and was used as an antipyretic. The Indians also used monarda as medicine. They used it to heal small wounds as an antiseptic. The tea was used to treat the throat and mouth. The plant contains the substance thymol, which is one of the most modern means for oral care. The Indians used the plant's grass as a general tonic and also as a carminative.

Until the beginning of the 19th century, monarda was grown as "bergamot", which is explained by the similarity of its aroma to this citrus plant.

Monarda varieties

There are about 15 varieties of representatives of the Monarda genus, among which there are both annual and perennial specimens. The most famous varieties are:

More than 50 hybrids have been bred based on these varieties. They have a wide palette of shades and a wonderful aroma.

Growing: planting and care

This plant is often grown in flower beds.

Thanks to the rich color palette Monarda will become the highlight of the entire flowerbed, and its unique aroma will attract not only people, but also bees.

Monarda will make the flower garden textured and fragrant. It will look especially beautiful against the background of wormwood, yarrow and other plants. This decorative flower will highlight the beauty of roses of various shades. Monarda can be grown not only in open ground, but also in pots. For example, you can place a flower pot on a sunny terrace. So the magical citrus aroma of monarda will contribute to a pleasant pastime. The plant also attracts butterflies, but repels harmful insects. The greatest decorative effect of the plant is observed during the flowering period.

Monarda prefers fertile soil. It is recommended to select soil for planting that retains moisture well. This is a moisture-loving plant, so regular watering is very important for it. Monarda propagates by seeds, as well as by dividing the bush. Care consists of abundant watering, thinning and fertilizing. Perennial monarda tolerates cold weather well; it is a winter-hardy plant.

Collection and storage

Monarda is collected during flowering, the flowering tops are cut off and dried in the shade, tying them into bunches. Dried stems along with flowers are used to prepare tea drinks, medicines, and flower arrangements.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of monarda are due to its chemical composition. Monarda is rich in essential oils, vitamins B1, B2, C. Essential oil has bactericidal activity and can be used to prevent acute respiratory diseases. Most high content essential oil in monarda ambiguata, the Indians used this type of plant for medicinal purposes. They rinsed their mouths with decoctions and treated wounds. In order to disinfect a wound, it is enough to mash a leaf of the plant and apply it to the sore spot or treat the wound with monarda juice. The oil of this plant was used in case of damage to the body by salmonella. Monarda can be used to prepare therapeutic inhalations for ENT diseases.

Use in cooking

In cooking, monarda has found application in the preparation of surprisingly tasty tea drinks. So, just a few leaves of this plant will give the tea a pleasant lemon aroma.

In America, monarda is often used as a seasoning for meat.

The plant has long been valued as a healthy spice; it was added to dishes to improve digestion. It is also customary to add monarda leaves when preserving vegetables: it gives them an original smell and taste.

Benefits of Monarda and treatment

The benefits of this plant have long been known folk medicine. Monarda is considered one of the the best means to combat mold. Mold can cause allergic reactions and bronchial asthma. The harm caused by mold is due to the fact that some types produce toxic compounds that disrupt the normal functioning of the body. Immunity and susceptibility to mold can be completely different from person to person, which means the consequences can also be different.

Monarda is a proven remedy that completely suppresses the growth of black mold.

In folk medicine, the plant is also used to prepare medicine for colds and headaches. For this, 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water and infuse. Take half a glass of infusion 4 times a day. This infusion is effective for bloating and also as an expectorant. Externally, the infusion is used to disinfect wounds and burns. The plant is recommended for use for vaginitis and cystitis. It is also effective for eczema, pneumonia, psoriasis, anemia, and atherosclerosis.

Monarda oil extract has long been used for medicinal purposes. You can even get it at home; to do this, you need to place the dry plant in a bottle with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10, mix the resulting oil and heat in a water bath to 60 degrees for 2 hours. Filtered oil can be used for a runny nose (a few drops of oil are dropped into the nasal passages), and it can also be used to treat wounds.

Harm of monarda and contraindications

The plant can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. Before using Monarda as a medicine, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. The plant is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age.