Well      06/17/2019

We make panels with our own hands for the interior. We create with our own hands: an original panel on the wall Do-it-yourself stone panel on the wall

Hanging original panel on the wall, you can create a unique and unique interior. An extraordinary decoration will become the pride of the owners of the house and will attract the admiring glances of guests.

This decorative element is easy to make yourself using a variety of available materials.

Expanse for imagination

There are many ways to create a wall decoration in the form of a panel. At the same time, the creative process is limited only by the imagination of the master and, as a rule, does not require special skills. All you need to make a wall panel with your own hands is good idea, inspiration, necessary materials and time.

The imagination of decorators is limitless and today, to create a wall masterpiece, not only banal paints are used, but also:

  • colored paper;
  • wire;
  • various fabrics;
  • buttons;
  • satin and grosgrain ribbons;
  • yarn;
  • photos;
  • sea ​​pebbles and shells;
  • colored sand;
  • nails;
  • metal buttons;
  • glitter;
  • vinyl records;
  • pages of old books, newspapers and magazines.

The image can be flat or three-dimensional, have or not have a frame, and consist of one or several parts. In this case, the panel can have a plot or be an abstract picture.

Modern housewives love to decorate their kitchen walls with panels of spices and shaped pasta, dried herbs and flowers, wine corks, cutlery, lids plastic bottles, coffee beans, various cereals and even culinary dough products.

Travel lovers will love decorations made from old geographical maps, magnets purchased in different countries. You can create a panel for photographs taken on tourist trips, gradually adding to it.

Any decorative panel, created with your own hands, will emphasize the individuality of the owners of the house, demonstrate their creative nature, and create a cozy and unique atmosphere. However, before you ask yourself how to make a panel in a room, you should decide on the technique for creating the future masterpiece.

Types of panels with your own hands

The undoubted advantage of creating panels with your own hands is the variety of techniques for this type of creativity.

We will consider the most well-known techniques below.


The panel is created in free form or according to watercolor templates, oil paints, gouache, pencils, markers, crayons, charcoal, toothpaste.

Simple stick-on or appliqué

Decoration elements are glued to the base using stationery glue, universal glue, epoxy glue, PVA glue, “ liquid nails».


Installation of various volumetric parts of the panel, composition elements and techniques into a single artistic whole.


Decoration technique work surface using a paper ornament (you can use the top colored layer of napkins) and glue, followed by applying various finishing coatings.


A technique for making compositions from long and narrow colored strips of paper twisted in a spiral. The paper modules are twisted using a gypsy needle with a wide eye, after which the end of the strip is fixed with glue, and the modules themselves are given required form. The details are connected to each other to form a picture. Such a panel can have a base or be directly mounted on the wall.


Embroidering pictures with a cross, beads, yarn, ribbons. The panel can combine smooth embroidery and decoration (buttons, zippers, voluminous embroidered elements). In this case, burlap, linen, rolled cotton or plastic canvas are used as the base.


Sewing technique from fabric scraps different textures and colors. The fabric sheet is glued to the base or stretched over wooden frame.

An original interior decoration can be a frame composition (threads of colored yarn are wound on thin nails, half driven into a wooden base), a mirror, tiled panel (a mosaic of pieces of mirror and tile), a panel for photographs in combination with unusual decorative elements (sea pebbles, gramophone plates).

Tools and basic rules

To make a decorative panel with your own hands, you can use a wide variety of materials. However, before starting work, you should take care not only of the main details, stencils and templates, but also of the tools that will be useful for creativity.

Tools and materials that you may need to make your own panels:

  • base (cork, chipboard, cardboard, plywood, various fabrics, plexiglass, leather, plastic, foam);
  • universal glue or “liquid nails”;
  • scissors;
  • a simple pencil;
  • brushes;
  • sponges;
  • double-sided and regular tape;
  • fastenings for panels;
  • hammer;
  • stationery knife.

If you plan to work with wood, you may need:

  • jigsaw;
  • stain;
  • sandpaper.

Most profitable wall panel looks great on walls in a contrasting color when there is a lot of free space around. Decorators do not recommend hanging additional decorations on the wall where the panel is mounted.

Basic placement rules:

  1. Optimal height composition is 1.5-1.7 m.
  2. Daylight and artificial light should fall directly on the composition.

look after wall decoration should be done carefully, brushing off dust from all elements daily. In case of severe contamination, the panel should be treated with dry cleaning products.

Emphasis on the topic

Whatever available materials the panel is made from, it should fit perfectly into the style of the interior.

The idea of ​​hanging photos of bright family moments on the wall in the bedroom is good, but it is much more interesting to create a collage out of them. Such a panel for photographs can be changed in size, decorated with memorable items, inscriptions, and children's handprints. A panel made of fabric made using the hot or cold batik technique would also be appropriate in the bedroom.

A bright panel made using the quilling technique will be an excellent addition to the interior of a child’s room, and a composition that includes “edible” details will be in the kitchen and dining room. Mosaic tiles look good in the bathroom, and classic patterns look good in the living room.

Each of us is an artist, but not everyone knows about it. Creating a panel with your own hands is a great way to unleash your creative potential, please your family and diversify home interior. Go for it!

Photo gallery

We bring to your attention 16 more photos in various ways panel design.

The desire to update a recently renovated, but already tired kitchen interior often visits many of us. One of the ways to add bright touches to the interior without drastic alterations, thereby breathing into the room new life, – decorate a section of the wall with a panel with elements of painting. A panel made by yourself is the “highlight” that can reflect the character and preferences of the kitchen owner, setting the atmosphere in the right way. Let’s take a closer look at what types of panels would look appropriate in a kitchen interior and how to make such a decorative element with your own hands.

Some people mistakenly believe that the panel is the same painting. In fact, the painting is a work of pictorial art. The panel does not have to be a masterpiece. It is intended only to act as a bright “spot”, which serves as the finishing touch in the decoration of the kitchen, giving integrity to the appearance.

Panels are a stylish way to decorate your kitchen interior

Kitchen panels can have any shape and size. Depending on the material used, they come in several types:

  • Fabric. Appliqués, embroideries on fabrics and tapestries can be made serially or by hand.
  • Graphic. Thematic images and reproductions of works of art are created using modern printing techniques.
  • Wooden. Carved panels from deciduous and coniferous species often complemented with inlays of semi-precious stones.
  • Ceramic. Mosaic paintings are laid out from small elements and fragments ceramic tiles.
  • Sculptural. They are mini-sculptures made of metal, textured plaster or ordinary plaster.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the panel self made, which are made from a wide variety of different materials: clay and salt dough, dried flowers and cereals, beads and seashells.

To protect the surface of fragile materials that suffer from high humidity and temperature fluctuations in the kitchen, the compositions are coated with transparent or tinted varnish of the selected shade

The main thing to consider when choosing or making a decorative element with your own hands is that the kitchen is a functional room. All sorts of odors often hover in its space, and tiny particles of food fats settle on the walls. For this reason decorative elements must be made of practical materials that can withstand moisture when frequent washing.

Accessory Arrangement Options

Wall panels are placed in those areas of the room that you want to visually highlight. This can be the apron of the working wall or a place near dining table.

Carved panels look great in classic interior

When decorating a kitchen large sizes designers recommend using several similar elements from the same series, suspended on different walls rooms.

Tip: mosaic paintings made from ceramic tiles are resistant to moisture, and therefore are best used for decoration working area kitchens.

Ceramic panels, combined with others finishing materials, capable of creating unique interior

When choosing a panel for the kitchen, it is important to consider its size. Walls small kitchens worth decorating with small compositions. They will not attract too much attention, thereby visually reducing the space.

Leave large images for large kitchens. They can occupy a significant part of the wall, be built into niches and decorated with lighting. Small paintings can easily get lost on a spacious wall large kitchen.

It will be interesting to look at a fake panel depicting a spiral staircase

Drawn spiral staircase, located in the corner of the room, visually pushes the boundaries. To achieve the desired effect of creating the illusion of additional space, it is important to correctly fit the panel so that the staircase organically complements the interior and does not look like an unnecessary element.

Decor for different interior styles

When settling in kitchen interior You should be guided by the rule: each room has its own appearance, design and size. The theme of the decoration should match the style of the interior.

For kitchens decorated in classic style, panels depicting ripe fruits and vegetables, alluring picturesque landscapes and reproductions of works by great artists are perfect.

A panel with aromatic coffee beans will lift your spirits every time, reminding you of a pleasant meeting with friends

Carved wooden and ceramic panels will organically fit into the interior of a kitchen decorated in country or Provence style. These can be wall compositions using dried fruits, spices and flowers.

Panels for country and Provence style

A worthy addition modern interiors such as high-tech or minimalism, dynamic pictures depicting evening cityscapes or unusual abstractions will appear. Graphic panels in a minimalist, strict frame will fit well here.

Kitchen panel for interior in modern style

Wall compositions made from old posters, yellowed book pages and illustrations from magazines can highlight the refined rigor and beauty of a loft-style kitchen.

It's hard to believe what it is original decoration made from regular wine corks

All kinds of collages, abstractions and landscapes are perfect for the dining area.

Modular compositions in which the image is split into several separate parts look interesting.

Images hung side by side create a single, holistic picture.

A correctly selected panel in design and style can favorably emphasize the interior design, giving it its own “zest” and individuality.

Creating a still life from eggshells

In modern art, the effect of artificially aging a surface, called “crackle,” is very popular. It is obtained by coating products with special spray paints or carkelure varnish. But you can create such an unusual effect using ordinary eggshells.

The convex surface of the crushed pieces allows you to create three-dimensional mosaics

The technique of making decorative panels from eggshells is not too difficult to perform; anyone can master it. It includes a number of main stages.

Selection of required materials

To make a bright and appetizing still life you will need:

  • 2 pieces of fiberboard;
  • napkins or rice paper;
  • peeled eggshells;
  • transparent file A4 or A3 format;
  • acrylic primer;
  • decoupage glue;
  • acrylic paints;
  • PVA glue.

As solid foundation It is convenient to use hardboard to create a composition. It holds its shape perfectly and has excellent moisture-resistant properties. The size of the workpiece depends on the dimensions of the composition being created.

It is convenient to apply the image with a brush and foam sponges

It is necessary to prepare the shells of several eggs in advance. The shells are suitable for work both from raw and boiled eggs any shades. The shells removed from eggs should be cleaned of traces of organic matter by removing the inner film and washing them in a soda solution.

Forming egg crackle

Laying out the blank cut from the slab front side up on flat surface, cover it with a primer composition. It is convenient to apply acrylic primer with a foam sponge. This way it is distributed more evenly and dries faster.

The process of creating egg crackle is quite labor-intensive. He takes away greatest number time. They start laying out from the center or from the corner of the sheet, placing the eggshell with the convex side out.

Place a small piece of eggshell on the workpiece area covered with PVA glue and press lightly

When pressed with a finger or a toothpick, the shell will become covered with a network of cracks and break into several pieces, covering part of the surface of the base. Using a match or toothpick, move the pieces, giving them the desired position and filling the voids on the sheet.

Having covered the sheet with pieces of crushed eggshells, to give the surface strength, the product is covered with another layer of PVA

Pieces of shell cover the entire surface. The base with the finished shell mosaic is left for 5-8 hours until completely dry.

Applying an image

After the glue has completely dried, the workpiece is coated with acrylic primer and dried again.

To speed up the process, the surface can be dried with a hair dryer.

As an image for decoupage, you can use any beautiful multi-layer napkin or printout taken from the Internet. Rice paper is perfect for these purposes; it can be easily purchased in specialized stores. When creating a panel, you can not take the entire design on a napkin, but only cut out a piece from it the right size.

Your task is to glue the napkin without wrinkles

To obtain a smooth, wrinkle-free surface, you need upper layer Place the napkin on which the image is printed with the front side on the file. The file is carefully applied to the dry workpiece so that the pattern takes the desired position. The applied fragment is leveled with your fingers. Carefully remove the file.

The image is covered with decoupage glue

When the glue dries, all that remains is a couple of touches: paint on some elements in the picture, giving them greater expressiveness, and cover the panel with varnish.

Installations from scrap materials

Do-it-yourself panels are a real original work that can perform worthy decoration interior and a source of pride for its owner.

Fabric “paintings” using patchwork technique

A textile panel using the patchwork technique can be an elegant decoration for a kitchen in the shabby chic or Provence style. Wall compositions sewn from fabric scraps that echo the design of furniture and windows will harmoniously fit into the design of the room.

Original compositions of textile accessories

To make such a panel on a sheet of paper, you need to draw a full-size sketch. Then, from separate paper sheets, make patterns for the design elements for the applique. After making sure that the sizes match, the patterns are transferred to pieces of fabric. Having laid out the applique elements on the base, adjust them to each other, carefully securing them with pins.

Threads for fabric applique are selected to match or a contrasting outline is made

When using figures in a composition to give voluminous shapes, they are stuffed with the remnants of thin synthetic padding. The composed composition is glued or sewn to the base.

Pockets for small items and hooks for towels would look appropriate on a patchwork panel

To create a functional composition, the fabric “picture” can be supplemented with spacious pockets for storing kitchen accessories.

“Delicious” compositions of dry berries and spices

The use of dried flowers, fruits, nuts and aromatic spices is a trendy theme.

To create the composition you will need a frame with a backing and the contents of your cabinets. Feel free to use:

  • coffee beans;
  • candied citrus fruits;
  • cinnamon sticks;
  • dried flower heads;
  • nuts and beans;
  • any types of cereals;
  • even bagels and bagels.

The process of creating a composition is quite simple. A piece of cardboard, the size of which corresponds to the size of the frame, is covered with burlap or any other selected fabric. The material is fixed to the base, fixing it with nails or “planting” it with hot-melt adhesive.

Large compositional elements are laid out on the front side of the fabric, choosing the most attractive arrangement: a general pattern or an ornament from individual mini-paintings.

Having determined for yourself what the finished composition will look like, the materials laid out on the canvas are lifted one by one above the base and, after applying glue, laid out in their original place. You can hang the “picture” on a regular cord, or attach it to metal surface using magnets.

The basis for the production of luxurious installations can be any available materials: yellowed satins, bottle caps, cutlery... The choice is limited only by the style direction of the kitchen interior and your imagination.

Video master class: three-dimensional panel for the kitchen

Each of us wants to live in a comfortable, cozy home that would not be annoying or overload with its appearance. Often, a new worthy renovation is already boring, making updates is not possible, but you want to breathe a new breath of air into your home.

It is in these cases that a decorative panel placed on the wall surface can decorate and refresh the interior without much hassle or alterations.

The panel can be placed in any room from the hallway to the bathroom. Each specific room has its own selection criteria and features of such wall decorations.

There are several characteristics that distinguish wall products from each other:

  • the material from which the item is made. It can be a product made of wood, plastic, mirror surface, cardboard and others. Such paintings are decorated with buttons, dry plants, small mosaics, etc.;
  • manufacturing technique - it can be in the form of knitting, weaving, embroidery, carving, inlay, etc.;
  • form - here production is not limited by any boundaries. Products may have completely different sizes and forms of execution. These include ovals and polygons, and models consisting of several elements stand out;
  • 3D effects are at the peak of popularity today. The effect of volume is then created by voluminous paper applications and protrusions. Similar products imitate carved and bas-relief surfaces.

Wall products have two functions. The first and most important thing is decorative effect use. The panel is a complete independent element of room decoration.

The second equally important function is to hide existing imperfections in the form of unevenness or cracks. It is also possible to hide a safe under the panel.

Types of wall panels

There are several types of panels that can be made from a variety of materials and using different techniques.

Textile products - this type is made from fabric using embroidery technique. Wooden canvas is most often used as a basis. Embroidery can take the form of picture compositions, ornaments, and appliqués. As a rule, such panels are made on an industrial scale, but there are also handmade examples, the cost of which is much higher.

Wooden products (carving, burning), the cost of which is high, and appearance Quite premium.

Panels made from wallpaper fragments look very original. In addition, it is possible to make such a panel with your own hands.

Freesize type, the main difference of which is their free dimensions and the ability to supplement the composition with other elements. An example is modular compositions with various images.

Mirror panels, for the creation of which they are used as standard mirror surfaces, and elements unusual shapes, wavy and uneven mirrors.

Panel placement locations

In any living space there are many wall surfaces on which it is possible to place decorative panels. The main condition is that the product is in harmony with the functionality of the room and its style.


It is from the hallway that any apartment begins. Therefore, it is advisable to place a pleasant wall composition here that will greet everyone who comes. Choosing suitable product, you should consider the size of the room.

For small rooms, it is better to choose small panels with a non-aggressive image in soothing colors. Best options There will be images of flowers, natural paintings.

corridor passage

If the corridor is not equipped with lighting sources, then you can choose a brighter panel, complementing it wall lamp. If the corridor is small, then several compositions on the wall will be enough.

But a spacious room should be equipped with a whole series of panels. Great option there will be a composition related to one theme, for example, four products that reflect the change of seasons.

Kitchen area

The kitchen is often decorated in light, warm colors, but the panel should be bright, attracting all the attention. A composition with a still life or products made from coffee beans that fit the theme will fit perfectly into the setting.

Living room

The main purpose of the living room is rest and relaxation. Based on this, decorative panels on the walls also have a calming appearance. Color palette products are calm, images in the form of landscapes.

In spacious living rooms, it is recommended to place the composition along the entire length of the wall surface; it can consist of several elements connected by a single plot. An excellent option would be a large ship plowing the surface of the sea, which is embroidered on fabric.

Another composition is a world map painted on a wooden base consisting of several blocks. It is worth adding lighting to such a composition, and then the illuminated wood panel will become the main accent of the entire interior.

Sleeping area

The bedroom is the room where one goes to sleep and wakes up. Decorative panels here should serve as a means of peace in the evening and a source of awakening in the morning.

It is better to place images of nature opposite the bed, as in the photo of the panel in the bedroom on the wall. Pictures with space views look quite original.

You can create a wall decor composition for your children's bedroom yourself, involving the children themselves in joint creativity.


When decorating a panel in the bathroom, you should pay attention not only to external characteristics composition, but also on its performance. Wood products are immediately eliminated, as due to high humidity they will quickly become unusable.

The most suitable option is products made from marble elements. Attached to a special solution, such compositions are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. Thanks to the large selection of wall decorative compositions, choose suitable option possible for any room and style direction.

Photo panel on the wall

The monotonous bare walls of a house evoke melancholy, so many people try to decorate them with something. Panels are a great way to make your apartment feel more comfortable and attractive. In addition, you can make it yourself, from what you have in the house.

And it doesn’t matter that you are not an artist or designer, the most important thing is the desire to create beauty. And then you can make truly magnificent things that will decorate your home and delight others. And knowing how to make a wall panel with your own hands will help in decorating your apartment; use any master class that you find on the Internet.

The panel can be made from almost any material - leather, cardboard, fabric, colored paper, photographs, shells. Some even use pasta, cereals, bottle caps, matches, seeds and other items for this purpose. We present to your attention several original ideas, which will tell you in which direction to move.

Panel “Shine”

Perhaps you have an old painting in your house. Feel free to take it and remake it. First, take the painting out of the frame and upgrade the frame. Paint it silver, let the inside of the frame be white, you can use white paint for this. You don't need the painting itself, but you can create your own painting on the back.

Try sticking glitter patterns inside, decorating with silver braid or strips of paper. Your painting will create a wonderful impression with its extraordinary silvery shine and decorate the room. This way you can do something different, show your imagination and create.

Fabric panel

People have long made drawings from fabric and decorated their homes with them. Although now completely different technologies have come to our aid, things made with our own hands from fabric remain a priority. They look cute and give our home a special charm and coziness.

Surely, there is some kind of fabric in your home: chintz, satin, burlap, felt, silk, etc. Even a few multi-colored scraps will do, you can form a really beautiful pattern from them.

Take the base for your wall panel, it should be a thick sheet of cardboard or foam. You can simply stick the fabric onto the base and tape it at the back and then hang it on the wall. Take pieces of fabric of different colors and make panels from them, it will look great.

But a wall panel made from scraps of fabric will look much more beautiful. To make it, you need to draw a picture on cardboard and indicate where and what flaps will be located. Next, following this drawing, make shreds and attach them.

In order for the work to look neat, it is better to bend the scraps and sew them so that the cut parts are not visible. Only the folds of the fabric should show off on the base.

Felt can be used to create cute and fun designs that are then placed in a frame. Such paintings will decorate a child's room and fill it with a cheerful mood. Cut out animal figures or cartoon characters from felt using a stencil. Ready-made drawings can be found on the Internet and made by analogy with them. Then you can stick them onto a base - a thick sheet of cardboard or other material.

Burlap is an excellent material that will serve as a background for a panel. To do this, it will need to be pulled onto the frame. To make the base look more attractive, it is better to trim the borders of the frame with bright braid. You choose the design inside according to your own wishes.

You can make various designs from burlap or make flowers from them and decorate a frame. Everyone expresses their imagination as they wish.

Panel from photographs

This great idea, especially if you have a lot of pictures in your albums. Hang them on the wall in your living room or another room to reminisce about them. A photo collage can be made in any shape, but it is better to make it in the shape of a heart.

To make a panel from photographs, take a piece of cardboard or plywood and make a background on it. Think about where and what photos you will place on it. Then cut the photos to fit. Fill the interior of your panel with glue.

Marine panel

Many people bring back a lot of shells from their seaside vacations. This is an excellent material for decorating your home, which will remind you of warm, carefree days and warm your soul.

For the base you can use an old vinyl record. To get an even background, you will need to paint over the white middle with a black marker or paint.

It is best to attach shells using liquid nails. Collect all your shells, pebbles from the seashore, fragments of shells and other things, try to make an attractive composition out of them. Use your imagination to the fullest. When the panel is ready, you will need to varnish it. This will make the picture stronger and more durable.

Handicraft techniques for creating panels

  • Decoupage. This technique is easy to master and does not require any special artistic skills. A beautiful decorative panel can be created by gluing napkins or special cards. Some people prefer to create images on the computer in a graphic designer. You can create an attractive panel for the kitchen by decorating a cutting board with drawings.

  • Beadwork. Although you will have to tinker a lot with beads, the result will be simply excellent. Beads can be glued to panels using glue, or they can be embroidered on fabric. The weaving technique requires special skill. But what a variety of drawings you can make!

You can create your own pattern from beads in different colors, but if your imagination doesn’t work enough, then it’s better to search on the Internet.

  • Embroidery. Beautiful pictures can be created using thread and a needle. To do this you need to master the technique of cross stitching. And every beginning needlewoman can do this.

  • Weaving. Attractive things can be made using simple newspaper tubes. There will always be material for this. You just need to cut old newspapers and wind thin sticks. Next, interesting images are formed from such sticks. To make it more attractive, you can paint the tubes with paint. Finished work It’s better to varnish it so that it pleases you for a long time.

Weaving on nails is also a popular activity among needlewomen. The design is formed by attaching nails to the panel and weaving multi-colored threads into them.

Volumetric panels

Such a panel always looks great and is worthy of admiration. Three-dimensional paintings formed from puff pastry, porcelain, polymer clay.

Some people prefer to use ready-made preparations, such as decorative fruits and vegetables, decorative flowers.

Although many materials at hand can be used to create three-dimensional images, such as porcelain cups, watches, plastic dishes, corks, buttons, etc.

Master class on creating puff pastry panels

Puff pastry is made from water, vegetable oil, flour and a little salt. For 125 ml of water, take two glasses of flour, one tablespoon of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt. The dough should be quite elastic and should not stick to your hands.

If you want to get multi-colored material, then you need to add dyes to the dough. Various spices will add aroma to the material.

Once your dough is ready, you can roll it out and form a picture directly onto the dough sheet. Another way is modeling various parts and decorating panels with them. You choose the details for the painting yourself, as well as the plot of the painting itself.

Once the pieces are ready, you will need to keep them in the oven for a while to secure the structure. In this case, the temperature in the oven must be controlled; it should not exceed eighty degrees.

If you are willing to wait, you can dry the dough naturally by placing it on the radiator. After 5 days it will be ready and can be glued to the panel.

To make the volumetric panel more attractive, puff pastry figures can be painted in different colors. A layer of varnish and panels will be strong enough to decorate the spaces of your apartment for a long time.

If you try to decorate your apartment with panels self-made, then it will look better. And you don’t need to invite fashion designers to your home and pay them huge sums of money. Everything you need is near you and costs a penny, and the beauty you get is extraordinary.

Create and decorate your home with attractive homemade items. In addition, this activity will give you moments of peace and relaxation. Connect your household members, especially children, to it as well. This will surely keep them engaged.

Not like others, and wallpaper panels are a great choice!

Why are panels so good?

The first thing that attracts many is the ease of gluing. Panel on the wall You can create wallpaper from wallpaper in a matter of hours, and the technology is similar. This will turn it into a real castle or Pirates' ship. As for adult rooms, with the help of such a move it is quite possible to create the necessary visual effect.

To do this you need:

  1. Choose a picture of a suitable size and format.
  2. Level it on the table or floor so that the whole picture is visible.
  3. Cut into required amount parts, preferably 3-5.
  4. Carefully stick to the wall.

You can create an interesting effect using a landscape image, for example, a view of the sea or mountains. To do this, from the third step you need to act somewhat differently, namely:

  • You need to cut not one strip at a time, but remove an area of ​​about 15-20 cm.
  • This needs to be done with three canvases. This must be done to create the effect of the view from the window.
  • The canvases are glued to the wall at the same height with equal distances.
  • Such panels need to be decorated in frames that imitate.

Note! Cutting with a distance of 15-20 cm is necessary in order to make the “view” from the window more realistic, as if part of the view is blocked by the wall.

Panels for different rooms

Depending on which room the wallpaper panels are selected for, it is worth considering different factors.


This room can be transformed using a similar decorative technique into a real fairy tale. But here you need to act carefully, because too bright decor will have a stimulating effect on the child, which means it will be difficult for him to fall asleep and do his homework.

For girls, it is worth choosing images with fairy-tale princesses, castles, and queens. Boys are closer to the theme of cars, knights, and various equipment.


It all depends on the embodied style. Universal options are wallpaper panels with flowers; their graphic images in large format look especially attractive. For example, a rose covering the entire wall or huge daisies.

Oriental and Egyptian motifs and any abstraction are allowed here. But, again, do not forget that this is a bedroom, and too bright colors do not have the best effect on falling asleep and sleep quality, because they excite the nervous system.

Living room, hallway

There is complete scope for imagination. The key requirement is that the panels must be selected in accordance with the style of the rooms. If the walls are dim