Well      03/05/2020

DIY slides for children made of wood. We make a children's slide for the joy of the baby. Final finishing of a metal children's slide

Step-by-step photo instructions: how to make a playground with your own hands. Tips, drawings, videos.

You can make a full-fledged children's playground with a slide, stairs, balcony, rope, manhole and swing with your own hands. The following guide will help you with this. It contains many detailed photographs, so there will be no problems with the manufacture of structural elements and their installation.

Getting ready for work

To begin with, we purchase the material we need - boards 15x2 cm and 5x2 cm and timber with sections 10x5 cm, 10x10 cm and 5x5 cm.

We prepare the following tools:

  • electric drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • grinder;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • level.

During the work process, you may need some additional small things like a screwdriver, knife, etc.

Making supports

Pre-prepare a project for the future complex. Indicate on the drawing the desired dimensions each element of the system. Consider the size of the existing construction site.

  • we cut the timber into pieces for arranging support posts and crossbars;
  • sanding wooden elements;
  • saturate the sanded wood.

The average length of supports is 900-1150 mm. About 80-100 cm of each support will be dug into the ground, about 10-15 cm will remain above the ground.

We lay out the supporting elements on the site in accordance with the project and form a frame - two side parts of our future complex. For connection we use screws with a diameter of 8-10 mm. We embed them into the wood. We close the holes with plugs.

Sandbox prices


We place the sides on supports, fixing them in previously prepared recesses. At this stage, we enlist the help of 1-3 people. We set the sides according to the level. It is recommended to first lay bricks under the bottom of each support for better stability of the site. We fill the installed supports with 10-15 cm of crushed stone and fill them with concrete mixture.

We connect the exposed supports with transverse beams. We leave the fill to gain strength.

Making a staircase

While the concrete hardens, we are constructing the stairs. Cutting the timber required length. The design of the staircase is extremely simple: 2 stringers and steps. We make the steps not too high - the playground is still for children.

We tighten the stringers using hairpins. We fasten the steps into the recesses and additionally fix them with self-tapping screws.

We dig in support pillars for the future staircase. We maintain the required slope. Let's make it not too cool. The procedure for arranging the supports remains the same as in the previous section.

Let's try on the stairs. We level it, attach it to the base and fill the supports with concrete. Painting the stairs.

Next we make the railings. For this we set vertical racks from timber, fasten them to the stairs, and then fasten the handrails. We make the top handrail from a board and fasten it at a height of about 90 cm, fix the second handrail approximately in the middle between the top railing and the stairs. To make it, we can use timber 5x5 cm, 5x2 cm or another similar section.

Making a slide

What is a children's playground without a slide? Let's do that too! We won’t spend money on a ready-made plastic trigger. We won’t bother with metal either. Let's make a slide out of wood!

First we will assemble the slide and then attach it to the base. Recommendations for laying the floor will be given below.

To make the structure we will need the following material:

  • timber measuring 70x10x5 cm - 2 pieces;
  • boards 220x15x2 cm - 5 pieces;
  • timber 45x10x5 cm – 5 pieces.

We will use three boards to make a base for the descent. We plan the boards to the same thickness and sand them thoroughly. After this, we fasten the boards with bars directly along the surface. We fasten it from above - this way we can pull the boards to the beam as efficiently as possible. We recess the fasteners into the wood. We cover the recesses for wood processing. Let it dry, and then carefully sand the entire slide again - it should be as smooth as possible.

The base is done. Let's start making the side parts. Determine the angle of descent. The top floor of our play complex will be at a height of 130 cm. Therefore, the angle of descent will be about 55 degrees.

Prices for children's slides

children's slide

We sand the sides, getting rid of sharp corners. Additionally, we round the boards along the length so that it is more convenient for children to hold on to the sides while going down the slide.

All that remains is to paint the product. You can cover it with stain and then varnish.

Now we need to install the finished slide. To do this, we concrete the timber supports in pre-dug holes. Suitable material with dimensions of 70x10x5 cm. Pre-impregnate the wood with an antiseptic.

We connect the base of the slide with the support posts and the play complex using screws.

Making the floor and railings

The floor of our play complex is laid out from 15x2.5 cm boards. The total length of the floor is approximately 2.5 m. Before laying the floor, we attach stiffeners to the frame of the complex. A 5x10 cm beam is suitable for their manufacture.

At the same stage, we construct a vertical ladder from the end. To assemble it, we use 2x5 cm planks. At the end of the work, we will hang a rope near this ladder. Recommendations for arranging railings have already been given earlier. We follow them. On the side of the steps, instead of railings from boards, we install 5x10 beams to create a manhole.

At this stage we will assemble and install supporting structure for a swing and set up a hole. We make the support for the upper beam crosswise - it’s more stable. We first make a selection for convenient joining of the beams and additionally tighten them with bolts. We lay it on top of the supports and press it with a clamp. cross beam. We screw it to the support.

Digging holes for racks. We install supports in them, carefully checking each level. At the same stage, we screw spacers to the posts - they will prevent the supports from moving during the concrete hardening process. We fill the holes with the posts with a small layer of crushed stone and concrete them.

Pits for racks

While the concrete pour is gaining strength, we make a manhole. We make the slope almost vertical. We arrange steps and cutouts at our discretion. We cut out the holes using a jigsaw. We make the hole itself from OSB and attach it to a frame made of 5x5 cm timber and 5x2 cm crossbars.

We are installing a balcony on the top floor. To do this, we lay and secure the crossbars, lay the floor and erect a roof the length of the stairs. On the side of the slide we attach a wall made of OSB sheet. To make it more beautiful, we cut out a small window in it. We make railings on the balcony.

We sand all the wooden elements installed at this stage. We round off sharp corners and ends. We cover everything with varnish.

A children's slide is one of the favorite pastimes for kids, and parents don't mind sliding down it either. Previously, on every playground there was metal structure, today it is a bright and colorful structure made of wood or plastic.

Today, a children's slide can be purchased in a specialized store and it will no longer be just a structure with steps and a descent, but a whole play complex. Of course, not every family can afford to buy such entertainment. But if you want to please your child, then you can make a children’s slide with your own hands.

When buying a ready-made slide in a store, you are not always sure of the quality of the product, but if you make it yourself, you can slowly take into account all the safety and security nuances. minimal costs get a safe and high-quality design.

The first thing you should worry about is the safety of the child. All equipment used on playgrounds must comply with GOST. For example, the slide should be equipped with railings and sides of such a height that the child cannot fall out or get stuck while playing. The lower part of the descent should have a smooth curve with a radius of at least 5 cm at a height of 20 -30 cm from the ground.

There should be no electric lighting devices, outbuildings, trees, etc. near it. It is not recommended for a child to spend a lot of time in the sun, so at least part of the structure should be in the shade.

It must have the following characteristics:

  1. strength;
  2. sustainability;
  3. functionality;
  4. attractive appearance.

The structure must be well secured; you can concrete it or use metal supports. All parts must be sanded and varnished. The size of the structure must correspond to the age of the child, for younger children school age the height should not exceed 3.5 meters.


To build a children's slide, you must use environmentally friendly materials. Most often, such structures are made of wood or metal.

The installation process will vary depending on the material chosen. Wood and metal have their own characteristics, which you need to know and take into account at the selection stage.

Children's slide made of metal

To build a metal slide you will need electric welding and skills to work with it. It is also worth considering that the metal heats up during welding and can become deformed.

Therefore, the final result, without at least minimal knowledge of working with metal, may not meet expectations. But despite this, the metal structure has such advantages as:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • reliability.

However, we should not forget about the disadvantages. The main disadvantage of a metal slide is that it heats up in the sun and the child can get burned. Therefore, such a structure will have to be installed on the shaded side of the garden plot.

And one more minus - if a metal slide is installed at the dacha, then there is a high probability that it will be stolen by the ubiquitous scrap metal collectors.

Wooden slide

One of the advantages wooden structure is ease of installation. The work does not require special and expensive tools. Basic tool set:

  1. jigsaw;
  2. drill;
  3. grinder and attachments for it;
  4. hammer.

Anyone can use this tool. Wood has virtually no disadvantages, and those that can be found can be easily corrected. For example, to protect it from moisture, it is enough to treat it by special means and varnish.

The choice of material is up to you. And if you are the first to make such a structure and have never worked with welding, choose wood.

Construction process

The first step is to make a drawing. You can use a ready-made layout or come up with your own. Then, in accordance with the drawing, prepare the material: cut the timber to size, sand and plan the logs and boards. All structural parts must be chamfered from the corners so that the child does not get injured.

Then an area measuring 2 × 2 m is marked out, more is possible if there is a possibility and in the future it is planned to create a children's playground. Use a garden drill to make depressions 60 cm deep in the soil. waterproofing material The pillars are installed in prepared holes and concreted.

In the upper part of the beams, grooves are cut with a hacksaw or a router into which the planks are inserted. The planks are attached using self-tapping screws and perform two functions:

  1. strapping - the structure becomes stable and more rigid;
  2. fencing - ensures the safety of the child on the slide.

Now you need to attach two more planks to the beams, the ramp will be attached to one, and the ladder to the other. The plank floor is secured to these planks with self-tapping screws.

The fence should rise at least 10 cm above the plywood; this will prevent children from flying out of it. All connection points wooden parts additionally fastened with corners.

When the slide is completely assembled, sanding and painting begin. All elements are cleaned of burrs with a grinding machine, and sharp corners grind down.

Now you can apply it to wooden surfaces varnish or paint. To make sliding better, you can additionally attach a sheet of tin to the descent.

The slide will be the most fun entertainment for children if you install it on personal plot. While you are working in the garden, children will have fun riding on the slide. And if you have a sufficient number of tools and materials, as well as golden hands, then you can make a children’s slide from wood or metal yourself, and it will cost much less than an expensive structure from a store.

Types of children's slides

A children's slide is an optimal design for children from 3 to 7 years old, which can be installed in your own garden. Let's see what slides can be installed on the territory country house. Today there are the following types of children's slides: inflatable, plastic, metal, wooden.

Inflatable slides

These slides are made of durable polyvinyl chloride and are suitable for the smallest children. They are easily inflated using an electric pump or hand pump and can be installed in any convenient location personal plot, but only on a flat surface. Since even the most durable film can be pierced by any sharp object, it is best to place the attraction on an asphalt, concrete or stone area so that branches, stones, and nails cannot damage PVC film. After summer is over, you can simply deflate the inflatable slide, put it in a special case and hide it in the pantry until next year.

The inflatable slide can be easily installed in any convenient place in the garden

Plastic slides

Such factory designs are intended for riding by children aged 3 to 5 years. Made of durable plastic, the slide can be made in any geometric shape to make it interesting for the child to ride on it. The plastic slide does not take up much space, is easy to clean, and has excellent sliding properties. smooth surface and is absolutely safe for children over 3 years old. Since the slope has a high degree of heat capacity, you can ride on such a slide even in the cold season. The plastic will be warm in winter and cool in summer, so children will be comfortable enough to go down the slope.

A plastic slide is best suited for children aged 3 to 5 years.

Metal slides

These are reliable and durable structures, which will last for decades with proper and proper care of the metal parts of the slide. It is possible to make a slide of any height, and therefore the slide is suitable for children over 10 years old. A significant disadvantage of a metal slide is the high thermal conductivity of the material, so it will be very cold to ride on it in winter and hot in summer. A metal slide must be painted regularly in order to protect it from premature corrosion.

Metal slide at proper care will last for decades

Wooden slides

A wooden slide is the most convenient and environmentally friendly for installation in the courtyard of a country house or in the country.

Photo gallery: options for children's slides

Children's slides made of wood are considered the most environmentally friendly An inflatable children's slide for the winter can be deflated and stored in the pantry A metal slide can get very hot in summer, and in winter it can cool down to subzero temperature Children will love the highly curved finished plastic pipe Low is perfect for kids wooden slide with metal escapement It is better to install a wooden slide next to the sandbox, trampoline and horizontal bars to create a full-fledged playground

Preparing to work on creating a wooden slide

Before making a wooden slide with your own hands, you need to draw up an accurate design, drawing and make calculations of the entire structure. Today, thanks to the Internet, you can easily calculate its dimensions, make a project in 3D format and see how the slide will look when finished.

slide project

For a small child, it is best to build a low, gentle slide so that he can climb up and down it independently. Older children will enjoy a slide with twists and turns. When creating a slide project, you should consider the following features:

  • it is necessary to calculate the number of steps and the optimal distance between them, as well as the steepness of the march, all this depends on the height of the children. The taller the child, the greater the distance between the steps should be. You also need to decide on the height of the handrails and their installation location;
  • a slide for children should have a gentle staircase, and children over 7 years old can have vertical steps;
  • the dimensions of the slide depend on the expected width and height of the slope, as well as the enclosing sides;
  • the installation site of the structure must be level, and before the descent, sufficient space should be left for safe skiing;
  • The angle of descent and steepness of the stairs should be absolutely safe for your child.

When building a slide, you must take into account the wishes of the children and rely on your own abilities.

Slide drawing

First, they draw up a plan diagram of the slide. You can draw your own drawing or find a ready-made layout on the Internet. Ready-made drawings of wooden slides are convenient because they indicate the exact proportions of the structural elements and the dimensions of the parts.

Calculation of the amount of material

To build a slide structure with a descent length of 3 meters and a platform size of 50x50 cm you will need:

  • 4 wooden beams size 10x10x150 cm for the installation of supports;
  • 2 wooden beams measuring 2x4x50 cm to enhance the strength of the platform;
  • 2 wooden beams measuring 3x3x50 cm for mounting the site fencing;
  • 2 wooden beams measuring 3x3x150 cm for installing railings;
  • 4 boards measuring 2x10x50cm for bottom connection supports (structure strength device);
  • 5 boards measuring 2.5x10x50 cm for flooring on the site;
  • no more than 8 boards measuring 2.5x10x30 cm for mounting steps;
  • 2 or more floorboards 3 meters long or water-repellent plywood more than 2 cm thick for installing the drain. If desired, you can use a plastic slope, which is produced in a factory. It can be purchased from specialized companies or made to order;
  • 2 boards measuring 2.5x10x300 cm for installing ramp fencing;
  • screws and anchors for fastening structural elements. The fasteners must be galvanized so that they do not rust in the future. It is better not to take nails when building a slide;
  • 2 boards or beams of appropriate length for the construction of a climbing stringer or string for steps. Under the upper platform of the frame, if desired, you can make a large, spacious box for storing various children's toys and sports equipment.

List of tools

To build a children's slide from wooden elements you will need the following set of tools:

  • construction tape;
  • good hammer;
  • plumb line or level;
  • drill;
  • electric saw or gasoline saw;
  • Sander;
  • carpenter's plane.

Stages of construction of a wooden children's slide

Before you start choosing material for building a children's slide, you should select a place on the site to install the attraction. It is recommended to level the place where it is decided to install the slide. It is better to place the slide away from trees and various buildings. The surface around the structure can be covered with a rubber coating or sown with lawn grass.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a wooden slide

  1. To construct the slide structure, it is necessary to use only completely dried wooden boards, as this will significantly reduce the incidence of various deformations in the future. All boards must be well processed with a plane to remove knots and nicks, and also sanded with a special grinder. It is also necessary to chamfer, that is, round all sharp corners of the boards.

    Boards and wooden beams are considered the most environmentally friendly material for creating children's attractions

  2. Bottom part support pillars it is necessary to treat with good antiseptic agents: fire retardant, waterproofing mastic, resin or waste machine oil, as they will avoid premature rotting of the wood and its damage.
  3. At the installation site of the slide, you should mark the points for installing the racks of the structure. These are four square sectors measuring 50x50 cm. Then you need to dig holes 50–60 cm deep and fill them with a sand-crushed stone mixture about 20 cm deep. This will additional protection for support posts.
  4. Install into prepared wells wooden racks and fill them with concrete. To make the supports strong, they are “tied” at the bottom. To do this, grooves 2 cm in size are cut out in the support posts using a milling cutter or a regular chisel. Then, insert the board for the lower connection of the supports into the cut grooves and connect the supports to each other. Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws. If you plan not to dig the supports into the ground, then you will have to install strong guy wires on the supports.
  5. To install the surface of the upper platform of the slide, take 2 wooden beams measuring 2x4x50 cm to enhance the strength of the platform and 5 boards measuring 2.5x10x50 cm for the floor. The beams are laid out parallel to each other, and then the prepared floors are attached to them pine boards. Gaps of a few millimeters are left between the boards for drainage.

    To install the top platform of a wooden slide, polished boards that are free of knots and nicks are required.

  6. A slide for a slide can be made of wood and made of plastic, and then it just needs to be fixed to the constructed structure. To make a wooden ramp, take floorboards 3 meters long or water-repellent plywood and fasten them together along the slope, and then install sides for the fence from two boards measuring 2.5x10x300 cm. You can attach the ramp to the floor surface of the upper platform by forming an angle of 45°, and then screwing the boards to the base. The second option is to saw the grooves. The lower part of the slope, like the upper part, is sawed at a certain angle. This will ensure greater stability of the entire structure.

    When creating a children's slide with your own hands, the easiest way is to use a plastic slide

  7. The boards from which the slope is made must be well sanded before assembling them and after installing the slope. The slide must be perfectly smooth and even, without knots or snags, so that the child does not get a splinter or abrasion while riding the slide.

    The wooden slide for the slide should be as level and smooth as possible so that the child does not get hurt during the descent

  8. A slide for a slide can be made from a plastic sheet, as it has excellent sliding properties. But plastic can crack due to temperature changes and heavy physical activity, so it is not entirely suitable for areas with harsh climatic conditions.
  9. Galvanized steel sheet with a thickness of more than 0.5 mm will be great solution for creating a smooth slope for a wooden slide. Can also be used thin plywood, linoleum, as well as a special wax polish applied to the wood. All these materials can be laid on top of a wooden ramp, they will make the descent easy and fast.
  10. For older children, you can make a complex spiral ramp, but then you will have to approach its design in more detail, and additional coverage will be mandatory in this case. Remember that any unevenness of the slope, sharp edges and corners of metal sheets, as well as other traumatic elements can cause serious injuries to children. Therefore, all places where the screws are attached must be thoroughly sanded, and the slope itself must be varnished or painted.
  11. To make a staircase, you need to make a bowstring or stringer - this depends on the developed drawing. There should be a lot of steps so that it is convenient for the child to go up to the platform or go down if necessary.
  12. Fences (railings) depend on the design of the slide, its height, and the size of the upper platform. It is best to make high railings so that the child does not accidentally lean over them and fall. Also, the fence on the slope should be high so that the child does not fly out while skiing.

Finishing a wooden slide

Even if it seems that making a children's slide is very simple, you should take into account some nuances.

For the rotary descent device, you can take high-quality flexible plywood.

Each element and detail of the staircase must be well and securely fastened. Wooden elements and the details of the slide are recommended to be painted not with oil, but with acrylic waterproof paint, but best of all - with water-repellent varnish, which is used to cover yacht decks. This coating must be applied in several layers with the obligatory drying of each subsequent layer.

In order for the child to land softly during the descent, there should be a mat or a good sand mound below.

Painted acrylic paint The wooden slide looks bright and attracts children's attention

Since the slope is constantly exposed to friction during skating, it will have to be painted periodically. Before this, you will need to re-sand the surface, eliminate all existing defects and fill the resulting cracks with high-quality putty.

It is best to install the slide in the yard in a shady place so that it can be seen from the window of the house. This will be the best way to keep an eye on children as they ride.

Near the slide there should be no thorny bushes, allergenic or poisonous plants berries, such as datura and foxglove, so that children do not accidentally get poisoned by their berries. Honey plants should not grow nearby as they will attract bees and wasps, which could accidentally sting a rolling child.

You should leave plenty of free space near the slide so that many children can be there at the same time.

Video: how to build a wooden children's slide yourself

Metal slide for children: preparation

Metal structures for country houses are no less popular than wooden ones and therefore a metal slide will look great on any personal plot. Children will be able to have fun and not distract their parents from activities in the garden. If you can work with welding, then building such a slide will not be difficult.

A metal slide will look great on any garden plot; this design is durable and reliable.

Advantages of a metal slide:

  • high degree of strength and reliability;
  • durability;
  • high level of wear resistance;
  • sustainability.

Design disadvantages:

  • reaction to temperature changes (very hot in summer and cool in winter);
  • rapid corrosion of metal without appropriate treatment and care;
  • the difficulty of making an attraction without proper experience working with metal and welding.

Required materials

The length of all elements will depend on the size and dimensions of the future slide. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the supports must be concreted into the ground. To create a metal slide you will need:

  • square pipes measuring 3x50x50 mm or round pipes with a diameter of about 50 mm for support posts;
  • square pipes measuring 2x50x50 mm to create the upper platform, descent, railings and flights of stairs;
  • galvanized metal sheet more than 3 mm thick to create a slide slope;
  • wooden boards for steps if necessary;
  • metal corners with a 5x5 cm strip;
  • anti-corrosion agents and primer;
  • special water-repellent paint for metal;
  • cement, sand and crushed stone.

Tools for installing the slide

To create a children's slide made of metal, you will need the following set of tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • electric or gas welding;
  • drill;
  • building level;
  • Sander.

Stages of manufacturing a metal children's slide

The first step will be to develop a drawing that will greatly simplify the calculation of the required material and fastening points for all elements and parts of the slide structure.

To make a metal slide, you will need a more careful design drawing compared to a wooden attraction.

Step-by-step instructions for making a metal slide

  1. To create the top platform of the slide, you need to make a frame from a thick pipe with a square cross-section, and then cover it with a sheet of metal and weld it. To make the platform strong, it is necessary to weld the iron corners at the bottom in a criss-cross manner. To avoid strong slipping, you need to use ribbed metal or choose another anti-slip rough coating (rubber is possible).
  2. To construct the frame, support pipes (racks) must be welded to the upper platform. It is necessary to weld square metal “heels” to the lower edges, which will give greater stability to the entire structure. Without them, the supports can sag significantly under the irresistible force of gravity, and the entire frame of the slide can simply tilt.

    It is better to strengthen the support posts of the slide with transverse pipes so that the structure does not deform over time

  3. Installation of an iron frame begins with drilling holes in the ground. The pits must be at least 60 cm deep. We pour a sand and crushed stone cushion onto their bottom, on which supports with “heels” will be installed. You should pour water over them and let them sit for about 24 hours. Then the supports are installed strictly vertically in level and filled with concrete.
  4. The construction of the staircase is as follows. On one side of the structure, two inclined square squares must be welded to the upper platform of the frame. iron pipes, which will serve as the main staircase. Then the steps will be welded to them. You can make a frame of marches from the corners, and the steps themselves can be made from sanded and dried wooden boards or rectangular metal elements. Wooden steps are safe, especially in the cold season, while metal is more slippery and traumatic. But if you provide the steps with an anti-slip rubber coating, then you can also use metal sheets.
  5. Slide railings (fences) for children are best made of metal mesh, but for older children, metal railings with wooden handrails will suffice. The distance between all the parts (pipes) of the fences should be such that the child cannot get stuck between them if he suddenly wants to crawl through them.
  6. When determining the curvature of the gutter for the slope, it is necessary to keep in mind that the angle of inclination should be steep at the very top and flatter at the bottom. This way you will provide your child with a natural way of braking, which means a smooth, safe landing.
  7. You can make a release of any shape from a metal sheet (helical, straight, twisted). For this you need two frames square pipes bend into required configuration using a pipe bender or hot welding. Then the upper ends are welded to the site parallel to each other, and the lower ends are buried in the ground. After this, stiffening ribs are welded to them, which are transverse crossbars. On this design lay a rectangular sheet of metal intended for the descent device and weld it along the edges to parallel frame pipes. The sheet is overlapped so that the child can ride comfortably. For a ramp, it is best to take a galvanized, stainless or aluminum sheet.
  8. It must be remembered that the metal elements of the slide will become very hot in the summer, and the child may get burned while riding. And in winter, the metal will freeze very much, which is also inconvenient for children, especially since at low temperatures the baby’s wet hands can “stick” to the metal. Therefore, it is best to cover the descent with linoleum, and all metal elements that the child will touch can be covered with rubber pads.
  9. Parallel to the base of the slope, at approximately a height of 5–10 cm, special elements made of reinforcement or thin pipe are installed, which will act as sides enclosing the slope. They will make riding safe for kids. In order to prevent the child’s hands or feet from getting into the gap between the side and the ramp while skating, it is necessary to sew it up with the remains of a metal sheet.
  10. Since the metal slope is quite light and can bend under its own weight, as well as under a child, it is best to weld additional strong stands under the chute for the descent and bury their lower part in the ground.

Final finishing of a metal children's slide

After completing all welding work It is necessary to carefully process all seams, edges and corners of the structure with an electric grinder in order to ensure complete safety for children while riding.

All metal elements should be treated with anti-corrosion primer and painted with metal paint. It is not recommended to paint the slope itself, as this will slow down the sliding process; the slope is already made of stainless material.

Where possible, all metal elements should be covered with rubber pads, which can protect children from burns in summer and freezing hands in winter. Cover the slide area with a special coating that has anti-slip properties.

Pipes for making the frame must have thick walls (at least 3 mm or more) so that they do not bend during operation. This is especially true for the pipes from which the support posts will be made. Quality metal profile and sheet for stingray - very important factor when constructing a children's slide.

The location for mounting the attraction must be chosen to be level and preferably on a hill where there is no groundwater, since they can wash away the structure over time and it will become askew.

To install a slide, it is best to choose an area where you can later install other children’s attributes: a sandbox, swings, carousels, horizontal bars. This will make an excellent children's sports and entertainment area.

Video: making a children's slide from metal

Thus, it’s easy to make a children’s wooden or metal slide with your own hands if you follow all technological processes and follow the drawing and dimensions exactly. Children will appreciate your efforts and will be happy to ride on such a slide both in summer and winter, having fun in your country house.

Parents who have small children often have to visit playgrounds so that the child can swing on a swing, play in the sandbox, or go down the slide. But adults don’t always have enough time for such events, especially if the site is far away. Having your own plot, you can make this kind of entertainment for your child at home. This will solve many problems for parents, and the child will always play under supervision. Today we will talk about how to make a children's slide with your own hands from scrap materials.

A metal slide is a common structure dating back to Soviet times. It was installed on the playground along with a sandbox. Metal is the strongest and most durable material. But under the influence of external negative factors it undergoes corrosion, so it is better to use stainless steel or galvanized metal to make the slide. At self-production slides at home, be sure to have a drawing at hand.

Materials and tools you will need:

  • metal pipes with a diameter of 15-25 mm, rods;
  • corners with a section of 50x50 mm, 20x20 mm;
  • galvanized sheet metal;
  • multi-colored paints, cement, crushed stone;
  • welding machine, Grinder, crowbar, hammer.

Having prepared necessary materials, at the site of future installation, you begin to manufacture the structure according to the drawing:

  1. Start manufacturing with the frame. For the upper platform from the corner, weld a square measuring 1.5 x 1.5 m. Place stiffening ribs crosswise inside it. Weld the top of the square to the corners a metal sheet thickness of at least 1 mm of the same size. If possible, use corrugated iron; it will provide stability and the child will not slip on the playground.
  2. Weld the finished platform to the racks. To make them, you will need a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 3 m. Weld heels from any metal scraps to the ends of the racks, the lower part of which will be concreted.
  3. Under the welded frame, mark and dig 4 holes about 1 m deep with a drill. Compact the bottom with small stones or crushed stone. Lower the frame posts into the holes, leveling the structure plumb. Knead cement mortar with crushed stone and fill the holes. After about a week, the solution will completely harden and construction can continue.
  4. From a 20 mm pipe for stability, weld the frame frame crosswise between the posts. From the edge of the platform down to the ground at an angle of 45°, weld a descent of 2 corners with a section of 50x50 mm parallel to each other. Weld across the corners at a distance of 20 cm from each other strips for steps from corners with a section of 20x20 mm. Sew up the plane of the steps wooden planks or corrugated iron.
  5. Weld handrails from 15 mm pipe on both sides of the stepped descent. Sew up the openings between the handrails and the descent with metal mesh or thin rods.
  6. The chute is made from 2 pipes with a diameter of 20 mm. Bend the lower part of the pipes with a pipe bender or by heating it with a cutter. You should end up with a design consisting of a steep slope that smoothly turns into a horizontal plane. Weld the upper part of the gutter to the other edge of the platform. Fix the stiffeners between the gutter pipes. Weld galvanized sheet metal on top with a thickness of at least 1 mm. If you can’t make a descent from solid galvanized steel, then weld smaller sheets overlapping along the descent.
  7. Bent the sides of the gutter guard from a 15 mm pipe. They need to be welded parallel to the bottom at a height of 30 cm, and the sides should be sewn up with galvanized sheet metal. In several places, weld supports for the gutter from any remaining pipes.
  8. The metal structure is ready. All that remains is to process it with a grinding machine to remove all sharp protrusions. The design can be decorated multi-colored paints so that it becomes attractive to the child. There is no need to paint the bottom of the slide, otherwise the coating will reduce slipping.

Wooden slide

It is easier to make wooden slides at home yourself; no welding work is required. Wooden structures are less durable than metal ones, but wood can be used to make a beautiful playground with a sandbox, a house, rope ladders and other equipment. For DIY construction, it is better to use wood coniferous species. Materials and tools you will need:

  • 4 beams with a section of 100 x 100 mm, timber with a section of 50 x 50 mm, edged board cross section 25 x 150 mm;
  • galvanized iron 1 mm thick or linoleum;
  • screws, nails, antiseptic, varnish or multi-colored paints;
  • cement, crushed stone;
  • electric planer, grinder, screwdriver, hammer, sandpaper.

As always, start your work by drawing up a design drawing. Decide whether there will be a slide with or without a house, and draw its diagram. This will make it possible to calculate the material consumption, and will also facilitate further construction.

Everything is ready, you can start carpentry work:

Make it from the leftover material near the slide wooden benches or sandbox. They will decorate the playground, bringing joy to children.

Plastic slides

You won’t be able to make a plastic structure yourself; you can only buy it in a store. Such slides are produced in one piece and in collapsible ones. The owner can only install the slide on the site. Collapsible models are better suited for dachas. They are convenient to disassemble for storage during the winter. This will prevent theft and vandalism while the dachas are left unattended by the owners.

IN plastic models They use different gutters, which children really like. They come in screw, tubular, straight and other shapes. If a child still wants an unusual slide, but the parents don’t have enough money to buy it, you can make a combined version of the slide for your dacha or home. The fact is that gutters are sold separately. They are also made to order in any shape. All you have to do is make a metal one or wooden frame and attach a plastic trigger to it.

A children's playground built independently for a dacha or at home will decorate the yard and provide children with entertainment in the summer.

In contact with

A DIY children's slide is one of the most common and popular attractions on any playground. There are many design options for such a structure. The simplest thing is a paper model that can be installed on a table. The paper version is suitable for games, for example, with plastic figures. A much more complex event is the construction of a slide in the country house or in the yard own home. Everything here must be thought out, and the most important thing is a guarantee of safety for the child. If only the figurine in a paper toy is damaged, then there is a real threat to the kids in the yard.

Features of the attraction

A children's slide is familiar to anyone from early childhood. Often, it is with such an attraction that the exploration of a children's playground begins. The essence of this game is the ability to descend from a certain height along an inclined platform, usually on your feet or sitting, without using any devices.

You can make a slide for children with your own hands of different heights, there are different designs. This can be a very simple option (ascent and direct descent), or it can be a whole complex with the possibility of descent along an intricate trajectory and decorative design(for example, in a fairy-tale style) of the entire structure. It all depends on the imagination of the parents, the allocated space and financial capabilities.

What are the requirements for a children's slide for the home? First of all, the issue of the child’s safety must be carefully considered. It is necessary to prevent it from falling when ascending, being at a height and descending. For this purpose, a safety wall, barriers, railings, and handrails are used. The design itself must take into account the age of the children who will use the slide.

The most important parameters in this regard are the ascent height, steepness and descent speed. The protective wall and handrails must be installed taking into account the height of the child. An attraction built for very young children should not allow them to develop higher speed during a free descent. It should be remembered that the height of the structure for children preschool age cannot exceed 3–3.2 m.

The most important requirements for a children's slide for a summer house or home are the following conditions:

  • high mechanical strength taking into account inappropriate children's behavior;
  • preventing feet from slipping on the upper platform and stairs;
  • a sufficiently soft area at the bottom to prevent injuries when lowering to the ground;
  • environmental safety of the materials used;
  • exclusion of sunshine on the upper platform;
  • wind protection.

Design principles

With all the variety of attraction forms, any do-it-yourself slide in the country includes the following basic elements:

  • high strength load-bearing frame;
  • lifting staircase with railings;
  • upper platform with fencing (wall, etc.);
  • downhill runway with a slope.

The question of how to make a slide can be solved with certain complications:

  1. Canopy. The top of the children's slide should be protected from precipitation and the scorching sun. Such a roof can cover only the upper platform or cover the entire structure. You can install a light canopy, but often a solid decorative roof is made, stylized in a certain genre.
  2. A slide may contain not one, but several main elements (stairs and descents). For example, descents can be organized in parallel (competitive factor) or directed in different directions. Accordingly, there may be several stairs.
  3. Shape of the launch pad. The typical form of the descent is a rectilinear flat tape of sufficient width with a side that prevents falling. The speed of movement is determined by the steepness of the slide and the coating of the belt. The descent system can be significantly diversified. The following varieties are often used: changing the direction of the flat tape (kink), forming a groove. spiral descent, etc.

What materials can children's slides be made from? Apart from the toy version of the paper slide, wood, metal, and plastic are used to make the structure.

For very young children, inflatable slides have become popular and can be installed even in an apartment.

Types of attraction

You can make a children's slide with your own hands for different conditions, various age categories and intensity of use:

  1. Compact slide for an apartment, i.e. indoor option. Such a small structure can be installed in a children's room. It is made from chipboard, plywood, laminate. There is no exposure to atmospheric factors, and therefore any durable material can be used without the requirement for water resistance. Special attention is given to colorful design, which allows the game to fit into the overall interior of the room.
  2. Plastic slide. It is intended for children aged 2–5 years. The most commonly used is PVC. The trigger tape can have any shape, incl. in the form of a spiral, with waves, in the shape of a pipe. Important advantage plastic - high heat capacity, which does not allow the material to heat up too much under sun rays and cool down in winter.
  3. Metal construction. It is built when very high mechanical strength is required. Depending on the age of the users, the garden slide can be made quite high. Metal surface has excellent glide, which allows you to quickly slide down an inclined slope. The main disadvantage is excessive heating in summer and icing in winter.
  4. Wooden slides. This type of attraction is the most widely used in the country. It attracts with its high technology, which allows you to embody your wildest fantasies for arranging the structure. When using wood, it is important to reliably protect it from rotting.

Necessary tool

In order to make a children's slide with your own hands, you should prepare in advance necessary tool. When constructing a wooden structure you will need the following:

  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • plane (preferably electric);
  • milling cutter;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • shovel;
  • Grinder;
  • file;
  • roulette;
  • protractor;
  • metal ruler;
  • construction level.

If you are planning a metal slide for your dacha, then you can’t do without welding machine, metal hacksaws, chisels, pipe bending machine, calipers.

Features of manufacturing a simple design

One of the simplest designs of a children's slide is a rectangular platform, fixed at a height of 1–1.5 m above the ground on 4 support bars, which is adjacent to a staircase on one side and an inclined strip for descent on the adjacent or opposite side. This slide is made of wood. Work should begin with the development of the project, and it is best to make a layout from paper in the selected scale.

This way you can clearly evaluate the structure and its design.

The next important step is preparing the site for construction. For the attraction, it is necessary to allocate a flat area with an area of ​​at least 2x2 m. The area is carefully leveled, all roots are uprooted, and vegetation is removed. Drainage is provided around the site. The area itself is covered with a sand cushion on top.

The question of how to build a slide is solved in the following order:

  1. 4 support beams measuring 10x10 cm are prepared. To install them, a recess of about 10–15 cm is dug. The supports are placed vertically in the corners, and at the very bottom they are connected to each other by a board measuring 10x2 cm, for which the corresponding grooves on the beams are first cut.
  2. The racks with the frame are installed in the recess, after which it is filled with soil and compacted.
  3. At the selected height, grooves are cut into the racks for attaching the platform floor beams (stiffening ribs). A frame for the upper platform made of timber measuring 20x40 mm is mounted in them.
  4. The upper platform is laid with a board measuring 10x2.5 cm. The boards are tightly fitted to each other to eliminate cracks.
  5. Making an inclined descent. This element is made from load-bearing boards measuring 10x2.5 cm, which are covered with boards or plywood 20 mm thick. The width of the slope is about 75–80 cm. A protective edge 30–35 cm high is attached to the side of the slope. To ensure better sliding, the surface is lined with plastic or galvanized sheet. The upper edge of the descent is securely fixed to the platform, and the lower edge rests on the ground.
  6. Installation of stairs. The stringer is made from a board 5 cm thick. For the steps, a board measuring 10x2 cm is used. It is important to secure the steps to the stringer strictly parallel. The distance between them is set taking into account the age of the child. A baluster 50 cm high is mounted on the side of the staircase. A railing made of timber measuring 30x30 mm is securely attached to the racks.
  7. After completing the installation of all elements, a parapet made of beams and slats is attached to the upper platform. To prevent a child from falling, it is recommended to line the barrier with plywood.
  8. The attraction made in this manner is sanded in its final form and then covered with varnish or acrylic paint.

A children's slide is one of the first attractions on which kids have fun. She will decorate a children's playground in the country or in the courtyard of the house. Simple design you can do it yourself. When constructing a slide, it is important to strictly monitor safety measures for the child.