Well      06/13/2019

Iris root rot. Prevention and control of iris diseases

Such beautiful flowers, like irises, are loved and widely cultivated by flower growers and gardeners in various natural and climatic zones our planet. Varieties of this plant, adapted to the most different conditions, a lot, and on their basis, breeders have created delicious varieties.

This article will tell about the various types of this flower, the features of care and reproduction, as well as what pests and diseases of irises are found.

Who gave him a name?

The famous ancient Greek philosopher and healer Hippocrates named this flower for the variety of its colors in honor of the goddess Irida. It was she, like the rainbow, that connected heaven and earth, proclaiming to people the will of the gods. Moreover, in ancient Greek"iris" meant, first of all, a rainbow, and then In the 18th century, the naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who created a unified system for the classification and names of plants, retained it for the iris ancient name. Before talking about what diseases and pests can affect irises, let's briefly dwell on biological features this plant.

Botanical description

Flowers such as Iris, better known to gardeners as beer or killer whales, belong to the Iris family. As a rule, these are perennial rhizomatous, but there are also corms.

In our strip, rhizomatous representatives of iris are the most common, rather unpretentious in care and moderately water-loving. Iris garden forms a thick rhizome, located shallow underground and quite often protruding from it, with a large number of thin thread-like roots. The flat leaves of this flower are dense and rather rigid, covered with a whitish, waxy, sword-shaped coating. In most species of irises, they grow in fan-shaped tufts. planting and caring for which is carried out in accordance with the characteristics of the plant, bloom from late spring to mid-June.

Flower Features

In all types of irises, flowers are located on a strong and strong peduncle. In most cases, the flowers are solitary, but are also found in small inflorescences. Coloring can be the most diverse - from snow-white to almost black. Today there are varieties whose flowers are painted in two or even more colors. Such an iris flower consists of six, and sometimes three petals, the inner and outer lobes of which differ in shape, size and color.

After flowering, the plant forms a fruit - a ribbed trihedral elongated box, in which there are about 20 large brownish seeds.

What are the types?

Foreign breeders and flower growers subdivide all iris plants grown in gardens into 13 main groups, although some believe that there are about 17. In our country, it is customary to subdivide garden molds iris (iris) into the following 10 main groups:

  • bearded;
  • Siberian;
  • Japanese;
  • remontant;
  • arylbreda and aryl;
  • spuria;
  • Louisiana;
  • Evansia;
  • plants of the Pacific coast;
  • little known.

Such a classification is really needed, but in ordinary life adopted a simpler and more understandable division of all rhizome irises into two groups: bearded and non-bearded. The most common in gardens are large, exquisitely colored representatives. bearded irises. These include many varieties of the so-called German tall bearded irises.

Unlike bearded irises, on the lower petals of which there is a “beard” of contrastingly colored villi, non-bearded irises do not have such an ornament. This group includes the following types of irises:

Siberian (I. sibirica);

Marsh (I. pseudacorus), it is also called false calamus;

Japanese (I. japonica);

Louisiana (I. Louisiana);

Spuria (I. spuria);

Californian (I. californian).

We will try to briefly describe each of these types.

Iris barbata

Iris bearded is the most popular of the entire group of iris. To date, there are about 35,000 of its varieties, and several new ones appear every year.

This flower got its name because of the delicate villi located on the lower petals. In many varieties, the color of the "beard" contrasts with the main color of the flower, consisting of six petals. By height, the bearded iris is divided into three groups:

  1. High - more than 0.7 meters;
  2. Medium-sized - from 0.4 to 0.7 m;
  3. Low, the height of which does not exceed 40 cm.

Coloring of flowers happens both monophonic, and combined. The group of bearded irises includes

Siberian iris

In contrast to the hardy and unpretentious species Siberian iris, the varieties bred on its basis have a higher need for heat and light. Plants of this group can grow up to 1 meter in height. Their leaves are narrower than those of the bearded ones, and have a lighter color. Varietal representatives come in various colors and bloom in late spring. You can choose varieties so that flowering will continue until the end of July. Diseases of cultivated and varietal irises are not terrible for him, and he is rarely affected by pests.

False calamus (marsh) iris

It opens its golden yellow, with small brown "strokes" flowers in late May - early June. This type of iris grows well in shallow, up to 40 cm, reservoirs, as well as on their borders. Grows well in both sun and partial shade.

In the middle lane, such types of irises as Californian, Louisiana, Japanese and spuria are rare, since there are few varieties adapted to our conditions, and they are, due to their rarity, not cheap.

Iris flowers: planting and care

When buying irises, you need to clarify what type you are getting, as this affects the choice of a landing site. Most modern varieties of both bearded and non-bearded irises prefer sunny, warm, wind-sheltered places. However, species such as swamp, smooth and bristly are Smooth and swamp irises, as well as varieties derived from them, it is recommended to plant in the shallow water of artificial reservoirs, and bristly - on flooded shores or in wet lowlands.

Other types of irises are planted under conditions middle lane spring or autumn, and the most favorable period is the end of summer - the first weeks of autumn. Before planting the rhizomes of these flowers, the soil must be dug to a depth of 20 - 30 cm, and phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-containing fertilizers and humus must be applied. After the irises were planted, care for open field behind them is regular watering and fertilizing, removing weeds as needed.

It is necessary to plant these plants every three to five years, since separate fragments rhizomes as they grow are forced to the surface. Because of this, the feeding area decreases and they stop blooming. It can also lead to the development of iris disease.

How to propagate?

These perennials can be propagated both by seeds and vegetatively. The seed method is used in breeding work and the plants obtained in this way bloom in 2-3 years.

More simple and affordable way reproduction of irises - vegetative, in which the rhizome mother plant divided, and then the resulting plots are planted in the soil. It is best to transplant and divide this perennial two to three weeks after the end of flowering. Plots are planted superficially and slightly obliquely - so that the top of the rhizome is above the ground. Too deep planting can provoke the development of the disease of irises flowers and even cause their death. Plants obtained in this way bloom in the first year after planting.

Signs of diseases and measures to combat them

Most plants of this group are quite resistant to diseases, but with adverse weather factors and various damage to the rhizome, the following iris diseases may occur:

  1. Heterosporiasis (Septoria), which manifests itself in the form of yellow spots of various sizes, randomly located on the entire surface of the leaf plate. With the further development of the disease, the spots become brown and merge into one. The plant looks weak, blooms poorly, and the leaves dry up. Heterosporiosis develops with a lack of calcium and phosphorus in the soil. Also, its development can be caused by prolonged rainy weather and the accompanying high humidity. From this disease of iris flowers on early stages spraying plants with a 0.4% solution or 0.3% helps
  2. Bacteriosis (wet rot)- the most dangerous disease, as it develops quite quickly. The first "symptoms" of this disease are drying and yellowing of the leaves. Then the base of the "fan", and then the rhizome is affected by rot with a characteristic bad smell. The cause of bacteriosis may be improper planting - excessive deepening or too dark and waterlogged place. At the first sign of damage to this disease, you need to dig up the plant and remove the affected part of the rhizome. Treat the site of the "operation" with potassium permanganate, and then with any growth stimulant. After that, the rhizome is well dried, and then planted separately from the rest of the plants in dry soil, trying not to deepen.
  3. Fusarium. With this disease, the iris continues to grow and even blooms, but the leaves first turn yellow and then turn brown. To prevent the development of this disease, before planting, we disinfect the rhizome in a 0.2% solution of foundationazole for half an hour. If it's hit flowering plant, then under the rhizome we pour the same solution of foundationazole.
  4. leaf spot may appear due to bad weather conditions. The first signs are spots of different colors and sizes on the leaves. Noticing them, immediately spray the diseased plant with a 0.3% solution of copper oxychloride or 1% Bordeaux mixture.

flower pests

Diseases and pests can affect irises. Insects include:

  • Medvedka, with pleasure gnawing rhizomes. To combat it, you can use special bait granules by digging them into the ground around the plantings of irises.
  • Kasatikovy (winter) scoop. Caterpillars of this insect feed on the rhizome, and adults gnaw out the bases of peduncles. Such an attack contributes to the development of bacteriosis of irises. During active growth flowers, it is necessary to spray them with an infusion of wormwood: a glass is placed in 10 liters of boiling water wood ash, a tablespoon of any liquid soap and 300 g of grass. The container with the solution is closed and left to infuse for 5-6 hours. Immediately after that, use for spraying. You can also use various biological products sold in specialized stores.
  • iris flower girl, outwardly resembling the most common fly, spends the winter in the ground, but in the spring it crawls out and lays its eggs in buds. This is how irises are affected. Diseases of the buds and their death occur due to the larva inside and actively feeding. The affected bud rots and, of course, does not bloom. Experts recommend that the plants be treated when leaves appear, as well as at the beginning of the budding stage with special insecticides. Affected buds should be cut off and destroyed immediately.

In addition to the above pests, irises can be affected by slugs, May beetles, wireworms, various types thrips and nematodes.

heterosporiosis , or leaf spot, the causative agent is a fungus Heterosporium gracile.

Signs of the disease. Oblong grayish-brown spots with a darker border appear on the leaves. With a strong development of the disease, the leaves dry up. The disease does not spread to the rhizome.
Control measures. Destroy plant debris and dried leaves. Apply spraying with cuproxate. Plants are treated with copper-containing preparations, for example, a suspension of copper oxide (0.3%) or Bordeaux liquid with the addition of adhesives. Bordeaux liquid (1-1.5% solution) can be prepared independently: 100 g blue vitriol and 75 g of slaked lime per 10 liters of water. The soil around the plants is also shed with a solution of copper-containing preparations. Fungicide sprays are also effective. It must be remembered that you need to use only those drugs that have received permission for use in personal subsidiary plots. Combined treatment combines protection against heterosporiosis and harmful insects.
Prevention. To increase the resistance of irises to this disease, spring spraying leaves with a solution of calcium chloride or calcium nitrate. Calcium helps to increase the strength of cell membranes, and thus, plants become less susceptible to diseases.
To protect against leaf spots progressing in conditions rainy weather, drugs of a new group of strobilurins (synthetic analogues of the waste products of some fungi), such as strobes, are very effective, the peculiarity of which is that they are not washed off by rain for a long period of up to two weeks. However, strobilurins should not be used more than twice per season, they should be alternated with contact preparations, such as copper oxychloride. Strobilurins, like contact fungicides, have only a protective effect. They do not destroy pathogens, so they must be applied before the spread of diseases.

Rust , the causative agent is a fungus Puccinia iridis.
Signs of the disease. In late summer - early autumn, brown stripes appear on the leaves, which, when touched, leave rusty dust on the finger. Affected leaves dry out prematurely.
Control measures. Large plant residues are destroyed, small ones are embedded in the soil during its cultivation or areas are mulched with peat, humus or sand with a layer of 2-3 cm. At this place, irises can be planted no earlier than after 3 years. Spraying with copper oxychloride, cuproxate (1%), colloidal sulfur with adhesives is used.
Prevention. Plant resistance to rust is increased by phosphorus-potassium fertilizing. The disease can be prevented by spraying the plants with Bordeaux liquid in the middle of summer.

Wet , or bacterial, rot, bacteriosis ; pathogens - bacteria Pectobacterium carotovorum, Erwinia aroidea, Pseudomonas iridis. This disease affects bearded irises and especially often develops when plants are grown in conditions of high humidity, on heavy soils, when plants are planted deep and when rhizomes freeze.

Photo by L. Treivas from the magazine "In the world of plants" - 2002 - No. 6

Signs of the disease. The leaves turn pale, and then dry up and turn brown. The leaf fan leans and then falls to the ground. The rhizomes and bases of the leaves darken, decompose, turning into a mushy, unpleasantly smelling mass. Plants die.
Control measures. The plant is dug up, its aerial part is destroyed, the soil around is loosened and treated with a solution of a permitted fungicide. The rhizomes are cleaned to a healthy tissue, the sections are washed with a strong solution of potassium permanganate and covered with Novikov's liquid (brilliant green with glue) or sprinkled with crushed charcoal or ground sulfur. The causative agent of rot dies under direct sunbeams, so the cut can be dried in the sun. Plants are transplanted to another site. When transplanting, the rhizomes are washed in a solution of formalin (1:300) or chinosol (0.2%). effective method The fight against soft rot is also soaking the rhizomes in a 0.01% solution (1 tablet per 1 liter of water) of the tetracycline antibiotic for about 1 hour. Previously, the rhizomes must be dried in the sun - then they absorb the drug better. Prevention. It is possible to prevent the occurrence of this disease by observing the rules of agricultural technology for irises. The main thing is not to overmoisten the planting of irises and make required amount phosphate and potash fertilizers. As a preventive measure, you can also spray green foliage in the spring with a solution of urea with the addition of sulfur (12%), permitted fungicides or a solution of sodium thiosulfate (neutral photographic fixer), which decomposes in the soil to form sulfur.
preventive measure, effective in years with wet summers, are watering the soil with solutions of antibiotics: tetracycline or streptomycin sulfate (agrimycin), which are prepared by diluting 30 g of the antibiotic in 10 liters of water. 60 liters of solution are poured per 1 m2 if the soil is coarse-grained, and 80 liters if the soil is fine-grained. Watering is carried out every 10 days.

gray rot, botrytis ; causative agent - fungus Botrytis cinerea. The disease is caused by two types of fungus. The first affects the stems and ends of the leaves when high humidity. The second type of fungus causes dry rot of rhizomes. The disease develops in conditions of high humidity, with an excess of nitrogen in the soil, with freezing of rhizomes and the presence mechanical damage.

affected plant

Photo by L. Treivas from the magazine "In the world of plants" - 2002 - No. 6

Signs of the disease. The peduncles and ends of the leaves become discolored, and then turn brown, rot, become covered with a smoky-gray bloom of the fungus. Black folded heaps are formed on the affected rhizomes, consisting of sclerotia of the fungus. Rot can also spread to the base of the leaves, where a gray coating of fungal spores forms.
For prevention gray mold irises are recommended to be planted in well-drained, ventilated sunny areas. Do not allow a lack of phosphorus and calcium in the soil. Severely affected specimens are discarded. When symptoms of the disease appear, the plants are sprayed with fungicides. When planting, the rhizomes are pickled, the affected areas are removed. It is necessary to carry out disinfection of contaminated soils.

Scorch , causative agent - presumably mycoplasma.
Signs of the disease. The leaves turn brown in the middle of the growing season, their ends, drying up, bend, the roots die off, the rhizome hardens and dries out.
Control measures. Plants are usually dug up and destroyed, and the soil is treated with lime or formalin.
Prevention. Sometimes the affected bushes are restored in the second or third year from dormant buds, but the main preventive measure This disease is the early division (cutting) of the bushes into several unrelated parts. A transplant is not required. Scorch is not transmitted to neighboring, already isolated plants.

Ascochitosis leaves causes a fungus of the genus Ascohita. The spots are brown, without bordering, with numerous black dotted pycnidia.

Septoria leaves causes a fungus of the genus Septoria. The spots on the leaves are pale gray, with a brown border, small, rounded. Black pycnidia appear on the surface over time.

Ramulariasis leaves causes a fungus of the genus Ramularia. The disease is manifested by brown or even black small, rounded spots, which turn pale in the center over time. On necrotic spots, a weak yellowish coating of mycelium appears.

Mosaic - viral disease. On the leaves, a pattern is formed in the form of a grid or yellow stripes, resembling a mosaic. Plant growth slows down, shortened peduncles are formed, flowers are underdeveloped. Flower petals become variegated. The disease is spread by aphids.

Photo from the Floriculture magazine - 2001 - No. 3

If irises are affected by viruses, it is impossible to cure them. Only preventive measures are taken. good care helps to mask the symptoms of the disease, but the plants will be a source of infection for healthy ones. Timely culling of diseased specimens is necessary, as well as the fight against insects - vectors of viruses (aphids). In the photo on the left, there is a hatched mosaic on iris leaves.

Other related materials

The genus of irises includes about 800 species, which makes them the subject of unique collections. If you look at the photo of plants, you can not help but notice some resemblance to orchid flowers. Selection of iris is very fast, new varieties of unusual colors are often unstable to diseases. In addition to bacteria and fungi, irises are affected by some insects. For pest control, there are many available funds. You can learn more about them from the thematic videos or articles.

Bacteriosis - wet root rot

Pathogens - bacteria groups Erwinia aroidea, Pseudomonas iridis. The disease affects the base of the leaf and the root collar of the plant.

Causing disease:

  • excess moisture;
  • thickening of crops;
  • stem freezing.

Bacteriosis of irises

Initially, the focus is small, inconspicuous. Infected leaves dry up. The disease goes to the middle of the root. Prevention:

  • placement of landings on well-drained soils;
  • avoid damage to plant parts, rhizomes;
  • pest control.

Advice! Iris plants planted on a slope will be the least susceptible to fungal infections.

Of the drugs that can cure an infected plant, botanists recommend doxycycline powder. It is also used to combat rot in orchids. Suspicious areas are treated with a tool. Explicitly affected areas are removed, an antibiotic is applied to the sections. In wet and damp weather, processing is not carried out.

Fusarium and heterosporiosis of iris

Fusarium affects the vascular system of the plant. The causative agent is the fungus Fusarium oxysporum.
The most dangerous time for infections is temperature fluctuations in humid weather from + 2°С to + 32°С. Infection from the soil of high humidity, falls on the rhizome. The tissues soften, become covered with gray-brown spots. The root turns black and dries up. Prevention:

  • strict observance of the agricultural technology of the species;
  • feeding according to the norms;
  • do not injure parts of the plant.

Plants that have died or are affected by Fusarium are dug up. The place is treated with copper chloride. The rest of the planting is irrigated with any fungicides. Re-plant irises should be on the site after 4-5 years.

Compliance with agricultural technology will help to avoid diseases of irises

In neglected iris plantations, with excessive soil moisture and a lack of phosphorus, heterosporiosis is activated. The causative agent of the infection is the fungus Heterospotium gracile. Diseased plants can be recognized by light brown oblong spots on the leaves. A severe infection causes the death of the leaves, but not the crop itself. Prevention:

  • neutral ph level on the soil;
  • timely removal of diseased and dead leaves;
  • application of phosphorus-containing fertilizers (superphosphate).

Gray rot and rust

Gray rot affects the stems. Occurs in cold and wet weather. It is dangerous if such conditions coincided with the beginning of flowering. You can recognize the disease by plaque on the buds and stems. Fabrics change color and darken. The causative agent is the fungus Botrytis cinerea. Prevention:

  • drained soils without stagnant moisture;
  • removal of fallen and dead parts;
  • gentle top dressing min. fertilizers (especially nitrogen).

As medicines horticultural fungicides are used (Topsin, Profit, Oxyhom).

Rust on iris occurs at cool temperatures around + 12°C. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Puccinia iridis. The fungus releases spores on the leaves, resulting in complete death. Dark brown dust of a peculiar rusty hue is a sign of the disease.

Attention! The disease can occur if the storage conditions of the planting material are not observed.


  • cleaning flower beds from weeds;
  • compliance with the agricultural technology of the species;
  • timely detection of foci, treatment with fungicides.

Removing dead leaves

Harmful insects for iris

thrips. By sucking out the juices, they cause deformation and wilting of the iris. To fight, an emulsion of karbofos is used. The calculation is as follows: 75-95 g of solution per 10 liters of water.

nematode worms. Leaves infested with worms die off. Nematodes get on irises along with precipitation and from weeds. Prevention:

  • planting weeding;
  • disinfection garden tools in formalin solution.

Bronzovka beetles. Beetles can be collected by hand. If their number is large, treat the plants with ash or Kinmiksom. Calculation of the drug: 2.5 g per 1 liter of water.

Aphid. Common cause mosaic diseases. Infected plants lag behind in development, have shortened peduncles and spots on the flowers. It is almost impossible to save an iris with a progressive mosaic. To combat aphids, drugs are used: Aktara, Inta-Vir. folk method- solution treatment soda ash with the owner soap.

Slugs. A mixture of lime and tobacco is used against slugs. Flowers are sprayed with tincture of hot pepper. The soil is freed from slugs by deep digging and removal of last year's plant residues.

scoops. Before the flowers bloom, the plants are sprayed Bordeaux mixture. If caterpillars are found in flowers, then a decoction of hellebore Lobel.

Medvedki. To destroy the bear, they pour into the holes of insects soap solution(10 g of soap and 50 g of washing powder are taken for 10 liters of water). Effective poisonous bait from a mixture of wheat grains, oil and karbofos.

wireworms. Roots hurt. Anhydrous ammonia is added to the soil to combat it and weeded regularly.

Early detection of the first foci of infection and pests, as well as competent agricultural technology - success in breeding the most exotic and "capricious" varieties of iris.

White and yellow, blue and purple - there are about eight hundred species in the world. Plants are considered to be unpretentious, but they can be affected by various diseases caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. A problem that worries many gardeners is the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves of the plant. What is it connected with? There are a lot of reasons why the leaves of irises can turn yellow, they are all caused by different diseases.

Mosaic is a special virus

Mosaic signs are small stripes and yellowish spots on the leaves. The reason is a special virus, its carrier is aphid. A bush affected by a mosaic noticeably lags behind in growth, the iris produces very short peduncles, stains appear on the petals of the inflorescences. The task of the gardener is to immediately remove the damaged seedlings, spraying with special solutions and timely watering are a preventive measure.

Heterosporiosis - leaf spot

They are affected by this disease in the second half of summer - at the height of flowering. Symptoms are yellowish spots on the outer leaves of the bush, which then turn brown with a pronounced chlorotic halo. If measures are not taken in time - remove damaged leaves (sources of infection), heterosporiosis will spread throughout the bush. Prevention - timely removal of old greenery, when watering, you should try to avoid getting water on the bush. At the first symptoms, you can spray the iris with one of the fungicides.

Yellow leaves - rust of irises

The first thing a gardener sees when an iris gets rust is small yellowish-brown chlorotic spots on the leaves. Gradually growing, they lead to complete yellowing and drying of the green part of the bush. The disease is caused by spores of fungi, they are resistant to severe frosts, so if the iris is affected in the fall, then with the advent of winter, rust begins to progress. Effective measures to combat the disease are to drain the soil, destroy the affected leaves and treat the remaining preparations, which contain sulfur.

Gray rot - damage to the rhizome and leaves

The causative agents of this disease are two fungi. One affects the root system of the plant, it begins to rot, the second affects the leaves, which turn yellow very quickly. Most often, the disease occurs after the end of flowering, so you should carefully monitor the plants. Control methods - soil drainage and getting rid of infected bushes.

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Olga Orlovskaya 05/14/2014 | 5684

The more beautiful and elegant the iris variety, the more difficult it is to protect it from diseases and pests. Diseases are most often caused by stagnant water, lack of lighting, frosty winters with little snow.

iris rot

This disease appears, as a rule, after a warm and rainy winter. If the rhizome has become soft, has acquired a light shade and has an unpleasant odor, then this is iris rot. Measures must be taken immediately, otherwise the flower will die.

In case of single damage, it is not necessary to dig out the entire bush. It will be enough if you cut out only rotten places with a sharp knife. The cut is treated with powder of any antifungal drug, for example Fundazol, which is rubbed over the surface with a finger.

Rhizomes can not be sprinkled with earth and watered. They must be in the sun.

In case of severe damage (when the leaves turn yellow and lose turgor), the plant is dug up, cleaned well from the ground and washed. Next, all rotten tissues are cut out and treated with any fungicide. For these purposes, ash or charcoal powder is quite suitable.

After such resuscitation, the rhizomes of irises should be kept in a dry place for about a week. Plant flowers in a well-lit place only when the leaves are a little tied. The cause of iris rot can also be heavily moistened and humus-fertilized soil.

This insect is very similar to the housefly familiar to us. It appears on the plant shortly before flowering, that is, during the formation of buds. The fly itself does not pose a threat, but the larvae that hatch from the laid eggs are the cause of bud rotting.

Outwardly, the plant looks powerful and healthy, but if you do not take action in time, you may never know what kind of flowers your irises have.

The insect hibernates in the ground, therefore in early spring as soon as the growing season begins, the plants in the flower garden must be treated with insecticides such as Aktara, BI-58 or Aktellik. When flower stalks appear, the irises should be sprayed a second time even before the buds are stained.

Gray rot

If you see a gray "hairy" coating on your irises, know that this is gray rot(causes her mushroom Botrytis). The appearance of this disease contributes to wet and warm weather. Putrefactive spores affect all parts of the flower and lead to its death.

To save irises, they must be dug up immediately, washed and dried thoroughly. Diseased parts are removed and burned. All are treated with Bordeaux liquid (1%). You can also scatter quicklime around the bushes, but this must be done carefully so that the substance does not touch the plant.

This disease is spread by spores of the fungus Pussinia. The leaves of affected irises first turn yellow or brown and then dry up.

To prevent rust, planting irises must be constantly thinned out. Also, do not allow weeds to grow near the bushes, because. they can cause rust.

All affected leaves should be cut off and burned. Plants are treated for the entire growing season 3 or 4 times, every 14 days. To do this, you can use: copper oxychloride (0.4%), Tsineb (0.4%), Bordeaux mixture (1%). It helps to get rid of the disease by spraying the earth around the irises iron vitriol(3%). This must be done before the start of the growing season.

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