Shower      03/04/2020

How to paint a door a different color. How to paint a wooden door correctly. Door with veneer

Painting wooden doors yourself is a great way to save money during renovations. Now you don’t need to spend money on buying new interior doors, because our article will help you revive the old ones!

If you are going to paint a new interior door, preparation will be minimal. We can say that they do not need to be prepared at all - just remove them from the hinges and you can get to work. But old doors need to be treated and brought into proper shape before painting.

First of all, dismantle the product. First remove door leaf from the hinges, twist all the handles, locks and other elements from it. If the doors have glass inserts, you must first remove the glazing beads and then remove glass elements. You need to do the same with the door frame. True, if it is very old, it is not a fact that you will be able to dismantle it entirely, but you should not worry - you can purchase individual parts on any construction market door frame(or the whole box itself), and it's inexpensive. First you need to remove the old coating - it could be paint, varnish, putty. A spatula will help you, which you need to carefully remove the old layer.

Removing the door frame

After this, the surface of the product must be carefully treated grinder or sandpaper. Finally, to remove any remaining dust and dirt, go over the canvas with a broom or vacuum cleaner.

However, there are other ways to remove old coating:

  • Thermal, which is based on the use of a hair dryer or blowtorch. Under influence high temperature the old varnish or paint will begin to soften, after which it will not be difficult for you to remove the coating with a spatula.
  • The chemical method involves the use of organic solvents suitable for removing paint. Simply apply the product to the door leaf using a brush or spray. After a couple of minutes, the coating should swell and begin to peel off; removing it with a scraper will not be difficult.

If the wood under the paint layer has darkened a little, the door must be treated with any bleach that contains chlorine. Mix the product with water in a ratio of 1:3 and wipe the door leaf. Once the piece has dried, inspect it, filling any cracks or gouges with wood putty.

Not only the appearance of the doors, but also their service life depends on the choice of a suitable paint and varnish product. That is why it is so important to pay as much attention to this issue as possible. First of all, the canvases can be varnished. There are a variety of varnishes - matte, glossy, colored. Their main advantage is that the structure of the tree will be visible underneath them.

Preparing the door for painting

However, this is both a plus and a minus, since all defects will be visible. Therefore, varnishes should not be used - all the flaws will be clear in the palm of your hand. If we talk about varnishes, then there are two options - alcohol-based and oil-based. You can also find nitro varnishes on sale that are made on the basis of solvents, but it is better to avoid using them, since nitro varnish can negatively affect the quality of the wood. Can be called the highest quality for painting doors polyurethane varnish, resistant to mechanical damage.

The door can also be painted. Moreover, it is simply huge, which will allow you to give the products a completely the new kind. Paints can also be matte or glossy; there are options that can highlight the structure of the wood. But for interior doors you can choose only two samples - alcohol-based and oil-based paints. There is also another more expensive option - using oils containing wax. Such compositions give the wood a silky surface.

So, you need to decide on a tool. The most convenient is a sprayer, but if you have to paint only 2-3 doors in an apartment, purchasing such a tool will be unprofitable. Therefore, you can use a roller and a file brush. In this case, before starting work, the brush should be fluffed and all loose hairs should be removed. Thanks to this, after painting there will be no hair left on the door.

The painting scheme depends on the type of structure:

  • Panel doors are painted in 3 steps. It is best to use a roller. Start painting the doors from the upper left corner, pointing the roller to the right. So we paint the door to the very end and leave it to dry. The second time we paint the canvas in the longitudinal direction and again leave the door to dry. For the last time we paint from the lower left corner up.
  • Paneled doors begin to be painted with a brush. Use the tool to go over all the recesses in the door, trying to avoid excess paint. After this, we pick up a roller and paint the product according to the instructions described above.

Door painting process

When painting, you can imitate a wood pattern, while the door itself does not have to be made of natural wood. To do this, you need:

  1. Paint the canvas with light beige or yellow paint.
  2. Leave the product to dry until the composition is completely dry.
  3. Using a brush, cover the canvas with liquid soap.
  4. Apply a layer of dark paint on top.

If you have to paint a veneer door, you can choose another option. To complete the work you will need a brush for working with wood. Simply “comb” the soft surface of the veneer, and then paint the canvas with the chosen color. Thanks to the brush, small curls will appear on the product, which will create the illusion of wood. After the varnish has dried, the surface must be sanded.

Often, instead of paint or varnish, stain is chosen for painting doors. This material allows you to accurately recreate the structure of real wood, which will make even cheap doors more presentable. And to create the effect of antiquity, additionally stock up on antique wax. Before performing work, the canvas should be wiped with a slightly damp cloth - in this case, the wood will not absorb much moisture, and the stain will lie as smoothly as possible.

Coating the door with stain

Apply stain in a thin layer of no more than 0.5 mm. After treatment, wait a couple of seconds and wash off the stain with a damp sponge. After the canvas has completely dried, apply another layer of the composition, wait for it to dry and cover the canvas with alkaline primer. Apply antique wax on top and, using a metal brush, rub it into the fabric along the fibers. After such treatment, the doors will retain their aged appearance for a long time. long time.

Remember that for painting wooden panels it is better to use velor rollers, the structure of which is ideal for working with varnishes and paints. But use rollers designed to work with water-based paints, is strictly not recommended. This can lead to unevenness of the painted canvas.

Interior doors for painting are initially white. The surface of the sash is covered with a primer, which the owner paints in his favorite color. Old canvas can be restored in the same way, but the method will depend on the material of manufacture.

Is it possible to paint interior doors?

Any door that has served for several years loses its attractive appearance over time. Scratches and abrasions appear on the surface, and the paint fades. Sometimes a situation arises when, during renovation, the style of the room completely changes and the door block simply does not fit into it. In order not to make an expensive purchase, the sash is given new life by painting. The design will look no worse than new if you follow the technology and choose the right paint and varnish material.

Features of painting interior doors with your own hands

The interior door block comes from different materials. Depending on this nuance, the specifics of preparation, choice of tools, paintwork and painting itself will depend. In general terms, the following plan is followed:

  • Interior door door block remove from hinges and lay horizontally. The fittings are removed from the canvas. If the lock is difficult to remove, it is sealed with tape.
  • The brush is soaked for at least an hour before use. A little trick helps prevent the bristles from falling out and sticking to the painted surface.
  • If the surface of the canvas is smooth without patterns, bulges or depressions, it is more profitable to prepare a roller for applying paint.
  • For a paneled door, first paint the recesses with a narrow brush. The paint is picked up a little so that it does not flow into the corners.
  • The folding interior canvas “accordion” is painted with a spray can or spray gun. Slots with reverse side The doors are sealed with tape so that the paint under pressure does not fly out to the other side of the door.

When the work plan is drawn up, the paint and varnish is poured into the pallet and the procedure begins.

Advice! The tape must be removed immediately after painting, otherwise sticky layer will eat into the old paint and come off along with it.

On video correct painting doors:

Painting hidden interior doors

Difficulty of painting hidden doors is the impossibility of removing them from the hinges. The interior doors are installed together with the frame. For painting, the surface of the canvas is isolated, the remaining structural elements are covered with tape or film. The paint is applied with a roller. Moreover, quick-drying paints and varnishes are used to eliminate the possibility of drips.

What paint to paint interior doors

To beautifully paint interior doors, looking at photo examples is not enough. You need to choose the right LMB. Varnishes are ideal for new canvas. On old door there should be no mechanical damage. In addition, it will have to be carefully prepared.

According to gloss, varnishes are:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • semi-gloss.

Color Differences:

  • transparent;
  • colored.

If we talk about colored varnishes, they are similarly transparent, but have a certain shade. Hide mechanical damage such paintwork materials will not succeed. Varnish can be applied over paint, but they must be compatible in composition.

Advice! Gloss varnish is applied only with a spray gun. A brush and roller will not achieve a shiny effect.

The best option is considered quick drying paint for interior doors odorless, as it allows you to hide minor mechanical defects. The absence of a transparent effect allows you to apply bright hues on a dark surface.

Among the variety of varnishes used for painting interior door blocks:

  • Oil varnishes are made from drying oil and a hardener. The plus is environmental Safety, but they dry out for at least three days.
  • Alkyd varnishes are made from resins and organic solvents. Improved performance characteristics are considered an advantage. However, drying takes a long time, and solvents emit an unpleasant, pungent odor.
  • It is better not to use nitro varnishes at home. Their only advantage is instant drying and shine. However, the surface will not shine for long, since varnishes disappear from UV rays. In addition, the toxic odor is dangerous to human health.
  • “Yacht” varnishes are optimally used for front door. The urethane-alkyd composition is resistant to fading, moisture, and mechanical stress.
  • Polyurethane varnishes are considered an excellent alternative to “yacht” paintwork materials. The compositions have similar characteristics, only the price is lower.
  • Acrylic varnishes are made with water based. This is an ideal choice for interior door blocks. Paintwork materials are environmentally friendly. The cured film allows air to pass through. There is no unpleasant odor during operation.

If you choose paint for interior doors, then there is less variety, but the characteristics are similar:

  • Oil paints are not used for modern interior door blocks. Paint and varnish is suitable when painting an old door in a pantry or other non-residential premises.
  • Alkyd enamels are well suited for wooden door blocks. The advantage is low cost, moisture resistance. The disadvantage is long drying time of up to three days and a toxic pungent odor.
  • Considered the best acrylic paint for interior doors due to the lack of toxic odor. The paintwork dries quickly, looks attractive, and is fire resistant.

To achieve an attractive effect, the interior door block can be painted first with paint, and after drying, varnished. However, both materials must be identical in composition.

Advice! Lovers natural materials varnishes and paints can be replaced with special impregnations. They usually contain paraffin, wax, flax oil, and rosin. Solvents are turpentine or gasoline.

How to paint interior doors

At the owner's request, you can repaint the interior doors in White color, blue, green or any other. It all depends on personal preference and the chosen paint. Preparatory activities and the process itself will depend on the material used to make the sash.

If you want to give the canvas a truly attractive look, you can try painting it to look like wood. The essence of the process is to apply two layers of paintwork materials of different colors, creating a scuffed effect.

If oak imitation is intended, wood-like paint for interior doors is chocolate and Brown with a light shade. If you want to imitate wenge, you will need black and dark red paints.

Painting process:

  • apply paintwork that sets the main tone with a brush or roller and allow time to harden;
  • sandpaper there are abrasions in places;
  • Apply the second final layer of paint and draw stains with a comb.

The interior door leaf can be left as is or an aging effect can be added. In the second option, the canvas is coated with craquelure varnish.

How to paint interior doors made of fiberboard

A special feature of fiberboard is the porosity of the material. To reduce the intensity of paint absorption, the surface of the interior door is first primed. It is optimal to use drying oil heated to a temperature of + 50 o C.

Painting process:

  • The sash is removed from its hinges, laid horizontally, and the fittings are removed. The surface of the door is wiped of dust with a rag moistened with alcohol.
  • Fiberboard is covered with two layers of drying oil. You can use special store-bought primers.
  • Mechanical damage is puttied. After the putty has dried, go over the surface of the door with fine-grained sandpaper.

After going through all the stages of preparation, interior doors are painted with alkyd or acrylic paint. If the door is lined with waterproof fiberboard, then water-based paints cannot be used. The surface will reject paint.

How to paint veneer interior doors

The preparatory stage consists of similar actions: removing the interior door from its hinges, dismantling the fittings, and laying it on a horizontal surface. The further procedure before painting is fraught with many difficulties. Veneer is considered a capricious material. If painting will take place in another room, then the door must be brought there at least a week before the start of work. The veneer needs to get used to the temperature and humidity.

An important stage in preparing for painting is a thorough inspection of the surface of the interior door, allowing you to identify scratches and abrasions. Sometimes it is possible to restore shine with wax polish or furniture varnishes, if the defects are practically invisible. Full painting is needed when scratches and abrasions are clearly visible from a distance of 50 cm.

To paint interior veneer doors with a large defect, first remove the old varnish with fine-grained sandpaper. You can use special solvents to remove old layers of paint.

Attention! Veneer is a very thin material. It can only be sanded by hand. Grinders are capable of picking out recesses if you accidentally linger in one place while grinding.

When the surface of the interior door is prepared, begin painting it in a horizontal position. Deep scratches, the holes are sealed with a primer. After drying, the areas are sanded with sandpaper. The varnishes chosen are water-based or special compositions for painting veneer. If the surface is free of defects, it is optimal to use transparent paints and varnishes, which allow you to preserve the natural pattern. To hide large defects, colored varnishes are used. For special decoration, the veneer is covered with stain before painting with varnish.

Attention! It is not permissible to paint veneer with nitro paint. Matt spots will appear on the surface of the door.

How to paint interior doors made of MDF

If interior door made of MDF, it is better to choose for painting acrylic paint. The process requires the following steps:

  • The door is removed from its hinges, the fittings are dismantled, and laid on a horizontal surface. Use sandpaper or solvents to remove old paintwork. Shallow scratches rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • The entire interior door block is treated with a solvent so that MDF is better paint was applied.
  • MDF is painted in three layers, giving each layer time to dry.

On an interior door block standard sizes It takes about 1 kg of acrylic paint.

How to paint paneled interior doors

The process of preparing for painting a paneled sash is similar to the previous options. The coloring itself differs, which can be done in two ways:

  1. If paint is chosen, the ends of the sash are painted first. The damaged areas are sanded on the panel and a primer is applied. When the primer has dried, paint the entire door in two layers. When a varnish or stain is selected for an interior paneled door, the painting process is carried out strictly according to the paint manufacturer’s instructions displayed on the packaging.
  2. The second painting method is based on tinting the sash. The technology is suitable for wood-textured panels.

The paneled door has many bulges and depressions. For painting, high-quality brushes with bristles that do not fray are better suited.

How to paint wooden interior doors

A solid wood door block looks impressive if you preserve the natural texture of the wood. It is optimal to open a new, undamaged sash with 2-3 layers of varnish. If desired, stain creates an aging effect. When painting an old canvas with defects, paints are used. The optimal color is to match the wood.

The process of preparing to paint an old door begins with removing all layers to bare wood. Here you can use a sander and solvents to remove dry paint. After sanding, putty is applied to defects that could not be eliminated. The choice of putty color for paint is not important. When interior wooden doors are being prepared for painting with varnish, the color of the putty is matched to the shade of the wood. The final step is another polishing.

The patterned canvas is painted with tassels. A high-quality painting tool is selected so that the bristles do not fall out. The panel door is painted with a roller in three layers, and each of them should lie in the opposite direction.

The seemingly simple painting process is fraught with many nuances. Knowing them, you will be able to achieve the most positive result. To help masters, here are some useful tips:

  1. If it is possible to remove the canvas from the hinges, then it is better to dismantle it. It is easier to work with a horizontal surface; paint does not drip off it.
  2. First of all, carefully inspect the entire door block. Repairs are carried out if necessary. In the lower part of the veneered sash, the veneer can peel off due to dampness. It must first be glued by pressing it with a heavy weight until the glue hardens. If a large area has peeled off, place plywood under the load. Pressing flat surfaces will eliminate the formation of blisters.
  3. Work on the doors begins after dismantling the fittings. If some elements cannot be removed, they are sealed with tape. Sometimes complex design the door block does not allow you to remove the leaf. It is sanded, primed and painted in a vertical position. Adjacent sections of the wall are covered with film or tape.
  4. The panel door begins to be painted from the end. From the upper left corner they move to the right. Following the direction will prevent paint from accumulating at the bottom.
  5. The roller is squeezed well from the paint. It is better to put several thin, even layers than one thick one, but with blisters and drips.
  6. If the canvas is standing vertically and streaks have formed from the brush, they are blotted with a sponge and rolled out with a roller.
  7. Any fittings that have not been removed, including hinges and latch, are not painted.
  8. The area of ​​the frame in contact with the end of the door is covered with three layers of paint.
  9. New brushes lose bristles. Before use, they are combed out and soaked in water.
  10. The tape must be removed immediately after painting, otherwise it will come off along with the paint.
  11. The freshly painted door is left in a room where there is no dust, midges, moisture, or direct sunlight.


Interior doors for painting must be properly prepared and the appropriate paint and varnish must be selected. After completing the work, you can return the fittings to their place, attach the hinges to the sash, and admire the work done.

If a wooden door has lost its original attractiveness, then this is not a reason to part with it. Even a craftsman who is not familiar with the intricacies of woodworking can restore its appearance; the main thing is to choose suitable paint and follow the technology of its application. To make this task easier, next we will look at what is the best way to paint wooden door.

Types of paints

Today, the choice of compositions for coloring wood is quite extensive.

First of all, all available compositions can be divided into two types:

  • Transparent;
  • Opaque.

Therefore, when choosing what to paint wooden doors with, you need to decide whether you want to hide the structure of the wood under a layer of paint, or vice versa – to emphasize its natural beauty.

Now let's take a closer look at each type of these coatings.

Transparent compounds

So, transparent paint coatings include the following compositions:

  • Transparent and tinted varnishes;
  • Oil impregnations;
  • Stains, etc.

All of them refresh the appearance of wood or give it a certain shade. Some of them are intended exclusively for internal use, and some are quite suitable for. Therefore, before purchasing a composition, you need to ask the seller about its scope of application.

Opaque paints

If you decide to give the door specific color, then you can use the following dyes:

  • Water-based acrylic paints;
  • Alkyd coatings;
  • Polyurethane paints;
  • Perchlorovinyl compounds;
  • Oil dyes.

Paint selection

Modern coatings differ significantly from those paints that were used to decorate doors several decades ago, as they have much better operational properties. They should be given preference.

  1. Acrylic-based dyes have an optimal consistency for working with a brush and good spreadability.

In addition, acrylic coatings have the following properties:

  • Good weather resistance;
  • Vapor permeability
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Environmentally friendly.

Among the disadvantages of the material, one can highlight the possibility of obtaining only a matte surface.

  1. Alkyd paint and varnish coatings have high water-repellent properties and resistance to large temperature changes. They provide a durable glossy surface. In addition, they are attracted by the relatively low price.

The disadvantages of this material include toxicity.

Note! Painting compositions based on alkyd resin can only be applied to a dry surface. If you treat raw wood with the composition, it will soon begin to peel as a result of air bubbles formed under it.

Thus, when choosing how to paint interior wooden doors, it is better to give preference to acrylic compositions, since they are absolutely harmless, or transparent coatings. It must be said that acrylic paints are recommended even for finishing surfaces in children's rooms.

Alkyd coatings can also be used for entrance doors, as they are more durable. However, painting must be done outside the living space.

Door painting technology


So, we looked at what paints can be used for wooden doors. Now let's get acquainted with the technology of their application, following which you can do the painting yourself.

So, work must begin by preparing a set of tools and consumables.

In particular, you will need:

  • Brushes and sponge;
  • Pallet;
  • Sandpaper with fractions of different sizes.

If all this is available, then you can get to work. As an example, consider painting the front door with alkyd enamel.

In the photo - removing the old coating using a hair dryer and a spatula


While painting itself is a fairly simple operation, preparing the base takes much more effort and time. However, it largely determines how high quality the final result will be.

Instructions for implementation preparatory work as follows:

  • First of all, you need to remove the door from its hinges.
  • Then you need to remove the old coating. To do this, you can use sandpaper and a spatula.
  • After cleaning the old coating, the surface must be thoroughly washed and all existing cracks, chips and potholes identified. Detected defects must be treated with putty.

Advice! You can effectively remove old paint from a door using a blowtorch or a hair dryer. After firing the door, the surface needs to be treated wire brush or sandpaper.


Now that the surface is prepared, you can begin applying paint, which is done in the following sequence:

  • Before painting the wooden entrance door, you need to cover it with a layer of primer, which will improve adhesion.
  • Then you need to lay the product vertically on a workbench or floor.
  • Next, using a brush or other tools, the coloring composition is applied. This operation is performed in only one direction - along the wood fibers.
  • After the first layer has dried, apply the second layer in the same way. The most important thing in this procedure is care and accuracy so that the paint lays on the surface in an even layer.
  • After the surface has dried well, the door needs to be turned over and the other side painted in the same way.
  • The ends of the door are painted last. You can apply masking tape to the painted edges to prevent excess paint from getting on them.

This completes the coloring process. Now all that remains is to carefully install the door in place, after which it can be used.


Despite the large selection of paint and varnish coatings on the construction market, it is really good options There's not much to do with painting doors. Therefore, in this matter it is better to trust the advice of the experts that we cited above ().

Thus, by using quality paint and sticking to the right technology By applying it, you can independently provide the door with a beautiful new look. For more information on this topic, watch the video in this article.

If you are the owner of wooden doors, then over time you may encounter some problem. The thing is that during use the tree will lose its appearance. To restore and protect it, you need to paint wooden doors in an apartment or house.

But, this raises a number of questions: how to paint a wooden door? How? What paint should I use? What should you consider when painting a wooden door? If you have never encountered painting wooden doors, then this article is just for you. Yes and for experienced builders she will be useful.

Choosing paint and varnish material for a wooden door

What can be called the most important detail in painting any surface? That's right, paint. The durability of the coating, its quality, appearance, etc. depend on its choice. Therefore, the choice paint and varnish material wood needs to be taken very seriously. Some people think that the quality of paint can be neglected, however, in our case this is unfounded. Quality always exceeds price!

Advice! Eat small way save on quality paint. When its expiration date comes to an end, stores offer discounts on such goods. If you want to paint wooden doors right away, then you can safely buy this composition.

So what is the best paint to paint wooden doors? After all, the range of goods is very large. First you need to know that paint and varnish materials are divided into two types:

  • Transparent.
  • Opaque.
  • Transparent varnish can be classified as various kinds impregnation and protective glaze. If you want to emphasize the very structure of the wood while preserving the natural color, then painting doors like wood is just for you. As for opaque compositions, this includes paints that are familiar to us. To work with wood, nitro paint, acrylic compounds and alkyd enamels are most often used. Paint for wooden doors of each type has its own characteristics.

    Alkyd enamel

    Let's start with alkyd enamel. It can be called the most affordable in price. We are pleased to have a wide range of colors and shades. After application and complete drying of the paint, a coating appears on the surface that is strong, durable and resistant to external factors. The wear resistance of the material is excellent. Consumption is economical. And door paint dries quite quickly.

    If we talk about the lack of paint, then we note a not entirely healthy smell that will linger in the room for at least two days after painting. Paint fumes negatively affect the health of people who have allergies or respiratory diseases. It is also not recommended to use alkyd enamel to paint wooden doors in a children's room.

    Nitro paint

    This composition has a high aesthetic property, a large palette of colors and shades, which is much larger than that of alkyd or acrylic paints. The main advantages of paint are durability and high level wear resistance. But the harm to health of nitro paint is even higher than that of the previous version. The fumes are toxic, so painting wooden doors with this paint should be done in a well-ventilated area. And you can’t enter the room until the composition dries.

    Acrylic enamel

    Here we come to the third option. Acrylic enamel- This The best decision to paint interior wooden doors. Acrylic enamel on a water-dispersion basis is easy to apply, has excellent hiding power, fits perfectly on wood, and when dry, does not emit any toxic or unpleasant odors.

    Among the disadvantages of paint are high cost and low durability. But, to make the coating wear-resistant and preserve it appearance, the paint is coated with a special acrylic varnish.


    Varnishes are used for solid wood doors. Opening with varnish will protect the wood from moisture, sunlight, dirt and other negative influences, just like paint. But, due to its transparency, the coating will emphasize the structure of the wood. And if you want to give it a certain tone, then buy a tinting varnish.

    Now you just have to decide on the composition. And if you have chosen acrylic paint, then a new question arises: what color to choose?

    Choosing paint color

    We have already mentioned that the range color solutions quite large, so everyone can realize their design solutions. Some paint the door white, while others decide to use red or black. But the choice of color should not be made out of one’s own desires. The interior of the rooms and their design should be taken into account. After all, you will agree that snow-white doors will look out of place in a room made in eco style or where dark tones predominate.

    Modern design defines three main trends in painting doors between rooms:

    • delicate pastel colors: light blue, peach, green, pink, lavender;
    • rich dark colors: brown, cherry, blue, chocolate;
    • bright colors such as red, orange or yellow.

    Here are some design tips for choosing paint colors that everyone should know before they start painting their interior doors:

  • If you have wooden house, then it is better to coat solid wood doors with regular varnish or transparent oil impregnation.
  • In the bedroom, where pastel colors should predominate, the doors should be the same, white, blue, lavender, etc. They will create coziness and comfort. The same goes for children's rooms.

  • Dark tones (cherry, chocolate, red walnut) are used for the living room to give it luxury, taste and sophistication.
  • Adherents classic interior, which contains antique or old furniture, you can use artificial aging of the interior door.
  • Paint the door frame not to match the walls, but darker or lighter.
  • With such simple rules you can quickly decide what paint to buy to paint your wooden doors. So, when you have figured out what to paint the doors with and have decided on the paint color, you can begin the work technology.

    We collect tools and materials for work

    Any painting is done with certain tools. You can apply paint in three ways: using a brush, roller or spray gun. The best option- a roller, it’s faster to work with than a brush, and it’s cheaper than a spray gun. However, to get to hard-to-reach places, brushes will not hurt. So, the set of tools is as follows:

    • roller and bath;
    • paint brush;
    • rags;
    • masking tape;
    • gloves;
    • sandpaper;
    • 4 stools or 2 goats;
    • putty knife;
    • vacuum cleaner.

    As for the materials, they are:

  • Solvent.
  • Putty.
  • Paint and varnish material.
  • Primer.
  • Have you collected everything you need? Then let's start working.

    Preparatory work

    To begin with, wooden doors should be prepared for painting. The first step is to remove them from their hinges. Now place them on a support (2 sawhorses or 3 stools). When working with alkyd paints, it is better to work outdoors. Dismantle the fittings so that no unnecessary items remain. Wrap handles with loops that are non-removable in paper or foil and secure with tape. Fix the locking mechanism and seal it with tape.

  • Removing the old coating, if any (paint, putty, primer). Everything needs to be removed, right down to the tree. To make the task easier, you can use a sander, wood remover or sandpaper.

  • Afterwards, sand the doors to remove scratches, dents and remaining paint. After using the sander, vacuum the surface.
  • If there are imperfections in the wood, finish them off with putty. Treat the cracks especially carefully.
  • Once the putty has dried, re-seal the doors. In this case, first with a medium-grain cloth, and then with a fine-grain one.
  • Note! If the wood has darkened over time, it can be restored (lightened) with a special solution. This bleached solution consists of water and bleach, combined in a ratio of 1:3.

    After such preparation, painting wooden doors with your own hands will not be difficult.

    Door painting schemes

    The fact is that the door leaf itself may be different. Depending on this, the procedure for performing coloring at home and the tools change. Door designs can be as follows:

  • Shield fabric. In this case, you need to paint the door in 3 steps. A roller is used, as it leaves no traces, no lint, and painting is done economically and evenly. The process should start from the top corner, moving transversely from the left side to the right. Once the first coat is applied, wait until it dries. Now you can apply the next layer, only in the longitudinal direction. Again, wait until the layer dries. At the end, a third layer of paint is applied according to the same principle as the first, in the transverse direction.

  • Paneled fabric. Here you will have to work with both a roller and paint. These doors are characterized by patterns and recesses. To begin with, use a paint brush to paint all the recesses of the door that are beyond the reach of a roller. Make sure that the paint does not leak due to excess. When all hard to reach places processed, you can start working with a roller. Painting should be done alternately, as in the first case.

  • Now that you have decided on the coloring technology, let’s move on from theory to practice.

    Dyeing process

    Further work will not be difficult, you just need to follow the instructions and perform each step correctly. The process itself can be divided into certain stages:

  • Place the doors that have been prepared in a horizontal position on a surface covered with polyethylene. If the doors have glass, protect them with masking tape.
  • Prepare the paint according to the instructions on the package.
  • Take paint brush and use it to treat all the small elements of the doors, panels and parts that protrude.
  • Using a roller and a tray, begin applying the first layer of paint.
  • When the entire wooden door panel has been processed, leave it to dry completely.
  • Apply a second coat in the opposite direction.
  • To get a brighter and more saturated color, it is better to paint a wooden door in three layers.
  • After drying, all that remains is to turn the canvas over and paint in the same order.
  • As you can see, the process is simple and can be done by any ordinary user. To see everything clearly, we suggest you watch this video:

    To avoid any mistakes, it is important not to forget about the rules that experienced painters adhere to. What are these rules or nuances? Here is their list:

  • When working with veneered doors, material peeling is often observed in the lower part. This can be corrected by carefully separating the coating from the base and treating wrong side veneer and the base itself with glue for such work and glue it in place. Use clamps when doing this. For a tight fit, a board or plywood is laid on top. Once the glue has dried, you can begin painting.
  • You can paint wooden doors without removing them from their hinges. But at the same time, you should protect the adjacent surfaces so as not to stain them. A newspaper and masking tape are suitable for this.
  • When working with the roller, squeeze it well. Otherwise, smudges may appear.

  • If you get smudges while working with the brush, you can get rid of them with a simple sponge. Just blot the area and go over it with a roller.
  • There is no need to paint the hinges and locks of wooden doors.
  • The weak point of wooden doors is the protrusions of the frame and the edges of the doors. When opening or closing they come into contact, so they are more likely to rub together. They need to be painted in at least 3 layers.
  • When working with new paint brushes, brush them out and soak them in water for a few hours. Due to this, no lint will remain and the bristles will soften.
  • The masking tape you use to protect surfaces should be removed immediately after painting is completed. If you do this after the paint has dried, the tape may come off with the coating.
  • While the wooden door is drying, it should not be exposed to direct Sun rays, insects, dust and dirt.
  • If you follow these rules when painting a wooden door, you can achieve best quality painted surface. This will also extend the life of the paint.


    Here's everything you need to know if you decide to paint your doors. Thanks to these tips and instructions, the job can be done quickly and easily with your own hands, without any special painting skills. Your wooden doors will be like new, and home comfort will last for many years. Don't be afraid to start painting, just buy necessary tools and materials, gather your strength and act!

    Thanks to the coloring new door in an apartment or house can become not only more aesthetically attractive, but also more protected from the influence of environmental factors. The same applies to old doors, because over time, any painted surface loses its former attractiveness as the paint fades, peels and bubbles. Painting wooden doors is enough simple work, however, there are nuances in this matter, without understanding which it is difficult to achieve a good result.

    Paint selection

    Staining, due to the huge variety of compositions, allows you to give a wooden product almost any look. Paints come in transparent, matte and glossy. Moreover, if there is a desire, it is possible to use several types of paint for one door - it all depends on the tasks set, the wishes of the master or designer. Very often, doors are first impregnated with a tinting composition, and only then a decorative coating is applied.

    Note! Not all paint and varnish compositions compatible with each other. For example, stain is suitable for varnish, but not drying oil.

    Door paints are made on the basis of acrylic, polyurethane, alkyds, and perchlorovinyl. A very rare and outdated option - paints on oil based. Nowadays even domestic manufacturers are abandoning them.

    It is recommended to use acrylic or alkyd paint to paint doors. Acrylic latex compositions have a suitable consistency for working with a brush, as well as decent spreadability and coverage (although in this parameter acrylic paint and varnish compositions are inferior to oil-based ones). Alkyd paints are characterized by excellent water-repellent properties, and in addition, they are highly resistant to temperature changes, as well as quick drying.

    Note! Alkyd paints can only be applied to perfectly dry wood. If the surface is wet, its adhesive qualities will not be enough to ensure reliable adhesion to the paint and varnish material, which will result in peeling of the paint.

    Paint has two competitors - varnishes and impregnations. To understand the differences between these compositions, let us briefly discuss their properties and tasks:

    Dyeing technology

    Do-it-yourself painting of wooden doors begins with removing the structure from its hinges. After the door is dismantled, we lay it on flat surface(you can use a table, a couple of stools, etc.).

    Note! If used alkyd paint, it is recommended to carry out all work outdoors or indoors where there is a large volume of air.

    Next, we block the canvas in such a way that we have free access with a brush to all necessary elements. The lock is also needed to prevent accidental closing of the doors while the surface is drying. If the door closes, the paintwork may be damaged.

    It is also advisable to remove the fittings. If this is not possible, as well as in the case of non-removable hinges, all parts must be protected from paint. For this, paper that can be attached with tape is suitable. It’s even better to wrap the fittings with foil. It is recommended to seal the locking mechanisms with tape.

    Preparing the wooden surface

    To prepare wooden doors for painting, they must first be cleaned and then treated with primer and putty.

    Below is step-by-step instruction for preparing a wooden surface:

    Tip #1. Dents that are too noticeable can be leveled out with automotive putty. The choice of this material is dictated by the absence of glass fiber in its composition.

    Tip #2. If the wood is under old paint has become too dark, it can be lightened. To do this, treat the surface with a solution of bleach and water. The ratio of components in the solution is 1 to 3.

    After finishing sanding, clean the surface from dust using a vacuum cleaner, and then wipe wooden product with a damp cloth.

    Dyeing in the usual way

    In this part of the article we will not dwell on sophisticated methods of painting, for example, artificial aging of the surface, painting or underlining special methods wood texture. We will talk about the usual painting of doors. This must be done efficiently - so that there are no smudges or stains left on the surface.

    There is hardly any point in buying a sprayer to paint one or two doors. Therefore, you can use a narrow panel brush for paneled canvas, and a roller is suitable for all types of canvas.

    Further actions depend on design features doors:

    1. We paint the panel door in three stages. When painting, we use a roller, as it allows you to apply the paint more evenly and does not leave hairs. First of all, apply paint to the end. From the upper left corner of the end we move to the right. Thus, we paint the entire canvas, and then dry it in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer. At the second stage, we paint the door longitudinally. Finally, we do everything the same as in the first stage, but from the right corner.
    2. When painting a paneled door, use a brush. We carefully process the surface, not forgetting about the recesses. In this case, excess paint and varnish material on the canvas should be avoided. After the paint layer has dried, we do everything that is indicated in the instructions for painting the panel door.

    Working with stain

    Lightly moisten the clean door. The stain will adhere better to a damp surface. First we paint along the grain, then across it. Apply the third layer again in the direction of the fibers.

    We process the jambs and the canvas (it does not need to be removed) from below so that drops do not fall on a clean surface. This applies to coloring transparent compounds. If we are talking about opaque paint, the direction of painting does not matter.

    After applying a water-based stain, the fibers lift slightly. Therefore, sanding with sandpaper is necessary. Then we remove the dust and apply another layer of stain. Alcohol stain does not cause fibers to rise. Based on this, there is no need to sand the surface after such staining. The advantage of aqueous compositions is non-toxicity and...

    Note! A surface that has not yet dried appears darker than it will be when it dries. A darker tone is achieved by re-dying.

    Wood imitation

    How to paint a door to look like wood is briefly described below:

    1. We apply yellow, light gray or light beige paint to any material (for example, MDF). We wait until the surface dries.
    2. We treat the surface with liquid soap.
    3. Apply a layer of dark paint and wash off with liquid soap.

    Veneered doors can also be given a full wood texture. For those who want to know how to paint a door to look like wood, this option is offered:

    1. We process the soft veneer fibers with a special comb-brush. A semblance of wood texture will appear on the surface.
    2. Apply one or more layers of paint.
    3. We polish the surface.

    If you adhere to the basic rules described in the article, no difficulties should arise when painting the door. For beginners, it is recommended to start painting the canvas from the inside out or practice on a piece of waste wood. This makes it easier to get better at it and avoid mistakes in the future.