Shower      06/23/2020

Wall panels: a modern take on simple and stylish interior design. An unusual solution or a do-it-yourself wall panel Do-it-yourself fabric panel

Beautifully made panel from photographs - stylish decoration for the living room, hallway or bedroom. In order to form an extraordinary composition, it is necessary to take into account the proportions of the room, the degree of its illumination and the prevailing color scheme. It would be a good idea to take into account functional purpose rooms. If calmer motifs are suitable for the bedroom, then something more energetic is appropriate for the living room.

The success of the entire composition is given by right choice frame colors. If the room is designed in the modern direction, then in this case you can experiment with different colors. At the same time, the frame should not be too “flashy”. To a lesser extent, experiments are allowed when it comes to country music.

It is important to choose the right frame for the wall relative to the size of the photos. You can often hear that it will not be possible to create a full-fledged panel. The culprit is that the images are too small. A little trick will help you get out of the situation. First you need to insert small images into the mat and only then into the frame.

In this case, it is necessary to remember the correct combination of colors:

  • The colored frame is necessarily complemented by a colored mat;
  • The predominant blue color will help to recreate the atmosphere of antiquity;
  • The feeling of vintage style will be conveyed by the black and white combination.

Making a stylish panel from a photo: size matters

Once a stylistically justified color has been chosen, you need to pay attention to the size of the entire composition. Fans of antiquity who want to recreate a classic style indoors should prefer a large frame made in the style of a baguette. On the one hand, it will become one of the visual accents in the room. On the other hand, it will emphasize the majesty of the interior.

If you plan to use photo frames in a private house with several floors, it is advisable to use frames of various sizes.

The next idea looks great. At the top flight of stairs many large frames are installed, and as you go down, the number and size decreases. The result is a beautiful visual effect.

In addition, the following recommendations will help to make a unique design:

  1. In a children's room, it is necessary to abandon too small frames in favor of medium and large ones.
  2. The living room is a place where a noticeable visual accent is required, so attention should be focused on 3-4 large photo frames.
  3. A proportionate fixation system will eliminate many problems. This is why it is recommended to use clamps for small frames.

Rules for selecting photographs for panels: stylistic combinations

Main secret beautiful wall with photographic images - a harmonious combination of the picture, frame size and color. Today it is not difficult to find recommendations related to the need for bold experiments. It is proposed to use square, round and rectangular frames in one composition. It must be remembered that the forms must be harmoniously combined.

Regardless of the size of the frame, each experimental composition should not include more than 5-7 images.

Otherwise, the space will look overloaded. Practical advice for those who do not want to waste time on replacing the shape of the frames, it would be a recommendation to purchase universal option. You can turn it over every day without losing its properties.

In addition to the above, designers highlight a number of other tips:

  1. Application wooden frames in a dark or light tone is justified in classic style or direction Provence;
  2. The depiction of people must be “diluted” with pictures of nature;
  3. Family photos look good in the living room on a wall with photo prints, and something lyrical in the bedroom;
  4. Images mounted on the wall on special shelves look creative;
  5. If we talk about shape, openwork ones look good in a girl’s room. They are often complemented by something white or cream.

Unusual ideas for panels from photographs

In the store you need to purchase several wooden frames without any decorative elements. In addition, you will need small shells. If you don’t have any at home, it’s easy to buy them in a souvenir shop. At the same time, you don’t need to use shells too much, otherwise the frame will turn out to be too overloaded with a composition.

When choosing creative solutions, you need to start from hobbies and interests. For example, travel fans can turn their attention to marine themes.

In addition to the marine theme, you can use a number of other ideas:

  1. Take some yarn, the color of which is close to pastel. After this, it must be used for tying the baguette. If desired, if it fits into the creative concept.
  2. An unusual base for a frame would be homemade macrame.
  3. A rather bold experiment would be to place photographs on a cut-out wooden flat surface.
  4. Good advice for those who do not plan to spoil the wall with nail marks would be the recommendation to purchase vinyl film. Thanks to its ability to be fixed on a vertical surface, it allows you to mount many photos in any order. At the same time, you need to remember that you won’t be able to simply peel the pictures off the wall. That is why you need to think through everything in advance.

Creating a photographic panel indoors does not require much time and effort. The main thing is to think everything through in advance. Depending on the color and stylistic solution in the room, the tone of the frames and the photographs themselves are selected. After this, the entire composition must be positioned correctly.

Wall panels from photographs (video)

Regardless of the number and tone of photographs, they must be positioned correctly. The upper part of the panel is always made lighter, and then the entire composition changes to a darker tone.

Examples of panels from photographs (photos in the interior)

Interior design is a complex and multifaceted system with many components. Just wallpaper or painted walls no longer satisfy the average consumer. You always want to add some zest to your interior. A small detail that will set the direction for the perception of the design as a whole.
One of these details can certainly be considered wall panel, which, of course, can be bought at finished form and just hang it, or you can do it yourself, and then it will certainly become a key element.

Panel from saw cuts

What is a panel

In essence, a panel is any composition on a wall or ceiling that has its own, clearly defined place in the interior. By the way, any painting hanging in a house in a strictly defined place can also be considered a panel. Just like compositions from photographs or bas-reliefs.
Today, hand-made wall compositions are increasingly becoming fashionable, and they not only act as decoration, but also reflect the inner world of their creator. There are many materials for making panels, and the choice depends on the design features and personal skills of the person working with them.

Decorative panel on the wall

The most popular materials are:

  • Paper.
  • Tree.
  • Mirrors.
  • Ceramic tiles with a glazed surface.
  • Plaster or alabaster.
  • Small stones and shells.
  • All kinds of fabrics.
  • Photos both from personal archives and printed from the Internet.

What the composition will look like is a matter of taste and your own idea of ​​beauty, and I will only consider a few of the most popular options that can completely change the entire design in the room.

What the composition will look like is a matter of taste and your own idea of ​​beauty

Choosing a location and theme

An important aspect of a well-crafted design is harmony. It is she who creates coziness and comfort in the room. You can often find very rich interiors in which huge amounts of money have been invested, but this still makes them tasteless. On the other hand, one can consider Japanese style minimalism, where there is practically no furniture or accessories, but at the same time, elegance and comfort are felt in everything.
Achieving harmony is not easy, and one of the most important nuances– this is strict adherence to the chosen concept. If you are planning an interior in the Provence style, then a composition on the wall in the form of, say, a portrait of a pop star will completely destroy the harmony and introduce dissonance. Each style has its own, clearly defined idea and it is this idea that must be followed when selecting all the elements.
No less important is the place where the hand-made panel will be located. For example, compositions made of mirrors or any other materials with a reflection effect are best placed opposite a window or near light sources. A mirror hidden in the shadow creates a gloomy and depressing mood. There will never be any comfort around him.
If the composition is made from family photographs, then its place is on the most prominent part of the wall, where it will attract attention.

An important aspect of a well-crafted design is harmony.

As for general view, we can highlight a few tips that will help you correctly place accents and highlight the panel from the general style:

  1. In any composition it is advisable to use a baguette or frame, and its color should be clearly defined. If the composition is made in the same color scheme The same as wall decoration, then the molding should play on the contrast, and if the color scheme is contrasting, then the frame should repeat the color of the wall.
  2. The theme of the composition should correspond to the purpose of the room where it is located. A water theme is suitable for the bathroom and toilet. In the kitchen, food. And so on.
  3. The composition materials must match the style of the interior. If it is Provence or country, then so are the materials – stone, wood, fabrics. And for high-tech or art deco, glass, metal and plastic are suitable.

Now that you have decided on the theme of the composition and the location, you can proceed directly to the process of making it yourself.

We make panels

The most important thing you need to do decorative panel with your own hands, this is patience and perseverance. This is often very painstaking work that can take a lot of time. But the result will not be long in coming, so let’s stock up on creative juices and get to work.

The most important thing you need to make a decorative panel with your own hands is patience and perseverance.

Triplex composition at home

I have already mentioned compositions from photographs above; they are the ones that are in greatest demand today. Photo archives have moved to computers, and the remaining albums gather dust for a long time in drawers of tables or chests of drawers.
Memorable events of your personal life or simply captured landscapes and views can be transferred to the wall. Modern technologies They allow you to enlarge a photo to any size, or you can make a collage with your own hands.
If you don’t want to take a bunch of photographs to a specialized studio, you can make a composition from printed photographs on glass.

For this you will need:

  1. Two sheets of glass of the same size with polished edges.
  2. Baguettes of the required length.
  3. Paint for glass surfaces.
  4. Glue that reacts with glass.

Panel from wedding photographs

Everything you need for the composition can be purchased at hobby stores, and you can print a set of photographs yourself on a computer, enlarging them to the right size.

Important! The glass for a photo composition must be very thin. As a rule, it is 1.5-2 mm. Since glass of greater thickness also has more weight, and this is undesirable.

We cover one of the glasses with paint and wait for it to dry completely. We choose the color ourselves based on personal preferences and the tips presented above. Next, you need to make a collage from the photographs, laying them out on painted glass. When the composition is ready, apply a thin strip of glue along the edge of the glass and carefully cover it with a second layer. The glue sets almost instantly, so everything must be done quickly and avoid mistakes.
Now all that remains is to cut down and install the baguettes and the panel is ready, you can hang it on the wall using liquid nails or glass glue.

Interesting! Factory triplex glass is produced using a similar technology, with the only difference being that after connecting the layers it is sent to the oven, where high temperature Soldering occurs, turning the glass into a durable monolith.

Glass paintings on the wall

Gypsum bas-relief or volumetric composition

Making a composition from gypsum with your own hands is much more difficult than from glass, but this is how you can get a three-dimensional panel.
Any object can be transferred to a bas-relief, and it is possible to do it with your own hands and at home. Consider the process using the example of a simple cup, the cast of which will look very relevant in the kitchen.
To begin with, we need any container larger in size than the cup we have chosen. We fill the container with sand in such a way as to immerse the cup exactly halfway into it. The surface of the product from which the impression is taken is covered soap solution to keep the mixture from sticking. The initial form is ready and now it needs to be filled with gypsum or alabaster mortar.

Important! When pouring the solution at home, the mold must be constantly slightly rocked. This expels all air bubbles and eliminates the appearance of pores on the surface of the product.

Gypsum panel

When the solution has dried, carefully remove the mold from the container with sand and remove the cup. As a result, we have a cast that exactly replicates the product being copied. The cast must be allowed to dry thoroughly, after which it is lubricated with the same soap solution and filled with a new portion of the mixture.
In this way we got half of our cup made of plaster. You can make as many of these elements as you like, depending on the theme.
The finished parts of the composition can be painted in any color. Now all that remains is to make a frame from baguettes, which is immediately fixed on the wall. The surface is painted and elements can be attached. Here, as in the first version, liquid nails are suitable.
As you can see, in creating such bas-reliefs, there is complete freedom of imagination and creativity, and ready product able to decorate any room that previously lacked zest.

Do-it-yourself panel from improvised materials - economical and, at the same time, original way decorate the space, make your home a little brighter and more unique. You can use anything you like as a raw material: no canons or prohibitions.

To complete the painting, you can prepare sea pebbles or purchase their decorative equivalents in the store. The main thing is that all the elements are skillfully combined with each other.

Getting started, it is important to clearly understand what exactly you want to see in the end:

  • Still life;
  • Natural landscape;
  • Portrait;
  • Abstraction.

As a basis for the picture, it is better to use burlap or canvas. If possible, it is better to sketch the outlines of the future painting in pencil directly on the base.
Don’t be afraid of experiments; they will only be beneficial in this matter, making the stone panel truly exclusive.

Crafts for the little ones: a panel of balls

Who doesn't love colorful balloons? However, few people know that with their own hands you can make a real work of art - a decorative panel. Moreover, it is possible and even necessary to involve the smallest in the process.

The whole process can be divided into several stages:

  • Choice of subject;
  • Selection of appropriate materials;
  • Canvas markup;
  • Direct decoration process.

The balls can be cut, inflated a little, folded into three-dimensional images: the sun, flowers or clouds. The different shapes and colors of the balls open up a huge field for activity.

A classic of the genre - a panel of pine cones

It is difficult to find a person who did not make crafts from pine cones as a child. This one is indispensable natural material and in the everyday life of craftsmen who want to create an exclusive panel from scrap materials.

However, in order for the material to behave well during operation, it must be selected correctly:

  • All buds should be approximately the same size;
  • The best collection time is late summer - early autumn;
  • Before starting work on the cones, you need to remove any remaining resin;
  • It is better to paint the cones in advance and let them dry for several days.

Maximum patience, minimum worries and a panel of pine cones are simply doomed to success.

Exclusive for connoisseurs: foamiran panels

Crafts made from foamiran are a fairly new trend for domestic craftsmen, which in a relatively short period of time have received universal recognition and an unspoken nickname - artificial suede. And this is no coincidence.


  • Wear-resistant;
  • Easy to operate;
  • Does not lose its visual appeal over time;
  • Not afraid of moisture.

In order to get an exquisite wall panel, it would be best to make flowers from foamiran that will not look different from the real ones. This panel will fit perfectly into any interior.

Burlap panels are a godsend for any home

The coarse fabric from which bags are usually made cannot always be used for their intended purpose, because it is an excellent springboard for artistic experiments.

For example, such as:

  • Human images;
  • Flowers;
  • Fruits;
  • Natural motives.

All this will be brought to life on a panel made from just one material - burlap. Of course, the picture can be decorated with satin ribbons, beads, and bright colors using watercolors... All this remains at the discretion of the creator.

Decorative plasticine panel: childhood memories

In childhood, everyone probably sculpted pictures from plasticine, but now it’s time to move to a new level of this skill. Any master class says: any adult can easily recall the skills of working with this material, eventually getting a rather stylish job. As a basis for the picture, it is best to take a thin plastic plate, on which the plasticine will roll out best.

In order to subsequently decorate the space, you can use the following materials:

  • Burlap;
  • Atlas;
  • Cotton;
  • Herbarium.

The main task is to combine the selected colors with each other and try to recreate a realistic picture. A few hours of effort and the picture can be hung on the wall.

Clay panels: decor for true connoisseurs

Making pottery is one of the most popular hobbies around the world. Before you start creating a picture, you should sculpt clay figures and fire them. Only then can you begin to recreate the clay panel. Alternatively, blanks can be used polymer clay, which will be even easier to handle.

In order to get a more effective result, you can supplement the work with the following components:

  • Decorative grass;
  • Dried flowers.

Such works look quite impressive and, what is especially important, they can easily decorate absolutely any wall.

Hi-tech style in the interior: metal panels

Forged roses have long been a symbol of romanticism. A metal panel is not an original idea for any craftsman? Buy metal constructions it is quite possible already in ready-made version or make it yourself. Another question is the correct fixation, thanks to which hardware will be securely held on the canvas.

There may be several options:

  • Adhesive fixation;
  • Special hooks;
  • Fixation with threads.

If desired, the metal can be coated with paint, but natural color it looks no less impressive.

Moss panel: unusual nearby

A material such as moss is used for decorative purposes quite rarely, but with its help you can get quite stylish interior solution. Moss islands must be prepared in advance, dried thoroughly and painted in the desired color.

When working, it is important to comply with the following requirements:

  • Accuracy;
  • Slowness;
  • Skill.

Natural motifs that are harmonious with the materials used are best made from moss.

Pasta panel: easy and interesting

Any type of pasta opens up a truly wide range of creativity:

  • Abstractions;
  • Fantasy images;
  • Portraits.

You just need to choose the right pasta shape. Then the picture will turn out exceptional.

How to assemble a panel from matches

What can be made from ordinary matches? Yes, anything, including a beautiful panel. Bright, colorful, easy to do...

It has a number of advantages:

The most important thing is to securely fix the matches to the canvas using instant glue. Then the creation will not be afraid of any life vicissitudes.

Would you like to make a panel yourself, but don’t know where to start? Let's help and inspire ideas in the article:.

Simple and beautiful: a panel of cotton pads

You can create amazing masterpieces from light, literally airy particles of cotton wool, but for panels it is better to use several cotton pads. Externally, especially if you paint them, the difference from fabric will be completely invisible.

At the same time, when working with cotton pads, you need to constantly keep the following points in mind:

  • Better choose quality material with processed edges;
  • It is better to paint discs by uniformly immersing them in liquid, with the dye previously diluted there;
  • Between the design of the panel and coloring, at least 2 days must pass;
  • It is advisable to avoid contact of the painted discs with your fingers so that no marks are left on the product.

A few hours of hard work and the panel will be ready.

Panel of seeds - for avid gardeners

What summer resident doesn’t keep a treasured box of seeds that can be used for other purposes?

A panel of seeds is:

  • Originality;
  • Elementary performance;
  • The ability to hang a picture in any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

Unnecessary or unsuitable seeds for planting can do a good job. All you have to do is give them a second chance.

Delicate panel of satin ribbon

A satin ribbon panel is one of the most beautiful fakes that a craftswoman can make.

To create a composition you will need:

  • A set of ribbons of different colors;
  • Threads to match;
  • Glue;
  • Decorative beads and rhinestones.

Just a little patience and an exquisite picture will appear before the eyes of the master and his loved ones.

Embroidering panels with satin ribbons for beginners

Satin ribbon embroidery is gaining more and more popularity. However, the time for simple compositions is long gone.

The choice in favor of a panel of satin ribbons has the following advantages:

  • High quality result;
  • Ability to work in several stages;
  • The opportunity to realize their potential even for beginners.

The desire to perform such compositions usually intensifies in autumn, when most masters feel a melancholy mood.

Panel of artificial fruits: an unexpected solution

Creating a picture from artificial fruits is, of course, difficult, but not at all unrealistic. With the right approach, the picture runs the risk of becoming a real masterpiece which is guaranteed to brighten up any kitchen space.

To build a panel you will need:

  • Favorite fruits;
  • Glue of instant fixation;
  • Decorative ribbons.

Of course, it is quite difficult to fix artificial dishes, however, if you are smart, this will not be difficult to do.

Unusual decoration: a panel of disposable forks

From simple disposable forks you can create a rather unusual and, at the same time, elegant interior decoration.

These household items can be embodied in:

  • New Year tree;
  • Natural motive;
  • Scenery.

There are no restrictions here. You can create whatever comes to mind.

Panel made from plastic bottles: easy and understandable

What can be done from plastic bottles? Of course, an exquisite panel.

All work is performed in the following sequence:

  • Sketch development;
  • Creating decorative elements from a bottle;
  • Attaching components to the base.

Everything will definitely work out. The main thing is to believe and try.

Do-it-yourself panel from disks: it’s interesting

Old discs can be given a second life by turning them into a beautiful panel.

However, initially the main material needs to be prepared:

  • Cut the disks into small pieces;
  • Secure the components with twine;
  • Pin in the selected sequence to the main canvas.

DIY wall panel (video)

Every master is free to do what he wants. The main thing is that in the end he receives an aesthetic work that he will not be ashamed to display in his home or give to a loved one. Minimum costs, maximum results... What more could you dream of?

Examples of panels made with your own hands from scrap materials (photo)

The desire to update a recently renovated, but already tired kitchen interior often visits many of us. One of the ways to add bright touches to the interior without drastic alterations, thereby breathing into the room new life, – decorate a section of the wall with a panel with elements of painting. A panel made by yourself is the “highlight” that can reflect the character and preferences of the kitchen owner, setting the atmosphere in the right way. Let’s take a closer look at what types of panels would look appropriate in a kitchen interior and how to make such a decorative element with your own hands.

Some people mistakenly believe that the panel is the same painting. In fact, the painting is a work of pictorial art. The panel does not have to be a masterpiece. It is intended only to act as a bright “spot”, which serves as the finishing touch in the decoration of the kitchen, giving integrity to the appearance.

Panels are a stylish way to decorate your kitchen interior

Kitchen panels can have any shape and size. Depending on the material used, they come in several types:

  • Fabric. Appliqués, embroideries on fabrics and tapestries can be made serially or by hand.
  • Graphic. Thematic images and reproductions of works of art are created using modern printing techniques.
  • Wooden. Carved panels from hardwood and coniferous species often complemented with inlaid semi-precious stones.
  • Ceramic. Mosaic paintings are laid out from small elements and fragments ceramic tiles.
  • Sculptural. They are mini-sculptures made of metal, textured plaster or ordinary plaster.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the panel self made, which are made from a wide variety of materials: clay and salt dough, dried flowers and cereals, beads and seashells.

To protect the surface of fragile materials that suffer from high humidity and temperature fluctuations in the kitchen, the compositions are coated with transparent or tinted varnish of the selected shade

The main thing to consider when choosing or making a decorative element with your own hands is that the kitchen is a functional room. All sorts of odors often hover in its space, and tiny particles of food fats settle on the walls. For this reason decorative elements must be made of practical materials that can withstand moisture when frequent washing.

Accessory options

Wall panels are placed in those areas of the room that you want to visually highlight. This can be the apron of the working wall or a place near dining table.

Carved panels look great in classic interior

When decorating a kitchen large sizes designers recommend using several similar elements from the same series, suspended on different walls rooms.

Tip: mosaic paintings made from ceramic tiles are resistant to moisture, and therefore are best used for decoration working area kitchens.

Ceramic panels, combined with others finishing materials, capable of creating unique interior

When choosing a panel for the kitchen, it is important to consider its size. Walls small kitchens worth decorating with small compositions. They will not attract too much attention, thereby visually reducing the space.

Leave large images for large kitchens. They can occupy a significant part of the wall, be built into niches and decorated with lighting. Small paintings can easily get lost on a spacious wall large kitchen.

It will be interesting to look at a fake panel depicting a spiral staircase

Drawn spiral staircase, located in the corner of the room, visually pushes the boundaries. To achieve the desired effect of creating the illusion of additional space, it is important to correctly fit the panel so that the staircase organically complements the interior and does not look like an unnecessary element.

Decor for different interior styles

When settling in kitchen interior You should be guided by the rule: each room has its own appearance, design and size. The theme of the decoration should match the style of the interior.

For kitchens decorated in a classic style, panels depicting ripe fruits and vegetables, alluring picturesque landscapes and reproductions of works by great artists are perfect.

A panel with aromatic coffee beans will lift your spirits every time, reminding you of a pleasant meeting with friends

Carved wooden and ceramic panels will organically fit into the interior of a kitchen decorated in country or Provence style. These can be wall compositions using dried fruits, spices and flowers.

Panel for country style and Provence

A worthy addition modern interiors such as high-tech or minimalism, dynamic pictures depicting evening cityscapes or unusual abstractions will appear. Graphic panels in a minimalist strict frame will fit well here.

Kitchen panel for the interior in modern style

Wall compositions made from old posters, yellowed book pages and illustrations from magazines can highlight the refined rigor and beauty of a loft-style kitchen.

It's hard to believe what it is original decoration made from ordinary wine corks

All kinds of collages, abstractions and landscapes are perfect for dining area.

Modular compositions look interesting, in which the image is divided into several separate parts.

Images hung side by side create a single holistic picture.

Properly selected in terms of design and style, the panel can favorably emphasize the interior design, giving it its own “zest” and individuality.

Creating a still life from an eggshell

In contemporary art, the effect of artificial aging of the surface, called "crackle", is very popular. It is obtained by coating products with special spray paints or carkelure varnish. But you can create such an unusual effect with the help of the usual eggshells.

The convex surface of the crushed pieces allows you to create three-dimensional mosaics

The technique of making a decorative panel from an eggshell is not too difficult to perform, anyone can master it. It includes a number of main steps.

Selection of necessary materials

To make a bright and appetizing still life, you will need:

  • 2 pieces of fibreboard;
  • napkins or rice paper;
  • peeled eggshell;
  • transparent file A4 or A3 format;
  • acrylic primer;
  • decoupage glue;
  • acrylic paints;
  • PVA glue.

As solid foundation to create a composition it is convenient to use hardboard. It holds its shape perfectly and has excellent moisture resistant properties. The size of the workpiece depends on the dimensions of the composition being created.

It is convenient to apply the image with a brush and foam rubber sponges

In advance, you need to prepare the shell from several eggs. The shell is suitable for work both with raw and with boiled eggs any shades. The shell removed from the eggs should be cleaned of traces of organic matter by removing the inner film and washing them in a soda solution.

Forming egg crackle

Laying out the blank cut from the slab front side up on flat surface, cover it with a primer composition. It is convenient to apply acrylic primer with a foam sponge. This way it is distributed more evenly and dries faster.

The process of creating egg crackle is quite labor-intensive. He takes away greatest number time. Start spreading from the center or from the corner of the sheet, placing the eggshell with the convex side out.

On the workpiece area covered with PVA glue, lay out a small piece of eggshell and lightly press

When pressed with a finger or a toothpick, the shell will be covered with a network of cracks and break up into several pieces, covering part of the surface of the base. With the help of a match or a toothpick, move the pieces, giving them the desired position and filling the voids on the sheet.

Having covered the sheet with pieces of crushed eggshell, to give the surface strength, the product is covered with another layer of PVA

Pieces of shell cover the entire surface. The base with the finished shell mosaic is left for 5-8 hours until completely dry.

Applying an image

After the glue has completely dried, the workpiece is covered with acrylic primer and dried again.

To speed up the process, the surface can be dried with a hair dryer.

As an image for decoupage, you can use any beautiful multilayer napkin or printout taken from the network. Rice paper is excellent for these purposes, which can be easily purchased in specialized stores. When creating a panel, you can not take the entire pattern on the napkin, but only cut out a piece of the desired size from it.

Your task is to glue the napkin without wrinkles

To obtain a smooth, wrinkle-free surface, you need upper layer Place the napkin on which the image is printed with the front side on the file. The file is carefully applied to the dry workpiece so that the pattern takes the desired position. The applied fragment is leveled with your fingers. Carefully remove the file.

The image is covered with decoupage glue

When the glue dries, only a couple of strokes remain: paint on some elements in the picture with paints, giving them greater expressiveness, and cover the panel with varnish.

Installations from scrap materials

Do-it-yourself panels are a real author's work that can perform worthy decoration interior and a source of pride for its owner.

Fabric “paintings” using patchwork technique

A textile panel using the patchwork technique can be an elegant decoration for a kitchen in the shabby chic or Provence style. Wall compositions sewn from fabric scraps that echo the design of furniture and windows will harmoniously fit into the design of the room.

Original compositions of textile accessories

To make such a panel on a sheet of paper, you need to draw a full-size sketch. Then, from separate paper sheets, make patterns for the design elements for the applique. After making sure that the sizes match, the patterns are transferred to fabric cuts. Having laid out the applique elements on the base, adjust them to each other, carefully securing them with pins.

Threads for fabric appliqués are selected to match, or a contrasting contour is made

When using figures in a composition to give voluminous shapes, they are stuffed with the remnants of thin synthetic padding. The composed composition is glued or sewn to the base.

Pockets for small items and hooks for towels would look appropriate on a patchwork panel

To create a functional composition, the fabric “picture” can be supplemented with spacious pockets for storing kitchen accessories.

"Delicious" compositions of dry berries and spices

The use of dried flowers, fruits, nuts and fragrant spices is a trendy theme.

To create the composition you will need a frame with a backing and the contents of your cabinets. Feel free to use:

  • coffee beans;
  • candied citrus fruits;
  • cinnamon sticks;
  • dried flower heads;
  • nuts and beans;
  • any types of cereals;
  • even bagels and bagels.

The process of creating a composition is quite simple. A piece of cardboard, the size of which corresponds to the size of the frame, is covered with burlap or any other selected fabric. The material is fixed to the base, fixing it with nails or “planting” it with hot-melt adhesive.

Large compositional elements are laid out on the front side of the fabric, choosing the most attractive arrangement: a general pattern or an ornament from individual mini-paintings.

Having determined for themselves what the finished composition will look like, the materials laid out on the canvas are alternately lifted above the base and, after applying the glue, are laid out in their original place. You can hang the "picture" on a regular cord, or attach it to metal surface using magnets.

Any materials at hand can serve as the basis for the manufacture of luxurious installations: yellowed atlases, bottle caps, cutlery ... The choice is limited only by the style direction of the kitchen interior and your imagination.

Video master class: three-dimensional panels for the kitchen

Making a wall panel with your own hands is a great opportunity not only to make a beautiful original decoration for an apartment, but also to add an element to the decor. home warmth and individuality. This decorative element is also used by designers to mask defects and surface irregularities, protect the coating from dirt, and also to visually increase the space. In order to make a panel from improvised materials with your own hands, you can use fabrics, leather, paper, photographs, threads, beads, bottle caps, mosaics, glass fragments, cereals, shells, stones and much more. In this article we will look at some original ideas production of similar decor with the provision of their photos. Get inspired with us and feel free to take on the decor of your home.

DIY shell panel

Resting on the seashore, children are very fond of collecting various shells scattered on the coast. But when they come home, they often simply don’t know what to do with them and how to use them. Placed in small bags, shells and beautiful stones only replenish the contents of cabinets and shelves, where they remain for many years. But they can be an excellent material for creating panels on the wall with your own hands. A wide variety of their shapes and colors will help you create excellent compositions that will decorate any room, especially if the interior is decorated in a marine style.

Preparing to create a wall panel with your own hands from shells

A panel of shells will require the following details: shells, a frame (you can use a photo frame, board or plywood), glue, acrylic paints (stain, nail polish). You will also need background material - fabric, burlap, mesh or sand. Depending on the sketch, there may also be additional elements- beads, buttons, stones, rhinestones, etc.

First of all, the shells must be processed - washed, dried and sorted by type and size. In order to give them brightness, while maintaining the same color, they can be covered with stain or clear nail polish. Some DIY panel designs will require different colors. In this case, the shells can be painted acrylic paints, or use a solution of potassium permanganate as such. The frame can also be treated, for example, painted blue or white.

Various types of shells can be randomly arranged on a plane, which will look quite attractive, as shown in the photo. Or you can create various panel designs with your own hands, for example, a seascape, a ship, a doll, flowers, etc. In this case, you will need to make a preliminary sketch, onto which you will then apply the prepared material.

Do-it-yourself shell wall panel for beginners: photos and basic manufacturing processes

Let's start with the simplest models that even a child can make. For example, a chaotic drawing. To do this, you must first apply background fabric or sand to the base using glue and assemble the frame. The background can be painted in any color suitable color before gluing materials. Some paintings suggest monotony. In this case, the entire finished composition is painted. Now we begin to glue a variety of shells. Additionally, you can decorate empty spaces with beads, threads and other available materials.

The panel of shells in the form of a seascape looks quite beautiful (and we can see it in the photo). It’s not difficult to create a picture like this, and it will remind you of have a good rest by the sea.

Sophisticated options for do-it-yourself wall panels made from shells

Panel, like art paintings, can have a variety of subjects. For example, a panel of shells can depict a lush bouquet, which, as can be seen in the photo, will look very realistic and voluminous. To do this, it is better to give the shells different shades using paints. Initially, shells of suitable size are selected, from which buds are formed, and then the middle ones. You can use thick thread or rows of beads as stems.

Sea pebbles can transform such a picture in the most successful way. In the photo we see how elegant the panel made of shells and stones looks.
If you want to depict an animal in a picture or create a portrait, you need to take care of a sufficient number of shells of the same size. Below are examples of such work.

DIY wall panel made from coffee beans

A panel made of coffee beans will perfectly decorate the kitchen interior, bringing relevant element decor. Such paintings can also be designed for other rooms by selecting the appropriate pattern. These can be images of various cute animals for a children's room, beautiful hearts for bedrooms, etc. -gun), base in the form of plywood, a board or a photo frame, as well as additional elements: fabric for the background, felt rope, burlap, scissors and a pencil for creating a sketch.

Some craftsmen manage to form whole portraits and paintings from coffee beans, but such work already requires some skills, so it’s worth starting with simpler pictures.

DIY panel made from buttons

Many housewives probably have whole boxes with various buttons left after worn things. They can lie like that for years, not finding a use for themselves, like unnecessary rubbish, which is a pity to throw away. But with a little imagination and creativity, you can make a beautiful wall panel out of them with your own hands. For example, using the least wanted, green and brown buttons in various shades, you can create a wonderful "money" tree, as shown in the photo. At the same time, from improvised materials, only a board, glue and a pencil are needed to sketch a sketch. All this is available in any household, so the design of such a panel with your own hands will not entail material costs.

DIY wall panel made of wood

One of modern trends interior design is the use of eco-materials, in particular wood. In such conditions the best option decoration of an empty wall will be a decorative panel made of wood with your own hands. Let's look at how to make a panel with your own hands using tree branches.

All that will be needed is: a sheet of thick cardboard or chipboard, glue (it is better to use hot glue, which hardens very quickly), a hacksaw, varnish and brushes and, of course, branches different breeds trees of varying thickness. To decorate the frame you can use wooden slats or baguette.

The dimensions of the canvas depend only on personal preference. Before you make a panel, you need to consider what shape it will have, dimensions and possible shades.

Initially, the frame is made. Here you will need an additional tool - a miter box, which allows you to cut blanks at an angle of 45 degrees. Finished frame attached to the base using small nails or a stapler. Then we cut nickels from the branches, and the thickness can be different.

Finished blanks are laid out on the canvas in a chaotic manner, starting from the largest and ending with the smallest, which will fill the resulting voids. When everything is ready, and the canvas is completely filled, we proceed to gluing all the fragments. After this, you need to wait for the glue to dry and apply a layer of varnish. It will serve as an additional decoration, making the picture glossy and, moreover, will create a protective layer from moisture and harmful insects. At this point, making panels with your own hands can be considered complete. The only thing left to do is install it.