Shower      03/07/2020

Installing a bathtub yourself - detailed installation instructions. Interior of a small bathroom Options for the location of plumbing fixtures in the bathroom

Well, let’s be honest, no matter what size the bathroom is, there is always a catastrophic lack of space in it. After all, you have to manage to place not only the appropriate plumbing fixtures, but also a huge number of very necessary things. To cope with such a difficult task successfully, the following useful tips and design tricks will help you take a fresh look at small space bathroom and try to organize it more rationally and intelligently.

1. “Wet” bath

The most ideal option for very, very small bathroom dimensions. This is the case when the shower is located in an open space, almost above the toilet and washbasin, and the drain is located in the center of the room. To organize such a “wet” layout, a prerequisite is the finishing of all areas ceramic tiles and lack wooden furniture, and indeed any storage systems other than waterproof ones wall shelves for detergents.

If you don’t want to wash all areas of the room and plumbing fixtures after every shower, then it’s better to hang a waterproof curtain or install a special one. protective screen. Not only will the flow of water be limited, but with this solution you won’t have to undress in another place so as not to get your things wet. This option is the most inconvenient, but if the choice is between comfort and no shower at all, then you can agree to such a “wet” layout.

2. Use installations

A built-in toilet has significant advantages with one condition: if it is possible to allocate 20-30 cm behind it for installing the installation. After all, all communications must be hidden somewhere! But if you manage to carve out such space, then you will kill several birds with one stone.

Firstly, such a toilet is much more compact than a floor-standing one.
- Secondly, it can be placed as close to the wall as possible.
- Thirdly, the “hanging” model will make cleaning much easier.
- Fourthly, the space behind the toilet, free from installation, can be rationally used by placing all kinds of shelves, cabinets and even to accommodate a water heater.

3. Installation of a compact shower

As you know, the bathtub is the most bulky element of the bathroom, and if you want to save space, it is better to replace it with a more compact shower. It all depends on your financial capabilities: will it be a fully equipped stationary shower cabin or a simple shower tray with a special enclosing screen.

You can make a small border that rises above the floor, with an organized drain in the center of the allocated area and a regular moisture-resistant curtain.

4. Choosing the right washbasin

While in a small bathroom you can do just fine without a bidet or a Jacuzzi, you can’t do without a washstand. Naturally, when installing in a compact bathroom, you will have to sacrifice the length of the bowl or its width. The modern plumbing market provides unlimited opportunities in choosing the optimal sink, and you yourself decide which model to choose and what you can sacrifice. Designers recommend several options:

- Narrow sink

If you choose this option, you will significantly save usable space. But don’t get carried away too much, the width of the sink should not be less than 30-35 cm, otherwise splashes of water will simply splash out.

- Rounded shell shape

In a small bathroom, a round-shaped sink will look more organic, while they are more practical and convenient for washing.

- Console (hanging) sink

For small bathroom The best option is a cantilever (suspended) model with wall mounting. You can also choose a special type of sink that is designed for installation above the washing machine. These two models do not take up much space and do not require additional cabinets or stands.

5. Practical location of the mixer

If you have chosen a narrow sink, then the best option for placing the faucet is lateral, not only is it a very stylish touch, but it is also practical. After all, with its standard placement and the small width of the sink, when washing your face, you will constantly hit your head on the faucet.

If you managed to place a sink of standard width, and it is located next to the bathtub (shower), then you can install one universal mixer tap with long spout, which will allow you to cover both the washbasin and the bath at the same time.

6. Mirror with a secret

A bathroom cannot do without a mirror, especially if it is tiny. After all, everyone knows the trick of increasing visual area using mirror surfaces. With its help, you can not only visually add space, but also quite realistically organize extra bed for storing necessary things.

Everything depends, first of all, on your desire, as well as on the size of the bathroom and directly on the mirror itself. Can hide a full-fledged locker behind it or organize small shelves on the sides, and you can also purchase a ready-made design you like.

7. Organize storage systems rationally

It is always difficult to maintain order in a small bathroom, because its very modest size does not allow creating the required amount of storage space. After all, it is necessary to place a rather impressive arsenal of all kinds of brushes, combs, jars and tubes so that they do not interfere, but at the same time they are always within reach and do not create complete visual chaos.

There are many brilliant design tricks, which will help you place all the necessary bath accessories without much difficulty.

From the point of view of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, the bathroom is the key carrier of water in the house and is therefore endowed with special properties of the protective element. It cleanses the energy of the home from the negativity of the outside world, brings material well-being and health, and regulates cash flows.

But in order for the element of Water to work for good and bring the energy of “prosperity” into the house, it is necessary to correctly think through the design of the bathroom according to the rules of Feng Shui.

The invisible energy Qi, filling space and permeating all things in the world, fills them with movement and strength. But when it finds itself in unfavorable conditions, when harmony is disturbed, it turns into its opposite - Sha energy, which, like a harmful breath, can destroy everything in its path.

Taking into account all the subtleties in the design of a bathroom according to Feng Shui, you can fill the space of the room with beneficial Qi, preventing the stagnation of destructive Sha.

Since Water as an element is responsible for wealth and material well-being, it is very important to respect the location of the bathroom

If we consider the position of the bathroom relative to the center of the house, then the most favorable directions are considered to be north and east. It is highly desirable to locate the bathroom in the southeast side. It acts as a zone of “wealth”, the accumulation of which will simply “flow through your fingers.”

Ideally, this room should be located as far away from the front door and kitchen as possible. It should be, as it were, hidden from the eyes of strangers coming into the house.

In some homes, bathrooms are located next to the bedroom. From a practical point of view, this is very convenient, but from the point of view of ancient philosophy, such a neighborhood is unfortunate

“Unfortunate neighborhood” is explained by the fact that the energy accumulated in the bathroom is “contaminated”, transformed into destructive Sha, and flows into the bedroom - the room that most needs a clean flow of “breath of life”

In such cases, the energy flow can be adjusted by frequently ventilating the damp room. To clearly delimit spaces, the door adjacent to the bedroom should always be kept closed.

If the bath is still located in one of the undesirable places, in order to protect the Qi flows from “pollution,” you can erect a “barrier” using elements of the Earth element.

To make the bathroom less defenseless and vulnerable to energies coming from outside, decorate the walls of the room with ceramic tiles

A mirror hung from the outside of the door will also help save the situation. It will reflect the flow of energy.

Selection and placement of plumbing fixtures

A bathtub or shower stall is the main element of the interior.

Owners of apartments whose area is quite limited most often choose rectangular models when arranging bathrooms.

The choice of rectangular models is often justified by considerations of space saving. But if you focus on the philosophy of Feng Shui, rectangular bathtubs are far from the best option. Their sharp corners, like aimed poisonous arrows, accumulate and release negative energy.

It is better to give preference to round or oval shaped models, the smooth curves of which, reminiscent of the rounded edges of coins - a symbol of money of the water element, will attract prosperity

If we imagine that our home functions like a living body, then according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the bathroom is associated with the intestinal tract of the human body, which is responsible for removing waste substances. This room in the house is designed to cleanse our physical and subtle bodies of dirt.

But when using bathrooms, it is very important to monitor water consumption.

The installed plumbing must work properly so that water does not just run out, otherwise at the energy level this can lead to frequent illnesses in the household

Water is directly related to the circulating flow of energy, so when installing a toilet a number of important points should be taken into account:

  • In a combined bathroom, the toilet should be located away from the entrance so that when viewed from the entrance it does not come to the fore. If it is not possible to move the toilet to the far corner, use “distracting” techniques: screens and partitions.
  • Each visit to the toilet is accompanied by a mandatory flush of water, along with which the energy of material well-being “leaks away”. You can stop the flow of leaking energy by keeping the toilet lid always closed.
  • In the toilet, the passive lunar energy “yin” predominates, bringing calm and tranquility to the space; it can be balanced by adding the male elements “yang”, filling the space with warmth and energy of the Sun.

It is believed that separate toilet with a bathroom is better than combined.

In any case, it is better to place the toilet as close to the sewer as possible so that contaminated water along with waste Qi leaves as quickly as possible

To prevent Sha energy from the sewer line from penetrating back into the home, it is better to line the outside of the pipe with tiles or bricks.

Ventilation design

High humidity in the bathroom stops the flow of Qi. Drops of condensation settling on walls and pipes, preventing energy from circulating, form a stagnant atmosphere.

Some people mistakenly believe that it is enough to dry the air by installing heating elements, and the flow will improve. But that's not true. Only an influx of fresh air can establish the circulation of Qi energy.

It is ideal if the bathroom has a window that can be opened at any time, letting in a stream of fresh air into the room.

This problem can be solved by ventilating the room as often as possible. Air conditioners are not suitable for this purpose.

Correct lighting device

Natural light is ideal for the bathroom. The rays penetrating through the windows unwind stagnant Qi energy and charge the space with solar energy.

To decorate a window opening, it is better to use slightly shading blinds, keeping them open during the day, allowing the sun's rays to freely penetrate the room

Curtains made of heavy and dense fabrics are not suitable for this purpose.

If the bathroom does not have a window, fill the space with artificial light. When designing room lighting, consider the placement of lamps so that they illuminate the entire room as much as possible. The bright rays of lighting fixtures will revive the energy field.

Choosing flooring

A properly selected coating can enhance the flow of Qi energy. Porcelain stoneware or tiles are ideal for floor decoration.

Materials that have smooth surface, such as marble, tile or glass

The main thing is that the coating is not too cold. You can solve this problem by installing a “warm floor” system, or by choosing tiles that quickly adapt to the ambient temperature.

Fortunately, the wide range of products on the market allows you to choose a coating that will successfully combine decorative properties and excellent performance.

Design subtleties of space design

The bathroom is the place where the Pisces aura reigns supreme. Therefore, when designing this room, the harmony of elements is very important. In addition, the chosen design should act as a continuation of the interior of the remaining rooms in the house.

This is the only way to achieve the energy of a pacifying sign.

When arranging a bathroom, you should be guided by the rule that no matter where you are in the room, you should be able to see the person entering the room

Plumbing equipment and furniture should be arranged in such a way that Entrance door the room was within visible sight.

Shelves filled with all kinds of tubes and bottles with cosmetics body care products also contribute to the stagnation of Qi energy.

To restore normal flow circulation, carry out an “audit” on the shelves, leaving only those products that you often use. Put the rest of the bottles away, hiding them in a closet or cabinet under the sink.

Winning color solutions

The bathroom is the room in which it is pleasant to relax after a hard day of work, enjoying water treatments. Many people have probably noticed that after taking a bath they feel relaxed and energized.

This is due to the fact that the water energy field, acting in resonance, corrects our aura, making it softer and more sensitive.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, light and calm colors contribute to the creation of a relaxing and tranquil environment in the bathroom.

Most favorable colors:

  • White is a synthesis of all colors. It is the color of purification, which contains the energy and power of transformation. But absolutely white room will be deprived of comfort and attractiveness. Colored furnishings in blue, gold and apricot shades will help dilute the white tones.
  • Green is the color of nature. He calms down nervous system and promotes inner harmony. The color used to decorate the room should be bright green, like spring foliage, calm emerald, like the dense crown of trees, but in no case dirty green or khaki.
  • Blue is the color of the sky. It erases aggressive thoughts, relieves tension and harmonizes energy flows. According to Feng Shui philosophy, the color blue, which belongs to the element of Water and symbolizes heavenly blessings, is ideal for wall decoration.
  • Light brown – light wood tone. Acting as an element of the Earth, the light brown shade helps to harmonize the masculine and feminine principles present in each of us. It gives a feeling of security and inner peace. But only light shades of brown are endowed with these properties.

It is better to create colorful accents to stimulate energy flows in individual areas by complementing the interior with small bright accessories

In a combined bathroom, to harmonize the space, the plumbing fixtures should have the same color and design. It is preferable to choose white earthenware.

Mirror surfaces

What is a bathroom without a mirror? It acts as a connecting element that connects our physical body with the subtle “I”, restoring harmony between them.

When choosing the shape of a bathroom mirror according to Feng Shui, be guided by your zodiac sign and the element that protects you:

  • Round - symbolizes Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), but takes on the energy of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and Earth.
  • Oval – compatible with the power of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and Fire.
  • Square – combined with the biofield of Air and Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).
  • Rectangular – complements the energies of Water and Fire.

If difficulties arise with choosing favorable elemental energies, give preference to the stronger one. In descending order they will be arranged as follows: Fire, Earth, Air, Water.

If there are representatives of several signs among the household members, choose the form that will be most favorable for everyone

The properties of mirrors to visually expand space from the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui should not be actively used. For the same reason, it is not advisable to install magnifying mirrors.

According to Chinese beliefs, it is not advisable to look at small mirrors installed nearby at the same time: when the reflection is fragmented, the personal energy Qi is also fragmented

For this reason, you should not decorate the walls of the room mirror tiles or install cabinets whose doors are decorated with an ornament of individual mirror elements.

Use of live plants

The bathroom is one of the most ascetic rooms where most of us like to be alone with ourselves. But snow-white plumbing fixtures, the shine of metal taps and the shimmering surface of tiles are not able to bring a “living” note to the interior. Only fresh flowers in beautiful ceramic pots will prevent energy from stagnating in the corners.

Some people think that the bathroom is not the best option for green “pets”. But the humid environment that prevails indoors is ideal for growing decorative foliage plants.

The stumbling block in the issue of landscaping is the lighting that flowers need.

In rooms where there are window openings through which the sun's rays penetrate, in combination with high humidity in the room, ideal conditions are created for a “Garden of Eden”

In “dead” baths, you have to think about the presence of lighting fixtures, guided by the rule that there is never too much light. To ensure that the plants receive a sufficient amount of light, install fluorescent lamps around the perimeter of the room, placing them at a distance of 30-45 cm from the flowers.

Considering the high humidity in the room, it is better to equip the devices with cartridges equipped with sealed tips. You can buy them in stores specializing in aquarium equipment.

Many exotic plants can be used as green “decorations”. shade loving plants, preferring a humid climate: dieffenbachia, calathea, ferns, cyperus

They can be placed in floor pots or hanging planters using “vertical” gardening techniques. Against the backdrop of sparkling snow-white plumbing fixtures, a decorative miniature palm tree, cordeliana and exotic beauty allocasia.

Green-leaved dracaenas can be a worthy interior decoration, taking their place in the corner of the bathroom or near the shower stall. They are easy to care for and do not require frequent watering, which is especially appreciated by owners who forget to water their flowers.

For more spacious rooms, you can safely choose larger green “pets”: evergreen heptapleurum, framed with leathery leaves of ficus, liana-shaped monstera

These plants should be watered sparingly to avoid stagnation of water. Fertilize and replant in the same way as when caring for other indoor plants.

Among the beautifully flowering indoor plants it is worth highlighting orchids.

Under artificial light and high humidity Phalaenopsis feel comfortable, because in natural conditions they grow in coastal stones near water bodies

Exuding a light, subtle aroma, they will set you in a positive mood. They will also help create an environment conducive to relaxation. aroma oils. Lavender, geranium and bergamot will help relieve nervous tension, and a few drops of lemon or chamomile will lift your spirits and tone the body.

Surround yourself with useful and beautiful objects - and you will create a beneficial flow of Qi energy around you, which will help you find harmony with the world around you and yourself.

Video: secrets of decorating a bathroom according to Feng Shui

Having modern Construction Materials and the latest plumbing, you can make an impeccable renovation by showing imagination, skill and good taste. The larger the area of ​​the room, the easier it is to realize your design ideas.

Area 4 sq. meter cannot be called roomy, but for urban buildings of the last century it is quite an acceptable size, then it was enough to install a bathtub and washbasin to satisfy the needs of the owners. Today, the consumer is more demanding and tries to fit a shower stall, washing machine, bidet, installation with a toilet and sink into 4 square meters. Builders of the last century, when calculating the footage of a hygienic room, did not even imagine the plumbing capabilities of today.

How to fit everything in?

Modern man values ​​comfort. IN small room In addition to the usual sink and bathtub, you need to accommodate at least a washing machine. The height of design art lies in the ability to install as many objects as possible in a limited area without disturbing the harmony of things.

You can take radical measures and combine the bathroom with the toilet. For those who find this option unacceptable, you should choose the right plumbing fixtures and arrange them taking into account every centimeter of usable area. It is even more difficult to organize space if in 4 square meters. m the toilet and bathroom have already been combined.

4 m2 is a common option for bathrooms. Designers have developed certain techniques in the design of such premises.

  • On initial stage Even before renovation, it is necessary to measure and make a sketch of the room. Mark the entrance door and utility lines. Decide what plumbing fixtures are needed and mark them on the drawing. During repair work, you may need to go deeper into the wall, make a small niche so that the bathtub can fit. Sometimes it is necessary to move drainage points and create zonal partitions.

  • If the room is square (2x2 m), the bath can be placed anywhere. In rectangular rooms, in order to place plumbing fixtures and furniture, it is better to define it under a smaller wall. For those who like to shower, it is worth considering the option of a shower cabin, it is practical and takes up less space.
  • Sometimes the washbasin can be neglected; its functions will be performed by the bathtub. If you need a sink and it doesn’t fit well, you can slightly slide it over the bathtub, or replace it with miniature analogues.

  • A toilet hung on an installation will help save meters.
  • For some interiors, corner plumbing is well suited. This technique also applies to furniture. You can hang a shelf or shelves in the corner above the bathroom.

  • The classic method of placing a washing machine or cabinet is under the washbasin.
  • In small bathrooms, it is necessary to make maximum use of the vertical spaces above the bathtub, cabinet, sink, and washing machine. They are filled with hanging furniture, shelves, mirrors, and towel hooks.
  • If there is a niche, it can be used for open shelves or a closed cabinet. The design, made in the color of the overall finish, will merge with the walls and will not reduce the space. A mezzanine above the door, on the contrary, will distort the geometry of the room.
  • In some cases, for optimal interior planning it is necessary to move the front door.

  • There are rules for visually preserving space. One of them: getting rid of the little things. Many small objects practically “eat up” the free meters. Cosmetics, washing powders, washcloths, detergents should be hidden in shelves and cabinets, and not take up free space on the washing machine, the sides of the bathtub and sink.
  • Thoughtful use of reflective surfaces can save the day. A full-wall mirror above the bathroom will visually double the room, especially if it is located opposite the door.

We adapt to the form

Bathrooms with an area of ​​4 square meters can differ significantly from each other. The difference significantly affects their occupancy with plumbing fixtures and furniture. Successful layouts Square or rectangular rooms with a slight difference in the footage of the walls are considered. It is more difficult to create interiors in rooms with irregular geometry. We have to find bathtubs of a unique configuration, use corner plumbing fixtures and custom-made furniture. Narrow long rooms with an entrance door on the short side can be considered catastrophic. The bathtub is located opposite the door, and it is difficult to place anything under two long walls without compromising the passage.

The rational arrangement of the situation is significantly influenced by the front door; in some cases it has to be moved.

In square rooms with a door offset to the side, a bathtub or shower stall is installed against the opposite wall or in a corner diagonally. A sink and toilet are placed on the right and left sides of the bathtub. When the door is centrally located, the bathtub is installed on the right or left. The opposite part of the room can be occupied by the rest of the plumbing.

In a rectangular room with a side door, a bathtub or shower is mounted opposite the entrance, and a washing machine, sink, and toilet are placed under the long walls. The central entrance makes it possible to arrange plumbing fixtures rationally on both sides. For rectangular rooms, it is always better to place the bathtub on the smaller side, this will make it possible to fully line up the rest of the plumbing.

Selecting a layout

Bathroom having an area of ​​4 square meters, often combined with a toilet. In addition to the bathtub, washbasin and washing machine, it is necessary to place a toilet. Ideally, it is better to separate these zones with a light partition. You can use an installation or shower wall as zoning.

Sometimes, for convenience, the toilet is installed in a corner. In particularly tight cases, this helps avoid touching the walls. Having square area premises, you can place a bathtub to the right of the door (it will take up the entire wall), and install a washing machine to the left of the entrance. A toilet is installed in the far left part of the room. A washbasin with a small cabinet and a mirror will occupy the wall opposite the door.

An example of an unsuccessful bathroom layout is a narrow rectangle with an entrance on the short side. Opposite the door you can place a small bathtub. To form a passage, the rest of the plumbing will have to be placed in one line. Such an environment will not add coziness to the room, but will make it look like a warehouse. A niche in the far left corner resolved the situation; a washbasin was installed in it, and a washing machine was placed opposite under the right wall. This layout option is not compatible with the bathroom.

The left wall from the door is occupied by a bathtub. On the right is a washbasin with a spacious cabinet, behind which there is a light plasterboard partition that zones the bathroom. There was no room for a washing machine in this layout.

The bathroom has the shape of a classic rectangle. The entrance splits the wall almost in half. Left is installed corner bath with glass partition. On the right took its place washing machine, and against the wall opposite the door there is a sink and toilet. All plumbing fixtures have a conventionally combined smooth line, which improves appearance rooms.

A room with complex geometry: two walls make an angle of 90 degrees, and the third goes to the side at a large angle. A varied selection of bathtubs on the plumbing markets allows you to choose any non-standard model. This will not only solve the problem of the room’s layout, but will also make it possible to purchase a bathtub with a larger volume. The wall opposite the door is occupied by a sink with a spacious cabinet.

Narrow rectangular bathroom with shower. Opposite the door long wall There is a washbasin with a countertop and a washing machine.

Secrets of ergonomics

The main objectives of ergonomics are safety, functionality and comfort. It is better for ergonomic furniture and plumbing fixtures to have smooth, rounded shapes. The tiles on the floor should not slip. It is necessary that the glass of the shower stall is durable and does not splinter when damaged.

The bathroom is so small that it is difficult to comply with all standard dimensions. For example, it is not always possible to maintain a distance of 75 cm between all pieces of furniture and plumbing fixtures (between a bidet and a toilet, the parameters allowed are half that size).

From the bathtub to the sink, a length of 30 cm is required. But sometimes, due to cramped spaces, the washbasin literally “runs over” the bathtub. In this case, you should make sure that there are no objects around that you can hit when leaning towards the water, or touch them with your elbow when brushing your teeth. Cabinets, chests of drawers, and countertops should not exceed one meter in height. If the toilet is not hanging on the installation, the distance between it and the wall is 30-50 cm, and in front of the toilet - at least 50 cm.

The laws of ergonomics must correspond to the psychophysical characteristics of the owner, and literally everything must be taken into account when creating an interior: color, finishing material, lighting.


There are not many options for using materials for finishing a bathroom; it is necessary to use waterproof structures. Suitable for these purposes tile, waterproofing acrylic paint, plastic panels, stone.

For the floor, choose tiles with a rough texture; such a surface can minimize slipping. The selected small pattern will dissolve the boundaries of the territory.

When working on walls, large ornaments or decorative images should be avoided. Mosaic, on the contrary, is welcome. To optically expand the walls, you should choose a horizontal pattern; for low ceilings, vertical stripes will help.

Glossy surfaces will make the room more voluminous; this should be taken into account when choosing a finishing material. The reflective effect of a stretch ceiling will double the room.

Transparent partitions and room zoning different types materials will also create the illusion of space.

Color solutions

Tonality plays a big role in the visual expansion of the territory. Black color brings you closer, and white color moves you away, visually pushing back the boundaries of space. The dark walls of a small room turn it into an oppressive box from which you want to escape. Spaciousness and airiness are created precisely bright hues: blue, cream, milky, soft lilac.

Owners with an energetic character can dilute the calm, light shades of the interior with bright, flashy accents.

The shortcomings of the room can be corrected by a combination of contrasts. Light walls with a dark ceiling will give volume to the room, but at the same time ground it. Dark walls with a light ceiling will elongate the space, but make it narrower.

A minimalist theme works well for small bathrooms. The absence of decor and small details focuses attention on the overall styling of the space and does not distract small items. This trend is characterized by a black and white color scheme. When designing a small room, you should give preference white color, and send black as an auxiliary one. A reasonable dosage of black will emphasize elegance, and the privilege of light will lighten the interior.


Bright light combined with light finishing material makes the room spacious and positive. In addition to the central lamp, several spotlights are installed. With low ceilings, you can run spotlights around the perimeter of the room and do without a chandelier.

The main thing is not to create shadows. LED backlight They are equipped with hanging cabinets, but it can also be used to decorate the ceiling. This is an economical type of lamps that resembles sunlight.

You should not forget about the humidity of the room and buy lighting taking into account this feature. Only with very high ceilings can you afford a hanging chandelier; in other cases, it is better to install the lamps in the ceiling. Using lights, you can highlight areas, for example, a shower or a bathroom.

Compact accessories

For small bathrooms the best option will use the installation. To a sustainable metal structure you can fix the toilet and bidet on one side, the washbasin on the other. The installation is sheathed with plasterboard and covered with tiles or other finishing material. A similar false wall separates the toilet from the bathroom. All inlets and pipes are installed in the installation; only the plumbing fixtures floating in the air remain visible. This setting looks impressive. In addition, it is easy to clean under attachments. If a zoning partition is not needed, the installation can be mounted into the wall.

Bath in 4 sq. meters, it is better to install a rectangular wall along the entire length of a short wall. A triangular bathtub plays well with a corner toilet located diagonally. In rare cases, three corners are used, adding a corner sink. This interior looks original and impressive.

Many people replace bathtubs with shower stalls, this helps save some space. For those who like to take a bath and shower at the same time, there are shower boxes. This design is filled with all sorts of comfortable elements in the form of hydromassage, steam room, tropical rain, aromatherapy devices, etc.

Small space is a major problem for those who want to make their bathroom not only functional, but also stylish. Even the most necessary things cannot always be arranged so that the bathroom does not seem cluttered and too cramped, and there is nothing to speak of decorative accessories. Meanwhile, choosing a design for a small room is not as difficult as it seems if you approach this issue wisely.

A bathroom is considered small if its area does not exceed 4 m2. In many city apartments, only 2-3 m2 are allocated for the bathroom. And in this tiny area you need to place a bath, washbasin, toilet, washing machine and at least some shelves for storing accessories. In addition, everything should be placed so that there is a free passage and a little space in front of the plumbing fixtures.

The layout needs to be carefully considered. First of all, you should draw a bathroom plan indicating the exact dimensions and designate the communication connections. Next, you need to determine what, besides plumbing, is most important for you, and what you can do without. This applies to heated towel rails, furniture, and bulky accessories. Each item must be schematically indicated on the plan at the intended installation location.

There are certain placement rules, depending on the shape of the bathroom and the location of the door:

  • square room, entrance from the corner or side - it is recommended to place a bathtub (shower stall) opposite the entrance or diagonally from the door. The washbasin is mounted on one side of the bathtub, the toilet on the other. If the entrance is located in the middle of the wall, a bathtub or cubicle is installed on one side of the door, a sink and toilet on the other. The free space opposite the door visually expands the room;
  • rectangular bathroom, entrance from the corner - the bathtub (shower stall) is installed along the opposite short wall or in the corner farthest from the entrance, the washbasin and toilet are placed against the long wall opposite the entrance. If the door is in the center of a long wall, the cabin or bathtub is installed along the side walls or in one of the corners adjacent to the wall with the door.

Choosing plumbing

Standard plumbing takes up a lot of space, and it will not be possible to arrange it conveniently in a small room. Nowadays, entire lines of plumbing fixtures for small bathrooms are produced, combining compact sizes with high functionality. Most of them have a corner design of symmetrical or asymmetrical shape, allowing for the most efficient use of space.

Shower cabin

When arranging small-sized rooms, you should give preference to a shower stall, if, of course, none of the household members objects. After all, despite all the functions that a cabin may have, it will never fully replace a bath.

Full-size shower cabins are perfect for rooms with an area of ​​3-4 m2. various shapes, the main thing is to choose the right place for them. If the area is less than 3 m2, preference should be given to small-sized cabins - from 70x70 to 90x90 cm. A popular option is to arrange shower corner, which requires even less space.

It is recommended to choose designs with a sliding or folding door, since a hinged door requires more free space in front of the entrance. To make the bathroom seem lighter and more spacious, it is recommended to install a shower stall with a transparent glass body. Frameless glass models, which are visually perceived as lighter and more compact, look very impressive.

shower cabins


If you don’t want to give up a bath, you can easily choose a small model. For a square room, a symmetrical corner bathtub with dimensions from 100x100 cm to 130x130 cm is perfect; for a narrow rectangular room - an asymmetrical model with a width of 75-80 cm and a length of 110 to 150 cm. If the area is very small, there is wide choose sit-down baths, both corner and rectangular, which take up no more space than a compact shower stall.

For those who want to have both a bathtub and a shower cabin, there is a combined option - a hydrobox. In terms of dimensions, it is much more compact than the cabin and bathtub standing next to it, it is very convenient to use, and is equipped with many useful functions. True, it is not suitable for the smallest bathrooms, and not everyone can afford the prices for hydroboxes. But there is Alternative option: install a shower enclosure on the sides of the bathtub. This will cost much less than buying a cabin, and will allow you to fully use both the shower and the bath in a limited area.

Sink and toilet

The sink itself does not take up much space, but its shape has a significant impact on optimizing space. For example, wall-hung structures allow rational use of the space under the bowl, while sinks with a pedestal exclude this possibility or partially limit it. Vanity sinks are great for storing essentials and hygiene products, but they look more bulky.

If you plan to install a washing machine in the bathroom, it is best to purchase a water lily sink, which is a bowl with flat siphon. In this case, the washing machine is installed directly under the sink, and additional space is freed up in the room. For the smallest bathrooms, the optimal solution is compact wall-mounted corner sinks.

Toilets are also available in various modifications, among which the most compact are corner products. They are absolutely in no way inferior to standard models, but they allow you to more efficiently use the usable area of ​​the bathroom. You can install and wall hung toilet: the dimensions of these models are standard, but thanks to the free space under the seat, they appear smaller and visually enlarge the bathroom.

Advice. When choosing suspended plumbing, consider the strength of the base to which it will be attached. Both the sink and the toilet weigh a lot, in addition, the load increases during use, so installation should be carried out on plasterboard partitions or walls made of light blocks cannot be built without preliminary reinforcement of the frame.

Furniture for a small bathroom

In cramped conditions, it is difficult to find space in the bathroom for furniture, so you need to limit yourself to only the essentials. The most appropriate choice is a pencil case and a compact hanging shelf. A narrow cabinet can be placed in any free corner, close to the doors or between plumbing fixtures. Thanks to vertical arrangement, it takes up little space and has good capacity.

When it comes to shelves, there are many more options. Suspended structures the passage is not blocked and the use of plumbing fixtures is not interfered with, so they can be mounted in any convenient location. But here it is important not to overdo it: the more shelves, the cramped the bathroom seems, especially if the shelves are wide and located on both sides of the entrance. Great solution is a shelf above the doorway, as it allows you to conveniently place a lot of necessary little things, and at the same time it does not catch the eye.

Tile selection

Wall and floor decoration for the interior are no less important than furnishings. Incorrectly selected tiles can visually make the bathroom smaller, make it gloomy or dull, inexpressive, or too bright and provocative. Here you need to take into account not only the color and texture, but also the size of the tiles, as well as the method of laying them.

The color combination of the cladding should be restrained, with a predominance of light colors:

  • warm colors - sand, beige, pastel shades of coral and orange;
  • cold range - all shades of blue, lilac, lemon, light turquoise;
  • neutral colors - pearl gray, white, pale pink.

In a small bathroom, it is not necessary to create a horizontal division with tiles of different colors, but this does not mean that the finish should be monochromatic. To visually expand the room, you can lay out a colored border at the top and bottom of the walls, and vertical inserts will help increase the height of the ceiling. If you need to highlight certain areas, use tiles of a darker color than the main background. A combination of shades of the same range looks best, but it is not advisable to combine too contrasting colors.

Also, do not choose tiles with large patterns. This applies to geometric patterns, various ornaments, and panels. The larger the image, the smaller the room itself appears. If you want to make the cladding more decorative, you can add inserts from individual tiles with a small pattern or just a different shade. Mosaic inserts also look very impressive.

As for the size of the tiles, there are no strict requirements, although it is not recommended to use elements that are too large. Optimal choice– rectangular tiles 75x150 mm and square tiles 200x200 mm. The use of rectangular tiles allows you to visually expand the bathroom, and the combination of square and rectangular elements increases the decorativeness of the finish. But the greatest effect is achieved by non-standard shaped tiles, for example, in the form of a honeycomb.

Laying tiles in a small bathroom is most often done in the classic way - seam to seam; the staggered method is also popular, especially if the tile is rectangular. For rooms with low ceiling The best option is diagonal laying.

Popular tile collections for small bathrooms

Name, manufacturerShort description
Tile universal type, made of porcelain stoneware. The size of the elements is 180x210 mm, thickness 9.5 mm. The tile has a hexagonal shape, is externally designed in a patchwork style, and has a matte surface. The color scheme is very restrained, in gray-brown tones, ideal for a high-tech bathroom
The collection includes floor and wall tiles, as well as 2 decorative borders. The tiles are made of ceramics and are available in glossy and matte surfaces. The color scheme consists of cool and neutral light shades - blue, purple, white, gray, green
The collection includes floor and wall tiles, 3 types of borders and panels. The material of manufacture is ceramic, the surface is matte and glossy, the color range includes white, beige, burgundy and brown shades
The collection includes wall tiles, decorative borders and plinths. Rectangular elements with a glossy surface, made of ceramic. The color range includes white, beige and several shades of blue
The collection includes wall and floor tiles, decorative inserts, border and panel. The shape of the elements is rectangular, the surface is glossy, the material of manufacture is ceramic. The color scheme consists of white, blue, light shades of green and blue.

Ceiling and lighting

Having chosen the cladding option, you should pay attention to the finishing of the ceiling. Complex multi-level designs are inappropriate here, so you should choose something more discreet. An excellent solution is glossy suspended ceiling or a mirror pendant: thanks to the reflection, the room seems twice as large.

But options with photo printing need to be chosen very carefully, since an overly bright image will “crush” and draw attention to itself.

If the interior is decorated simply, without any special frills, the ceiling can be covered with plastic panels or painted.

Lighting in a small bathroom should be soft and uniform. Spotlights located on the ceiling cope best with this. It is better not to use massive sconces, as well as bright lamps, otherwise the room will not be very comfortable, but you should also not leave dark corners.

Choosing an interior style

There are many options for decorating a bathroom, but not all of them are suitable for small spaces. The interior of a small bathroom should be laconic, not overloaded with decorative details, otherwise it will not look the best.

High-tech style

Characteristics of this style:

  • minimum decorative elements;
  • monochrome color scheme;
  • straight simple shapes;
  • maximum use of artificial materials.

When decorating a high-tech interior, it is recommended to use wall-hung sanitary ware and built-in furniture to increase the usable space. The presence of glass, plastic and metal surfaces, chrome coatings. A transparent shower cabin and a glass sink will fit perfectly into such an interior. It is better to make the ceiling suspended, with built-in spotlights. In decoration, preference should be given to a combination of white, black and gray colors, which can be diluted with splashes of green, blue or red.

Sea style

Bathroom in nautical style it always looks very cozy and fresh. Manufacturers offer entire collections of marine-themed tiles that completely transform a room. To complete the look, you can decorate a shelf or mirror with several seashells or hang a life preserver on the wall. If it is not possible to change the lining, hang a blue or blue curtain on the bathtub. turquoise color with a marine pattern. Combined with shells and other accessories, this will create a complete look and make your bathroom irresistible.

The freedom felt in space is the highlight of minimalist bathrooms

Suitable for a small bathroom are such styles as oriental, loft, country, retro, in the design of which the main attention is paid to accessories. But interiors in the Art Nouveau, Provence or Classic styles, on the contrary, require more space and light, so it is not practical to use them in a limited area. But, no matter what style you choose, remember that the main thing in the interior is convenience and functionality.

Bathroom in Provence style

Video - Interior of a small bathroom

Convenient and comfortable housing is the key have a nice rest and the excellent well-being of all its inhabitants. But when buying an apartment, especially in older buildings, many people are faced with an inconvenient and impractical bathroom layout.

You can combine a bathroom with a toilet by demolishing the adjacent wall. In a combined room, you must leave one door and one lamp.

Attention: if a pipe runs along an adjacent wall, then its removal should be carried out exclusively by specialists, and only after approval.

An example of combining a toilet and a bathroom - a difficult redevelopment when pipe relocation is required

Ways to arrange small bathrooms

Let's consider several layout options for typical bathrooms with an area of ​​up to 5 square meters.

Option 1:

  • instead of a sitz bath, a shower cabin is installed;
  • The washbasin and toilet are made corner.

Layout example small bathroom in Khrushchev

Option 2:

  • leave a full bath;
  • the toilet tank is hidden in the wall;
  • a cabinet is installed under the washbasin for storing various accessories;
Advice: You can hang a large mirror above the washbasin to visually expand the space.

Small bathroom with full bath tank

Option 3:

  • a corner tank is installed in one of the corners; you can use a mini-bath with a jacuzzi;
  • There is a washing machine near the door;
  • there is a washbasin on the opposite wall;
  • Near the sink there is a toilet, the tank of which is hidden in a niche.

A corner bathtub of an interesting shape will be the highlight of a small bathroom

Bottom line

A convenient bathroom layout is the key to the comfort of all family members. Therefore, increasingly, small bathrooms and toilets are combined into one room. If the redevelopment is carried out in accordance with all the rules and regulations, you can enjoy the convenience and safety of your bathroom.