Shower      03/28/2019

Delicious sweet strawberries at home. Fresh strawberries in January or is it possible to grow strawberries at home

To taste sweet and fragrant strawberries, it is not necessary to wait for the season and look for them in the market - these berries can be grown at home. To do this, there are many ways described in this article.

Summer residents are amateurs and professionals who cannot live a day without work in summer cottages or home garden, be sure to find a place in the garden for growing strawberries.

Frequent weeding, the formation of regular bushes and timely collection- this is only a small fraction of the care needed for a good harvest. But if you know certain secrets, then growing strawberries will seem like a pleasant experience, bearing excellent fruit.

How to grow strawberries outdoors at home?

First you need to know what it is worth planting strawberries only in the lowlands, preferably on a sunny, windless side - ideal southwestern side of the site.

For a rich harvest of strawberries, you must follow the rules for its cultivation.

Do not think that strawberries are planted once and for all in the same place - it is desirable that they grow in one area no more than three years. If you do not periodically change the place where strawberries are grown, then the fertile qualities of the soil will dry up, and the berries will become small and not sweet.

IN open ground planting strawberry seedlings early June in the evening. So overnight, the seedlings will strengthen a little and it will be better to withstand the hot summer sun. When you first plant strawberries, first clean the soil well - remove all weeds and dig up the area that you have chosen for planting berries.

Strawberry bushes important plant not too close- determine the distance of about half a meter between the bushes, so it will be convenient for you to collect fruits and strawberries will be big and tasty.

Choose healthy sockets, carefully place in the ground and plant at medium depth. The main thing is to dig holes for seedlings correctly - if you plant very deep, the roots can rot; dig small holes - the earth will quickly dry out, and the roots will dry out.

Watering is very important for strawberries.

After you have planted all the seedlings - water the seedlings well and after a couple of days, add fertilizer to the watering. When strawberries begin to bloom, spread straw under the bushes - this way you will protect future fruits from rotting. To make the berries large - cut off too long mustaches of the plant. After following all the tips, strawberries in the open field will delight you with delicious and sweet fruits.

How to grow strawberries vertically?

Modern innovations in gardening have invented a great alternative classic options growing strawberries - vertical beds. Summer residents who do not own large land plantations should be interested in this idea.

This kind of beds very good for harvesting. Also, the option of fruit decay is practically excluded, which, thanks to vertical beds, no longer lie on the ground.

A good solution for a vertical bed would be to use flower pots. You can either stack them one on top of the other, or you can mount the pots on a metal or wooden rod driven deep into the ground. Fill pots with earth, plant strawberries in each outlet and that's it, the vertical garden is ready.

vertical cultivation strawberries in pots

Can come up with different options: use small boxes, barrels or buy special designers for vertical beds in the store - this is a matter of your imagination. Everything has positive and negative sides.

Cons of vertical landing:

  • Limited food- due to the small amount of land, seedlings need more frequent feeding
  • Dryness- Strawberries in the sun in pots dry quickly. Therefore, you have to water much more often. If you come to the dacha only on weekends, form for seedlings drip irrigation
  • Freezing- in a too small pot, not covered with snow in frosty winters, strawberries can quickly freeze out. Therefore, it is better to bring seedlings indoors for the winter.

Vertical planting allows you to get more yield

But there is also positive aspects of such planting:

  • Time saving– for harvesting, now you do not need to bend your back and look for berries
  • Ease of maintenance - You won't need to weed
  • Space saving- A vertical nursery takes up much less space than traditional
  • No disease- the fungus does not often affect strawberries with a vertical planting method

Having considered all the pros and cons of the vertical method of planting strawberries, each gardener has the right to choose the most convenient method for him. But it is important to note that this way not only effective, but also very aesthetic - a beautifully decorated nursery with white flowering and red berries will look very unusual and bright.

Video: Vertical method of growing strawberries

How to grow strawberries in bags?

Technology growing strawberries in bags almost the same as the traditional growing method. But nevertheless we will analyze this method in more detail. To get started, select a room where you will grow strawberries. In such a room it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature all year - 20-24 °C.

In order to grow strawberries you will need large plastic bags. You can buy them or make your own. The length of the bags should be at least 2 m, diameter about 20 cm. After you have decided where you will plant strawberries, fill the soil with fertilizers into this bag.

Growing strawberries in bags is more productive than growing them in pots

On the vertical of the bag in a checkerboard pattern, make cuts in four rows for planting about 8 centimeters in size and spaced at 25 cm. Bags must be placed on the floor. Place them not next to each other, but at a distance of about 30-40 cm from each other.

Use for watering and fertilizing dropper tubes(they will need to be attached to the bag). You will need three tubes per bag, which are inserted the entire length of the bag into one hole.

Connect the upper ends of the tubes to the main pipeline, which must be carried over the bags. For watering each bag you will need about 2 liters of water per day.

Planting and harvesting strawberries in a bag

The positive aspects of such cultivation are:

  • preservation of the genetics of the variety
  • high yield
  • fruits that can be obtained throughout the year, because the cultivation takes place in a room with a comfortable temperature.

With this method of growing strawberries, you will always have delicious berries without chemicals grown by own hands.

Video: Growing strawberries all year round in bags

How to grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round?

Many gardeners are accustomed to the fact that such a tasty berry as a strawberry gives a harvest only once - in early June. Some varieties of strawberries fruit up to three months- These are remontant varieties, but they can only grow under certain conditions. And if you create a certain temperature in the greenhouse, then you can achieve that tasty and sweet fruits will be on your table. all year round.

In order for the harvest to be all year round, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Install proper lighting
  2. Create a specific temperature regime
  3. Provide timely watering and top dressing

For growing strawberries in greenhouses you can use several ways:

  • Growing in the ground
  • Planting in small containers
  • Landing by Dutch technology
In greenhouse conditions, strawberries can bear fruit all year round.

The main method for many gardeners is precisely planting strawberries in the ground. For those who wish to receive good harvest V closed ground, you should take note of the other two methods.

Planting in a container is similar to the vertical method of growing strawberries - planting seedlings is also produced in pots filled with soil.

The greenhouse also uses dutch technology is a well-known method of growing strawberries in bags, which uses drip system glaze.

Strawberries in a greenhouse

The greenhouse in which you plan to grow berries all year round should be well heated and lit. Because seedlings need to be well moistened- Water must be available. If you create right conditions in a greenhouse, then planting by any method will bring good results.

How to grow strawberries in pipes?

If you have a small summer cottage or you go to please the children with delicious strawberries, a great option would be grow strawberries in pipes. Creating such a nursery is a simple and inexpensive task. To do this, you need the usual sewage pipe . You can create a nursery in a horizontal or vertical form.

If you choose horizontal version - cut the pipe into two halves and the nursery is ready. With the vertical method, it is worth cutting holes for future seedlings with a drill at a distance about 30cm.

Growing strawberries in a tube

You can place pipes even in greenhouses - this is saves a lot of space. The main thing - you need to provide the right lighting - at least 15 hours in a day. Otherwise, you will not see tasty and sweet fruits.

Choose to land young, strong seedlings, which need to be planted at an average depth and well watered. Mandatory two days after planting use complex fertilizer.

If you are beautiful paint the pipes with bright colors, then this method will not only save space, but will become beautiful decor Your site or apartment.

How to grow strawberries under film?

One of the well-known methods of growing strawberries is landing under black film. Growing berries in this way is great option get an excellent harvest every year. In this case, you do not have to fight weeds, or worry about rotting berries.

Growing strawberries under film

To prepare such a "dark" greenhouse, you need take a film and a hose, the length of which will be equal to the length of the beds - from it you will make a kind of drip irrigation system.

First, dig up the soil clear it of weeds. The width of one bed will be about a meter, the aisle - no more than 50 cm. The earth should sit down - after being dug up, it is worth planting seedlings only after a week.

Between rows, make small, no more 10 cm recesses and lay the hose in them. Make small holes in the laid hose - at a distance 7-10 cm from each other - this will be the drip irrigation system.

Film coating on beds with strawberries

In a checkerboard pattern, you will need to cut holes of the same size - approximately 15*15cm- Ready for seedlings. Plant seedlings, after wetting the roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

For this method, the ideal disembarkation time is the beginning of June preferably in the evening. A positive nuance of this method is the absence of weeds and good water impregnation thanks to drip irrigation.

Using this method, as early as the beginning of August You can enjoy large and sweet strawberries from your own plot.

How to grow strawberries from a mustache?

It's hard to imagine summer without delicious strawberries. It is not only tasty, but also useful, vitamin C- one of the main vitamins that this red berry is rich in. The process of growing strawberries is very laborious and not always purchased seedlings are accepted in the allotment. Therefore, gardeners are trying to grow seedlings on their own.

A good harvest of strawberries can also be harvested when growing it from a mustache

Get good seedlings strawberries can from her own moustache. Healthy tendrils should be cut from the bush and placed in a peat tablet. After that, put them in a pan with water and cover the top in the form of a cap. It will take about a week to tendrils sprouted.

To do not damage young fragile roots, transplant seedlings into the ground also in a tablet. In the garden, plant the resulting antennae seedlings in a peat tablet so as not to injure the young plant.

This is followed by regular water seedlings and use complex nutrition.

It is best to plant strawberries there, where previously there were radishes, carrots, onions, garlic, peas or dill. In no case do not plant seedlings on the site where potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers were last year - this can be done only after three years.

It is advisable to cover the ground under strawberries with straw or sawdust - this will protect against weeds

seedlings received from strawberry tendrils will bear fruit only next year, when it is already well established. For the winter it is desirable to cover it pine sawdust, to keep you out of the cold winter.

This breeding method rather troublesome, but a year after planting, strawberries will surely please you with sweet fruits.

How to grow remontant strawberries?

Very often, such strawberries grow in many gardeners, but not everyone distinguishes them from ordinary strawberries. Main difference remontant strawberries is the fruiting frequency. Such strawberries bear fruit 2 or more times in a season.

More often periods for harvesting remontant strawberries is:

  • For the early period - July
  • The second, later period - the end of August - the beginning of September

Remontant strawberry fruits

The fruits of such strawberries can weigh about 100 g These are especially large berries. Average weight such a strawberry 60 g, which is also quite a lot compared to regular strawberries.

For growing remontant strawberries it is worth considering certain nuances:

  • The fruiting period of such strawberries is short - no more than 3 years
  • The second crop is usually more abundant, but for this it is worth removing the spring flowering. To grow large remontant strawberries, you will have to sacrifice part of the future crop by removing flower stalks

These strawberries can be grown from seeds or seedlings. With the help of seeds, the purity of the variety is maintained. The container with seeds should be covered with a film and placed in a warm sunny place. When the seedlings have already grown enough - you can plant it in holes. Around the holes, the earth should be constantly loosened to ensure that the strawberries are saturated with oxygen.

Remontant strawberries can be grown in a greenhouse all year round

So that weeds do not clog the beds - spread the straw between the rows. During flowering and ripening, remontant strawberries should be watered abundantly with potash fertilizers.

This variety of berries is already quite common. due to frequency of harvest and large fruits. Try to plant remontant strawberries on your site and enjoy delicious harvest twice a year.

How to grow strawberries from seed?

Strawberries can be grown not only by seedlings or propagating with a mustache, but also with seeds. This has the following advantages:

  • seeds are stored for a long time
  • no transmission of fungi and viruses

You can buy seeds or make your own. To do this, select bushes on the site that give good fruit and take seeds from ripe berries. Let dry a little and store in a glass container until next year.

Strawberry seeds can be purchased, or you can collect yourself from your own crop

Three months before planting, put the seeds in the refrigerator, constantly make sure that the seeds are moist - put them on damp gauze.

Sow strawberries in early January in this way:

  • pour a drainage layer of 2 cm on the bottom of the box
  • top layer of earth
  • make rows in it about half a centimeter
  • fill with water
  • sow the seeds and sprinkle a little earth

After that, make sure the soil was always moist. You will see the first sprouts in a month. The main thing is that the box should be in a warm and well-lit place. After the first leaves, seedlings should be transplanted in a new big box to provide space. Seedlings can be planted in the ground at the end of April.

Seedlings can be grown in boxes or pots and then transplanted into the ground

If you have a place to grow seedlings in boxes in winter, then you can get excellent strawberry rosettes grown from seeds.

As you can see, there are a huge number options for growing strawberries. Choose the best one for yourself, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate of your region and your site. It is so delicious fruits that are grown at home, you can please yourself, even without having suburban area.

Video: Strawberry Growing Secrets

Garden strawberries are a variety of wild strawberries. She has larger leaves and berries, rich in vitamins and trace elements. The culture propagates by seeds and rosettes. The plant takes root in any soil, but the size of the fruit depends on the quality of the soil and the amount of nutrients. You can plant strawberries in the middle or late spring, as well as in autumn. In order for the culture to quickly take root and not die in the winter, you need to follow a few rules.

planting material

A simple way to propagate domesticated strawberries is mustache seedlings. In summer, shoots form at the plant. Rosettes are sprinkled with a substrate and watered regularly so that they take root. Closer to autumn, the workpiece is separated from the mother bush with sharp scissors or a knife. Seedlings are dug up and inspected, healthy specimens are selected. Viable blanks have white and elastic roots, a well-developed core and at least 3-4 leaves. Deformed and sluggish sockets are thrown away; they will not survive the winter. Roots strong seedlings shorten, leaving 6–7 cm. The shoots are soaked in water or solutions that stimulate growth before planting.

If the strawberry does not let a mustache, you can propagate it by dividing the bush. Choose the largest and densest varieties and dig. The root system is carefully cleaned of an earthen clod and cut into 2-3 parts with a sharp knife. Each blank must have a core and full leaves, at least 4 pieces.

The most difficult method of reproduction is seeds. Planting material is prepared independently. Select large fruits and wait until they ripen. Soft berries of a rich red hue are kneaded and passed through a sieve, separating the pulp from the seeds. The seeds are transferred to a colander lined with gauze, washed with water. Planting material is sown in prepared pots or open ground. In the spring, seedlings appear, which must be carefully looked after. Fortified sockets are dug up and seated. They give a harvest in a year.

Soil preparation

  • colorado potato beetle;
  • nematodes;
  • wireworm.

In the spring, they wake up and begin to actively multiply, destroying the root system of domesticated strawberries. Strawberries do well in soil that used to grow marigolds, cereals, onions or garlic, carrots, beets or radishes.

Choose plots located on the southeast side of the garden. It is ideal if trees grow next to strawberries that will create shade and cover delicate foliage from direct sunlight. Strawberries give a rich harvest if they grow in black soil or dark gray forest soil. The culture likes loamy and sandy soil. The berries will be small and sour if the owner of the cottage has chosen a sod-podzolic or light gray substrate located in a lowland. Strawberries do not take root in areas with too wet soil, which is constantly flooded.

The earth before planting the crop is dug up and carefully inspected. If beetles or eggs are found in the substrate, the soil must be treated with ammonia water. The solution destroys larvae and spores of fungal diseases. Alkaloid lupine can drive away pests. The selected area is sown with a plant, and after a year they dig it out and replace the culture with strawberries.

Areas with a lot of weeds are watered with a Roundal solution. For 1 ha, take 2 liters of the drug. The tool handles perennials, which are firmly rooted, and destroys weed seeds.

The substrate 2–3 weeks before planting strawberry bushes is enriched with humus and wood ash. You can use compost or peat. Fresh manure is prohibited, the component produces a lot of nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of green mass, but inhibits the formation of buds.

Fertilizer is abundantly sprinkled with beds and dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet. The site is leveled with a rake and left for 3 weeks. To get a good harvest, it is recommended to supplement the compost with potassium compounds and superphosphate. For 1 m 20 g of the first and 40 g of the second additive are taken. With increased acidity of the soil, use dolomite lime, approximately 250–300 g.

Strawberries are transferred to new beds every 2-4 years. The land in which strawberries grew is recommended to be sown with grain or onion crops. They help the soil recover and absorb nutrients. Strawberries can be returned to old lot after 3–4 years. This is how long it will take the substrate to be enriched with micronutrients.

good time

Domesticated strawberries are planted in spring or autumn. In summer the air temperature is too high. The soil dries out quickly, even frequent watering does not help. A culture deprived of water withers and dies.

In spring, strawberry seedlings are planted at the end of April or May, when the earth warms up to a depth of 5–6 cm. In autumn, strawberries are prepared for propagation in September. Some summer residents begin planting crops in the last days of August. Autumn seedlings have time to take root and take root over the winter, so the crop is harvested the very next year.

Preparation and landing methods

Sockets are soaked in a solution of copper sulfate before planting. The drug is mixed with baking soda in a ratio of 1 to 6. The workpiece is diluted with water: 10 liters of liquid are taken for 30 g of the composition. Copper sulfate disinfects seedlings and protects against fungal diseases.

Sockets dug out of the ground are sent to a cellar or basement for 12–24 hours. The root system is dipped in a mash of orange clay. Mix 5 kg of the dry component with water to get a creamy mass. The workpiece is insisted for several hours, and then smeared with orange paste strawberries. The roots are also wrapped in wet paper so that the shoots do not lose moisture. Seedlings protected from drying out can be stored for several days.

Strawberries are planted in the evening, choose a cloudy day. Well, if it rains a little. There are 4 common landing methods:

  • carpet;
  • nests;
  • separate bushes;
  • rows.

The first option is suitable for people who rarely come to the country. The tendrils that form in strawberry bushes do not break off, but allow them to take root. The culture gradually grows and captures the site. A special microclimate is created, and a layer of natural mulch is formed on the ground. Strawberries planted with the carpet method rarely need to be watered and fertilized. Weeds do not grow on a plot with strawberries. The earth is rarely loosened, mainly in autumn and spring.

The carpet method has the only drawback. Berries from behind a large number whiskers and rosettes gradually become smaller.

Summer residents who want to get large fruits choose the method of planting in separate bushes. Between the beds, a distance of 45–60 cm is observed. Strawberry whiskers are regularly cut off so that the plants do not intertwine with each other. The handicraft method is complex and time-consuming. You often have to loosen and mulch the soil with straw, fertilize and water the beds, and fight weeds.

Thanks to the artisanal method, strawberries develop and bear fruit intensively, and the likelihood of fungal diseases is reduced, because each plant is ventilated.

In order to transplant strawberries not after 2–3 years, but after 5–6 years, summer residents divide the plot into rows. 15–25 cm recede between the pits. The row spacing is 40 cm. The method practically does not differ from the artisanal one. Mustaches are torn off from strawberries, row-spacings are regularly weeded, plants are watered and mulched.

A rich harvest is obtained by planting strawberries in nests. The largest and fluffiest bush will become the core, which is surrounded by other plants. Form a hexagon. The distance between the central and side points is 5–6 cm.

This method will require a lot planting material. A distance of 25–30 cm is observed between the nests. The method provides a rich harvest.

Modern options

Summer residents who are tired of fighting weeds are advised to pay attention to non-woven material. The invention is called "Spunbond". The dense black material allows air to pass through and retains moisture in the soil, creates a favorable microclimate for the development of strawberries, but protects against pests.

Summer residents using Spunbond plant strawberries in rows. The earth is plentifully watered before work. In dry soil, strawberries do not take root well. At a distance of 55–60 cm, grooves are dug, the substrate is covered with non-woven material and fixed with stones or boards. In a dense blank, cross-shaped incisions with a diameter of 5–6 cm are made. Holes are formed by hand, into which seedlings of strawberries are placed. The root system is straightened so that the shoots look down and a little to the side, sprinkled with earth, leaving the core on the surface. corners nonwoven fabric gently straighten so that they cover the base of the strawberry. Outside, only the leaves remain.

In a similar way, strawberries are planted without non-woven material. The wells are abundantly moistened, straighten the root system and sprinkled with a wet substrate. Seedlings are watered abundantly so that they take root better. Topped with fresh straw. Thanks to mulching, moisture is retained in the soil longer, and the roots do not overheat and do not freeze.

Tip: The ammonia solution in which sockets are soaked to prevent fungal infections can be replaced garlic water. The tool is prepared from 2-3 crushed cloves and 1 liter of liquid base.

If the summer cottage is small and you need to save space, it is recommended to build a pyramid from old tires or boxes. The height of the structure can reach 10 m. The containers are filled with a nutrient mixture, which includes peat, soddy soil and humus. To make the substrate looser, a little sand is added to it.

The distance between the bushes in containers is 15–20 cm. The volume of land for the root system is 1.5 liters. In winter, the structure is dismantled, and the components are buried in the ground and mulched with fallen leaves. In the spring, during the period of frost, the containers are covered with a film or non-woven material.

Growing seedlings in early spring

Summer residents who want to harvest in May or June build mini-greenhouses for strawberries. The earth is enriched with fertilizers, dug up, and after 3 weeks beds are formed. They make small arcs of wire with a radius of 50–60 cm, set at a distance of 1 m.

The covering material is fixed on the frame with a jute rope. One side of the film is pressed to the ground with iron slats or stones, the other is left free to make it convenient to plant strawberries and take care of the crop. The ends of translucent polyethylene are tied with ropes and fixed with pegs, and then dug in with earth. In a makeshift greenhouse it will be warm and humid. The film attracts sunlight, retains water and protects against weeds.

A thermometer is attached to the inner wall of the greenhouse. If the thermometer shows +25 or higher, the free edge of the film is slightly opened and the greenhouse is ventilated. Strawberry loves warmth, and because of the heat, it weakens and gets sick.

The greenhouse is ventilated on sunny days, and when the bushes bloom, the covering material is removed for the whole day, and returned to its place in the evening to protect the seedlings from frost. The film is completely removed after the formation of berries.

In the early morning before the onset of heat, the culture is watered with heated water. You can’t cold, otherwise the strawberries will get sick. The beds are moistened once a week. The earth is periodically loosened, removing weeds and dried bushes. In autumn, strawberries grown in a greenhouse are covered with a mixture of fallen leaves, straw and spruce branches. Before mulching, the soil is enriched with peat and compost.

Seedling from seed

Hybrid varieties of strawberries are propagated by rosettes and dividing the bush. Other varieties can be obtained from seeds. Growing seedlings is easy. You will need a container with a depth of 10–15 cm. The container is half filled with a substrate for seedlings, the soil is watered abundantly.

Small grooves or depressions are made in the ground with a toothpick at a distance of 5–6 cm. Seeds are laid out in the pits, they are not sprinkled with soil. The container is covered with glass and taken to warm room. A container with young shoots is placed on a lighted window. The transparent cover is removed so that the seedlings breathe.

Seedlings with 2 true leaves dive into separate pots. Fertilizers for strawberries are applied to the soil every 2 weeks. Grown up and strengthened bushes are planted in open ground in spring or autumn.


Strawberry beds are advised to be surrounded by plants that repel pests. Slugs do not like the smell of parsley, Colorado beetles and other insects do not like garlic, radishes, marigolds, onions, sage and spinach. Pests are repelled by beans and lettuce, as well as cabbage and beets.

In bushes planted in spring, tendrils and inflorescences are removed in the first year. They prevent the plant from taking root and getting stronger. 15 days after planting, the ground is fertilized with mineral or organic supplements. IN flower shops sell biohumus. At home, fertilizer is prepared from fermented grass or bird droppings. The workpiece is soaked in water and insisted for several days. The concentrated solution is diluted and added to the substrate after weeding and abundant watering.

The ground around the strawberry bushes needs to be mulched. The soil is sprinkled with pine or spruce needles. The aroma of pine needles repels the bear, the Colorado potato beetle and other pests. Spruce needles are replaced with straw. The workpiece is first soaked in water and spread in a thin layer on a film or sheet of iron, left in the sun. Waiting for weed seeds to germinate. Clean and dry straw is scattered between the rows and under the bushes. Hay or dried grass is used in a similar way.

Garden strawberries are watered from a watering can 2-3 times a week. The hose jet is too strong and can damage leaves and heartwood. The watering can is replaced with sprayers: fan-shaped, swinging, circular or rotary. Strawberries will also like drip irrigation. The main thing is that the water is warm and settled, without impurities of heavy metals.

You can plant remontant strawberries in spring and autumn. ground before garden work enriched with fertilizers, and then mulched with straw or coniferous needles. Young strawberry seedlings are watered and regularly fertilized, protected from cold and pests, and in the first year, tendrils and inflorescences are plucked. Thanks to this, the culture quickly takes root and adapts to new conditions.

Video: proper planting of strawberries

For many novice summer residents and gardeners, strawberries seem to be grown only on garden bed. Although in fact this fragrant and tasty berry takes root perfectly in apartment conditions, subject to simple rules. Learn how to care for strawberry bushes at home, and you will no longer be worried about the high cost of berries in stores, especially in winter time. Let's learn together all the subtleties of how to grow strawberries at home on the windowsill.

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Strawberry species and variety selection

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Botanists who are well aware of the characteristics of plants, having heard about strawberries, will immediately remember about the prevailing in colloquial speech erroneous names of different species.

In fact, the most common now cone-shaped berry is called garden strawberry (or pineapple).

Strawberries, on the other hand, are a completely different species with round berries, obtained from the natural crossing of wild and eastern strawberries. There is also nutmeg strawberries, so named because of the special spicy aroma.

Let the wrong names be preserved in everyday life, but when buying seedlings, it is important not to miscalculate with the type and variety in order to eventually get the desired harvest.

Remontant strawberries are ideal for growing on a windowsill. Remontant - a type of fruiting in which the plant is able to produce crops throughout the year. There is also a minus: a short life span due to the constant abundant yield - from 1 to 3 years.

Which is better - seeds or ready-made seedlings?

For growing strawberries on the windowsill, bushes dug out in the country, purchased seedlings, purchased in a store or prepared seeds on their own are suitable.

Seedlings from a summer cottage are good because you will be sure of the quality of the future crop. To prepare the bushes for living conditions in an apartment, they are dug up in the right amount, preferably in the fall, and placed in boxes for a couple of weeks, providing rest time in a dark and cool place. This is followed by the landing stage, the nuances of which will be discussed later.

If you want to get young strawberry bushes, vegetative division of the plant is carried out in the garden. So, how to grow real strawberries from thin antennae? Antennae with child leafy rosettes are cut off from the parent bush, which require special care: they are planted in flower boxes, watered abundantly and shaded from the sun for 3 weeks.

It is risky to take purchased seedlings, but if there is a proven supplier of seedlings, there is no doubt. Just make sure that the strawberry branches have developed leaves and white juicy roots.

Strawberries grown from seeds are no different from seedlings. To get seeds from berries, take a few pretty ripe fruits, wipe them with a sieve, let them stand in a glass of water, and then drain the pulp. Dry the remaining seeds, and you can start sowing. It is best to do this in the summer, but you can also traditionally - from January to April.

How to plant seeds:

Seeds germinate well in peat tablets, the soil mixture in them increases the germination of seeds even in the most capricious species. Another plus of this invention: the elementary transplantation of immature seedlings into the ground, in which the risk of damaging the delicate roots is minimal.

Self-harvested seeds are stored for 3-4 years.

Where to plant strawberries

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For good growth strawberry summer residents derived the formula of the soil mixture:

  • 3 parts of leaf ground (leaf turf);
  • 5 parts of humus;
  • 2 parts sand.

Option two: a mixture of an equal amount of humus, sand and peat.

Ready purchased universal primer also suitable if there is no time to prepare your own land base.

In order to 100% exclude contamination of the soil with pests, a week before sowing, it is disinfected with a hot solution of potassium permanganate or steamed. This is especially true for land dug out independently or purchased more than a year ago.

For treatment with potassium permanganate, proportions are taken: 1 gram per 200 ml of water, a weak pink solution is obtained. The steaming technology is as follows: a colander with soil is placed on a pot of water and under a lid at 100 degrees hot steam is processed for 1 to 2 hours. Some manage to steam the earth in the oven on a baking sheet and even in the microwave.

Drainage must be poured under the soil layer. Despite the fact that the berry is moisture-loving, excess water can damage the roots and kill the plant. The drainage layer is especially important if the plant is planted in boxes or pots without drain holes. excess moisture. Then it is necessary to pour up to 5 cm of a drainage layer, otherwise a couple of centimeters are enough. As raw materials, coal, crushed stone, broken brick, expanded clay, small pebbles.

Depending on the number of planted bushes, the best containers for enhanced growth and fruiting of strawberries will be: wooden box or several pots of sufficient volume - from 15 cm in diameter.

Now we choose a sunny place for pots with seedlings. The best option- a balcony on the south side, but the southeast sector of the house is not bad either.

Strawberries are quite photophilous, but at the same time shade-tolerant. It's just that in low light, the bushes will produce fewer sweet berries than is possible.

Even when you are on the south side, the heat may not be enough. For those who want to get the maximum fruit, you can use fluorescent lamps, achieving the required 12-hour illumination.

It is better if the balcony is glazed, as strawberry bushes are sensitive to drafts. But also outdoor balcony also suitable, only the boxes must be supplied with inside. It is important to ventilate a closed loggia daily to enhance the development of plantings.

Secrets of the proper care of homemade strawberries

403 Forbidden

403 Forbidden


Let's start by watering the future strawberries. There are two ways to saturate the soil with moisture: watering from above or from below. Most owners of unpretentious people are accustomed to the first option. indoor plants.
This is the usual use of a watering can: water is poured until it begins to appear in the pan. The second method is more sophisticated, but it is just more suitable for our homemade strawberries. For watering from below, the liquid is poured into a pan or put the pot in a bowl of water, then waiting for the soil to soak with moisture. Then the plant is put in place, allowing excess water to drain.

  • Strawberries need standard timely watering 2 times a week. Best time to quench the thirst of the plant - in the afternoon.
  • Excessive watering is not allowed.
  • The water must be well separated and room temperature.
  • Tap water for irrigation is settled so that chlorine, which is harmful to plants, evaporates from it. One day will be enough to evaporate chlorine impurities.

After each watering or once a week, you need to carefully loosen upper layer soil.

There is such an interesting and important procedure as pollination. After the flowers have formed, they are alternately touched with a simple drawing brush. A simple procedure has been completed, and there is no doubt about the appearance of a sweet strawberry crop on the windowsill all year round.

Additional care for strawberries on the windowsill

Like all living things, a homemade berry needs constant care. Regular feeding will be the key to the reciprocal love of the plant for you. lush flowering and fruiting.

You can start feeding strawberry sprouts after the appearance of 5 leaves. The frequency of the procedure is 2-3 times a month. You can buy ready-made liquid concentrated fertilizers and act according to the instructions.

You can prepare mineral top dressing yourself according to this recipe:

  1. A three-liter jar is taken and filled with 1 liter of eggshell.
  2. A glass of wood ash is added to the jar.
  3. The rest of the hollow space of the container is filled with water at room temperature.
  4. The mixture is infused for 5 days in a dark place and then filtered.
  5. The solution is ready for use: it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.

Humus is suitable as a nutrient fertilizer. It is made liquid by diluting it with water, and then the bushes are watered.

Ask the consultants of the store for summer residents about the optimal complex or organic fertilizers for remontant strawberries, they will definitely give the right advice.

An integral point in caring for a plant is the prevention of diseases and pest control. To destroy aphids, a garlic solution is prepared: for one head of garlic - a liter of water. The prepared mixture is infused for about a week and poured into a spray bottle, with the help of which the bushes affected by aphids are processed.

For pre-flowering, the figure on the thermometer should reach 15-17 degrees Celsius. Optimum temperature for successful ripening of berries indoors, it should be kept within 18–20 degrees. At lower values, additional heating is switched on by an electrical appliance.

If you are fond of growing home plants, gently and carefully caring for flowers on the windowsill, then the article on growing strawberries at home will definitely interest you. Still, because we are talking not only about beauty, but also about usefulness!


Just imagine, fragrant berries will ripen in your apartment all year round, which you can treat yourself to on a frosty winter day, when a snowstorm is circling outside the window.

Repair beauty

Sowing seeds

Even in a small apartment with modern technologies you can get a good harvest of strawberries. Proper care will ensure up to 4 crops per year.

Strawberry bushes should be rejuvenated. Therefore, it is recommended to grow them from seeds.

For planting strawberries, you can use peat tablets:

  • Place the peat tablets in a plastic container and fill with water at room temperature. Leave for five minutes to swell.
  • After five minutes, plant seeds in swollen peat tablets. They are easy to carry with a toothpick dipped in water.
  • Place each seed in the center peat tablet. Burying and covering the seeds with earth is not recommended.

  • Close the plastic container and sign with a marker the name of the variety and the date of sowing. Transfer the impromptu greenhouse to the windowsill and leave it there until the seeds germinate.

Seeds should be left on the surface of peat humus tablets, not covered with earth and not deepened.

On the eighth day, the seeds will begin to germinate.


Read also: Strawberries: in the open field and in the greenhouse - choose the right way to grow for yourself

  • If the seeds sprout densely in 3 - 5 pieces - it does not matter. Do not touch them while they are small, let them develop in small groups.
  • When the seedlings grow up, a few true leaves will appear and the seedlings will look like a small bush, then you can cut off the extra plants with scissors.
  • Do not try to pull out the plants, as this can damage the root system of neighboring seedlings, remember that strawberries are a rather capricious plant.

  • If the soil surface is covered with mold, then you can save the plants with calcined sand. Sprinkle the ground around the young bushes with dry river sand, this event will prevent the development of mold.
  • Do not overdo it with watering, the soil should not be waterlogged. Most best watering- from below through the holes in the cups. While the plants are very small, you can water them by spraying or from a syringe without a needle.
  • Light is necessary for the normal development of seedlings. In the absence of proper lighting, seedlings stretch and turn yellow.

In the evening and at night, containers with plants are recommended to be transferred to a cool place, for example, closer to the window glass.

First you need to get seedlings. If you don’t have time to grow from seeds, buy seedlings, this will bring the harvest time closer.

Remontant hybrids will produce berries in the first year of cultivation. It is advantageous to plant several varieties or hybrids at once, so you can provide yourself with a crop all year round.

Do not buy seedlings from your hands, it is better to contact a specialized store, overpay a little, but get the variety you wanted.

The Koketka variety has proven itself well. This is a garden strawberry of constant fruiting, which is ideal for pot growing. The pot must be at least 15 cm in diameter. This volume of soil will be quite enough to get a good winter crop.

First of all, you need to decide on the variety. The plant must be day neutral, that is, it must be constantly bearing fruit. Varieties that can be grown in pot culture all year round - Elizabeth, Geneva, Coquette.

Yoke- This is a large-fruited remontant beardless strawberry that can bear fruit in winter.

Important conditions for winter growing:

  • loose, well-drained soil;
  • good drainage to the bottom with a layer of 2 - 3 cm (expanded clay), the root system of strawberries does not like getting stuck;
  • holes to remove excess moisture.

If you use purchased soil mixtures, it is recommended to add a small amount of river sand to these substrates. Strawberries grow very well in sandy soils. The addition of sand will have a good effect on the development of the plant.

Transplanting from open ground to room conditions

In August - September, it is necessary to choose well-developed bushes, remove damaged leaves, flower stalks, and set berries.

If you leave all the flowers and the set berries, then the weakened root system will not feed the transplanted plant. After transplanting, the plant should be watered abundantly and protected from direct sunlight.

  • If the plants are well formed, then some of the leaves can be removed. Do not worry, the bush will have time to become covered with new foliage before the onset of winter.
  • It is very important not to miss the moment of temperature drop.
  • If you do not have time to bring the plant into the house, and it spends the night at a temperature of 3-5 degrees, it, although it does not die, will go into a state of rest. Such a plant will not bloom in the current year and, accordingly, will not produce a crop.

Avoid overcooling plants. Remember that coming out of dormancy delays the harvest by 60 days. The whole point of growing on the windowsill is lost. Why grow strawberries in winter without getting a harvest?

In general, growing on a windowsill is not difficult. Temperature regime at night not lower than 10 - 12 degrees, during the day 15 - 18, during flowering 20 - 22 degrees.


Humidity should not exceed 70%, with higher humidity, the fruit will be worse tied and rot.

Watering should be carried out occasionally, but do not allow the soil to dry out. At home, transpiration is not very strong, since there are no direct sunlight, which provoke rapid evaporation of moisture from the surface of the leaf blades. In winter, the plants are not demanding on watering, but make sure that the soil does not dry out.


In winter, there may be a lack of light on the windowsill. Strawberries and strawberries at this time require 16 hours of daylight. Additional lighting with phytolamps is recommended.


Pollination will have to be done manually, using a delicate brush or feather. It can be pollinated by airing by directing a stream of air with a fan.

Winter growing on a windowsill does not make commercial sense. But how nice it is to pick a ripe red berry when there is snow outside the window or a blizzard sweeps. Certainly worth a try.

Caring for indoor strawberries

To achieve maximum yield, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • It is best to place plants on windows that face southeast.
  • In winter, additional lighting should be provided with phytolamps.
  • The normal development of strawberries occurs at 16 hours of daylight.
  • The temperature must be at least 20 degrees. If the room temperature is lower, heating is required.
  • This plant is sensitive to moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure regular watering, avoiding stagnation of water in containers. It is good to apply spraying from a spray bottle.
  • Diseases

    A common disease of this culture is spider mite, and gray rot. As soon as you see signs of damage, immediately treat the plants with garlic tincture.

    Recipe for garlic tincture:

    • Chop 2 cloves of garlic and pour a glass of boiling water.
    • Filter after insisting.
    • Process the plants from the Sprayer with the resulting extract.

    Fine developing plant will give a mustache:

    • In no case do not cut them, tie them to a trellis or a wooden rod stuck into a pot.
    • Mustaches take part in photosynthesis, so you should not get rid of them - this is an additional top dressing for the plant.
    • In addition, with the help of layering, you can propagate your plants vegetatively.
    • To do this, young sockets should be sprinkled with a damp substrate. After a while, you will find small roots on them.

    Thus, having mastered the simple techniques of growing garden strawberry at home, you can provide your family with fresh fragrant, vitamin-rich berries in the winter.

Gardeners in Russia and neighboring countries grow cabbage with pleasure and quite successfully. But the "set" is usually limited to varieties white cabbage different ripening period, broccoli and cauliflower. Meanwhile, cabbage types that ripen earlier are already popular with us, and they bring less trouble when growing. In this article, we bring to your attention 5 types of cabbage that you may not have heard of yet, but which are definitely worth growing.

The long-awaited April does not always bring pleasant surprises with the weather. But sooner or later, all work in ornamental garden will start in April. From simple household chores and clearing plant debris, cutting dry curtains and mulching the soil to laying new flower beds, you will have to take care of a lot. Landings come to the fore in April. Bushes, trees, creepers should be planted this month. But do not forget about the care of seedlings.

Among the variety of tomato varieties, as a rule, only two groups are distinguished: indeterminate and determinant. But the tomato world is divided into more diverse “clans”, which are not only interesting to know about, but also useful. Tomatoes are divided according to the method of cultivation, by ripening time, by leaf shape, by fruit shape, by size, by color ... Today I want to talk about the varieties that form the most colorful group under beautiful name"Bi-color" (Bi-Colour).

Charming April, with its delicate flowering and the first dazzling greenery, is a very capricious and changeable month. Sometimes he unpleasantly surprises with a winter atmosphere, and sometimes pleases with unexpected warmth. In April, work starts on the beds, and a full season begins in the greenhouse. Sowing and planting in open ground should not interfere with the care of seedlings, because the quality of the crop depends on its quality. Moon calendar useful plants especially favorable at the beginning of the month.

Spring sanitary pruning allows you to form a beautiful crown, stimulates the formation of a high yield. Trees easily tolerate it, recovery is very fast, wounds heal well. The main goal is the formation of the crown, the removal of broken and dried branches during the winter. Winter pruning is especially necessary in the first four years after planting, when skeletal branches are laid. Optimal time spring pruning from the beginning of winter to the beginning of spring.

Extreme sensitivity to low temperatures makes zinnias flyers, which are usually grown through seedlings. But on the other hand, in sowing, and growing young zinnias, there is nothing complicated. It is hardy and does not require special care plants that are easy to grow from seed. And if you also collect your own seeds, you will get one of the most "economical" flyers in your collection. Bright baskets of inflorescences color the garden with a special cheerful canvas.

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Eggplants are tall erect plants with wide dark green leaves and large fruits that create a special mood in the beds. And in the kitchen, they are a popular product for a wide variety of dishes: eggplants are fried, stewed and canned. Of course, to grow a decent crop in middle lane and to the north is not an easy task. But subject to the agrotechnical rules of cultivation, it is quite accessible even to beginners. Especially if you grow eggplant in a greenhouse.

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Buying a blooming orchid, lovers exotic plants they wonder - will it bloom just as well at home and is it worth waiting for it to bloom again? Everything will be - and grow, and bloom, and delight for many years, but on one condition. As for any indoor plants, for an orchid, initially you need to try to create conditions acceptable for growth and development. Sufficient lighting, humidity and air temperature, a special substrate are the main points.

Noble lush greenery, unpretentiousness, the ability to purify the air of dust and pathogens make nephrolepis one of the most popular indoor ferns. There are many types of nephrolepis, but any of them can become a real decoration of the room, and it doesn’t matter if it’s an apartment, Vacation home or office. But only healthy, well-groomed plants can decorate a room, so creating suitable conditions and proper care- the main task of flower growers.

The right herring under a fur coat - layers in turn, the order of which depends on the taste of the dish. It is important not only to put the fish and vegetables in a certain sequence. Food preparation is also important. Never boil vegetables for this snack the day before, they will lose some of their taste in the refrigerator overnight, they will become insipid. Boil vegetables 2-3 hours before cooking and cool them to room temperature. You can also bake carrots, beets and potatoes in the oven in foil.

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Many people cannot imagine their diet without ripe tasty tomatoes. Moreover, the variety of varieties allows you to choose the one that is most to your taste. There are varieties that are called salad, that is, it is better to use them fresh. These include the Honey tomato, whose name speaks for itself. In 2007, the Honey variety was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. "Agrosuccess" offers seeds from the best breeders in the world that have passed additional testing

Retaining walls are the main tool for working with complex terrain on the site. With their help, they not only create terraces or play with planes and alignment, but also emphasize the beauty of the landscape of rockeries, the change in height, the style of the garden, its character. Retaining walls allow you to play with raised and lowered platforms and hidden areas. Modern dry or more solid walls help to turn the disadvantages of the garden into its main advantages.