Well      05/21/2019

Band sawmill scheme. Sawmill: application, design options, drawings, home-made manufacturing. Saw like a saw - rip

Wood is widely used in everyday life in the manufacture of various structures, their decoration and other work. Owners of a private plot constantly lead construction works: make an extension, renovate the fence, increase the reliability of structures, and so on. The ease of workability, as well as the availability of wood, initially determined their popularity. Many owners of private houses and plots in their own practice have determined that it is much cheaper to purchase logs and get a board, beam, edge from them than to buy finished lumber. Also, do not forget that sometimes the length and thickness, width of the boards or timber used are important. Therefore, their own production can significantly reduce time and money costs.

To obtain lumber from a log or other workpiece, a band saw is often used. The popularity of this equipment has determined the emergence of a huge number of different machines, some of them are compact and designed for installation in the home workshop. However, the cost of household options is quite high, it is advisable to buy them only in the case of the stream production of lumber or other wood products. That is why many decide to do homemade design. band sawmill it is created with your own hands within a short period of time, for which you should know: what parts are needed for this, how the assembly is carried out.

Cost and effectiveness of industrial options

Why there is a great desire to carry out the creation homemade version machine performance? An example is the Taiga band sawmill, the cost of which, depending on performance, can vary in the region of 112-165 thousand rubles. Even the simplest version, which does not have high performance, will cost at least 90 thousand rubles. A homemade band sawmill will cost several times cheaper. A do-it-yourself machine is suitable for occasional use.

Difficulties in self-manufacturing of the machine

The device of a band sawmill is quite complicated. The performance of the band sawmill, the service life without the occurrence of breakdowns, and much more depend on the quality of the assembly being carried out. You should start making your machine after considering the following points:

  1. Installation work is carried out using welding. Therefore, without welding machine it is practically impossible to carry out work on the creation of a frame and other elements. To change the shape and size of structural elements, you will need a power tool and a milling machine. Of course, the creation of some elements can be entrusted to professionals, but this will significantly increase the cost of the work.
  2. During operation, a large load is placed on the band sawmill. Therefore, the design must be stable and durable. To do this, the structure is fastened to the base, and the frame and other elements are produced taking into account the possible weight of the processed logs of about 300 kilograms.
  3. If a home-made gasoline band sawmill is being created, then the need for work on sharpening the saw and wiring the working part should be taken into account.
  4. There are quite a few various designs, which allow you to specify the thickness of the resulting product.
  5. Consideration should be given to the safety of the equipment. The installed saw and band can cause significant harm to human health.

It should be borne in mind that the design of home-made band sawmills is only suitable for cutting boards of various lengths and widths.

There is enough a large number of options for home-made band sawmills, the drawings of which are based on the use of electric and gasoline engines. At the same time, electric versions are very popular due to the best performance and ease of use. But not in all cases it is possible to use Electrical engine as a driving force, since electricity is not available on all land plots.

Conduct a review of specific machines, the drawings of which have exact dimensions. After all, each production requires a table of various sizes, as well as an electric motor of different power.

The procedure for making a homemade band sawmill

The above points indicate the main points for the production of a homemade sawmill. You can make a band sawmill yourself with minimal cost. After all, you need to buy or find only an engine, pulleys and rollers, find a metal profile for the frame and a saw blade. The reliability of the design depends on the technical condition of all nodes and the quality of their connection. Therefore, before using the sawmill, you should carefully check it.

Band saw made on their own, will cost less than purchased. Cheap materials are usually used for manufacturing, so with intensive use it will last for several months.

A sketch of a band sawmill is shown below. The dimensions in the drawing are reference, they can be changed if you correctly understand the principle of operation of the unit.

Picture 1

1 bottom pulley

3-tape (saw)

4 V-belt


8-top pulley


15-adjustment screw

In this design, the log is cut with a saw in the idea of ​​​​a flexible blade. Such cutting tool produces less waste than using a chainsaw. It is recommended to use an electric motor with a power of 2.5-3 kW, but the choice of power plant can be affected by the type of wood and the final product - a board or a bar.

Requirements for the main elements

The dimensions of the table (pos. 9) and frame (pos. 2) are chosen by the user arbitrarily. In figure 1, the dimensions are reference.

Figure 2 shows the dimensions of the rod. It can be made from channel No. 8. The bar is attached to the table with a corner.

Figure 2

The top and bottom pulleys (pos. 68, 1, figure 1) must be the same size. The upper pulley must be covered with a protective cover.

The damper (pos. 5, figure 3) reduces the vibration amplitude.

Figure 3

Guides (pos. 6) provide correct position logs when cut. Made from a corner (Figure 4).

Figure 4

The cutting tool (tape, pos. 3) is better to buy. The thickness depends on the type of wood (Figure 5).

Building a house out of wood or working as a carpenter requires a special woodworking tool. And this is not about the “friendship” saw, but about the real band sawmill. Of course, you can buy already processed blanks or purchase an industrial sawmill, but the price for all this is very high. In this article we will talk about how a band sawmill is made by hand. The task is quite feasible, but it will require attention and perseverance.

General information

wood as building material has been used for centuries. We can say that even in our time, many prefer wooden houses in the private sector than concrete. This is due to many reasons, but we are not talking about that. Woodworking machines were invented to speed up construction work as well as cut costs. There are a huge number of sawmills today, but they all process logging, only the methods differ.

If you have a band sawmill, made with your own hands, then it can become an additional source of income. After all, you can easily take on private orders, and you won’t deny yourself anything. Would you like a bath or gazebo? No problem, we take the workpiece, process it and proceed to construction.

Why tape?

You are surely asking this question. As noted a little above, there is currently a huge selection, but we will focus on this. The fact is that such a solution has a huge number of advantages. Firstly, this type of sawmill can work with any tree species, from deciduous to highly resinous. Secondly, the assortment produced is quite extensive, these are edged and not edged boards, beams, veneer, carriage and much more.

You will be able to create blanks from which furniture, glued beams, shields, etc. will be made in the future. And in general, the workflow at the band sawmill is simplified. Most importantly, this type of sawing provides minimum losses logs into sawdust, which is very important point. If a do-it-yourself band sawmill is done correctly, then you will not see waves and bristles on the processed workpiece.

Do-it-yourself band sawmill: drawings and design

Before proceeding directly to the practical part, it is necessary to briefly familiarize yourself with the design and sketch out a few simple drawings. In general, the design scheme is designed in such a way that you can increase the layout of the equipment. That is, in the very simple version you get an elementary band sawmill with manual feed of the workpiece, and in the most complex - a high-performance product with automation and sensors.

The basis of the sawmill is a frame with guides. Usually it is assembled with welded soles, where mobile rollers are placed. The bed in all cases is U-shaped and is assembled by welding two channels together. Accordingly, the drive pulley is fixed on one side of the frame in a stationary state, and the second - on the other end in a movable state. The guides are mounted in the middle of the frame and are a collapsible structure. This is very important if the equipment is planned to be transported. In general, a do-it-yourself band sawmill, the drawings of which you can find in this article, is not made so quickly. But such equipment has a lot of strengths.

Do-it-yourself homemade band sawmills from A to Z

We can say that even the simplest home-made sawmill, provided that it is correctly assembled, has a unique design. The fact is that only this type of woodworking machine completely eliminates damage to the bed as a result of a heavy workpiece falling. This is achieved by independently suspended guides.

What you should take care of is the choice of cutting tool. In our case, a band saw is used, which is why, in fact, the equipment is called that. Its width can reach 60 mm. It is tensioned by means of a spring-screw mechanism, which is very convenient, since it does not take much time. The saw blade is installed and fixed with two locks. They must be extremely reliable, pay attention to this if you are going to make homemade band sawmills. You should not make such locks with your own hands, it is better to buy.

The principle of operation of the device

The work cycle looks something like this:

  • Workpiece preparation. At this stage, the logs are cut and given the same shape.
  • Workpiece processing. The operator sets up the equipment. If there is automation, then the necessary parameters are set, everything else is done by the sawmill.
  • The final stage. This stage may not be, depending on the presence of errors. If any are found on the processed logs, then the operator eliminates them.

In general, the principle of operation of the device is based on the fact that during processing the workpiece is in a stationary state and is cut by a movable tape. It moves in a horizontal direction and is mounted on the driving and driven pulleys. To ensure a straight cut, it is extremely important to maintain belt tension. The log is fixed between the guides with the help of a special support. The equipment provides for the presence of an electronic ruler or hydraulics, which is necessary to obtain a workpiece certain thickness. Main handmade: laying a log, flipping and clamping it.

Manufacturing of a sawmill

As a basis for our future sawmill, it is necessary to take two channels. They should have a length of 8 meters and a height of about 14 centimeters. Of course, there is not always a suitable channel, so you can go the other way and use rails or 50x100 mm angles. The main requirement is that the base be flat and not have bends. A number of holes are drilled along the entire length of the channels. In this case, the specified step must be strictly observed. According to the holes made, we will build screeds. For this, ¾ inch pipe sections are suitable. Their length should be about 25 centimeters. For connection, it is desirable to use studs or bolts 29-35 cm.

Do-it-yourself mini band sawmill is installed on special racks. It is desirable to assemble them using M12 bolts. Pipes, angles or channels can be used as material. Accordingly, the longer the frame of the unit, the more racks we need. In our case, 4 pieces are enough.

Continuing assembly work

Now we have to make a movable cart. It consists of metal plate 40-50 mm thick. Depending on the dimensions of the engine, its length is selected, optimally 550-600 cm. As for the width, the trolley should be such that the channels on each side go out by about 70-80 mm.

Important Details

In general, the manufacture of a band sawmill with your own hands is almost complete. Only a few small details remain. First of all, I would like to say a few words about the movable cart. The fact is that to ensure movement along the guides, it is necessary to use plates and gaskets. In this case, it is necessary to try to make the gap as small as possible. The thickness of the spacers is chosen such that it is 0.5 mm more than the channel flange. You need to fix the whole thing with the help of 8 M8 bolts.

Since a chain is used to move the cart with the engine, it must be ensured that it is sufficiently tensioned. This is necessary to prevent free play of the steering wheel. It is located on one of the bushings near the sprockets that are on the edges of the guides.

Everyone should know

There is also such an option as a gasoline band sawmill. Doing it with your own hands is even easier. In this case, the chainsaw engine, rigidly fixed to the frame, will act as a motor that drives the cutting tool into rotation. The functions of the tape are performed by the blade of a gasoline saw. In general, the design of such a saw is extremely simple, but at the same time quite functional.

It is also convenient to work with such equipment because of the well-thought-out attachment mechanism. It consists of pipes with an inner diameter of 35-40 mm into which movable rods are inserted. Clamps (from a 40x40 corner) and cam clamps are mounted on top.


It is easy to guess that the main elements of the sawmill are the engine and the saw. A low-power motor for a serious bed is not suitable. Try to get a 10 kW motor. It will be quite enough for the above construction. As for the saw, its diameter should be about a meter. If you have difficulty purchasing these components, it is recommended to reduce the dimensions of the bed.

So we talked about how to make a band sawmill with your own hands. Of course, making such a unit will not work at all without costs, but you can save a lot. In any case, it is desirable to be guided by the workpieces being processed. The more they are, the more massive the bed and the sawmill as a whole will turn out. In the end, you can use the simplest design and use a chainsaw as a base. If everything is assembled correctly, the result will please you. Now you know how a band sawmill is assembled with your own hands, and you can use this knowledge.

The need for treated wood today, despite many of the most different materials is not decreasing and is unlikely to decrease in the coming years. Therefore, the presence of a sawmill for large and small workshops currently plays a very important role.

The band sawmill is indispensable tool when processing wood and building from this material.

But not everyone and not always can buy a similar machine made at the factory. And what to do if you need to have a sufficient amount of boards or timber on hand? Actually there is a way out. This is a band sawmill with your own hands.

This option is quite realistic, since the manufacture of this equipment, although it requires a certain skill and experience, is not too complicated. The main thing in this case is to gain certain knowledge.

Thus, it is now necessary to find out what and how one of the most simple species cutting machines - band sawmill.

Materials, tools and equipment needed to assemble a sawmill

Making a homemade cutting device will require the presence of components such as:

  • pulleys (diameter - not less than 30 cm);
  • half inch pipes;
  • metal corner (size 50 mm);
  • profile pipe (size 25x25 mm);
  • channel.

A high quality band sawmill can be made with tools and equipment such as:

  • welding machine;
  • milling machine;
  • electric drill;
  • "Bulgarian" with a set of cutting discs;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • clamp;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • set of wrenches;
  • control and measuring devices (ruler, square, measuring tape);
  • fasteners (bolts, nuts, screws, washers).

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How the sawmill works

In order to assemble the device we are considering in accordance with all the rules and, as a result, get a high-quality woodworking machine, it is useful to know the basic technological principle on the basis of which almost all band sawmills operate.

It can be described very briefly. The log (or some kind of semi-finished wood product), which is to be sawn, is placed on the working platform and fixed. Like the base itself, the wooden blank remains stationary throughout the entire sawing cycle into boards or bars. On rails and special guides along the log, a mobile structure moves in both directions with a cutting unit installed on it, which cuts the workpiece into predetermined measured lumber.

Direct cutting is carried out using a saw blade that circulates under tension between two pulleys mounted on a movable frame.

The configuration and dimensions of boards or bars are initially set by the sawmill operator. A smooth, straight cutting line is ensured by sufficient great strength saw blade tension between the driving and driven pulleys.

The full cycle of sawing raw workpieces includes 3 cycles:

  1. Pre-treatment of blanks for cutting. The logs prepared for this are sorted by size. To adjust the parameters, they are cut with a chainsaw or a hacksaw for wood.
  2. Direct sawing wood material. The sawmill operator adjusts the equipment. After that, sawing is carried out according to a given pattern.
  3. Finishing processing of the obtained lumber. After the operation of the sawmill, small errors may remain on the boards or bars. In this case, the machine is not used, minor defects are manually eliminated by the operator.

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Band sawmill: components and parts

The equipment considered in this case operates according to a block diagram. This principle allows you to build up the structure with additional or improved units and devices.

The design of the sawmill consists of such basic elements as:

  • frame with guides (2 pcs.) for moving the saw band;
  • rail pair for moving the saw cart;
  • screw lifting mechanism, moving the tape;
  • spring (hydraulic) belt tension unit;
  • 2 pulleys, driving and driven;
  • casing for protecting pulleys;
  • tape retainer;
  • V-belt transmission;
  • Electrical engine;
  • system eccentric clamps for the processed log;
  • stops;
  • coolant reservoir.

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Do-it-yourself band sawmill: manufacturing procedure

The manufacture of the machine begins with the creation of the frame of the sawmill. It is made of two channels 8 m long and more than 14 cm high. If there are no channels, you can take two rails under the frame (with the soles on top) or metal corners measuring 50x100 mm.

Holes are drilled along the length of the channels at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. After that, the channels are pulled together by pipe segments ¾ 25 cm long. The pipes are fastened to the channels using threaded studs or bolts of appropriate sizes.

The guide structure assembled in this way is installed on the racks. The racks themselves are also made by welding or threaded assembly from channels (in their absence, from corners or pipes). Number of specified structural elements depends on the length of the assembled frame. For example, for an 8-meter bed, approximately 4 racks will be required. When installing them, it is necessary to ensure that the extreme ones are at a distance of 80-100 cm from the ends of the guides. In addition, the design of the frame should be made sufficiently rigid, for which it is equipped with braces.

After that, proceed to the assembly of the mobile cart. Usually the material for its manufacture is a steel plate with a thickness of 46 mm. The dimensions of the metal blank for the trolley must be selected so that the result is a movable unit about 60 cm long. The width of the movable structure depends on the width of the frame and should be such that the edges of the trolley protrude beyond the channels by approximately 8 cm on each side.

Then you should think about a way to move along the frame of a mobile cart with an electric motor and a circular saw fixed to it. The direction and speed of movement are set by a special steering wheel, which is installed on the side of the sawmill body. The steering wheel is connected to the bushing of one of the sprockets located on the sides of the guides.

A metal chain is used to move the entire structure. To avoid free play at the helm, the chain must always be tensioned in accordance with the technical requirements.

In order to ensure the high quality of the resulting lumber, as well as to create conditions that are convenient for the operator for sawing wood, the band sawmill must be equipped with a special device for fixing the log in a stationary state. Suitable for this device metal pipes having an internal diameter of approximately 35-40 mm.

Movable rods are inserted inside these pipes, and special clamps are installed on top of the pipes, made of a metal corner measuring 40x40 mm, and clamping cam mechanisms. It should be borne in mind that for reliable fixation of the processed logs, the length of the clamping elements cannot be less than 15 mm.

Finally, it was the turn of choosing the main components of any sawmill - saws and electric motors. Meanwhile, experienced workers advise doing this at the very beginning of the manufacturing process. cutting machine. The point is that from technical parameters of these components as a whole also depend on the dimensions of the entire saw system.

Since the power unit and saw can only be purchased ready-made and with certain technical specifications, then when buying in a store, you should pay attention to electric motors with a power of 10 kW and saws with a diameter of 1 m. Such parameters can provide maximum efficiency work of the future machine. If the motor and saw with these characteristics could not be found, then the frame must be made somewhat smaller.

Not everyone can afford the purchase of a finished sawmill, especially since it only pays off with constant use (read commercial). Is it possible to make a sawmill with your own hands? What difficulties should a do-it-yourselfer who decides to independently saw up unprocessed logs into industrial wood face?

Homemade band sawmill

Let's make a reservation right away - it is very difficult to make a band sawmill yourself. It's not so much about components, extensive turning and welding work, the need for sharpening and wiring saws in a special way, but in the well-functioning performance of the entire complex.

It is necessary to ensure the loading and stability of movement up to 300 kg of one log, the adjustment of the cutting thickness, and most importantly, safety precautions. But if the availability of free wood won, we make a band sawmill with our own hands.

We will explain the principle of tape cutting with an example: take two spools of thread, stretch a thin tape between them. Forcibly rotating the tape - we cut the log, the distance between the tapes - maximum size timber. It is convenient to cut boards with band saws.

We start with the choice of a production area or premises - at least 3x6 m, verified. The second most important metal wheels carts and band saw, it must be found or bought. To order a frame of a belt mechanism with wheels, but it is better to buy a ready-made one. Do-it-yourself manufacturing requires skills and a lot of high-precision tooling.

View 1: 1 - rack; 2 - roller; 3 - plate; 4 - screw; 5 - chain; 6 - guide bracket; 7 - movable comb; 8 - screw; 9 - fixed comb; 10 - remote control.
View 2: 1 - pulley for starting the engine (if a three-phase motor is connected to single-phase network); 2 - engine; 3 - pulley; 4 - shaft; 5 - housing with bearing; 6 - base; 7 - flywheel; 8 - finger; 9 - connecting rod; 10 - saw; 11 - screw M14x2; 12 - roller; 13 - guide corner; 14 - rack; 15 - steering wheel; 16 - sleeve; 17 - asterisk; 18 - nut М14х2; 19 - locknut; 20 is an asterisk.

We install guides - any durable smooth metal: I-beam, channel, corner, under them through 0.5 m of support or anchor for stability. The distance between the guides is the diameter of the big log with a margin of about 0.7 m. Maintaining the geometry, we weld everything together. We attach the wheels, the frame of the belt mechanism, the electric motor through the pulley to the trolley.

Consider a change mechanism horizontal movement saws relative to the log. By moving the trolley relative to the fixed log, we cut off the horizontal layer of wood - we make boards.

Circular sawmills have received the greatest handicraft use due to their versatility and ease of manufacture. We will make a circular sawmill with our own hands. Most importantly, we will need a circular saw - a disc of more than 500 mm (the more, the better). The propeller is usually an electric motor, through a pulley that increases the speed.

1 - main sleeper ( steel pipe 80x80x3, 5 pieces); 2 - lining (steel sheet, 40x10x1.22 pieces); 3 - canvas guide (steel channel No. 8, L1750, 4 pcs.); 4 - trolley (hoist carriage); 5 - lower bracket (steel channel No. 18, 2 pcs); 6 - plate - base (stylish sheet s5); 7 - bolt M20) (4 pcs.); 8 - Grover's washer (4 pcs.); 9 - nut M20 (4 pcs.); 10 - asynchronous three-phase electric motor (220 V, 5 kW, 930 rpm); 11 — upper bracket (steel angle 45×45); 12 - canvas circular saw; 13 - protective casing (steel sheet s2); 14 - steel pin (8 pcs.); 15 - hub of the circular saw (St5); 16 - thrust handle (water and gas pipe 3/4″); 17 - cutting slab; 18 — kerchief resistant (steel sheet s5); 19 — comb (steel angle 45×45, L400); 20 - log; 21 - M30 bolt; 22 - split washer; 23 - washer-lock (steel sheet sЗ); 24 - thrust crossbar (steel corner 45 × 45); 25 - shortened sleeper (steel pipe 80x40x3, 6 pcs.); 26 - pad for extending the web (steel sheet 250x180x10, 2 pcs.).

A welded frame is being prepared, a metal (rarely wooden) plate with a slot for the disk is placed on the frame. The gaps between the disc and the plate are minimal. The saw shaft is attached to the plate from below on bearings and a pulley. The pulley of the electric motor and the saw are connected by belts (reinsurance when the saw is jammed) - a homemade sawmill can work!

one of the options for a homemade sawmill

To tension the belt, use the weight of the engine with the addition of weights. Make the base of the electric motor movable coaxially with the saw shaft, with a deviation under weight in the opposite direction. As a mover, the wheel of a working tractor is often used, driven by a saw pulley without belts.

The principles of cutting are the same as in the band cut - we feed the log to cutting disc. After a disk cut, the surface of the lumber is of higher quality due to the processing speed. Circular sawmills are vertical and horizontal - they are easier to use in mobile installations.

Tire sawmill

It is necessary to start with an understanding of what and how much we will cut. If you need to cut 100 - 200 rafters for a house under construction from free logs, then 400 boards - it is better to use a manual professional chainsaw. Let's do makeshift sawmill from a chainsaw, the method is inexpensive, simple and effective.

drawing of the simplest sawmill from a chainsaw (download full drawing)

You will need any equal metallic profile, welding and grinder. We start with the maximum length of the log - practical about 4 m. For such a length you need to find a channel or an I-beam, you can weld it from pieces with reinforcement - the main thing is that the resulting profile is even. We begin to make our autonomous tire sawmill based on a chainsaw.

The design is a strong profile on working height- above the belt along which the fixed chainsaw moves in the cart.

The height is due to ergonomics, a long knee-elbow posture is not useful. Parallel to the main profile, a log is placed on the support frame, a working chainsaw moves along the log and makes the necessary trimming.

A few more details about the features. Main element- the main profile, providing geometrically correct dimensions lumber must be strong and rigid enough if the channel is at least 200. The profile is supported by 3 or more supports connected to the support frame on which the log rests.

If you decide to do chain sawmill with your own hands - be sure to look at the LOGOSOL sawmills. Drawings and documentation can be downloaded on the website and taken as the basis of your homemade product.

The main sawing errors are formed during the vibrations of the cart with the chainsaw, so the advancement of the cart along the profile is at least four rigidly pressed metal wheels, it is necessary to provide manual drive. The simplest is a well crank with a drive wheel along the main profile.

To install a heavy log, slopes are usually set along which it is convenient to push the log sequentially from side to side onto the support frame, wedging it on the frame.

The most difficult thing is the adjustment mechanism for the thickness of the product. The simplest way– installation along the edges of the movable vertical plane support frame of screw or any rigid fixation jacks. We adjust the jacks - we adjust the thickness of the product. An example of building a mobile tire sawmill based on a chainsaw can be seen in the photo.

Wood cutting can be done by one person: holding the chainsaw handle and adjusting the gas, we feed with the other hand.


A few thoughts on the feasibility of manufacturing a sawmill. Tested by time and practice - self-production makes sense with free materials. If you calculate the labor costs and materials, and the possible benefits, you will understand for yourself. The worst thing, when self-manufacturing- Few people pay attention to safety. This moment must be considered! Trouble-free operation and quality wood.