Well      04/02/2019

Curly indoor plants signs. Dangerous neighborhood. What flower can not be kept at home

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In late autumn, I want to add color to life and to the surrounding interior, and since it is easiest and most useful to do this with the help of indoor plants, the article today will be about them.

The history of growing plants at home goes back over 5,000 years, according to scientists.

Over the past time, the perception of indoor plants has changed, now we grow most of the flowers with decorative purpose, forgetting that green friends can be good for our health if chosen correctly.

In addition, well-chosen flowers will complement the most modest room, create comfort, enliven the atmosphere. They will delight the eye on winter evenings when it is cold and uncomfortable outside.

The positive effect of domestic plants on the human body is well studied and beyond doubt. Here are some "useful" examples:

  1. Closed, unventilated rooms contain a fairly large amount of carbon dioxide. Plants take in CO2 and release oxygen into the air.
  2. There are many objects around us made of toxic materials. All of them emit substances, to put it mildly, not useful for our body. For residents of megacities, simple ventilation will not help to get rid of odors and toxins, because outside the window is air saturated with exhaust gases and emissions from enterprises that contain fine dust, heavy metals, sulfur and other substances. Many plants are able to absorb substances harmful to humans, and many types of indoor plants release phytoncides into the air - substances that kill microbes.
  3. Modern apartments are full of devices that emit electromagnetic radiation - computers, refrigerators, microwaves, TVs, hair dryers. Its prolonged exposure affects the well-being causing headaches, insomnia and fatigue. Part of the electromagnetic radiation is also absorbed by our green pets.
  4. In winter, heating radiators dry out the air in the room, which is bad for the skin and overall health. Houseplants, on the contrary, moisturize it.
  5. Many medicinal plants can be kept at home and used to treat wounds, burns, colds and other diseases.

It should be noted that flowers do not require as much care as animals. Caring for them can be entrusted even to a child who will learn to appreciate and cherish the beautiful.

When creating a corner of wildlife, it is worth taking a closer look at those plants that are especially useful for different reasons.

For example, chlorophytum absorbs up to 80% harmful substances thus purifying the air. It successfully fights moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria.

Aloe is a home doctor. Helps with colds, headaches, treats inflammation and stops bleeding. Aloe juice is effective for the treatment of bronchi, stomach ulcers and gastritis, as well as tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis and many other diseases.

About what houseplants useful for the home, you can talk for a long time, general information you can read about what flowers must be in the house suitable for any room in the article. There you will also learn about pets, which for various reasons, imaginary and real, are not recommended to be kept at home.

It is equally important to choose the right place for each plant so that its effect is maximum.

Indoor flowers for the kitchen

Peppermint is grown not only on the street, but also in pots on the windowsill.

It stimulates digestion and improves appetite. Mint leaves will be a good seasoning for many dishes.

Saintpaulia, or Uzumbar violet, perfectly cleans the air from carbon monoxide. It also moisturizes it, which is important for the kitchen and helps smooth out temperature changes.

Ficus collects dust well. Its leathery leaves are easy to wipe and wash. Ficus saturates the air with oxygen, cleans from odors and harmful impurities.

Golden Scindapsus is a fast-growing vine that purifies the air well and is unpretentious enough to fit in the kitchen. Scindapsus will look beautiful as in hanging planter as well as kitchen cabinets.

Sansevieria, or mother-in-law's tongue, is so hardy that it can be kept directly near the stove. It tolerates a lack of light, partially compensated by artificial lighting.

The style of the kitchen is wonderfully complemented by lemon, pomegranate blossoms, miniature peppers.

At one time I grew quite a long time hot peppers in flower pots in the kitchen, it must be said that it is very unpretentious, and produces a crop of peppers without any problems.

Indoor flowers for a children's room

In the children's room, plants that have a calming effect on nervous system and relieving stress.

It can be citrus fruits: lemon, orange and others.

It does not matter whether the tree will bear fruit, so you can grow it from the seed with your own hands. Citrus leaves have no less beneficial properties than fruits. The essential oils secreted by these plants will soothe the child, relieve fatigue, and ensure a healthy and sound sleep.

Fat woman, otherwise Money Tree”, will instill in the child diligence and purify the air in the nursery.


and cyclamen

effectively destroy harmful bacteria. In addition, their beautiful appearance is able to awaken the creative abilities of the baby.

Do not put cactus, dieffenbachia, Benjamin's ficus, philodendron, ivy in the child's room. These flowers can cause allergies or be traumatic.

Indoor flowers for the bedroom

A good choice for this room would be myrtle

and eucalyptus.

The leaves of these plants secrete substances that relieve bronchospasm and facilitate breathing, which is useful for asthmatics.

Araucaria will fill the room with the freshness of a coniferous forest if you can properly care for it.

In general, according to Feng Shui, for mutual love and harmony, red plants should be placed in the bedroom. It could be feces


or spathiphyllum.

The red camellia will refresh the relationship even when there are no problems between the couple.

Do not put thorny plants in the bedroom, as it is believed that they contribute to quarrels and irritation. Ivy, tradescantia, hoya, scindapsus are considered to be "husbands". Why this happened, one can only guess))

Indoor flowers for female happiness

Talking about what plants are useful for the home, how can you forget about the flowers that bring harmony and love to the house. In the first place, of course, spathiphyllum, which is called “female happiness”. He will help a single woman find her soul mate and keep the love of a married woman.

Aichrizon has leaves that look like hearts. The plant grows no higher than 30 cm and brings love and happiness to its owner.

Fruit dwarf pomegranate, according to legend, will strengthen relationships if eaten by both spouses.

Can geraniums be kept at home?

The answer to this question can only be positive.

Geranium has long been known for its healing properties. Pelargonium (geranium) destroys pathogenic bacteria, fights moths, can relieve irritation and insomnia. It is believed that this flower drives out evil spirits and evil spirits. Moreover, it promotes self-expression, luck and achievement of goals.

Unfortunately, in one article it is not possible to present all the useful indoor plants for the home with a photo. Experiment, grow them, and you will see that the atmosphere in your home will change in better side 🙂

The article used materials from books and articles: "Encyclopedia of indoor plants" N.B. Sheshko, "Indoor plants: energy defenders or vampires" T. Pevnaya, “Healing houseplants” by phytotherapist N. Danikova, “Influence of houseplants on the health of schoolchildren” N.P. Medvedev.

Have you often wondered why electrical appliances break down in your house every now and then, household members walk around looking gloomy, and you yourself are always dissatisfied with something - and strive to run into another scandal. It’s all the fault of the negative moods in the air, which are often quite difficult to get rid of. Fortunately for us, there are wonderful helpers in this matter - those who have the ability to purify the energy at home.

One nuance: correct location flowers largely determines your future destiny. In addition to benefits, indoor plants can also cause harm. Feeding on your energy, some harmful flowers, on the contrary, provoke more aggression. That's why it's important to find out which plants can't be kept at home, and why, read below.

plant magic

Each plant is unique in its own way. It has certain properties, thanks to which its owner can find happiness in his personal life or become financially successful. But also do not underestimate the destructive energy of plants, especially if there are elderly people and children in the house. For most plants, these "targets" are often easier prey.

Among all home flowers, there are several main types of "pests":

  1. Vampire plants that literally suck out energy, making you lethargic, withdrawn and weak-willed puppets of a negative mood.
  2. Blockers that do not allow you to attract the desired luck in your life in search of a loved one.
  3. Plants with negative energy - according to Feng Shui, most of these plants have pointed edges.
  4. Plants whose energy does not coincide with the people living in a particular room.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine a house or office without greenery. In some corner, let there be some pot with a plant, by the appearance of which one can tell a lot about the owners of this house. For example, yellow leaves indicate that there is a sick person in the house. Sluggish foliage may indicate a house leaking energy or a buildup of negativity that homeowners have nowhere to vent.

The location of the plant also affects: many flowers cannot be placed in the bedroom, since their energy is designed for active people, and, conversely, active plants should not be placed in the bedroom.

If you are single, and violet grows in your house, do not even hope to find happiness in the near future. This plant is very harmful for singles. Although it has a very positive energy, especially if its color is lilac, it does not in any way contribute to kindling the fire of romance in a person’s chest, but only sets the union that has already taken place in a positive way.

Camellia has the same effect, the second name of this beautiful bud is “flower of loneliness”. It blocks the flow of sexual energy into your home.

For successful families who have a happy marriage, these flowers do not pose any threat, on the contrary, they will help strengthen bonds, like creepers, however, for singles who dream of a handsome prince, such flowers are blockers of incoming energy.

Instead of the plants described above, it is better to have beautiful, flowering houses. chinese roses. They are able to attract a wonderful companion into your life. This flower gives its owner bright and passionate novels, however, short-lived. It blooms for seven months of the year, constantly pleasing to the eye. Not without reason, among many peoples, hibiscus is considered the flower of true love. The plant radiates for the most part "male" energy, contrary to all beliefs, and therefore attracts men to itself.

Spathiphyllum, orchid and anthurium are three more beautiful plants that symbolize love. A single woman can put them in her bedroom and wait for changes in her life.

In no case should you keep climbing plants at home, they are your worst enemies. It is a pleasure to plant such plants from the outside of the house, in this case they will even serve as “blockers” and will not allow negativity to enter the house, but inside the room itself, the loaches simply fill the extra space.

Remember the following names:

It is not recommended to keep lilacs near your home, unless you have a direct connection with the other world and do not want to communicate with spirits daily. It is not for nothing that lilac grows near cemeteries. True, opinions still differ about this plant - lilac still has a wonderful fragrance and positive energy.

Most flowers can be both your helpers and pests. Be careful when choosing your home monitors.

Are you often nervous? Complex? Are you experiencing difficulties with self-esteem? A camellia planted in a pot will help you cope with loneliness and your complexes and also reveal your potential. However, for hyperactive people, it can be fatal.

Citrus plants have a negative effect in a physical sense: for people with hypertension and brain disorders, the strong smell of these fruits may not be to their liking. Keeping them in the bedroom or nursery is not best idea, in principle, however, a lemon or orange tree is perfect for a living room.

Choosing satellites for your energy

Now that you have enough knowledge about what plants can not be kept at home, and why, feel free to go to the store and choose your pets to your liking. The main criterion is not usefulness, but your sympathy for. Of course, you can talk about the benefits of aloe, sansevier, begonia endlessly, however, if you liked the orchid, why not buy it, taking care to have its other “neutralizers”. The main thing is to give plants care and love, and they will answer you the same. Don't forget to cut yellow leaves, water the flowers, and occasionally move the soil.

Purchasing flowers for an apartment is a pleasant, but rather difficult task. Hundreds of names and varieties, bright buds, luxurious leaves, exquisite aroma. What plants to choose to decorate your home?

Experienced flower growers and doctors are advised to listen to the recommendations when landscaping an apartment. It is important to know: there are flowers that cannot be kept at home. Some plants cause allergies, contain poisonous juice, exude a too harsh aroma.

Dangerous indoor plants

For landscaping a home, you should not use flowers of several families:

  • euphorbia (poisonous juice);
  • nightshade (poisonous fruits);
  • kurtovye (leaves and flowers emit toxic substances);
  • aroid (juice is dangerous to health).

What indoor flowers can not be kept at home? Do not breed the following types and varieties of plants:

  • nightshade. Bright berries rich orange color attract animals and children. It is important to know: fruits contain toxic substances;
  • ivy evergreen. Many flower growers plant a flower from the Araliaceae family at home, but it is advisable to plant ivy on the street to decorate a terrace or arch. A climbing plant with bright green leaves is poisonous. If pets try the leaves, they can be severely poisoned or die;
  • Tulip Gesner. Spectacular appearance: on a medium-sized stem, it forms large flower, shade - from bright yellow to saturated red. If you put a Gesner tulip in an apartment, then after a while adult family members may have problems with hair follicles: alopecia (baldness) develops;
  • adenium. A toxic plant looks beautiful: a thick stem with sparse leaves and many not very large flowers of a pleasant Pink colour. Adenium juice is toxic; other parts of the plant are also dangerous for humans and pets;
  • spurge. milky juice white color, which stands out on the incision, provokes irritation of the epidermis, burns, discomfort on the skin. The Euphorbiaceae family includes many species, some plants have thorns, which are easy to hurt. Feature- fleshy leaves and stem;
  • dieffenbachia. Many flower growers grow at home a plant of the original species with large leaves of a yellow-green hue. If the leaves or stem are damaged, poisonous juice is released, droplets on the skin or eyes can lead to irritation, redness, burns, itching. It is dangerous if a cat eats a leaf: the animal may be poisoned;
  • Azalea Sims. It is this variety that is decorative flowering plant hazardous to human health. If you swallow a Sims azalea leaf, then convulsions and spasms in the intestines develop. Other varieties can be bred for decoration in the apartment: the plant pleases with delicate yellow, pink, white, red buds and lush flowering;
  • croton. Green decor for an apartment of this type is not as popular as dieffenbachia or ivy, but some flower growers plant a small tree from the Euphorbiaceae family to decorate a home. You should not risk your health: if you accidentally cut or break off the stem or leaves, then the milky juice can get on the skin. A toxic substance can cause serious poisoning, up to admission to a hospital for emergency care.

There are others dangerous plants:

  • philodendron. Experts advise planting a flower for decoration suburban area or a private house from the outside, but you should not keep green decor in the apartment. Philodendron contains poisonous juice, contact with which causes burning, irritation, burns. The juice of a plant from the azalea family is especially dangerous for the sensitive retina of the eyes;
  • mimosa bashful. The original look attracts amateur flower growers. thin leaves, curling into a tube when touched, long stems give mimosa unusual view. When diluted in an apartment, toxic substances enter the air, negatively affecting the condition of adults and children. Some complain that the hair thins and falls out;
  • trichocereus. The appearance is reminiscent of a cactus. Trichocereus has long sharp needles. Large white flowers are periodically formed, exuding a pleasant aroma. If you keep Trichocereus in the bedroom, poorly ventilate the room, then the air is filled with toxins and hallucinogens, manifests itself bad influence for the work of the CNS. The more pots of trichocereus in the apartment, the higher the risk of paralysis from inhaling toxic substances.

Note! Some plants can be harmful if the flowerpots are placed incorrectly. Many people know that a lily should not be placed in the bedroom: the plant exudes a sharp, tart aroma. Also, flowers actively produce carbon dioxide. The impact of two negative factors can provoke insomnia, cause headache And bad feeling. It is strictly forbidden to purchase lilies in the house if one of the family members is asthmatic. When inhaling a bright sweetish aroma, bronchospasm and an asthmatic attack are possible.

Impact on a person

It is important to know the facts about the effect of plants on humans:

  • hydrangea. Spectacular flower: a luxurious "hat" consists of small buds. Pleasing to the eye are various shades of blue and pink. Hydrangea pots are not placed in the room where the allergic person lives;
  • orchid. A royal, delicate plant with a pleasant aroma and luxurious buds on a long peduncle should not be placed in the bedroom: the smell activates nervous activity and can provoke insomnia. The best option- place exquisite green decor with showy flowers near the workplace to enhance mental activity;
  • tuberose. A popular flower is planted by many amateur flower growers. On a long peduncle are white flowers, similar to bells. Bright, very sweet aroma irritates the receptors, leads to an exacerbation of hypertension, heart disease. If the flower stands in the bedroom for a long time, then hypertensive patients and cores develop dizziness, loss of strength, depression may develop. Negative influence intensifies if there are several pots of tuberose at home;
  • fern. The action of the components of the popular home flower resembles a lily: the active release of carbon dioxide provokes headaches. For this reason, you should not arrange pots with a luxurious plant in the bedroom, but a fern is suitable for decorating a room;
  • ficus. Some allergy sufferers and asthmatics are sensitive to substances from the wax coating containing the smallest particles of allergens.

What if and how to get rid of the ubiquitous insects? We have an answer!

On the page, read about how to remove mold from the bathroom and stop the growth of fungal colonies.

Folk omens

There are beliefs and superstitions, on the basis of which some housewives make a choice in favor of a particular plant for landscaping an apartment. Many signs do not have sufficient reason to classify a flower in the category of "harmful". Cacti, sansevieria, mother-in-law's tongue, palm trees, climbing plants undeservedly fell out of favor. Geraniums and ficuses are not recommended to start at home, even in the absence of allergies.

Folk signs:

  • curly ornamental plants prevent a woman from getting married, provoke betrayal. If ivy grows in the apartment, then the household loses optimism, becomes nervous. However, if ivy is planted on the outside of the house or on the balcony, then reliable protection from the "evil eye" is provided;
  • ficus can interfere with the appearance of babies. If there is a flowerpot with a flower of this kind in the house, then you need to remove the plant from the dwelling - and children will soon appear. There is an opposite belief: ficus in the house - to well-being and replenishment in the family;
  • sansevieria or "pike tongue" prevents the owners of the apartment from getting married or getting married. Popular beliefs undeservedly record beautiful flower with a delicate aroma in the list of green decor, which negatively affects the choice of a partner for family life;
  • cacti can turn a husband into a man suffering from an addiction to alcoholic beverages. Another belief: thorny plant disturbs the peace of mind of family members. If an unmarried girl keeps cacti at home, then it is more difficult for her to meet a reliable chosen one;
  • you can not keep bonsai at home. This sign seems strange: compositions from dwarf trees fit perfectly into the interior of the home Japanese style. Some people believe that bonsai interfere with career growth, take away vitality: achievements become small, insignificant, and the path to the top will be as slow as the growth of a bonsai;
  • the risk of loneliness increases if there are pots with mother-in-law's tongue on the windowsill. Long green leaves symbolize the long road along which future husband can at any moment unexpectedly leave the girl;
  • dieffenbachia often takes away health from family members, brings discord into the house;
  • fern is an energy vampire. A beautiful plant with luxurious greenery - the decoration of the home also fell out of favor. If the hostess is fond of breeding ferns, then family members may feel inexplicable irritation, fatigue, and drowsiness.

Believe in omens or not? Is it worth it to buy flowers that, according to many, cannot be kept at home? Each case is individual. If the hostess is sincerely convinced that “mother-in-law’s tongue” is to blame for quarrels with her husband or loneliness, then it is difficult to convince a woman to leave a flower in the house. There are many amateur flower growers involved in the cultivation of cacti. People are happy, enjoy their hobby, they do not care about strange signs. You can put a cactus next to the computer to reduce the effect of radiation from the monitor screen and enjoy the pleasant flowering of prickly "balls".

Video about what flowers are forbidden to grow in an apartment and why:

The selection of plants for decorating the interior should be approached with great responsibility, because they can have a significant impact not only on the general atmosphere in the house, but also on the health of family members. For example, poisonous indoor plants often cause allergic reactions, and some of them can even cause pet poisoning. Hydrangea, anthurium, rhododendron, ficus benjamin, cyclamen - this is not a complete list of flowers that should not be placed in a home. In this article, we will present to your attention a description of representatives of the flora dangerous to humans, and also give a few useful advice for their placement and care.

WITH scientific point of view, everything is quite simple: some indoor plants contain toxic substances that, when they get on skin covering or in the human body, cause severe poisoning and an allergic reaction. In addition, during flowering, their buds can exude a rather strong aroma that can cause migraines, dizziness or nausea. Fortunately, the number of neighbors so undesirable for humans is approximately 2% of the total number of domestic flowers known to botanists. So, let's get acquainted with each of them in more detail.

Unwanted neighbors for kids

Naturally, for every parent, the most important thing is the health of their beloved child. While playing, a child may inadvertently prick, injure himself or even eat a leaf of a flower he likes, so the choice should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. Consider representatives of the flora, undesirable for placement in an apartment where there are small children.

  1. Ficus. In its stem and leaves, it contains a huge amount of phytoncides, which volatilize through the pores of the plant. Such fumes are dangerous for babies, because, getting into the respiratory tract of crumbs, they cause allergies. Of course, not all babies are susceptible to this substance, but it’s better not to take risks and remove the flowerpot from the nursery. Particularly dangerous are such varieties as: ficus petiolaris and benjamin.

Ficus can contain poison both in the leaves and in the stem.

  1. Cactus. One of the most popular plants among exotic lovers. So unusual flower should be placed out of the reach of children, as an inquisitive child will certainly want to make sure of the strength of his needles. It is worth noting that species with small spines, such as prickly pear, will cause even more trouble, because their glochidia will be quite difficult to remove from delicate children's skin.

It is difficult to pull out a splinter from a cactus in a child

  1. Nightshade. Absolutely all representatives of this family contain solanine, which is the most powerful poison and affects both children and adults. The largest number substances are concentrated in bright berries that look quite appetizing. Red beads will definitely not go unnoticed, and the baby will certainly want to taste them. To prevent this from happening, put the flower in a place inaccessible to the crumbs or even remove it from the apartment.

  1. Spurge. On this moment botanists know more than a thousand varieties of this lovely flower. It looks very impressive thanks to unusual leaves and colorful buds. A variety of varieties allow you to decorate and complement almost any interior. The triangular euphorbia will surprise with a combination of a powerful stem with many green spines, and the poinsettia will delight with its unusual variegated scarlet leaves. But remember that milkweed juice, which resembles thick white milk, can cause poisoning and allergies. If your skin develops a rash after coming into contact with the plant, seek medical attention immediately.

The danger of milkweed is poisoning and allergies

The milky juice of milkweed is especially dangerous.

  1. Primrose. Its flowering is a true aesthetic pleasure, but experts do not recommend placing a flower in a nursery. The fact is that in its composition there is a large amount of alkaloids that cause dizziness, breathing problems and vomiting. In some cases, contact with primrose leaves leads to discomfort and hives.

Blooming primroses can cause dizziness and malaise in a child

In addition, it is worth remembering that children prefer active games and can easily knock over a flowerpot with a plant, so its size should not be very large.

Advice! It is better to give preference to miniature representatives of the flora, which, in the event of a fall, will not be able to harm the baby. Perfect for children's violet or geranium. They are unpretentious in care, often bloom and are able to purify the air of germs.

poisonous indoor plants

This group includes plants that have a strong effect on the body of humans and animals. Even if you decide to grow them at home, you will need to take precautions.

Advice! When watering, planting, transplanting and propagating these flowers, gloves and a respirator should be used to protect hands and respiratory tract. You will also have to acquire special tools, because using an ordinary homemade knife or scissors in this case is impossible.

As you might guess, growing such dangerous plants is not an easy task, so preparation is indispensable.

  1. Dieffenbachia. Flower growers appreciate it for its excellent yellow-green leaves that form a lush crown. Dieffenbachia is often used to decorate spacious halls or living rooms, forgetting how dangerous its juice is. If your child or pet decides to taste the juicy foliage, the juice will enter the stomach and cause severe intoxication. Touching broken or cut stems is also strictly prohibited, because, getting on the skin, the juice causes burns and irritation.

Dieffenbachia - a houseplant that can cause intoxication

  1. Oleander. Pretty common, but at the same time dangerous flower. During the flowering period, many raspberry buds form on the oleander bush, which makes it look like a miniature bouquet. Oleander juice has a harmful effect on health. When it comes into contact with the skin, it causes irritation and burns, and in the esophagus - intoxication.

Oleander is especially dangerous during flowering.

When working with such a poisonous flower, you should wear not only gloves and a respirator, but also goggles. This is a necessary measure, since if the juice splashes into the eyes, a person may become blind. Oleander blooms can also cause trouble, because its rich aroma often causes dizziness and nausea.

  1. Croton. One of the representatives of the euphorbiaceae family, outwardly resembling a compact tree. Attracts attention with wide variegated lyre-shaped leaves. The tree-like croton looks very impressive, so it is not surprising that many designers use it to decorate the interiors of all kinds of hotels and restaurants.

Croton juice is extremely poisonous. Even a few drops can cause wounds and burns on the skin, and if toxins enter the bloodstream through a cut or while taking the plant as food, irreparable harm is done to the body. Carelessness can be fatal, so watering, fertilizing, propagating, replanting and trimming a variegated plant should be done with full protection of the skin and mucous surfaces.

  1. Azalea (rhododendron). An unusually attractive flower, which has gained wide distribution thanks to lush buds. The most famous variety is Ledebour. A huge number of varieties will allow each grower to find the right color and grow a chic plant. Only one species is poisonous: Azalea Sims or Indian Azalea. If someone from the household accidentally swallows her stalk, then there is a high probability of colic and convulsions.

Danger room azalea

  1. Mimosa is shy. Despite such a harmless name and bizarre appearance, a flower can affect people's health and even lead to extremely undesirable consequences. Its leaves look delicate and fragile, and when in contact with other objects, they neatly fold into a small tube. But prolonged contact with bashful mimosa can lead to hair loss. Sometimes, people attribute hair loss to a change in the seasons or a lack of vitamins, not suspecting that baldness is caused by exposure to harmful substances contained in the flower. That is why experts do not recommend planting mimosa in residential premises.

Mimosa shy causes prolapse

  1. Ivy is evergreen. This is an ampelous representative of the Araliev family. It is a shrub plant, the stems of which fall beautifully from a hanging flowerpot. Bright color of leaves and unusual berries often attract the attention of pets who want to eat greens. Such a meal can lead to severe poisoning of your pet, because the plant is very poisonous. It is probably for this reason that climbing garden ivy is more popular than indoor ivy.

Ivy is dangerous for pets

  1. Adenium. This outlandish plant has a truly royal look and is somewhat reminiscent of bonsai trees. A large fat stem, similar to the trunk of a miniature tree, is decorated with fragile rose buds. It is not surprising that such a beautiful view often misleads novice flower growers. Grow given flower should be taken with extreme caution, because its juice is a powerful poison that can lead to poisoning and burns.

The danger of adeniums

  1. Monstera. It is a large-leaved plant with a powerful stem. As a rule, monstera decorates public places, botanical gardens or flower nurseries. Its juice can cause indigestion, burns on the skin, and also damage the mucous membrane, so it is usually grown by professionals.

Danger monster

  1. Philodendron. Another representative of the aroid family, which has juice that is poisonous to the body of humans and animals. Contact with skin or mucous membranes causes severe burns and irritation. There are many varieties of philodendron. It can be presented in the form of a lush shrub or a beautiful liana. If you want to acquire such an unpredictable plant, be sure to take care of purchasing protective gloves and goggles at the same time.

When working with poisonous plants should use protective equipment

  1. Trichocereus. It is one of the many varieties of cactus. Flower growers appreciate it for massive needles and large snow-white buds that exude a pleasant aroma. But growing an exotic plant should be done with caution, because its stem contains hallucinogenic and toxic substances that can cause paralysis of the nervous system.

Trichocereus cactus can cause hallucinations

  1. Cyclamen. amazing flower with excellent decorative properties. In addition, its extract is often used in folk medicine to create various drugs. It is important to remember that it is not worth making decoctions from shoots and flowers on your own, since the plant contains many biologically active substances. They are able to irritate the human mucosa and cause increased reflex secretion.

Cyclamen - beautiful plant, but it is necessary to work with its juice more carefully

Flowers dangerous for allergy sufferers

Most people are not allergic, but if you are allergic, you should be especially careful when choosing plants for decorating your home. In addition, some representatives of the flora can cause discomfort even in people who have not previously had health complaints. Consider the list of prohibited flowers that doctors strongly recommend not to place in the apartments of allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

  1. Pelargonium ivy. Many flower growers believe that pelargonium cannot cause an allergic reaction, since it does not have pollen. This is the most common misconception. The fact is that this flower emits a large amount essential oils, which can cause pain in one of the household members. Often, manifestations of allergy to pelargonium are confused with the first signs of SARS. Only a doctor will be able to determine the true cause of any symptoms, so it is best not to hesitate and make an appointment as soon as possible.

Dangerous for allergy sufferers essential oil of pelargonium

  1. ferns. Potential allergens are all representatives of the fern class. It's all the fault of the spores that scatter throughout the room after maturation. If you are sensitive to the effects of pollen, it is important to properly position the flowerpot with the plant for the period when the spores are released. Move it to the balcony or place it in the most ventilated room.

Fern spores are very dangerous for allergy sufferers

  1. Aglaonema. It is a distant relative of dieffenbachia and has many useful properties. Botanists claim that it is able to carry out daily air purification, as well as reduce the content of harmful substances in it. Agleonema modestly effectively fights streptococcal infection. Poisonous is the juice of the plant, which can cause irritation on the skin. When transplanting or propagating a flower by cuttings, gloves and a respirator should be worn.

  1. Alocasia. Represents perennial with a powerful fleshy stem and large petiolate leaves of dark green color with pronounced veins. All parts of this tropical beauty are poisonous to humans and animals. Interestingly, alocasia shoots are widely used in folk medicine for the preparation of various tinctures, decoctions, and essential oils. Before using one of these remedies, be sure to consult your doctor.

Alocasia can also cause allergies

  1. Dracaena. It cannot be called an allergy causative agent, but some people may still experience a negative reaction to the flower. In the course of its life, dracaena releases various substances into the air, which can both benefit and cause a deterioration in the well-being of households. Often, an allergic reaction is caused by a fungus that has settled in the soil. Therefore, for prevention, experts recommend once every half a year to treat the soil with a fungicide.

Fungus in the soil can cause negative consequences for the human body

  1. Geranium. Also often used in medicinal purposes. The plant contains many useful substances, and its essential oil is used in the manufacture cosmetics. Allergies can be caused by both the juice and the evaporation of the essential oils of crail. In addition, the plant contains caffeine, so it should not be used by hypertensive patients.

Common geranium or crail is used medicinally, but it can also be allergenic

Advice! We want to note that in order to prevent allergic reactions, you should properly care for indoor flowers. Do not forget to constantly wipe the leaves from accumulated dust and treat the soil with antifungal agents. It is also not recommended to place potentially dangerous plants in the bedroom and nursery.

Most likely, you know that the cultivation of climbing flowers and vines, in some way, prevents living with a man under the same roof. These plants include: ivy, tradescantia, epipremnum, golden mustache, however, even here there are some nuances and interesting points. Let's try to figure it out what flowers can not be kept at home and why.

What plants can not be kept at home and why?

Based on the rules and technologies of the teachings of Feng Shui, actually liana-shaped, ivy, and other loaches are able to secure a home. Reflect negative energy, drive away the negative in the form of poisonous sha-qi arrows, which always go in one direction and are emitted by objects in the apartment. Another possibility of curly helpers is to compensate for unwanted energy in the form of a “veil” of your home.

Although from the point of view of science, loaches contribute to air purification. Apparently, one should not be so categorical about climbing plants. Although, now you know why you can not keep climbing plants at home.

It is not known where the distrust of tradescantia came from, a beautiful and fairly common plant that supposedly “drives away” the male sex, but it also symbolizes prosperity and well-being.

The flower has an incredibly sensitive energy, it is susceptible to any changes in the house, such a green indicator that allows you to identify the presence of problems in the apartment or the unsatisfactory state, both emotional and physical, of family members. If a flower reveals such energy, it withers, withers, dries up, leaves lose vitality. If everything is fine in the house, you are provided with a charge of positive energy.

What pets should not be at home based on the teachings of Feng Shui?

According to the principles of ancient science, cacti are prohibited from being in the house. Many believe that finding poisonous flowers in the house is not safe, without having a Feng Shui consultant among your friends, it is impossible to get a clear answer.

The presence of cacti in the living room - a necessity or harm? There is no categorical prohibition on Feng Shui, however, some care should be taken not to place "thorns" and their relatives near bedrooms, rest rooms and children's rooms. Talk about their predisposition (thanks to the thorns) contributing to scandals and squabbles, the ability to make a person aggressive and quick-tempered. But with regard to the office, kitchen, corridor - there are no such prohibitions, you can freely place prickly friends to reflect negative energy.

To date, scientists have confidently stated that the cactus has nothing to do with the absorption of negative, electromagnetic radiation (and not so long ago, every computer monitor always had a pot with a helper flower, and we sincerely believed that we were absolutely protected from any effect on the body ) that come from a television or computer screen. The presence of a cactus located in the office can help increase efficiency and brain activity thereby extending the working day and increasing productivity.

However, if you are already married, are not superstitious, or do not want to get married in principle - definitely place cacti around the perimeter of the windowsill, because the same thorns contribute to the reflection of hostile energy.