In a private house      04/13/2019

Planting and caring for indoor azalea, growing a fastidious flower at home. Azalea flower, how to care for at home

Azalea is awesome ornamental plant but she is very picky. The height of the flower is from 30 cm, up to one and a half meters. It is distinguished by lanceolate, egg-shaped leaves. Flowers varied in color palette, there are specimens with simple or double inflorescences. When the plant blooms, the room is filled with a pleasant aroma.

Before purchasing a flower, you need to find detailed information, dial: azalea home care photo. If pick up different varieties, properly care for the azalea, then there is always a real garden on the windowsill from November to May:

  • on early flowering in November-December;
  • mid-flowering in December-February;
  • late flowering in February-May.

If the climate is mild in the region, then the houseplant azalea grows well in the garden

Azalea grows in the expanses of China, Japan, in southeast Asia, in the southern regions of Europe and North America. Indigenous people believe that a flowering plant brings happiness and peace. Azalea bonsai surprise anyone.

Azalea Bonsai

Azaleas are usually given when they are in full bloom. Those people who do not know the characteristics of the plant, after flowering, simply throw away the flower. The reason for shedding leaves is a mismatch of climatic conditions in the apartment. The fact is that the plant is demanding on humidity and temperature at different periods of its life. For example, in winter no more than +12 degrees is required.

But the vagaries of the azalea do not repel fans. Indoor flower is becoming more and more popular. But you definitely need to learn how to care for azalea at home.

Azalea varieties

Breeders have bred many varieties of azaleas that differ in size, leaf shape, and petal colors.

But for this they used only two types: Indian and Japanese.

Azalea japonica

Azalea Indian

In nature, these are dwarf shrubs. Their height does not exceed half a meter. A purchased flower can be grown like a tree.

Among the most popular varieties:

  • Azalea japonica Melin
  • Azalea japanese geisha perp
  • Rhododendron Yellow Satan
  • Azalea Chardash
  • Azalea kermezina
  • Azalea hybrid "Slavka"
  • Azalea Japanese Golden Lights

Azalea home - a capricious flower, requires special care, only in this case they will please their owners.

Special attention to lighting

Rhododendrons do not tolerate direct sunlight, they prefer diffused light. If the weather permits, in the summer the flower can be taken out into the street, but in the shade. If it starts to rain, you do not need to carry the plant. Such water treatment will benefit.

Air humidity

Azaleas like moist air, so they need to be watered often and plentifully. If the humidity of the soil and air is not enough, the plant reacts violently to this by yellowing, and then the azalea sheds its leaves. Excessive moisture can destroy the roots of the plant.

It is useful every day to spray the leaves and the whole flower from top to bottom, the space around the azalea. In this way, the air temperature can be lowered. It is convenient to carry out the procedure using a conventional spray gun with a fine spray. If the azalea is grown in a pot, it is usually placed in a tray. You need to put pebbles, moss in it. These two fillers do not allow water to evaporate for a long time, and a comfortable microclimate is created around the flower. You can install a fountain that will drip water.

What you need to know about watering

Water the azalea flower with soft, cool, but not icy, water. You can use rain. If you use tap water, then it must be defended, and then boiled.

When caring for an azalea at home, you should be aware that the flowers require acidified water. A little succinic or citric acid is added to one liter of liquid.

Abundant watering is required on hot summer days. When buds appear on the plant, as well as in the autumn months, you need to water less, only as the clod of earth dries up. Remember, waterlogging for flowers, including for gabdelfat safin azalea, has a detrimental effect on the root system. Some flower growers specifically purchase hygrometers.

Features of temperature support

Azalea rhododendron is demanding on room temperature. At home, in natural conditions, the climate is cool. If an azalea suddenly sheds its leaves, it means that the room is too hot for it.

Azalea buds

When the plant begins to form buds, and this happens in October-November, you need to maintain the temperature within +7 degrees. When it begins to bloom, it is raised to +10 degrees. The rest of the time for azaleas at proper care at home, it is enough to adhere to + 10-15 degrees.

It is clear that such a temperature is insufficient for comfortable living of people. You can achieve a decrease in the flower by using dry ice, which is wrapped around the pots, or by spraying the azalea with cold water.

What kind of soil does azaleas like?

Plants prefer peaty soils. But if the soil dries out, it becomes hard and water is not absorbed. Azalea right in the pot should be lowered into a large container and left for a while. Loosening is prohibited, azalea roots are too sensitive to damage.

Azaleas, especially kermesina, are demanding on soil acidity. It is advisable to adhere to a pH of 4-4.5. If there is no peat mixture, heather soil can be used by mixing it with coniferous. And even better for successful cultivation use store-bought hydroponics or an acidophilus flower compound.

Transplant Features

When growing an azalea at home, it needs to be trimmed from time to time. Most often, pruning azaleas is carried out after flowering. Then the flower is transplanted into another container. The procedure must be approached carefully, otherwise the roots are damaged. A cut flower is better to cross.

It is undesirable to be late with a transplant, because the overgrown root system can rot, and the plant itself can throw off the leaves.

Attention A young plant should be transplanted annually, when it reaches the age of three in 2-3 years.

When transplanting, it is better to use ready soils purchased from a specialized store.

Caring for an azalea after a transplant is almost no different from the usual procedures. It is necessary to do watering with fertilizers every 10 days.

Pick the Right Fertilizers

After the purchase and in the future, in the spring and summer, once every 10 days, the azalea is fed, choosing the right proportion. There are a number of specialty fertilizers available from flower shops. Rules for use in the instructions.

In the autumn-winter period, when buds appear, the azalea is fertilized with superphosphate.

When Azalea Blooms...

Blooming azalea kermezina

If you wish to have abundant flowering plant, you need to know how to properly care for an indoor azalea flower at different periods of life:

  • First of all, timely pruning (starting in May) and pinching will be required. No more than 5 leaves are left on new shoots. This procedure is carried out constantly: a large number of leaves do not allow the formation of a large number of buds. And the flowers themselves are shrinking.
  • In order for azaleas, including perpl, to please with a riot of flowers for a long time, they need to be irrigated in a timely manner, to create coolness around them.
  • On each kidney, as a rule, up to 4 buds are formed. Is it possible to remove those flowers that dry out? Not only possible, but also necessary - this prolongs the flowering period, the plant itself does not lose strength.
  • Don't forget to work with the azalea after it blooms. In addition to watering, pruning will be required.
    When the azalea blooms, it can be turned or moved to another place: the buds do not fall off, do not dry out. Proper care of the azalea at home, see photo, allows the plant to bloom more magnificent every year.

How to form a crown

Care and reproduction of azaleas is not possible without the correct formation of the crown. With timely pruning, you need to leave a large number of tops. It is impossible to be late with the procedure, otherwise the geisha ash rose bush will not give lush flowering.

The plant can be formed as a bush or tree:

  1. For a tree, one, healthy twig is chosen, which will subsequently be a stem. I tie it to a support, cut off all the shoots. The pot must be rotated to align the stem. When the azalea reaches the desired height, pinch the top. The emerging shoots are pinched to obtain a spherical shape. Do not forget about removing unnecessary shoots.
  2. Get an azalea in the form of a bush allows you to pinch the side shoots at a height above 12 cm from the soil. The tops are shortened. The bush must be rotated so that the branches have the same length.

Azalea shaped like a tree Azalea shaped like a bush

How can I get a new flower

Azalea is propagated in different ways, each method requires a special approach:

  1. seeds;
  2. cuttings;
  3. plant division;
  4. through vaccination.

The most difficult and time-consuming is the sowing of seeds.

Reproduction by cuttings

  • When cutting use semi-woody shoots no more than 5-8 cm. Green cuttings are not suitable, because they wither and can dry out. planting material they are prepared in spring-summer, and propagated in March-April. But the best time is May-August. Transplanted into acidified soil or ready-made substrate. Freshly cut cuttings must be treated with growth stimulants and placed vertically. Create a greenhouse effect with a can or film. Cuttings root well at +25 degrees. After a month and a half, you can get a new plant.
  • When dividing a bush take a plant, not younger than 3-4 years. You need to work carefully, as damage to thin roots will cause the azalea, not an exception for crimson, to throw off the leaves.

Why do plants get sick

You can recognize a diseased plant by various signs. Signs of the disease and the causes of their occurrence:

  • If the leaves began to dry out on the azalea, then most likely there is not enough moisture or the sun has hit the flower. In this case, to the question, the azalea suddenly withered, how to act in order to save it, the answer is simple: water it and remove it from the sun.
  • If the buds have fallen - pour with high-quality water and feed.
  • Rhododendrons can suffer from powdery mildew, gray rot, rust, various mosaics. In these cases, you need to fight chemicals without waiting for the azalea to shed its leaves.

Azalea pests

Azaleas have many enemies among insects, some may attack flowers. If measures are not taken in time, they can destroy the plant, even a transplant does not help.

  • Leaves can fall off if settled on them spider mite. It is not difficult to notice it: the leaf is shrouded in cobwebs. The reason is dry warm air in room. Prepare a soapy chatter and spray the flower, and then give it a warm shower.
  • Tubes appear on young leaves, and the flowers are deformed? The reason is in the settlements of the strawberry mite on all parts of the azalea, terrible pest. You can get rid of it only by special means.
  • Affected by azalea moth, plants lose their leaves and slow down growth.
  • A sooty fungus soon settles on leaves damaged by the greenhouse whitefly.
  • Azaleas can turn brown, fall leaves if it is affected by a flat red tick, thrips, aphids, the question of what to do is important. Requires immediate chemical treatment.
  • After purchasing the plant, it is carefully examined. Any insects, including midges, can cause irreparable harm. The fight must begin immediately.

Summing up

Azalea Sims

Rhododendrons of any variety - amazing beautiful plants. Fans of indoor plants leave on the pages a lot of tips on growing, reviews of flower growers about azaleas.

Consider the most popular:

  1. To cut the cuttings, you need to use a sharp tool.
  2. It is not recommended to leave leaves on the bottom of the shoot.
  3. Having planted a stalk, do not forget to compact the soil.
  4. The microclimate around the flower helps to grow lush azaleas.
  5. Pruning azaleas after flowering is a must.

If you want to grow a capricious indoor plant and get a lush hat of flowers, consider the wishes and advice of people who are passionate about growing azaleas. From them you can get valuable advice if leaves begin to fall from the azalea, what to do. The main thing is to love your "brainchild", to give him attention.

Azalea- a common houseplant, which is an evergreen branching shrub. The leaves are ovoid and slightly drooping on both sides.

Azalea in bloom winter time when many plants are resting. Flowers in most cases small size.

Flowers don't wither long time, and can please you for two weeks or more.

In home floriculture, Japanese and Indian azalea are most widely used.

Care for indoor azalea at home

You can learn the details of caring for a flower from the video posted at the end of the article, and the main points that you need to pay attention to are described below.

The land in which the azalea grows becomes thinner rather quickly, so it is necessary to carry out its regular fertilization. best time for top dressing is considered spring and summer.

For top dressing, you can use potassium or ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. It is important that the top dressing does not contain chlorine. In winter, when the budding period passes, it is recommended to use superphosphate. 15 g of this substance is added to 10 liters of water.

How to transplant an azalea

An adult plant needs to be transplanted every 3 years - this is important point care. It is strictly forbidden to do this in winter. It is better to transplant after flowering. It is worth remembering that the azalea has a superficial root system. You have to be very careful not to damage it. Roots can not be cut, this can lead to the death of the plant.

When transplanting an azalea, you should not disturb the clod of earth that is located around the root system. It is necessary to transship, while adding fresh earth to the existing room.

When transplanting azalea, only flat pots should be used. In this case, the earth must be tightly tamped and spilled.

How to prune an azalea

For growth and proper development, it is necessary to cut and pinch azalea stems in a timely manner. Circumcisions must begin from the beginning of May. The more lush the bush is, the less abundant the flowering will be. It is necessary to completely remove all weak and extra leaves. All shoots of the previous year are also shortened.

Circumcision helps to form a healthy and beautiful bush. This procedure is best done by first choosing the most auspicious days according to the lunar calendar.

For circumcision, it is better to use a sharp pruner, which is wiped with alcohol.

When buying an azalea, you should be prepared for the fact that this plant is very capricious. In order for it to bloom and grow, it is important to strictly observe all the conditions of care.

Azalea does not tolerate heat very well and prefers coolness. Maximum temperature content should not exceed 18 degrees. In winter, the plant can be placed on closed loggias, as long as there is a positive temperature. In case of frost, it is recommended to bring it into the room, but it is worth protecting the azalea from dry air and radiators.

At low temperatures, this plant blooms more magnificently and does not take off flowers for a long time. Some growers even spread ice around the edges of the pot to achieve maximum effect.

Azaleas need adequate lighting. But direct sunlight can destroy it. At the same time, the leaves begin to curl up, and the buds crumble. To avoid this, choose a bright or slightly dark place.

How to water an azalea and whether it should be sprayed

Particular attention should be paid to watering. Azalea is a moisture-loving plant, so it is important to monitor the soil when leaving. It should be constantly moist, but not damp. Azaleas do not tolerate hard water very well. For irrigation, it is better to use rain or distilled water. If you use water from the water supply, then it must be defended for a long time, but it is better to boil it.

It needs to be watered every morning. But you should carefully monitor the pan and prevent stagnation of liquid in it. This can be detrimental to the development of the plant.

If, nevertheless, the ground near the azalea turned out to be dry, and the plant fades, then urgent measures must be taken. The flower pot must be placed in water for several hours. The plant in this case will absorb required amount liquids. In this case, watering is resumed after 2 days.

It is very important to carry out daily spraying, especially in summer and in dry air. In autumn, this procedure is carried out not so often. It is worth remembering that when flowering, the plant is not recommended to be sprayed.

Reproduction of azalea at home

Reproduction of azalea is a rather complicated process. It is carried out using seeds, cuttings or division. When caring for at home, the most commonly used method of propagation is by cuttings. The most successful period for this is the time from May to August, after the azalea has completely faded.

For propagation, cuttings are taken from the tops of the plant. On average, their length should be 5 cm. It is necessary to carefully prepare the cutting, completely removing all the lower leaves. After that, it must be rooted in a mixture of sand and peat.

It is recommended to cover the top of the cuttings with a jar or use polyethylene film. On average, rooting occurs within 3 weeks at a temperature of 25C, but this process can take up to 2 months. Therefore, you should not rush, but you need to take care of the plant during this period more carefully. After this procedure, the first flowers can be expected only after a few years.

Azaleas can also be propagated by dividing an adult bush into separate parts. In this case, the plant must be older than 3 years. In this case, it is worth placing a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. After planting, the azalea is carefully shed, and the top is cut off.

Reproduction by seeds and by grafting at home is practically not used. These methods are most often used by professional flower growers to breed new varieties.

Pests and main diseases of azalea

Azaleas are subject to attack by a large number of different pests. These include:

greenhouse aphid. This pest lives in large colonies. In its presence, there is a strong twisting of the leaves, as well as a strong delay in the development of the azalea. It stops blooming, and the appearance becomes unattractive.

Red tick. It has an orange color. The tick is located on the underside of the leaves, which turn brown and wither.

greenhouse whitefly. Most often it appears in autumn and spring. The whitefly sucks the juice from the plant, which can lead to the death of the azalea. You can notice the presence of a pest by discolored leaves and their death.

greenhouse thrips. When it appears, brown spots and black specks appear on the leaves. The plant stops growing, and the leaves turn yellow and fly around.

strawberry mite. The most common and most dangerous pest for azalea. It affects not only shoots, but also buds, flowers, buds. The leaves may curl, dry out or change color. Azalea begins to grow worse, flowers practically do not form or have an ugly shape.

Most often, for pest control, they resort to wiping the plant using a soapy sponge, as well as treating the flower with special solutions.

In addition to pests, azalea can die from improper care. For example, yellowing of the leaves occurs as a result of the content of a large amount of clay in the soil. A short flowering period is associated with high temperature indoors and dry air. The reason for the fall of the leaves may be insufficient watering.

How to choose an azalea

When buying an azalea, you should pay attention to medium-sized plants. Large specimens are quite difficult to adapt to new conditions, and small ones may not have enough strength. It is necessary to carefully examine each leaflet. They should not have cobwebs, spots or insects.

It is recommended to buy an azalea with buds or already faded. If there are dry leaves, this indicates that the plant is overdried. In this case, it is likely that it may die. If the azalea has large dark green leaves, this may indicate that the azalea is being fed with hormones. In this case, you should refuse to buy. The plant needs to be shaken a little and see that the leaves do not fall off.

With proper care, the azalea blooms very beautifully and is able to cheer up the owner and relieve him of depression.

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Azalea - wayward indoor flower. In order for the plant to please with amazing flowering for several months, it needs appropriate care. Azalea needs appropriate lighting, abundant watering, temperature control, fertilizer, as well as timely pruning and transplanting.

How to care for an azalea - lighting

When arranging the flower, it is worth considering that the azalea requires diffused light, because it does not tolerate direct sun rays. Or it should be partial shade. In the summer, the plant can be taken out into the street, it is necessary to put it in a cool place where there is mostly shade. In an apartment, the western or eastern window is considered the best location. For azalea, the presence of radiators near the radiators is considered a detrimental factor. Therefore, close joint location should be avoided.

How to care for an azalea - watering

  • Azaleas need a lot of watering. The health of the flower depends on proper hydration. Never let the potting soil dry out, but the pan must also be empty. For irrigation, clean precipitation or melt water is needed, if there is none, then it is necessary to boil water from the tap or stand for a day. The water temperature must match the room temperature.
  • It is very important to maintain the acidity of the soil. Water should be acidified two or three times a month. To a liter of water, you need to add a couple of crystals of citric acid.
  • It is also necessary to regularly spray the azalea with water, especially during the heating season. Because hot batteries dry the air a lot.
  • Quite often, peat soil is used for planting, but when it dries, it hardens into a lump. Therefore, it must be moistened periodically, namely, place the flower pot in a container of water.
  • Loosening the soil in a pot can lead to the death of the plant, since the azalea has small roots that can be accidentally damaged.
  • If your plant is in a cool place, then in winter you can put snow or pieces of ice on the ground in a pot, which will melt and provide moisture. But this option is not suitable for warm houses, apartments, as a sharp jump in temperature can adversely affect the development of the flower.

How to care for azalea - temperature regime

The acceptable temperature for growing azaleas is 8 - 16 degrees. However, when proper watering, moisturizing, the flower takes root even at a temperature of 21 - 22 degrees. If the flower was located on the street in summer, then by the approach of winter it is necessary to bring it into the house before heating is supplied, since the temperature difference will lead to flower diseases. It is recommended to keep the azalea at a temperature of no more than 18 degrees during the flowering period. In winter, it is necessary to periodically spray the flower, thereby moisturizing it. Because temperature regime the content of this plant is slightly lower than in your home, then you can artificially provide a flower the necessary conditions. To do this, flower growers put pieces of ice on the ground in a pot or water it, spray it with chilled water.

How to care for azalea - fertilizer

For proper development, the azalea must be fertilized. The choice of fertilizers depends on the season, namely:

  • in the spring and summer months, mineral fertilizers 1 time in 2 weeks;
  • in the autumn-winter months, top dressing consisting of potassium and phosphorus 1 time in 2 weeks.

Carefully study the dosage of top dressing so as not to burn the plant.

How to care for an azalea - pruning and transplanting

In order for the azalea to bloom magnificently, it must be periodically cut, pinched and transplanted.

  • Shoots should be pruned in early summer or immediately after flowering. Weak or overgrown shoots need to be plucked.
  • For abundant flowering stems should be pinched. It is necessary to pinch young shoulder straps.
  • Young shoots that are near the buds must be removed immediately.
  • A young azalea should be repotted every year after flowering, and an adult flower should be repotted every 3 years.
  • A transplant pot should be chosen according to the criteria: wide, but not deep.
  • Azaleas are propagated from cuttings in the summer.

Azalea is demanding on her care, but she thanks you for your work with bright, lush, long flowering!

Azalea (rhododendron) - rightfully on the list of the most beautiful indoor plants. Bright flowers bloom in the dead of winter, adding to the unique atmosphere in the room. However, this beauty is very whimsical and requires constant attention.

Who is Azalea

The birthplace of the azalea (or rhododendron) is the humid high-mountain regions of the northern hemisphere. In nature, the height of these plants ranges from 10 cm to 10 m.

When, in the middle of the 18th century, the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus described 3 evergreen and 6 deciduous plants from this family, he attributed the former to rhododendrons, and the latter to azaleas. Since then, rhododendrons, which are grown in closed ground(at home or in greenhouses) are called azaleas.

The plant is quite whimsical. However, all care efforts are justified by the luxurious flowers that the azalea gives to its owners.

The stems and leaves of the plant are poisonous, you should protect the azalea from small children and pets.

Azalea varieties

  • Indian. The main ancestor of varieties of indoor azaleas - natural look Indian rhododendron, or Simsa, growing in humid mountain forests. He laid the foundation for many diverse hybrids. The flowers are large, bright, pink-red, up to 5 cm in diameter, usually arranged 2-6 in the axils of the leaves. There are other colors: white, yellow, red, cream, as well as two-tone.
  • Japanese. The flowers are smaller than those of the Indian. Japanese azalea is grown in the garden mainly in regions with a mild and humid climate. Flower color - white, lilac, pink, red and red-orange.
  • Deciduous varieties. Series hybrid varieties descended from Azalea Pontica. These are shrubs 1–1.5 m in height. The flowers are very bright: white, yellow, orange, red, pink. They bloom at the same time or before the leaves bloom. Winter-hardy, withstand temperatures down to -29 ° C.

Photo gallery: varieties of azalea

Deciduous varieties of azaleas are winter-hardy
Japanese azalea is grown in regions with a mild and humid climate.
Indian azalea - the ancestor of the most popular varieties

Living conditions in different seasons (table)

Spring Summer10–15 o C. Such a temperature is a difficulty in the summer, even in middle lane Russia. Therefore, the azalea rarely blooms in summer.Direct sunlight is unacceptable, diffused light is required. You can take it out into the garden and dig it right in a pot in partial shade.70–80%. Under the pot should be a tray with damp pebbles or moss.
Autumn winterIn October-December - 6-10°C (for the successful formation of flower buds), in January-February - 15-17°C (this temperature stimulates flowering).Scattered light.Spray every day. Drops should be small, because large ones leave spots on the plant. During flowering refrain from spraying.

Landing and transplant

As a rule, an azalea is bought or presented in bloom. After the plant has faded, the plant needs to be transplanted.

Infrequently, there are houseplants that need acidic soil with a pH level of 4–4.5. For planting, it is better to buy a special soil for azaleas (or acidophilic plants, that is, those that love acidic soil), since it is quite difficult to collect it yourself. Do not forget about the drainage at the bottom of the pot.

The root system of the azalea is superficial, so the pot will need a shallow and wide one. The roots are very tender, so the azalea is transplanted by transshipment of an earthen coma. In a new pot, then simply add the required amount of earth.

Azaleas up to 3 years old are transplanted annually at the end of spring, and older ones - 1 time in 2 or 3 years.

Azalea care


The soil in the pot should always be moist - but not soggy. For irrigation, it is ideal to use rain or melt water, in the absence of such - settled. Since azaleas love an acidic environment, you can periodically add lemon juice to the irrigation water (5-7 drops per 1 liter of water). Many flower growers use this method of watering: they pour it not into a pot under the root, but into a pan, and the plant itself “pulls out” the right amount of water.

top dressing

For top dressing, use a special fertilizer for azaleas. Feeding regimen: in spring and summer - weekly (fertilizer must be prepared in accordance with the instructions). In winter and autumn, when buds are formed, the plant should be watered with a solution of superphosphate (15 g of the substance per 10 liters of water).


Proper timely pruning of an azalea bush is the key to high-quality abundant flowering. Pruning is done in May. New shoots are pinched in such a way that 4-5 leaves remain on them. If a shoot appears near the flower bud, it is cut off.

You can choose the type of crown - tree-like or bushy. To get a small tree, you need to choose the strongest branch (this will be the trunk), cut off the rest of the shoots. For stability, the trunk should be tied to a support. When the escape height reaches right size, pinch the top, after which the plant begins to branch. After that, you need to sometimes turn the plant, pinching the shoots, achieving the shape of a ball.

To form a bush, pinch the shoots at a distance of 10 cm from the surface of the earth. For uniform development of the branches, the pot is rotated from time to time.

In subsequent years, this form is maintained, it is also necessary to remove weak, too thick crown and unhealthy branches.

flowering period

Azalea flowers are magnificent - their decorative effect also attracts flower growers. Cut flowers stay fresh for a long time, one inflorescence can easily replace a bouquet. The plant blooms in winter, bringing spring freshness to winter everyday life.

The bud, swelling, releases 2-4 buds. When the flowers fade, they must be removed along with the peduncles, then the bush will delight in flowering for a longer time. You also need to remove the seed pods, as the plant expends energy on seed maturation.

rest period

At the end of spring, when flowering ends, a dormant period begins for the azalea. The plant is cut, if necessary, transplanted, cleaned in partial shade or taken out into the garden. Watering, spraying and fertilizing do not stop.

Table: maintenance errors and how to fix them

Problem Cause Solutions
Leaves fallContainment conditions out of balance - too dry or too humid air, too low or too high temperatureControl humidity and temperature levels
spider miteIf it does not bloom, the plant is often sprayed (the tick does not like a humid environment), when flowering, use a soapy solution and chemicals.
The leaves are turning yellowChlorosis developsAcidify water for irrigation. Monitor the temperature level (15–16 ° C). Spray with Ferovit or magnesium sulfate.
Shield damage (you can recognize it by the brown plaques that appeared on the leaves)Handle soapy water. With a large number of scale insects, apply chemicals.
Leaves dryAzalea moth (it can be seen with the naked eye, has the shape of a caterpillar)Collect pests by hand. Treat the plant with a chemical preparation.
Low air humiditySpray, put on a pallet with wet pebbles.
HeatObserve the temperature regime (15–16 ° C).
Plant exposed to direct sunlightProvide azaleas with diffused lighting.
Insufficient feedingAdjust feeding mode.
Little lightProvide azaleas with good diffused lighting.
Root rot due to excess waterReduce watering. You may have to transplant the plant: remove it from the pot, wrap the roots with thin paper to absorb excess moisture, leave for 2 days. Plant in new soil.
Leaves dry during floweringNot enough waterProvide the flower with more water.
The leaves turn blackThrips (small insect, not always visible to the naked eye)Treat with Karbofos (according to instructions).
Rhododendron mite infestationTreat with Diazinon (according to instructions).
The plant wilts, does not bloom or blooms poorlyPoor quality soilTransplant the flower into quality soil. Adjust feeding mode.
Leaf tips turn brownIrrigation with hard waterUse soft settled water for irrigation.

Photo gallery: problems when growing azalea

Many flower growers are happy to grow Azaleas on their plots. This decorative flower attracts many with its beautiful appearance. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it blooms in winter, when there is so little bright colors around.

Homeland and distinctive characteristics of indoor azalea

The plant is a small deciduous shrub with beautiful flowers like roses. Azalea was first discovered in China. To this day, it can be found in nature in the countries of China, India and Japan, where plants create entire thickets.

In translation Azalea means "dry". And in fact, until the bush does not bloom, the plant can be mistaken for a long withered bush with small rough leaves that look like paper. According to its appearance in Asia, the plant is called the British rose, and in the countries of Germany - the Alpine.

With proper care, the indoor flower will bloom very beautifully and profusely, to the point that the leaves simply will not be noticeable under the flowers.

Azalea growing technology at home

Azalea requires difficult care, the plant is so capricious that even experienced gardeners are getting confused. Most often, a donated shrub after flowering, and even more often after a transplant, dies or becomes frail due to improper care. The main oversight of inexperienced flower growers is ignorance of the distinctive features of Azalea. Most often, they use the same care as for other indoor flowers.

Azalea and garden rhododendron are almost the same plants, although there is still a difference. Everything is currently garden views This plant is called rhododendron, and indoor - Azalea. They both look just incomparable as in winter garden, and on any windowsill.

Soil and flower pot

Because of the fastidiousness of Azalea, it is better to buy the soil already specially prepared for planting this flower. For great results better purchase perform in a proven place so that there is an exact confidence that the selected soil meets all quality standards. The composition of the soil must necessarily include inorganic substances, to increase its acidity. Specialists who select the composition of the soil replace the unique heather soil with coniferous soil. Before planting, it must be carefully drained.

It is better to stop your choice on a large and light pot. Thanks to its shallow root system, Azaleas do not need a very deep pot.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Azalea prefers cool weather. The most optimal temperature regime is 12 degrees. In the winter months, which just coincide with the flowering period, this requirement will not be very difficult to fulfill. A place away from the battery is all you need. In summer, the plant is in a state of relative dormancy. At this time, the pot is best taken out into the garden or vegetable garden and placed in the shade of trees. During the appearance of the first buds, the temperature should be much lower, about 6-8 degrees. Sometimes, to ensure a similar temperature, Azalea is placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

But from the lighting, nothing special is required. How most of indoor flowers, Azalea prefers bright diffused light and does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Features of growing azalea (video)

Growing Azaleas from Seeds

In order to grow a normal plant from seed, you need to know a certain technology:

  • Landing begins in early March. Needs sifted, moderately moist soil. In no case do not sprinkle the seeds with earth, this will make it difficult for young shoots to germinate.
  • For irrigation, use a sprayer with a special solution (add 0.3 grams of sulfuric or oxalic acid to 1 liter of water).
  • Germination is approximately 70 percent. Initial sprouts appear already on the 8th day, and full germination lasts more than 2 weeks.
  • After the appearance of the leaves, the shoots are dived at a short distance from each other.
  • At the end of summer, for transplanting separately, you need to pick up correct pot(the diameter of the pot is not more than 8 cm).

How to properly water a rhododendron

Constant moderate irrigation is the main point in growing Azalea. The main thing is to maintain the proper balance of moisture in the soil. Too much water can lead to excessive dampness of the soil, which is unacceptable for Azalea. Besides unacceptable and dry out the soil. In this case, the flower may begin to drop leaves. For irrigation use only softened water. Perfect also slightly acidified with apple cider vinegar or lemon water (10-15 drops are added per liter).

Top dressing scheme

It is necessary to fertilize Azalea during the appearance of the first flowers and until the very end of flowering. It is better not to conduct any experiments with fertilizers, but to buy in proven places and use according to the written instructions.

How to care for azalea in winter at home

In winter, the air in the apartment is dry. The plant should be watered daily and carefully, especially with the onset of heating season. When irrigating, be careful not to get moisture on the leaves. There are 2 ways of wintering a plant: cold and warm. The first implies the maintenance of the flower in the zone of low temperatures (+ 2-4 degrees). Since plants require a lot of strength during the flowering period, the soil must be constantly fed. Young shoots that have arisen next to the flower buds must be plucked out. A greening plant can be moved from place to place, but after flowering it must be installed in permanent place and don't touch.

How to prune an azalea (video)

Azalea varieties

Everyone who has seen Azalea during the flowering period understands that it is very difficult to break away from this unusual sight. Luxurious snow-white, pink, purple, yellow and red caps stagger the human imagination. For this reason, all gardeners and lovers dream of getting Azalea in their collection.

There are over 600 types of Azalea. Only a few of them are common in Russia. And all the variety and riot of colors are created by Azalea hybrids (the most popular is the indica mix), created by crossing deciduous and evergreens. Their habitat is the countries of America, Europe, Asia.

However, today, breeders use other variations of Azalea varieties. As a result, specialists have received a huge variety unusual plants with an amazing shape of inflorescences. A description of the varieties and their photos will help everyone decide on the choice of a particular Azalea for each.

Japanese Azalea is a great decoration for any greenhouse or garden. IN room conditions the bush can grow up to 60 centimeters. Often, mature plant, takes the form of a dense pillow, completely strewn with open flowers and buds. White beauty pleases the eye all winter.

The flowers of this Azalea variety are small, but they are located next to each other, which creates the effect of a lush bedspread. The plant is common among amateurs because of its rather unpretentious nature.

This variety is obtained by crossing the simsi rhododendron. In room conditions, this plant grows into a small bush (40-50 cm). In nature, there are a huge number of species of Indian Azalea, differing in their flowering periods, colors, shape and size of inflorescences.

When compared with the Japanese variety, then in this case, the flowers are much larger and brighter. They can be terry or pleated with smooth or plain edges. Azalea indica is very rare in yellow or orange color, and purple or blue flowers do not exist in nature at all.

Azalea Vogel

This variety is the most beautiful of all known varieties. The bush can reach 50 centimeters in height. Lush inflorescences can be any color from pink to purple. Azalea Vogel requires very complex and time-consuming care. Most often, a flowering plant bought in a store cannot adapt to room conditions and dies, so you must carefully study the care instructions before buying.

Azalea Niobe

This variety can grow up to 70 cm. The diameter of its flowers does not exceed 8 centimeters. They can be white, light green shades with red dots on terry petals.

This variety has non-double flowers, up to 7 cm in diameter. Their funnel-shaped shape goes well with lilac or bright crimson. This variety is often used as a rootstock for plants, which grow very poorly.

Azalea Celestina

This variety is a bush of medium height. It is grown mainly in the garden. The flowers have a bright crimson color. They are smooth, small in size (up to 6 cm), pointed at the ends.

This variety differs from the rest in small dark green leaves and bright double flowers of pale pink color. Semi-double petals with whole edges. This variety blooms for only 20 days.. The most basic difference between this pink beauty is that it cannot be irrigated during the flowering period.

Azalea Verveniana mitterfuh

This variety has not bright green-gray leaves with sharp ends. But its main difference lies in the unusual pink color of the petals. Wide stripes on huge flowers look quite extravagant. The flowering period of this variety is also short, less than 20 days. At this time, spraying is contraindicated.

Madame Jean Peters

This variety is distinguished by bright pink small double inflorescences. Wavy petals change their tone from light to dark towards their edges.

Why houseplant does not bloom

In order for Azalea to please others with colorful blooms in the dullest time of the year, everything must be observed. important factors that affect the plant. Failure to comply with them may lead to a lack of flowering.

  1. During the formation of flower buds, it is necessary to observe the required air temperature in the room (from +6 to + 8 degrees).
  2. Need to create proper lighting. Azaleas need bright light without direct sunlight on the plant.
  3. It is necessary to constantly irrigate the plant, but within the normal range.
  4. Constant pruning and pinching of shoots leads to lush healthy flowering.
  5. Must be used for feeding mineral fertilizers without chlorine.

Diseases and pests of a flower

The plant can be attacked by aelian moth, greenhouse whitefly and mealybug.

Aelian moth damages Azalea leaves. B Without human intervention, caterpillars can crawl onto healthy leaves until they destroy everything. The greenhouse whitefly is a carrier of many viral bacteria and diseases, including black fungus.

Various mites can also harm Azaleas. When a strawberry mite hits a plant, the plant stops growing and gradually dies. Red disrupts the functioning of the adult Azalea queen cells. As a result, all the leaves turn brown, dry out and fall off.

For the prevention of these pests, various specialized purchased chemicals are used.

How to plant an azalea (video)

Azalea is popular with gardeners around the world. And this is connected not only with the beautiful appearance flower, but also with the period of its flowering, because it falls on the time when the main number of indoor plants are in a dormant period. For this reason, Azaleas are often given as a chic bouquet in winter.