Mixer      04/09/2019

How to clean up faster How to quickly clean the apartment: tips for every day

    Turn on the music. She inspires during work, and helps to do everything quickly. Open windows for more light.

    Put all rubbish in the room into a trash bag. If you don't have a trash bag in your room, put it in a trash can. Even if you just remove the trash, the room seems cleaner.

    Remove all dirty dishes. If you eat in a room and then leave dirty dishes there, even a clean room quickly becomes dirty. Collect all the glasses and plates and take them to the kitchen. Wash the dishes and then you can earn some pocket money!

    Separate dirty clothes from clean clothes. Divide clothes into two piles - dirty and clean. Put dirty clothes in washing machine and hang or fold clean clothes and put them in a closet. If you put your clothes in a chest of drawers, then fold them neatly so that there is room for other clothes.

    • Remove all shoes. If you don't, you will trip over them.
  1. Remove the trash. You should not only clean up the trash from the floor or dirty clothes. You should also put all unnecessary things in their places. Clear shelves, wardrobes, bedside tables, and other places.

    • Sort all your papers, throw out unnecessary ones. Put them in the trash can.
    • Post it all small items in places, if they do not have a specific place, then put them in some box. Then you can put the box either in the closet, or place it under the bed. Or put on a chest of drawers.
  2. Make your bed. An unmade bed will make any room untidy, no matter how clean it is. Remove the duvet and bedspread, then carefully make the bed. You can even take the sheet off and turn the mattress over (if you have one). Turn the mattress over from time to time.

    • To impress parents more, make the bed like in a hotel room and it will look even neater.
    • Making the bed first gives you more space to lay out your clothes and papers before sorting.
  3. Put all things from other rooms back into place. For example, you found a sibling's toy, or living room blankets, or a friend's book, and so on.

    If you're in a hurry, turn on the timer. Concentrate on important things and stop cleaning when the time is up. Usually the room is given an untidy look by things scattered here and there and an unmade bed.

    Clean up professionally

    1. Clean and dust the furniture. Wiping off the dust will give the room a cleaner look. Your parents will appreciate it and it won't take long. Walk with a damp cloth or other appropriate means on a dusty and dirty surface.

      Vacuum! Look in all corners of the room and do not forget to vacuum under the bed. The room will then be really clean, as a dirty carpet or floor makes the room look sloppy.

      • If you do not have a carpet, but parquet, then it is better to sweep it, as the vacuum cleaner may not remove all the dirt.
    2. Shake out all the little rugs and hang them outdoors (unless it's raining, of course). The vacuum cleaner may not clean them properly. After all, it is necessary that they not only look clean, but also smell fresh.

      Refresh the room. Open windows and doors and ventilate the room. Then spray the room with air freshener. A pleasant smell will make the room cozy.

      • It is important that your dirty clothes are washed before you air out the room. Dirty laundry in the room can have a heavy smell.
    3. Make sure everything is in its place. If you have a lot of things that have nowhere to put, then there are too many of them. Now is the right time to get rid of unnecessary things. This means that next time everything will be in place and it will be much easier for you to tidy up the room.

      • Sort your drawers and shelves so you know what goes where.
    4. Make room for clean clothes. Clean out your closet and closet. Hang clothes on hangers or put on shelves in the closet. Tidy everything neatly, and you'll make room for new clothes or items like boxes, collections, heaters, or other items that don't have a specific place in the room.

      Keep the room in order. If you put everything back in its place and put everything away after you have already used it, you will spend much less time cleaning in the future. This will impress and delight parents. You may even be able to ask for more pocket money or other perks, as long as your room is kept clean and tidy.


      1. Turn on your favorite song. Rhythmic music can inspire and make cleaning fun. You will feel inspired and want to listen to song after song, and you will not notice how time flies while cleaning. Do good selection from rhythmic songs!

        • As good example try Pacific Rim, Daft Punk's "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger", or Disney's "Happy Little Working Song" from magical cartoons.
        • Do not answer the phone (if you are receiving text messages or your phone is connected to social network, put it on silent mode or turn it off altogether), or to the computer so as not to be distracted. By doing this, you are helping yourself, even if you don't think so!
        • Remember, always ask your parents if they are okay with all this.
      2. Change the design of the room from time to time. This will give a good incentive to keep the room clean. You can get more rewards for redecorating a room than for cleanliness, as this is the most productive.

      3. Plan an activity in your room, such as a gathering of friends or a movie marathon. Then you will be motivated to keep it clean. Think about how nice it will be if the room is clean and tidy.

        Try to start cleaning with what you hate, and then take on everything else. Sometimes people can't finish cleaning because they leave things they hate for later. Starting the cleaning with the difficult, you will have every chance to bring the matter to the end.

        • Reward yourself with candy when you're done doing something you hate. You will be motivated to finish what you started!
      4. Turn cleaning into a game! This is also a good motivation and will give an incentive to clean the bowl more often! There are many ways to turn cleaning into a game, and here are two ideas to get you started:

        • Divide the room into sections with a string or brush. Number the sections and roll the dice. You need to clean the dropped number. If you manage in 4 minutes, you will succeed! Roll the dice until you've cleared the entire room.
        • Set up a competition! If you have a sibling with whom you don't share a room, then you can both start cleaning your rooms. Whoever finishes faster or whose room is cleaner wins! Ask your parents to come up with a reward.
      5. Ask a friend to come and help you clean up. Make sure your parents know you'll be cleaning together or your friend will be sent home. Choose a friend who is neat by nature and organized. He will be able to teach you some tricks and help you finish cleaning quickly!

      6. Don't litter the room. If the room is cluttered, it's easy to lose motivation, especially if the room is a terrible mess. Here are some tips to help keep your room clutter-free.

        • Try to start with small portions; pick up and put away 5 items at a time until the whole room is in order. It's not the most fast way but the result will be better in the long run.
        • Try to do the cleaning as often as possible and then it will not become cluttered. Try to clean up every day before going to bed and then on the day of cleaning you will not have so much to do.
      • If your room is a real mess and you don't know where to start, try this technique. Divide the room into sections, and if you have an office chair, then sit on it and turn around. When the chair stops, you will be facing the part of the room that needs to be cleaned. Continue in the same spirit. You can even spin the bottle.
      • Do not forget to clean under the bed and clean up the chest of drawers, this is very important.
      • The most important thing is not to be nervous, otherwise you can easily give up.
      • You should also open windows to let in fresh air and sunlight.
      • Wipe the walls from time to time and then your room will look much cozier!
      • Limit yourself in time! The next time you start cleaning, set a timer and see if you can beat your previous score. Remember that you still need to clean carefully.
      • Set yourself a weekly goal and clean up 20 items every day. See if you can keep the room clean this way.
      • If you share a room with someone, then clean together and have cleaning games.
      • Place small items such as shells or buttons in tightly sealed boxes.
      • Collect first all things of the same type, for example, decor items and remove them first.
      • Keep your bedding clean so it's fresh and clean when you go to bed.


      • Remember, if you don't do it right, your parents will tell you what to do better. Speed ​​and effort matter!
      • Remember, don't be lazy! If you have any items in your room, put them away immediately. Do not leave things on the table to put them away later.
      • Be careful when cleaning so you don't drop or break anything.
      • Be careful with the things you can find in the room. You never know what might be lurking there. Keep an eye out for small rodents and bugs as they can cause disease. If you meet any of them, tell your parents to call Special Services immediately.
      • If you find spiders, don't be afraid. They won't harm you. If you can't handle them, just ask someone who can.
      • Do not forget about glass fragments from broken objects or foliage that your pet (if you have one) could drag (for example, thorns, burdocks). They may be where you least expect to see them.
      • Don't play music too loud if your parents don't allow it.

How to properly clean the apartment? The question is very interesting and requires detailed consideration. Cleaning the house is a matter, it would seem, known to absolutely everyone, not only women. However, not every house shines with cleanliness, especially if the owners are at work all day. Some have only one day off, and there are a lot of things to do on this one and only free day. But after all, there are such “sorceresses” who manage to work somewhere in an organization full-time, and manage to do everything at home: clean up, cook dinner, and also take care of the children. What's the secret? Maybe it's all about planning and discipline?

There are three types of cleaning:

  • daily routine cleaning;
  • weekly basic;
  • general.

Thoroughness and timely completion of the current cleaning will make it easier for you to perform the main, weekly cleaning, which, in turn, will not make you suffer for a long time when performing the general cleaning, and all of them together will provide the house with radiance and glorify its neat mistress. Given the fatigue and lack of time, what needs to be done to make daily routine cleaning a completely doable task?

Thoroughness and timely completion of the current cleaning will make it easier for you to perform the main, weekly

Action plan

You need to make a plan in advance on how to properly clean the apartment. Write a list of tasks that need to be done when cleaning and think about what from this list does not have to be postponed until the time of cleaning, but can be done right away.

For example, the kitchen: a place that can be cleaned constantly, all day long. They just cleaned it, but then they fried the potatoes, cleaned the fish - and that's it, dirty again. Get yourself a few rules for working in the kitchen. For example, cleaning the stove immediately after cooking does not take much time, and fresh grease stains on the still warm surface of the stove are much easier and faster to clean than dried and accumulated dirt.

Second: take inventory in the kitchen, do not keep unnecessary items on the tables, they not only take up the right working space, but they also get dirty, gather dust, and as a result, they delay you when cleaning. These jars, bottles - do you need all of them so often to constantly keep them on the surface? Leave only what you really need, put the rest in lockers.

You need to make a plan in advance on how to properly clean the apartment

Keeping dishes in an open space, hanging them or putting them in special baskets, is also impractical: firstly, they collect dust. You do not use it all daily, which means you do not wash it. In addition, if you often fry and steam in your kitchen, then these dishes also have time to smoke. It is better to put all the dishes in cabinets and drawers, so it will always be clean.

The same should be done in all other areas of the house. Think over your order, sort things according to their purpose and let each of them have their own place.

Important: You should not have drawers and cabinets without a specific purpose “for different differences”, let all these “differences” have their own clear names and scope of purpose: what is it, when do you use it and where this thing should lie.

It is necessary to arrange your life in such a way that for cleaning you just have to wipe the dust and wash the floor.

Free up space from unnecessary things, rake up all your rubble: lockers with linen, bookshelves, desk. There is no need to keep papers and old work records that you no longer need, books that you do not read and will never read - turn them into waste paper and do not regret: instead of them you will have new ones that you need. Clothes, shoes that you don’t wear for a long time, have grown out of it or it has simply grown old - throw it away, give it away.

It makes sense to do this - you will not only free up space for what you need from what you have, it will not only become easier for you to store things in the proper order, but most likely you will get something new, much more useful to you today than all this old its age rubbish. Taking apart all these old unused things and parting with them is a very useful activity, it helps to rethink a lot, reconfigure yourself, remember something, and forget about something forever.

Cleaning kitchen cabinets

Think about which areas you have the most problematic, where they litter and get dirty the most, what you then spend time on when cleaning. Teach yourself and your family to clean up after themselves immediately: make the bed behind you as soon as you wake up and wash. If at home they like to nibble crackers or drink coffee in front of the TV or computer, insist that they clean up the trash and dishes. Cleaning up the crumbs and sweeping the floor around the table or sofa is a five-minute matter, but at the same time, this is already an order.

It is necessary to arrange your life in such a way that for cleaning you just have to wipe the dust and wash the floor. Do not accumulate work: everything that can be removed before cleaning, clean before it, then the cleaning will begin and end faster.

Weekly cleaning must be done carefully, the amount of your work during the general cleaning will largely depend on its implementation. Pay attention to chandeliers, doors, pipes under the sink and in the bathroom, do not just brush off the dust from the furniture, but clean it with a special polishing agent, pay attention to those surfaces that are not visible to the eye.

Weekly cleaning must be done carefully, the amount of work you do during the general cleaning will largely depend on its implementation.

When washing floors, do not be lazy by hand, and not with a mop, walk along the baseboards, get to everyone hard-to-reach places. Add to water soap solution or special remedy for mopping. Clean anywhere you don't usually feel like cleaning or don't feel like doing it too often. Believe me, the real cleanliness of the house is reflected, at least, in the air you breathe. There is another plus: all these little things will make you pay attention to them one day, all this will need to be cleaned, but cleaning a contaminated surface is much harder and longer than keeping it clean all the time.


The sequence of how to properly clean the apartment:

  1. It's best to start in the kitchen.
  2. Then you should go to the living rooms.
  3. The bathroom and toilet are washed last.

Advice! Save time, clean sequentially: first one room, then another, or first one action in all rooms, then the next - you should have your own cleaning system that is convenient for you.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly clean the apartment:

  1. Furniture is always cleaned before the floor is cleaned.
  2. When cleaning the floor, it is better to move light furniture.
  3. To begin revenge, to wash the floors should be from the depths of the room towards its threshold.
  4. But in the corridor, for example, not to the threshold, but from the door threshold.


Important! General cleaning is best done every three months, with the change of season.

If you clean your house regularly, then the general will mean the following:

  1. Inventory of the closet with clothes (it is better to put the clothes of the outgoing season away; pull out, refresh everything that you need for the current season).
  2. Washing curtains, covers, tablecloths, bedspreads.
  3. Washing windows.
  4. Putting things in order on the mezzanine, where you might put some of the things you don't need.

If you still have time for a full-fledged general cleaning is not enough (the amount of work is large, taking into account the fact that everything needs to be thoroughly washed, cleaned, wiped, repaired, decided what to throw away and what not), then distribute the cleaning among the rooms: today you “generalized” in the bedroom, tomorrow you will go to the living room, then the nursery or another room is next in line. This is also an option. The main thing - do not start, do not put off until later what can be removed now. Perfect cleanliness in the house is not such an unattainable ideal. Cleaning an apartment is a laborious task, but if you think through all its subtleties, it will be quite within your power.

The main thing - do not start, do not put off until later what can be removed now

Starch all kitchen napkins and towels - this old-fashioned tradition will save you from having to wash and rewash them, as you know: starched fabric repels dirt and stains do not eat into the fibers so deeply.

Keep a small jar of alcohol near your desk to wipe down all the accessories that you touch daily with your hands: pens, pencils, computer mouse and keyboard. You will see how pleasant it will be to take these items in your hands. Alcohol completely erases sweat marks.

For everything else on the market there are a lot of products containing various acids. As a rule, instructions are always attached to them: what is for what. You yourself know which stains are most typical for your life, what surfaces you have, and choose accordingly. But be more practical - you don’t need to buy a separate product for each type of surface, you can always limit yourself to two or three: for example, two for the bathroom and toilet, one for the kitchen.

Choose high gloves, up to the elbow or even higher and better with elastic bands - in such gloves, water, soap and other household chemicals definitely won't get your hands on it. Before and after cleaning, use a cream: first protective, and after cleaning - nourishing.

In conclusion, watch a video on how to properly clean the apartment. By following all the rules, you may find that being a sorceress is not difficult, the main thing is to plan the tasks wisely and discipline yourself. Good luck!

How to quickly clean an apartment - 20 simple tricks!

There are circumstances when you need a quick cleaning of the apartment. In such cases, many do not know what to grab onto, trying to do everything at once. To prevent confusion, we need such a system of cleaning, according to which, you can do everything quickly and not return to any of the rooms to eliminate flaws. How to do it? Very simple. Here are 20 simple tricks to help you clean your apartment quickly.


Estimated cleaning time is 10 minutes.

  1. We sweep everything. Take off the dirty bed linen and throw it into the basket. Hide unwanted items that clog your dresser or nightstands in nearby cabinets or drawers. To make the bedroom seem clean, give all the surfaces a spartan look - nothing more!
  2. We make the bed. Take a cue from hotel cleaners: instead of tucking the ends of the sheet between the mattress and the end of the bed, lift the mattress with one hand and tuck the ends of the sheet directly under it with the other. So much faster!
  3. Dealing with dust. Use a dry microfiber cloth. Start with furniture in one corner of the room and work your way clockwise. Wipe the surfaces in motions from the far side towards you, dropping the dust onto the floor. In each section, the fabric should touch the furniture only once. No need to rub back and forth in one place. If there is a lamp on the bedside table, dust it from top to bottom, and then from the table to the floor.
  4. Vacuum cleaner. Start vacuuming from the far corner of the room, gradually moving your back to the door. Make long sweeping movements with your hand. Save time, remember that we need to clean the apartment quickly. Brush over the same area of ​​the surface only once, not twice. Avoid back and forth movements. And don't worry if you missed a couple of centimeters somewhere.

Bathroom and toilet

Approximate cleaning time - 9 minutes.

  1. Preparatory work. Apply the cleaner to the sink, tub or shower and let it sour.
  2. Let's go to the toilet. sprinkle inner surface toilet bowl with a dry cleaner or baking soda and scrub thoroughly with a toilet brush, then flush and rinse. Next, use an all-purpose spray and a microfiber cloth to wipe the outside of the toilet and cistern.
  3. My mirror. Spray the mirror with glass cleaner and, starting from the top, wipe the surface in a circular motion.
  4. We return to the sink. Use an old toothbrush to clean hard to reach areas. Then start washing the sour sink, moving from one corner to the opposite.
  5. We wipe down the tub and shower. There is no need to scrub the cubicle and tub, just give them a quick wipe with a damp cloth, just rinse and close the shower screen.
  6. My gender. Use a microfiber mop to quickly wipe the floor in. Start in the farthest corner and work your way back towards the doors.


Estimated cleaning time is 12 minutes.

  1. Dishes. Load the dishes into the dishwasher and start the cycle. If there is no dishwasher, and you need a quick one not for yourself, but for guests, carefully hide the dirty dishes in one of the kitchen cabinets. Deal with her later.
  2. We put things in order. To give it a clean look, take a minute or two to remove all unnecessary items from the countertop and kitchen table. The more deserted kitchen surfaces look, the cleaner the kitchen itself seems.
  3. Unforeseen difficulties. Noticed hard-to-clean stains on your stovetop or countertop? Try scraping them off with a credit card to avoid scratches. Yes, yes, in this case the card will serve you well. Then, to avoid streaks, wipe the scraped areas with a damp rubberized sponge.
  4. We clean surfaces. Using a microfiber cloth and an all-purpose sprayer, wipe the table and countertop in a circular motion from the back towards you, brushing crumbs and debris onto the floor.
  5. We wipe down the equipment. Walk with a damp cloth over the surfaces of the refrigerator, microwave oven, plates, dishwasher and other kitchen appliances that you have.
  6. Let's take the floor. Sweep the kitchen, starting from the far corner and moving towards the exit. After that, also quickly wipe the floor with a mop with a microfiber sponge. Start in the far corner and work your back towards the exit.

Living room

Estimated cleaning time is 15 minutes.

  1. Eliminate clutter. Quickly look around the room, noticing the scattered things. Put all the little things in their places, such as: distances, DVDs, etc. Fold the magazines neatly on the coffee table.
  2. Dust. Follow all the tips that have been given for the bedroom.
  3. Glass surfaces. To clean the glass surfaces, use a microfibre cloth and an all-purpose glass cleaning spray. Wipe the surfaces in wide, circular motions from one corner to the other.
  4. Vacuum cleaner. Start vacuuming from the furthest corner of the room and follow all the tips that have been given for the bedroom.

We hope these 20 simple tricks will help you in case of need, and will not allow you to be taken by surprise.

Today, many housewives can afford not to bother cleaning the house. They entrust this business to professionals, who are now lacking in every city. Professional cleaning of apartments can be performed both by representatives of cleaning companies and housekeepers. Who should be given preference? Let's discuss this topic. Surely this article will help you make your choice.

We all want to live in comfort and coziness, enjoy a pleasant smell in our apartment or country house, "make a nest" together with loved ones, meet guests. But, if it so happened that on your square meters fresh aromas certainly do not hover, it is necessary to correct the situation by any means. Otherwise, you can forget about a comfortable life. How to remove bad smell in the apartment? There are many solutions to the problem! And now we'll give you some useful tips how to remove the smell in the apartment and enjoy the freshness.

Do-it-yourself cleaning of upholstered furniture ... This problem arises quite often, and to this day it raises many questions from housewives around the world. Most contaminants are removed at home. In hopeless situations, when all means have been tried, but the long-awaited effect has not come, there is always the opportunity to turn to dry cleaning. The success of the furniture cleaning procedure depends on several factors: furniture upholstery, type of stain and its age. Using special tools, such as a steam cleaner, will greatly increase the chance of success when cleaning furniture yourself. Don't overlook the various chemical compounds, which you can make yourself or buy in specialized stores.

Cleaning windows takes a lot of time and does not bring any pleasure ... But today, manufacturers household appliances decided to fix this and introduced a new machine for washing windows. It allows you to simplify the process as much as possible, and therefore is in demand. The process runs smoothly dirty water and divorces. One such machine is the Karcher window cleaner. It is lightweight, comfortable and can run from battery. Initially, the history of the brand is associated with the appearance of the first sink, then other devices were introduced that simplify the cleaning process.

Since stretch ceilings have a whole list of advantages, they are in great demand! They are chosen by many housewives, given that it is not at all difficult to care for such ceilings! How to wash stretch ceilings at home? How to wash stretch ceiling matte or glossy? What is the difference between them? We will be happy to answer all these questions in our article. Enjoy reading!

In almost every house you can find carpets, or rugs at worst. Since ancient times, people love this product, some - for the rich beautiful view, others - for good heat / sound insulation, others - for a beneficial effect on the body (we are talking about a carpet made of natural wool). One thing is bad - any carpet gets dirty quickly enough, and it is not always convenient to clean a bulky item.

modern woman must do much more work than it did many years ago. Indeed, if in ancient times, the fairer sex should only be engaged in house cleaning and housekeeping. But now also to combine all this with active work, professional activity. Of course, any normal person would not have all the energy to do this, so be sure to use the help in cleaning to save a little time and effort. Modern progress does not stand still, and if earlier it pleased us only with innovative window cleaners that did not leave streaks, now things have gone much further. Today, the window cleaning robot, the price of which is becoming more affordable every day, is a real assistant, whose services you should definitely use. This modern version, which is becoming more and more popular and famous every year, and more and more modern housewives are trying to purchase such equipment in order to free themselves from the obligation of washing windows.

At first glance, it seems that cleaning windows in an apartment or office is a very simple task and there is nothing special to talk about. But in fact, everything is far from being so simple. Of course, if you are satisfied with the fact that after a mediocre wash all the glasses will be streaked and will look even sadder than before cleaning, then there are no problems. But if you focus on good result and clean windows - you need to follow some tips and correct sequence actions. This is the only way to achieve a good, tidy indoor environment, a well-groomed interior and a pleasant microclimate.

Every housewife very often raises the question, which floor mop is best suited for the given characteristics? Now in stores you can find a fairly large variety of such products, which will differ in many criteria.

Any housewife will tell you how laborious such a procedure as washing windows is. Fortunately, every day a huge number of manufacturers are working to create another tool, another device or tool that could make this or that job easier. Thanks to technological progress, manufacturers have finally found a solution to another problem. This is how unique scraper brushes appeared on the market for fast and efficient cleaning of almost any glass coating.

How to clean the apartment - cleaning from A to Z

Restoring order in the room should take place according to a strictly verified plan, and not in a chaotic sequence. Cleaning a very dirty living space is impossible without the use of special cleaning powders and household appliances.

Sometimes there are circumstances that require immediate and thorough preparation of the premises for the reception of certain persons (an unexpected visit from guests, the sudden arrival of a mother-in-law). Thinking about how to clean the apartment quickly and efficiently, remember:

Most important rule- not to be taken for everything at once, but to divide the space into work areas.

To do this, you need to plan your own strategy and tactics. We'll talk about this.


If you need to clean your apartment, start in the kitchen. The cleaning plan is as follows:

  • remove unnecessary items from the kitchen;
  • to wash the dishes;
  • clean work surfaces;
  • wipe household appliances;
  • wash the floor;
  • clean up any remaining stains.

Clutter in the kitchen unnecessary things gives the impression of carelessness. The first rule will help to effectively clean the apartment: remove everything superfluous from the eyes. The fewer things in the room, the neater the living space will look. The question is not about minimalism, but about the reasonable arrangement of necessary things in space.

At your leisure, decide how to remove trash from the apartment. Firstly, all things and objects collect dust on themselves. Secondly, they create the impression of chaos and disorder. You should get rid of them: either put them in drawers and cabinets, or simply throw them away. Criteria for selecting useless things in the house: how often do you use them? After removing all unnecessary, you will appreciate how easy it is to clean the apartment with the minimum amount boxes and old newspapers filling the shelves and racks.


Where to start cleaning the apartment, we found out. Let's go to the bedroom. The clean up plan looks like this:

  • we eliminate all unnecessary things;
  • we cover the bed;
  • remove dust;
  • vacuuming and mopping the floors.

The amount of work in the bedroom is much less than in the kitchen. In order to clean up less in the apartment, accustom yourself to immediately put all things in a closet and bedside tables, and not scatter them on chairs and a rug. If you develop this quality in yourself, then you no longer have to struggle with the feeling of how to force yourself to clean the apartment.


Cleaning the bath, sink and toilet is also included in the plan if you need to clean the apartment. In the bathroom, guests wash their hands after using the toilet. Mess and frank dirt in these places are unacceptable. Work plan:

  • apply a cleaning agent to the surface;
  • wipe the sink;
  • clean mirrors;
  • clean the toilet
  • wash the floor.

If you're interested in keeping your apartment clean, don't forget about the bathroom. A dirty toilet and sink will negate your efforts to make a positive impression on guests (especially mother-in-law).

Living room

The next stage of putting things in order is the living room and the corridor. From general view the living room and the corridor form the main impression of the living space and the owners themselves. Pay special attention to them: this is your business card. How well to clean the apartment in these rooms?

The quick cleaning plan consists of the following steps:

  • removal of unnecessary things;
  • removing dust from all surfaces;
  • polishing mirrors;
  • washing the floor.

Dirty room

How to clean a dirty apartment? The plan for cleaning up a dirty room is the same: we distribute the space into zones and work with the use of strong cleaning agents. In a very dirty room, all surfaces are dirty, so we pay attention to:

  • windows;
  • mirrors;
  • doors;
  • skirting boards;
  • furniture.

To better clean the apartment, start by washing the windows - without them it is impossible to feel clean. After the windows, take care of the mirrors. If the curtains on the windows are dusty, wash them. To perfectly clean an apartment that has not been cleaned for a long time, wash all the doors and tiles, wipe the baseboards and dust from the furniture body. Beat carpets and vacuum upholstered furniture.

It is also very important to know how often to clean the apartment, so as not to bring it to a dirty state. To do this, you need to divide the space into 4 work areas and devote time to each of them once a week. Rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens need constant attention.


Chemicals are designed to facilitate the work of cleaning the space. So, what means to clean the apartment? All cleansers can be divided into:

  1. Abrasive.
  2. Non-abrasive.

If you need to clean your home, use the right chemicals. For heavily soiled surfaces, abrasive powders containing finely ground solids such as sand, slag or pumice should be used. Cleaning the apartment with cleaning products is necessary after reading the manufacturer's recommendations on the label or container.

Powders and gels are sorted into:

  • stain removers;
  • polishes;
  • disinfectants.

Professionally clean the apartment to be perfect cleanliness a safe device called a steam cleaner will help. This equipment does not require any chemicals, and works due to hot steam high pressure. Read more in the video on how to clean the apartment.

  • Almetievsk
  • Volgograd
  • Voronezh
  • Ekaterinburg
  • Zelenodolsk
  • Yoshkar Ola
  • Kazan
  • Krasnoyarsk
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  • Naberezhnye Chelny
  • Nizhnekamsk
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Novosibirsk
  • Permian
  • Rostov-on-Don
  • Samara
  • Saint Petersburg
  • Ulyanovsk
  • Chelyabinsk
  • Yaroslavl

This question is especially relevant for a young mother, whose life is completely focused on the baby. One of the main problems during this period is the absolute lack of time - for yourself, for your husband, for friends and relatives, not to mention household chores, including cleaning the apartment.

But the cleanliness of the apartment is, first of all, of practical importance - a small child needs appropriate sanitary and hygienic conditions. So, we clean the apartment quickly, without spending extra nerves and effort on this process.

Emotional mood

It is very important that during household chores there is not just a good, but a cheerful mood, which in many ways contributes to the process going as energetically as possible. In this case, the correct psychological attitude is important: now I will quickly clean everything up and my house will be clean and good, cleaning up is such nonsense for me! Installation is wrong: again this endless cleaning, I can not stand household chores that never end!

Energetic music is very invigorating and improves mood during household chores. Put on your favorite CD or cassette and see how things go much more fun.

And one more important point- allocate a certain time for cleaning the apartment, for example, one hour, and make it a condition for yourself to do everything planned for this particular period. This setting also helps a lot to concentrate.

Two or more things at once

And so the work began to boil ... In order not to waste time in vain and at the same time facilitate your efforts, you can simultaneously do several things at once.

Where to begin? Of course, everyone has their own priorities, but it is best to pay attention to the most "unpleasant" places, which, nevertheless, are considered the "face of the hostess" - the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

Approximation to the ideal

Let's go to the rooms. Most of the time is spent on laying out scattered things in places. If there is no time at all, take a basket or a large bag and collect scattered books, cosmetics and other little things in them. And put everything in its place later, when there is a free minute.

Now we take out the vacuum cleaner. Many take this technological stage work as superfluous and try to save time on it. However, as practice shows, it is necessary for effective cleaning, because the vacuum cleaner not only collects invisible dust, but also various other debris. If you don’t vacuum everything properly, then washing the floors will be much more difficult and it is possible that crumbs will creak under your feet.

Walk quickly with a vacuum cleaner on the carpet and floors, fix sofa cushions, bedspreads, napkins. Wipe off the dust, paying special attention to the appliance panels where it accumulates as a result of static electricity. If the house has houseplants, refresh them and at the same time wash off the dust by spraying them with a spray bottle. Now almost everything is ready for wet cleaning.

Before washing floors, pay attention to glass and mirror surfaces. If they do not shine, and even more so if there are stains on them, the apartment does not look clean.

Spray them with window cleaning spray, wipe with a dry cloth.

To avoid wasting time moving furniture, lift chairs and anything that can be lifted and start mopping floors. This can be done very quickly if everything is already prepared. Remember that usually most of the dust accumulates under the batteries and along the skirting boards.

The regime is not for the sake of the regime, but for the sake of convenience

How often do you need to clean and what is better - a little every day or a rare, but well-aimed general cleaning? This question does not have a universal answer and you need to focus on your own convenience or habit.

For some, the regime of daily maintenance of cleanliness is normal - little by little to do things so that they do not accumulate: today - laundry, tomorrow - mopping, the day after tomorrow - kitchen chores. There are many advantages to this approach: it does not take much time and effort, but without the habit of orderliness, it is difficult to implement it.

Another option is the accumulation of household chores, which ends in a big cleaning. In this situation, which is typical for people who are accustomed to a free regime, you can not be annoyed by everyday chores, replacing them with something more pleasant, and at the moment of emergency, do all the accumulated things at once.

But if there is a small child in the house, daily cleaning of the children's room becomes an axiom. The only consolation here can be that even the wet cleaning of the children's room takes quite a bit of time, the main part of which is occupied by laying out scattered toys and things in places.

In any case, remember that you have household members who can be organized - as much as possible to participate in cleaning or take some business on yourself, at least not to interfere, which is also very important.

If the house has cat or a dog that sheds regularly, it is still wiser to cover upholstered furniture with easily washable covers or capes. A less time-consuming option is to put decorative napkins only on those places where your pets like to settle down. Place under the food bowl paper towels to make it easier to take out the trash. Lightly grease the brush on the vacuum cleaner with glycerin, then it will be easier to collect wool from the carpet.

Place a beautiful basket next to the sofa or bed to put books, remote control, glasses and other little things in it. At least nothing will be left on the floor.

Buy or sew a beautiful bedspread on the bed to give you an incentive to make the bed in the morning! A disassembled bed, even with sterile cleanliness, does not create the effect of a cleaned apartment.

In the evening, take the time to leave the kitchen clean.

Starting the day with positive emotions is great!

After a shower, wipe the doors of the shower cabin - then a matte coating will not form on them.

Soak sponges and napkins after cleaning in any detergent. Wash them after some time. cold water and dry. During the next cleaning, they will be nice to take in hand.

To prevent drains in the bathroom and kitchen from becoming clogged, pour boiling water over them once a week.

We hope that cleaning will now turn into an easy and enjoyable experience for you. The main thing is that after it in the apartment - cleanliness, which pleases both your household and you.

Carpet care

Not more than 2 times a year, the carpet can be cleaned with a soft hair brush moistened with water with ammonia(2 tablespoons of alcohol per 1 liter of water). After cleaning, the carpet is wiped dry with a cloth.

Removing stains from carpets:

  • from beer, wine, liquor, vodka warm water with washing powder. Wet a rag with this solution and wipe the stain, and then rinse the solution with warm water and vinegar (1 teaspoon per liter of water);
  • from coffee, cocoa, tea - cold water with glycerin (1 tablespoon per liter of water);
  • from red wine and fruit juices - cold water with a few drops of ammonia;
  • from perfume and cologne (very difficult to remove) - warm water with the addition of "News", and then clean warm water;
  • from fats - gasoline.

Do not forget : after the stain is removed, the entire carpet should be wiped with a clothes brush dipped in a detergent solution, and then with a simple wet brush or sponge.

Carpets do not like : very hard brushes, dampness, hot water, spilled tea, coffee, milk. To prevent baldness from furniture legs on the carpet, it is recommended to place a piece of rubber under the legs.


With the birth of a son, there is no time for cleaning at all. I started calling a cleaning company [link-1]
eralnaya-uborka-kvartir/. Did a general cleaning of the apartment in at its best and in a short time I am very satisfied

I love cleaning. The only thing, of course, when the furniture is old or has not been repaired for a long time, such doing disappears. Now I often have a desire once again get out on my new kitchen, which was recently ordered from KitchenLab. I even enjoy it. The salon even suggested how specifically to take care of my headset. They abandoned carpets and carpets a long time ago - after all, this is not very hygienic. I'd rather go over with a rag once again. And in the kitchen, linoleum or tiles are generally better. Thank you and tips about cleaning with pets.

I can practically do everything myself, only the windows depress me and wash the mirrors. definitely not my topic. I got used to inviting a clean tower company, before they only washed my windows, but now I’m completely relaxed and I even order a cleaning service every six months.

20.08.2015 17:24:27, Anna

Every morning before going to work (I leave later than the children) I rake things scattered around the apartment, we sometimes scatter pants, socks, pajamas, well, really, it happens, what to say. Here I collect all the things in a bag (in an armful) and put everything on the children’s desktop that they scattered on the floor: things, combs, books, rubber bands ... Coming from school, the child has already learned to disassemble the pile on the table and lay everything out on the mats. Before you sit down at your desk, everyone has to sort out their pile. But you can easily run with a vacuum cleaner. By the way, I began to do the same with washed linen. I neatly put them in piles and put their clean folded things on everyone's desk. The child himself opens them into a chest of drawers and a closet - this is how I teach them to be aware of where which thing is (I haven’t made much progress in this yet, while the question "Maaam, where is mine .....?" still sounds often) . I’m all about children, but I also do this with my things, everything is thrown off the floor onto the sofa and they are already sorting out on the sofa, what’s in the laundry, what’s in the closet, what’s where. Do not think, of course, that a mountain of things is formed on the sofa up to the ceiling))) but tights, shorts, socks, pajamas, T-shirts - there are))

I'm worried about cat hair - it's hard to clean it out.

I stocked up with a bunch of Defender wet wipes so that there were no problems with wiping equipment and a bunch of detergents"spray-wipe-clean" systems, so that everything can be wiped at the speed of sound at any time before the arrival of guests. It's also good to have alcohol and paper towels - it also helps in emergency situations.

Comment on the article "How to quickly clean an apartment"

Section: Cleaning (Please if someone uses apartment cleaning services). Recommend an assistant to clean an apartment in Moscow.

there is an endless mess in the apartment ... such that you won’t call anyone ... how do you motivate yourself to clean up ... a question for those, of course, who don’t like to clean up .. 05/17/2017 19:04:10, Sidorova.


I convince myself that as soon as I get out, something in life will change in better side. I persuade myself. Here again, you have to persuade ...
“I looked around - there is dust everywhere, let me lie down too!”

Here I showed zeal and my granddaughters tidied up the room in my house there is their play-bedroom. Ponikov to drooping dragons to dragons arranged admiring. Granddaughters brought, I open the door and oh la la. Confusion-Baaabushka why did you do this. Moral mess where it is convenient

05/18/2017 18:08:05, dauria

Including Saturday. cleaning is sometimes easy and quick, but before commissions and in wet weather longer and worse. one Cleaning of the apartment 1- 2 times a week. Job search. Work and career.


Look at the site Eurodez-Professional funds for medical education.

The main problem now is how to clean the neglected carpet on the floor? The vacuum cleaner, I think, is powerless here. I know about throwing away, there are reasons why throwing it out will not work.

Still waiting for advice about the stove.

One-room apartment, not started, with loggia cleaning (wipe plastic panels and wash Cleaning the apartment. I am looking for an assistant for cleaning 3 shki in Moscow in the coming days ...

Group cleaning. Kindergartens. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses and physical development of the child from ...