In a private house      06/23/2020

What is better to put a shower or a bath. Bath or shower - which is better? Comparative review. Pros and cons of showers

Just a few years ago, apartment owners would not even have thought of the question: what plumbing to choose - a bath, a shower, or maybe get a corner. Cast iron bathtubs on legs were considered a symbol of comfort, and it was possible to take a shower using a hose. True, times have changed, and in plumbing stores you can find hundreds of different models for every taste and budget - with massage functions, wellness procedures, fountains and other delights. The choice becomes more and more difficult.

The bath is a practical classic with long term service that suits absolutely any family. She has several advantages:

  • Durable materials - steel, cast iron, acrylic;
  • Easy Installation- fixing the bath is extremely easy;
  • Low prices - especially compared to shower cabins;
  • It is convenient to bathe the child;
  • You can wash delicate items by hand;
  • Gives you the opportunity to relax and soak up after a hard day's work.

Fig 1.

However, turning to the repair of the bathroom, each owner must understand that the disadvantages of baths also exist:

  • Plumbing takes up a lot of space - not suitable for small rooms;
  • The choice of models is very limited, especially in form;
  • Large water consumption;
  • If you bathe carelessly, splashes and puddles of water will be all over the room;
  • On the surface of many models of baths, scratches quickly appear, and the original shine is lost.

Older people prefer this option, so if you want to buy a bath for your parents' apartment, the gift will be appreciated.

Pros and cons of showers

Each version of plumbing equipment has its advantages and disadvantages, and in order to answer the question - which is better, you need to understand the needs of the residents of the house. The shower cabin has a lot of advantages:

  • Save time - you can take a shower in a few minutes, unlike a bath;
  • Saving water - of course, provided that you used to take a full bath, and now take a short shower;
  • Space saving - for a small apartment with a tiny bathroom, this solution is the best, since the cabin takes up 2 times less space, although there are non-standard models of impressive sizes;
  • Taking a shower is safer, including for medical reasons, with heart disease, high blood pressure, pregnancy;
  • The abundance of offers on the market - finding a decent option is not difficult;
  • A lot of built-in functions - for example, massage, radio, MP3, Turkish bath, aromatherapy, jacuzzi, unusual lighting.

Video 1. Tips for choosing a shower cabin

It would seem that the shower cabin is a dream modern man, and you must buy it if you are updating plumbing. But do not rush, there are also disadvantages:

  • High cost - especially for models with a large number functions;
  • Difficult installation - it is required to equip waterproofing, connect electricity, align the walls;
  • Often a slippery floor is also a disadvantage - you can’t do without a rug;
  • Many device functions will not work if the water quality is low and the pressure is minimal;
  • If you choose a model with high sides, it will be difficult for an elderly person to enter here.

A shower cabin is a worthy option for young and active people who want to perform hygiene procedures very quickly before leaving for work.

Arguments in favor of a shower enclosure

A shower corner is, in fact, the same cabin, only consisting of two walls, its advantages are similar, only the purchase is much cheaper, because materials and labor costs are saved. It will be possible to organize it at any stage of construction, it is in demand not only in apartments, but also in commercial enterprises - in hotels, fitness centers.

Finding out which is better: a corner, a bath or a shower, you should focus on personal preferences. For those who cannot decide and have a good budget, combined plumbing equipment is recommended - a 2 in 1 bath-shower. You can buy such a device only if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom allows - you will need a lot of space.

Happy owners of cottages and luxury apartments have the opportunity to install any equipment they want in their spacious bathrooms.

The owner of an ordinary apartment, as a rule, has to solve the dilemma of what to choose: a bath or a shower?

Let's compare both options, evaluate their strengths and weak sides and listen to the arguments of the supporters of each of the devices.

The complexity of this problem lies in the fact that both the bath and each are good in their own way. Moreover, what suits one may not suit another, and often family members have to break a lot of copies before they converge on one of the options. Consider the pros and cons of each solution.



  1. In the bath, you can relax and truly relax, which the owner of a shower cabin can only dream of. In our hectic time, when many people suffer from stress and chronic fatigue syndrome, this opportunity is extremely important not only for the body, but also for the psyche. Soaring in a hot bath, as if in zero gravity, the user is easier to abandon the many problems surrounding him than in any other situation.
  2. If dissolved in water herbal infusion or sea ​​salt, then bathing in the bath turns into a healing procedure. First of all, it has a positive effect on the skin, which is especially important for women. In their lives, for obvious reasons, all sorts of cosmetic subtleties play a significant role. But also for men suffering, for example, from one or another skin disease, the herbal bath is very useful.
  3. Bathing in the bath is much better at removing dirt, sweat and dead cells from the skin, because thanks to a relatively long stay in hot water, all this has time to become sour and soften.
  4. A person frozen in the cold will warm up in a hot bath much faster than in a shower. As you know, the Japanese survive in their cardboard and unheated houses only thanks to super-hot fuko baths, which provide a charge of heat for long hours. If they only had showers at their disposal, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun would have had a hard time.
  5. You can take a bath together, creating a romantic entourage with the help of candles and a couple of glasses of champagne, which, of course, is not available in the shower.
  6. Equipped accordingly, you can get a lot of what a shower cabin provides. It's not only regular shower, but also side hydromassage jets, as well as a stand with a rain shower. Yes, and the bath itself can be equipped with air massage nozzles. The second option for the shower cabin is not available.
  7. A bathtub is easier to keep clean than a shower stall, which has many protruding elements and hard-to-reach places.
  8. A bath is indispensable if there are children in the family. For a very small crumb, it will act as a small pool in which you can swim before going to bed. After such procedures, children sleep well, and in addition, they contribute to hardening.
  9. Older children love to play with different toys in the bath. Today, even a special kind of bath foam is produced, from which you can sculpt a variety of shapes.
  10. In the bath, you can soak and wash things that cannot be washed in a washing machine. Also, only in the bathroom you can wash a large item, such as a rug.
  11. To bathe a large dog, and there are such in many families today, is possible only in the bath.
  12. It will be possible to take a bath even at very low pressure in the water supply, while the shower, and even more so the hydromassage jets, will be useless in such a situation.

The main drawback of the bath is its large size, which is of particular importance in a small bathroom. For example, in the "Khrushchev" in the presence of a bath, it becomes impossible to install a washing machine.

The way out of the situation can be the installation of a bath of a special configuration, which on the one hand (it is assumed that the user's legs will be located here) is somewhat narrowed.

shower cabin


  1. The most important plus - takes, especially. Next to the shower cabin, even in the smallest bathroom washing machine fit freely. Moreover, the cabin can be quite small - today models with dimensions in terms of 80x80 cm are produced. It is only important to get into it and move a little before buying to understand if it will not be crowded here.
  2. Of course, you can’t relax in a shower cabin, but a shower requires much less water than a bath. The difference in the cost of one bath may seem small, but for a month, and even more so for a year, quite a tangible amount will be saved.
  3. If the cabin is - the so-called shower box - then the steam formed during bathing will not enter the room. Such models are connected by an air duct directly to exhaust duct ventilation and are equipped with a fan that pumps out moist air. For a bathroom, the walls and ceiling of which are not lined with moisture-resistant material, and even more so for wooden house, this option is the most acceptable.
  4. The side of the shower cabin can be very low; in the so-called ultra-low pallets, it is practically absent altogether. The user can easily enter such a cabin with limited mobility- Elderly or, sick or overweight. And in order to take a shower in the bath or lie down in it, in any case, you will have to climb over the high side.
  5. Some of the features available in modern shower boxes will not be available to the owner of the bath. If he can still install a “tropical shower” stand with a shower, then creating a sauna environment with the help of a steam generator will definitely not work. In addition, in the "advanced" shower cabins there are radio and telephone. Of course, they can also be led to the bath, but you will have to tinker a lot with the selection of equipment, its fastening, insulation from moisture, laying wires, etc.

To this, you can also add spectacular lighting, which is available in all closed boxes. It can change color, thus affecting the mood of the user (this is called chromotherapy).

What is better to choose?

As you can see, there are situations when the choice becomes unambiguous. For example, if the family has small children or lives in the house big dog, willy-nilly, you have to install a bath.

Just like in wooden house the most appropriate is a closed installation, the design of which prevents steam from entering the room.

In all other cases, the lifestyle of the household should be taken into account. Many people today, especially young people, are forced to save every second due to increased employment. A bath for such a person will be useless, since he simply does not have time to lie down in it.

If the owner has free time, then the choice in favor of the bath will be more preferable, since, as shown above, it provides more opportunities.

If you decide to install a structure for taking a shower in your apartment, house or summer cottage, then most likely you will face the sharp question of how a shower cabin differs from shower enclosure and what are the main differences between each type of system. This is what our article will be devoted to, after reading the materials presented, you will clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Overview of key features

To make the information as clear and understandable as possible, we will present it in the form of a comparative table:

shower cabin shower corner
The main difference between a shower cabin and a shower enclosure is the presence of partitions on all sides. This allows you to install the structure anywhere without additional waterproofing of walls and flooring. The corners most often have partitions on both sides, and the back walls remain open. This feature makes it necessary to additional work for waterproofing surfaces, since without this they will turn black very quickly, and over time, mold and fungus will form on the surface.
Everyone who has been assembling booths with their own hands will confirm that this process is very complicated, and even detailed instructions does not guarantee simple and quick installation. Most often, it takes at least a day to connect and put together all the necessary elements. Assembling this option is very simple: you need to connect the elements together and attach to the walls and floor (or pallet). In the presence of necessary tool the work takes half an hour or an hour, which is the strongest evidence of simplicity.
The price of booths is quite high, especially when it comes to high-quality models manufactured by well-known European companies. If quality is important to you, then be prepared for the fact that the costs will be quite large. The cost of the corners is several times less than the first option, so you can save a lot of money. Wherein appearance designs are practically in no way inferior, and often superior to more expensive solutions.
A wide variety of modes and functions can be implemented in the booth, which allows for maximum system versatility. This is especially appreciated by those who love various special procedures. The set of functions in the corner is much smaller, and apart from the standard options, there may be only a rain shower and hydromassage sprayers, other options will not be available.

Whichever option you choose, it is important to purchase a quality design that has the appropriate documentation and certificates.
Reliable European and Chinese manufacturers always certify their products.

Key benefits of each option

For those who have never used either option, it is important to understand what the advantages of using each of them are. It is important to clearly understand how a shower enclosure differs from a shower cabin and what are the main advantages you will receive during installation.

Shower cabins

This solution has the following advantages:

  • A huge number of functions allows you to enjoy a variety of modes and even take bath procedures. For lovers of comfort, this solution will allow you to use a huge number of functions that are not available in other versions, while there may be additional amenities in the form of a radio or player and a built-in module for mobile communications. Technology does not stand still, and every year the number of modes is growing.

  • The system is completely separated from the room. That is, you just need to bring water supply, sewerage and electric cable to the location of the structure. But the build quality is of great importance, if the work was done incorrectly, then constant leaks will be observed in the system, and repair or even alteration of the entire structure will be required.
  • Deep tray options even allow you to take a bath. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to lie down (although there are models whose size allows you to sit like in a full-fledged bath), but if you like to soak in warm water, then this solution can be a good alternative to a bath, especially if the area is small, and place the one and no other option is possible.

  • Such systems are great for use in apartments and houses, as their use allows you to carry out hygiene procedures quickly, but at the same time, you can use them to relax if you have time. Some options have an aromatherapy function and others are very interesting solutions for lovers of relaxation.

If you need both a bath and a cabin, then great solution.
This option is different large sizes and the presence of a deep pallet. Which resembles a bath and can even have special features like hydromassage.

Consideration of the issue of a shower enclosure or a shower cabin, we will continue with an overview of the main positive qualities corners.

shower enclosures

This option gathers more and more fans every year for the following reasons:

  • The democratic cost of the system, when compared quality options cabins and corners, then the second solution will cost you much cheaper, which is very important when buying a product for a country or country cottage area when you want to get a good product and not overpay extra money.
  • Systems have excellent light transmission which is very important for small spaces. In addition, you do not have to connect additional light sources, as standard equipment is enough to provide the necessary comfort.

  • If we consider showers and corners in terms of aesthetic appeal, then we can note the fact that the second option looks much more attractive. No wonder the corners are widely used by designers in the design of a variety of premises, such a solution fits almost any stylistic concept.

  • A huge advantage of this type of construction is a very low threshold. Or you can do without a pallet at all, it not only looks very stylish and unusual, but also creates great convenience when moving, now you will not stumble on protruding parts. In addition, the lack of elevation will be appreciated by the elderly and those who find it difficult to raise their legs too high.

  • Despite the fact that the number of functions in the corners is limited, they have one very important plus: you can choose plumbing fixtures from any manufacturer you like. In booths, everything is different: all the nodes are included, and you buy what is available without a choice. In our case, you decide which modification to install and do not overpay for functions that you are not going to use.


The answer to the question of which is better - shower cabins or shower enclosures, depends only on your preferences. Therefore, choose what you like, and in no case save on quality. The video in this article will help you understand some important points even better and will reveal the topic even wider.

When decorating a bathroom small area often there are doubts when choosing plumbing fixtures. The owner needs them to be comfortable, practical, beautiful and at the same time take up little space. Most often, you have to choose between a shower and a bath. In the first case, the owner of the premises gets the opportunity to save space, and in the second - the usual comfort. Both arrangement options have their advantages.

Where to stop? Which is better - a bath or a shower? What criteria should be followed when choosing plumbing? To find out, you need to prioritize and match your wishes with the available functions of both types of devices.

When choosing between a bathtub and a shower stall, two-thirds of buyers prefer the first option. This is due to the relatively recent appearance of shower stalls on the market.

Most people still choose familiar plumbing. And yet, cabins have their own undeniable advantages:

  • saving space (plumbing takes up less space in the bathroom);
  • rational and targeted water consumption (to wash, it is not necessary to take a bath);
  • additional functions (you can take a shower with hydromassage and listen to the radio at the same time);
  • tightness (cabins are tightly closed, and no matter how water splashes, it does not fall on the floor of the room);
  • ease of use (there is enough space for any hygiene procedures, nothing hinders movement);
  • saving time on hygiene (you don’t have to wait until the bath is full to start bathing, you just need to turn on the shower).

With all the advantages, showers are not suitable for hand washing. It is difficult to wash pets in them. They are completely unsuitable for bathing young children, while in a familiar bath this is possible with the use of special devices. Also, the high cost can be attributed to the disadvantages.

Shower cabins can be equipped with scented steam generators, different types of lights, work in tropical rain modes, Turkish bath or hydromassage. There are models with a sharko shower

Even the most modest shower stalls are often more expensive than ordinary bathtubs without additional features. In addition, lovers of relaxation in warm water with herbs, infusions and foam will not be able to get the usual pleasures.

What functions can be equipped with shower cabins, you will learn from the video:

Baths also have their advantages. warm water well relaxes muscles, relieves tension, soothes. Modern hot tubs are a real find for connoisseurs of such relaxation. The familiar plumbing fixture has also become a "physiotherapy room" for many people.

Some Models modern baths are high-tech plumbing fixtures that combine many functions, are controlled by a computer, equipped with shower sets and operate from a conventional 220 W power supply

A warm bath is an excellent remedy for stress, neurosis, and fatigue. Compared to a shower, a bathtub is easier to clean, which for many buyers becomes a decisive factor when choosing. The owner can always purchase plastic curtains and provide the same tightness as shower stalls.

Choosing the right shower

Shower cabins are called special plumbing fixtures designed for hygiene procedures. They are structures of three walls, a door and a pallet. Models are very different - from simple teams without back walls and ceiling to polyfunctional monoblock systems with computer control. The former are also called shower enclosures and are installed so that the walls of the bathroom serve as walls.

And the latter are very easy to install and are hermetically sealed, fully equipped with everything you need “rooms”. The cost depends on the type of construction and the number of functions.

The shapes and sizes of shower enclosures can vary greatly. They are selected depending on the place where it is planned to install. So, rectangular structures can be mounted against the walls, corner ones - in the corner, and round, oval and polygonal booths are usually installed in spacious bathrooms next to the walls. Minimum size plumbing fixture - 800x800x2050 mm. Compact cubicles fit perfectly into bathrooms of any size.

There are much larger models. They are chosen for spacious rooms. When buying, you should definitely make sure that the future owner and his family members will not be crowded, because. inner size booths are 6-7 cm smaller than the outer one.

The shower corner is the most simple variety booths. Usually the corners are equipped with pallets, but there are models without them. Such structures are placed directly on flooring, but for an apartment in a high-rise building this is not the best option, because there is always a risk of flooding neighbors

Important functional features

Some of the features that shower cabins may have are not able to provide even the most modern models baths. For example, these:

  • rain shower. The essence of the technology lies in the separation of water jets into small splashes. A person under such a shower feels like under a warm summer rain. Gentle touches of small drops relax well. This is an excellent procedure for those who want to tune in to rest.
  • Turkish bath. The function is provided in models equipped with steam generators. The system supplies steam to the cabin at a temperature of 45-60 degrees. This contributes to the opening of pores, the removal of toxins and toxins from the body. Like a regular bath, the steam generator has a positive effect on the immune system, stimulates lymph flow and blood circulation. After sweating, a person gets a feeling of lightness throughout the body.
  • aromatherapy. The function is available in models capable of operating in Turkish bath and tropical shower. This is possible thanks to the placement of a special container for oils and balms on the wall of the shower. Drops of water or steam pass through the container, are saturated with aromas and beneficial substances, after which they are fed into the interior of the shower stall.
  • Ventilation. Steam and small splashes of water create high humidity inside the plumbing fixture. For uniform distribution of moisture, ventilation, a ventilation system is used.
  • Vertical hydromassage. There are bath models that are equipped with a hydromassage function, but this effect is of a slightly different type. In the showers, rotary nozzles are placed, from which jets of water mixed with air beat. If desired, you can massage not the whole body, but certain areas. Hydromassage perfectly relaxes, relieves fatigue and stress.
  • Horizontal hydromassage. This feature is very similar to the hydromassage baths can provide. It is provided in combined cabins, which manufacturers position as home SPA centers for domestic use. Such models are expensive, but their capabilities are very extensive.
  • Illumination (chromotherapy). Lights are built into the upper part of the shower cabins, which are capable of giving both ordinary soft light and colored light. Thanks to the backlight, the water jets are colored in different tones, creating unique color and light effects. Chromotherapy perfectly relaxes or tones, depending on the settings of the system.

In addition to all of the above, contrast showers are especially popular. The system adjusts itself automatically and delivers jets of either cold or hot water in turn.

A contrast shower is considered one of the most useful hygiene procedures, because. invigorates, tempers, tones the whole body.

A steam generator is a device that converts water into steam. The temperature of the steam is sufficient to expand the pores and relax the body, but not to burn. Cabins with steam generators are absolutely safe. To prevent heated steam from accumulating under the cabin ceiling, exhaust fans work. Phytocontainers for herbs and oils are used to create therapeutic steam.

The vertical hydromassage function can work in 4 different modes. It can be controlled from the electronic panel. The operation of the system is provided magnetic valves. Including vertical hydromassage, you can stand or sit. The healing effect of this does not change

What to look for when buying?

Having decided on the desired functionality of the shower stall, you can start choosing the model of the desired class. In order for it to serve for many years, it should Special attention turn to pallet. It must withstand the upcoming loads without any problems, without bending under the weight of bathing people.

In this case, the shape, material and external anti-slip coating are important. It is better to choose a pallet that is compact, but capacious. As for the material, the choice here depends on personal preferences. They all have their own pros and cons:

  • Faience. The material is durable, hygienic and easy to care for, but can easily shatter if a heavy object is dropped on it.
  • Stone- artificial and natural. Pallets made of stone are almost eternal and look status. The material is very expensive, used for elite designer models.
  • Steel. Pallets differ from steel baths only in shape. The advantages and disadvantages are the same. Products are covered with glossy enamels. They are beautiful, but short-lived, and drops falling on the surface make a loud sound.
  • Acrylic. The material is very practical, durable, easy to clean. The disadvantage is poor stability due to low weight. Acrylic pallets mounted on special frames to increase structural rigidity.

As for the design of the doors (curtains), they can be single- and double-leaf hinged and sliding. The first ones open in the same way as any door. This is convenient, but at the same time, the open door takes up space in the bathroom. For a small area, it is better to choose a model with sliding doors.

They can be designed for 2, 3, 4, 6 wings, which are closed using a magnetic mechanism. When buying, you need to make sure that the doors open smoothly, silently, and the mechanism does not jam.

Shower trays differ not only in material and shape, but also in depth. Dimensions should be selected depending on the functionality of the model. Deep trays can be used as mini-baths, but be aware that older people may have difficulty entering the cabin

On expensive models, manufacturers install curtains made of tempered glass. Budget cabins are equipped with doors made of polystyrene and plexiglass. Glass is the choice of people who intend to use the booth for many years. It does not change its appearance and technical and operational properties throughout the entire service life.

Plastic doors may become cloudy, lose transparency. However, such models are cheaper, so they are always in demand. So that the changes are not noticeable, many buyers choose shower stalls with matte, tinted or rough curtains.

Most models of showers are equipped with sliding doors. They are convenient, do not take up extra space, provide complete tightness. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the presence and quality of the seal. The hydro and sound insulation of the shower cubicle depends on this.

Our compatriots most often buy models of such brands: Eurosun, Pegas, Hyber, Ammari, Attoll, MidoceanTeuco, Niagara, Glass, Coliseum, Tarim, Movida, Avanta, Appollo, Fituche, Eago, Gruppo Treesse, Jacuzzi. The products of these companies can be trusted. And the video below will tell you about the types of shower cabins, the features of their designs, and the selection criteria:

Secrets of choosing a modern bath

If we are talking about buying an ordinary bath without additional functions, then the selection criteria are simple and clear: material, manufacturer, price. But this plumbing in terms of capabilities cannot be compared with a multifunctional shower stall.

What do modern manufacturers offer? Sophisticated plumbing fixtures with hydromassage. They consist not only of the case, but also of high-tech electronic and mechanical "stuffing":

  • pump;
  • air compressor;
  • nozzles;
  • tubes for water and air supply;
  • disinfection system;
  • devices for chromotherapy;
  • containers and devices for aromatherapy.

In terms of functionality, such models are not inferior to the best showers. The systems are controlled by means of a touch or pneumatic panel, with which you can set the program of procedures. The control unit manages all processes without further human involvement.

The system reports all the information about the water temperature, pressure, the set program and the time of its execution. Depending on the available functions the number of nozzles in the model varies.

Depending on the model of the bath, the jets can be used both for general massage and for individual parts of the body - back, arms, legs. There are baths with ozone therapy, light music and other additional options.

Procedures in hot tubs not only pleasant, but also very useful. During the massage, all muscles and joints are warmed up, the body becomes flexible. Acceleration of metabolism contributes to weight loss and rejuvenation, splitting of cellulite tubercles.

After the massage, the skin and muscles are in good shape, look good, mobility returns to the limbs, which were previously constrained by spasms. Hydromassage strengthens blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation. However, it also has contraindications: urolithiasis, diseases nervous system, oncology, some infectious diseases.

Some baths look light, almost weightless. Subconsciously, buyers may not trust such models. Completely in vain! They are stable, durable and able to turn an ordinary bath into a full-fledged massage session.

What to choose anyway?

What will be better for you - a bath or a shower? How to solve this issue will tell the expert:

When making a final decision, you must be sure that the purchased plumbing will suit all family members without exception. Therefore, it makes sense to discuss this issue with them. However, it happens that contradictions arise in close-knit families. If they are fundamental, you can always find a compromise by buying both types of plumbing - both a bathtub and a shower stall. The main thing is that everyone is comfortable!

When decorating their bathroom, many people face a choice: a shower or a bath? Now we will try to find out the positive and negative aspects of both solutions.

Shower or bath?

The first step is to understand what you yourself are used to, and what kind of pastime is more enjoyable for you. The bath has a relaxing effect and allows you to relax after a hard day's work. The shower will help you wake up and give you energy for the whole day.

Let's look at the bath and shower as a means of cleansing. A stay in the bath allows you to gently open the skin pores and thus cleanse them. It should be remembered that for the bathroom it is better to use various varieties soaps, not shower gels, since the latter create a special film on the skin that can only be washed off under a strong jet. In this regard, the shower provides the function of hydromassage and deeper cleansing.

We must not forget about the medical aspect. Doctors advise people with vascular and vein problems (hypotension, hypertension, varicose veins) to refrain from bathing. You will also have to carefully select the temperature and time spent in the water for people with problem skin, because too hot water may harm sensitive skin. The shower has practically no contraindications, except for one of its varieties - a contrast shower. Again, such a shower should not be taken by people with problem vessels, since a sharp change in water temperature is not beneficial in such cases. And, of course, if you have a runny nose or a cold, it's best not to experiment with cold water.

What is more economical?

In terms of economy, the clear winner is the shower. Since showers take up less space per se than a bathtub, they are best suited for bathrooms with small footage, which saves usable space.

The shower also wins in terms of the amount of water consumed. Average for acceptance water procedures in the shower you will need 1.5-2 times less water than in the bathroom. This is due to the fact that in the shower, dirt is immediately washed off the skin with new streams of water, while lying in the bathroom, you will have to rinse several more times.

But lying in the bath, you can relax and forget about the problems of a hard day, steam out your skin. Therefore, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom allows, then you should not deny yourself this pleasure.

You need to understand in what particular style you want to equip your bathroom. For modern and aggressive styles such as high-tech and minimalism, a shower cabin is an absolute choice. It will require cabins made of transparent glass with metal inserts.

If you stick to more classic interior, for example, in the Provence style, then you can’t do without a beautiful white bathtub and walls decorated with pastel-colored tiles.

The shape of the bathroom can be different, as well as the material from which it is made: from iron to wood. hard rock. Many design solutions they look very stylish, but again they are suitable for large rooms.

The editors of the site advise you to make a choice in favor of what you need, because the bathroom is a very personal space and a place for privacy.
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