Mixer      03/30/2019

Nightshade room - features of care at home. Nightshade - care at home. Secrets and features of successful cultivation

Nightshade, or in other words - solyanum, in the wild, grows in South America and belongs to a very large species group of nightshade, which has about one and a half thousand varieties.

Nightshade is a small tree or herbaceous shrub with an evergreen crown covered with dark green oval foliage. This plant has gained wide popularity among lovers of home vegetation due to its special decorative effect. In addition to the most beautiful bright leaves, the nightshade crown is dotted with white flowers and berries, which, as they develop, are repainted from juicy green to red, and then to orange hues.

The fruits of some varieties of nightshade are very reminiscent of cherry berries, but in no case should they be eaten - they are quite poisonous. All other parts of solyanum are also toxic, so nightshade lovers who have small children should think carefully before planting this plant at home.

Indoor nightshade is a plant that will not cause serious difficulties in care, even for beginner gardeners. The rules are quite doable and simple, the only thing worth paying attention to Special attention, so this is the need to provide the plant with a cool wintering. Below, about all this in detail.

Content temperature

During the warm months of the year, the nightshade flower will be quite satisfied with the temperature environment, familiar to our latitudes, but 18 - 28 ° С is still considered optimal, since he does not like strong heat. Moreover, it is desirable to provide natural daily temperature differences - at night he loves coolness.

But the winter, solyanum is used to experiencing at relatively low temperatures - 12 - 16 ° C, no more, otherwise it will drop foliage and berries. In addition, if this condition is not met, the plant, which should rest in the winter, will actively spend its energy on young shoots and will be greatly depleted by spring, which will affect its decorative effect and even health. In addition to the fact that such a bush is unlikely to bloom, it will often get sick.


Decorative nightshade, like its natural relative - common saltwort, loves a lot of light, so it is advisable to place it closer to the window, and in the warm season, take it out to the balcony, terrace or garden. The plant feels best on the southwestern or southeastern windowsill, but if it is placed on the south side, on bright sunny days you need to shade it a little, otherwise there is a possibility of leaf burns.

The lack of light is unacceptable - nightshade, strongly stretched upwards, its stems are exposed, the crown becomes rare and the overall development becomes inferior. In addition, the flowering of such nightshade significantly worsens, or may not occur at all. Therefore, if it is not possible to provide him with enough natural light, you should take care of artificial. The best option- purchase a special lamp for vegetation in a garden store that emits a spectrum close to the sun.

Watering and ambient humidity

Nightshade loves moisture, so it requires abundant and regular watering, but with all this, like most plants, it does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Therefore, it is worth taking care of reliable drainage - holes are needed in the flowerpot to drain water, and the soil must be loose, able to easily pass excess moisture. And of course, it is worth making sure that there is no water in the pan with a flowerpot of nightshade.

Watering mode - immediately after drying the top layer of soil, daily. This mode is maintained from mid-March until the end of summer, after which, the intensity of irrigation should be reduced. Starting from October, it is reduced to minimal moisture, and the flower itself is transferred to a cool, but well-lit place - the plant, until February inclusive, should rest.

As for air humidity, it is desirable that it be high, ideally 65% ​​or more. If the air is dry, you need to spray the crown daily or place a flowerpot with saline in a wide tray filled with wet expanded clay. Evaporating, it will provide the flower with a comfortable atmosphere. At the same time, it is impossible to flood the pan heavily - the roots of the plant should not be in the water, and when spraying, it is better to cover the soil so as not to overmoisten it.

How and what to feed

Despite the unpretentiousness of decorative nightshade, in order for the plant to maximize its potential and grow healthy, it must be fed regularly - at least once a week in warm weather, and once a month late autumn and in winter.

For regular fertilization, it is better to use ready-made nutrition complexes for nightshade crops, and in the middle of spring, when the plant is most active, it is worth feeding it with fertilizers for indoor flowers - this will speed up flowering. As a rule, saline is fertilized with liquid compounds, watering the soil in which it grows. At the same time, it is worth controlling the concentration of the solution - very saturated, it can burn the root system. The same thing will happen when fertilizing dry soil - it must be watered before fertilizing.

Such top dressing will ensure regular, abundant flowering and a large number of fruits.


Nightshade requires regular pruning and transplanting. Better do it in early spring when the red fruits covering the crown are fully ripe and have begun to crumble. The flowerpot is selected depending on the size of the root system and filled with a feeding substrate, having previously poured a drainage layer of pebbles or expanded clay to the bottom. The substrate can be bought ready-made or made independently, based on humus, sand and upland sod land. Be sure to clear the ground of weeds and other vegetation before preparing the soil.

Before transplanting, the nightshade bush needs to be cut off, about half and then transplanted into a new flowerpot. After that, for some time, until the plant acclimatizes, you need to take care of it very carefully. The main thing is to be optimal mode watering and enough light.

In addition to the annual transplant, in warm weather it is necessary to pinch the tops and strongly elongated branches - this will make the bush more lush and ensure dense flowering.


Nightshade - common solyanum, is able to propagate by seeds and vegetatively - by cuttings. Both of these methods are suitable when breeding a plant in room conditions.

Seeds sown in March germinate best. They are sown without deepening into nurseries and germinated in greenhouse conditions, stretching a plastic film on top. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of approximately 22 - 24 ° C. Be sure to monitor the humidity and provide sufficient lighting. On the third week, the first shoots will appear, and by the time when 3-4 leaves are formed on the seedlings, the seedlings need to dive. For this you can use plastic cups, with a drainage hole punched at the bottom. As they grow, the seedlings need to be pinched to branch the crown, and when they get stronger, they can be transplanted into flowerpots, on permanent place growth.

Cuttings can be carried out in early spring and summer. Better than others, cuttings take root, prepared from the upper sections of the nightshade stem, cut off in the lower part, slightly above the kidney, always at an angle of 45 °, and it is desirable that they have 3-4 leaves. They are planted, each separately, in peat soil or in a special peat tablet and root, covering with transparent glass jar. When the cuttings take root, they can be transplanted into flowerpots and at first, to form a dense crown, carry out regular pinching.

At proper care, pretty soon, the stalk turns into a developed plant, covered with flowers and beautiful red fruits.

(Solanum) is a shrub from the nightshade family, the genus of which includes about 1700 species. The homeland of nightshade is considered to be South American countries with a tropical climate. In the wild you can find annuals and perennials. herbaceous plants in the form of shrubs and trees, the stems of which can creep or stand upright, and the fruits are mostly poisonous. Among the solanaceous there are edible species such as potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant.

A small part of the nightshade representatives is suitable for cultivation at home - the most common are bordered, peppery and dark brown nightshade, the fruits of which are compared with small tomatoes, cherries or Mexican peppers. These Latin American machos are able to please their owners decorative look all year round. However, for this you need to know some tricks for caring for this plant.

Indoor nightshade is popularly called winter cherry or coral bush. Quite often in home breeding you can find pepper and false nightshade. They differ from each other, although only slightly. The main difference lies in the shoots of the bush. False-transverse nightshade - the owner of smooth hairless shoots and leaves, and in pepper - they are covered with a light gray fluff. They differ in their properties as well.

Pepper nightshade fruits are used in folk medicine for the treatment of sore throats and wound healing, and the false-pepper representative is a poisonous killer.

Therefore, if the plant adorns the interior of the room, it should be located at a considerable distance from the floor so that children's hands do not get to the delicious berries.

Nightshade reaches a height of half a meter, is very decorative and often becomes a decoration on New Year's holidays, when a fluffy green bush is strewn with bright multi-colored berries, hence the name - winter cherry. Small berries appear after flowering and, as they ripen, change color from green to rich burgundy. At the same time, on one bush, the ripening of fruits is uneven, therefore, cherries, tomatoes or peppers of various shades, which increases the decorativeness of the plant.

It should be remembered that decorative nightshade is a plant from the tropics, so the conditions of detention should be as close to natural as possible. The plant requires constant spraying and maintaining the optimum temperature, which is lowered for the winter.

Also, the flower is quite photophilous, but categorically does not tolerate direct sunlight.

If the flower does not like something, then it will notify about it:

  • dropping leaves, which means that the plant is experiencing a lack of light
  • poor flowering and small fruits - about insufficient heat
  • twisting leaves - about an excess of sunlight
  • drooping sluggish leaves - about poor watering and a hot place
  • shriveled berries - about the lack of moisture in the soil
  • dull leaves - about the lack of food

The humidity level should always be high and not fall below 60%.

reproduction houseplant can be carried out with seeds and:

  1. When planting seeds, leafy soil is most suitable, on the surface of which the seed is laid out at a distance of 2 cm from each other and sprinkled with sand. The container is placed in a warm place for germination, creating greenhouse conditions with the help of a film shelter. Within 10 days, the seeds will sprout. Borings in the first stages grow very intensively and therefore they are needed, and this procedure is carried out twice. This is necessary to give the future bush a compact spherical shape. After the second pick, the plant can be planted in the ground.
  2. The propagation process using cuttings is a faster process. Cut branches are used as cuttings. It is easiest to root cuttings in a sand-peat mixture, and when a sufficient number of roots are formed, transplant the plant into suitable soil. With proper care, flowering and fruiting is possible in young flowers.

The development of nightshade and the size of its berries depend on the method of reproduction. When propagated by seeds, the plant grows longer, but stronger and actively bears fruit. When cuttings, nightshade takes time to adapt and the fruits of the first are small, and flowering is scarce.

The optimal soil for nightshade is a mixture of peat and clay soil in a ratio of 1: 3 with the addition of a small amount of sand. At the bottom of the landing tank, it is imperative to place expanded clay or crushed stone drainage; small brick fragments are also suitable.

Conditionally cared for decorative nightshade can be divided into three stages:

  • Spring - the stage of planting and transplanting plants.
  • Summer - the period of vegetation and flowering.
  • Autumn-winter - the time of fruiting and subsequent dormancy.

The basic principles of care are to provide the necessary conditions:

  1. Lighting. To achieve a bright decorative flower is possible only by providing bright, but diffused light, which is necessary for the plant throughout the year. For this, the east and west sides of the room are well suited. The south side will be very useful in winter. If there is not enough light, then the development of nightshade will be weak, and flowering and fruiting will be poor.
  2. Humidity and temperature regime. Optimum temperature indoors, for the full development of the plant, it is considered 18-25 degrees in spring and summer, and in winter it should be reduced to 12-15 degrees. Otherwise, the tropical friend will drop all the berries and leaves. You should also worry about protecting the nightshade from drafts. Humidity should always be kept high. To ensure this condition, the flower is systematically sprayed. It would be useful to place the flowerpot with the plant in a shallow dish with moistened rocky material so that there is no contact with water. With increased dryness of the air, fruiting occurs later and it is weaker.
  3. . In the spring-summer period, when the plant develops intensively and blooms, it should be watered often and plentifully. Irrigation is carried out immediately after the topsoil dries up, which occurs quickly, as the nightshade sweats intensively, evaporating moisture through the foliage. IN winter time watering should be reduced.
  4. . For fruiting, nightshade needs a lot of strength, which can provide top dressing. You can use complex liquid fertilizer for house flowers that bloom. It should be applied during the growing season and during the formation of fruits. Top dressing is carried out once every two weeks, and when the fruits are already set, that is, in winter, the interval between top dressing should be reduced to once a month, using half the fertilizer rate.
  5. . Nightshade pruning is carried out annually. At the end of winter or at the beginning of spring, all branches of the shrub are shortened by a third. This procedure is usually performed after the full ripening of the fruit and when the leaves turn yellow. And in the fall, it is recommended to pinch the plant, but only those shoots where there are no buds and fruit ovaries. This will provide better bushiness.
  6. . After trimming ornamental shrub need to be transplanted into an updated and saturated soil with microelements. In this case, the pot should be slightly larger than before. But in some cases, a transplant may not be required, because the nightshade flower quickly loses its decorative effect and often it is easier to grow a new plant.

Although the nightshade plant is unpretentious, some difficulties in its maintenance still exist:

  • Poor fruiting or lack thereof. This results in insufficient pollination during the flowering period. If the plant is not brought to open air, then it is recommended to pollinate it artificially. For these purposes, use a soft brush, through which pollen should be transferred from one flower to another. To consolidate the effect, the procedure is carried out several times.
  • Nightshade sheds leaves and berries. The cause may be drafts, a sharp temperature drop or heat. To eliminate these troubles, you just need to find a more suitable place for nightshade.
  • Pests. Insects can also cause inconvenience to the plant: whiteflies, and spider mites. At risk are those plants that are kept in dry air conditions. When the first signs of an insect attack are found, the plant should be treated with appropriate chemicals or folk remedies should be used (if the lesion is not severe).

Some varieties of nightshade are poisonous. Even a small concentration toxic substances contained in fruits can lead to poisoning. Usually this is expressed in an upset stomach, but at high concentrations they can cause intoxication of the whole body, which may require the intervention of doctors.

Along with this, nightshade also has medicinal properties and can act as a home doctor. The fruits and leaves of the plant are used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, because they contain vitamins, carotenoids, alkaloids, pectins and saponic acids. These substances effectively fight bronchitis, tonsillitis and whooping cough, and are also able to heal wounds well. In addition, infusions prepared from nightshade have an anthelmintic and diuretic effect.

However, due to the toxicity of the plant, nightshade medicines should be used very carefully, after consulting with a specialist.

Flower Nightshade is fairly easy to grow at home. An unpretentious and ornamental plant will require a little effort and adherence to simple rules. And due to its decorative effect, nightshade is able to decorate and diversify any interior and give a festive mood. The flower will gratefully respond to care with flowering and fruiting, giving the plant originality. And the flower will be able to cure domestic inhabitants from unpleasant diseases. However, you should keep the plant away from babies to avoid unpleasant consequences.

More information can be found in the video:

Many tend to grow at home not simple flowers, but interesting and unusual plants. Those interested in decorative window sill dwellers should be interested in nightshade. This plant has an unusual appearance, the decoration of which is berries, giving the bush an elegant look. In order for the culture to grow and bear fruit properly, it is important to be able to grow it correctly.

plant description

Nightshade is a plant that belongs to the Solanaceae genus and has over a thousand varieties. It was distributed from Ecuador, Peru and the island of Madeira. A large number of this culture can be observed in South America. Nightshade can grow in almost any climate, but prefers regions with warm climates. In Australia, the amount of nightshade has become so large that it has been transferred to the category of a weed crop and is actively fighting it, which is not so easy.

In nature, the plant usually grows up to one meter, at home it slightly exceeds half a meter, but the most common option is dwarf nightshade, which is considered a flower and grown in apartments. Its parameters do not exceed thirty centimeters, but otherwise it differs little from the wild variety. A feature is the foliage, which remains green all year round, its color is dark green, and the edges have a wavy shape.

Nightshade blooms with white flowers, which can be collected in small inflorescences or grow singly. The flowering period can take place in any season, and the berries usually appear and turn red in winter. Fruits range in size from one to one and a half centimeters and color scheme from red to deep orange. Speaking of decorative given flower, then it lies precisely in the combination of dark leaves and bright fruit beads, which are kept on the branches for a long time without withering or falling off. Those who are interested in breeding nightshade should know its main varieties.

  • peppery- grows about half a meter in height, has green foliage, the flowering process is carried out by pale white flowers, from which appear poisonous berries changing color from yellow to deep red.

  • False transverse- the main indicators are similar to the previous version, only the height of the plant differs, which can reach one and a half meters. The variety blooms all year, alternately forming fruits that ripen over time. The dwarf variety, which is grown at home, usually has a height of no more than 30 centimeters.

  • jasmine- characterized by a curly stem and complex oval-shaped leaves, flowering occurs with white flowers with a blue tint, which are collected in paniculate inflorescences.

  • Curly- has a curly stem that can reach five meters in height with oval dark leaves and purple flowers that are collected in inflorescences.

  • Variety "Rantonetti"- is a dwarf tree with small blue flowers.

  • papillary- named after the owl original form fruits that have an elongated appearance. The bush reaches one meter, has leaves of a soft structure, which are somewhat similar to burdock, and the stems are dotted with thorns. Flowering occurs with white or purple flowers, and the fruits turn red or orange.

Indoor nightshade will decorate the window, especially in winter, when the shrub is completely covered with berries that look like New Year's lights. Since there are a large number of varieties, the type of fruit and flower can have different sizes, colors and shapes, but the differences are not too significant, so it will be possible to determine whether they belong to the Solanaceae genus without any problems.

wild and decorative options usually differ in plant dimensions, if in nature nightshade is a real tree, then indoors it looks more like an ordinary flower. Since this shrub is a weed in some regions, it is important to properly breed this crop. False nightshade and pepper nightshade are the most popular varieties of the plant, because they are most often seen both in sales and in people's homes.

These varieties differ in many ways. Different dimensions, different inflorescence, but almost identical fruits. Tricolor nightshade is especially valuable in decorative design, since it turns out a whole brush of beautiful uniform berries, which serve as a wonderful decor landscape design or premises.

To grow nightshade at home, it is important to know exactly how to plant and grow it, as well as familiarize yourself with the culture, which poses a certain danger, especially if there are small children in the house.

Can it be eaten?

It is impossible to eat nightshade, this is due to the fact that all its parts are dangerous to human health. It is especially poisonous when ripe fruits appear, which often attract small children and pets. The use of several berries will entail significant disruptions in the work of the stomach, but from excessive eating of fruits, a fatal outcome can occur.

There are some varieties that you can eat, but you should not do this without preparing the fruits correctly. This plant is very effective in the fight against various diseases such as angina, migraine, epilepsy. To get a sense of the nightshade, you need to collect ripe berries, flowers and leaves from it, dry them in an open space and store them in a dry room, wrapped in paper. Options uses can be:

  • twisting through a meat grinder and mixing with sugar or honey, which effectively helps against severe headaches and relieves epileptic attacks;
  • healing decoctions are obtained from flowers that help improve patients with pulmonary diseases;
  • dried leaves that are picked and dried between July and September can also help with various ailments.

If there is a need to enhance the effect of nightshade, it should be used with a number of other herbs that are combined with it. Without proper knowledge, it is worth refraining from eating any parts of the plant and not growing it at all if children, as well as pets, are or live in the room.

Growing and care at home

It is not difficult to grow indoor nightshade, because it feels comfortable on almost any soil, the main condition is only a warm habitat, to which the plant is accustomed. Since the culture is decorative and takes up little space, it is usually grown in a pot and placed on a windowsill. To get good growth and the presence of bright fruits, it is important to create optimal conditions, which are in a suitable soil. For planting to be successful, you need to prepare alkaline, loamy or clay soils, as long as they are fairly loose.

It is easy to care for the plant, you need to water it on time and provide it with enough light, but do not place it in direct sunlight. In late spring and summer, you can place a bush on a balcony or veranda, where there will be access to clean air And good lighting. Another feature that gardeners can learn about is the need to transplant a bush a year later into a new, larger pot. If you plant a nightshade in a container smaller than the one that suits it, then the root system will have nowhere to develop, and the culture will begin to wither.

Watering nightshade differs in intensity depending on the time of year and ambient temperature, quite a bit is brought into the coolness of the water, and quite a lot in extreme heat, plus an additional spraying of the foliage, which the bush perceives very favorably.

The most important is flowering and fruiting, therefore at this time it is worth being especially careful about introducing moisture under the bush so that the soil does not dry out. A relative problem in care is the flowering period, which often simply cannot be achieved due to ignorance of certain secrets.

In order for the plant to throw out color in the spring, you need to place it in a cool room in the winter and reduce watering. A properly overwintered bush can be cut and shaped as desired, giving it a wide variety of shapes. Another feature is the fear of drafts, therefore, for the time of airing, you need to remove the nightshade in a quiet and cozy place.

The temperature regime is no less important, if in summer there is no need to create any specific conditions, then in winter it is worth placing a bush in a room where there will be no more than fifteen degrees of heat. The window on which the nightshade will be located should also be changed from time to time, in the cool season the south side is ideal, where there will be the most light, and in summer, on the contrary, it is worth placing a bush on the opposite side.

For good growth crops need to be fertilized from time to time. The fertilizing period is in spring and summer, when useful material applied to the ground twice a month. Best for nightshade complex fertilizers, as for any flowering plants. In winter, it is not recommended to fertilize the soil, but if such a need arises, the procedure is carried out no more than once a month. And then it is enough to make only half of the amount that is usually used.

Plant care also involves pruning, which is carried out when the bush completely ceases to bear fruit. With the approach of spring, the nightshade can see the fall of yellowed leaves, in order to stop this process, it is worth using pruning, which helps to restore the plant's strength. A feature of pruning is the shortening of the main stem, which makes it possible to actively grow peripheral processes, on which it is recommended to pinch the tips.

Those who wish to breed this plant at home should know that cultivation is possible from seeds, which are obtained thanks to the fruits stored throughout the active growing season, as well as throughout the winter. To get them, you need to collect only ripe fruits, dry them and store them dry until spring.

To know that the nightshade is ripe, you just need to pay attention to the color of the berries, which turn from green to yellow and, ripening, acquire a full red color.

Features of culture propagation

Nightshade propagates in two ways: cuttings and seeds. With the help of seeds, the culture can sow itself, but this requires rather large dimensions of the pot in which it grows. Those sprouts that appear on their own, it is desirable to transplant from an adult bush when they get a little stronger. You can sow on your own, for which they select a container of considerable size in which the seeds are placed. They do not need to be dipped into the ground, just crush the surface with a thin layer of sand.

To mortgaged planting material sprouted, you need to cover it with a film and place it in comfortable conditions. The most favorable temperature for this stage will be 20-22 degrees. Periodically planting is ventilated and watered. It is important to prevent stagnant water or severe drying of the soil.

If we are talking about the spring-summer period, then more convenient option there will be the use of cuttings for propagation of nightshade. In order for the planting material to take root well, it is important to place it in a soil consisting of sand and peat mixed in equal proportions. In this case, it is also worth using a film and covering the stalk. It will be possible to get rid of it when more than four leaves appear, and the plant goes into active growth. Those who wish to have a nightshade with a lot of branches should prune the shrub often enough, which will be the impetus for increased growth of new branches.

In order for the stalk to take root faster in the new soil, after being cut from the main bush, it is additionally treated with Kornevin, which stimulates faster growth of the root system. For reproduction, it is worth choosing strong and developed branches that can give the same new plants.

About indoor nightshade, home care tips, see the next video.

Decorative nightshade flower and its care

Nightshade is ornamental plant, which has small red-orange berries. The flower is grown indoors, although previously it could only be seen in the wild.

Description of nightshade

Source: Depositphotos

Nightshade - a poisonous plant

In a pot, hybrid dwarf forms are grown, which belong to evergreens.

  • Bush of false nightshade in height no more than 40 cm.
  • Pepper grows up to 1 meter.
  • Jasmine falls like a creeper.

The plant can bloom blue, white and purple. The fruits brighten up the room with their bright red, orange or yellow tint. Their diameter does not exceed 2 cm. The nightshade flower bears fruit for 3-5 months. This period falls on the Christmas holidays, so people also call it the Christmas cherry.

nightshade care

Nightshade, like all indoor flowers, needs quality care. When growing nightshade, attention should be paid to:

  • lighting;
  • temperature;
  • watering;
  • air condition;
  • pruning;
  • soil and its nutrition.

Decorative nightshade loves light, but it is not necessary to expose it in extreme heat to the sun. For the summer, you can take it to a place protected from direct sunlight and drafts outside. The optimum temperature for it is 20–25 °С in spring and summer and 12–17 °С in autumn and winter.

Water regularly from March to September. Also, to maintain humidity - spray in the morning and evening or use water in the pan. From autumn to the end of winter, solanum does not need watering. The bush is transferred to coolness, and only spraying is done. Humidity must be at least 60%. This is necessary for its long fruiting and active growth.

Before planting, pay attention to the composition of the soil. Sod mixture, humus from foliage and peat are best suited. When nightshade blooms and actively grows, it needs to be fertilized. This should be done 1 time in 14-20 days. Top dressings are suitable for both complex for indoor flowers and those that fertilize tomatoes. Every year you need to cut off a third of the branches, especially those that have begun to dry.

Photos of nightshade seen in flower shops, will help determine the subspecies of the plant. Any of them should be grown responsibly, adhering to all agrotechnical rules.

An amazing plant with which you can create an exotic green corner is indoor nightshade. Its main decoration is the fruit. They give the bush a chic and elegant look. The appearance of berries among rich greenery resembles a spruce decorated with bright balls. Why not give yourself such a cute flower and admire its beauty? Let's take a closer look at the exquisite berry mosaic on the window.

Nightshade room: the secret of the attractiveness of the plant

In its natural environment, nightshade is most often found in regions with a warm climate. Its homeland is South America, where it reaches a meter height. In some countries, such as Australia, the plant is destroyed because it is considered a weed. Despite this, indoor nightshade attracts lovers of home plants.

The flower grows up to about 30 cm. From the side it resembles a small bush. The oblong foliage of a lanceolate form has a rich dark green color, against which clearly expressed veins are visible. The edges of the plates are distinguished by a wavy frame, which gives the bush a spectacular look.

During the flowering period, buds appear on the branches of nightshade. They can grow in inflorescences of several pieces or singly. Interestingly, flowering takes place in different time warm season, but the berries appear in winter. They are about 1.5 cm in size. The color in ripe form can be from bright red to orange. From the outside it looks very nice. Against the background of dark green leaves, scarlet beads shine with bright lights, which are kept on the shoots for several months. They don't wilt or fall off.

Among the popular plant varieties, the decorative indoor nightshade "Three-flowered" is especially appreciated. During the fruiting period, brushes of homogeneous berries appear on the branches, which are the decoration of the living quarters.

Simple rules for growing berry mosaic at home

Growing a culture on your windowsill is easy. She excels in a variety of soils. The main condition is that the soil must be loose. Often, fans of home cultures grow indoor nightshade from seeds, carefully observing its development. The process begins in late May or early June.

In small containers filled with suitable soil spread the seeds evenly. Then they are covered with a layer of sand of about 1 cm and irrigated with a spray gun. Containers cover plastic wrap and placed in a room where the temperature is not lower than 22 ° C. It should also have plenty of daylight. The first shoots will turn green on the surface of the earth in about 14 days. When they get stronger, and there will be 3 leaves on the shoots, the sprouts dive into other containers.
After 30 days, the grown seedlings are transplanted again, but already to a permanent habitat.

The last dive is carried out when the nightshade bushes grow up to 15 cm in height.

When the plant takes root, you need to know the rules of how to prune the nightshade and not harm it. The procedure is performed several times a year. In late February or early March, all shoots of the culture are shortened by a third of the main length. This is best done during the ripening period of all berries, and when the foliage turns yellow.

For the effective formation of a nightshade bush, additional pruning is carried out in April or early May. Repeat the procedure before blooming buds. To increase the bushiness of the culture in autumn, new shoots are pinched to the branches where there are no buds and fruit ovaries. As a result, cute will appear on the windowsill decorative ornament, strewn with bright fruits.

A sensible approach to caring for indoor nightshade

Since the plant came to Europe from tropical countries, the conditions for its maintenance must correspond to its natural habitat. A reasonable approach to caring for indoor nightshade at home leads to a wonderful result. Exotic berries will become an exquisite decoration of the living space, turning it into an oasis of peace and pleasure.

The basic rules of care are to create suitable conditions for the culture, which include:

  • lighting;
  • humidity;
  • temperature regime;
  • watering;
  • top dressing.

Consider in detail each procedure to grow an exotic flower at home.

Enough light

Practice shows that the right one directly affects the decorative effect of nightshade. Throughout the season, the plant needs diffused light. Therefore, it is placed on windows facing east or west. When winter comes, the flower feels wonderful on the south side. With insufficient light, nightshade develops poorly and bears a small amount of fruit.

Reasonable temperature and humidity control

For successful development tropical plant the room must be kept at the optimum temperature. In spring and summer it is in the range from 18 to 25°C, and in winter they allow 12 or 15°C. If the temperature regime is violated, the flower will lose all the berries and foliage. This is one of the reasons why nightshade leaves fall at the most inopportune moment.

The plant does not like drafts, therefore, when airing the room, it is better to remove the culture pots to another place.

Since nightshade is native to the tropics, it needs regular spraying. Also, a flowerpot with a culture can be placed in a shallow pan with moistened drainage material. The main thing is that there is no direct contact with water. Insufficient air humidity adversely affects the development of culture. Therefore, gradually losing vitality, nightshade dries and may eventually die.

A wise approach to watering

During intensive development, in spring and summer, the plant especially needs moisture. As soon as upper layer the soil dries up, and this happens quite quickly, it needs to be watered immediately. With the onset of autumn, and then winter, the amount of watering is reduced. As a result, the bush will always decorate the living space.

For irrigation, it is desirable to use settled water at about room temperature.

Reliable beauty stimulant - top dressing

If a person stops eating, the first thing beauty falls off his face. Similarly, without top dressing, a tropical guest will not be able to bear fruit abundantly. For top dressing, you can use liquid complex. They are applied once every 14 days during the period of fruit formation or vegetation. After the formation of berries, top dressing is applied once a month.

Invisible enemies of the tropical beauty

Exquisite nightshade leaf plates attract the attention of pests:

  • whiteflies;
  • red spider mite;
  • orange aphid.

Often insects settle on them, multiply and suck out the juices. The plant begins to hurt and lose its decorative effect.

The miniature whitefly, which slightly resembles a moth, loves to feast on the juice of the culture. It leaves sugary traces on the leaves, and on the back of the plate - clutches of larvae. If everything is left to chance, the leaves will begin to curl, turn yellow and eventually fall off.

Another "uninvited guest" of the flower -. His favorite habitats are the back side of the leaf plate. Pest-caused nightshade diseases are manifested in the formation of miniature specks on the foliage. Over time, they turn into spots that spread throughout the culture.

Similarly, the plant is affected by orange aphids. She settles on the back side of the plates that grow on the tops of the shoots. As a result, the foliage turns yellow, and eventually dries. To stop the process of crop disease, you need to get rid of pests with the help of special preparations. And then the indoor nightshade will delight the owners with its lush greenery and bright berries all year round.