Mixer      04.03.2020

Do-it-yourself calico ceilings. Do-it-yourself fabric stretch ceiling. Arrangement of draped ceilings

Stretch ceilings first appeared in Europe in the second half of the twentieth century.

Since the late 90s, this technology has been used in the countries of the former USSR. Since then, every year they win consumer preferences and are worthy alternative decoration of the ceiling space.

Why Choose These Ceilings?

Such consumer confidence in stretch ceilings is fully justified - after all, the latter have numerous advantages.

Man fixing the ceiling in the hall

Among them it is worth noting:

  • speed of installation and cleanliness of work - a minimum of dust and dirt during installation, plus there is no need to move furniture to install the structure;
  • structural reliability - the ceiling does not crack and does not deform over time;
  • stretch ceilings “eat up” a small height of the room - about 5 cm versus 10-15 cm of suspended ceilings, which is especially important in rooms from the time of Soviet development;
  • moisture resistance - the materials from which such ceilings are made are not afraid of moisture. This is the only type of ceiling for which flooding from above by neighbors or a leaky roof is not at all scary. Water is drained or pumped out of the ceiling space without problems, and your repair is saved;
  • durability - the material does not fade in the sun, and the ceiling will retain its original appearance for a long time. The warranty period for stretch ceilings starts from 10 years;
  • fire safety - the material from which stretch ceilings are made is not combustible;
  • versatility - this ceiling looks wonderful in rooms various types With various types lamps. You can always choose an acceptable option for a glamorous living room and for a strict executive office, for a high-tech house and for an apartment in classical style. It will perfectly show itself both in ordinary residential and office space, and in rooms with high humidity(bathrooms, kitchens, swimming pools, etc.);
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • variety of textures and colors;
  • these ceilings do not absorb odors and do not smell themselves;
  • ease of maintenance - because the ceiling does not accumulate static electricity, it does not attract dust and is very easy to clean.

Of course, when weighing all the pros and cons of installing stretch ceilings, one should also remember that they also have disadvantages. This:

  • rather high price in comparison with other types of ceilings;
  • these ceilings are afraid of damage by sharp objects and abrasive cleaners;
  • installation of some types of stretch ceilings is quite complicated and requires special skills and the availability of special expensive equipment;
  • some types of stretch ceilings are not suitable for unheated rooms.

Meticulous note. Disadvantages regarding installation and fear of frost apply only to PVC (polyvinyl chloride) ceilings. Also, quite often you can meet "authoritative" arguments that stretch ceilings begin to sag some time after installation ( read more here-). If the material for such ceilings is chosen correctly, and the installation technology is strictly observed, then the risk of such a problem is reduced to almost zero.

The main advantages of this type of ceilings

There are two types of stretch ceilings - PVC ceilings and. And if PVC installation ceilings for non-professionals is extremely difficult, do-it-yourself fabric stretch ceilings are a reality. Fabric ceilings occupy about a third of the stretch ceiling market, in comparison with PVC counterparts, they have the following advantages:

  1. tissue stretch ceiling can be installed in almost any room without connecting the strips - the width of the material reaches 5 m;
  2. frost resistance - you can install a fabric ceiling in an unheated room;
  3. ease of installation - this type of ceiling can be mounted independently, for installation you need a standard set of tools that every master has.

Read more: Installation of fixtures on the ceiling: we understand together

Of the shortcomings fabric ceilings It should be noted:

  1. higher price compared to PVC ceilings;
  2. a small variety of textures and colors - fabric ceilings have only a matte rough surface and a limited range of colors. You can put an image on them, but this will raise their price even more.

The choice of material for work

Fabric installation. It's better to do it together

For the manufacture of fabric stretch ceilings, it is recommended to use two types of materials. The first is special knitted fabrics made of synthetic materials, as a rule, these materials are offered by companies that sell and install stretch ceilings. The second type is coarse undyed calico, you can buy it in a fabric store, on the market, etc.

Special fabrics will cost you much more, but ceiling installation will give you a minimum of hassle. In almost all installation options, you will get a seamless ceiling, on which, if you wish, a drawing of any complexity will be applied in advance by the manufacturer. Coarse calico fabric will cost you much less, but you will have to tinker a lot with its preparation - pre-sew the strips to fit the room, process the connecting seams. After installing the ceiling, the calico will need to be primed and painted with special interior paints that are suitable for application to fabrics. In addition, rooms with high humidity are not suitable for such ceilings, because. their wet processing will not only be difficult, but may also damage appearance ceilings.

Before we look at what tools are needed for the job and how to install such a ceiling, we would like to recommend that you read these materials:

  1. About comparing this ceiling with PVC stretch ceilings (the advantages and disadvantages of both types are considered);
  2. (also discussed in sufficient detail).

We hope these articles will help you right choice in the finishing of the ceiling surface.

Read more: Two-level stretch ceilings: their advantages

What materials and tools are needed for installation?

So, to make a fabric ceiling, you need the following tools:

  • construction stapler;
  • drill or puncher - depending on the material from which the walls are made;
  • set of drills;
  • special wallpaper spatula (fins);
  • construction knife;
  • scissors;
  • laser or water level.

From the materials you will need:

  1. coarse calico - in an amount equal to the manufacture of a canvas of the size of the room plus 20 cm on each side;
  2. wooden bars (glazing beads) 40x50 or 50x50 mm in size - in an amount equal to the perimeter of the room;
  3. anchors - by the number of wooden bars. The size of the anchors and their type depend on the thickness and strength of the material from which the walls are made;
  4. mounting glue (shoe glue is best);
  5. tracing paper;
  6. glue for tracing paper;
  7. PVA glue;
  8. primer for coarse calico;
  9. paint for coloring calico - most often they use acrylic or water-based paint;
  10. - in an amount equal to the perimeter of the room to close the ceiling attachment point.

Meticulous note. We intentionally do not mention in the article sewing machine and a set of tools necessary for the manufacture of the ceiling canvas. In the end, you do not have to master the associated professions of a cutter, seamstress and ironer - specialized workshops can quickly, efficiently and at an affordable price be able to do this work for you.

Stage 1. We mark the ceilings

This stage is the most important of the entire scale of work, because the quality and correct installation of the ceiling structure ultimately depends on the correct marking. To do this, make the first mark at a height of 4-5 cm from the ceiling (depending on what size bars you use) and project it onto all the walls of the room. As a result of the markup, a horizontal line should be drawn on all walls of the room.

Advice. In order for the ceiling not to repeat the irregularities and slopes of the ceiling and walls in the room, you should project the first mark of the ceiling height onto all the walls of the room using a level.

Stage 2. We install glazing beads around the perimeter of the room

To install the glazing beads, it is necessary to drill holes in the wall for the anchor. To do this, number all the fasteners in the order of installation (put the numbers with a marker). Then, in each glazing bead, drill a hole for attaching the anchor, attach all the bars in order to the line marked on the wall and through drilled holes transfer the marks to the wall. Drill holes in the walls for anchors. When using this technique, all the holes on the bars and walls will match. Install the selected type of anchors and fix the bars on them.

Helpful information. In some sources, you can find the option of attaching glazing beads to a special wall profile for stretch ceilings. In this case, the glazing beads are fastened not end-to-end, but after 7-10 cm. The method described in this article significantly reduces the cost of fastening technology and is widely used in the post-Soviet countries.

Stage 3. We fix the panel

At this stage, you will definitely need an assistant to fix the panel without distortions, and just supporting it will also not hurt at all. For installation, a construction stapler and mounting glue are used. Spread the glazing bead with glue, attach a panel to it and press it with a flipper in the corner of the junction of the bar with the wall. Pull the panel by the free part, holding the fins - the panel will stretch, then shoot it with a stapler. First, attach the canvas to the most long wall rooms - starting from the middle, move to the edges. After that, go to the opposite wall, making sure that no wrinkles form on the fabric. Then attach the canvas to the narrow part of the room according to the same principle - from the middle to the edges. Cut off the excess edges of the attached panel.

Read more: Puttying drywall for painting: how to do it correctly - proportions, application technology, helpful tips, photo and video works

Stage 4. Line of tracing paper

Tracing paper is needed in order to hide the connecting seams of the calico fabric. If they are not processed, when painting, the paint in these places is not applied evenly, but hangs in small bubbles, which, of course, deprives the room of aesthetic appeal. That's why this stage work is very responsible and requires special care.

First, we prepare a special glue. The recipe is simple - cook the paste (preferably from flour) and add PVA glue to it in an amount of 30% by weight of the paste. Then we dilute the mass with water until the density of kefir and filter. We apply glue both on the canvas and on the tracing paper, glue it with an overlap of 3-5 cm. So that the edges of the tracing paper and overlaps are not visible, bend them so that they do not stick together with each other and with the fabric. When the glue dries, carefully tear off the folded edges of the tracing paper so that the tracing paper becomes thinner at the point of separation, and subsequently the seams become invisible. If necessary, the seams can be carefully processed with a very fine-grained sandpaper and PVA.

Stage 5. We bring beauty and gloss

After the PVA has dried, we prime the entire surface of the ceiling. After about 2 hours, you can already glue the baguette. Then we paint the ceiling with paint in 2-3 layers.

For those who better perceive information in video format, we have prepared a video that shows in detail the installation of Descor fabric stretch ceiling. We are sure that it will be useful for you.

We wish you a pleasant renovation!

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An increasing number of people prefer stretch ceilings made from organic fabrics. The fact is that such canvases are durable and do not require specialized care. In addition, fabric stretch ceilings harmoniously fit into the interior of any room. Pin suspended structure possible in several ways. Before proceeding with the installation, it is necessary to install a specialized frame.

Fabric stretch ceilings must be installed on specialized baguettes. To install the fabric on the ceiling, a baguette clip is most often used. However, this fastening is only suitable for seamless canvases. In other cases, it is more expedient to use glazing bead baguettes. Do-it-yourself installation of a glazing bead system is much easier.

Baguettes differ in the material from which they are made. Fasteners can be made of plastic or aluminum. If your budget is not limited, it is recommended to give preference to aluminum baguettes, as they are more reliable and durable.

Baguette installation technology:

  1. Level the ceiling. If necessary, apply a primer and putty to the surface. Remember to repair large potholes with sealant. Only after the pre-finishing is over, you can proceed with the installation of the baguette.
  2. Give the baguette the desired size. To do this, use a hacksaw.
  3. Drill holes in the walls.
  4. Attach the baguette to the wall.
  5. Make holes in the wall. To do this, use a perforator.
  6. Fasten the baguette with specialized dowels. Only after that you need to install a canvas of fabric.

We mount a stretch fabric ceiling with our own hands

After the installation of the baguette is completed, you can begin to tension the canvas. Before starting work, make sure the integrity of the drapery. You also need to make sure the frame is strong and prepare the necessary tools.

If you plan to install the fabric in areas with high humidity, such as a basement or bathroom, then use a wedge-shaped fastening system made of plastic.

How to install fabric:

  • Bring the edge of the canvas into a baguette. At the same time, remember that about 10 centimeters of drapery should protrude outward.
  • Use the blade to fix the canvas.
  • Stretch the fabric evenly in other parts of the room.
  • Trim off excess fabric with a hacksaw.
  • Close the baguette with a special decorative plinth.

We carry out repair of fabric old stretch ceiling

Repairing a fabric ceiling is a simple process. Repairing such a structure is much easier than suspended ceilings PVC or drywall. Before starting repairs, you should dismantle the tension fabric.

In case you were flooded by neighbors from above, it is not necessary to dismantle the canvas at all. It is enough to carefully unscrew the lamp, and drain the water through the hole formed. Don't forget to turn off the electricity first.

The procedure for dismantling the structure:

  1. Turn off the electricity.
  2. Unscrew the light bulbs.
  3. Using a spatula, bend the profile. If you used plastic blades, then you need to first remove the inserts, and only then bend the profile.
  4. Remove the canvas.

Installation of Clipso seamless fabric ceilings

Cloths made by the French company Clipso are very popular due to their beautiful appearance and durability. In addition, the installation of such canvases is carried out in a matter of hours.

Before you install a seamless ceiling, you need to process the walls and ceiling. It is recommended to degrease the surfaces and repair all cracks. If desired, apply a primer coat to the walls and ceiling. If you are installing seamless ceilings V wooden house then clean the surface with an antiseptic solution.

The procedure for installing a seamless ceiling:

  • Install baguettes on the walls.
  • Secure the canvas with a baguette clip. Remember that the fabric should protrude from the baguette by 7-8 centimeters.
  • Fix the fabric around the entire perimeter of the room. Make sure that the canvas is symmetrical.
  • Eliminate all wrinkles in the canvases with a building hair dryer.
  • Cut off excess fabric with a hacksaw.

Do-it-yourself ceiling drapery with fabric: features and benefits

Drapery base surface with the help of fabrics - interesting design decision. With this method of decoration, you can decorate almost any room. Due to the variety of textures and colors, fabric canvases can be used to decorate a room designed in any style.

The canvas can be made from:

  1. Flax. Such drapery will look elegant and discreet.
  2. Silks. Canvas made from this material, it is advisable to use for finishing the ceiling if your room is designed in a classic style.
  3. Cotton. This drapery will fit perfectly into the interior of the bedroom.
  4. Jute.
  5. Canvases.
  6. Velvet.

If you decide to use a canvas made of silk, jute or canvas, then it can be fixed with glue. Remember that the glue must be applied to the ceiling in a thin layer. After you attach the canvas to the ceiling, smooth the fabric with a dry cloth. This technique will help you avoid the appearance of wrinkles and bumps.

Drapery Benefits:

  • Cloths perfectly retain heat.
  • Drapery does not deform over time.
  • Cloths do not require special care.
  • Installation is fast. In addition, the installation does not require the use of a heat gun.
  • Drapery will help hide the cosmetic defects of the base surface.

Fabric-draped ceiling design (video)

Installing a stretch fabric on the ceiling is a simple process. The main thing is to choose a suitable baguette and fabric texture. If you decide to install such a structure yourself, then carry out communications in the ceiling space in advance and eliminate irregularities on the base surface. When choosing the color scheme and texture of the canvas, be guided by your own preferences and the design of the room.

Fabric stretch ceilings can rightly be considered one of the most popular types of ceiling decoration for apartments and cottages. Back in the 16th century, palaces and castles were decorated with woven ceiling coverings giving them a unique look.

Modern fabric for fabric based on a woven frame made of polyester thread impregnated with polyurethane compounds. Such a canvas is very durable and can be applied to almost any pattern. At correct installation fabric sagging can be only 2-5 mm, which is almost invisible to the naked eye.

Which ceiling to choose

To the question, which is better: PVC or fabric? You can answer like this - each of these materials has its pros and cons. with the use of a canvas made of polyvinyl chloride film (PVC) are beautiful, have an extensive colors and practical to use. Also, such a canvas can have a glossy surface and a pattern can be applied to it.

However PVC ceilings cannot be used for finishing in unheated rooms. At temperatures below -20, the film will lose elasticity and simply burst. Also used for mounting PVC fabric heat guns, which heat the air in the room up to + 60-70 degrees.

This can adversely affect the wall covering and the condition of the furniture. These disadvantages are absent in stretch ceilings on fabric basis. However, they have their downsides. The surface of such a ceiling cannot be glossy and the range of their colors and shades is limited.

The main advantage of the fabric fabric is that it is produced in rolls up to 5-5.1 m wide (therefore, such ceilings are called seamless). This allows almost any room without time-consuming joining of canvases.

It does not have any particular difficulties, so almost everyone can mount a fabric one. This requires a minimum of knowledge, practical experience work with household tools and financial resources.

Fabric stretch ceilings can be installed on existing wall covering and almost free of debris and dust. To do this, you can use a household vacuum cleaner. Furniture can also not be moved away, as it will not interfere with work.

Materials used

For fastening to the walls of seamless stretch ceilings made of fabric, a special profile (baguette) is used. It can be bead or clip-on and made of aluminum or plastic. For its fastening to the wall, plastic dowels and self-tapping screws are used.

The number of the profile is equal to the perimeter of the room in which the fabric stretch ceilings will be installed. It is important to know! When calculating the ceiling fabric on each side, you need to add a supply of fabric. The amount of ceiling fabric is calculated by the formula:

(A + 0.15) x (B + 0.15) = S where

  • A is the width of the room.
  • B - the length of the room m.
  • 15 - canvas stock m.
  • S - the amount of canvas in sq.m.

For fixing spotlights, a plastic thermal ring is used. It is glued to the ceiling at the place where the lamp is installed. special glue. After that, at the places where it adjoins the walls, a decorative plug is installed. It is bought in an amount equal to the amount of baguette.

All materials for fabric-based stretch ceilings can be ordered at a specialized company. Such enterprises or firms that supply stretch ceilings with fabric and components are now available in almost every city.

Tool to get the job done

For work, you will need the following set of tools:

  • Level laser or water
  • Upholstery dyeing thread
  • Hammer drill or electric impact drill
  • Hacksaw or grinder
  • Hammer
  • Construction or stationery knife
  • Electric hair dryer

Work order

Seamless fabric ceilings are installed in five stages:

  1. Ceiling level marking
  2. Baguette installation
  3. Installation of fixtures
  4. Stretching the web
  5. Installing a decorative cap

Important to remember! At least one person is required to complete the work.

The marking of the ceiling level is made to determine the horizontal plane of the stretch fabric ceiling. If recessed spotlights are used, then the ceiling level is lowered 10-12 cm below the existing one. If only a chandelier is used, then you can lower it by at least 3 cm.

To do this, use a laser or water level. Mark with a pencil (several marks on each wall). After that, pulling the coloring upholstery thread along the two nearest marks on the wall, it is slightly pulled back and released.

There will be a straight line on the wall. This operation is performed around the entire perimeter of the room.

Holes are drilled along the marked line with a step of 10-15 cm with a 6 mm drill for concrete. Plastic dowels are inserted into the holes. The baguette is fixed with self-tapping screws in the dowel.

It is important to know! The joint of the baguettes must be made so that it does not hit the corner. To do this, cut the profile with a hacksaw for metal and bend it under right angle. At the junction, the fastening step should be 2 cm.

To mount the chandelier in the required place, it is necessary to install an embedded part from wooden beam or thick plywood. Usually they are mounted on straight aluminum hangers to the existing ceiling with dowels.

The wiring must be laid in a corrugated sleeve and fixed to the ceiling with clamps. A chandelier will be further strengthened on the embedded part.

In this case, a clip-on baguette is used, so a rounded spatula is used to fill the canvas into it. Refueling in the profile begins in parallel along two walls from any edge (window or door).

Initially, the fabric is filled with an interval of 50 cm, turning it to the opposite wall. With a spatula, the fabric is pushed into the slot of the baguette until it stops, then the spatula is removed. When all the fabric is tucked in, start stretching it.

Stretch pattern:

  • On one of the walls (wall 1), the web is completely threaded into the clip with a spatula
  • The fabric is tucked and stretched along wall 2 adjacent to wall 1
  • Stretch the canvas along the wall opposite wall 2
  • Complete the stretch on the wall opposite wall 1

A decorative plug is inserted into the gap between the canvas and the ceiling, pressing tightly. In place of mortgage wood detail glue the ring. When the glue is dry, a hole is cut inside the ring with a knife, the chandelier is connected and fixed.

No one quality repair does not bypass the ceiling finish. To give the ceiling an individual, luxurious look, many use seamless fabric stretch ceilings. Consider their features and installation technology.

The content of the article:

Fabric stretch ceilings are a modern alternative to whitewash, wallpaper and ceiling tiles. Production volumes of fabric ceiling sheets are growing, because. demand for them is constantly increasing. And this is not just a tribute to fashion. This type of surface finish has some advantages over the outdated technologies, but also has some limitations in application and special installation principles.

Advantages and disadvantages of fabric stretch ceilings

All the positive and negative aspects of fabric stretch ceilings are explained by the technology of their production and the characteristics of the materials used. The basis is a synthetic fabric or a fabric of natural origin, which is impregnated with polyurethane.

Polyurethane, in turn, has a wide application. It is used in almost all industrial areas as a sealant, rubber substitute, impregnation that improves the strength characteristics of the base material. The operation of polyurethane products is limited by the temperature range - from -60 to +80 degrees.

The advantages of fabric stretch ceilings are obvious:

  • Increased heat resistance. Thanks to this characteristic, fabric-based stretch ceilings can be installed even in rooms that are partially or completely unheated. The product does not deform and does not collapse with significant temperature changes.
  • Lack of connecting seams on the ceiling canvas. The width of fabric fabrics for stretch ceilings reaches 5 meters. Therefore, ceilings in rooms whose width does not exceed this length are seamless.
  • The increased strength of the fabric provides protection against mechanical damage. During operation, the ceiling does not sag.
  • Durability. Service life - not less than 10 years.
  • Moderate elasticity of the material facilitates the installation of a stretch ceiling.
  • Ceiling fabrics have micropores that allow air to pass through them, so the ceiling surface will breathe. This, in turn, in some cases prevents the development of the fungus.
  • Do not use during installation. thermal equipment, therefore, the installation of fabric stretch ceilings is a simpler process compared to the installation of stretch ceilings made of PVC film. All works are carried out without the formation of construction debris. The installation speed is quite high, for example, the installation of a stretch ceiling in a room of 25 m 2 is carried out in 3-4 hours.
  • The fabric material for finishing the ceiling can be painted, photo printed on it, thereby changing the appearance of the room. Volumetric drawings that look incredible on the ceiling are very popular.
  • Environmental friendliness. This characteristic is due to the use of safe non-toxic materials in the production of canvases.
  • Space saving. Stretch ceilings steal only 3-4 cm of height, while suspended ceiling- 10 cm or more. This small space enough to hide electrical communications and defects in the plane of the main ceiling.
The disadvantages of fabric-based stretch ceilings are as follows:
  1. The material of fabric stretch ceilings is strong enough, but if a small area is damaged, then the entire structure will have to be changed, sometimes together with fasteners.
  2. If the dimensions of the room exceed 5 meters wide, then one canvas will not be enough. In this case, it becomes necessary to join the fabric webs; for this, a special baguette is used. Thus, the joints will be very noticeable, but they can be beaten with the help of extraordinary design solutions.
  3. The fabric base of stretch ceilings absorbs odors, so it is not recommended to install such ceilings in sanitary rooms and kitchens.
  4. Unlike film stretch ceilings, fabric ceilings are only available in a matt finish. The range of colors is also small.

Manufacturers of fabric stretch ceilings

The main producing countries of stretch ceilings are Germany, Switzerland, France and Russia. The most demanded fabric stretch ceilings are Cerutti, Clipso and Deskor, the high quality of which is confirmed by numerous certificates. Ceiling manufacturers are constantly improving technology, embodying latest developments in life.

French stretch ceilings made of Clipso fabric

As a basis for the production of Clipso stretch fabric ceilings, a synthetic knitted fabric is used, which is impregnated with a polymer composition. Such canvases are considered safe for human health, in their production all sanitary requirements, as well as the norms fire safety. Therefore, the manufacturer allows the installation of fabric ceilings in bedrooms and children's rooms.

The characteristics of the material of Clipso fabric stretch ceilings make it possible to use the canvas in several planes, i.e. bend it, giving the desired relief, fix it on the slopes.

When installing fabric ceilings, a special profile produced using a patented technology is used. It is almost invisible after the completion of the work. The use of this profile makes it possible to remove the ceiling and install it again in another room.

Much attention in the production of Clipso ceilings is paid to creating a uniform color of the canvas. The thickness of the threads is the same. During the production process, the fabric is tested for uniform tension of both longitudinal and transverse threads. Due to this, during installation, the canvas is evenly stretched onto the frame of the stretch ceiling.

Clipso offers a soundproof underlay for fabric stretch ceilings to create suitable room acoustics and eliminate echoes. This characteristic is in demand, for example, in cinemas, conference halls.

German fabric ceilings Descor

Descor fabric stretch ceilings are made in Germany. This type of finish is characterized by increased fire resistance due to the fact that a special non-combustible Trevira CS fiber is used in the production. The solutions used for impregnating the base improve the characteristics of strength, elasticity, and increase the water-repellent properties of the canvas.

All Descor products are certified, which confirms their high quality. Descor stretch ceilings are anti-allergenic, do not accumulate static charge, therefore, dust does not linger on them. The manufacturer's warranty on the product adds confidence in its high quality.

Fabric stretch ceilings are produced in rolls of various widths, which allows you to choose the most suitable option and save money. The maximum width of Descor ceilings is 5.1 m.

Fabric stretch ceilings Cerutti

The Alden Group company produces fabric stretch ceilings Cerutti ST. All materials and installation technologies are original, they are developed by the company's specialists and are patented.

The production uses a multilayer fabric, which is processed in several stages by various means on both sides. The final layer is a waterproof matte varnish, which adds water resistance to all the advantages of fabric stretch ceilings. Cloths from other manufacturers do not withstand prolonged water stress, which can lead to leaks, as well as discoloration of the fabric ceiling.

The cut canvas is attached to the baguette with a cord. At the end of the installation, install decorative insert hiding small gaps.

Alden Group guarantees the highest possible strength of the material. If a puncture with a sharp object appears on the ceiling, the gap will not increase in the future. Special impregnation "Anti-dirt" protects against the appearance of various stains. The manufacturer's warranty is up to 10 years.

The company's specialists have developed a special detergent that is ideal for cleaning Cerutti ceilings, taking into account all the features of the branded canvas and impregnations. Part detergent caustic alkalis and acids are not included for Cerutti ST fabric ceilings. The agent must be applied to the canvas for 20 seconds, then wipe it with a lint-free cloth.

Installation of fabric stretch ceilings and their operation is allowed in medical institutions due to their hypoallergenicity and non-toxicity of the materials used in the production.

Varieties of fabric stretch ceilings and their characteristics

Fabric fabrics for finishing the ceiling are classified depending on the properties of the materials and the functions performed. However, several functions can be combined in one product.

Consider the types of fabric stretch ceilings and their characteristics:

  • Standard fabric stretch ceilings. These are classic white ceilings that suit any interior. They have improved strength properties. On the canvas of a standard white color It is convenient to apply various drawings, photo printing.
  • colored ceilings. They have unobtrusive pastel colors. Only natural dyes are used in production.
  • Acoustic stretch ceilings. They are created using a special impregnation with sound-absorbing and anti-noise properties. It is also possible to use special linings. An example of this type of ceiling finish is the Cerutti Next acoustic sheet.
  • translucent stretch ceiling. It is based on a light-diffusing fiber that refracts light rays, which is impregnated with a matte varnish and a finishing polymer characterized by increased light transmission. Light fixtures are installed in the inner space of the ceiling, the light rays are refracted, resulting in the impression of weightlessness of the ceiling.
  • "Starry Sky". A special type of translucent ceilings. A technology for creating a romantic atmosphere at home or in a restaurant using fiber optic strands.
  • Antimicrobial ceilings. Suitable for medical institutions. The main fabric is impregnated with the antibacterial drug "TINOSAN" using ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, moisture-resistant and dirt-proof fabrics for fabric stretch ceilings are distinguished.

Preparatory work before installing fabric stretch ceilings

Before installing fabric stretch ceilings, perform preparatory measures: clean the surface of the ceiling from dust, remove unnecessary protruding elements of the main ceiling, lay electrical wiring and additional communications, install the lighting devices provided by the design.

The durability of the structure directly depends on the quality of the profile and its installation. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Mark the horizontal level of the future ceiling around the entire perimeter of the room; for this, use a laser or ordinary water level. Correct marking is the key to the ideal plane of the stretch ceiling. Determine the lowest corner of the room, retreat from it down from 2 to 10 cm (depending on the dimensional parameters of the lighting equipment provided), draw a line.
  2. Fasten the baguette according to the markup using self-tapping screws. If the walls are made of drywall sheets, then the installation of baguettes will not take much time. If the walls are reinforced concrete, then the process becomes somewhat more complicated: drill holes in the right places with a puncher, fasten the baguette with a dowel-nail fastener.
  3. Carefully adjust the joints of the baguettes in the corners.

Installation of fabric on the ceiling

To properly install fabric stretch ceilings, use the following diagram:
  • First, pinpoint the canvas in the four corners of the room with clips. Start at the corners of the narrower wall.
  • Next, follow the order of point attachment in the middle of each wall: first on the first wall, then on the opposite third, second and fourth.
  • And in the middle of each intermediate section in the same sequence. If the wall is long enough, fasten the canvas from the middle of the wall towards the corners of the room every 50 cm. Maximum tension is not required at this stage.
  • On final stage the canvas is stocked from the center of each wall to the corners. Follow the same sequence of walls as with point fixing. Stretch the fabric carefully. Creases formed during transportation are easily smoothed out with a hair dryer.
  • Install decorative trims, if provided.
If the room has L-shape, then conditionally divide the room into two separate sections. Start installation work from a larger area according to the principle described above. Then cut off the excess canvas in the area of ​​​​the corner that protrudes, so that the remaining canvas can be conveniently deployed to the second part of the room, following the rule “from the center to the corners”.

How to install a fabric stretch ceiling - look at the video:

Fabric-based stretch ceilings will last a long time if they are installed by a qualified professional. However, if you follow the principles and sequence of actions, installing a fabric stretch ceiling with your own hands will not be difficult.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

At the stage of finishing the ceiling, you need to focus on finding the best, optimal for you from the many options. Such a choice may well be a do-it-yourself fabric ceiling. This modern alternative has a lot of advantages that justify its popularity.

How practical can a fabric ceiling be?

This question worries many. To understand the difference and the main advantages, you need to know the main thing about it:

  • it withstands temperature well;
  • satisfactory strength;
  • simple installation that requires a minimum of time (see video);
  • and, of course, excellent appearance.

Fabric ceiling installation types

This is the one important point with which you should be careful. After all, when choosing fabric stretch ceilings, you need to consider that you will need to install them yourself. Therefore, you need to realistically assess your capabilities. For example, a U-shaped profile is mounted much faster and easier than a clip-on one. It all depends on the desire, abilities, talents.

If you decide on a simple option, then you will need:

  1. Bead;
  2. Wedge;
  3. Decorative insert.

We must not forget that it is this type, although it is easy to install, but it is not as strong and durable as a clip-on one.

If your choice is on the second type of profile, keep in mind that the structure and system are different. In the photo materials you can see the main differences between the two installation systems.

Let's go straight to work

First of all, we proceed to the first task - we determine the horizontal level. To do this, we use any type of special meter (laser / water level).

The next step is to measure the corners of the room, for precise installation our clip profile system.

We fix the baguette and stretch the fabric according to the principle: from a fixed angle to the sides. Now we proceed to install the second opposite corner. In this way, you should get two base points already fixed, which, in fact, is half the work.

Next, alternately and slowly fix the fabric between the insert and the profile. Thus, we stretch the fabric base over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling. Your activity can be considered completed, the only thing left is to fix decorative elements, install fixtures for lighting. The practical part of our task can be considered completed.