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Fabric stretch ceilings photos and prices. Stretch ceilings made of fabric. Let's talk about the pros and cons of Fabric stretch ceilings with a pattern

Stretch ceilings - the most common type of ceiling decoration. But in most cases, PVC film ceilings are installed, and there are also fabric ceilings. stretch ceiling. We will not say that they are significantly superior to PVC sheets, because each material has its pros and cons. In the article below, we will just look at what they consist of and how they differ from other types of finishes.

Fabric stretch ceilings are made from textile materials and covered with a film. The safety of such a canvas will not raise doubts even among those who still do not trust PVC products. All components of the canvas are environmentally friendly. Ceilings can be installed even in a children's room without fear for the health of your child. Fabric ceilings do not smell and do not emit toxic substances. But always check the quality certificates.

The modern market is full of fakes, dishonest firms use low-quality materials.

The beauty of the fabric ceiling will not leave you indifferent. Ceilings can be decorated with any pattern using airbrushing or photo printing, which does not limit the design, but allows you to choose a pattern for any type of interior. You can come up with your own pattern to make your ceiling unique. Such ceilings look very beautiful and rich.

Long service life. Typically, manufacturers indicate in the guarantee a service life of 10-15 years, but as practice shows, with proper care and careful handling, fabric ceilings will last much longer. For some, they stand for 30 years without undergoing significant changes. Of course, perhaps this was influenced not only by care, but also by good climatic conditions, but the fact is on the face.

The price of ceilings is much more expensive than other types of finishes. But in general, if you calculate the total cost of finishing, then the price will be equal. For fabric ceilings, the costs are only for the canvas and installation, other types of finishes require the purchase of additional materials, which in the end will give approximately the same amount.

Do not chase cheapness, before you buy, look at the average price on the market.

If the canvas is lower, most likely they are trying to sell you low-quality material. Carefully check the quality or completely bypass such firms.

Unlike PVC ceilings, fabric ones are more resistant to low temperatures. The operation of film ceilings is possible at +5 - + 50 degrees Celsius. Fabric can withstand temperatures up to -45 degrees. In addition, they are more durable. PVC canvases do not withstand any mechanical stress, while fabric ones are quite difficult to scratch, they will withstand a blow from a ball or a champagne cork. Over time, they do not sag, do not crack, do not stretch.

The structure of the fabric fabric allows you to make fabrics up to 5 meters wide, which is much wider than PVC. This allows you to install the canvas in rooms with a large area without seams, which are a significant disadvantage of stretch ceilings.

And of course, like any type of stretch ceiling, fabric ones hide all the flaws and allow you to carefully hide the wires. Not required for installation heat gun, they are installed by the "cold" method, which is much easier and will not take more than 5 hours in time.

Disadvantages of fabric ceilings

As mentioned above, the price of the canvas and installation is quite high. But all the advantages of the canvas are worth the money, so this drawback fully pays off due to the merits. The service life, no need to purchase additional materials will save you money in the future.

Color palette fabric ceilings very poor, after all, they are more designed for drawing a picture or pattern. If you do not need a painted ceiling, then it is better to choose a different material, the same film ceilings, where the richness of colors is presented in a wide range.

Despite the ease of installation with painting the canvas, things are more complicated. They paint it only after installation, which complicates the matter with an additional call to the master and a waste of time.

Fabric ceilings do not tolerate a lot of moisture. Therefore, it is better not to install them in the kitchen and in the bathroom. There are exceptions to this rule, some manufacturers make a waterproof canvas, but its price will not please you.

Another argument against installation in the kitchen is odors and dirt. The fabric quickly absorbs them and over time begins to smell of everything that it has absorbed. In addition, the ceilings will have to be vacuumed and not every technique can cope with this; care involves the purchase of special cleaning products.

Re-installation of the canvas is not possible. Other types of stretch ceilings can be dismantled and reinstalled, but fabric ones cannot, you will have to buy a new canvas.

Types of woven ceilings - variety of designs

Fabric ceilings - a good choice to decorate the living room, bedroom or children's room. You can choose any design finished projects offered by firms or come up with your own unique pattern. Fabric ceilings are divided into types:

  • Single-level. These are simple, even ceilings, made in one color or with a pattern.
  • Duplex. Represent a wide flight for fantasy. Two levels of the ceiling allow you to create a stepped design, which can be done in different colors. With the help of the second level, you can create an accent in the center of the room or create different zones with the help of light.
  • Multilevel. Here, in general, the design of the room is not limited by anything.

According to their texture, fabric ceilings are divided into:

  • Satin. They are made of PVC, but made in such a way that they are visually similar to the fabric of the same name - satin. They look like a cross between glossy and matte surfaces. They do not absorb light completely, but do not reflect it by 90%.
  • Suede. They look like velvet, dim the lighting, so these ceilings are better suited for the bedroom. If you put them in the living room, then take care of a sufficient amount of light.
  • Textured. Fabric ceilings can imitate velvet, satin, silk, marble, etc.

The most popular manufacturers

Now many manufacturers make canvases for fabric stretch ceilings. They differ in price, quality and material. Some make moisture resistant, others more durable. But we will talk about the three manufacturers that are in the greatest demand and have already established themselves as suppliers of quality products.

  • Clipso

The Swiss company, which became the very first to produce fabric stretch ceilings. Until now, it remains the most popular, produces high-quality canvases. They have the largest selection.

  • Descor

The German brand produces very durable canvases. The company processes its canvases with a special compound that does not allow dust to accumulate, which is important, since ceilings are quite difficult to maintain.

  • Cerutti

The Italian company is engaged in the supply of materials from environmental components. Installation of fabric stretch ceilings of this company is allowed in children's and medical institutions.

Fabric ceilings - examples in various interiors

The easiest design option is white fabric ceilings. This option will be similar to a simple whitewash, but absolutely even and white.

Often, when decorating, they use a one-color canvas with a pattern in the center.

Two-level ceilings are made out in two colors, while inner part decorate with an abstract pattern or centerpiece.

Fabric ceilings represent a wide range of thematic design. For a nursery, this can be a jungle-style ceiling or any heroes; a map of the world will look good in an office. The design is only limited by your imagination.

Floral motifs are often chosen to decorate the kitchen.

How to care for fabric ceilings

Any ceiling needs maintenance. Fabric ceilings are no exception. Many wonder if they can be washed. Yes, you can, but this process requires more gentle washing than PVC film. When choosing detergents, it should be borne in mind that they should not contain alcohol, abrasives, and dyes. When cleaning, you do not need to put pressure on the canvas.

Before work, remove all jewelry from your hands, you may accidentally touch the canvas, which can lead to damage.

Wash with a soft sponge lightly dampened with detergent. Stubborn stains can be removed with lemon juice. But if the stain does not rub off, you do not need to put pressure on it. It won't help. In this case, you will have to leave everything, as there is, or paint over the ceiling.

Fabric ceilings can be painted, but not more than 10 times over the entire period of operation. If your ceilings are already very shabby, then there is a way out - to paint them. When choosing a paint, look in the instructions that came with the ceilings, how and with what to paint them, or you can call the company that installed them and find out all the details.

Ceilings should not be washed frequently. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean them. Detergent is ideal, but ordinary will do. No need to use a broom or brushes, this can damage the ceiling surface and will only help small particles penetrate the canvas.

The heaviest stains can be removed with chemistry. Choose only one that is specifically designed for fabric ceilings. If it doesn’t help, then you can take a chance and use other stronger ones. But the result can be disastrous.

Before washing, try to lightly rub the product somewhere in the corner. If there is no damage, then try on a stain.

They appeared quite recently, but have already rapidly gained popularity, taking leadership positions in their niche - fabric, reviews and photos speak for themselves, inducing many to choose this particular finish option. A perfectly flat surface of the ceiling has always been the goal of everyone who is thinking about repairing, so the appearance of stretch ceilings has made life much easier for both ordinary citizens and specialists in the field of construction and design. They are valued for ease of installation, virtually unlimited service life without loss of quality and flawless appearance. But stretch ceilings fabric basis, unlike, have one significant advantage: with them, any room will look stylish, noble and elegant, because such a design can rightfully be considered a masterpiece of design thought.

Advantages and disadvantages of fabric stretch ceilings

As the basis of fabric stretch ceilings, a synthetic material of special weaving is used, impregnated with a special compound, which increases operational properties canvases. Visually, such a ceiling may look like a perfectly flat plastered and painted surface, but the most commonly used options are all kinds of designs, characterized by a variety of effects and patterns.

Like any finishing materials, they have fabric: photos attract with their spectacular appearance, but something more is hidden behind the outside. Therefore, before making a choice in their favor, you should weigh all the pros and cons in advance.


PVC stretch ceilings have been popular for a long time, but they are rapidly being replaced by fabric ones. It's all about the benefits stretch ceiling fabric-based, significantly increasing their competitiveness against the background of analogues. Similar designs have whole line advantages:

  1. A perfectly flat surface is the main advantage of the material. Even with the canvas does not sag, because the base initially does not stretch.
  2. No seams. Depending on the manufacturer, the width of the roll varies in the range of 3-5 m, so even in a spacious room the ceiling will turn out to be perfectly even and solid. For a medium-sized office or office, it is easy to choose the desired width of the canvas.
  3. Breathability - despite the use of synthetic materials in the production of fabric ceilings, the canvas perfectly "breathes" due to the woven structure.
  4. Strength - this characteristic is at least 15 times greater than that of PVC film, such a ceiling is very difficult to pierce or cut, so it can be safely installed in children's rooms or in public places with high traffic. In addition, you can safely hang curtain or mount cornices without fear of damaging the ceiling.
  5. Sound and heat insulation - dense fabric perfectly retains heat in the room and dampens sound waves.
  6. Ease of care - dust does not accumulate on the canvas, and any accidental dirt can be easily removed with a dry soft cloth.
  7. Safety - the canvas is made of environmentally friendly materials, absolutely harmless to health, does not accumulate dust and static electricity. In addition, it does not burn, because it is impregnated with a special composition, therefore it is completely fireproof, you can safely install powerful ones on such a ceiling that will not melt or change the color of the fabric next to it.
  8. Cold installation method - heat guns are not used during installation, which is important if there are objects in the room that are detrimental to high temperatures (antique furniture, paintings etc.).

Nowadays, the market of finishing materials never ceases to amaze consumers with beautiful and original products. These products include spectacular fabric stretch ceilings. Such elements can transform the interior design and give it a unique look. Today we will talk about these interesting ceiling coverings and the intricacies of decorating different interiors with them.

What it is?

Before proceeding to a detailed consideration of fabric stretch ceilings, it is worth answering the question of what they are. A fabric stretch ceiling is a canvas consisting of a fabric impregnated with a special protective composition. Such coatings are fixed with the help of reliable mechanisms at the highest point of the room. After the right installation work A woven ceiling looks like it has been plastered or painted a different color.


Currently, consumers very often choose stretch fabrics for finishing the ceiling. As a rule, these finishes are made of PVC film, which can have a matte or glossy texture. However, the choice of stretch ceilings is limited not only by such options. No less attractive and fresh in different interiors woven fabrics look.

First of all, such products are distinguished by an interesting appearance. Many consumers opt for woven ceilings, as they can be used to refresh the space and make it more harmonious. In addition, they can be used in the most different styles from classic to modern.

The range of woven stretch ceilings is incredibly rich. Each buyer can choose for himself best option to match the color and style of any room. In various retail outlets, you can find not only laconic monochromatic products, but also very original canvases with bright prints, as well as effective and realistic images of various formats.

As a rule, such finishing materials are of considerable size. For example, the width of a woven fabric can be 5 m. Such an element is quite large, so such ceiling coverings are more often used in spacious rooms. In addition, woven ceilings can be found not only in residential premises, but also in restaurant halls or hotel lobbies.

fabric for this original finish produced on special equipment. During production, it is treated with special compounds. It is necessary to protect the material from the accumulation of dirt and dust, as well as from the effects of aggressive sun rays and temperature fluctuations. Thanks to additional impregnations, fabric ceilings are very durable and wear-resistant. They retain a presentable appearance for many years.

You can use this finish in rooms that are poorly heated in the winter season. Under such conditions, the ceiling will not lose its visual appeal and will not become unusable. So, you can safely refer to woven fabrics in the design country houses where it is often quite cold.

It is worth noting that textile coatings are used not only in the decoration of the ceiling, but also in the design of the walls. Certainly, ceiling options occur much more frequently.

The versatility of such materials is provided not only by their huge range and beautiful design, but also by a special "breathing" structure. They perfectly pass air. Popular stretch films made of PVC materials cannot boast of this quality.

Another distinguishing feature of stretch woven ceilings is the way they are installed. It is simpler and faster than in the case of PVC films. All work can take only 3-4 hours, and if the room has a not too large area and simple geometry, then even less.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fabric stretch ceilings, like any other finishing materials, have their advantages and disadvantages. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them if you plan to decorate your home with such canvases.

To begin with, let's take a closer look at the advantages of textile ceiling coverings:

  • Durability finish. The service life of a high-quality fabric ceiling can be 10-12 years.
  • Such ceiling coverings are not afraid of mechanical stress, such as shock or pressure. Conventional PVC films do not have such properties and can be easily torn.
  • Woven ceilings are more convenient and practical in terms of installation. For their installation, you do not need to use special and complex equipment. You don't need a heat gun here. It is quite possible to install the ceiling covering on your own, without involving specialists.
  • Another advantage of such products is their impressive size. The width of such a ceiling often reaches 5 m, so you only need to install one or two sheets, even if your room is very spacious. Thanks to this positive quality woven ceilings are called seamless. Inexpensive films made of PVC materials are narrower, so in one room you have to fasten several separate canvases at once, which often creates ugly seams.

  • It is impossible not to note the environmental friendliness of such products. They do not harm human health, so they are recommended to be used in decoration not only by installation teams, but also by doctors.
  • The benefit of such materials lies in their hypoallergenicity. A high-quality fabric ceiling does not cause allergic reactions, so both doctors and consumers agreed that they can be installed in any room, including children's rooms.
  • Woven ceiling well isolates the room in which it is located. It protects the space from unnecessary noise and extraneous sounds. This effect is achieved due to the density of the material.
  • Woven ceilings are not afraid of a variety of temperature conditions(from -40 to +70 degrees). That is why such a finish is most often chosen for decorating country and country houses, where the owners are not located all year round.

In this regard, woven ceilings are also ahead of popular PVC materials, which are subject to deformation at temperatures below +5 and above +40 degrees.

  • Over the years, ugly wrinkles, folds and deflections will not appear on the fabric ceiling.
  • Such a ceiling is not afraid of dampness and moisture. Fungi or mold do not appear on its surface.
  • Another advantage of woven ceilings is their fire safety. They do not support combustion and are not flammable.
  • Such ceilings are not electrified.
  • If you decide to update the situation, then the textile ceiling can be repainted. Suitable for this acrylic paint. These jobs can be done up to 4 times. It is recommended to entrust the painting of woven coverings to specialists.

  • With this finish, you can hide many defects in the ceiling, as well as hide wires and other communication systems.
  • Textile fabric can be safely combined with others finishing materials. For example, it can be drywall, wood or ceiling panels. In addition, these ceilings look great with various lighting fixtures.
  • Many consumers assume that a woven ceiling will sag over time. In fact, this is a deep delusion, since such deformations do not occur with textile fabrics without outside intervention.
  • Cloths made of fabric do not have unpleasant and pungent odors.

As you can see, the advantages of such ceiling coatings abound. However, they also have their weak sides:

  • Many buyers refuse such a finish, as it is not cheap, especially when compared with popular PVC options.
  • Woven ceilings are quite unpretentious in their care, but if you still have to clean them, then you can only use the dry method for this. If you turn to any cleaning products and ordinary water, then ugly stains will remain on the surface of the material.
  • Not all woven fabrics are moisture resistant, so you need to choose them very carefully.
  • If you still damage such a ceiling, then it will not be possible to restore it. The only solution to this problem is to completely replace the canvas.
  • Please note that the seamlessness of such a ceiling covering will be lost if you install it in a room with a width of more than 5 m.

  • It will not be possible to save the room from flooding (rain, neighbors from above) with such a ceiling, despite its density.
  • This finish is not suitable for rooms with low ceilings, because it "eats" extra centimeters, going down just below the main ceiling.
  • Today, various retail outlets sell low-quality fake coatings that masquerade as natural fabric options. Every consumer can stumble upon such products if they do not read the relevant documentation before making a purchase. Fake canvases can be harmful to the health of households. They often emit very unpleasant odors.


There are several types of fabric stretch ceilings. Let's consider them in more detail.


Such stretch ceilings are quite common. They are distinguished by light transmission, due to which the chintz coating is often used both as an attractive decorative plane and as a kind of light diffuser in the room. With such ceiling paintings, you can refuse to install a classic central chandelier. You can simply install several lamps directly above the material.

The main advantages of chintz ceilings are:

  • the possibility of creating an effective light-transmitting structure, with installed hidden sources of illumination;
  • long service life;
  • attractive and calm shades (usually pastel);
  • absolutely flat surface with an interesting texture;
  • lack of glare and reflective effects, which often cause irritation in households;
  • Beautiful design.

However, it is worth noting that when installing chintz coatings, the height of the ceilings in the room will still decrease, despite their light and translucent appearance. Such a finish should be mounted and used carefully, as it is subject to mechanical damage which can no longer be corrected. You should not count on chintz ceilings in cases of leaks from the upper floors.

Best of all, such ceiling coverings look in cozy bedrooms or living rooms., as they have a pleasant and soothing coloring. Quite often, chintz fabrics are installed in offices, where their slightly rough texture looks especially appropriate.


satin is artificial material containing polyester fibres. Ceilings from such raw materials are in demand among modern consumers.

They have the following positive properties:

  • perfectly hide even significant defects in the ceiling base;
  • protect the room from flooding no worse than simple PVC films;
  • suitable for areas with high levels of humidity;
  • have excellent strength characteristics;
  • not afraid of temperature changes;

  • have heat and sound insulation characteristics;
  • are made with a width of 5.5 m, which allows you to install beautiful seamless canvases in different rooms;
  • ease of installation and removal;
  • not susceptible to the formation of fungus and mold;
  • have amazing designs.

Satin ceilings do not suffer from temperature changes, but it is still not recommended to mount them at low temperatures. In this matter, such a finish is similar to PVC coatings.

Especially often satin canvases are installed in bedrooms., since they have a rather gentle and calm color scheme. They can also often be found in nurseries, where there should not be too many bright and colorful colors. Combined with the right lighting fixtures, a satin ceiling will look lovely in a hall or living room setting. Satin ceilings can be cleaned not only dry, but also with a special cleaning agent. Never use abrasive products or hard brushes as they may damage the material.


Textured are woven ceilings, consisting of two layers:

  • grids;
  • patterned fabrics.

Textured ceiling coverings have an unusual surface that has a slightly rough or embossed structure. Similar products look very fresh and original. They can be used in almost any room, from the living room to the office.

Woven ceilings are available with the following textures:

  • matte;
  • glossy.

In simpler or classic interiors it is recommended to use simple matte canvases. They do not attract too much attention to themselves, but they create the visual effect of a flat ceiling. Glossy options with beautiful tints will look incomparable in modern and modernist ensembles, where a rich shine is never superfluous.

The texture of the fabric is often repeated by standard PVC films. In stores you can find:

  • stretch ceilings under suede;
  • under velor;
  • under silk.

These canvases look very interesting and fashionable. At first glance, many of them are almost impossible to distinguish from natural materials, and they are not cheap. However, as a rule, they require difficult care. PVC films with imitation are also recommended to be dry cleaned, especially if they have a rough texture.


Installation of fabric stretch ceilings, as a rule, begins with the installation of baguettes.

There are two types of these parts:

  • clip-on;
  • p-shaped.

Clip-on options are the most common. They are made of durable plastic and are inexpensive. U-shaped baguettes are much less common. They don't differ long term services.


Eco-friendly fabric ceilings can be chosen for any interiors. For example, for a colorful setting with many decorative elements, a discreet plain canvas is best suited. It can be both smooth and textured. If the interior is made in soothing colors, then a brighter woven ceiling decorated with photo printing, interesting prints or attractive patterns can be placed in it. Such products are especially popular today, as they bring zest to the ensemble and make it more “alive”.

Patterns on such a ceiling can have both neutral and contrasting colors. So, in modern interior ensembles, white canvases with large black lines and patterns look organically, and in classic settings - more neutral samples with decorations that have discreet tones.

In addition to graceful patterns and intricate lines, other decorative elements are often present on fabric ceilings:

  • flower arrangements that can be located throughout the canvas, in its central part or only along the edges;
  • delicate images of birds and butterflies;
  • abstract compositions with beautiful images;
  • textured artsy weaves, reminiscent of carved elements on gold or wood.

The range of woven stretch ceilings is very diverse. A suitable option can be chosen for any interior. In addition, the decor can be made in any colors. Textile fabrics can be quite “peaceful” and soothing, as well as bold and catchy colors. The main thing is to correctly choose one or another shade for your room so that it does not seem overloaded.


Thanks to wide choice beautiful woven ceilings can be chosen for the interior in any stylistic direction. For a strict but elegant classic, a laconic material with a matte texture is suitable. Its color should not be too colorful and intrusive. White, cream, beige or light chocolate options are ideal.

For modern style high-tech, you can choose glossy canvases without fear. They can be both single-level and two-level structures. Install spotlights or pendant fixtures with chrome-plated cases in them. The ceiling of white, black, blue, gray and beige is best suited for high-tech. You can use fabrics with geometric patterns. For a modern minimalist style, you should not buy woven fabrics with many patterns and prints. The simpler their surface, the better. Otherwise, you will go beyond the chosen style, because minimalism involves a minimum of patterns, drawings and decorative elements.

For more fanciful rococo, art deco or empire ensembles, you can choose a more original ceiling with luxurious patterns that have a golden or bronze hue. Such canvases look very interesting and expensive, especially if you add them with rich baguettes with the effect of chic stucco.

Today, such a style as modern is very popular. The interior in this design must be filled with elegant and stylish elements, demonstrating the design thought over to trifles. For such ensembles, it is better to choose beautiful woven ceilings with beautiful patterns that have intricate weaves and sensual shapes. The pattern can be neutral or contrasting.

In fashion today Japanese style the ceiling will look harmonious, showing the flowing texture of silk. You can also use simpler snow-white coatings without unnecessary details. Against their background, dark colors will look especially organic. wooden beams and guides, which are often used in Japanese style, as well as wooden chandeliers and lamps. When choosing a woven ceiling, it is necessary to build on not only the style of the interior, but also the immediate purpose of the room. So, in the bedroom, a canvas of calmer and more peaceful shades should be installed. Too colorful option will interfere with quick falling asleep and cause irritation of the owners.

In the children's room, it is also not recommended to mount too bright and catchy canvases., as they will negatively affect the emotional state of the child. For such conditions, a calm pastel-colored ceiling or a delicate canvas with cute images is ideal. It can be floral prints, images of butterflies, cartoon characters or a beautiful blue sky with snow-white clouds.

Brighter and richer canvases can be used, and the living room is best suited for them. However, do not forget that discreet furniture will look organic in such an environment, otherwise the ensemble will be too colorful. For a study, it is recommended to choose fabric ceilings that do not attract much attention to themselves and do not distract the owners from work. For this, matte versions of beige, pale gray or cream are perfect.

Nowadays, original woven ceilings are only gaining popularity. They are superior to inexpensive PVC films in many respects. First of all, they are distinguished from such canvases by their environmental friendliness and pleasant texture.

If you want the textile ceiling to last as long as possible, then you should read the useful tips from professionals:

  • Stretching the ceiling is quite possible on your own. In this case, you do not need a heat gun, as with PVC installation films. But on the other hand, if you are afraid to face such work and are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to entrust the installation of the canvas to professionals.
  • Before installing the canvas, you need to decide which lighting fixtures you will use. Prepare places for their future installation in advance.
  • Handle woven fabric as carefully and carefully as possible. It is quite dense and wear-resistant, but this does not mean that it cannot be damaged.

  • Do not forget about choosing the right baguettes for woven ceilings. Without them, the interior will look unfinished, so you should not neglect these details.
  • Woven ceilings can be used in different rooms, but the bathroom is not included in this list. In such conditions, this finish will quickly lose its visual appeal.
  • After installing the woven fabric, you may be left with small pieces of excess material. You don't need to throw them away. Experts advise leaving them in order to check in the future what effect this or that cleaning agent will have on the material.
  • Purchase stretch woven fabrics only from reputable manufacturers. In this way, you will save yourself from buying a low-quality product that will not last long.

  • When buying, ask the seller for a quality certificate.
  • Today, there are a lot of low-quality fakes in stores. The first sign by which they can be exposed is the edge of the material. Branded products always have markings or watermarks in these areas.
  • Be careful when choosing too colorful and colorful canvases. They can be used not in all interiors. Such a finish forces the owners to adhere to rigor and conciseness in the design of other details.

How to care?

The "life" of the fabric ceiling will definitely extend it correct operation. According to many manufacturers, their products have an unlimited service life. The main thing is to be careful with such finishes. Keep in mind that textile fabrics have a surface that does not attract dust, so you will need to manually clean them from time to time with a special washing vacuum cleaner. You can turn to wet cleaning, but do not use too much water and cleaning products, otherwise noticeable stains will remain on the ceiling.

Do not clean such ceiling coverings with too hard brushes and aggressive abrasives.

Manufacturers and reviews

Currently, there are several large and leading brands that produce woven stretch ceilings. Let's get to know them better.


Descor is a German manufacturer of beautiful polyester fabric ceilings. They are processed with special varnishes and wear-resistant coloring mixtures. Thanks to this preparation, branded canvases do not attract dust and are not subject to the formation of mold and fungus.

Descor products also have good strength characteristics. Consumers note the beautiful design of Descor products. However, many were upset that the woven ceilings of this company are not moisture resistant, they are difficult to care for and they are expensive. Most consumers have encountered the problem of difficult cleaning of such woven fabrics, so many of them are advised to treat them very carefully so as not to stain them.


This large Swiss brand produces high-quality woven ceilings, characterized by a complex interlacing of fibers. Clipso products are treated with polymeric substances on both sides. To date, this famous brand produces the most a large number of various canvases different design. Consumers consider the main advantages of Clipso products to be beautiful appearance, as they are seamless, moisture resistant, no bad smell and relatively easy installation.

Consumers did not notice serious disadvantages. However, some people claim that Clipso blades are thin and brittle, so they can be easily damaged.


Cerutti is a well-known Italian brand that offers consumers high-quality and durable fabrics. WITH wrong side they are varnished. It is necessary to protect the material from the settling of dust and dirt. The beautiful ceilings of this brand can be used in the decoration of not only residential buildings and apartments, but also schools, universities and other public institutions.

Consumers note the highest quality of Cerutti branded products. They admire its beautiful design, strength, durability, quick installation and moisture resistance. The disadvantages of woven ceilings from an Italian manufacturer, people attribute the high cost. The owners of such finishes did not find other shortcomings.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Based on the description above, we can conclude that beautiful woven ceilings are installed quite easily. They are often combined with a drywall box, making up a spectacular two-level design option. Such ceilings look very interesting and expensive, especially if you add them with recessed lights around the perimeter. The colors of the box and fabric can differ dramatically from each other or be made in different shades of the same color.

Woven ceilings can be mounted not only in a city apartment, but also in a cozy wooden house. Inconspicuous canvases of white, cream or beige shade look especially organic in such dwellings. Against their background, wooden floors look great. Also, such ceilings are often complemented by wooden beams (dark and light), in which recessed lights are installed. The result is a very interesting tandem.

Most often, fabric ceilings are installed in bedrooms. To effectively beat such a finishing material, designers advise choosing curtains suitable color. For example, a beautiful chocolate-colored ceiling canvas with a relief texture will be in perfect harmony with thick curtains coffee-au-lait colors, and the original grey-blue photo-printed material can be backed up dark gray curtains. You can complete such ensembles in different ways. decorative elements: vases, wall photo gallery, flowers.

How to install a fabric stretch ceiling, see the following video.

Many will agree that the fabric stretch ceiling is beautiful. And, of course, such a ceiling covering is ideal for both an apartment or a house, and for an office.

Fabric stretch ceilings are valued not only for their exquisite taste and not flashy color palette, but also for the distinctive qualities:

  • high strength of the material;
  • excellent aesthetic appearance.

For such a stretch ceiling, a special fabric (polyester) treated with a polymer composition (polyurethane) is used. This composition gives the fabric strength.

Thanks to the external texture of a perfectly plastered flat ceiling, a look is created expensive repairs. Which is very acceptable for sophisticated interiors.

The fabric has several types:

  • satin - characterized by the presence of mother-of-pearl luster and tenderness of texture. They are very popular;
  • matte - creates a feeling of a plastered ceiling;
  • acoustic;
  • With smooth surface(glossy).

The price for fabric stretch ceilings will be an order of magnitude higher compared to film ones. And before deciding which is better, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of pros and cons of woven fabric.

  • environmentally friendly material. It is allowed to install in children's hospitals and educational institutions;
  • odorless (unlike PVC film);
  • the material has high wear resistance, strength - 15 times stronger than ceiling PVC coatings;
  • not subject to rot and mold;
  • passes air well. Prevents the greenhouse effect;
  • excellent fire safety (does not burn in case of fire);
  • when installed, the height is reduced by 1.5 centimeters, so it is suitable even for low rooms;
  • fairly good sound insulation;
  • easy to care for, but only in a dry way, since water and detergents can leave blurs on the canvas;
  • during installation there are no seams, which makes it possible to use ceilings with photo printing. The absence of seams is explained by the large width of the canvas - up to 5 meters.
  • over time does not lose color and does not fade;
  • are not covered with dust;
  • can be installed in a room that is not heated. At the same time, the temperature run-up will be huge: from -39С to + 80С;
  • maximum compatibility with different types lighting;
  • simplicity and safety of installation - no heating is required during installation, no heat gun is used. Installation takes no more than 4 hours;
  • long service life. Manufacturers provide long term fabric warranty.
  • high price. The expensive price is justified by the almost absence of flaws and the excellent quality of the material;
  • exposure to moisture, so it is not recommended to install in rooms with high humidity. In the event of a flood from neighbors living on the floor above, the ceiling will not protect - moisture will seep through the fabric, and stains may form on the ceiling, which then cannot be removed;
  • there is no possibility of re-installation, since after removal, it will not be possible to re-install it without violating the decorative effect of the ceiling covering;
  • periodic cleaning with a specially designed vacuum cleaner is required;
  • the fabric canvas is able to absorb odors, so it is not relevant for rooms where food is prepared.

A variety of ceiling colors, the absence of seams makes it possible to make a good choice.

For your information! On fabric canvases, you can not only use photo printing, but also paint with artistic painting or repaint.

Where can I buy

When you want to install fabric ceilings, the question arises: where to buy. Sale is carried out in special stores or when ordering on the Internet. We have in online store It is possible to purchase material for stretch ceilings of excellent quality quite inexpensively.

Installing this type of ceiling covering is not difficult, if you can do the installation yourself, the costs will be only for the canvas.

Online store

On our website you can order any fabric stretch ceiling of excellent quality at manufacturer's prices and accessories, as well as a ceiling covering of varying complexity, for example, two-level.


If there are a lot of manufacturers of film ceilings, this cannot be said about fabric ceilings.

The list of companies producing woven fabric is limited. The most famous and proven on the positive side:

  • CLIPSO - France, Switzerland. They produce luxury-class material and have distinctive features: lightness, strength, bright expressiveness of the texture);
  • DESCOR (D-PREMIUM) - Germany. The canvas has the following features: impeccable quality, smoothness, variety of assortment;
  • CERUTTI - Italy, Switzerland. Environmentally friendly wide format fabric coating with water repellency.

Manufacturers are responsible for quality and mark their products in the form of a sign and company name.


Installation is carried out without thermal heating, at normal temperature.

The main elements required for installation are baguettes (made of plastic, aluminum) up to 3 meters long.

To install the coating, several methods of wall structures are used:

  • U-shaped profile - a fairly inexpensive installation in the form of fixing with glazing beads at the edges wall covering. It has disadvantages - during the unprofessional work of the master, deformation of the material and displacement of the lighting elements may occur. Not suitable for all types of canvases;
  • clip profile - more reliable and modern look installation. It is characterized by a tighter fit to the wall, which significantly increases the life of the ceiling;
  • some manufacturing companies produce a cord fastening system for their fabric.

Installation steps:

  • assessment of the complexity of the installation;
  • determining the location of the profile;
  • profile installation and lighting system laying;
  • fixing the material;
  • installation of lamps and decorated part.

Unlike film, during installation, the long sides of the material are first strengthened. It is important to evenly stretch the fabric to obtain the desired effect, the excess is cut off at the edges with a knife.


The price for a fabric stretch ceiling is different and depends on the quality of the material, the fabric manufacturer and the design. Single colors will be cheaper. Also, if the installation is not carried out by themselves, but they will use the services of the company's specialists. On average, excluding additional work, price for 1 square meter will be from 900 to 2100 rubles. With non-standard design solution, the cost of the canvas can rise to 3600 rubles per square meter.

A preliminary cost estimate can be calculated on our website using an online calculator.

Important! When ordering, it is necessary to take into account not only the manufacturer of the material, but also the correct installation. A high-quality installation of a tension coating will undoubtedly extend the service life by long time. Manufacturers provide a guarantee for the canvas for up to 15 years (provided that the installation rules are not violated).

The total cost of installing a fabric stretch ceiling will depend on:

  • features of the room (area, how many corners, is there a pipe outlet, how many profiles are used, the presence of lamps and individual characteristics premises);
  • the level of complexity of the installation of the ceiling.

Our site provides services of measuring, dismantling, installation work lighting fixtures and other additional services.

We work with orders both wholesale and retail. There are great discounts when ordering multiple ceiling tiles. At the same time, the cost will be much cheaper than when installing separately.

Although the scope of the fabric web is the same as PVC films, the advantages of the fabric are immediately visible. Namely, the width of the material reaches 5 meters. Yes, and the factory winding of a roll of 50 meters, gives more opportunities to get the perfect ceiling without seams.

So if you want to buy perfect ceiling, seamless fabric tension cover how could it be handy.

with a seam

The ceiling is obtained with a seam if the room is larger than 4.9 meters. Then a connecting profile is used. On matte and satin types of fabrics, the seam will be less noticeable.

In this situation, it is better to apply a small pattern, since it will be very difficult to combine a large image if there is a seam. The seam itself can be hidden, for example, under the ceiling beam.


There is a release of textile fabrics of several types:

  • textured with hidden embossing. In this case, 2 layers are superimposed - mesh and embossed;
  • satin. The effect of mother-of-pearl is created;
  • chintz. Differs in transparency. It transmits light and when placing lighting fixtures under the fabric, an atmosphere of tranquility and romance is created;
  • suede option. The suede-like material adds elegance to the interior of the room.

Of course, the cost for such a stretch coating will be higher due to the high price of the material. In fact, the cost of a fabric stretch ceiling will be much cheaper when compared with repair work painting, plastering and other finishes.