Water pipes      07.03.2020

Make drains from the roof with your own hands. Do-it-yourself installation of gutters: rules for fastening, assembling and installing a PVC system. Polymer Element Sets

To properly install gutters on the roof, you need to take care of this at the design stage of the building. This will make it possible to choose the best option for the system, not only taking into account its cost, but also depending on the engineering features. individual structures. Mainly the type of fastening of gutters, there are options for fixing these elements of drains to the crate, and there are options for attaching to the cornice board. The production of works consists of several stages, each of which has a significant impact on the final quality of fastening gutters and their functionality.

It is impossible to properly install gutters without prior planning. What should be done?

Despite the features of roofing systems and differences in, there are general installation rules for all types of structures.

Weir kit

The complete set and structural characteristics of the systems have a significant impact on the methods of installing gutters on the roof of houses.

What are the main elements of a drain?

Element nameDescription and features of the installation

They are used for fixing gutters, they can be fixed to the boards of the crate (hooks) or to the cornice strip (brackets). The first (hooks) are made only from a metal strip, bent to give a slope to the drainage system manually during installation. The main feature is the need for installation before starting roofing works, otherwise you will have to dismantle the first row of coatings. It is now considered an obsolete design and rarely used. More often, brackets are used that are fixed to the cornice board or overhangs of the rafter legs. They can be made from plastic or metal. Most modern models have the ability to fine-tune the position of the gutter after attaching the elements to the board.

They take water from the slopes and direct it to the funnels. They are mounted around the entire perimeter of the building with a slope of up to 4–5 mm per linear meter. The shape can be round or square, there are options self-manufacturing gutters. Installation is done after the completion of roofing work.

To protect the elements from falling snow, snow guards can be additionally used, this is an active method. Passive method of protecting gutters from mechanical damage– observance of the difference in height between the continuation of the projection of the roof and the upper edge of the element drainage system.

For proper installation, it is necessary to make preliminary calculations of the roof, the parameters of the gutters are selected depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slopes. Simultaneously with these data, you need to calculate the number of funnels. They must be able to skip all rain water during peak loads, one funnel per 10 m of gutter is recommended.

Most often they have an angle of 90 °, but sometimes they are also found with an angle of 135 °. To seal the junctions with the gutter, rubber or adhesive seals are used. During installation, you should pay attention that the distance from the angles of rotation to the brackets does not exceed 10-15 cm. The strength of the system in these places is lower, a more reliable suspension is required.

They are installed on gutters and direct the water collected by them into vertical pipes. Proper fastening impossible without preliminary calculation, installation of one funnel for every 10 m of gutters is considered universal. But a specific decision should be made after a careful analysis of the slope area and maximum precipitation in a given climatic zone. Funnels can be pass-through (mounted anywhere in the gutter) and left or right. The latter are installed only at the ends of the system, the design has special plugs, which simplifies the installation process and increases the reliability of the entire system.

They allow you to change the direction of the water flow and connect several elements of the system to one vertical pipe. They are inserted into a socket type connection, during installation, attention must be paid to the direction of the elements in relation to the movement of water.

During installation, it is necessary to monitor the distance between the fixation points of the elements, depending on the material of manufacture and the diameter of the pipe, it varies between 1.2–1.8 m. facade wall varies according to the materials of its manufacture. Clamps can be plastic or metal.

They have different lengths, but most manufacturers adhere to the 3 m standard. The diameter is selected taking into account the debit of water, the quantity, installation locations and total length are calculated even before the installation of the spillway system begins.

Gutter prices


The main mistakes in installing roof gutters

Proper installation of the system guarantees not only high efficiency, but also the durability of the operation of drainage systems. Hardware can be deformed from excessive loads caused by gross violations of the installation technology, and plastic ones crack and require complete replacement.

What mistakes are often made by inexperienced roofers?

  1. Incorrect gutter slope. To ensure the normal flow of water, it is recommended to make a slope within 3–5 mm per running meter. If the slope is greater, then at the end of the slope the gutter is too far from the edge roofing and no water gets into it. If the slope is insufficient or the mounting line of the brackets is not straight, then stagnant areas are formed. Dust and dirt quickly accumulate in them, then mosses grow, completely blocking the gap of the gutter. As a result, the drainage system stops working, the gutter needs to be cleaned. It is difficult and time-consuming to do this, and it is not always possible to correct the mistake made. Sometimes it is necessary to undermine the installed roof, which always has negative consequences in the future.

  2. Not enough brackets. All structures are designed for the maximum possible bending load, taking into account these data, manufacturers recommend the optimal distance between fixation points. For plastic structures, the brackets should be at a distance of no more than 50 cm, for metal structures this parameter increases to 60 cm. You never need to save on the number of brackets, the cost of several elements is incomparably lower than the price of eliminating negative consequences.

  3. Incorrect connection of couplings. Due to the violation of technology, leaks appear in these places. Rubber elements are used as seals or adhesive joints. During installation, maximum efforts should be made to ensure complete tightness and high reliability of all connections. Additional brackets must be installed on both sides of the coupling element.

  4. Violation of the recommended spatial position of the gutter. If we continue the plane of the roof, then it should pass over the rear edge of the gutter at a distance of approximately 20–25 mm. Why exactly these parameters? Only they simultaneously provide a safe sharp snowfall from the roof and full reception of all rainwater. Reducing the gap will cause snow or ice to damage the integrity of the gutter, and increasing it will cause water not to enter the gutter, but to the ground. Another dimension must be strictly observed - the vertical projection of the edge of the roofing should be located as close as possible to the center of the gutter. Tolerance cannot exceed 1/3 of its width. Failure to comply with this parameter also causes rainwater to drain past the drainage system.

Each type of system has its own minor structural differences, but they only affect the installation technology, and the principles are common to all.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


Video - How to calculate the drainage system?

Step-by-step instructions for installing gutters

Work should begin only after a sketch of the drainage system has been drawn, the fixation points and the number of brackets and clamps have been determined. The sketch contains sections for mounting funnels and vertical drain pipes with all elbows and couplings. The nomenclature and quantity of materials are known, all elements are purchased.

Step 1. Replace the funnel of the drainage system, it should be located at the lowest point of the cornice board.

Before fixing with a bubble level or any level rail, check the correct position of the element. Put a level on the roofing, raise/lower the funnel until its opposite side is set at a distance of ≈ 2 cm from the lower plane of the tool. Mark the places where the funnel is fixed.

Remember that the protrusion of the roof edge should not exceed 1/3 of the gutter diameter. If errors were made during the installation of the cornice (frontal) board or roof, they should be corrected. The best way out is to adjust the position of the board, tear it off and shorten or lengthen the filly of the truss system.

Step 2. Fix the brackets on both sides of the funnel, the distance between the elements is 2–3 cm.

Step 3 Install the brackets for fixing the gutters. In our example, they are plastic and fixed to the cornice board. There is an option of attaching brackets from metal strips to the crate, they must be installed before the roof is covered.

There are two ways correct installation brackets.



The control thread can be pulled with emphasis on the upper surface of the brackets. Specific solution should be taken on site, taking into account the location of the elements and the features of the roof of the building.

Slope of brackets 2 cm per 10 m

Practical advice. Well-known manufacturers offer universal hooks for attaching gutters. They are fixed to the crate and have two degrees of adjustment: the vertical position and the angle of inclination. This allows you to insert all position parameters after the element is screwed to rafter system and completion of the roof covering. Metal hooks are also installed up to the roof coverings, but the hooks do not have adjustment, the correct installation process should be done immediately using one of the methods described.

Step 4 After fixing all the brackets, you can proceed with the assembly and installation of the gutter. It is recommended to cut the elements with an ordinary hacksaw for metal or a grinder with abrasive disc. Clean the ends with a sharp knife, they are easily cut along the line.

Practical advice. To properly install the funnel and connect it to the gutters, use a gas lighter to slightly heat the edges of the cut and, while the plastic is warm, bend it in the right place. Such a simple operation will ensure that the water flows completely from the gutter into the funnel.

On the inside of the funnel there are lines with printed numbers. These marks indicate the optimal position of the ends of the gutters, which corresponds to the air temperature at the time of installation of the elements. Be sure to follow this condition. The fact is that plastics have large coefficients of thermal expansion, if the recommendations are not followed, then there is a risk of swelling or falling out of the funnel.

Important. It is strictly forbidden to glue or use additional sealants to connect the gutters in this type of funnel. Individual elements should be able to move slightly in one direction or another, depending on fluctuations in ambient temperature.

To increase the length of the gutters, special connectors are used, they are glued and snapped into place. You need a special glue, it is sold complete with a drainage system. The swivel corners of the gutters also sit on the glue. Requires at least three strips of adhesive approximately 5 mm thick each. Couplings are put on the gutter and turn until they click. The distance of the brackets to the angle of rotation is not more than 5 cm. In the places where the turns are attached, clamps are additionally installed, they increase the reliability and stability of the assembled units, and exclude the occurrence of excessive bending loads.

Step 6 Install plugs on the gutters, they are also glued with a special compound.

There are options when manufacturers use rubber gaskets instead of glue. This method of sealing is less reliable, rubber parts lose their plasticity over time and leaks may appear in some places. Application silicone sealants as a supplement is ineffective. Silicone exposed to moisture and negative temperatures will peel off the plastic already in the second year of operation of the spillway system.

If the installation scheme of the drainage system assumes the presence of two ends of the gutters on one slope, then their arrangement is carried out in this order.

This completes the installation of the horizontal elements of the drainage system, you can begin the installation of vertical pipes.

Installation of vertical drainage systems

The complexity of the work is that the vertical outlets have several angles for connecting to the funnel. The number of different turns depends on architectural features building.

Step 1. Measure the distance from the funnel to the wall of the house, pick up two corners and measure the length of the coupling pieces. The missing distance should be increased with a piece of straight pipe. It is cut off with a hacksaw or grinder, the edges must be cleaned of burrs.

Step 2 Glue the upper knee to the funnel, the rest should only be inserted. The upper knee is made non-separable for one reason - in this place it is impossible to fasten the clamp, the knee rests only on the funnel.

Step 3 Mark the locations for attaching the pipe clamps. You can do this in two ways. The first is to beat off a vertical line along the entire height of the house and drill holes for the clamps at the right distance on it. The second is to use a level to mark the installation points of the elements in turn for each clamp, to maintain the vertical position with a level. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, make a decision on the spot, taking into account your qualifications.

Pipe clamp position mark

Step 4 Drill a hole for the plastic dowel, secure the base of the clamp. Work carefully, with excessive effort, the plastic may crack, you will have to replace the element with a new one.

If the wall of the house has a layer of foam or mineral wool insulation, then the length of the dowel should be increased so that there is a hole at least 3 cm deep in the solid wall.

Step 5 Insert the pipe into the corner and fix its position with a clamp. Manufacturers recommend installing at least two clamps on one whole pipe section, it will turn out two on each side near each coupling.

On plastic clamps letter designations. The upper collar is screwed in such a way that the arrow points to the letter "A" on the stand.

The lower clamp is fixed in the “B” position, the arrow should point to this letter. The fact is that the clamp holders have different thicknesses of the thrust surfaces, the arrow indicates a reinforced one, it is in this direction that the main efforts will act.

If, due to the size of the building, it is required to connect two pipes, then a gap must be left in the coupling for their free movement. The width of the gap is at least two centimeters.

Installation work is completed by gluing a knee for water supply to the blind area, to the receiver of the reclamation system or to a rainwater collection tank. Then it is used for irrigation or for other economic purposes.

Video - Proper installation of the drainage system

Gutter systems made of PVC are much lighter and more practical than outdated ones. metal options. Plastic kits are much easier to work with. Despite the installation rules common with the previous varieties, they do not require labor efforts commensurate in severity.

True, it is impossible to perform a successful installation of a gutter for a roof with your own hands without taking into account the specific qualities of polymer products. Let's figure out what independent installers of PVC drainage systems should know and observe.

Drains made of PVC elements are structurally slightly different from metal predecessors and prototypes. The kits produced by the industry include similar parts from which the horizontal and vertical branches of the systems are mounted. Assembly and installation is carried out in an equal number of stages and in a similar sequence.

However, in the manufacture and installation of gutter "constructors" made of PVC, the specific property of products with a polymer base is strictly taken into account. This is a characteristic dimensional instability that manifests itself when the temperature background changes. Plastic parts are able to increase in a linear direction when heated and return to the previous geometric boundaries when cooled.

A gutter intended for outdoor use will, of course, be cooled in the winter and heated in the hot summer. Following temperature fluctuations, it will lengthen, then shorten. It is difficult, and not necessary, to interfere with the linear motions inherent in polymers. You just have to get used to them. Those. take into account these qualities when designing and assembling the system.

For the construction of PVC drainage circuits, special compensating and connecting parts are produced. They allow the main elements of the system to lengthen and shorten without deformation and damage, the number of cycles promised by the manufacturer. Their device takes into account the possibility of some movement with a subsequent return to the same place.

In addition to the described feature, polymer products have another important quality that must be considered when attaching a PVC drain to the roof. This is a tendency to deformation and to sagging in long sections that do not have supports under them.

In order to prevent the rather flexible plastic gutters from sagging, the installation step of the holders under them cannot exceed 60 cm. Otherwise horizontal sections between the brackets will begin to sag under the weight of precipitation and from their own weight. Dirt will accumulate in the deflections and water will begin to stagnate, which, in the event of frost, can simply break the polymer gutter.

Stages of assembly and installation of the drainage system

The construction of a drain from PVC elements is carried out in a clear sequence. In general terms, the algorithm for the installation of a drainage circuit includes the following types of work:

  • Design. Drawing up the simplest scheme with the selection of the optimal size of the system and the calculation of the number of main parts required for the device, and fasteners.
  • Assembly and installation of the water intake. Among them are gutters and funnels that receive precipitation, collect it from the roof and direct it to downpipes.
  • Assembly and installation of plumbing. Those. gutter risers directing an organized flow to a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe blind area or to storm sewer.

The drainage device is made exclusively in the “top-down” order. This means that the installation of water inlets is carried out first, then the installation and connection of downpipes. Strict observance of successive stages is dictated technological features systems and technical specifications material used in its production.

Rigorous Design Rules

When developing a project for a drainage device, it is necessary to comply with technological requirements that ensure the normal operation of the circuit and the unhindered removal of atmospheric water. To do this, it is necessary to deal with the following questions in advance, these are:

  • Optimal drain configuration. Gable roofs are traditionally equipped with two separate gutters, equipped with a continuous contour of gutters arranged around the perimeter. In the construction of the latter, corner connecting parts will be required.
  • Number of risers. Each 12 m of polymer gutter must be equipped with one riser. If the length of the gutter, usually oriented to the length of the eaves, is more than 12 m, two risers with conventional water inlets and another compensating funnel will be required.
  • The use of compensating funnels. They are used in several cases: a) when constructing gutters with a length of more than 12 m, b) with technical obstacles to expansion, for example, closely spaced walls of neighboring buildings, c) when installing a closed drainage system around the perimeter of the roof.
  • Choice of gutter holders. In the installation, long or short hook-shaped brackets are used. The long ones are attached to the crate before laying the coating, the short ones are fixed on the frontal board at any time, including after the roof is installed.
  • Compliance with the slope of the gutters. Depending on the brand of the system, the slope recommended by the manufacturer is indicated from 2 to 5 mm, distributed per 1 linear meter of the water intake gutter. The slope is formed towards the catchment funnel by installing brackets with a height offset.

It is extremely important to determine the location of the risers during the design process. They should not spoil the exterior composition. The best option for their installation in the corners of the building. However, it is quite possible to place it in a niche created by a bay window or in the middle of a wall, if it is more convenient to make a storm sewer receiving point there.

If atmospheric water is planned to be discharged onto the blind area, then you just need to try to remove the risers from nearby walking paths, ventilation vents of the foundation, entrances to basements.

The designers of the drainage system will find it somewhat more difficult to solve the problem with the location of the drainage risers. For them, vertical gutter branches must be timed to the supporting rack of the frame, but it is also possible to fasten to the private one. By analogy, masters who install a system for a house with siding should act.

count required amount details for the construction of the drainage system should be individually. In private construction, they are now trying to get away from standard design, and at the same time from roofs similar in design. However, there is a calculation template that will give you an idea of ​​how the calculations are performed.

According to an extremely simple scheme, the drainage is calculated for gable roof with slopes up to 12 m long. Suppose that in our case it is so, then you will need:

  1. Gutters. You need to buy them by the footage according to the lengths of the cornices. Nothing will interfere with the linear thermal expansion of the gutters, therefore, the expansion compensation of 2.5 mm from each edge can be ignored.
  2. Gutter connectors. If we take into account that their length is 3 m, then for each line of 12 m, 3 connecting elements are required.
  3. Two funnels. One for each gutter.
  4. Brackets. The number of hooks is calculated by elementary division of the length of the cornice into equal segments, each of which is up to 60 cm. Before dividing, 5 cm recede from both edges of the cornice.
  5. Additional brackets. For a funnel located near the corner of the house, one additional holder is required, for a funnel in the center of the wall - two.
  6. Four plugs for gutters. A couple for each branch.
  7. Two upper and lower knees for the construction of the discharge of risers.
  8. Two pieces of pipe to connect the elbows. They are used if the width of the cornice overhang exceeds 25 cm. If the roof eaves are less than 25 cm, the knees are simply attached to each other.
  9. Pipes for the riser. They are determined by the distance from the eaves to the ground, minus the lengths of the drain outlet, drain, and another 20 - 40 cm - this is the indent from the earth's surface.
  10. Brackets for mounting risers. Two mandatory: one is installed near the lower knee, the second near the drain from the drainpipe. The rest are installed near each connection of downpipes, but at least every 1.5 m.

The elements of the drainage system for a house with an attic are calculated by a similar method. They also act if a drain is arranged for multi-tiered pitched structures, but calculations are carried out for each slope separately.

But the calculation of the number of parts and fasteners for a half-hip will be significantly more difficult. Because for their arrangement you will need at least four corner pieces and two compensating connectors. The principle of using compensating funnels and connectors is the same as for linear individual sections. However, each closed circuit is equipped with parts to compensate for movements, regardless of the length of the largest cornice.

At the stage of design and calculations, you need to decide on the diameter of the future system. Gutter collection parts are available in several sizes to ensure that atmospheric water is drained to the required volume without overflow. Accurate selection of the size at the same time will exclude the acquisition of an unnecessarily large structure, which will look bulky and cost more than the option that is suitable in size.

According to technological recommendations, drains from 1 m² of roofing should take 1.5 cm² of the cross section of the downpipe. This is the average conditional coefficient for our middle lane. In the southern regions, this figure is 1.5 times higher.

Proper selection of the standard size of the prefabricated gutter structure begins with determining the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof processed by one funnel with a riser connected to it. For example, from calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slope from our example.

The slope area will need to be divided by 1.5, which will eventually allow us to obtain the calculated value of the cross section of the drainpipe pipe. According to this value, as a rule, slightly rounded up, it is necessary to select the optimal size of the drain.

In practice, the slope area above a private house is rarely more than 80 m². Therefore, they don’t bother with calculations too much, but take an average of Ø pipes for a riser of 100 mm with deviations in both directions for roofs with a larger and smaller area.

Construction of the water intake

We will analyze the process of assembling and installing a PVC gutter system on specific example. According to the example data, the installation of the drain is done after laying the cover using long metal brackets for the gutters. Because cement tiles are laid on the roof, that is, it is possible to simply remove the bottom row by slightly lifting the tiles laid on top.

Suppose that we will equip two separate slopes of a gable structure. The length of the slope along the eaves is 12 m, the width of the gable overhangs is 50 cm each. We will position the funnel so that the riser connected to it runs 10 cm from the corner of the building. To do this, subtract the width from the edge of the cornice gable overhang 50 cm and these same 10 cm.

First of all, let's install the long brackets:

  1. Let's do a preliminary test. The end holder is attached to the place of the forthcoming installation. At the same time, we will install a rule or a regular rail directly on the ramp. There should be 2 cm between the rule and the bent part of the hook.
  2. Mark the fold point. In addition to the above condition, there is one more thing: the edge of the roofing must overlap the gutter by at least a third. As soon as we find a point that meets both conditions, we put a mark on the bracket leg.
  3. We find a slope to the catchment funnel. If, for example, a linear meter of the eaves should be inclined by 3 mm, multiply them by 12 m, we get 36 mm. This is the difference in the height of the bend of the extreme hooks. If, due to the large width of the gable overhang, the funnel is removed from the edge by almost a meter, then 33 mm is enough for the slope.
  4. Draw a fold line. To do this, we lay out the brackets in the amount required for arranging one slope in a row and draw an inclined line on their legs. The point of the hook farthest from the funnel should be 3.6 cm higher than the point of the gutter holder next to the funnel.
  5. We number the hooks that have been marked.
  6. We carry out bending of the gutter holders. In this case, it is better to use a special bending device to optimize accuracy. In the absence of a bend, you can also use a vice, trying not to damage the anti-corrosion shell.
  7. We fasten the two extreme brackets to the crate. The end holders should recede from the edge of the roof by 15 cm.
  8. We stretch one or two control lines between them. One must necessarily indicate the bottom, the second is optionally used to indicate the upper point of the hooks, for example.
  9. We install ordinary hooks according to the distance between them and the lines indicated by the fishing line.

The most crucial stage has been completed, now it is necessary to prepare the gutters and funnel for installation. To do this, we again try on, but already on that part of the gutter, to which the drainpipe will be attached through the funnel. We put a plastic funnel on the gutter to find the exact place to drill a hole for it.

Outline the outline of the hole with a marker without removing the funnel. Then, according to the mark, we drill a hole in the gutter using a suitable crown. You can form a hole for the funnel with a hacksaw by making two opposite gashes. The edges of cuts or drilled holes must be cleaned with sandpaper.

We will install the funnel, as it should be, on the gutter and fix it with the help of its snap-on sides. Apply before installation inner part funnels around the nozzle with a glue strip of about 5 mm. Two similar strips are applied around the hole. If we use a compensating funnel, then we install according to the divisions applied inside, related to the atmospheric temperature on the day of installation.

Installation of the gutter on the brackets begins with a segment with a funnel. To splice the gutter parts with each other, we use connectors, on the edges of which with inside, as well as on the edges of the connected gutters from the outside, glue is also applied in strips of 5 mm.

We install and connect all the details of the gutter to the brackets, then we attach the plugs, which we have the full right to install and before assembling the gutters. Before installation, it is also applied to the inner sides of the plugs adhesive composition.

Drainage device

The construction of the vertical part of the system begins with the assembly of the transition from the horizontal part of the drain to the vertical riser. For roofs with narrow cornices up to 25 cm, it is assembled by connecting the upper and lower knees. Owners of structures with wide cornices will have to overcome a wider front of work.

Let's join their ranks in order to study the next stage of the construction of the drain:

  1. We attach the upper elbow to the funnel nozzle, having previously applied a strip of glue along the connection line at a distance of about 1 cm.
  2. Let's do another sample. We apply the lower knee to the installation site on the wall. Measure the distance between the knees with a ruler. Note the position of the lower knee.
  3. We determine the actual length of the connecting segment by adding to the distance between the knees the height of the pipe of the upper elbow, on which the segment will be put on, and the height of the opposite element of the lower elbow.
  4. We cut out the connecting segment according to the obtained dimensions. We clean up the cut.
  5. We assemble the transition and mark the point of the upper clamp for the drainpipe. It should be just below the lower knee. We mark the attachment point and again separate the lower elbow and the connecting pipe from the upper elbow.
  6. We install the clamp, fixing it in the way it is supposed to be fixed according to the technical rules on the wall from a specific type of building material.
  7. We assemble the transition, now fixing its components with glue. We apply the adhesive composition in strips of 5 mm at a distance of about 1 cm from the edges.
  8. We mark the installation points for the clamps for the drainpipe, not forgetting that the lowest one should be located above the drain. Pipes of a polymeric drain are connected by couplings, under each of which a clamp must be installed.
  9. We attach the details of the riser, moving from top to bottom. We connect with couplings, leaving 1 - 1.5 cm in the sockets for free linear expansion of the pipes.
  10. We tighten the riser clamps not too tightly, the pipes should still be able to move slightly up / down.
  11. We attach the drain to the bottom pipe with glue. If there is a desire, the plums can be filed from above with a hacksaw.

If you plan to drain rainwater into a storm sewer, it is not necessary to connect a drain to the riser. The pipe in such cases can end directly above the drainage channel at a distance of 5 - 10 cm from its surface.

To prevent clogging of the system from above, it is recommended to completely cover the gutter with a grate or at least install protective nets in the form of a crab on the funnels.

Video about the rules for installing PVC gutters

A visual demonstration of the assembly and fastening of a plastic drain will help you quickly and correctly complete the installation:

By following the rules for assembling and installing a drainage system made of polymer parts, you can successfully equip the roof with an excellent system for removing atmospheric water.

One of finishing stages building a house or other structure is the installation of a drainage system.

A prefabricated structure made of plastic or metal elements protects the building from atmospheric precipitation, prolongs the life of the foundation, walls, and roof. Knowing the design and installation rules of gutters will help you install the system yourself, and we will tell you how to do it.

The design of drainage structures has not changed much over the years - the main components are still gutters and risers in the form of vertically arranged pipes.

However, many elements have appeared that simplify the installation of parts to the surfaces of the roof, facade and among themselves.

The production of products is on a grand scale, and today you can purchase finished items for everyone, even the most complex systems, as long as material possibilities allow.

After the necessary calculations, they acquire the required number of parts, then fold them according to the principle of the designer and mount them according to the instructions.

Schematic representation of the elements of the drainage system. In addition to these elements, the installation kit may contain clamps, couplings, seals, connecting elements different configuration

For a dacha - a small house with a gable roof - you can build a structure yourself using galvanized steel sheets.

But for a large cottage with a beautifully designed facade and roof, it is better to purchase a ready-made factory kit, which will be an additional decoration for the building.

Types of gutters according to the material of manufacture

Before buying and installing gutters, you need to decide on the material of manufacture, since the installation method also depends on this. All systems can be divided into two large groups: plastic and metal.

Polymer Element Sets

Polymer products are produced on the basis of vinyl with the addition of plasticizers, stabilizers and other components that increase the strength and wear resistance of the elements. Plastic systems last from 10 to 25 years.

Step-by-step instructions for installing gutters

Preparation and installation work can be divided into three large stages:

  • design- drawing up a diagram, selection of components, calculations;
  • assembly of the water intake part of the system– mostly horizontal elements;
  • riser installation guiding rainfall in .

Assembly and installation are carried out from top to bottom, that is, the first elements are installed on the roof and under the roof, then on the facade towards the foundation and blind area. All actions must be performed taking into account the characteristics of the system and the material from which the individual elements are made.

As a sample for installation, we will take a plastic drainage system - the most suitable for independent work.

Stage #1 - design and calculations

The nuances of the project directly depend on the type, shape and size of the roof, so you should start by measuring the roof surfaces.

The length of the gutters is selected relative to the length of the slopes, the width and location - based on their area.

In order for precipitation to be fully discharged, the following points should be clarified:

  • Number of gutters. A gable roof has two of them, a four-slope roof has four, connected in an inseparable circuit for a more efficient spillway device. If there are more slopes, then a gutter is located under each.
  • Number of risers. Traditionally, drainpipes are located at the corners of the task - there can be 2.3 or 4 of them. But if the length of the gutter is more than 12 m, then an additional compensating funnel with a pipe is installed in the center.
  • bracket type. Two types are usually used: long ones are mounted on the crate, even before the final roofing is laid, and short ones are fixed on the frontal board - they can be installed at any time, including after construction is completed.
  • Slope of horizontal elements. For unhindered draining, the gutters are placed at a slope of 2-4 mm per linear meter by adjusting the brackets - according to the manufacturer's recommendation. A drainage funnel is installed at the bottom.

It largely depends on the location of the risers whether the system can cope with the removal of liquid from the roof. Traditionally, they are installed in the corners, but other options are also possible - with placement in the center, in niches.

In order to properly install funnels and expansion joints, it is necessary to take into account factors such as the number and length of slopes, the angle of inclination, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof

Do not forget about the aesthetic side and the comfort of operation - drainpipes should not protrude far ahead of the facade, go out onto footpaths or used adjacent territory.

Calculations are made individually, universal offers do not exist.

However, there are rules that help to build the system:

  • the length of the gutters is calculated according to the length of the cornices, adding 2.5 mm per linear expansion for every 12 m;
  • connecting elements for gutters are selected based on the standard length of one element - if you purchase 4-meter gutters for a 12-meter cornice, you will need 2 connectors;
  • the number of funnels is determined as follows: one per gutter up to 12 m, for longer ones - one more funnel or compensator;
  • the number of brackets depends on the total length of the gutters, taking into account the fact that the installation is carried out at intervals of 0.5-0.6 m; do not forget about additional ones - for funnels;
  • the length of the drainpipes is determined by the height of the walls, minus the distance from the gutters to the eaves and from the outlet to the ground surface;
  • the number of brackets is also dictated by the height of the building: two are mounted near the outlet and funnel, the rest - with an interval of 1.2-1.5 from them.

Another couple important dimensions, which must be taken into account - the width of the gutters and the diameter of the downpipes.

Due to the protruding cornices, the downpipes have a curved shape. To achieve it, knees are used, which are installed below the eaves and directed towards the facade.

If the slope area does not exceed 80 m², usually no calculations are made, but risers with a diameter of 100 mm are taken as a basis.

Stage # 2 - installation of water intake elements

To install the hook-shaped brackets on which the gutters are usually located, you can remove the outermost row of tiles or other roofing - so that the crate opens.

If this option is not possible, instead of long brackets, short hooks are fixed to front side cornice sheathing.

The holders are fixed in such a way that, as a result of installation, the gutter protrudes beyond the edge of the roofing by at least 2 cm, maximum by 2/3 of its width.

The optimal location of the gutters should prevent the overflow of atmospheric effluents, as well as the accumulation of snow.

Brackets are mounted in the following order:

  • preliminary fitting and choice of length/place of installation;
  • determination of the angle of inclination towards the catchment funnel;
  • holder bending;
  • installation of extreme brackets;
  • installation of the remaining elements on a pre-tensioned cord.

After mounting the brackets, it is necessary to prepare and install the funnel.

To do this, in the right place, we attach it to the gutter, outline the contour, then remove and drill a hole with a drill with a suitable crown. We clean the edges and connect the funnel with the hole.

For the tightness of the connection, we coat the zone with a width of 0.5-0.7 cm with glue and let it dry. Some types of funnels are equipped with latches for a more secure fit, others are simply superimposed from the outside

Installation of the gutter begins with an element with a funnel already fixed. Then the next one joins it, and so on to the highest point. The gutter elements are joined using connectors.

Despite the tight fit and latches at the edges, the connecting elements and the edges of the gutters are also smeared with glue before contact. Plugs are also placed on the same glue at extreme points that do not end in funnels

Short brackets are mounted differently.

Short holders are fixed directly on the frontal board. The fastener has a movable design that allows you to adjust the angle of inclination if necessary

If the brackets are installed correctly, the installation of water inlets does not take much time. As a result, the gutter should be placed with a small ledge behind the eaves, at an angle towards the funnel.

Stage # 3 - installation of downpipes

The assembly of the riser begins from the top - the transition from the funnel to the vertical pipe. If the cornice protrudes by less than 0.25 m, then the transition element is assembled from a pair of elbows.

Features of installation of knees: the upper element is not glued to the funnel, in order to preserve the possibility of dismantling, a bracket is mounted under the socket connectors

Starting from the funnel and the articulation of the knees, we continue the assembly downwards. Between two adjacent vertical elements connected by a coupling, there must be a gap of at least 20 mm in width - to compensate for linear expansion.

Every 1.2-1.5 m we install clamps for attaching the drain to the wall of the building. Anchor bolts or other fasteners are included with clamps

To prevent abrasion drain pipe and holders, the clamps of modern systems are equipped with a dense rubber seal on the inside.

Drainage from the roof is a system that is mandatory in the construction of buildings. Its main duty is to collect and remove rain, melt water flowing from the roof slopes away from the foundation. Usually, the drainage system begins to be assembled during the construction of the roof structure before the assembly of the crate. Although situations often occur when the roof is already covered with roofing, and the drain has not been collected. An example is the replacement of an old drainage system with a new one.

Before moving on to the topic of the article, let's consider what the elements of the drain are, what materials they are made of today.

What is a drain

The system consists of two main elements:

  1. Gutters (trays), which are mounted under the overhang of the eaves.
  2. Pipes that are attached to the walls of the building in a vertical position.
An example of a roof gutter system

Additionally, the composition includes:

Gutter system material

More recently, the main raw material from which gutters were made was metal, more precisely, galvanized sheet. Even earlier, gutters were made from ordinary steel sheet, which was painted. The latter gradually went out of circulation. Galvanization is still used today, because the material has a presentable appearance, copes well with natural loads and has good technical characteristics.

Scientific and technological progress does not stand still, and today the question of what to make a drain from means the possibility of choosing from several materials. To pure galvanization, galvanized metal coated with a polymer composition and purely plastic are added. Consider their pros and cons.


A big plus of plastic is that the material does not corrode when it comes into contact with water. From here long term operation. Other advantages of the plastic drainage system include:

  • the ability to operate under almost any temperature conditions;
  • one hundred percent inertness to ultraviolet;
  • presentable appearance, indicated by huge possibilities in terms of color design;
  • lightness of construction.

The only thing they fear plastic products- shock loads, under the influence of which they crack and become unusable.

About plastic brackets. It will not be possible to bend them, to give the necessary shape to the mount. In this regard, metal ones are better, they are easier to customize. Therefore, when installing plastic brackets, it is necessary to accurately install them on the frontal board, taking into account the landing site and the height of the roof overhang. True, today manufacturers offer adjustable products in which you can change the angle of inclination using a swivel. A good option, which proved that in the category of plastic brackets it is the most convenient.

Metal coated

According to their characteristics, in terms of service life, the products will not yield to plastic ones. But there is one serious drawback - the polymer layer itself. It is not strong enough and can be easily scratched or peeled off with little effort using a sharp tool. Therefore, it is important not to spoil the protective polymer coating during the installation of the gutter on the roof.

Metal gutter systems with polymer coating

There is no protective layer even on a meager area, you get a defect through which to sheet metal water starts to seep in. The consequence is metal corrosion, reduced service life.

Other options

It should be noted that on the market you can find exclusive water drainage systems made of copper or aluminum alloys, titanium and zinc. Firstly, the products are marked by long-term operation of the structure and increased reliability. Secondly, a design approach to solving the problem of decorating the facade of a house. But exclusive gutters are not cheap, so they are rarely purchased by the general mass of consumers.

Bracket types

This fastener There are three types on the market:

Ways to install gutters

In the section we will not talk about how to properly install gutters. Here we denote the situations that arise during the construction of this system. The first situation is installation when the rafters are installed, but the crate is not installed.

This is a simple, correct option. The brackets are attached to the rafter legs, usually on top of the upper plane, but it is possible from the side, from the bottom, bending the device to the required angle. Side fastening can be used if the thickness of the rafters is not less than 50 mm, the width is not less than 150 mm. Often, the installation is carried out on the first element of the crate at the eaves, which is also considered the correct approach to the construction of the drain.

An example of attaching brackets to rafter legs

If the roofing material has already been laid on the roof and fixed, then the methods for attaching the brackets are as follows::

Rules and stages of installation of the drainage system

Before you install the drain, you need to prepare everything. Buying a drainage system. What is included in it was described above. Now you need to decide on the number of each element.

The number of gutters is determined by the length of the slopes. They have a standard length of 3 m. For example, if the length of one slope along the eaves is 10 m, then you will have to buy 4 trays. The latter must be cut to the required size.

The number of vertical pipes depends on the height of the building, the distance of the drain from the ground and the length of the slopes.. Here are the following positions: the distance from the ground to the end of the drain is 25 cm, the distance between the risers is 12 m. The standard length of one downpipe is 3 m. For example, the height of the wall to the roof overhang is 4 m. Subtract from this size the length of the drain pipe and 25 see to the ground. It turns out the length of the pipe riser is 3.5 m.

illustrative example by the number of placed drain risers

With regards to the number of risers. The maximum distance between them is 12 m.

  1. The length of the slope is 10 m, you can install one riser from one edge and direct the gutters in its direction.
  2. The length of the slope is more than 12 m, but not more than 24 m, two risers are installed along the edges of the roof, which means that their total length is 7 m.
  3. The length of the overhang is more than 24 m, three downpipes are mounted.

With regards to the rest of the elements of the drainage system.

Dimensions of elements of the drainage system

Dimensional parameters of trays and pipes are an important criterion that determines efficient work the whole structure. Because the roof and the drain are united by one factor - water draining along the roof. The larger its volume, the larger the section should be selected elements. Incorrect selection leads to overflow of water over the edges, and these are poured walls and foundations.

There are certain standards that use the ratio of the area of ​​​​the roof slope and the diameters of pipes and trays. They are shown in the table.

Here it is necessary to understand that the selection of the dimensions of the elements of the system depends only on the area from which water is drained into them. For example, the length of the slope is 24 m, which means that 2 risers are installed along its edges. The total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slope will have to be divided by "2". It is this parameter that must be taken into account when selecting the dimensions of the tray and pipe.

Instrument preparation

Before you install the gutters, you need to prepare the tools. Depending on the choice: plastic or metal, the equipment of the tool arsenal depends.

So, you will need:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • metal scissors;
  • perforator for drilling walls for mounting risers;
  • screwdriver
  • long cord, tape measure, pencil;
  • level, plumb;
  • pliers;
  • mallet, hammer;
  • ladder.

It is forbidden to cut metal gutters with a grinder, so it was not included in the list of required tools. At a high speed of rotation of the cutting disc, metal cutting is accompanied by the release of high temperature. This leads to a violation of the protective zinc layer.. This means that the place of the cut is an area that will quickly begin to corrode. With regards to plastic, at the point of cutting with a grinder, the material melts, losing its properties and parameters.

Mounting sequence

Everything is ready, you can proceed to the installation work. The gutter is a gravity-flowing system, so it is important to correctly set the gutters at a certain angle. Its value is 3–5 mm per meter of the length of the gutter structure. For understanding, we denote that one end of a tray 1 m long should be 3–5 mm lower than the other. For example, the length of the roof slope is 10 m, one edge of the gutter structure relative to the other should be 3–5 cm lower.

Gutter slope options

Based on this, marks are made at the corners of the slope, where the places of the two extreme brackets are determined. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the frontal board or nails are driven in, between which a strong cord is pulled. This will be the hook installation line.

How to do it right to accurately determine the installation locations of the two extreme hooks.

  1. The first top is set from the bottom edge roofing material at a distance of 4–5 cm.
  2. The exact distance from the nail driven into the designated point to the edge of the roofing material is measured.
  3. The resulting size is transferred to the other edge of the slope with the addition of a slope based on the length of the overhang.

Experienced craftsmen do not always use nails or self-tapping screws to install the cord. They immediately attach the brackets, avoiding unnecessary operations. If both end brackets are screwed to the supporting base, you can proceed to the installation of other hooks. It is important to install the latter so that they are oriented relative to the cord with the same details as the first two installed devices.

There is one more thing to consider when installing brackets. The result should be that the edges of the roofing material overlap the gutter by a maximum of one third of its width. It is this arrangement that can guarantee the exact entry of flowing water into the tray without overflowing over the edge.

So, the brackets are installed exactly on the level, you can remove the cord and proceed to laying the gutters.

Installation of a grooved structure

In principle, you can start laying the gutters from any side. It is recommended to start from the location of the downpipes. In this place, two systems will be connected: horizontal and vertical. The element connecting them is a funnel. Therefore, first the gutter is adjusted to the funnel and the place where the hole will be made in the tray is determined.

It is made with a hacksaw. You just need to make a cut at an angle on both sides, taking into account the distance between the cuts, equal to the diameter of the pipe. It is recommended to process the cut edges so that there are no bumps, burrs.

Sawing holes for the funnel and its installation

A plug is put on the extreme chute. This can be done on an already mounted structure. But before installation, it is more convenient to do this. The edge of the grooved part is inserted into the groove of the plug, where a rubber cuff is located inside, ensuring the tightness of the joint. Now the gutters can be laid alternately with overlapping edges of each joint. The overlap size is 5–10 cm. Many manufacturers of plastic trays today offer connecting elements that are 25 cm long gutters complete with rubber cuffs, like those of plugs. By inserting two grooves from different sides of the connecting device, you get a sealed joint.

Exactly the same designs are made and funnels. Using them, there is no need to cut holes in the gutters. The latter are simply connected by a funnel to each other. Simple and convenient.

With regards to fastening the gutters to the brackets. Here are different fastening technologies. Two types are most commonly used:

  • clamps with throwing the element through the gutter, used to use ordinary wire;
  • clamps that fasten the edges of the gutters, they are flexible and look like hooks.

Installation of gutter risers

The process can be described as follows: the risers are strictly vertical and attached to the wall of the house with clamps. First, clamps are installed. From the center of the funnel nozzle, it is necessary to lower a vertical line along the wall with a plumb line. It is better to beat it off on the wall surface. Optimally - install fasteners of this type at the junction of two pipes, a pipe and a drain.

The first collar is attached to the wall at a distance of 30–50 cm from the ground, taking into account the distance from the drain to the ground and the size of the drain pipe itself. Fastening is done with self-tapping screws in plastic dowels, so holes are made in the wall at the installation points, where the latter are driven with a hammer.

Please note that the clamp should be located below any joint at a distance of approximately 10 cm.

The assembly of the riser itself is the installation of pipes in clamps and their connection to each other by means of a sealant or special connecting pipe elements with rubber cuffs (two-way couplings). In the first case, it is a socket connection, which is often used when assembling a sewer system.

Installation process couplings

If the riser is located far from the wall, then it is connected to the funnel with two bends (elbows). Therefore, first, branches are installed on the funnel to the wall, on which a vertical line is then beaten off with its exact passage through the center of the section of the lower branch.

Sometimes two elbows do not fit together with branch pipes. The reason is the wide overhang of the roof. Between them it is necessary to install a pipe segment, which is cut out of the pipe element of the riser. The distance between the branch pipes is measured, and 3–4 cm are added to the obtained value on each side. The allowances are the connecting edges for entering the bends. Important - it is necessary to correctly connect both outlets through the cut pipe to each other. First, a pipe segment is put on the upper outlet, that is, the elbow pipe must be inside it. Then, a branch pipe of the second elbow is put on the second free end of the pipe section. The first must be inside the second. Both joints are treated with sealant.

DIY Installation Video Instructions


So, we have analyzed the topic of how to properly install a drainage system. Materials for manufacturing, elements and assembly technology were disassembled. Despite the apparent simplicity of the installation process, this is not an easy undertaking. It requires care and precision. The main thing is to accurately mark the location of the gutters. Because it is easier to make a drain, that is, to assemble it, if calculations and markings are correctly performed.

One of the key stages in the arrangement of the roofing system of the house is drainage. Without its organization, it is impossible to protect the facade of the building from rain and water flows during the snowmelt period.

How to properly install gutters and what to consider when installing the structure, we will consider in the article.

The question of how the drainage system will be equipped should be decided at the design stage of the building.

When making calculations, you need to be guided by the requirements of the current SNiPa 2.04.01-85. This approach will allow, taking into account all the nuances, to correctly select the optimal version of the design.

The key purpose of the drainage system is to collect and divert precipitation, thereby protecting the walls and foundation of the building from premature destruction.

The main points to be followed when designing a drainage system:

  1. Having made a copy of the roof drawing, draw a plan for the location of the drainage elements.
  2. Calculate the total area of ​​the roof and all its slopes separately, taking into account the adjacent vertical walls.
  3. Based on the indications of the intensity of rains in a given area, determine the throughput of the system.
  4. In accordance with the obtained values, determine the diameter of the installed downpipes, the number and cross section of the drain funnels, as well as the frequency of their placement along the wall of the building.

The result should be a system that can collect and remove the maximum amount of liquid.

At the design stage, it is important to determine the location of the risers so that they do not disturb the exterior composition. Most often they are placed at the corners of the building, but it is quite possible to arrange it in a niche created by a bay window.

If the discharge of the pipe coming from the drains will be carried out on the blind area, it is better to remove the risers as much as possible from the entrances to the basement, basement ventilation vents and footpaths laid near the house.

Components of the drainage system

The system includes two groups of parts - horizontal and vertical drainage parts. Together they number about a dozen species. structural elements, each of which performs the task assigned to it.

The main thing when choosing the components of the drainage system is to select elements that are both structurally and according to appearance harmoniously complement the overall picture

The structural elements of the drainage system are:

  • drainpipes- key functional elements of the system, designed to move masses of water from the roof;
  • gutters– narrow channels for collecting and redirecting water;
  • funnels- conical sockets in the upper part of the pipe are designed to collect, delay and drain water flowing down the gutters;
  • knee- structures in the form of short bent pipe sections are installed in order to change the direction of the water flow;
  • brackets- fasteners for fixing the gutter to the roof;
  • seals- additional elements provide fastening strength at the joints;
  • clamps- fasteners for fixing the structure to the facade of the building.

Calculation of the required number of elements

It is better to entrust this rather important event to specialists selling drainage systems, or to the masters of the company providing installation roofing services. In the absence of such an opportunity, the calculation can be performed on its own.

Since in private construction many people try to get away from typical options and roofs similar in design, the required number of system elements should be calculated individually.

The main points of competent calculation:

  1. gutters. The total length of the channels must correspond to the length of all roof slopes used to collect water. Their docking is carried out using connectors.
  2. Inlet funnels. They are installed at the outer corners of the building and additionally placed every 8-12 meters so that the overall slope of the channels is not too large.
  3. Downspouts. The number of products corresponds to the number of funnels, and the length corresponds to the distance from the roof to the surface of the earth.
  4. brackets. The number of brackets is determined on the basis that one element is required for each meter of the channel. Additional holders will be required for funnels in the center and wall and in the corner of the house.

The number of clamps directly depends on the height of the building. But in any case, each individual pipe section to be installed is fixed with at least one clamp. When installing a downpipe in a one-story building, three fasteners are often enough, located at the top, bottom and in the middle of the product.

When calculating, the condition is taken as a basis that for 1 sq.m of the roof in horizontal projection there should be 1.5 sq.cm of the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe drain and funnel. For example: the sectional area of ​​a pipe D 100 mm is 78.5 sq.cm. This is an average value.

Depending on whether you have to install the system in regions with high level precipitation, or, on the contrary, in arid areas, amendments are made to the calculations.

Bracket mounting methods

Installing brackets according to the rules is still at the stage preceding the laying of the roof. If fixation is carried out after the coating has been laid, then ordinary short hooks are used as fasteners.

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Short brackets are attached to the front board so that they create a slope towards the funnel. We calculate how much lower the hook at the funnel should be than the highest holder. We mark the position of the extreme brackets on the board

We fasten the two extreme holders: the highest and the lowest, located next to the funnel. We connect them with fishing line or lace

We check with the building level whether the slope is created by the hooks and whether its value meets the conditions specified by the manufacturer of the drainage system

We mark on the frontal board the attachment points of ordinary hooks. There should be an equal distance between them, the height is determined by the stretched lace. We fix short brackets with self-tapping screws

Step 1: Fitting the short hook to the installation site

Step 2: Attaching the highest holder

Step 3: Checking the slope formed by the holders

Step 4: Fixing the ordinary drain holders

Depending on the shape of the bracket, the elements can be fixed in one of three ways:

  1. Fixing to the frontal roof board- it is used when it is necessary to install the system on a finished roof.
  2. Rafter leg attachment- used at the installation stage prior to laying the roofing material.
  3. Fixation on the bottom edge flooring or the first lath of the crate is used for roofing, the step between the rafters of which exceeds the mark of 600 mm.

Brackets designed for fixing to the frontal roofing board are most often included in the package of systems made of polyvinyl chloride.

Suspended structures for fixing to the frontal board have reinforced vertical ribs, due to which they can easily withstand heavy loads

Metal brackets for fastening to the frontal roofing board are made shorter. If the roof structure does not provide for a frontal board, combined brackets are used.

They are equipped with extensions made of steel. Due to this, it is convenient to mount them directly on the rafter leg.

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Numbers are put on the legs of long brackets and a fold line is marked, which should ensure the slope of the gutter

According to the markup, the brackets are bent. The work is done with the help of a special tool.

In accordance with the numbering, the brackets are laid out along the crate

First, two extreme brackets are installed, between which the cord is pulled. This line is needed for a landmark that determines the slope

Step 1: Slope the Long Brackets

Step 2: Bending the Long Metal Brackets

Step 3: Layout of the bent brackets along the slope

Step 4: Marking the line for attaching the holders

In case it is impossible to provide access to the rafters, metal crutches are attached to the wall. They act as a support for further fastening of the metal gutter.

The method of fixation, which involves mounting on a rafter leg, is effective in arranging roofs of houses in regions with heavy rainfall. It is also used, if necessary, to drain water from roofs with a large area, for which heavy coatings are used.

When fastening to the rafter leg, to increase the reliability between the fasteners, they maintain an equidistant distance equal to 50 centimeters

With this method, the hooks are led behind the base and set at an equidistant distance in order to provide the desired slope of the gutter.

The third method of fixation, which involves fastening to the crate, is most often used when arranging a roof that has a coating of ondulin or metal tiles. It is chosen only if the recesses cannot reduce the bearing capacity of the crate in the cornice area.

For fixing on the counter rails of the crate, combined models of brackets or metal long hooks are used, deepening them into the long grooves of the mounting strips

When choosing the third method of fixation, it is important to remember that only strict adherence to the installation rules and the installation procedure can ensure the reliability and durability of the structure.

Gutter installation technology

Installation of equipment for gutters is carried out after the completion of facing work. There is nothing difficult in how to prepare and install a drain. Installation of a PVC system can be performed even by a novice master.

The assembly and installation of a drainage system includes a number of standard steps:

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Ideally, the gutter system is installed before the roof is laid. But in the case of a piece coating, you can remove the bottom row of tiles and carry out work

Before mounting the brackets, we select the optimal position of the outer holders. They should provide a slope towards the drain funnel, the width of the gutter should protrude 1/3 beyond the edge of the cornice

According to the mark, we bend the legs of the two extreme brackets located at the highest and lowest points of the gutter

After installing the two extreme brackets, we connect them by pulling a fishing line or twine. This line is needed for accurate marking of ordinary holders

We check the building levels for the slope created by the holders

The edges of the gutter, located near the corner of the slopes, are closed with plugs to prevent water from flowing past the funnel

If the length of the slope to be equipped is more than 3 meters, then we build up the gutters using a connector that compensates for linear expansion

We fix the gutters installed on the brackets by bending the tab of the holder

Step 1: Installing an additional slat

Step 2: Trying on the bracket to determine the fold line

Step 3: Installing the end holder for the gutter

Step 4: Marking the installation of row brackets

Step 56 Checking the correct slope

Step 6: Installing the end cap on the edge of the gutter

Step 7: Joining the Gutter Pieces

Step 8: Fixing the gutter with the tongue of the bracket

After installing and fixing the gutters, drainage funnels are installed at the lowest points of the drainage system, to which drainpipes are connected:

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We remove the part of the gutter to which the catchment funnel and riser will be connected. We apply a funnel to mark a hole through it, which we will cut in the gutter

In the place marked on the gutter, we drill a hole with a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the downpipe

On the bottom side of the gutter, we apply a catchment funnel and fix it by snapping the edges on the edge of the gutter

We return the chute with the funnel to its place. We connect two knees to the drainage funnel to bring the main part of the pipe closer to the wall

Step 9: Marking out the location of the funnel

Step 10: Drilling a Hole in the Gutter

Step 11: Attaching the Funnel to the Gutter

Step 12: Connecting Downpipe to Funnel

Installation of horizontal elements

A set of tools that will be needed during the work:

  • marking cord;
  • tape measure at least 3 meters long;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • universal screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • flat bender;
  • pipe pliers.

Some craftsmen cut metal gutters and pipes using a grinder. But this is far from The best decision, since the rotating disk heats the polymer coating during operation. And this can cause damage to the elements of the drain during operation.

The first step is to mount the brackets that are designed to support the catchment funnels, placing them at a distance of 5-10 cm from the elements

The installation of brackets begins with the installation of the extreme elements. Then the distance between the drainpipes is divided into equal intervals of 60-80 cm long for the installation of the remaining hooks.

To simplify your task by ensuring a uniform slope of the gutters in the direction of the water intake funnels, it is better to pull the cord when marking. The boundary values ​​​​of the slope are from 2 to 5 mm per linear meter. To improve the accuracy of the installation, it is better to mark several key lines by pulling the cord in two or three rows for this.

If you have to work with metal hook-brackets, before attaching, they must be bent in accordance with the angle of the roof

In the process of mounting the brackets, the slope is achieved by moving the short fasteners vertically or by bending the metal holders in the calculated place.

In order not to disturb the galvanization and not damage the polymer coating, a special device is used to bend the fasteners - a flat bender.

The brackets are fixed on the mounting plate at three points, using self-tapping galvanized screws for this, not forgetting to correct the deviation from the direction given by the cord along the way

The collection of the drainage system can be done in one of two ways:

  1. Lay out all the elements on the ground in a horizontal position, and then insert assembled structure into brackets fixed around the perimeter of the building. This method is applicable for small houses and small areas finishes.
  2. The traditional option involves the phased assembly of all elements of the system directly on the building.

Installation of the drain should be carried out in the order "from top to bottom": first, water inlets are installed, then drain risers are connected. This is dictated by the technological features of the drainage system.

With the traditional phased version assembly of all elements of the drainage system installation of the structure is carried out strictly on the principle of "top down"

Before attaching the gutters to the parts of the roof, the funnels are first mounted, not forgetting to take into account possible thermal expansions. Then the gutters are installed, placing them 2 cm below the line, which conditionally acts as a continuation of the overhang. They are produced in lengths of 3-4 meters. Gutters that occupy the extreme positions in the line will most likely need to be cut.

When installing gutters, it is worth remembering that they must be at least a third covered by the overhang of the eaves. Ideally, the overlap should be half of its own diameter.

The gutter is placed in the holders in a slightly bent state, leading into the grooves of the hooks, first its far side, and then the near one, and fixing it by snapping