Toilet      08.03.2020

Wooden fence with a gate and a gate. Unusual antique gates and doors: photos and history Do-it-yourself antique gates made of wood

The arrangement of a reliable garage ensures not only the safety of the car, but also prevents penetration inside vehicle attackers. Each car owner strives to have his own garage, since in big cities many cars spend the night in the open, being exposed to harmful effects environment and being the object of increased attention from scammers. For hosts country houses and dachas, the task of erecting the named building occupies one of the first lines in the list of priority measures. But the excessively high cost of manufacturing this design in some cases discourages any desire to implement the plan. Significantly reduce the cost of building a garage will allow the use of wood and the manufacture of some structural elements with your own hands. Gates are an integral part of any building of this type. For their high-quality construction, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with how to make wooden gates on your own without involving the labor of specialists.

The main advantages of this material are:

  • Availability and reasonable price. You can easily buy wood products of the required grade and required dimensions in hardware store or specialized company. The price policy in comparison with metal is much lower.
  • Ease of processing and installation. Without much difficulty, anyone can do the preparation of the named material with their own hands. While the processing of metal products will require the use of expensive equipment: an angle grinder, welding equipment etc.
  • Durability and reliability. With the planned regular care a wooden entrance structure can last a long time. Compared to metal wooden surface not subject to rust, but requires periodic treatment with special compounds. If one of the sides of the canvas is damaged, it is really possible to replace old boards with new ones in a matter of hours.

Depending on the tastes and preferences of each owner, any type of gate can be made: a sliding type or a variant with a lifting device.

The most simple and generic type are swing gates. The manufacturing technology of this element is intuitive and does not require special building skills from the master.

The main task is to take into account all the subtleties and important features, as well as to carry out quality measurements and wood processing.

Before preparing the required material and tools, you should draw up a diagram of the future design and accurately calculate its location. Having finished with these points, it is worth starting to measure the entrance opening. To increase the visibility, it would be useful to use the existing sketch and adjust all the values ​​​​to your option.

Drawing up a detailed sketch will allow you to better navigate by number consumable and components. The construction of the structure involves the use and preparation of the following tools and materials:

  • timber or metallic profile 50×50 mm;
  • wooden boards having a width of 100 mm and a thickness of 25 mm;
  • metal hanging loops;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • Bulgarian;
  • building level;
  • steel corners;
  • drill with a set of drills and bits;
  • chisel;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • processing compounds;
  • set of brushes.

In the manufacture of wooden garage doors, special supports must be prepared in advance. If they are not ready yet, then two wooden beams or logs will be required for their manufacture.

We prepare pits for them with a depth of at least 1.2–1.5 m. When building any supporting structure a simple rule applies, the deeper the pillars are located, the more stable and reliable the gate will be. We cut the blanks to the required height, taking into account the part of the support that will be in the ground. To increase the strength, it would be useful to further strengthen the foundation of future support pillars by filling the bottom of the recesses with a small amount of crushed stone of the 5 × 20 fraction and ramming the resulting substrate.

To prevent premature destruction of wooden supports, it is necessary to treat places that will be underground with a special water-repellent mastic or resin.

Next, install the pillars, fix on building level vertical position and fill the recesses with concrete or cement mixture. In addition, to give greater practicality and aesthetics, concreted places can be overlaid with large stones or bricks.

Having completed all the preparatory procedures, we proceed to the manufacture of the structure itself.

In accordance with the dimensions of the entrance opening, we cut wooden beam to the required values ​​​​and lay out on a flat place so that a rectangle or square is obtained, depending on the type of gate.

We check the horizontality and verticality of the laid out bars, after which we drill holes in corner connections and fasten the structure with screws or dowels. It would be useful to reinforce the corners and the center of the frame, respectively, with steel corners and cross beams. The ends of the last products are cut at an angle of 45º, placed crosswise and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Metal can also be used as the basis for the future frame. profile pipes, however, welding equipment is required for manufacturing.

The next event is the manufacture and surface treatment of cladding elements. Depending on the chosen material and the size of the doors, we cut the required number of boards. As a rule, pine is used for sheathing, since wooden products from it have a small specific gravity and the greatest protection from the harmful effects of environmental factors.

The cladding board is placed close to each other and fixed with self-tapping screws to the frame. Upon completion, all irregularities are trimmed and processed grinder or fine sandpaper.

To increase the fit to the frame and maintain temperature regime in the garage, the edges of the wings can be sheathed with insulation.

Having prepared the gate leaves, proceed to installation metal hinges. In the case of attachment to the frame structure, the hinged parts are welded directly onto the frame, and in the variant of attachment to wooden bases- on support poles. To determine the optimal location, it is necessary to retreat from the upper and lower boundaries of the support a distance equal to ¼ of the total height of the pillars and mark the place. Then fix the hinges on the poles and hang the sashes.

The gate is almost ready, it remains only to prime and cover the surface with antiseptics. Having given the necessary time for drying, we proceed to the placement of accessories: handles, locks and bolts. To give a noble look, the gate can later be decorated with various forged elements.

They can be in the form of L-shaped metal rods located on the wings. For their operation, it is necessary to place two small pieces of pipe with a diameter ensuring the free movement of the rod in the intended places of entry into the ground, and also to make a platform on each leaf for fixing the handle of the fastener in the raised state.

The procedure for erecting a wooden gate with your own hands is a simple event and accessible to the implementation of each person. As with any construction works, in order to achieve all the goals set, it is necessary to strictly follow the advice of specialists, take accurate measurements and use quality material. The implementation of all these points, together with planned periodic maintenance, will ensure the reliable functioning of the entrance gate for many years.


in the provided videos, you can learn about other intricacies of manufacturing wooden gates:


The photo shows various options wooden gate:


The scheme will help you in designing your own wooden gate:

All photos from the article

Is it difficult to make antique wood gates? What types of wood are preferred for their creation? What retro style attributes can be used and how to give the surface of the tree the look of an old product?

Let's figure it out.

Choice of lumber

Types and scope

First, let's decide what materials we will have to purchase.

  • A wide (15 - 20 centimeters) board 25 - 30 mm thick will be used to sheathe the frame of the future gate.
  • A beam measuring 100x50 mm will become the basis of this frame.
  • For pillars (if, of course, they are needed), we use a bar with a section of 100x100.

To clarify: for the construction of pillars, you can, of course, use a round or shaped steel pipe. However, our goal is to make future gates not only durable, but also stylish; wooden poles more appropriate in this sense.

To calculate the volume of lumber, willy-nilly, you will have to sketch out a sketch indicating the dimensions that are relevant to you.

Some values, however, are universal:

  • The optimal width of double-leaf gates is 3.5 - 4 meters. A sash width of more than 2 meters will mean an excessive load on the poles and canopies, as well as a large windage in the wind; a significant reduction in size will not allow the car to enter the yard at an angle other than a straight one, which is not always convenient.
  • A reasonable maximum gate height is 2 meters. It will hide your yard from indiscreet looks from the street and, again, will not make the sashes excessively heavy.
  • The poles on which the sashes are hung must be four meters high. One and a half meters will go into the ground; an elevation of half a meter above the doors will allow in the future to build a canopy resting on the pillars above the gate, protecting them from rain.

Wood species

Traditionally, pine is used for the construction of wooden structures: along with spruce, it is one of the cheapest species and, unlike Christmas trees, is not replete with knots.

In our case, however, it will not be the best option:

  1. Light pine wood does not differ in mechanical strength. Gates should not only perform decorative functions, but also prevent intruders from entering the yard.
  2. Pine is not very rot resistant. Meanwhile, she will have to constantly resist the weather and contact with moisture.

Even more winning solutions are oak and ash. The solid cost of both breeds (about 40,000 rubles per cubic meter) is compensated by the highest strength, excellent texture pattern and almost unlimited service life.

Not a single tree

Along with solid wood gates, gates made of metal can represent a magnificent antique style - only the filling of the leaves is made of wood. Above, we did not recommend using with wooden structure steel pipes due to the fact that they will get out of the retro style; however, decorated with artistic forging metal poles and others structural elements will fully comply with it.

Wood and metal are connected by bolts with semi-secret uncut heads: the frame is drilled, after which the boards are attracted to it by two to four fasteners. The nut, as you might guess, remains with inside gate.

For greater compliance with the chosen style, forged overhead canopies, latches and door handles are used.

Any owner of a private house, whether it is a country house or a building for permanent residence, upon completion of construction is faced with the task of installing the gate. In fact, the gates offered on the modern construction market, the photos of which can be seen in the article, are able to satisfy any practical and aesthetic needs.

The choice of design is a responsible task, since its purpose is not only to protect the site from intruders. Properly selected gates for a private house, a photo version of which can be seen below, are an adornment of the entire architectural ensemble and its face. After all, they create the first impression of the owner. Therefore, when resolving the issue, one should proceed, on the one hand, from the point of view of the practicality of the material used, and on the other hand, from design considerations. It is important that the design does not violate the overall harmony. Even on their own beautiful gate and gates can look ridiculous if they are stylistically inadequate for the house, other buildings and the fence.

When deciding on the installation of the gate, first of all, it is necessary to decide on the material.



wooden gate for a private house, the photos of which you will see below, are a very popular solution. The reason for this is a number of advantages that a tree has. These include:

  1. Environmental Safety material.
  2. The ease of installation of the structure and the ability to perform such work on your own, without the help of professionals.
  3. Relative ease of construction.
  4. The ability to do without expensive and complex equipment during installation.

The main disadvantage of natural wood structures is their flammability. Therefore, they are unsafe in terms of fire. In addition, such structures require regular procedures to ensure their safety, including:

  1. Painting and repair.
  2. Treatment with antiseptic compounds to prevent rotting and fungal infection.

The disadvantage is the difference in weight that occurs when changing from dry to rainy weather due to the ability of wood to absorb moisture. The result may be their deformation.


Gate options for a private house include structures made of corrugated board. This material is profiled galvanized steel sheets. Fences and gates for a private house, made of corrugated board, are a widespread design. The reason for this is the numerous advantages that this material has. These include:

  • the ability to choose any color to your taste;
  • relatively low cost;
  • ease of installation;
  • small mass;
  • durability;
  • no need for permanent care;
  • numerous design options.

The main disadvantage of designs from this material is their lack of sophistication from the point of view of aesthetic natures. However, having shown imagination, you can choose an interesting color, as well as decorate the gate in an original way around the perimeter. As a result, the gate for the house, the photo of which you will see below, will look very attractive.

Euro picket fence

It is a variation of the previous material and is a metal profiled strip with a polymer coating. Designs from metal fence have aesthetic and modern look.

forged metal

Forging allows you to create exceptionally beautiful gates, photo options for such gates are presented below - and each of them can be safely called a work of art. The disadvantage of this solution is its high cost. Only fairly wealthy owners of private houses can afford the installation of a forged structure. At the same time, forged gates and gates, photos of which you will see below, have the following number of advantages:

  • durability;
  • high level strength and wear resistance;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • the possibility of manufacturing gates on an individual order;
  • compatibility with any other materials;
  • providing an overview.

However, some people perceive the latter advantage as a disadvantage. In this case, to hide the situation in the yard from the eyes of passers-by, you can attach polycarbonate sheets to the gate.

The downside is the large mass, which requires pouring a solid foundation and installing heavy poles during installation.

In addition to wood and metal, polymeric materials can also be used: vinyl and slate.


After the choice of material has been made, the next step is to select the type of construction. What are the types of gates for a private house?

entrance gate V a private house, photos of which are below, can be:

  • sliding;
  • swing;
  • retractable;
  • lifting;
  • mechanical.

Today, two varieties are most common - swing and sliding.

Swing structures

These gates, pictures of which can be found on the Internet, are perhaps the most ancient solution. Their design is extremely simple. They are two wings, which are attached to the supporting pillars with the help of strong hinges. Their advantages are as follows:

  • ease of installation;
  • ease of maintenance.

The main disadvantage is the availability of space for their opening. In addition, stoppers must be provided, since during strong winds the sashes can damage the body of an incoming vehicle.


The main advantage of this design is that no space is required for opening. However, there are also disadvantages, namely:

  1. Difficulty of installation.
  2. The need for more care due to the heavy load on small parts.
  3. Prone to failure due to factors such as rust and dust.

Style and design

What can be the design of the gates and gates of a private house, the photo below will show you clearly. Currently, there are a variety of design solutions that allow you to choose beautiful gates for a private house, the photos of which are presented in the article. However, for those who are deciding which gate to choose for their home, the photo gallery at the end of the article will help determine the direction of the search for a solution.


Speaking of gates, one cannot ignore the issue of the gate. Of course, the gate is necessary element construction, since every time it is very inconvenient to open the gate at the entrance to the site.

What considerations should be taken into account when installing a gate? Here it is also worth first deciding on the material. It would be quite natural and logical to use the same material for the gate as for the gate. Otherwise, the stylistic harmony of the design will be violated. In addition, the purchase different materials may create additional costs.

Where is the best place to make a wicket? The best place for the gate - next to the gate. Good decision- use the same support pillars to install the gate. This eliminates the need for additional support post which speeds up the installation process.

The most popular type of gates are classic swing gates. Some homeowners install sliding gates. However, due to the complexity of manufacturing, such a design is extremely rare.

Automatic system

For those owners of private houses who are fans of convenience and comfort, this is suitable modern solution, as the entrance gate in a private house, photo examples of which you will see below. Their feature is that they are equipped with an electric drive and operate in automatic mode. All they need is an electric motor of relatively low power and simple electronics.

Electric gates allow the owner to open and close them while in the house or in the car. Currently, there are designs equipped with sensors tuned to the signal of the owner's car, and they themselves open or close when it is given.

As a rule, the electric drive is installed on sliding gates. Automation of opening and closing swing structures has a high cost, and therefore is rarely used.

Photo gallery

We bring to your attention various design options for the gate in 14 photos.

Most often your private territory a person tries to fence off as high as possible and which has little to itself, even despite the attractiveness and beauty modern materials. But for those who want to be open to the world and people, carved wooden fences can be an excellent option.

It looks like a carved wooden picket fence

The original openwork fence, made by hand, will not leave anyone indifferent. The house behind such a fence seems especially cozy and hospitable.

A light carved palisade is unlikely to become a particularly reliable protection for the site; rather, it protects the garden from random animals. However, the excellent decorative qualities and aesthetics of natural wood are difficult to dispute. do not lose their relevance due to the following properties:

Types of techniques for creating a carved fence

To make a carved fence at home, and even more so without experience, it is better to choose simple techniques and simple patterns. Some woodcarving methods require specialized equipment, which is not cheap and requires certain knowledge and experience. Do-it-yourself wooden carved fences are best done using the following techniques:

Geometric and lace techniques are most often used on boards or a picket fence, which then become a fence sheet.

Original fence pattern made in lace style

Boards with contour patterns are prepared in advance and fixed to the finished fence so as not to damage the volume with nails or self-tapping screws. carved figure. Usually wooden details, made using the contour carving technique, serve as additional decorative elements for the finished railing.

Choice of wood

The most inexpensive basis for a carved fence is plywood. For plywood, it is best to use a file with fine teeth; a regular hacksaw for metal is also suitable. How finer teeth saw blades, the cleaner the cut will be, and additional grinding of the cuts will not be required.

To make a carved fence look more expensive and sophisticated, valuable wood should be used. Each type of tree has its own characteristics. For example, in maple, ash and poplar, the buds form a bird's eye pattern. Oak or beech has a finely speckled pattern.

Ready for installation carved panels fence

Due to the natural curvature of the trunks, a particularly pronounced curvilinear pattern is present in walnut, ash, and elm. It should also be borne in mind that plywood and any kind of wood, including very hard ones, can be used to perform lace carving. conifers. But the technique of geometric and contour carving requires hardwoods so that the surface of the board is plain, even, without inclusions.

wood carving process

Before applying a pattern to a tree, you need to carefully prepare the material. First, the surface of the tree is processed with a planer. Very dark wood before work can be toned. Lacquer is used to give the surface a sheen.

The applied pattern should be clear and conspicuous, black or blue carbon paper is used for light wood, green, yellow or red for dark wood. The outline on the board can also be left if you press hard through the paper stencil with a pen or pencil.

Drawing a pattern on a cutting board

Although you can do wood carving with your own hands with an ordinary sharp knife, when building a fence, you will need a lot of blanks, so you need to take care of at least the most basic devices:

  • sandpaper for woodworking or power tools with a special sanding disc;
  • knife-cutter (to create the contours of the pattern);
  • straight and semicircular chisels different sizes(used for carving patterns on wood);
  • jigsaw manual or electric (to create a fence with lace details).

The process of carving wood requires compliance with safety regulations.

Wood carving tools

A wooden picket fence or board must be securely fixed on a solid flat surface or on a workbench with clamps. Keeping the workpiece on your knees is unacceptable. When creating a contour drawing, the knife is held in one hand, and with the other hand the blade is guided along the intended line of the pattern. For rounded parts, it is convenient to use special semicircular chisels.

For lace carving, it is enough to choose a relatively flat board and, using a jigsaw, start cutting holes according to the applied pattern.

The resulting patterns do not have to be sanded and processed, and this is another great advantage this technique for inexperienced craftsmen.

Metal art forging is an ancient craft that has stood the test of time. Despite the fact that it has very ancient roots, the products of forging masters are still in great demand. Over the years of its existence, blacksmith forging has reached the heights art, harmoniously combining elements of modernity and antiquity. It is this combination of advantages that makes us give preference to forged items when choosing interior items or furnishing. suburban area, mansion, apartment.

Thanks to the great variety of techniques, the inexhaustible imagination of craftsmen and designers, each forged work is a work of art that will not only decorate the interior or exterior of the estate, but also make it unique. It is always luxurious, fashionable, original.

To paraphrase famous quote“the theater begins with a hanger”, we can safely say that the house begins with a gate. This is the most important element of the mansion, cottage, country house. His face, business card, presentation. Appearance The entrance to the estate can tell a lot about financial opportunities, position in society, solidity, character, aesthetic taste and sense of style of its owner. So those who opt for the gates of forged metal, receive only excellent marks for all of the above positions.

Gate with forging in retro style from "Alois"

Each forged product made in our forges is unique and original in its own way. Blacksmith craftsmen have learned to create works of such beauty, from the contemplation of which is truly breathtaking. Forged gates, made in retro style, look like real antiques. They are able to compete with museum exhibits, yielding to them only in price. But you should not be afraid that your design solution forged item will stand out from general style homestead furnishing. Products blacksmith forging and they are good because they are in perfect harmony with interior items, decoration or cladding made from other natural or artificial materials.

Another advantage forged gate- reliability. Despite the apparent openwork and airiness, the gates made by forging are strong, durable and stable. The starting material is pre-hardened. Therefore, forged products are resistant to temperature and force effects. For finishing finished products our company uses professional coatings, giving certain color effects and protecting against corrosion.

The masters of our company are able to forge gates of various engineering solutions.

  • The most common type is swing gates. This is a familiar design - simple, convenient and reliable. The sliding version of the wrought iron gate involves the opening of the leaves not relative to the central axis, but along the guides, which allows you to free up usable area.
  • Another innovative solution - sliding gates. Ideal when space is limited in the entry area.
  • It is also possible to manufacture combined gates in a combination of wood and metal, which implies a lot of options for the manifestation of imagination and the use of design techniques. Considering that the service life of wood is much shorter than that of metal, the gates are designed in such a way that wooden elements could be replaced if necessary.

Our company is highly responsible for quality assurance at all stages of forged products manufacturing, making serious demands on the title of "master". Whichever option you prefer, remember that antique is a sign that you are keeping up with the times.