In a private house      03/05/2020

Useful homemade. Crafts from improvised means - ideas for creating jewelry, children's toys and interior design elements (105 photos). Cute kittens made of cardboard for holding thread

As they say, in the garage there is not much space. Men who spend a lot of time in the garage will agree that in some cases every minute and every square centimeter of free space counts. That is why the garage master needs competent organization workspace. Here in every possible way help out and help various devices for storage of building materials, work equipment, machine parts and other things necessary for work. To keep your electronic, garden and garage gadgets always in their places, use the following tools:

    • stands;
    • shelves;
    • sliding panels;
    • racks;
    • tool organizers.

Also, for clarity, we offer homemade products for the garage and home master do it yourself - YouTube video will reveal all the nuances of organizing the workspace and suggest fresh ideas.

DIY homemade products at home

Man has been engaged in homemade crafts since prehistoric times. Actually, all industrial processes are improved once handicraft or home developments of craftsmen. We sometimes do not even think that we pay for those things that we can do with our own hands. homemade schemes easy to find online, and materials can be bought at a hardware store or found at home.

For example, from cardboard box and a piece of cloth you can make a convenient portable organizer for towels and other textile products.
The topic of storing all sorts of little things is inexhaustible, fortunately, as is the number of ideas. Good decor ideas you can also draw from ordinary things - let it be buttons or empty tin cans.
Cool shelves are obtained from ordinary boxes. How do you like this idea?

As you managed to understand, with detailed instructions, it is not so difficult to make homemade products with your own hands at home. The video will help you comprehend all the nuances of this pleasant activity. Helpful Hints, interesting ideas- a must see for everyone.

Do-it-yourself homemade products for summer cottages and gardens

In the country, there is usually some free time for creativity and arranging the surrounding space. That's why it's worth having a few fresh ideas on hand to implement them in your own summer cottage. Country homemade at home, with their own hands, they can be even ingeniously simple. From improvised materials, you can make unexpected and extremely useful household items.

Ordinary pebbles turn into fabulous animals.From an old teapot makes a beautiful flower pot.

Used tires- it has already become a classic in the world garden figures.Stylish lamps for country interiordo it yourself from a regular jar and candles (do not forget about safety).
- a chic idea for a small cottage.
Do-it-yourself homemade products for summer cottages and gardens often turn out by themselves, without unnecessary time and financial costs. Perhaps you had no idea how useful for household will be plastic bottles. Plastic bottles that have gone out of use can serve as the basis for an incredible decorative flower bed. Cool "blooming" pillars greatly decorate your summer cottage.

DIY garden furniture successful homemade: photos and drawings

In the previous sections, we told you about homemade products that will become indispensable for the economy and household. However, do not forget about the rest, before which, nevertheless, you will have to work a little. Cozy armchairs, various tables and benches, swings and hammocks- all this country-garden bliss can settle on your site. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the photo instructions and drawings for the manufacture garden furniture. We have selected the best options for you.

A summer cottage is the territory where you can give yourself the freedom to conduct numerous experiments and dream up plenty. This is manifested not only in interior design, but mainly in the design of the garden or vegetable garden. Inquisitive and inventive owners have not been guided by expensive and standard methods for arranging their plots for a long time, since there are many alternative solutions for virtually all areas of activity.

There are several varieties of vertical beds that allow you to optimize the use of free space. Custom designs are a great opportunity to create interesting design garden, orchard, suburban area.

This type of beds in most cases is used for growing ornamental plants or herbs.

Materials for manufacturing:

The length of the drainpipes is adjustable in accordance with the wishes of the owner of the site. However, bulky beds should not be made, as they can complicate movement around the territory.

Creating a bed

Stage 1. Create a container. To do this, we take a drainpipe, cut it in two lengthwise and put on special plugs on both sides.

Stage 2. We take the prepared metal holders, put them on the resulting frames for the beds.

Stage 3. We make holes in the pipe. They are made in those places where there will be metal fasteners.

Stage 4. We pass a cable or a strong rope through the holes made.

Stage 5. We fix the cable / rope with fasteners.

Stage 6. We fill the resulting beds with expanded clay and soil.

Stage 7. We plant plants in the beds.

Stage 8. We hang pipes to the chosen place. Sometimes a special wooden crossbar is placed for this, more precisely, a design in the shape of the letter “P”.

Step 9. Alternatively, you can make a special design for the pipes.

Important! A drainpipe bed is not resistant to strong gusty winds, so you should choose a place for it that is not blown from four sides by winds. Otherwise, the frame will quickly collapse, nullifying all your efforts.

A bed made from a plastic bag is another modification of vertical beds. It is extremely compact, functional and interesting in appearance. You can make such a bed in a couple of hours.

Materials for manufacturing:

  • durable polyethylene film;
  • sewing machine;
  • priming;
  • seedling.

In order for the bed to be strong, it is recommended Special attention give thickness polyethylene film, which in this case will act as the "framework" of the structure. The minimum film thickness is 0.2 mm.

The process of creating a polyethylene bed

Step 1 . We cut out 2 rectangular pieces of film, the size of which corresponds to the size of the created beds. An allowance of one and a half to two centimeters should be left on each side. The recommended diameter of the beds is twenty centimeters.

Step 2. Sew the rectangles together, leaving only the top of the bag unconnected.

Step 3. We sew a handle to the future bed, the strength of which will withstand the weight of the bag filled with soil. It should also be noted that when watering, the weight will increase.

Step 4. Fill the bag with fertilized soil.

Step 5. We make horizontal cuts on the bag in increments of twenty centimeters. They are necessary in order to plant seedlings in the garden.

Step 6. We plant seedlings.

Step 7. Water the soil regularly and add the necessary fertilizers.

With these simple steps, you can get a cheap and useful garden bed.

An integral element of each suburban area is a compost heap. This is the place where all kinds of biochemical reactions take place that ensure the creation of fertilizers.

To create fertilizers that will satisfy all the requirements for them, several key steps should be carefully considered: creating a container and directly proper manufacture the compost itself. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Stage 1. We take eight supporting posts of the same length.

Stage 2. We process the lower part of the wooden posts with engine oil or tar.

Stage 3. We dig the posts into the ground so that they are reliable and stable. If compost bin will be located next to the fence, then 4 columns (that is, one side) can be attached to the fence. This will avoid having to dig 4 holes.

Stage 4. Between each two adjacent columns we nail the crossbars in such a way that in the end we get three independent sections. Be sure to leave gaps that will serve as ventilation holes.

Stage 5. In two sections, horizontally nail the boards to half the height of the pillars. In these places, it is planned to create two small doors.

Stage 6. There will be a large door in the remaining section, so only one board should be nailed. It should be located at the very bottom in a horizontal position, that is, like a regular crossbar.

Stage 7. Install the covers. To do this, you can use one large solid board.

Stage 8. We install the doors prepared in advance.

Stage 9. We provide doors with handles and latches.

Stage 10. We process wood using special impregnations.

Stage 11. We paint the box in any color that matches the preferences.

Many gardeners mistakenly believe that any components can be dumped into the compost heap. In fact, in order to create the right biofertilizer, the “ingredients” must be carefully selected.

Among the required components compost heap the following components:

  • peat;
  • ash;
  • needles;
  • tree branches;
  • leaves;
  • hay or grass;
  • wood ash;
  • plant roots;
  • raw vegetables and fruits, etc.

All elements are randomly mixed in the heap. To speed up chemical reactions it is recommended to cover the pile with a tarp (this is especially true in the absence of a box).

Trips to the country with the family suggest the presence of entertainment elements on the site that will delight children. The most common way to occupy young summer residents is a swing.

Building a swing yourself is not an easy task, but quite doable. Of course, you can always take a stick, tie it with a rope and hang the structure on a tree, but this can hardly be called a full-fledged swing. Real craftsmen prefer to build convenient structures with comfortable place for sitting.

Structural components:

  • two logs;
  • strong rope.


  • log diameter - 85 mm;
  • log length - 700 mm;
  • the distance between the ropes is 500 mm.

Making a swing

Stage 1. We stretch the ropes between the logs.

Stage 2. We wrap each log with ropes.

Stage 3. We release the ropes out.

Stage 4. We tighten the ropes by 3 knots.

Stage 5. We fix the swing on the tree.

Important: such a swing is designed for only one person.

Garden path from improvised materials

There are several types of garden paths that you can easily do with your own hands.

Step 1. Remove the sidewall from the tire using a knife or saw.

Step 2. Cut the tires.

Step 3. We line the space with corrugated stripes.

Step 4. Paint the track with paint.

Step 5. Sprinkle with stone chips.

This economical option for those who do not want to rack their brains and spend time on a full-fledged garden path. Tire track is usually used for vegetable gardens, as it easily fits into the ground.

Stage 1. We paint the corks in different colors.

Stage 2. We dig a small trench.

Stage 3. We drive in supports to strengthen the future track.

Stage 4. We construct formwork using boards.

Stage 5. We install spacers along the edges of the trench.

Stage 6. We place crushed stone deep into the trench and carefully tamp it down.

Stage 7. We make a solution of sand, cement, glue and water.

Stage 8. Pour the solution into the trench.

Stage 9. We press the plugs in random order. Smooth multi-colored stripes look interesting.

These are the simplest and quick ways make a garden path without purchasing expensive materials.

DIY tools

The expression “everything will come in handy on the farm” turns out to be as relevant as possible when it comes to canisters. From this plastic container you can make a large number of indispensable tools, which are actively used in the process of suburban work.

To make this tool, we only need a sharp knife and a container directly.

Stage 1. Cut off the bottom of the canister.

Stage 2. We mark the cut line for the scoop on the container so that the handle from the canister is the handle of the future tool.

Stage 3. Cut off excess material.

As a result of these simple actions we get an excellent scoop with a comfortable handle.



Step 1. Thoroughly wash the canister so that no odor remains in it.

Stage 2. We cut the canister vertically into two parts.

Stage 3. We make a groove on the plank using a woodworking machine.

Stage 4. We apply glue to the plywood and insert it into the bottom of the canister.

Stage 5. We paint the resulting shelf with a can.

Of course, this design will not withstand a lot of weight, but it is quite suitable for storing small parts.


  • 40 canisters;
  • scissors;
  • rope;
  • paper;
  • marker.

Stage 1. We pierce the top of the cans with a knife.

Stage 2. We make a stencil out of paper.

Stage 3. We apply it to the canister, circle it with a marker.

Stage 4. Cut out large holes with scissors.

Stage 5. We put the prepared canisters in several rows, tying each row by hooking the rope under the handles of the containers.

Stage 6. We tie the entire rows around the perimeter for greater strength.

Stage 7. If the cabinet is planned to be leaned against the wall, then we drill it to the surface.

Stage 8. We put heavy objects in the bottom row - stones or bricks.

The result is a fairly roomy and functional rack that will help get rid of the issue of storing many small parts.

Be resourceful and bold in implementing your ideas. Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself homemade products for summer cottages

Video - Do it yourself for a summer residence

Nothing brings joy to the house like a thing created by oneself. Indeed, various homemade products for the home not only fill life bright colors, but also give the interior a uniqueness and a certain zest. And it is certainly impossible to forget about such a thing (even if it is a small trinket). And it’s not so important that these are homemade wood products for the home, paper or plasticine. There are millions of options and methods for making various gizmos, and today we will look at a few of them. So, how to make interesting homemade crafts for the home?

Shelf of tin cans

It would seem that such a trifle - a jar of coffee. However, even from it you can make a beautiful, convenient and useful shelf for storing household items. Often, various souvenirs and memorable photographs are stored in such containers. There is little practical use for this homemade product, but such jars look very harmonious.

Details on how to make this craft

1. First, holes are punched in jars with a drill or with a special ripper (in the upper and lower - 3 each, and in the walls of all the others - 2 points each).

2. Next, the jars are fastened together. Nuts and screws are used as fasteners small sizes. By the way, to get the desired (beautiful) result, you will need to have at least 5-6 of these jars.

3. After that, a hole for the screws is punched in the containers. In the bottom of the jars located in the upper part of the structure, 1-2 holes are made to attach the shelf to the wall. The finished homemade is screwed with a screwdriver or screwdriver. For this, dowels are driven into the wall first.

Everything, now homemade products for the home are being put into action. Be sure - various trifles in such jars will definitely not get lost. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone - decorate the interior and get rid of the mess in the house.

DIY for home - how to make a clock on a CD / DVD?

The clock on the CD is also very interesting and original version interior decorations.

As you can see, the design this device very original, and therefore it will look organically against the background of any interior (perhaps it will become its highlight). Such "smart" homemade products for the home are made in a matter of minutes. We will tell you more about all the stages below.

So, how to do it yourself homemade watch? To begin with, you will need to prepare the appropriate materials - a CD / DVD CD (you choose the design of its front part at your discretion) and a cover-case for it (the distance between the walls should be at least 0.05 centimeters). It is very important that the last part does not have any chips or scratches. To facilitate the work, you can purchase a ready-made watch and then simply replace the standard dial.

It must be arrow, otherwise it will not work to make a homemade product. You should also make numbers. There should be twelve of them in total. It can be cardboard, paper or plastic circles. Their thickness should not exceed two millimeters. Rhinestones can be used as decorations. You also need to prepare about 30-40 centimeters of wire, a piece of leather or fabric and Moment-type superglue. The basis of this whole structure will be a CD-ROM. We will remake it in the first place.

First you need to mark the disk into twelve equal parts and stick numbers on the marked points. In this case, the sectors should not go beyond the outer diameter of the device. How are homemade products made for the home? After the sectors, we proceed to the clock itself - remove the arrows and place them exactly in the center of our disk. By the way, before fixing them, you can stick some interesting photo on the disk, which will make the design of the watch even more original.

To increase the size of the arrows, use thin metal strips. To achieve the desired result, it is enough to apply glue to them and carefully position the part evenly over the entire surface of the leading elements. The very same mechanism of the arrows is attached to reverse side disk.

What to do next?

So, the base of the clock is almost ready. The next step is to make holes in the device along the contour of the arrow mechanism. The box of this disc is installed in a case. The mechanism itself is brought out through the hole and tightly closed. Now, with the help of a wire, an emphasis is made, which is glued to back cover. To make it more durable, glue a piece of fabric or leather on top of it. This will make the emphasis not only strong, but also beautiful, since the excess part of the wire no longer gapes on the clock as before. Everything, a homemade watch from a CD is successfully made. It remains only to insert an AA battery and set the time. By the way, you can also make a battery with your own hands.

How to make a source of energy from a lemon?

As we know, this fruit contains a lot of acid, respectively, with the right actions, a lemon can be turned into a real mini-battery.

Of course, the charge from such a “battery” is not enough for work. household appliances, however, for operation or charging mobile phone this current is sufficient.

We make homemade products for the home - preparing tools to turn a lemon into a source of constant energy

During the work, you will need tools such as a knife, a soldering iron, a drill, an iron pin, as well as several pieces of copper wire in insulation. Among other items, it should be noted the need for one glass or glass, a pair wooden sticks and the same number of push pins. And, of course, the lemon will be our main source of energy. You can also use an orange, but there is much less acid in it, so the charge from it will be minimal.


First, cut the lemon in half. This is necessary so that he gives more acid, which is necessary for the lemon to be fixed in the glass so that it does not roll around the table. Further, copper and iron pins are inserted into its pulp around the entire perimeter at a distance of 0.5-1 centimeter. "Minus" we will have iron, and "plus" - copper.

Pieces of wire are attached to all pins with a soldering iron. They will act as a connector for the power supply. All elements are connected in series.

On final stage sticks are inserted into the battery compartment. Polarity is important here. Contacts are pressed against the contact group. The container remains open throughout the entire process of charging the device.

So, we figured out how to make useful homemade crafts for the home with our own hands. Good luck in your endeavors!

Homemade products for the home are not very popular among urban residents.

Indeed, today the market of all kinds of goods is represented by the widest range, among which it is easy to choose something suitable for yourself.

However, in order not to spend extra amounts of money on trifles, as well as to improve your own craftsmanship skills, you can create all these items with your own hands.

Among the useful homemade products for the home, you can find the following:

  • design elements that will fit into your interior in the best possible way, because you will create them based on your own wishes;
  • household items that you no longer have to buy in the store;
  • homemade crafts for the home will become decorations for appearance apartments or.

DIY for home

DIY homemade products can be very different. From beauty to practicality, there can be one step in their development, and the proof of this is interesting shelves made of cans from coffee. For this craft you will need:

  • several tin cans (at least 6 pieces);
  • glue;
  • a drill or other tool that can be used to make holes in jars.

We begin the creation of a homemade shelf by making holes. On the back (bottom) of each jar, you need to make a hole, which will serve as a fastener to the wall.

However, it is not at all necessary to make a hole in each jar, but if your shelf has big sizes, there must be at least 2.

Instead of glue, you can use a drill and drill a hole in each jar, which will be fastened together with nuts and screws, but, of course, working with glue is easier.

So that the homemade product for the house does not suddenly fall apart, already being on the wall, you should use a very strong glue, for example, the one used in shoe repair. can consist not only of tin cans, but also of glass.

glass jars can become a useful homemade product for storing small items.

Useful homemade products for the house - a house for a cat

If there is an animal in your house, and somewhere in the pantry or on the mountain an old monitor is gathering dust that has not been working for a long time or will never be used, you can quickly make a cat house out of it.

To do this, simply unscrew the screws from the device, remove the case and separate it from the insides, including the screen. Next, we connect the body parts with the same screws, thoroughly wipe the monitor from dust and proceed to decorating.

As a decoration for a cat house, you can take regular paint, which covers the entire surface of the house you created. But there is another way: take watercolors and decorate the former monitor with patterns of your choice.

Hanger - do-it-yourself homemade from buttons

For button hangers, we need:

  • buttons for homemade;
  • spray paint;
  • Super glue;
  • hanger.

You can cover the hanger with fabric and sew buttons on the fabric, it also looks quite nice.

Thread hangers

This is the hanger itself. You need thick threads with which you wrap the hanger and get a wonderful DIY homemade product.

To secure the threads, first apply PVA glue to the hanger.

All homemade products for the home are very useful, as they give new life old things and bring beauty and creativity to your home.

Ordinary toys from the store are no longer interesting to your child? Then, maybe it's time to do something with your own hands, especially since it can be done with the help of improvised materials. We will present a few simple examples With step by step photos how to make interesting crafts at home. Engage the child in the work, for sure he will be interested in assembling the toy on his own, and then he will also be able to play with it.

Making crafts with your own hands from improvised means at home is a very exciting and interesting activity. Both children and adults are addicted to this, who enjoy this process and take a break from the gray routine. For crafts, you can use any artificial and natural materials. Products organically fit into the interior, thereby adding innovation and originality to it.

  • The best cardboard crafts.
  • Support for a cup.
  • From napkins.
  • From a tree.
  • From salt dough.
  • Seashell frame.
  • From socks.
  • From plastic bottles.
  • From plastic bags.
  • From disks.
  • From paper.
  • Puzzle.
  • Original crafts from fruits and vegetables.
  • Cool products from cones.
  • Lamp.
  • Key holder.
  • Unusual cup.
  • Unusual keyboard.
  • Candlestick.
  • Decor.
  • From tubes.
  • From pasta.
  • Master Class.
  • Garden crafts.
  • DIY crafts for kindergarten.
  • Finally.

The most important "consumers" of creative products at home are, of course, children. Try to interest the child in a joint activity, for example, during a vacation in the country, especially since the result will not be long in coming. Gather together uncomplicated natural material, which is in abundance in the district - flowers, stems, branches, cones, leaves, etc. Add a little of your imagination to this ensemble - and you can make an original masterpiece.

The best cardboard crafts

You can easily do various products from cardboard paper with your own hands with diagrams and instructions for all family members. It's interesting and fascinating process who will leave no one behind.

Cup holder

With the help of white decorative stones small sizes can be made original stand under a cup. To do this, the stones must be glued together. This is quite a long and painstaking work, but the result is worth it. This rack can be used under hot dishes.

Unusual products from napkins

You can diversify your leisure time with your child with the help of simple napkins. Children love to make things on their own, besides, it develops motor skills.

from wood

Wood crafts are more suitable for young men, as it will be difficult for girls to do this. Great leisure not only for boys, but also for their dads.

From salt dough

Dough products with step-by-step video instructions for mothers and their children will bring a lot of great mood and emotions.

Seashell frame

To make a decorative item out of an ordinary wooden frame will help seashells. It is enough to glue the frame around the entire perimeter with them. Also, some shells can be covered with a colorless varnish with sparkles for more attractiveness.

From socks

Every house has socks, so we would like to offer some great ideas from ordinary socks, or more specifically, a toy. There is a mass various options products, for example, a bunny, a snowman, a bear, a cat, an owl and so on. You can fill such a toy with cereals, synthetic winterizer, cotton wool. Groats are an excellent filler, because its use develops hand motor skills in children. Something to craft with children is interesting not only for them, but also for their parents.

So, for example, you can make a bright striped caterpillar. To do this, you will need: a ribbon for decoration, a sock, a muzzle marker, a thread, a synthetic winterizer or cotton wool. We tightly stuff the product with filler, sew one end or tie it with a thread. Visually divide the sock into five sections and tie a thread between each division to make small rollers.

The part in which the naked will be is also tied with a thread, and then you can make a bow out of the ribbon and tie it on the head of the caterpillar. The muzzle is marked with a marker, and the surface of the pattern is embroidered with threads, this will add volume to the caterpillar. So you get a bright and cheerful caterpillar with a "tuft".

From plastic bottles

Such surprises are suitable for older children, and although this is a troublesome task, it is quite exciting.

From plastic bags

So wonderful crafts father or mother from children will go to New Year, birthday and any other holiday. Exclusive and unusual gifts made of polyethylene with step by step instructions You can browse below and choose something original for yourself.

From discs

Gifts of their disk to mom and grandmother for their birthday. For this you will need a little time. From such a wonderful present, they will definitely be delighted.

From paper

If you want to make something unusual out of paper, then we offer some original and simple ideas. You can also make origami, there are many different options.


From improvised means, you can even create a developing puzzle. To do this, you need to take ice cream sticks of the same size and spread them evenly along. Apply glue to any paper picture of the same size and lean it against sticks. After the glue dries, cut with a clerical knife into separate parts.

Original crafts from fruits and vegetables

Here are best ideas from fruits and vegetables, and everyone can make such a masterpiece. It will be a great leisure activity for children and their parents. So choose and enjoy a wonderful pastime.

Cool crafts from cones

If you want to make a toy out of cones, look at the photos, which show many original and cool ideas.


From autumn leaves and a simple half-liter jar, you can create an unusual and at the same time beautiful lamp. To do this, you will need to select the "golden" leaves and glue them on the outside of the jar in such a way as not to leave empty gaps. We tie the top of the jar with twine, you can put a small candle in the middle. If necessary, it is set on fire, the jar will give off a slightly golden twilight, thanks to which an atmosphere of comfort will be created in the room. A great way to pass the time with your kids.

Key holder

Using a regular tennis ball, you can make a funny and very fun key holder. You will need to mark the eyes on the ball with a marker and pierce it with a knife, imitating a mouth. A metal bolt is inserted into the cut hole. Then the ball is glued in the desired location.

Fancy cup

With the help of a marker and cardboard, you can turn an ordinary cup white color into an art object. To do this, you need to cut out the desired image from the cardboard and lean it against the cup. Use a marker to place dots around the stencil, then remove it. Perfect gift do-it-yourself beloved for her birthday or March 8.

Fancy keyboard

An old computer keyboard will help to congratulate you on the holiday in an original way. All letters must be removed and glued to the board, the color is chosen to taste. Then insert the board into wooden frame, And original gift ready with instructions.


You can decorate the room with a candlestick made by yourself. To create it, you need two transparent glasses of the same height, but different diameters. The smaller glass is inserted into the larger one and secured with glue. The space between the glasses is filled with water with food coloring (you can choose any color). Insert a sleeve candle into the middle of the candlestick.


Crafts can be created from any improvised materials, even from wine corks. You can make a heart that will last decorative element in the room. To make it, you need to draw a heart on a piece of paper and lay out the corks, gluing each one.

From tubules

Another great idea is to use straws. Such small surprises will be a pleasant gift for a grandmother, mother or sister.

From pasta

What an inventive Russian people, crafts from pasta, what a thing. Do you want to make something unusual? Then take the pasta. Children of any age can be involved in this activity.

Butterflies from bottles

The topic of plastic bottles, as they say, is not fully disclosed. We invite you to create original crafts with your own hands from improvised means at home. Beautiful butterflies will “flutter” around the house, and this requires affordable and simple things:

  • tweezers;
  • the middle of plastic bottles;
  • toothpicks;
  • butterfly patterns;
  • shiny rhinestones, beads, sequins;
  • marker;
  • nail polish;
  • scissors.

Let's get started:

  1. On the Internet, you can download butterfly templates or cut them out of a children's coloring book.
  2. Then cut out rectangles of the same size from the bottles, after removing the remaining glue and the label.
  3. Attach the plastic rectangle to the butterfly image. Use a marker to trace the outlines on the other side.
  4. Carefully start cutting out the butterfly, don't forget the delicate legs and antennae.
  5. Add decorations to your taste. Use sequins, glitter and varnishes. Small lines can be drawn with a toothpick.
  6. Paint over the original side with a black marker, then cover it with a transparent varnish.
  7. Now in your house appeared beautiful butterfly, which you can give to friends or decorate walls, curtains with it.


Necessary materials:

Let's get started:

  1. Poke a hole in the lid with scissors. Cut off the bottom of the bottle, cut out a strip.
  2. We cut the tubes into small pieces (see the picture) and connect them together.
  3. Now the individual parts of the helicopter must be assembled and fastened with a stapler.

Pirate ship

We will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • black fabric for sails;
  • superglue or hot glue gun
  • wooden skewers;
  • ruler;
  • sticks of various sizes;
  • pencil;
  • rope;
  • stationery knife;
  • black marker.

Let's start crafting:

  1. Cut the cardboard into pieces. On long pieces, you need to draw a template for the side of the ship. Remember that the bow should be slightly raised (see photos).
  2. You will need two identical sides of the fuselage, two square pieces attached to the back, a rectangular strip of cardboard to the bottom - front and aft - to the nose. It is necessary to cut out the shapes exactly with the samples shown in the photo.
  3. Using superglue or a hot glue gun, glue the sides of the boat together. We are waiting for the body to dry.
  4. Then we glue the bottom, while not forgetting that the bow of the vessel should rise slightly. Hold the cardboard in this position until the glue dries.
  5. Now we are preparing a piece of cardboard bent in the shape of the letter L, a piece of foam in the shape of the letter C (equal in size to the diameter of the stick) and a stick on the mast. The cardboard must be the size of a ship (measured inside).
  6. Then we apply glue to the stick and fasten it at a right angle to the deck of the ship. For greater stability, we fix the mast with a piece of foam.
  7. To make the effect as realistic as possible, we attach a piece of stick to the bow and connect it to the mast with a cord.
  8. Now we make two wooden skewers of the same size and fasten them perpendicular to the mast, all with the same cord. We will tie a sail on them. From black fabric, cut out a rectangle, which should be slightly longer than the distance between the skewers. You can decorate it however you like. Tie the sail to the mast.
  9. It remains only to make a hole along the fabric and stretch the cord through it, tie it to the skewers (each hole separately).
  10. We fix the board (with the help of which the pirates will force the enemies to rush into the sea).

That's all, the pirate ship is used for a year, you can even roll the pupae on the sea in it!

DIY garden crafts from improvised means at home

Time spent in the country can be brightened up with the help of unusual garden crafts from improvised materials. Surround your dacha space and yourself with beauty and comfort, boldly using our advice. Let not only berries and fruits ripen at your dacha, but also creative ideas.

One of the most accessible and safe materials is, of course, plastic bottles. Who would have imagined that unusual palm trees could be made from recycled packaging. A couple of dozen bottles, and a real tropical paradise for adults and children will “grow up” in your yard.

ingenious and simple ideas V literally scattered underfoot. Here is such a simple candlestick can be made from the remains of cement, concrete or gypsum.

Bottle caps are an excellent material for original decoration garden.

Ordinary garden boxes with a simple movement of the hand will turn into stylish and cool boxes for all sorts of little things, usefulness and amenities. For example, if you want to give a gift to your grandfather or father by February 23rd, you can decorate their toolboxes. In addition, you can make a portable stool from the boxes, something that is indispensable in the garden and fishing - dad should like it.

“Bald” and old tires are a real treasure to sell country ideas. Don't believe? Watch the video on YouTube on this topic - you will be delighted!

Simple crafts for kindergarten

As you know, kindergarten is a key step for social development child. Visiting it is necessary for a comfortable perception of the world around us. IN kindergarten work with children, teach them the basics of writing and arithmetic, and also develop their creative abilities. Today many children do various crafts from improvised means, ranging from salt dough to paper. After all, this contributes to the development of motor skills of the hands, the imagination of the child. We present you the best crafts for children on various topics.


You can saddle a hedgehog with an ordinary cone. This christmas toy decorate the Christmas tree in kindergarten and bring a lot of fun to children in the process of working on it. Below you can view detailed instructions on how to make a cute hedgehog.

You will need:

  • plasticine;
  • cone.


  1. A muzzle is glued to the sharp part of the plasticine cone, the tip of the nose and eyes still need to be made to it.
  2. Now we make paws, also from plasticine. Thus, we get a prickly and very nice little hedgehog.
  3. Additionally, you can make a clearing by molding a mushroom and forming leaves from plasticine.

paper bookmark

The most common paper crafts are bookmarks. They can be done even with small children (from 4 to 6 years old). The bizarre face of some animal looks very organic. Below you can view the master class with step-by-step instructions.

You need:

  • glue;
  • colored paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.


  • Draw a square (20x20 centimeters) on a piece of paper. Divide it into four even parts with a pencil. Now you have four squares measuring 5x5 centimeters.
  • Separate the lower left and upper right squares with lines to make triangles. The line must be drawn from the lower right corner to the upper left, so that they turn out to be parallel. The outer triangles are crossed out, they are not required.
  • We cut out a figure from paper, leaving the crossed out areas. Trim the top triangle. If you lay the paper flat, it will resemble rhombuses with two glued triangles.
  • We fold each triangle in half and put it in turn on the rhombus. The resulting pocket is the bookmark. It must be put on the corner of the page, fixing it.
  • You can cut out the application from colored paper and stick it on the pocket.

From flat stones of small sizes, various bugs can be made. To do this, it is desirable to be able to draw a little. Such a bug, made together with a child, will look great in a pot of flowers or on a shelf. To perform such a craft, below you can view the full description with step-by-step instructions.

You need:

  • scissors;
  • a pebble shaped like a bug;
  • colored paper;
  • paints;
  • glue.

Let's get to work:

  1. Cut out the base for the legs and antennae and glue it under the bottom of the pebble.
  2. Using paints, paint the stone in the form of a bug.

Christmas ball of pasta

A great option for children in kindergarten is pasta crafts. There are many different varieties of pasta because they are affordable and available in every home. So, for example, you can make a Christmas tree decoration - a ball. In the description below, you will find detailed instruction how to craft it.

You will need:

  • dye;
  • balloon;
  • pasta;
  • glue.


  1. Inflate the balloon to the desired size and tie.
  2. Then we apply glue to each pasta, glue them together.
  3. After a small blank is made from several pasta, attach it to the ball (for convenience, you can fix the blank with PVA glue by gluing it to the ball). We glue the entire ball in the same way, with Moment glue the process will be somewhat faster, but if the craft is done with the child, it is recommended to use PVA.
  4. After everything is dry, we pierce the ball with a needle and pull it out through the hole, now you can glue the remaining pasta.
  5. Attach a ribbon or string so that the Christmas toy can be attached to the Christmas tree. You can also paint the ball, or you can leave it in its original form. This craft can be done with a child from 5 to 7 years old.


One of the most simple products of paper napkins is a butterfly. Even three-year-old children can easily cope with such work. In this article, we will tell you what you need to easily deal with it. A handmade butterfly will delight the child, and most importantly, it can be fixed anywhere.

Necessary materials:

  • scissors;
  • napkins;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • colored paper;
  • trailer.


  1. We need napkins in two different colors and sizes. Stack them on top of each other, a large napkin underneath. Make a hole in the middle.
  2. Place the napkins on the clothespin, which will serve as the body.
  3. Draw the muzzle of our beauty on the clothespin, and use colored paper to make a mustache, then attach them to the clothespin. Our beautiful butterfly is ready!

Plasticine cow

To kids junior groups it is possible to propose to create ladybug. Plasticine crafts can develop imagination, as well as hand motor skills. A cool cow is designed for children 7-10 years old, which you can mold with your own hands. To complete this craft, we advise you to view our master class with detailed instructions.

We will need:

  • white sheet of paper;
  • plasticine (white, black, red);
  • pen;
  • plastic cover 10-12 cm in diameter.

Let's get started:

  1. Blind the torso from red plasticine, specks from black. Also, black plasticine is needed for the head and paws.
  2. Take a transparent plastic cover and draw a flower on it, shaped like a camomile.
  3. Place a white sheet under the bottom of the lid so that the outline of the pattern can be seen. Then, along the contour of the picture, glue the flower with various colors of plasticine.


As a material, you can use woolen threads. They will make an octopus that the baby will really like. This craft is very easy to make, and it will not take much of your time. You can watch the master class to do everything yourself.

We need:

  • scissors;
  • woolen threads (sixty threads of 35 centimeters each and a little more for tying);
  • colored paper (for the eyes), or you can buy ready-made in the store;
  • a small plastic ball from which we will make a head;
  • ribbon.


  1. Take the cut threads and put them together, tie the thread in the middle, then put a ball on it. Wind the threads around it, tying them under the ball. This will be the head of our octopus.
  2. From the remaining threads, weave pigtails in the form of tentacles.
  3. Use purchased eyes or draw on paper yourself, cut it out and glue it to the head.
  4. Tie a ribbon on your head, it will serve as a great decoration. That's it, our octopus is ready!


Use vegetables and fruits for children's creativity. You can make Cipollino from sprouted onions. This craft is easy for children 3-5 years old. Below is a detailed description.

We will need:

  • plasticine;
  • a small head of onion;
  • markers;
  • a jar (the diameter of the neck should be smaller than the onion);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper.


  1. Draw cheeks, mouth, eyebrows on the bulb with a felt-tip pen, and make the nose and eyes out of plasticine.
  2. Pour paper over the jar and draw the torso of the cartoon character on it.
  3. Insert your head into the jar. So it turned out to be a very pretty Cipollino.


Another great way to recycle waste plastic bottles is to make a vase. regular bottle can be transformed into a decorative visa with a cute face of a cat or any other animal. The best crafts for a child with their own hands detailed description and step-by-step instructions are presented in this article.

You need the following:

  • scissors;
  • plastic bottle;
  • marker;
  • sponge (for painting);
  • paints.


  1. Cut the bottle in half, for crafts we need only the lower part.
  2. Cut so that the edges are even, leave two triangles that will serve as the ears of the animal.
  3. Using a sponge and white paint, paint over our workpiece.
  4. Paint the nose and triangles on the ears pink with a brush.
  5. With a marker we draw a muzzle of a cat.
  6. Our vase is ready.

A small plastic bottle (0.5 liters) can serve as a material for such crafts. The toy will please not only children, but also their parents. To figure out how to make it, let's see the instructions.

You will need:

  • scissors;
  • plastic bottle 1.5 l and 0.5 l;
  • paints;
  • colored paper.

Let's get to work:

  1. A small bottle needs to be painted with paints or yellow paper glued to its surface.
  2. In a similar way, make bold black lines on the bottle.
  3. On the paper cover, cut out the eyes, antennae, mouth of the future bee.
  4. We cut out the wings from a large bottle and glue them with glue on a small one. The result is a cute bee. Great idea to spend time with your child.


Increasingly, in many homes you can find crafts made with your own hands from improvised means at home. Many of them serve only as decorative elements, but there are those that have a very useful, practical purpose. Children's crafts allow the child to develop, learning the world. They can be made from different materials, for example: leaves, plastic, plasticine, paper, wood and even eggs.