Toilet      04/19/2019

How to arrange a niche in the room? Niche Design Tips. Interesting ideas for using a niche in the interior

Let's consider such a question as a niche in the wall in the living room.

What is the best way to design a niche? The question is "ticklish" for those who have a very small room.

How is a niche created?

Making such a design is one of the best options to replace furniture walls, and besides, this is a great option to decorate, because it is possible to add dynamics and harmony to the interior of the room.

All connoisseurs of freedom will appreciate the niche. As an option, a niche for a TV in the living room - a TV, even the thinnest one, will not be visible, but will be, as it were, recessed, and all the wires will be hidden.

In addition, the design of a niche is an opportunity to once and for all abandon overall furniture, because it can be decorated with special shelves for storing a library, frames with photographs.

Actually, therefore, more and more often you can find the option of converting an ordinary wall into a niche in the living room.

To highlight a niche, it is worth considering the lighting around its perimeter - the lamps that are installed inside the structure complement the interior.

Make your own niche

All actions that are somehow related to modeling a recess in a wall should begin with marking on the wall.

The width of the structure, its height and depth are determined depending on what its further purpose is. The plates become a frame for the future profile. Next, the profile is fixed.

After the frame is completed, you can begin to sheath it with drywall. The design is puttied, sanded, and a fine finish is performed.

Niche Purpose

There are people who are extremely negative towards chests of drawers, towards cabinets, and therefore, as an option, you can create a niche instead of one wall.

This option is nothing more than saving space in the room, replacing furniture, the ability to hide appliances.

Drywall niches in the living room can be supplemented with shelves made of glass or wood, and then the created structure will look just like a rack.

If you plan to design a niche, then there is no need to adhere to geometry and make a huge recess in the wall. Let your imagination run wild.

A niche in the living room as a decor item emphasizes the taste of the owners of the house, visually allowing you to expand the room. Drywall is a plastic material, and therefore you can create any even difficult option designs.

The design style should not stand out from the design of the room as a whole, so that the design looks exactly like a decoration, otherwise, it simply “does not fit” into the interior and spoils the whole impression.

The design is created very simply, but the process is time-consuming, because you need to accurately calculate everything.

Niche in the kitchen

Niche perfect solution for the kitchen space, because it is not just a “highlight” in style, but also a masking of wall imperfections.

Do-it-yourself niche creation: project development, then marking on the wall and after mounting the frame, as well as plasterboard sheathing.

The master does not need any project documentation, but still, without a drawing on hand, it is not easy to produce necessary calculations and get good results.

You can use a small drawing with basic data - the size of the kitchen, the location of the battery, sockets and switches.

Designers believe that it is best to place a TV in a niche, which in this way, as it were, is protected from dust, moisture, and grease.

If the backlight is organized inside the created recess, then in this case the lamps should not be powerful so that ignition does not occur.

At the stage of marking on the wall, you need to transfer the drawing. The markup is done clearly. If the wall is curved, then you need to use special tape, due to which the profile is closely pressed against the wall.

The niche installation algorithm is not complicated. If the niche is horizontally oriented, then in this way it is possible to expand the width of the kitchen, and if vertically, it allows you to emphasize the height.

Often they use a niche to install a washing machine, PMM, refrigerator, microwave oven. If a desire arises, then the niche is decorated with a door, a curtain.

The purpose of a functional niche is to embed furniture, appliances, and a decorative niche is used to place accessories and souvenirs.

Today, even the most intricate design of a niche in the living room is possible. The main trend is a niche in the floor for TV or flowers. This design is mobile, and this is its big plus.

When decorating a niche, they often use both the tone of the walls and the emphasis on the niche. Do not make the design too contrasting, because the perception of the design will deteriorate.

There are a lot of photo options for a niche in the living room on the Internet, a lot of master classes, how to make a niche in a house with your own hands, and therefore, if you are thinking of something like that, then look for options, study, and then embody everything conceived in your interior.

Niche design photo in the living room

The most common and also the most interesting option creating creative layout and design is studio apartment with a niche. It would seem that there is not enough space, the only room and a niche, where can you fantasize? In reality, everything is not as it seems - the need to provide additional living space in the best way contributes to the flight of creative imagination and the creation of simply incredible design solutions that are spectacular and practical. What advantages can the design of a one-room apartment with a niche give?

Functional purposes of a niche

Solutions can please a person only in two cases - either the owner of the premises is an ideological minimalist who becomes ill from any excesses, or the available living space is due to the material condition of the person. There is, in fact, absolutely nothing to be surprised here - in Hong Kong (China), the minimum housing area is 5 square meters, so there niches in a one-room apartment become a real salvation.

A niche can be used as follows:

  • Children's room (mini-game);
  • Kitchen;
  • One place to sleep (recreation area);
  • Minimalist office, consisting of a table and a computer;
  • Mini-gym - for one simulator;
  • Pantry or dressing room. The best option is to simply install a large closet.

There are real lovers of niches in a one-room apartment, who, even in their absence, strive to recreate them. by artificial means, from drywall, creating in the niche of a one-room apartment a certain additional room with its own purpose.

What is taken into account when designing the niche space and the room adjacent to it?

In this situation, there are two ways to implement design solution:

  • The niche of a one-room apartment is a kind of continuation of the room, somewhat expanding it - practically and visually;
  • The room contrasts against the general background, standing out due to the color scheme and thanks to a specially constructed light incidence.

About lighting and selection colors niches of a one-room apartment, it is advisable to give a single, but incredibly valuable advice- regardless of the style of the room, the niche should be lighter. Even if general design the premises are made in dark colors - the niche of a one-room apartment should be a kind of island of light. But the dark corner of a bright room will seem like some kind of negative area, which you don’t want to approach.

In order to create the desired character of the fall of the rays, one chandelier on the ceiling will not be enough. And even more than that, we can say that it is not needed at all - visually, the chandelier will make the structure heavier, “put pressure” on the subconscious. One lamp on the ceiling and several on the sides - that's the perfect lighting.

Equally important is the shape of the room (here we mean the shape of a niche) and its combination with the interior in which the housing is designed. For example, the vertical niche of a one-room apartment will contrast well with an elongated room furnished with low furniture.

The most successful design solutions that have been implemented using a niche

As mentioned above, a niche can be turned into a very functional room. Especially when there is a certain practical need for it. So, how to make a niche not only aesthetically designed, but also functional, replacing a full-fledged room? Consider a few decisions regarding the implementation of design ideas, as an example.

A kitchen located in a niche - what should you pay attention to first of all?

As a rule, the implementation of this design solution is due not so much to aesthetic needs as to a vital necessity - in apartments designed as studios, residents really want to fence themselves off from the kitchen at least a little, to isolate from themselves the smells associated with cooking.

To really realize the idea, you should isolate the niche as much as possible. This is best done with partitions or plasterboard walls, leaving only space for passage. Another very important point- in the frame between the layers of drywall (sheets) it will be necessary to place a dense soundproofing layer of mineral wool.
The completed kitchen renovation must meet the requirements for arranging a limited space. It is necessary to use all sorts of techniques that allow the use of light textured and light-reflecting glossy surfaces, as well as accessories that contribute to the visual increase in the room.

Kitchen furniture for such a niche kitchen can be finished with glossy, mirror or frosted glass facades that contribute to the expansion internal dimensions visual kitchens.

There are also Alternative option solving the issue - you can not install in a niche kitchen set, but a minimized dining area. To do this, it will be enough to place a table there, a few chairs (ideally, if it fits without prejudice to movement, a bedside table will also be placed there). The considered version of the design solution is somewhat less common - the thing is that, purely on a subconscious level, a person wants to eat food and communicate with family at dinner in a more spacious room. The proposed solution is designed exclusively for the amateur.

Arrangement in the niche of the children's room

Now very often you can find accommodation options when a small one-room apartment accommodates children and parents. In this case, as a rule, the “working office” of the smallest family member is settled in a niche. In principle, with a competent approach, for the crumbs you can make a very good “game”.

It is not necessary to make walls from drywall - fences made from cabinets or curtains can be used for this function. The most important thing here is the purely psychological feeling of a limited space, which forms on the child's subconscious the impression that he has his own "private property".

Color design - White color, soft shades of yellow or beige (also soft). Do not overdo it with images of cartoon characters either - you can have several small pictures located closer to the ceiling. But no more than that - so that the psyche is not pressed.
A playroom in a niche can only be located if there is a direct exit to the window - otherwise it’s really easy to spoil the child’s eyesight.

Niche - office

In this case, just like with the playroom, a source of daylight is needed.
Creating a study is possible without plasterboard partitions - cabinets with bookshelves.
An interesting proposal - to place on the closet potted plants by placing them across the shelf.

What should be taken into account first?

  • Location - away from sunlight, this type of bedroom is a corner of warmth and comfort, designed for " soft landing followed by pleasant dreams. Everything is exactly the opposite in comparison with a study or a children's playroom. If all the same, light penetrates into the niche through the room windows, then at the exit from it, an opaque curtain should be placed that is in harmony with color design the entire interior of a one-room apartment.

  • By itself, bedroom lighting can be on the ceiling (lamps with bulbs low power) or in the form wall sconce at the head.
  • A rational proposal - in order to maximize space savings, which is already lacking, the space under the bed can be adapted for storing clothes and shoes.

Arrangement in the niche of the gym

Also an interesting solution, especially if the apartment does not have a balcony, where it would be much easier to equip a sports corner. Taking into account the fact that niche sizes usually do not exceed 4 square meters, then the maximum that can be installed there is one simulator and an orbit track, for example. Or a simulator for complex exercises and a treadmill. Or, the third option, the most common - a bench for bench press and treadmill. By and large, such a set of sports equipment, combined with the presence of dumbbells and a fitball, will be enough to make a basic set of exercises.

Regarding the design solution of this approach. Color scheme - only bright hues in combination with hidden lamps. This will have a kind of stimulating effect on nervous system person, pushing him to sports achievements. It would be a wish!

Living room with niche under the alcove

Placement of a pantry or dressing room

Real, feasible and efficient use of empty space. The method becomes the only possible one, provided that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe recess in the wall is about 2 square meters. A very common phenomenon, especially among owners of apartments in the old housing stock.

Placing a pantry in the provided recess in the wall, or ordering a closet in size (the main thing is that it does not stick out into the room) is the best way out of the situation, there is nothing to even think about!
It is possible that in this case a slightly different moment is involved - presumably, there is already a built-in closet in which all things are placed, but an extra bed is needed.

The former popularity of niches in the living room gradually began to return. You can use the recess in the wall different ways, for example, it could be:

  • exhibition of your handmade- embroidery;
  • exhibit your collection of coins, vases or figurines;
  • use as a library;
  • store things you don't use often.

A niche combines applied and decorative functions. There are no restrictions in the appointment of niches. You can use it however you like. The only rule - in no case do not ignore this free space, as it will become a worthy addition to the overall interior of the living room.

Large roomy niches for storing books in the interior of the living room of a country house

How to use niches in the living room

The purpose of all these recesses in the room is very diverse. Everything here depends solely on your creative flight of fancy. Here are the most common examples of using niches:

  • exhibition of collections and handicrafts;
  • library;
  • exhibition of flowerpots;
  • you can make a closed closet for storing things, linen and shoes;
  • arrange different decorative elements;
  • place audio and video equipment;
  • install a TV
  • arrange beautiful dishes;
  • can be placed in a niche upholstered furniture or wall.

Types of wall niches in the design of the living room

If the wall is thick enough, then you can safely make a niche in it. This happens without prejudice to general design. A niche can be a great alternative to a furniture shelf, wall or cabinet.

Niche-wall for installing a TV and storing accessories in the interior of the living room

Niches are divided into several main varieties:

  • small;
  • deep;
  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • compact;
  • large.

Niche in the wall with natural wood in the interior of the living room

In addition, niches can be made in any shape:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • trapezoid;
  • irregular shape.

Niches with glass doors for storing dishes in the interior of the living room

Advantages of niches in the interior of the living room

There are a number of advantages that this decoration has and it is they who make it so popular:

  1. Niches are often used in small apartments. This the best option, which helps to expand the space and increase the usable area for storing any things.
  2. High functionality. As mentioned above, niches allow you to store whatever you want.
  3. Niches make the living room more modern and trendy. Also this is wonderful decorative ornament premises.

Niches cut into the wall for storing illuminated accessories

Of the shortcomings, only one can be distinguished - a limited size. In a niche that is cut into the wall, it has small dimensions, so it is not suitable for installing upholstered furniture in it.

Homemade drywall niches for storing accessories in the interior of the living room

Roomy drywall niches in a modern living room

If your living room has enough big sizes, then with the help of a drywall niche you can make an area for rest or work. It is easy to do it yourself. To do this, it is enough to put several drywall partitions, enclosing the chosen place from all sides.

A niche in the design of the living room, located behind the head of the sofa

Drywall niches in the living room are used to organize:

  • children's corner;
  • sleeping place;
  • working office;
  • miniature gym;
  • dressing room;
  • dining room;
  • libraries.

Do-it-yourself niche design rules

There are several rules, after reading which you should not have problems with the arrangement of drywall niches:

  1. For zoning the living room, use the corners of the room first. The niches that will be built in the middle of the room look impractical, ugly and uncomfortable.
  2. Do not build niches on the wall where there are windows. In this case, the entire living room will be left without natural light.
  3. In order not to have to spend extra time on wiring, think over the location of the niche right away. In any case, you will need sockets for lamps or connecting appliances.

Finished niches in the living room

Improved planning apartments, especially one- and two-room apartments, have a ready-made niche. It has a fairly large recess, which is provided for by the project of the house. The design of this part of the apartment often depends on the number of residents, age and type of activity. The furniture that you have available also plays an important role.

Niches with lighting and glass shelves in the interior of a classic-style living room

In such a typical finished niche, you can place:

  • dressing room;
  • arrange sideboards with dishes;
  • put a couple of chairs and lay a small carpet;
  • install a large closet;
  • arrange shelving, secretaries or chests of drawers;
  • equip a recreation area with a fireplace;
  • put simulators and hang horizontal bars;
  • install computer desk and a chair, you get a small office.

Advantages and disadvantages of finished niches in the living room

The advantages of a finished niche are obvious:

  • privacy;
  • large capacity;
  • the possibility of saving the main place in the living room;
  • such a niche visually stretches the room.

Among the minuses are the following:

  • lack of natural light, it is necessary to consider the presence of lamps;
  • if niche from common room fenced off by a door or partition, additional ventilation is required.

Decorative niche in the living room

Niches in modern living room interiors play special role. This is a space that needs a harmonious decor. To avoid any problems when making a niche, read some rules:

  1. Use niches of a decorative direction to correct a room in which there are flaws in the layout and technical shortcomings to be hidden from prying eyes.
  2. Be sure to keep the proportions. If necessary, you can correct the geometry of the room.
  3. Do not make the recess in the niche darker than the color of the main wall. Otherwise, instead of a stylish decor, you will get a big hole in the wall. The vaults of the niche are painted with paint even lighter than the main tone.
  4. If you use different textured materials to decorate a niche, then make sure that they are combined with each other.
  5. And to visually expand the room, use mirrors to finish the niches.

If you plan to separate the finished niche from the living room with screens, blinds, curtains or other fixtures, consider decor in such a way that the style is different, but at the same time intersect at one point.

Small niches in the wall in the interior of a modern living room

Niches located in the thickness of the wall, having a shallow depth, do not require individual stylistic design. They are not separated from the common area. Niche design should complement overall design rooms.

The sofa is installed in a small niche decorated with brickwork

The niche can be used as a place to install a TV. In this case, her appearance should focus not on the living room itself, but on the design of technology. For a modern TV, acoustics and tuner, it is appropriate to make a niche in the form of a modern technological design. It is in this architecture that modern technology will look appropriate and quite organically.

The TV hangs in a niche with backlight in the interior of the living room

You can create your own color combination. The main thing do not forget about a couple of conditions:

  • light shades with glossy and mirror surface increase space;
  • dark shades with a matte surface act the other way around - they visually darken and reduce the room;
  • bright colors will not give you peace and tranquility to relax in the living room.

Niche for audio, video equipment and split systems in the interior of the living room

Niches decorated with natural or decorative stone. Back wall should be mirrored, and the shelves are made of glass.

A niche in the wall for storing books in the interior of a snow-white living room

Niche lighting in modern design

To give the living room a spectacular appearance, add additional lighting in the niche. Here it is best to use artificial lighting niche with a TV. To illuminate small built-in shelves, you can use candles or an imitation of a living flame.

Photo of niches in the living room

Wall niches have been used in architecture since the time when people began to build their homes from stone. Usually in modest houses ordinary people niches served as shelves for storing necessary household items. When building a stone mansion or, for example, a castle, rich people used wall niches either to place decorative sculptures in them, or the niches served as hiding places. Today, the attitude to the niche in the corridor is exactly the same as it was 1000 years ago. Niches are needed in residential premises in order to obtain unique design in the interior or for storing demanded household items.

Types of niches in a modern apartment

  • Conventionally, the niches found in a modern interior are divided into two types:
  • Horizontal;
  • Vertical.

A horizontal niche is a longitudinal recess in a capital or interior wall in the form of a shelf, which mainly performs a decorative function in the overall interior of the room.

Vertical niches can vary significantly, both in their depth and height, and in external type, that is, they can be open, used as a decorative element in unusual design, and closed. For example, a wardrobe is a niche of a closed external type.

niche lighting

The most popular niche lighting is spot lighting with halogen lamps. When developing a design, halogen lamps are usually placed in paired niche planes. For example, halogen lamps are placed only on the right and left, or, conversely, in the lower and upper bases.

If the total internal niche area is small, then in a spot lighting system, halogen lamps can be replaced with LEDs or led strip. LEDs, unlike halogens, require less voltage and current to operate. However, the LED lighting device is more complex, since a step-down transformer and a rectifier current bridge are required to supply electricity.

In addition to the point lighting system, volumetric or directionally diffused lighting is no less popular. Diffused illumination is most often performed using only 1 powerful incandescent lamp, which is located in the uppermost plane of the niche and is covered with colored or frosted decorative glass.

It is also worth saying a little about the lighting system for wall niches, which is based on neon lamps Oh. Designers give preference to neon tube lamps, which are usually placed either around the perimeter of a niche or in paired planes. To power neon lamps, you will need a step-down transformer and a starting choke.

In general, when deciding on a lighting system, it is very important to take into account the presence in a particular system of additional electrical parts - transformers, chokes, diode bridges, and others, since their location must be made in such a way. So that at any time, if necessary, you could get quick access to them without resorting to dismantling the wall or niche.

Niche design

It must be said right away that just like that, for no reason, niches are not provided for in the layout of the apartment. That is, niches, as well as false beams or false columns, are always designed for a specific purpose. Either this is an element of decor in the design of the room, or niches are designed to hide the necessary communications: plumbing and sewer pipes, an extensive exhaust system and others.

For example, in a room on the wall at the base of the ceiling, an air duct is mounted, the dismantling of which is impossible due to a complex and outdated ventilation system. In this case, the horizontal air duct is left alone, and a false plasterboard wall on metal profiles is mounted on the wall plane. In turn, already in the design of false walls, one or more horizontal or vertical niches are provided. So, with one solution, it is possible to hide an air duct that is inappropriate in the interior, to keep the usable volume of the room almost minimally and to diversify the overall design.

The second example, the apartment is in need of serious renovation, which includes cement-sand plaster of all internal walls. You can plaster and get into a tidy bag ... or you can, for example, level a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal walls with plasterboard, that is, make a false wall with a minimum removal. The minimum offset will be from 50 to 100 mm - this is the width of the base metal profile. At the same time, even with such a slight offset, one or several niches can be made on the plane of the wall, which in the future will already be used as decorative elements of the interior.

The third example is when a niche already exists in the apartment being renovated, but it does not fit into the overall design. And here, for example, I would like to put another closet, but there is not enough space. In this case, manufacturing and finishing closed type, that is, a sliding wardrobe is mounted in place of the niche. This solves the problem with the purchase of a cabinet and with inappropriate modern design old niche.

From the above examples, it becomes clear that no matter what general requirements and recommendations, in the design of wall niches there. It all depends on the set engineering tasks and the creative approach of designers.

Do-it-yourself niche in the corridor

  • If the false wall with a niche was designed independently, then after drawing up the plan, you will need to acquire the following materials:
  • Wall bearing metal profile;
  • Guide metal profile;
  • damper tape;
  • Perforated body kits;
  • Angle profile;
  • Wall drywall;
  • Serpyanka grid;
  • Gypsum putty;
  • Self-tapping screws for metal;
  • Anchors;
  • Recessed lamps;
  • corrugated tube;
  • Copper wire.

  • From the tools you will need:
  • Level with a rule;
  • Perforator with a drill bit;
  • Screwdriver and a set of nozzles;
  • A set of spatulas;
  • Screwdriver Set.

Step 1

Knowing how far the future false wall will be extended, this distance directly affects the depth of the niche; parallel to the existing old main wall, an even solid line is drawn on the base of the floor. Strictly along the drawn line on the floor, the guide lower profile is mounted. Preliminarily, a damper tape is glued to the back of the profile. Further, holes with a diameter of 5-6 mm are drilled in the profile with a step of 40-50 cm. After that, the profile is laid with a damper tape to the floor surface, drilled through the holes into the floor base and, with the help of anchors, the guide profile is fastened.

Step 2

Stepping back from inner corner walls 10 cm, a vertical wall profile is inserted into the mounted floor profile. A level is applied to the wall profile and its vertical position is found. After that, holes 5-6 cm deep are drilled in the wall along the trajectory of a vertical profile with a step of 40-50 cm. Due to these holes, body kits are installed with anchors - special metal perforated plates. Next, the plates are manually bent with the letter “P”, a vertical wall profile is placed between all the protruding blades and, having leveled it, it is fixed in the body kit blades with metal screws.

Step 3

Leaving a small gap - 3-5 mm between the upper end of the vertical profile and the ceiling, the upper guide profile pre-glued with a damper tape is launched. The upper guide profile is mounted to the ceiling in the same way as the lower profile - they are drilled and anchored. When the upper guide profile is mounted, in the opposite corner of the room, departing from the inner corner of 10 cm, the second, extreme bearing wall profile is fixed with the help of body kits.

Step 4

Using the upper and lower guide profiles and focusing on the two extreme bearing vertical profiles, the rest of the bearing vertical profiles are mounted along the entire plane of the future false wall with a step of 40-50 cm. Naturally, in the place where the niche will be located, the carrier profile is not mounted. However, it is necessary to calculate the position of the profiles so that they pass strictly along the path of future external vertical angles niches.

Step 5

Knowing the depth of the future niche to the old wall with the help of body kits, anchors and self-tapping screws, internal vertical load-bearing profiles are mounted. Also at this stage of work, horizontal profiles are mounted, which will mark the upper and lower planes of the future niche. However, this is not necessary, since the niche can start at the base of the floor or at any arbitrary height, and end in the same way. It all depends on the initial design and niche project.

Step 6

Given the future location of the backlight fixtures, at this stage it is necessary to bring electric wires nutrition. It is very important to place all the wires in the false wall in a corrugated tube, which can be fixed with PVC clamps or shackles to the base old wall. If a transformer, choke and other electrical components are provided in the lighting system, then polymer boxes are usually used to place them, the covers of which are placed on a poorly visible section of the wall.

Step 7

The finished frame made of a metal profile is completely sheathed with plasterboard. Self-tapping screws for metal are used to fasten drywall sheets. At the same time, at the moment of twisting, the caps of the self-tapping screws must be deepened into the thickness drywall sheet by 1-2 mm.

Step 8

On the inner planes of the niche, round cuts are made with a crown for the future installation of fixtures. Also at this stage, a self-adhesive sickle mesh is glued to all joints between sheets of drywall, and corner profiles are mounted on the outer corners of the niche, having made a small amount of gypsum putty.

Step 9

They make a small batch of putty and putty all the points where the caps of the self-tapping screws are located and all the places where the sickle mesh was pasted. After applying the putty, it is allowed to dry for 3-4 hours, after which the entire plane of the false wall and niches are completely puttied. When all the putty dries, they pass over the entire surface sandpaper, connect the provided lamps and proceed to final finishing and niche decoration.

Drywall niche. Videos repair school

Creating a niche in the wall allows you to solve the two most important tasks that invariably arise when planning a future interior. Such a recess makes it possible to arrange a universal and stylish place to accommodate multiple necessary items(from little things dear to the heart to technology) and to hide the shortcomings of the room as elegantly as possible or successfully beat them. The article will discuss how to make a niche in the wall with your own hands.

There are two ways to equip a decorative niche in the wall: create a recess in the brickwork or resort to the construction of a plasterboard structure. Both methods are not particularly difficult and do not require special skills, if you work well on the project and show patience and diligence in bringing the idea to life.

Niches in a plasterboard wall

  • Drywall is a great material to create the interior of your dreams. The number of levels, shelves, their size or location relative to each other are limited only by the needs of the master and the size of the room.

  • Numerous modern appliances, electronics with a complex "infrastructure" of speakers or speakers, decorative elements look much more advantageous in an organized niche space than placed on ordinary shelves or simply hung on the wall.
  • A similar solution with the use of backlight looks especially interesting. These can be built-in lamps, rotary spots, LED strips of various colors. Therefore, when developing a future design, it is important to consider such a nuance as lighting.
  • You can use a niche in any room of the house or apartment. If in the living room it is a necessary element for placing a TV or stereo system, then in the bedroom it is more often used for “beauty”.

Niche in the wall for a bed photo

  • In the nursery, it can be a great storage for toys and books, and with the help of lighting and wallpaper, you can turn it into a porthole. alien ship, and through a window overlooking a blooming garden overlooking the castle.
  • For a hallway or kitchen, it can be the only acceptable option for placing lockers or serve as a more logical arrangement of furniture.

Preparing to create a niche from hl

  • Before you make a niche in the wall of drywall, you should have a clear plan of action.
  • It is necessary to take accurate measurements in the room where the construction is planned.
  • Given the dimensions, a project for a future niche is being created. At this stage, it is important to imagine what will fit in it. If we are talking about a TV, then you may need extra bed under the speakers of the stereo system, video player and other similar things. The lighting system also needs to be worked out at this stage.
  • Purchase of materials. Not only GVL will be required. Profile and fasteners are also taken for granted. In the process, you will also need putty, sickle and materials for finishing.

Do-it-yourself niches in a drywall wall

It is more logical to give a description of the technology for creating a niche on the simple example: notch for TV. It is clear that it will be placed on the wall opposite the one where there is a sofa or armchairs.

According to the created sketch, markings are made on the wall. It corresponds to the dimensions of the "plasma", there are marks about the exit of the cable, wires to the speakers, etc. All these communications are started in advance.

Stages of work

  • It is important to imagine that a niche is a three-dimensional element that, in addition to height, width, also has depth. With this in mind, blanks are cut. First of all, a frame for drywall sheets is assembled. Vertical and horizontal guides are set according to the level. From them, "depth" is increasing. And then the final crate is “drawn” by the profile, which is sheathed with GVL.
  • Plasterboard sheathing. Sheets cut to size are applied to their places and fixed to the profile with a screwdriver and metal screws. It is important at the same time to ensure that the hats of the hardware are well recessed into the drywall. So sequentially, piece by piece, the niche is assembled.
  • Ground application. You can't do without a primer. As in all other finishing work, it significantly increases the adhesion of materials. The procedure is performed twice, with a break for complete drying of each layer of the composition.
  • Putty. You will have to putty a lot. And we are talking not only about the surface of the sheets, but also about the numerous corners of the structure. The use of a sickle and special corners is a prerequisite. As a result, the design will turn out with clearly drawn lines in all planes. The reinforcing mesh and corners are fastened to a layer of base putty, and after complete drying and stripping sandpaper, you can apply a layer of topcoat.

Such thoroughness in work will be rewarded, especially when building a niche for painting.

However, the final finish can be:

  • and wallpapering;
  • and decoration with decorative panels;
  • sheathing with laminated chipboard;
  • decoration with any decor, such as stucco;
  • mounting mirrors.

The latter option will help create a feeling of additional space or an original "failure" in the design.

Niche in a brick wall. Purpose and features of the choice of surface

  • Niches in brick walls are often made not entirely with decorative intent, which does not negate this possibility as a whole.
  • Often the need for its creation is justified by the small dimensions of the premises. Only a dozen centimeters are missing for furniture or household appliances to fall into place. And sometimes it is necessary to hide heating radiators in the recess.

Before you take on a hammer drill and provide your neighbors with a few noisy hours, you should know this:

  • a niche in a brick wall is built to a depth of no more than 15 cm (this is half a brick);
  • the notch must be strengthened from above with a jumper;
  • it is important to be sure that the wall to be "upgraded" is a thick load-bearing structure. For apartment buildings the standard of its thickness is 40 cm. This is the surface in which it is located Entrance door, a wall running along the building and outdoor bases. It is better not to touch the latter, since they perform an important constructive function, and in addition to violating the integrity of a residential building, thermal insulation can also be damaged. Such interventions are considered illegal. In view of the foregoing, there is only one target left for “improvements” - this is the wall in the center of the apartment. Usually it is located along the corridor;

Another fundamental point: regardless of the described standards for the location of walls in apartments of residential buildings, before carrying out work, it is imperative to check with the plans of the builders.

How to make a niche in a brick wall

After all issues have been resolved with the wall defined for the niche, you can start chiseling a recess for the lintel. this work it is most easily done with a puncher, but in its absence, a hammer and chisel can be used.

  • We carry out calculations. A niche in a brick wall has height restrictions. This parameter depends on the width of the notch. In order to calculate everything, it is enough to imagine a right triangle. Its right angle is located at the top, and the legs are based on the upper corners of the beam, which will serve as a reinforcement for the opening. The triangle with its vertex should not reach the overlap. If you reduce the width, then it will proportionally increase and maximize allowable height niches. It is important to imagine that the support beam is wider than the future recess, so the groove for it is approximately 300 mm larger than the width of the opening.
  • Further in any convenient way on the wall the outline of the future niche is being created.
  • In the place where it is supposed to place the beam, you need to beat off a layer of plaster. After that, the height adjustment is carried out. The top selected row must necessarily consist of bricks that face the apartment with a long side. If the planned line runs along a brick located across, then the calculations should be revised taking into account the downward shift of the line of the line. The future niche will decrease in height, but the masonry technology will not be violated. If we are talking about a recess in the wall, for example, under a wardrobe, then such a loss in size is not critical, but furniture factories easily produce products for any size.

  • On this stage need to create a recess for the beam. Its dimensions: 150 mm in height, and the depth is equal to half a brick. Strabu is cleaned of splinters and dust.
  • You will need two boards for formwork and reinforcement with a cross section of 10 mm (5 rods are cut along the length of the recess). It is preferable to take cement grade M 500, crushed stone and sand will also be required. One of the boards is nailed (150 mm) to the wall (in the seam between the bricks). She should half close the done shtrabu. You can set a spacer between the board and the adjacent wall, if any. One part of sand and cement and two parts of crushed stone go to the solution. The mixture is first thoroughly mixed in dry form, then a little water is added. The consistency of the solution should be thick and resemble a viscous mass. A trowel is applied and leveled with about a centimeter layer of the mixture. Reinforcement is laid out on it. Next, the mixture is carefully laid out and compacted. The second board is nailed in such a way that a small hole remains for filling with mortar. The last portions of the mixture should be very thick so as not to fall out of this gap.
  • Remove formwork it is possible in a couple of days, but the concrete will finally harden after 7 days. It is recommended to wait another week, and then you can proceed to the next stage of work. As mentioned above, the niche will turn out to be already beams by about 1.5 cm on each side. After markup, you can start creating it. To make it look neater, you can use a grinder with a stone nozzle. It can cut vertical contours. And then neatly row by row you can knock down the layer brickwork. The direction of work is from top to bottom.
  • The resulting niche can be sand and paint, you can leave it as it is if you plan to occupy it with furniture.

Wall niche design

  • The resulting recess may not necessarily carry a functional load. Moreover, the design options for a niche in the wall are as diverse as the modern building materials market allows.
  • As you can see in the photo, it may well accommodate a sofa, then it plays the role of an element that divides a large room into a recreation area and, for example, a dining room.
  • Niche made in decorative purposes, can advantageously beat the space. IN large rooms high narrow openings look somewhat mysterious and visually stretch the room. It can be used as a single solution, or such “artistic recesses” can be placed along the entire wall. In any case, a certain resemblance to a museum is achieved, where a work of art is put on display in showcases.

Niche in the wall photo

  • What exactly to present to the eyes of the guests at home? Here, designers do not limit the flight of fancy. If it's not about household appliances, then most often these are figurines, vases, small sculptural compositions. The niche in the recess of the wall is universal in that if it is large enough, then with the right lighting it will accommodate anything, even an art gallery. And to increase the space, designers often put a mirror in it. The only thing you need to pay attention to when filling the openings is the total weight of the items, and everything else is a matter of taste and personal preference.
  • If brick walls impose certain restrictions on the form, then, with regard to GVL structures, you can not stop the creative flight of thought. Drywall involves the creation of any intricately curved shapes, not only during installation multilevel ceilings or arches but also niches as well. They fit very well into modern interiors, adding psychedelic notes to them, and in themselves are an art object. Therefore, a niche made in the shape of a wave does not need to be overloaded with additional decorative elements.

  • Sometimes even at the stage of designing a house or before overhaul owners equip closed niches in the wall. These are small cavities that can be decorated as various doors and serve as additional element decor, or are covered with paintings and serve as small caches.

And finally, when choosing between GVL and shaving, one should be guided solely by the principle of personal convenience when creating and meeting building requirements. Not everyone wants to "eat" centimeters of space drywall constructions, but creating a recess by knocking out brickwork is not always legally allowed. Drywall sheets will create interesting solutions that go beyond the usual geometrically clear forms. Regarding ease of use, GVL is undoubtedly a “cleaner” material than brick dust. But in any case, the niche will decorate any interior and transform the familiar space.