Toilet      06/13/2019

Rules for breeding begonias at home. Reproduction of begonias by stem cuttings

Begonia is a plant of the herbaceous class, which has a developed and thick root system and beautiful inflorescences. It has gained great popularity not only among gardeners, but also lovers of beautiful flowers. It can be grown using seeds or tubers, but the second option is the easiest.

Tuberous begonia has a thick tuber, translucent thin stems, as well as large juicy green leaves. The plant can reach 80 cm in height depending on the variety and lifespan. Its leaves are arranged in order of priority, while they can have an asymmetrical or heart-shaped shape.

During flowering, simple or double inflorescences of different colors appear on the plant - bright red, snow-white, orange, yellow. But at the same time, they cannot have a purple, blue or blue tint. The most common begonias for growing in the garden, which can be seen from the numerous photos of gardeners.

On one plant there are different inflorescences - female and male. When additional pollination is carried out, seeds appear in them. In winter, the plant sheds its leaves and remains dormant until early spring. Therefore, if the cultivation is carried out in the garden, they need to be dug up and insulated.

Tuberous begonia has a thick tuber, translucent thin stems, as well as large juicy green leaves.

Currently, gardeners have about 900 varieties of begonias, while due to the work of talented breeders, more than 2,000 hybrids have been bred with different colors and shapes of flowers, which can be seen in the photo. They can be grown in the garden and at home, but for this it is important to know the subtleties and rules.

Among the varieties of begonias, three main groups can be distinguished:

  • tuberous;
  • bush;
  • sheet.

Among gardeners and lovers of beautiful flowers for home breeding, the most popular type is tuberous decorative foliage. It has luxurious inflorescences and lush juicy leaves.

Video about growing conditions

For plant propagation by tubers planting material you can choose to buy

Many are faced with the question of how to grow begonia from a tuber. Basically, this is how they reproduce. hybrid varieties. Unlike growing a plant from seeds, this method is simpler and easier to implement. Tuberous begonia can breed:

  • leaf cuttings;
  • tuber cuttings.

The first method is carried out in the spring, for which the stem or leaf is cut off and carefully buried in well-moistened soil. The second way is the cultivation of tubers, which is mainly carried out in the autumn.

For plant propagation by tubers, planting material can be purchased purchased. To do this, when choosing it, it is important to pay attention to appearance. Planting material should be even, dense and have a dark brown tint. In this case, any light or green spots will indicate the presence of the disease.

Reproduction of garden begonia is carried out as follows:

  1. In autumn, the tubers are dug out of the soil in the garden and cleaned of dirt and soil.
  2. Stems are cut from tuber cuttings and stored in the ground, care is required at a temperature of 8 to 10 degrees.
  3. At the end of winter, at home, tuberous cuttings are transplanted into well-moistened soil.
  4. Sprouts are grown over a period of several weeks, during which moderate regular watering and careful maintenance is required, including monitoring the ambient temperature and wind, which can damage the plant.
  5. When shoots appear, the tuberous begonia needs to be cut into two parts, while the sections of the cuts require additional treatment with charcoal and drying in order to prevent possible process decay. When dividing, it is important to cut the bulb into two parts, each of which will have a kidney to resume growth. You can see the result of cropping in the photo.
  6. Divided cuttings are planted in boxes filled with moistened soil. They need to be deepened into the soil only half the length. It is necessary to bury very carefully so that the leaves do not come into contact with peat, otherwise this can lead to their decay.
  7. After 15-20 days, they can be transplanted into pots with high-quality peat and fertilizers, as well as a lower drainage layer - small gravel or expanded clay. Without a transplant, the leaves and flowers begin to turn pale and become very dry. Plant care in this case includes top dressing organic fertilizers and providing sufficient sunlight.

For transplanting, it is important to choose the right pot, because it should not be spacious or cramped. It can be ceramic or plastic, in the latter case it is necessary to lay out a layer of expanded clay, since it will draw in excess moisture in the pot. After drainage, a layer of sand is poured.

When transplanting, peat must be moistened, but it should not be very damp. Optimal choice nutritious slightly acidic soil. Peat for transplanting can be bought ready for growing flowers, and you can also cook it yourself. At home, you can mix sand, peat, foliage and humus.

Video about planting a tuber at home

It reproduces in the same way home care without problems for which even an inexperienced gardener can carry out with the help of step by step photo and a video of the planting and propagation process. After transplanting, the plant should be cut off, which will allow it to recover as quickly as possible and actively resume growth.

After transplanting, the plant must be sprayed every day. clean water with the use of a spray gun, which will help to avoid waterlogging of the soil. For several days it is better to hold it in a dark place.

Begonia can tolerate shade and light well, but it depends on the variety. Plants with large inflorescences like to be in a semi-shaded state, and with small inflorescences - in the sun. Similarly adapts to sunlight which is similar to tuberous:

Growing a tall plant with large inflorescences in the garden is carried out on a site where there are no strong winds (for example, with protection from shrubs and trees). Strong gusts of wind can easily break thin stems;

Since this type of begonia has a hybrid origin, care can be complicated because different varieties have individual adaptability to a certain temperature regime. Almost all begonias are heat-loving plants, especially varieties with large leaves and inflorescences. Therefore, care for them must be appropriate. The plants of the tuberhybrida group are most adapted to the coolness, capable of blooming at an ambient temperature of about 10 degrees;

In autumn, it is important to reduce watering, cut and remove dead shoots.

All varieties of begonias do not tolerate frosts and strong cold winds, in which the leaves of the plant begin to darken, which can be seen in the photo. Therefore, care should include protection from low temperatures, including shelter and insulation for the winter. In autumn, it is important to reduce watering, cut and remove dead shoots. If the begonia grows in the garden, then it should be dug out of the open ground closer to the onset of frost, which will allow the growing season to start;

Tuberous begonia does not tolerate extreme heat and dry weather, as a result of which the flowering of the plant and the growth of the root system stop.

It is also worth noting that all plant varieties, including care and cultivation amazing flower requires careful watering. With a lack of water, the inflorescences will fall off, and the leaves will stop growing. But excess fluid also negatively affects the plant, as it leads to rot.

Watering after transplantation should be moderate, otherwise the tuberous begonia may rot and stop growing. Watering is carried out only when the topsoil dries up. Such care will ensure rapid growth and good condition of the plant.

Video clip about breeding and care

Possible problems

Growing begonias involves meticulous care, which includes watering, providing adequate sunlight, as well as pest control and possible problems. Very often the plant affects:

  1. Powdery mildew. Appears due to high humidity and abundant watering. In the photo, it looks like a whitish coating of flour.
  2. Gray rot. Formed at high humidity and low ambient temperature. The photo resembles a mold of a dark or light gray tint.

Growing begonias also involves paying attention to light and temperature. Since the lack of sunlight can lead to yellowing of leaves and inflorescences, and low humidity can lead to bud drop. It is important to observe moderate lighting and watering, the optimal level of humidity, as well as temperature regime- from 15 to 20 degrees.

Tuberous begonia is very popular with flower growers. This plant is completely unpretentious and at the same time pleases the eye with beautiful flowers, not only in room conditions but also in the garden. cultivation tuberous begonia at home does not require much effort. Proper care and the implementation of several rules will allow long time enjoy the beauty of a flowering plant.

Tuberous begonia happens:

  • large-flowered;
  • mid-flowered;
  • small-flowered.

There are also terry, smooth, ampelous and ordinary begonias.

In winter, the flower feels good indoors. And in the summer - it smells wonderful and blooms in the open field. However, it should be noted that despite its unpretentiousness, begonia does not like air temperatures below fifteen and above twenty-eight degrees.

Tuberous begonia propagates mainly by seeds, cuttings, dividing tubers. Therefore, it will not be difficult to breed this species at home. Note that leaf propagation is more suitable for decorative species.

Tuberous propagation method

The most common and easiest way to propagate begonia at home is tuber. Two or three summer flowers are used. You can divide tubers that have at least two buds (peephole) without germinated shoots.

Therefore, at the beginning it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the tubers and choose exactly those that are suitable for division. Then the selected materials are cut into pieces so that each of them contains a kidney. Places of cuts must be sprinkled with ashes or crushed charcoal. This method allows you to protect planting material from infection with infectious diseases and accelerates the regeneration process.

The cut parts are planted in the prepared soil. Lightly sprinkled with earth, while leaving the kidneys on the surface.


Also at home, propagation by cuttings is used. This method allows you to save almost all the signs of tuberous begonia, from which the material for propagation was taken. Cuttings can be carried out in spring and autumn. Depending on the season, some of the nuances of this process are determined. The common point is the choice of material. It is more practical to take cuttings directly from the tuber, the probability of their germination reaches almost 100%, of course, we are talking about observing all the rules for propagation by cuttings.

In the spring, when the begonia tubers germinate, cuttings 10-12 cm high are selected, which are then germinated. The cut points are also sprinkled with ashes or crushed charcoal. The cuttings should be dried for several hours and only then determined for germination. At home, water is often used for these purposes, but often the cuttings begin to rot and disappear. Therefore, it is best to use special peat or coco-ground tablets. If it is difficult to get them, then you can use the soil for seedlings. The cuttings are placed in the planting mixture to a depth of two or three centimeters. Everything is well watered. The planting environment must be constantly moist. For these purposes, apply polyethylene film, which cover the container with the cuttings. Within thirty days, the first roots appear. Now the cuttings can be transplanted into flowerpots, where they will grow further.

When propagation by cuttings is carried out in the fall, then shoots for germination are taken from the tuberous part of the begonia immediately before transplanting it from open ground. They are deepened into a special mixture (see above) by four centimeters and kept at room conditions as usual. indoor plant. It happens that the cuttings shed their leaves, but at the same time the viability of the part of the shoot that is in the ground is preserved. During the winter, such a cutting will take root well, in the spring it must be transplanted into new soil. At good conditions, already in the summer, tuberous begonia will please with the first beautiful flowers.

Reproduction by seeds

Propagation by seeds is the most difficult method that is used at home.

The flower has too small seeds. On an industrial scale, for sale, they are covered with a special solution that dissolves well in the ground, but at the same time facilitates planting. At home, when the seed was obtained from its own plants, the seeds are mixed with fine sand before planting.

Seeds are sown in January or early February. To get the first flowers by the summer season. With such early sowing, the young plant by autumn has strong, fully formed tubers that are able to withstand the winter storage period.

Reproduction by seeds requires some effort. And so what is needed:

  1. Prepare a container for seed germination, in which it is necessary to provide holes for additional ventilation and removal of excess fluid from the soil.
  2. Provide drainage from expanded clay or pebbles, which is doused with boiling water before laying. The thickness of the drainage layer should be at least half a centimeter.
  3. Prepare the ground. The purchased mixture is kept for 15 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200-220 degrees or watered with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. In a container for sowing seeds, soil up to two centimeters high is poured over the drainage.
  5. The top layer of soil must be thoroughly crushed so that there are no lumps left, some additional inclusions in the form of dust, bark, etc.
  6. Seeds sown in the ground on top of the ground are not sprinkled, but rolled. From above, the container is covered with a film to maintain humidity and constant temperature (23-27 degrees) and placed in a well-lit place.
  7. Watering the soil and the first gatherings is carried out only from the spray gun.
  8. For seed germination and growth of young shoots, the ground must be constantly moist.

After the seeds are sown, the soil is covered with a film or glass, after fourteen days this coating is raised by two centimeters so that it does not damage the seeds that have hatched and young shoots. Gradually, the film is removed completely. At the same time, the air temperature drops to 18 degrees.

Soil for planting begonias is bought in specialized stores or made independently. Choose land for flower or ornamental plants.

To prepare the planting mix at home, you will need:

  • part of the sand;
  • two parts of peat;
  • two parts of humus.

Everything is mixed and heated in the oven for about ten minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.

After the appearance of the first gatherings, the dishes with seedlings must be protected from direct sunlight. It is best to put on windows that face east or west. In winter, seedlings need additional artificial lighting.

Young seedlings, after the appearance of the first leaves, must be dived. They need to be transplanted into another container with fresh soil at a distance of at least two centimeters from each other. The transplanted seedlings are sprayed with a spray bottle and again covered with polyethylene. In thirty days, the sprouts will grow up and it will be visually visible that they have become cramped. So it's time for a second pick. Now the distance between the seedlings should be four to five centimeters. The strongest and grown seedlings can be immediately planted in individual pots.

In May, already strengthened and hardened seedlings are planted in pots and open ground. Before planting, for seven days, seedlings should be watered with fertilizer that contains potassium and phosphorus.

Growing new plants from a leaf

Although this method is not very popular among flower growers, it still exists and is successfully used in the propagation of decorative hybrid begonias.

To successfully obtain a young plant, they take high-quality planting material - a healthy leaf with veins. It should be free of any stains or damage. Then the leaf plate is divided into parts with a sufficiently sharp object (knife or scalpel), each of which contains parts of the main vein to feed the leaflet. Parts of the prepared sheet are planted in flowerpots, where peat and sand are used as soil in equal parts, or only sand. Landing is carried out in such a way that part of the vein touches the ground. You can even put the plates horizontally, then the flowerpots with the sheet are covered with polyethylene, or you can use a part for this purpose. plastic bottles(upper and lower parts, the main thing is that they correspond to the size of the flowerpot with the seedling). In this position, they should remain until new leaves appear. Inside, constant humidity should be maintained, but the soil must be monitored, if it is wet enough, this will lead to rotting of the sheet. The first processes in such conditions appear on the fifteenth - twentieth day. The appearance of roots suggests that the covering of flowerpots (film or plastic) can be removed, and they themselves can be transferred to a well-lit place. Perform these manipulations should be gradual. At the beginning, the sprouts are accustomed to the external environment and dry air, for this they are given air ventilation for half an hour, and only after such hardening, they can be fully opened, and after a while, when the plant gets stronger and puts out more leaves, it needs to be transplanted into a larger pot with a special substrate or in open ground.

This method is good because from one leaf you can get a sufficient number of young plants, which in three months will be full-fledged flowers. Also, the use of a leaf allows you to save the rhizome, which favorably affects the mother plant. In addition, as you can see, growing flowers from a leaf is a fairly simple task. It does not require much effort, special skills, and the minimum time is spent.

As mentioned above, this method is used only for certain types of begonias. Most often it is used for indoor flowers with a creeping stem and for varieties with a lowered lower part of the leaves.

As a note, we note that one can come across a description of growing young plants from a leaf by rooting a plate in water, since in this case they form roots faster. However, years of experience show that such seedlings are weak and do not take root well in the ground and open ground. Therefore, for these purposes, it is preferable to use a specially prepared mixture (see above).

Before you start breeding begonias, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with all the rules for growing and caring for them, then the result will certainly please the grower.

The first step is to prepare the place where the plant will be located. It loves lit sides, but suffers from direct sunlight. Therefore, placing plants in partial shade will please with a large number of large and saturated flowers.

It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the soil, it must be periodically fertilized, mixed with sand, pine and spruce needles. Before planting seedlings permanent place, you need to take care of drainage, since a moisture-loving plant dies from an excess of water in the root system.

Knowing the basic rules and following them will allow you to breed a sufficient number of begonias in one season, which in the summer will delight with abundant flowering, and when grown indoors, the period of riot of colors can last until mid-January.

Tuberous begonia, which is planted in open ground in spring, is very popular among gardeners. This hybrid plant, obtained by crossing more than 9 various kinds, can be ampelous, herbaceous or grow as a bush. They are often decorated with terraces, balconies and flower beds, it grows well in a pot, like a room plant. But caring for this flower requires compliance with many subtleties.

How to choose the right begonia tuber?

It is best to buy begonias not in large supermarkets, but in specialized departments and garden centers. Starting from the end of February, tubers from Holland appear on sale, ready for planting. Usually they are packed in special bags filled with peat or sawdust, but are often sold in bulk in small shops. You need to choose very carefully and focus not on a colorful picture, but on the planting material itself. You should not wait for prices to drop, when only low-quality goods remain, which are unlikely to germinate.

The tuber should not be soft, overdried, covered with mold or plaque. It is often difficult to see signs of decay. Sometimes there are 2-3 plants in the package, which can vary greatly in quality. You can feel several packages to find the largest and densest specimens. Well, if they have awakened kidneys.

Advice! It is important to pack the begonias well, such as wrapping them in several newspapers. If you just put them in a bag and take them outside, these tender plants will freeze and most likely die.

There are four types of tuberous begonia:

  • large-flowered,
  • small-flowered,
  • medium flower,
  • ampelous.

The tuber size is different. The color of the flowers can be very different, the inflorescences have a double and non-double form, with a corrugated or jagged edge. Some look like peonies, daffodils, roses and camellias.

Several popular varieties:

  • Golden ball - a tall bush with large yellow flowers,
  • Kelblutrot - large-flowered begonia with red inflorescences,
  • Marmorata - one of the most common varieties, with huge double flowers white color, along the edge of the petal there is a pink stripe,
  • Pikoti - terry large-flowered begonias, colors: pink, white or yellow with a pink border,
  • Chanson is an ampelous perennial with small double flowers.

Tuber processing

Usually, begonias are purchased before the ground on the site has warmed up enough for planting in open ground. Such planting material can be removed to a cool room or stored in the refrigerator (vegetable compartment) until March, if the buds have not yet started to grow. It does not require care. But, if the tuber has already awakened, you should not wait for warming and leave it in the bag. In order for the plant to grow root mass, it is placed in a pot. It is necessary to plant in loose soil, fertile enough, in which it is desirable to add vermiculite.

You can purchase a ready-made substrate or prepare the mixture yourself by mixing two parts of leafy soil with one part of humus, peat and sand. It is not necessary to compact the soil. But before planting a begonia, the tubers need to be processed. First of all, dry roots should be removed. Then the planting material is treated with a special fungicide, which is bred in warm water according to instructions. The tuber is lowered into a pre-prepared container with the drug by about two thirds - so that liquid does not get on the upper part, otherwise it may rot. Keep the begonia in the solution for 20-40 minutes.

How to plant a tuber in a pot?

The container for planting tubers should not be deep, since the root system of this plant is superficial. You can germinate several begonias at once in one box if you place them at a distance of 10 cm from each other to facilitate care, but then the grown plants will still have to be planted. For one, it is better to choose a wide, but low pot. The distance from the wall to the tuber should be at least 5 cm.

These flowers respond very well to long-term fertilization and can be added to the soil immediately. For begonias, drainage is required - expanded clay, broken brick or clay shards. You need to plant the tuber with the convex part down, roots form on it. Begonia buds are on the concave side. When planting, it does not go deep, because if moisture gets into the recess, the plant can rot. Water carefully, along the edge of the pot.

Some growers recommend covering the tuber with a bottle or jar to create greenhouse conditions. But this is not necessary, otherwise the begonia, once in the open field, may not adapt. The pot should be immediately placed on a bright window, but not under direct sunlight, where the temperature is not lower than +16 ° C. Care of plantings consists in regular moderate watering, protection from drafts and ensuring the flow of fresh air.

Landing in open ground

The plant must be gradually accustomed to the conditions of the street, takes out warm balcony or terrace, gradually increasing the interval. Some gardeners plant tubers immediately into the ground in early March, covering them with several layers of special material. But this method of germination is only suitable for those who have the opportunity to constantly monitor the garden. Tubers can be planted outdoors when the threat of frost has passed.

Growing begonias in the garden begins with finding a place protected from the wind, a bright place to plant, but not under the scorching sun. These plants withstand shading, burns can occur on the leaves from direct sunlight. If several bushes are planted, then the distance between them depends on the size: large specimens are planted 30 cm apart, medium - 20, small - 15. The soil should be very loose, breathable. To the bottom landing pit you can put humus and ash, with the same composition, mulch the soil after planting.

Further care for tuberous begonias consists in abundant watering, but without stagnant moisture. Better to do it in the morning. The shoots of plants are very brittle, so you need to handle them carefully. During the growth period, they can be tied to a support. Abundant Bloom lasts from late May to mid-October, usually it is plentiful - flowers are large, bright, various forms and colorings. Terry begonia is especially attractive, it looks like a living bouquet.

Begonia care, both in the ground and in a pot, includes the removal of wilted flowers. In these plants, they are bisexual - males are usually inconspicuous, they can also be removed if it is not planned to collect seeds. It is not necessary to spray the bushes, as this can cause sunburn. You can feed them mineral fertilizers, 2-3 times during the entire growing season.

Rest period of tuberous begonia

By the beginning of autumn, tuberous begonias are prepared for a dormant period, gradually reducing watering and stopping feeding. At this time, adult plants can be propagated by cuttings. When plants prepare for winter, their above-ground part begins to die off. Watering should be stopped when all the leaves have fallen off. Then the top is cut off, and after 2 weeks the tubers are cleaned of soil and placed in peat or sphagnum. Sphagnum moss has bactericidal properties and protects begonias from decay. For storage, choose a place where the temperature is not higher than 8 ° C, for example, the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator. Subsequent care consists in regular inspection of tubers, rotten ones are removed.

Young plants grown from seeds often remain green. In autumn, before frost, such begonias are dug up together with a clod of earth, sorted by size, placed in boxes 15 cm high and sprinkled with a substrate. They are placed in a bright, cool place (about +15 ° C), care during this period consists in limited watering, preventing the earthen clod from drying out. In the spring, when the bushes resume growth, they are again placed in pots before transplanting into open ground.

Tuberous begonia can be propagated vegetatively (tuber division), seeds and cuttings. The first method is especially popular and is often used to rejuvenate plants. For him, choose large tubers, aged 2-3 years with several buds, which are cut with a sharp knife. Slices should be sprinkled with crushed coal and the resulting parts should be planted in the ground. Caring for them is the same as for a regular begonia tuber.

When cuttings, all signs are preserved mother plant, but this method is quite laborious. Cuttings are taken in spring or autumn. To do this, the shoots are twisted out of the tuber, sprinkled with coal from below and dried. They usually root in the soil or, for which they use a greenhouse. Roots appear within a month. Then the cuttings are planted in pots, care - as for houseplants.

The best way to propagate tuberous begonias is to sow seeds. Since they are very small, they are sold in a special shell that dissolves in water. Seeds obtained independently are best mixed with fine-grained sand. Sowing is done in January - February. Then the plant will have time to bloom in summer and form a tuber by autumn.

For sowing, they take a container with drainage holes, on the bottom of which small expanded clay is placed and soil is poured on top, previously spilled with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are sown superficially, do not sprinkle with earth, after which the container is placed in a greenhouse or covered with a lid. Optimum temperature for germination: +23-27 °C. Shoots are sprayed from a spray bottle, preventing the soil from drying out. After 2 weeks, the greenhouse begins to ventilate. Seedlings dive when the first pair of true leaves appear.

Conclusion: when buying planting material, you need to carefully examine it and choose the most dense and healthy specimens. If there are no buds on the tuber, it can be put in the refrigerator until March, when it wakes up, it is planted in a pot, after pickling. Plant outdoors when the threat of frost has passed.

Care consists of regular watering and fertilizing. For the winter, begonias are dug up, young plants are planted in a box, adults, the aerial part of which dies off, are cleaned from the ground and stored in a cool place until spring. Plants propagate by seeds, cuttings and tuber division. If you follow a few rules for the care of tuberous begonia, this flower can become an ornament for any garden.


Growing tuberous begonias from seeds in the house has its own subtleties and secrets. Knowing them and adhering to the correct planting and care algorithm, you can get amazing flowers that will become the main highlights of your house flower bed or flower garden on the balcony.

Before you start planting begonias for a flower bed, it is worth noting that count on good result only possible if you plant several types of plants with different shades of flowers. But not everyone can afford to buy a large number of plants. In addition, absolutely no one can guarantee that the flower will not die during transplantation. The most reliable way would be to plant and grow a plant at home. Thus, you can get the number of colors and with those shades that you need for.

begonia flowers

Growing tuberous begonia at home is not as easy as it seems. To get a sufficient number of young stems and be sure of their further flowering, you need to consider all the features of their cultivation. Begonia has several hybrid forms, each of which belongs to perennial herbaceous tuber plants. Each of the begonia hybrids has branching fleshy stems. Depending on the shape of the bushes and the size of the flowers, there are several hybrid types of tuberous begonia:

  • large-flowered, with flower sizes from 9 to 21 cm;
  • mid-flowered - flower sizes up to 8 cm;
  • small-flowered, or multiflora;
  • ampelous - flowers appear on a long vine.

When choosing a hybrid for your flower bed, the grower must remember that each type of begonia has its own way of relating to lighting. Large-flowered begonia loves partial shade and actively blooms in such conditions. Hybrids with smaller flowers like plenty of sunlight. Without exception, all tuberous begonia hybrids have a negative attitude to sudden changes in temperature and weak frosts. Flowering also noticeably worsens with insufficient watering. In this case, the roots of the plants cannot develop and the begonia will most likely die.

Growing begonias from seeds is difficult because the seeds of the plant are very small. To make planting easier, the manufacturer covers each of the seeds with a special soluble shell. Sowing seeds in a substrate prepared in advance is carried out in two ways. In the first case, seeds can be sown directly into the soil, after which the soil must be moistened with growth stimulants. In the second case, granulated begonia seeds are laid out on a thin layer of snow. As soon as it melts, the seeds will fall into moist soil.

Young begonia seedling

After sowing, the seed container must be covered with a transparent film. In the process of growing tuberous begonias, constantly monitor the temperature in the room. Most actively shoots develop at a temperature of 20 to 25 ° C. The soil must be constantly moist, otherwise the seed coats may harden and prevent young shoots from hatching.

You can breed tuberous begonia not only by sowing seeds. You can get healthy bushes with an abundance of flowers using a tuber, by dividing it, or using leafy cuttings. One of the most common ways is to grow begonias from a tuber. It is necessary to collect material for planting immediately after the last flowers of the donor bush have faded. To do this, we dig up begonia tubers, leaving a large amount of earth on them, and wait for the soil to dry. After that, we place the tubers in a container with peat and sand and leave for the winter.

Propagation of begonia tubers

To save the tuber in winter, a vessel with earth must be watered from time to time. As soon as the cold weather passes, the tubers will need to be cleaned from the ground and transplanted to a permanent place.

Another popular method is the division of an adult healthy tuber. This planting method is also used after winter frosts. For planting, the tuber must be divided into several parts. The height of each of the halves should not be more than 10 cm. During the division of the tuber, at least one bud must be left on each of its parts. In the place of the cut, you need to apply a large amount of crushed ash.

Plant the cut parts of the tuber in a container with moist soil. Seedlings should stand in an upright position. We cover the vessel with a transparent film or glass and put it in warm room with lots of sunshine. As soon as the plant takes root, the first leaves will appear on the stem. Noticing this, immediately remove the film and transplant the begonia into a separate container. To keep the stem growing, water it often and feed it with special fertilizers.

The cutting method is not as popular as the first two. For this method of planting, it is necessary to choose a stalk on which there are at least 2 buds. The leaves growing on it must be cut in half. For rooting seedlings, it is necessary to use a substrate consisting of half sand and peat. A hole is made in the soil and the prepared stalk is carefully placed in it. Next, the vessel must be covered with a transparent bag or put a cut plastic bottle on top. While the cutting will take root, it is necessary to regularly collect the resulting condensate from the container lid. If everything is done correctly, then the roots will appear within 3 weeks after planting.

As practice shows, not all flower growers know how to properly care for tuberous begonia grown from seeds at home. As a result, the plant ceases to actively grow and develop. The first big mistake is illiterate lighting. This plant feels most comfortable in a well-lit room, but not under direct sunbeams. Begonia is well adapted to grow in the shade, for example, under the trees in the garden. Experienced flower growers it is not advised to put the plant pot in a place with unstable lighting. In this case, the flowers can quickly crumble. The growth rate of begonias is strongly affected sunlight and warm.

Flower transplant

For example, if earlier a pot with a plant stood in the western side of the house, and later it was placed in the southern part, then burns will appear on the leaves. Another example, when the plant is in the northern part of the house, it may not bloom at all. And if you take the begonia to the northern terrace, then there it can give a chic bouquet of flowers. Therefore, every lover of this plant must independently choose optimal conditions for cultivation. Another important factor- this is watering. During the summer heat, the flower requires a lot of water. But if your begonia is still small, then you need to be more careful with watering, otherwise you can damage the unstable tubers of the plant.

Begonia flowers and leaves do not like moisture, so do not spray the plant. Otherwise, obligate pests will appear, due to which the flowers can rot, and large spots will appear on the leaves. Allow time for the soil to dry out between waterings. If the weather is very hot, then the containers with the plant need to be cooled from time to time. Sometimes you will need to spray the room, but do not allow water to get on the begonia itself. At the end of the hot season, the plant should be watered with less water, and at the end of autumn, the tubers should be removed for the winter.

Tuberous begonia is very sensitive to various top dressings. Therefore, during the growing season, the plant is fertilized at least 2-3 times. It is best not to apply one type of top dressing, but to add both organic and. For the first time, top dressing should be added during the formation of buds 10–14 days after transplantation. Of the range of organic dressings, it is best to use mullein. Before adding, it is worth calculating the proportion. To get a good result, you need to take 10 liters per 1 m2. fertilizer and add 2 g of boric acid to it.

Fertilizers for flowers

As soon as the first flowers appear, it is worth adding fertilizer again. The plant will need complex top dressing with phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium in the composition. Each of the components should be at least 80 g. The third dressing should be added no earlier than after 2 weeks. The composition of the fertilizer should include 20 parts of mullein and 1 part of magnesium sulfate. For the fourth time, potash fertilizer will need to be added to the soil, and for the fifth time, potassium-phosphorus top dressing with the addition of 15 g of magnesium sulfate.

If you do not follow the basic rules of care, begonia can get sick. For example, often the plant weakens due to excess water or lack of light. In such cases, it is worth changing the environment around the plant and finding a new habitat for it.

One of the most common diseases of tuberous begonia is the appearance powdery mildew. The main symptoms of this disease are white round spots on the leaves, somewhat reminiscent of plaque. After some time, the spots merge, and the leaves turn brown and dry out. To cure a plant, it should be sprayed with special solutions based on colloidal sulfur. If you notice the disease at its first stage, then a copper-soap solution can help begonias. To prepare it, you need to take a liter of water, 2 g of vitriol and 25 g of laundry soap.

Powdery mildew on begonia leaves

In warm weather with high humidity, the plant often suffers from gray rot. In this case, the leaves and flowers of begonias are covered with a dark gray bloom, which later turns into a brownish rot. Mucus may appear on the begonia buds, and the leaves will begin to turn black and twist. The stems will also succumb to changes - they will become brittle. As soon as the humidity level decreases, the damaged areas of the leaves will dry out and fall out, leaving small holes in the leaves.

Another disease is provoked by microscopic fungi. To destroy them, begonia is worth processing blue vitriol. For the purpose of prevention, the room with the plant should be ventilated more often and reduce watering. Often, begonia suffers from bacterial spotting. The main symptoms of this disease include the appearance of watery spots on the underside of the leaves. After a while, the spots will begin to darken, and the shoots will become black. To protect the begonia, once every 2 weeks it should be sprayed with copper oxychloride. Affected leaves should be immediately removed from the stem, and the soil should be disinfected with special preparations or slightly heated.

Video: Begonia care

What to do if you did everything right, but for some reason your plant stubbornly does not want to bloom? What is it connected with? There may be several reasons. This plant is quite capricious, therefore, first of all, you should pay attention to the conditions in which it is located. Experts advise moving the plant to the northern part of the house and waiting a couple more days. The presence of flowers on the begonia stem directly depends on the age of the plant. The older it is, the more flowers there will be, and the more stable they will be.

blooming begonia

On a plant grown from tubers, the first flowers may appear only by the end of summer - 2–2.5 months after transplanting into the soil. The number of buds and flowers is strongly affected by the lack of light, dry air or the presence of drafts. In all these cases, it is worth immediately eliminating the interfering factor. If necessary, stop adding fertilizers based on nitrogen or potassium to the soil. Experts often advise completely replacing the earth in a pot. To do this, the plant must be carefully pulled out of the container and the roots washed, after which it immediately returns to the pot filled with new earth.

Plant lovers are well aware of the situation when the flower they like is either not available or too expensive. This happens especially often with begonias, because they have a lot of varieties and varieties. Therefore, the owners of these beauties need to quickly get a young specimen.

Methods for propagating begonias

Depending on the species, begonias can be propagated:

  • seeds (all flowering species);
  • division of tubers (tuberous species);
  • leaf cuttings and parts of the leaf;
  • stem cuttings(any begonia that has a stem).

Propagation by seeds is the longest and most unreliable method. It is suitable when there is no material for vegetative propagation or when you need to get a large number of plants. Due to the characteristics of the plant, the process of sowing and germination is quite complicated.

Vegetative propagation guarantees the preservation of all the features of the parent specimen.

When using begonia leaf cuttings or parts of its leaf, children are formed that develop as slowly as the sowing ones.

Benefits of stem cuttings of begonias

Cutting begonias with stem parts is preferable to other propagation methods because this option:

  • the fastest,
  • the most reliable,
  • allows you to save the characteristics of the variety,
  • simple,
  • suitable for almost all types of begonias.

A rooted begonia cutting can be up to 15 cm in height. By this time, it becomes already strong enough and further grows at the same rate as the parent. Flowering, depending on the species, can occur almost immediately. The percentage of surviving begonia cuttings is usually very high.

Reproduction of begonias by stem cuttings, due to the production of copies identical to the parent, allows you to save the gene pool of especially valuable varieties and varieties.

Subject to the technology, the method of cutting begonias does not cause trouble for the grower.

Almost any begonia can be easily propagated by stem cuttings. Even in royal begonia, propagation by cuttings is possible if the top is cut off from old specimens, which has not yet become a rhizome.

Begonia propagation technology by stem cuttings

Begonia cuttings include the following steps:

  • cutting and preparation of cuttings,
  • drying cuts,
  • rooting,
  • planting rooted stems.

For cuttings, pieces of healthy stems 8-12 cm long are used. Cuttings can be apical (taken from the tip of the plant stem) and median. In any case, at least two to three buds should remain on them. Excess leaves are removed so that they do not take strength from the sprout. It is enough to leave 1-2 leaves. After that, you need to slightly dry the sections.

There are two ways to root begonia cuttings: in water and in a substrate.

In the first case, the lower part of the prepared begonia cuttings is placed in a vessel with soft water. room temperature. Use hard or cold water it is forbidden. The vessel is placed in a moderately warm (18-20 degrees), light, but not in direct sun place. After that, it remains to be patient and observe ... If the container is transparent, then the state of the cut will be clearly visible. Thus, the grower will not miss the moment when the first roots appear and the time of planting. In addition, you can notice in time if the cut of the cutting has begun to rot. Then they take it out of the water, cut off the damaged place, dry it again and place it in fresh water. After the appearance of roots 1-2 cm in size, the stalk is planted in suitable soil and then act as after a normal transplant.

Begonia cuttings can also be rooted in a substrate, which can be used as wet peat, sand or soil suitable for begonias. In this case, a cut of the prepared cutting is dipped into water, and then into a special preparation that facilitates the formation of roots (kornevin, heteroauxin, or some other).
In a small pot (according to the size of the cutting), a suitable wet substrate is poured onto the drainage. The cutting should be stuck into the ground, deepening the cut by 1-2 cm.

After that, the pot is tightly covered with a transparent jar or placed in a tightly closed transparent container that is suitable in size. No part of the plant should touch the walls or roof of the greenhouse.

After a while, perspiration will appear on the walls of the container. This indicates the formation of a suitable microclimate. Further - every day for a minute you need to slightly open the greenhouse for ventilation and observe. As soon as new leaves appear, the greenhouse is removed. The new plant is ready.

You can use any of the described methods. In water, it is more convenient to observe the process of root formation. This method is more familiar. But the roots are formed fragile, when planting they are usually injured. And the plant has to adapt to new living conditions. The process of engraftment and growth slows down, the begonia weakens.

When rooted in the soil, the roots are immediately adapted to extracting moisture and nutrition from it. As a result, the plant obtained in this way outstrips its “water” counterparts in growth.

Video - begonia cuttings