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Small cottage: how to equip with your own hands? Tips for interior design, photo. Bedroom in the country: stylish solutions for a cozy country house (31 photos) Small bedroom in a country house

As you know, in order to fully relax, the interior of the room should contribute to this. As for the interior country house inside, the photo of which can be found below, it can be the most diverse, depending on the preferences of the owners.

If we take into account the modern pace of life, for many people, rest becomes a huge luxury, and a full-fledged one is completely unattainable. People solve this problem in different ways. Someone likes to spend time for entertainment in the city, while someone prefers to relax outside the city. Many people have a dacha where they can hide from the bustle of the city at any time of the day or night.

Camping in your own country house can be just fabulous. To enhance these magical sensations, it is worth approaching the design of the house correctly and adjoining territory. These moments are very important, since a sloppy yard and an unpleasant interior of a country house will interfere with stress relief and only spoil your mood. Even in small house you can create the most favorable atmosphere for relaxation and make the atmosphere cozy.

Design experts know many ways to create a favorable environment in a country house that will allow you to get rid of the stress caused by city life. At the same time, when it comes to giving, it is not at all necessary to invest large sums in the design of the house. A simple rustic style is quite suitable here, which you can work on with your own hands.

Experts advise to abandon modern and high-tech styles when working with country houses, rustic country with its numerous wooden accessories, rocking chair and wicker furniture will look great here.

In addition, Provence style, that is, French country, feels great in such a house. In this case, a lot of wood painted with white paint is used. A feature of the interior of a country house inside in the Provence style, the photo of which is presented, is that to create it it is not at all necessary to purchase special furniture and make expensive repairs. Often it’s enough just to tidy up an old grandmother’s closet, make a couple of wooden tables, take a floor lamp that is more than a dozen years old and purchase an impressive light sofa. Directions for clearance country house there can be a lot, but it is the rustic options that look most harmonious.

When building a country house, it is worth using natural wood. This will save you from solving many problems with interior design. Natural wood, which was correctly laid during the construction of the walls, will not require additional processing. It can simply be impregnated with special substances to extend the service life, and then varnished. Wooden houses not only easy to design, but also very warm, and this is a huge plus for those who are going to relax in the country in the winter.

As regards the general colors for a country house, then it should be used mainly bright hues. This applies not only to the interior inside a small country house (see photo), where it is necessary to visually expand the space, but also to large rooms. If you wish, you can dilute the general light background with dark blotches, but you can’t make the whole room gloomy, since the dacha is a place to relax.

The interior of a wooden country house inside should be, as in the photo example, diluted with fresh flowers. This is especially true for the Provence style, where living plants on a small white table are an essential attribute.

How to choose a style?

As mentioned above, a country house is the place where a person rests in body and soul. Here everything should contribute to relaxation and tune in the right way. A rustic-style house will fit perfectly into the local landscape, unlike a high-tech building or a Victorian palace. The last two look very nice, but relaxing in nature in such a house is not very comfortable and cozy.

A country house should be conducive to ensuring that a person can reunite with nature as much as possible. Country houses that are decorated in a rustic style will look much more relevant in a natural environment. Moreover, country and Provence styles also have one indisputable advantage, namely the ability not to spend much on decorating and purchasing furniture. It is the rustic style that is ideal for creating an economy class interior inside a country house, and the presented photo demonstrates this perfectly.

Provence and country

Those people who gravitate towards a beautiful and simple rustic style should pay attention to one of these directions. For a country house, you can hardly think of something better.

In both cases, the maximum natural materials and all colors should be natural and natural. Furniture is better to choose simple and wooden. Old cabinets, tables and chairs that can be restored and installed in the living room and bedroom are well suited.

As additional accessories, you can take multi-colored pillows in natural colors. In a rustic style, patchwork and other types of needlework are welcome.

DIY decorative accessories can decorate any room of a country house.

Scandinavian style

If decorative ruffles and numerous souvenirs made from natural materials are not to the taste of the owner, you can opt for another calm style, namely scandinavian design interior inside the country house, the photo of which is presented below. Restraint is welcome here, which is manifested literally in everything. Often, when decorating a room in scandinavian style they don’t even use curtains, but this is already an amateur.

In this case, all furniture and a few accessories should be restrained in forms and soft colors. The result is a rather pleasant and as calm environment as possible, and for a country house - this is just what you need.

How to decorate a country house with your own hands?

If the owner of a country house has artistic talent, it can be used when decorating a room. In this way, it will turn out to create an excellent interior inside the country house with your own hands, look at the photo, and perhaps it will inspire you to create something of your own, exclusive.

With help regular paint, for example, acrylic, you can create an ornament that will decorate the living room or bedroom. If the house is made of timber or sheathed inside with wood panels, it is worth drawing on wooden sheets, and then attach them to the wall in the right place.

In addition to the walls, a creative person can independently process and old furniture. For example, a restored wardrobe can be covered with patterns and a layer of varnish, after which it will become not just a place to store clothes, but also an interior decoration for a country house.

As for the rooms, even in a small country house there should be rooms such as a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. It is not at all necessary that they be huge, but it is still necessary to share a place for receiving guests and drinking tea, a room where the owners of the house will sleep, and a room for cooking.

In the living room you can often find such an important for country house thing like a fireplace. You can lay it out yourself, but for this you need to know the principle of operation of such systems. Otherwise, improper use of the fireplace can lead to tragedy.

If there is no desire to heat a fireplace with wood, you can take a closer look at decorative elements of such a type. They look no worse than an ordinary fireplace, but are absolutely safe and work from the mains. At the same time, such fireplaces are able to give the interior more comfort and are even able to heat the air in the cold season.

There can be a lot of options for decorating a summer house, and most of them do not require serious expenses. The main thing here is that the owners of the country house themselves feel comfortable and cozy, so ostentatious luxury in this case is absolutely useless.

Space planning in a small country house

Families often prefer small country houses for recreation: it is practical, does not require large expenditures of energy, and it usually looks much cleaner and tidy than a huge dwelling, which is difficult to keep track of. However, in such conditions, the problem of cluttering up the space often arises. The following simple and effective tips will help you solve it:

  1. The biggest troubles regarding planning the interior of a country house usually arise in the kitchen: for the convenience of cooking, it is necessary a large number of appliances: stove, microwave, oven, not to mention the numerous cabinets with crockery and kitchen appliances! Measure in advance square meters for this equipment and, if necessary, purchase custom-made furniture - it is better to spend money once than to put up with inconvenience all subsequent time.
  2. Put in the living room in a small country house minimal amount furniture, and leave an empty space in the center - this will visually enlarge the room.
  3. It is not recommended to lay thick carpets in the rooms: it’s not even about clutter or beauty, but about the health of the residents. In summer, during the holidays, the floors are usually warm, so the practical use of carpets is no longer. But so much dust accumulates in them that in small room absolutely nothing to breathe!
  4. When arranging a country house, give preference to folding furniture: in the daytime, it can be easily removed, freeing up space.
  5. In conditions of limited footage, focus primarily on the practicality of the interior of a country house: curtains for zoning a room, shelves instead of massive cabinets, folding tables for work and study - all this will help you effectively save space.
  6. The color of the walls of a country house plays a huge role: dark tones narrow the room, make it smaller, while light shades, combined with competent lighting and mirrors, can visually expand the space.

The right decor country estate- a guarantee of a pleasant stay in your favorite place. Please yourself and your loved ones with a bright and individual interior of a country house, and the photos below will tell you some interesting design solutions:

I like

If you look closely at small dachas, then often the solutions that are found in small spaces are more interesting and more beautiful than those where there was no shortage of space.

A very practical solution is to use the area under the roof for a bed in the country. In addition, in the cold season, it will be warmer to sleep upstairs than downstairs, because. warm air from the stove will rise up.

No matter how small your cottage is, good layout- recipe for success. Whether we are talking about a tiny house of 10 sq.m. or about big country house hastily and impulsively decisions taken unlikely to be successful. Take the time to check out good examples layouts of a country house, draw up your plan based on them.

Discuss the wishes of each family member for the future home. If it is not difficult for someone to use the toilet on the street, then for small children or true citizens, the presence of a warm toilet in the house is another important plus in country life In the countryside.

Using a dry closet will allow you to quickly and easily solve this problem. You only need a closed corner in the country house, where you can install a dry closet.

A bathroom in a country house is often done next to the kitchen. Because if water from an artesian well is brought into the house, then it is better to arrange all the nodes that consume water in the house, such as the kitchen sink, showers and toilet, as compactly as possible. So you will reduce the length of the pipes that will need to be carried through the house, which means reducing the complexity engineering communications, their cost and increase their reliability.

A small dacha has colossal interesting opportunities in the crawfish of a skillful and thoughtful owner.

Everywhere, along with ordinary country cottages, country houses are being built from block containers and other more or less available materials. That is why the ways to make living in these buildings as comfortable as possible are so important.

Since the key to comfort by and large is the presence cozy bedroom, consider how this room is equipped in houses used for seasonal living.

Features of the country interior

In the photo - interior decoration and furniture made of environmentally friendly and safe materials

A properly planned and implemented bedroom design in the country is characterized by the following qualities:

  • coziness and, as a result, a comfortable atmosphere of pastime;
  • practicality and utility;
  • compliance with the aesthetics of the whole house as a whole;
  • use of environmentally friendly and safe materials;
  • low costs during the arrangement and, as a result, affordable price the whole project.

Let's consider each of these points in more detail in order to have a general idea of ​​​​how to organize the arrangement of a bedroom in your country house.

  • The need for coziness and a comfortable atmosphere in the country does not raise any questions, since these buildings are primarily used for recreation.
    Getting out of the city for the weekend in order to recuperate, you probably count on comfort. This point should be taken into account first of all when planning the interior of a bedroom in the country.
  • The bedroom in a country house should be not only cozy, but also practical, and there are good reasons for this.

First of all, most country houses used for seasonal living. Therefore, settling in for a vacation or weekend, you should find the room already suitable for living. As a result, you can immediately begin to relax, without wasting time on various cleanings and minor repairs.

By choosing the right finishing materials, you can ensure that dampness and mold will not appear on the walls and ceiling, even with irregular heating. Moreover, a properly designed interior will allow you to use the bedroom in the country just like in a city apartment.

That is, the building must be electrified, and in this case, the purchase or rental of a diesel generator for a summer residence will help. Also in the room it is desirable to install high-quality soundproof double-glazed windows in combination with an efficient system natural ventilation air.

  • Compliance of the bedroom interior with the aesthetics of the whole house as a whole is important point. The fact is that the bedroom, made in a style that differs sharply from the style of the entire building, will be perceived as an alien element.

Important: You should not choose more prestigious and more expensive finishing materials for the bedroom in comparison with the decoration of other rooms. Let the whole cottage be perceived as a single whole.

  • The fact that only environmentally friendly and safe materials should be used when decorating a bedroom is relevant not only for suburban buildings but for any space. But it is in the country that such materials as wooden lining and natural batten harmoniously fit into the style of the entire building.
  • Costs for sleeping quarters should be low. Cost savings can be achieved by eliminating expensive modern furniture, from expensive blinds and curtains in favor of lightweight and inexpensive curtains, etc.

Now that we know what qualities characterize the interior of the bedroom, let's consider specific examples of the arrangement of such premises.

An example of finishing attic space

In the photo - the design of the attic

As an example, consider a bedroom equipped in an attic room. This is a good solution for small one-story houses, where the entire first floor is occupied by the kitchen and living room.

The attic, which you can see in the photo, is extremely simple, since it was finished with scraped boards covered with a layer of varnish. Again, we can see simple, not new, but durable folding furniture. A modest light curtain dilutes the ascetic interior of the room, giving it a more comfortable look.

The main problem with the implementation of a bedroom in the attic is that this space was not initially adapted for living. Proximity to the roof will result in the fact that it will be hot here in summer and cold in winter. Again, the sound of rain will be perceived as a drum roll.

Therefore, in the gap between the plank sheathing and slate, we lay high-quality thermal and sound insulation.

An example of arranging a bedroom in a wooden frame

In the photo - a bedroom in a house made of timber

Today timber houses are gaining more and more popularity. In the presented photo you can see a simple and at the same time stylish interior sleeping quarters, which you can realize in your own wooden cottage.

All elements of the entourage are extremely simple and can be made by hand. The main part of the room is occupied by deliberately rough wooden bed, which can be assembled in accordance with the scheme proposed by us.

Again, the old grandmother's chest of drawers will look great in this interior. Simple curtains and simple rustic utensils complete this simple but very stylish design.

An example of a bedroom combined with a dining room

In the photo - a multifunctional room in a small country house

Often an ordinary country house cannot boast large sizes, and therefore it is necessary to combine some rooms.

On the attached photo you can see an example of how sleeping area combined with . It would seem that this is not a very comfortable solution, but it is quite justified if the house is small and you use it for short trips out of town.

Important: Instructions for the manufacture of simple and at the same time durable furniture can be found in the relevant articles on our portal.

An integral element of the proposed entourage are hand-woven rugs, deliberately coarse, but resistant to abrasion. If necessary, such pieces of sackcloth can be quickly shaken off the dust.


Now you know what are the requirements for the design of premises in a country house. Moreover, we have provided several simple examples implementation of design projects of sleeping quarters that you can put into practice.

Do you have questions that you would like to receive comprehensive answers to?

The interior of a bedroom in the country can be no worse than in a city apartment. Yes, and dachas, in general, are different. This is not always a "hut on chicken legs" - a full-fledged Vacation home, in which they do not live permanently, but only rest from time to time, can also be called a dacha.
Naturally, the scale of the building, as well as its finishes, depend on the material resources of the owners. But believe that there is a design option for a country house for every pocket. The main thing here is not the price, but the imagination and the ability to work with your own hands.

It is quite logical that a person, leaving for the bosom of nature, seeks to create around him the most appropriate environment for her. Main natural material- this is a tree, and it is used both for the construction of the house itself and for its decoration.

  • For outer cladding Composite materials are increasingly being used, because wood, which is constantly exposed to weathering, is not very durable. Quite another thing is the interiors.
    Natural wood for finishing rooms in a country house can rightfully be considered the most the best option: and beautiful, and comfortable, and good for health.
  • For this purpose, perfectly suited: board, timber, various panels, rail, plywood. But if the walls of the house are built from timber or logs, even uncalibrated ones, the task is simplified as much as possible: you can use a rustic style for interior design. Pay attention to how in the interior, which is shown in the photo above, the issue of organizing a bed is resolved.
  • The interior space of a country house is often one large room, which is zoned into the dining, sleeping and living areas visually, without the use of design solutions. In this case, these are curtains (see), fixed on a rod fixed to the ceiling beam.
  • By the way, in this interior all supporting structures are left in sight. They were given the appearance of an aged tree - this effect is achieved by surface treatment by chemical or mechanical means.
    For example, to give the wood a characteristic greenish-gray tint, its surface is treated with ammonia (ammonia).
  • To achieve some shades of yellow and red-brown, use vegetable decoctions of onion peel, the bark of some trees (alder, apple, poplar), walnut shells, and so on. As they say: everything that grows in the garden. The picture above shows another example of such wood processing.
  • I would like to draw your attention to it. Here the house is built from calibrated logs, that is, high quality construction wood with precisely specified dimensions was used.
    Such a wall is beautiful in itself, the surface of the wood was only etched to emphasize its texture.
  • Judging by the configuration and low ceiling height, this is an attic. The load-bearing structures of the roof were not left in sight here, but they were sewn up with plasterboard, like the two opposite walls.
    On the inclined surface, and the wall adjacent to it, wallpaper was pasted (see), textiles were selected by color - a simple but very elegant interior turned out.
  • Anyone who knows how to hold a hammer and a screwdriver in their hands can decorate a bedroom in a country house in this way. By the way, instead of drywall, you can use plywood or chipboard here, and fabric instead of wallpaper, self-adhesive film. IN wooden house this is done in order to, so to speak, “dilute” the interior a little.
  • Get away from monotony and allow different shades used in wood staining, bright textiles, small wall decor in the form of a panel, photographs and pictures in frames. All these details can decorate a room even with simple wall decoration.
    Pay attention to how the window cornice is suspended in the above example: not horizontally, as is traditionally done, but obliquely.
  • Instead of one long cornice, they took two short ones and fixed them with a “house”. As you can see beautiful interior expensive materials and accessories are not always made - a well-manifested fantasy can give an amazing result.
    Speaking of wood as an option for interior decoration at home, not necessarily country, but also urban, one cannot fail to say about the beauty and originality of wooden ceilings.
  • This is especially true when it is not about a horizontal rectangular ceiling, but about the inner surface of the roof, which serves as a ceiling in houses without an attic or attics. Let's not argue anything unfounded, let's discuss specific example presented below.
  • The house itself is most likely brick or block, as the walls are finished with decorative plaster.
    Roof structures, in any case, are wooden, and they are often used in ceiling design. This house does not have an attic, due to which it has a rather impressive interior space.
  • All load-bearing beams are sewn up with a board, and not with a clapboard with a standard section, but with an imitation of a beam. To decorate the ceiling, a planed timber of a small section was used, beautifully tinted even before installation.
    The beam is mounted along all lines of refraction of the inclined surfaces of the roof, and its pleasant shade contrasts with the one painted in White color ceiling.

For the decor of the walls, similarly painted wide slats were used. And look how interesting the zoning of the sleeping area is. They took a milled beam having longitudinal groove, and in it they hid ceiling cornice, which supports the curtain.
Color solution this interior is also beyond praise. Why don't you try to do something similar in your home?

Bedroom in a brick house

The most logical option in brick house- the use of at least one wall of natural brickwork in the design. You can leave it completely unfinished, or you can prime and paint with water-based, or even decorative paint.

  • This type of finish goes well with wooden paneling, and with painting on a leveled base, and with photo wallpapers. Only if the quality of the brick used for laying the walls is poor, it is difficult to achieve a good aesthetic effect.
    It is too troublesome to clean its surface from the old mortar, putty potholes, cover it with hydrophobic impregnation.
  • It's easier then to take ceramic tiles under brick or stone. The stone itself will also look great: even natural, even artificial.
    A wall at the head of the bed is usually subjected to a similar finish, but if the bedroom has a fireplace, then the wall adjacent to it is faced. As for artificial stone, you can make it at home.
  • For this purpose, you can buy a ready-made dry composition and a canister of liquid silicone. Pick up some stones for the sample, put them in a plastic box, and fill with silicone.
    When it hardens, you will receive a form (compound) into which you will pour the prepared solution. Although, on sale you can also find a ready-made compound. On suburban area having autonomous water supply It's a pleasure to do this kind of work.
  • You can see exactly this option for finishing a bedroom in a country house in the example above: here is a stone wall cladding with a fireplace, and wooden ceiling. The interior turned out to be quite ascetic, and many would prefer a cheerful atmosphere.
  • To achieve an interesting effect, there are completely different options. For example, there are two interior styles: patchwork and kitsch, which, in fact, are a variety of rustic design(country).
  • They are very suitable for decorating rooms in a country house. Patchwork is a patchwork style based on multicolored rugs and blankets. self made.
    When decorating a room in this style, they use not only appropriate textiles, but also finishing materials.
  • You can take two or three types of wallpaper, and paste them in squares or stripes. For such decor, ceramic tiles with a mosaic pattern are often used.
    It could be the same brickwork, only colored with bright rectangles. A distinctive feature of the kitsch style is a mixture of concepts from different styles, and non-traditional color combinations- but it's not for everybody.
  • Most people still prefer quieter, classic variations. And here's how, not quite usually, you can finish the aligned walls. Now it is very fashionable to perform a horizontal division of the plane of the walls.
  • In principle, such a design can involve wooden panels: they are mounted only along the lower perimeter of the walls, in one row, and above the panels, the wall was usually painted with paint. At one time it was purely an office option. Gradually, wooden panels moved into the living quarters, instead of paint they began to combine wallpaper with them.

  • This separation looks very nice, but the classic panels from natural wood not everyone can afford. Designers began to offer their own versions of wall division, using two types of wallpaper, or wallpaper with a painted surface - the main thing here is to choose the right shades.
  • With this approach, you can achieve visual magnification room height. If the ceilings are low, the lower part of the finish is darker, and at a small height. You can achieve the opposite effect by doing everything exactly the opposite, which we see in the above example.
  • This type of wall decoration is one of the most affordable, both in terms of cost and labor intensity. Who among us has not painted or glued wallpaper in his life?
    By the way, you can do without wallpaper, using two types of paint. How to correctly combine shades of paint, how to correctly perform horizontal or vertical multi-color painting?
    Instructions and a master class from professionals will give you comprehensive answers to these questions.
  • Well-chosen wallpaper with photo printing, 3D effect, and even a stretch fabric, which can be mounted not only on the ceiling, but also on the wall, can also successfully decorate the bedroom. See how wonderfully combined the photo wallpaper with the wooden ceiling structure in the photo above.
    It is impossible not to note the original lighting, which is provided by ceiling spots mounted on a beam.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for decorating a bedroom in a country house.
Watch the video in this article, read other articles on our website, and you will certainly determine for yourself the option that is best for your home and fits into your budget. Well, then it's up to you!