In a private house      06/23/2020

Geothermal heating of the house and its principle of operation. How to make geothermal heating in a private house Underground geothermal heating at home with the heat of the earth

The topic of this article is the use of heat from the earth for heating. Is it possible to take thermal energy from the bowels?

And if so, is it only about complex and expensive high-tech structures, or can something be done with one's own hands?


Why, in fact, do you need heating from the ground? After all, the modern market offers a lot ready-made solutions on electricity, gas, solarium and solid fuel…

Everything is simple. Energy prices are rising, significantly outpacing the growth in incomes of Russians. At the same time, it is not difficult to predict further exponential growth: since gas and oil reserves will come to an end already in the lifetime of our generation, their remains will be sold at exorbitant prices.

It is logical to switch to renewable sources of thermal energy. But what?

Let's evaluate the possibilities.

  • The sun is a great source of heat. But it is too fickle: a few weeks of clear weather can be replaced by snow and a gray veil overhead.
    In addition, the night will force either to accumulate heat, or to use it only as an auxiliary source of energy.

Useful: in a warm sunny climate, heating on solar collectors in principle, it is operational, but with their huge area and in the presence of a capacious heat accumulator.
However, a backup source of heat in case of prolonged bad weather is still needed.

  • The wind is also too fickle. In addition, it can not be used everywhere: valleys and folds of the relief create many areas with a constant calm.

But heating the house with the heat of the earth, using geothermal energy has no such problem. At a depth of one to five or six meters, the soil everywhere and always has a constant temperature, which increases with increasing depth.

geothermal pump

How can you use the heat of the earth for heating?

Ready-made solutions have been around for a couple of decades. These are geothermal. How are they arranged?

Imagine how a refrigerator works.

  • The gaseous refrigerant is compressed by the compressor, becoming very hot at the same time.
  • Then it is driven through the heat exchanger, dissipating excess heat and cooling to room temperature.
  • The cooled refrigerant enters the cooling circuit freezer, where it expands and, like any substance, when the state of aggregation changes from liquid to gaseous, it cools down sharply and ... cools the space around it.
  • Then the refrigerant goes back to the compressor for compression - and so on in a circle.

We are curious about two facts:

  1. The refrigerator is able to take heat from a cold object and give it to a warm one. In this case, heat is transferred from the freezer with its -18C to the room air.
  2. The amount of pumped thermal energy is several times greater than the energy consumption for the operation of the compressor.

And now substitute soil at a shallow depth with its constant temperature in place of the freezer - and you will get a working model of a geothermal heat pump. Note - for the most part, they use the energy of the earth to heat your home. Electricity costs cover no more than 30 percent of its heat output.

It is clear that earth heating needs not only a radiator for heat transfer, but also a heat exchanger on the second side of the circuit, which will take heat from the ground. What can he be?

Vertical manifold

Most often, heat is transferred by vertical probes submerged to a depth of several tens of meters. At a short distance from the house, several wells are drilled, into which pipes are immersed (usually made of cross-linked polyethylene). Greater depth means absolutely stable and high temperature; in addition, while the heat exchangers do not require a large area to accommodate.

A significant drawback that heating the house with the energy of the earth in such an implementation is the high cost of installation work. More precisely, the price of drilling: it starts from 2,000 rubles per linear meter of a well. The total cost of 2-4 wells with a depth of 50-60 meters is easy to calculate.

Horizontal manifold

However, in those regions of the country where the winter is not too severe, and the depth of soil freezing does not exceed a meter - one and a half, horizontal collectors are often used. The same heat exchanger pipes are laid in a trench, which is easy to dig yourself. It is clear that the cost of installation in this case will decrease many times over.

Please note: do not underestimate the scale of the work. For example, the total length of the collector pipes for a house with an area of ​​​​275 m2 will be approximately 1200 meters.

In addition to corns from a shovel, heating with the warmth of the earth in such an implementation promises you another problem. A large area will be occupied by the collector, many times greater than the total area of ​​​​the house. Moreover, you will not be able to use it for a vegetable garden or garden: the roots of the plants will be frozen by the collector.

In the photo - laying a horizontal heat exchanger.

Air manifold

Fortunately, in addition to the cost of tens of thousands of evergreen units, there are other ways to implement heating. country house from the earth. One of the simplest is an air earthen collector.

Remember: in order to heat the air to an acceptable level in a residential area, you need a certain amount of thermal energy. Moreover, the lower the initial air temperature, the greater the costs.

But you can increase the air temperature at the inlet of the ventilation system absolutely free of charge. Constant ground temperature, remember?

The instruction for using earth energy heating is extremely simple:

  • We bring the ventilation air intake into the ground below the freezing point.
  • We lay the usual sewer pipes straight, curved or multi-pipe manifold. The shape is determined by your personal plot. The approximate total length of the collector is 1.5 meters per square meter house area.
  • We make an air intake at the far end of the collector from the house, bringing the pipe to a height of at least one and a half meters from the ground and providing it with an umbrella-deflector. Of course, you will have to force air into the house.

Do not flatter yourself: the described heating from the heat of the earth will not solve your problems with thermal energy completely and free of charge.

But it will allow you to implement one of the simple and inexpensive schemes:

  • The incoming air with a temperature of about 10C can be heated by any heater (electric, gas, solar, etc.) and distributed through the rooms by ventilation ducts. Costs compared to the need to heat cold outdoor air will decrease many times over.
  • An alternative solution is to use ground-blown air to blow the outdoor unit of an air-to-air heat pump or conventional air conditioner. At +10C, ANY external unit of any device of this class can work effectively. The main technical problem is to provide the required air flow.


And finally, a little personal experience. The author of the article lives in a private house, in a region with a rather warm climate. Under the house there is a basement with a concrete floor of 75 m2, having all year round temperature in those same 10-12 degrees. It is clear that with such an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heat exchanger, the air temperature in the basement is quite stable.

One of the heating devices in the house is a conventional household air conditioner with outdoor unit in the basement and internal on the first floor. As a result of this arrangement, even when the outside temperature is noticeably below zero, the air conditioner works with maximum efficiency, taking away heat from the air in the basement and further from the ground.

The external unit of the split system is traditionally located on the street. However, if your basement has a stable temperature, why not move it there?

As usual, you can find some additional information in the video attached to the article. Warm winters!

Geothermal heating is used for heating system.

As the main or additional source of heat is earth energy.

Heating a house with heat from underground: what is it

On Russian territory high-temperature (thermal) springs are located extremely unevenly, mainly far from settlements, which makes it difficult to use them for heating purposes.

With the development of technologies and the introduction of new types of equipment, for the production of thermal energy, it became possible to use and low temperature sources .

Among other things, underground layers located at a distance 50-100 meters below the surface of the earth, have a positive temperature equal to 10-12°C. These values ​​are stored regardless of time, which makes it possible to use heating throughout the year.

Advantages geothermal heating systems:

  • economy. Sources are renewable resources, which avoids financial investments in the purchase of fuel, as is the case with traditional systems. There will be no additional costs associated with transportation, storage of fuel.
  • Safety. It is unlikely that any emergencies, explosions and fires.
  • Environmental friendliness. Since the combustion process is not used in a geothermal system, its inherent emissions to the atmosphere are excluded.
  • autonomy. In the presence of automatic control does not require frequent intervention or constant external monitoring.


  • Considerable initial money spendings.
  • labor intensive installation.
  • Necessity source of electrical energy.

How does a geothermal heating system work?

Heat for heating housing or supplying hot water is obtained by transformations him out of energy environment with the help of a special unit.

The main element of a geothermal installation is Heat pump, which is connected to the internal and external heating circuit.

The structure of the internal circuit is similar to the traditional heating option (gas, water). This: pipes and radiators.

Outer loop, the size of which is much larger than the internal one, being placed underground, is invisible during its operation. A coolant circulates inside it. This: or bull water, or antifreeze usually based on ethylene glycol. And, the second option is much more preferable.

The temperature of the heat carrier is equalized with the temperature of the environment when it is in the external circuit, and then it is sent to the heat pump. After passing through it, the heated masses are directed along inner contour.

The presence of a heat pump is the main factor for obtaining thermal energy, which is intended for its subsequent use by the consumer (housing heating, hot water supply).

efficiency this device may surprise some. Consuming electrical energy in volume 1 kW as a result of their work "Gives out" a little more - 4-5 kW, which looks very strange.

This is due to how design features device, and the fact that, in addition to electric, it uses the thermal energy of the earth as an additional one (even at low soil temperatures).

The heat pump is able to work all year round and be operated for 15-25 years old.

Note! Some experts claim that, taking into account friction or wear, real time period systems without stopping to conduct repair work is about 10 years.

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DIY installation

Before taking such a step, compare the possibilities with the volume and complexity of all the necessary work to install a geothermal system.

Cost calculation

The calculation of the cost of a geothermal system device is calculated relative to:

  • acquisitions heat pump certain power;
  • total prices pipeline, according to the pump power;
  • production of related land works(drilling wells, digging trenches), as well as the cost of laying networks;
  • installation and connection heat pump.

Photo 1. Geothermal heat pump model Vitocal 300-W Pro with electric drive for heating, manufactured by Viessmann.

The calculation also includes the purchase of a heat pump, the price of which varies depending on the power and manufacturer.

Power models in the area 4-5 kW will be evaluated in 3-7 thousand. e. Appliance power 5-10 kW costs 4-8 thousand. e. Behind 10-15 kW5-10 thousand. e.

Collector placement

There is a division according to the method of installing the outer contour ( collector). IN ground it can be placed vertically or horizontally. in the ground reservoirhorizontally. Each of these cases has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Vertical type

When building the installation vertical type there is a need for drilling wells with a depth of 50-200 meters. That is, to a layer having an elevated temperature. One of the mines, which is called debit, serves to take heat.

The coolant in it rises, thanks to the pump, then there is a supply to the pipes and radiators of the internal circuit.

Returning, after passing through the entire cycle, the coolant dumped through another mine back to the underground layers.

It is believed that the lifetime of such a plant is about hundreds of years.

When arranging a vertical type collector with two shafts the efficiency of its use for heating a private house is reduced, since it will take significant amount of electricity. This is suitable option for the installation of the "warm floor" system.

With more economical cluster method, the number of wells increases, but their depth decreases.

For vertical installation, there is also an option that provides for strengthening the container (tank) containing antifreeze, at a depth of 100 m. The continuous movement of this liquid, heated from the ground, provides a heat pump.

If you do not consider the option of drilling wells for a vertical structure, which requires skills and equipment, then the work can be done independently.

Horizontal heat exchanger

To install a horizontal heat exchanger (type), it will take a little effort, but the heat output in this case will be less. Excavation required to construct excavation below the freezing mark. The pipeline of the external contour is laid in the dug trenches, and subsequently the entire structure is again covered with earth.

The temperature of the soil layer will be much lower and the length longer than when using a vertical type heat exchanger. Square approximately double the room to be heated.

Geothermal heating is one of the most promising of all alternative sources receiving energy. Unlike solar systems, it practically does not depend on the time of year. But is it profitable to heat a house at the expense of the heat and energy of the earth?

Geothermal home heating

First you need to understand the principles of obtaining thermal energy. They are based on the rise in temperature as you go deeper into the earth. At first glance, the increase in the degree of heating is insignificant. But thanks to the advent of new technologies, heating a house with the heat of the earth has become a reality.

The main condition for the organization of geothermal heating is a temperature of at least 6 ° C. This is typical for medium and deep layers of soil and reservoirs. The latter are highly dependent on the external temperature, so they are rarely used. How can you practically organize the heating of the house with the energy of the earth?

To do this, it is necessary to make 3 circuits filled with liquids with different technical characteristics:

  • Outer. More often it circulates antifreeze. Its heating to a temperature not lower than 6 ° C occurs due to the energy of the earth;
  • Heat pump. Without it, heating from the energy of the earth is impossible. The heat carrier from the external circuit transfers its energy to the refrigerant using a heat exchanger. Its evaporation temperature is less than 6°С. After that, it enters the compressor, where, after compression, the temperature rises to 70 ° C;
  • Inner contour. According to a similar scheme, heat is transferred from the compressed refrigerant to water in the overcoming system. Thus, heating from the bowels of the earth occurs at minimal cost.

Despite the obvious advantages, it is rare to find such systems. This is due to the high costs of purchasing equipment and organizing an external heat intake circuit.

It is best to entrust the calculation of heating from the heat of the earth to professionals. The efficiency of the entire system will depend on the correctness of the calculations.

How a heat pump works

The "heart" of geothermal heating is the heat pump. It consists of several components, the operation of which directly affects the efficiency of the entire system. Therefore, before planning the heating of a private house from the ground, you need to find out the main characteristics of this node.

Since this device belongs to the category of complex equipment, it is recommended to purchase only factory models. The design of the heat pump includes the following components:

  • Evaporator. In this block, energy is transferred from the external circuit;
  • Compressor. Needed to create high pressure in the refrigerant environment;
  • Capillary. It serves to reduce the internal pressure in the refrigerant circuit;
  • Control system. With its help, the heating of a private house from the ground is regulated - temperature regime work, the speed of passage of coolants, etc.

The main problem with self-manufacturing of the heat pump is to reduce heat losses and normalize the operation of the internal refrigerant circuit. Factory models are set up at the manufacturing stage, and the design provides for the possibility of adjusting its parameters.

How to correctly calculate the parameters of the pump so that the heat of the earth for heating the house provides normal temperature? For this you need to know thermal power pump. For an approximate calculation, you can use the following formula:


Where t1-t2– temperature difference on the inlet and return pipes, °С, V is the estimated volume of coolant flow, m³/h, Q- rated power of the heat pump, W.

This technique is not applicable to complex systems because there are many other factors involved. In particular - heat loss on the highway. This is especially true for those areas where it goes as close as possible to the surface of the soil. To minimize heat losses, the heating pipes should be insulated in the ground.

Since the operation of the heat pump depends on electricity, it is recommended to install an emergency power supply unit.

Options for arranging geothermal heating

In order for the energy of the earth to be used for heating the house as much as possible, you need to choose the right circuit for the external circuit. In fact, any medium can be a source of thermal energy - underground, water or air. But it is important to take into account seasonal changes in weather conditions, as discussed above.

Currently, there are two types of systems that are effectively used for heating a house due to the heat of the earth - horizontal and vertical. Area is a key selection factor. land plot. The layout of the pipes for heating the house with the energy of the earth depends on this.

In addition to it, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Soil composition. In rocky and loamy areas, it is difficult to make vertical shafts for laying highways;
  • Soil freezing level. He will determine the optimal depth of the pipes;
  • Location of groundwater. The higher they are, the better for geothermal heating. In this case, the temperature will increase with depth, which is optimal condition for heating from the energy of the earth.

You also need to know about the possibility of reverse energy transfer in the summer. Then the heating of a private house from the ground will not function, and the excess heat will pass from the house into the soil. All refrigeration systems work on the same principle. But for this you need to install additional equipment.

It is impossible to plan the installation of an external circuit away from home. This will increase heat losses in heating from the bowels of the earth.

Horizontal geothermal heating scheme

The most common way to install outdoor highways. It is convenient for ease of installation and the ability to relatively quickly replace faulty sections of the pipeline.

To install according to this scheme, use collector system. For this, several contours are made, located at a minimum distance of 0.3 m from each other. They are connected using a collector, which supplies the coolant further to the heat pump. This will ensure the maximum supply of energy for heating from the heat of the earth.

However, there are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Big square personal plot. For a house of about 150 m², it must be at least 300 m²;
  • Pipes must be fixed to a depth below the freezing level of the soil;
  • With the possible movement of the soil during spring floods, the likelihood of displacement of highways increases.

The defining advantage of heating from the heat of the earth horizontal type is an opportunity self-arrangement. In most cases, this will not require the involvement of special equipment.

For maximum heat transfer, it is necessary to use pipes with a high thermal conductivity - thin-walled polymer pipes. But at the same time, you should consider ways to insulate heating pipes in the ground.

Vertical diagram of geothermal heating

This is a more time-consuming way of organizing heating of a private house from the ground. Pipelines are located vertically, in special wells. It is important to know that such a scheme is much more efficient than a vertical one.

Its main advantage is to increase the degree of water heating in the external circuit. Those. the deeper the pipes are located, the more the amount of earth's heat for heating the house will enter the system. Another factor is small area land plot. In some cases, the arrangement of the external geothermal heating circuit is carried out even before the construction of the house in the immediate vicinity of the foundation.

What difficulties can be encountered in obtaining earth energy for heating a house according to this scheme?

  • Quantitative to Qualitative. For a vertical arrangement, the length of the highways is much higher. It is compensated by higher soil temperature. To do this, you need to make wells up to 50 m deep, which is laborious work;
  • Soil composition. For rocky soil, it is necessary to use special drilling machines. In loam, to prevent shedding of the well, a protective shell made of reinforced concrete or thick-walled plastic is mounted;
  • In the event of a malfunction or loss of tightness complicates the repair process. In this case, long-term failures in the operation of heating the house for the thermal energy of the earth are possible.

But despite the high initial costs and the complexity of installation, the vertical arrangement of the highways is optimal. Experts advise using just such an installation scheme.

For the circulation of the coolant in the external circuit in vertical system need powerful circulation pumps.

Organization of geothermal heating

Consumers still have the main question - is it possible to use the heating of a country house with the energy of the earth as the main one? This is possible, but only with a professional approach at all stages - from the calculation to the installation and testing of the system.

First of all, you need to choose the right heat pump. Given their high cost, you must first complete all preliminary calculations its characteristics. Only in this case, heating due to the thermal energy of the earth will have the maximum efficiency. Among the reliable manufacturers are Buderus, Vaillant and Veissman. The average cost of a heat pump for heating from earth is about 360 thousand rubles with a rated power of 6 kW. More productive models can cost over 1 million rubles.

UPS - Source uninterruptible power supply. This is a device that supports the power of electrical appliances. during a power outage.

They are often used in conjunction with a computer or servers when it is necessary to keep the 24 hours a day. UPS running geothermal, don't give home with electric boiler cool down.

Features of geothermal home heating

Geothermal heating is a type of heating system in which energy is taken from the earth.

Such a system can be built with your own hands, for this reason they popular in Europe, and middle lane Russia. But some believe that this is a fashion that will soon pass.

Such equipment difficult to heat large rooms, because the temperature of the soil in places where heat exchangers are located, as a rule, is 6-8°C.

But, especially expensive equipment designed for industrial scales is capable of generating a large number of energy. Only devices of this type have huge cost.

Principle of operation

Thermal energy is taken from the earth by special heat pumps. Pipes are lowered into the ground, through which a liquid circulates, which heats up and delivers heat to the house. During compression and expansion, the temperature of the gas changes, this temperature is enough to heat the house.

Reference! The process is called Carnot cycle. The discovery happened in 1824 French physicist Sadi Carnot. Refrigerators work according to the same scheme, as well as a heat engine invented by Carnot himself.

The device consists of three circuits and a pump, which supports the exchange between processes within the system, the number of which is equal to three.

Inner contour

This circuit is filled with water or a specialized fluid called coolant. Comprises pipes and radiator.

The purpose of the internal circuit is to heat the coolant, which circulates through the system and heats the whole house. It is worth adding that the internal circuit does not allow the ground around the unit to freeze.


Inside the contour is antifreeze liquid, the circuit itself is deep underground, below freezing depth. Designed to collect thermal energy from the ground. Subsequently thermal energy transferred to the freon circuit.

Freon circuit

The main circuit inside which occurs freon boiling. Consequently, a large amount of gas is released, on which the principle of operation of the system is based.

Important! The boiling point of freon is very low.

How different types of geothermal systems work

Exists three kinds heat exchangers, each of them its advantages. The choice depends on the type of terrain, the size of the site where the equipment will be located, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room, the presence of a reservoir, and other factors.

Each of the systems is not cheap, but it is economical in terms of consumption, and the power of the unit depends on consumption. The main difference in type of heat exchanger.

Vertical heat exchanger

The main plus is space saving. Ideal for small areas. For example, such equipment can be kept not under a house, but under a hill without disturbing the landscape, but for this you will have to use powerful drilling equipment, for more depth.

Photo 1. Burying a vertical type geothermal heating shaft. Spiral-wrapped pipes descend deep into the ground.

Average depth 150 meters, and the diameter 15 cm.

Horizontal heat exchanger

Over such a system can't plant a garden. It is ideal for heating large rooms. from 300 m 2. Under the ground is not just a well, but a whole system of pipes in special tunnels.

Photo 2. Geothermal heating with pipes laid horizontally: the depth of the pit is small, but the area is large.

Area ratio equipment to the area of ​​the heated area 1 to 3. This is very big sizes.

placed in the water

Such a system, of all those proposed, the most economical. But there is one criterion without which work is impossible: presence of a body of water nearby. The reservoir must be at a distance up to 100 meters from the heated area.

Photo 3. Geothermal heating placed in the water: pipes with a coolant are immersed in the nearest body of water.

In this case, thermal energy is not taken from the earth, but of water.

Advice. The area of ​​the reservoir should be over 200 m2.

Useful video

The video explains how heat pumps for geothermal heating work.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating from the heat of the earth

After a detailed analysis, it was possible to highlight the positive and negative aspects of such systems.

Not everyone knows that creating geothermal heating at home does not require specific knowledge or skills. But compared to alternative types of heating, geothermal is not so popular, and the reason for this is extremely simple - large financial costs that will pay off only after eight years. Under such conditions, few people want to invest money, and completely in vain.

In a word, take a closer look at geothermal heating, especially since the cost of electricity and gas is constantly growing and it is not clear which of the energy carriers will be cheaper to use in a few years.

Note! For the first time this method of heating was used in America during the financial crisis of the eighties. Over time, the novelty has become popular in Europe. In Sweden, for example, today ¾ of all heat is synthesized by means of heat pumps.

Even from the name it is clear that the essence of this type of heating is to use the energy of the earth. According to the principle of operation, it remotely resembles air conditioners or refrigerators.

The main element is a heat pump connected to two circuits.

  1. Under inner loop we mean the heating system familiar to us, it consists of radiators and pipelines.
  2. External - this is a very dimensional heat exchanger installed underground or in a reservoir. It contains a coolant (and it may be plain water or antifreeze), having accepted the ambient temperature, is supplied to the heat pump, from where the accumulated heat enters the internal circuit. This is how the heaters in the house heat up.

The main element of the system is precisely the heat pump - a device that takes up no more space than gas stove. The performance of the heat pump is quite high: for every kilowatt of energy used, it generates up to five kilowatts of heat.

Note! An ordinary air conditioner, the principle of which is very similar, produces exactly as much energy as it consumes, that is, one to one.

Of course, geothermal heating is by far the most time-consuming and costly. Most money to be spent on excavation and related equipment, including a heat pump. And many are wondering if it is possible to save on this and build, say, a home-made heat pump. To find out, you need to understand the types and features of the equipment.

Pros and cons of the system

Here are the main advantages of this heating method:

  • use of the inexhaustible energy of the earth;
  • high productivity factor;
  • no risk of fire;
  • profitability;
  • ease of maintenance and operation;
  • no need to store fuel;
  • autonomy;
  • environmental friendliness and safety.

The disadvantages include perhaps the high cost of installation, but, as already mentioned, these costs will certainly pay off.

Note! Geothermal heating is most beneficial in tandem with underfloor heating, as well as in houses whose area does not exceed 150 square meters.

One of the most important elements is the thermal circuit. When vertically located, it can lie at a depth of 20 m to 150 m, depending on the geological circulation of heat. Horizontal circuits are installed at a depth of up to 2.5 m and are heated by temperature fluctuations during solar heating or heat loss.

Thermal devices with direct heat exchange are in direct contact with the soil. The coolant leaves the body of the device, moves along the underground copper main, exchanging thermal energy, and returns.

Such heat transfer is called direct because the liquid contacts the ground without any "intermediaries". Of course, it does not interact directly with the soil, but only exchanges heat with it through the walls of the pipes. Today, such pumps are rarely used, they should not be confused with devices in which heat exchange takes place through intermediate circuits.

Be that as it may, the efficiency of direct heat exchange is quite high, and the financial costs for installation are lower than in most closed systems. Not the last role in this is played by the thermal conductivity of copper, as well as the absence of an electric water pump and an exchanger between the coolant and water, which, as you know, is the main source of heat loss.

It is also worth noting that the copper pipeline is expensive, and the coolant itself is required more than for other types of systems.

2. Closed systems

Most of these systems consist of a primary circuit filled with refrigerant and a secondary circuit filled with water and installed underground. For the manufacture of the secondary circuit, they are mainly used polypropylene pipes and fill it with water with a small amount of antifreeze.

Water leaves the heat exchanger, moves along the outer contour, exchanging thermal energy with the soil, and returns. It is characteristic that the outer contour is below the level of soil freezing, where the temperature is stable; still it is immersed in the nearest body of water.

Note! Systems submerged in water or located in moist soil are much more productive than dry circuits. Therefore, in dry ground next to the circuit, it is desirable to install a drainage hose that would moisten it.

Closed systems are less efficient than the previous option because they require laborious drilling and long pipework. Also note that closed circuits are installed in two ways - vertically and horizontally.

The vertical circuit consists of two pipes going underground at a right angle to a depth of 20-120 m. Their lower parts are connected to each other by a U-shaped connector. Shafts dug for pipes are usually filled with a special solution that improves heat transfer and protects underground aquifers from pollution.

In the case of a horizontal placement of the system, the pipes are buried below the freezing level of the soil. Naturally, they run horizontally. For obvious reasons, this method is cheaper than vertical placement (read: drilling), so it is used wherever there is enough space on the site.

An alternative to the two previous options may be laying the contour by horizontal drilling. This makes it possible to install pipes under the garden, yard, road and other objects without destroying them.

In terms of cost, such a system is somewhere between horizontal and vertical installation. Its distinguishing feature is that the hinges can be connected to only one chamber, and this reduces the area required for installation.

Note! The contours using horizontal drilling are installed after the construction of the building.

Closed circuits that are immersed in water bodies are a pipeline laid in loops. They can be placed in any lake or pond, which are located in the immediate vicinity of the house.

5. Open systems

In such systems, the outer circuit is filled with natural water. Then it moves to a heat exchanger located in the device housing, where the heat is extracted and transferred to the primary circuit. After that, the water is returned back. Supply and "return" must be placed away from each other to effectively feed the heat source.

Note! All elements of the system must be well protected against corrosion, as chemical composition circulating water cannot be controlled. That is why it is desirable to use closed circuits if the level of minerals and salts in the water is increased.

Although the efficiency open systems an order of magnitude higher than closed ones, problems may arise during installation, mainly of a legal nature. Installation permits may be required as these systems contaminate wells and deplete aquifers.

6. Columns of liquid

Contours with liquid columns are one of the varieties of systems closed type. In this case, water comes from the bottom of a deep well, passes through the pump and sinks back, exchanging heat with the surrounding soil.

Often, liquid columns are used where free space is limited. It is undesirable to use this system on clay or sandy soil.

We also note that the structure can consist of several pillars at once and is used mainly in small buildings.

Video - Geothermal heating

Stage one. Before proceeding with the manufacture of the pump, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures to improve the energy efficiency of the house. These measures include insulating floors and walls, replacing leaky doors and windows, thermal insulation of the roof and ceiling.

Stage two. Then you need to conduct geological exploration to find out the depth of soil freezing. After that, you should draw up a project based on the selected technology.

Stage three. Buying everything you need - parts of the heating system, pipes and a compressor for the pump.

The compressor - the heart of any geothermal pump - should be discussed separately. It is impossible to make it with your own hands and the only option left is to buy a finished product.

It is better to buy a device with a capacity of more than 7 kW, used in high-performance air conditioners (such compressors are sold in service centers specializing in servicing household appliances).

Stage four. Then you can start assembling the internal heat exchanger. Recall that it is necessary to transfer the accumulated thermal energy to the heating network. The materials for this element, as well as its volume, are completely dependent on specific climatic conditions. For the circulation of the coolant is usually used copper tubes, while the container is made of non-corrosive material. Ideally, this capacity should be a 150-liter stainless steel tank.

Stage five. The pre-prepared copper coil must be placed in the tank. It will not work without damaging the latter - it must be cut into two parts, and after fixing the coil, weld it to its original state.

Stage six. Then you should drill mines or trenches, install a pipeline there. At the end of the work, it is necessary to conduct a test run of the system.

Note! Due to the high degree of complexity of the work, it is better to entrust the design and installation of such heating to experienced professionals. The same can be said about the manufacture of a heat pump.

To learn more about heat pumps, you can watch the video below.

Video - Geothermal pumps