In a private house      08.03.2020

How to install a hinged. Hanging toilet with installation: how to choose, pros and cons, installation. Installation of a toilet bowl without installation, on a concrete base

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Space saving and aesthetic features are the main advantages of a wall-mounted toilet, therefore, choosing this option, its owner certainly will not lose. If there are no special questions with the installation of the toilet bowl, then its suspended “brother” will require manual dexterity due to the presence of an additional link in the bathroom - the installation. Do-it-yourself installation of a toilet installation does not provide for complexity if you have all the necessary Building tools and work step by step.

The uninterrupted functioning of the sanitary ware depends on the installation sequence of the toilet installation. First of all, its installation itself is carried out, then sewerage is connected, visible elements are camouflaged and finished. For clarity, below is a photo and video of the installation installation under the toilet, which will greatly simplify the perception of information.

Preparatory stage

First of all, along with the toilet, you need to purchase an installation system. Unlike a bidet, today the market has wide choose their manufacturers. By their principle, they all represent a flush-mounted frame. But here, as they say, to each his own.

From the tools you need a puncher or drill, a drill for concrete with a diameter equal to the hole of the fasteners, spanners, building level, pencil and tape measure.

When all the necessary construction equipment is at hand, we proceed to markup and prepare the fastener system. It is important to measure the gap from the installation system to the wall surface and mark the location of the cistern. It will be correct to install it at a height of 100 cm from the floor.

Do not forget about fixing the installation itself: it is necessary to mark the points for fasteners on the surface of the wall and floor. In this case, fasteners should be given Special attention. Using a perforator, holes are drilled according to the marks made earlier, where anchors with dowels are inserted.

Installing the installation of hanging toilets

The toilet installation installation scheme has a clear sequence:

  • a frame is mounted on a pre-prepared place, which is fixed with special adjusting nuts and screws;
  • the installation body is adjusted horizontally and vertically;
  • the horizontal level is set by adjusting the design of the legs, and the vertical level by adjusting the thread of the anchor.

Having completed the installation of the installation under the toilet, it is necessary to bring the toilet to sewer pipe. It was important to pre-install a drain pipe with a diameter of 110 mm and supply water.

Regarding the water supply to the tank, experts recommend using a rigid pipe instead of a flexible one. Pipes from the drain tank and the sewer pipe are attached to fixing plastic clamps.

Finally, before installing the plumbing product, we once again check the tightening of all elements. Finally, we put on PVC couplings, install a shock-absorbing gasket and a toilet bowl.

From the author: Hello friends! Agree, it’s good when there is a spacious apartment available, or even a house built in accordance with personal preferences. As a rule, all rooms in such dwellings differ in quite decent dimensions, because comfort is the most important thing that we want to get from hearth. But still, more often there are situations when we are forced to live not in ideal, but in affordable housing. Take, for example, the well-known "Khrushchev". You can still put up with the size of the rooms in it. In principle, there is where to turn around, and not everyone likes huge halls.

But the bathroom is eternal headache hosts. As a rule, it has a place either for plumbing or for a person. You can still go there, but more or less freely turn around - no longer. Therefore, in such cases, there is only one way out - to choose the most compact equipment possible. In today's article, we will talk about how to choose and how to install a wall hung toilet. This type of product can save much-needed space in the room. Of course, its installation is more complicated than in the case of conventional sanitary ware. But, believe me, the opportunity to free up space will please you very much in the end.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many people are very wary of such "frills". We are accustomed to seeing toilets in the guise of equipment standing firmly on the floor, reliable and strong. Hanging options seem to be more flimsy, and indeed, people usually approach everything new with caution. Let's take a look at what positive and negative features are characteristic of this type of sanitary ware:

  • aesthetic appearance. An ordinary toilet looks more rude and even, one might say, frankly. Whereas the models attached to the wall are beautiful and concise;
  • ease of cleaning. Usually, when cleaning in the bathroom, the toilet “leg” causes a lot of problems, especially in a cramped room where it is difficult to bend down. You have to get close to it, and then carefully clean all the bends that are there, while being in an uncomfortable position. With pendants, you can forget about such difficulties, since there is no leg - no problem;
  • all communications and the water tank itself are hidden in the wall. On the one hand, it is beautiful and, again, aesthetically pleasing. No pipes violate the external harmony of the room. On the other hand, if suddenly something from the hidden breaks, problems may arise. Firstly, if there is a leak, it is difficult to quickly notice it. Secondly, the repair will not be so simple, since the elements sealed in the wall will have to be somehow selected. Although I saw very convenient options when a door is made in a false wall at the level of placement of such equipment - in particular, problem areas such as joints, valves, etc. Outwardly, it does not protrude too much from the surface, since it is finished with the same decorative material, which is the whole wall. At the same time, the issue of access to communications is solved easily and simply;
  • space saving. We have already touched on this issue above, but here is what should be clarified. It is physical savings in terms of the size of the room that you will get fifteen centimeters, no more, since some part will be occupied by a false wall, which we will talk about below. But visually it will become much more spacious. And then, in especially critical cases, the place under such a toilet can also be useful for placing any necessary things. So there is a spatial benefit anyway;
  • some people have doubts about whether such equipment can withstand a large load. Especially often such fears arise in those who weigh a lot. Purely psychologically, an object hanging on the wall does not look very reliable, so obese people are usually afraid to use such things. In fact, the mount is strong enough to support a weight of about 150 kilograms. so there is nothing to be afraid of if your body weight does not exceed these limits. Otherwise, of course, it is better to take the usual option, installed on the floor;
  • price. Here the hanging toilet has nothing to brag about: it is frankly more expensive than the floor counterpart. True, it cannot be said that this option is available only to wealthy people. The price range is quite wide, so you can still choose a model that matches your budget;
  • installation complexity. This can also scare away many, especially beginners, masters. In general, not in vain, since it is correct to install pendant model with your own hands - it's not so simple. You will have to mount not only the equipment itself, but also make a false wall. However, the complexity of this lesson is not prohibitive. So, with a little patience and care, you will definitely cope.

Varieties of design

In principle, the essence of all wall-hung toilets is the same: they consist of a tank, a bowl and an installation. Of course, each of these parts is different from those that are characteristic of floor models. The bowl has a different shape, the tank is flat and plastic. About the installation is worth talking separately.


The installation is, in fact, the same construction, thanks to which all other elements are safely kept in suspension. It is a strong frame made of steel.

There are two options for mounting installations: block and frame. The former are compact in size - as a rule, the dimensions are half a meter wide, a meter high and 10–15 centimeters deep. The volume of the drain tank, which is mounted on such a frame, varies from three to five liters.

Block installation is attached only to the wall, without the participation of the floor. Therefore, the foundation must be very reliable. That is, to fix such a design, only suitable, but not interior. This must be taken into account when choosing.

Frame installations are more dimensional. Their width can be from 50 to 60 centimeters, height from 80 to 140 centimeters, and the depth varies from 15 to 30 centimeters. The tank installed on this design can hold from 6 to 9 liters of water.

Such structures are not hung on the wall. They are placed on the floor and attached to it. Some models are additionally fixed on the wall, but at the same time it does not have to be a carrier.


The main operational place of such a toilet can be round, rectangular, egg-shaped, etc. - the modern market offers many various options, among which you can choose the one that you like. The bowls also differ in size. They can be compact, up to half a meter long, medium, like conventional toilets, and also enlarged, the length of which varies from 65 to 70 centimeters.

In addition, you can choose models with some features:

  • rimless bowls - there is no usual protrusion in their upper part, which makes cleaning the product much easier;
  • built-in bidet - in the normal state, the washing nozzle is hidden in back wall bowls, and if necessary, extends;
  • backlight. As a rule, it is connected to a motion sensor, which makes using such a toilet extremely convenient at night or when the electricity in the house is turned off.

Of course, the design of the bowls can be very diverse. There are options from glass, faience, metal and other materials, with and without drawings. The color range is also very wide. Here the choice depends solely on your personal preferences.

Installation procedure

Installation of hanging toilet bowls can be carried out both with installation and without it. The first option is more popular, so we'll start with it.

Mounting with installation

The first thing to check is the strength of the wall and floor. Ideally, they should be concrete. We remind you that if you decide to use a block version of the frame, then the wall must be load-bearing. It is on the strength of the connection between the frame and the base that the reliability of the installation of suspended sanitary ware depends. So, let's get to work.

  1. We start, of course, with the markup. We need to mark on the wall and floor all the points where the fasteners will be placed, as well as the location of the sewer outlet and the water pipe. To make it easier, first mark the place where the drain tank will be fixed. Usually it is located a meter from the floor, and the bowl is half a meter.
  2. Now you need to bring the water pipe to the appropriate mark. To do this, you can use a flexible hose, but the best option would still be metal-plastic. It is more reliable and durable.
  3. We also bring a sewer outlet to the right place. If your installation is of the frame type, then please note that it provides a specific area for this pipe, in accordance with which you need to place it.
  4. Next, we proceed to fix the frame. In the places marked for fasteners, we drill holes, for this we need a puncher. We install the dowels, then the frame, fasten it with anchor screws. Fixing is done first on the floor, and then, if necessary, on the wall.
  5. We connect the drain tank to the water supply pipe, and also fix the sewer outlet on the installation.
  6. The steel frame has holes for screwing in special studs that come with the equipment. Install these items in place.
  7. Now you need to mount the fake wall. The best option for this - drywall. But keep in mind that not everyone will fit. Ordinary drywall does not tolerate water very well. Since we are talking about a bathroom (and it is often also combined), care must be taken to prevent the destruction of the wall. Therefore, use only waterproof drywall. Outwardly, it differs from ordinary material greenish surface. In a sheet of drywall, cut holes for everything that will stick out of it: this is a sewer pipe, pins, a drain button, and the like. Mount the wall, and then finish it. This can be done with paint or tiles.
  8. We put the bowl on the pins, properly press it against the wall, fix it with bolts.
  9. At the end of the process, we mount the drain button.

We check our design. To do this, open the valve on the supply pipe cold water, wait until the tank is full, then drain. We repeat several times. If everything is in order - performance on right level, no leaks, etc. - then you can put it into operation.

Installation without installation

You can do without a steel frame, but such an installation is carried out only on bearing wall. You will need metal rods with a length of 30 centimeters or more, wooden shields, concrete, toilet bowl structural elements and wall cladding material.

  1. We take it out of the wall.
  2. At the right height from the floor (that is, where the bowl will be fixed), we drill holes and install metal rods in them. It is desirable that the wall be drilled through, and the rods were fixed with nuts on the back of it. If this is not possible - for example, on the other side of it there is an apartment of neighbors - then do not drill through, but add glue intended for concrete products to the holes before installing the rods.
  3. Next, around the sewer outlet and the rods, we mount the formwork from wooden shields, creating a box of three walls. We close the pipe with a dense film. On the central shield we fix a piece of foam in the place where the bowl will be connected to the drain.
  4. We pour concrete into the formwork. You can make it yourself from one part of cement, two sand, three gravel and required amount water. Soap is added as a plasticizer.
  5. After pouring, we wait about a week until the structure dries. We remove the formwork.
  6. We mount the bowl and the tank in the appropriate places, connect the communications.
  7. We sew and trim the wall.

Both installation methods are not so simple. But using the installation is still more convenient and takes much less time. With concrete, you will have to tinker as much as possible. In addition, such works are not distinguished by excessive cleanliness, and the drying of the block around the pins will take a whole week.

On the other hand, this option is cheaper. So, if you prefer to spend energy, not money, then go for it. Good luck!

Today, more and more often in apartments you can see a hanging toilet. Some time ago, such a design was a curiosity and raised doubts - would such a toilet bowl fall off the wall if a rather large man of dense build sat on it?

And in fact, is a wall-mounted toilet reliable enough? Does it have any advantages over a conventional toilet that sits on the floor? How to properly install a wall-mounted toilet yourself?

You will find answers to all these and many other questions below.

Why is a wall hung toilet better than a conventional one?

The main plus of such a toilet bowl is its compactness.

If we measure the distance from the wall to its front edge, we will get approximately 50-52 cm. While a conventional toilet protrudes into the room by more than 70 centimeters.

In addition, the suspended structure is much more convenient in terms of cleaning the room - debris does not accumulate under it, the distance from the bottom of the toilet bowl to the floor makes cleaning easy.

Visually, the room seems more spacious due to the absence of a bulky leg and flush tank.

Wall hung toilet design

What is included in a wall hung toilet?

As a rule, the manufacturer puts a frame into the installation kit, which is the element that holds the toilet bowl on itself and transfers the load from it and the person sitting on it to building construction, to which this frame is attached during installation, fasteners, as well as the toilet itself with pipes for connecting to the flush pipe and flush fittings.

Wall hung toilet fastened to the frame, which is closed with a false plasterboard wall, followed by tiling or wall panels.

This design looks very aesthetically pleasing and the room takes on a completely different look:

Installing a wall hung toilet

This little guide will come in handy when installing a wall-mounted toilet. Below you will find a description of the installation sequence of all elements of its design.

First of all, a frame is installed on which the toilet is attached. Many people call this frame an "installation", although this name is not entirely correct (English installation - installation), but it has taken root among the people and today, when they say installation, they mean a frame for a hanging toilet bowl.

The frame is installed at the very first stage. repair work in the bathroom, when there is no finish on the walls and ceilings yet and it looks something like this:

The frame is equipped with all necessary elements for the installation of a toilet bowl - pipes for supplying and discharging water, mounting bolts and flush fittings. All available fasteners have the ability to slightly adjust for more precise installation toilet.

At self-assembly Often the question arises - at what height to install a wall-hung toilet?

The answer here is quite simple - you need to install the toilet at a height that will be convenient for those who will use it.

The thing is that the frame has the ability to adjust and this makes it possible to choose the most comfortable height installation.

After the frame is installed and securely fixed to the walls and floor with anchor bolts, it is covered with a false plasterboard wall, which is finished in the same style as the rest of the walls - ceramic tiles or decorative panels. A graphic representation of the sequence of actions is shown in this scan of the instructions:

The main thing is not to forget to mark and cut in the right places all the holes that will be required for further installation:

After the frame has been retracted into the wall, and all the necessary holes have been made in the wall and finishing you can proceed to the direct installation of the hanging toilet itself.

The sequence of operations in this case is as follows:

We will need to screw in the mounting threaded studs on which our toilet bowl will be attached, and also attach the outlet pipe and the water (flush) pipe to it.

In order not to be mistaken, you should first measure the depth of the holes in the wall into which the nozzles will be inserted and mark this distance on the nozzles of the fan (outlet) pipe and the water supply pipe to the toilet (flush):

Cut off before desired length nozzles are attached to the toilet bowl:

Important! During assembly, you must first attach the pipes to the toilet bowl, and not insert it into the wall, and then try to attach the toilet bowl to them.

All joints and the sealing gums located in them can be greased with sanitary silicone sealant for reliability:

This will improve the tightness of the connections and prevent possible leaks.

After all the joints are smeared with sealant, and the gaskets are in place, you can put the toilet on the mounting studs screwed into the wall and fasten it with nuts to the wall:

Tighten the nuts carefully so that the fragile faience does not burst from excessive force.

After the toilet is securely fixed, you can cut off the protruding edges of the sealing gasket with a clerical knife:

Also after that you need to cut off the extra accordion for the shutter button:

Now it's time to turn on the water supply to the tank. To do this, remove the plastic cap in the hole where the shutter button will be placed.

IN Lately conventional floor-standing toilets are increasingly being replaced by suspended structures. They involve placement in a smaller area, and also have a more modern appearance. Therefore, the process of displacement of traditional models by them is quite natural. However, following current trends has its negative sides- more complex installation, longer and more expensive. However, you can successfully get out of the situation if you learn how to install a hanging toilet with a do-it-yourself installation.

Design features

Before proceeding directly to the installation, you should understand the design. Installation of a wall-mounted toilet bowl will become much easier when its structure and principle of operation are known. It will immediately become clear how to act correctly and what is needed.

The main feature of the product is that only the bowl remains in sight.

The basis of the whole structure is a solid metal frame. The visible part is directly fixed to it. It is from this element that all installation work starts. The frame must be firmly fixed to the wall and be stable on the floor. As a result, it should easily withstand an adult. Based on this, we can say that fixing the frame to a weak wall will not work.

The frame has an element that allows you to change the height of the bowl, which is attached using special pins. They are the main fasteners when installing the toilet installation.

A common option for attaching two installations at once is a toilet and a bidet.

The second element is a plastic drain tank. He also hides in the wall. It has a specific shape, because. must fit in a limited space. The tank is also installed in metal frame and is insulated with a special material that prevents the formation of condensate. On the front wall of the tank there is a cutout for mounting a drain button. Modern models, including floor ones, have a metered water drain - 3 or 6 liters.

The next element is the toilet bowl. The only part that is visible and in active use. It has a traditional shape, but in some designer models there are original configurations.

The package contains all the necessary parts and accessories. The attached instructions are also able to show the entire installation sequence of the toilet installation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Toilets-installations have the following advantages:

  • Attractiveness and aesthetics;
  • Minimum dimensions that allow maximum use of free space in small rooms;
  • Missing legs and support simplifies the cleaning process;
  • Versatility of design, providing a choice to taste and budget;
  • Rarely occurring breakdowns, and in case of occurrence - not a difficult repair.

The disadvantages include the high cost. Considering the features of installation with the need for additional work, the price of installation can exceed up to 2 times the price of placing a floor counterpart.

But given the growing popularity, manufacturers have organized the release of relatively inexpensive models that are becoming available to a wider range of consumers.

Another disadvantage is the presence of hidden elements that are not very accessible for maintenance and repair.

Niche preparation

Installing a wall hung toilet involves using a niche to accommodate the frame. As already mentioned, a certain strength of the walls is necessary for fastening. The design of the installation can withstand a weight of up to 400 kg, part of the load from which is transferred to the wall. This issue must be approached with particular care.

In order to place the installation, it is necessary to prepare a niche. It should be the following:

  • Height - 1 m;
  • Width - 0.6 m;
  • Depth - up to 0.2 m.

In some cases, it is problematic to create such a depth. In such cases, it is necessary to go deep to the possible value, and hide the remaining elements with plasterboard panels.

By hiding the main part of the device, certain opportunities open up for decorating and improving the interior. It’s not worth just placing the installation near the wall and sheathing it with GKL, because. placing a conventional toilet will be cheaper and easier. In addition, it will take up less space.

Installation installation

Installing a do-it-yourself toilet installation on a special frame fixed to the wall is a more expensive process, but faster and more reliable. The installation will be fixed to the floor and a solid wall.

The technological sequence is as follows:

1. Fixing the metal frame. It has corresponding holes with which it is fixed to the surfaces with dowels. Two points for fixing to the floor and two to the wall. Sewer and water pipes are connected to the installation site. Installed frame must be checked for evenness with building level. It is necessary to maintain exact parallelism to the wall being installed, because even slight distortions can lead to interruptions in operation and even breakdowns. Horizontal adjustment is carried out using wall mounts that change their position.

This stage also involves setting the height of the hanging toilet. It will depend on the height of the residents, usually 0.4 m. The height of the bowl can be adjusted in the future.

2. Leading to the drain tank of water. You can use a flexible or rigid system. Professionals often use hard, because. she can last longer. Flexible hoses can also be used, but if they fail, it will not be possible to get to them and replace them quickly. During the installation of the liner, the valve valve of the tank, as well as the drain from it, must be closed.

After connecting, check the reliability of the connections. To do this, open the water supply and start filling the tank. If there are leaks, they are fixed. Water may remain in the tank.

3. Connection to the sewer. The toilet drain hole must be inserted into the outlet of the sewer pipe using the appropriate corrugation, but some models can be connected without using it. At the end of the connection, check the tightness of the system by test drains. To do this, you will need to temporarily screw the bowl to the frame. After that, remove it again, it will be installed in the final installation.

The correct connection of the sewer pipe must be performed even before the installation is started. Pipe diameter - 100 mm. It must be laid with an appropriate slope. You can read about it in the corresponding article.

4. Closing drywall sheets. Installation of a wall hung toilet must be accompanied by decorative trim functional elements. To finish the bathrooms, you must purchase a waterproof double drywall. It is more durable than normal. Sheets are required to be mounted to metal profiles and directly to the toilet frame. The installation instructions must have necessary information according to the method of cutting, indicating the points for cutting holes.

Sheathing can be done in two ways: over the entire wall area or only along the installation plane. The second method involves the formation of a small shelf above the bowl, which can be used to place the necessary items.

Subsequently, the installed barrier is finished with tiles or panels together with the rest of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

5. In conclusion, it is necessary to install the toilet on the installation, namely the bowl. It should be hung in the appropriate place using two fasteners.

6. Last, most a simple step is the installation of a flush button. They are pneumatic and mechanical. The process is not difficult, because. everything should already be connected to the required opening in the wall. The mechanical button is installed using special pins with their subsequent adjustment. For pneumatic, you only need to connect the appropriate tubes, everything is ready.

In the process of activity, it is necessary to especially control the process of mounting the installation frame,because the course of further installation will depend on the correctness. Figuring out how to install a toilet installation is actually not difficult. It is enough to follow the recommendations of the installation instructions, and in addition to watch the corresponding video about the process, and you will succeed.

The usual floor-standing toilets have been replaced by suspended structures that do not take up floor space and look more modern. Not surprisingly, wall-mounted models began to displace traditional products from the market. Installation suspended structure more difficult, time consuming and more expensive, but you can save money if you consider installing an outboard wall-mounted toilet with your own hands.

Internal arrangement and principle of operation of the structure

If you understand design features products, it becomes clear how to install a wall-mounted toilet.

The design of the wall product is such that only the toilet bowl is a visible element

The first element is a strong steel frame, which is the basis to which the visible part of the structure is attached - the toilet bowl. It is with its installation that the installation of a hanging toilet begins. The frame is securely fixed to the wall, also fixed to the floor - as a result, it must withstand the weight of a heavy person.

Accordingly, to weak walls (for example, from drywall) this design mounting is unacceptable, as the wall simply will not stand it. The frame is equipped with a device that allows you to adjust the height (400-430 mm), on which the bowl of the product is mounted. It is suspended from the frame using special pins - this is the main fastening of the hanging toilet.

Often two installations are installed at the same time - for the toilet and for the bidet

The second element is a plastic drain tank hidden in the wall. Its shape differs from the traditional one, since the container must fit in a narrow structure. It is mounted in a steel frame and insulated with a special material that excludes the appearance of condensate - styrene. The front wall of the tank is equipped with a cutout for mounting a trigger button device. In case of repair, this cutout is also used. Almost all modern cisterns involve drain dosing: for example, the volume of drained water can be either 3 liters or 6 liters, depending on the purpose.

Cisterns of flat configuration are fixed inside the installation

The third element is the toilet bowl, the only visible and actively exploited part of the structure. Its shape is traditional, oval, although designer models come in both round and rectangular configurations.

The toilet bowl can be rectangular or even round - it all depends on the imagination of the designer and the desire of the client.

There should be no problems with fasteners, since a set of necessary details and tools and installation instructions. Sometimes it is required to additionally purchase a Teflon tape, a polyethylene outlet, a flexible hose, and studs.

Installation technology for installation

Mounting a wall-hung toilet with a special frame installed in the wall is more expensive, but more reliable and faster.

The installation must be mounted to the floor and the main wall

Installation steps:

    Installation of a steel frame - through special holes it is attached to the main wall and floor with dowels. At the installation site, sewerage and water pipes. The frame (installation) should be checked for evenness using a level. It should be clearly parallel to the wall to which it is attached. At this stage, the installation height of the hanging toilet bowl is also set - 40-43 cm. It depends on the height of the apartment owners.

The height of the toilet bowl is adjustable during installation

    Water supply to the tank. It can be flexible or rigid. Experts insist on a hard option, as it lasts much longer. While the liner is being installed, the valve in the tank is in the closed state.

At the time of work, the drain of water from the tank should be blocked.

    Connecting the toilet to the sewerage system. The toilet outlet is inserted into sewer outlet, fix the connection with the help of corrugations. After installation, it is necessary to test the system - make a test drain. To do this, the toilet bowl is completely screwed to the frame for a while. Then it is removed again, as it is usually installed at the final stage.

Many installation kits are connected to a sewer pipe without using corrugations

    Sheathing of the working area with sheets of drywall. For the plumbing unit, sheets of waterproof double drywall are chosen, more durable than usual. Panels are mounted to the frame and metal profile which is attached to the wall. The instructions supplied with the product contain detailed diagram cutting material with places to cut the necessary holes. There can be two options for sheathing: for the area of ​​the entire wall or just to close the installation. In the second case, an impromptu shelf will appear above the toilet bowl.

An impromptu shelf above the toilet and bidet can be used for decor or the right things

Wall cladding behind the toilet should be in harmony with the rest of the room.

    The final stage is the installation of a wall-mounted toilet bowl, specifically its bowl. It is hung on the allotted part of the steel frame using two studs.

Lined drywall sheets cover the installation and cistern, leaving the toilet bowl and flush button

Particular attention should be paid correct installation installation, as the correct execution of subsequent work depends on it.

Installation of a toilet bowl without installation, on a concrete base

Sometimes they are interested in how to install a hanging toilet without installation. Of course, installing a toilet on a frame can be replaced with a cheaper option - mounting on a do-it-yourself concrete base.

Cistern installed in two ways: either mounted on the wall with the withdrawal of the drain buttons, or placed in a standard way above the toilet bowl in a manufactured base.

Scheme of fastening a wall-mounted toilet bowl: 1 - 2 rods mounted in the wall; 2 - monolithic concrete base; 3 - drain pipe

Consider the most economical option.

To install, you need to prepare:

  • about 40 liters of concrete M200;
  • formwork boards;
  • nuts, washers, wood screws;
  • 2 threaded rods 2 cm thick (length from 50 to 80 cm);
  • piece plastic pipe(length - 8 cm or more, diameter - 11 cm);
  • drain coupling;
  • silicone sealant.


Start by fixing the rods in the main wall. In the future, a toilet bowl will be “planted” on the releases of the rods. You get a fairly stable design that can withstand a weight of 400-500 kg.

The dimensions of the concrete base are calculated taking into account the further dismantling of the formwork

Install formwork. Calculate the distance between the holes for fasteners, mark the fastening points on the formwork.

Calculate the length of the rods: sum up the thickness of the recess (about 15 cm), the distance from the toilet bowl to the wall. To fix the rods in the wall, a chemical anchor is used - a special glue for concrete.

After mounting the pins and installing the formwork, they try on the toilet bowl. Holes for fastening must coincide with the outlets, the outlet - with the drain of the coupling.

The concrete base will finally harden only after 2-3 weeks

Start concreting, supporting the drain hole with foam. The result is a monolithic block with a fixed open sleeve and outgoing pins.

The concrete base must include the pins for the toilet bowl, the outlet of the drain coupling and the space at the top for mounting the cistern

How to install wall mounted toilet on a prepared base, you should not think about it - the subsequent actions do not differ from the installation of a conventional floor-standing toilet bowl: connect the drain, seal the connections, install the bowl on the pins, tighten the nuts. The drain tank is fixed above the toilet bowl.

The concrete base and drain pipe can be covered with drywall sheets, leaving an opening for access to the drain tank

Such a do-it-yourself installation of a hanging toilet bowl will save the family budget, since an expensive installation is not required.