Water pipes      06/12/2019

How to glue furniture with self-adhesive film. Make doors mirrored. We glue the film on furniture in stages - application technology

In the process of long-term operation, the cabinet may lose its attractive appearance, but remain durable and reliable. Therefore, owners often do not want to part with it. Many in this or that period, there is a desire to make changes to the interior, change the style, add colors and moods, while making a minimum of effort and investing a little money. One way to quickly accomplish these tasks is to change appearance cabinet, pasting it with self-adhesive film.

How to choose a film for the cabinet

Self-adhesive film can be bought at household or construction stores and also order online. The main parameters that you need to pay attention to when choosing:

  1. Roll width: 45 cm, 67.5 cm and 90 cm. For calculation required amount film, we measure the width of all parts of the cabinet, and to the widest, add 10 cm to the ends (5 + 5 on each side). We measure the height of each part + 10 cm on the doors and determine the length.
  2. Type of surface: glossy - for darkened rooms, matte - for rooms with bright lighting, easy to clean - for kitchens and bathrooms, as well as mirror, transparent, holographic, stained glass.
  3. Color: plain, with a pattern - for children, imitation natural materials, fabrics, ceramics, photo wallpaper - for the implementation of any design solutions.
  4. Protective layer: from damage - for the children's room, from temperature changes, high humidity - for the kitchen and bathroom, from fading - when direct sunlight hits the furniture.

REFERENCE! For a cabinet with a size of 120x200x60 (width * height * depth), you need a film 67.5 cm wide (60 + 10 = 70) and (200 * 4) + (10 * 2) = 8.20 m long.

How to glue a cabinet with self-adhesive film

The process of pasting furniture begins with the preparation of its surface.

Surface preparation

Before starting work, inspect the surface of the cabinet for the following defects and eliminate them:

  1. Cracks, pits, chips need to be leveled with putty on wood rubber spatula, clean up sandpaper the smallest fraction (zero).
  2. Clean up dirt with any detergent and degrease with alcohol.
  3. On uncoated surfaces, apply a furniture primer for adhesion. After drying, sand with sandpaper.

IMPORTANT! If possible, it is necessary to remove the doors and lay them on a horizontal surface, unscrew the handles and hinges.

Now that the surface is ready, you should cut the self-adhesive film into pieces. right size(on reverse side films have markings with cells of 1 sq. see) and proceed to pasting the cabinet in one of two ways.

ATTENTION! If you are gluing a film for the first time, take a small piece and try to stick it on a similar surface in order to understand how gluing occurs, what is the speed and quality of adhesion.

Dry way

Suitable for small surfaces:

If there are a lot of bubbles, the film has shifted or wrinkles have formed on the surface, you should not worry - you need to peel off a small area and repeat everything again.

wet way

Used for covering large areas. Stages of work:

ATTENTION! After 12–20 hours after gluing, go over the surface again with a roller.

Possible problems in the process of using self-adhesive film

Small errors in the process of work can be easily corrected with improvised means:

  1. Air bubbles on the surface of the film are pierced with a thin needle or cut with a clerical knife. Wipe with a soft cloth or plastic spatula.
  2. We fill the appeared dents with PVA glue using a syringe. Smooth out with a soft roller.
  3. In rounded places and on the folds, we make small cuts with a knife and stick them in the right direction.
  4. Use the hair dryer maximum power to easily fold the film at the corners and stick firmly along the edge.

Do not be afraid! Glue confidently! Everything can be corrected. Pasting a cabinet with self-adhesive film is much easier than making a car glass tinted.

To transform the situation in the house, it is not necessary to buy new furniture. Instead, you can update old items by changing their appearance, for example, you can finish an old wardrobe. Moreover, this does not require any special knowledge and skills.

give furniture the new kind You can use wallpaper. The only thing is that you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of the work in order to perform it with the highest quality. Therefore, further we will consider how the cabinet is decorated with wallpaper.

Wallpaper selection

Using wallpaper is the simplest and at the same time the cheapest way to decorate furniture. True, the material for this should be of high quality, otherwise all the work will be done in vain. As for the choice of color and texture, it all depends on individual preferences and the interior of the room.

If the walls are decorated light colors, then it is advisable to choose wallpaper for the cabinet that is brighter. In this case, the inner wall can be pasted over with material in tone wall covering. If there is a pattern on the walls, then it is better to decorate the furniture in one color.

Often, furniture is pasted over with the same wallpaper as the walls or part as a special design technique for interior decoration. Also, you can use canvases with a marbled pattern, wood or other material.

Interesting and unusual decision- use photo wallpaper on the wardrobe. Moreover, you can purchase self-adhesive canvases, which will greatly simplify the pasting procedure. Of course, the choice of pattern in this case depends solely on your imagination.

When choosing a material, you should think about its performance. It is desirable that it withstand wet cleaning, especially if you are going to upgrade. Ordinary paper wallpaper should not be considered as an option, as they will quickly become unusable if they are not varnished.

If the furniture has defects, it is best to use a rich color coating with small patterns or patterns.
This will hide the irregularities.

In the photo - a variant of the decoration of the cabinet with wallpaper

Pasting the cabinet

Required tools and materials

To decorate a wardrobe with your own hands using wallpaper, in addition to the coating itself, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Sandpaper;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Putty knife;
  • Primer on wood;
  • Wood putty;
  • Brush for applying glue;
  • PVA glue.

In order for the furniture to really look like new, it is necessary to replace its fittings - handles, locks, etc.
Even if the price of parts is relatively high, it still makes sense to purchase them.
For example, modern handles completely change the perception of even the oldest furniture.


This work consists of several stages and begins with the preparation of the surface of the product for gluing.

It is performed in this order:

  • First of all, you need to remove all the old fittings from the cabinet, moldings, if any, dismantle the shelves, etc.
  • If the cabinet is varnished, then it is necessary to remove the layer of varnish. You can do this with sandpaper. If there is a building hair dryer available, then with its help things will go much faster.

In this case, the varnish is heated with a hair dryer and scraped off with a spatula. However, at the end of the work, the surface will still have to be sanded to remove the remaining coating.

If the furniture is not lacquered, then it is enough to simply give the surface a matte finish by “walking” over it with sandpaper.

  • Then the surface must be cleaned of dust. To do this, you can wipe it with a damp sponge and dry it.
  • Next, you should carefully inspect the furniture for surface defects. All chips and cracks must be sealed with putty. If the chips or cracks are deep, then it will have to be applied in several layers.
  • After that, the putty areas must be sanded with fine sandpaper.
  • In conclusion preparatory work primer should be applied and the surface should dry well.

This completes the preparation, now you can paste over the cabinet with wallpaper.


Further instructions for decorating the cabinet with wallpaper look like this:

  • Work must begin with the execution of a pattern of cabinet details on canvases. To do this, it is necessary to carefully measure all the elements of the product and make the appropriate drawings.
  • Then the canvas must be carefully cut.
  • After all the details are ready, you can paste over the cabinet with wallpaper. To do this, glue is applied to the surface with a brush and then canvases are applied. The most important thing is to stick the material evenly.
  • The glued fabric needs to be smoothed out..
  • When the product is completely pasted over, you should wait for the glue to dry..
  • At the end of the work, you need to install accessories and other parts of the product..

When the glue dries, it is necessary to exclude drafts in the room.
Otherwise, the finish may be damaged.

This closet decor with wallpaper is completed. As practice shows, this technology makes it possible to achieve much best result than when painting furniture. Especially if the work is not done by a specialist.


Pasting the cabinet with wallpaper requires, first of all, accuracy. However, as we found out, there is nothing complicated in this work. Therefore, updating furniture in this way is within the power of every home craftsman, the main thing is to choose quality material and follow a certain sequence of actions.

From the video in this article, you can find out more information regarding the decoration of furniture with wallpaper.

Updating kitchen and other furniture is quite simple with the help of self-adhesive film. This material allows you to make a facade of any desired color and pattern. If the design of the thing is such that the inner walls are visible from the outside, then they are also subject to appropriate finishing. However, her color scheme may be different.

The self-adhesive film has many possibilities: durable, safe for health, low price, wide scope.

Quite often there is a need to give a more presentable look to bookcases, dressers and kitchen cabinets. This is mainly caused by the obsolescence of furniture or its damage. This is especially true for those owners of apartments who rent them out for temporary use. Since it is not difficult to paste over a cabinet with a film, you do not need to contact the masters about this.

Types of self-adhesive films

Any material of this plan consists of three main parts:

Self-adhesive films are used in rooms with high humidity because they are waterproof.

  • surface layer (paper, metallized foil, polymer film);
  • adhesive base (most often acrylic or rubber);
  • protective substrate (the part that is separated during the gluing process. It is made of siliconized paper);

Depending on the production technology, self-adhesive films are calendered and cast. The peculiarity of the former is that they do not stretch when cooled, therefore they can only be used for pasting even and smooth surfaces. Molded ones are able to stretch without the use of heat treatment. This feature of the material allows application on rough surfaces, corrugated and having protrusions from rivets and self-tapping screws. Films produced in the cast process show little or no shrinkage, which is also an advantage over calendered materials, which tend to "shrink" over time.

According to the texture of the surface layer of the film, there are:

  • matte. It is advisable to use these materials for pasting furniture installed in rooms with bright illumination;
  • glossy. Such a surface is more suitable for darkened rooms, it will reflect light, and the pattern on it will seem more “raised” and voluminous.

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Criterias of choice

To date, there are more than 500 colors and patterns of self-adhesive film in stores.

  1. If the furniture is old and unstable, when the walls are deformed, the film may tear or begin to peel off wooden surface. Therefore, in this case, it is preferable to use injection-molded films. They retain dimensional stability better than calendered ones and have greater strength.
  2. For cabinets that have riveted protrusions, the best choice there will also be cast self-adhesive films.
  3. If the furniture is made of dark wood, you should not choose a plain material. It is better to buy a film with a pattern, as it will hide small gaps between the canvases that may appear over time. Changing the lining will be quite laborious, so you need to provide for the possibility of a masking effect using the colors and patterns of the self-adhesive film.
  4. If the closet is located in the nursery, you should not choose material with metallized foil for pasting it. It is quite easy to make scratches on it or otherwise violate the integrity of the surface layer. Cast or calendered films with a dense polymer coating are more suitable here.
  5. For a kitchen cabinet, a smooth matte or glossy film is the best choice. The main requirement for it is an easily washable surface.

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Self-adhesive film

Despite the apparent simplicity, this work has its own characteristics of implementation.

They are simple and do not require special knowledge and skills, only attentiveness and accuracy.

What is required for work?

  1. Dry rag.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Sharp knife.
  4. Medium grit sandpaper.
  5. If necessary, putty on wood to seal cracks and other flaws.
  6. Priming composition.
  7. Film smoother or squeegee available from any self-adhesive supplier.
  8. Acetone, thinner, glue thinner. They will be needed to degrease the surface of the cabinet.

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Surface preparation

If you ignore this process, then the film will most likely soon move away from the surface of the furniture, since the main reason for peeling off this finishing material- insufficient preparation of the base or lack of it. First of all, you need to ensure the evenness of the walls of the cabinet and their stability. Therefore, before starting work, tighten the bolts holding the wooden sheets.

If the furniture is made of chipboard, you need to make sure that there are no delamination of the ends. In the presence of cracks, work is carried out to seal them with putty compositions. This work is easier to do with a small rubber spatula. Previously, the flaws are degreased, primed, and only after that a leveling putty layer is applied.

The surface of the cabinet intended for finishing with self-adhesive film must be flat and clean. It is especially important to fulfill this requirement when using glossy films, since in the glare of light the slightest roughness under it immediately becomes noticeable. If calendered film is used, sharp corners furniture is recommended to be slightly rounded, which will prevent tearing of the film when it “shrinks”.

I got an old kitchen as a gift wall cabinet. His frame was quite decent and it was a pity to throw it away, and I wanted to save money on buying a new one. kitchen furniture which we didn't have. Then I decided to restore this cabinet with a regular self-adhesive film.

There were a lot of colors in the store, and the price for such a film is small. I purchased two meters of film 45 centimeters wide.
First, I unscrewed the old furniture handles that had lost their appearance.

Since the cabinet was already pasted over with a film, it had to be removed. It is removed quite simply, but leaves behind an ugly sticky layer which also needs to be removed. I removed this layer with a regular scouring powder and an abrasive sponge. I can say that I had to rub it well, but I still cleaned the closet.

The doors must also be unscrewed in order to make it more convenient to glue them.

Next, you need to measure the length and width of the film for pasting the door. We take the length and width of the film with a margin of 3 centimeters.

Then we separate the edge of the film from its base and gently apply it to the top or bottom of the door from the front side (see the photo below for how this is done). Note that it is very important to separate only the edge of the film, and not all at once.

Now let's take a bite soft tissue and, smoothing her film, glue it to the door. Right hand slowly pull the base of the film, which is at the bottom, and with the left we constantly smooth the front side. Thus, the film will adhere very evenly without bubbles and folds.

When the front of the door is glued, turn the door upside down.

We proceed to pasting the end parts of the door. To do this, glue the film first to the lower (or upper) end (see photo).

Then we make an incision on the side as shown in the photo, and wrap the cut piece, gluing it.

We cut off the sharpening part from above with a simple clerical knife.

We bend the remaining sharpening edge and glue it on the inside of the door. Then we process the corner on the other side in the same way. We also glue the end on the opposite side.

We bend the edge of the film along the long end of the door and glue it.

We cut the protruding edges with a clerical knife or ordinary scissors.

Self-adhesive films allow you to update the look of any furniture. Such coatings are used to restore damaged veneer or laminate, improve performance kitchen table or headset, masking defective areas. The technology of coating the base surface is quite simple. Such work can be performed even by an inexperienced user who knows the sequence of work and has patience. From our article you will learn how to paste over a cabinet with self-adhesive film and which film to choose for pasting furniture.

Types of films for cabinets

Self-adhesive coatings for cabinets and other furniture elements allow you to protect the surface of products from fading, prying eyes and shedding fragments (if the material is glued to glass or mirrors). Colored products with ornaments or geometric patterns allow you to decorate the wardrobe and make it stand out from the rest of the furniture. Let's get acquainted with the main types of self-adhesive coatings.

Decorative films for the cabinet

Such materials are quickly glued and do not need special care. The protective decorative layer protects the product from scratches and increases the life of the furniture.

Sometimes the film is applied to wardrobe mirrors or glass inserts. Decorative films characterized by a huge selection of colors and shades, easy application to the base, resistance to abrasive particles, ease of maintenance.

Color films

The products in question are used to restore the glass surfaces of sliding wardrobes. colored protective coatings maintain transparency. Their main features are high resistance to abrasive particles, ease of maintenance and gluing surfaces.

The most popular is the color film for sliding wardrobes - Oracal series 641.

Stained glass films for wardrobes and mirrors

When decorating mirror cabinets or products with glass inserts, films that imitate stained glass are often used. stained glass film for cabinets, it sticks well to the base, is quickly removed, and is resistant to abrasive substances.

How to glue a cabinet with self-adhesive film

The work of pasting a sliding wardrobe with oracal film will not take much time, the main thing is to be patient and get acquainted with the technology. In addition, you need to prepare a tool.

Required tools and materials

Before pasting old wardrobe with self-adhesive film we prepare the following tools:

  • construction tape measure or a long ruler;
  • sharp knife for cutting cloths or scissors;
  • black marker or pencil;
  • dry cloth;
  • flower sprayer filled with soapy water;
  • self-adhesive film for the cabinet.

When all the tools and materials are prepared, you can proceed to the main work.


Begin work with the preparation of the foundation. First on kitchen cabinet remove all fittings, along with this, the doors are dismantled. Now we examine the surface of the cabinet for defects, chips, potholes or cracks, and other protruding parts.

We unscrew all the bolts with a key, to extract the screws or self-tapping screws we use a Phillips screwdriver. Irregularities are more difficult to level, they are filled with putty. After the solution has dried, the surface is cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper. Before laying the film, it is necessary to degrease the furniture. To do this, use a solution of ethyl alcohol or a mixture of water and detergent.

If the cabinet is made of chipboard, MDF or natural wood and does not have a special coating, then it is better to use a primer to improve adhesion. The solution is applied to the base and allowed to dry.

Pasting the cabinet

Pasting the cabinet can be done using a wet or dry method. The choice of method will affect the result.

Dry pasting method

So the dry method is applied if it exfoliates kitchen facade on small areas, as well as in the case of applying decorative details on furniture corners or uneven areas. In this case, a small part of the protective substrate is separated, which will free the base. After that, the new coating material is applied and leveled.

How to stick a film without bubbles? During such work, it is necessary to pull back the substrate and alternately fix the roll on base surface. Alignment is carried out using a silicone spatula.

wet method

If it is necessary to paste over an old cabinet with a film, a wet laying method is used. decorative coating. In this case, the material is fixed on a moistened base, which will allow for correction during work. To moisten the adhesive mixture applied to the base, a spray gun is used. The backing must be completely removed. Inner side products are wetted with soapy water. For its preparation, 10 milliliters are diluted in a liter of water. liquid soap or other detergent.

Using wet process pasting the cabinet with self-adhesive film, it is important not to overmoisten the surface. Significant moisture contributes to the slipping of the sheets and slows down the gluing process.

The film is placed on the desired piece of furniture, the canvas is fastened by moving the roller from the center to the edges of the product. The remains of the solution should evaporate after 2 days from the moment of application. After that, the canvas with the pattern is again treated with a roller. A similar sequence of work is used for gluing side walls and facades.

Possible problems when gluing the cabinet

How to fix problems when pasting a cabinet:

  1. Not everyone knows how to disguise a damaged wardrobe mirror. During these procedures, front side film, visible swelling defects appear. If they are noticed at the stage of carrying out the main work, you need to peel off the base of the film and fix it again. If the material is well seized to the base surface, a cross-shaped incision is made in defective places with a sharp knife or the canvas is pierced with a needle. After the release of air, the coating is rolled on with a roller. The capabilities of the film allow you to get a flat surface after such exposure.
  2. If, after carrying out work, dents appear on the facade of the furniture, PVA glue is poured on the defective areas of the surface with a syringe through the film. This material is rolled up. As a result of such an impact, the coating is leveled, and the glue will fill the void and create solid foundation, wipe the remaining solution with a soft cloth.
  3. For a novice user, it may seem difficult to stick a canvas on glass surfaces or milled cabinet edges. In places of rounding, cuts are made and the remnants of the material are removed.

If you need to remove the self-adhesive film from the surface of the furniture, watch the following video, which describes the entire process:

Ideas for pasting a cabinet with self-adhesive film

On the modern construction market there is a huge number of canvases for finishing furniture facades. For decoration, you can use products that imitate fabric, leather, stone or natural wood. Many users order film from the manufacturer based on their own preferences. Such products allow you to transform the interior of the room, create your own unique style.